Friend of the Sea, Dolphin-Safe and the World Organization.

A proactive approach to protecting oceans, aquatic habitat and resources.

Paolo Bray Founder and Director of International Program Friend of the Sea and Dolphin-Safe 1990

Precursor of Sustainable movement

Reduced dolphin mortality 99%

Still threats from promoters of «sustainable» dolphin-killing

From 56 to 76 countries served 2008

Fisheries and

Recognized by National Accreditation Bodies


Waste and energy management

Social Accountability

FAD FREE certification

Major Tuna certification 2015-18


Fishfeed, fishmeal, fishoil



Sustainable Shipping

Ornamental Fish

Whale and Dolphin Watching


UV Sunscreens Friend of the Sea widens the scope of its certification 55 FOS fishfeed, fishmeal companies in 6 countries Friend of the Sea widens the scope of its certification 112 Omega3 companies in 15 countries Friend of the Sea widens the scope of its certification 140 Restaurants in 9 countries Friend of the Sea widens the scope of its certification 2 Sustainable Shipping operators Friend of the Sea widens the scope of its certification 8 FOS Whale and Dolphin Watching operators in 3 Countries Friend of the Sea widens the scope of its certification 1st UV Sunscreen Friend of the Sea certified Friend of the Sea widens the scope of its certification 2 Ornamental fish species Companies Certification of products from Sustainable Agriculture and Farming


- Independent

- Science based

- Marine habitat conservation

- Sustainable fishing mission [email protected] The future of tuna / seafood sustainability

1.Reduce impact of YOUR production

2.Select sustainable tuna SUPPLIERS

3.Select sustainable SHIPPING operators

4.Be PROACTIVE in conservation

Join the World Sustainability Organization

For more info: [email protected]