And Builders' Guide
AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. J"^^ VOL. I^.;^ SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1868. Fo. 17. MLAJP OW DXHSTELXiElSr. CENTRAL NEW JERSEY LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Offer for Sale on the Line of the Central Railroad of NeAW^ Jersey, AX .GOMMUNIPA^ BERGEN POINT, ELIZABETH, ROSELLE, ' - FANWOOD, PLAINFIELD, DUNELLEN, BLOOMSBURY, &C. COTJJVTRY I»IL,A.CES DF3ROM: OISTE TO TWENTY A.CRES. BUILDING SITES. J Land in Blocks-by.^the^ acre, Houses and Lots, and Lots in large or small quantities, suitable for .per sons of nioderate means, with quick and easy access to the city. •" '• ' This line of road offers special inducements to persons desiring a country home. We especially call attention to the ncAV toAvn of DXTSJELLEN (see map), located 2J miles "West of Plainfield. It is nnsnrpossed for healthiolneaa and beauty of location. The Soil is a sandy loam; very dry, yet rich and productive. :•..". ,- For further information apply at the office of the company, 103 LIBEETY STBEET. A.. D. B[OI>E, General Agent, EEAL ESTATE-RECOED. INTo Extra Insura/iioe. WM:' PORTABLE GAS MACHINE. TESTIMONIALS. TESTimOKIALS. • EocniSTEK, N. T., Feb. 19,166S. NEW TOKK, March 3,186T. GENTS: Home Portable Gas Co., 15 Court During the last fall and present landt Street, N. T.: •winter I have watched the vtroridug- GE.N'TS : of the Home Portable Gas Machine, The Gas Machine purchased from and .tested tho quality of gas gen you last November proves all that erated by it. you recommended it to be, and an It vas clearfy provtd that for swers my e.vpectations fully. It oqoal aiiiounls of light the cost of produces a brilliant light, at a very the najihtha gas, at the present cost cheap rate, say 75 per cent, less of material, \va.s only one-fourth than coul gas, and I think muco less that of coal-gas, and that when the liable to accident than the use of pipes were exposed to low tempera kerosene oil lamps, and certainly ture the gas was coodensed and much more convenient.
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