And Builders' Guide
AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. L] NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 18G8. [No. 15. PUBLISHED .WEEKLY BuY THE THIED AVENUE ASSESSMENT. the work to have been completed and accepted THE introduction of a resolution in the when they had rejected the whole street for 0. W.' SWEET. &-C0., Common Council, for paving Third avenue, one block. The taking a- bond to do the work, ROOM B, AVOELD ButLnutG, No.v3T PABK Row. and Avithholding part of the money, did not from Eighty-sixth to One Hundred and obviate the difficulty. That work hjoia not been ' TERMS. Tenth street, Tvith Belgian pavement, Ave moke done to the time of the trial, and yet the own Six months, payable in advance $3 00 the occasion for a fcAv comments, which we ers have been assessed for it. trust AviU have the effect of preventing the an We do not, under this proceeding, inqnire PRICE 6F ADVERTISING. whether the work is weU done or done accord 1 square, ten lines, three months $10 00 noyance, the injustice, and the expense caused ing to the contract, so far as relates to the ma 1 square, single insertion '..... 1 00 by non-compliance Avith contracts, and the ir terial or workmanship; and if thia were all, Special Notices, per line 20 regularities which have to a large extent pre there Avould be no groimd for our interference vailed in some of the departments. on that account, but when it appears that the certificate was given, with a full knowledge TO OTJR PATRONS. We last week caUed attention to the fact that that the work was not finished, it Avaa a Ariola- WE have refrained, so far, from saying any the Croton Aqueduct Board had caused the tion of the contract, Avhich prohibited the thing about the RECORD as an advertising work of paving 2d avenue, from 61st to 86th contractor from receiving payment until the whole work was completed, and was unjust to medium; but as the trade has begun to find street, to be stopped, because it was sought, in the owners who were assessed for its payment.
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