Held on Monday, January 5, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building. Commissioners present: Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -3- Commissioners absent: Leet and Swan -2- The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 29, 1930, were approved and adopted. Communication from Luckenbach Steamship Company presenting photograph of its SS Lillian Luckenbach entering Oakland Harbor in 1935, was filed. Communication from the Boeing Air Transport, Inc., advising that it did not intend to exercise the renewal of its option on the ten-acre tract at the Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Oakland Chamber of Commerce enclosing offer of the Greater San Ramon Valley Chamber of Commerce, Ltd., Walnut Creek, to dispose of the airplane. known as the "City of Oakland" and flow t by Ernie Smith and Emory Bronte to the Haw- aiian Islands, was filed and the Port Manager directed to advise the Oakland Chamber of Commerce that the Board had no funds available for this purpose. Communication from the Executive Secretary to Mayor Davie regarding death of Albert Miller, Mechanic for D. C. Warren, at Oakland Municipal Airport, was referred to the Port Attorney.

Notice of Public Hearing on January 29, 1931, by U. S. Engineer office, San Fran- cisco, on application of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County, California, for approval of plans for a bridge to be constructed across the Tidal Canal at Park Street, was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise the U. S. Engineer that the Board of

Port Commissioners approves said bridge plans, provided that the foundations be con- structed so as to permit the dredging of the tidal canal to a depth of 35 feet at low water.

Communication from Edward R. Bacon Company, relative to award of contract for an industrial tractor to the Sherman Tractor and Equipment Co., stating that said company felt that it should be reimbursed for the use of the companys tractor for demonstra- tion purposes at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was read, and the Port Manager directed to come to some agreement with the Edward R. Bacon Company as to such compensation and make report thereon to the Board.

Communication from Howard Terminal Company asking that it be authorized to make necessary repairs to dolphins at Docks Nos. 1 and 2 was read, and the Port Manager directed to authorize such repairs to be made by the Howard Terminal Company at an approximate cost of 300.00. A resolution was later passed to this effect.

Resolution passed by the Outboard Motor Association of Northern California expres- sing appreciation for cooperation and valuable assistance in making the New Years races held at Oakland Municipal Airport on January 1, 1931, a success, was filed.

Communication from American Trust Company relative to payment to Libby, McNeill

Libby of the proceeds of the coupons which came due January 1, 1931, on the 60,000.00 bonds deposited as security for the full and faithful performance of that certain lease dated April 30, 1929, between City of Oakland and Libby, McNeill Libby, was read and the necessary instructions given the American Trust Company to deliver such proceeds to

Libby, McNeill Libby.

Communication from Independence Indemnity Company, Pacific Coast office, San Fran- cisco, cancelling property damage endorsement on MPD policy No. 5605 and any endorse- ment related thereto affixed to its aviation policy LD-50874, was read and referred to committee consisting of Messrs. Swan and Pendleton.

Communication from Southern Pacific Company submitting map showing proposed track to be constructed by said company from its main line tracks, east of Sixteenth Street

Station to connection with track to to constructed within the Port area by the Key Sys- tem Transit Company, and asking approval of the Board of location of said track, was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise the Southern Pacific Company that said location was - satisfactory to the Board, as was also the proposed connection with the

Key System Transit Companys trackage.

The Board met with Mr. W. A. Hanscom of the Longview Dredging Company, which was the lowest bidder on the dredging for widening of the entrance channel to Oakland Outer

Harbor, relative to the deposit of spoils of such dredging on the citys waterfrontage north of Key Route Mole. Mr. Hanscom stated that his com pany had to be paid three

cents per cubic yard for such deposit on the citys property. The Board informed Mr.

Hanscom that so far as it was concerned the contract and specifications by U. S. Engin-

eer for this dredging and disposal of dredging material would have to be carried out,

and that therefore it was not willing to pay extra for depositing the dredging spoils

on its property north of Key Route Mole.

Mr. Walter N. Frickstad, City Engineer, appeared before the Board in connection

with opening of Seventh Street between Fallon and Eighth Streets. Since the first

plans for this street opening had been brought to the attention of the Board, Mr.

Frickstad stated that a private company had purchased some of the property over which

said Seventh Street extension would have passed, and therefore it would be necessary for the Port Commission to effect an exchange of properties with Southern Pacific Com- pany. The Board informed Mr. Frickstad that as the land proposed to be exchanged with

Southern Pacific Company was tide land, and therefore could not be alienated, the pro- posed new location of Seventh Street extension could not be constructed as indicated on the plan presented by Mr. Frickstad.

The Port Manager recommended that he be authorized to purchase an automatic letter dating machine for use in the office at a cost of $135.00. The matter was referred to

Mr. Swan with authority to act.

The Port Manager reported that he had furnished the Outboard Motor Association of Northern California with maps and photographs showing a possible course to be pro- vided in the Inner Harbor for the annual national motor races in October of 1931, and that this information would be taken to New York City in an effort to have the an- nual races in Oakland on the above date.

The Port Manager reported that he had taken informal bids for the installation of a Neon light sign at Oakland Municipal Airport and that these informal bids called for a one-year bond guaranteeing the operation of said sign. The Board believed that a three-year bond should be furnished by the successful bidder and the matter was re- ferred to Mr. Pendleton with power to act.

The report of the Port Manager for the month of December, 1930, was filed.

The report of the Assistant Port Manager on the award of contract for one indus- trial tractor to Sherman Tractor and Equipment Co., was filed.

The report of the Port Attorney on the citys liability of accidents at the

Airport, was filed.

The Port Attorney made verbal report on progress regarding garbage wharf adjust- ments and area to be ceded by the state. The matter was referred to Mr. Pendleton for report.

The report of the Port Attorney recommending that no steps be taken at this time to have transfer made on remainder of premiums on bonds sold, was filed.

Report of the Port Attorney on decision of Judge I. Allen on Parr Terminal Company vs. the City of Oakland, was filed. Report of the Accountant on the status of the Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund as of December 31, 1930, showing an estimated unencumbered balance of $351,866.81, was filed. Report of the Accountant on status of Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund as of Decem- ber 31, 1930, showing an unencumbered cash balance of $366,616.18, was filed. The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -3- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Leet and Swan -2-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund: HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Crane Co. .25 The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 3.00 East Bay Sheet Metal Works .40 General Roofing Company 214.24 Gladding, McBean Co. .25 H. M. Lawrence .60 C. W. Marwedel .51 Merchants Express and Draying Company .25 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. .52 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 3.44 The Owl Drug Company .60 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 256.10 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 3.53 Shand and Jurs Co. .87 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 13.00 Smith Brothers 43.47 Southern Pacific Company 45.64 Clyde Sunderland Studios 92.50 Western Union Telegraph Company 33.38 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 208.46 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 41.32 Geo. B. Green 16.53 Thos. H. Moore 139.00 Geo. H. Nash 97.30 A. S. Titus 6.42 M. D. McCarl 4.76 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. .40 The Moore Dry Dock Company 32.60 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 15.00 Pacific Tool and,Supply Company .74 Phoenix Iron Works Co. 27.00 Standard Oil Company of California 24.97 Heafey-Moore Co. 864.42 $2,191.47" "RESOLUTION NO. 1945

RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSTRUCTURE OF INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL. RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the con- struction of the substructure of the pier and apron wharf of the Inland Waterways Terminal at the foot of Webster Street be, and the same are hereby, approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to ad- 4(4'1:ALI vertise for sealed proposals for the work contemplated in the manner required by law."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the fur- nishing and delivery of fifteen 45-foot lengths of 20-inch used pontoon pipe be, and the same are, hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to ad- vertise for sealed proposals for the work contemplated in the manner required by law."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to W. J. Masterson, Chief Wharfinger, and which by Resolution No. 1729 was extended to and including January 12, 1931, be, and the same is hereby, extended without compensation to and including February 17, 1931."



WHEREAS, it is necessary and convenient in connection with the maintenance and promotion of the Oakland Municipal Airport that adequate automobile bus transportation be provided between said airport and Melrose Station in the City of Oakland, where connections may be made with the interurban electric lines operating to and with the street car system of the City, and such transportation service to and from the airport is necessary for the employees of the airport and the patrons of the City of Oakland at said terminal, as well as for the private industries, businesses and offices which are located there, and said transportation is furthermore required for the convenience and neces- sity of the public traveling from the said airport to other port facilities, and

WHEREAS, T. C. Gilson, now providing such service under the name of the Oakland Airport Transportation Service, is willing to continue the same and to provide a 40-minute bus service between the airport and Melrose Station along Hegenberger Road, from morning until evening, and to carry the employees of the City doing business at the airport, free of charge, and also to hold said bus open for the general convenience of the patrons of said airport and the public generally traveling thereto upon the receipt of reasonable fares, upon the pay- ment to him by the Port of $200.00 per month, and

WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that such compensation is reasonable in amount and should be paid for such service, and unless such an arrangement is made the said J. C. Gilson will discontinue the present service, now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to sign and exe- cute a contract with said J. C. Gilson for the providing of such automobile transportation service, at the rate of $200.00 rer month, commencing on January 1, 1931, and terminable upon notice,

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of Commissioner B. H. Pendleton on December 26, 1930, in verbally contracting with said J. C. Gilson for this agreement to commence on January 1, 1931, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed."



RESOLVED that, pursuant to its request, Howard Company, lessee, is hereby authorized to replace worn-out rope fenders and to rewrap dolphins on Piers Nos. 1 and 2 at an estimated cost of $300.00.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be mailed to the Howard Company." "RESOLUTION NO. 1950 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ADDI- TION TO HANGAR NO. 2, OAKIAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing of all materials, labor, plant, equipment and appliances necessary for the purpose and the construction of an Addition to Hangar No. 2 with appurtenances at the Oakland Municipal Airport be and the same is hereby awarded to Sullivan and Sullivan, a co-partnership, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed January 5th, 1931. BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the con- tract in the full amount of the contract shall be required end that the procedure prescribed by Resolution No. 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby author- ized and directed to be taken.

BE Tr FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected." Port Ordinance No. 114 being "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE COM- PROMISE AND SETTLEMENT OF CERTAIN TITLE CONTROVERSIES WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, A

CORPORATION, AND SOUTH PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPORATION, RELATIvE TO RIGHTS OF WAY AND PROPERTY DISPUTES NEAR TIE OAKLAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT," having been duly in- troduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Leet and Swan. -2- Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE ADDING CERTAIN ITEMS TO PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Leet and Swan. -2- The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings were continued on the table: Southern Pacific - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor; Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds; Compensation insurance of Port employees; Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson patentsuit; Report of George Davidson - survey of Port Terminal operations; Report of Prof. Derleth jr. on transbay bridge and determination of span clearances east of Goat Island; Application of Standard Oil Company for Government permit to do dredging at proposed wharf, west of Fruitvale bridge; Southern Pacific Co. - application for connection of spur track, from main line tracks, to Outer Harbor trackage. Pursuant to Resolution No. 1939, and advertising for five consecutive days in the Citys official newspaper, bids for Addition to Hangar No. 2, were received between the

hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all of the bids received, were publicly opened:




Geo. Swanstrom $2,493.00 $300.00

Sullivan Sullivan 2,424.00 250.00

Herbert K. Henderson 2,970.00 300.00

David Nordstrom 2,449.00 300.00

Niles W. Place 2,690.00 270.00

J. B. Bishop 3,055.00 310.00

A. Frederick Anderson 2,428.00 275.00

Strehlow La Voie 2,491.00 260.00

Upon approval by the Port Attorney as to legality and upon recommendation of

the Port Manager, the bid of Sullivan Sullivan for addition to Hangar No. 2 Lean-

to at Oakland Municipal Airport, was accepted and Resolution No. 1950 passed, award-

ing contract to said Sullivan and Sullivan.



of the


Held on Monday, January 12, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office

of the Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Swan. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of January 5, 1931, were approved and


Communication from Standard Oil Company advising that they had withdrawn

application for permit to construct a wharf and dolphin just westerly of the

Fruitvale bridge, was filed.

Communication from Oakland Chamber of Commerce stating that it was working

with Chambers of Commerce in San Francisco, and San Diego to form a

state wide traffic association for the purpose of considering rate questions and e±i) transportation matters generally which affect the state as a whole, was read and

filed. The Board believed that such an organization would be of considerable

benefit in transportation matters involving traffic via the Panama Canal to east-

ern ports.

Communication from California State Chamber of Commerce asking President

Fisher to serve as a member of the Central Coast Council, and advising that the

next meeting of the Council would be held Friday, January 16, 1931, at 10:00 a.m.

at the Hotel Wm. Taylor, San Francisco, was filed. President Fisher was designated

to represent the Board at this meeting.

Communication from Southern Pacific Company relative to exchange of properties

in connection with the proposed construction of a garbage wharf at Peralta slip,

Oakland Inner Harbor, was filed.

Report of the Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau on inspection recently made at

the Oakland Municipal Airport, stating that fire prevention ordinances were well

administered, was filed. The Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau recommended that fire

protection units, such as 40-gallon wheeled extinguishers be installed outside of

hangars in standard isolated fire stations. The Board approved of this recommenda-

tion and later passed a resolution authorizing the construction of such fire stations.

Telegram from Marshall C. Hoppin, Government Airport Specialist, stating that

he would arrive at Oakland Municipal Airport January 13, at which time he would in-

spect the Airport for the purpose of giving it Ala rating, was filed.

Communication from Senator Breed stating that he would place the Board on mail-

ing list for the Senate Histories and such particular bills as might be of interest

to the Board, was filed.

Communication from the East Bay Motor Coach Lines, Ltd., stating that it had

posted bulletins giving schedule of bus transportation to and from Oakland Munici-

pal Airport for the information\of its employees, was filed. The Port Manager was

directed to request Mr. Gilson, who is operating the bus line to the Airport, to

put proper signs on each bus used for this purpose for the information of the pub-

lic. In this connection the Port Attorney was directed to attend the Railroad

Commission hearing on applications of Seventy-third Avenue Improvement Club and

the Russett Street Improvement Club for bus service along Russett Street.

Communication from San Francisco Real Estate Board stating that the organi-

zation meeting of the San Frantisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Advisory Committee would be held at the hour of 10:00 a. m. Wednesday, January 14, in the Board of Direct- ors Room of the State Harbor Commission, Ferry Building, San Francisco, was read and the Port Manager directed to attend this meeting.

Communication from Western Pacific Railroad Company advising that it was agreeable to the proposed location of roadways to serve the garbage wharf at the

Peralta slip in the Inner Harbor and also to the granting to the City of Oakland an easement sixty feet in width for road purposes over the fee lands and the

leased lands of the Western Pacific Railroad Company in the location indicated on

the blue print furnished said company by the Port Commission, was filed and the

Port Manager directed to furnish Commissioner Wilhelm and City Engineer Frickstad

with copy of this letter.

Communication from Seeley Company advising that it had placed insurance in

the U. S. Aviation Underwriters effective at 3:30 p.m., January 8, 1931, covering airport liability and airport property damage in accordance with terms and condi-

tions outlined in said communication, was filed.

Communication from Commissioner George H. Wilhelm acknowledging receipt of

copies of letters to the Southern Pacific and the Western Pacific Railroads rela-

tive to proposed garbage loading facilities at the foot of Peralta Street, and

requesting that he be fully informed as to further progress of the negotiations to

effect the construction of a new garbage wharf in this location, was filed.

Mr. Pendleton made verbal report on conference with Southern Pacific officials

regarding the proposed garbage wharf site at foot of Peralta Street, and also on

the matter of construction of a short spur track connecting with the Southern

Pacific main track at the Airport. Upon recommendation of Mr. Pendleton a resolu-

tion was later passed authorizing the construction of said spur track.

Mr. Leet reported on conference held on the morning of January 12, 1931, with

Messrs. Rothchild and Higgins of Rosenberg Bros. Co. relative to the construction

of additional warehouse space for said company adjoining warehouse "A" in the Outer

Harbor area. Mr. Leet stated that the Rosenberg Bros. Co. were willing to pay

on the cost of the proposed warehouse, which would occupy only about one-half

of the ground area, and would also guarantee an additional annual tonnage of 5000

tons if said facility were constructed. Upon recommendation of the Port Committee

the Board agreed to accept this proposal of Rosenberg Bros. Co. and the Port Attor-

ney directed to prepare necessary leasing agreement following as closely as possible

the terms end conditions of the leasing agreement covering the construction of

Warehouse "A".

Mr. Leet reported on conference with Bay Cities Transportation Company rela-

tive to the use and occupancy by said company of the pier to be constructed at the

foot of Webster Street. Upon recommendation of the Port Committee it was ordered

that the provision contained in tentative agreement prepared by the Port Attorney,

relative to an assessment of service charges et facilities directly operated by

the Port, be omitted from said agreement, which will be for six-months periods

instead of thirty days, and that Mr. Gibson, President of the company, be requested Z4-$ to arrange for a conference with various bay and river transportation companies to arrive at an agreement whereby the payment of such charges will be paid by the trans- portation companies when discharging or taking on cargo at the municipally operated terminal facilities.

The Port Manager was authorized to have the usual semi-annual audit made of the

Airport Inn and Restaurant.

The Port Manager was authorized to engage an airplane for the purpose of taking aerial views of port facilities in connection with the publicity of the Port.

Report of the Assistant Port Manager recommending that the Edward R. Bacon Corn - pany be compensated for the use of a tractor at the Outer Harbor Terminal for demon- stration purposes during the last two months, was referred to Mr. Pendleton with power to act.

The matter of fixing exact location of tide land along properties of Western

Pacific and Southern Pacific in the Inner Harbor easterly of the proposed garbage wharf, was discussed and the Fort Attorney directed to confer with these rail- roads for the purpose of coming to en understanding as to the location of the tide land outside of and parallel with the established pierhead lines.

The report submitted by the Port Manager on status of Harbor Maintenance and Im- provement Fund and Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund, as of June 30, 1930, from the audit of Haskins Sells, was filed:

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENf: Commissioner Swan. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Associated Oil Company 44.63 C. W. Abbott Company 16.86 All-Tread Tire Service Corp. 75.41 American District Telegraph Co. 525.42 Chester A. Bray 25.23 Howard Baxter 9.40 Bay City Asbestos Co. Inc. 61.76 Blake, Moffitt Towne 6.17 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 4.90 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 10.00 The Bay Belting Supply Co. 45.18 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 15.08 City of Oakland - City Bldgs. 72.00 Columbia Wood and Metal Preservative Co. 41.75 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 30.61 Durant Sales Service Co. 10.50 Ditto Incorporated 2.12 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 8.23 The Electric Corporation 4.10 Fairbanks, Morse Co. 24.30 William T. Fulsaas 12.00 General Office Equipment Corporation 10.75 Golden Gate Sheet Metal Works 12.00 The Gerrard Company, Inc. 414.87 Goodhue Printing Company 55.75 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 39.78 Hill Morton, Inc. 26.46 C. I. Hendry Company 71.18 The Howe Scale Company 7.70 C. H. Jenkins Company 11.03 Ed. Jones Co. 22.48 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 7.13 The A. Lietz Co. 4.12 Merchant Calculating Machine Company 478.93 Markus Hardware Co. 2.28 Miles Scott, Inc. 22.75 The Moore Dry Dock Company 374.00 Maxwell Hardware Co. 84.90 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 10.15 The Outboard Motor Shop 165.00 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 15.00 Oakland Sanitary Products Co. 4.41 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 1.20 Pacific Pipe Company 29.58 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 24.57 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 46.45 Robinson Tractor Company 184.50 E. S. Rubin 2.94 W. R. Sibbett Co. Inc. 5.36 A. Shapiro Sons 12.50 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 47.00 Schirrmacher Co. 3.50 Smith Brothers 29.69 Sterling Press 10.78 Strable Hardwood Company 58.82 Standard Oil Company of California 232.96 Smith Hardware Company 33.06 The Tribune Publishing Co. 9.44 Union Pacific Laundry 3.00 Underwood Typewriter Company 92.38 Western States Grocery Company 5.73 Western Building Forum 7.50 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 5.88 Zellerbach Paper Company 1.74 The Harbor Tug and Company 20.50 Joseph Pierotti Co. 4.33 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 53.34 Clyde Sunderland Studios 132.50 R. N. Ricketts 6.70 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: American Concrete Pipe Co. 29.40 Chester A. Bray 43.54 The Charles Nelson Co. 42.94 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 48.86 The Electric Corporation 1.95 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 11.76 General Mill and Lumber Co. 3.38 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 24.51 C. J. Hendry Company 9.41 S. T. Johnson Co. 27.60 Linde Air Products Company - Pacific Coast 16.50 Maxwell Hardware Co. 25.58 Oakland Building Material Company 7.75 Phoenix Iron Works Co. 147.50 B. Simon Hardware Co. 4.41 Standard Oil Company of California 32.10 Smith Hardware Company 24.33 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 15.35 The Tribune Publishing Co. 11.40 San Leandro Rock Co. 1,439.10 $5,929.64" "RESOLUTION NO. 1952


RESOLVED that the bond of SULLIVAN SULLIVAN, a co-partnership, executed by UNION INDEMNITY COMPANY, in the amount of $2,424.00, for the faithful performance of their contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of an addition to Hangar No. 2 at the airport, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the contract with SHERMAN TRACTOR EQUIPMENT COMPANY, a co- partnership, for the furnishing and delivering of one Industrial Tractor to the Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with SCHULER McDONALD, INC., a corporation, for the construction of a 348 foot extension to Fourteenth Street Wharf, with appurtenances, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Monday, January 26th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to purchase one Insto- graph Recording Machine for use in the port department, the cost thereof to be $135.00."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to construct a siding track- one hundred twenty five feet in length at the Oakland Municipal Airport, the cost thereof to be approximately four hundred DOLLARS ($400.00)."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to construct four frame galvanized iron covered shelters for 40-gallon Extinguishers located outside of the hangars at the Oakland Municipal Airport, at an estimated cost of three hundred DOLLARS ($300.00)."



WHEREAS, the Southern Pacific Company on December 27th, 1930, made applica- tion to this Board to construct a spur track connection in the port area extending from the main lead track to be constructed parallel to the low tide line of 1852 and northerly of Fourteenth Street in an easterly direction to the said low tide line to where it is proposed by the company to connect with a spur track to be constructed by it across properties owned by it outside of the port area.

BE IT RESOLVED that a revocable permit is hereby granted to the Southern eJ

Pacific Company to construct such spur track connection within the port area and that the exact location of such track shall be shown upon the ma p which is to be attached to that certain spur track and switching agreement heretofore authorized by Resolution No. 1923 of this Board and said track shall be made subject to all the terms and conditions of such agreement and of such resolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said spur track herein permitted shall always be subject to the right of the City to construct, when it may be required, a pub- lic street or other road thereover and along said low tide line of 1852, ,and to maintain said street or road."


NO. 60", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the

following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan. -1-

The following, communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings

were taken from the table and filed:

Application of Standard Oil Company for Government permit to do dredging at proposed wharf, west of Fruitvale bridge;

Southern Pacific Company - application for connection of spur track from main line tracks, with Key System track, Outer Harbor;

Independence Indemnity Company - cancellation of property damage policy, at .eirport.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetin

were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Company - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor;

Report of Port Attorney on invest- ment of surplus funds;

Compensation Insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suit;

Report of George Davidson - survey of Port Terminal operations;

Report of Prof. Derleth Jr. on Transbay bridge and determination of span clear- ances east of Goat Island.



of the


Held on Monday, January 19, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3-

Commissioners absent: Pardee and Swan. -2-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of January 12, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from California Packing Corporation asking that the Port Commission insert an advertisement in the California State Chamber of Commerce publication dur- ing the California Foreign Trade Week, which is to be held from February 16 to 22,

1931, was read and the Port Manager authorized to insert one-quarter page advertise- ment at a cost of $35.00.

Communication from Outboard Motor Association of Northern California, advising that maps and photographs of proposed course in the Oakland Estuary for the annual races to be held in October, 1931, have been forwarded to the National Association in

New York, was filed.

Communication from Pacific Air Transport enclosing a copy of letter addressed to

Roy Metz, notifying him that the repair privileges he has conducted at Oakland Muni- cipal Airport with the consent of the Boeing Air Transport would terminate January 15,

1931, was filed.

Communication from Assemblyman Eugene W. Roland stating that he would furnish the

Port Commission with all bills introduced in the Legislature, was filed.

Communication from C. H. Purcell, State Highway Engineer, transmitting report of

Consulting Engineers Ralph Modjeski, Moran and Proctor, on the question of span lengths in the San Francisco Bay Bridge structure east of Goat Island, was read and President

Fisher directed to make appropriate reply to said communication addressed to the State

Toll Bridge Authority.

Communication from P. G. Johnson, President of Boeing Air Transport, stating that he was agreeable to an arrangement whereby the Pacific Airmotive Corporation will be permitted to do any plane repair work on equipment other than that manufactured by the

Boeing Airplane Company, was filed.

Communication from Major E. H. Ropes, U. S. District Engineer, San Francisco,stat- ing that he had been informed by Mr. Hanscom, of the Longview Dredging Company, that the Port Commission did not desire to have the spoils, to be dredged from the widen- ing of the entrance channel to Oakland Outer Harbor, deposited on its waterfrontage north of Key Route Mole and requested to be informed if Mr. Hanscoms statement cor-

rectly represented our attitude in the matter, was read and the Port Manager directed

to advise Major Ropes that the Board did not desire to have these spoils placed on the

property above referred to.

Communication from the President of the Key System, Ltd., regarding the matter of

the Poplar Street connection with the Western Pacific Company, was filed.

Certified copy of City Ordinance No. 4759 N. S. approving relinquishment by the

Port Commission of a strip of land parallel to Eighth Street, was filed.

Communication from Mr. Sherwood Swan requesting that because of immediate busi-

ness demands obligating him to be in San Francisco most of the time, he be granted

leave of absence for sixty or ninety days, was read and necessary resolution later

passed granting such leave of absence.

Copy of night letter sent to Congressman Carter relative to filing of plans for

proposed tranabay bridge with the U. S. District Engineer in San Francisco, was filed,

as was also Congressman Carters reply to said night letter.

Copy of minutes of meeting of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Advisory Com- mittee held in San Francisco, January 14, 1931, was filed.

Mr. Leet made the following report on his telephone conversation with Mr. Parr regarding continued negotiations with the Parr Terminal Company relative to the taking

over of a portion of its leasehold interests: "I reported by telephone to Mr. Parr

that the Board was agreeable to continuation of negotiations with a view to the City

taking over that portion of the Parr leasehold that had been previously under such

consideration, but that it was the judgment of the Board that they should be carried on through its attorneys along the lines already outlined. Mr. Parr immediately

acquiesced and asked with whom to get in touch. I suggested Baer. He, however, sug-

gested that he instruct Mr. Hines to take the matter up with Mr. Jones, as these two

had already been in conference on the matter. I assured him that this would be agree- able. He also stated that he would notify Hobfeld and DeGolia, who had also been con-

ferred with regarding these negotiations."

President Fisher reported that the Oakland Chamber of Commerce had advised him

that Oakland, as a full Port of Entry, would be in effect on April 1, 1931. It was

the opinion of the Board that it should officially endorse Oakland as a full Port of

Entry and President Fisher was asked to communicate this to the proper authority.

The Port Attorney reported that he had about completed the necessary papers for a suit to be brought against the Civil Service Board to define the duties of certain

employees of the Port Department.

Communication from the Port Manager to the Port Committee regarding the neces-

sity of selling additional bonds to take care of new construction, was laid on the

table for further consideration. Report of the Assistant Port Manager regarding certain deficiencies which would

have to be corrected at the Airport before the Department of Commerce would give it

an AIL rating, and stating that approximately $900.00 would have to be expended to make these corrections, was read, and a resolution later passed authorizing the ex-

penditure of this sum of money for, the purpose stated.

The report of the Assistant Port Manager on the necessity for constructing pile

trestle in connection with dredging operations in the Outer Harbor at the approxi-

mate cost of $18,000.00, was read and a resolution later passed authorizing and ask-

ing for bids for such construction.

The Port Attorney verbally reported that the Cleveland Dock and Terminal Com-

pany had sued the City in the amount of •472,000.00 on the alleged claim of patent

infringement in the construction of the Ninth Avenue Pier.

The Port Attorney made verbal report on hearing held before Street Department

relative to the widening of First Street.

The report of the. Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pardee and Swan. -2- "RESOLUTION NO. 1959


RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. $ 361.28 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 13.03 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 5,068.46 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 501.20 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,177.50 - Engineering Dept. 1,742.66 " - New Construction 512.00 - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 - Grove A Market St. Piers 1,563.00 - Outer Harbor Terminal 2,005.00 - Ninth Ave. Pier 150.00 " - Airport 792.50 " - General Waterfront 963.18 " - Dredge 2,670.00 Sherman Tractor Equipment Co. 1,695.00 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Turner Company 1,595.71 San Leandro Rock Co. 1,129.50 Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund 226 31,258.13 $55,588.15" "RESOLUTION NO. 1960


RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to move certain fences and lights and extend the landing strips at the west end of the present opera- ting field at the Oakland Municipal Airport, all for the purpose of complying with the governmental requirements for an AlA airport rating."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the laying of a pipe line trestle for dredging operations in the Outer Harbor be and the same are hereby approved.

BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed pro- posals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the dredging of slips at the Inland Waterways Terminal be and the same are hereby approved and adopted.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed pro- posals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



BE IT RESOLVED that the President and Secretary of this Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute that certain agreement dated January 16th, 1931, with the Bay Cities Transportation Company, a corporation, which has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 1910 adopted by this Board on December 1st, 1931, and which embodies the terms and conditions which have been negotiated between the Board and said party and referred to in said resolution, excepting that the time of notice for the termination of such agreement by the city is hereby extended to six (6) months."



RESOLVED that Commissioner Sherwood Swen, having requested leave to be absent from the meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners because of duties requiring him to be away from the City of Oakland at such times, a leave of absence from said meetings is hereby granted from the present date to and including Friday, March 20th, 1931."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Company - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor;

Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation Insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suit;

Report of Geo. Davidson - Survey of Port Terminal operations;

Report of Prof. Derleth, Jr., on trans- bay bridge.

Pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 1945 and 1946 and advertising for five consecu- tive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Construction of Substructure of Inland Waterways Terminal and for the Furnishing and Delivery of Fifteen 45-foot lengths of 20-inch Used Pontoon Pipe, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. At the hour of 4:30 p.m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL

BIDDER CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III F. M. Bodenhamer $10,096.00 $71,308.00 $24,425.00 Frederick Watson Const. Co. 7,100.00 86,000.00 22,600.00 Merritt-Chapman Scott Corp. 6,000.00 60,000.00 15,000.00 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 5,028.00 61,824.00 18,495.00 Healy-Tibbitts Construction Co. 3,054.00 65,200.00 19,000.00 M. B. McGowan 2,845.00 61,800.00 22,000.00 C. T. Nystedt 6,300.00 83,200.00 21,200.00 George Pollock Company 7,194.00 64,434.00 16,564.00 Schuler and McDonald, Inc. 7,465.00 70,620.00 18,260.00 A. W. Kitchen 7,593.27 62,679.09 15,787.81

BIDDER CLASS IV CLASS V TOTAL BID CERTIFIED CHECK F. M. Bodenhamer 33,000.00 $41,146.00 $149,975.00 $15,500.00 Frederick Watson Const. Co. 1,820.00 47,500.00 164,000.00 17,000.00 Merritt-Chapman Scott Corp. 1,500.00 42,000.00 124,500.00 16,000.00 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 1,723.00 36,098.00 123,168.00 12,500.00 Healy-Tibbitts Construction Co. 2,982.00 37,364.00 127,600.00 14,000.00 M. B. McGowan 1,200.00 34,000.00 121,845.00 13,000.00 C. J. Nystedt 1,530.00 46,500.00 158,730.00 16,000.00 George Pollock Company 2,114.00 35,934.00 126,240.00 18,000.00 Schuler and McDonald, Inc. 2,218.00 44,770.00 143,333.00 20,000.00 A. W. Kitchen 1,588.69 35,612.08 123,260.94 12,500.00 BIDS FOR USED STEEL PONTOON PIPE EQUIPPED WITH BALL JOINTS

BIDDER BID CERTIFIED CHECK Pacific Coast Engineering Co. $4,500.00 $450.00 These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids. ADJOURNED. U REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF POPP CODMISSIONFIS

of the


Held on Monday, January 26, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3-

Commissioners absent: Mr. Swan on leave and Dr. Pardee. -2-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of January 19; 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Pacific Aix mtive Corporation relative to payment of rental

for hangar space for two planes after the first six months at the rate of 40.00

per month, was filed.

Communication from Richfield Oil Company, stating that bills for service ren-

dered at Oakland Municipal Airport should be sent to the Oakland branch of the com-

pany, and the bills for dockage and tolls at Parr Terminal to the general office of

the company, Matson Building, San Francisco, was filed.

Communication from George H. Wilhelm, relative to legislative bill transfer-

ring tide lands to City of Oakland which are required for the purposes of the pro-

posed new garbage wharf, was filed.

Communication from A. E. Caldwell, Chairman General Committee, Port of Oakland

Day, asking that the Port of Oakland maintain "open house" at the various docks and

warehouses and at the airport prior to and during the "Port of Oakland Day", was filed.

Communication from Howard Terminal Company, requesting that payment be author-

ized to cover fire insurance on Piers Nos. 1 and 2 at Howard Terminal for a period

of three years, ending December 31, 1933, amount of premium being $2,474.71, was

read and approved.

Communication from Raymond Salisbury, Attorney for Oakland Scavenger Company,

requesting that when the new garbage wharf is built et the foot of Peralta Street,

Oakland Inner Harbor, that proper provision be made to protect railroad crossings

at streets leading to the garbage wharf, was filed.

Communication from Carter, Peterson McDonald, Attorneys for Bay Cities Trans-

portation Company, relative to omission of "service charges" in agreement covering

the operation of the new pier at Webster Street, was filed.

Telegrams exchanged between President Fisher and Congressman Carter, relative

to hearing on San Francisco Transbay Bridge application, were filed.

Communicationfrom Professor C. Derleth, Jr., enclosing copy of communication

from the State Highway Engineer, stating that alternative plans were being.prepared

for two 800-foot span openings east of Goat Island in lieu of the 1400 x 185 span f!') recommended by the consulting engineers of the California State Toll Bridge Author- ity, was filed.

Communication from Delbert M. Little, Meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bureau at

Oakland Municipal Airport, requesting that supplementary agreement be executed by the Port Commission excluding the two rooms foriserly occupied by the weather bureau in the Administration building at the Oakland Municipal Airport, which rooms have been turned over to another department of the government, was referred to Mr. Pendleton.

Communication from Shell Oil Company, submitting sketches for signs to be painted on Hangar No. 2, was referred to Mr. Pendleton with power to act.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co., relative to construction of additional warehouse space at the Outer Harbor, in accordance with terms verbally agreed to, and agreeing that bids be now asked for the construction of such warehouse space, was filed.

Communication from R. M. Fitzgerald, relative to letter addressed by the Board to the Interstate Commerce Commission in re Union Belt Line Railway of Oakland, was filed.

The Board met with Colonel T. M. Robins and Colonel Thomas, U. S. Engineers, and

President Lundberg and Vice-President Bell of the Key System Transit Company, for the purpose of discussing the matter of the disposal of the dredge spoils from the widen- ing of the entrance channel to Oakland Outer Harbor.

Colonel Robins explained that the bids for this dredging contemplated placing the dredge spoils in the north fairway of the Key Franchise, but as the Key System had objected to this, he suggested that the Port Commission and the Key System come to some agreement whereby the dredge spoils would be deposited on properties of these respective parties, as this action was necessary in order that the contract for the dredging might be awarded and the work proceeded with. After general discussion it was agreed that the Port Commission and the Key System would hold an early conference to come to a conclusion in the matter.

The Board also discussed with the U. S. Engineers the establishment of new bulk- head lines in the Citys 1720-acre waterfront tract north of the Key Route Mole, re- examination and survey in the vicinity of Brooklyn Basin, with the view of the partial or complete removal of Government Island, and the removal of old hulks in the Inner


Colonel Robins stated that the State Toll Bridge Authority had filed plans for the construction of the transbay bridge, with span clearances East of Goat Island of

700-foot horizontal and 180-foot vertical, and suggested that the Board address a communication to the Bridge Authority requesting that it confirm the large clearances recommended by its Consulting Engineers, and file amended plans for the 1400-foot horizontal and 185-foot vertical clearances, with the U. S. Engineers, as soon as possible and in any event prior to the public hearing on the transbay bridge, called for on February 17, 1951.

Colonel Robins expressed his desire to cooperate with the Port Commission to the fullest extent on all matters pertaining to the development of the Port of Oakland.

Notice of Public Hearing by the U. S. Engineer Office, San Francisco on February

17, 1931, on application of California Toll Bridge Authority to construct a transbay bridge, was filed.

Mr. Leet verbally reported on his telephone conversation with Mr. Wellington, of the Bay Cities Transportation Company, relative to certain terms of the agreement cov- ering the use by said company of the pier to be constructed at the foot of Webster Street.

Report of the Port Manager on application of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda

County for construction of a bridge across the tidal canal at Park Street, stating that the dimensions of the proposed bridge were satisfactory from a navigation standpoint, was filed.

The Port Attorney verbally reported that the court had rejected. the Tic ner Patent in the Matoza condemnation proceedings.

The Fort Attorney verbally reported that Senator Breed had introduced Oakland Tide

Land Bill in the. Legislature.

The Port Attorney reported that the decision of the Supreme Court, in the E. K.

Wood Lumber Company case, was to be published as one of the leading cases of the nation during the past year.

The Port Attorney recommended that actual payment of demand for further contribu- tion to the Bridge Authority should not be made pending court decision.

Opinion of the Port Attorney regarding proposed political matter in news latter, was filed.

Report of the auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan on leave and Dr. Pardee. -2-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

LEASED WHARF IMPROVIUENT FUND: Howard Terminal - Wharves 3,055.74 Howard Terminal - Quay Well 1,077.14 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVElaNT FUND: American Surgical Sales Co., Ltd. 1.80 Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America, Inc. 25.00 American Brass and Copper Supply Co. 10.57 Bay City Asbestos Co. Inc. 27.29 Berkeley Steel Construction Co., Inc. 94.00 Bishops A. B. C. Guide Company 5.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 12.25 Chester A. Bray 36.62 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 16.66 ZOO E. D. Bullard Company 1.47 The Cameron Company 16.04 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 1.24 Clow Gasteam Heating Company 2.00 Cochran Celli 38.43 Commercial News Publishing Company 12.00 City of Oakland - Garage 132.29 Davis Kampling 19.60 Charles Derleth, Jr. 650.00 East Bay Municipal Utility District 347.49 The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 1.70 C. Frauneder 39.00 Fry-Sayers Co. 11.50 General Engineering and Dry Dock Company 297.00 Goodhue Printing Company 38.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 70.58 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 18.90 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 3.50 Hawes Printing Company 40.37 Haynes Stellite Company 170.00 E. A. Hudson Co. 62.50 The Interstate Co. 6.35 C. H. Jenkins Company 4.50 Ed. Jones Co. 17.73 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 6.35 The A. Lietz Co. 12.74 The Lincoln Press 25.90 Loop Lumber Mill Company 3.75 Marchant Calculating Machine Company 135.00 W. F. Mc Crea Company 35.95 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 366.44 The Oakland Bank Building 883.80 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 32.00 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 17.44 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Oakland-California Towel Company 3.84 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 1.78 Pacific Shipper 85.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 420.98 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 191.40 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 1.23 Pelican Pure Water Co. 5.20 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company .87 Printers Ink Publishing Co., Inc. 11.50 Railroad Commission 5.00 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 7.52 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 W. R. Sibbett Co. Inc. 5.36 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 2.03 Smith Brothers 58.83 Smith Hardware Company 8.48 Standard Oil Company of California 8.00 Strable Hardwood Company 22.05 Clyde Sunderland Studios 55.30 St. Glair Building 32.50 The Tribune Publishing Co. 65.58 Underwood Typewriter Company 17.50 Union Machine Works 31.60 Washington-Lincoln Garage 20.00 Western Building Forum 7.50 The Western Union Telegraph Company 5.98 W. H. Warden Company 275.76 Worley Co. 2.50 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 19.99 1925 0± HARBOR IMPROVEMEEM FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 55.86 Chester A. Bray 5.84 The Electric Corporation 256.46 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 373.00 Robert W. Hunt Company 8.13 Maxwell Hardware Co. 4.07 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 294.00 Oakland Building Material Company 7.75 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 3,366.00 Pacific Pipe Company 5.57 J. Triberti and F. Massaro 205.20 Worden and :Forsythe 3,363.75 Schuler and McDonald, Inc. 19,474.51 $36,688.05" 00 "RESOLUTION NO. 1966


RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of the substructure of the Inland Waterways Terminal at the foot of Webster Street, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to M. B. McGOWAN, in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed January 19th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect upon end only upon the affixing by the Auditor of his certificate to the agreement with the Bay Cities Transportation Company, as provided by the charter."



RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and delivering of fifteen (15) pieces steel pontoon pipe, forty five (45) feet long, equipped with ball joints, to the Outer Harbor, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed January 19th, 1931, said bid being the only bid received.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken."



RESOLVED that the Howard Terminal is hereby authorized to take out fire insur- ance in the amount of 41108,540 on buildings and structures on properties leased by said company in the City of Oakland and that the said company be reimbursed for the premium paid on said insurance pursuant to the terms of its leases."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the paving of the apron wharf of the Outer Harbor Terminal Extension be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to adver- tise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the fur- nishing and delivering of 4,000 feet of 20" steel shore pipe to he used in dredging operations be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FUR=R RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to adver- tise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the supplies to be furnished, as required by law." "RESOLUTION NO. 1971

RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF FORMAL AGREEMENT WITH THE INTERSTATE COMPANY RELATIVE TO RENTAL OF PORTABLE GARAGES. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a written agreement with The Interstate Company, supplementing the terms and conditions expressed in Resolution No. 1941 of the Board of Port Commis- sioners relative to the assignment of ten portable garages at the airport." "RESOLUTION NO. 1972 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMPLOYMENT OF ACCOUNTING CLERK. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to employ an account- ing clerk, on a temporary basis, at a salary of $100.00 per month." "RESOLUTION NO. 1973 RESOLUTION ALLOWING A FURTHER DEMAND IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS IN FAVOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS the Department of Public Works of the State of California, in fur- thering its efforts under the direction of the California Toll Bridge Authority to secure borings of the bay east of Yerba Buena Island in order to provide plans for adequate bridge clearances and the protection of the commerce and navigation of the Port of Oakland, has requested a further contribution of Two Thousand Dollars, to supplement the contribution heretofore made by this Board pursuant to its Resolution No. 1899, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the demAnd of the Department of Public Works of the State of California for a contribution in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) against the Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund (No. 226) be and the same is hereby allowed and approved and the Auditor of the City of Oakland is authorized and directed to draw his warrant in said amount against the Treasury of the city to be paid to the said Department of Public Works for the said purposes, the said Department of Public Works to return to the Board of Port Commissioners so much of said sum as is not used for said purposes herein set forth." "RESOLUTION NO. 1974 RESOLUTION GRANTING LEAVE OF ABSENCE TO CHARLES PAUL. RESOLVED that Charles Paul, Dredge Laborer, under civil service, is, at his request, hereby granted a leave of absence on account of sickness, said leave to commence on Friday, January 16th, 1931, and to continue for ninety days thereafter, without pay." "RESOLUTION NO. 1975 RESOLUTION GRANTING LEAVE OF ABSENCE TO CLAIRE A. BOCK. RESOLVED that pursuant to\ her request a leave of absence for six months is granted to Claire A. Bock, with the request that her name be placed by the Civil Service Board on the re-instatement list, said leave of absence to be without pay." "RESOLUTION NO. 1976 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PIPE LINE TRESTLE AND POWER POLE LINE. RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of a pile and timber pipe line trestle and power line in the Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to The Duncanson-Harrelson Co., a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed January 26th, 1931. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected. BE IT FURTHER RESOLvED that this resolution shall take effect upon and only upon a permit being secured from the United States Government (War Department) per- mitting the construction by the city of the works herein contemplated."

Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ITEMS 690 AND 1125 OF PORT

ORDINANCE NO. 60 AND ADDING ITEMS 692 AND 1012 THERETO", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan on leave, and Dr. Pardee. -2- The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were taken from the table and filed: Report of George Davidson on survey of Port Terminal operations; Report of Professor Charles Derleth, Jr. on transbay bridge clearances. The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table: Southern Pacific Company - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor; Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds; Compensation insurance of Port employees; Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suit; Sale of bonds for new construction. The report of the Accountant on the setting up of cash reserve funds from surplus in the Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund, was referred to Committee consisting of Messrs. Leet and Pendleton. Pursuant to Resolution No. 1961, and advertising for five consecutive days in the Citys official newspaper, bids for Construction of Pile and Timber Pipe Line Trestle and Power Line Outer Harbor Terminal, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all of the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PILE AND TIMBER PIPE LINE TRESTTX AND POWER LINE OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL UNIT PRICE ITEM 1 ITEM 2 ITEM 3 ITEM 4 CEM:IFIED Per Lin. Ft. Per Per Lin. Ft. Per Pile CHECKS BIDDER of Pile M.B.M. Clinton-Stephenson Const. Co. .27-3/4 $63.60 .74 $10.10 $2,000.00 M. B. McGowan .34 65.00 .72 12.00 2,000.00 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. .24- 64.00 .64 6.70 1,500.00 A. W. Kitchen .27 48.00 .69 6.00 1,500.00

Healy-Tibbitts Const. Co. .28 48.00 .65 7.00 1,600.00 ) TOTAL BID ITEM 1 ITEM 2 ITEM 3 ITEM 4 TOTAL BID 1000 Piles 55000 B.Ft. 2000 Ft. 45 Piles BIDDER Timber Piles Driven Clinton-Stephenson Const. Co. $10,406.25 $3,498.00 $1,480.00 $454.50 $15,838.75 M. B. Mc Gowan 12,750.00 3,575.00 1,440.00 540.00 18,305.00 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 9,187.50 3,520.00 1,280.00 301.50 14,289.00 A. W. Kitchen 10,125.00 2,640.00 1,380.00 270.00 14,415.00 Healy-Tibbitts Const. Co.- 10,500.00 2,640.00 1,300.00 315.00 14,755.00 These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.

Upon approval by the Port Attorney as to legality and upon recommendation of the Port Manager, the bid of The Duncanson-Harrelson Co., for Construction of Pile and Timber Pipe Line Trestle and Power Line, Outer Harbor Terminal, was accepted and Resolution No. 1976 passed, awarding contract to said Duncanson-Harrelson Co.




Held on Monday, February 2, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. in., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building. Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee and President Fisher. -3- Commissioners absent: Mr. Swan on leave and Mr. Pendleton. -2- The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 26, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Congressman Carter acknowledging receipt of report of the

Consulting Engineers of the California Toll Bridge Authority, relative to clearances

of the transbay bridge east of Goat Island, was filed.

Notice of Public Hearing before the U. S. Engineers in San Francisco on Thursday,

February 26, on modification of existing project in vicinity of Brooklyn Basin, was

filed, and the Port Manager directed to attend said meeting.

Communication from Lieut. Commander F. B. Connell, U. S. Naval Reserve at Oak-

land Municipal Airport suggesting that provision be made for handling of sea planes

at the Airport, was referred to Mr. Pendleton.

Communication from California State Voters League unanimously endorsing the plans

for the Port of Oakland Day, February 10, was filed.

Communication from Professor Charles Derleth, Tr., referring to Public Hearing 4d ft to be held in San Francisco, February 17 on the transbay bridge and asking whether he

should be present at this meeting to represent the Board, was read and the Port Manager

directed to advise Professor Derleth that he should be present.

Communication from Southern Pacific Company, accompanied by a plan showing proposed

railroad connection with the new Webster Street Pier, was filed. The Southern Pacific

Company, however, will later submit another plan which will not involve the purchase

or lease of property to provide this connection.

Communication from the Post Master at Sacramento, California, explaining why the

registered letter directed to the California Toll Bridge Authority had not been deliv-

ered, was filed.

Communication from Parr Terminal Company, asking approval of sublease to Pacific

Freight Lines, was referred to the Port Attorney for report.

Communication from the Port of New York Authority, asking the Boards endorsement

on the Bill now before the U. S. Senate providing for the establishment of 24-hour

quarantine inspection stations, was laid on the table.

Memo of President Fisher, giving his conversation with State Highway Engineer

Purcell, relative to the filing of amended plans for span clearances east of Goat Is-

land in the proposed transbay bridge, was filed.

The Port Manager submitted a statement giving complete details relative to the

passage of resolution by the California Toll Bridge Authority at the conference with

said Authority in Sacramento on November 6, 1930.

The Port Manager reported that a representative of the Department of Commerce,

Washington, D. C. had made final inspection of the Airport and had transmitted his

report to the Department recommending that the Oakland Airport be given the highest


Communication from E. B. Stone, Jr., stating that his company had sold 27 acres of

land north of and adjacent to Oakland Municipal Airport and that the purchasers desired

to lease a small parcel of state tide land included within said 27-acre tract, was

referred to the Port Attorney for report.

The Port Manager filed with the Board report on the status of the Harbor Mainten-

ance and Improvement Fund as of January 31, 1931. This report showed that the total

estimated unencumbered fund as of January 31, 1931% was $381,801.42 or an increase of

$29,934.61 over previous month.

Report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Mr. Swan on leave, and Mr. Pendleton. -2-


RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund: LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sunset Lumber Company $ 313.68 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,189.28 • " - Engineering Department 1,610.00 " - New Construction 540.00 ft • - Traffic Operating 1,386.13 " " - Grove Market St. Piers 1,534.78 • - Outer Harbor Terminal 2,005.00 ft - Airport 792.50 • - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 • " - General Waterfront 1,115.38 • " - Dredge 2,926.13 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 2,914.55 Port Revolving Fund - Misel. 394.52 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 656.94 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Geo. B. Green 13.43 Miller Boyken 501.00 $19,243.32" "RESOLUTION NO. 1978

RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT WITH SULLIVAN SULLIVAN, a co-partnership. RESOLVED that the contract with SULLIVAN SULLIVAN, a co-partnership, for the construction of an Addition to Hangar No. 2, with appurtenances, at the Oak- land Municipal Airport, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 1979 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT WITH SCHULER McDON AL D, ENC.

RESOLVED that the contract with SCHULER McDONALD, INC., a corporation, for the construction, at the foot of Fourteenth Street, Oakland, of the 348 foot extension to Fourteenth Street, with appurtenances, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 1980 RESOLUTION EXTENDING TIME FOR PERFORM- ANCE OF CONTRACT WITH WORDEN FORSYTHE, a co-partnership. RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with WORDEN FORSYTHE, a co-partnership, for laying of certain tracks and appurtenances east of the 348 Extension to 14th Street Wharf, Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Sunday, February 15th, 1931." "RESOLUTION NO. 1981 RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND OF M. B. McGOWAN. RESOLVED that the bond of M. B. McGOWAN, executed by UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY and CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, in the amount of $121,845.00, for the faithful performance of his contract with the city of Oak- land for the construction of a pier structure with appurtenances at the foot of Webster Street, be and the same is hereby approved." "RESOLUTION NO. 1982 RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND OF THE DUNCANSON-HARRELSON CO., a corporation. RESOLVED that the bond of THE DUNCANSON-BARRELSON CO., a corporation, exe- cuted by the PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, in the amount of $14,289.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the construc- tion of a pipe line trestle and power pole line in the Outer Harbor, Oakland, be and the same is hereby approved." IP() "RESOLUTION NO. 1983 RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND OF PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING COMPANY. RESOLVED that the bond of PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING COMPANY, a corporation, executed by MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY, in the amount of $4,500.00 for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the furnishing and deliv- ering of fifteen (15) pieces steel pontoon pipe, be and the same is hereby approved." "RESOLUTION NO. 1984 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAME FOR INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL SUPER- STRUCTURE. RESOLVED that the plans and specifications for the construction of structural steel frame for the Inland Waterways Terminal be and the same are hereby approved as filed with this Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to adver- tise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law." "RESOLUTION NO. 1985 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING DISCHARGE OF O. H. CASE, RECEIVING AND DELIVERING CLERK. BE TT RESOLVED that the discharge of O. H. Case from the position of Receiv- ing and Delivering Clerk under Section 3.33 of Port Ordinance No. 8 for the failure to perform the duties under and observe the rules and regulations of the said of- fice, be and the same is hereby confirmed." "RESOLUTION NO. 1986 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING STEEL SHORE PIPE. RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and delivering of 4,000 feet of steel shore pipe for the Port of Oakland Dredge be and the same is hereby awarded to the PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid (Proposal "B" thereof), filed February 2nd, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken. BE IT FURTHFR RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract, includ- ing Proposal "A" of the bid of the awardee, be and the same are hereby rejected." "RESOLUTION NO. 1987 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PAVEMENT ON APRON WHARF OF 348 FOOT EXTENSION TO 14th STREET WHARF. RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of an asphalt pavement on the apron wharf of the 348 foot extension to 14th Street Wharf, Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same is hereby awarded to the HUTCHINSON CO.„a corporation, in accord- ance with the terms of its bid, filed Monday, February 2nd, 1931. BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bid received for said contract be and the same is hereby rejected." Port Ordinance No. 116 being,"AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ITEMS 690 AND 1125 OF PORT OR- DINANCE NO. 60 AND ADDING ITEMS 692 AND 1012 THERETO", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Mr. Swan on leave, and Mr. Pendleton. -2- The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings were continued on the table: Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor; Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds; Compensation insurance of Port employees; Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys, Ferguson Patent suit. Pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 1962, 1969 and 1970, and advertising for five con- secutive days in the Citys official newspaper, bids for Dredging Slip at Inland Water- ways Terminal, for Paving Apron Wharf on 348 Extension to Outer Harbor Terminal, and for 4000 Lineal Feet of Steel Shore Pipe, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all of the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR

DREDGING SLIP AT INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL BID ITEM 1 ITEM 2 CERTIFIED ITEM 1 ITEM 2 TOTAL BIDDER Per Cu.Yd. Per Pile CHECKS 37,000 cu.yds. 300 Piles BID American Dredging Co. .52 $4.00 $2,025.00 $19,240.00 $1,200.00 $20,440.00 Pacific Coast Dredging Co. :62i 2,350.00 23,125.00 1,500.00 24,625.00




Heafey-Moore Co. $2,460.00 $250.00 Hutchinson Co. 1,693.00 200.00


PROP. A PROP. B CERTIFIED BIDDER Per Lin. Ft. par Lin. Ft. CHECKS Pacific Coast Engineering Co. $2.33 $2.28 $950.00 Berkeley Steel Construction Co. 2.45 2.50 1,000.00 Western Pipe Steel Co. of Calif. 2.35 - 1,000.00

A 0 ) TOTAL BID PROP. A PROP. B 4000 Pipe 4000 Pipe TOTAL BIDDER Design #1 Design #2 BID

Pacific Coast Engineering Co. $9,320.00 $9,120.00 $18,440.00

Berkeley Steel Const. Co. 9,800.00 10,000.00 19,800.00

Western Pipe Steel Co. of Calif. 9,400 00 9,400.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port Manager

for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.

Upon approval by the Port Attorney as to legality and upon recommendation of the

Port Manager, the bid of Hutchinson Co. for Paving Apron Wharf on 348 Extension to

Outer Harbor Terminal, and the bid of Pacific Coast Engineering Co. for 4000 Lineal

Feet of Steel Shore Pipe, were accepted and Resolutions Nos. 1988 and 1987 passed,

awarding contracts to said Hutchinson Co. and Pacific Coast Engineering Co.




of the


Held on Monday, February 9, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of

such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room

424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of February 2, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from C. H. Purcell, State Highway Engineer, dated February 3, 1931,

stating that the resolution referred to in President Fishers letter to him, under date

of January 20, 1931, was not passed by Bridge Authority and was not shown in the minutes

as passed and transmitting copy of supplemental plan, which he had filed with United

States District Engineer, San Francisco, substituting a 1400-foot span with 185-foot

vertical clearance instead of the 700-foot span shown on the original plan filed with

the War Department, was filed.

Copy of President Fishers reply to the State Highway Engineers letter of Feb-

ruary 3, 1931, was filed.

Telegram from the Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. advising that the Li J Oakland Municipal Airport had been granted a AlA rating and also telegram giving other airports in the United States which had received this rating, were filed.

Communication from Col. H. H. Blee, Director of Aeronautic Development Depart- ment of Commerce, transmitting AlA rating certificate of Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Haskins Sells, certified public accountants, transmitting

report dated December 31, 1931, covering an investigation of the accounts and records

of the Port Department for the year ending June 30, 1930, was filed.

Copy of Resolution No. 11368 of the Civil Service Board approving the discharge

of O. H. Case from the position of Receiving and Delivering Clerk on account of un-

satisfactory service, was filed.

Communication from the Longview Dredging Construction Company, offering to

deliver dredged material, amounting to approximately 690,000 cubic yards, from the widening of the entrance channel to Oaklands Outer Harbor on the 1720-acre water-

front property north of Key Route Mole at a cost of three cents per cubic yard, was

laid on the table.

The necessity for obtaining a proposal for depositing dredge spoils from the widening of the entrance channel to Oaklands Outer Harbor, by the War Department, on the Citys waterfront property of 1720 acres north of the Key Route Mole, was based on statement made by Lt. Col. T. M. Robins, U. S. Division Engineer and his assistant Lt. Col. R. F. Thomas, at a meeting with the Board on January 26, 1931, that officials of the Key System Transit Company had filed written communication with the U. S. Engineer Department, San Francisco, and also with the Longview Dredging

Construction Company, the low bidder on this dredging, that if an attempt were made

to place these dredge spoils in the north fairway of the Key System franchise, as

contemplated in the bids for this work, the company would take such legal steps as it might deem necessary to prevent the contractor depositing dredge spoils in said fair- way.

President A. J. Lundberg and H. P. Bell, Vice-President of the Key System Transit

Company who were present at this meeting of the Board, also stated that legal proceed-

ings would be taken to prevent the contractor placing any fill in the north fairway of its franchise.

Lt. Col. Robins recommended that the Board take early steps to decide whether it would be willing to have the dredge spoils in question placed on its 1720-acre tract, for if this action were not taken soon it would be necessary to readvertise for bids, which would greatly delay this project. He further stated that decision in this matter should be made by the Board before February 1s, 1931.

Public Notice by the U. S. Engineers Office, San Francisco, California, on appli-

cation of the City of Alameda to lay cable across the channel in San Fran-

cisco Bay, west of and parallel to center line of the Bay Farm Island bridge, was filed. Communication from the County Clerk of Alameda County advising the Board that the

Superior Court had rendered a decision confirming the right of the Port Commission to continue a spur track through the premises leased to the American Dredging Company, subject to a trial to determine whether the location as now used was the most feasible, was filed.

Parr Terminal Companys dismissal of its first cause of action was filed, indicat- ing that the company would not proceed to trial, on the ground that it had constructed vegetable oil storage facilities, but would, on the contrary, appeal from the Courts decision declaring amendment of its lease invalid.

Communication from the Port of New York Authority, asking that the Board approve a Bill now before Congress authorizing the Treasury Department to establish 24-hour quar- antine inspection at stations which, in its judgment, may require such service, was read and approved and the Port Manager directed to address communications to certain senators and representatives asking them to support this legislation.

The Port Manager reported that the Oakland Chamber of Commerce desired a meeting with the Board to discuss the matter of the trensbay bridge, on which a public hearing will be held on February 17, 1931, and the Port Manager was directed to advise the Cham- ber of Commerce that the hour of 3:00 p.m., Monday, February 16, would be agreeable to the Board.

The report of the Port Manager for the month of January, was filed.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- None. NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- "RESOLUTION NO. 1988


RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: American Bag Co. 3.75 C. W. Abbott Company 1.12 All Tread Tire and Service Corporation 33.94 Chas. M. Bailey Co., Inc. 11.76 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 16.66 Blake, Moffitt Towne 33.81 Division of Consolidated Foundries 40.05 Bay City Asbestos Co. Inc. 6.87 The Bay Belting Supply Co. 28.23 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 6.63 California Journal of Development 78.40 Dieterich-Post Co. 41.47 Electric Blue Print Photo Co. 3.00 The Electric Corporation 14.42 General Office Equipment Corporation 255.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 1.31 Goodhue Printing Company 38.00 C. J. Hendry Company 178.72 Hill Morton Inc. ■ 18.13 Hotz Bros. 3.50 Julien Manufacturing Co. 8.43 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 2.97 Loop Lumber Mill Company 4.90 J. T. Monahan 8.23 The A. Lietz Co. 2.78 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 8.86 Markus Hardware Co. 10.05 Maxwell Hardware Co. 73.36 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 2.18 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 15.62 Peck Hills Furniture Co. 28.91 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 11.18 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 31.95 Joseph Pierotti Co. 1.83 Remington Rand Business Service Inc. 1.50 Robinson Tractor Company 1.20 Ritchie Engraving Company 3.64 Rice Son 2.17 George E. Russell 2.50 Sterling Press 3.50 Schwabacher-Frey Company 93.20 Standard Oil Company of California 88.00 Schirrmacher Co. 5.25 74th Ave. Garage 2.00 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 1.81 Clyde Sunderland Studios 6.50 Standard Fence Company 10.00 Smith Hardware Company 42.17 Smith Brothers 62.61 Spears-Wells Machinery Co., Inc. 14.35 Tyre Bros. Glass Company 6.80 Union Oil Company of California 39.34 Zellerbach Paper Company 11.76 Pioneer Sawdust and Sand Depot 68.00 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 13.42 A. S. Titus 6.16 Thos. H. Moore 152.00 Markell C. Baer 9.85 E. K. Wood Lumber Company 38.76 Pacific Fuel and Building Material Company 58.74 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 160.18 Geo. H. Nash 97.45 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Edgar W. Anderson Company 189.00 C. W. Abbott Company 4.92 California State Automobile Association 105.00 The Electric Corporation 93.85 Flexaml Sign Mfg. Company 3.92 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 208.63 Hill Morton Inc. 41.16 Wonderlite Neon Products Co. Ltd. 668.00 Linde Air Products Company, Pacific Coast 27.53 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 7.32 Markus Hardware Co. 6.75 Maxwell Hardware Co. 126.12 National Lead Company of California 4.17 Oakland Building Material Company 9.30 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 35.09 Standard Oil Company of California 31.48 The Tribune Publishing Co. 23.56 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 7.83 $3,600.51" "RESOLUTION NO. 1989 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR DREDGING BASIN AT INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL. RESOLVED that the contract for the dredging and removing of all pile stubs from the slip at the Inland Waterways Terminal in Oakland Estuary between Web- ster and Franklin Streets, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to AMERICAN DREDGING COMPANY, a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed February 2nd, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bid received for said contract be and the same is hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the bond of the PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation, executed by the CONTINENTAT, CASUALTY COMPANY, in the amount of $9,120.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the furnishing and delivering of 4,000 lineal feet of dredge shore pipe for the Port of Oakland dredge be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of HUTCHINSON CO., a corporation, executed by PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, a California corporation, in the amount of $1,693.00, for the faithful performance of its contract for the construction of an asphalt pavement, on the apron wharf of the 348 foot extension to 14th Street Wharf, Outer Harbor Terminal, at the foot of 14th Street, Oakland, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the dump- ing of approximately 660,000 cubic yards of dredged material on the 1720 acre tract north of the Key Route Mole be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to ad- vertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the grad- ing off and disposing of excess fill on site east of Warehouse "B" be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to adver- tise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that a leave of absence is hereby granted to L. Stevens, Senior Book- keeper, Section 4.4 of Port Ordinance No. 8, on account of sickness, for a period of sixteen days, commencing February 3rd, 1931, with pay."



RESOLVED that the bond of FRANK GOODWIN TABB, Dock Clerk, in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000), issued by the Continental Casualty Company, is hereby approved, and payment of the premium approved and ratified."


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Company - garbage wharf site - inner Harbor;

Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suit;

Port of New York Authority - requesting endorsement of 24-hour quarantine inspection;

E. B. Stone, Jr. - leasing of small portion of State tideland, at Airport.




of the


Held on Monday, February 16, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of February 9, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from R. S. Turek, Chairman Aviation Committee, Oakland Junior Cham-

ber of Commerce, complimenting the Board on having received the A-i-A rating for

Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Russett Street Development Association, outlining paving and

street improvements advocated by said association, was filed.

Communication from Western Pacific Railroad Company, asking to be granted similar

permit as that already granted the Southern Pacific Golden Gate Ferries, to make or-

dinary running repairs on its automobile ferry slips and wharves, was read and referred

to the Port Attorney to prepare necessary ordinance covering this and similar cases.

Communication from Oakland Association of Insurance Agents submitting an anal-

ysis and comparison of insurance costs on the various properties under jurisdiction of the Port Commission, was read and the Port Manager directed to furnish members of the

Board with copies of this communication.

Communication from San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce, asking the Board to formally endorse the proposal to furnish Governor Rolph with a suitable airplane, was, filed.

Communication from Oakland Post No. 5, American Legion, asking that the revenues accruing from certain vending machines now on the municipal terminals be turned over to the American Legion, was referred to Mr. Pendleton and the Port Attorney.

Communication from Central Construction Company, asking that the contract entered

into between the Board and the Construction Company on February 19, 1930, to be com- pleted within 180 days from date of contract, be now accepted, was read and later reso- lution passed granting this request.

Communication from the Western Pacific Railroad Company, stating that the Bill introduced in the State Senate which provides for granting of tide lands on the Inner

Harbor to City of Oakland was satisfactory to the railroad company, was filed.

Request of Edward A. Foster, Draftsman, to be granted a leave of absence for six months, without pay, was denied, he having accepted a position with the City Planning

Commission with the City of Oakland.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. suggesting that signs be installed on 14th

Street and also on "A" Street, Oakland Outer Harbor, warning motorists to proceed slowly on account of dock trucks being at work, was read and the Port Manager authorized to install such signs.

Mr. J. C. Struble, President Oakland Chamber of Commerce conferred with the Board regarding the hearing to be held on the transbay bridge before the U. S. Engineers on

February 17.

Professor Charles Derleth, Jr. also conferred with the Board on the same matter.

The Port Manager reported that he had temporarily laid up the port dredge until dumping ground could be provided on the city properties north of the Key Route Mole.

The Port Manager was authorized to insert an advertisement in the Post Enquirers annual edition at a cost of $150.00.

The Port Manager was authorized to provide additional toilet facilities for the

Naval Reserve officers at the Oakland Municipal Airport at a cost of approximately $100.00.

The Port Manager was directed to advise the Key System Transit Company officials that the Board had accepted the proposal of the Longview Dredging and Construction Com- pany to place dredged spoils on the Citys property north of the north fairway of the

Key System franchise.

Communication from the Port Attorney suggesting that the Port Commission obtain authority through charter amendment to afford transportation to Airport, was laid on the table.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted. :Z. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- "RESOLUTION NO. 1996 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund: HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Pay Rolls - Outer Harbor Terminal $2,005.00 • " - Administrative Office 2,194.37 • " - Engineering Department 1,610.00 " - New Construction 524.00 • " - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 • " - Grove and Market St. Piers 1,475.50 - Airport 792.50 • " - Ninth Ave. Pier 150.00 • " - Dredge 2,603.75 • " - General Waterfront 904.23 Hawes Printing Company 115.20 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 2,998.72 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 482.41 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Pacific Coast Engineering Co. 3,375.00 Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund 226 9,739.87 $30,360.55" "RESOLUTION NO. 1997 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT WITH PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation. RESOLVED that the contract with PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corpora- tion, for the furnishing and delivering of used steel pontoon pipe, equipped with ball joints, to Outer Harbor, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 1998 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT WITH WORDEN FORSYTHE, a co-partnership. RESOLVED that the contract with WORDEN FORSYTHE, a co-partnership, for the furnishing of all materials, labor, plant, equipment and appliances neces- sary for the purpose of and the laying of certain tracks and appurtenances east of the 348/ Extension to 14th Street Wharf, Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 1999 RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND OF AMERICAN DREDGING COMPANY. RESOLVED that the bond of AMERICAN DREDGING COMPANY, executed by ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION in the amount of $20,440.00 for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the dredging and removing of all pile stubs from the slip for the INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL, be and the same is hereby approved." "RESOLUTION NO. 2000 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND APPROVING TRAVE OF ABSENCE GRANTED H. G. BAUGH. RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted H. G. Baugh (Mainten- ance Electrician, Section 7.456 of Port Ordinance No. 8) by the Port Manager, for a period of twelve days commencing February 2nd, 1931, with pay, on account of sickness, is hereby ratified and approved." "RESOLUTION NO. 2001


RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to W. X. Masterson, Chief Wharfinger, and which by Resolution No. 1947 was extended to and including February 17th, 1931, be and the same is hereby extended, without compensation, to and including April 6th, 1931."



WHEREAS this Board entered into a contract with the Central Construction Com- pany under date of February 19th, 1930 (Auditors No. 4445) for the delivering of crushed rock to the Oakland Municipal Airport, said rock being required for the purpose of extending the landing areas at the airport to meet the requirements for an ALA rating, and

WHEREAS the said Company has delivered to the airport all rock required of it and said work of extending said runway Was substantially completed on June let, 1930, since which time only nominal quantities of rock have been required for re- pairs and said company has now disposed of its quarry and other properties and has made written request that said contract be accepted and it is proper that said con- tract should now be accepted, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the said contract having been satisfactorily completed, as evidenced by the final certificate of the port engineer, same is hereby accepted on the basis of the 3,461 cubic yards of crushed rock so furnished and delivered to the said airport.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be for- warded to said company."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to provide for the taking of a 16 mm reel motion picture film of terminal facilities of the Port of Oakland at an estimated cost of $450.00, in order that said reel may be used for the pur- pose of advertising the port."



WHEREAS, on February 2nd, 1931 the Parr Terminal Company, as lessor under that certain lease dated June 15th, 1918, presented to this Board for its consent a cer- tain proposed sublease with the Pacific Freight Lines Company, a corporation, which was dated October 30th, 1930, and said proposed sublease purports to provide for an extension thereof under certain conditions, for a period of not to exceed fifty years, under the same terms and conditions as to rental payments, the use of adja- cent terminal and warehouse facilities and the assumption of other obligations, and this Board is without power to approve any agreement binding the City of Oakland to any term, condition or understanding extending in any event beyond the term of the said existing lease with the Parr Terminal Company, which will end on May 31st, 1943, unless sooner terminated as in such lease provided, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Port Commissioners, acting for and on be- half of the City of Oakland, does hereby deny consent to the said proposed sub- lease.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be mailed to each the Parr Terminal Company and to the Pacific Freight Lines Company."


RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR DEPOSITING OF DREDGE FILL IN THE PORT AREA NORTH OF THE KEY ROUTE MOLE FILL, OAKLAND mriPmuglw TrAnnnn 4 A RESOLVED that the Board having this day received bids from The Longview Dredging Construction Company offering to deposit dredged material on the 1720 acre area north of the Key Route Mole fill, which dredge material the said bidder plans to acquire in connection with its dredging operations with the United States government for the widening of the channel leading into the outer harbor and said government, prior to awarding said contract, desires to be advised of the approval of, the city of its willingness to permit such fill to be made north of said Key Route fill, and it is to the interest of the city and the harbor that the filling of the said northern harbor area be commenced at this time to provide for future developments for the accommodation and promo- tion of commerce and shipping, now therefore,

BE TT RESOLVED that this Board, for and on behalf of the City of Oakland, does hereby grant permission to the United States Engineer Office to provide for the deposit of dredged material north of said fill.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be forthwith sent to the War Department."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to construct a ramp at the airport adjacent to the channel for the use of amphibian planes and water- craft, the cost of said ramp to be approximately $800.00."


OF PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60", having been duly introduced, read and published, was fin- ally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. - 4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communication which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings was taken from the table and filed:

Proposal of the Longview Dredging and Construction Company to place dredged spoils on the Citys 1720-acre tract north of Key Route Mole.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor;

Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson patent suit;

E. B. Stone, Jr. - leasing of small portion of State tideland, at Airport.

Pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 1984, 1992 and 1993, and advertising for five con- secutive days in the Citys official newspaper, bids for Structural Steel Frame for

Transit Shed Inland Waterways Terminal Inner Harbor, for Depositing Dredged Fill North of Key Route Fill, Outer Harbor, and for Grading Dredged Filled Area East of Warehouse

"B", were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p.m. the following bids, being all of the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAME FOR TRANSIT SHED INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL INNER HARBOR BIDDER BID CERTIFIED CHECK Herrick Iron Works 415,484.00 $1600.00 Pacific Coast Engineering Company 16,708.00 1700.00 Minneapolis Moline Power Imp. Co. 16,156.00 2000.00 Judson Pacific Company 15,875.00 1800.00 California Steel Company 15,187.00 1600.00 Independent Iron Works 18,495.00 1900.00 The Moore Dry Dock Co. 15,880.00 1650.00


Per Cubic 660,000 cu. CERTIFIED BIDDER Yard yards CHECK The Longview Dredging and Construction Company .03 419,800.00 $2,500.00 BIDS FOR GRADING DREDGED FILLED AREA EAST OF WAREHOUSE "B" Unit Price Total Bid Per 5000 Cu. CERTIFIED BIDDER Cubic Yard Yards CHECK Arise Knapp Co. Inc. .50 $2,500.00 $250.00 Worden Forsythe .45 2,250.00 225.00 J. Catucci .59i 2,975.00 350.00 Paris Bros. .438 2,190.00 250.00

Lee J. Immel .4ai 2,125.00 225.00 Jack Casson .399 1,995.00 500.00 U. B. Lee .47 2,350.00 400.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Tuesday, February 24, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of February 16, 1931, were approved and


Communication from the Key System, Ltd., stating that the agreement was now be-

ing prepared to permit the Port Commission to cross under the tracks in the franchise

area with a pipe line leading to the North Harbor, was filed.

Communication from Dr. G. Derleth, Jr., Consulting Engineer, asking whether his

services would longer be needed in connection with the construction of the proposed

transbay bridge, was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise Dr. Derleth that until the report of the Board of Engineers on the hearing on the transbay bridge had been filed with the War Department, the Board could not definitely state whether it would again have to callon him for expert advice.

Public Notice by the U. S. Engineer, San Francisco, on the Port Commissions application to deposit approximately 2,160,000 cubic yards of sand and clay nwth of north the/fairway on the North Harbor area, was filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co., stating that it would give its consent

to the Port Commission to fill the area to be occupied by the proposed new warehouse,

was filed.

Communication from Mr. Walter Rothchild, Vice-President, Rosenberg Bros. Co., making comments on the Freeholders Charter, was filed.

Communication from Edward Hohfeld, Attorney for Parr Terminal Company, stating

that it would appeal to the Supreme Court and have Judge Allens ruling revised, was filed.

Copy of letter sent by President Fisher to Mr. R. A. Carrington, Jr., of the Post

Enquirer, complimenting him on the splendid articles which appeared in the special

issue of his paper on February 18, was filed.

Communication from the City Manager of Berkeley, advising that a meeting would be held on February 25 at the City Hall of Berkeley, relative to a comprehensive develop- ment of the waterfront from Oakland to Richmond, was filed.

Communication from Rear Admiral 4. C. Cole, U. S. Navy, expressing appreciation c„ 1 LI for information furnished him relative to Oakland Harbor, was filed.

Communication from Western Canner and Packer soliciting advertisement for its

Statistical Review Number to be published in March, was read end the Port Manager auth-

orized to take one-half page space at a cost of $45.00.

Communications from certain Senators and Congressmen stating that they would give

careful consideration to Port Commissions endorsement of the establishment of 24-hour

quarantine stations at certain ports throughout the country, were filed.

Communication from the City Auditor advising that he had approved the agreement

with the Oakland Air Port Transportation Service to furnish transportation to and from

Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from B. Hughes, Chairman Traffic Committee, Oakland Chamber of

Commerce, addressed to the General Manager of the Chamber, recommending that the Board

of Directors of the Chamber take steps to place Oakland in the position to compete for

Oriental tonnage on the same terms as San Francisco, was filed.

Communication from Allan C. Rush of Los Angeles, California, relative to construc-

tion of the proposed transbay bridge, was filed.

Communication from Dimon Steamship Corporation highly complimenting the Port Com-

mission for the splendid services rendered its line at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was


Communication from Dr.-Ing. Pirath,ce Stuttgart, Germany, asking for certain infor-

mation relative to the Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Telegram from Col. Clarence M. Young, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aviation,

requesting the Port Commission to contact Mr. X. A. Wilson, Controller of Civil Aviation,

Dominion of Canada, who would arrive at Oakland Municipal Airport on February 24, was


The Board approved the draft of letter to be presented to U. S. District Engineer,

San Francisco, at the hearing to be held on February 26, to determine whether any modi-

fication of the existing project in the vicinity of Brooklyn Basin should be made at

the present time, and the Port Manager directed to attend this hearing.

The Port Manager reported that the trestle connecting Oakland with Government Island,

was constructed under revocable permit granted by the Secretary of War.

The Port Manager also made report on the status of the 1720-acre tract located north

of the Key Route Mole - that this area had been regularly granted by the State of Calif-

ornia to the City of Oakland, and that this grant was identical with the Tide Land Act

conveying similar property to the City of Oakland.

The Port Manager reported that the Chamberlain Steamship Company and the Coast

Steamship Company would begin sailings at an early date from the Market Street Pier.

This schedule provides four outbound sailings and five inbound sailings per week.

The Port Manager reported that that portion of "B" Street lying within the lease- hold of the Parr Terminal Company was in bad condition and should be repaired. The

Port Manager was directed to take 4p this matter verbally with the Parr Terminal Com- pany and also with the Southern Pacific Company and suggest that these repairs be undertaken without delay. The Port Manager also stated that there were some bad places in that portion of "B" Street constructed by the Port Commission. The Port Manager was directed to fur- nish estimated cost of such repairs for next meeting of the Board. The Port Manager reported that the Oakland Chamber of Commerce would send its transportation representative to Washington, D. C. to appear before the Interstate Commerce Commission, relative to the establishment of .equal rail rates from Oakland to Richmond, as were in force between Richmond and Emeryville. The Port Manager reported that the dockage rates of the SS President Johnson, now moored at the Ninth Avenue Pier, was $34.85 per day. The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- "RESOLUTION NO. 2007

RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been a pproved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MTT.T.ING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. $ 455.52 LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Howard Terminal - Wharves 2,297.81 Howard Terminal - Quay Wall 623.57 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: C. W. Abbott Company • 3.75 Alemite Company of California 22.78 American Surgical Sales Co., Ltd. 16.36 American District Telegraph Company .50 The West Coast Fisheries 70.00 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 5.29 Chester A. Bray 25.18 Blake, Moffitt Towne 16.42 Bank of America 6.00 The Bay Belting Supply Co. 2.65 Crane Co. 4.78 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 8.68 Cochran Celli 16.36 California Steel Company 1.80 Charles Derleth, Jr. 300.00 The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 4.50 Fry-Sayers Co. 19.45 The Fox Press 148.75 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 19.55 Goodhue Printing Company 37.25 General Office Equipment Corporation 16.30 Heiden Auto Rent service, Ltd. 45.50 Kronke-Brampton Co. 15.92 A. W. Kitchen Co. 60.22 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 1.87 The Guaranty Trust Company of New York 29.50 Link-Belt Company 8.11

Loop Lumber Mill Company 119.66 St. Clair Building 32.50 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 9.03 C. L. Moody 4.05 Melrose Repair Shop 21.75 Chas. Matthews 3.00 Maxwell Hardware Co. 54.94 National Lead Company of California 9.21 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 6.51 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 1.43 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 The Oakland Bank Building 883.80 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 18.40 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 992.95 Oakland Building Material Company 6.20 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 36.92 Joseph Pierotti Co. 5.30 Pelican Pure Water Co. 8.40 Pacific Shipper 68.00 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company .80 Patterson Ladder Co. 3.72 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 13.90 Rice Son 5.10 George E. Russell 5.00 Remington Rand Business Service Inc. 18.20 Standard Oil Company of California 122.79 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 41.73 Strable Hardwood Company 2.00 E. J. Saake 7.00 Sandoval Sales Co. 46.31 Smith Brothers 14.20 Smith Hardware Company 2.46 Clyde Sunderland Studios 2.00 Tyre Bros. Glass Company 1.37 The Tribune Publishing Co. 14.84 Union Pacific Laundry 2.55 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 17.64 Fred Wuescher Son 4.50 Washington-Lincoln Garage 24.50 The Western Union Telegraph Company 11.38 Western Building Forum 7.50 Frank E. Wilber Co. 1.00 The Interstate. Co. 3.25 City of Oakland - City Hall 21.70 City 6f Oakland - Purchasing Department 9.00 City of Oakland - Garage 51.89 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 104.44 Union Machine Works 149.04 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR INLPROVEMENT FUND: Robert B. Cullen 25.00 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 22.18 The Electric Corporation 18.53 Empire Foundry Co., Inc. 30.58 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 117.97 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 58.80 Golden Gate Sheet Metal Works 2.50 W. H. Graham 36.00 Robert W. Hunt Company 4.50 S. T. Johnson Co. 28.40 Maxwell Hardware Co. 3.43 Standard Oil Company of California 26.21 Standard Fence Company 53.60 The Tribune Publishing Co. 37.24 Oakland Building Material Company 6.20 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 3,266.00 Linde Air Products Company - Pacific Coast 27.16 $11,241.53" "RESOLUTION NO. 2008

RESOLUTION REJECTING ALT, BIDS RECEIVED FOR GRADING DREDGED FITJED AREA EAST OF WAREHOUSE "B". RESOLVED that all the bids received for the grading of the dredged filled area east of Warehouse "B", Oakland, California, are hereby rejected, all of said bids being excessive in amount with the exception of the bid of Jack Casson, which latter bid is not a lawful bid."



RESOLVED that the contract for the erection complete of a structural steel frame for transit shed, Inland Waterways Terminal, foot of Webster Street, Inner Harbor, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to CALIFORNIA. STEEL COMPANY, a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed February 16th, 1931.

BE IT FURIHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the contract with HUTCHINSON CO., a corporation, for the con- struction of an asphalt pavement on the apron wharf of the 348 foot extension to 14th Street Wharf, Outer Harbor Terminal, at the foot of 14th Street Oakland, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



BE IT RESOLVED that that certain area of tide and submerged lands and navi- gable waters under the control cf the City of Oakland and lying north of the Key Route franchise be hereafter designated as the "North Harbor"."


NO. 103", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- None. NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

Communication from the Port Attorney relative to Charter Amendment to be put on the ballot at the general municipal election of April 21, 1931, to enable the Board to establish adequate transportation to the Airport, which had been laid on the table at previous meetings, was taken from the table and filed.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor;

Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation Insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken - Patent attorneys - Ferguson patent suit;

E. B. Stone, Jr., leasing of small area of State Tideland at airport; Longview Dredging and Construction Company - proposal to deposit spoils in North Harbor area.



of the


Held on Monday, March 2, 1931, at the hour o 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of

such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room

424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3-

Commissioners absent: Mr. Swan on leave, and Mr. Leet. -2-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of February 24, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from the Key System Ltd., stating that it was agreeable to placing dredged spoils in the North Harbor area adjacent to the north fairway of its franchise, was filed.

Communication from Boeing Air Transport, Inc., stating that it was giving consid- eration to the matter of contributing to the transportation line operating between

Oakland Municipal Airport and Melrose Station, was filed.

Communication from T. L. Smart, Attorney for Libby, McNeill Libby, acknowledg- ing receipt of proposed Freeholders Charter, City of Oakland, was filed.

War Department permit to deposit approximately 2,160,000 cubic yards of dredged material in the North Harbor area on the north side of Key Route Mole, was filed.

Request of the Standard Oil Company that the Port Commission approve the erection of a certain sign on the land leased to it at the intersection at Seventh and "B"

Streets, was approved.

Request of Standard Oil Company that it be permitted to beautify a triangular piece of land located at the intersection of "B" end Seventh Streets, on the north side of Seventh Street, at its own expense, was granted.

Communication from Key Terminal Railway, Ltd. transmitting agreement covering installation of temporary dredge pipe line and electric power line over and across the property of the Key Terminal Railway, Ltd., was filed end the Port Attorney directed to check up on said agreement before being executed by the Port Commission. im e) Communication from U. S. Department of Commerce, San Francisco, advising that it had appointed Mr. A. O. Arseneau as Manager of the Departments Branch Office in

Oakland, was filed.

Communication from the Mayors Committee on Aviation, New York City, requesting to be furnished with information relative to the operation of Oakland Municipal Air- port, was filed, and the Port Manager directed to supply the requested information.

The Port Manager filed with the Board a memorandum of proceedings at the hearing on Brooklyn Basin resurvey, held before the U. S. Engineers in San Francisco on

February 26, 1931.

The Port Manager reported that the S. P. Company had established the same freight rate from Oleum, Martinez and Avon to Oakland as now in effect at Richmond.

The Port Manager reported that requests were being made for the provision of warehouse facilities at Oakland Outer Harbor - the latest being that of the Griffith-

Durney Company, which handles considerable quantities of Hawaiian pineapple.

Mr. Axel Wahistrom and four representatives of the Clinton Improvement Club ap- peared before the Board, asking that the parcel of land within the port area between

Seventh and Eighth Streets and easterly of canal connecting Oakland estuary with Lake

Merritt, be turned over to the Park Department for park purposes. The matter was taken under consideration and report is to be made thereon by Port Manager in about thirty days.

The Board agreed to contribute the sum of $300.00 to the Chamber of Commerce to help defray expenses of the Chambers traffic representatives trip to Washington in connection with the establishment of the same rates to Oakland as are now in effect in Richmond.

The Port Manager reported that another meeting was held in the City Hall at

Berkeley with representatives of Berkeley, Emeryville and Albany for the purpose of preparing a unified plan of development of the waterfront from the Key Route Mole to


The report of the Port Manager for the month of February, was filed.

The Port Attorney reported that final hearing on the widening of First Street between Webster and Clay Streets would be held in City Hall on March 10.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan on leave, and Mr. Leet. -2-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant

for the same out of the proper Fund: LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sunset Lumber Company $248.53 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Thos. H. Moore 93.80 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,231.87 - Engineering Department 1,481.43 " " - New Construction 572.00 tf - Traffic Operating 1,385.54 - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 " - Grove and Market St. Piers 1,475.50 It ft - Outer Harbor Terminal 2,005.00 Tf ee - Airport 792.50 tf ft - General Waterfront 854.17 ft tt - Dredge 2,419.50 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 2,977.69 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 661.34 Geo. H. Nash 141.40 M. D. McCarl 3.56 Geo. B. Green 11.85 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sullivan Sullivan 1,832.09 Central Construction Co. 319.80 19,657.57" "RESOLUTION NO. 2013 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR DEPOSITING DREDGED FILL NORTH OF KEY ROUTE FILL.

RESOLVED that the contract for the depositing of dredged fill in the port area north of Key Route Fill, Oakland Outer Harbor, be and the same is hereby awarded to THE LONGVIEW DREDGING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed February 16th, 1931, said bid being the only bid received.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the proced- ure prescribed by Resolution No. 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken." "RESOLUTION NO. 2014 RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND OF CALIFORNIA STEEL COMPANY, a corporation. RESOLVED that the bond of CALIFORNIA STEEL COMPANY, a corporation, executed by NEW YORK INDEMNITY COMPANY, in the amount of $15,187.00, for the faithful per- formance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the erection complete of a structural steel frame for the transit shed, Inland Waterways Terminal, foot of Webster Street, Inner Harbor, Oakland, be and the same is hereby approved." "RESOLUTION NO. 2015 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE KEY TERMINAL RAILWAY, LTD., RELATIVE TO CROSSING OF FRANCHISE AND FAIRWAY AREAS WITH DREDGE PIPE. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City of Oakland to sign and execute an agreement with the Key Terminal Railway, Ltd., permitting the Board to construct and maintain a dredge pipe across the areas over which the said company may possess franchise or fairway rights by Virtue of that certain Ordinance No. 3099 granting a franchise to its predecessor in interest, the San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Consolidated Railways."

"RESOLUTION NO. 2016 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PORT MANAGER TO PURCHASE LIGHT TRUCK. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to purchase one automo- bile with a truck body at an estimated cost of $600.00 inclusive of the turn-in value of one 1922 Ford roadster, Motor #6395507 now used by the port Department." The proposal of The Longview Dredging and Construction Company to deposit dredged spoils in North Harbor area, which had been laid on the table at previous meetings was taken from the table and filed. The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings were continued on the table: Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor; Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds; Compensation insurance of Port employees; Miller Boyken - Patent Attorneys - Ferguson patent suits;

E. B. Stone, Jr. - leasing of small area of tideland - at Airport.




Held on Monday, March 9, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building. Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1- The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 2, 1931, were approved and adopted. Communication from Dr. Charles Derleth, Tr., Consulting Engineer, submitting his final bill for services during the month of February, and thanking the Board for complimentary letters written him expressing the Boards appreciation for his valu- able services in connection with the San Francisco Transbay Bridge, was filed. Communication from San Francisco Chronicle soliciting advertisements for its forth coming Industrial Edition of the San Francisco Chronicle, was laid on the table. Communication from O. C. Richerson, Field Manager, Boeing Air Transport, Inc., asking that additional counter be installed at the air mail station in Hangar No. 5, was referred to Mr. Pendleton with power to act. Communication from the City Attorney of Long Beach, California, stating that the

Charter Amendment creating a Port Commission of that city had been carried by a vote of three to one, was filed.

Communication from Major E. H. Ropes, U. S. District Engineer, San Francisco, ad- vising that contract had been awarded to the Longview Dredging end Construction Com- pany to widen the entrance channel to Oakland Outer Harbor, was filed.

Communication from Western Pacific Railroad Company stating that the Port Ordinance

No. 103, which grants transportation lines a blanket permit for making running repairs to their ferry slips, was satisfactory, was filed.

Communication from Western Pacific Railroad Company stating that the proposed or- dinance relative to establishment of proper lines on the Inner Harbor, adjacent to the holdings of the Western Pacific Railroad Company and the Southern Pacific Company, was satisfactory, was filed.

Communication from the Southern Pacific Company advising that the proposed ordin- ance authorizing and providing for the compromise and settlement of a portion of the low tideland along the Estuary in the vicinity between Peralta and Magnolia Streets, was satisfactory, was filed.

Communication from M. K. Miller, Civil Engineer, offering his services to investi- gate the legal, financial and engineering status of the City of Oaklands waterfront lands, was referred to Mr. Leet.

The application of the Parr Terminal Company for consent to enter into a sublease with the Pacific Freight Lines Company, was received. The Port Attorney advised that the granting of this application might prejudice the city in the presentation of its defense in the pending litigation on account of alleged non-performance and might also be regarded as an estoppel against possible forfeiture. In discussing the matter the

Board expressed itself as desirous of granting its consent to the proposed sublease but instructed the attorney to look into the matter further and to confer with the Parr

Terminal Company relative to its willingness to enter into a stipulation that such con- sent might be granted without prejudice to the citys interests.

Mr. A. W. Boyken, of Miller and Boyken, who have represented the city for the past four years in the Ferguson patent litigation conferred with the Board. He advised the

Board that in the opinion of his firm the Ferguson people would not be able to prevail in the patent litigation on account of the construction of the Ninth Avenue and other wharves and that even in the event of recovery it was practically a certainty that no recovery could be had against any municipal board individually. He stated that the expenses of a trial would amount to several thousand dollars and that it would be de- sirable as a nuisance settlement to dispose of the case for anything less than $4500.00.

After outlining the terms under which his firm would be agreeable to be employed for the defense of the second suit, the Board advised the Port Attorney to prepare such a contract for its further consideration.

The Port Manager reported that occasionally the Air Ferries, Ltd. landed or took on passengers at Oakland Municipal Airport in connection with operations of the

Boeing and Pacific Air Transport passenger planes, and requested a decision of the

Board as to whether the Air Ferries, Ltd., should be assessed the fee of $1.00 for each passenger so handled. The Board instructed the Port Manager that under the cir- cumstances, and until further consideration of the matter is given, the Air Ferries,

Ltd., should not be charged for such exchange of passengers.

The Port Manager was authorized to accept the proposal of the California Ap- praisal Co. to make appraisal of the properties owned by the City of Oakland and desig- nated as Howard Terminal Piers Nos. 1 and 2, lying outside of the low water line, for the purpose of ascertaining the insurable value of these structures, at a cost of

$212.50 for the job complete.

The Port Manager reported that he had been advised by Colonel T. M. Robins, U. S.

Engineer, that funds had now been made available by Congress for the widening of the entrance channel to Oakland Outer Harbor, and that upon application the $197,000.00 advanced by the Board of Port Commissioners, would be returned.

The Port Manager also reported that Colonel Robins stated that he would take steps to remove the wreck "Simla" from the north channel of the Brooklyn Basin.

The report of the Port Manager on establishment of reserve or sinking funds from surplus in the Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund No. 226, was laid on the table.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: C. W. Abbott Company 6.90 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 11.76 Edgar W. Anderson Company 22.75 Blake, Moffitt Towne 2.25 California Steel Company 7.17 California Fireworks Co. 7.00 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 California State Chamber of Commerce 34.30 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 36.79 City of Oakland - Garage 60.28 Wonderlite Neon Products Co. 51.00 The Electric Corporatioh 4.91 East Bay Municipal Utility District 481.32 Fageol Motors Sales Co. 5.20 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 37.49 Golden Gate Sheet Metal Works 6.00 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 5.42 Heiden Auto Rent Service, Ltd. 39.00 E. H. Huebbe 25.00 The Interstate Co. 2.60 Ed. Jones Co. 7.80

Kronke-Brampton Co. 3.53 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 2.30 Kiechkhefer Container Company 6.00 The A. Lietz Co. 4.61 The Lincoln Press 20.25 Maxwell Hardware Co. 6.91 Chas. Matthews 241.64 Merchant Calculating Machine Company 15.25 Neptune Meter Company 3.00 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 1,517.58 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 2.97 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 1.76 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1,086.49 Pacific Westbound Conference 9.00 Association of Pacific and Far East Ports 150.00 The Post Enquirer 148.68 Robinson Tractor Company 15.40 Remington Rand Business Service Inc. 2.40 Royal Typewriter Company 15.75 Clyde Sunderland Studios 7.50 Smith Hardware Company 10.44 Smith Brothers 35.19 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 2.03 The Venor Company 17.50 A. S. Titus 5.43 Underwood Typewriter Company 1.50 Tyre Bros. Glass Company 1.92 Marshall-Newell Supply Co. .57 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Bay City Asbestos Co. Inc. 66.54 Columbia Wood and Metal Preservative Co. 41.25 California Steel Company 1.00 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 5.29 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 17.08 The Electric Corporation 6.34 Joe Feeney 10.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 5.39 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 373.00 Loop Lumber Mill Company 232.00 Maxwell Hardware Co. 14.80 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 1.88 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 214.33 Oakland Building Material Company 6.20 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 21.77 The Tribune Publishing Co. 23.94 - Triberti Massaro 4.00 Thomas Rigging Co. 27.50. Sullivan and Sullivan 610.70 $5,883.55"



RESOLVED that the bond of THE LONGVIEW DREDGING CONST. CO., a corporation, executed by the UNION INDEMNITY COMPANY; in the amount of $19,800.00, for the faith- ful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the depositing of dredged fill within the Port Area north of Key Route Fill, be and the same is here- by approved."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for a marine cargo hoist to be installed at Inland Waterways Terminal be and the same are hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to adver- tise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law." ;11 Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE


TONIO IN THE VICINITY BETWEEN PERALTA AND MAGNOLIA STREETS EXTENDED", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet- ings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor;

Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken - Patent Attorneys - Ferguson patent suits;

E. B. Stone, Jr. - leasing small area of tideland at Airport.



of the


Held on Monday, March 16, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building. ■ Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of March 9, 1931, as corrected, were approved

and adopted.

Communication from Key Terminal Railway, Ltd., transmitting executed agreement

covering the right of the Port Commission to construct and maintain a temporary dredge

pipe line and electric power line over and across the said companys filled mole, was


Public Notice of the U. S. Engineers Office, San Francisco, stating that the

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company had made application for permit to dredge a

trench 40 feet deep and lay a cable therein between Oakland and Alameda in the Tidal

Canal along the line of Oak Street, Alameda, extended, was filed, there being no ,/-:=1 4 9 no objection to the granting of such permit by the U. S. Engineers.

Communication from Clarence M. Young, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, expressing

appreciation for courtesies extended to Mr. J. A. Wilson, Controller of Civil Aviation of

the Dominion of Canada, on his visit to Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from the Port of New York Authority stating that the Copeland-Parker

quarantine Bill had been signed by the President, and expressing the Port Authoritys

appreciation for our cooperation in this matter, was filed.

Communication from the Railroad Commission of the State of California stating that

the completion of the subway at Seventh Street had been extended to August 5, 1931, was


Communication from Colonel R. S. Thomas, U. S. Engineer, advising that the applica-

tion had been made by his office to the War Department for the refund of the $197,000.00,

advanced by this Board in connection with the work of widening the entrance channel to

Oakland Outer Harbor, was filed.

Communication from E. G. Wilcox, Manager Traffic Department of Oakland Chamber of

Commerce, stating that while he was in Washington on the Richmond rate case he had

taken up with the U. S. Shipping Board the question of rates between Oakland, the Orient

and the Dutch East Indies with the view of having discrimination against the Port of

Oakland removed, and suggesting that the Chamber of Commerce file a complaint with the

U. S. Shipping Board asking that the steamship lines represented in the Pacific West-

bound Conference be compelled to furnish equal service to Oakland as is now maintained

in San Francisco and at the same rates as are in effect for San Francisco, was filed.

The Board was in favor of such procedure and the Port Attorney was directed to work

with the Chamber of Commerce in the preparation of said complaint.

Communication from Edward R. Bacon Company, submitting bill in the amount of $300.00

as compensation for the use of a tractor at the Outer Harbor while being demonstrated,

was read and the claim denied.

The Port Manager reported that the railroads would absorb all car unloading costs

at the Oakland and Encinal Terminals on canned goods and dried fruit from Santa Clara

County and all dried fruit from Sacramento Valley, the absorption to be at the rate of

.4O per ton.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same ere hereby approved and allowed by the Board of i) Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the - same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,172.50 - Engineering Dept. 1,561.50 - Traffic Operating 1,355.72 - Grove and. Market Street Piers 1,475.50 - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,925.00 - Airport 790.72 - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 - New Construction 604.00 Pt - General Waterfront 955.24 Pt " - Dredge 2,438.82 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 701.07 Oakland Building Material Company 102.79 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Rolls 3,485.42 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: M. B. Mc Gowan 25,042.17 Worden and Forsythe 2,020.57 W. H. Graham 35.31 Schuler and McDonald, Inc. 4,855.53 $49,671.86" "RESOLUTION NO. 2021


RESOLVED that the leave of absence from the meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners heretofore granted Commissioner Sherwood Swan by Resolution No. 1964 because of duties requiring him to be away from the City of Oakland at such times be and the same is hereby extended, for said reasons, to and in- cluding Monday, April 20th, 1931."




been duly introduced, read and published, were finally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meet-

ings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf site - Inner Harbor;

Report of Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suit;

E. B. Stone, Jr. - leasing of small area of tideland at Airport;

Parr Terminal Company - lease with Pacific Freight Lines Company;

Report on investment of surplus funds;

S. F. Chronicle - request for advertising.


of the


Held on Monday, March 23, 1931, at the hour of 330 oclock p. m., due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of March 16, 1931, were approved and


Communication from the Standard Oil Company offering to pay a monthly rental

of $25.00 for the use of a small parcel of land at the northwest corner of Seventh

and "B" Streets, for the purpose of beautifying the same if it were granted a six

months lease and thereafter on a month to month basis, was read, and the Port

Attorney directed to prepare necessary leasing agreement covering said proposition.

Communication from the President of the Key System, Ltd., stating that the

proposed switching agreement between the Key System, Ltd. and Southern Pacific

Company in the Outer Harbor was now receiving the earnest consideration of these

transportation lines, and that he hoped that a satisfactory agreement would be

entered into in the very near future, was filed.

Communication from the Junior Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco, expressing

appreciation for photographs of Oakland Municipal Airport furnished it in connec-

tion with the exposition held in the Emporium, was filed.

Announcement by the Boeing System of a new schedule of service by Pacific Air

Transport between Oakland and Seattle, was filed.

Public Notice of hearing by the U. S. Engineers, San Francisco, on application

of American Dredging Company to dredge an area between the Webster and Franklin

Street Piers in the Inner Harbor, was filed; the dredging referred to being part

of the improvement to be made in connection with the construction of the Inland

Waterways Terminal at the foot of Webster Street.

Communication from M. K. Miller, Civil Engineer, outlining in detail his

proposition previously made to the Board to make certain investigations bearing

upon the financial, legal and engineering statu of the Oakland waterfront, was

referred to committee consisting of Messrs. Leet and Pendleton.

Communication from the Post Office Department, Oakland, California, enclosing

copy of agreement for the Port Commission to conduct a Contract Station at the Oakland Municipal Airport for the period from July 1, 1931, to June 30, 1933, was filed.

Communication from the Southern Pacific Company advising that the Port Ordin- ance No. 119, fixing the low tide line in the vicinity of the proposed garbage wharf in the Inner Harbor, was satisfactory and that the company had so advised

Senator Breed, was filed.

Communication from Western Pacific Railroad Company stating that the Port

Ordinance No. 119 fixing low tide line along the Inner Harbor adjacent to the property of said railroad company, was satisfactory and that Senator Breed had been advised to that effect, was filed.

The Port Manager reported that he had attended a meeting of the Harbor Com- mittee of the Oakland Chamber of,Cormnerce in connection with the deeding of a certain portion of Government Island to the U. S. Government, and the possible removal of said island as an obstruction to navigation. The Port Manager exhib- iteda white print furnished by the City Manager of Alameda showing the compromise settlement made between the City of Alameda and George Sessions relative to their respective interests in the island. The Port Manager was directed to ascertain whether the deeding of the fifteen acres of land on Government Island had been accepted by the Federal Government.

The Port Manager reported that the unencumbered cash in the Harbor Mainten- ance Improvement Fund, as of March 23, 1931, was $91,973.92 and that the total estimated unencumbered Resources Fund were $415,493.30.

The Port Manager reported that the unencumbered cash balance in the Capital

Fund, as of March 23, 1930, was $150,224.40.

The Port Manager reported that request had been made for U. S. Government bonded space at the Outer Harbor and that he had taken the matter up with the

Customhouse in San Francisco to ascertain the necessary requirements to be met by the Port Commission to obtain such bonded warehouse space. The Port Manager was authorized to expend approximately $250.00 for the installation of portable enclosure of such bonded space and also make application to Customhouse, San

Francisco for bonded space at Ninth Avenue Pier and the Grove Street Pier.

The Port Manager filed report showing the number of automobiles and motor equipment in use in the department as of March 21, 1931.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOM: None. ABSIUT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- kP "RESOLUTION NO. 2022


RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. 516.88 LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Howard Terminal - Quay Wall 624.03 Howard Terminal - Wharves 2,541.75 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Electrical Products Corporation 36.80 E. H. Edwards Company 22.19 Electric Blue Print Photo Co. 5.00 The Electric Corporation 15.63 Fageol Motors Sales Co. 12.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 20.88 Gunn, Carle Co. 91.03 General Mill and Lumber Co. 1.65 General Electric Supply Corporation 5.08 Goodhue Printing Company 76.00 Harron, Richard McCone Co. 75.00 Charles R. Hadley Company 8.99 H. M. C. Co. 2.00 C. H. Jenkins Company 11.25 The Inter-City Express 1.50 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 2.65 The Lincoln Press 8.75 The A. Lietz Co. 11.27 C. L. Moody 9.05 Markus Hardware Co. 3.45 Merchant Calculating Machine Company 9.70 Maxwell Hardware C. 19.30 National Carbon Company, Inc. 74.96 National Lead Company 32.64 Neal, Stratford Kerr 1.60 Oakland Rubber Stamp Co. 8.00 Oakland-California Towel Company 6.00 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 City of Oakland - City Hall 9.75 City of Oakland - Purchasing 1.20 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 24.46 Pacific Pump Supply Co. 1.14 Pelican Pure Water Co. 6.40 The Interstate Co. 5.85 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 168.85 St. Clair Building 32.50 Union Machine Works 42.60 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1,653.26 East Bay Municipal Utility District 588.09 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 62.35 Oakland Chamber of Commerce 299.59 R. N. Ricketts 7.76 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Pacific Coast Engineering Co. 1,125.00 Warden and Forsythe 1,794.7? Schuler and McDonald, Inc. 27,731.15 Central Construction Co. 899.86 Chester A. Bray 139.40 American Brass and Copper Supply Co. 3.25 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 16.00 Columbia Wood and Metal Preservative Co. 123.75 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 98.29 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 368.25 The Electric Corporation 24.1? Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 7.27 Hill Morton Inc. 29.40 T. P. Hogan Co. 201.88 S. T. Johnson Co. 26.00 Linde Air Products Company-Pacific Coast 8.25 Maxwell Hardware Co. 14.84 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 6.16 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 373.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1,761.68 California State Automobile Association 90.00 Western Clay Products Company 2.31 Joe Triberti F. Massaro 16.00 Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc. 16.95 Standard Oil Company of California 5.94 W. R. Sibbett Co. Inc. 5.25 Oakland Building Material Company 6.20 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 71.76 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 170.23 Smith Hardware Company 7.16 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 31.36 Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 9,123.72 San Leandro Rock Co. 1.061.10 Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund 226 9,925.51 $62,445.69"



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the construction of superstructure other than steel for the Inland Waterways Terminal be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed pro- posals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with the AMERICAN DREDGING COMPANY, a corporation, for the dredging and removing of all pile stubs from the slip for Inland Waterways Terminal, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Monday, April 13th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the demand, in the amount of $300.00, of the Edward R. Bacon Company for the alleged rental to the Port Department of a McCormick- Deering Industrial Tractor from August 28th, 1930 to December 24th, 1930, be and the same is hereby rejected for the reason that this Board never contracted with the said company for the rental of any such tractor."



RESOLVED that a leave of absence heretofore granted to H. E. Anderson, Maintenance Electrician (Section 7.547, Port Ordinance No. 8) from March 19th, 1931 to and including April 15th, 1931, on account of an appendicitis opera- tion, be and the same is hereby approved, said leave to be with full pay."



RESOLVED that the President of the Board of Port Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute a supplemental agreement with the United States of America for the purpose of releasing a part of the quarters now occupied by the Weather Bureau at the Oakland Municipal Airport under a previous agreement between the City of Oakland and the United States of America."



RESOLVED that pursuant to Port Ordinance No. 118 amending Port Ordinance No. 103 and the request of the Western Pacific Railroad Company for permission to make running repairs to its piers, slips and other properties in use in its public utility business, which ordinarily amount to an average of $2,000.00 per month, such permit be and the same is hereby granted."



RESOLVED that pursuant to Port Ordinance No. 118 amending Port Ordinance No. 103 and the request of the Southern Pacific Company for permission to make running repairs to its piers, slips and other properties in use in its public utility business, which ordinarily amount to an average of 3,000.00 per month, such permit be and the same is hereby granted."



RESOLVED, that the action of the President of this Board and the Port Mana- ger in arranging with the Oakland Chamber of Commerce to send Mr. Edwin G. Wil- cox, Manager of its traffic department and rate expert, to Washington, D. C. to there argue before the Interstate Commerce Commission the matter of the appli- cation for an adjustment of the interstate rail rates on offshore traffic, and in agreeing on behalf of this Board to reimburse the Chamber to the extent of 300.00 for the expenses incurred in such a trip, upon the production of proper vouchers, be and the same is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the demand of the said Oakland Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $299.59, accompanied by suitable vouchers, covering a portion of the expenses of such trip, be and the same is hereby allowed and approved, and the Auditor is hereby directed to draw his warrant against the City Treasury in said amount of 299.59 in favor of the said Oakland Chamber of Commerce."

Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE ADDING ITEM NO. 267 TO PORT ORDIN-

ANCE NO. 60" was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor;

Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent, Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits;

E. B. Stone, Ir. - leasing of small area of tideland, at Airport;

Parr Terminal Co. - lease with Pacific Freight Lines Co;

Report on investment of surplus funds; CtA San Francisco Chronicle - request for advertisement..



of the


Held on Monday, March 30, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of March 23, 1931, were approved and


Application of the West Coast Propeller Service for lean-to hangar space at

Oakland Municipal Airport for the purpose of servicing all kinds of airplane pro-

pellers, was laid on the table.

Communication from Pacific Air Transport endorsing application of West Coast

Propeller Service, was filed.

Communication from the Carlton Company, manufacturers of garages, enclosing

affidavit and release on claims of Mary Elizabeth Cherryman and Aba Cherryman Ker-

ner on garages sold to Port of Oakland, was filed.

Communication from United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company of San Fran-

cisco, submitting bill in the amount of $913.83, representing one-half of the

charge for the surety bond written for M. B. McGowan, contractor on the construc-

tion of the substructure of the Inland Waterways Terminal at the foot of Webster

Street, was read, and the Port Attorney directed to advise the company that the

premium on this bond would be paid through the Oakland Association of Insurance


Co u unication from California Odd Fellow soliciting advertisement for its

"Golden State Edition", to be published during the convention in San Francisco, in

April, was read and request denied.

Application of Associated Oil Company for lean-to hangar space at Oakland Municipal Airport, was approved and the Port Manager authorized to expend the sum of a pproximately $100.00 to install a false ceiling in the space assigned to the com- pany.

Communications from Libby, McNeill Libby taking exception to the manner in which several cars of pineapple had been loaded into cars at the Outer Harbor Term-

inal, were referred to the Port Committee.

Statement or income and expenses affecting Harbor Maintenance and Improvement

Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, was filed.

Communication from Southern Pacific Company stating that switching operations

in the Outer Harbor area was being given consideration by said company and the Key

System Ltd., was filed.

Communication from Richmond Industrial Commission inviting President Fisher to an inspection trip of Richmond Inner Harbor on April 2, was read, and the Port Man- ager directed to advise the Secretary of said commission that some member of the Port

Commission would be glad to accompany them on this expedition.

Communication from Dr. W. L. Bell, addressed to President Fisher, complimenting the Port Commission on the good work it has done, was filed.

Communication from the Western Pacific Railroad Company expressing appreciation for granting application to said railroad company to make running repairs to their ferry slips, was filed.

Communication from Edward R. Bacon Company withdrawing its claim in the amount of $300.00 for temporary use of one of its tractors at the Outer Harbor, was filed.

Communication from the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los.Angeles, enquiring whether the Oakland Port Commission had been requested to support the

Pacific Travel Association, Ltd., and if so, the amount the Port Commission had sub- scribed towards the support of this organization, was filed.

Communication from U. S. Coast Guard making application for berthing space at the Ninth Avenue Pier for berthing one of its vessels at the $40.00 per month rent- ing charge, was approved.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co., advising that the plans of the pro- posed additional warehouse to be constructed adjacent to Warehouse "A" had been checked and found satisfactory.

Communication from the City Engineer of Berkeley transmitting tentative plan for a unified harbor development north of the Key Route Mole, was filed.

Telegram from the Second Assistant Post Master General, approving the special stamping of air mail on the occasion of the inauguration of a new schedule of air mail service from Oakland Municipal Airport on April 1, 1931, was filed.

Copy of telegram sent by President Fisher to Mr. Swan relative to statement issued by the Board relative to the proposed Freeholders Charter, was filed. OU4 I

Mr. Albert Miller, whose son, an employee of D. C. Warren Company, was killed at the Oakland Municipal Airport last year, appeared before the Board. Mr. Miller wanted to know whether it were possible for him to recover compensation on account of the death of his son. The matter was referred to Mr. Pendleton and Attorney


The Port Manager reported that Mr. Van Horne, of the Encinal Teliainal had made application to lease Ninth Avenue Pier. The Port Manager further reported that he had advised Mr. Van Horne that this pier facility could not be so assigned to the

Encinal Terminal.

The Port Attorney reported that the hearing on the widening of First Street to be held before the City Council had been postponed until April 6, 1931.

The Port Manager reported that the Longview Dredging and Construction Com- pany would commence the work of widening the entrance channel to the Outer Har- bor on April 3, the spoils to be deposited in the North Harbor area.

The Port Manager reported that unencumbered cash in the Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund as of March 28, 1931, was $89,570.62, and that the total estimated unencumbered Fund Resources was $413,090.00.

The Port Manager reported that the Unencumbered Cash Balance in the Capital

Fund as of March 28, 1931, was $132,643.50.

Mr. Leet reported that he had had a conversation with Mr. M. K. Miller, Civil

Engineer, regarding his proposition to furnish certain information relative to the waterfront properties of the City of Oakland. The Port Attorney was directed to inform Mr. Miller that the Board could not enter into a contract with him on the terms suggested.

Supplementary report of the Port Manager on the necessity of providing ware- house facilities at the Outer Harbor, was laid on the table.

The Port Attorney made verbal report on the hearing before the State Rail- road Commission on the Auto Bus Service to the Oakland Municipal Airport.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Ocimmittee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

LEASED WHARF IMPROVENITI FUND: Sunset Lumber Company 9 534.03 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 4.56 C. W. Abbott Company 5.03 American Manganese Steel Co. 453.50 American Brass and Copper Supply Co. 4.15 Advance Electric Company 11.18 Chester A. Bray 133.84 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 1.76 Blake, Moffitt Towne 18.38 Bay City Iron Works 273.50 Bank of America Building 883.80 Cochran Celli 593.50 Crane Co. 1.08 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 27.96 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 4.40 Durant Sales Service Co. 11.57 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 10.00 Daahl Thorns 9.07 Fairbanks, Morse Co. 10.18 Dieterich-Post Co. 3.97 Charles Derleth, Jr. 200.00 Dohner Galbraith 11.98 Dean Lippi .82 Pacific Shipper 68.00 Patrick and Moise-Klinkner Co. 13.00 Joseph Pierotti Co. 4.08 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company .38 Robinson Tractor Company 6.00 Rice Son 27.00 W. R. Sibbett Co. Inc. 5.36 Soule Steel Company 21.17 Strable Hardwood Company 88.00 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 26.73 D. A. Sargent Co. 85.00 Superior Welding Works 2.50 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 3.50 Schirrwacher Co. 4.90 Sullivan Sullivan 1.90 Smith Hardware Company 2.73 E. T. Saake 9.50 B. Simon Hardware Co. 1.45 Smith Brothers 34.50 Clyde Sunderland Studios 28.00 Standard Oil Company of California 218.40 The Tribune Publishing Co. 2.56 Union Pacific Laundry 1.50 United Iron Works 36.00 Wylie Wells Kelley 480.00 The Western Union Telegraph Company 5.72 Wonderlite Neon Products Co. Ltd. 22.50 The Weed Control Company 5.00 Western Building Forum 7.50 Fred Wuescher Son 3.00 Washington-Lincoln Garage 23.60 Western Clay Products Company 3.08 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 40.42 Yawman and Erbe Mfg. Co. 7.00 Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc. 1.05 E. D. Bullard Company 45.92 The Carlton Company 806.40 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,172.50 • TT Engineering Department 1,635.00 - New Construction 660.00 - Traffic Operating 1,363.79 - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,475.50 • VP - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,865.00 - Airport 737.50 Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 - General Waterfront 1,077.00 - Dredge 2,762.66 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 3,201.96 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 1,266.30 California Appraisal Company, Inc. 210.95 Thos. H. Moore 136.70 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 1,827.67 Hutchinson Co. 1,350.98 :27,245.12" "RESOLUTION NO. 2032


RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the grading of the dredged filled area east of Warehouse "B", Oakland, California, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City of Oakland with the Standard Oil Com- pany of California permitting the company to occupy the northwest corner of Seventh and "B" Streets, Outer Harbor, for the purpose of landscaping the same in connection with the operation of its service station on the opposite northeast corner, said agreement to continue for a period of six months and thereafter on a month to month basis at a rental of $25.00 per month in accordance with the terms and provisions of the written agreement as approved by the Port Attorney and this day submitted to the Board for consideration."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to exe- cute an agreement with Hill and Morton, Inc., a corporation, renewing for a period of one year commencing April 1st, 1931, the lease of certain build- ings on Dennison Street Wharf executed April 1st, 1930, and also renewing for the same period that certain agreement of same date rendering available to said lessee services of Dock Foreman on said wharf."



RESOLVED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, a municipal corporation of the State of California, that authority be secured from the United States Customs Service, Treasury Department, to store im- ported dutiable and other merchandise under bond in the terminal facilities of the Port of Oakland.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. Ralph T. Fisher, as the President of this Board, and Mr. G. B. Hegardt, as the Secretary thereof, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute a surety bond in the amount of $25,000.00 with the Continental Casualty Company of Chicago, a corporation, for and on behalf of the City of Oakland and the Board of Port Commissioners of said city, in accordance with the regulations of the Treasury Department, United States of America.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be for- warded to the Treasury Department, together with the application for such authority to store in bond."

Port Ordinance No. 120 being, "AN ORDINANCE ADDING ITEM NO. 267 TO PORT

ORDINANCE NO. 60", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote: oJk_VTIT AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous

meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor;

Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson patent suits

E. B. Stone, Tr. - leasing of small area of tideland at Airport;

Parr Terminal Co. - lease with Pacific Freight Lines Co.;

Report on investment of surplus funds;

San Francisco Chronicle - request for advertisement.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2019 and advertising for five consecutive days in

the citys official newspaper, bids for Marine Type Combination Cargo Hoist and Ramp

at Inland Waterways Terminal were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.

At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were

publicly opened:




Otis Elevator Company $14,885.00 $1,600.00

Colby Steel Engineering Co. 10,475.00 1,106.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port

Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.


of the


Held on Monday, April 6, 191, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of March 30, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Allan C. Rush of Los Angeles, California, proposing the construction of a suspension bridge between Rincon Hill and East Bay, was filed.

Communication from Walter G. Tibbitts regarding the removal of Government

Island, was filed.

Communication from Lt. Col. R. S. Thomas, U. S. District Engineer, San Fran- cisco, approving of the Longview Dredging and Construction Company constructing a trestle across the old entrance channel of the Outer Harbor, was filed.

Communication from Dr. Charles Derleth, Jr. congratulating the Port Commission on the outcome of the recent city election, was filed.

Communication from Oakland Chamber of Commerce endorsing stand of the Port Com- mission regarding the removal of Government Island, was filed.

Communication from the Airport Manager of the Saint Louis, Missouri, Municipal

Airport requesting information regarding the operation of Oakland Municipal Air- port restaurant and hotel, was filed.

Communication from Lee S. Kerfoot stating that the Board of Park Directors at this time were not interested in acquiring a certain piece of land on the east side of Lake Merritt canal for Park purposes, was filed.

Communication from the City of Tampa, Florida, advising that the City of Tampa had been sued recently by the Dock and Terminal Company for infringement of the

Ferguson Patent for construction, and asking whether the Oakland. Port Commission had been similarly sued, was filed.

Communication from the New York Forwarder Publishing Company of New York City making a request for advertisement in its publication, was referred to the Port

Manager for report.

Communication from the Oakland Chamber of Commerce enclosing copy of letter from the Placer County Chamber of Commerce regarding the construction of cold stor- )ii

age facilities in the Oakland Harbor, was referred to the Port Manager, who stated

that a meeting of the Harbor Committee of the Chamber of Commerce would be held at

an early date to consider this matter.

Communication from P. G. Johnson, President Boeing Air Transport, stating that

his company was not willing to participate in financing a bus line between the Oak-

land Municipal Airport and Melrose Station, was filed.

Communication from George H. Wilhelm, Commissioner of Public Works, advising

that he had written Senator Breed urging that said Bill No. 565, providing for the

adjustment of tideland rights in the Inner Harbor in connection with construction

there of a new Garbage Wharf, be passed, was filed.

Communication from George E. Russell, Aero-Photographic Specialist, offering

to sell to the Board a set of four aerial maps covering shore line from the north

boundary of Emeryville to south end of Oakland Municipal Airport for the sum of

$150.00, was read and the Port Manager authorized to incur this expense.

Messrs. Rothchild and Higgins, of Rosenberg Bros. Co., appeared before the

Port Commission in connection with the construction of additional warehouse space

for said company. A tentative agreement, prepared by the Port Attorney covering the

lease of said proposed warehouse, was discussed and the Port Attorney directed to

further confer with Rosenberg Bros. Co. as to the final details of said agreement

prior to its bein g advertised for public bidding.

Mr. W. A. Hanscom, of the Longview Dredging and Construction Company, appeared

before the Board in connection with a dredge pipe line being carried across the old

entrance channel to Oaklands Outer Harbor. Mr. Hanscom agreed to carry such pipe

line across said channel on pontoons instead of by fixed trestle.

The Port Attorney made verbal report on the widening of First Street, progress

of Parr suit, placing of insurance upon Airport Buses, Aviation Bills before the

Legislature and present status of Merritt Estate interest in Clay Street Pier.

The matter of securing additional office space in Oakland Bank Building for a

staff of the Commission, was referred to the Port Co ittee.

Recommendation of the Port Manager that the pay of R. N. Ricketts, Chief Account-

ant, be increased from $275.00 to $300.00 per month, was referred to the Port Com-


The Board approved draft of letter to be sent to M. K. Miller, Civil Engineer,

in connection with his proposal to furnish the Board with certain information re-

garding Oakland waterfront lands.

Report of the Port Manager for the month of March, was filed.

The report of the Port Manager on the sale of additional bonds, was referred

to the Port Committee. Reports of the Accountant on status of Harbor Maintenance end Improvement fund and Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund, were filed.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Geo. H. Nash 163.80 All-Tread Tire Service Corp. 33.94 American Brass and Copper Supply Co. .99 American Surgical Sales Co., Ltd. 66.90 Blake, Moffitt Towne 6.31 Buswell Paint Co., Inc. 2.35 Borchert Graham 2.06 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 11.76 California Steel Company 7.96 Construction Methods 2.00 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 28.35 Cochran Celli 32.04 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 2.20 San Francisco, Chamber of Commerce 10.00 Contractors Machinery Exchange 20.00 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 8.29 City of Oakland - City Hall 455.92 Durant Sales Service Co. 1.32 Geo. A. Attwood 5.16 Ditto Incorporated 2.08 Dieterich-Post Company 1.76 The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 9.00 East Bay Municipal Utility District 2.58 East Bay Sand and Gravel Company 4.50 C. Frauneder 21.25 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 55.10 Goodhue Printing Company 36.50 General Office Equipment Corporation 6.75 T. P. Hogan Co. 2.35 Hutchinson Co. 280.51 Heiden Auto Rent Service, Ltd. 22.50 E. R. Hatherly Company,2.75 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 2.00 Geo. B. Green 13.58 C. H. Jenkins Company 4.00 The A. Lietz Co. 13.14 Lawton Williams 20.75 Lawrence Warehouse Company .52 The Lincoln Press 34.00 Chas. Matthews 14.15 Merchant Calculating Machine Company 4.45 Maxwell Hardware Co. 6.91 C. L. Moody 14.78 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 113.81 National Lead Company 31.58 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 283.60 Oakland Building Material Company 12.47 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland Sanitary Products Co. 1.60 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 17.21 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 1.18 A. S. Titus 4.80 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 49.07 Pacific Pipe Company 14.00 Joseph Pierotti Co. 1.70 Robinson Tractor Company 7.00 Rice Son 3.00 Standard Oil Company of California 44.55 Standard Gas Engine Company 1.47 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 31.36 Sterling Press 13.47 Smith Brothers 27.69 Smith Hardware Company 9.46 The Tribune Publishing Co. 220.08 United Iron Works 177.50 Union Machine Works 1.25 Union Oil Company of California 14.00 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 59.97 Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc. 4.23 Flexaml Sign Mfg: Company 2.45 Fageol Motors Sales Co. .92 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 77.68 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Acme Welding Co. 3.75 A. Bercovich Co. 307.81 Bowie Switch Company 40.38 California Corrugated Culvert Co. 453.00 Empier Foundry Co., Inc. 11.76 Gardner Electric Manufacturing Co. 80.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 46.62 General Electric Supply Corporation 227.31 T. P. Hogan Co. 31.36 Robert W. Hunt Company 70.28 Hill Morton Inc. 121.32 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 447.86 Maxwell Hardware Co. 14.35 East Bay Spraying Company 89.42 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 227.80 The Tribune Publishing Co. 12.54 Dutton Dredge Co. Ltd. 379.50 Hutchinson Co. 450.32 $5,879.74"



RESOLVED that the contract dated January 31st, 1931 with the Duncanson- Harrelson Co. for the construction of a pipe line trestle and power pole line in the Outer Harbor having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



WHEREAS, it is necessary and convenient for the promotion and accommodation of shipping and commerce that an additional warehouse building be erected on the western waterfront in the rear of and adjacent to Warehouse "A" upon a por- tion of land now leased to Rosenberg Bros. Co., a corporation, pursuant to that certain lease dated February 28, 1929, and this Board has entered into negotiations with the said Rosenberg Bros. Co. and has arranged for the ac- quisition from said corporation of a relinquishment of sufficient land from said lease in order that the City of Oakland may erect such a building upon the same and enter into a lease thereof, upon competitive bidding as required by law, and

WHEREAS, preliminary plans, drawings, specifications and estimates of cost for the construction of such warehouse building has been prepared under the direction of the Port Manager and Chief Engineer.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said preliminary plans, drawings, specifications and estimates of costs be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said preliminary plans, drawings, specifica- tions and estimates of cost shall be signed by the President of the Board of Port Commissioners and by the Port Manager and Chief Engineer and shall be marked "Preliminary plans, drawings, specifications and estimates of cost of proposed warehouse AA referred to in paragraph 3 of proposed lease of property of the City of Oakland near its Fourteenth Street Wharf Terminal (sometimes called the Outer Harbor Terminal)" and that the originals of the same shall be filed with this Board of Port Commissioners.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said warehouse building to be erected shall be henceforth known and designated as "Warehouse AA" and that bids for the construction of said building shall be called for as directed by this Board."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to W. J. Masterson, Chief Wharfinger, and which by Resolution No. 2001 was extended to and in- cluding April 6th, 1931, be and the same is hereby extended, without compen- sation, to and including May 11, 1931."



RESOLVED that the bond of William Powell Smidt, Assistant Accountant, in the amount of two thousand and no/100ths DOLLARS (2,000), executed by the Continental Casualty Company, is hereby approved and the premium on said bond authorized to be paid."



BE IT RESOLVED that all the acts and things done by Mr. Ralph T. Fisher as President of this Board of Port Commissioners, from the time of his elec- tion as such President on September 4th, 1928, pursuant to Resolution No. 716, be and the same are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the term of said officer shall continue henceforth until July 10th, 1931 and the appointment Of his successor or his reelection."


ORDINANCE NO. 60", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Coimuissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

Application of the San Francisco Chronicle for advertisement in its special edition to be published during the month of April, was denied.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor;

Port Attorney - investment of surplus funds;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits;

E. B. Stone, Jr. - lease on small parcel of tideland at Airport; q...) I sj,

Parr Terminal Co. - lease with Pacific Freight Lines Co.;

Report on investment of surplus funds;

Application of West Coast Propeller Service for hangar lean-to space;

Supplemental report on necessity for warehouse facilities - Outer Harbor - by Port Commission.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2032 and advertising for five consecutive days in

the Citys official newspaper, bids for Grading Dredged Filled Area East of Ware-

house "B" were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of

4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:




Ariss-Knapp Co. .33 $1,650.00 $300.00

Heafey-Moore Co. .349 1,745.00 175.00

Paris Bros. .405 2,025.00 210.00

A. J. Grier .389 1,945.00 250.00

Lee J. Dmnel .35 1,750.00 200.00

George J. Freitas .44 2,200.00 500.00

Jack Casson .37 1,850.00 300.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port

Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, April 13, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m. due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building. Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1- The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of April 6, 1931, as amended, were approved and ,S adopted.

Correspondence between President F isher and Libby, McNeill Libby to Senator

Breed and his replies regarding the Tideland Bill now before the Legislature, were filed.

Communication from W. B. Shields, Manager of the Airport Inn, requesting that toilet facilities be installed in the living quarters of the restaurant to make more guest room space available at the Airport Inn, was granted, and the Port Manager authorized to expend the sum of approximately $55.00 for this purpose.

Communication from W. B. Shields, Manager of the Airport Inn and Restaurant, requesting that a wooden floor be put into one of the garages leased by the Inter- state Company, to be used as a gymnasium for the Airport Inn guests, was denied.

Communication from the Sutter County Farmer soliciting advertisement for its

"Golden Jubilee" edition to be printed about April 24, 1931, was denied.

Communication from the Superintendent of Lighthouses, San Francisco, advising that, effective April 9, 1931, and continuing for about four months thereafter, the channel leading west of Oakland Outer Harbor be closed to navigation by dredge dis- charge pipe, was filed.

Copy of communication sent by the Oakland Chamber of Commerce to the Manager of the Placer County Chamber of Commerce regarding cold storage facilities for the

East Bay section, was filed.

Communication from the Interstate Company, Head Office, Chicago, asking for modification of the rental clause in the Airport Inn agreement, was referred to the

Port Committee.

Communication from Rear Admiral W. A. Moffett, U. S. Navy commending the Port

Cmumission on the splendid facilities furnished the Navy and by the Airport as a whole, and more particularly as to the foresight of the Board in establishing sea- plane facilities, was filed.

Copy of ccmmnnication by President Fisher to the Commissioner of Streets regard- ing the widening of First Street and the Commissioners reply thereto, were filed.

Communication from RosenbergBros. Co. approving proposed location of res- taurant at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from Southern Pacific Company, advising that authority had been. granted to construct a spur track at the Oakland Airport adjacent to the Airport wharf, was filed.

Telegram from Pacific Airmotive Corporation stating that arrangement had been made with P. J. Griscon for authorized propeller shop at Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Memorandum from Mr. Roscoe D. Jones, furnished by Mr. Hohfeld, Attorney for

Parr Terminal Company, giving information regarding rentals, investment and income of Parr Terminal Companys leasehold at the Outer Harbor, was referred to the Port


Communication from Harrison Robinson, addressed to Mr. Pendleton, regarding the

Merritt Estate property at the foot of Webster Street, was referred to the Port Com- mittee.

The Secretary reported that, as directed by the Board at its last meeting, he had mailed to Mn M. K. Miller a communication rejecting the latters offer, as set forth in his letters of March 7th and 19th, relative to the disclosure of alleged information concerning waterfront properties. The Secretary also stated that on

April 9th he had received from Mr. Miller a registered sealed envelope containing certain unknown matter and that he had promptly returned the envelope without open- ing it by registered mail.

The Secretary then stated that a further. communication had been received by Mr.

R. A. Leet on April 13th shortly before the convening of the Board meeting. Upon opening the letter there was found to be enclosed a letter to the Board dated April

13th, 1931 and certain folded papers. Upon the letter being read aloud by the Pres- ident, the Board determined that it could not accept the offer as set forth. The

Port Attorney advised that to do so might subject the city to litigation for alleged compensation arising out of any legal position which the Board might hereafter assume, notwithstanding such legal position might be based upon knowledge acquired by the

Board or its attorney or other officers during the past years of its organization or through the previous contact of its members with the city affairs, or which might hereafter be acquired through other independent sources.

For these reasons, and others discussed by it, the Board determined that it should have nothing to do with the offer, and caused the papers which had been en- closed with Mr. Millers letter to be resealed in an envelope in the presence of the

Board, without the said contents having been read or examined by any person. There- upon the Board at once dictated a letter to Mr. Miller again rejecting his offer and directed it to be sent by registered mail, together with said envelope and its un- known contents.

The report of the Port Manager on cost of proposed two-story warehouse for the

Outer Harbor Terminal and revenues that may be expected to accrue from its operation by the - Port Commission, was filed. The Port Committee, to which had been referred the matter of constructing a warehouse in the Outer Harbor, to be operated directly by the Port Commission, ver- bally reported that it was in favor of the construction of a two-story warehouse, having ground dimensions of 230 x 280. The report of the Port Committee was adopted and the Port Manager authorized to proceed at once with the preparation of plans and specifications for such a warehouse. The Port Committee, to which had been referred the matter of increasing the pay of the Chief Accountant of the Board, reported favorably that the pay be in- creased from $275.00 per month to $300.00 per month. An ordinance providing for such increase of pay will be presented to the Board at the meeting of April 20,


The Port Manager reported that the cash balance in the Harbor Maintenance and

Improvement Fund as of April 10, 1931, was $63,771.10 and the Fund Resources

$406,469.22. The Port Manager also reported that the cash in the Harbor Improve- ment Fund as of April 10, 1931, was $101,736.46.

The Port Manager made verbal report on conference with Col. Robins, U. S.

Division Engineer, regarding development of Brooklyn Basin as proposed by him, and also on the removal of the wreck "Simla" and the return of the $197,000.00 advanced by the Board to the War Department for the widening of the new entrance channel to the Outer Harbor.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims end demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners end the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Chester A. Bray 73.52 Bendell Co. 36.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 18.62 The Cameron Company 27.51 American Bitumuls Company 10.00 Edgar W. Anderson Company 9.50 The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 6.80 City of Oakland - City Hall 179.79 Durant Sales Service Co. 4.75 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 49.45 Fry-Sayers Co. 2.25 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 3.84 General Office Equipment Corporation 5.75 Goodhue Printing Company 85.75 The Inter-City Express 1.50 Elliot Duck Air Services 90.00 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 5.69 The A. Lietz Co. 3.72 Monroe Calculating Machine Company, Inc. 4.00 C. L. Moody 3.09 Elmhurst Motors .72 Maxwell Hardware Co. 3.97 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 1.20 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 61.74 Peck Hills Furniture to. 8.00 Pacific Shipper 85.00 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 1.80 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 100.17 Clyde Sunderland Studios 5.00 I 17

Sterling Press 3.50 Strable Hardwood Company 6.48 Smith Brothers 5.63 Schirrmacher Co. 2.75 Standard Oil Company of California 52.83 The Tribune Publishing Co. 2.00 Union Pacific Laundry 2.75 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 1.81 Western States Grocery Company 1.80 Whitthorne Swan 3.00 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. .96 Haskins Sells 475.00 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,169.16 - Engineering Department 1,635.00 " " - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 Tt - Grove and Market St. Piers 1,473.00 tt 9T - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,865.00 - Airport 737.50 tt - New Construction 628.00 o - Dredge 2,721.50 n n - General Waterfront 967.78 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Electric Corporation 56.47 E. H. Edwards Company 42.87 Joe Feeney 40.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 35.66 Hill Morton Inc. 67.86 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 19.66 Schirrmacher Co. .75 Standard Oil Company of California 11.88 Smith Hardware Company 5.98 Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund 226 9,218.84 $24,684.55"



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with the AMERICAN DREDGING COMPANY, a corporation, for the dredging and removing of all pile stubs from the slip for Inland Waterways Terminal., be and the same is hereby extended to and including Thursday, April 30th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the contract for the removal of excess fill from the warehouse site to the east of Warehouse "B" and the depositing of same in the area desig- nated as a dumping site east of Warehouse "A", be and the same is hereby awarded to ARISS-KNAPP CO., a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed April 6th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful perfor mance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the proced- ure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby auth- orized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."



WHEREAS, the Board of Port Commissioners has entered into negotiations with Rosenberg Bros. Co. for the quit claiming to the City of Oakland by said Corporation, of a portion of land upon the western waterfront which is now subject to lease to said corporation by that certain lease dated February 28, 1929, and

WHEREAS, a form of an agreement has been negotiated with said corporation and approved by the Port Attorney which is as follows, to wit:


THIS AGRITMIENT , made and dated the day of April, 1931, by and be- tween the BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS of the CITY OF OJIt.1IID (a municipal cor- poration. of the State of California) acting for and on behalf of said City of Oakland, as first party, and ROSENBERG BROS. CO., a corporation, as second party,

WHEREAS, said City of Oakland has heretofore leased to the second party hereto certain property on or near the western water front of the City of Oak- land by a lease dated February 28, 1929, (hereinafter called the "Rosenberg lease") which Rosenberg lease was awarded by Port Ordinance No. 22 of said Board of Port Commissioners adopted A pril 16, 1928, and

WHEREAS, the following-described parcel of land (hereinafter referred to as "Parcel 1"), namely,

Commencing at the intersection of the southerly boundary line of Fourteenth Street as said Fourteenth Street is located and de- scribed by Ordinance No. 3050 N.S. of the City of Oakland, with a line drawn parallel to and distant westwardly 1135 feet (meas,. ured at right angles) from the low tide line of 1852, as said low tide line was agreed upon and located by Ordinance No. 3099 of said City of Oakland and running thence south 39° 51 40" west parallel to said agreed low tide line a distance of 518.45 feet; thence north 83° 06 west, parallel to said southerly boundary line of Fourteenth Street a distance of 278.29 feet to a point on a line drawn parallel to and distant 14.56 feet eastwardly from the easterly wall of the concrete platform adjoining the building known as "Warehouse A"; thence north 39° 51 40" east parallel to said concrete platform a distance of 518.45 feet to the said southerly boundary line of Fourteenth Street; thence o south 83 06 east along the said southerly boundary line of Fourteenth Street a distance of 278.29 feet to the point of com- mencement and containing 2,779 acres, is a part of the land now subject to said Rosenberg lease and is unimproved except that there are located thereon a water well, a pumphouse, a water tank and certain equipment connected therewith and appurtenances thereof, includ- ing motors, pump and water pipes, which are appurtenances of, and are by the second party used in connection with, the building known as Warehouse A lo- cated on land subject to said Rosenberg lease which lies westerly of Parcel 1 and which building is occupied by the second party as the Lessee under said Rosenberg lease, and

WHEREAS, it is necessary and convenient for the promotion and accommoda- tion of commerce and navigation that a warehouse building be erected on said Parcel 1 in accordance with plans and specifications therefor heretofore adopted by the said first party, and

WHEREAS, the first party desires to erect said warehouse building on said Parcel 1 and to lease said land and building for the accommodation and promotion of commerce and navigation, and to that end desires to arrange that the second party shall quit claim to said City of Oakland (subject to certain exceptions and reserved rights) all of its leasehold rights, titles and in- terests in and to said Parcel 1 acquired or held by it under said Rosenberg lease, and

WHEREAS, as shown by paragraph 26 of said Rosenberg lease the part of the annual rental payable under said Rosenberg lease which represents rental for the area of 7.165 acres of land subject to said Rosenberg lease (as dis- tinguished from that part of the annual rental payable under said lease, which was determined by the cost of the buildings erected pursuant to said Rosen- berg lease) is the annual sum of $8,598.00, and the proportion of said last- mentioned sum properly and ratably apportionable to the 2.779 acres included in Parcel 1 would be an annual sum of $3,354.80, and a fair annual rental for said 2.779 acres on such basis after allowance for the value of all rights to be excepted or reserved in the quit claim deed herein provided for would be an annual sum of $3,000.00, and WHEREAS, the parties contemplate that the warehouse building which the first party intends to construct on Parcel 1 will be completed and ready for occupancy on or about August 1, 1931 (it being understood that the first party makes no representation or guaranty to that effect), and

WHEREAS, the first party intends to offer to lease said Parcel 1 and said building so to be erected thereon for a term commencing on the date when such building shall be completed and ready for occupancy and ending upon the expira- tion of the term of said Rosenberg lease, to-wit, deptember 15, 1939, and

WHEREAS, the net value es of August 1, 1931 of an annual rental at the rate of $3,000.00, payable in monthly installments in advance on the first day of each month for the period commencing August 1, 1931 and ending September 15, 1939, computed at a discount rate of 5% per annum, which is a fair and reason- able rate, would be the sum of $20,164.14.


The parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1. The first party agrees that it will without delay proceed to solicit bids in accordance with law for a lease of said Parcel 1 and of said warehouse building it intends to construct thereon for a term commencing upon the comple- tion of such building and ending on September 15, 1939 under a lease the form of which (with necessary and appropriate changes) shall be substantially that of the Rosenberg lease.

2. The second party agrees that it will within fifteen days from the date hereof deposit in escrow with the Bank of America at its office on the north- east corner of Twelfth Street and Broadway in the City of Oakland a quit claim deed by its terms quit claiming to the first party all lease hold rights, titles and interests in and to Parcel 1 acquired and held by the second party under said Rosenberg lease, excepting and reserving, however, to the second party, its successors and assigns, the right and easement at ell times during the contin- uance in force of said Rosenberg lease to maintain, clean, deepen, repair, operate and use exclusively, the water well heretofore constructed and now on said Parcel 1 and to maintain, repair, replace, operate and use exclusively the pumphouse located at or near said well, and all equipment and appurtenances thereof, including motors, pumps, tanks, pipes and pipe lines, together with the right to remove the tank now located on said Parcel 1 to a new location on said Parcel 1 which shall be substantially that designated as a location there- for under "Scheme A" on a certain map of "Outer Harbor Terminal Warehouse east of Warehouse A" dated January 24, 1931, heretofore approved by said Board of Port Commissioners, and, together with the right and easement to lay, maintain, repair, replace, operate and use exclusively such water pipe lines as may from time to time be necessary or useful to connect said well, pumphouse and tank or any of them, with the building commonly known as Warehouse A now occupied by the second party under said Rosenberg lease, together with the right at any time and from time to time during the continuance in force of said Rosenberg lease, to enlarge such water tank or to construct additional water tanks on any part of Parcel 1 not then occupied by buildings or other structures and to con- nect the same with said pumphouse and well and with said Warehouse A by any water pipe lines that may be necessary or useful, together with the right at all times during the continuance in force of said Rosenberg lease to enter on and upon said Parcel 1 and into any building located thereon with laborers, tools and materials, to care for, operate, maintain, repair and/or use any of the facilities, equipment or appurtenances herein mentioned, and to do thereon such work as may be necessary, proper or useful for any such purpose.

3. Upon delivering said quit claim deed in escrow to said Bank of America the second party shall deliver to said Bank of America a letter of instructions signed by the second party directing said Bank of America as escrow holder to hold such deed in escrow and make delivery or return thereof as follows:

(a) If within six months from the date of this agreement the second party shall be by said Board of Port Commissioners declared the successful bid- der for said proposed lease of Parcel 1 and said building to be erected thereon and shall be awarded such lease, and such lease shall be executed by the parties to this agreement, then contemporaneously with the execution of such lease by the parties hereto said escrow holder shall deliver said quit claim deed to the first party hereto.

(b) If within said period of six months from the date hereof a person, firm or corporation other than the second party shall be declared by said Board of Port Commissioners to be the successful bidder for and shall be awarded such lease of Parcel 1 and of said building, to be erected thereon, and such lease shall be executed by the first party and by such successful bidder, then if con- I temporaneously with, or within five days after, the execution of such lease by both parties thereto, the first party hereto shall pay in cash to said escrow holder for the account of the second party hereto, the sum of ;20,164.14, said escrow holder shall thereupon deliver said quit claim deed to said first party hereto and shall pay over said sum of $20,164.14 to said second party hereto.

(c) If neither the conditions set forth in the preceding sub-divi- sion (a) nor those set forth in the preceding sub-division (b) shall be com- plied with and performed on or before the expiration of six months from the date of this agreement, then upon the expiration of said period of six months said escrow holder shall return said quit claim deed to the second party hereto.

4. Nothing herein contained or contemplated hereby is intended to modify or affect the provisions of the Rosenberg lease with respect to the amount of rental payable thereunder by the Lessee or otherwise, except insofar as deliv- ery by the escrow holder of said quit claim deed in accordance herewith may affect the right to the possession and use of Parcel 1 frail and after the date of such delivery, and nothing herein contained nor anything contemplated here- by is intended to or shall affect the rights of the second party as Lessee under said Rosenberg Lease in or to or with respect to any property other than Parcel 1 that is subject to said Rosenberg lease.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument in triplicate the day and year first above written.

CITY OF OAKLAND, a municipal corporation

BY President of the Board of Port Commissioners, Party of the First Part.



ROSENBERG BROS. CO., a corporation,

BY Party of the Second Part



1. The Board of Port Commissioners hereby finds and determines that all of the recitals set forth in the said agreement are true.

2. That the President of this Board is hereby authorized for and in the name of said City of Oakland to sign an agreement with said corporation in substantially the words and figures hereinabove set forth, and the Secretary of this Board is hereby authorized to attest such signing; and that such sign- ing and attestin g shall constitute due execution thereof by said City."



WHEREAS , the Board of Port Commissioners by Resolution No. 2038 passed on April 6, 1931, approved the preliminary plans, drawings, specifications, and estimates of cost for a certain warehouse building to be erected on the western waterfront near the Fourteenth Street Wharf Terminal upon an area of land now subject to a certain lease dated February 28, 1929, made by the Board for and on behalf of the City of Oakland with Rosenberg Bros. Co., a corporation, and

WHERF.As, the Board has entered into an arrangement with the said Rosenberg Bros. Co. for the delivery to the City of Oakland of a quit claim deed subject to certain exceptions and reserved rights of all the leasehold rights, titles and interest of said Lessee in and to the parcel of land upon which said ware- house building to be designated "AA" is proposed to be erected in order that the Board may erect such building and enter into a lease thereof upon competitive bidding at public auction as required by law; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary and convenient for the improvement and develop- ment of the harbor of said City of Oakland and for other uses and purposes con- sistent with the requirements of commerce and navigation of said harbor that said building be leased for the time end subject to the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in the form of said proposed lease hereinafter mentioned; and

WHEREAS, the form of said proposed lease setting forth the time, terms, covenants and conditions of said lease and particularly describing said parcel of land has been prepared under the direction of this Board and approved by the Port Attorney, which form of lease is set forth in the notice of intention hereinafter mentioned,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board receive bids for said lease in open session at its regular meeting room in the Bank of America Building situate at the northeast corner of Twelfth Street and Broadway in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California on Monday, the 20th day of April, 1931, at the hour of 4:30 oclock P. M. of said day and the Secretary of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of intention to make such lease to be published for five (5) days in the official newspaper of said City of Oakland, to wit: "The Oakland Tribune", which notice of inten- tion shall be in substantially the following form to wit:"

(Here is inserted in the original resolution in full the NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE A LEASE TO TEE HIGHEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER COVERING CERTAIN LAND ON OR NEAR THE WESTERN WATERFRONT OF TEE CITY OF OAKLAND, TOGETHER WITH A WAREHOUSE BUILDING TO BE ERECTED THEREON, FOR THE TIME AND PURPOSES AND UPON TEE TERMS, AGREEMENTS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS STATED IN SAID NOTICE, AND INVITING BIDS THEREFOR, which said Notice was duly published as directed by the foregoing resolution April 15th to April 19th, 1931, inclusive, in the Oakland Tribune, the official newspaper of the City.)



WHEREAS,.the Longview Dredging and Construction Company, having been granted a contract by the United States Government, War Department, for the widening of the existing entrance channel to the Outer Harbor of the City of Oakland, will be required to maintain a pipe line for the conveyance of dredge spoils across a portion of the area of the Outer Harbor, including the crossing of the old 250 ft. entrance channel, and WHEREAS, with the permission of this Board, the said company commenced the construction of such pipe line and trestle, \ and at the meeting of April 6th, 1931, Mr. Hanscom, Manager of the said company, appeared before the Board re- questing permission to cross the said old channel and agreed to install a pon- toon pipe line across the same, in lieu of a trestle, upon the understanding that such pontoon pipe line would be removed upon the request of the Board in the event of any obstructions of the new channel, and verbal consent therefor having been at that time granted by the Board,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 213 of the City Charter, the permission granted to the Longview Dredging, end Construction Com- pany to install such pontoon pipe line across the said old channel, under the direction of the Port Manager, upon the condition that the said pontoon pipe line will be promptly removed upon notice from the Port Manager at any time that it may become necessary to the city to open such channel to navigation because of any obstruction to the existing 400 ft. channel now in use, is hereby ratified confirmed and approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board consents to the temporary closing of the old entrance channel, subject to the revocation of such consent, when in its opinion such revocation may become necessary for the purposes of ship- ping and navigation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be for- warded to the Longview Dredging and Construction Company."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a lease with the UNITED STATES Of AMERICA for a period ending June 30th, 1931, subject to the right to renew said agreement from year to year until the first day of February 1934, and subject also to termination upon sixty (60) days notice by either party, for the furnishing to the Department of Commerce of the rooms now occupied and used by it in the Administration Building at the Oakland Municipal Airport for the purposes of maintaining an Airways Teletype Station, said lease agreement to be in the form and subject to the terms of that certain agreement filed with the Board and approved by the Port Attorney."



RESOLVED that the detailed plans and specifications filed this day with the Board for the construction of Warehouse "AA" located in the rear of and adjacent to Warehouse "A", be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FUFTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise from time to time for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as may be required, said proposals to be pub- lished in the manner and at the times provided by law and the bids to be re- ceived by this Board."



RESOLVED that the location of the water tank east of the proposed Ware- house "AA", which is designated "A" or "Scheme A" upon that certain plan entitled "Outer Harbor Terminal Warehouse, east of Warehouse A" as dated January 24, 1931, be and the same is hereby approved."


ORDINANCE NO. 60", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor;

Port Attorney - investment of surplus funds;

Compensation Insurance of Port Employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits; E. B. Stone, Jr. - lease of small parcel of tideland, at Airport;

Parr Terminal Co. - lease with Pacific Freight Lines Co.;

Port Manager - report on investment of surplus funds;

Application of West Coast Propeller Service for space at Airport;

Supplemental report on necessity for warehouse facilities - Outer Harbor - by Port Commission.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2023 and advertising for five consecutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Construction of Transit Shed, Inland Water- ways Terminal, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:





H. J. Christensen $28,167.00 $3,000.00

Geo. Swanstrom 28,880.00 3,000.00

E. T. Leiter Sons 31,500.00 3,200.00

David Nordstrom 29,530.00 3,500.00

E. T. Lesure 30,490.00 3,500.00

R. W. Littlefield 25,789.00 3,000.00

MacDonald Kahn Co. Ltd. 29,299.00 3,500.00

Jacobs and Pattiani 31,400.00 3,300.00

J. B. Petersen 28,453.00 3,000.00

Emil Person 29,838.00 3,050.00

William Spivock 28,021.00 3,000.00

Niles W. Place 32,500.00 3,250.00

Sullivan Sullivan 29,998.00 3,500.00

Schuler McDonald, Inc. 29,500.00 3,500.00

A. Frederick Anderson 27,772.00 3,000.00

Strehlow LaVoie 27,777.00 2,900.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port

Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.


of the


Held on Monday, April 20, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board,

Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of April 13, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from F. Douglas, Vice-President of Carnation Company, request- ing a conference with the Board regarding an extension of the lease of Albers Bros.

Milling Companys plant, Outer Harbor, in which it is heavily interested. Mr.

Douglas appeared before the Board and verbally discussed his proposal, which was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, enclosing copy of letter received from the Placer County Chamber of Commerce, regarding the establishment of cold storage facilities in the San Francisco bay area, was filed.

Communication from the Longview Dredging and Construction Company asking per- mission to maintain a floating pipe line across the old entrance channel to Oak- land Outer Harbor during its dredging contract with the Federal Government, and agreeing to open this pipe line when needed in connection with navigation, was read and permit granted.

Communication from T. C. Gilson, operator of the Airport Bus Line, giving receipts and expenditures for the month of March together with the number of pas- sengers carried, was filed.

Communication from Albers Bros. Milling Company requesting permit to make certain repairs to the substructure to its plant in the Outer Harbor, at its own expense as provided for in its lease with the City of Oakland, was read and reso- lution later passed granting this request.

Public Notice of U. S. Engineer Office, San Francisco, regarding application of Hunter Boat Company, Alameda, to construct a launch way end a small temporary marine railway on the south side of the Tidal Canal, was filed, there being no objection to this proposed construction.

Communication from Shell Oil Company stating that the present arrangement

regarding the operation of Hangar No. 2 at Oakland Municipal Airport was entirely satisfactory, was filed.

Communication from Carter, Peterson McDonough, Attorneys at Law, advising

that the hearing on the widening of First Street had been put over for two weeks,

was filed.

Communication from Harry L. Parkman, Member of California Legislature, stating

that he would support the Inner Harbor Tideland Bill, which recently passed the

Senate, was filed.

Communication from U. S. Engineer Office, San Francisco, transmitting three

prints showing plan for development of Brooklyn Basin, as proposed by Colonel Robins,

was filed.

A duplicate original copy of the agreement as executed with Rosenberg Bros.

Co., under date of April 13, 1931, providing for the granting of a quitclaim deed

by the said company to the City of Oakland of that portion of the western waterfront

upon which the Board proposes to erect a new warehouse to be known as Warehouse "AA",

for purposes of leasing, was filed.

Copy of the quitclaim deed executed by Rosenberg Bros. Co. pursuant to the

foregoing agreement and placed in escrow with the Bank of America, was filed.

Copy of a letter of instructions from Rosenberg Bros. Co. to the said Bank

of America directing the said bank to turn over the quitclaim deed to the Board upon the delivery to it by Rosenberg Bros. Co. of a lease of said Warehouse "AA" or of the sum of $20,164.14, was filed.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2046 and the publication of a notice entitled

"Notice of intention to make a lease to the highest responsible bidder covering

certain land on or near the Western Waterfront of the City of Oakland, together with a warehouse building to be erected thereon, for the time and purposes and upon the terms, agreements, covenants and conditions stated in said notice, and inviting bids

therefor", for five days in the citys official newspaper, and stating explicitly

the time and conditions of the proposed lease referred to in said notice, and invit-

ing bids therefor, the bid of Rosenberg Bros. Co., a corporation, was, at the hour

of 4:30 p. m. received for said lease in the amount of $6,984.00 annually for said

land and buildings, and the President of the Board having called aloud for further

bids at public auction, and no other bid or bids having been made or submitted, and

said bid having been approved by the Port Manager and Port Attorney, the said lease

was declared by the President to be awarded to the said Rosenberg Bros. Co. and

the Port Attorney was directed to prepare an ordinance duly confirming said award.

Communication from Isadore Weiss, Junior Member S. A. C., Aleph Zadik Aleph of

the BNai BRith, asking that someone from the Port organization be designated to

speak before this fraternal order, was read and the Port Manager directed to arrange

for such speaker. Communication from the State Industrial Accident Commission stating that it could not recommend acceptance of the installation of the proposed cargo lift at the Inland Waterways Terminal, for which bids were opened on March 30, 1931, was filed.

Mr. I. E. Perrin, President of the Oakland Harbor Industries Association, appeared before the Board with regard to the improvement of the Brooklyn Basin area. He stated that the new Council of the City of Alameda was anxious to have wider channel conditions established between Oakland and Alameda and suggested that the Board meet with representatives of the Alameda City Council to discuss this matter. President Fisher informed Mr. Perrin that the Board would be pleased to meet with the City of Alameda representatives, but that any proposals for a modified development of Brooklyn Basin should come from the City of Alameda, which owned a greater portion of Government Island. Mr. Perrin stated that he would get in touch with the Mayor of the City of Alameda to ascertain if and when he would desire a conference with the Board in this matter.

The Port Manager reported that the unencumbered cash in the Harbor Mainten- ance Fund as of April 17, 1931, was $100,505.15 and that the unencumbered re- sources of such fund were $415,223.27.

The Port Manager also reported tint the unencumbered cash balance in the

Harbor Improvement Fund as of above date, was $101,555.61.

The report of the Port Committee on various matters referred to it regard- ing the administration and development of the Port, was adopted. The Committees report was as follows:

1. Port advertising and publicity program for fiscal year 1931-1932:

To be held over for further consideration.

2. Merritt Hospital interest in Clay Street Pier:

Committee to contact Merritt representatives to discuss this matter.

3. Restaurant, Outer Harbor:

We approve of location in rear of Transit Shed No. 1, at the north end.

4. Interstate Companys lease of Airport Inn:

No change to be made in the terms and conditions of the present lease.

5. Investment of surplus funds:

We recommend the adoption of the Ordinance covering the setting up of surplus funds.

6. Sale of bonds:

We recommend the sale of bonds in the amount of $372,000.00.

7. Additional office space:

We recommend an inspection of Grove Street Pier by all members of the Board, with the view of determining whether the facili- ties that can be provided there will be satisfactory.

B. Settlement of floors in Warehouse "B":

We recommend that Libby, McNeill Libby be advised that the Board intends to construct a warehouse at the Outer Harbor and that as soon as construction is authorized both parties get together to determine partial use of the new warehouse by Libby, McNeill Libby, to relieve the situation in Warehouse "B".

Mr. Pendleton reported that negotiations with the Pacific Airmotive Corporation,

for the establishment of a propeller repair and service shop at the Oakland Municipal

Airport, had been practically completed. The Board authorized execution of an agree-

ment with the Pacific Airmotive Corporation for the leasing of approximately 700

square feet of lean-to space in Hangar No. 2 as soon as the above negotiations had

been fully completed.

A copy of the VERDICT OF JURY in the case of City of Oakland vs. Manuel G.

Matoza, was filed.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. 356.97 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Paul Andersen 24.50 The Electric Corporation 21.10 The Electric Motor Machine Works 9.31 Ed. Jones Co. 1.71 Meyers Shop 9.00 National Lead Company 2.28 City of Oakland - Garage 35.66 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 1.98 The Owl Drug Co. .60 Oakland-California Towel Company 4.08 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 177.85 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 17.42 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 2.48 Pelican Pure Water Co. 7.60 Robinson Tractor Company 5.62 E. J. Snake 1.50 Western Building Forum 7.50 The Western Union Telegraph Company 8.80 Worden Forsythe 226.25 The Weed Control Company of California 35.00 Zellerbach Paper Company 13.16 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 71.84 Hill Morton Inc. 6.19 C. Frauneder 350.00 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 2,760.29 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 434.56 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: American Concrete Pipe Co. 11.03 Bigge Drayage Co. 6.65 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 6.41 General Mill Lumber Co. 10.78 Pacific Coast Steel Corporation 147.00 $4,776.84" ■ "RESOLUTION NO. 2052


RESOLVED that the leave of absence from the meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners heretofore granted Commissioner Sherwood Swan by Reso- lution No. 2021 because of duties requiring him to be away from the City of Oakland at such times, be and the same is hereby extended, for said reasons, to and including Monday, June 22nd, 1931."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications dated March 4th, 1931 and filed with the Board for repairs to Albers Bros. Milling Co. Dock at Outer Harbor, which repairs are to be made by said company in accordance with its lease from the City of Oakland dated February 8th, 1916, be and the same are hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of superstructure other than steel for the Inland Waterways Terminal be and the same is hereby awarded to R. W. LITTLEFIELD, an individual, in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed April 13th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the bond of the ARISS-KNAPP CO., a corporation, executed by the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, in the amount of :$1,650.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the removal of excess fill from site near Warehouse "B" to a site east of Warehouse "A", be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that all of the bids received for the furnishing and installing of an electrically operated marine type combination cargo hoist and ramp at the Inland Vaterways Terminal on March 30th, 1931, be and the same are hereby rejected for the reasons that they do not comply with the specifications nor with the requirements of the State Industrial Accident Commission."



RESOLVED that the Board of Port Commissioners finds and determines that additional Oakland Harbor Improvement Bonds, in the principal amount of $372,000.00 previously issued at the rate of interest of four and one-half percent (4%) per annum, be sold on or about the seventh day of May, 1931 in order to provide funds required for the further improvement of the Harbor of the said City and for the carrying out of the purposes for which said bonds have been authorized.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Port Attorney be and he is hereby author- ized s and directed to take such steps as may be required to prepare for such sale, and that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the City Council, in order that it may carry through to completion the proceedings required by law to accomplish the sale of said bonds."



RESOLVED that the contract for furnishing and driving piles for founda- tion for Warehouse "HA" Foot of 14th Street, Outer Harbor, be and the same is hereby awarded to HEALY-TIBBITTS CONSTRUCTION CO., a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed April 20th, 1931.

BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is here- by authorized. and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."




PROVIDING FOR THE INVESTMENT OF THE FUNDS THEREOF", were introduced and passed to print by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table et previous meetings were taken from the table and filed:

Application of E. B. Stone, Jr. to lease a small portion of tideland at the Airport;

Parr Terminal Companys proposed lease with the Pacific Freight Lines Company;

The report of the Port Manager on investment of surplus funds;

Sale of bonds for new construction work;

Complaint of Libby, McNeill Libby on the loading of cars at the Outer Harbor;

The Interstate Company regarding the modifica- tion of its lease on the Airport Inn;

Port Attorney on investment of surplus funds.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific - garbage wharf- Inner Harbor;

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits; Application of West Coast Propeller Service for space at Airport.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2049 and advertising for five consecutive days

in the citys official newspaper, bids for Furnishing and Driving Piles for

Foundation Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor Terminal were received between the hours

of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all

the bids received, were publicly opened:





Sullivan Sullivan .399 $479.00 $2,541.23 $3,020.23 $325.00

M. B. McGowan .593 600.00 3,776.82 4,376.82 500.00

Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. .49 514.00 3,120.81 3,634.81 400.00

The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. .41 480.00 2,611.29 3,091.29 350.00

A. W. Kitchen .65 560.00 4,139.85 4,699.85 500.00

Healy-Tibbitts Construction Co. .36 479.00 2,292.84 2,771.84 350.00

Upon approval by the Port Attorney as to legality and upon recommendation of

the Port Manager, the bid of Healy-Tibbitts Construction Co., was accepted and

Resolution No. 2058 passed, awarding the contract to said Healy-Tibbitts Construc-

tion Co., at the price of $2,771.84, it being the lowest bidder.



of the


Held on Monday, April 27, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m. due notice

of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port attorney were also

present. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 20, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from J. F. Douglas, Vice-President of Carnation Company, relative

to extension of lease of Albers Bros. Milling Companys plant on the Western Water-

front, was filed.

Communication from Mills Sales Company stating that they desire to withdraw

from privilege granted it to operate candy vending machines on Municipal Terminals

as of March 1, 1931, was filed.

Communication from Oakland Post No. 5, American Legion, requesting permission

to install automatic candy vending machines on the Municipal Terminals, at such places as may be approved by the Board, to take the place of vending machines pre- viously installed by the Mills Sales Company, was read, and a resolution later passed granting the American Legion this privilege.

Coiumunications from Senator Breed and Assemblyman Roland relative to Tideland

Bill, Senate Bill No. 565, in the Legislature, were filed.

Communication from the East Bay Labor Journal soliciting advertisement for their annual Labor Day Edition, was read and request denied.

Communication from Pacific Airmotive Corporation advising that it desired to lease approximately 700 square feet in lean-to of Hangar No. 2, at the rate of five cents per square foot per month, was read, and resolution later passed ac- cepting this proposal.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. requesting that concrete walls for

Warehouse "AA" be substituted for proposed corrugated iron walls at the approxi- mate additional cost of $8,000.00, was read and the Port Manager directed to pre- pare alternative plans for these two constructions for bidding.

Connunication from the Port Attorney advising that the Supreme Court had approved the authority of a city to make contributions to the California Toll

Bridge Authority, was filed.

Communication from the Paraffine Companies, Inc. suggesting that the roofing contracts on future construction work of the Board be segregated so as to permit separate bids on roofing alone, was read and request denied.

Communication from the Railroad Commission of the State of California, stating that the matter of providing protection of crossing of Southern Pacific and Western

Pacific tracks at Ninth Avenue would be fully investigated, was filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. stating that the analysis of water from their deep well at Warehouse "A", was entirely satisfactory, was filed.

Communication from the Airport Inn requesting that screen doors be provided at the Coffee Shop, was referred to Mr. Pendleton.

Request of the West Coast Fisheries for advertisement in the "Fishermans

Annual Manuel", was denied. Copy of communication by. President Fisher to the State Highway Engineer transmitting check in the amount of $2,000.00 in payment for borings taken for the San Francisco Bay Bridge, east of Goat Island, was filed.

Communication from Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Division commending the

Board on the high caliber of the plans and specifications sent out for bids, was filed.

Communication from the Attorneys of Parr Terminal Company stating that it was willing to sign the stipulation required by the Board in connection with the sub- leasing to the Pacific Freight Lines Company, was read and resolution later passed authorizing the signing of such stipulation.

The Port Manager was authorized to expend the sum of approximately $50.00 in widening and improving the southeast corner of 14th and "B" Streets, Outer Harbor.

The Port Manager reported that unencumbered cash in the Harbor Maintenance

Fund, as of April 24, 1931, was $104,802.57, and the unencumbered resources of said fund were $419,520.69.

The Port Manager also reported that the unencumbered cash balance in the

Harbor Improvement Fund, as of above date, was $109,368.44.

The report of the Airport Superintendent on the accidental death of Albert

Miller, was filed.

The report of the Port Attorney on the delinquent accounts was referred to the Port Committee.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Howard Terminal - quay Wall e 675.97 Howard Terminal - Wharves 2,693.30 Sunset Lumber Company 312.44 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: City of Oakland - Purchasing Department 12.00 City of Oakland - City Hall 167.79 E. H. Edwards Company 275.19 The A. Dietz Co. 19.44 American Brass and Copper Supply Co. 1.23 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 2.67 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 16.66 Chester A. Bray 12.67 Blake, Moffitt Towne 9.31 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 2.82 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 7.68 Ditto Incorporated 9.33 East Bay Municipal Utility District 555.98 Y

The Electric Corporation 2.89 The Fox Press 48.25 C. Frauneder 25.00 Gilbert Plum 2.00 General Electric Supply Corporation 2.00 Roderick L. Gould 2.50 C. J. Hendry Company 28.42 Ed. Jones Co. 1.50 The Interstate Co. 7.35 Inter-Urban Express Corporation .45 Smith Hardware Company 12.55 The Multigraph Letter Company 11.25 C. L. Moody 11.76 National Lead Company 5.63 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 5.51 Pacific Coast Engineering Company 290.07 Pyrene Manufacturing Company 12.61 Remington Rand Business Service Inc. 21.47 Rice Son 6.50 Robinson Tractor Company 3.30 Royal Typewriter Company 1.25 Bank of America Building 883.80 St. Clair Building 32.50 Shipping Register 3.00 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 Standard Oil Company of California 72.60 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 4.02 The Tribune Publishing Co. 6.08 Union Machine Works 49.65 Washington-Lincoln Garage 26.00 Weaver Wells Co. 1.35 Maxwell Hardware Co. 21.61 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 39.97 Smith Brothers 27.56 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1,293.54 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Air Reduction Sales Co. 25.25 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 373.00 S. T. Johnson Co. 29.60 Maxwell Hardware Co. 67.38 C. L. Moody 12.99 Phoenix Iron Works Co. 18.00 Smith Hardware Company 1.01 The Tribune Publishing Co. 36.48 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 2,427.33 $10,939.46"



RESOLVED that the contract dated February 13th, 1931 with the AMERICAN DREDGING COMPANY, a corporation, for the dredging and removing of all pile stubs from the slip for Inland Waterways Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the bond of R. W. LITTLEFIELD executed. by THE FIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK in the amount of $25,789.00 for the faithful per- formance of his contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of superstructure other than steel for the Inland Waterways Terminal, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of HEALY-TIBBITTS CONSTRUCTION CO., a corporation, executed by the AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY in the amount of $2772.00 for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for furnishing p).

and driving piles for foundation for Warehouse "AA", Foot of Fourteenth Street, Outer Harbor, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the erection of a restaurant building at the puter Harbor Terminal be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to enter into negotiations, through advertising or otherwise, for the establish- ment and maintenance of a restaurant in said building under lease from this Board, and to report to this Board the result of his negotiations."



RESOLVED that the detailed plans and specifications filed this day with the Board for the furnishing and driving piles for Warehouse "C" located at the north of Warehouse "B" and in the rear of Outer Harbor Terminal, Oakland, California, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished as required by law."



RESOLVED that the President of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a supplemental rental agreement with the PACIFIC AIRMOTIVE CORPORATION for the renting to the said company of rooms 2 and 3 of Hangar No. 2 at the Airport at the rate of thirty five dollars ($35.00) a month (being at the rate of five cents (5V) a square foot) with permission to sublease to the West Coast Propeller Service. Said agreement is to be in the form approved by the Port Attorney."



BE IT RESOLVED that the Port Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to file and prosecute actions at law against the following delinquent debtors and/or other responsible parties, in such amounts as may be due and owing at the time of filing such suits, and to take such further action as may be meet and proper in the premises to effect a settlement of the said delin- quent accounts, said accounts due as of April 1st, 1931, being designated as follows, to-wit:

E. V. Rideout Co. $ 37.59 Beadle Steamship Co. 143.28 Kenneth Neese 59.50

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action of the Port Attorney in filing suit on the 19th day of March, 1931, against the American Machine Co. for settlement of its delinquent account in the amount of $380.65 is hereby ratified and confirmed, and the Port Attorney is authorized and directed to further prosecute said action against the American Machine Co. and to take such further proceedings in the matter as may be meet and proper and neces- sary to effect settlement of said account." "RESOLUTION NO. 2067


WHEREAS, the Port Manager has completed and installed ten (10) portable garages at the Oakland Municipal Airport pursuant to that certain rental agreement with the Interstate Co., a corporation, dated February 10th, 1931, at a total cost of $1,485.71 and,

WHEREAS, the said ccmpany has examined the vouchrs therefor and approved the said costs,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the total cost of $1,485.71 for the erection and installation of said garages be and the same is hereby confirmed by this Board, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the minimum annual amount of guaranteed rental to be paid by the said company for the rent of said garages for the storage of automobiles, shall be the sum of $148.57 commencing with February 10, 1931, being the tine that the said company took possession of the said garages pursuant to the said rental agreement."



RESOLVED that MILTS SALES COMPANY having advised the Board of Port Com- missioners in writing of its desire to withdraw from the concession of main- taining automatic candy vending machines upon the port facilities, Resolu- tion No. 1864 is hereby rescinded, effective May 1st, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the American Legion having made applica- tion to this Board for the privilege of allowing automatic candy vending machines, formerly controlled by the Mills Sales Company, to be maintained by it at its own risk at such places upon the port facilities as might be designated by the Port Manager, without paying a concession rental therefor, said machines to bear the name of the American Legion, and any proceeds there- from to be used for the patriotic purposes of such organization, permission is hereby granted, revocable at the pleasure of this Board."



WHEREAS, Parr Terminal Company desires to enter into a certain sublease with the Pacific Freight Lines Company, a corporation, and desires the con- sent of this Board to the entering into of such sublease, and has signed a written stipulation agreeing as follows:

1. That in consideration of the granting of such consent by the City of Oakland, as lessor, neither party to that certain litigation which is now pending between the Parr Terminal Company and the City of Oakland, shall, in said actions, refer to the granting of such consent therein, and so far as such litigation may be concerned, it shall be as if such consent had not been granted, and

2. That no rights or remedies of the City of Oakland relative to for- feiture or otherwise, if any, to the said lease of the Parr Terminal Company with the City of Oakland, or arising out of or under the said lease shall be waived or otherwise affected by the granting of such consent.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, in consideration of the covenants set forth in said stipulation, consent to such sublease is hereby granted,

BE TT FtJRTH] RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be mailed to the said Pacific Freight Lines Company at its address at 1640 - 18th Street, Oakland, California, as notice of such resolution and the rights reserved to the City of Oakland as therein referred to.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Port Attorney be authorized and directed to sign such stipulation, on behalf of the City of Oakland, with said Parr Terminal Company."

Port Ordinance No. 122 being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF PORT OR-

DINANCE NO. 8" having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally

adopted by the following vote:

Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-








AND AUTHORIZING. AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF," was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were taken from the table and filed:

Application of West Coast Pro peller Service for space at the Airport;

Proposal of M. K. Miller to investigate the status of the City of Oaklands waterfront lands.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor;

Compensation Insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson patent suits.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2049 and advertising for five consecutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Automatic Wet Sprinkler System for Ware- house AA, Outer Harbor Terminal were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:



OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL CERTIFIED TOTAL BIDDER BID CHECKS Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co. $6,000.00 $610.00

Mechanical Contracting Co. 6,740.00 700.00

Star Sprinkler Co. of Pacific 5,800.00 580.00 The Turner Company 4,445.00 445.00 James H. Pinkerton 4,397.00 440.00 Automatic Sprinkler Corp. 5,040.00 504.00 Grinnell Co. of the Pacific 5,825.00 600.00 These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port

Manager for recommendation es to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, May 4, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of April 27, 1931 were approved and adopted.

Communication from Frank C. Merritt, City Clerk, requesting the Board to meet with the City Council on Thursday, April 30, 1931, in the Mayors Office, for the purpose of discussing certain charges made against the Port Commission by Commis- sioner Wilhelm, was filed.

Copy of President Fishers reply to communication of City Clerk Merritt, was filed.

Copy of resolution by the City Council appointing a committee of ten out-

standing business men to review the full and complete operation of the Port of

Oakland under the Oakland Port Commission, was filed.

Communication from the City Clerk of Alameda transmitting copy of resolution relative to the removal of Government Island and improvement of Brooklyn Basin, was filed.

Communication from Charles W. Fisher, Assemblyman, stating that he would do everything he could to assist in the passage of the Tideland Bill, Senate Bill

No. 565, before the Legislature, was filed.

Communication from Edison E. Mouton, Supervising Inspector, Department of

Commerce, requesting that he be allowed to use a spare room in the Airport Adminis- tration Building for the purpose of giving written examinations to applicants for

Pilots licenses, was read and the Port Manager directed to advise Mr. Mouton that the Board would allow the use of a spare room in the Administration Building, when same was not required by the Board or others in connection with the operation of the Airport.

Copy of communication from President Fisher to Commissioner Fred N. Moreau relative to the proceedings in the widening of First Street, was filed.

Communication from Steacy Service Company stating that because of the prac- tically closing down of the General Engineering Drydock Companys plant, the cafeteria being operated by them also had to be closed down, and requesting per- mission to leave the restaurant building on the ground leased from the City, the foot of Fifth Avenue, until the General Engineering Drydock Companys plant again began operations, was read and request granted. A resolution granting this request was later passed.

Communication from H. W. Rhodes, Superintendent of Lighthouses, San Francisco,

California, asking renewal of the lease on the tract of land at Oakland Municipal

Airport, to be used in the maintenance and operation of an Airways Radio Range

Station, covering the period from July 1, 1931 and ending June 30, 1932, was read and request granted.

Communication from the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific stating that the fire protection equipment at Oakland Municipal Airport was of the most modern and efficient type and that the fire prevention measures adopted by the Board were in every respect satisfactory to the Underwriters, was filed.

Communication from John Corgiat, Jr. regarding the successful activities of the Port Commission, was filed.

Communication from the Interstate Company, Chicago, advising that Mr. Hugh C.

Leighton had resigned as President of the Company, effective April 6, 1931, was filed.

Communication from Oakland Harbor Industries Association, inviting the mem, bers of the Board to be guests at the dinner to be given at the Athens Athletic

Club on Tuesday evening, May 5, 1931, was filed. Communication from Standard Oil Company requesting that the assignment of lease now held by it at the intersection of Seventh end "B" Streets to a subsidiary opera- ting company, known as the Standard Staions, Inc., be approved by the Commission, was read and the Port Attorney directed to ascertain whether the Standard Oil Com- pany, in the event this assignment was approved, would be responsible for such assignment.

Communication from Myron F. Eddy requesting to be assigned desk space in the observation tower room of the Administration Building at the Oakland Municipal

Airport, at the rental to be fixed by the Board, was referred to Mr. Pendleton with power to act.

Communication from Dr. Charles Derleth, Sr. regarding his employment as Con- sulting Engineer on the transbay bridge, was referred to President Fisher.

The Port Manager was authorized to temporarily store some equipment belonging to the Flower Show in the old Black warehouse without cost, the Flower Show to pro- tect its interest in the equipment by fire insurance.

Report of the Port Manager for the month of April, was filed.

The Port Manager reported on the status of the Herbor Maintenance and Improve- ment Fund as of April 30, 1931 as follows:

Actual unencumbered cash balance $ 87,119.75 Estimated unencumbered fund resources ...... 405,128.63

The Port Manager also reported that the Unencumbered cash balance in the

Capital Fund, as of above date was $87,798.28.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- None. NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Anderson Printing Company 27.50 Blake Moffitt Towne 9.31 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 6.13 California Steel Company 1.20 City of Oakland - Garage 62.17 City of Oakland - City Hall 10.50 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 10.01 East Bay Municipal Utility District 5.46 Elmhurst Motors .44 Fairbanks, Morse Co. 11.13 The Fox Press 41.75 General Electric Supply Corporation 21.02 Gladding, Mc Bean Co. 4.45 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 4.18 E. H. Huebbe 66.50 Ed. Tones Co. 4.59 E. R. James Co. 3.15 The A. Lietz Co. 9.70 Loop Lumber Mill Company 62.98 Maxwell Hardware Co. 23.82 C. L. Moody 2.70 National Lead Company 4.34 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 7.51 Oakland Cyclery 1.92 Oakland Building Material Company 19.25 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 1.64 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 13.23 Smith Brothers 12.27 Smith Hardware Company 5.50 Standard Oil Company of California 83.78 Standard Fence Company .49 Sterling Press 52.51 The Tribune Publishing Co. 593.94 Tyre Bros. Glass Company 12.59 Union Oil Company of California 14.00 Waters Bros., Inc. 1.23 Durant Sales Service Co. .60 R. N. Ricketts 4.27 M. D. MoCarl 8.21 Geo. H. Nash 115.60 Pay Rolls - Administrative 2,172.50 " - Engineering Department 1,735.00 • " - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 t • - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 If - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,473.00 - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,777.50 " - Airport 737.50 • - New Construction 628.00 " - Dredge 2,726.75 • " - General Waterfront 992.90 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 661.75 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 3,731.59 Thomas H. Moore 166.30 Geo. B. Green 13.50 A. S. Titus 7.78 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: California Steel Co. 7,490.63 $27,196.27" "RESOLUTION NO. 2071 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN WAREHOUSE "AA". RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and installing of a complete automatic sprinkler system in Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor, Oak- land, be and the same is hereby awarded to TAMES H. PINKERTON CO., a cor- poration, in accordance with the terms of its bid filed April 27th, 1931. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected." "RESOLUTION NO. 2072 RESOLUTION GRANTING SICK LEAVE TO ALICE S. TROXEL, LAW SECRETARY. RESOLVED that Alice S. Troxel being required to be absent from her duties on account of illness and dental operation, sick leave is hereby granted with pay from April 21st to and including May 25th, 1931." "RESOLUTION NO. 2073 RESOLUTION ,UTHORIZING HOWARD TERMINAL CO. TO MAKE CERTAIN REPAIRS TO THE APRON dHARF OF PIER NO. 1. RESOLVED that the request of the Howard Terminal Co. to make repairs to the apron wharf of pier No. 1, consisting of the replacing of seven creosoted piles and two track stringers and other minor repairs, work estimated to cost approximately $750.00 which repairs are to be made by said company in accord- ance with its lease from the City of Oakland dated December 1st, 1919, be and the same is hereby granted." "RESOLUTION NO. 2074 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT PERMITTING BENJAMIN F. STFACY, JR. TO ALLOW RESTAURANT BUILDING TO REMAIN ON PROPERTY AT FIFTH AVENUE.

WHEREAS by the terms of that certain lease dated April 28th, 1930, be- tween the City of Oakland and Benjamin F. Steacy, Sr., the said lessee is permitted to remove the restaurant building constructed by him on the premises situated at the intersection of the Southern Pacific Companys right of way and Fifth Avenue, provided said building is removed within thirty (30) days after the expiration of said lease and,

WHEREAS there is not at this time sufficient business to justify the operation and maintenance of a restaurant in said building,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Port Manager be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with said lessee by the terms of which said lessee shall be permitted to allow said restaurant building to remain on said premises for a consideration of one dollar ($1.00) per month until such time as business at said location shall, in the opinion of the Port Manager, justify the execution of a new lease for the purpose of maintaining and opera- ting a restaurant at said location, provided, however, that such agreement shall be terminable by the City upon ten (10) days notice."


RESOLVED that the Board of Port Commissioners hereby accepts that certain quitclaim deed executed by Rosenberg Bros. Co., a corporation, dated April 16th, 1931, relative to a parcel of land on or near the Western Waterfront adjacent to Fourteenth Street, and hereby authorizes the recordation of such deed."




THEREOF," having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted.

by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- Port Ordinance No. 124 being, " AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF CERTAIN RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PORT DEPARTMENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE INVESTMENT OF THE FUNDS THEREOF" having been duly intro- duced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote:

Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table: Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor; Compensation Insurance of Port Employees; Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2049 and advertising for five consecutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Structural Steel Frame for Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor Terminal and Construction of Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor Terminal, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR



PROPOSAL A PROPOSAL B CERTIFIED BIDDER Job Complete Job Complete CHECK Minneapolis-Moline Power Impl. Co. $15,838.00 $13,938,00 $1,700.00 California Steel Co. 15,460.00 13,658.00 1,600.00 Pacific Coast Engineering Co. 15,963.00 14.169.00 1,800.00 Golden Gate Iron Works 14,950.00 13,024.00 1,495.00 Independent Iron Works 17,300.00 14,900.00 1,750.00 Judson Pacific Company 16,345.00 14,638.00 1,800.00 The Moore Dry Dock Co. 16,500.00 14,880.00 1,850.00 S. S. Herrick 14,440.00 12,870.00 1,500.00 BIDS FOR

CONSTRUCTION OF WAREHOUSE AA, OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL PROPOSAL A PROPOSAL B CERTIFIED BIDDER Job Complete Job Complete CHECK Frederickson Watson Construction Co. $76,600.00 7,000.00 $10,000.00 E. T. Leiter Sons 65,837.00 74,867.00 7,500.00 H. J. Christensen 62,437.00 70,975.00 7,100.00 R. W. Littlefield 60,435.00 74,429.00 7,500.00 E. T. Lesure 57,560.00 76,600.00 8,000.00 A Frederick Anderson 61,378.00 74,377.00 7,650.00 Schuler McDonald, Inc. 71,000.00 80,000.00 8,000.00 Villadsen Brothers, Inc. 64,750.00 76,800.00 8,000.00 These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.


of the


Held on Monday, May 11, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minuteaof the regular meeting of May 4, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Order of the Railroad Commission revoking the Certificate of Public Con- venience and Necessity issued to Fay and McNulty to operate express boats between

San Francisco and Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Order of the Railroad Commission setting aside the submission and setting for further hearing the matter of complaint against the East Bay Motor Coach Lines,

Inc., for extension of bus service along Russett Street on May 27, 1931, was filed.

Communication from the State Highway Engineer acknowledging receipt of check for $2,000.00, in payment of borings made for the transbay bridge east of

Goat Island, was filed.

Communication from Oakland City Clerk transmitting copy of Resolution passed by the Council of the City of Alameda relative to the proposed development of Government Island, was filed.

Communications from Assemblymen Roy Bishop, Eugene W. Roland and Ben A,

Hill, relative to the Oakland Tideland Bill now before the Legislature, were filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. advising that in the construc- tion of the superstructure of Warehouse "AA" they were willing to pay the greater cost of concrete walls in place of galvanized iron, as originally planned, was filed.

Communication from the Isthmian Steamship Lines congratulating the Board on its excellent showing in providing shipping facilities, and expressing gratifica- tion on the construction of another warehouse for Rosenberg Bros. Co., was filed.

Communication from ShizilmR Nara relative to the landing of the Japenese trans-Pacific flyer at the Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from the Chief Engineer of the Board of Harbor Commissioners of Long Beach, California, requesting information as to the procedure of the Board of Port Commissioners in conducting its business under the Charter Amendment, was filed. Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. acknowledging receipt of Port

Ordinance No. 123 and Resolution No. 2075 covering construction of Warehouse "AA", was filed.

Copy of Resolution No. 11553 of Oakland Civil Service Board extending time of employment of Traffic Clerk in the San Francisco office to and including

May 19, 1931, was filed. Petition of steamship companies and agents using Oakland waterfront facilities, both private and municipal, for a reduction in the service charges on

European, intercoastal and coastwise traffic, was laid on the table. The Port

Manager was directed to arrange for a meeting with the East Bay Terminal Operators to discuss this matter, at which will be present members of the Port Committee. Telegram from the Comptroller of the U. S. Treasury advising that the claim for refund of $197,000.00 advanced on account of dredging Outer Harbor channel had been allowed and a check in the above amount would be forwarded within a few days, was filed.

Communication from the editor of the Western Construction News compli- menting the Board on the newsletters sent out relative to the activities of the

Port, was filed.

Communication from Port Costa Brick Works making application for lease of parcel of land adjacent to Livingston Street Wharf for the purpose of handling brick and other building material, was laid on the table.

The Port Committee reported that it met with representative of the Pcrt

Costa Brick Works and discussed the compensation to be paid for such lease, the construction of certain tracks, etc., and that the Port Costa Brick Works would further communicate with the Board regarding payments to be made for the above facilities.

Communication from E. T. Lesure stating that he had made a mistake in his bid submitted for the superstructure of Warehouse "AA", and asking that he be allowed to withdraw his bid, was filed.

Communication from H. A. Kellogg submitting certain data relative to

Mills Field Airport payroll, was filed.

Communication from President Fisher stating that the Webster Street

Wharf Company were now willing to accept a lower price on their property than had previously been quoted to the Board, was filed.

In discussing this matter the Board decided that it could not, at this time, entertain the proposition of acquiring this property for future use by the

Board in its construction program. N.S. N.S. N.S. Copies of City Council Resolutions Nos. 48397/, 48413/and 48442/relative to the appointment by the City Council of a Committee of ten outstanding business men to review the operations, construction, engineering, maintenance and other activities of the Board, were filed. Report of the Port Manager to Port Committee on the use of Ninth Avenue

Pier by Libby, McNeill Libby for the handling and storage of pineapple during the year 1931, was filed, together with a supplementary memorandum on the same subject. Comparative Estimates for determination as to type of construction that should be used in the superstructure of Warehouse "AA" based on 40-year life of structures, was filed. The Port Manager reported on the status of the Harbor Maintenance Fund as of May 8, 1931 as follows: Actual unencumbered cash balance $298,742.49 Estimated unencumbered fund resources 420,655.72 The Port Manager also reported that the unencumbered cash balance in the Harbor Improvement Fund was $80,549.71. Report of the Port Attorney on the sale of $372,000.00 worth of Harbor Improvement bonds, was filed. The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- "RESOLUTION NO. 2076 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund: HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Markell C. Baer 30.67 Geo. A. Attwood 6.72 American Bitumus Company 18.00 Acme Welding Company 1.00 Anderson Printing Company. 1.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 9.31 The Bay Belting Supply Co. 55.63 Chester A. Bray 49.44 Raymond Brosi 5.73 Dieterich-Post Company 3.97 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 4.00 Elmhurst Motors 4.77 General Office Equipment Corporation 5.75 Goodhue Printing Company 36.50 Graybar Electric Company, Inc., 5.16 Jordan Printing Company, Inc. 15.00 Independent Tire Company 19.43 Loop Lumber Mill Company 4.02 Calculating Machine Company, Inc. 12.00 National Lead Company 1.53 Oakland Building Material Company 5.39 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 46.31 City of Oakland-City Hall 82.69 City of Oakland-Purchasing Department 4.80 Rice Son 2.17 Robinson Tractor Company 1.80 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 22.67 Standard Oil Company of California 4.79 Clyde Sunderland Studios 1.00 Sterling Press 2.00 Western States Grocery Company 5.70 Zellerbach Paper Company 29.11 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 105.12 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Electric Corporation 18.91 Maxwell Hardware Co. 17.45 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 148.50 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 61.25 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 13.23 Smith, Emery Company 53.70 The Tribune Publishing Co. 43.77 Arils-Knapp Company 1,156.32 Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 3,850.35 $5,964.66" "RESOLUTION NO. 2077 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE; CONTRACT OF THE PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO. RESOLVED that the contract dated February 6th, 1931 with the PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation, for the furnishing and delivering of 4,000 feet of steel shore pipe for the Port of Oakland Dredge, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 2078 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT OF ARISS-KNAPP CO. RESOLVED that the contract dated April 17th, 1931 with the ARISS- KNAPP CO., a corporation, for the removal of excess fill from the warehouse site to the east of Warehouse "B" and the depositing of same in the area designated as a dumping site east of Warehouse "A", Outer Harbor, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 2079 RESOLUTION GRANTING LEAVE OF ABSENCE TO JOHN HARDING. RESOLVED that JOHN HARDING, dredge shore crew foreman, be granted twenty (20) days leave of absence on account of sickness, without pay, from May 1st, to May 20th, 1931, inclusive." "RESOLUTION NO. 2080 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAME FOR WAREHOUSE "AA". RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and erecting of the structural steel frame for Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to S. S. HERRICK, an individual, in accord- ance with the terms of his bid, filed May 4th, 1931, and set forth in Pro- posal "B".

BE 11. FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected." "RESOLUTION NO. 2081 RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND OF H. J. CHRISTENSEN.

RESOLVED that the bond of H. I. CHRISTENSEN, an individual, executed by the AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE in the amount of $70,975.00 for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of Warehouse "AA" (other than structural steel frame) Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, as set forth in Proposal "B", be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager be and he is hereby directed to pre- pare and arrange for printing three thousand colored harbor maps and two hundred fifty uncolored harbor maps of the Oakland Harbor, at an estimated cost of $750.00."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to W. X. Masterson, Chief Wharfinger, and which by Resolution No. 2039 was extended to end including May 11th, 1931, be and the same is hereby extended, without compensation, to and including June 15th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the bond of S. S. HERRICK, an individual, executed by the UNION INDEMNITY COMPANY in the amount of $12,870.00 for the faithful per- formance of his contract with the City of Oakland for the furnishing end erecting of the structural steel frame fir Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor, Oak- land, California, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of Warehouse "AA" (other than structural steel frame), Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to H. I. CHRISTENSEN, an individual, in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed May 4th, 1931, and set forth in Proposal "B".

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."



WHEREAS, at the instance of this Board, the City Council of the City of Oakland, on April 22nd, 1931, passed its resolution No. 48350 N.S. offer- ing to sell Oakland Harbor Improvement Bonds in the principal amount of $372,000.00 to the highest bidder, and notice of such sale was advertised in the Oakland Tribune as directed by the City CouReil, and

WHEREAS, on May 7th, 1931, BankamSrica Company was the highest bidder for said bonds, said company having bid a premium of twenty two thous- and one hundred twenty-nine dollars ($22,129.00), now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the sale by the City Council of the said Oakland Harbor Improvement Bonds in the principal amount of $372,000.00 to Bankamerica Company at the interest rate of four and one-half per cent (4) per annum, payable semi-annually, and at a premium of twenty two thousand one hundred twenty-nine dollars ($22,129.00) , with accrued interest to and including the date of delivery of said bonds, be hereby ratified, confirmed and approved." "RESOLUTION NO. 2087 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EXTEN- SION OF LEASE AGREEMENT OF SITE TO THE UNITED STATES OF WERICA FOR AN AIRWAYS RADIO STATION. RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the United States of America for the extension of the term of that certain lease of premises at the Oakland Muni- cipal Airport for the purposes of erecting and maintaining an airways radio station, (the execution of which lease was authorized by Resolution NO. 1559), to include the year beginning Ally lst, 1931 and ending Tune 30th, 1932." "RESOLUTION NO. 2088 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EXTEN- SION OF TFASE AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR QUAR1ERS OCCUPIED BY THE NAVAL RESERVE AVIATION UNIT. RESOLVED that the President of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the United States of America for the extension of the term of that certain lease of premises at the Oakland Muni- cipal Airport to be used as quarters by the Naval Reserve Aviation Unit based at Oakland, California, which lease was dated August 1st, 1929 together with the supplement thereto dated September 1st, 1930, and which extended term shall include the year beginning July 1st, 1931 and ending Tune 30th, 1932." The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table: Southern Pacific - garbage wharf- Inner Harbor; Compensation Insurance of Port employees; Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2064 and advertising for five consecutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Furnishing and Driving Piles For Foundation for Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR FURNISHING AND DRIVING PILES FOR FOUNDATION WAREHOUSE "C", OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL ITEM A ITEM A ITEM B Per Lin.ft. Total Bid Per lin. ft. BIDDER Pile Driven 63,360 ft. Concrete follower

M. B. McGowan .27 $17,424.00 $2.00 Ben C. Gerwidk, Inc. .319 20,211.84 1.50 Clinton-Stephenson Const. Co. Ltd. .33-7/8 21,463.20 1.11 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. .29 18,374.40 1.50 A. W. Kitchen .3375 21,384.00 1.75 Healy-Tibbitts Const. Co. .357 22,619.52 1.43

4 ITEM B TOTAL BID CERTIFIED Total Bid CHECK BIDDER 8,960 ft. M. B. McGowan $17,920.00 $35,344.00 $4,000.00 Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. 13,440.00 33,651.84 3,500.00 Clinton-Stephenson Coast. Co. Ltd. 9,945.60 31,408.80 3,500.00 The Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 13,440.00 31,814.40 3,500.00 37,064.00A. W. Kitchen 15,680.00 4,000.00 Healy-Tibbitts Coast. Co. 12,812.80 35,432.32 3,600.00 These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids. The Board adjourned to meet again at the hour of 3:45 p. m. on Wednesday, May 13, 1931.


Held on Wednesday, May 13, 1931, at the hour of 3:45 p. m., pursuant

to adjournment of the regular meeting of May 11, 1931, due notice of such meet- ing having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building. Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee and President Fisher. -3- Commissioners absent: Pendleton, and Swan, on leave. -2- The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present. The following resolution was introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Pendleton and Swan, on leave. -2- "RESOLUTION NO. 2089 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF =HOISTING ENGINE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to sell at public auction an old hoisting engine, as provided by law and due notice given." ADJOURNED. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS

of the


Held on Monday, May 18, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office

of the Board, Room 424, Oakland Bank Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of May 11, 1931, and adjourned meet-

ing of May 13, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Howard Terminal stating that it was making a check

on the appraisal made by California Appraisal Company on that portion of the piers owned by the City of Oakland, with the view of placing fire insurance thereon,

was filed.

Communication from Boeing Air Transport, Inc., transmitting their

schedule of rates by airplane between Oakland and Seattle, was filed.

Communication from the U. S. Navy stating that the extension of lease

of Hangar No. 3 to the Naval Reserve at Oakland Municipal Airport had been trans- mitted to Washington, D. C. for approval, was filed.

Communication from the Chief of the Airport Section of the Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. appointing the Port Manager to serve as Chairman of a sub-committee on Airport Traffic control in the San Francisco Bay section, was filed.

Communication from Joseph E. Mills, Commissioner of Public Works, Detroit,

Michigan, expressing appreciation for courtesies extended to him when visiting the Port and Airport, was filed.

Copy of communication by the Port Manager, dated May 14, 1931, and addressed to Clinton-Stephenson Construction Company, Ltd., advising them that the Board would be pleased to have representatives of the company present at its regular meeting on May 11, 1931, relative to the matter of awarding the contract for the driving of foundation piles for Warehouse "C", was filed.

The matter of the award of the contract for the driving of the piles

for Warehouse "C" and the reports of the Port Manager, Assistant Chief Engineer

and Port Attorney were considered by the Board.

Mr. Calder, engineer for the Duncanson-Harrelson Co., appeared before

the Board in person. Although verbal and written requests had been sent to the Clinton Stephenson Construction Co. Ltd. to appear so the Board might discuss the responsibility of this company as a bidder and its ability to substantially perform the work within the contract time, no representative of the company appeared before the Board.

After due consideration the Board determined that it was to the interest of the public that the bid of the Clinton Stephenson Construction Co. Ltd. should be rejected and the next highest bid of the Duncanson-Harrelson Company be accepted.

Communication from Oliver H. Hall, General Chairman Buddy Poppy Committee for Alameda, requesting permission to sell poppies at Oakland Municipal Airport was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise Mr. Hall that the Board was very glad to extend this courtesy to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

The Board again considered the matter of request by the Webster Street

Wharf Company to purchase its property at foot of Webster Street, but affirmed its action taken on this particular matter at previous meetings in that the Board was not at this time in position to expend public funds for this property.

The Board met with Mr. Glassley, Chairman of the Harbor Committee of the

Oakland Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Joseph Parker, Manager of the Chamber, who stated that the operators of the State Products Terminal in San Francisco, were desirous of obtaining a lease on certain of the Ports terminal facilities. This matter was referred to the Port Committee, which arranged for a meeting with representatives of said Products Terminal Operators for ten oclock of Tuesday,

May 19, 1931.

The matter of items to be included in the Ports annual budget to the

City Council was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from the Interstate Company, relative to the lease of Air- port Inn, was referred to the Airport Committee.

The matter of additional fire protection for the Airport was referred to the Airport Committee.

The Port Manager reported that conference had been had with the terminal operators of the East Bay regarding application of steamship lines for reduction in service charges, and that these conferences would be continued. It is proposed later to ask conferences with steamship lines operating in the foreign, inter- coastal and coastwise services.

The Port Manager reported that the Panama Pacific Steamship Company would establish headquarters at the Grove Street Pier within the next few days.

The Port Manager reported that a realtor had offered the southwest corner of 13th and Castro Streets to the Port Commission at the price of $15,000, with the view of having constructed thereon permanent offices for the Board. T he Port

Manager was directed to advise said realtor that the Board was not interested in

this proposition.

Report of the Port Manager and Assistant Port Manager on the bide

received for the driving of foundation piles for Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor,

was filed.

The report of the Port Attorney regarding action for creditors regard-

ing Stephenson Construction Company, was filed.

The Port Manager reported that the status of the Harbor Maintenance and

Improvement Fund and also of the Harbor Improvement Fund, as of May 15, 1931, was

as follows:

Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund

Unencumbered Cash \Halance $286,200.62 Unencumbered Fund Resources $408,113.85

Harbor Improvement Fund

Unencumbered Cash Balance 365,791.11 The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following


AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- "RESOLUTION NO. 2090


RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is author- ized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Allinger 8.00 Arias-Knapp Company, Inc. 19.67 Cochran Celli 38.77 East Bay Muntipal Utility District 495.52 East Bay Blue Print and Supply Co. 151.36 The Inter-City Express 1.50 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 9.11 The Lincoln Press 42.60 Oakland-California Towel Co. Inc., 5.76 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Oakland Building Material Company 15.20 Pelican Pure Water Co. 6.80 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 21.78 Pacific Coast Paper Co. 11.76 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 4.82 Pacific Shipper 69.00 Joseph Pierotti Co. 8.70 Union Pacific Laundry 3.75 Union Oil Company of California 55.20 Washington-Lincoln Garage 20.00 Western Union 10.03 Wylie Wells Kelley 18.24 George E. Russell 150.00 Louis Paulos 67.50 Port Revolving Fund-Miscl. 581.19 Port Revolving Fund-Pay Roll 2,239.35 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,185.00 " - Engineering Department 1,735.00 " - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 - Ninth Ave. Pier 150.00 Tv " - Grove Market St. Piers 1,473.00 Pay Rolls - Outer Harbor Terminal $ 1,777.50 - Airport 737.50 - New Construction 722.00 0 - Dredge 2,665.25 n - General Waterfront 981.64 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund 226 25,195.95 Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund 226 21,458.13 Longview Dredging and Construction Co. 2,310.98 Pacific Coast Engineering Co. 7,102.50 M. B. McGowan 16,727.48 $90,668.54"



RESOLVED that the Board of Port Commissioners having duly investigated the responsibility of the Clinton Stephenson Construction Co., Ltd. to substan- tially perform the contract for the furnishing of materials, labor, plant, appliances, equipment, piles and the driving of the piles for the foundations of Warehouse "C", in accordance with its bid filed May 11th, and it appearing that said company has not had adequate experience as a contracting firm in the driving of piles as required in said proposed contract, and does not possess sufficient equipment therefor, end is involved in financial difficulties to the extent that a claim of the Port Department against the Stephenson Construc- tion Company, from which the Clinton Stephenson Construction Co., Ltd. has been organized, has not been paid, and it further appearing, all things con- sidered, that the Clinton Stephenson Construction Co. Ltd., is not the lowest responsible bidder for the performance of said work, and it being urgent to the City of Oakland that the said work be fully and completely performed within the time specified in said notice calling for bids,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the bid of the said Clinton Stephenson Construction Co. Ltd., be and the same is hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing of materials, labor, plant, appliances and equipment necessary for the purpose and the furnishing and driving of all piles for the foundations of Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to THE DUNCANSON- HARRELSON CO., a corporation, (as the lowest responsible bidder therefor) in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed May llth, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all of the other bids received for said contract, including the bid of the Clinton Stephenson Construction Co., Ltd., be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the construction of a section of oil macadam roads in the Outer Harbor area and for the removal of scales serving the Garbage Wharf in connection there- with, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids therefor for the times and in the manner required by law."

"RESOLUTION NO. 2094 RESOLUTION REJECTING ALL BIDS FOR HOISTING ENGINE AND AUTHORIZING PORT MANAGER TO SETT, SAME AT PRIVATE SAT Y,. WHEREAS at the public auction duly advertised and held on the 18th day of May, 1931, for the sale of 84" x 10" hoisting engine, the highest bid offered was in the amount of $55.00 and said amount is excessively low, and a buyer stands ready to purchase said hoisting engine for the sum of $515.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all bids offered for the said hoisting engine, be and the same are hereby rejected and the Port Manager is authorized to sell said hoisting engine at private sale for the sum of $515.00." "RESOLUTION NO. 2095 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO THE PORT REPLACEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT FUND AND THE PORT CONTIN- GENCY FUND. BE IT RESOLVED that the Auditor and Treasurer of the City of Oak- land are hereby authorized and directed to enter upon the books of the City the following transfer of funds: a. The sum of $125,000.00 from the Harbor Maintenance and Improve- ment Fund No. 226 to the Port Replacement and Improvement Fund No. 220. b. The sum of $50,000.00 from the Harbor Maintenance and Improve- ment Fund No. 226 to the Port Contingency Fund No. 222. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City Auditor and City Treasurer." "RESOLUTION NO. 2096 RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND or JAMES H. PINKERTON. RESOLVED that the bond of JAMES H. PINKERTON, doing business as JAMES H. PINKERTON CO., executed by the AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE in the amount of $4,397.00 for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for furnishing and installing a complete Automatic Wet Sprinkler System in Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby approved." Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ITEM 355 OF PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings were continued on the table: Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor; Compensation insurance of Port employes; Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits; Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges; Application of Port Costa Brick Works for lease of small parcel of land adjacent to Livingston Street Wharf. ADJOURNED. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS

of the


Held on Monday, May 25, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of May 18, 1931, were approved and


Communication from Postmaster Friend, advising that the agreement to

conduct the contract post office station at Oakland Municipal Airport had been

extended to July 1, 1933, at the payment of $300.00 per annum to the Port Commis-

sion, was filed.

Communication from Albert Miller submitting copy of decision of the

Industrial Accident Commission of the State of California in his case against D.

C. Warren, was filed.

Copy of Oakland City Council Resolution No. 48519 N. S., rescinding

Resolutions Nos. 48397 N. S. and 48413 N. S., was filed.

Copy of Oakland City Council Resolution No. 48515 N. S., directing heads

of departments to submit to the Commissioner of Revenue and Finance, budget estimates

for fiscal year 1931-1932 on or before June 6, 1931, was filed.

Opinion of C. Stanley Wood, City Attorney, ruling that the position of

Traffic Clerk in the San Francisco office was exempt from the provisions of Civil

Service, was filed.

Communication from the City Auditor asking to be informed concerning

probable sales of the 1925 Harbor bonds during the next fiscal year, was laid on

the table.

Communication from the Standard Oil Company of California advising that

it would be responsible for the regular payment by the Standard Stations, Inc., a

subsidiary company, of the lease between the City of Oakland and Standard Oil Com-

pany of California, of a small parcel of land on the northeast corner of "B" and

Seventh Streets, was filed.

Communication from State Producta Terminal Company, San Francisco,

requesting to lease the Outer Harbor Terminal, which had been referred to the

Port Committee, was laid on the table for further consideration. t-VPJ

Communication from the U. S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Customs,

Washington, D. C., advising that the bond furnished by the City of Oakland cover-

ing the installation of bonded warehouse space at Ninth Avenue Pier, Grove Street

Pier and Outer Harbor Terminal had been approved, was filed.

Communication from the Legal Aid Society of San Francisco relative to

the death of Albert Miller in an airplane accident at Oakland Municipal Airport,

was filed.

Communication from F. J. Burckhalter, General Manager, Southern Pacific

Company, stating that it would use its best endeavor to have the Oakland Tideland

Bill signed by Governor Rolph, was filed.

Communication from Jack Spillane requesting certain modifications in the arrangement of the lean-to space occupied by him in Hangar No. 3, was referred to

Mr. Pendleton.

Communication from Bay Cities Transportation Company requesting that windows be now installed in the transit shed of the Inland Waterways Terminal for

possible future use in connection with the construction of offices in said pier,

was granted, as the cost of same would be included in the cost of the terminal.

Communication from John H. Robins, Agent of National-Ben Franklin Fire

Insurance Company, requesting that he be given insurance on port facilities, was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from J. F. Douglas, Vice-President of the Carnation Com-

pany, Seattle, Washington, requesting to be informed whether the Port Commission had taken any further action on his application for the extension of the lease of the Albers Bros. Milling Companys lease, was referred to the Port Committee for reply.

President Fisher was delegated to make arrangements for a trip of inspec- tion, by City Council, of the Port and Airport at some time convenient to the

Council members.

The Port Manager reported that meetings had been held with the Operators of the East Bay Terminals to consider application of steamship lines for reduction in service charges, and that a meeting with representatives of the coastwise lines

would be held at the hour of 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 28, 1931.

The Port Manager reported on status of the following funds as of May 22,


Harbor Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash $167,559.25 Unencumbered Resources ...... 243,472.48

Set up in special funds 175,000.00

Harbor Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash...... 355,594.62 The report of the Port Committee making recommendations relative to the re-conditioning of the floors in Warehouse "B", was adopted. In this connection it was ordered that the stipulated cost of Warehouse "B" be now fully determined and submitted to Libby, McNeill Libby.

The Port Attorney made verbal report relative to tax sale of certain pro- perty belonging to E. B. Stone on July 1, 1931.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. 376.32 LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Howard Terminal-Wharves 2,168.98 Howard Terminal-Quay Wall 556.09 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Company 1.10 Acme Scales Company 16.75 C. W. Abbott Company 3.25 Acme Welding Co. 2.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 5.49 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 11.76 Gladys H. Barndollar 73.25 Bay Cities Asbestos Co. Ltd. 36.16 Bank of America Building 883.80 Joseph Pierotti Co. 2.22 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 18.42 Louis A. Pierotti Co. 1.50 Pacific Coast Engineering Company 42.05 Louis Paulos 40.50 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 173.30 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 3.58 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 29.16 Bay City Iron Works 51.50 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 City of Oakland - Garage 47.21 California State Automobile Association 20.00 The Camera Hospital 3.00 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 16.37 The Electric Corporation 9.59 The Electric Motor Machine Works 7.50 Goodhue Printing Company 71.75 Grinnell Company 10.49 H. M. C. Co. 7.50 Horn Products Company 16.66 C. L. Moody 2.62 Chas. Matthews 92.34 Maxwell Hardware Co. 2.25 National Lead Company 21.17 Oakland Building Material Company 24.10 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 2.97 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 28.15 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Rice Son 6.53 San Leandro Rock Company 19.00 Standard Oil Company of California 27.53 St. Clair Building 32.50 Clyde Sunderland Studios 44.00 Smith Brothers 68.96 Smith Hardware Company 23.58 Thomas Bros. \ 12.50 The Tribune Publishing Co. 40.46 Union Oil Company of California 14.00 Underwood Typewriter Co. 1.25 General Office Equipment Corporation 10.80 Hill Morton Inc. 34.30 Western Building Forum 7.50 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 19.95 Western Canner and Packer 45.00 Fred Wuescher Son 2.50 The Interstate Co. 1.95 The A. Lietz Co. 33.96 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 2.20 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1,123.89 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: American Dredging Co. 15,566.70 Allinger 6.00 Air Reduction Sales Co. 11.00 E. H. Edwards Company 30.87 The Electric Corporation 6.92 Hill Morton Inc. 56.45 S. T. Johnson Co. 26.40 Maxwell Hardware Co. 1.25 Orrick, Palmer Dahlquist 372.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 150.00 Standard Oil Company of California 7.22 The Tribune Publishing Co. 41.08 Union Oil Company of California 8.48 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 459.25 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 3,560.72 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 14.50 $26,982.05"



BE IT RESOLVED that the Port Manager be and he is hereby author- ized to execute an approval of the assignment of the leasehold interest of the Standard Oil Company of California to the Standard Stations Inc., a corporation, of the premises now occupied by said Standard Oil Company of California located on the northeast and the northwest corners of Seventh and "B" Streets, under those certain lease agreements from the City of Oakland dated the 15th day of August, 1930, and the 15th day of March, 1931."



RESOLVED that the bond of the DUNCANSON-HARRELSON CO., a corpora- tion, executed by the PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY in the amount of $31,814.40 for the faithful performance of itacontract with the City of Oakland for furnishing and driving the piles for the foundations of Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby approved."

Port Ordinance No. 125 being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ITEM 355 OF PORT

ORDINANCE NO. 60", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communication which had been laid on the table at previous meetings was taken from the table and filed:

Settlement of floors in Warehouse "B".

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous

meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor;

Compensation Insurance of Port employees;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits;

Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges;

Application of Port Costa Brick Works for lease of small parcel of land adjacent to Livingston Wharf;

Application of Galvan and Marr to lease Outer Harbor Terminal.

Verbal report of the Port Committee that the cost of making fill for

Hegenberger Road and premiums on bonds which had accrued from previous sales of

bonds be included in the annual budget of the Board, was approved.

The Port Manager was directed to request that in the budget of the De-

partment of Streets the cost of making certain improvements to street leading to

Ninth Avenue Pier be included in said departments budget for the ensuing year.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2093 and advertising for five consecutive days

in the citys official newspaper, bids for Grading and Paving with Oil Macadam of

Roadways at the Outer Harbor Terminal were received between the hours of 3:30 and

4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids re-

ceived, were publicly opened:




TOTAL BID ON ITEM "B" ITEM "C" ITEM "D" ITEM "E" Excavation 2800 tons 500 tons 200 bbls. 2000 BM Preparation crushed rock crushed rock Asphaltic Stakes Subgrade per ton Screenings Road Oil Headers BIDDER per ton per bbl. per M ft.

Heafey-Moore $1,687.00 $1.70 $2.00 •3.00 $83.00 Hutchinson Co. 602.00 1.80 2.20 3.50 85.00 A. J. Grier 500.00 2.20 2.50 3.00 40.00 Lee J. Irnmel 228.00 1.90 2.25 3.75 56.00 J. H. Fitzmaurice 980.00 2.50 2.86 3.90 60.00

ITEM "F" ITEM "G" 3 Catch Basins 220 Lin.Ft. each 6" Drain TOTAL CERTIFIED BIDDER per lin.ft. BID CHECK Heafey-Moore $55.00 4 .70 $8,532.00 $900.00 Hutchinson Co. 90.00 .80 8,058.00 900.00 A. J. Grier 40.00 .50 8,820.00 900.00 Lee T. Immel 20.00 .50 7,705.00 800.00 J. H. Fitzmaurice 35.00 .75 10,580.00 1,100.00 P 50 I These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port

Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, Tune 1, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office

of the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Part Manager and the Assistant Port Attorney

were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of May 25, 1931, as corrected, were

approved and adopted.

Communication from Assemblyman Eugene W. Roland regarding the signing

of the Oakland Tideland Bill by the Governor, was filed.

Communication from Corporal Leonard B. Hollywood, Post No. 939, expres-

sing appreciation for privilege of selling "Buddy Poppies" at Oakland Municipal

Airport, and stating that splendid cooperation was given in this matter by the

employes at the Airport, was filed.

Communication from Key System, Ltd. stating that the contract respect-

ing the operation of tracks in Oakland Outer Harbor area will soon be taken up

with executives of the Southern Pacific Company and an agreement entered into,

was filed.

Communication from the State Highway Engineer expressing appreciation

for port data furnished, was filed.

Copy of communication by President Fisher to Governor Rolph requesting

him to affix his signature to the Oakland Tideland Bill, was filed.

Communication from the City Engineer stating that the proposed changes

in the road leading to the Municipal Garbage Wharf, Outer Harbor, made necessary

by the construction of Warehouse "C", was satisfactory to his department, was filed.

Communication from the Civil Service Board stating that, based upon the

opinion of the City Attorney, the Traffic Clerk employed in the San Francisco office J was exempt from the provisions of Civil Service, was filed.

Copy of communication of President Fisher to Councilman elect, Fred N.

Morcom, inviting the members of the City Council to inspect Oaklands Port and

Airport facilities, was filed.

Communication from the State Products Terminal Company making application

for leasing of Grove Street Pier, was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from the City Auditor asking to be informed concerning

probable sales of the 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund bonds during the fiscal

year 1931-1932, was read, and upon recommendation by the Port Committee the Sec-

retary was directed to advise the City Auditor that the Board expected to sell

$500,000.00 of these bonds during this period.

The report of the Port Manager for the month of May, was filed.

The Port Manager reported on the status of the following funds as of

May 31, 1931:

Harbor Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $156,049.13 Unencumbered Fund Resources 418,462.36

Set Up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00

Harbor Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash 318,386.62

The following report of the Port Committee on matters referred to it,

was adopted:

1. That the matter of publicity and Port Organ be held in abeyance

until July 1, 1931.

2. That steps be taken at once to prepare accommodations for the per-

manent offices of the Board in Grove Street Pier.

3. That a fund be set up to cover the Merritt Estate interests in Clay

Street Pier.

4. That the matter of taking legal action against river transportation

companies to collect service charges assessed in accordance with the Port Tariff

be held in abeyance until further conferences on this matter had been held with

the East Bay Terminal Operators.

5. That the request of Clinton Improvement Association that a small

parcel of land at East Eighth Street be turned over to the Park Department, be

taken from the Calendar.

6. That the City Auditor be advised that the Board expects to sell

•500,000.00 of 1925 Harbor Improvement Fund bonds during the fiscal year 1931-1932.

The report of the Airport Committee recommending that approximately

$262.00 be expended for additional fire protection in lean-tos to hangars at

Oakland Municipal Airport, was adopted. The reports of Mr. Pendleton that the oiling of rock surfaces at Oakland

Municipal Airport be indefinitely postponed, and that the sum of approximately

$75.00 be expended in making certain alterations of partitions in lean-to occupied by J. Spillane Company in Hanger No. 3, were adopted.

The Port Manager reported that a conference had been held between the operators of the East Bay Terminals and representatives of coastwise lines on

May 28, 1931, regarding application for reduction in service charges, and that a meeting with the intercoastal steamship lines would be held on June 4; also that on June 11 a similar conference would be held with the representatives of foreign

steamship lines.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been ap- proved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sunset Lumber Company 292.73 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: C. W. Abbott Company 3.42 Air Reduction Sales Co. 2.75 Acme Welding Co. 3.00 Bay City Iron Works 91.50 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 11.76 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 18.90 Ditto Incorporated 2.12 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 12.08 General Office Equipment Corporation 10.75 The Electric Corporation 11.71 E. H. Huebbe 2.50 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 2.06 The A. Lietz Co. 2.65 Maxwell Hardware Co. 33.22 Oakland National Engraving Co. 5.17 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 34.50 Louis Paulos 40.50 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 33.64 Richfield Oil Company of California 15.25 Strati° Hardwood Company 1.78 Southern Pacific Company 1.41 Smith Brothers 8.41 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 1.92 Union Machine Works 12.50 Union Oil Company of California 32.00 W. H. Worden Company 86.75 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 23.96 Westinghouse Electric &Manufacturing Company 39.25 Geo, H. Nash 159.40 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,154.03 - Engineering Department 1,735.00 " - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 " - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 Pay Rolls - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,473.00 " - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,754.92 " - Airport 737.50 " - New Construction 757.00 " - Dredge 2,526.00 " - General Waterfront 922.82 Thos. H. Moore 145.30 Geo. A. Attwood 2.77 Smith Hardware Company 11.98 Port Revolving Fund Pay Roll 2,287.91 Port Revolving Fund Miscel. 376.93 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Electric Corporation 18.09 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 6.72 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 30.73 R. H. Rawson 79.28 American Dredging Co. 5,188.90 $22,746.47"



RESOLVED that the contract for the grading and paving with oil macadam of roadways at Outer Harbor Terminal, foot of Fourteenth Street, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to LEE J. IMPEL, an individual, in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed May 25th, 1931.

BE FP FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ether bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the specifications filed with the Board for supplying electrical energy for dredging operations, be and the same are hereby approved, said specifications being for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1932.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five (5) consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the specifications filed with the Board for tug hire for the fiscal year July 1, 1931 to June 30, 1932, for serving Port Dredge are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of this Board is hereby directed to advertise for bids in the manner required by law."



RESOLVED that the specifications filed with this Board for blue printing service for the fiscal year July 1, 1931 to June 30, 1932, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be directed to advertise for bids in the manner provided by law." "RESOLUTION NO. 2105


RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with M. B. McGOWAN for the construction of the substructure of Inland Waterways Terminal at the foot of Webster Street, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Saturday, July 13th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to Alice S. Troxel, Law Secretary, by Resolution No. 2072, is hereby extended, without pay, for a period commencing with the 26th day of May, 1931 and ending on the 31st day of May, 1931, both inclusive."



RESOLVED that the Contract dated April 29th, 1931 with Healy- Tibbitts Construction Co. for the furnishing and driving of piles for founda- tion for Warehouse "AA", Foot of Fourteenth Street, Outer Harbor, Oakland, California, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the installation of electric wiring for light and power in the Inland Water- ways Terminal be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that M. L. Thatcher, Stenographer, be granted leave of absence, without pay, commencing with the 1st day of June, 1931, to and includ- ing the 7th day of June, 1931."

Communication from the City Auditor requesting information as to bonds

to be sold during the fiscal year 1931-1932, was taken from the table and filed.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre-

vious meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Co. - Garbage Wharf - Inner Harbor;

Compensation insurance of Port employes;

Miller Boyken - Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits;

Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges; Application of Port Costa Brick Works for lease of small parcel of land adjacent to Livingston Pier;

Application of State Products Terminal to lease Outer Harbor Terminal.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2049 and advertising for five consecutive days

in the citys official newspaper, bids for Electric Wiring in Warehouse "AA", Outer

Harbor Terminal, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened;



BIDDER TOTAL BID CERTIFIED CHECK Geo. Woolf $2,095.00 $210.00 G. W. Coupe 2,577.00 257.70 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 2,283.00 250.00 Kenyon Electric Co. 2,550.00 255.00 C. W. Gates 2,729.00 280.00 T. L. Rosenberg Bros. 2,635.00 265.00 Scott-Buttner Electric Co. 2,864.00 300.00 Matson-Seabrooke Co. 2,695.00 275.00 Kerr Clifford 3,610.00 500.00 City Improvement Co. 3,700.00 400.00 3,044.00 310.00 E. C. Hiester G. Stanley Pearce 2,850.00 300.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port

Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, June 8, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also

present. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 1, 1931, were approved and


Communication from the State Railroad Commission stating that a meeting had been arranged for June 12, 1931, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. to consider the

crossing of Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroad companies tracks at

Ninth Avenue, was read and the engineers of the Port Commission directed to attend

this meeting, which would be held at said crossing.

Communication from Southern Pacific Company transmitting agreement cover-

ing spur track to be constructedin the vicinity of Oakland Municipal Airport, was

laid on the table.

Modified application of State Products Terminal for leasing of Market

Street Pier, was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from the Carnation Company stating that letters addressed

to Mr. T. F. Douglas, its Vice-President, regarding extension of Albers Bros.

lease would be handed to him on his return from the east in about ten days, was


Communication from Central National Bank advising that the Trust Fund

held by said bank in connection with the Union Construction Companys lease now

amounts to 478,821.77, was filed.

Request of American Association of Port Authorities for an advertisement

in the "World Ports" for September and October, 1931 at the rate of S70.00 per

insertion, was granted.

Application of Albers Bros. Milling Company for the Port Commission to

construct a roadway at the west end of its land, was read, and the Port Manager authorized to expend approximately $160.00 for this purpose, which is in accord-

ance with leasing agreement between the City and Albers Bros. Milling Company.

Communication from Seiji Noma requesting that the Port Commission dis-

tribute pictures regarding the Japanese-American Goodwill Flight Across the North

Pacific, was read and the Port Manager directed to distribute such pictures,

when received.

A committee of Oakland Chamber of Commerce, consisting of Messrs. C. J.

Struble, R. H. Glassley, Geo. M. Parker and Otto Fischer, discussed with the

Board the matter of the removal of Government Island. It was the consensus of

opinion that nothing further could be done in this matter at this time as the

Government was definitely committed to the construction of certain buildings on

said island for the accommodation of several of its departments.

The Port Manager reported that a conference had been held on June 4

with representatives of intercoastal and foreign steamship lines regarding reduc-

tion in service charges, and that a meeting of the operators of the East Bay Term-

inal Operators would be held to further discuss this matter on June 10.

The Port Manager reported that he had been working with the Associated

Oil Company and the Pacific Airmotive Cor poration to induce the operators of the Century Air Lines to locate its base at Oakland Municipal Airport.

The report of the Port Manager on the cost of providing space for the executive offices of the Board at Grove Street Pier, was adopted, including the installation of a passenger elevator.

The budget of the Port Commission for the fiscal year 1931-1932, as pre- pared by the Port Manager, was adopted, and the Port Manager directed to transmit necessary copies to officials of the City.

The report of the Air Port Transportation Service for the month of May,

1931, was filed.

The Port Manager reported on the status of the following funds as of .Tune

5, 1931:

Harbor Maintenance Fund

Unencumbered Cash Balance $167,325.11 Unencumbered Fund Resources 429,903.67 Set a in Special Funds $175,000.00 Harbor Improvement Fund

Unencumbered Cash Balance $332,247.86

Report of the Port Manager on the leasing of Market Street Pier to the

State Products Terminal, was laid on the table.

Report of the Assistant Port Manager on cost of leveling and grading of additional area of the Airport flying field, was referred to the Airport Committee.

Report of total monthly operations of the Airport for the month of May, was filed.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: East Bay Blue Print and Supply Co. 52.83 Elmhurst Motors 4.49 Alemite Company of California 11.97 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 4.90 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 95.57 F. H. Dailey Motor Company 2.00 The Electric Corporation 20.58 Golden Gate Sheet Metal Works 2.75 Goodhue Printing Company 35.00 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 36.00 00,

Charles R. Hadley Company 1.08 Hill Morton Inc. 7.35 Chas. Matthews 64.70 McKesson-Langley-Michaels Company 9.81 C. L. Moody 5.15 Oakland Building Material Company 2.94 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 54.26 Joseph Pierotti Co. 11.65 A. E. Berg Co. 2.17 San Leandro Rock Company 207.10 Union Oil Company of California 20.00 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. N 4.31 Geo. B. Green 13.81 A. S. Titus 5.74 R. N. Ricketts 8.31 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 67.65 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Oakland Building Material Company 5.89 Phoenix Iron Works Co. 45.00 American Concrete Pipe Co. 18.38 Schirrmacher G o. .75 Longview Dredging and Construction Co. 4,570.76 4,392.90"



RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and installing of electric wiring and equipment for light and power in Warehouse AA, located at the foot of Fourteenth Street, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to George Woolf, in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed June 1st, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the construction of superstructure of Warehouse "C" be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the installing of office partitions at Grove Street Pier for the executive offices of the Port Commission be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law." JU "RESOLUTION NO. 2114


RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to construct a spur track 590 feet in length for serving the east side of Warehouse AA, the cost of said spur track to be approximately $900.00."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with San Leandro Rock Company for furnishing 5,000 cubic yards more or less of quarry waste to the Oakland Municipal Airport be and the same is hereby extended to and including Tuesday, December 1st, 1931."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with the California Steel Company for fabricating and erecting steel for the Inland Waterways Terminal be and the same is hereby extended to and including Tues- day, June 30th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence from the meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners heretofore granted Commissioner Sherwood Swan by Resolution No. 2052, because of duties requiring him to be away from the City of Oakland at such times, be and the same is hereby extended, for said reason, to end including Friday, July 10th, 1931."



BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Oakland be requested to authorize the issuance of, and to sell at private sale, thirty eight thousand dollars ($38,000) principal amount of Oakland Harbor Improvement Bonds at four and one-half per cent (4i%) interest bearing serial numbers 1208 to 1245, both inclusive, which bonds will mature on July 1st, 1931."



BE IT RESOLVED that whereas this Board has carefully prepared a budget of the anticipated receipts and expenditures of the port department for the fiscal year, July let, 1931 to June 30th, 1932, pursuant to Section 220 of the Charter, a recapitulation of said budget being as follows:


Requirements for the administration of the department, and for maintenance, operation, construction and development of the port and its facilities (other than capital expendi- tures to be met from the 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund) $1,016,645.45 Estimated resources of the port for said fiscal year $1,096,465.35

Anticipated receipts from City Council and Street Department in satisfaction of Orders No. 160-80 dated Dec. 26, 1928 and No. 160-98 dated February 8, 1929, Street Department, City of Oakland, to Port Department against Public Betterment Appropriation, 1928-1929, for hydraulic fill of Hegenberger Road, in the amount of $ 40,710.43

Total estimated resources $1,137,175.78

Amount necessary to be raised by tax levy for port operations NONE


that the resources above referred to do not include anticipated revenues to be received from the proceeds of prospective sales of bonds nor premiums previously received by the city in the amount of $162,748.00 which the Supreme Court of the State of California has determined must be transferred from the Interest and Redemption Fund to the 1925 Oak- land Harbor Improvement Fund in order that said amount received by the city may be made available for harbor construction purposes,

SAID BUDGET be and the same is hereby approved, and the President and Secretary be and they are hereby directed and authorized to certify the said budget. The Secretary shall forthwith file certified copies thereof and of this resolution with the City Clerk, the Commissioner of Revenue and Finance, and the Auditor of the City of Oakland."



RESOLVED that the Port Attorney is hereby authorized to arrange for the securing of a title report from the Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company covering the various parcels of land to which the city is to secure title in connection with the adjustment of the roads and areas for the proposed new garbage wharf near the foot of Peralta Street extended."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf-- Inner Harbor;

Compensation insurance of Port employes;

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits;

Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges;

Application of Port Costa Brick Works for lease of small parcel of land adjacent to Livingston Street Pier;

Application of State Products Terminal to lease Grove Street Pier.

Pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 2102, 2103, 2104 and 2108 and advertising

for five consecutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Electrical Energy for Operation of Dredging Plant or Equipment, Launch Hire, Blueprinting, and Electric Wiring and Equipment for Light and Power in Transit Shed at Inland

Waterways Terminal, Ft. Webster Street, were received between the hours of 3:30 end 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:






Pacific Gas and Electric Company In accordance with the Pacific $1,000.00 Gas Electric Co.s schedule p-5 and for all energy delivered at primary or secondary voltage in accordance with Pacific Gas and Electric Co.s Schedule p-1, copies of which schedules are attached to said bid.



CROWLEY LAUNCH CO. Certified Check $300.00 For Fiscal Year July 1st, 1931 to Tune 30, 1932. Rate per Month for Launch Service, NAME H.P. BEAM TENOTH Oakland Harbor,

CROWLEY 8 50 12 45 $625.00 CROWLEY 10 50 12 45 625.00 CROWLEY 12 50 12 45 625.00 CROWLEY 6 65 17 50 750.00 CROWLEY 7 65 17 50 750.00 CROWTRY 22 120 let 54 850.00 CROWLEY 20 250 20 80 1800.00 CROWLEY 21 250 20' 80' 1800.00

THE HARBOR TUG BARGE CO. Certified Check $300.00 For Fiscal Year July 1st, 1931 to June 30, 1932

Rate per Month for Launch Service, NAME H.P. BEAM LENGTH Oakland Harbor.

ANCON 35 12 38 $495.00 RESTLESS 50 10 46 575.00 PETERSON #12 55 12 38 575.00 PETERSON ft 6 65 15 46 700.00 PETERSON # 4 80 13 44 700.00 PETERSON ft 8 80 14' 52' 700.00 PIRATE 110 14' 48° 800.00 PANAMA 150 14 48 950.00 POLAND 250 18 72 1750.00 U SCHED - BLUEPRINTING 1931 - June 30, 193:: DIETERICH-POST CO. Fiscal Year July 1, CERTIFIED CHECK $200.00 Unit Unit Unit Price Unit Price, BLUE PRINTS ON PAPER BROWN OR BLACK LINE PRINTS to 42" Sq.Ft. .02 ON CLOTH over 42" ft ft .03 to 42" Sq.Ft. .25 Minimum each over 42" " " .28 Not over 9x12 in lots from Minimum each .40 10 to 25 if .04i Not over 9x12 in lots Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 of 10 to 25 .40 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 .30 BLUE PRINTS ON CLOTH to 42" Sq.Ft. .15 NEGATIVES ON PAPER over 42" " " .20 to 42" Sq.Ft. .08 Minimum each .09 over 42" " " .09 Not over 9x12 in lots Minimum each .10 from 10 to 25 Vt .09 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 " .09 NEGATIVES ON CLOTH to 42" .25 Sq.Ft. BLUE LINE PRINTS ON PAPER over 42" .28 to 42" Sq.Ft. .04 Minimum each .40 over 42" " " .05 .05 Minimum each OZALID PRINTS ON PAPER Not over 9x12 in lots "Dircoprints" RED ON PAPER (Sub.') from 10 to 25 if .04i to 42" Sq.Ft. .04 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 tt •04i over 42" I, ft -- Minimum each .10 BLUE LINE PRINTS ON CLOTH Not over 9x12 in lots Cloth to 42" Sq.Ft. .20 from 10 to 25 if .10 Cloth over 42" " .23 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 tt .09 Minimum each -- Not over 9x12 in lots PHOTOSTAT REPRODUCTIONS of 10 to 25 Vt .40 8i-"x11" black each Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 ft .40 white if 11" x 14" Black BROWN OR BLACK LINE PRINTS White ON PAPER 14" x 18" Black if 42" .08 to So.Ft. White If Ft .09 if over 42" 18" x 22" Black Minimum each .10 White if Not over 9x12 in lots from 10 to 25 ft .09 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 .09

ELECTRIC BLUE PRINT PHOTO CO. Fiscal Year July 1, 1931 - June 30, 1932. CERTIFIED CHECK $200.00 Unit Unit Unit Price Unit Price BLUE PRINTS ON PAPER BROWN OR BLACK LINE PRINTS to 42" Sq.Ft. .04 ON CLOTH over 42" " " .06 to 42" Sq.Ft. .25 Minimum each .10 over 42" " " .30 Not over 9x12 in lots Minimum each .50 from 10 to 25 if .08 Not over 9x12 in lots Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 " .07 of 10 to 25 ft .45 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 ft .40 BLUE PRINTS ON CLOTH to 42" Sq.Ft. .20 NEGATIVES ON PAPER over 42" tf .22 to 42" Sq.Ft. .12 42" Minimum each .40 over " " .15 Not over 9x12 in lots Minimum each .25 from 10 to 25 .35 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 .30 NEGATIVES ON CLOTH to 42" Sq.Ft. .25 BLUE LINE PRINTS ON PAPER over 42" " " .30 to 42" Sq.Ft. .07 Minimum each .50 over 42" " " .08 OZALID PRINTS ON PAPER Minimum each .15 to 42"' Sq.Ft. .04 Not over 9x12 in lots over 42" " " .06 from 10 to 25 .13 Minimum each .10 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 " .12 Not over 9x12 in lots from 10 to 25 .10 Not over 9:c12 in lots over 25 " .07 Red. and Purple ozalids are net. L11114 Unit Price Unit Price BLUE LIUE PRINTS ON MOTH PHOTOSTAT REPRODUCTIONS Cloth to 42" Sq.Ft. .22 8"x 11" Black each .50 t. Cloth over 42" .25 White vt .40 Minimum each .50 11" x 14" Black .55 Not over 9x12 in lots White It .50 of 10 to 25 .45 14" x 18" Black .70 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 vt .40 White PT .60 18" x 22" Black tt 1.00 BROIN OR BLACK LINE PRINTS ON White pp .95 PAPER to 42" Sq.Ft. .12 over 42" .15 Minimum each .25 Not over 9x12 in lots from 10 to 25 It .22 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 .20 Less 25% Discount.

EAST BAY BLUE PRINT SUPPLY CO. Fiscal Year July 1, 1931 - June 30,1932. CERTIFIED CHECK200.00 Unit Unit Unit Price Unit Price BLUE PRINTS ON PAPER BROWN OR BLACK LINE PRINTS ON to 42" Sq.Ft. .014/5 CLOTH over 42" " .03 to 42r. Sq.Ft. .25 Minimum each .04-h over 42" .30 Not over 9x12 in lots Minimum each .30 from 10 to 25 tt .04 Not over 9x12 in lots Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 tt .04 of 10 to 25 It .30 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 tt .30 BLUE PRINTS ON CLOTH to 42" Sq.Ft. .12 NEGATITES ON PAPER over 42" et tt .15 to 42" Sq.Ft. .08;1 Minimum each .12 over 42" " " .12 Not over 9x12 in lots Minimum each .10 from 10 to 25 tt .10 Not 9,,-19 in l ^ts Ovnr 25 . 1 0 NEGATIVES ON (MOTH to 42" So.Ft. .25 BLUE LINE PRINTS ON PAPER over 42" " " .30 to 42" Sq.Ft 4 .04 Minimum each .30 over 42" tt .05 Minimum each .05 OLALIDr PRINTS ON PAPER Not over 9x12 in lots to 42" Sq.Ft. .04 from 10 to 215 .04 over 42" .06 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 tt .04 L[inimum each .07 Not over 9a12 in lots BLUE LINE PRINTS ON CLOTH from 10 to 25, tt .05 Cloth to 42" S8.Ft. .14 Not over 93(12 in lots over 25 " .05 Cloth over 42" t. .16 Minimum each .15 PHOTOSTAT REPRODUCTIONS Not over 9x12 in lots Black each .45 of 10 to 25 tt .14 White .36 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 tt .14 11" x 14" Black tt .50 White tt .45 BROWN OR BLACK LINE PRINTS ON 14" a 18" Black tt .72 PAPER White tt .67 to 42" Sq.Ft. .08 18" x 22" Black It over 42" It .14 White 11, Minimum each .10 18" x 24" Black tt 1.12 Not over 9x12 in lots White tt .90 from 10 to 25 tt .10 Not over 9x12 in lots over 25 tt .09- 5% Discount on all invoices. 8 I.





Geo. Woolf 775.00 780•00 Kenyon Electric Company 730.00 73.00 E. C. Heister D.B.A. Advance Electric Co. 794.00 80.00 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 742.00 75.00 G. N. Coupe 739.00 73.90 T. L. Rosenberg Company 835.00 85.00 C. N. Gates 780.00 80,00 Kerr Clifford 774.00 80.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the

Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, June 15, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m. due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Budlding.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3-

Commissioners absent: Dr. Pardee, and Mr. Swan, on leave. -2-

. The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of June 8, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Carnation Company stating that it would like, a

little later, to again take up with the Board the extension of the Albers Bros.

Milling Companys lease on the western waterfront, was filed.

Telegram from Henry Hultman of the Associated Oil Company, Los Angeles,

stating, that the Century Air Lines would use Mills Field, San Francisco, as its base of operations, was filed.

Communication from Judge Vm. A. Smith, private secretary to Governor

Rolph, advising that the Oakland Tideland Bill had been signed by the Governor, was filed.

Communication from Senator A. H. Breed, advising of the signing by the

Governor of the Oakland Tideland Bill, was filed.

Communication from McCormick Steamship Company asking for assignment at

Ninth Avenue Pier, was laid on the table and the Port Manager directed to furnish each member of the Board a copy of said communication.

Communication from State Products Terminal giving statistics as to cargo handled by it over pier 48, San Francisco, for certain periods, was referred to the

Port Committee.

Notice of public hearing by the U. S. Engineer Office in San Francisco on

July 14, 1931, at the hour of 10:30 a.m., for the purpose of giving consideration to the establishment of standard clearances for bridges that may be constructed in the future over certain navigable waterways, was filed, and the Port Manager di- rected to attend said hearing.

Communication from Pacific Airmotive Corporation, Los Angeles, stating that it had been negotiating with the Century Air Lines regarding the possibility of its making Oakland Municipal Airport its base of operations, was filed.

Communication from the San Diego Harbor Board asking information as to the Boards views on the application of coastwise steamship companies to intervene before the Interstate Commerce Commission with reference to the Fourth Section

Relief, was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise the Harbor Board that this was a matter that should properly be handled by the Chambers of Commerce of the various port cities of the Pacific coast.

Communication from the President of the Board of Levee Commissioners of New Orleans, expressing appreciation for courtesies extended to members of said

Board on their visit to Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Bay Cities Transportation Company requesting that steel rolling doors be substituted for wooden doors in the Inland Waterways Ter- minal, was read, and request granted. A resolution covering this request was later passed by the Board.

The matter of giving noticeto Bank of America of the Boards intention of vacating its offices in the Bank of America Building, was delegated tb Presi- dent Fisher.

The Port Manager reported that a meeting had been held on June 10 by the

East Bay Terminal Operators to consider petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges, and that another meeting would be held on Tuesday, June Li:, to

Five further consideration to this request.

The Port Manager reported that the Southern Pacific, Santa Fe, and Western Pacific railroads would now file with the Railroad Commission identical tariffs with those of the East Bay Orators.

The Port Manager reported that so far this month three vessels had dis- charged lumber at Ninth Avenue Pier.

The Port Manager reported that interest on the trust fund of the Union

Construction Company, held by the Central National Bank, had been regularly added to the principal. The Port Manager was directed to ascertain if a higher rate of interest could not be obtained on the fund than has been had up to the present time.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of June 12,


Harbor Maintenance Unencumbered Cash Balance 172,651.05 Estimated Unencumbered Fund Resources 435,229.42.

(Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222,4T175,000.00)

Harbor Improvement Unencumbered Cash Balance 330,833,10

Report of the Assistant Port Manager on conference held on June 12, at the Ninth Avenue crossing of the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific tracks, at which were present re p resentatives of the Railroad Commission, railroads, the

City of Oakland, and the Port Commission, was filed.

Report of the Port Manager on application of State Products Terminal associates under date of June 5, 1951, for an assignment of lease of Market Street

Pier, was filed.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The followin resolutions were introduced. and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -5- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Dr. Pardee, and Swan on leave. -2-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND Ii.,1PflOVEMT FUND: Bay Cities Asbestos Co. Ltd. p 55.98 City of Oakland - City Hall 11.90 The Electric Corporation 3.32 Perry C. Fry Co. 1.76 Gilbert Plum 4.00 The Inter-City Express 1.50 Jackson Furniture Co. 9.67 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 3.53 The A. Dietz Co. 10.59 Oakland Building Material Company 5.45 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 1.20 Postal Fe leg. Company 1.62 Union Pacific Laundry 3.50 Pelican Pure Water Co. 9.60 Pacific Chipper 68.00 Smith Hardware Company 10.02 Smith Brothers 25.98 Clyde Sunderland Studios 5.00 Wylie Wells Kelley 20.17 Zellerbach Paper Company 11.76 Blake, Moffitt Towne 1.99 Chester A. Bray 40.54 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,155.83 n - Engineering Dept. 1,735.00 tt - Traffic 8: Operating 1,390.00 n - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 tt - Grove Market Street Piers 1,473.00 n ft- - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,697.50 ft ft - Airport 737.50 ft, - New Construction 820.00 n - Dredge 2,514.50 if ft - General Waterfront 791.70 192.5 OAKLAND HARBOR LTPROV=ENT FUND: Healy-Tibbitts Construction Co. 2,078.88 S. T. Johnson Co. 23.60 Maxwell Hardware Co. 53.66 Air Reduction Sales Co. 17.81 Chester A. Bray 10.87 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 1,308.82 Pacific Coast Engineering Co. 2,367.50 Arise-Knapp Company 385.44 DI. B. McGowan 23,123.70 43,142.39"



RESOLVED that the bond of CEO. WOOLF, executed by PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, in the amount of 2,095.00 for the faithful performance of his contract with the City of Oakland for the installation of electric wiring and equipment for light and power in Warehouse AA, located at the foot of Fourteenth Street, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVE]) that the bond of LEE J. IMURT,, executed by MARYLAND CAS- UALTY COMPANY in the amount of V7,705.00, for the faithful performance of his contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of oil macadam roadways at the Outer Harbor be and the same is hereby approved."


RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC ;TIRING AT INLAND WATERWAYS TEHdINAL. RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and installing of electric wiring and equipment for light and power in the transit shed at Inland Waterways Terminal be and the same is hereby awarded to Kenyon Electric Company, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed June 8th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the amount of $730.00 shall be required and that the procedure pre-7 scribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected." "RESOLUTION NO. 2125


RESOLVED that each of the bids filed with this Board on June 8th, 1931, for the rental of a power launch and/or launches, for one year begin- ning July 1st, 1931, being found excessive in amount, each and every bid is hereby rejected, and the Port Manager is hereby directed to readvertise."



RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and delivering of electrical energy as required for the operation of any and all dredging plants or equipment owned or operated by the Board of Port Commissioners, for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1932, be and the same is hereby awarded to the PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed June 8th, 1931, (said bid being the only bid received).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the contract in the amount of 01,000.00 shall be required and that the pro- cedure prescribed by Resolution No. 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken." "RESOLUTION NO. 2127


RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and delivering of blueprinting to the Board of Port Commissioners for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1932, be and the same is hereby awarded to EAST BAY BLUE PRINT SUPPLY CO. (Max de Haas), in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed June 8th, 1931.

BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the amount of 0500.00 shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby auth- orized and directed to be taken. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to W. J. Masterson, Chief Wherfinger, and which by Resolution No. 2083 was extended to and including June 15th, 1931, be and the same is hereby extended, with- out compensation, to end including August 17th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the plans end specifications filed with the Board for the construction of a garbage disposal wharf, together with appurten- ances, at the foot of Peralta Street extended, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."


RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBSTITIVION OF STEEL ROLLING DOORS FOR WOOD ROLLING DOORS, INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAT WHEREAS, the J. G. Wilson Corporation, a proposed subcontractor for R. W. Littlefield contractor for the construction of the transit shed, other than structural steel, at the foot of Webster Street, to be known as the In- land Waterways Terminal (Resolution No. 2054) offers to substitute steel rol- ling doors for the wood rolling doors specified in the specification for said structure, at the same cost as such wood doors, and

WHEREAS, the said I. G. Wilson Corporation is a responsible bidder and has submitted to the said R. W. Littlefield the lowest bid on the construc- tion of wood rolling doors in accordance with the specifications, and

WHEREAS, steel rolling doors of the same type are superior in char- acter to wood doors and it is to the advantage of the public that steel doors be installed where the price therefor is the same, and the Bay Citiestrans- portation Company, to whom said structure is to be leased, has requested such substitution to be made, and the same is agreeable to the R. W. LITTLEFIELD COMIANY, now, therefore, upon the recommendation of the Port Manager and the Chief Engineer,

BE IT RESOLVED that the substitution of steel rolling doors of the standard which has been approved by this Board on prior occasions, be and the same is hereby permitted in lieu of such wood rolling doors in satisfaction of said contract, it being understood that no additional cost is to be added to said contract."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were taken from the table and filed:

Southern Pacific Co. - garbage wharf - Inner Harbor;

Application of Port Costa Brick Works for lease of small parcel of land adjacent to Livingston Street Pier.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;.

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson Patent suits;

Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges;

Application of State Products Terminal to lease Market Street Pier;

Report of the Port Manager on application of State Products Terminal to lease Market Street Pier;

Southern Pacific agreement for spur track at Airport.


of the


Held on Monday, Tune 22, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of June 15, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Wm. A. Smith, Private Secretary to Governor Rolph, advising of the signing of Senate Bill No. 565 by the Governor, was filed.

Communication from the Commissioner of Streets relative to the improve- ment of roadway from Fifth Avenue to Ninth Avenue to serve the Ninth Avenue Pier, stating that he would recommend to the City Council the inclusion in the Budget of sufficient funds to take care of this improvement, was filed. The expenditure, however, was contingent on the clearing up of the title to this roadway. The Port

Attorney was directed to take up with the Legal Department of the City the matter of quitclaim deed to right of way for this roadway.

Communication from Howard Terminal making application for assignment of

Market Street Pier, was laid on the table.

Communication from State Products Terminal regarding the calling of vessels at the Market Street Pier in the event this was assigned to them, was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety trans- mitting East Bay Municipal Utility District Warrant in the amount of $4,620.41, as refund on pipe line constructed by the East Bay Municipal Utility District to the Ninth Avenue Pier, was filed.

Communication from the Secretary of the Association of Pacific and Far

East Ports inquiring if members of the Port Commission, or staff, would be in attendance at the Annual Convention in Vancouver, B. C., August 13-14 and 15, was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise that the Port Manager, or

Assistant Manager, would attend this Convention.

Copy of letter by President Fisher to the Capital Company, regarding the surrender of the offices now occupied in the Bank of America Building on

August 31, 1931, was filed. Communication from Lloyd V. Roberts, Special Representative, Los Angeles

Harbor Department, furnishing certain information regarding revenues and payments on interest and sinking fund on outstanding harbor bonds, together with memorandum covering the principal items of revenues pertaining to this matter, was filed.

Memorandum by Port Manager regarding the objections of Rosenberg Bros.

Co. to the assigning of Market Street Pier to private operators, because of the effect it would have on the last loading day of vessels in Oakland Harbor, was filed.

Communication from Mr. Sherwood Swan relative to the termination of his service as a member of the Board of Port Commissioners, was filed.

Communication from Anna Papen, regarding the operation of airplanes in the vicinity of Oakland Municipal Airport, was referred to Mr. Pendleton.

Communication from J. R. Knowland, Jr., President Oakland Junior Chamber of Commerce, relative to the starting of the Continental Unlimited Free For All Race in connection with the 1931 National Air Races from Oakland Municipal Airport, was laid on the table awaiting further advice from Mr. Knowland.

At the hour of 3:30 p. m. the Board met with six representatives of

European steamship lines and two representatives of intercoastal steamship lines, relative to the assignment of the Market Street Pier to the State Products Terminal.

At a later hour Congressman Albert E. Carter discussed with the Board the matter of air mail being landed at airport other than that of Oakland Municipal


The Port Manager was directed to prepare a tentative plan looking to the extension of the present Yacht Harbor for consideration of the Board.

The Port Manager reported on meeting held on June 16 with East Bay Term-

inal Operators relative to the petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges.

The Port Manager presented a report of the Accountant relative to the

Union Construction Companys Trustee Account held by Central National Bank and the

Port Attorney was directed to address communication to the bank asking for detailed

statement as to status of this fund.

The report of the Port Attorney on leasing of public wharves, was filed.

The report of the Port Manager on request of coastwise steamship lines

that the Port Commission join in application for re-opening and re-argument of the

"Fourth Section Rate Case" of the Interstate Commerce Commission, as affecting rail

charges between Pacific coast port cities, was read and the matter was referred to

the Port Attorney for recommendation.

The Port Manager reported on status of certain funds as of June 19, 1931:

Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance...... $163,041.37 Total Estimated Unencumbered Fund Resources...... 425,619.74 0 4 0

(Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222...... $175,000.00)

Harbor Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance 330,040.41

Report of the Port Attorney in re Coleman vs. City of Oakland and Bodholdt

vs. City of Oakland, et al, was filed.

The report of the Port Committee on storage space to be furnished Libby,

McNeill Libby to compensate for the non-usability of floor areas of Warehouse

"B", because of settlement, was adopted.

Mr. Pendleton reported to the Board that he had advised Dr. Heinle that

the Board was ready to take up the matter of adjusting with the Merritt Hospital

.estate the matter of the rentals Npaid over the Clay Street Wharf. Dr. Reinle

stated that he would advise the Board when he was able to take this matter up.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following


AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. $ 471.23 LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Howard Terminal - Quay Wall 478.82 Howard Terminal - Wharves 1,853.12 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Sherwin-Williams Co. 11.14 Anderson Printing Company 23.70 Alhambra Water Co. 1.20 Goodhue Printing Company 35.00 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 1.96 Maxwell Hardware Company 10.11 East Bay Municipal Utility District 326.62 East Bay Blue Print and Supply Co. 59.74 National Lead Company 4.12 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 40.00 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. 3.50 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. 191.82 Pacific Coast Engineering Company 70.07 City of Oakland - Garage 23.13 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 2.28 City of Oakland - City Hall 173.02 Sterling Press 5.75 The Lincoln Press 9.75 Union Oil Company of California 32.00 Western Union 3.56 Washington-Lincoln Garage 20.00 Smith Brothers 2.16 The Tribune Publishing Company 31.50 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 802.59 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 3,188.62 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 348.71 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 418.00 Maxwell Hardware Co. 1.89 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 11.14 Standard Oil Company of California 7.22 The Tribune Publishing Co. 36.48 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 3,249.93 H. J. Christensen 15,385.50 Harbor Maintenance and Improvement d 228 5,306.72 $32,643.10"



RESOLVED that the bond of EAST BAY BLUE PRINT SUPPLY CO. executed by FIREMANS FUND INDEMNITY COMPANY, in the amount of $500.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the furnishing of blue- printing for the fiscal year 1931 to 1932, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of KENYON ELECTRIC COMPANY, executed by FIREMANS FUND INDEMNITY COMPANY in the amount of $730.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the furnishing of electric wiring and equipment for light and power in the Inland Waterways Terminal transit shed, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to purchase one railroad crossing frog and fittings and install same in track serving the easterly side of Warehouse AA, at an estimated cost of $500.00."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the installing of an automatic passenger elevator and the erection of a steel bridge at Grove Street Pier for the use of the general offices of the port, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the bond of PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, executed by FIREMANS FUND INDEMNITY COMPANY, in the amount of $1,000.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the supplying of electrical energy for the operation of dredging equipment of the Port, for the fiscal year 1931-1932, be and the same is hereby approved."

Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7.902 OF PORT

CRDINANCE NO. 8", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1- The following consounications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table: Compensation insurance of Port employees; Miller Boyken, patent attorneys - Ferguson patent suits; Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges; Application of State Products Terminal to lease Market Street Pier; Reports of Port Manager on application of State Products to lease Market Street Pier; Southern Pacific - agreement for spur track at Airport; McCormick Steamship Co. - assignment of Ninth Avenue Pier. Pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 2112 and 2125 and advertising for five consecutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Construction of Ware- house "C" at Outer Harbor Terminal, Furnishing and Installing Rolling Steel Doors Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, Automatic Sprinkler System, Warehouse "C", Cuter Harbor Terminal, Furnishing and Installing Two Freight Elevators Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, and Launch Hire were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4.30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WAREHOUSE "C" AT OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL TOTAL CERTIFIED BIDDER BID CHECKS Schuler McDonald Inc. (Wire corrugated glass $2,200.00 extra) $167,773.00 $17,500.00 Cahill Brothers 168,250.00 20,000.00 F. C. Amoroso Sons 187,000.00 19,000.00 MacDonald Kahn Co. Ltd. 182,999.00 20,000.00 R. W. Littlefield 172,240.00 17,500.00 W. S. Dinwiddie 192,450.00 20,000.00 Mission Concrete Co. 176,531.00 18,000.00 Barrett Hilp 191,245.00 21,000.00 David Nordstrom 183,156.00 20,000.00 Geo. Swanstrom 182,970.00 18,500.00 K. E. Parker 182,500.00 20,000.00 F. M. Bodenhamer 196,227.00 22,000.00 Geo. X. Maurer 185,000.00 20,000.00 Geo. Peterson 169,700.00 18,000.00

BIDS FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING ROLLING STEET. DOCRS WAREHOUSE "C" OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL TOTAL CERTIFIED BIDDER BID CHECK Rolph, Mills Co. $5,148.00 $515.00 Cornell Iron Works Inc. 5,050.00 505.00 The J. G. Wilson Corp. 4,772.00 510.00 Kennerson Manufacturing Co. 4,688.00 470.00 Gunn_ Carle A, Cn_ --- -- BIDS FOR

AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WAREHOUSE "C" OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL CERTIFIED TOTAL BIDDER BID CHECK Grinnell Company of the Pacific $9,250.00 $ 925.00 The Turner Co. 8,500.00 850.00 James H. Pinkerton Co. 7,938.00 800.00 Automatic Sprinkler Corporation of America 9,141.00 1,000.00


TOTAL BID CERTIFIED BIDDER CHECK Otis Elevator Company $7,945.00 $ 800.00 Pacific Elevator Equipment Co. 8,649.00 1,000.00 Bidders Bond Spencer Elevator Company 6,700.00 800.00

SCHEDULE LAUNCH HIRE HARBOR TUG BARGE CO. CERTIFIED CHECK $300.00 Far Fiscal Year July 1st, 1931 to June 30, 1932.

Rate Per Month for Launch NAME H.P. BEAM LENGTH Service in Oakland Harbor ANCON 35 12 38 $ 495.00 RESTLESS 50 10 46 575.00 PEIERSON #12 55 12 38 575.00 PETERSON # 6 65 15 46 700.00 PETERSON # 4 80 13 44 700.00 PETERSON # 8 80 14 52 700.00 PIRATE 110 14 48 800.00 PANAMA 150 14 48 950.00 ROLAND 250 18 72 1,750.00

CROWLEY LAUNCH TUG BOAT CO. CERTIFIED CHECK $300.00 For Fiscal Year July 1st, 1931 to June 30, 1932. Rate Per Month For Launch NAME H.P. BEAM LENGTH Service in Oakland Harbor.

CROWLEY # 8 50 12 45 $ 625.00 CROWLEY #10 50 12 45 625.00 CROWLEY #12 50 12 45 625.00 CROWLEY # 6 65 17 50 750.00 CROWLEY # 7 65 17 50 750.00 CROWLEY #22 120 16 54 850.00 CROWLEY #20 250 20 80 1,800.00 CROWLEY #21 250 20 80 1,800.00

These bids were referred to the Port Ittorney as to legality and the Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids. ADJOURNED. il7)041) REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS

of the


Held on Monday, June 29, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m.., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Mr. Swan, on leave. ..1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from the Interstate Companys office in Los Angeles, stating that it would be prepared to submit a new proposition for leasing of the

Airport Inn and Restaurant in the near future, was filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. stating that the tugboat ser- vices furnished M/S Seattle last week in making calls at various terminals in San

Francisco bay was $320.00, was filed.

Leasing agreement with Rosenberg Bros. Co. for the use of Warehouse

"AA", now under construction, was filed.

Communication from Howard Terminal asking that the dredging along quay wall of Howard lease, which had been requested at a previous meeting, be now postponed, was read, and the Port Manager directed to state to the Howard Terminal that the Board was of the opinion that this dredging should now be proceeded with so that no difficulties may be experienced by vessels berthing along the quay wall.

Communication from F. L. Burckhalter, General Manager Southern Pacific

Company, stating that his office would, in every way, cooperate with the Port

Commission in getting the construction of a new garbage wharf under way as soon as possible, was filed.

Mr. Burley, of the McCormick Steamship Company, appeared before the

Board and requested that the Board join with other ports of the Pacific coast in intervening in the Fourth Section Relief of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

The Board took the request under advisement.

Mr. Frank Burckhalter, General Manager of Southern Pacific Company and

Mr. A. J. Lundberg, President of the Key System, Ltd., appeared before the Board in connection with the switching agreement to be entered into at the Outer Harbor, with particular reference to the use of Southern Pacific tracks situated within the area of the Parr Terminal Companys lease. The Port Manager reported on meetings being held with the East Bay

Terminal Operators regarding the granting of reductions in service charges as requested by the steamship lines.

The matter of coming to a final determination relative to the property lines of leases in the Brooklyn Basin area, was referred to the Port Committee.

The Port Manager reported that the Boeing Air Transport and the Pacific

Air Transport, Inc. jointly used approximately 30,000 gallons of gasoline per month.

The matter of opening Water Street between Franklin Street and Broadway was referred to the Port Committee.

The Port Manager was directed to advise the Howard Terminal that the

Port Commission could not act favorably on its application to have the Market Street

Pier assigned to it.

Report of the Port Manager on application of State Products Terminal to divert a certain amount of cargo to the Outer Harbor Terminal, was referred to the

Port Committee.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of June 26,


Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $160,505.47 Estimated Unencumbered Resources 423,083.84

(Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 $175,000.00)

Harbor Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $318,824.34

Report of the Airport Committee on leasing privileges at Oakland Municipal

Airport to the Century Pacific Lines, Ltd., was approved.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Acme Welding Co. 4t 3.00 American District Telegraph Company .50 Bank of America Building 883.80 James Bell Company 8.80 Bendell Co. 1.65 Blake, Moffitt Towne 11.76 California Steel Company 16.10 Cochran Celli 2.25 The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 5.25 Fageol Motors Sales Co. 1.45 General Office Equipment Corporation 13.50 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 54.40 Geo. B. Green 12.88 H. M. C. Co. 17.50 H. M. Lawrence , 6.19 Maxwell Hardware Co. 6.55 Fred E. McCollum 256.76 Multiplex Display Fixture Co. 90.33 National Lead Company 780 Oakland Airport Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland Building Material Company 2.94 Oakland-California Towel Company 5.76 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 2.93 The Owl Drug Co. 2.32 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 27.22 Remington Rand Business Service Inc. 20.00 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 Smith Brothers 45.50 Sterling Lumber Company 3.19 St. Clair Building Los Altos Company 32.50 Underwood Typewriter Company 3.50 Union Oil Company of California 31.12 Waterhouse-Lester-Scovel Co. 1.76 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 4.70 The Electric Corporation 1.96 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,185.00 tt " - Engineering Department 1,735.00 TV " - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 VT " - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 • " - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,473.00 • " - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,730.83 fl " - Airport 737.50 • " - New Construction 868.00 VT " - Dredge 2,416.75 TV " - General Waterfront 740.54 Thos. H. Moore 131.10 M. D. McCarl 7.02 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: California Corrugated Culvert Co. !;!z,,,on California Steel Company 53.38 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1,677.49 Standard Oil Company of California 6.42 The Tribune Publishing Company 49.02 United Iron Works 202.00 J. H. Wilson 7.50 R. W. Littlefield 3,784.50 California Steel Co. 4,150.01 $25,324.83"



RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of Warehouse "C", with appurtenances, other than pile foundations, at Outer Harbor Terminal, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to SCHULER McDONALD, INC., in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed June 22nd, 1931.

BE rr FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful perfo ance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the contract for the installing of a complete auto- matic wet sprinkler system in Warehouse "C", be and the same is hereby awarded to Tames H. Pinkerton, an individual doing business as James R. Pinkerton Co., in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed June 22nd, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the bond of SCHULER McDONALD, INC., a corporation, executed by AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE and COMMERCIAL CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, in the amount of $167,773 for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of Warehouse "C", (other than pile foundation), be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of JAMES H. PINKERTON CO. (James H. Pinker- ton, an individual doing business as James H. Pinkerton Co.), executed by COMMERCIAL CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, in the amount of $7,938.00, for the faithful performance of his contract with the City of Oakland for the instal- ling of a complete automatic wet sprinkler system in Warehouse "C", be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and installing of two freight elevators in Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same is hereby awarded to SPENCER ELEVATOR COMPANY, a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed June 22nd, 1931, said bid being based on the plans and specifications heretofore filed, together with the amendment of Article 34 thereof on June 19th.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized end directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected." "RESOLUTION NO. 2143


RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and installing of rolling steel doors in Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to KENNERSON MANUFACTURING CO., a corporation, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed June 22nd, 1931.

BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."


RESOLUTION REJECTING ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR LAUNCH HIRE FOR FISCAL YEAR AND DIRECTING PORT MANAGER TO ARRANGE FOR SERVTOR TM nipvm menu-am RESOLVED that all the bids received by this Board on June 22nd, 1931 for launch hire for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1932 are hereby found to be excessive in amount and said bids are therefore rejected and the Port Manager is hereby authorized to arrange for the service covered by said bids in the open market at a lesser figure."



RESOLVED that the contract with CALIFORNIA STEEL COMPANY for the structural steel frame for the transit shed, Inland Waterways Terminal, foot of Webster Street, Inner Harbor, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the paving of the deck of the Inland Waterways Terminal, together with adja- cent street areas, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTBER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."


RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the constructing of a railroad track in Webster Street to serve the Inland Waterways Terminal, the material therefor to be taken from stock owned by the Port Commission, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated, as required by law."



WHEREAS, a written agreement has been negotiated with Miller and Boyken, patent attorneys and solicitors, covering the terms of their employ- ment to represent the City of Oakland in the defense of the second action (No. 18,891 L) brought in the United States District Court by William S. Ferguson and others on January 17th, 1931, against the city in the amount of 1472,500.00 for damages alleged to have been caused the plaintiffs in the construction of the Ninth Avenue Pier by an infringement of a certain patent owned by the plaintiffs, and

WHEREAS, it is necessary and convenient that said patent attorneys be employed under the direction of the Board in the preparation of the defense and trial of said action, and it is so recommended by the Port Attorney, and

WHEREAS, individual members of this Board and the Port Manager have been made parties to the said action because of their official acts as such members, and it is necessary and convenient in the proper defense of the said action against the city that the defense on behalf of such officials be con- ducted as a part thereof, and said patent attorneys have agreed to represent said officials in said litigation without additional compensation to the city, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that said written agreement, providing for the em- ployment of said patent attorneys, Miller and Boyken, on a retainer basis at the rate of $.500.00 per annum, (b00.00 to be payable forthwith), until the termination of said action by trial, compromise, dismissal or otherwise, with a limitation of $2500.00 should no trial thereof be required, and a provision for the payment of the total amount of 45000.00 in the event of such a trial upon the merits, all court expenses and other costs to be paid by the Board, be and the same is hereby approved; and that said employment shall be in addition to the employment authorized by Resolution No. 96 of this Board on June 13th, 1927.

BE IT FURTEM RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Oakland.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no bond be required of Miller and Boyken for the faithful performance of their services."



RESOLVED that the application of the State Products Terminal to operate Market Street Pier, under assignment or otherwise, be and the same is hereby denied."

Port Ordinance No. 126 being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7.902 OF PORT

ORDINANCE NO. 8", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Swan, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were taken from the table and filed:

Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys - Ferguson patent suits;

Application of State Products Terminal for lease of Market Street Pier;

Report of Port Manager on application of State Products Terminal for lease of Market Street Pier;

Application of Howard Terminal for use of Market Street Pier. The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Compensation Insurance of Port employes;

Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges;

Southern Pacific - agreement for spur track at Airport;

McCormick Steamship Co. - assignment of Ninth Avenue Pier;

Junior Chamber of Commerce - 1931 National Air Races;

Join Coastwise Steamship lines in application to I.C.C. in Fourth Section Relief.

Pursuant to Resolutions No. 2113 and 2135 and advertising for five con-

secutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Construction of Offices with Appurtenances at Grove Street Pier, Automatic Passenger Elevator at Grove Street Pier, and Structural Steel Frame for Passenger Bridge at Grove Street Pier, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:





Niles W. Place $600.00 Geo. Swanstrom 5,145.00 550.00 David Nordstrom 6,596.00 1,000.00 I. B. Bishop 6,068.00 607.00 E. T. Lesure 6,750.00 700.00 R. W. Littlefield 4,972.00 600.00




BIDDER TOTAL BID CERTIFIED CHECKS Otis Elevator Company $2,690.00 $300.00 Spencer Elevator Company 2,235.00 300.00 Pacific Elevator Equipment Co. 2,765.00 300.00




California Steel Company $ 807.00 $100.00 Pacific Coast Engineering Co. 1,049.00 105.00 Golden Gate Iron Works 880.00 88.00 S. S. Herrick 1,084.00 110.00 Independent Iron Works 1,045.00 110.00 Judson-Pacific Company 765.00 90.00 The Moore Dry Dock Co. 820.00 100.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the

Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.


Jr" r S E C R f 2 ARY (1) ej j


of the


Held on Monday, July 6,1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Pardee, Pendleton, Swan and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Leet. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of June 29, 1931 were approved and


Communication from Acme Partition Company relative to the furnishing of

wooden doors for the Inland Waterways Terminal, was referred to the Port Attorney

for reply.

Opinion of the Railroad Commission of the State of California on applica-

tion of the City of Oakland to compel the East Bay Motor Coach Lines, Ltd. to main-

tain a daily motor coach service along Russett Street and to the Oakland Municipal

Airport, denying said application, was filed.

Communication from C. Stanley Wood, City Attorney, expressing apprecia-

tion for having released Mr. Hilton J. Melby, Assistant Port Attorney, for a posi-

tion in the City Attorneys office, was filed.

Resignation of Hilton J. Melby, as Assistant Port Attorney, effective

June 30, 1931, was accepted.

Request of the American Trust Company to be permitted to pay to Libby,

McNeill Libby the proceeds of the coupons which will become due January 1, 1931,

on 0,000.00 par value Swift Company First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds,

held by the American Trust Company as security for faithful performance of that

certain lease dated April 30, 1929, by and between the City of Oakland and Libby,

McNeill Libby, was granted.

Communication from Admiral Frank H. Schofield, expressing appreciation for

opportunity given him to visit and inspect Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed. Notice of Public Hearing by U. S. Engineer Office, San Francisco, Calif-

ornia on application of T. A. Tomasini of San Francisco, California, for approval

of plans for construction of a bridge across San Francisco bay, to be held July 29,

1931, was filed.

Request of Dr. E. H. Padden, Flight Surgeon for Boeing Air Transport, for

reduction in rent on his offices at Oakland Municipal Airport, was referred to the

Airport Committee. ij The Port Manager was authorized to incur the expense of $10.00 as regis-

tration fee of membership in the Eighth Annual Convention of the Pacific Foreign

Trade Council to be held in the City of Oakland, September 17 and 18, 1931.

Communication from McCormick Steamship Company stating that the State

Board of Harbor Commissioners of San Francisco would sign a petition to intervene,

at the request of the steamship lines for re-argument before the Interstate Com- merce Commission in the Fourth Section Relief, and also that the shipping board

would intervene in said petition of steamship lines, was referred to Committee con-

sisting of Messrs. Pendleton, Hegardt end Baer.

Communications from Southern Pacific Company and Key System, Ltd., rela-

tive to agreement to be entered into between the Southern Pacific Company and the

Key System, Ltd., for switching operations in Oakland Outer Harbor area, was refer-

red to Committee consisting of Messrs. Pendleton, Hegardt and Baer.

Communication from the City of Vancouver, B. C. inviting the Port Commis-

sion to be present at the opening and dedication of a Civic Airport in that city,

was filed. The Port Manager reported that the wreck of the barge "Simla" in the north

channel of Brooklyn Basin, was now being removed.

The Port Manager was authorized to accept the bid of Columbia Steel Com-

pany, in the amount of $725.16, for a crossing complete for use in connection with

the tracks serving Warehouse "C", Oakland Outer Harbor.

The report of the Port Manager for the month of June, was filed.

The Port Manager was authorized to expend approximately $35.00 in the

acquisition of a suitable camera for use in connection with the activities of the


The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of July 3,


Harbor Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $159,954.32 Estimated Unencumbered Resources 417,948.00

(Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222, $175,000.00)

Harbor Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $251,492.36

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following


AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton, Swan and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Leet. -1-


RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOV,ING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sunset Lumber Company 827.02 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IIIPROVEMENT FUND: Geo. A. Attwood 4.16 Air Reduction Sales Co. 8.25 Acme Welding Co. 1.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 32.83 The Bay Belting Supply Co. 51.00 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 11.76 Cochran Celli 9.50 California Steel Company 6.48 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 6.33 W. P. Fuller Co. .71 Graybar Electric Company Inc. 4.59 General Electric Supply Corporation 8.40 Goodhue Printing Company 35.75 Kronke-Brampton Co. 4.08 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 1.47 Chas. Matthews 25.30 Maxwell Hardware Co. 7.84 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 49.36 National Lead Company 2.73 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 2.88 Oakland National Engraving Co. 7.50 Joseph Pierotti Co. 6.31 Pacific Tool Supply Company 2.46 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 3.51 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 23.48 Remington Rand Business Service Inc. 37.41 Clyde Sunderland Studios 3.25 Sterling Press 12.50 Standard Oil Company of California 49.53 Smith Brothers 14.73 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 7.40 The Tribune Publishing Co. .12 Union Machine Works 20.50 A. S. Titus 5.66 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 1.03 Maxwell Hardware Company 1.39 Broderick Bascom Rope Co. 275.18 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 132.36 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 111.49 Port Revolving Fund Pay Rolls 1,733.90 1925 OAKTAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Healy-Tibbitts Construction Co. 692.96 Air Reduction Sales Co. 7.01 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 60.93 Lee I. Immel 2,951.36 $7,272.41"



RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of offices with appurtenances at Grove Street Pier, be and the same is hereby awarded to R. W. LITTLEFIELD, in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed June 29th, 1931.

BE IT FLIRT= RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected."


RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PASSENGER ELEVATOR AT GROVE STREET PIER. RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and installing complete of one electrically operated automatically controlled passenger elevator and accessories at Grove Street Pier be and the same is hereby awarded to SPENCER ETW\TATOR COMPANY, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed June 29th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the bond of SPENCER ELEVATOR CO., a corporation, execu- ted by AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE, in the amount of $6,700, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the in- stallation of two freight elevators in Warehouse "C", be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of KENNERSON MANUFACTURING CO., a corporation, executed by NEW YORK INDEMNITY CO., in the amount of $4,688.00, for the faith- ful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the installation of 26 Rolling Steel Doors in Warehouse "C", be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of R. W. LITTLEFIELD, executed by The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, in the amount of $4,972.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of office partitions at Grove Street Pier, be and the same is hereby approved."



WMriEAS, upon public competitive bidding for the furnishing of a steel passenger bridge, the lowest bid was received from JUDSON-PACIFIC COMPANY, a responsible bidder, in the amount of $765.00, now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the said bid of Judson-Pacific Company is hereby accepted and the Port Manager is hereby authorized and directed to arrange with the said company for the furnishing of material, labor and installation of said bridge, without a formal written contract being required.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all other bids received on said contract are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the bond of SPENCER ELEVATOR COMPANY, a corporation, executed. by APERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE, in the amount of $2,235.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the installation of an automatic passenger elevator at Grove Street Pier, be and the same is hereby approved." "RESOLUTION NO. 2158


RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the furnishing and delivering of track material for use in laying tracks to serve Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the contract with The Duncanson-Harrelson Co., a cor- poration, for the furnishing and driving of piles for the foundation of Ware- house "C", Outer Harbor, Oakland, having been satisfactorily completed, he and the same is hereby accepted."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Petition of steamship lines for reduction in service charges;

Southern Pacific - agreement for spur track at Airport;

McCormick SS Co. - assignment of Ninth Avenue Pier;

Junior Chamber of Commerce - 1931 National Air races;

Join coastwise SS lines in application for a rehearing before Interstate Commerce Commission on Fourth. Section Relief.

Pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 2112 and 2146 and advertising, for five con- secutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Electrical Wiring, Ware- house "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, and Paving at Inland Waterways Terminal, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:



CERTIFIED BIDDER TOTAL BID CHECK $417.00 Kenyon Electric Co. $4,165.00 4,124.00 415.00 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 4,750.00 475.00 Geo. Woolf G. W. Coupe 3,617.00 361.70 T. L. Rosenberg Co. 3,797.00 400.00 4,000.00 400.00 Matson-Seabrooke Co. F. W. Parkhurst 4,250.00 425.00

BIDS FCR PAVING AT INLAND WATERWAYS TERMINAL The Oakland Heefey-Moore Co. Hutchinson Co. Paving Company Lee J. Immel ITEM A Lump Sum Excay. Prep.Subgrade $ 854.00 $ 700.00 758.50 $1,400.00 ITEM B Lump Sum Pa y . Deck Pier Shed 2 Ran pa 1,821.00 1,725.00 1,465.20 2,472.00 ITEM C Price Per Ton 2000# for Crusher Run 1.85 1.75 1.50 1.80 ITEM D Price Per Ton 2000# Crushed Rock 2.10 2.11 2.40 2.00 ITEM E Price Per Bbl. 42 U. S. Gal. Asph. Road Oil 3.25 3.50 4.00 3.50

ITEM F Price Per Ton base course Asph. Concrete 4.60 5.00 5.00 7.00 ITEM G Price Per Ton 2000# Asph. Conc. Pavement 5.20 5.50 5.75 8.00

ITEM H Price Per 1000 Lmbr. for Headers and Stakes 85.00 60.00 75.00 50.00 ITEM I Price Per each Catch Basin Inst. frame Cover 70.00 50.00 50.00 35.00 TOTAL BID $6,912.50 $6,696.00 $6,401.20 $9,107.00 CERTIFIED ciacK $695.00 , $800.00 $675.00 $1,000.00 N

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.


of the


Held on Monday, July 13, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Mr. Leroy R. Goodrich presented Certificate of Appointment and Oath of

Office as member of the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland for a

six-year term, ending July 10, 1937, and thereupon took his seat as a member of the


Acting City Clerk, W. W. Chappell, transmitted to the Board Certificate

of Appointment of Mr. Robert A. Leet, as a member of the Board of Port Commissioners

of the Port of Oakland for the term of six years, ending July 10, 1937. The Port

Attorney was directed to obtain Oath of Office of Mr. Leet for his appointment as member of the Board prior to Mr. Leet-s return from his vacation.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher.-4-

Commissioner absent: Leet, on leave. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of July 6, 1931, were approved and

adopted, as corrected.

Communication from the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, advising

that a reduction had been made in the fire insurance on Warehouse "C", was filed.

The rate so established by the Board of Fire Underwriters is .058 on the building

and .141 on contents, on the basis of a three-yeRr policy.

Telegram from H. H. Raeberly, Tr., representing the Pitcairn Aircraft Auto-

giro Flight, stating that a change of program would not permit him to make his head-

quarters at Oakland Municipal Airport during demonstration trip of Autogiro, was filed.

Communication from the State Products Terminal, furnishing list of accounts

handled through W. D. Wall of the San Jose Chamber of Commerce Traffic Bureau, was


Application of the Bay Cities Transportation Company for the Port Commis-

sion to install a truck scale et the Inland Waterways Terminal, was denied.

Communication from Captain H. W. Rhodes, Superintendent, Lighthouses,

stating that his department was prepared to make necessary changes in the range

lights of the widened entrance channel to Oakland Outer Harbor, provided that the

Port Commission would bear the expense thereof, was laid on the table and the Port

Manager directed to oommunicate with Captain Rhodes to ascertain whether it were not

possible for his department to share at least a portion of the expense of this chang- g g ing of the range lights.

Communication from Rear Admiral W. R. Gherardi, in charge of the U. S.

Navy Hydrographic Office, stating that he would publish in "Notice to Aviators"

No. 14, the information that seaplane facilities were now available at Oakland

Municipal Airport, was filed.

Application of Shell Oil Company for permit to install a Colas storage

tank for the handling of mulsified asphalt at their main plant on the tidal canal,

was read, and resolution later passed granting said permit.

Communication from Frank E. Kispert, Fire Marshal, approving installation

of such a tank, was filed.

Communication from Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys, transmitting executed

agreement for employment as attorneys in the second Ferguson patent suit for alleged

infringement in the construction of the Ninth Avenue Pier, was filed, and President

Fisher authorized to sign said agreement in behalf of the City of Oakland.

Communication from the Oakland Junior Chamber of Commerce, relative to

National Air Races to be held in August and September, asking whether the Port Com-

mission could assist in raising the sum of $2500.00 to have Oakland Municipal Airport

designated as the starting point for these races, was read, and the Port Manager

directed to advise the Junior Chamber that the Port Commission had no funds available

for that purpose, and to state that it would be glad to extend the facilities of the

Airport to the contestants in the event that Oakland was designated as the starting

point for this race.

Communication from Carter, Peterson McDonough, Attorneys at Law, relative

to the opening of First Street, was referred to the Port Attorney, who was directed

to take this matter up with the City Manager for his information.

The Board approved of the recommendations of the East Bay Terminal Operators

for a reduction in the service charges to the steamship lines in the amount of 5V per

ton on all outbound cargo, and the Port Manager was directed to transmit a communica-

tion to this effect to E. J. A. Watts, Secretary For The Committee on Service Charges,

San Francisco, California.

The Board met with Mr. Chas. P. Howard, of the Howard Terminal, and Mr. H.

E. Van Horn, of the Encinal Terminal, relative to the proposal of the State Products

Terminal to divert cargo to the Outer Harbor Terminal on a Commission basis.

In connection with the matter of awarding of the contract for electrical

wiring for Warehouse "C", G. W. Coupe appeared before the Board as the lowest bidder.

Upon discussion, Mr. Coupe admitted he had never before handled the type of work con-

templated and was expecting to depend upon such men as he would hire. After listen-

ing to the testimony of Mr. Coupe and having before it the reports of the Port Manager

and Assistant Port Manager, and the matter being fully considered, the Board deter- mined that said bidder should not be awarded the contract.

The matter of the future officers of the newly appointed Board was held in

abeyance until the return of Mr. Leet from his vacation, for full consideration by

the Board.

The Port Manager presented a detailed statement of the status of the Har- bor Maintenance and Improvement Fund as of July 10, 1931, and of the 1925 Oakland

Harbor Improvement Fund, as of the same date.

Statement of income and expenses of Oakland Air Port Transportation Ser- vice for the month of June, 1931, was filed.

Memorandum of shippers designated by the State Products Terminal as pos- sible clients, who might ship cargo through the Outer Harbor Terminal, was filed.

Memorandum by Mr. B. H. Pendleton of conversation had by him with Mr.

Rey Higgins of Rosenberg Bros. Co., relative to the employment of the State Pro- ducts Terminal to deliver cargo at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was filed.

Report of the Assistant Port Manager on bids opened for electric wiring for

Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor, and recommending that the low bid of G. W. Coupe be rejected and that of T. L. Rosenberg Company accepted, was adopted.

Report of the Port Attorney advising that the Board should petition the

Interstate Commerce Commission for a hearing befre the full Commission on the Fourth

Section Relief of the Interstate Commerce Act, was approved and filed.

The Port Manager reported that certain River and Bay Transportation Com- panies had made proposal to pay a ten cent per ton checking charge on all cargo delivered by them to the East Bay Terminals, and also a twenty-five cent per ton service charge on all cargo delivered by them for local distribution.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was, adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4— NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Leet, on leave. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMMIT FUND: Airports $ 1.00 The American City Magazine 4.00 American District Telegraph Co. 1,282.00 The American Association of Port Authorities 50.00 The Buckeye Ribbon l Carbon Co. 15.29 Chester A. Bray 7.40 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 12.94 General Office Equipment Corporation 12.50 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 3.68 Grinnell Company 3.22 E. H. Huebbe 5.50 Key System, Ltd. 3.60 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 1.70 Kronke-Brampton Co. 54.00 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 3.28 The Multigraph Letter Company 52.55 Maxwell Hardware Co. 39.14 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 1.20 The Owl Drug Co. 3.91 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 2.08 Geo. H. Nash 120.20 Pacific Shipper 85.00 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 3.43 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 22.08 Royal Typewriter Company, Inc. 9.00 Sterling Press 4.00 San Leandro Rock Company 95.00 St. Clair Building Los Altos Company 32.50 Shipping Register 3.00 Standard Oil Company of California 58.34 Smith Hardware Company 2.07 Smith Brothers 31.58 The Tribune Publishing Co. 2.16 Union Machine Works 144.55 United Iron Works 1.25 Western Notion Novelty Company 5.25 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVFITENT FUND: Pacific Pipe Company 4.31 The Tribune Publishing Co. 51.30 Acme Scales Company 39.75 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 25.60 The Scott Company 14.55 East Bay Coal Company 17.00 Longview Dredging and Construction Co. 3,931.08 S. S. Herrick 7,500.00 Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 24,376.51 $38,138.50"



RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of oil macadam pavement, asphaltic concrete pavement, asphaltic concrete wearing surface and grading at Inland Waterways Terminal, Inner Harbor, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to The Oakland Paving Company, a corpora- tion, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed July 6th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the bond of THE OAKLAND PAVING COMPANY, a corporation, executed by Pacific Indemnity Company, in the anount of $6,401.20, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the con- struction of pavement at Inland Waterways Terminal, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the contract for the furnishing and installing of electric wiring and equipment for light and power in Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to T. L. Rosenberg Co., as the lowest responsible bidder, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed July 6th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected, including the bid of G. W. Coupe."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with B. W. Littlefield for the construction of the superstructure of the Inland Waterways Terminal, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Friday, August 15th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the revised specifications filed with the Board for tug hire for the fiscal year, July 1st, 1931. to June 30th, 1932, for serving the Port Dredge, be and the same are hereby dpproved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of this Board is hereby directed. to readvertise for bids in the manner required by law.

BE IT FDPTDXH RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2144 authorizing the• Port Manager to arrange for such service in the open market, is hereby rescinded."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to supervise the grading of that portion of the airport field west of the west boundary light, using equipment already at the airport, the cost of said grading not to exceed $999.00."



RESOLVED that the issues of public policy involved in the proceedings before the Interstate Commerce Commission for relief under the Fourth Section of the Interstate Commerce Act, both from the standpoint of the railroad com- panies and. the coastwise steamship lines, as well as in relation to the econom- ical welfare of the Pacific Coast, including the Port of Oakland, are of such importance that this Board of Port Commissioners is of the opinion that the Orders recently issued by the Commission under date of July 10th, 1930 and April 17th, 1931 should be reconsidered.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Port Attorney is authorized and directed to prepare such petitions and to take such steps as may be necessary to join with the Applicants and the other port authorities of the Pacific Coast in requesting the reopening, of such cause and its determination by the entire Com- mission." "RESOLUTION NO. 2168


RESOLVED that Commissioner R. A. Leet is hereby granted a leave of absence, with permission to remain out of the state, to and including Tuesday, August 11th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland hereby accepts that certain agreement for the compromise of the railroad right of way across the Oakland Municipal Airport which has been entered into and executed with the South Pacific Coast Railway Company, a corporation, and the Southern Pacific Company, a corporation, under date of January 31st, 1931, pursuant to the provisions of Port Ordinance No. 114 and hereby authorizes said agreement to be recorded on behalf of said city."



RESOLVED that the application of the Shell Oil Company for permis- sion to install a Colas storage tank at its plant at Glascock Street and Derby Avenue, pursuant to the plans and specifications furnished this Board, is hereby granted, subject to the condition that such installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Prevention Bureau of the City of Oakland."


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60 AND ADDING- ITEMS 35a, 307, 1342 and 1537 THERETO", and Port


were introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher.-4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Leet, on leave. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous

meetings were taken from the table and filed:

Petition of steamship lines for reduction of service charges;

Request of coastwise steamship lines that the Port Commission join in application for rehearing of the Fourth Section Relief before the Interstate Commerce Commission;

Junior Chamber of Commerce - 1931 National Air races.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Southern Pacific - agreement for spur track at Airport;

McCormick Steamship Co. - assignment of Ninth Avenue Pier. ADJOURNED. rr


of the


Held on Monday, July 20, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3-

Commissioners absent: Leet, on leave, and Goodrich. -2-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of July 13th, 1931, were approved and


Communication from R. F. Lee and Geo. T. Ronk, asking to be advised es

to the leasing terms of the east half of Hangar No. 3 at Oakland. Municipal Airport,

for the purpose of establishing an airplane servicing station, was referred to Yr.


Communication from United Spanish War Veterans of Oakland, expressing

appreciation for use of automobile during . the recent visit of the Commander-in-

Chief, was filed.

Copy of telegram sent to Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C.,

requesting that re-opening. of the Fourth Section Relief before the Interstate Com-

merce Commission be granted, was filed.

Copy of petition for leave to intervene in the Fourth Section Relief, above

referred to, by the Port Attorney, was filed.

Communication from H. R. Higgins, Traffic Manager of the Rosenberg Bros.

Co., commenting on memorandum of conversation had between Mr. Pendleton and Mr.

Higgins, relative to the employment of the State Products Terminal to divert cargo

to the Outer Harbor Terminal, was filed.

Communication from Libby, McNeill H Libby, accepting the final estimate

of the Board on the cost of Warehouse "B" for billing purposes, was filed.

Communication from Libby, McNeill Libby, confirming understanding of

the loading of the floor of Warehouse "B" until the same was repaired, was filed.

Communicationfrom Standard Oil Company, relative to the omission of cer-

tain information regarding Oakland Municipal Airport as published in "Landing Fields

of the Pacific West 1931" and stating that these corrections would be made by supple-

mentary notices, was filed.

Communication from E. J. A. Watts for the Committee on Reduction of Ser-

vice Charges, as requested by steamship lines, stating that the proposal submitted to him by the operators of the East Bay Terminals was not satisfactory to the steamship lines, was laid. on the table.

Joint communication from the Southern Pacific Company, Santa Fe Railway

Company and the Western Pacific Railroad Company, stating that the identical tariffs with those in force in the East Bay would be filed by the railroads with the Inter- state Commerce Commission at an early date, was filed.

Communication from the Interstate Company, expressing appreciation for the installation of rubber tips on chair legs in the Airport restaurant, was filed.

Communication from the Secretary of the Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist,

Oakland, California, requesting permission to place a box for free copies of the

Christian Science and other Christian Science literature at Oakland Munici- pal Airport, was read and the request granted.

Communication from Fillmore Flying Service, expressing appreciation for the cooperation of the Airport terminal personnel during the landing of one of its planes which had accidentally dropped one wheel, was filed.

Communication from McCutchen, Olney, Mannon Creene, Attorneys at Law, addressed to the Port Attorney, acknowledging receipt of copy of telegram sent to

Interstate Commerce Commission and copy of Petition for Leave to Intervene in the

Fourth Section Relief, was filed.

Copy of minutes of meeting, of the Bridge Committee of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, on application of Mr. Tomasini for permit to construct a bridge from

Albany. to Marin County, was filed.

Memorandum for basing agreement between the Port of Oakland and the Cen- tury Pacific Lines at Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

List of accounts claimed. by State Products Terminal to be controlled by

Mr. Wall of San Jose, amounting to approximately one hundred thousand tons, was filed.

Mr. 0. E. Carr, City Manager, Mayor Morcom, and Harry Harding, President of the Council-Manager League, appeared before the Board in reference to the budget requirements. Regarding the bond premiums, President Fisher explained. that neither the Board nor anyone else could consent to the Council failing to levy sufficient taxes to meet all the requirements of interest and redemption on the harbor bonds and thereby prevent the transfer of the back bond premiums from the interest and redemption fund into the harbor construction fund pursuant to the decision of the court. It was suggested. that the Council might place a portion of the back premiums in the construction fund during the current year and the remainder in subsequent years. Other budget requirements, such as the payment of the Council for the work done by the Board on the fill of Hegenberger Road, the necessity of improving the street from Fifth. to Ninth Avenue, and the proposal of the Board to build the garbage wharf and approaches, were discussed.

Mr. Van Bernard, connected with the Sacramento Region Citizens Council, appeared before the Board and discussed with it the efforts of the agricultural and horticultural interests of the counties extending from Bakersfield north, to have cold storage facilities constructed in. the San Francisco bay area. He stated that a meeting had been called. by Governor Rolph, to be held on Tuesday, July 21st, at which this matter would be fully discussed.

The Port Manager reported the status of the following funds as of July 17,


Harbor Maintenance Fund:

Unencumbered cash balance 1.64,070.91 Total estimated unencumbered fund resources 422,064.59 (Set up in Special Funds 220. and 222) 175,000.00 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund:

Unencumbered fund balance 71,436.38

Report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: CoumUssioners Leet, on leave, and Goodrich. -2-

"RE 8 0IUTION NO. 2171


RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. 353.90 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Alhambra Water Co. 4.50 Bay City Sanitary Bag Co. 5.00 City of Oakland - City Hall 302.05 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 2.21 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 221.15 East Bay Municipal Utility District 307.75 The Electric Corporation 15.94 Gilbert Plum 4.00 Goodhue Printing Company 35.75 Hill Morton Inc. 29.60 Kuhn Supply Co. 15.44 The Lincoln Press 28.30 Maxwell Hardware Co. 22.75 Oakland-California Towel Company 4.32 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 30.25 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 19.47 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 165.95 Pelican. Pure Water Co. 7.20 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 2.90 Railway Express Agency 8.26 Schmidt Lithograph Company 625.75 Smith Brothers 12.89 Smith Hardware Company 7.92 Clyde Sunderland Studios 5.50 Underwood Typewriter Company 21.90 Union Machine Works 301.84 Union Pacific Laundry 5.55 Washington-Lincoln Garage 26.66 Western Union Telegraph Company 8.84 Wylie Wells Kelley 19.45 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,060.00 - Engineering Department 1,529.35 - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 - Grove Market Street Piers 1,473.00 - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,777.50 - Airport 737.50 - New Construction 913.00 t? ft - Dredge 2,324.75 - General Waterfront 640.77 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 531.53 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Rolls 1,924.15 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVE,,TENT FUND: Air Reduction Sales Co. 25.25 The Electric Corporation 1.63 Harbor Maintenance Improvement Fund 226 22,962.98 H. I. Christensen 15,128.25 $55,982.65"



RESOLVED: That the contract with S. S. Herrick for the erection of a structural steel frame for Warehouse AA, Outer Harbor, Oakland, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED: That the contract with M. B. McGowan for the construction of the substructure of Inland Waterways Terminal, foot of Webster Street, 06k- land, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED: That the bond . of T. L. Rosenberg Co., executed by American BondinF Company of Baltimore, in the amount of 3,797.00, for the faithful per- formance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the installing of electric wiring and equipment complete for light and power in Warehouse C, Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same is hereby approved."


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60 AND ADDING ITEMS 35A, 307, 1342 and 1537 THERETO" and Port

Ordinance No. 128 being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.02 OF PORT ORDINANCE NO.8," having been duly introduced, read and published, were finally adopted by the fol- lowing vote:

AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Leet, on leave, and Goodrich. -2-

Request of Dr. E. H. Padden, Flight Surgeon for Boeing Air Transport, for reduction in his office rent in the Administration Building of Oakland Municipal

Airport, was denied.

The following communications, which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings, were continued on the table Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Southern Pacific agreement on spur track at Airport;

McCormick Steamship Co. - assignment of Ninth Avenue Pier;

U. S. Lighthouse Department establishment of new range lights for widened entrance channel to Outer Harbor.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2165 and advertising for five consecutive days

in the Citys official newspaper, bids for Tug Boat Hire were received between the hours of 3:30 end 4:30 p. m. At the hour of 4:30 p. m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:


THE HARBOR TUG BARGE COMPANY CERTIFIED CHECK g500.00 For fiscal year July 1, 1931 to June 30, 1932.

Rate per Mo. for Tug Boat Service Name Beam Len th Proposal "A" Proposal "B"

Ancon 35 12 38 $495.00 -0- Restless 50 10 46 575.00 $400.00 Peterson #12 55 12 38 575.00 -0- Peterson # 4 80 13 44 700.00 -0- Dixie (B-671) 80 13 44 700.00 525.00 Pirate 110 14 48 800.00 -0-


Crowley #10 50 12 45 625.00 No bid Crowley # 7 65 16 55 750.00 No bid Crowley #22 120 12 52 950.00 No bid

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the

Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Friday, July 24th, at the hour\of 5:00 p. m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room

424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Pendleton and President Fisher. -2-

Commissioners absent: Leet, Pardee and Goodrich. -3- The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The meeting was called by the President for the purpose of considering the employment of certain representatives of the State Products Terminal as traffic representatives of the Port of Oakland in soliciting cargo for the Outer Harbor Ter- minal.

There being no quorum present, the meeting was adjourned to the hour of

3:30 oclock p. m. of Monday, August 3rd, 1931.



of the


At the regular meeting, which was to be held on Monday, July 27th,

1931, at the hour of 3:30 p. m., in the offices of the Board, Room 424, Bank of

America Building, due notice of such meeting having been given members of the

Board, a quorum not being present, the meeting was adjourned. until the regular meeting of August 3rd, 1931.


of. the


At the regular meeting, which was to be held on Monday, August 3, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 p.m., in the offices of the Board, Room 424 Bank of America

Building, due notice of such meeting having been given the members of the Board, a quorum not being present, the meeting was adjourned until the hour of 3:30 p.m.,


of the


Held on Thursday, August 6, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., pur-

suant to adjournment of the regular meeting of August 3, 1931, due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room

424, Bank of America Building.

Mr. Robert A. Leet presented Certificate of Appointment and Oath of Office as member of the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland for a six-year term, ending July 10, 1937, and thereupon took his seat as a member of the Board.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Pendleton and Vice-President Leet. -3-

Commissioners absent: Dr. Pardee and President Fisher. -2-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 20, 1931, special meeting of

July 26, 1931, regular meeting of July 27, 1931 and regular meeting of August 3,

1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Colonel Harry H. Blee, Director of Aeronautic Develop- ment, U. S. Department of Commerce, acknowledging receipt of a framed photograph of the Port of Oakland area and expressing appreciation for courtesy of the Board in furnishing this photograph for his office, was filed.

Communication from the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Long

Beach, enclosing copy of letter to the Railroad Commission of the State of Califor- nia protesting against railroads reducing freight rates along, the coast, was filed.

Copy of communication sent to E. J. A. Watts, Secretary for the Committee on Service Charges by the Port of Oakland, Howard Terminal and Encinal Terminal, was filed.

Communication from Judge Van Bernard, Chairman, Shipside Refrigeration

Committee, advising, of a meeting to be held by said committee in Sacramento on

August 5, 1931, was filed.

Communication from the State Highway Engineer acknowledging receipt of

the new map of Oakland Harbor, was filed.

Communication from the State Products Terminal requesting greater allow-

ance for services as traffic representatives of the Board of Fort Commissioners

than had previously been agreed to between the Port Committee and the State Products

Terminal, was filed.

Communication from President Fisher relative to personnel survey of the

Port Department, through the office of the City Manager, was laid on the table. 40 ;1 Communication from the interstate Terminals, Ltd. (Albers Bros. Milling

Company) requesting that they be permitted to act as agents of the Port Commission

in the handling of certain cargo at Oakland, California, was referred to the Port


Communications from the President of the Association of Pacific and Far

\ East Ports relative to attendance at the Annual Convention in Vancouver, B. C., were filed.

The matter of the widening of First Street, regarding which correspond- ence had been had with the City Council and also the City Manager, was laid on the


Proposed agreement with the Southern Pacific Company for the operation of a track to serve the Inland Waterways Terminal, was laid on the table.

Communication from E. Z. Schuler, of Schuler and. McDonald, contractors on

Warehouse "0", Outer Harbor, regarding the request of representatives of the Labor

Trades Council Industrial Board that no work be performed under said contract on

Saturdays, was laid on the table, and the Port Manager directed to ask Mr. Schuler

to appear before the Board at its next regular meeting, August 10, 1931.

Communication from the East Bay Industrial Association complaining that

the workmen employed on the construction of Warehouse "C", for which Schuler and

McDonald are contractors, were not paid the scale established by the Impartial Wage

Board, was laid on the table, and the Port Manager directed to ask Mr. Schuler to

appear before the Board in connection with this matter at its next regular meeting

on August 10, 1931.

Communication from the Commander of the U.S.S. Chicago, expressing appre-

ciation for courtesies extended to aviators from the U.S.S. Chicago while they were

operating from the Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from President Fisher regarding his conversation with Mr.

A. J. Lundberg, President of the Key System, Ltd. in the matter of the Port Com- mission constructing spurs to industries in the Outer Harbor area, was laid on the


Opinion of the City Attorney regarding the exemption of "Permit Man"

from Civil Service, was laid on the table.

Communication from Century Pacific Lines, Ltd., advising that it would

discontinue the use of the Oakland Municipal Airport in the operation of its planes

to Los Angeles on August 1, 1931, was filed.

Communication from Associated Oil Company requesting that the agreement

of August 18, 1930, for operating service station at the Oakland Municipal Airport

in the sale of aviation gasoline for a term of another year, was read and request


Communication from the Assistant Superintendent of Public Schools of the „PL

City of Oakland expressing appreciation for courtesies extended to himself and vis-

itors at the Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication. from Oakland Tribune asking that the Board authorize the

insertion of a page of advertisement in the 1932 Oakland Tribune Year Book, was

referred to Mr. Goodrich.

Copy of letter by Dallas Gray to Governor Rolph regarding the provision

of shipside refrigeration facilities in San Francisco Bay, was filed.

The delinquent account of Monarch Flying Service, operating at Oakland

Municipal Airport, was referred to Mr. Pendleton.

Informal bids received for the concession privilege of operating a res-

taurant at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from Morrison, Hohfeld, Foerster, Shuman Clark, Attorneys

at Law, regarding sub-lease from Parr Terminal Company to Pacific Freight Lines

Company, and requesting that the Board re-affirm its consent to said sub-lease, was

read, and resolution later passed consenting to such sub-lease.

Communication from Albany Port District Commission of New York, advising

that a member of its staff would visit the Port of Oakland in the near future, was


The Port Manager reported that the Southern Pacific, Western Pacific and

Santa Fe railroads had filed identical tariffs with those in force by Port of Oak-

land, with the Railroad Commission of California and the Interstate Commerce Com-

mission, effective September 10, 1931.

Mr. Leet verbally reported on conference had with the Agricultural Com-

mittee on shipside refrigeration facilities, and also a trip of inspection through

the harbor under the auspices of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. A. H. Abel, Assistant Port Manager, was authorized to attend the

Annual Convention of Pacific Coast and Far East Ports in Vancouver, B. C., August

13 to 15 inclusive.

The Assistant Port Manager reported on the damage to the ladder of the

Port dredge and what steps had been taken to make necessary repairs or replacement

on said ladder.

Report of the Port Manager for July, 1931, was filed.

Report of the Accountant on the status of the Harbor Maintenance and Improve-

ment Fund, and also of the 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund as of July 31, 1931,

was filed.

Report of the Assistant Port Manager on the proposed enlargement of the

Oakland Yacht Harbor, was laid on the table.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pendleton and Vice President Leet. -3- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Dr. Pardee and President Fisher. -2-



RESOLVED: That the following. claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

TRA8ED WHARF IMPRO\;FMENT FUND: Howard Terminal - Wharves ? 2,288.62 Howard Terminal - Quay Wall 890.35 Sunset Lumber Company 675.89 HARBOR MAINTHAJANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 17.92 Gladys H. Barndollar 52.10 Bank of America Building 883.80 The Cameron Company 37.40 City of Oakland - Purchasing 1.50 City of Oakland - Garage 31.27 East Bay Munidipal Utility District 4.95 Floor Sweep Co. 4.17 Graybar Electric Company Inc. 16.51 C. J. Hendry Company 18.62 H. M. C. Co. 3.00 The Inter- City Express 9.00 Ed. Jones Co. 1.27 Marine Review 3.00 Meyers Shop - S. N. Meyer, Inc. 9.00 Chas. Matthews Maxwell Hardware Co. 56.74 National Lead. Company 10.88 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 3.57 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 5.00 Oakland Airport Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland Sanitary Products Co. 1.63 R. N. Ricketts 7.65 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Remington Rand Business Service Inc 9.00 Rice Son 18.00 Clyde Sunderland. Studios 6.70 San Leandro Rock Company 100.70 Smith Brothers 1.27 Smith Hardware Company 3.32 Schirrmacher Co. 1.00 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 3.52 Whitthorne . Swan 2.10 Western Construction News 3.00 Western Building Forum 15.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1,018.88 Geo. B. Green 13.59 Thos. H. Moore 126.60 Geo. H. Nash 121.50 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,060.00 TT II - Engineering Department 1,442.25 it it - Traffic Operating 1,390.00 it - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 - Grove Market Street Piers 1,473.00 " - Outer Harbor Terminal 2,690.00 it TT - Airport 737.50 .t - New Construction 980.00 " " - Dredge 2,503.25 fl - General Waterfront 741.02 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl- 267.25 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 2,783.19 1925 OANTAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 373.00 S. T. Johnson Co. 25.40 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 2,695.56 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 4,145.00 The Tribune Publishing: Co. 11.40 S. S. Herrick. 2,152.50 R. W. Littlefield 8,965.50 California Steel Co. 3,880.21 Lee J. Lnmel 2,025.21 47 ,0c18.26"



WHEJREAS, the Board of Port Commissioners has concluded negotiations with the State Products Terminal for the eMployment of three traffic represen- tatives in the soliciting of cargo for the Fort of Oakland, if agreeable to both parties, until March 1st, 1932, under the direction, supervision and super- intendence of the Port Manager of the City of Oakland, and. subject to his orders, and the rules and regulations of the Board, and it is desirable to employ such services forthwith in order to secure the advantage of such soli- citation in connection. with the present movement of fresh fruits, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the following persons be and they are hereby employed upon temporary employment to commence forthwith and to continue until the final adoption of an ordinance creating permanent positions to which they shall be appointed, as follows:

Walter C. Marr as Traffic Representative, at a salary of $550.00 per month.

H. K. Grady as Traffic Representative at a salary of 4,325.00 per montb..

A. King, as Traffic Representative at a salary of 125.00 per month.

BE IT FURTBIR RESOLVED that the Board shall refund to each of said employees at the close of each month, upon their demand, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Board of Port Commissioners of the City . of Oak- land, the sum of ten (10) cents per mile for miles actually traveled by them in automobiles furnished by there and used, in the performance of their duties with the Fort of Oakland; it being understood that no refunds shall be made to cover costs which may be incurred by them, or any of there, for traveling, hotels, meals or other incidental expenses.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Port Manager shall arrange to pro- vide suitable office space and telephone service for such representatives."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to secure the services of such. certified. public accountant or accountants as he may deem advisable for the purpose of closing the accounts for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1.931."



RESOLVED that all bids received on July 20th, 1931, for the rental of a tug boat and/or tug boats during the remaining portion of the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1932, being excessive in amount, the same are hereby rejected.

BE IT FURTIVE RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract to charter a bare boat in the open market at a rate lower than any proposal filed with the Board under Proposal B of said bid, the Board hereby indicating its approval of the rental under "Bare Boat Charter" from The Harbor Tug and Barge Company of its tug boat "Peterson No. 12", at a rental of $175.00 per month."



WHEREAS this Board, by its Resolution No. 2069, granted consent to a sublease by Parr Terminal Coknpany with Pacific Freight Lines Company, a corpora- tion, in accordance with conditions set forth in said resolution and in a stipulation by the Parr Terminal Company under date of April 30th, 1931, and

W1EMEAS Parr Terminal Company, under date of July 1, 1931, has now executed such a sublease with Pacific Freight Lines Company for storage and transportation purposes for a period of time expiring upon May 31st, 1943, or upon the sooner termination of its lease with the City of Oakland., all sub- ject to the terms and conditions of its lease with the city and to any rights which the city may have in respect thereto, (an executed copy of which said sublease has been filed with this Board), and the said lessee and proposed sublessee desire that the consent to such sublease be reaffirmed by this Board, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the consent heretofore given to such sublease be and the same is hereby reaffirmed subject to all the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution No. 2069 and said stipulation,

BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be mailed to the Parr Terminal Company and to the Pacific Freight Lines Company."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to have a semi- annual audit made of the accounts of The Interstate Company in the operation of the airport restaurant and inn, and to employ the services of a certified public accountant or accountants for such purpose."



RESOLVED that the bond of Harry Thompson Burton for the faithful performance of his duties as Chief Clerk, in the amount of 2000.00, executed by the American Bonding Company of Baltimore, be and the same is hereby approved."



WEERAS, on August 3rd, 1931, the iron ladder of the Port Dredge, which is quite bulky and weighs about fifty tons, collapsed in the channel of the Outer Harbor during operation of the dredge, creating a menace to naviga- tion and shipping, and an extreme emergency whereby delay of the removal of such ladder from the channel might have caused serious loss and injury to the City of Oakland, was created, and

WHEREAS, the Port Manager, in such emergency, contracted with the Smith Rice Company, Incorporated, for the use of said companys derrick barge for the purpose of removing the collapsed ladder of the Port Dredge from the channel, and said work has been accomplished at a cost of 1200.00, now there- fore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the said action of the Port Manager in such extreme emergency is ratified, confirmed and approved, and payment of said sum of money to the said Smith Rice Company, Incorporated, is hereby allowed and approved."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were Continued. on the table:

Compensation Insurance of Port Employees (Should warrant for • 5000.00, as agreed to, be sent to City?);

Southern Pacific agreement on spur track at Airport;

McCormick Steamship Co. - assignment of Ninth Avenue Pier;

Junior Chamber of Commerce - 1931 National Air Races;

Lighthouse Department - establishment of new range lights for widened entrance to Outer Harbor;

E. I. A. Watts - reduction in service charges requested. by steamship lines.





Held on Monday, August 10, 1931, at the hour of !-:!ul oclock

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -5-

Commissioners absent: None.

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were

also present.

The minutes of the adjourned meeting of August 6, 1931, were approved

and adopted.

Communication from Allan C. Rush, Los Angeles, relative to construction

of a transbay bridge, was filed.

Communication from U. S. Treasury Department, stating that it would pay

at the rate of $40.00 per month for the berthing of one Coast Guard cutter at the

Ninth Avenue Pier, was filed.

Communication from Miller Boyken, Patent Attorneys, stating that they

understood the American Hawaiian Sugar Company at Crockett, California, had settled

their case with the Ferguson people for $3,000.00, was filed.

Communication from the City Attorney regarding classification of "Permit

Man", was filed. The Board expressed its desire to cooperate with the City Attor- ney in securing a court decision classifying this case. Communication from Schuler McDonald, Inc., contractors for construction of Warehouse "0", Outer Harbor, stating that the Labor Trades Council Industrial Board had raised objection to their working six days per week on this job and asked the Board whether it would grant an extension of time on the job in the event that they worked only five days on the job, was filed. Mr. Schuler, of Schuler McDonald, Inc. appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of their working on Saturday on Warehouse "C", and also regard- ing the payment of the going scale of wages to certain employees. The Port Attor- ney was directed to draft a letter to Schuler McDonald, Inc., to be signed by the Port Manager, calling their attention to these matters with the view of having them properly adjusted. Messrs. Chas. Gurney, D. Ryan and C. E. Risley, representatives of Organized Labor, also met with the Board. The matters taken up by them were the same as those already discussed with Mr. Schuler. The Board assured the repre- sentatives of Organized Labor that it was in sympathy with the views expressed by them and would endeavor to work out a solution with the contractors remedying the complaints made by Organized Labor. The Port Manager reported that the Dimon Steamship Corporation, a "B" line, would establish permanent service at the Grove Street Pier, commencing with October 7, 1931. The Port Manager also reported that the next four steamers of Reardon Smith line would proceed directly to sea from the Outer Harbor Terminal, this being then their last port of call. The Port Manager reported that the Inland Waterways Terminal would be ready to be turned over to the Bay Cities Transportation Company by August 15, 1931. The Port Manager was authorized to arrange for janitor service for the offices at Grove Street Pier.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of August 7, 1931: Harbor Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $192,500.84 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Fund Resources 427,656.81 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $109,988.77 Comparative statement of revenues and expenditures at Oakland Municipal Airport, covering the period of January 1930 to June 1930 inclusive with January 1931 to June 1931 inclusive; also statement of revenue for the period of July 1930 to December 1930, was filed. Report of the Assistant Port Manager on collapse of structural steel ladder on the Port dredge, was filed. Dr. Pardee was excused at this time - 5:00 p.m. The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher.-4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Dr. Pardee. -1- "RESOLUTION NO. 2183 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund: HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Air Reduction Sales Co. 9.99 Bay Cities Asbestos Co. Ltd. 12.89 Bay City Sanitary Rag Co. 10.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 17.28 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 11.76 The Cameron Company 30.00 City of Oakland - Street Department 191.66 Cochran Celli 33.52 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 2.21 Commercial Sales Co. 89.24 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 30.37 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 8.45 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 53.19 Empire Foundry Co. Inc. 8.09 Flexaml Sign Mfg. Company 10.29 Floor Sweep Co. 4.17 W. P. Fuller Co. 3.99 General Office Equipment Corporation 26.16 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 5.66 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 27.35 The Guide Publishing Co. 54.00 C. X. Hendry Company 19.21 Hill Morton Inc. 11.27 E. R. James Co. 3.15 Ed. Jones Co. 1.55 Jordan Printing Company 18.65 Kieckhefer Container Company 15.30 Kling-Dawera Stationery Co. 5.50 The A. Lietz Co. 17.14 The Lincoln Press 15.00 Loop Lumber Mill Company 87.76 Maxwell Hardware Co. 23.70 C. L. Moody 27.95 National Lead Company 42.57 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 80.00 Oakland Building Material Company 2.76 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 7.90 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 19.52 The Owl Drug Co. .58 Pacific Coast Engineering Company 12.65 Pacific Coast Paper Co. 11.76 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 22.00 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 10.54 The Printers Ink Publications 3.00 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 Schirrmacher Co. 2.75 Smith Brothers 13.37 Smith Hardware Company 3.81 Jack Spillane 5.25 Standard Fence Company 19.92 Standard Oil Company of California 19.42 Standard Saw Works 1.00 Clyde Sunderland Studios 17.25 Traffic Publishing Company Inc. 10.00 The Tribune Publishing Co. 17.42 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 1.75 Underwood Typewriter Company 1.92 Union Electric Company 41.93 Union Machine Works 22.79 Union Oil Company of California 64.68 M. Williams Sons 14.82 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 6.82 A. S. Titus 4.92 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 100.00 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co. 1.67 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 6.84 Crane Co. 160.72 California Steel Company 10.35 Edmund O. Orumn 92.43 The Electric Corporation 18.09 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 26.76 Hersey Inspection Bureau 83.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 45.30 W. H. Parrish Co. 15.00 R. H. Rawson 187.35 United Iron Works 16.00 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 28.20 Maxwell Hardware Co. 86.00 Smith, Emery Company 183.42 Smith Hardware Company 11.26 Schirrmacher Co. 1.75 Union Oil Company of California 82.15 Walworth California Company 411.57 Duncanson-Harrelson Co. 8,125.50 Z. H. Pinkerton Co. 1,125.00 Longview Dredging and Construction Co. 3,000.38 The Oakland Paving Co. 939.75 Schuler and McDonald 47,615.81 M. B. McGowan 20 404.99 $84,158.84" "RESOLUTION NO. 2184 RESOLUTION ACCEFIING CONTRACT WITH KENYON ELECTRIC COMPANY. RESOLVED that the contract with KENYON ELECTRIC COMPANY (R. E. Kenyon) for the furnishing and installing of electric wiring and equipment complete for light and power in the transit shed of Inland Waterways Ter- minal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 2185 RESOLUTION EXTENDING TIME FOR PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT WITH R. W. LITTLEFIELD, a private individual. RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with R. W. Littlefield, a private individual, for the construction of offices with appurtenances at Grove Street Pier, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Friday, August 14th, 1931." "RESOLUTION N0. 2186 RESOLUTION EXTENDING TIME FOR PERFORM- ANCE OF CONTRACT WITH SPENCER ELEVATOR COMPANY, a corporation. RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with SPENCER ELEVATOR COMPANY, a corporation, for the installation complete of one electrically operated, automatically controlled passenger elevator and accessories at Grove Street Pier, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Thursday, August 20th, 1931." "RESOLUTION NO. 2187 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESTAURANT BUILDING AT OUTER HARBOR TERMINAL.

RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the construction of a restaurant building at the Outer Harbor Terminal be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLvED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that Arthur H. Abel, Assistant Port Manager, is hereby authorized and directed to attend the meeting of the Association of Pacific and Far East Ports to be held in Vancouver, B. C. August 13th, 14th and 15th, 1931, the expenses thereof to be allowed by the Board upon presentation of proper vouchers therefor."



RESOLVED that the Port Managerjs hereby authorized to arrange for the moving of two channel range dolphins now situated on the north line of the Outer Harbor Entrance Channel to a location to conform to the entrance channel as now widened, the estimated cost of said work to be 580.00."

Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTIONS 3.111, 3.112 and 3.113 TO PORT ORDINANCE NO. 8", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher.-4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Dr. Pardee. -1-

Application of McCormick Steamship Company for assignment of Ninth Avenue

Pier, was taken from the table and referred to the Port Committee.

Opinion of the City Attorney regarding exemption of "Permit Men" from

Civil Service provisions, was taken from the table and filed.

Proposed ordinance pertaining to new garbage wharf site in the Inner

Harbor, was approved by the Port Committee.

The Port Committee approved of the plans for a restaurant building at the Outer Harbor, and also the granting of a lease to Geo. Baljevich for the opera- tion of said restaurant for a period of one year.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings were continued on the table:

Compensation Insurance of the Port Employees;

Southern Pacific - agreement on spur track at Airport;

Oakland Tunior Chamber of Commerce - 1931 National Air Races;

E. X. A. Watts - reduction in service charges requested by steamship lines; Personnel survey of Port Department, in conjunction with city;

Widening of First Street;

Southern Pacific - application for permit for spur track to serve Inland Waterways Terminal;

Schuler McDonald Inc., contractors for Warehouse "C" - working Saturdays;

East Bay Industrial Association - complaint on wages paid by Schuler McDonald, Inc., contractors of Warehouse "C"; also letters from other con- tractors that they pay standard scale of wage;

Construction of railroad sidings to industries - Outer Harbor;

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor.



of the


Held on Monday, August 1?, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -5-

Commissioner absent: None.

The Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of August 10, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from E. T. A. Watts, Secretary for the Committee on Service

Charges, requesting information as to the reduction in service charges asked for, was laid on the table and the Port Manager directed to prepare a statement showing the loss of revenue which would result from the reduction in the service charges requested.

Communication from Southern Pacific Company asking to be informed when the Board. would execute the agreement covering spur track to be constructed at the

Oakland Municipal Airport, was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise the

Southern Pacific Company that the Board was not at this time in favor of making expenditures for such a spur track.

Copy of letter addressed to Schuler McDonald, Inc., regarding carrying on construction work on Warehouse "C" on Saturdays, and also as to the payment of

the standard scale of wages for building laborers, was filed.

Communication from Captain H. B. Nurse of the U. S. Quartermaster Corps,

acknowledging receipt of plans showing drainage of flying field of Oakland Munici-

pal Airport for use in connection with the bombing base to be established by the

Government in Marin County, was filed.

Communication from the Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Railway Company re-

garding the use by said company of spur track constructed by Southern Pacific Com-

pany to serve the Inland Waterways Terminal, and asking that, if possible, said

spur track be open for use of all railroads operating in the East Bay District,

was read, and the Port Manager instructed to take this matter up with the Southern

Pacific Company and also to have the Bay Cities Transportation Company request the

Southern Pacific Company to give all railroads acce to this spur track.

Communication from Key System, Ltd., advising that it would commence

switching operations in the Outer Harbor area on Monday, August 17, was filed.

Copy of communication, addressed to Bay Cities Transportation Company, notifying it that the Inland Waterways Terminal would be fully completed and turned

over to the company on August 15, 1931, was filed.

Copy of telegram sent to the Interstate Commerce Commission by the San

Diego Chamber of Commerce relative to the Pacific Coast Fourth Section Relief appli- cation, was filed.

President Fisher brought up the question of engaging a certified account- ant to audit the books for the Interstate Company, covering the Airport Inn and

Restaurant, and the Port Manager reported thatD. A. Sargent Co., Certified Pub- lic Accountants, would be employed for the purpose, they having made similar audit of the Interstate Company last year.

The Port Manager reported that a box containing one dozen pairs of low shoes, two cases of peaches and one case of spinach had been held at the terminals for approximately one year without any claimants, and asking what disposition should be made of these goods. The Port Manager was authorized to turn these over to the city woodyard, taking receipt for the same.

Mr. Bullard, representing Mr. Fred Telford of the Bureau of Public Per- sonnel Administration, appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of making a study of the Port Departments employees. The Board authorized Mr. Telford to make a survey of the Ports operating forces and install the Probst efficiency system of personnel records; this to be done at no extra cost to the city, at the invitation of the City Council, in conjunction with the survey now being made of municipal employees in other departments.

The Port Attorney reported that a meeting would be held in the offices

of the City Attorney, City Hall, on Tuesday, August 18, at the hour of 2:00 p.m.

to consider the matter of standard scale of wages to be adopted by the city, in

accordance with provisions to the state law, effective August 14, 1931. The

Port Attorney was directed to attend this meeting, making report thereon to the


The Port Manager reported that Libby, McNeill Libby had made applica-

tion to store 100,000 cases of Alaska Salmon in the transit sheds at the Outer

Harbor terminal until completion of Warehouse "C", when said goods would be trans-

ferred to that warehouse.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of August

14, 1931:

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $182,691.97 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 , 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Fund Resources 418,538.55

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $108,404.80

Statement of cargo handled by McCormick Steamship Company at the Parr

Terminal for fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, was filed.

Statement of cargo handled through the Howard Terminal for the calendar

year 1930 as compared with total tonnage handled through the municipal terminals,

was filed.

Communication from the Port Attorney regarding employment of an Assist-

ant Port Attorney, was referred to Mr. Leroy R. Goodrich of the Committee on


Communication from the Port Attorney requesting permission to maintain

an auxiliary law office in the City Hall, was approved and the Port Attorney

directed to make necessary arrangements therefor.

Report of the Accountant of planes hangared at the Oakland Municipal Air-

port for various periods, was filed.

Pursuant to request of the City of Oakland, the Port Attorney was directed

to arrange with the City Council for an opportunity for the Board to make a study

of the situation connected with the proposed widening of First Street before final

action on this matter was taken by the City Council.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following


AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -5- NOES: None. ABSENT: None. "RESOLUTION NO. 2190 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund: ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. 405.21 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: C. W. Abbott Company .25 Aero Digest 3.00 Air Reduction Sales Co. 29.40 Airway Age 2.00 The Alameda County Septic Tank Company 14.70 Alhambra Water Co. 4.40 American Bag Co. 5.12 Borchert Graham 10.19 The Cameron Company 1.42 City of Oakland - Garage 25.83 East Bay Glass Company .50 Ferro Steel Company 5.87 The Gerrard Company, Inc. .59 Gilbert Plum 4.00 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 27.60 Gunn, Carle Co., Ltd. 53.49 Charles R. Hadley Company 3.15 E. A. Hudson Co. 53.75 Johnson Plating Works 12.50 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 5.04 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc. .91 Pacific Shipper 68.00 The Pacific Telephone end Telegraph Company 231.50 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 11.73 Pelican Pure Water Co. 6.80 Joseph Pierotti Co. 18.20 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 1.20 Robinson Tractor Company .96 E. J. Saake 5.55 The San Francisco Examiner 13.80 Smith Hardware Company 28.20 Standard Oil Company of California 48.78 Union Pacific Laundry 4.50 United Iron Works 221.00 Washington-Lincoln Garage 24.83 West Disinfecting Company .50 Western Advertising and Western Business 3.00 The Western Union Telegraph Company 12.64 Pay Rolls - Administrative Department 2,060.00 ?I I/ - Engineering Department 1,235.00 ft If - Traffic Operating 1,728.69 I/ It - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 0 - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,473.00 " " - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,670.65 " " - Airport 737.50 ot - New Construction 856.00 It - Dredge 1,385.70 It ft - General Waterfront 662.85 M. B. McGowan 380.10 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 4,906.73 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 519.60 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: American Safe Exchange 130.00 Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund 226 9,791.40 California Steel Company 70.19 Judson-Pacific Company 765.00 Key System, Ltd. 554.90 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. .46 Union Oil Company of California 21.89 Geo. Woolf 1,125.00 Kenyon Electric Company 547.50 Quality Concrete Company 41.53 H. X. Christensen 17,321.25 $49,506.05" "RESOLUTION NO. 2191


RESOLVED that the contract with R. W. LITTLEFIELD for the installa- tion of offices at Grove Street Pier, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with H. J. Christensen for the construction of Warehouse AA (other than structural steel frame) with appurtenances, be end the same is hereby extended to and including Wednesday, August 26th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the contract with R. W. LITTLEFIELD for the construc- tion of a transit shed (other than structural steel frame) at the foot of Webster Street, Oakland, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the Board of Port Commissioners hereby determines that that certain pier and shed structure erected by it at the foot of Web- ster Street for the use and purposes of the Bay Cities Transportation Com- parry, pursuant to that certain lease dated January 16th, 1931 (Ordinance 4599), was completed on August 15th, 1931, and that the rental payments pre- scribed by said lease shall accrue to the city for a period of time commenc- ing with the date of such completion, as evidenced by this resolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be furnished to the said Bay Cities Transportation Company."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to W. T. Masterson, Chief Wharfinger, and which by Resolution No. 2128 was extended to and including August 17th, 1931, be and the same is hereby extended, without compensation, to and including January71,1932, unless such leave should be sooner terminated by this Board."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with JAMES H. PINKERTON for the installation of a complete automatic wet sprinkler system in Warehouse "AA", be and the same is hereby extended to and including Thursday, August 27th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the contract with GEORGE WOOLF for the installation of electric wiring and equipment for light and power in Warehouse AA, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with LEE J. IAVEL for the construction of all oil macadam pavement, grading and appur- tenances at the foot of Fourteenth Street, Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Monday, August 31st, 1931."



BE IT RESOLVED that the following officers of this Board of Port Commissioners are hereby declared reelected, their terms to commence forth- with and to continue until other action may be taken by this Board -

Ralph T. Fisher - President R. A. Leet - Vice President G. B. Hegardt - Secretary A. H. Abel Assistant Secretary."

Port Ordinance No. 129 being, "AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTIONS 3.111, 3.112

and 3.113 TO PORT ORDINANCE NO. 8", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -5- NOES: None. ABSENT: None.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings, were taken from the table anri filed:

Southern Pacific - agreement on spur track at Airport;

Oakland Junior Chamber of Commerce - 1931 National Air Races;

Personnel survey of Port Department, in conjunction with city;

Schuler McDonald, Inc., - contractors for Warehouse "C", working Saturdays;

East Bay Industrial Association - complained onwage paid by Schuler McDonald on Warehouse "C" construction;

Construction of railroad sidings, Outer Harbor.

The following communications which had been laid on the table et previous meetings, were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

E. Z. A. Watts - reduction in service charges requested by steamship lines;

Widening of First Street;

Southern Pacific - application for spur track to serve Inland Waterways Terminal;

Proposed enlargement of Oakland Yacht Harbor.

Mr. Goodrich recommended favorably on application of the Tribune Publish- fl ing Company for an advertisement in the Tribune 1932 Annual in the amount of

$200.00. Mr. Goodrich further recommended that advertising space similar to

that taken with the Post Enquirer last year, should be authorized this year.

The report of Mr. Goodrich was adopted.



of the


Held on Monday, August 24, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -5-

Commissioners absent: None.

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of August 17, 1931, were approved and


Communication and report from Firemans Fund Insurance Company stating

that it was not liable for damage done to dredge ladder, was referred to the Port


Communication from the General Convention Chairman of the Foreign Trade

Council acknowledging receipt of material for publicity in connection with conven-

tion to be held in Oakland September 17 and 18, 1931, was filed.

Communication from W. C. Marr of the State Products Terminal stating that

the San Francisco Chamber of Couscerce had registered strong protests with the San

Jose Chamber of Commerce against the routing of cargo controlled at San Jose

through the Port of Oakland, was filed.

Tentative draft of agreement between the Board of Port Commissioners and

the Southern Pacific and Key System, Ltd., covering the switching operations in the

Outer Harbor area, was referred to the Port Attorney.

Communication from Bay Cities Transportation Company, stating that common

user of spur track leading from First Street to the Inland Waterways Terminal would

be of no advantage in the operation of said terminal, was filed.

Coiuxuunication from the East Bay Industrial Association acknowledging receipt of agreement with Schuler and McDonald, contractors on Warehouse "C",

relative to working Saturday afternoons and paying of standard scale of wages to

building laborers, was filed.

Copy of letter from the National Cement Association covering settlement

of patent claim of Ferguson interests by the California Hawaiian Sugar Corporation,

was filed.

Applications of the Co-Operative Marketing journal and the Pacific Flyer

for advertisements in these publications, we referred to the Port Manager.

Communication from East Bay Industrial Association transmitting state-

ment of wages recommended to be paid on building construction in the East Bay area,

was filed.

List of twelve questions submitted by Mr. Telford in connection with the

personnel survey now being undertaken by the Bureau of Public Personnel Administra-

tion, was referred to the Port Manager for reply.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of August

21, 1931:

rbor Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance ...... $193,632.83 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 429,479.41

1925 Oakland Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $104,801.58

Report of the Accountant on airplanes hangaring and revenues accruing for various periods at Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

The Port Manager submitted a report showing that a reduction in service charges requested by steamship lines would, on a basis of five cents per ton on the fifty-cent charge, result in a loss of revenue of approximately $8000.00 per annum on outbound cargo movement and approximately $2600.00 on inbound business, both based on the tonnage handled over the municipal terminals in the calendar year 1930.

The Port Manager stated that he and Mr. Howard, of the Howard Terminal, believed that a reduction of ten cents per ton in the service charges on outbound cargo and no reduction in the service charges on inbound cargo would best meet the situation, but that Mr. Van Horn, of the Encinal Terminal took the stand that a five cents per ton reduction in service charges on both inbound and outbound cargo was the more equitable solution.

After discussion of the matter it was re-referred to the Port Manager for recommendations et the next meeting of the Board.

The Port Manager reported that the business done by Luckenbach Steamship

Company in 1930 over the municipal terminals showed en.increase of 29,026 tons over

1929. The Port Manager reported that the Longview Dredging Company had completed

the work of widening the entrance channel to the Outer Harbor.

The Port Manager reported that the amount of cargo sent to the Outer Har-

bor Terminal by the State Products Terminal Company to date amounted to approxim-

ately 900 tons.

The Assistant Port Manager reported on the cost of improving the Ninth

Avenue Crossing at the Ninth Avenue Pier. He stated that he would take up with the State Railroad Commission the matter of receiving permission to so improve this crossing.

The Board authorized the Port Attorney to file an action in unlawful detainer against the American Machine Shops in order to oust tenants of the poses-

Sian of the wharfinger building at the foot of Washington Street.

Mr. Roscoe D. Jones appeared before the Board in connection with the taking over of a portion of the Parr Terminal Companys leasehold in the Outer

Harbor, and was authorized by the Board to offer the parties interested a certain sum of money in settlement thereof.

The Port Manager was authorized to reduce the office rent, in the Airport

Administration Building, of the Monarch Flying Service to $25.00 per month, retro- active for the time that this office was assigned to the Monarch Flying Service.

Mr. Goodrich reported that he had looked into the matter of the advis- ability of appointing an assistant to the Port Attorney. It was determined, upon

Mr. Goodrichs recommendation, that such an assistant be appointed at the salary that is now provided.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher. -- NOES: None. ABSENT: None.



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing bommittee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Thos. H. Moore 150.30 Tames Bell Company 6.60 The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 4.50 Gladding, McBean Co. 4.10 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 5.11 C. H. Jenkins Company 4.05 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 8.82 Myers Barrel Company 7.50 Maxwell Hardware Co. 26.46 William Moon Co., Ltd. 1.96 Chas. Matthews 9.62 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 92.06 Oakland Building Material Company 2.84 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 6.99 Office Equipment Company 1.90 Pioneer Sawdust and Sand Depot 15.00 Printing Products Company 8.08 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 24.57 Smith Hardware Company 3.18 Smith Brothers 50.44 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 7.67 Clyde Sunderland Studios 1.00 Standard Oil Company of California 8.60 Union Oil Company of California 67.86 Underwood Typewriter Company 5.00 Western Auto Supply Company 4.32 M. Williams 322.00 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEIMNT FUND: Crane Co. 2.35 California Steel Company 38.74 The Electric Corporation 1.95 Graybar Electric Com pany, Inc. 41.86 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 185.00 Hersey Inspection Bureau 136.15 The A. Lietz Co. 5.83 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 789.83 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 52.99 Smith Rice Company, Inc. 1,200.00 United Iron Works 12.00 Union Oil Company of California 25.07 Jim Wilder 186.45 S. S. Herrick 3,217.50 M. B. McGowan 28,432.78 $35,179.03"



RESOLVED that the contract with TEE OAKLAND PAVING COMPANY, a cor- poration, for paving the deck of the Inland Waterways Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the contract with SPENCER ELEVATOR COMPANY, a corpora- tion, for the furnishing and installing complete of one electrically operated automatically controlled passenger elevator in Grove Street Pier, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the plans end specifications filed with the Board for the purchase and installation of a new dredge ladder be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the Southern Pacific Company be and it is hereby granted a permit to operate the proposed spur track to be constructed by the V , VA.A.G IV G Ceti Pier, and that the Port Manager be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with the Southern Pacific Company for switch track con- nections and service to said Webster Street Pier, which contract is to be approved by the Port Attorney and be in substantially the same form as the contract covering spur track service, Brooklyn Basin, Ninth Avenue Pier, and is to specifically reserve in the City a right to terminate said agreement on six (6) months notice.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Southern Pacific Company is hereby granted a revocable permit pursuant to Subdivision 55, Section 51 of the city charter to construct a track from the eastern end of the said citys tracks across the property owned by the company and along First Street to connect said spur track of the city with the companys main line tracks located on First Street."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized for and on be- half of the City of Oakland, acting by and through its Board of Port Commis- sioners, to execute a lease agreement with the United States of America for the use by the government of wharfage space at Brooklyn Basin Ninth Avenue Pier, said agreement to be in the form approved by the Port Attorney and to provide for a rental of $480.00 per annum, subject, however, to the right of either party to cancel such lease upon thirty (30) days written notice, other- wise to terminate on Tune 30th, 1932."



BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Port Commissioners hereby expresses itself as in,favor of the completion of the widening of First Street on the southern side thereof between Webster and Broadway, it being understood that upon the undertaking of the work of the proposed widening by the Council of the City of Oakland, the Board of Port Commissioners will permit the southern side of said First Street from Broadway to Clay Street, which is within the Port Area, to be likewise widened by the City Council and will, at its own expense, move back any of the structures possessed by the Port Department, which may be required to be moved for such street widening.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the City Manager and the City Council."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings, were taken from the table and filed:

Widening of First Street;

Application of Southern Pacific Company for permit to construct and operate spur track to serve Inland Waterways Terminal;

Communication from the Santa Fe Railway Company regarding the common user of a spur track serving Inland Waterways Terminal.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings, were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Reduction in service charges requested by steamship lines;\

Proposed enlargement of Oakland Yacht Harbor;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from the provisions of Civil Service.


of the


Held on Monday, August 31, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 424, Bank of America Building.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioners absent: Dr. Pardee. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also


The minutes of the regular meeting of August 24, 1931, were approved and


Request of Fillmore Flying Service for renewal of lease on one-half of

Hangar No. 1 at Oakland Municipal Airport, was referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from Oakland Municipal Woodyard expressing appreciation for

donation of canned goods, napkins, and shoes, was filed.

Communication from Western Pacific Railroad Company stating that it was

not desirous at this time of making a fill on a railroad trestle leading to the pro-

posed Garbage Wharf, was laid on the table, and the Port Manager directed to confer

with Vice-President Elsey of the railroad company with the view of having said fill


Communication from Howard Terminal regarding dredging along Market Street

and also in front of the quay wall on the east side of Howard Pier No. 2, was laid on

the table and the Port Manager directed to submit report thereon for the next meeting

of the Board.

Communication from Howard Terminal stating that it had gone ahead with the

sprinklering of Pier No. 1 on that portion of the structure belonging to the City of

Oakland without first having obtained the consent of the Board, was laid on the table

and the Port Manager directed to ask Mr. Howard to appear before the Board et its next


Communication from Lawrence Warehouse Company expressing appreciation for

the Operating Department having turned over certain storage accounts to them to handle,

was filed.

Communication from the Interstate Company, together with statement of profit

and loss of Oakland Airport concessions for eleven months period, August 1, 1930 to

June 30, 1931 inclusive, was referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from Oakland Building Maintenance Association, submitting pro-

posal to do the janitor work at the Boards offices in Grove Street Pier for a period of six months at the rate of $160.00 per month, was accepted, and resolution later

passed confirming this.

Upon recommendation of the Port Attorney it was determined to secure an

ordinance from the City Council ratifying the compromise of the railroads right of

way across the Airport, so far as it would affect a conveyance of any interest pos-

sessed by the City.

Communication from the National Association of Mail Carriers inviting the

Board to take part in the parade during the National Convention in Oakland from

September 7 to 12 inclusive, was filed. The Port Manager was directed to communi-

cate with the Oakland Junior Chamber of Commerce with the view of having delegates

to the Convention inspect Oaklands Port and Airport.

Communication from D. H. Cordona, Operator in Charge of the Teletype Service

at Oakland Municipal Airport, requesting that certain modifications be made in the

partitions in the corridors occupied by it in the Administration Building, was referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from East Side Consolidated Civic Clubs requesting to be

informed as to the steps being taken by the Board to provide cold storage facilities

in the Port area, was filed, and the Port Manager directed to make appropriate reply.

The Port Manager reported that Mr. Stimson of the Boeing Air Transport had notified him that he had been informed by the officials of the Boei ng Air Transport that no steps were at this time to be taken to provide speed boat service between

San Francisco and Oakland Airport for the carrying of mail and passengers.

The report of the Port Attorney that ho had appointed Mr. Robert M. Ford as Assistant Port Attorney, was received and approved.

The Port Attorney reported that he had been advised by the City Manager that he would be provided with office accommodations in the City Hall.

The Port Manager reported that the tonnage which had been diverted to the

Outer Harbor Terminal by the State Products Terminal, as advised by Mr. Marr, was

1079 tons to date.

Mr. Roscoe D. Jones made verbal report on his conference with Attorney

Hohfeld regarding negotiations for taking over a portion of the Parr Terminal lease- hold by the City.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of August 28,


Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $186,153.69 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 418,000.27

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $100,515.16

Bonds unsold of $9,960,000 bond issue $1,500,000 Report of the Port Attorney on reductions of service charges requested by

steamship lines, was laid on the table.

The Port Manager reported that Mr. Van Horn, of the Encinal Terminal had

informed him that it was possible that he would recommend the reductions in service

charges recommended by Mr. Howard of the Howard Terminal. A meeting to discuss this matter will be held next Friday, September 4.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Dr. Pardee. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

I:RA.8ED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Howard Terminal - Quay Wall 760.01 Howard Terminal - Wharves 2,825.82 Sunset Lumber Company 386.75 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Geo. H. Nash 167.60 American Bitumuls Company 7.00 A. E. Aronson 87.50 Bank of America Building 824.80 California Steel Company 12.00 City of Oakland - Garage 80.72 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 East Bay Municipal Utility District 280.06 General Office Equipment Corporation 11.50 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 4.00 H. M. C. Co. 16.50 Hawes Printing Company 61.78 The Interstate Co. 1.20 Kee Lox Manufacturing Co. 6.00 Miller Boyken 500.00 Maxwell Hardware Co. 2.21 C. L. Moody 3.45 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 5,397.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 481.00 Rice Son 33.50 Schirrmacher Co. 1.35 Smith Hardware Company 4.42 Sterling Lumber Company 37.24 Sterling Press 80.85 St. Clair Building 32.50 The Tribune Publishing Co. 2.48 Voegtly White 16.98 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 111.33 Western Building Forum 7.50 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 2.00 Pay Rolls - Administrative Department 2,043.87 - Engineering Department 1,235.00 " - Traffic Operating 1,890.00 f9 fT - Ninth Avenue Pier 150.00 " - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,473.00 It - Airport 737.50 " - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,754.51 - Dredge 564.49 ?I - General Waterfront 643.68 - New Construction 860.00 Geo. B. Green 21.89 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 184.02 .W1V -- £L.1 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Kennerson Manufacturing Co. 277.00 Pacific G as and Electric Company 3,601.00 Smith Hardware Company 8.42 Chas. Matthews 400.00 The Oakland Paving Co. 3,598.19 R. W. Littlefield 7,456.79 $43,085.21"



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a written agreement with the Oakland Building Maintenance Associa- tion, Ltd., a corporation, for the furnishing of all labor, equipment end mater- ial, the carrying of insurance, and the performance of necessary janitor service at the Port of Oakland offices, both mezzanine floor and ground floor, Sections "A" and "B", Grove Street Pier, as per the specifications which were submitted to all applicants upon informal bidding, said agreement to continue for a period of six months, commencing September 1st, at the rate of $160.00 per month."



RESOLVED that the contract with TEE J. IMMEL for the construction of all oil macadam pavement, grading and appurtenances, at the foot of Fourteenth Street, Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the contract with H. J. Christensen for the mnstruc- tion of Warehouse "AA", (other than structural steel), with appurtenances, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the contract for the installation of a complete auto- matic wet sprinkler system for Warehouse "AA", Outer Harbor, having been satis- factorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the redredging of the slips between Market Street Pier and the Howard Terminal Pier No. 2, Oakland Inner Harbor, be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, inasmuch as the proposed redredging of the channel includes work on the north side of the low tide land upon the area belonging to the Howard Terminals, the Port Manager shall collect from such company the cost of any work done upon its side of the property line."


RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME FOR THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE TERM OF LEASE WITH ROSENBERG BROS. CO. AND PROVIDING FOR THE GIVING OF NOTICE AS PRESCRIBED BY SAID LEASE. WHEREAS the progress of the work of constructing Warehouse "AA", in accordance with that certain lease dated May 25th, 1931, with Rosenberg Bros. Co. is such that said building will be substantially completed on or before the 1st day of September, 1931, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the President of this Board shall on or about said date sign a written notice on behalf of the City of Oakland, as the lessor, of such substantial completion and shall cause such notice to be delivered to Rosenberg Bros. Co., as the lessee.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such notice shall be certified to by the Chief Engineer or Assistant Chief Engineer of this Board. FORTH BE IT/RESOLVED that the said lessee shall be entitled to enter into the occupancy of said building and demised premises within ten days after the receipt of such notice and that the date of the commencement of the term of this lease shall be deemed to be the tenth day after the lessee shall have received such notice of completion of said building."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence on account of illness -anted James R. Martin, Car Man, (Port Ordinance No. 8, Section 3.47), by the Port Manager, which leave commenced August 17th and terminates thirty days from said date, with pay for the first eleven and one half days only, is hereby ratified and approved by this Board."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the City of Oakland to execute with TEE TEXAS COMPANY, under date of August 1st, 1931, a renewed gasoline and oil concession and rental agreement for the distribution of gasoline and petroleum products at the Oakland Municipal Airport for a further year in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement of the previous year."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to enter into a concession contract, (to be approved by the Port Attorney as to form and legality), with one GEORGE BALJEVICH, for the maintenance and opera- tion of a first class restaurant and lunch stand in a building to be constructed by this Board at the southern side of the foot of 14th Street near the Outer Harbor Terminal, subject, however to future relocation if deemed desirable by this Board, et a consideration of ,111200.00 payable at the rate of $100.00 a month on the first day of each of the twelve months of said concession period."



RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of a restaurant build- ing at Outer Harbor Terminal, foot of Fourteenth Street, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to SULLIVAN SULLIVAN, A CO°-PARTNIIP, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed August 31st, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the pro- cedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract be and the same are hereby rejected."

Recommendation of the Port Manager that en advertisement be placed in the

Flyers Directory for Northern California, to be published September 1, and effective 4.0;ij for six months at a cost of $30.00, was adopted.

The Port Manager, to whom had been referred request of "The Marketing

Journal" for advertisement to appear shortly in that journal at a cost of $250.00,

recommended against the placing of such advertisement. The recommendation of the

Port Manager, was adopted.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous

meetings, were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance f,r Port employees;

Reduction in service charges requested by steamship companies;

The proposed enlargement of Oakland Yacht Harbor;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2187 and advertising for five consecutive days in the

citys official newspaper, bids for Restaurant Building at Outer Harbor Terminal

were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. At the hour of 4:30 p.m. the

following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:





Jensen Pederson $7,596.00 $760.00 C. E. Burks 7,522.00 752.20 Fred E. Hambelton 7,790.00 800.00 Sullivan Sullivan 6,683.00 700.00 S. O. MacDonald Son 7,300.00 730.00 W. G . Thornally 7,310.00 800.00 C. M. Norgrove 6,774.00 700.00 E. C. Lesure 7,689.00 775.00 Jacobs Pattiana 7,234.00 750.00 Geo. Swanstrom 6,694.00 700.00 Schuler McDonald, Inc. 7,000.00 700.00 R. C. McBride, Jr. 6,930.00 693.00 R. W. Littlefield 7,269.00 750.00 N. H. Sjoberg Son 7,643.00 800.00 J. B. Bishop 7,394.00 740.00 J. B. Peterson 6,886.00 700.00 Easterly Taten 6,697.00 670.00

Upon approval by the Port Attorney as to legality and upon recommendation of the Port Manager, the bid of Sullivan Sullivan was accepted and Resolution No.

2217 passed, awarding the contract to said Sullivan Sullivan at the price of

06,683.00,thwbeing the lowest bidder.


of the


At the regular meeting, which was to be held, on Tuesday, September 8,

1931, at the hour of 3:30 p.m., in the offices of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street

Pier, due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, a quorum

not being present, the meeting was adjourned.



of the


Held on Monday, September 14, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4-

Commissioner absent: Dr. Pardee. -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of August 31, 1931, and an adjourned meeting of September 8, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Moreau Flying Service making application for rental of a section of one of the hangars at Oakland Municipal Airport, was referred to the

Airport Committee.

Communication from the American Association of Port Atuhorities, asking that the Board furnish credentials to alternates to vote on all motions and reso- lutions, was read, and the Secretary authorized to designate the Secretary of the

Association for this purpose.

Communications from Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and

Warehouse Co., San Francisco, making certain pro positions for the handling of cotton through the Port of Oakland facilities, were referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from City Manager, O. E. Carr, transmitting record of Cas- ualty Insurance Claims paid by the City for the Port of Oakland during the fiscal years 1929-1930 and 1930-1931, was laid on the table.

Public Notice by the U. S. Engineer Office of hearing on application of

Department of Public Works, State of California, for permit to make necessary borings for transbay bridge, was filed.

Communication from Lt. Commander F. B. Connell, U. S. Naval Reserve, Oakland

Municipal Airport, requesting that concrete pads be placed in front of Hangar No. 3 where planes could be warmed up without the danger of picking up small rocks by the propellers, was referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from Judge Van Bernard, Chairman, Shipside Terminal Committee, to the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, asking for conference with members of the Port Com- mission on Thursday afternoon, September 17, was read and Messrs. Leet and Pendleton designated to meet with said Committee.

Mr. Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., appeared before the Board in connection with his proposal to handle the 1931-1932 cotton crop through the Port of Oakland terminal facilities, and also for the enter- ing into an agreement for lease covering the erection of a building, approximately

25,000 square feet, to be used as a cotton compress facility.

After full discussion, the matter was referred to the Port Committee to prepare draft of such an agreement for presentation to Mr. Selig at the conference to be held at the hour of eleven oclock a.m., Thursday, September 17.

Mr. C. P. Howard, of the Howard Terminal, also appeared before the Board in connection with the dredging along its quay wall lease, and also in connection with the Sprinkler System, which Mr. Howard had installed on that portion of the Pier No. 1 leased from the City of Oakland. Upon recommendation of Mr. Goodrich it was agreed that en adjustment for the cost of this sprinkler installation would be made by the

Board to the Howard Terminal when the insurance rate covering this sprinkler instal- lation had been established by the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific.

The Port Manager was authorized to proceed with the plans for the extension of the Outer Harbor Terminal, which would be undertaken when the present garbage wharf had been moved to its new location in the Inner Harbor.

The matter of selecting a certified public accountant to audit the books of the Board for the fiscal year 1930-1931, was referred to Mr. Goodrich.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor Term- inal by the State Products Terminal from August 6 to September 13, 1931, amounted to

1439 tons.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of September

11, 1931.

Harbor Maintenance Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $188,766.20 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Fund Resources 430,394.38

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund Unencumbered Cash Balance $101,895.89

The report of the Port Manager for the month of August, was filed. The feport of the Port Manager on questions relating to financial policy,

standards, and levels in developing and revising the Boards pay plan, as submitted

by Mr. Telford, was adopted.

The report of the Port Manager and Mr. Howard, of the Howard Terminal, recom-

mending certain reductions to be made in terminal charges, as requested by steamship

lines, was adopted, and the Port Manager authorized to sign, jointly with Mr. Howard,

a reply for these reductions to Mr. E. J. A. Watts, Secretary for the Committee on

Service Charges, San Francisco, California.

The report of the Assistant Port Manager on dredging to be done in the slip

between Market Street Pier and Howard Pier No. 2, and also along the quay wall of Howard lease, was filed.

The report of the Assistant Port Manager on Sprinkler System installed on

Howard Terminal Pier No. 1, was filed.

The report of the Assistant Port Manager on the amount of insurance that

should be placed on the Howard Terminal properties leased from the City of Oakland, was adopted.

The report of the Port Manager on wages paid by Schuler McDonald, Inc.,

contractors for Warehouse "C", to building laborers, was read and the Port Manager directed to notify Mr. Schuler that his claim covering work done, as per estimate ap- proved by the Port Manager, would be held up until Mr. Schuler had satisfied the Board that the building laborers were paid the standard wage of $5.50 per day.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Dr. Pardee. -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: American Bag Co. 2.50 Anderson Printing Company 36.25 Harry Berger 140.25 California Steel Company 6.50 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 2.21 Dohrmann Hotel Supply Company 34.30 The Fox Press 62.50 General Electric Supply Corporation 132.20 Gladding, McBean Co. 5.12 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 23.35 Healy-Tibbitts Construction Co. 580.00 Lawton Williams 7.00 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 2.20 C. L. Moody 1.47 National Lead Company 7.41 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 9.90 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 2.47 Printers Ink Monthly 2.00

Smith Brothers \ 4.07 Smith Hardware Company 7.47 Union Oil Company of California 63.29 Worley Co. 181.60 M. D. McCarl 4.22 A. S. Titus 5.52 R. N. Ricketts 4.25 Pay Rolls - Administrative Department 2,250.00 IT TT - Engineering Department 1,235.00 IT T? - Traffic Operating 1,890.00 IT TT - Ninth Avenue Pier 180.00 TT TT - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,338.00 IT IT - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,800.00 ft It - Airport 662.50 t/ - New Construction 636.00 IT PT - General Waterfront 597.08 TI - Dredge 556.65 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 103.88 Edgar W. Anderson Company 18.00 Bay Cities Asbestos Co. Ltd. 68.35 California Safe Lock Co. 140.00 California Steel Company 1.00 Crane Co. 23.65 The Electric Corporation 8.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 5.88 The Hoffman Heater Company 88.20 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 36.00 Shand and Jurs Co. 5.49 Smith Hardware Company 4.05 T. L. Rosenberg Co. 1,575.00 Spencer Elevator Company 1,676.25 Geo. Woolf 495.60 Kenyon Electric Company 182.50 Schuler and McDonald 56,964.57 V73,869.70"



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with this Board for the construction of a temporary oil macadam roadway between Fifth and Ninth Avenues to serve Brooklyn Basin Ninth Avenue Pier be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law."



RESOLVED that the plans and specifications filed with the Board for the construction of oil macadam roadways, and drainage system, adjacent to Warehouse "C" be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the work contemplated and supplies to be furnished, as required by law." "RESOLUTION NO. 2221


RESOLVED that the bond of SULLIVAN SULLIVAN, a co-partnership, executed by NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY, a corporation, in the amount of $6,683.00 for the faithful performance of their contract with the City of Oakland for the ,7„ construction of a restaurant building at the Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to execute an "Agreement Extending Gasoline and Oil Concession at the Oakland Municipal Airport" with the Associated Oil Company, for a period of one year ending August 18th, 1932, which extension agreement has been prepared by the Port Attorney, and is subject to the same terms, covenants and conditions as the previous agreement dated August 18th, 1930, negotiated with this company."



introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Dr. Pardee. -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings, were taken from the table and filed:

E. A. Watts - reductions in service charges requested by steamship lines;

Howard Terminal regarding the installation of Sprinkler System on that portion. of Pier No. 1, leased from the City of Oakland;

Communication from Howard Terminal relative to dredging along the Quay Wall;

Report of the Port Manager on the reductions of service charges requested by steamship lines.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings, were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Proposed enlargement of Oakland Yacht Harbor;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service;

Western Pacific - filling of trestle leading to new garbage wharf.

Pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 2203 and 2212 and advertising for five conse- cutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Dredge Ladder, and Clam Shell

Dredging in slip between Market Street Pier and Howard Terminal Pier No. 2, were received. between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. At the hour of 4:30 p.m. the follow- ing bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened: BIDS FOR


Pacific Coast Engineering Company $13,960.00 $1,400.00 General Engineering Dry Dock Co. 015,890.00 1,600.00 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Ltd. 16,465.00 1,750.00




PRICE PLR CERTIFIED BIDDER CUBIC YARD TOTAL CHECK American Dredging Company $ 0.3795 $3,415.50 $350.00 Pacific Coast Dredging Co. 0.385 3,465.00 360.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the

Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, September 21, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pendletonresident Fisher -4-

Commissioner absent: Dr. Pardee -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of September 14, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from the National Association of Letter Carriers, expressing appreciation for courtesies extended to delegates at Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from E. I. A. Watts, Secretary for the Committee on Service Charges requested by steamship lines, advising that steamship lines accepted the rate reductions granted by the Board and also by Howard Terminal, was filed.

Communication from Building Trades Council of Alameda County, tranouit- ting copy of wage scale approved by the Alameda County Board of Supervis a, was filed.

Various communications from Mr. Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno

Compress and Warehouse Company, relative to the shipping of cotton through the

Port of Oakland facilities and the provision by the Board of a building for instal- lation and. operation of a high density cotton compress, were filed.

Mr. Maurice Selig and his attorney, Mr. Burnham Enersen appeared before the Board in connection with Mr. Seligs proposal to ship the 1931 to 1935 cotton handled through his Fresno compress, and such other cotton as he could. influence to move through the Port of Oakland, together with the construction by the Board, at a later date, of a compress building.

After having given careful consideration to this matter, the Board later passed a resolution authorizing the execution of agreement covering the shipping, of cotton through the Port, and the installation of the proposed cotton compress structure.

Communication from Oakland Association of Insurance Agents, recommending that the Marine Insurance of 120,000.00, now carried on the Port Dredge and acces- sories, be reduced. to 100,000.00, was read, and. the Port Manager authorized to make this reduction.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of September

18, 1931.

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance f195,117.06 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222...... 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 436,745.24

1925 Oakland Imorovement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance ...... $ 90,653.17

Report of the Assistant Port Manager recommending that the low bid. of the Pacific Coast Engineering Company for the construction of a new dredge ladder and cutter blades, in the amount of 13,960.00 be awarded to that company, was adopted. The Port Manager reported. that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal by the State Products Terminal from August 6 to and , including September

18, was 1828 tons.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: 4 4

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSIGTP: Commissioner Dr. Pardee -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is author- ized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS EROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. 480.81 LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Howard Terminal - quay Wall 811.41 Howard Terminal - Wharves 3,374.48 HARBOR MAINTENANCE I=OVEMENT FUND: Alhambra Water Co. 3.60 Andersons Ltd. 11.00 Gladys H. Barndollar 52.40 Bekins Van Storage Co. 309.50 Harry Berger 19.25 Blake, Moffitt Towne 3.97 California Steel Company . 19.86 Ditto Incorporated 2.03 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 38.46 General Office Equipment Corporation 11.50 Golden. Gate Press 13.10. Greenwood Printers Ltd. . 53.85 T. P. Hogan Co. 13.22 C. W. Marwedel 25.50 Maxwell Hardware Co. 39.51 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 117.70 National Lead Company 13.74 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 5.76 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 33.71 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Pacific Freight Line Terminals Company 4.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 73.75 Pacific Shipper 85.00 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 7.35 Pelican Pure Water Co. 5.20 The Post Enquirer 3.90 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 4.60 Geo. H. Rice 2.50 San Francisco Chronicle 13.80 D. A. Sargent Co. 80.00 Schirrmacher Co. 1.50 H. G. Scovern Co. 5.00 Smith Brothers 4.49 Smith Hardware Company 25.32 Strable Hardwood Company 6.38 Clyde Sunderland Studios 17.00 Sunset Lumber Company 34.00 Union Oil Company of California 84.08 Union Pacific Laundry 4.46 Western Union 4.22 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 2.42 W. C. Marr 177.50 H. K. Grady 79.50 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 612.98 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 5,218.09 1925 OAELAND HARBOR IMI-ROVEMENT FUND: Andersons Ltd. 834.15 California Steel Company 19.25 Detroit Steel Products Co. 77.00 The Electric Corporation 19.63 General Electric Supply Corporation 21.81 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 126.28 S. T. Johnson Co. 24.80 Makin Kennedy, Inc. 174.00 Malott Peterson 247.50 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 6.86 Chas. Matthews 585.00 Pioneer Rubber Mills 120.05 Schirrmacher Co. 7.50 Geo. A. Schuster 494.00 Smith. Hardware Company 8.80 Smith Lumber Company 11.53 Standard Oil Company of California 8.58 The Tribune Publishing Co. 12.16 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 4.26 Union Oil Company of California 20.45 Geo. Woolf 540.20 R. W. Littlefield 6,735.60 H. T. Christensen 6,716.48 $28,828.29" "RESOLUTION NO. 2224


WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain lease agreement dated April 30th, 1929, between the City of Oakland and Libby, McNeill Libby, a corporation, the final costs of the construction of the warehouse building known as Ware- house "B", including foundations and fences, have now been fully determined, audited and agreed to by the said Lessee, and it is desired to establish the same of record, and fix the rent for said building, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that it is hereby found and determined that the entire cost of said Warehouse "B", including foundations, fences, and paving within fences, and including also six (6) per cent of the cost of the said building (exclusive of all architects and engineers salaries and charges, overhead and supervision costs incurred by the Lessor) as and for such architects and engineers salaries and charges and overhead and supervision costs, together with interest during construction at the rate of 4% per annum on the progressive payments as made by the Lessor, but excluding the cost of the reconstruction of the concrete floor due to the sinking of the foundation, is the sum of $506,110.84.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of said lease, the total rent of said warehouse building, including, appurten- ances and extras, and the land covered by said lease, for the ten year term thereof is hereby fixed as the sum of $415,540.00, which rent is payable at the rate of $41,554.00 each year in equal monthly instalments, the lessee being required to pay to the lessor at this time such sums of money as may be necessary to adjust the payments already made in accordance with the rent hereby fixed for the term of the lease which, pursuant to the notice of completion of such building which was served in accordance with Resolution No. 1403, commenced on November 15th, 1929.

BE IT 12URT7FR RESOLVED that a further adjustment shall be made in the rental to be paid by the lessee for the first years possession of said building on account of the non-occupancy of 16,000 square feet of the floor area due to the said area not being available for use until Tanuary 20th, 1930.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be forthwith mailed to the said lessee."



RESOLVED that the contract for the re-dredging of the slip between Market Street Pier and Howard Terminal Pier No. 2, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to the A1.TPICAN DREDGING COMPANY, a corpora- tion, in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed September 14th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution No. 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FUR= RESOLVED that the other bid received for said con- tract be and the same is hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of a new dredge ladder and cutter with blades and appurtenances on the Port of Oakland Dredge be and the same is hereby awarded to the PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation, on the basis of Proposal "A", in accordance with the terms of its bid, filed September 14th, 1931.

BE Tr FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution No. 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said contract, be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to acquire and furnish such lumber and other material as may be necessary for repair- ing the flooring and foundations cf the Strable Warehouse, located at the foot of Washington Street, the cost of said material to be approximately $450.00, it being understood that the lessee of such building has agreed to perform all necessary labor in connection with such repair work, under the direction of the Port Manager."



BE IT RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby author- ized and directed to sign that certain agreement with the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Company, a corporation, which has been negotiated by this Board with Maurice Selig, as President of said company, and which agreement provides firstly - that the said company shall handle, route and ship all of its cotton, estimated at the present time at 60,000 bales, through the Port of Oakland for the next three seasons, and the Board of Port Commis- sioners shall provide adequate facilities for the storage and handling of such cotton, upon the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement, and secondly, - that upon the acreage planted to cotton in the San Joaquin Valley of California reaching 300,000 acres, and upon the demand of the said company, this Board shall call for bids for a certain ten year lease of a warehouse building, to be erected by the Board at an estimated cost of $40,000, suitable for the housing of a cotton compress, in which building the successful bidder, as lessee, shall undertake to install and operate a modern high density cotton compress while continuing to ship its cotton through the Port of Oakland, all as provided in said agreement and proposed lease.

BE IT Fui rrlap RESOLVED that the Secretary of this Board shall attest such signing by the President, and that such signing and attesting shall constitute execution of such agreement for and on behalf of the City of Oakland.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, as provided in such agreement, the Auditor of the City of Oakland is hereby authorized and directed to set aside the sum of $40,000 from the Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund as a reserve fund to cover the cost of such warehouse building if and when the same may be required to be erected.

BE IT FURTHIR RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be mailed to the FRESNO COMPRESS AND WAREHOUSE COMPANY."


RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ROADWAYS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM ADJACENT TO WAREHOUSE "C", OUTER RESOLVED that the contract for the constructing of grading, oil macadam, and asphaltic concrete roadways, and drainage system, adjacent to Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, Oakland, be and the same is hereby awarded to LEE J. =EL, a private individual, in accordance with terms of his bid, filed September 21st, 1931.

BE IT FURTIMR RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that, on the recommendation of Commissioner Goodrich, after conference with Mayor Morcom, the Port Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with D. A. Sargent, Certified Public Accountant, for the auditing of the books of the Port Department as of the close of the fiscal year 1930-1931."



having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the fol-

lowing vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Dr. Pardee -1-


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60, AND ADDING ITEM NO. 337 THERETO", was introduced and passed

to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Dr. Pardee -1-

The following communication which had been laid on the table at previous meetings was taken from the table and filed:

Schuler McDonald, Inc., contractors of Warehouse "C", regarding payment of standard scale of Wages to building laborers.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service;

Western Pacific - filling of trestle leading to new Garbage Wharf;

City Manager - transmitting record of casualty insurance paid by city 1929-1930 and 1930-1931;

Howard sprinklering of Pier No. 1

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2220 and advertising for five consecutive

days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Grading, Oil Macadam and Asphaltic

L.1-47 Concrete Roadways and Drainage System, Adjacent to Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. At the hour of 4:30 p.m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:

The Oakland Martin Murphy Hesfey- Hutchinson Lee J. Immel Paving Company Moore Co. Co. ITEM "A" Excavation Subgrade TOTAL BID 1)1865.00 t 600.00 $1430.00 $1800.00 7)1001.00 ITEM "B" Rock 900 Tons PER TON 1.95 2.24 1.70 1.75 1.60 ITEM "C" Rock Screenings 300 Tons PER TON 2.40 2.70 2.00 2.11 2.00 ITEM "fl" Road Oil 125 Bbls. PER BBL. 3.95 3.10 3.25 3.50 3.50 ITEM "E" Stakes Headers 2M. BM PER lam 75.00 65.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 ITEM "F" Base Aspha. Concrete 300 Tons PER TON 5.80 4.50 5.00 5.00 ITEM "0" Surface Aspha. Con. 100 Tons PER TON 4.75 5.00 5.50 5.50 6.00 ITEM "H" - (a) 4" Sewer Pipe 120 Lin. Ft. PER LIN. FT. 0.55 0.70 0.65 0.75 0.50 ITEM "H" (b) 6" Sewer Pipe 40 Lin. Ft. PER LIN. FT. 0.65 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.60 rrad "H" - (c) 8" Sewer Pipe 420 Lin. Ft. PER LIN. ri. 0.83 0.80 1.00 0.90 0.70 ITEM "H" - (d) 10" Sewer Pipe 370 Lin. Ft. PER LIN. 10T. 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.15 1.00 ITEM "H" - (e) 12" Sewer Pipe 325 Lin. Ft. PER LIN. FT. 1.10 1.30 1.70 1.30 1.10 ITEM "I" 15 Catch Basins Incl. Frame Cover PER BASIN - 55.00 70.00 70.00 60.00 40.00 TOTAL BID 8801.85 8474.00 8703.75 8893.50 7384.00 CERTIFIED CHECK 925.00 1000.00 875.00 1000.00 Rnn.nn Upon approval by the Port Attorney as to legality and upon recommenda-

tion of the Port Manager, the bid of LEE J. =EL was accepted and Resolution

No. 2229 passed, awarding the contract to said LEE J. =EL at the price of

07384.00, he being the lowest bidder.



of the


Held on Monday, September 28, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m.,

due notice of such meeting having, been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee and President Fisher

Commissioner absent: Pendleton -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were

also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of September 21, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Ccqinuunication from the General Manager of Mobile Chamber of Commerce, expressing appreciation for courtesies extended to him during his recent visit to Oakland Port and Airport, was filed.

Communication from Cliff Brooks, offering his services in connection with the making of a comprehensive survey of the necessity for the provision of shipside refrigeration facilities for the Port of Oakland, was discussed by the

Board with Mr. Brooks and Judge Van Bernard.

After full consideration of the matter, the Board decided that at least the preliminary work of such a survey should be made by the Port staff, and the

Port Manager was directed to at once take necessary steps to get such a survey under way.

Communication from Interocean Steamship Corporation expressing its appreciation to the Board for the splendid services rendered at the Outer Harbor

Terminal to the SS Hardanger in the unloading of seven cars of prunes and the strapping of the boxes, this work having been performed between the hours of one a.m. and eight a.m., was filed. C ommunication from the Oakland Traffic Club soliciting advertising for

its monthly bulletins, was read, and the Port Manager authorized to take such

advertising space for a period of six months at a total cost of 45.00.

Communication from Standard Oil Company requesting renewal of agree- ment for dispensing gasoline at Oakland Municipal Airport, was referred to the

Port Committee.

Communication from Maurice Selig, President, Fresno Compress and Ware- house Company, transmitting executed agreement in duplicate covering the handling of cotton through the Port of Oakland, was filed, and the Port Attorney directed to transmit the agreement to the City Auditor for his approval.

Communication from Maurice Selig, President, Fresno Compress and Ware- house Company, enclosing copy of letter sent to various cotton shippers regard- ing handling of cotton from the San Joaquin Valley through the Port of Oakland, was filed.

Copy of letter from Lawrence Warehouse Company to the Oakland Chamber of Commerce relative to the cold storage facilities available at the Lawrence

Warehouse, in connection with the handling of fruit products for export trade, was filed.

At the suggestion of Mr. Leet, the Port Manager was directed to ask

Mr. Al Gibson, President of the Lawrence Warehouse Company, to appear before the

Board at a future meeting to discuss various matters in connection with his operation of the Inland Waterways Terminal, and his cold storage facilities.

The Port Attorney reported that the office of the U. S. District Attor- ney, San Francisco, had advised that the War Department had reported that it had abandoned efforts to raise the barge "Simla", overturned close to channel at the Ninth Avenue Pier.

The Port Attorney reported that he had examined the Marine Insurance

Policy on the Port Dredge, and that in his opinion the insurance company was not liable for the collapse of the dredge ladder.

The Port Attorney reported that Captain W. M. Randalls license as a river pilot had been revoked by the State Board of Pilot Commissioners and that the Attorney General of the State of California had rendered an opinion that the

Board of Pilot Commissioners possessed no jurisdiction over pilots operating into such ports as the Port of Oakland. This leaves the pilots of the Port of Oak- land operating directly under the authority of the Governor.

Mr. Leet of the Port Committee, reported on conference with Messrs.

Graydon and Bowlby regarding the construction of a cold storage plant at the

Outer Harbor by private capital. No proposition was offered - the purpose of the conference apparently being to determine what the factors vould he when and if a proposal were made. A The Port Manager was authorized to rent safe deposit box in the Bank

of America for the safe keeping of records of the Board.

The Board approved a new form of pay roll and directed the Port Attor-

ney to ascertain from the City Auditor if this form had the approval of his office.

The Port Manager reported that the amount of cargo diverted to the

Outer Harbor Terminal by the State Products Terminal, from August 6 to and includ-

ing September 25, was 3133 tons.

The Port Manager reported that the Key System, Ltd. had, from September

1 to September 25, switched 182 cars at the Outer Harbor Terminal.

The Port Manager reported that he had visited the plant of Arden Salt

Company at Newark, for the purpose of ascertaining whether shipments from this

plant could be handled through the Port of Oakland facilities.

The Port Manager reported on the status of various funds as of Septem- ber 25, 1931.

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance 198,856.35 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Fund Resources 440,484.53

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance 83,915.03

The report of the Port Manager on tonnage handled by the Bay Cities

Transportation Company through the Clay Street Pier during the years 1929, 1930

and 1931, was filed.

The report of the Port Manager recommending that legal steps be taken to collect the service charges from river steamers in accordance with the Ports

tariffs, was referred to the Port Committee.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Lest, Pardee and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Pendleton -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sunset Lumber Company $ 345.57 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IT,EPOVEKENT FUND: The American Association of Port Authorities 70.00 Bay City Sanitary Rag Co. 5.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 42.42 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 1.50 California Steel Company 218.50 Chase H Teddy, Ltd. 27.72 City of Oakland - City Hall 131.42 City of Oakland - Garage 31.88 Clow Gasteam Heating Company 2.00 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 4.42 East Bay Glass Company 57.68 East Bay Municipal Utility District 241.55 Cochran Celli 3.60 Fageol Motors Sales Co. 1.46 Ferro Steel Company 26.48 The Fox Press 23.75 General Electric Supply Corporation 63.10 Cladding, McBean Co. 2.87 Goodhue-Kitchener Printing Company 13.25 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 1.13 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 25.40 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 18.03 T. P. Hogan Co. 4.90 E. H. Huebbe 37.50 Ed. Jones Co. 30.24 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 29.23 Maxwell Hardware Co. 3.43 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 4.17 C. L. Moody 1.83 Chas. Matthews 137.39 National Lead Company 13.72 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland Association of insurance Agents 120.12 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 2.83 Oakland Rubber Stamp Co. 12.50 Oakland Sanitary Products Co. 1.63 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 26.95 Office Equipment Company 5.50 Osgoods Drug Stores 1.96 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 552.68 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 545.61 The Pacific Telephone and Tele graph Company 94.50 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 17.67 Philadel phia Quartz Company 16.38 Joseph Pierotti Co. 1.06 Rucker-Fuller Company 10.50 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 San Leandro Rock Company 2.10 Schirrmacher Co. 12.00 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 21.27 St. Clair Building 32.50 Smith Brothers 115.99 Smith Hardware Company 39.61 The Timberman 3.00 The Tribune Publishing Co. 22.80 Union Oil Company of California 59.70 Washington- Lincoln Garage 22.83 Waters Bros., Inc. .75 Western Building Forum 7.50 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 16.47 Zellerbach Paper Company 48.83 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVD,IENT FUND: C. W. Abbott Company 16.92 American Brass and Copper Supply Co. Ltd. 7.28 Bay Cities Asbestos Co. Ltd. 31.38 California Steel Company 66.33 H. J. Christensen 4.73 C. 0, Claussen Co., Inc. 9.15 Clow Gasteam Heating Company 146.70 East Bay Glass Company 13.82 The Electric Corporation 1.74 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 2.56 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 17.15 Hersey Inspection Bureau 144.80 Link-Belt Company 50.00 Oakland Building Maintenance Association 38.50 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 24.63 Oakland Sign Company 50.76 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 1.00 Smith, Emery Company 29.37 Standard Fence Company 245.00 Strable Hardwood Company 1.95 The Tribune Publishing Co. 12.54 The Venor Company 29.90 Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. 423.60 J. H. Pinkerton Co. 2,174.88 Longview Dredging and Construction Co. 4,269.35 Kennerson Manufacturing Co. 3,516.00 The Oakland Paving Co. 1,512.64 Lee J. Immel 629.67 Spencer Elevator Co. 558.75 R. W. Littlefield 5,222.32 $22,899.80" "RESOLUTION NO. 2232


RESOLVED that the contract with The Longview Dredging Construc- tion Company, a corporation, for the depositing of dredged fill within the port area north of the Key Route Fill, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the contract with the ITNNERSON MANUFACTURING COM- PANY, a corporation, for the furnishing and installing of 26 rolling steel doors in Warehouse "C", having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the bond of LEE J. and-EL, executed by the MARYLAND CASUALTY COPIFANY, a corporation, in the amount of;t7,384.00 for the faith- ful performance of his contract with the City of Oakland for the construct- ing of grading, oil macadam, and asphaltic concrete roadways, and drainage system, adjacent to Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, Oakland, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING COMPANY, executed by CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, in the amount of .13,960.00, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of a new dredge ladder and cutter with blades and appurtenances on the Port of Oakland Dredge be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the bond of AITRICAN DREDGING COMPANY, executed by the ASSOCIATED INDEKNITY COMPANY, a corporation, in the amount of $3,415.50, for the faithful performance of its contract with the City of Oakland for the re-dredging of the slip between Market Street Pier and Howard Terminal Pier No. 2, be and the same is hereby approved."


RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to execute e e_

en agreement with the American District Telegraph Company for the installation of A. D. T. night, fire and police alarm service at Warehouse "C", the rental charge for operating said service to be .332.50 per year, payable in advance, with an installation cost of 293.39."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with SCHULER McDONALD, INC. for the construction of Warehouse "C", be and the same is hereby extended to and including Tuesday, October 6th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the action of the Port Manager in remodeling and painting the west end of the shed opposite the Grove Street Pier for restaurant purposes and renting the same to A. Sahlin on a month to month basis at a rental of :i;,25.00 per month, in consideration of which the tenant shall operate a lunch stand and restaurant for the benefit of the employees of the port department and of others using the Grove Street Pier, be and the same is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to arrange for the construction of an office in Warehouse "C" to be about 16 x 20 feet, at an approx- imate cost of $600.00."

Communication from the Western Pacific Railroad Company relative to filling of

railroad trestle leading to new garbage wharf, which had been laid on the table

at previous meetings, was taken from the table and filed; the railroad company

having advised us that it did not desire to have such fill made at this time.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at

previous meetings, were continued on the table:

Compensation Insurance of Port Employees;

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service;

City Manager - record of casualty insurance paid by city 1929-1930 for Port Department;

Howard sprinklering of Pier No. 1.


of the


Held on Monday, October 5, 1931, et the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -0-

Commissioners absent: None

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager, and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Public Notice of U. S. Engineer Office, San Francisco, on application of the American Dredging Company for permit to dredge between Market Street Pier and Howard Pier No. 2, was filed.

Communication from Pacific Traffic Association extending invitation to members of the Board to attend a dinner to be given at the San Francisco Bay

Airdrome, Tuesday, October 13, was filed.

Communication from F. L. Burckhalter, General Manager, Southern Pnrifir.

Company, suggesting that a conference be held between the Port Attorney and representatives of the Southern Pacific Company and Key System, Ltd., to discuss the agreement covering switching operations at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was filed, and the Port Attorney directed to arrange for such conference at a later date. Communication from Mr. Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., regarding, publicity in connection with the handling of cotton through the Port of Oakland, was filed.

Communication from the Daily Commercial News, requesting advertisement in its Annual Issue, was read, and upon recommendation of Mr. Goodrich, the Fort

Manager was authorized to take full page back cover advertisement at the rate of 225.00.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. requesting that the paving in

Fourteenth Street between Warehouse "AA" and "B" Street be undertaken by the Board at an early date, was read, and request granted. Resolution was later adopted authorizing this work to be done.

Communication from Harry G. Williams, City Auditor, approving new form of payroll for the Port Department, was filed. Communication from M. K. Miller, Civil Engineer, offering, to acquire for the Board waterfront property at the foot of Washington Street, at a greatly reduced price, was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise Mr. Miller that the Board was not, at this time, in a position to accept his offer, and at the same time to express the Boards appreciation to Mr. Miller for having brought this matter to the Boards attention.

CommunicatkOn from the San Joaquin Compress and Warehouse Company,

Bakersfield, making inquiries as to terminal charges for cotton handled through the Port of Oakland, was filed. The Port Manager reported that he had sent Mr.

Moore, Traffic Representative, to Bakersfield to explain our tariff charges, and also facilities available at the Outer Harbor Terminal for handling cotton.

Communication from Strable Hardwood Company, expressing appreciation for the Boards action in furnishing lumber for repairs to floors of warehouse occupied by it, was filed.

Communication from Colby Steel Engineering Company, Seattle, Wash- ington, furnishing, information as to approximate cost of installing a ten-ton combination cargo hoist and incline ramp in the Inland Waterways Terminal, was read. Because of the excessive cost of this equipment, $15,200.00, and the Bay

Cities Transportation Company having stated that it would not be in favor of the installation of this equipment, the Board decided that it would, instead, install an adjustable ramp at the approximate cost of $2,000.00, which facility would be satisfactory to the operators of the Inland Waterways Terminal.

Proposal of D. A. Sargent Co., Certified Public Accountants, to make a special examination of the accounts and records of the Port of Oakland for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931, the fee not to exceed $475,00, was accepted.

Communication from C. S. Connolly, of the Interstate Terminals, Ltd., outlining its plan for the operation of Albers Bros. Milling Companys plant on the western waterfront, as a public terminal, was referred to the Port Committee.

Communication from the California State Chamber of Commerce, offering to cooperate with the committee appointed by the Department of Commerce, Washing- ton, to study traffic control at the airports, was filed.

A Committee from the Oakland Yacht Club conferred with the Board regard- ing the possible extension of the present Yacht Club, stating that the Yacht

Club, was, at this time, fully occupied and that there was need for considerable extension. It was brought out that this extension would probably not be required until next year, and in the meantime, the Port Manager was directed to make an investigation and report on the necessity of reconstructing the present sewers, or constructing new sewers to divert the sewage away from the yacht harbor area. Mr. Peter Swanson, having requested that his present lease, expiring

this month, be extended, the Board authorized such an extension to and including

July 1, 1932.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal by the State Products Terminal, from August 6 to October 1, was 4273


The Port Manager reported that the total of 895 bales of cotton had

been unloaded in Warehouse "C".

At the instance of the Port Manager the matter of the collection of

service charges from the river transportation companies was discussed by the

Board. The Board was of the opinion that the port should insist upon the charge being paid but expressed willingness to waive the past charges by way of a com-

promise with the transportation companies in order to secure their approval of

future payments. The matter was referred to the Port Manager and Port Attorney

for conference with the transportation companies.

Report of the Accountant of certain funds as of September 30, 1931, was filed.

Report of the Port Manager for the month of September, was filed.

The Port Attorney verbally reported on the present status of the Ameri- can Dredging Companys suit.

Report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: H. J. Christensen 2.73 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. .90 Crane Co. 1.09 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. .50 Custom House Guide 5.00 General Electric Supply Corporation • 2.54 General Roofing Company 125.00 T. P. Hogan Co. 21.07 Ingersoll-Rand Company of California 5.95 Ed. Jones Co. 1.29 Lawton Williams 15.25 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 27.52 C. L. Moody 6.24 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 1,440.77 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 229 .67

47 Phoenix Iron Works Co. 3.00 Royal Typewriter Company 74.10 Irving L. Singer Co. 20.75 Smith Brothers 14.51 Smith Hardware Company 3.19 Standard Oil Company of California 52.33 Sterling Press 2.75 Union Oil Company of California 76.93 Waterhouse-Lester-Scovel Co. 6.04 Whitthorne Swan 5.00 Zellerbach Paper Company 31.07 Geo. B. Green 13.94 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 137.77 Pay Rolls - Administrative Department 2,195.00 - Engineering Department 1,235.00

VI - Traffic Operating 1,890.00

TV - Ninth Ave. Pier 185.00 IV 1T - Grove and Market Street Piers 1,393.00 - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,800.00 - Airport 602.50 - New Construction 518.00 TT - Dredge 649.60 T1 TT - General Waterfront 705.89 Port Revolving Fund -.Pay Roll 5,219.53 Port Revolving Fund -"Miami. 255.06 Thos. H. Moore 121.30 Geo. H. Nash 192.60 A. S. Titus 6.05 Oakland Building Maintenance Association 160.00 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Madsen Supply Co. 10.96 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 140.17 Oakland Building Material Company 24.35 Pacific Tool and Supply Company .69 Geo. A. Schuster 18.75 Southern Pacific Company-Pacific Lines 1,520.45 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 26.07 H. J. Christensen 18,183.83 T. L. Rosenberg Co. 975.00 I. H. Pinkerton Co. 1,099.95 R. W. Littlefield 1,740.77 Lee J. Dmmel 1,868.75 $45,125.17" "RESOLUTION NO. 2242


RESOLVED that the contract with SPENCER ELEVATOR COMPANY- for the installing complete of two freight elevators and accessories in Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with James H. Pinkerton, doing business under the firm name and style of James H. Pinkerton Co., for the installation of a complete automatic wet sprinkler system, with necessary underground lateral mains, valves and accessories, fire hose piping and domestic water piping in Warehouse "C" be and the same is hereby extended to and including Thursday, October 8th, 1931."



RESOLVED that the contract with T. L. Rosenberg Company for the installing of electric wiring, and equipment complete for light and power in Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."


RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with LEE J. imvaL for the construction of oil macadam pavement on the area on the south side of Fourteenth Street, between "B" Street and Warehouse AA, at an estimated cost of $900.00, the said work, including materials to be furnished, to be in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in that certain contract with said TEE J. MEL under date of Sep- tember 28th, 1931, and to be based on the unit prices therein itemized."



RESOLVED that whereas the California Appraisal Co., Inc., for this Board, and Reed Corlette and I. D. Galloway, for the Howard Terminal, have completed an appraisement of the leasehold properties and have fixed the insurable interests of the properties and structures on Piers No. 1 and No. 2 leased to the Howard Terminal, said Howard Terminal is hereby author- ized to insure the said structures in the amount of 63,000.00 and said lessee shall be reimbursed by the city for the premium paid on said insur- ance on said amount.

BE IT FURTI-MR RESOLVED that Resolution No. 1968 is hereby rescinded."

Port Ordinance No. being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.48 OF

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 8 AND ADDING SECTION 2.3 THERETO", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -3- NOES: None ABSENT: None

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings were continued on the table:

Compensation insurance of Port employees;

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service;

City Manager - record of casualty insurance paid by city 1929-1930, for Port Department;

Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Fier No. 1.


of the


Held on Monday, October 12, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m.,

due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office

of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -. 4-

Commissioner absent: Leet -. 1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager, and the Port Attorney were

also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of October 5, 1931, were approved

and adopted.

The Board considered the suggestion of Mr. Maurice Selig, President of

the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., that he be permitted to ship through the

Howard Terminal some eight thousand bales of 1931-1932 cotton crop. The Board

decided, however, that all cotton under control of Mr. Selig should be shipped

through the Outer Harbor Terminal, in accordance with the terms which were

recently executed in an agreement with him.

Communication from Western Packer and Canner, stating that in an early

issue of its publication it would carry a complete description of the addition

of Warehouse "AA" to Rosenbergs plant, was filed.

Communication from the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, transmitting copy

of communication received from the Shipside Terminal and Storage Committee,

stating that this Committee would meet in Sacramento on Thursday the 15th, at

the hour of ten oclock a.m., at which time the Committee desired various ports

visited by it to submit proposal for the construction of a shipside refrigeration was read. plant,/ The Port Manager was directed to advise Judge Van Bernard, Chairman of

the Shipside Terminal and Storage Committee, that until the survey now being

conducted by the Board re garding cold storage facilities had been completed, it

would not be in position to submit a proposition which would be at all definite

or of practical value to the Committee, and to request that any proposal which

the Board desired to make could be submitted at a later date.

Colin unication from the "Official Guide of New York City", requesting

that the Board take advertising, space in said publication, was denied.

Communication from Oakland Technical High School, expressing apprecia-

tion for having conducted students of said school through the Outer Harbor Ter- minal and industrial plants, was filed. Communication from the McCormick Steamship Co., stating that it had

been advised by the Interstate Commerce Commission that the petition of the

coastwise water lines for re-argument of the Pacific Coastwise Fourth Section

Relief had been denied, was filed.

Communication from the Secretary of the Pacific Westbound Conference,

stating that the application of the Board, and also Mr. Selig, President of the

Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., that vessels of the conference call at the

Outer Harbor Terminal for cargo, had been received, and that consideration of

the request would be given at a later meeting of the conference, was filed.

Communication from Marshall Shingle Company, calling attention to the

poor condition of the Ninth Avenue crossing leading to the Ninth Avenue Pier,

was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise the Marshall Shingle Company

that the street leading to the Ninth Avenue Pier, from Fifth Avenue to Ninth

Avenue, would be at once improved.

Communication from San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce, stating

that a meeting would be held in the Commercial Club, San Francisco, at noon,

Wednesday, October 21, for the purpose of discussing the matter of developing

an air terminal north of Yerba Buena Island, and asking that the Port Commis-

sion be represented at this meeting, was filed. The Port Manager was directed

to send some one of the Boards staff to make notes of the proceedings of the meeting.

Communication from the Howard Terminal, advising that in dredging the

northerly or inner end of the slip, located between Pier No. 1 and. Pier No. 2,

the dredge was ordered by them to also dredge certain areas southerly or out- was filed. shore from the low tideline, and requesting authorization for this work,/ The

Board, after full consideration of the matter, denied the request, inasmuch as

the work was not contemplated in the approved specifications for the dredging

work to be done, and that proper notice and request had not been given the

Board prior to the work being done. Resolution to this effect was later passed.

Application from Albers Bros. Milling Company for permit to install

a Marine Leg at its plant in the Outer Harbor, for the purpose of discharging

bulk grain from vessels, was granted.

Communication from the American Oil Company, advising that Miss Ruth

Nichols, Transcontinental Flyer, is expected to be at the Oakland Municipal

Airport the second half of this month, and that a quantity of aviation gasoline

and lubricating oil would be sent to the airport for Miss Nichols plane, was

read. The question of assessing the regular per gallon, charge for dispensing

gasoline at the airport in this instance, was referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from the City Attorney of Pasadena, California, addressed to the Port Attorney, stating that the City of Pasadena was proceeding to test

the law regarding the prevailing wage rate, was laid on the table.

Communication from the Pacific Marine Review, San Francisco, request-

ing that the Board take advertising space in special issues of said publica-

tion, was referred to Mr. Goodrich.

The Board discussed with Congressman A. E. Carter the matter of the removal of the wreck "Simla" and other abandoned craft in the Brooklyn Basin area. Mr. Carter stated that he would take this matter up with Colonel Robins

in San Francisco, and when Congress convened, he would also have the necessary legislation drafted providing, for the removal of these abandoned crafts.

The Port Manager reported that the Los Angeles-Long Beach Dispatch

Line was establishing coastwise service at the Ninth Avenue Pier.

The Port Manager also reported that the Dimon Steamship Company, inter- coastal service, had made arrangements for permanent berth assignment at Crave

Street Pier. This steamship company will have ten-day service.

The Port Manager resorted that the American-Hawaiian Steamship Com- pany will, commencing next week, have two steamers weekly calling at the Outer

Harbor Terminal; previous to this time, only one steamer has called at the.Outer

Harbor Terminal.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal by the State Products Terminal from August 6 to October 10, was 5682 tons; and that 978 bales of cotton had been unloaded at Warehouse "C", and 600 bales had been received for transit shipments.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of

October 9, 1931.

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance ..1161,261.97 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 438,662.53

1925 Oakland Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance 73,041.90

The Port Attorney reported on the progress of the suit of the American

Dredging Company now being held before Judge Murphey.

The Port Attorney reported that he believed that an agreement would shortly be reached with the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads regard- ing the new garbage wharf site in the Inner Harbor.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands, was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton. and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: .Commissioner Leet -1-



RESOLVED:That the following claims and demands, having been approved by. the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and. allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund.:

HAP BOP D312,.INTENAN CE AND Ilv.IPF? OVEITITT FUN D : Acme Welding Co. 1.00 American Auto Metal Works 6.50 Gladys H. Barndollar 51.65 The Cameron Company 16.32 City of Oakland - City Hall 8.10 City of Oakland - Purchasing 1.80 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 23.91 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 49.00 General Roofing Company 316.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 37.75 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 175.00 H. M. C. Co. 6.00 E. H. Huebbe 3.75 Jackson Furniture Co. 14.00 C. B. Jenkins Company 11.25 Wee Lox Manufacturing Co. 13.34 C. L. Moody 2.28 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 16.80 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 16.99 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 1.08 Peck Hills Furniture 98.25 Printers Ink Publishing Co., Inc 2.50 Remington Rand Business Service Inc. 3.00 Roll-Away Window Screen Co., Ltd 48.00 Schirrmacher Co. 6.00 Smith Brothers 48.00 Smith Hardware Company . 1-64 Sterling Press 8.25 Clyde Sunderland Studios 4.00 The Tribune Publishing Co. 7.36 Union Oil Company of California 39.80 West Coast Wire Iron Works 9.50 Zellerbech Paper Company 9.51 R. N. Ricketts 6.35 Chas. Matthews 34.38 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR ITLMOVE="2 FUND: Golden Gate Sheet Metal Works 77.00 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 22.88 Hey System, Ltd. 334.20 Oakland. Building Material Company 8.68 Oakland Sign Company 12-75 D. Simon Hardware Co. 3.28 Sunset Lumbar Company 183.95 Warden H Forsythe 717.79 Sullivan H Sullivan .3,348.75 Chas. Matthews 386.54 $6,195.78" "RESOLUTION NC. 2248


RESOLVED that the contract with SCPULER McDONALD, INC., for the con- struction of a two story reinforced concrete warehouse, other than pile founda- tion at Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."


RESOLVED that, pursuant to their application, permission is hereby granted to Albers Bros. Milling Company to install a marine leg, including substructure, to reinforce their dock, in accordance with the blueprints filed with this Board by std company."



RESOLVEDthat the Port Manager is hereby authorized to purchase the necessary machinery and materials in the open market and enter into such contracts as may be necessary for the installation, under his direc- tion, of an adjustable ramp at the Inland 4aterways Terminal in lieu of a marine hoist or elevator."


RESOLUTION RATIFYING ACTION OF PORT l.1ANAGER IN EYaGUTING LEASE WITH TEA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR USE OF WHARFAGE SPACE FOR "SHAWNEE". RESOLVED that the action of the Port Manager in executing a lease agreement with the United States of America for the use by the government of wharfage space at Brooklyn Basin Ninth Avenue Pier for the Coast Guard. vessel "SHAViNEli, :”, at a rental of 480.00 per annum, terminable June 30th, 1252, and subject to cancellation upon thirty days written notice by either party, be and the same is hereby ratified and approved."



RESOLVED that there is hereby granted to P. Swanson an extension of time on his lease with the City of Oakland to and including July 15th, 1932, at a rental of 30.00 per month, payable monthly in advance on the 15th day of each month.

dl IT FURTNER RESOLVED that the lessee shall continue to carry insurance upon the premises hereby leased in the sum of ::f750.00.

BE IT FURTP= RESOLVED that the President of the Board of Port Commissioners shall execute with the said P. Swanson a written agreement providing for said extension of the lease substantially in accordance with the agreement heretofore made for previous extensions."



RESOLVED that the application of Howard Terminal dated October 10th, 1931, for the approval by this Board of the dredging which was ordered by such Lessee in the slip on the west side of Pier No. 2, or joint zone, in. the area south of the low tide line which is leased to the said Howard Terminal, in contemplation that the Board should assume the cost of such work or provide for the refund of such cost to the said Lessee, be and the same is hereby denied for the reason that the work was carried out without previous approval having been secured from this Board and without its authority."

Port Ordinance No. 131 being, "AN ORDINANCE WENDING SECTION 3.48 OF

PORT OR iDIINUICE NO . 3 AND iLDDING SECTION 2.3 TPERETO" and Port Ordinance No. 132 being , "AN CR CERTAINdTLfJIIK ITEMS OF PORT ORDINANCE NO. 00, ,kND .ADDING ITEM HO. 337 THERETO" having been duly introduced, read and published, were fine

adopted. by the following vote:

YES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Leet -1-


ORDI: DE NO. 60 -ND -TIENDIHO ITEM 2050 Tin:TEM P" and Port Ordinance No. being, "AN eHHTTE_NCE TENDING SECTION 8.2 OF PORT ORDINANCE NO. 8", were introduced and passed to print by the following vote;

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- HOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Leet -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table et previous meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service;

City Manager - record of casualty insurance paid. by City 1929-1930, for Fort Department;

Howard Terminal - sprinkling of Pier No. 1.



of the


Held on Monday, October 19, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in. the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissionerspresent: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5-

Commissioners absent: None

The Port Manager was also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from R. W. Robertson, Superintendent Recreation Depart- ment, City of Oakland, asking whether the Recreation De partment could obtain a long-term lease on property under control of the 1ort Commission below Eighth Street and adjoining, the outlet of Lake Merritt, was read. The Port Manager was

directed to confer with Mr. Robertson and ascertain what improments were con-

templated, and the cost; of the same, if developed by the Recreation Department,

and report back to the Board.

Camuunication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. stating that the insurance

rate on contents of Warehouse "AA", just completed for this firm, is ten cents

p er hundred dollars, was filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. felicitating the Board on its

accomplishment in securing the cotton of the San Joaquin Valley for shipnent

through the Port of Oakland facilities, was filed.

Communication from T. Lee, General Manager, Boeing School of Aeronau-

tics, requesting the Board to provide six concrete warming-up pads for use of

planes of the Boeing School, and also to supply drinking fountain in Hangar No. 4

for the students of the school, was read, and the Port Manager was authorized to

provide these facilities.

Communication from C. Vance, President of the Vance Aircraft, Inc.,

making a pplication for use of space in Hangar No. 4 - 50 x 75 for the

purpose of constructing there a new type of plane, was read, and the Port Manager

was authorized to assign this space to the Vance Aircraft, Inc. at the rate of

143.00 per month.

The Board met with Mr. Al Gibson, President of the Lawrence Warehouse

Company, and Mr. Wellington, General Manager of the Inland Waterways Terminal and

discussed with them the business done over the Inland Waterways Terminal, as well

as through the Lawrence Warehouse.

The Port Manager was authorized to paint an appropriate sign on Ware-

house "C", Outer Harbor.

The Port Manager was authorized to expend approximately $ . 100.00 in pro- viding a small building, to be used by men seeking employment at the Outer Harbor.

Application of Shipping Register for advertisement was referred to Mr.


The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of October

16, 1931.

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $174,644.17 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 432,044.73 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $ 73,126.10

Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal, by the State Products Terminal from August 6 to October 16 was 0450 tons. •

The Port Manager reported that 1565 bales of cotton have been unloaded

in Warehouse "0", and that 600 bales have been received for transit shipment to

October 16.

The report of the Port Attorney on application of Interstate Terminals

and memorandum of Port Manager thereon, was laid on the table.

Communication from the Port Attorney on conference with James dainwright

of the Central National Bank regarding use of the Union Construction Companys

property for shipside refrigeration purposes, was filed.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands ass adopted.

The following, resolutions were introduced and. passed by the following.


AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is author- ized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Alhambra Water Co. 1.6U Atlas Imperial. Diesel Engine Co. 5.10 Bay Cities Asbestos Co. Ltd. 4.52 City of Oakland - Garage 10.0 California Steel Company <.00 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 2.21 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 1.47 The Electric Corporation 2.47 The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 3.20 East Bay Municipal Utility District 387.13 Ferro Steel Company 42.28 Golden Gate Sheet Metal Works 5.50 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 50.30 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 8.50 Kronke-Brampton Co. 98.79 The A. Lietz Co. 10.20 The Lincoln Press 21.85 National Lead Company of California 2.70 Oakland-California Towel Company 1.92 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 308.18 Pacific Shipper 68.00 Joseph Fierotti Co. 2.42 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 1.44 John A. Roeblings Sons Company of California 275.19 Smith Brothers 24.71 Smith Hardware Company 1.32 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 11.78 Union Oil Company of California 19.90 Union Pacific Laundry 3.50 United Motors Service 1.80 Washington-Lincoln Garage 3.00 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 1.41 The Gerrard Company, Inc. 147.00 Fairbanks, Morse Co. 194.04 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,245.00 - Engineering Department 1,235.00 TT - New Construction 520.00 - Traffic Operating 1,890.00 0 Pay Rolls - Grove and Market St. l 1,393.00 " - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,810.33 " - Airport 602.50 - Ninth Ave. Pier 225.00 " - Dredge 623.92 - General .laterfront 654.08 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 6,463.41 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 190.31 1925 atAhLAND HARBOR IMpp ovEIZNT FUND: Golden Gate Sheet Metal Works 9.50 Hersey Inspection Bureau 80.80 Kellogg Express Co. .50 Schuler McDonald, Inc. 22,419.02 Lee I. Immel 2,475.17 44,624.97"



RESOLVED: That the contract with J. H. PINTKERTON, doing business under the firm name and style of James H. Pinkerton Co. for the installation of a complete automatic wet sprinkler system in Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accent ed."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to purchase one Eordson Tractor, to be used at the Outer Harbor Terminal, at a cost of 052.00."



RESOLVED that the discharge of Michael H. Johnson from the position of Dock Clerk under Section 3.44 of Port Ordinance No. 8 for failure to per- form the duties under and. observe the rules and regulations of said office, failing, without leave, to report for duty, and other good and valid reasons, be and the same is hereby confirmed."



WHEREAS, during the year 1923 the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Streets of the City of Oakland performed certain work of filling in the area of Fourteenth Street from dredging operations, whereby dredged spoils in the approximate amount of 93,000 cubic yards spilled over onto the adjacent property of the Southern Pacific Company, and

WHNREAS, following the organization of the Board of Port Commis- sioners, the Port Manager made an effort to induce the Southern Pacific Company to recompense the city for the said spoils, thus deposited on its land by such spill-over, but said Company has consistently taken the posi- tion that it had never contracted to pay for the same and did not recognize any liability therefor and would refuse to assume gratuitously any::such liability, and

WHEREAS the Port Attorney has formally advised the Port Manager that the City never had any lawful claim against the Southern Pacific Com- pany for payment of such claim, and that any such claim that might possibly hove existed had been barred by the Statute of Limitations prior to the organization of the port- de)artment, and

WHEREAS, said claim was about two years ago erroneously set up on the books of the port department as a collectible claim against the Southern Pacific Company, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the action of the Port Manager in ordering the Accountant to strike said claim in the said amount of 6,447.00 from the books of the port department is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved."



WHEREAS the Council of the City of Oakland expended during the fiscal year 1020-1930 the sum of $5,596.83, and during the fiscal year 1930-1931 the sum of ":8,371.46, or the total sum of $13,968.29 on account of hospital, medical and surgical expenses incurred. on account of injuries received by employees of the port department, and in paying compensation to such employees, in applying the provisions of the Worinuen t s Compensa- tion Insurance and Safety Laws of the State of California, and pursuant to the offer heretofore made by this Board to the Council, it is desired to reimburse the Council for such expenditures, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the demand of the City Manager for the reim- bursement of the Council for the amounts so expended, is hereby allowed and approved, and the Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw a war- rant in the amount of ,13,968.29 against the Oakland Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund (No. 226) in favor of the City Council."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence for a period of fifteen days with pay, on account of illness, cogyilencing October 8th, 1931 and ending October 23rd, 1931 at noon, heretofore granted Janese Kent, Accounting Clerk on a temporary basis under Resolution No. 1972, by the Port Manager, be and the same is hereby approved by this Board."


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60 AND AMENDING. ITEM 2050 THEREOF" having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None

The Port Manager reported that he had taken up with Mr. Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., regarding reductions in service charges on cotton to the Orient from 40V to 35V, and that this rate was satisfactory to

Mr. Selig,

Port Ordinance No. 134 being, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.2 OF

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 8", having been duly introduced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None

The following communication which had been laid on the table at previous meetings was taken from the table and filed: City Manager - record of casualty insurance paid by city 1929-1930, for Port Department.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers Bros.) to carry on a general terminal business;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service;

Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Pier No. 1.



of the


Held on Monday, October 26, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5-

Commissioners absent: None.

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of October 19, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Allan C. Rush, Los Angeles, regarding construction of the San Francisco-Oakland transbay bridge, was filed.

Copy of Civil Service Board Resolution No. 11904, approving the dis- charge of Michael H. Johnson, Dock Clerk, on account of unsatisfactory service, was filed.

Communication from A. Wagoner, inquiring whether space could be assigned to the East Bay Rifle Club in the vicinity of the Sixteenth Street Southern

Pacific Depot, was referred to the Port Manager for reply.

Communication from the Railroad Commission of the State of California, regarding the matter of improvement of the grade crossing at Ninth Avenue across the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads, advisin g that owing to the light amount of rail traffic during the fruit season this year at the Income Properties plant, a traffic check was not made as was suggested in the Commis-

sions memorandum of June 15, 1931, was filed. The Railroad Commission further

expressed opinion that the Ninth Avenue crossing should be closed for public

use and travel.

Communication from Walter N. Frickstad, City Engineer, regarding the

Ninth Avenue crossing of Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads, enclos-

ing copy of Railroad Commissions letter noted above, and stating that the city

should not surrender the right of keeping the Ninth Avenue crossing open, was


Communication from Howard Terminal rlative,to dredging in the east

slip of Pier No. 1, regarding which the Board, at its last meetin g , passed a

resolution denying the Howard Terminal Companys request for such dredging, was

laid on the table. In the discussion of this matter, Mr. Leet desired to be

recorded as in favor of granting the Howard Terminals request for its dredging

in the event that the Board would reconsider its action taken at the previous


Communication from the Interstate Company stating that it was agreeable

to the renewal of the lease on the Airport Restaurant for one year at the fixed

rental of $300.00 per month, was filed. The Port Attorney was directed, in draw-

ing up the new agreement, to provide for the payment of certain percentage of the

gross receipts under the same terms and conditions as were contained in the

original lease.

Communication from the Civil Service Board of the City of Oakland,

enclosing copy of ordinance and resolution passed in the matter of the adjust-

ment of salary schedule and retitling positions, was laid on the table, and the

Port Manager directed to prepare statement showing salaries received by its

employees as in comparison with those paid by the city.

Telegram from Miss Ruth Nichols expressing appreciation for the service

and cooperation of the Board at the time of takeoff of Miss Nichols on her trans-

continental flight, was filed.

Applications of San Francisco Newsletter, Pacific Marketing Journal,

and Pacific Rural Press for advertisements, were referred to Mr. Goodrich.

Mr. Roscoe D. Jones appeared before the Board and explained in connec-

tion with the negotiations with the Parr Terminal Company that Judge H. Donahue,

as counsel for the lessee, had now stated that they would be willing to accept an offer of $300,000, this being a reduction from $345,000, the last demand on

their part. After some discussion, the Board thought it would be desirable to

secure the services of Mr. Lester Ready to check over the computations of values I

of the property and other interests, which might be taken over by the city,

should the negotiations with the Parr Terminal Company be completed. This step

was taken on the suggestion of the Port Attorney that it would be well for the

Board to fortify itself with an independent report in the event that it should

seek confirmation through court procedure of any payment it should make.

Mr. Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Com-

pany, also appeared before the Board and discussed the matter of handling the

cotton through the Outer Harbor Terminal. Mr. Selig suggested that H. K. Grady,

now employed by the Board as traffic solicitor, be assigned to Warehouse "C" to

handle all details of the handling of such cotton. The Board stated that Mr.

Grady was an employee of the Board and that his services should be continued as

cargo solicitor and further suggested that all information regarding the shipment

and handling of cotton should come through Mr. Seligs representative, Mr. North,

who should transmit this information to the Terminal Superintendent.

Mr. Selig referred to the matter of shipping 6000 to 8000 bales of

cotton through Howard Terminal. No action was taken thereon but the Board stated

to Mr. Selig that under agreement with him all of the cotton under his control

would be shipped through the Outer Harbor Terminal.

Mr. Selig further stated that it was his understanding that railroads

would put in reduced rates for cotton from San Joaquin Valley to Los An g eles and

suggested that the Board would be of assistance in making a proportionate reduc-

tion in rates for cotton coming through the Port of Oakland.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of

October 23, 1931.

Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $175,597.20 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Fund Resources 432,997.76

1925 Oakland Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $ 70,513.96

Report of Hal Wiltermood, Advertising Representative, on luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce on October 21 in San

Francisco, regarding the proposed development of Yerba Buena Island shoal as a

central air terminal, was filed.

Report of the Port Manager on employment of non-residents at the Outer

Harbor Terminal, was filed.

Progress report of the Port Manager showing activities of the State

Products Terminal in soliciting and diverting cargo to the Outer Harbor Terminal, was laid on the table.

Report of the Port Manager on the handling of cotton at the Outer Harbor Terminal for the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Company, was filed.

Report of the Accountant showing gasoline commissions received from the Standard Oil Company during the fiscal year 1930-1931 on the wholesale and retail sales at the Airport, was filed.

The Port Attorney made verbal report on the American Dredging Companys

suit, which was concluded before Judge Murphey last week.

Report of D. A. Sargent Co., Certified Public Accountants, on its audit of the Boards accounts for fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, was received and filed.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal by State Products Terminal, from August 6th to October 23d, was 9165 tons, exclusive of cotton.

The Port Manager reported that there had been unloaded in Warehouse "C",

2292 bales of cotton, and 1000 bales had been received for spot shipment up to

October 23, 1931.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were intr(Niuced and passed by the following


AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. $ 336.81 LEASED WHARF IMPROVDVIENT FUND: Howard Terminal - Wharves 3,280.15 Howard Terminal - quay Wall 940.33 Sunset Lumber Company 446.78 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: C. W. Abbott Company 11.22 Air Reduction Sales Co. 8.25 American Brass and Copper Supply Co. Ltd. 6.47 Anderson Printing Company 80.00 Bay Cities Asbestos Co. Ltd. 16.91 Bay City Sanitary Rag Co. 5.00 California Steel Company 44.97 City of Oakland - City Hall 1.15 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 12.15 East Bay Blue Print and Supply Co. 16.69 East Bay Municipal Utility District 5.71 Federated Metals Corporation 43.99 The Gerrard Company, Inc. 78.70 General Electric Supply Corporation 32.79 Gladding, McBean Co. 1.00 E. R. Hatherly Company 5.50 H. M. C. Co. 13.00 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 5.98 Merchant Calculating Machine Company 5.40 +4 el Maxwell Hardware Co. 6.13 C. L. Moody 17.70 National Lacquer Company, Ltd. 24.05 National Lead Company of California 2.16 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 1.98 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 266.09 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 534.73 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 17.47 Joseph Pierotti Co. 2.37 Quality Concrete Company 54.87 Schuler McDonald, Inc. 78.15 Shipping Register 25.00 Smith Brothers 28.56 Smith Hardware Company 1.69 Standard Oil Company of California 23.09 Sterling Lumber Company 37.24 Strable Hardwood Company 8.96 Clyde Sunderland Studios 6.50 The Tribune Publishing Co. 8.16 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 7.18 Union Oil Company of California 43.62 Waterhouse-Weinstock-Scovel Co. 6.04 Western Union Telegraph Company .45 Whitthorne Swan 4.17 Warden Forsythe 110.80 Zellerbach Paper Company 8.28 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 6,394.96 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 100.00 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVE EN FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 225.40 California Fire Extinguisher Co. 4 125.00 California Ornamental Iron and Fence Company 37.50 Columbia Steel Company 725.16 Crane Co. 6.27 Carl T. Doell Co. 520.00 Dohrmann Hotel Supply Company 78.75 General Electric Supply Corporation 143.62 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 20.78 T. L. Rosenberg Co. 8.00 Shand and Jura Co. 13.33 Southern Pacific Company 698.80 Worden Forsythe 80.50 T. L. Rosenberg Co. 334.69 James H. Pinkerton Co. 5,979.83 Spencer Elevator Company 5,025.00 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 100.25 $27,343.23" The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table: Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor; Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to carry on a general terminal business; Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service; Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Pier No. 1. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2219 and advertising for five consecutive days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Roadway from Foot of Fifth Avenue to Foot of Ninth Avenue were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. At the hour of 4:30 p.m. the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:


Heafey- Arias- Lee J. Moore Co. Knapp Co. U.B.Lee W.H.Larson Immel Hutchinson Co.

ITEM "A" Prep. Subgrade LUMP SUM $1,217.00 $1,100.00 4 700.00 41,000.00 $ 625.00 $ 794.22

ITEM "B" 550 Tons Crushed Rock PER TON 1.40 2.00 2.07 2.00 1.70 1.59

ITEM "0" 260 Tons Rock Scgns. PER TON 1.90 3.00 2.42 2.50 2.00 2.00

ITEM "D" 100 Bbls. 42 U.S. Road Oil 3.50Per BBL 3.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.50

ITEM "E" Headers Stakes 1 MPH PER MEM 50.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 70.00

TOTAL BID $2,881.00 3,380.00 2,892.70 3,200.00 2,480.00 2,608.72

CERTIFIED CHECK 300.00 350.00 300.00 320.00 300.00 300.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the

Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, November 2, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m.,

due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office

of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4-

Commissioner absent: Leet -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were

also present. The minutes of the regular meetiml. of October 26, 1931, were approved

and adopted. ;:?, Communication from Pacific Air Transport expressing appreciation for assistance by the Boards employees in the moving of wrecked plane from flying field of Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Edward J. Jose, Attorney at Law, transmitting pro- posal for the formation of a Pilots Association to handle vessels in and through the Fort of Oakland, was laid on the table. Mr. Jose, with pilots Anderson and

Mosley appeared before the Board and explained the purpose and the results to be obtained from the formation of such Pilots Association. The Port Manager was directed to ascertain from the various steamship lines if the formation of such a Pilots Association would be beneficial to them.

Communication from Pacific Coast Engineering Company, Inc., requesting extension of time for completion of its contract for the construction of new dredge ladder from November 3 to November 25, was read, and resolution later passed granting this extension.

Communication from Pacific Airmotive Corporation asking that a parti- tion in that portion of Hanger No. 2, occupied by it, be removed, was referred to Mr. Pendleton with power to act.

Communication from Albers Bros. Milling Company for permit to construct an addition to the west end of its plant approximately 50 x 189, to be used for

Alfalfa Meal plant, was laid on the table, and the Port Manager directed to ascer- tain whether this proposed construction would, in any way, be considered by the

Fire Underwriters as a fire hazard.

Communication from Learner Rosenthal making proposal to purchase the

Boards pile driver for the sum of $5,000.00 was read, and resolution later passed authorizing the sale of this pile driver on sealed bids.

Communications from Elliot Duck requesting reduction in commercial privileges on one Of its planes, and also requesting the installation of electric liptht in the loft of Hangar No. 2, were referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from Dr. W. W. Kergan, expressing approval of the issuance by the Board of regular newsletter, was filed.

Mr. Roscoe D. Jones appeared before the Board in reference to the acquisition of portions of the Parr leasehold along the waterfront. After some discussion, the Board determined that the employment of Mr. Lester S. Ready should be carried out under the general direction of Mr. Jones and the Port Attorney, in order that the Board might secure a complete report and appraisal of the por- tions of the waterfront and the leasehold interests which might be taken over by the City.

The Board approved the draft of letter to be submitted to the Pacific

Westbound Conference, regarding the calling of their vessels at the Port of Oak- land for the purpose of receiving cotton shipments to the Orient.

The Port Attorney reported on conference with the City Manager, City

Engineer, and City Attorney regarding the Oakland approaches to the transbay bridge, with special reference to the Key System franchises.

The Port Manager made verbal report on progress being made in prepar-

ing report on the provision of shipside refrigeration facilities in the Port of Oakland.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal by the State Products Terminal, from August 6 to October 30, 1931, was 9,398 tons.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of October 31, 1931.

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance 157,315.80 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 462,849.84 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance 69,555.89 The report of the Port Manager for the month of October was filed.

The report of the Port Manager on conference with Dodd Warehouse Co. for leasing of pier space for warehouse purposes, was filed.

Report of the Accountant on "lease adjustment rental" of Warehouse "B", was filed.

Report of the Port Manager on proposed advertising for the remainder of the fiscal year, was laid on the table.

The statistical report of the Port Manager for the month of September, was filed.

The report of the Port Manager on the construction of extension 'ID Outer

Harbor Terminal, was laid on the table.

The report of the Airport Committee on renewal of hangar leases at the

Oakland Municipal Airport, was adopted.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Leet -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his war- rant for the same out of the proper Fund: HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 0 1.23 California Steel Company 7.90 City Council, City of Oakland 13,,968.29 City of Oakland - City Hall 146.85 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 5.40 Cobbledick-Kibbe Glass Company 3.15 Cochran Celli 80.52 Ditto Incorporated 9.33 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 45.92 East Bay Street Railways, Ltd. 5.00 General Office Equipment Corporation 12.50 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 25.95 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 175.00 T. P. Hogan Co. 17.00 E. H. Huebbe 1.75 E. R. James Co. 3.15 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 2.94 The Lincoln Press 28.30 Merchant Calculating Machine Company 8.95 Murry Jacobs Company 191.69 National Lead Company of California 4.22 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 Oakland Building Material Company 2.76 Oakland Traffic Club 45.00 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 415.77 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 7.84 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 Smith Brothers 12.55 Smith Hardware Company 5.23 St. Clair Building 32.50 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1.86 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 3.01 Union Oil Company of California 71.68 United Motors Service .72 Western Building Forum 7.50 Thos. H. Moore 173.70 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,235.32 " - Engineering Department 1,231.78 " - Traffic Operating 1,890.00 " - Ninth Ave. Pier 225.00 " - Grove and Market St. 1,393.00 TT - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,908.71 VI - Airport 662.50 - New Construction 383.00 " - General Waterfront 701.27 " - Dredge 876.12 M. D. McCarl 9.71 Geo. B. Green 14.96 Geo, A. Attwood 4.94 Bancroft-Whitney Company 52.64 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Bagley-Nunes Co. 56.75 California Steel Company 983.06 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 103.46 Longview Dredging and Construction Co. 6,027.52 Kennerson Manufacturing Co. 1,172.00 $35,666.90" "RESOLUTION NO. 2263 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT WITH SUTTIVAN SULLIVAN, a co-partnership. RESOLVED that the contract with SULLIVAN SULLIVAN, a co-partnership, for the canstruction of a restaurant building at the Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 2264

RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT WITH TEE J. IMMEL. RESOLVED that the contract with LEE J. IMMEL for the construction of all grading, oil macadam, and asphaltic concrete roadways, and drainage system adjacent to Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, having been satis- factorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted." "RESOLUTION NO. 2265


RESOLVED that the contract for the grading and constructing of oil macadam roadway with appurtenances along the south side of the railroad tracks from Fifth Avenue to Ninth Avenue, Oakland, California, be and the same is hereby awarded to LEE J. IMMEL in accordance with the terms of his bid, filed October 26th, 1931.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a bond for the faithful performance of the work in the full amount of the contract price shall be required and that the procedure prescribed by Resolution 179 of this Board be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be taken.

BE IT FURTUER RESOLVED that the other bids received for said con- tract be and the same are hereby rejected."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Lester S. Ready, Consulting and Civil Engineer, whereby the said Lester S. Ready shall render to this Board such appraisements and reports of properties and interests on the Outer Harbor as may be required of him.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation for such services shall be at the rate of $100.00 per day plus the expenses of an assistant in analysis work."



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation, for the construction of a dredge ladder and cutter with blades and appurtenances on the Port of Oakland dredge, using rolled beams for main carrying members of ladder, be and the same is hereby extended to and including Wednesday, November 25th, 1931."



RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2253 passed by the Board of Fort Com- missioners on October 12th, 1931, entitled "Resolution Denying Application of Howard Terminal for Refund for Dredging on North Side of Pier No. 1" be and the same is hereby rescinded.



RESOLVED that the Port Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the official newspaper for five days a notice invit- ing bids for the sale at public auction of one (1) floating or scow pile driver, anchored in the estuary at the foot of Washington Street, Oakland, said bids to be received by this Board et its regular meeting on Monday, November 9th, 1931."

Communication from the Howard Terminal regarding dredging done by the

Terminal east of Pier No. 1, was taken from the table and filed.

The following communications which Aad been laid on the table at previous meetings, were continued on the table: tt 0 i"..J Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to carry on a general terminal business;

Mr. Irish - exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service;

Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Pier No. 1;

Report of Port Manager on solicitation of cargo by State Products Terminal.

In connection with the report on State Products Terminal, the Port

Manager was directed to request Mr. Marr to appear before the Board at its next regular meeting to discuss matters pertaining to the solicitation of cargo by the State Products Terminal.



of the


Held on Monday, November 9, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m. due notice of Such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5-

Commissioners absent: None

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of November 2, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Central National Bank advising that it would at once take steps to make necessary repairs to the wharf located in Union Construction

Companys leasehold, Outer Harbor, was filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. enclosing copies of an adver- tisement of this firm in the California Fruit News, was filed.

Request of the Cotton Journal for advertisements, was filed.

Communication from Frank C. Kispert, Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau, recommending that ammunition and explosives now stored in that portion of Hangar

No. 3 occupied by the U. S. Naval Reserve, be stored outside the building in an approved vault and magazine, was read, and the Port Manager was authorized to expend, not to exceed, $150.00 to provide this facility.

Mr. Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse

Company, appeared before the Board to discuss certain matters connected with the handling of cotton through the Port of Oakland. Mr. Selig referred to the efforts he is making to have railroads establish the freight rate scale as favorable to the Port of Oakland as is now in effect to Los Angeles on cotton shipments.

In connection with the handling of cotton through the Port of Oakland,

Mr. Selig again stated that all information pertaining, to the handling and ship- ment of cotton through the Outer Harbor Terminal shall come through his representa- tive, Mr. North, now stationed in Warehouse "C". This information includes all bookings of cotton on vessels with dates of sailing from the Fort of Oakland, or

San Francisco.

Mr. Selig suggested that Mr. Walter Marr, Traffic Representative for the Port of Oakland, be delegated by the Board to assist him in handling and moving, of cotton through the Port of Oakland. The Board stated, however, that all requests for Mr. Marrs services should come to the Port Manager, who would, if necessary, assign Mr. Marr to assist Mr. Selig,

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of Novem- ber 6, 1931:

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance ,271,194.72 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 465,944.91 (Last Week 462,849.84)

1925 Oakland Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance 68,200.06

The Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal by the State Products Terminal from August 6 to November 7, 1931, was

10,148 tons.

The Port Manager reported. that shipment of cotton through Outer Harbor

Terminal to November 7, 1931, was 8534 bales, including 4084 bales unloaded in

Warehouse "C".

The Port Manager made verbal report on interviews with steamship lines on the formation of a Pilots Association for handling ships to and from the Oak- land terminals.

The report of the Port Manager on difficulties experienced in handling the cotton through the Outer Harbor Terminal for the Fresno Compress and Warehouse

Company, was filed.

The report of the Port Manager on the cost of extending the 19th Avenue sewer in connection with the probable extension of the Yacht Harbor, was filed, and J the Port Manager directed to request the Oakland Yacht Club to take up with the

City Council the matter of having this sewer extension made.

The report of the Port Attorney on delinquent accounts, was referred

to the Port Committee.

The Port Attorney advised the Board that he had received copies of the

brief which had been filed on behalf of the City of Pasadena in the Supreme Court

in the case to test out the validity of the prevailing wage law. He stated that

the attorneys of Oakland, Los Angeles and San Francisco, together with the attor-

neys of eleven other cities, had joined in the petition. At his request the Board

authorized the filing, of a brief amicus curiae in order to bring before the court

the points of law relative to the Oakland Charter.

The Port Attorney made verbal report on the progress made on clearing up matters pertaining to the new garbage wharf, so as to permit of early construc- tion of the new garbage wharf.

Upon recommendation of Mr. Goodrich, the report for the advertising and

publicity by the Board for the remainder of the fiscal year, containing the fol-

lowing publications, was adopted;

Port House Organ (monthly - 5000 copies) 2400.00 Pacific Rural Press (one time) 604.80 Pacific Marine Review (one time) Port of Oakland Edition 250.00 Pacific Marketing Journal (one time) Fruit Growers Convention 250.00 West Coast Canner and Packer (one time) 100.00 West Coast Fisheries (one time) 125.00 Shipping Register (occasionally) about 250.00 $3979.80

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced end passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE IIARROVJCENNI FUND: Acme Scales Company 17.00 The American Association of Port Authorities 70.00 The Bay Belting Supply Co. .73 Bay City Sanitary Rag Co. 5.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 27.44 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 10.59 Burroughs Adding Machine Company .75 California Steel Company 43.00 City of Oakland - Purchasing Dept. 23.95 Cochran Celli 15.00 Consolidated Printers, Incorporated. 11.25 Crane Co. .61 Dalton Brothers, Ltd. 14.73

Dieterich-Post Company 2.70 East Bay Municipal Utility District 2.31 The Gerrard Company, Inc. 3.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. .84 E. H. Huebbe 18.85 Jackson Furniture Co. 20.55 Ed. Jones Co. 17.93 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 5.49 Lansing-Company 20.83 Lawton Williams 34.85 Maxwell Hardware Co. 3.09 C. L. Moody 11.25 Oakland Building Maintenance Association 160.00 Pelican Pure Water Co. .40 Joseph Pierotti Co. 2.48 Printing Products Company 11.50 Remington Rand Inc. 60.75 Rosenberg Bros. Co. 1.25 Schirrmacher Co. 4.70 H. G. Scovern Co. 3.62 Smith Brothers 165.45 Smith Hardware Company 4.80 Sterling Lumber Company 37.24 Sterling Press 22.50 Clyde Sunderland Studios 112.00 The Tribune Publishing Co. 17.10 Union Oil Company of California 23.08 Fred VVuescher Son 2.50 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 28.23 Zellerbach Paper Company 41.56 A. S. Titus 6.63 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 5,133.60 Port Revolvin g Fund - Miscl. 1,047.16 Port Revolving Fund 5,000.00 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVElvENT FUND: Andersons Ltd. 134.30 California Steel Company 250.50 Hersey Inspection Bureau 21.60 Jackson Furniture Co. 21.00 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 73.84 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 19.93 Clyde Sunderland Studios 2.50 Borden Forsythe 832.46 T. L. Rosenberg Co. 961.57 Spencer Elevator Company 1,675.00 $16,260.99"



RESOLVED that the contract with AMERICAN DREDGING COMPANY, a cor- poration, for the re-dredging in slip between Market Street Pier and Howard Terminal Pier No. 2, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that the specifications filed. with the Board for the furnishing and delivering of one tractor elevating forked truck for handling cotton in Warehouse "C", be and the same are hereby approved.

BE IT FUR= RESOLVED that the Secretary be authorized and directed to advertise for five consecutive days in the official newspaper for sealed proposals for the supplies to be furnished, as reouired by law."



RESOLVED that the bond of LEE J. IMMEL, executed by MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY, in the amount of 4;2,48000 for the faithful performance of his contract with the City of Oakland for the construction of oil macadam roadway with appurtenances along the south side of railroad tracks from Fifth Avenue to Ninth Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized. to execute an extension agreement of that certain lease with W. D. Wright, do- ing business as WRIGHT AIR SERVICE, for a period of one year commencing with November 1st, 1931, , upon the same terms, conditions and rental as are set forth in said previous lease with said company dated October 1st, 1930, pro- vided that in addition thereto the said lessee shall agree not to solicit business from other operators of hangars at the Oakland Municipal Airport by means of rebating or rate cutting and further, that the employees of the port shall meet all transient planes and conduct them to the city hangars, unless otherwise requested."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to execute an extension agreement of that certain lease dated January 1st, 1931, with the SHELL OIL COMPANY, for a period of one year commencing November 1st, 1931, upon the same terms and conditions, except as to rental, as are con- tained in the previous lease with said company, provided that in addition thereto the said lessee shall agree not to solicit business from other opera- tors of hangars at the Oakland Municipal Airport by means of rebating or rate cutting, and, further, that the employees of the port shall meet all tran- sient planes and conduct them to the city hangars, unless otherwise requested.

BE rr FURTHER RESOLVED that said company shall pay rent in the sum of $2,160.00 in equal monthly instalments of $180.00 during said term of one year, in lieu of the rental charge made in said above mentioned previous lease."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to execute an extension agreement of that certain lease, dated October 1st, 1930, with FILLMORE FLYING SERVICE, a co-partnership, for a period of one year commencing with November 1st, 1931, upon the same terms, conditions and rental as in said previous lease with said company, provided that in addi- tion thereto, lessee shall agree not to solicit business from other operators of hangars at the Oakland Municipal Airport by means of rebating or rate cut- ting, and further, that the employees of the port shall meet all transient planes and conduct them to the city hangars, unless otherwise requested."



RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to arrange with the United States Naval Reserve, lessees at the Oakland Municipal Airport, for the construction of a concrete ammunition vault sixteen feet square, for the storage of powder and ammunition, said vault to be constructed of materials to be furnished in part by the said Naval Reserve, the sand, gravel and labor therefor to be furnished by this Board at a cost not to exceed $150.00."

The matter of dredging east of Pier No. 1, of the Howard Terminal, which had been laid on the table at previous meetings, was taken from the table and filed.

The matter of exemption of certain secretaries from Civil Service rules, which. had been suggested by Mr. Irish, member of Civil Service Board, was taken

from the table and referred to the Fort Attorney for report.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings, were continued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to carry on a general terminal business; Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Pier No. 1;

Report of Port Manager on solicitation of cargo by State Products Terminal;

Report of Port Manager on extension of Outer Harbor Terminal wharf with sheds;

Edward J. Jose - formation of Pilots Assoc- iation for Port of Oakland.

Following advertising of "Notice of Sale" of a Piledriver at public auction, sealed bids were received and opened at 4:30 p.m. by the Board as fol- lows:



Learner Rosenthal $5,000.00 $500.00 L. Hecht 462.00 50.00 Ajax Dredging Co. 2,500.00 250.00 I. Wollenberg 3,500.00 350.00 P. B. Mackley Equipment 1,050.00 105.00 American Dredging Company 4,000.00 400.00 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 2,30000 230.00

After the opening of the bids oral bids were received at public auction as follows:


Learner Rosenthal $5,200.00 5,350.00 5,450.00 5,525.00 5,625.00 5,725.00 5,825.00 5,900.00 5,950.00 6,025.00 6,125.00

I. Wollenberg 4:15,100.00 5,300.00 5,400.00 5,500.00 5,600.00 5,700.00 5,800.00 5,850.00 5,925.00 6,000.00 6,100.00

Whereupon there being no further bids upon a third call, the Piledriver was declared sold by the President, Mr. Fisher, to Learner Rosenthal for the price of $6,125, .00, who thereupon deposited with the Board the additional amount

of $125.00, making a total deposit of $.625.00.



of the


Held on Monday, November 16, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m. due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4-

Commissioner absent: Leet -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of November 9, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Western Pacific Railroad Company, stating that it had received copy of the Port Ordinance which is to be adopted by City Council of Oakland, regarding the adjustment of streets and other properties in the vicinity of the proposed municipal garbage wharf, and would give early attention thereto, was filed.

Communication from President Fisher, stating that he had had a con- versation with Mr. Kaiser, the City Librarian, regarding pay schedules now in effect in the City Hall and those in the independent boards of the City, was read, and the Port Manager directed to confer with Mr. Kaiser with reference to the pay schedules in effect in the Port Department.

Communication from the Railroad Commission of the State of California, enclosing inspection report on proposed railroad crossings of roads leading to the new garbage site in the Inner Harbor, and recommending that certain protec- tive measures be placed at such crossings, was filed.

Communication from the U. S. Naval Reserve, Oakland Municipal Airport, requesting that the Board install two additional radiators in the doping room occupied by the Naval Reserve in Hangar No. 3, was read, and the Port Manager authorized to install one radiator, which is now in possession of the Port Commis- sion but not being used by it. Communication from the Port of Portland, stating that request of the

Standard Oil Company to omit one cent per gallon charge on wholesale gasoline

dispensed at the Portland Airport had been definitely denied, was filed.

Communication from Henry Taber, requesting, that the blind people of

Oakland be permitted to install candy vending machines on the port terminals,

was read, and the Port Manager directed to advise Mr. Taber that the request could not be granted.

Communication from the City Engineer, stating that the revised draft

of a proposed ordinance designed to bring about the property and street adjust-

ments in the area of the site of the projected municipal garbage wharf, which

had recently been forwarded to him, was, with a few exceptions, satisfactory to

his department, was filed.

President Fisher discussed with the Board the protest of the Federal

authorities regarding the dumping of Oaklands garbage at sea.

Mr. Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and. Warehouse Com-

pany, appeared before the Board and stated that he had made definite arrangements

with trucking companies to transport cotton from the Fresno com press to Oakland. Mr. Selig also brought up the question of the best method of forcing vessels of

steamship lines in the Pacific Westbound Conference to call at the Outer Harbor

Terminal for cotton and other cargo. At the suggestion of Mr. Selig, a committee

was appointed to handle this matter and it was arranged that this committee should

meet on Tuesday, November 17, 1931, to work out the details necessary to accomplish this.

Mr. Purcell, State Highway Engineer, Mr. Andrew, State Bridge Engineer, and Mr. Woodruff, Chief Designing Engineer, /for the San Francisco-Oakland Transbay Bridge, also appeared before the Board. and

discussed with it the Oakland approaches to the trensbay bridge.

The Port Manager reported that travelling time of stevedores on vessels

berthing at the Oakland terminals will be abolished on January 1; 1932.

The Port Manager reported that cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor Terminal

by State Products Terminal from August 6 to November 13, was 10,302 tons, and that

the cotton shipments to the Outer Harbor Terminal to November 13 were 10,409 bales,

including 4859 bales unloaded in Warehouse "C".

The Port Manager presented to the Board comparative statement of salaries

paid to Civil Service employees in the employ of the City of Oakland with those in

the employ of the Board of Port Commissioners, The Port Manager was directed to

submit report.

The Port Manager reported on status of certain funds as of November 13, 1931: Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222...... 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered. Resources...... 476,045.11 (Last week, ..... 465,944.91)

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance...... ...... 66,053.44

Report of the Port Committee on conference with Mr. Marr, of State Pro- ducts Terminal, regarding cargo solicitation, was laid on the table.

Report of the Port Manager on solicitation of dried bean accounts was laid on the table.

Report of the Port Manager on vessels berthing at Outer Harbor Terminal with and. without the use of tugs, was filed.

Report of the Port Manager on request of Albers Bros. Milling Co. for extension of its wharf for installation of Alfalfa meal mill, was laid on the table.

The Port Attorney verbally reported on contemplated Civil Service exam- ination for Dock Watchmen. The Port Attorney was directed to request the Civil

Service Board that such examination be not held, at this time.

Report of the Port Manager on acceptance of cargo at Outer Harbor

Terminal by Trans-Pacific lines, was filed.

Report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Leet -1-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is author- ized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Alhambra Water Co. 1.20 Bishops A. B. C. Guide Company 5.00 The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 8.48 Air Reduction Sales Co. 8.25 Chester A. Bray 27.62 Gladys H. Barndollar 53.40 Boiler, Tank and Pipe Co. 40.20 Crane Co. 6.08 Clow Gasteam Heating Company 5.28 Corell and Hurst 10.29 East Bay Blue Print Supply. Co. 58.55 The Electric Corporation .94 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 9.91 General Electric Supply Corporation 100.14 Grinnell Company of the Pacific 17.1517.1 The Gerrard. Company, Inc. 77.91 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 25.95 Hunter Printing Company 9.78 Ed. Jones .Co. 7.97 H. M. Lawrence 24.13 C. L. Moody 1.26 Maxwell Hardware Co. 7.33 McKesson-Langley-Michaels Company, Ltd. 14.11 Merchant Calculating Machine Company 4.06 National Lead Company of California 14.25 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 185.00 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 20.00 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Geo. H. Nash. 153.60 Oakland Rubber Stamp Co. 47.00 Oakland-California ToWel. Co., Inc. 1.20 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 76.55 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 5.93 Joseph Pierotti Co. 3.94 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 16.90 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1/,.84 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company 2.81 Pacific Box Corporation, Ltd. 6.49 Pacific Shipper 68.00 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 31.02 Union Oil Company of California 14.00 Voegtly White 56.25 Fred Wuescher Son 7.50 Western Building Forum 7.50 The Western Union Tele graph Company 5.28 Zellerbach Paper Company 6.86 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,245.00 TT " - Engineering Department 1,235.00 " - Traffic Operating 1,890.00 " - Ninth Ave. Pier 150.00 " - Grove and Market Street 1,318.00 " - Outer Harbor Terminal 2,000.00 - Airport 662.50 " - New Construction 300.00 " - Dredge 1,070.66 " - General Waterfront 575.16 Wm. Nat Friend, Postmaster 100.30 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR nalR OVE1,71,7 FUND: California Ornamental Iron and Fence Company 3.00 Carl T. Doell Co. 78.52 Flexarnl Sign Mfg. Company 4.90 The Scott Company 48.00 Standard Fence Company 33.00 J. A, Turgeon 47.38 Schuler McDonald, Inc. 42,333.13 Lee I. Immel 3,342.05 S56,707.31"



RESOLVED that the application of Howard Terminal for permission to dredge along both the eastern and western sides of its Pier Number 1 is hereby granted in. accordance with the terms of its lease with the City of Oakland upon condition that the said lessee shall enter into the con- tract for the performance of such dredging upon competitive biddin g, and. shall submit to this Board such bids as it may receive and secure the approval of the Port Manager prior to letting the work."



WHEREAS, on November 4th, 1931, and thereafter for five days as provided by law, notice was duly advertised in the Oakland Ttibune stating that the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland would sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Monday, November 9th, 1931, at the hour of 4:30 p.m., at Room 75, Grove Street Pier, City of Oakland, State of California, personal property consisting of one floating, or scow pile driver, said property being more fully described in the specifications on file with .the Secretary of said Board which were incorporated into said notice; and

WHEREAS,at the hour of 4:30 p.m. on November 9th, 1931, at the place designated in said notice, such public auction of said pile driver was duly held, and the highest and best bid made for said pile driver at • such auction was the bid of .°;6,125.00, made by Learner and Rosenthal; and

WHEREAS, at said time and place the President of the Board of Port Commissioners duly declared that said bid of 6,121-5.00 was the highest and best bid for said property, and that the said pile driver was then and there sold to Learner Rosenthal for the said sum of $6,125.00; and

WHEREAS said Learner and Rosenthal thereupon duly paid to the Board of Port Commissioners the full purchase price of $6,125.00 for said pile driver, and the Port Manager, on behalf of the Board of Port Commis- sioners, thereupon executed and delivered to Learner and Rosenthal a bill of sale of said pile driver, and said Learner and Rosenthal thereupon accepted delivery and possession of said pile driver; and

=PEAS said sale has, in all respects, been fully consummated, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby approve, ratify and confirm the said sale of said pile driver to Learner and Rosenthal for the said sum of .1"6,123.00."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre-

vious meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Oakland Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to carry on a general terminal business;

Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Pier No. 1;

Report of Port Manager on solicitation of cargo by State Products Terminal;

Report of Port Manager on extension of Outer Harbor Terminal wharf, with sheds;

Edward J. Jose - formation of Pilots Association fey/. Port of Oakland;

Application of Albers Bros. Milling Co. to enlarge its plant for Alfalfa meal mill.

In connection with the extension of Outer Harbor Terminal wharf, the

Port Manager was authorized to proceed with the preparation of plans and speci-

fications for a shed approximately 300 feet long at the north end of the present

Shed No. 2, at the Outer Harbor Terminal. The calling of bids for construction

of this shed should not be made before February 1, 1932.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2272 and advertising for five consecutive

days in the citys official newspaper, bids for Tractor Elevating Fork Truck

were received between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. At the hour of 4:30 p.m.

the following bids, being all the bids received, were publicly opened:


ELEVATING FORK TRUCK PROP. "A" PROP. "B" PROP. "C" PROP. "D" Gas Engine Stor. Bat. Stor. Bat. Full Automatic Elec. Drive C-B Edison T-L 23 Plate Motor Generator Stor. Bat. Exide Iron Charging Set 30 Cells Clad Bat. Suitable for CERTIFIED BIDDER 16 Cells Prop. "0" or "C" CHEC Murry Jacobs Company•3,745.40 $4,537.70 ;,3,808.00 $677.30 $021.50 637.30 662.70 622.70

PROP. "A" PROP. "B" PROP. "C" PROP. "D" Gas Engine Star. Bat. Stor. Bat. Full Automatic Flee. Drive C-8 Edison T-L 23 plate Motor Generator Stor, Bat. Exide Iron Charging Set 30 Cells Clad Bat. Suitable for CERTIFIED BIDDER 16 Cells Prop. "B" or"C" CEECK Mailler Searles, Inc. $3,822.00 $4,629.00 $3,893.00 $663.00 1530.00 668.00 622.00 The Eby Machinery Company, Ltd. 2,800.00 280.00

Frank E. Witte Co. 3,852.00 4,635.00 3,926.00 637.70 660.25 538.84

Ira G. Perin 4,135.00 5,075.00 4,347.00 669.38 600.00

These bids were referred to the Port Attorney as to legality and the

Port Manager for recommendation as to acceptance of the bids.



of the


Held on Monday, November 23, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of

the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5-

Commissioners absent: None

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were

also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of November 16, 1931, were approved

and adopted.

Communication from the Traffic Manager of the Los Angeles Harbor, outlin-

ing conditions under which pilots are employed by said department, was filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. relative to installation of

extra sprinkler heads in Warehouse "A", which account has so far been unadjusted

by the contractors installing this sprinkler system in said warehouse, was filed.

Communication from Howard Terminal stating that dredging in the slips

in the east and west sides of its Pier No. 1 would nOt be required at the present

time, but asking that soundings be taken showing present depths in said slips, was

filed. Communication from Mr. H. M. Adams, President Western Pacific Railroad

Company, stating that officials of the Great Northern and the Western Pacific,

now in San Francisco, could not at this time inspect the port facilities of the

Port of Oakland, was filed.

Communication from Rear Admiral W. C. Cole, U. S. Navy, stating that he would in every way cooperate with the Board in having the Navy maneuvers next

spring take place at the Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Frank M. Angellotti, General Counsel, Western Pacific

Railroad Company, stating that the proposed ordinance relative to easement of public streets leading to the proposed new garbage wharf site in the Inner Harbor was, in general, satisfactory to him, was filed.

Copy of City Ordinance No. 102 CMS approving settlement of certain title controversies with Southern Pacific Companys right-of-way at the Oakland Munici- pal Airport, was filed.

Mr. M. Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., appeared before the Board and discussed the matter of obtaining local cargo for shipment on trans-Pacific vessels in connection with handling of cotton through the Port of Oakland. The Port Manager advised Mr. Selig that the checkup had been made as to such local cargo as was anticipated, and it was probable sufficient tonnage could be obtained to bring the required minimum of 500 tons in for each vessel calling at the Outer Harbor Terminal.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo diverted to the Outer Harbor

Terminal by the State Products Terminal, from August 6 to November 20, 1931, was 10,543 tons.

The Port Manager reported that cotton shipped through the Outer Harbor

Terminal to November 20 was 12,528 bales, including 5878 bales unloaded in Ware- house "C".

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of Novem- ber 20, 1931:

Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $182,241.06 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 488,775.10 (Last Week 478,045.11) 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $ 63,283.15 Report of the Accountant on the 1925 Harbor Improvement Bonds as of

November 20, 1931 in the amount of $1,748,069.15, was filed.

Communication from the Port Manager submitting copies of reports of the

Boards Traffic Representatives, was filed.

Communication transmitting copy of first report made by State Products Terminal on solicitation of cargo, was filed.

Memorandum of Port Manager on conference held with the representatives

of the Coos Bay Lumber Company relative to the use by this company of Ninth Avenue

Pier for handling of lumber, was laid on the table.

The Port Attorney reported that the Civil Service Board had cancelled

examination for Dock Watchmen.

The Port Attorney made verbal report regarding New York Lighterage Cases, which, in his opinion, applied to the Port of Oakland in the barging of cargo to and from San Francisco.

Opinion of the Port Attorney that minutes of the Board need not be signed by the President, was filed.

Opinion of the Port Attorney approving expenditures of funds to entertain

Foreign Trade Conference Delegates, was filed.

Mr. Leet, of the Port Committee, reported that a conference had been held this date with representatives of McCormick Steamship Company regarding the use of

Ninth Avenue Pier. Mr. Leet stated that Mr. Wheeler, Vice-President and General

Manager of the McCormick Steamship Company, would submit an application giving full details as to use and operation of the Ninth Avenue Pier in the event it was assigned to said company.

The report of the Accountant on final estimate of cost of Warehouse "AA", was filed.

Application of Albers Bros. Milling Co. to enlarge its plant to install an Alfalfa Meal mill, was approved subject to such fire protection as would be required by the Board of Fire Underwriters.

Application of E. E. Mouton, Supervising Inspector of the Department of

Commerce, for additional office space at Oakland Municipal Airport, was approved, and the expenditure of, not to exceed $75.00 in re-arranging additional office space, was authorized.

Report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolution was introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund: ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. 1 520.56 LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sunset Lumber Company 230.77 Howard Terminal - Wharves 3,810.02 Howard Terminal - Quay Wall 794.54 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co. 21.75 Chester A. Bray 64.75 Crane Co. 19.89 The Cal-Oak Press 17.25 Cochran Celli 1.66 California Steel Company 51.00 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 29.77 East Bay Municipal Utility District 333.46 East Bay Blue Print and Supply Co. 13.74 The Electric Corporation 12.28 Oakland Plumbing Supply-Co. 3.99 Fairbanks, Morse Co. 113.29 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 4.18 H. M. C. Co. 6.00 E. R. James Co. 7.00 Kieckhefer Container Company 15.57 C. L. Moody 3.00 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 8.66 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 719.50 Pacific Electric Motor Co. 8.98 Sunset Lumber Company 104.00 Standard Oil Company of California 7.71 Clyde Sunderland Studios 8.50 Typewriter Guy 7.50 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 2.10 Underwood Typewriter Company 560.00 Whitthorne Swan 1.49 Walworth California Company 394.85 Zellerbach Paper Company 11.76 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Rolls 4,279.28 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 1,080.68 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: American Radiator Company 1.26 California Steel Company 741.00 Carl T. Doell Co. 195.17 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 13.15 Link-Belt Company 572.32 Sunset Lumber Company 132.10 Walworth California Company 14.02 Worden Forsythe 979.59 M. D. Williams 110.00 James H. Pinkerton Co. 1,993.28 18,021.37"

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings were taken from the table and filed:

Report of the Port Manager on solicitation of cargo by State: Products Terminal;

Report of Port Committee on conference with Marr of State Products Terminal;

Report of Port Manager on solicitation of bean accounts;

Report of Port Manager on application of Albers Bros. Milling Co. to enlarge its plant for Alfalfa Meal mill.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Oakland Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to carry on a general terminal business;

Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Pier No. 1; Report of Port Manager on extension of Outer Harbor Terminal Wharf;

Edward J. Jose - formation of Pilots Associa- tion for Port of Oakland;

Civil Service Board - salary and retitling of positions;

Statement of salary coMparisons, City Hall and Port Department;

Bids for furnishing tractor elevating truck.



of the


Held on Monday, November 30, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5-

Commissioners absent: None

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of November 23, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from the Portuguese-American Civic Club expressing appre- ciation for having stop signal installed at 73d Avenue and East 14th Street, was filed.

Communication from Oakland Foreign Trade Club requesting that the Board appropriate the sum of $350.00 to assist in entertaining the entire consular corps of the bay area and many prominent officials and business leaders at luncheon to be held between February 15 and 21, 1932, was laid on the table, and the Port

Manager directed to ascertain the total budget expenditures estimated far this entertainment, and also if the Foreign Trade Club had other sources of income and if it expected to receive contributions from other sources.

Communication from McCormick Steamship Company regarding its application for berthing facilities at the Ninth Avenue Pier, was laid on the table, and the

Port Manager directed to prepare comparative costs of operation of Market and Grove

Street Piers, and also such figures relative to revenue accruing by assigning space at Ninth Avenue pier to the McCormick Steamship Company on the San Francisco Harbor

basis and by direct operation of the Board.

Communication from Postmaster Friend advising that he had installed a mail box at Grove Street pier, was filed.

Communication from the U. S. Lighthouse service requesting additional

office space in the Administration Building at the Airport for the expansion of the

Teletype service for said department, was granted.

Communications from Walter Hal, Moreau Flying Service and Fillmore Fly-

ing Service making applications for leasing of space in hangars at the Airport, were referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from the Monarch Flying Service relative to its delinquent account, was referred to the Airport Committee.

Communication from W. C. Marr, Traffic Representative, regarding the filing of weekly reports on the solicitation activities of himself, Mr. Grady and

Miss King, was read and the Port Manager directed to demand that these traffic representatives at once comply with instructions to file weekly detailed reports of their activities.

Report of W. C. Marr covering the solicitation activities of himself, Mr.

Grady and Miss King for the week ending November 28, 1931, was filed.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co. accepting the cost of Warehouse

"AA" in the amount of $104,785.33, as shown by our itemized statement submitted to

Rosenberg Bros. Co., was filed.

Communication from Interstate Company regarding its renewal of lease on the Airport Inn, was filed.

President Fisher was asked by the Board to address communications to Mr.

J. R. Knowland, Mr. Harrison Robinson and Mr. Joe Parker regarding report in the newspapers that the Board of Harbor Commissioners of San Francisco intended to construct a cotton compress on its waterfront.

President Fisher was also asked to again invite members of the City

Council and other city officials to inspect the facilities of the Port of Oakland.

The Port Manager was directed to take up with Colonel Robins the matter of repairs to the trestle connecting Government Island with the Oakland side of the harbor.

The Port Manager reported that the Port dredge would again resume dredg- ing operations in the Outer Harbor on December 1.

The Board approved of the Port Managers action in obtaining insurance coverage on cargo barged to San Francisco piers.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of November

27, 1931. Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance ...... 174,107.90 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222...... 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources...... ,..... 480,641.94 (Last week-. 488,775.10)

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance ...... $ 62,756.19

The Port Manager reported that the cargo secured for the Outer Harbor

Terminal by traffic representatives who were formerly connected with the State

Products Terminal, from August 6 to November 28, was 10,622 tons.

The Port Manager reported that cotton shipments through the Outer Harbor

Terminal to November 28, 1931 were 15,412 bales, including 6749 bales unloaded

in Warehouse "C".

Coumunication from the Port Manager transmitting weekly reports of

Traffic Representatives, was filed.

The Port Attorney verbally reported on the Matoza case involving owner-

ship of land adjacent to Oakland Municipal Airport.

Report of the Auditing Conirnittee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None


RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: The American Rubber Manufacturing Co. 2.91 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 3.85 Bay City Sanitary Rag Co. 5.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 16.84 Corell and Hurst 3.50 San Francisco Chamber of Coiuuierce 10.00 The Cameron Company 9.90 City of Oakland - City Hall 203.47 Cochran Celli 9.94 The Cal-Oak Press 19.95 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company 2.21 Electrical Products Corporation 7.08 Flexaml Sign Mfg. Company 1.50 Floor Sweep Co. 1.96 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. .97 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 26.50 Hawes Printing Company 177.60 T. P. Hogan Co. 14.42 Hill Morton Inc. 28.91 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 175.00 Jordan Printing Company 14.75 Kronke-Brampton Co. 17.15 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 20.16 The A. Lietz Co. 4.17 C. L. Moody 2.30 "it

Maxwell Hardware Co. 4 101.81 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 10.00 Oakland Fire Extinguisher Company 21.75 Oakland Woodenware, Inc. 2.03 Oakland Building Maintenance Association 160.00 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 The Oakland Planing Mill, Inc. 2.00 National Lead Company of California 10.49 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 371.05 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 260.95 City of Oakland - Garage 15.15 Pioneer Sawdust and Sand Depot 15.00 Joseph Pierotti Co. 3.33 Pacific Rural Press 1.00 quality Concrete Company 60.35 Remington Rand Inc. 15.00 Ritchie Engraving Company 5.09 St. Clair Building 32.50 Smith Hardware Company 7.62 Clyde Sunderland Studios 6.00 Smith Brothers 19.67 Typewriter Guy 2.00 The Tribune Publishing Co. 32.68 United Iron Works 24.60 Union Pacific Laundry 2.75 Union Oil Company of California 62.39 Walworth California Company 4.18 Wylie Wells Kelley 3.60 Zellerbach Paper Company 19.01 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,245.00 ft T1 - Engineering Department 1,235.00 VT VI - Traffic Operating 1,890.00 - Ninth Ave. Pier 150.00 t? - Grove Market St. Piers 1,318.00 VT VT - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,981.67 II VT - Oakland Municipal Airport 662.50 u fl - New Construction 300.00 IV VT - Dredge 1,136.32 VT f? - General Waterfront 612.82 Geo. H. Nash 116.30 1925 0A}OAND HARBOR DAPROVENENT FUND: East Bay Municipal Utility District 171.55 T. P. Hogan Co. 6.82 Smith Hardware Company 8.03 Union Oil Company of California 0.34 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 3.38 Sullivan Sullivan 1,921.14 $16,016.41"



RESOLVED that the contract with SAN LEANDRO ROCK CO., a corporation, for the furnishing and delivering of quarry waste from second grade rock to the Oakland Municipal Airport, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."


RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONTRACT WITH PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a corporation. RESOLVED that the contract with PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CO., a cor- poration, for the construction of a new dredge ladder and cutter with blades and appurtenances on the Port of Oakland dredge, having been satisfactorily completed, be and the same is hereby accepted."



RESOLVED that all bids received by this Board for the furnishing and delivering of one Industrial Type Tractor Elevating Fork Truck to Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal, be and the same are hereby rejected."

Theollowing communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to carry on a general terminal business;

Howard Terminal - sprinklering of Pier No. 1;

Report of Port Manager on extension of Outer Harbor Terminal wharf;

Edward J. Jose, formation of Pilots Association for Port of Oakland;

Civil Service Board - salary and retitling of positions;

Statement of salary comparisons - City Hall and Port Department;

Application of Coos Bay Lumber Co. to use Ninth Avenue Pier.



Minutes of next meeting in Book 4, Page 1.

. ^. Volume Number 4.



of the


Commencing with the Meeting of

December 7, 1931.


of the


Held on Monday, December 7, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5-

Commissioners absent: None

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of November 30, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from the State Highway Engineer, stating that Mr. H. K.

McKevitt, Attorney for the State Division Highways, would confer with the Port

Attorney in regard to the States Rights of Way problems on the Oakland water- front, was filed.

Communication from Dr. E. H. Padden, Flight Surgeon for the Boeing

Air Transport, regarding the employment of a trained nurse at the Oakland Muni- cipal Airport, was filed. Dr. Padden appeared before the Board and verbally explained his reasons for advocating the employment of such a nurse, and the payment of a part of her salary by the Port Commission. The matter was taken under advisement.

Communication from the Secretary of State regarding the status of

Captain Wm. M. Randall as a San Francisco Bay pilot, was filed.

Communication from Colonel Thomas M. Robins, U. S. Engineer, stating that no permit was required by the Bureau of Public Roads to reconstruct or re- pair the present trestle connecting Government Island with Oakland, was filed.

Communication from Lieut. Colonel H. A. Finch, U. S. Engineer, trans- mitting plan of proposed development of the Brooklyn Basin, and stating that hear- ing on this modified plan would be held Wednesday, December V, was laid on the table. The Board fully discussed this proposed development of Brooklyn Basin and in general agreed that its adoption would be to the interest of the Port of

Oakland. The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were directed to attend this meeting as representatives of the Board.

Copy of Civil Service Board Resolution No. 11970, advising that the positions of Executive Secretary and Law Secretary in the Port Department had been exempted from operations of Civil Service rules, was filed. Communication from the Interstate Company advising that the new agree-

ment covering the lease of the Airport Inn had been sent to the Chicago office

for execution, was filed.

Communication from Mr. M. Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and

Warehouse Co., enclosing copy of letter sent to the Pacific Westbound. Conference

regarding issuance of Ledings on cotton, was filed.

Affidavit of Dolores Guinther alleging that the Hurley Flying Service

account had been erroneously charged to her under the name of Monarch Flying

Service and that she had, through. a misconception of the law, agreed to pay such

account, was received. and filed.

Affidavit of Dolores Guinther reciting that she was unable, at the

present time, to pay the balance due on her personal account at Oakland Municipal

Airport, and tendering a promissory note for said amount in order to secure the release of her airplanes from the possession of the finance companies to permit

herself to continue business, was received and filed.

Copy of letter of President Fisher to Mr., T. R. Knowland and Mr. Har- rison Robinson, relative to the report of the construction of a cotton compress by the State Harbor Commissioners in San Francisco, and Mr. Ehowlands reply

thereto, were filed.

Copy of letter of President Fisher addressed to Mayor Morcom, relative

to members of the City Council and other city officials inspecting Oaklands

port facilities, was filed.

Communication from Los Angeles Harbor Board, relative to the employment

of pilots by the Port of Los Angeles, was filed.

Communication from Boeing School of Aeronautics, expressing apprecia-

tion for installation, by the Board, of concrete warming-up pads, was filed.

Mr. Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., appeared.

before the Board and further discussed the matter of the action taken by the

Pacific Westbound Conference on vessels calling at the Outer Harbor Terminal for

cotton and other Oriental cargo.

President Fisher verbally explained. to Mr. Selig that the Board was still working on this matter and as soon as any concrete information was available, the

same would be transmitted. to Mr. Selig.

The Port Manager reported. on status of certain funds as of December 4,


Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash. Balance...... 4179,879.20 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222...... 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resourees...... 494,356.77 (Last Week... 480,641.94) ■.) 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance...... 77,171.74

The report of the Port Manager for the month of November was filed.

The report of the Port Manager submitting copies of reports of Traffic

Representatives was filed.

Report of the Accountant on status of Harbor Maintenance and 1925 Oak-

land Harbor Improvement Funds for November, was filed.

Report by Accountant on fire insurance and contents rates on Port of

Oakland and other waterfront facilities, was filed.

Monthly report of operations at the Oakland. Municipal Airport, was filed.

Statistical report for October 1931, giving imports and exports, was filed.

The report of the Airport Committee on hangar leases, was filed.

The report of the Assistant Port Manager on proposition made by Coos

Bay Lumber Company for use of facilities at Ninth Avenue Pier, was laid on the


The Port Attorney verbally reported that he had filed a brief in the

Supreme Court on the prevailing wage scale.

The Port Attorney verbally reported that he had filed a brief in the

American Dredging suit.

The Port Manager reported that in order to construct the 300-foot long

transit shed, north of transit shed No. 2, at the Outer Harbor Terminal, it would

be necessary to sell. a certain amount of bonds. The Port Manager was directed to make his recoornendations as to the amount to be sold for this purpose for the action

of the Board at its next regular meeting.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo secured for the Outer Harbor

Terminal by traffic representatives, formerly of the State Products Terminal, from

August 6 to December, was 11,353 tons.

The Port Manager reported that cotton shipments through the Outer Har-

bor Terminal to December 5 mere 17,726 bales, including 7183 bales unloaded, in Ware-

house "C",

The Port Manager was authorized to donate to some city institution the unclaimed canned goods remaining at the Outer Harbor Terminal.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and. allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized, to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVETOENT FUND: Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. $ 2,668.44 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 3,124.65 Thos. H. Moore 237.75 A. S. Titus 8.27 Geo. B. Green 14.32 Wm- Nat Friend, Postmaster 85.24 American Bag Co. 3.00 Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co. 24.31 Air Reduction Sales Co. 8.25 American District Telegraph Company .50 Chester A. Bray 14.05 The Cameron Company 9.30 Dalton Brothers, Ltd. .64 Empire Foundry Co., Inc. 1.6.17 East Bay Street Railways, Ltd. 2.00 General Office Equipment Corporation 1.1.20 The Electric Corporation 107.66 Flexaml Sign Mfg. Company 1.47 Fairbanks, Morse Co. 3.91 The Fox Press 55.00 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 6.61 General Electric Supply Corporation 27.47 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 62.10 E. H. Huebbe 6.25 Hawes Printing Company 45.60 F. R. Hildebrand 140.00 C. J. Hendry Company 21.59 H. & M. C. Co. 6.00 Ed Jones Co. 1.17 National Lead. Company of California 12.25 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 8.34 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 37.80 Pacific Rural Press 604.80 Patterson Ladder Co. 3.77 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 99.45 Remington Rand Inc. 3.50 Ritchie Engraving Company 62.43 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 3.50 Clyde Sunderland Studios 31.50 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 1.53 Underwood Typewriter Company 2.39 Voegtly White 40.00 Lee Immel 2,118.96 American Dredging Co. 4,141.59 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Advance Electric Co. 387.71 Columbia Wood and Metal Preservative Co. 39.75 Crane Co. 8.16 California Steel Company 4.13 Carl T. Doell Co. 68.00 C. X. Hendry Company 5.88 S. J. Johnson Co. 21.60 Oakland Plumbing. Supply Co. 2.71 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 22.54 Geo. H. Rice, Jr. 8.00 The Scott Company 116.00 Transit Concrete, Ltd. 54.86 Gladding, McBean Co. 20.21 Lee I. Immel 1,939.07 Sullivan and Sullivan 1,756.63 $18,343.23"


RESOLUTION ASSIGNING SPACE IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, OAKLAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, TO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF 00/1/1ERCE, LIGHTHOUSE ORp rT ox RESOLVED that Room No. 1 of the Administration Building at the Oakland Municipal Airport, is hereby assigned to the United States Depart- ment of Commerce, Lighthouse Service, for use as office space for Assistant Airways Traffic Supervisor, upon a tenancy at will, until otherwise required by the Board."



RESOLVED that Rooms No. 11, No. 12 and No. 13 of the Administra- tion Building at the airport are hereby assigned to the United States De- partment of Commerce, Aeronautics Branch, for use of the Inspector and his staff, upon a tenancy at will until otherwise required by the Board."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to execute a rental agreement as of the date of December 1st, 1931, with William H. Fillmore, doing business as Fillmore Flying Service, for a period. of one year at a rental of =280.00 per month commencing with seed date, for the use and occupation of Hangar No. 1 and its lean-to space at the Oakland Municipal Airport, provided that said agreement shall be upon the same terms and conditions as was specified in the agreement of October 1st, 1930 with said company for the rental of a portion of said hangar; provided that, in addition thereto, the lessee shall agree not to solicit business from other operators of hangars at the Oakland Municipal Airport by means of rebating or rate cutting, and furthermore, that the employees of the city at said airport shall meet all transient planes and conduct them to the city hangars, unless otherwise requested.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that that certain resolution numbered 2276 is hereby rescinded."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to execute an extension agreement of that certain rental agreement dated Janu- ary 1st, 1931, with the SHELL OIL COMPANY, for a period of one year commenc- ing December 1st, 1931, upon the same terms and conditions as are contained in the previous agreement with said company, provided that in addition thereto the said lessee shall agree not to solicit business from other operators of hangars at the Oakland Municipal Airport by means of rebating or rate cut- ting, and, further, that the employees of the port shall meet all transient planes and conduct them to the city hangars, unless otherwise requested.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2275 be and the same is hereby rescinded."



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to execute and enter into a rental agreement with W. E. Moreau, doing business as the MOREAU FLYING. SERVICE, for the use and occupation of 5500 square feet of space along the south half of the easterly section of Hangar No. 3 for a period of one year- at e rental. of $55.00 per month, said agreement to be substantially upon the same termsand. conditions as those certain other rental agreements a da have been entered into with the tenants of Hangars Nos. 1 and 2.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there shall be incorporated in said agreement a condition that said tenancy shall be at all times subject to the rights of the Board of Port Commissioners to allow the U. S. Naval Reserve to occupy any of said area as a part of its lease of other portions of said Hanger No. 3."



RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2274 of this Board be end the same is hereby rescinded, said resolution being that certain resolution granting an extension agreement on a previous lease with W. D. Wright, doing business as Wright Air Service, covering Hangar No. 1-A at the Oakland Municipal Air- port."



RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted. Charles Hansen, Structural Designer, Class A, Port Ordinance No. 8, Section 7.71, from November 30th to and including December 6th, 1931, With pay, on account of illness, be and the same is hereby ratified."



WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain lease agreement dated May 2t, 1931, between the City of Oakland and Rosenberg Bros. Co., a corporation, the final costs of the construction of the warehouse building known as Ware- house AA, including foundations and fences, have now been fully determined, audited and agreed. to by the said Lessee, and it is desired to establish the same of record, and fix the annual rent for said building, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that it is hereby found. and determined that the entire cost of said Warehouse AA, including foundations, fences, and paving within fences, and including also six (6) per cent of the cost of the said building. (exclusive of all architects and engineers salaries and charges, overhead and supervision costs incurred by the Lessor) as and for such archi- tects and engineers salaries and charges and overhead and supervision costs, together with interest during construction at the rate of 4% per annum on the progressive payments as made by the Lessor, is the sum of .$104,785.33.

BE IT FURTRER RESOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of said lease, the total rent of said warehouse building, including appurten- ances and extras, and the land covered by said lease, for the term hereof is hereby fixed as the sum of $7,867.89 per annum, payable in equal monthly instalments, the lessee being required to pay to the lessor at this time such sums of money as may be necessary to adjust the payments already made in accordance with the rent hereby fixed for the terra of the lease, which, pursuant to the notice of completion of such building, served in accordance with Resolution No. 2213, commenced on September 11th, 1031.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to the agreement and understand- ing had between the City of Oakland and the said Rosenberg Bros. P Co., as Lessee, nothing in this resolution fixing the annual rental to be paid for the use and. occupation of Warehouse AA, under said lease dated May 27-th, 1031, and the land upon which it is located, shall in any wise affect the amount of rent which is required to be paid to the City of Oakland by said Rosenberg Bros. Co. under that certain lease dated February 28th, 1929, as specified in said lease.

BE IT FURTIaP RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution shall be forthwith mailed to the said Lessee." "RESOLUTION NO. 2295


vilainEAs Dolores Guinther, doing business at the Oakland Municipal Airport as the MONARCH FLYING SERVICE, having filed with this Board an affidavit showing that she, has been erroneously charged upon the books of this department with a certain previous indebtedness incurred by the Hurley Flying Service prior to October 1st, 1930, in the amount of $323.93, and that she was and, is not in anywise responsible for or liable on said indebted- ness, and it appearing that said Dolores Guinther should be relieved of said charge upon the books of the city, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that said affidavit be accepted and filed, and that the books of account be adjusted accordingly."



WHEREAS, Dolores Guinther, doing business as the MONARCH FLYING SERVICE, having tendered to this Board her promissory note with interest at the legal rate, in settlement of her indebtedness at the Oakland Muni- cipal Airport in the balance of $376.95 for hangar charges and colmaercial privileges, and it appearing to the Board that said applicant is unable to pay the said amount in ca.Z11 and that unless such promissory note be accepted, she will be unable to continue the aviation business at said. airport, and it being to the interest of the port that such note be accepted, now there- fore,

BE IT RESOLVED that said note be accepted in settlement of said account."

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to carry on a general terminal business;

Report of Port Manager on extension of Outer Harbor Terminal wharf;

Civil Service Board - salary and retitling of positions;

Statement of salary comparisons - City Hall and Port Department;

Application of Coos Bay Lumber Company - use of Ninth Avenue Pier;

Application of Oakland Foreign Trade Club for contribution;

Application of McCormick Steamship Company . for assignment of Ninth Avenue Pier.



of the


Held on Monday, December 14, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due

notice of such. meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the

Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -3-

Commissioners absent: Goodrich and Leet -2-

The, Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and. the Port Attorney were

also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of December 7, 1931, were approved

and adopted.

Communication from the City of Oakland Municipal Woodyard, expressing

appreciation for unclaimed canned goods and dried fruit from the Outer Harbor

Terminal donated to the Woodyard, was filed.

Coruuiunicatjon from the Secretary of the Pacific Westbound Conference,

stating that the present ruling on vessels calling at Oakland Terminals requir-

ing 500 tons from one shipper could not be changed, was filed.

Communication from H. S. Naval. Reserve Training Squadron at Oakland

Municipal Airport, requesting additional space in Hangar No. 3, was read, and

the Port Manager authorized to assign an. additional space - 40 ft. x ft. -

in said hangar at no additional expense to the Naval Reserve.

Communication from Alameda County Development Commissions representa-

tive, stationed. in. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, requesting to be furnished with. colored stereoptican slides to be used for lecture purposes, was read, and the Port Manager authorized to expend a sum, not to exceed 20.00, for this pur- pose.

The proposal of the Coos aber Company for use of Ninth Avenue

Pier for the handling of its lumber products, was referred to the Port Committee.

Request from Jack Spillane, now occupying lean-to space at the Oak-

land Municipal Airport, for additional heating facilities, was denied.

Communication from the City Managers office regarding the use of free telephones for the Port Department, was referred to the Assistant Port

Manager for report.

Communication from the Board of Harbor Commissioners, Long Beach,

California, stating that the Harbor Department employs its own, pilots, was filed.

Communication from Edward J. Jose, Attorney for Pilots, submitting communication regarding pilots who are seeking to form a pilots association to serve the Harbor of Oakland, was referred to the Port Manager for report.

Communication from the Gulf Pacific Line stating that it would here-

after make regular calls at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was . filed.

Communication from the Southern Pacific Company, regarding rights of

way, etc. for the garbage wharf site, was received and referred to the Port Com-


Communication from the Southern Pacific Company making application for

permit to construct an industrial track to serve Government Island, such track

to be constructed along and across Nineteenth. Avenue and Dennison Street, was

referred to the Port Manager for report.

Communication from W. Scott Hammond of Beaumont, Texas, asking that the

Board go on record as opposing the construction of a low level bridge over the

Neches River below the Port of Beaumont, was read, and. the Port Manager directed.

to advise Mr. Hammond that the Board could not consistently take such action,

not being familiar with the local conditions pertaining to said. matter.

Communication from Curtis-Sanders, proposing that the Port Commission

take space through this agency for showing films at various theaters, and the report thereon by Mr. g iltermood, were laid on the table.

Communication from Attorney Harry Encell, making proposal that the

Beard employ Messrs. Marr and Grady to do the entire solicitation for cargo for

the Port, was referred to the Port Committee.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of December

11, 1931:

Garb r Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance...... Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222...... ;..... 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources...... 492,335.63

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance 75,498.23

The report of the Port Manager on the operation of Grove, Market, and

Ninth Avenue piers, was referred to the Port Committee.

Mr. Pendleton made verbal report on application of Interstate Terminals to take on a general terminal business.

Communication from the Port Manager, transmitting copies of reports of

Traffic Representatives for the week ending December 11, 1.931, was filed.

Report of the Port Manager on the use of Ninth Avenue Pier by Coos Bay

Lumber Company, was referred to the Port Committee.

Report of the Port Attorney regarding forfeiture of the Western Pacific

Railway Companys franchise, was filed.

Report of the Port Manager on hangar rentals at Oakland Municipal Air-

port, was filed. Report of the Assistant Port Manager on. the matter of installation. of

sprinkler system by the Howard Company on Pier No. 1, was laid on the table.

Report of the Port Manager on proposal of Mr. Harry Encell to employ

Messrs. Marr and Grady as sole solicitors of cargo for the Board, woo referred

to the Port Committee.

The Port Attorney reported that there was now on hand .100,000 in the

1925 Harbor Improvement Fund bearing interest, and that his inquiry had

shewn, that such bonds could not be sold at this time at that rote of interest.

The Board determined that the funds necessary for construction of

additional transit shed at the Outer Harbor Terminal should at this time be

taken from the Maintenance Fund, and later replaced from funds obtained. from. bond


The Board approved the suggestion of the Port Attorney that the Board

adopt an official seal.

ThePort Manager reported that Libby, McNeill Libby would, in the

next couple of weeks, ship approximately 700,000 cases of pinea p ple through the

Outer Harbor Terminal.

The Port Manager reported that the cargo received. for the Outer Harbor

Terminal by Traffic Representatives (State Products Terminal) from August 6 to

December 12, 1931, was 11,725 tons.

The Port Manager reported. that cotton. shipped. through the Outer Harbor

Terminal to December 12, 1931, was 21,726 bales, including 7783 bales unloaded

in Warehouse "C".

The Port Manager reported that traveling, time of stevedores to and from

San Francisco would be abolished January 1, 1932. This, however, will not apply to Richmond.

The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted.

The following resolutions were introduced and passed, by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Goodrich and Peet -2-



RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund: HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: 529.66 American District Telegraph Co. Blake, Moffitt Towne 29.25 Beach Engineering Co. 2.10 eJ

Bay City Sanitary Rag Co. $ 4.00 Cochran Celli 12.34 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 7.18 City of Oakland - City Hall 98.40 Crane Co. 42.19 H. W. Enefer 441.00 Llipire Foundry Co., Inc. 144.06 H. M. C. Co. 7.00 Howard Automobile Company 16.51 Hersey Inspection Bureau 12.00 E. R. Tames Co. 3.15 Kerr Welding Co. 6.00 C. L. Moody 24.93 National Lead Company of California 4.22 Oakland-California Towel Co., Inc. 1.20 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 36.53 Peck Hills Furniture Co. 3.65 Pacific Shipper 85.00 Power Refining Co. 18.70 Pacific Pipe Company 15.22 Pacific Marketing Journal 250.00 Pacific Marine Review 245.00 Joseph Pierotti Co. 5.40 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 4.40 Sterling Press 1.75 Standard Oil Company of California 7.41 Stadium Garage 1.50 Schirrmacher Co. 2.50 Union Pacific Laundry 2.15 Union Oil Company of California 127.60 Western Building Forum 7.50 Zellerbach Paper Company 32.14 B. Simon Hardware Co. 4.21 American Dredging Company 1,380.52 Pay Rolls - Administrative Office 2,245.00 - Engineering Department 1,235.00 - Traffic Operating 1,890.00 11 - Ninth Ave. Pier 150.00 TT - Grove Market St. 1,318.00 11 - Outer Harbor Terminal 1,945.00 - Airport 662.50 - New Construction 300.00 \ - Dredge 2,302.50 TI - General Waterfront 675.85 Pacific Coast Engineering Co. 10,836.75 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 1.48 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR EvIP..,i0VENENTr FUND: Columbia Steel Company 826.00 J. A. Fazio 4.40 T. P. Hogan Co. 1.96 Maxwell Hardware Co. 8.59 Peck Hills Furniture Co. 8.00 B. Simon Hardware Co. 3.02 Smith Hardware Company 3.96 Geo. Swanstrom 613.00 T. L. Rosenberg Co. 130.77 San Leandro Rock Co. 199.12 Crane Co. 64.81 29,051.98"



RESOLVED that the time for the performance of the contract with LEE J. IMMEL, a private individual, for the grading and conatructing of oil macadam roadway With appurtenances along the south side of railroad tracks from Fifth Avenue to Ninth Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended. to and including Saturday, February 13th, 1932." .2-



RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby authorized to execute an. agreement renewing the restaurant concession at the Oakland Municipal Airport with The Interstate Company, said agreement to he renewed for a period of one year ending December, 1932, upon the same terms and conditions as the previous agreement with said company, except as to rental, which rental is to he at a flat rate of $300.00 per month."

Port Ordinance No. , being "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1.4 OF

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 8" was introduced and passed to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -3- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Goodrich and Leet

Application of Oakland. Foreign Trade Club for contribution to enter-

tain Foreign Consul representatives and others attending the convention. next

February, was taken from the table and filed.

The following communications which had been laid on. the table at

previous meetings, were ap ntinued on the table:

Proposed enlargement of Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to conduct a general terminal business;

Report of Port Manager on. extension of Outer Harbor Terminal Wharf;

Civil. Service Board - salaries and retitling of positions;

Salary comparisons - Port of Oakland and City Hall;

Application of Coos Bay Lumber Company for use of Ninth. Avenue Pier;

Application of McCormick Steamship Company for assignment of Ninth. Avenue Pier;

Application of Or. Padden for partial salary by Board of trained nurse. at Airport;

U. S. District Engineer - proposed development of Brooklyn Basin;

Edward J. Jose - formation of pilots association.




Held on Monday, December 21, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Lest, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4-

Commissioner absent: Goodrich -1-

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager and the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of December 14, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from Rosenberg Bros. Co., acknowledging receipt of copy of Resolution No. 2294 determining the cost of Warehouse "AA" and fixing rental payable for said warehouse, was filed.

Notice of hearing on application of Walter B. Cowan, for permission to maintain a wood yard for sale of salvage wood at the foot of Broadway, at the

City Hall on December 23, was filed, and the Port Manager directed to attend said hearing.

Communication from the City Manager offering to cooperate with the

Board if it should adopt the Probst Service Rating S5 rstem::- in its department, was filed.

Communication from the City Clerk advising that the Mayor and City

Council would inspect the various harbor facilities of the Port of Oakland at a later date, was filed.

Communication from the Interstate Terminals, Ltd., requesting permis- sion to handle sugar and finished doors at its Oakland terminal, was read, and the

Port Manager authorized to grant said request, the Board to receive all tolls and dockages accruing from the handling of such cargoes.

Revised proposal of the Coos Bay Lumber Company for the use of Ninth

Avenue Pier for the handling of its lumber products, was read. Mr. Homer W.

Bunker, President, and Mr. Frank B. Colin, Vice President, of the Coos Bay Lumber

Company appeared before the Board and explained in detail the terms and conditions of their revised proposal for the use of Ninth Avenue Pier and leasing of five- acre tract in rear of the pier. The proposal was taken under advisement.

Communication from the Railroad Commission of the State of California regarding the closing of the Ninth Avenue crossing of the Southern Pacific tracks, was filed. Communication from Edward J. Jose, Attorney for the pilots proposing to form a Pilots Association for the handling of ships in the East Bay, giving names of the pilots who would join said association, was laid on the table. In this connection the Port Manager reported that he had interviewed Captain Hunter, of the General Steamship Corporation of San Francisco, who had fully indorsed five of such pilots and also had approved the rates which they contemplate charg- ing for services in handling ships in the East Bay. Captain Hunter stated he would, in a few days, advise as to the standing of the two remaining pilots.

Communication from the Port Manager transmitting copies of weekly reports submitted by Traffic Representatives of the Port of Oakland for the week ending December 18, 1931, was filed.

Communication from the City Auditor suggesting that some sort of cele- bration be held on New Years day by the operators at the Oakland Municipal Air- port, was filed, and the Port Manager directed to make appropriate reply to said communication.

Communication from Miss Ruth R. Nichols acknowledging receipt of photo- graphs of Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Albert Miller, San Francisco, regarding a recent accident to airplane at the Oakland Municipal Airport, was filed.

Communication from Libby, McNeill Libby, showing that they had shipped through the Outer Harbor Terminal during the year ending November 14, 1931,

104,347 tons and for the two years ending November 14, 1931, 212,710 tons, was filed.

Mr. Maurice Selig, President of the Fresno Compress and Warehouse Co., appeared before the Board and stated that he had had a conference with the offi- cials of the Pacific Westbound Conference regarding issuance of bills of lading to truck lines transporting cotton from Fresno to the Outer Harbor Terminal.

The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of Decem- ber 18, 1931:

Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered. Cash Balance $196,285.33 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources...... 498,285.33 (Last week 492,335.65)

1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $ 73,984.11

The Port Manager reported that the cargo received for the Outer Harbor

Terminal by traffic representatives (State Products Terminal) from August 6 to

December 19 was 11,841 tons.

The Port Manager reported that cotton shipments to Outer Harbor Terminal to December 19, 1931 were 22,998 bales, including 8255 bales unloaded in Ware- house "C". The Port Manager reported that 238,000 cases of pineapple were now being discharged at the Outer Harbor Terminal, and that 250,000 additional cases would arrive on December 23.

Report of the Port Manager on expense and revenue in connection with handling of cotton at the Outer Harbor Terminal during present season to December 15, inclusive, was filed.

Report of the Assistant Port Manager on use of free telephones by the Port Department, was filed. The Port Attorney reported regarding attachment of cargo consigned to Luckenbach Steamship Company at the Outer Harbor Terminal. The Port Attorney reported that the City Attorney had approved the pro- posed ordinance providing for title transfers in respect to the new garbage wharf. The Port. Attorney reported that the railroads were attempting to re-open the Fourth Section Relief procedure to secure further rate reductions. The Port Attorney reported on the lack of power of the State Harbor Board of San Francisco to construct and lease cotton compress. The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Goodrich -1- "RESOLUTION NO. 2300 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund: ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. FUND: Albers Bros. Milling Co. $ 503.17 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Acme Welding Co. 14.00 The Alameda County Septic Tank Company 18.00 Blake, Moffitt Towne 5.88 Gladys H. Barndollar 52.05 City of Oakland- Purchasing Department 10.50 City of Oakland - Garage 8.37 Chicago Hardware Foundry Company 23.77 Cochran Celli 2.25 California Steel Company 1.50 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 4.23 Detroit Steel Products Co. 10.00 Dunham, Carrigan Hayden Co. 2.53 Dieterich-Post Company 4.85 East Bay Blue Print Supply Co. 61.72 East Bay Glass Company 9.31 General Electric Supply Corporation 48.42 Golden Gate Sheet Metal works 15.00 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 26.50 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 8.26 C. X. Hendry Company 13.72 H. C. Co. 6.00 Lee J. Immel 207.06 Rennerson Manufacturing Co. 376.00 Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. 9.63 The Lincoln Press 32.00 The A. Lietz Co. 6.16 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 17.49 National Lead Company of California 1.22 Office Towel Supply Co. 1.00 Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. 5.22 Oakland Association of Insurance Agents 371.95 Oakland Building Material Company 2.75 Ira G. Perin 69.50 Pacific Flyer 37.50 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 62.14 Pacific Rural Press 16.00 D. A. Pancoast Company 20.47 Geo. H. Rice, Jr. 3.00 Schuler McDonald, Inc. 73.50 Irving L. Singer Co. 77.90 Standard Oil Company of California 31.56 Sterling Lumber Company 74.48 Smith Brothers 51.42 Smith Hardware Company 3.31 Tyre Bros. Glass Paint Co. 4.51 The Tribune Publishing Co. 28.37 Union Oil Company of California 40.70 Worden Forsythe 69.42 Waterhouse-Lester-Scovel Co. 6.04 Washington-Lincoln Garage 5.00 Western Union Telegraph Company 1.20 W. C. Marr 434.50 H. K. Grady 219.10 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Air Reduction Sales Co. 26.68 C. G. Claussen Co., Inc. 60.10 Columbia Steel Company 202.80 East Bay Coal Company Inc. 17.00 The Harbor Tug and Barge Company 175.00 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 38.83 Maxwell Hardware Co. 134.07 Oakland Building Material Company 11.37 Strable Hardwood Company 93.65 Southern Pacific Company 348.24 Soule Steel Company 4.48 Schuler McDonald, Inc. 90.00 Geo. Swanstrom 54.70 Straub Manufacturing Co., Inc. 13.40 Transit Concrete, Ltd. 24.14 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 78.43 Worden Forsythe 141.23 $4,724.25" "RESOLUTION NO. 2301 RESOLUTION GRANTING ADDITIONAL SPACE IN HANGAR NO. 3 TO THE UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE AVIATION UNIT. BE IT RESOLVED that the President of this Board is hereby author- ized and directed to execute with the UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE AVIATION UNIT an agreement for the enlargement of the floor area of the space in Hangar No. 3 at the Oakland Municipal Airport which is included in the pres- ent concession held by the United States Naval Reserve Aviation Unit, to include the following additional space, without additional rental: An additional 40 by 122 feet east of and adjoining the present 80 by 122 feet heretofore granted, it being understood that the said United States Naval Reserve Aviation Unit will move the existing partition in the hangar eastward to include within its quarters the new area and reconstruct the same at its own cost and ex- pense from the floor to the roof, painting it with aluminum paint, under the direction of this Board." "RESOLUTION NO. 2302 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAINTENANCE OF A PETTY CASH FUND AT THE OAKLAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. RESOLVED that the Airport Clerk, under the direction of the Port Manager, shall be authorized to maintain a petty cash fund, not to exceed $50.00 at any time, in the office of the airport at the Administration Building, said fund to be for the purpose of making change."

Port Ordinance No. 135, being "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1.4 OF

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 8", having been duly introduced, read and published, was

finally adopted by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Goodrich -1-



to print by the following vote:

AYES: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Goodrich -1-

The following communications which had been laid on the table at previous meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed extension of Yacht Harbor;

Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to conduct a general terminal business;

Report of Port Manager on extension of Outer Harbor wharf;

Civil Service Board - salaries and retitling of positions;

Salary comparisons - Port of Oakland and City Hall;

Application of Coos Bay Lumber Company for use of Ninth Avenue Pier;

Application of McCormick Steamship Company for use of Ninth Avenue Pier;

Application of Dr. Padden - employment of nurse at Airport;

U. S. District Engineer - proposed development of Brooklyn Basin;

Edward J. Jose - formation of Pilots Association;

Report of Assistant Port Manager on sprinklering of Howard Pier No. 1;

Report of Port Manager on operation of Grove and Market Street Piers;

Proposal of Curtis-Sanders to use motion picture theatre for Port propaganda;

Proposal of Harry A. Encell for use of Market Street Pier by Dodd Warehouse Company;

Report of Port Manager on above proposal.



of the


Held on Monday, December 28, 1931, at the hour of 3:30 oclock p.m., due notice of such meeting having been given members of the Board, in the office of the Board, Room 75, Grove Street Pier.

Commissioners present: Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5-

Commissioners absent: None

The Port Manager, Assistant Port Manager end the Port Attorney were also present.

The minutes of the regular meeting of December 21, 1931, were approved and adopted.

Communication from U. S. Naval Reserve station at the Oakland Municipal

Airport, expressing appreciation for assignment of additional space in Hangar

No. 3, was filed.

Communication from Captain H. W. Rhodes, Superintendent of Lighthouses, expressing appreciation for additional space assigned in Administration Building at the Oakland Municipal Airport for the use of teletype operators, was filed.

Camdunieativu from California State Chamber- of Coimigmuee soliciting ad- vertising for the "California Journal of Development" during 1932, was referred to President Fisher.

Communication from Coos Bay Lumber Company, furnishing schedule show- ing the footage of lumber shipped from its Bay Point plant during the years 1923 to 1931 inclusive, was filed. In connection with the proposal of Coos Bay Lum- ber 0ompany for use of Ninth Avenue Pier and leasing of five-acre tract in rear of the pier for the handling of lumber, the Port Attorney was directed to prepare a tentative draft of lease covering such occupancy.

Communication from the Oakland Association of Insurance Agents regard- ing insurance policies carried by the Board on its waterfront and other facili- ties, was laid on the table,and the Port Manager directed to prepare statement showing the companies in which the Board carried insurance.

Communication from J. C. Stone, Traffic Manager of the California Trans- portation Company, regarding the paymentof service charges by said company at the Outer Harbor Terminal, was laid on the table, and the Port Manager directed to prepare statement showing the number of consignees who received local ship- ments and on which the service charges should be paid.

Communication from Port Manager transmitting copies of weekly reports

submitted by Traffic Representatives for the week ending December 25, 1931, was filed. Communication from Interstate Company proposing to pay a flat rental of $250.00 per month for the lease of the Airport Inn, was read, and the Port Attorney directed to prepare a lease covering a period of two years. The Port Manager reported on the status of certain funds as of December 24, 1931. Harbor Maintenance Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $191,047.32 Set up in Special Funds 220 and 222 175,000.00 Total Estimated Unencumbered Resources 493,047.32 (Last week 498,285.33) 1925 Oakland Harbor Improvement Fund: Unencumbered Cash Balance $ 73,012.64 Report of the Airport Field Superintendent, dated December 28, 1931, on rainfall, field conditions and drainage system, during the last seventy-two hours, was filed. The Port Manager reported that cargo received for the Outer Harbor Terminal by Traffic Representatives (State Products Terminal) from August 6 to December 26, 1931 was 11,994 tons. The Port Manager reported that cotton shipments through the Outer Har- bor Terminal to December 26, 1931 were 23,627 bales, including 8,384 bales un- loaded in Warehouse "C". The Port Attorney reported that he is now preparing an ordinance cover- ing formation of a Pilots Association for handling of vessels in Oakland Harbor. Mr. Roscoe D. Tones appeared before the Board and discussed the Parr suit. It was agreed that a further discussion on this matter would be had at an early date. The report of the Assistant Port Manager on the allowance that should be made to the Howard Terminal Company for the sprinklering of its pier No. 1, was adopted. The report of the Auditing Committee on claims and demands was adopted. The following resolutions were introduced and passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None "RESOLUTION NO. 2303 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLVED: That the following claims and demands, having been approved by the Auditing Committee, be and the sameare hereby approved and allowed by the Board of Port Commissioners and the Auditor is authorized to draw his warrant for the same out of the proper Fund:

LEASED WHARF IMPROVEMENT FUND: Sunset Lumber Company 164.61 Howard Terminal - Wharves 2,363.14 Howard Terminal - Quay Wall 843.15 HARBOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND: Air Reduction Sales Co. 210.00 Acme Welding Co. 5.50 Ariss-Knapp Company, Inc. 12.19 Acme Scales Company 3.75 R. N. Ricketts 7.44 The Buckeye Ribbon Carbon Co. 36.75 Cochran Celli 6.59 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 10.00 East Bay Glass Company 4.41 The Electric Corporation .54 Electric Blue Print Photo Co. .75 Garvey Fountain Brush Ink Co. 13.86 Greenwood Printers Ltd. 39.40 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 30.32 Horn Products Company 14.21 C. J. Hendry Company 25.84 Inter--Urban Express Corporation .50 The A. Lietz Co. 4.41 Maxwell Hardware Co. 12.64 National Lead Company of California .44 Oakland Building Maintenance Association 160.00 Oakland Building Material Company 2.05 Oakland Sheet Metal Supply Co. .37 Pacific Tool and Supply Company 3.38 Pacific Manifolding Book Co. 698.00 Joseph Pierotti Co. 2.69 T. L. Rosenberg Co. .35 Robinson Tractor Company .25 Smith Hardware Company 11.06 Smith Brothers 5.78 St. Clair Building 32.50 Schirrmacher Co. 6.75 Clyde Sunderland Studios 7.00 Standard Oil Company of California 7.69 E. K. Wood Lumbar Co. 42.08 D. A. Sargent Co. 475.00 Union Oil Company of California 18.81 Port Revolving Fund - Pay Roll 4,690.14 Port Revolving Fund - Miscl. 4,959.26 Oakland Air Port Transportation Service 200.00 1925 OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND: Bay City Sanitary Rag Co. 4.90 Crane Co. .55 W. P. Fuller Co. .75 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 6.76 T. P. Hogan Co. .98 Melrose Lumber Supply Co. 48.02 Maxwell Hardware Co. 6.57 Standard Oil Company of California 6.75 Southern Pacific Company 896.19 $16,105.07" "RESOLUTION NO. 2304 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF STACKING MACHINE. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to purchase one portable stacking machine at an estimated cost of $700.00, to be used at Warehouse "C", Outer Harbor Terminal." "RESOLUTION NO. 2305 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT EXTENDING GASOLINE AND OIL CONCESSION WITH UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement extending the gasoline and oil concession held by the Union Oil Company of California, at the Oakland Municipal Airport, for a period of one year commencing January 1st, 1932, upon the same terms, covenants and conditions as the previous agreement with said company dated August 22nd, 1930." "RESOLUTION NO. 2306 RESOLUTION AUThORIZING AGREEMENT EXTENDING GASOLINE AND OIL CONCESSION WITH 514FTL OIL COMPANY. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement extending the gasoline and oil concession held by the Shell Oil Company, formerly Shell Company of California, at the Oakland Municipal Air- port, for a period of one year commencing January let, 1932, upon the same terms, covenants and conditions as the previous agreement with said company dated August 23rd, 1930." "RESOLUTION NO. 2307 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT EXTENDING GASOLINE AND OIL CONCESSION WITH RICHFIELD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. RESOLVED that the Port Manager is hereby authorized to execute an "Agreement Extending Gasoline and Oil Concession at the Oakland Municipal Airport" with the Richfield Oil Company of California, acting by and through William C. McDuffie, es Receiver in Equity, for a period of one year commencing January 1st, 1932, upon the same terms, covenants and conditions as the previous agreement with said company dated July 7th, 1930." "RESOLUTION NO. 2308 RESOLUTION EXTENDING LEAVE OF ABSENCE GRANTED TO W. J. MASTERSON, CHIEF WHARFINGER. RESOLVED that the leave of absence heretofore granted to W. T. Masterson, Chief Wharfinger, and which by Resolution 2195 was extended to and including January 1, 1932, be and the same is hereby extended, without compensation, to and including June 30th, 1932, unless such leave should be sooner terminated by this Board." Port Ordinance No. 136, being "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS ITEMS OF PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60 AND ADDING U.6ATAIN ITEMS ThMRETO", having been duly intro- duced, read and published, was finally adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: None ABSENT: None Port Ordinance No. , being "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ITEM 2 OF PORT -ORDINANCE NO. 31", was introduced and passed to print by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- NOES: .None ABSENT: None The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre-

vious meetings were taken from the table and filed: Application of Interstate Terminals (Albers) to conduct a general terminal business; Civil Service Board - salaries and retitling of positions; Application of Dr. Padden - employment of nurse at Oakland Municipal Airport;

U. S. District Engineer regarding proposed development of Brooklyn Basin; Proposal of Curtis-Sanders to use motion picture theaters for Port publicity;

Application of Coos Bay Lumber Company for use of Ninth Avenue Pier; Application or meirose Rifle Club for use of sPa.W41.-At Oakland Municipal Airport for rifle range;

Report of Port Attorney on delinquent accounts.

The following communications which had been laid on the table at pre- vious meetings were continued on the table:

Proposed extension of Yacht Harbor;

Report of Port Manager on extension of Outer Harbor Wharf;

Salary comparisons - Port of Oakland and City Hall;

Application of McCormick Steamship Company for use of Ninth Avenue Pier;

Edward X. Jose - formation of a pilots association;

Report of Port Manager on operation of Grove and Market Street piers;

Proposal of Harry A. Encell for use of Market Street Pier by Dodd. Warehouse Co.;

Report of Port Manager on above proposal;

City Manager - adoption by Board of Probst Service Rating System.