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● Ancient existed from about the ● It’s thought that ancient Greek 1200 BC to 600 AD. The best times for mythology came from the beliefs of the the ancient were between 800 people of . This is an island in the and 500 BC. Aegean Sea.

● The Greeks were very creative and ● This is where the area’s first civilization curious people. Learning was important formed around 3000 BC. to them. They made many discoveries in math and science. ● The people of Crete thought that all things in nature had spirits. They also ANCIENT GREEK Map of Southern Map of Southern Ancient Greece thought some objects had special Ancient Greece MYTHOLOGY (Delisle 1794) magical powers. (Delisle 1794)

KEY FIGURES KEY FIGURES STORY ● – The king of the gods. Zeus was one of ● – One of the 12 Olympians, Ares is the god ● There is no single text that Greek mythology is the main gods thought to have lived on Mount of war. He is also the son of Zeus and based on. Instead, the earliest Greek myths Olympus. He was the father of many gods, came from stories that were told over and over. including , , and . He was ● – She was known as the goddess of grain, agriculture, growth, and nourishment. also the god of weather, law, and fate. ● People began telling these stories over 5,000 She was thought to have lived on Mount years ago. Over the years, the stories were ● Hera – Known as the queen of the gods, Hera Olympus. written down and added to. was also the goddess of marriage and the family. She was married to Zeus and was seen ● the poet was the first to write a as the ideal woman. complete book about Greek mythology. It was

called the and was written in 700 BC. Beginning of Hesiod Sculpture of Zeus Bust of Demeter manuscript


● Hesiod’s Theogony tells about the start of ● Homer did this in his epic poems ● The main figures of Greek mythology were the universe and the creation of Earth. the Iliad and the . 12 Olympian gods and goddesses. These were Zeus, Hera, , Apollo, Ares, ● He also wrote about the gods and ● In the Iliad, Homer writes about Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysos, goddesses. He said they came from the the final year of the Trojan War. Hephaistos, , and . earth, the sky, the sea, and the underworld. He tells of a large wooden Trojan ● ● They were thought to have lived on Mount ● Later Greek writers wrote more about these Horse. The Greeks used this as a Olympus, the highest in Greece. myths and divine beings. disguise to enter the city of Troy. ● They usually looked like humans, although they could make themselves look like Bust of Hesiod The Procession of the in Troy Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (c.1760) animals or other things. STORY STORY STORY ● They were immortal, meaning they ● Greeks often used mythology to make ● Other parts of ancient Greek mythology would never die, and more powerful sense of the world around them. For included heroes, mythical creatures, than humans. example, they thought the sun moved as and monsters. ● They also had weaknesses and made drove the sun chariot across the sky. ● Two of the human heroes were Pandora mistakes. Gods and goddesses had ● They thought earthquakes happened and Midas. relationships and children. when the god of the sea, Poseidon, got ● was known as one of the ● Before the Olympians, six elder gods angry. greatest of the Greek heroes. He was called the ruled the cosmos. ● The Greeks also thought that when they the son of Zeus, but Hera hated him and Ancient Greeks believed the died, they would go to the Underworld. This always tried to kill him. Olympians ruled over every part of The Battle Between the Gods and the Titans Statue of Poseidon Hercules and , Joachim Wtewael (c. 1600) was ruled by . Peter Paul Rubens (1636) human life.

STORY PERSONAL NARRATIVE PERSONAL NARRATIVE But mighty Earth shaker Poseidon was keeping watch. ● Some mythical creatures were ● The following is part of Homer’s Iliad. dragons, unicorns, and Pegasus. Homer talks about the god of the sea, High on the tallest crest of wooded Samothrace Poseidon. In the Iliad, he supports the he sat looking down upon the war going on. ● One example of a monster is Medusa, Greeks against the Trojans in the Trojan who’s hair was made up of venomous War. From that point, was clearly visible, snakes. If anyone looked at her face, they would turn to stone. She lived Priam's city, too, and the Achaean ships. and died on the island of Sarpedon. He'd come up from the sea and seated himself there,

pitying Achaeans, as Trojans beat them back,

Painting of Pegasus and nursing a powerful anger against Zeus. Bust of Homer

PERSONAL NARRATIVE PERSONAL NARRATIVE PERSONAL NARRATIVE Poseidon came down quickly from that rocky peak, 20 Dressed in gold, he took his well-made golden whip, ● The Theogony discusses several Greek moving swiftly on his feet. Mountain peaks and woods climbed in the chariot, then set off across the waves. gods and goddesses along with other aspects of ancient Greek mythology. This trembled under Poseidon's immortal stride. From the depths, sea creatures played around him everywhere, excerpt discusses the and the king He took three paces—with the fourth he reached his goal, acknowledging their king. The joyful ocean parted. of the gods, Zeus:

Aegae, where his famous palace had been built He sped on quickly, keeping the bronze axle dry.

of eternal gold and marble deep within the sea. The prancing horses carried him to the Achaean ships. Going inside, he harnessed to his chariot

swift bronze-hooved horses with flowing golden manes. Bust of Hesiod PERSONAL NARRATIVE PERSONAL NARRATIVE LEGACY With the Muses, who to Zeus the father when they sing, Singing that they send forth gives fame, first to the reverend line ● Myths were a major part of Greek Give pleasure to his mighty mind, telling of things that are, Of deathless ones whom bore to Ouranos: her brood culture for hundreds of years.

Of things in future that shall be, and things that were before. And those that sprung from them are gods, givers of all things good. ● There were some Greeks who did not believe in the mythology. Out of their mouths in sweet, unwearying harmony the voice Then secondly they sing of Zeus, father of gods and men,

Flows, and the halls of Father Zeus the thunderer rejoice The most courageous of the gods and mightiest; and then, ● A Greek philosopher named Plato called the myths “old wives’ And the subtle music of those goddesses; the sound In turn, of human beings and of great might, chatter.” Modern thinking would Causes the snowy summits of Olympos to resound And to the mind of Zeus upon Olympos give delight, later take over and the myths became less of a focus. And echoes in the homes of the immortals. The divine The Muses of Olympos, of the aegis-bearing one. The Parthenon today. Originally it was built around 440 BC to honor Athena.


● Several brand and product names come ● The word ‘odyssey’ comes ● Ancient Greek mythology has been part from Greek mythology. from the Greek figure of art for thousands of years. Odysseus. He traveled for ● sneakers get their name from Nike, the nine years to get home ● Artists such as Michelangelo and goddess of victory. after the Trojan War. Leonardo da Vinci included Greek mythology in their paintings. ● Amazon is named after a mythical race of ● Homer wrote about female warriors. Odysseus and one-eyed ● The mythology also showed up in the works of many writers like William ● The teams of many sports have names that monsters called in the Odyssey. Odysseus and Polyphemus Shakespeare. Scholars study the come from Greek culture as well. Some Arnold Böcklin (1896) mythology to learn more about the examples are the Spartans, Titans, and The Last Judgement, Tennessee Titans football ancient Greeks. Trojans. Michelangelo (1541)




Ancient Greece was a civilization that existed from about the 12th century BC to 600 AD. The golden period of the civilization was between 800 and 500 BC. The Greeks were particularly known for their contributions to art, government, technology, and literature during this time. In those days, science was not separated from religion, so learning was seen as a way to get closer to the gods. This led to great advancements in mathematics, science, and philosophy during this era. It’s thought that ancient Greek mythology developed from Map of Southern Ancient Greece (Delisle 1794) the primitive religions of the people of Crete, which is an island in the Aegean Sea. This is where the region’s first civilization formed around 3000 BC. The people of Crete believed that all natural objects had spirits and some had special magical powers.


Zeus – As king of the gods, Zeus was one of the main gods thought to have lived on Mount Olympus. He was the father of many gods, including Athena, Artemis, and Apollo. He was also the god of weather, law, and fate.

Hera – Known as the queen of the gods, Hera was also the goddess of marriage and the family. She was married to Zeus and represented the ideal woman.

Ares – One of the 12 Olympians, Ares is the god of war and the son of Zeus and Hera. Zeus of Otricoli Demeter – Also thought to have lived on Mount Olympus, Demeter was known as the goddess of grain, agriculture, growth, and nourishment. -1- © Clark Creative Education