fdr4freedoms 1 14. Building the Atomic Bomb: A color image of the world’s first detonation of an atomic bomb, a test code-named Trinity, in the New Mexico desert The Manhattan Project on July 16, 1945. US Department of Energy On July 16, 1945, in the darkness just before dawn, a flash lit up the New Mexico desert some 160 miles south of Santa Fe, and observers witnessed the world’s first nuclear mushroom cloud boil and climb more than seven miles into the sky. The U.S.–led program to develop a massive explosive device based on cutting-edge physics had taken five years, cost nearly $2 billion, and included research and production facilities in more than two dozen locations. Dubbed the Manhattan Project for its first headquarters in New York City, this program had yielded a weapon of astonishing potential. Exceeding most expectations, the bomb had exploded with a force of twenty thousand tons of TNT. Franklin D. Roosevelt launched the atomic bomb project in 1939, after a letter signed by Albert Einstein explained the potential for such a weapon and suggested the Nazis might already be working to develop one. The president ordered immediate action on the information. The combatant that laid hold of such an annihilating weapon first would surely win the war. Of course, FDR did not live long enough to witness the successful test detonation, nor to make the final order that sent B-29s over the Japanese homeland to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. That would fall to his successor, Harry Truman, who until FDR’s death in April didn’t even know of the top-secret weapons program. But FDR’s secretary of war, Henry Stimson, who had supervised the bomb project and advised FDR on it, also headed a committee appointed by Truman to advise the In the summer of 1945, the United States was at last in new president on atomic policy. Even before the successful possession of deployable nuclear weaponry, and the war in the detonation, this committee recommended the bomb be used Pacific dragged on. A Japanese victory was out of the question, on Japan as soon as possible and without warning. yet, thanks to a small cadre of fanatical militarists, a Japanese Though no one can say what FDR would have done in surrender seemed equally elusive. In approaching the Japanese Truman’s place, according to Stimson, FDR and his war mainland, Americans had sacrificed more than six thousand lives planners were concerned, first, with how the bomb could at Iwo Jima in February and twelve thousand in the spring at help them bring the war to a speedy end with a minimum of Okinawa. The Japanese had fought fiercely for both islands, losing casualties, and, second, with controlling the use of nuclear some hundred thousand men at Okinawa, with many thousands of weapons after the war; at no time, according to Stimson, casualties among local civilians. did FDR suggest the bomb shouldn’t be used in war if it In June Truman authorized a tremendous amphibious assault became available. “All of us of course understood the terrible on Kyushu, the third largest Japanese island, to take place responsibility involved in our attempt to unlock the doors that fall. Intelligence intercepts revealed the Japanese were to such a devastating new weapon,” he wrote. “President massing their forces there. American casualty projections were Roosevelt particularly spoke to me many times of his own astronomical. But the attack on Kyushu, code-named Operation awareness of the catastrophic potentialities of our work. But Downfall, never took place. Instead the final assault on Japan we were at war, and the work must be done.” would come from the air. IV. Statesman & Commander in Chief: FDR in World War II 14. Building the Atomic Bomb: The Manhattan Project fdr4freedoms 2 A The Einstein Letter On October 11, 1939, Franklin D. Roosevelt received one of the most important pieces of correspondence of his long presidency—a letter from Albert Einstein in which the world-famous scientist warned the president that new scientific discoveries involving a nuclear chain reaction might lead to the creation of extremely powerful bombs. The letter, drafted by Einstein’s colleague, the Hungarian-born physicist Léo Szilárd, also alluded to the fact that German scientists were working in this area. It noted that since Adolf Hitler’s seizure of Above: Albert Einstein, around 1947. Czechoslovakia in March, all sales of the LOC key element uranium from Czechoslovak Right: A letter signed by Albert mines—an excellent source of the ore— Einstein alerting Franklin D. Roosevelt had ceased. In light of this ominous that “extremely powerful bombs” might result from research in development, Einstein urged the president progress, August 2, 1939. The world- to accelerate experimental work then being famous German Jewish physicist moved to America in 1933 when Hitler carried out in various university laboratories came to power, and became a U.S. in the United States, and to take steps to citizen in 1940. The letter’s drafter, secure an adequate supply of uranium ore. Einstein’s colleague Léo Szilárd, was a Hungarian-born Jew who also fled FDR immediately established the Hitler’s Germany in 1933; he would go Advisory Committee on Uranium, which on to work on the Manhattan Project held its first meeting ten days later, on in Chicago. FDRL October 21 For the next two years, the Uranium Committee wrestled with various scientific problems associated with the development of nuclear power, but By July 1941, a new committee established 1941 MAUD report be sent directly to FDR’s progress was often slow. A majority of the to look into the efficacy of uranium scientific advisors. committee members remained skeptical weapons—the Military Application of Uranium FDR was alarmed at the new findings. that an atomic weapon could be developed Detonation, or MAUD, Committee—concluded When he received word that the U.S. Office before the end of the war. that a uranium bomb was not only within of Scientific Research (which had replaced In the meantime, two German Jewish reach but was likely to lead to decisive results the Uranium Committee) not only agreed émigré scientists working in Great Britain, in the war. The committee recommended that with the MAUD report but also believed the Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls, came to the United Kingdom begin work on such a Germans had gained a two-year head start a strikingly different conclusion in the weapon without delay. on the Allies in developing nuclear weapons, spring of 1940. Their work indicated that an British prime minister Winston Churchill he immediately approved a crash program atomic bomb might require no more than fully supported this conclusion and in to urgently pursue the construction of an a few pounds of uranium, estimating (quite October 1941, the British government atomic bomb. accurately, as later tests would confirm) launched the TUBE ALLOYS project to that a bomb made with just five kilograms build an atomic weapon. But Churchill also (eleven pounds) of uranium would have the recognized that such a project would require destructive power of several thousand tons enormous scientific and financial resources, of dynamite. and he welcomed American participation The Frisch-Peierls memorandum in the effort. Hence, he kept FDR apprised spurred the British government into action. of the work in Britain, ordering that the July IV. Statesman & Commander in Chief: FDR in World War II 14. Building the Atomic Bomb: The Manhattan Project fdr4freedoms 3 B The Manhattan Project Franklin D. Roosevelt’s decision to throw the full weight of the United States government behind the effort to develop a nuclear weapon radically augmented the scope and scale of atomic weapons work being carried The first atomic explosion, New Mexico, July 16, 1945. Franklin A mushroom cloud rises above the Japanese city of Nagasaki out on both sides of the Atlantic. By the fall D. Roosevelt, who had assigned the secret weapons project on August 9, 1945, almost exactly six years after Franklin D. top priority in 1942, did not live to see the bomb tested. He Roosevelt received the letter from Albert Einstein advising of 1942, the British and American efforts were died in April 1945. National Park Service him to establish “permanent contact” with “physicists merged and placed under the control of the working on chain reactions in America.” The bombing of U.S. War Department in what was now called Nagasaki was the second—and, so far, the last—use of a nuclear bomb anywhere. LOC the Manhattan Project. Centered in the United States, under the overall direction of Brigadier General Leslie R. Manhattan Project Sites Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Manhattan Project would quickly evolve into one of the most sophisticated large- RICHLAND (Hanford Engineer Works) scale scientific efforts in human history. It involved scientists working at labs in ROCHESTER a number of leading universities in the (Health Project) United States, Britain, and Canada, as well WENDOVER AMES (Project Ames) CHICAGO (Project Alberta) as the creation of significant new federal (Metallurgical Laboratory) BERKELEY facilities—including Clinton Laboratories (Radiation Laboratory) MONTICELLO URAVAN (renamed Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Vanadium Corp.) (U.S. Vanadium Corp.) INYOKERN in 1948) in the newly created town of Oak (Project Camel) OAK RIDGE LOS ALAMOS (Manhattan District Headquarters, (Los Alamos Laboratory–Project Y) Ridge, Tennessee, which, between 1943 and Clinton Engineering Works) 1945, grew from sparsely populated farmland ALAMOGORDO SYLACAUGA (original residents were evicted) to a city and scientific facility of more than seventy-five thousand people; the Hanford Engineering Works located in south-central Washington State, which employed over fifty thousand workers in the construction of the world’s first full-scale nuclear reactor; and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in Los Alamos, New Mexico, which employed more than five 1942 until the end of the war.
{PDF EPUB} the Manhattan Projects Vol. 5 the Cold War by Jonathan Hickman the Irreverence of the MANHATTAN PROJECTS
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Manhattan Projects Vol. 5 The Cold War by Jonathan Hickman The Irreverence of THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS. Jonathan Hickman’s and Nick Pitarra’s THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS (2012-2015) depicts national heroes American, German, and Russian alike as violent and self-absorbed madmen. It elevates to superhuman levels the genius attributed to some of them, and deepens to subhuman levels the depravity we naturally suspect prodigious men of flirting with. Whenever we ask the question, “How can Franklin Delano Roosevelt, or Joseph Robert Oppenheimer, or SS Major Wernher Magnus Maximilian, Herr Baron von Braun, PhD., have accomplished so much in a single lifetime?” one of the answers we unconsciously consider is that they were unhinged, power-mad, driven by forces most of us never feel. If they slept less, thought more, worked longer hours, and pushed their ideas through opposition with more commitment than the rest of us, then did their private passions and their consciences also behave differently from those of your everyday mere mortal? THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS’ cast includes four Presidents of the United States—FDR, Harry S. Truman, JFK, and LBJ—two US Army generals— Leslie Groves and William Westmoreland —four famous scientists from one-time facist European states—Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Wernher von Braun, and Helmutt Gröttrup — three famous American physicists—J. Robert Oppenheimer, Richard Feynman, and Harry Daghlian —one Defense Minister of the USSR and one of its eventual Premiers— Dmitriy Ustinov and Leonid Brezhnev—and two of the earliest cosmonauts—Yuri Gagarin and Laika , a dog. But it is not history.
(Image: Courtesy of United States Government, public domain.) INTRODUCTORY ESSAY "DESTROYER OF WORLDS": THE MAKING OF AN ATOMIC BOMB At 5:29 a.m. (MST), the world’s first atomic bomb detonated in the New Mexican desert, releasing a level of destructive power unknown in the existence of humanity. Emitting as much energy as 21,000 tons of TNT and creating a fireball that measured roughly 2,000 feet in diameter, the first successful test of an atomic bomb, known as the Trinity Test, forever changed the history of the world. The road to Trinity may have begun before the start of World War II, but the war brought the creation of atomic weaponry to fruition. The harnessing of atomic energy may have come as a result of World War II, but it also helped bring the conflict to an end. How did humanity come to construct and wield such a devastating weapon? 1 | THE MANHATTAN PROJECT Models of Fat Man and Little Boy on display at the Bradbury Science Museum. (Image: Courtesy of Los Alamos National Laboratory.) WE WAITED UNTIL THE BLAST HAD PASSED, WALKED OUT OF THE SHELTER AND THEN IT WAS ENTIRELY SOLEMN. WE KNEW THE WORLD WOULD NOT BE THE SAME. A FEW PEOPLE LAUGHED, A FEW PEOPLE CRIED. MOST PEOPLE WERE SILENT. J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER EARLY NUCLEAR RESEARCH GERMAN DISCOVERY OF FISSION Achieving the monumental goal of splitting the nucleus The 1930s saw further development in the field. Hungarian- of an atom, known as nuclear fission, came through the German physicist Leo Szilard conceived the possibility of self- development of scientific discoveries that stretched over several sustaining nuclear fission reactions, or a nuclear chain reaction, centuries.
Chapter 4 CLASSIFICATION UNDER THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT INTRODUCTION The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 was the first and, other than its successor, the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, to date the only U.S. statute to establish a program to restrict the dissemination of information. This Act transferred control of all aspects of atomic (nuclear) energy from the Army, which had managed the government’s World War II Manhattan Project to produce atomic bombs, to a five-member civilian Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). These new types of bombs, of awesome power, had been developed under stringent secrecy and security conditions. Congress, in enacting the 1946 Atomic Energy Act, continued the Manhattan Project’s comprehensive, rigid controls on U.S. information about atomic bombs and other aspects of atomic energy. That Atomic Energy Act designated the atomic energy information to be protected as “Restricted Data” and defined that data. Two types of atomic energy information were defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, Restricted Data (RD) and a type that was subsequently termed Formerly Restricted Data (FRD). Before discussing further the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 and its unique requirements for controlling atomic energy information, some of the special information-control activities that accompanied the research, development, and production efforts that led to the first atomic bomb will be mentioned. Realization that an atomic bomb was possible had a profound impact on the scientists who first became aware of that possibility. The implications of such a weapon were so tremendous that the U.S. scientists conducting the initial, basic research related to nuclear fission voluntarily restricted the publication of their scientific work in this area.
TEACHING AMERICAN HISTORY PROJECT Lesson Title - Potsdam Declaration From Lisa Bastien Grade: 9-12 Length of class period: 86 minute block period Inquiry: (What essential question are students answering, what problem are they solving, or what decision are they making?) Why would the terms of the Potsdam Declaration deter the Japanese from giving an unconditional surrender? Objectives: (What content and skills do you expect students to learn from this lesson?) Students will be able to: • explain the events leading up to the dropping of the atomic bombs • provide examples as to why Japan refused to except the unconditional surrender presented to them prior to the use of the atomic bombs Students will: • analyze a primary source to use as support in response to a given question Materials: (What primary sources or local resources are the basis for this lesson?) Potsdam Declaration (see attached) Activities: (What will you and your students do during the lesson to promote learning?) • Start class by doing a class lecture/discussion on the war in the Pacific (WWII) including specifics on: the Philippines, the battle of Midway, Island Hopping, Guadalcanal, Kamikazes, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and ultimately the Manhattan Project. • Ask the class "what are some ways the US could have warned the Japanese of the nuclear bomb and/or it’s affects without dropping it on a city?" (students may make many suggestions including staging a demonstration so that Japan could understand what the bomb was capable of doing.) • Discuss with the students that staging a demonstration was a consideration that was made. Have them analyze through discussion why it was decided against.
Marshall and the Atomic Bomb Marshall and the Atomic Bomb By Frank Settle General George C. Marshall and the Atomic Bomb (Praeger, 2016) provides the first full narrative describing General Marshall’s crucial role in the first decade of nuclear weapons that included the Manhattan Project, the use of the atomic bomb on Japan, and their management during the early years of the Cold War. Marshall is best known today as the architect of the plan for Europe’s recovery in the aftermath of World War II—the Marshall Plan. He also earned acclaim as the master strategist of the Allied victory in World War II. Marshall mobilized and equipped the Army and Air Force under a single command, serving as the primary conduit for information between the Army and the Air Force, as well as the president and secretary of war. As Army Chief of Staff during World War II, he developed a close working relationship with Admiral Earnest King, Chief of Naval Operations; worked with Congress and leaders of industry on funding and producing resources for the war; and developed and implemented the successful strategy the Allies pursued in fighting the war. Last but not least of his responsibilities was the production of the atomic bomb. The Beginnings An early morning phone call to General Marshall and a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt led to Marshall’s little known, nonetheless critical, role in the development and use of the atomic bomb. The call, received at 3:00 a.m. on September 1, 1939, informed Marshall that German dive bombers had attacked Warsaw.
The Development of Military Nuclear Strategy and Anglo-American Relations, 1939 – 1958 Submitted by: Geoffrey Charles Mallett Skinner to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History, July 2018 This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. I certify that all material in this thesis which is not my own work has been identified and that no material has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other University. (Signature) ……………………………………………………………………………… 1 Abstract There was no special governmental partnership between Britain and America during the Second World War in atomic affairs. A recalibration is required that updates and amends the existing historiography in this respect. The wartime atomic relations of those countries were cooperative at the level of science and resources, but rarely that of the state. As soon as it became apparent that fission weaponry would be the main basis of future military power, America decided to gain exclusive control over the weapon. Britain could not replicate American resources and no assistance was offered to it by its conventional ally. America then created its own, closed, nuclear system and well before the 1946 Atomic Energy Act, the event which is typically seen by historians as the explanation of the fracturing of wartime atomic relations. Immediately after 1945 there was insufficient systemic force to create change in the consistent American policy of atomic monopoly. As fusion bombs introduced a new magnitude of risk, and as the nuclear world expanded and deepened, the systemic pressures grew.
Source 1 Source Information: The Legacy of the Soviet Union Offensives of August 1945 https://amti.csis.org/the-legacy-of-the-soviet-offensives-of-august-1945/ ____________________________________________________________________________ THE LEGACY OF THE SOVIET OFFENSIVES OF AUGUST 1945 BY JEFF MANKOFF | AUGUST 13, 2015 JAPAN, RUSSIA, UNITED STATES The Second World War was an unparalleled calamity for the Soviet Union. As many as 27 million Soviet soldiers and civilians died as a result of the conflict that started with the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 and ended with the Japanese surrender in August 1945. Consumed by this existential struggle along its western border, the Soviet Union was a comparatively minor factor in the Pacific War until the very end. Yet Moscow’s timely intervention in the war against Japan allowed it to expand its influence along the Pacific Rim. With the breakdown of Allied unity soon heralding the onset of the Cold War, Soviet gains in Asia also left a legacy of division and confrontation, some of which endure into the present. By the 1930s, Stalin’s Soviet Union and Imperial Japan both viewed themselves as rising powers with ambitions to extend their territorial holdings. In addition to a strategic rivalry dating back to the 19th century, they now nursed an ideological enmity born of the Bolshevik Revolution and the ultraconservative military’s growing hold on Japanese politics. In 1935, Japan signed the AntiComintern Pact with Hitler’s Germany, laying the foundation for the creation of the Axis (Fascist Italy would join the following year). The two militaries engaged in a series of skirmishes along the frontier between Soviet Siberia and Japanese-occupied Manchuria (Manchukuo) during the late 1930s.
Primary Source Document with Questions (Dbqs) the POTSDAM DECLARATION (JULY 26, 1945) Introduction the Dropping of the Atomic Bo
Primary Source Document with Questions (DBQs) THE POTSDAM DECLARATION (JULY 26, 1945) Introduction The dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki remains among the most controversial events in modern history. Historians have actively debated whether the bombings were necessary, what effect they had on bringing the war in the Pacific to an expeditious end, and what other options were available to the United States. These very same questions were also contentious at the time, as American policymakers struggled with how to use a phenomenally powerful new technology and what the long-term impact of atomic weaponry might be, not just on the Japanese, but on domestic politics, America’s international relations, and the budding Cold War with the Soviet Union. In retrospect, it is clear that the reasons for dropping the atomic bombs on Japan, just like the later impact of nuclear technology on world politics, were complex and intertwined with a variety of issues that went far beyond the simple goal of bringing World War II to a rapid close. The Potsdam Declaration was issued on July 26, 1945 by U.S. President Harry Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and President Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China, who were meeting in Potsdam, Germany to consider war strategy and post-war policy. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin also attended the Potsdam Conference but did not sign the Declaration, since the Soviet Union did not enter the war against Japan until August 8, 1945. Document Excerpts with Questions From Japan’s Decision to Surrender, by Robert J.C.
The Atomic Bombs and the Soviet Invasion: What Drove Japan's Decision to Surrender?
Volume 5 | Issue 8 | Article ID 2501 | Aug 01, 2007 The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus The Atomic Bombs and the Soviet Invasion: What Drove Japan's Decision to Surrender? Tsuyoshi Hasegawa The Atomic Bombs and the SovietFrank, have recently confronted this issue Invasion: What Drove Japan’s Decision to head-on, arguing that the atomic bombing of Surrender? Hiroshima had a more decisive effect on Japan’s decision to surrender than did Soviet Tsuyoshi HASEGAWA entry into the war.[4] This essay challenges that view. It argues that (1) the atomic Almost immediately following the end of World bombing of Nagasaki did not have much effect War II, Americans began to question the use of on Japan’s decision; (2) of the two factors—the the atomic bomb and the circumstances atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Soviet entry surrounding the end of the Pacific War. More into the war—the Soviet invasion had a more than half a century later, books and articles on important effect on Japan’s decision to the atomic bomb still provoke storms of debate surrender; (3) nevertheless, neither the atomic among readers and the use of atomic weapons bombs nor Soviet entry into the war served as remains a sharply contested subject.[1] As the “a knock-out punch” that had a direct, decisive, 1995 controversy over the Enola Gay exhibit at and immediate effect on Japan’s decision to the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space surrender; (4) the most important, immediate Museum revealed, the issues connected with cause behind Japan’s decision to surrender the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and were the emperor’s “sacred decision” to do so, Nagasaki continue to touch a sensitive nerve in engineered by a small group of the Japanese Americans.
Nuclear Weapons Technology 101 for Policy Wonks Bruce T
NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY FOR POLICY WONKS NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY 101 FOR POLICY WONKS BRUCE T. GOODWIN BRUCE T. GOODWIN BRUCE T. Center for Global Security Research Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory August 2021 NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY 101 FOR POLICY WONKS BRUCE T. GOODWIN Center for Global Security Research Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory August 2021 NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY 101 FOR POLICY WONKS | 1 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in part under Contract W-7405-Eng-48 and in part under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. The views and opinions of the author expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. ISBN-978-1-952565-11-3 LCCN-2021907474 LLNL-MI-823628 TID-61681 2 | BRUCE T. GOODWIN Table of Contents About the Author. 2 Introduction . .3 The Revolution in Physics That Led to the Bomb . 4 The Nuclear Arms Race Begins. 6 Fission and Fusion are "Natural" Processes . 7 The Basics of the Operation of Nuclear Explosives. 8 The Atom . .9 Isotopes . .9 Half-life . 10 Fission . 10 Chain Reaction . 11 Critical Mass . 11 Fusion . 14 Types of Nuclear Weapons . 16 Finally, How Nuclear Weapons Work . 19 Fission Explosives . 19 Fusion Explosives . 22 Staged Thermonuclear Explosives: the H-bomb . 23 The Modern, Miniature Hydrogen Bomb . 25 Intrinsically Safe Nuclear Weapons . 32 Underground Testing . 35 The End of Nuclear Testing and the Advent of Science-Based Stockpile Stewardship . 39 Stockpile Stewardship Today . 41 Appendix 1: The Nuclear Weapons Complex .
Historic Barriers to Anglo-American Nuclear Cooperation
3 HISTORIC BARRIERS TO ANGLO- AMERICAN NUCLEAR COOPERATION ANDREW BROWN Despite being the closest of allies, with shared values and language, at- tempts by the United Kingdom and the United States to reach accords on nuclear matters generated distrust and resentment but no durable arrangements until the Mutual Defense Agreement of 1958. There were times when the perceived national interests of the two countries were unsynchronized or at odds; periods when political leaders did not see eye to eye or made secret agreements that remained just that; and when espionage, propaganda, and public opinion caused addi- tional tensions. STATUS IMBALANCE The Magna Carta of the nuclear age is the two-part Frisch-Peierls mem- orandum. It was produced by two European émigrés, Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls, at Birmingham University in the spring of 1940. Un- like Einstein’s famous letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with its vague warning that a powerful new bomb might be constructed from uranium, the Frisch-Peierls memorandum set out detailed technical arguments leading to the conclusion that “a moderate amount of U-235 [highly enriched uranium] would indeed constitute an extremely effi- cient explosive.” Like Einstein, Frisch and Peierls were worried that the Germans might already be working toward an atomic bomb against which there would be no defense. By suggesting “a counter-threat with a similar bomb,” they first enunciated the concept of mutual deterrence and recommended “start[ing] production as soon as possible, even if 36 Historic Barriers to Anglo-American Nuclear Cooperation 37 it is not intended to use the bomb as a means of attack.”1 Professor Mark Oliphant from Birmingham convinced the UK authorities that “the whole thing must be taken rather seriously,”2 and a small group of senior scientists came together as the Maud Committee.