Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1868-03-19
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: — ; ' B a — 1 " , - — : Y A'OLl MK XWVm. I.OUSVILLH:, KKXTUCICV, THUUSDAY, MAIUJir 11), ISfiS. XL'MUKU Vl l. *'* Attorney Ger.errl rh-t. 't -ter ' ^ r^fraration* a-, rnnkinit »o Stanhery h .1 p-obi poliiicel purposes, and it don’t ma»'“r <711(7 tncsf Dpnffrsg \yho rej.ly to pear on a certain the di.y wb°n day, but preji; lie-", will * ALABAMA. DT find fhnt es it* to be impeached. i" • OrKVIl I F ^rtlTRNAl i bly a deeper in He abased, stigma- liV lO I •> V/ lai^ /X opeu the re(;atta season, we propose to say <l'*fi;:a in r- signui? t'.i.in whethtT he has or has not coinniitted any reason with slang and vnigarify: who pay they are to plead is either fixed liy some emancipation aad the Bures'i. Up to I tized, anatbuiatized without neasare, bat merely a ieuirs lo to and I tiow more about appear us counsel for crime in law, and at the same time the more attention general rule of the tribunal or there i.s to Slay, 1'65, a negro pauper wa" rraLt»iB> *> a few words in behalf of the healthful ex* unknown I he reck" nuKTXJ ASB | THE CLXbt b OF not of tbe aJaaderous mijiiilea the defendant in the case of the Depublir taX'pA>ing, suffering Americaa people the husii.ess of others than their own; he a special order in the particular case. ALABAMA INI'":*. iu Alabama. the wa-i I ercise of rowing. are well Then race irne-i that are hurled at his head. He aita calm IbOI’ISV’! JOl’KNAI^iOO. Our readers vs. Andrew Juhnsou. is care ot other people's busi- The Hlae boos ru- I can impeach Congress. It only a ipics- good in taking Here we find a rule by which the President loose on their own resoureei, and from and wise os I'iysaea ia the ,as«wm TfciissB4>STts. aware that darlo;; the last year the own- veals the fact hut little atten- tSi. eclnl Coin "pcQdi^uce o( \ Grecian teat. »n wsini that the second law odi':'*r I tion of time. ness and reputation, pay is required to appear on this day and "an- Ibe WorliLl 1-65, tu October, DSO, had one i j May, year Tbe people will, I trus^ aad posterity. 4 ana of the Goierunieut is one .lohn M. li.uck- When Mr. B. Wade gets to be President tion to their own. Pec; la who live in swe»*and "abide.'' that part ' boats around the falls formed sev- Certainly Moxtoombrt, and e>ven months in which to I inre, will, MW. •. ^ntyrn-s.. .f-..,,,-, Ala., March 9. vindicate his acts. His ^gheat ley, who is registered a.s Assis'ant At tor- and exercises the functions of bis sub- glass houses ought to throw stones at their of the rule which relates to abidiug has ' * oral coicpaoiea and vied with each other It ia the kill themselves, and this census shows eulogy has beea jwMK L atiit»y riisi r i srwt but Democrats and rebel misfortune of revolutionary pronounced by h'lnself ney-General, at a salarj- of The t accideucy, he will surely eclipse Wa.sh- ueigLbi rs. None reference to future proceedings and to ' ~ iu i ' athletic time." that men are figures provocative oi iudignatloo. when, in inmntainiag for the supremacy in the exercise arraigced ington, Hamilton, would ever attempt to ele- the so intent upon theories tbe act coiap’ .iac i President will of course send in I Jefferson, Madison, and sy mprithizers final result of the case. And so, as that in of. he that thry care little for facts, that lime a'jout one fifth of them said: “If i had beea fuHy ad- benefit il such bigU- save as con- • rowing. Nor was the of this some nomination for the vacant Cab net Jej, by lofting the African world know that vate cir own cause a we have construed the rule, that part of it were swept vised that j nected with away. And now for the infe- la thas ffttX X the day’s ism, and so it is that defending the truat < * the rowers. seat, and then the Senate will be forced to their Constitution was never made for our miiided calling. Mb which relates to answering has referense rior ' committed 7 ftt> exercise confined to Their tbe census of the State of and disloyal white race. The ceusns to »y hand ay own removal hold communication wnii him or the coun- day. '1 o secure success for loyally in the Finiilly. if any one gf assert that lo a future proceeding, which occurs in Alabama as a'oowa that 8.U67 were killed in action, 1.1,- WM sure to follow Daii.T Joraxst.—SfascstiPTioxsaT Man. friends who accompanied them upon their taken and well taken in 13r>i‘> has never I coold not hftve heii* election i.s white know less the try endure the odium of an iuter.'uinabie i.ext Presidential the "big these "galvanized ordinary justice, as I have 1 course ot o.'O died of wounds or sickueits, and that tated, actuated by pablie excursions always returned W.ug- ji^ been seen in print before. This is its first cim side rations the stria- wveral issue of Biucklt.t 's burle-que opiuious. thing;’’ therefore we must have a procla- abonfnbont cur Constitution republican 1 stated, either under some general rale or 3,ti2*.' Rr.iTccD Dates. -I n view of were disabled, all 25,22'>. of the highest character. ’ — ' appearance ,rand, as figures cannot bow, making in This aentence of the delightful — /t<rn«y. mation 1 form of government than dii* xsiiingtoii, 1 by a special order of the court. We sub- . irg high encomiums rec- At the usual ratio will j f.v the allowed lo fighting men go down the ages to eoae. 1 limes and of the momentous ' ernsns must be suppo.seu to have made know, (ency of the Whereas. ;\ndiew Johnson, late his Ac- Jackson, Clay, or Douglas, each a'ld niif, therefore, as counsel for the Presi- to population, reation they had expeiienced, of li.e Wkut do you prrpi se to do abou* it? | this is sir, how rain are a.y through the columns of the World touching one man in words aad all onr ef- | late to be at once dint, some cideticy of the I'uited States, has eveiy offender con- that this of the ; isinies disturbing the coun- such interpretation rale five iu Alaoama, or fort", ^litical now pro'.-'.'»Ll;ity is. however, th it | such douhledeciiuating tbe our appeals, protestationa and votea. safety atd harmony of these water voy- i T'.e you provided for introductory demonstration as may heer. impenched ter treason to his party signid to the asylum idiots ! which is placed iijion it by the honorably entirrly “• ** • ’®*'y ^®" Party supremacy must be maiutaiaed the overthrow of the Con- wuclly Uii&to'ii the President's ia- comport with ii:; bending rigidity. at Uy, llirestening ages, and of the skill of the oar^meu to Lave in d ttiiig lo remove one of its pels— and lunatics. Should the p cy above in- managers is not the correct one. markable matter iu | all hazards, By ordinance of the convention of l>ij5, coanection with the the revolution in-ust go oo aad • thii which has bi-eu do? since the dicated be carried cut au l the order.! I Mr. Manager Wilson. Mr. President, I titution radical change of our time- whom they had been indebted for s > agree- tetiiioti in the case. A law of pro- g voting population, as above given, bear down in its sweep all and a and act passed under it Feiiruary l'”6, and the obstacles to its fouiidiiticn of the .. i obeyed, whn* is to hin l ir desire 21, Gove —audthere- lierein strictly ; to sny on behalf of the manag-ra lists of registration * pastim<*. vides, tli; t, in tbe case of a vacancy currently put forth in accomp’ii."LmenL There has been this census was ordtreJ to be taken, an I a Spart- koeored and most cherished institutions, for<- I'ollowii hi^ dis' .ted e.vainple, us from having one of the most glorious i that we do not .rcc how if were possible fjr this g "Black Crook" business as being all ish iD'ioisition; there has We are gratific 1 to be able to arnouuc® cai.S'd iy the death, resignation, absence the takirg thereof was completed in been a Frwach ; Octo- niid without any ohjf ju oti the p;irt ot Ri publics that ever rxi.stel upon the fnc» the eighth rule adopted by the Senate to right tair. rates and There are lu.6,Ht) white ret-jluiicn, it we have concluded so to reduce the ' ber ot the latter year. To eschew minor and might not be ami m if that the young men on each side of the fumtlie seat o'" govcrnmetit, or sickness I Cor.gie.-.i, 1 sli.-ll c’.. iu out my Cabinet, of the earth; and why could not General mistecu the respoiiJeul or counseL That voters in the State matters, of Alabama, and 'out Fc.mn woi.!'l bring to mencry tha fate of JoraxAi., ot sucee.'ding rule whereof an account was made, a of auLscriptioc to the Dailv fulls are building boats and getting realy of i>< h«.odof ary executive dipirtnieat, and cavse t'leiu to diseni’i-.gue the stiuiu- Sherman have the honor provides that 72, tl6 registered.