AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. J"^^ VOL. I^.;^ SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1868. Fo. 17. MLAJP OW DXHSTELXiElSr. CENTRAL NEW JERSEY LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Offer for Sale on the Line of the Central Railroad of NeAW^ Jersey, AX .GOMMUNIPA^ BERGEN POINT, ELIZABETH, ROSELLE, ' - FANWOOD, PLAINFIELD, DUNELLEN, BLOOMSBURY, &C. COTJJVTRY I»IL,A.CES DF3ROM: OISTE TO TWENTY A.CRES. BUILDING SITES. J Land in Blocks-by.^the^ acre, Houses and Lots, and Lots in large or small quantities, suitable for .per­ sons of nioderate means, with quick and easy access to the city. •" '• ' This line of road offers special inducements to persons desiring a country home. We especially call attention to the ncAV toAvn of DXTSJELLEN (see map), located 2J miles "West of Plainfield. It is nnsnrpossed for healthiolneaa and beauty of location. The Soil is a sandy loam; very dry, yet rich and productive. :•..". ,- For further information apply at the office of the company, 103 LIBEETY STBEET. A.. D. B[OI>E, General Agent, EEAL ESTATE-RECOED. INTo Extra Insura/iioe. WM:' PORTABLE GAS MACHINE. TESTIMONIALS. TESTimOKIALS. • EocniSTEK, N. T., Feb. 19,166S. NEW TOKK, March 3,186T. GENTS: Home Portable Gas Co., 15 Court­ During the last fall and present landt Street, N. T.: •winter I have watched the vtroridug- GE.N'TS : of the Home Portable Gas Machine, The Gas Machine purchased from and .tested tho quality of gas gen­ you last November proves all that erated by it. you recommended it to be, and an­ It vas clearfy provtd that for swers my e.vpectations fully. It oqoal aiiiounls of light the cost of produces a brilliant light, at a very the najihtha gas, at the present cost cheap rate, say 75 per cent, less of material, \va.s only one-fourth than coul gas, and I think muco less that of coal-gas, and that when the liable to accident than the use of pipes were exposed to low tempera­ kerosene oil lamps, and certainly ture the gas was coodensed and much more convenient. I have my ceased to flow sooner than tho naph­ machine placed in the cellar, and tha gas. with one winding up -will supply The naphtha gas is cert-iinly not all my lights for the evening. The more explosive than the coal gas. Gas Machine needs only to be used Tbe Machine isssm$l«^ durable, and to be appreciated, and it merits tho not liable to g?t out of o«^er, and attention of all who are in want of not as dangerous to manage as aa pure, economical light for any pur­ ordinary kerosene lamp. pose that coal gas can bo used for. Tours truly, ! EespectfliUy yours, a. F. QuiUBit. WAKD WUEELEK, . Chemist and Professor of Mathe­ Of iWheeler, Merritt & Co., 215, matics in tho University of lio- 217,! 219 Front Street, N. T. chester. I I • . : "We, the tmdersigTied, citizess'of Eochester, agree with Gen. Quinby as to tbe safety against fire of the Home Portable Gas Machine, also •WOODSIDE, N. J., March 17,1868. its economy and practicaWUty. To tho Home Portable Gas Co. J^ W. SxEiiuixs, P. M. of New Tork: , ' . Al. V. l.i>.-.'•";-; lnsur."uioe Agent. Ijhavohadone of your Gas Ma­ WM. T. MooiiE, Insunince Agent. chines in use. for the past month, BAUCOCK i CAUi'KXTEit, Ins. Agts. and havo found it all it purports to, be. I It works well and gives entire satisfaction.: I consider it perfectly. safe, and am proud to have tho iRocHESTEE, N. T., Feb. 20,1S6S. priiilego to give you this state­ GKSTS: ment. At your request, I herein give my Tpur truly, experience in an experiment made O. D. MOKKISON. .. by mc last summer, in reference to the naphtha gas. I packed in ico and salt about seventy-five feet three-eighths inch lead pipe, for the parjiose of testing tbe Home Portable Gas Machine, and 41 burned freely for about four Letter from Hon. John E. Kel­ and a half hours before condensing. logg, of tho Supreme Court of I then attached the city gas, and it Michigan; burned freely for about three hours, GENTS : •when it failed: Tou know I was rather shy about Tours respectfully, the success of the Home Portable .loUN SlDDONS, Gas Light Machine, but 1 promised you that I Avould give it a fair trial. CHAS. VOGEL, Foreman. Now WC have thoroughly tried and watched it closely, and I am fully satisfied that it is entitled to the "WOODSIDE, K. J., Feb. 17,1863 credit of doing all you claim for it. To the Home Portable Gas Co. 1 am proud to have my neighbors of New Tork: come in and examine the Machine, I have one of your Gas Machines and all express themselves as fully In use, which proves to be all you satisfied. recommended. It is simple and Tho Machine is certainly right, effective. 1 consider it safe, even and all that is wanted is a good ar­ in an open cellar, under the house. ticle of naphtha, such as we are now: I think, from an examination of its using. In short, we are satisfied merits, that considering the low with it in all respects, and it grati­ price, it is far ahead of all com- fies me to give you this assurance. 1 I>etiUon. We no more fear explosion from Tours truly, it than we would from a box stove WM. J. IIAELANE, without fire. Office, Eoom TO, lYinity Building, Tours truly, ' 111 Broadway, N. T. JOHN E. KELioaa. We will enumerate a few advantages claimed over any otlier macliine, or Common Coal Gras ; 1st. It costs 50 per cent, less than any machine in market. ' , , L 2d. It is more simple, durable, and perfect. 3d, It is less dangerous on account of fire, all its parts being specially guarded against.accident from fire or otherwise. 4th. It gives a soft, mellow light, that cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any machine or Coal G-as. I . .-,;;••• • 5th. It costs only one-quarter the price of City or Coal G-as, and may be used in any place, and in same pip'es that City or Coal Gas is used. ; .• I > . • •- •.'••: ..••?• -'^K^ We have set forth the above advantages, knowing, as we do, that all are true, and will bear investigation. Hence we invite the pub-' lie to call and examine our machine, which is on exhibition at our Office and Salesroom. This machine is usually placed in a cellar, and a connection made with a tank or barrel placed outside of the building, and arranged so that you c{j.n put in the supply as wanted, by merely having to turn a key at the machine where you are winding. Iu short, our machine is everything that can be desired. Office and Salesroom: I 5 Courtlandt Street, Wew York. ESTATE RECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. I] NEW YORK, SATUEDAY,. JULY 11, 1868. D^Orl'?- PUBLISHED "WEEKLY BY some company to erect a large, commodious THE WEST SIDE. 0. W. SWEET & CO., warehouse, .with a lofty ceiling, between two IF it is true, as the projectors claim, that the EOOM B, WOBLD BUILDING, No. 87 PAKK EOW. thronged streets, and throw it open, without elevated railroad in Greenwich street is a BUC- cess, then are the owners of property on the TEEMS. any reservation, to the public, and then to rent Six months, p.iyable In advance $8 00 to different parties the cases and stands on north-west of this island to be congratulated. PEICE OF ADVEETISING. each side. This plan would do away with a The Commissioners, it seems, think the ele­ 1 square, ton lines, three months $10 00 monopoly and keep extortion down by competi­ vated road can be made available, and Governor 1 square, single insertion 1 00 tion. One of the most available localities for Fenton has formally approved their report. We Special Notices, per line 20 an enterprise of this kind is in the block on the are now promised that the road will be com­ WHY HAVE WE NO ARCADES» comer of the western side of Broadway and pleted to 30th street within a year, and to the THE multitudinous wants of this, our mod­ Fourteenth street. There an arcade or covered Harlem river in less than twenty months. If em civilization, make it imperative that small passage might be erected in the centre of the this is true, it will give an immense impetus to wares should be displayed in order that people block on Broadway, say of 50 feet in mdth, house-building on the west side of the Central may obtain what they want, as it is a most which would run parallel to 13th and 14th Park, and property in that quarter will take a difficult affair to Icnow where to go for many streets, at a distance of 125 feet between sharp turn upward. In the meantime, the small but useful articles of dress or domestic each; then when it reaches the centre of Hudson lliver road will be made available to use. The numerous stands on the Bowery, the block between Broadway and University thousands who otherwise could not use it. the markets, and on some of the avenues, sup­ Place, or 150 feet—as the block is 300 feet in When the road connects with the Hudson Kiver ply this deficiency in cheap and common arti­ depth—let the passage be then continued at a depot at 30th street, it will be a wonderful cles, and the shop windows of Broadway bring right angle, so as to debouch on Fourteenth help to all the to-vvns between this city and to the notice of the passer many little costly street; then each side of the angle would be Yonkers.
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