The Real Estate Record Association
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EAL ESTATE RECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. YI. NEW YOKK, SATUEDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1870. No. 132. Published Weekly by and yet be as completely isolated as if each had counties have just completed the equalization of THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. a dwelling-house of their OAvn. the amounts returned by the several Boards of While we heartily welcome this change which Supervisors, and the results of their labors is TERMS. One year, in advance §6 00 has already been wa-ought among us, and -which sho'wn below. The bo'ard is composed of the All communications should be addregsed to ^vill prove so beneficial to large nnmbers, it is to foUo-wing Commissioners of the Land Office and be hoped that the system will be still further State Assessors: Lieutenant-Governor AUen C. 106 BROAIJW.VY. COK. OF PINE STREET. extended, so as to embrace similar accommo Beach; Secretary of State, Homer A. Nelson J dations for the still larger number of jiersons Comptroller, Asher P. Nicols; State Treasurer, who cannot afford to pay $1,500, or even f 1,000 Wheeler H. Bristol; Attorney-General, Marshal EUSOPEASr HOMES. for rental. Such families are to be counted by B. Champlain; State Engineer, Van Rensse THE class of bmldings known as "European thousands in our midst, and although their laer Richmond; Speaker, Wm. Hitchman, and Homes," or houses buflt in separate suites of purses are slender they are, by education, re Messrs. George Beach, Lorenzo Carryl, and apartments for families, and whicii w^e have so finement, and position in life, far above bemg Charles W. Lawrence. The first column in the often advocated in these columns, seems to- be left to the tender mercies of crowded, promis following table contains the assessed valuation at last becoming quite popular. The prejudice cuous and comfortless " Tenement Houses,"— of real estate as returned by the Supervisors of —if prejudice it was—which so long prevented too frequently their only alternative. Since the various counties; the second column con our capitalists from looking into the merits of ground rent is what so much enhances the cos-fc tains the equalized valuation of real estate as a style of residence so immediately adapted to of such buildings, less exi^ensive but still re made by the Board of Equalization; and the the wants of our people, entirely melted away spectable locations might be selected for their third column contains the returned valuation of as soon as one or two enterprising owners of erection, where suites of rooms could be ob personal propei-ty, -with which the Board of property successfully inaugurated the fashion, tained at moderate prices, and yet sufficient to Equalization has nothing to do. and now the system seems to have a chance of amply remunerate the owner for his outlay. Assessed Valuation Equalized Personal being fairly tested among us. Not only has Mr. The demand for such dwellings is almost un Coimties. Ecal Estate. Valuation. Estate. Stuyvesant'sbuildiagonBighteenthstreetproved Albany $35,345,497 $40,000,000 $7,069,87!) limited in this city, and will so continue long Alleghany.... 7.677;912 7,677,912 860,121 an eminent success, but, doubtless led on by that after we have any of the long-promised facili Broome 6,907,970 7,250,000 797,186 example, a large structure on a somewhat similar Cattaraugus... 6,018,335. 7,000,000 537,102 ties of locomotion to the suburbs; for there will Cayuga 16,281,182 17,000,000 4,008.698 principle, designed by R. M. .HUNT, is already always be thousands who—from choice or the Chautauqua... 13,819,890 13.819,890 1.786;S75 Chemung 7,066,738 7,.S09,141 i;i74.606 commenced on Twenty-seventh street, to run necessities of business—will continue to reside Chenango.. .. 9,010,554 10,000.000 1,346,922 all the way from Broadway to Fifth avenue ; Clinton 5.371,235 5,000,000 . 792,745 in the most central and accessible portions of Columbia , 16;i46.S79 17,000.000 4,&53,412 another great buUding of the kiud, 200 feet by 50 the city. To meet the necessities of the case, Cortland 5,310,459 6,200.000 - 753,909 Delaware 7,365,319 7,365,319 1,209,777 feet, from designs by J. R. HAJIILTON, -will pro many old buildings have recently been trans Dutchess 20,927,018 21,465,278 8,325,233 bably be shortly commenced in the immediate Erie 41.462.863 41,462,863 11,431,680 mogrified and christened " Eturopean," but they Essex 4,080,858 4,680,858 450,400 neighborhood of Central Park; while we hear necessarily fall very short of those important Franklin 5,015,601 5,015,601 785.513 Fultou 3.260,472 8,000,000 483,'.3l6 of other buUdiugs of the kind, on a grand scale, and indispensable features which form the very Genesee 11,770,291 13,000,000 2,511,112 which are contemplated for fine locations in this Greene 5,275,626 4,-550,000 1,056,576 elements of the system we are alluding to, and flaraiitou 736,550 736.5.50 10,610 city and suburbs. which can only be properly obtained when a Herkimer 8,2.58,206 7,5.50.000 1,539,064 Jefferson 12,446,045 12,446,6-15 2,681,100 But, strange to say, the class of people for building is e3>pressly desir/ned for the purpose. Kings 189,154,438 174.827.846 19,278,605 whom we supposed such buildings were pre The complete isolation which prevents the possi Lewis 3..583,205 3,58;:5.205 379,6»7 Livingston.... 12,080,307 14,080,307 1.961,324 eminently intended (we mean that vast portion bility of one family intruding upon the privacy of Madison 8,641,165 9,400,165 i;828,185 Monroe 23,666,624 33,006,624 2,739,692 of our population, of education and refinement another—the rigid supertutendence of the en Montgomeay.. 6,109.230 6,109,230 554,772 but United means, who cannot afford to pay trance, so as to keep off all unwelcome in New York 684,140,768 647,140,768 281,143,696 Niagara 12,210.634 13,000,000 2,081,938 more than from |400 to $600 rental), are the truders—the facilities for obtaining coal and Oneida 14,581,949 26,,581,949 2,166,411 Onondaga 26,553,980 28,053,980 4,499,115 very ones for whom no pro-vLsion at all seems as other suj)plies, and getting rid of all refuse, Ontario 14,749,920 1.5,249,920 3,174,764 yet to have been made, while people of easier without the necessity of going up and down Orance 23,.339,358 22,839,358 7,57.5,040 Orleans 8,970,415 9,476.415 1,150,816 circumstances, those who have been payihg stau's,—these are all things that can only be Oswego 12,566.497 13.366,497 1,598,638 $3,000 and $4,000 a yearf or dwelling-houses, and Ot.?ego 9,599,626 11,000,000 1,674,303 thoroughly compassed by a building originally Putnam 4,557,578 4,557.578 1,074,585 •wiio, it -was reasonably supposed, would be the designed to meet them. Each plot of ground, Queens 18,274,350 18,792,195 5,769,450 Eensselaer .... 21,720,013 22,720,013 7,796,515 first to look down with contempt upon any ar too, reqtdres a different treatment, for it is Bichmond 6,747,627 7,000,000 716,f).30 rangement that could savor—even so remotely Bockland .5,692,415 5,582,415 1,336,115 e-vident that while one arrangement may suit a Saratoga 9,582,241 10,000,000 2,683,723 —of the so-caUed '' Tenement House " system, space of 100 ft. X 50 ft., a totally different Schenectady.. 4,666,779 5,000,000 .f;50,301 Schoharie 4,654,969 4,654,969 6-38,852 are the ones who have most eagerly taken up plan would be applicable to a space of 100 ft. X Schuyler 3,194,515 3,460,326 317,750 everything of the kind yet presented; paying 75 ft. or 100 ft. square. "We think it likely Seneca 9,263,017 8,26-3,017 1,422,721 St. La^vrence.. 14,946.943 14,446,943 1,558,-385 as high as $1,000 and even $1,500 per annum for that the coming year -will see a number of such Steuben 12,191,305 12,191,305 1,546,822 Suffolk 9,385,257 9,385,257 2,046,700 commodious suites of apartments. Perhaps it structures erected in New York and its imme SuUivan 2,815,325 2,815,325 180,139 is as well that the innovation has occurred diate -vicinity, and it is certain that whole streets Tioga 4.745,707 4,745,707 788,822 Tompkins .5,948,968 6.448,968 1,231,735 under such favorable auspices. It probably of them are necessary to meet the present Ulster 10,859,402 10,859,402 2,498,953 Warren 2,170,389 . 2,300,389 492,908 needed the example of a few of the leaders of pressiug demands of our population. Washington... 11,906,6-32 12,006,632 3,208,464 our hoTb ton here to prove, what was already so Wayne 13,116,494 13,116,494 1,682,961 Westchester..