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7 ? I (T"rr U U i I - IH j Ji-JLL- TSTlRMJlMCQ- LL. , luiltLi J. J. o VOL. X. NO. 130. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 18G9. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. EJVQLAND. wftneises saying he hid a blackjack In his hand. RAILWAYS. FROM NJSWt The two men who were thus rnthlcsnly attacked fell EDITION SECOND EDITI01N KerrUIng senseless npon the ground and their assailants nBcowsTiiucTionr. FIRST A furious Chapter of Kallwav Mnnnnempnt Arrangement for the Peabodr Re walked up Wood street. main. was first The Pennsylvania Central and the Erie Denpateh to The Evening Telegraph. Colonel Helhcrt taken to a dmg store and thence removed to Horn's residence, in Callowhtll Itoadw. 30. Peter B. Sweeney, the Bismark of Tammany Hall, LATEST DT TSLSORAFQ. Boston, Nov. Tho city government street, above Thirteenth, where he remained Tiiia LAST CIIAl'riait. a. I. paiscd an order last evening to make arrange- until the 14th of tho month, when he died. ii T has been Interviewed, after the latest fashion of had been Into con- reception of When the deceased carried the drug Journalism, and while on the rack the following ments for the tho remain of the store, the prisoner returned to the locality and said Mississippi fession was extorted from him. It reveals an im- A Royal Snob How Prince Alfred, of late George. Fcabody, which are expected to ar- to the crowd, "I can whip any man whose weight is and Texas Getting Beady nportant News The Fall of Cape portant item in the railroad history of the country, Manners-Wom- one hundred and twenty-eigh- t, and 1. guess I've England, was Taught an rive here In a few weeks. given to Wheel into Line. of If we reason to doubt, while him enough for The Capture and, trne (which have Righters and Wo- Important Legal Derlxlon. In answer to this the defense called wltneRses to IHaytien Navy -- Continued we have every respect for the high moral character The Supreme Judicial Court, in the case of prove that the Commonwealth's witnesses had pre- our man Strikers. of the and great ability of Mr. Sweeney), It shows that Thomas Kershaw vs. Albert II. Kelsey, has de- viously made statements concerning this matter The Elections which Commence To In Pennsylvania Itallroad is UBing every exertion to entirely dlilerent from those mado by them In court; cided In favor of the plaintiff. This was an man day The Issues, Can- surrectionists. direct the Western commerce of the continent to that the who struck the blow was described at the closely action for rent of a plantation In Mississippi, first as wearing light clothing, and the prisoner that didates, and this city, with the Interests of which it is so An Absorbinj Old Question Finally night was dressed in black; and (Inally that he was the Pittsburg, Fort leased during the war by a citizen of Mississippi Prospects. connected. We are aware that the Settled A Jnry Definitely De- not at the corner of Thirteenth and Wood streets Etc. Etc. Wayne, and Chicago Railroad secured the passage of to a citizen of Massachusetts, and for corn used until the deceased had been attacked and woundod, ftc.t lite, lite. an act which was approved the third day of Febru- clares that Lierer Beer is on tho plantation. The defendant had begun to and then he was Intoxicated. of the The examination or witnesses as to these points To-da- y is the day fixed by proclamation ary, 1869, which provided for a ciasslDcation not an Intoxicating cultivate a cotton crop, when he was driven off was then begun, and at close of our report was of the Sweeney. There the President for the commencement of frpm the N. T. Herald of Board of Directors as stated by Mr. Drink. by guerrillas. The defense before the jury was still in progress. the elections la 18C9 relative to tho Mississippi and Texas. In an editorial St. Marc. Nov. 18. 1889 News received In was no act of the Legislature of a surrender and cancellation of tho lease, but published m Railroad published in the laws FIIVANCll yesterday, was given a complete sketch of the pro--v this city yesterday that the sinking 01 the HUlo Pennsylvania Central the plaintiff having obtained a verdict, the case A!I CO.U.HIlBtCi:. learner Artibonlte, formerly used as a transport. for this year. gress of the reconstruction movement In theso two and the capture of the Fleur de Marie, by the llay, JEtc, was taken before the full Court upon the ques- Office of thf Fvfvtno Tnt,ronArn, States, but there are many details of great import- Plain, UnvnrnlMhed Tnle of "The Erie Bill" utc, i:tc, i:tc, iuc Tuesday, Nov. 30, lxtjy. j tlen steamer Terror, alia Picquolt, the last acquisi- (Infolded. tion of the legality of the contract. The Court ance which lack of space prevented ns from intro- tion of Salnave. Both vessels, however, had time Reporter While on general subjects, how about The statement of the banks yesterday shows a decided In favor of the plaintiff, upon the ground welcome improvement rea-tur- es ducing in that article. As these elections aro of to onload their cargoes and to land their crews In "Krie bill" Republican press make so in moBt or the material such the that the affecting In- safety. much fuss about? that the lease of a plantation In Mississippi and the market, The deposits have vital importance to the whole country, we give these In the afternoon of yesterday a schooner brig from was a subject so misrepre- FROM WASHING TON. creased I142.S08: legal tenders, 281, b83; ami the details below, to enable our readers to a Sweeney There never the delivery of corn thereon were not acts of loaus 2:,UT. Specie have foil for New York came Into this bay sented and misunderstood. The Republican press has also increased $40,875. and clear comprehension of Issues In away from The Chenapcake and Ohio commercial intercourse, nor prohibited by tho The general business shows an expansion in the atsUkc the and landed six young men who had run have lied about it with a purpose. The bill In ques- Ilallroad. large the contests: Salnave. These young men conflrn the "prouuncla-jnento- " tion Is as much a New York Central Railroad as Despatch to the Associated Prest. law of nations, or by the act of Congress and increase in the clearings of $;i,377,808. This against Salnave, and Just exhibit may be fairly taken as an indication MISSISSIPPI. of Vlctorln Chevalier it Is an Erie bill, Is in precise words a copy of the Washington, Nov. 30. As much Interest is proclamation of the President. or that the also that of his Joining the revolutionists, with all law adopted by the Republican Legislatures or the climax the protracted stringency has been at you already know, this is an- - manifested in the Chesapeake aud Ohio Rail- An Old Question Settled l.ngrr Not an Intoxi- length reached, and with the relaxed pressure for The election In this State begins to-da-y, and will the forces under hira. As Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, and money may ..f the general who surrendered the town of Oonalves by Republican Governors of those States, road, the following particulars are made known. cating Drink. which be expected for tho balauce of close December 1. ago. roved the the year, we may anticipate a to the revolutionary party two months After ft was passed by the Legislature in this State when The eastern terminus is Richmond, and In tho Superior Court, in the case of Henry steady improvement The President's or the this he was appointed by Salnave to the command of were Republican. The vote on its the from day to day. both branches Pfaff against Pctctiah B. Osgood, to recover Call loans are very easy y Now Constitution Submitted to Hoiiarnt the forces besieging Jacmel. which position he occu- passage In the Senate wns nearly unanimous. It Western at the mouth of tho Big Sandy river. at per cent., with pied until the 4th of November, when ho yielded to thirty-tw- o casks of lager beer, tho defendant sonic heavy transactions at n per cent, to heavy ope- Voir. was laid on the table in the Assembly for about a The length of the line, complete to the White The following is the proclamation of the revolution and declared himsell against Salnave. month for objections, but none came. The bill pro- contended that it was sold iu violation of the rators In stocks. The discount market is fairly President ' He was lu and Sulphur Springs, is.225 miles, and incomplete, active, but there is little pressure, money (Jrant, Issued on the 13th of last July, in pursuance reeeived with enthusiasm Jacmel, vides that a certain number of directors shall go out in- and is the day after, the nth, taking with him all the pickets 200 miles. The cost of tho construction, esti- laws of tho Commonwealth. The judge abundant at 10 per cent. In the outHide market. of which the election In Mississippi is to each year Instead of the whole board, but it does not The gold to be held that had surrounded Jacmel for fourteen months, he power structed the jury that If the lager beer sold was market continues indicate a steady Ky ; Interfere with tho of the courts to correct mated nt gold prices, $12,000,000; debt, $3,000-00- 0; tlit President of the United States of Anttri-m- on to e, In company with downward movement, and the very slight variations marched abuses, nor docs It tie up legislation.