MEB Gets in Gear to Off-Load Gear Story and Photos by Sgt
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Owe it to 7th Comm keeps MEB a phone call away Supply Page A-3 Powerlifter keeps on top of the World Page B-1 Vol. 18, No. 13 Published at MCAS Kaneohe Bay. Also serving 1st MEB, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii. April 6, 1989 Station increases Hawaii Marines in Korea terrorism awareness Upcoming exercises MEB gets in gear to off-load gear Story and photos by Sgt. T. Shower will affect daily POHANG, Republic of Korea - There's an old cav- alry axiom of Gen. Nathional routines Forrest, a commander in the Confederate Cavalry, that By Cpl. Gregg Mercantel rizetl only at designated entry goes, "Get there t he firstest MP Depl control points manned by with the mostest."That was his military police. Only autho- way of insuring victory dur- A 12-day exercise involving rized personnel will be al- ing battle, and that's the way a limited period of maximum lowed access. gunfighters of the 1st Marine Expiditionary security conditions will be In the event of an extended Brigade train conducted June 6-18 by Naval gate closure, non-essential to fight. personnel specially trained in services such as the ex- The Maritime Preposition- unconventional warfare and change, recreation facilities, ing Ships (MPS) concept came terrorist techniques. and clubs may be reduced. to life on the beaches and piers here recently, Access aboard the Air Sta- Dependents in housing may when 1st tion, as well as access within be required to remain within MEB Marines landed and its perimeter,will the housing area. Dependents performed an off-load of two be restrict- of ed. residing off station may he the four ships dedicated to denied access. the MEB. '('he Motor Vessels Kennel Lance Echo will be (MVs) Sgt. William Button one of an ongoing series of Since Station and tenant and PM Be Wayne Williams exercises designed to train unit personnel will partici- are cargo ships, each carrying and evaluate security proce- pate in the exercise, liberty one-fourthof the gear it would dures at the Air Station, and normal base activities take to sustain the 1st MEB Naval Base Pearl Harbor, will also be curtailed. through its first 30 days of . '`'"'Irasioev and NAV-CAMS EASTPAC. combat. Please remember to stay Getting The Landing Shore Party Platoon of BSSG-1 orchestrated the offload of equipment at Dogo the gear where it Beach. Forklifts and other heavy equipment operated around the clock moving and unloading alert for suspicious people on has to be to win the war During the period, security takes gear from the Navy-operated barges the Air Station. Leave flexi- a lot of Marines doing a lot forces will he responding to bility in your plans during of jobs. to tanks and hundreds of waiting to destroy the had ones who get this gear into the simulated emergencies this period and if you become On each ship there are 1,400 hands of the good guys. throughout thousands of cubic feet of guys. Brigade Service Sup- the Air Station. involved in a simulated Mei- vehicles ranging from trucks beans, bullets, and band-aids port Group-1 Marines are the See MPS /A -4 Entry into the llightline re- dent, please cooperate with stricted area will he ,tutho- the exorcise personnel. Hawaii Marines in Korea Pendleton tankers join MEB in Korea Story and photos by Sgt. T. Shearer annual training exercise, Team Spirit. The let MEFI is POHANG, Republic of known as the only standing Korea - LCpl. Christopher air/ground task force in the McCabe has been a tanker for Marine Corps, and the exer- three years. The world of 50- cise for the MEB was centered ton rumbling steel and siz- around the off-load and sub- zling lead is nothing new to sequent employment of equip- him. ment carried on two of the Rut when the let Marine four ships of Maritime Prep°. Expeditionary Brigade called sitioned Squadron-3. his company out to action, The tanks were unloaded in there were a few new twists two ways: alongside the pier to his world. They flew out of and ferried ashore off a ship their home at Camp Pendle- at anchor off the beach. Once ton, landed in Korea and three ashore, the tanks were given hours later, jumped into very basic operation checks to Capt. P.N. McMann, a VMFA-212 pilot, explains the F/A-18's brand-new M-60 tanks and insure all systems were oper- state-of-the-art cockpit to welcome aboard attendees. tore off for the firing ranges. ating. Fluid levels were What brought the men so checked and equipment, such far was the Marine Corps' as pioneer gear, was uncrated concept of near-term preposi- and stowed aboard the vehi- Hornets take the stage tioning of supplies and equip- cles. ment. While the let MEB as From the time Brigade Ser- it stands carriers no tankers vice Support Group-1 Marines Civilians view F/A-18s on its rolls, it does require a brought the tanks to shore combat complement of tanks and tankers got into them to Story and photo getting a cockpit view of three and men to fight in them. drive away, only a few hours by Sgt. W.M. Alexander F/A- 18s on static display These come from the let had passed. before and after the 1(1- minute "Once the tank is ashore, of var- Tracked Vehicle Bn., out of About 350 members flight demonstration. we just do a levee operations ious Windward business and Camp Pendleton. shows how soon we can check and we hit the road," civic organizations got a The hour-long welcome "It aboard included remarks by spring into action," said said SSgt. John Messick, of glimpse of the world's most the tank company. "All the the F/A-18 MGen. J.A. Studds, Corn. LCpl. McCabe of the preposi- lethal tactical jet, gear aboard the ship is new, I 7417 .1 Hornet, aboard the Air Sta- mending General, 1st MEB, tioned concept. "A couple of r,:ca4 N ivor Col. W.E. Daniell, Air Station days ago, we were sitting in no there may be a few hugs tion Saturday. here we to work out, but basically it's Pilots from Marine Fighter commending officer, and Col. California, and now grrs yr,""."" f I (A.,: 1" ""'" "`'`-"i1/4 are, ready to move out in just check and go." Attack Squadron-212 demon- G.L. Elston, MAG-24 com- manding officer. brand-new tanks. We were in And, that's what the tank- strated the touch-and-go, a era did. Their mission was and an The public viewing of the F/ the tanks three hours after we MN. aft: I III:Mt short-roll landing landed in Pohang." to take the tanks to a ROE landing as the theme A-18 was part of an ongoing arrested The 1st MEB was in the Marine firing range 30 miles Three hours after arriving in Korea, Marines were in their to "Top Gun" blared in the effort by the Air Station to Korea the See tanks, rolling out to the firing range. background. Pilots also an- inform local leaders and en- Republic of for TANKS/A-2 swered the questions of those hance community relations. 019,stf ;. - Ude-W-404a Ilatefte Legally Speaking A-6 Family Services 2/3 Marine Boxer wins U.S. title On the Blotter A -S Tickets Rising MCX gas prices explained Hawaii Marine Ads A-5 Religious Services Movies A-7 Al A Glance Eddie Donerlson, Jr., a squad leader with 2nd A-7 gasoline at the Marine Corps Exchange Sgt. ASYMCA The price of 3rd Marines, recently won the superheavyweight risen roughly 3-to-4 cents a gallon each Battalion, Service Station has U.S. Amateur Boxing Championships at and will go up by It cents a gallon title at the week since March 22, Colorado Colo. Sgt. Donerlson is the All-Marine due to two recent Exxon oil tanker Springs, numbers tomorrow, largely and Interservice euperheavyweightchampion. See next On-station accidents. week's Hawaii Marine for a story on Sgt. Donerlson. According to MCX Chief MGySgt. C. K you should know similar or greater price increases are taking place at gas Samoa Flag Day observance stations throughout Hawaii and the mainland. MGySgt. Ambulance 257-7116 Pyron further stated that Dot- regulations require MCX gas America Samoa will honor its veterans of the United 14 in Medical (emergency) 257-3133 prices to be set close to civilian station prices, but that the States Armed Forces in Flag Day observances April to live 257-2123 or 7114 MCX tries to keep its gas prices roughly 5 rents a gallon Pago Pogo. The people of American Samoa chose Military Police cheaper than off-base prices. Further information on MCX under the U.S. flag nearly 90 years ago. Since that time, Fire Department 471-7117 valiantly of the pricing policies can be obtained from MGySgt. Pyron at they have served proudly and as members Military Information 471-7110 254-5871. U.S. Armed Forces. A-2 HAWAII MARINE April 0, 1989 An M-80 tank is driven to the pier by tankers out of 1st Tracked Vehicle Bn., Camp Pendleton, who came to Korea to augment LCpI. Christopher McCabe helps bore-sight his tank. the 1st MEB. TANKS/from A-1 away. Since the roads in Korea are far from suited for the stress created by the 50- ton piece of armor, they had to plan out a route avoiding any obstacles that could hamper movement.