Chairman: Cllr Diane Osborne

Clerk/RFO: Jeremy Sherlock, 10 Old Farm Way, Brayton, , YO8 9SZ 07981 371937 Email: [email protected]

MINUTES OF GATEFORTH MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL The meeting of Gateforth Parish Council was held on Wednesday 10th January 2018 at 19:30 in Chapel Haddlesey Community Church Hall 17100. Attendance/Welcome: Present: Cllrs Diane Osborne, Caroline Shaw, Richard Longbottom, Jim Cawthorne, Tony Parkin Jeremy Sherlock – Parish Clerk 17101. Apologies – Cllrs Martin Hillary, Lynn Sherratt 17102. Declarations and Dispensations - None 17103. Minutes: a. RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Council meeting held on 15th November 2017 b. Chair signed minutes as accepted. 17104. Public comments - None 17105. Reports – None. 17106. Planning - None 17107. Finance a. Finance Report from the Clerk – the Clerk reported that the Council’s account balance is £45,707.80. This includes £1,833.70 for reclaimable VAT which has not yet been received from HMRC. A calculation has been made on the Capital element of these funds going back through the records which has identified £29,389.99 as capital. This leaves a balance of £16,387.81 in the General Fund. b. Payments Charles Shaw (grass/verges) £ 432.00 J Sherlock (Salary) £ 123.06 Viking (stationery) £ 94.71 Backhouse (Moles) £ 34.88 CHPCC (Room Hire) £ 11.25 J Sherlock (Land Registry) £ 6.00 J Sherlock (Salary) £ 123.06 Npower (electricity) £ 24.40 Charles Shaw (grass/verges) £ 348.00 c. Receipts: VAT Refund £ 1,833.70


17108. Budget and Precept 2017-18 – the Clerk presented a report on the 2017-18 Budget and Precept. This included proposals already agreed, though excluded projects that can be funded through Capital. It was agreed to increase the precept by 3% in line with current rates of inflation. Resolved that the following budget and precept of £5,366 be approved

Budget Head General Funds Revenue Reserve Carry forward £15,500 £1,400 Precept £5,366 Staffing £1,830 Wayleave £44 Maintenance £3,000 VAT recovery £500 Administration £1,000 Interest £250 Projects £1,000 Events £2,000 £21,660 Unallocated Reserve £11,430

£21,660 17109. External Audit 2017-18 – the Clerk advised that there are changes to the Audit legislation taking effect from 2017/18. Councils where the higher of income or expenditure for the year was £25,000 or less can declare themselves as 'exempt' from a limited assurance review by an external auditor if they meet certain qualifying criteria (these are met by Gateforth PC). There is no change to the Internal Audit or the requirement to prepare and publicise an Annual Return. If the Council declares itself as exempt it would not have to pay the £200 External Audit fee. This can be reviewed on an Annual basis. Resolved that the Council declares itself exempt from the limited assurance review by an external auditor for 2017-18 17110. Community Governance Review – a notification has been received from Selby DC of a proposed review of the Parish boundary. Thorpe Willoughby PC have proposed extending their boundary to include the area between Thorpe Willoughby and the Selby by-pass. The formal review has not yet started. Councillors raised some concerns about the potential loss of parish area, but agreed to consider the issue further when the formal consultation commences. 17111. Data Protection – the Clerk has circulated guidance from NALC regarding changes to Data Protection legislation. Changes will come into effect in May, though the regulations have not yet been completed. It will require changes to policies, and a review of information stored. NALC have advised that they will issue further advice. In addition there is a requirement for an independent Data Protection Officer. YLCA are exploring ways in which this can be shared by local Councils. It was agreed to consider this further at the next meeting. 17112. Village Green – the letter regarding parking on the Green has been issued by the Council’s Solicitor. The Clerk advised that an area of land next to Manor Farm is not included in the Land Registry plan. It is understood that this land was transferred. The Clerk will explore further and arrange for formal registration if appropriate. The track opposite Corner Farm is in need of repair. Cllr Parkin advised that he can add some hardcore. It was agreed that the Clerk will check land ownership records to check responsibility for tracks across the Green.


17113. Defibrillator – the Clerk has approached Ambulance Service with regard to the supply of a Defibrillator and have received the following quote: Net Cost VAT TOTAL Defibrillator £768.00 £153.60 £921.60 Cabinet £399.00 £79.80 £478.80 Training (optional) £200.00 £1,600.40

Running costs would be: Electricity - £2-3 pa Battery - £156 every 4-5 years Pads - £32.94 every 2 years or when used The best location was considered the bus shelter, but the Clerk was asked to consult with Yorkshire Ambulance Service regarding whether it would be best inside or outside the shelter. There will be a need to budget for installation and electricity supply. If installed the equipment should be checked on a regular basis, and some local people should be trained in its use. It was agreed to seek volunteers from villagers through the website and facebook page. Resolved that capital budget of £1,900 be approved for the acquisition and installation of a Defibrillator, and the Clerk be authorised to acquire and install 17114. Litter – the recycling bins supplied by Selby DC create a lot of litter on windy days. It was agreed that the Clerk write to Selby DC regarding this issue. 17115. Meeting dates – the Clerk advised of proposed meeting dates for 2018-19. Resolved that the meeting dates for 2018-19 be May 9th 2018 (Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting); July 11th 2018; October 10th 2018; January 9th 2019; May 8th 2019 (Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting) - All meetings at Chapel Haddlesey Community Hall commencing at 7:30pm 17116. Minor items - concern was raised about levels of dog fouling. It was agreed that the Clerk will write to the Dog Fouling Officer at Selby DC for advice and assistance. A query was raised about damage to the highway along Hillam Road. The Clerk will report this to CC. 17117. Items for the next agenda – Data Protection, Tree Survey, Community Governance Review, Capital Programme 17118. Comments from the public – none 17119. Next meeting – 10th January 2017 at 19:30 at Chapel Haddlesey Village Hall Signed: ………………………………………………… D Osborne Chairman, Gateforth Parish Council. Date: