Explanatory Or More Detailed References
606 BACKGROUND INFORMATIONINDEX INDEX 607 Apollo Belvedere 27, 358, 450 Aristeas and Papias, copyists 53 Apollodorus of Damascus, architect 114, Arnolfo di Cambio (c. 1245–1302) 47, 62, 124, 547 279, 280, 301, 297, 392, 425, 484 Apollonius, sculptor 314, 451 Arrigucci, Luigi (active 1620–30) 548 Explanatory or more detailed references (where there are many), or references to Apoxyomenos 450 Arx, citadel of Rome 35 places where an artist’s work is best represented, are given in bold. Numbers in italics Appartamento dei Conservatori 41–43 Aspetti, Tiziano (1565–1607) 135 are picture references. Dates are given for all artists, architects and sculptors. Ancient Appiani, Andrea (1754–1817) 364 Asprucci, Antonio (1723–1808) 355, 356 names are rendered in italics, as are works of art. Aprile, Francesco (d. 1685) 548 Asprucci, Mario (1764–1804) 355 Aqueducts, general 525 Auditorium, the 501 Acqua Felice 24, 36, 310, 312, 524, 525, Augustine, St 16, 526 A Allegrini, Francesco (1587–1663) 186 566 Augustus, Emperor 13, 14, 54, 66, 90, Abbazia delle Tre Fontane 485–86 All Saints, church of 349–50, 584 Acqua Paola 25, 413, 525 121, 161; Forum of 120–23; (house of) Abbot Luigi, talking statue 207 Altemps collection 181ff Acqua Vergine Nuova 343, 525 99–100, 99; (mausoleum of) 162; (as Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 196, 385 Altemps, Roberto 188 Anio Novus 287, 525, 540 pontifex maximus) 314; (Prima Porta Accademia di San Luca 554–55 Amato, Orazio (1884–1952) 383 Anio Vetus 524, 525, 540 statue of) 55, 446–47; (other portaits of) Acqua Paola (see Fountains) American Academy 400 Aqua Appia 525 52, 446, 471, 479 Acquario Romano 559 Amici, Luigi (1817–97) 178, 426 Aqua Claudia 14, 287, 520, 524, 525, 564 Aula Isiaca 97 Acquisti, Luigi (1745–1823) 557 Ammannati, Bartolomeo (1511–92) 340, Aqua Julia 525, 566 Aulenti, Gae (b.
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