
SURFICIAL GEOLOGY OF CRYSTAL QUADRANGLE Department of Natural Resources Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Map ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MCHENRY AND KANE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS IGQ Crystal Lake-SG William W. Shilts, Chief B. Brandon Curry 2005 DEPOSITS

Description Unit Interpretation

e e gp G h(f) gp l-h h(f) 900 h(f) h(f) k"37566 850 HUDSON EPISODE (~12,500 years before present (B.P.) to present) h(f) t e h e h(f) e h(f) e Fk" 37379 37380 28122 k" h(f) 37429 e" e" k"1225 Fill or disturbed earth material Disturbed ground Disturbed land; embankments h gp 37378 37381 e k" h(f) e" e" 850 A� h(f) gp 37205 k" and mounds (gray); pits and h(f) 949 dg h(f) 1848 34 36480 35 36 quarries (diagonal lines) h t 36 31 32 33 h(f) k" k" h(f) e l-h h(f) e D 28113 e k" h k"22498 Peat and muck (black and Grayslake Peat Decomposed wetland l-y G k" e 920 k" 28143 k" 36043 brown); interbedded sand, silty vegetation and sediment in 37141 h(f) 31550 1855 k" e" t h h(f) h(f) ES h(f) k" 147 clay (gray) and marl (white to light gp depressions and on slopes t S h S k" 27203 k" h(f) e S k" 353 h(f) gray); less than 10 feet thick in associated with discharge of h(f) 900 e 947 k" gp k" k" 31521 946 24849 most places groundwater h(f) e" t 900 36444 37140 k"26220 e" h(f) h(f) l-h h(f) Sand and gravel; well-sorted Cahokia Formation Floodplain alluvium along rivers S t t gp e e 920 h(f) G 850 e l-h k" sand and lenses of peat, grading and streams A 920 l-h e" 37394 830 laterally to organic-rich c t 36676 t t h(f) e 900 gp fossiliferous silt and clay; as much S 39254 h(f) as 40 feet thick in the Fox River e" h h(f) c h(f) ; generally less than 3 feet h(f) h(f) 95 36677e"h 3 2 1 2 1 6 5 k" thick in smaller upland valleys h(f) 4 h h(f) h(f) l-h 22564 23276 HUDSON AND WISCONSIN EPISODES (25,000 years B.P. to present) Gk" h(f) Se" e h(f) c t 23277e"S Silt, clay, and fine sand; layered Equality Formation Lake deposits in kettles and h 24411 k" to massive; gray to brown, some valleys tributary to the Fox 784 h(f) h(f) e gp e k" fossiliferous in many places. River e 850 S dg gp Surficial deposits are generally e l-h h h(f) h less than 20 feet thick and are at h(f) dg gp 24108 k" e Gk" least 33 feet thick below Crystal 900 e" e 1103 h(f) 37101 h Lake e" 37100 k"1159 gp e h h(f) e 23514 e" e h t k" 24088 k" h(f) Fine facies; sand, fine to Henry Formation Lake sediment and slope 37096 900 h(f) medium, uniform to stratified; (fine facies) deposits in most depressions on k"S 35459 l-h lenses of fossiliferous silt, loam, gp e e e h(f) 900 l-h h(f) 900 gravelly sand, and diamicton at h(f) base; yellowish brown to gray; as 12 l-y e 7 8 9 10 h(f) 11 e" 12 11 dg 25505 much as 38 feet thick gp h(f) t 850 t h dg l-h h(f) h(f) c 900 h(f) WISCONSIN EPISODE (~12,500–25,000 years B.P. ) e" k" 900 24691 gp 25495 e e Sand and gravel, or sand; Henry Formation Channelized proglacial e k" h(f) h(f) e lenses of silt and clay or outwash along Fox River valley; 00 dg h 24087 9 e h h(f) h(f) h(f) diamicton; yellowish brown to proglacial outwash deposited gp 37478 l-h gp h k" brown; about 30 feet thick as in deltas and alluvial fans as e h(f) S channelized deposits along Fox outwash plains downslope of k" k" l-y e 24100 33950 River, from less than 10 to more glacial margins h(f) gp than 180 feet thick as proglacial 36631 890 G dg e" h(f) outwash in fan deposits in front of 23517k" S h(f) e 870 k"343 h and below the Woodstock 36439 k" e G 900 c (fig. 4, sheet 3) h 900 e h(f) h(f) h(f) 900 l-y h h(f) e t e Diamicton; sandy loam to loam; Haeger Member, and debris flow deposits h gp 14 36630e"e 16 h(f) 15 14 13 dolomite-rich; usually oxidized Lemont Formation associated with the Woodstock k" 13 18 17 h(f) t 31968 l-y h(f) h(f) yellowish brown; includes lenses Moraine (fig. 4, sheet 3) h dg k" dg h(f) k" 31969 l-h gp gp 34133 S and layers of sand and gravel; in 900 h(f) h(f) k" 36842 850 most places, less than 15 feet 24382 36698e"e k" h(f) h dg 36648 h(f) h(f) e" B� thick; in some areas, Haeger e" 27410 l-y 850 33418 880 l-y e" k" Member diamicton is buried by as e 850 G t e e" 36727 e" much as 20 feet of sand and S 764 c h 36643 36717 S e k" h(f) e l-h k" k" gravel (Henry Formation) l-y 850 36637 33951 1514 e" gp 36725 e" k" 800 Sand and gravel below the Beverly Tongue, Proglacial outwash deposited h 36638e" e 26151 h 37522 e" Haeger Member; less than 15 feet Henry Formation primarily in alluvial fans e" e" 36639 h(f) h(f) 850 e gp e e 36659e" 36640 $T gp 37542 thick west of the Fox River and as (cross sections only) covered by diamicton of the 850 e" 37531 36724 h h l-y 36658 e" e" e 870 39255 " e" e" h(f) 900 much as 140 feet thick in the Haeger Member e" e h(f) h 700 36657 37530 37543 gp gp c gp subsurface east of the Fox River h-b gp h 900 24117 h 900 e 850 h(f) 850 k" 800 h h 24154e" Diamicton; silty clay, silty clay Yo rkville Member, Till and debris flow deposits e k" k" 30070 e"36654 27056 h(f) loam, and clay; gray, oxidizing to Lemont Formation associated with the Barlina 24 36653 22 23 24 23 19 e e" 20 21 l-y yellowish brown; includes layers Moraine (fig. 4, Sheet 3); till and 36656 h l-y e e e" k"e"35989 t of sand and gravel, silt, and silty proglacial lake deposits in 36655 35961 34136 gp dg k" h clay; as much as 80 feet thick subsurface east of Fox River gp c t h gp 850 h 35985 gp e" dg e" e" 850 36649 33948 h h(f) h(f) h k" Sand and gravel below the Unnamed Tongue, Proglacial outwash covered by 36652 34287 h h e" 35987 Yo rkville Member; as much as 60 Henry Formation diamicton of the Yo rkville Member e e" 36651 t t h e" e c 800 e"35992 c k"26757 feet thick (cross sections only) gp gp h 850 e t h h(l-y) l-b 850 h h k" e" gp 35988 l-y 85 c h 35984 l-h e h gp 8 h l-b c k" h e t 24335 c Diamicton; sandy loam to loam Batestown Member, Till and debris flow deposits gp e" e 31580 dg Lemont Formation associated with the Barlina 900 k" with abundant cobbles; gray to h S 35963 dg l-b t k" 85 grayish brown, oxidizing to Moraine where it is buried by a 1 t yellowish brown to brown; l-b thin mantle of Yo rkville diamicton k" 35995 900 c e t includes layers of sand and gravel l-b e t h h(f) h 26 25 or silt and sorted sediment; as 26 25 e" 30 29 28 h 27 37048 344 e k"S 800 much as 50 feet thick e"37052 G 800 e"37055 gp t e 90 34944 0 Sand and gravel below the Unnamed Tongue, Proglacial outwash covered by e" e 00 k" 87 e 37058 9 h(f) e"37061 e" t c G " Batestown Member; as much as Henry Formation diamicton of the Batestown k24898 h(f) 850 37092 35 feet thick (cross sections only) Member l-b 37105 37106 t t e e" 37107 l-y 850 37104 e" 800 e"e" 37108 l-y h l-h e" 900 h(l-b) e"37129 37133 37118 37114 e" e" e"e" e" h 37113 S 800 B 37112 37120 k" h k" e" e S 22318 h(f) gp 37111 c 574 l-b 860 h(f) Tiskilwa Formation 850 h(f) Diamicton; clay loam to loam Till and debris flow deposits c 800 e h l-b (roughly equal amounts of sand, e e t l-y l-y silt, and clay) with lenses of sand e l-h l-b 900 h h(f) and gravel or sand; reddish 900 e brown, brown where oxidized; h 80 0 from less than 10 to more than h 900 e l-y 850 l-b e 34 200 feet thick; thickens to the west 31 k" 35 36 35 gp e 32 1572 33 36 h 900 gp Sand and gravel below the Ashmore Tongue, Proglacial outwash deposited in e h(f) 00 Henry Formation alluvial fans and in deltas covered 850 l-h 9 Tiskilwa Formation; as much as e 860 l-b gp t 55 feet thick (cross sections only) by diamicton of the Tiskilwa l-b l-y e l-h e c h Formation and, in places, silt and l-b h(f) h-a e k" 24191 850 clay of the Peddicord Tongue gp h e l-b S 900 gp e k"538 e gp l-y 35146k" k" h 850 h 27364 32849e"S Silt and clay above the Robein Peddicord Tongue, Proglacial lake deposits 30903 k" 850 dg Member or Glasford Formation Equality Formation e h e gp dg e and below the Tiskilwa Formation; (cross sections only)

920 85 t l-y 33022 less than 35 feet thick e h l-h e-p h h 33023e" e" k" gp 850 dg gp 914 c dg e 850 h t (~55,000–25,000 years B.P. ) h h(f) 850 WISCONSIN EPISODE e dg h h h(f) 850 h 24764 32479 l-b c k" k" k" S k" 31457 915 2 e gp 1 29589 6 5 e k" 3 2 1 Silt and clay; organic-rich, black Robein Member, Deposits accreted in low-lying k" S S h 4 e" gp 31456 gp 33434 to brown; leached of carbonate Roxana Silt areas 29590 h e" h dg minerals; contains wood (cross sections only) G h 80 k" k" l-y e 0 h t e" 33433 29591 0 l-y k" 31458 S fragments; less than 10 feet thick; 32505 90 c e" 85 e k" e" 1283 33432 h patchy distribution r-r 23637 900 gp S e h e gp h(f) h h 33442G h(f) e h(f) 850 D� 750 l-y k" k" e ILLINOIS EPISODE (~200,000–130,000 years B.P. ) 33386 920 gp k" 917 h 900 e l-h gp 900 h(f) t F�C� gp l-y c e sandy loam to loam, Glasford Formation Till, debris flow deposits, and e l-b gp h Diamicton; h(f) l-y reddish brown, pinkish brown, and (cross sections only) outwash l-y e h e dg 920 800 brown; bouldery in places; gp gp l-b l-b g 900 abundant lenses of sand and gp gp 78 l-y e gp 900 t gravel; as much as 70 feet thick; h(f) h h(f) 26867k" h generally thicker to the north 0 e e l-h 9 8 l-b h c e k"29582 h dg h h gp 0 PRE-QUATERNARY 11 7 80 11 12 l-y 8 l-y 9 10 gp 12 e"30429 h(f) e t h e Description Unit Interpretation gp gp l-y l-b 7 h 900 h h 30432 k" t c h

900 900 Dolomite; microcrystalline; cherty Kankakee and Joliet Bedrock 920 gp h e l-b c 800 e e in places (Kankakee and Joliet Formations; h E� h t l-h h e e Formations), shaly, fossiliferous Maquoketa Group h e h gp h c h dolomite, shale, and thin beds of (cross sections only) l-b c gp h(f) e t vuggy dolomite (Maquoketa h GS gp l-b h(f) h gp 14 k" Group) Pz C 1382

Base map compiled by Illinois State Geological Survey from digital data provided by the SCALE 1:24 000 Geology based on field work by B. Curry, 1998–2001. United States Geological Survey. PLSS compiled in 1991. Hypsography compiled 1992. 1 1/ 2 0 1 MILE Transportation and hydrography updated from imagery dated 1999. Digital cartography by M. Barrett and J. Domier, Illinois State Geological Survey. 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET

North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER The Illinois State Geological Survey, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and the Projection: Transverse Mercator State of Illinois make no guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding the correctness of the 10,000-foot ticks: Illinois State Plane Coordinate system, east zone (Transverse Mercator) interpretations presented in this document and accept no liability for the consequences 1,000-meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator grid, zone 16 of decisions made by others on the basis of the information presented here. The geologic BASE MAP CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET interpretations are based on data that may vary with respect to accuracy of geographic Data Type NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 location, the type and quantity of data available at each location, and the scientific and Recommended citation: technical qualifications of the data sources. Maps or cross sections in this document are T Field outcrop Curry, B.B., 2005, Surficial Geology of Crystal Lake Quadrangle, McHenry and Kane not meant to be enlarged. Counties, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Map, Released by the authority of the State of Illinois: 2005 e" Stratigraphic boring IGQ Crystal Lake-SG, 1:24,000. e" Water well

e" Engineering boring

SG k Boring with samples (S) or geophysical log (G); dot indicates to bedrock



G 1 Woodstock NORT RUE Primary highway, Light-duty road, hard or Line of cross section N

2 McHenry E hard surface improved surface A A�

T 3 Wauconda IC 45 Secondary highway, 4 Huntley N OR hard surface Unimproved road 5 Barrington H Moraine For more information contact: TH 6 Pingree Grove Illinois State Geological Survey 678 7 Elgin 615 East Peabody Drive Water 8 Streamwood APPROXIMATE MEAN Interstate Route U.S. Route State Route Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 DECLINATION, 2005 (217) 244-2414 http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu Note: Numeric labels indicate the county number, a portion of the 12-digit API number on file at the ISGS Geological Records Unit. Outcrop labels indicate field number.

IGQ Crystal Lake-SG Sheet 1 of 3 West East A A�

Elevation Woodstock Moraine (feet)

quadrangle 1000 joins E–E� crosses F–F� 1000 boundary joins D–D� Virginia Rd (Route 14) Crystal Lake 353 h(f) 946 Route 31 Avenue

h(f) 947 e

l-y 1225 l-h h(f) Crystal Lake 37380 37378 37379 37381 gp 28113 l-h h(f) 28122 37566 h(f) c 37141 Avenue 37394 1848 37140 gp 900 h(l-y) e 31550 900 36444 h-b l-h h(f) 24849 h e h h-b 31521

h 27203 949 l-y h-b h(f) 147 36043 l-h l-y 800 t t h-b 800 t t h(l-y) l-y t e-p h-a h-a h(l-y) e-p h-a h 700 h-a 700 g g g Pz Pz h-a

600 600

West East B B� adjacent to Randall Road Elevation Woodstock Moraine (feet)

1050 1050 Barlina Moraine joins D–D� Barlina Moraine follows F–F�

follows E–E� Route 31 Pingree h(f) 33951 l-y Road 39255

37113 Lake in the

l-y 36717 950 344 950 22318 37092 37114 l-b 37104 e Hills Fen 27410

l-b 37531 37118 h 37107 37522 h(l-y) 36727 37530 h(f) 37542 36659

l-y 36648 37120 37108 36658 c 36725 l-h 36842 37129 26151

36638 dg 37112

h 37133 l-b h h e l-h 1514 33418 36657 37543 l-b 36639 e e c gp 36654 e l-h 36655 36652 36656 36653 h(l-b) 36651 h gp 36640 h 850 h c gp h-b 850 e e t t

t ly r-r 750 h(l-y) 750 g


h-a Pz 650 650

West East C C� Elevation (feet) Barlina Moraine

1000 1000 crosses E–E� Huntley Road Sleepy Hollow Road

33386 gp Cross Sections 30429

32505 gp

l-y e 31456 l-b e gp e e l-y

1382 ly

e 32479 31457 900 e l-y 900 h h Sand and gravel e joins F–F'

l-b 1283 l-b l-b Fine and very fine sand h(l-b) Silt and clay

Fox River 33442 Fox River Trail 800 t dg 800 Diamicton 33023 l-y 31458

t 24764 gp c Contact 915 914 33022 h c t Inferred contact 700 h 700 h-a g e-p g g Horizontal scale: 1 inch = 2000 feet Vertical scale: 1 inch = 100 feet h-a Pz Pz Vertical exaggeration: 20

600 600

North South D D� Elevation (feet)

1000 1000 joins B–B� North County Line Road joins A–A� Huntley Road Ackman Road Algonquin Road Crystal Lake Miller Road 35459 24691 23514 37106 28113 29589 37105 29591 37111 37052 30903 37096 23637 37055

gp e 37048 37100 23517 764 36439 22564 29590 31580

24411 gp 32849 l-y 37101 gp 900 39254 dg 900 e l-y 37104 33948 24382 37058 31968 30070 l-y gp l-b e l-y e 37061 l-b gp e e h e h gp h h h h h(l-b) e e h(l-b) h e l-b h(l-b) 800 800 t t t

h-a r-r h-a- e-p g g 700 700 h-a g Pz Pz

600 600

South North E Woodstock Moraine E� Elevation Barlina Moraine (feet) joins A–A' follows Pyott Road 1000 1000 Crystal Lake Road crosses C–C� follows B–B� Hwy 14 Virginia Road 36676 353 26220 29582 30432 e North County Line Road h(f) 26867 36677

l-h 917 l-y

h(f) 95 25495 784 24087 Algonquin Road 900 1103 l- h 24088 gp 32479 31457 37478 e 24100 34133 36637 36698 36631 900 343 l-y l-y 1572 36630

24191 h l-b e dg e l-b h(l-b) 36725 h-b 574 e 36643 h 26151

l-y 35988 35987 35992 35984 35961 35985

35989 h

24117 l-b dg l-y 35146 l-b 36724 27056 l-y gp e 34944

35963 h l-b h l-y h l-y l-y l-y h c 800 1

800 35995 l-y t c c t c h(l-y) t t r-r e-p r-r h-a e-p h r-r r-r h-a g 700 700 h-a g g h-a

Pz Pz

600 600

North South F Woodstock Moraine F� Elevation (feet)

follows B–B� 1000 crosses A–A� 1000 Woodstock Moraine

Crystal Lake Avenue Algonquin-Cary Road

Route 14 Spring Creek Road North County Line Road 23276 23277 37394 900 27410 900

22498 � dg h(f) 31969 joins C–C 28143 h(f) h(f) 36480

25505 h(f) 1855

h(f) 538 24898 24108 1159 h(f) 27364 33950 h(f) l-h 1514

37429 h(f) l-h 37205 h-b h(f) River Road l-h e h-b h h

Fox River 33434 l-y h-b 33432 33433 33442 800 26757 h dg 800 24335 e l-y e l-y h h h ly h(l-y) h

h 34287 34136 24154 h(l-y) 36649 t h(l-y) c c t 700 t t 700 t r-r g g h-a g h-a g

Pz Pz

600 600 IGQ Crystal Lake-SG Sheet 2 of 3 Purpose Table 1 Selected physical properties of the most significant stratigraphic units. Mean values are given for most parameters. Hydraulic conductivity values are

l estimated.

This surficial geology map identifies, describes, and locates near-surface moraine glacial Stratigraphic Unit l geologic materials relevant to the many environmental and economic scroll bars Tiskilwa Tiskilwa issues in this growing metropolitan area. The Crystal Lake Quadrangle l diamicton diamicton Batestown Yorkville Haeger Equality Grayslake Henry is home to approximately 100,000 residents, including the municipalities Material (regional) (local) diamicton diamicton diamicton silt and clay peat sand and gravel l of Crystal Lake (38,000; Illinois Census 2000), Carpentersville (30,586), Crystal LakLakee QuadrangleQuadrangle Gravel (%) 7 4 16 10 11 1 2 29

Elgin QuadrangleQuadrangle l Sand (%) 37 34 43 20 45 8 8 53 Algonquin (23,276), Lake in the Hills (23,152), Cary (15,531), Huntley debris-rich (5,730), and Lakewood (2,337). drainageway ice Silt (%) 37 33 41 47 37 60 52 32 lake l Clay (%) 26 34 16 33 18 32 40 15 diamicton Moisture content (%) 11 12.2 10 14 12 29 112 17 There are several noteworthy geologic and hydrogeologic concerns of the l outwash plains older glacial sediments Vertical hydraulic –8 –9 –4 –5 –5 –6 –4 –5 –5 –6 –2 –4 Crystal Lake area, including these: scarp l conductivity (cm/sec) - 10 to 10 10 to 10 10 to 10 10 to 10 10 to 10 - 10 to 10 1 Figure 2 Conceptual model of landform and sediment assemblages associated with Liquid limit - 24 15 25 - - - - l 1 • Potential reserves of sand and gravel aggregate; the Crystal Lake the margins of continental (Curry et al. 1997). Plastic limit - 11 12 14 - - - - Plasticity index1 - 13 3 11 - - - - area has been a center for sand and gravel mining in northeastern l 2 Illinois for more than half a century (Masters 1978, Cobb and Reference 1 5 2 2, 4 1 3 3 3 Glacial History Color (fresh) red-brown red-brown brown gray gray gray dark brown brown Fraser 1981). 3 The succession of Quaternary glacial sediments in northeastern Illinois Unif. Soil Class. CL CL CL CL CL CL, ML OH SC, GW • The quality and quantity of groundwater used in municipal and Samples (no.) 283 25 63 428 25 198 10 113 was deposited on an unconformity formed on Paleozoic bedrock. In private drinking water supplies and location of aquifers in the 1 the northern two thirds of the Crystal Lake Quadrangle, the bedrock See Holtz and Kovacs 1981. glacial drift; about three fourths of the quadrangle’s groundwater 2 Reference: 1 = Curry 1995, 2 = Curry 1991, 3 = Graese et al. 1988, 4 = Kesich 1999, 5 = Jennings 1985. is pumped from layers of sand and gravel in the glacial drift underlying the drift is composed of primarily Silurian age dolomite of 3 Unified Soil Classification: CL = lean clay; ML = lean silt; OH = compressible soil; SC = sand, poorly graded; GW = gravel, well graded. Large point bars llSublobe extent (Curry et al. 1997). the Wilhelmi, Elwood, and Kankakee Formations (Graese et al. 1988). As much as about 70 feet thick in the northern part of the quadrangle, Silurian • Polluted groundwater, such as at the Precision Twist site in 0 1 stationary; moraines comprise diamicton and interbedded lenses and and Yorkville units are leaky aquitards because they are thin, dolomites pinch out to the south. In the southern third of the quadrangle, Erosional terraces Sec. 33, T43N, R8E, and the old McHenry County Landfill MILE sheets of sand and gravel (fig. 2). If moraines formed during a single weathered, and contain many interbeds of sand and gravel. the bedrock underlying the glacial drift is composed of shaly dolomite of Superfund Site in Sec. 3, T42N, R8E, in Crystal Lake (Patrick interval of ice stabilization, such as the Marengo Moraine (fig. 1), the the Ordovician Maquoketa Group (Graese 1991, Graese et al. 1988, Curry Figure 3 Location of large point bars and erosional terraces along the Fox River McNulty, McHenry County Department of Health, personal in Kane County in the southern part of the Crystal Lake Quadrangle and northern internal sediment architecture may be simple (i.e., composed of one kind • Haeger Member (Lemont Formation) diamicton is very sandy, very 2005a). Prior to and during the Quaternary Period (from about 1.8 million communication; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, part of the Elgin Quadrangle. The scroll bars evident on the large point bar may of diamicton). Moraines in the Crystal Lake Quadrangle are complex. friable, and associated with thick deposits of sand and gravel. The years ago to the present), the bedrock was eroded to form a landscape with personal communication). be related to the scarps on the erosional terrace immediately to the south. The The Barlina Moraine, for example, was formed when the ice margin Haeger Member is a very leaky aquitard and is almost everywhere river valleys and intervening uplands. Glacial sand and gravel deposits • Eight additional Superfund Sites (Illinois Environmental Fox River has eroded at least 50 feet into the highest parts of these landforms. readvanced to about the same location at different times. The Barlina oxidized and weathered. commonly filled in low areas and valleys on the landscape. Significant The maximum extent of the Harvard Sublobe during the Woodstock Phase is Protection Agency, personal communication). Moraine is composed of three lithologically distinctive diamicton units drift aquifers occupy deep bedrock valleys in the region, but significant shown in brown. Modified from Curry et al. (1999). • Proposed landfill sites, such as the Pyott Road Landfill of the interbedded with sand and gravel. Acknowledgments 1980s (Jennings 1985). buried bedrock valleys do not occur in the Crystal Lake Quadrangle The Wedron Group glacial diamicton units, most surficial lake sediment, • Local flooding in closed depressions and along streams tributary (Curry 2005a). The author thanks the companies and corporations, private land owners, and coarse outwash are capped by about 3 feet of weathered silty clay and Materials (Lithostratigraphic Units) to the Fox River (Illinois Representative Cal Skinner 2000, and municipalities who provided access to their properties or water silty clay loam loess known as Peoria Silt (Hansel and Johnson 1996). The personal communication). The oldest glacial sediment present in the area is deeply buried and occurs Classification and Terminology wells for geophysical (gamma-ray) logging. Special thanks goes to the loess is generally organic-rich in the upper foot because it contains the • Landslides along U.S. Route 31 at Buffalo Park Forest Preserve below 730 feet above mean sea level. This sediment was deposited during Geologists map geologic materials as lithostratigraphic units, which Crystal Lake and Algonquin Park Districts, Meyer Materials Company, modern soil, but, because it is ubiquitous and thin, the Peoria Silt was not in south Algonquin (Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois Episode about 180,000 to 130,000 years ago (Curry and Pavich have unique physical properties (e.g., color and grain-size distribution) Vulcan Materials Company, Layne-Western (Aurora, Illinois) of mapped. unpublished report). 1996) and includes less than 50 feet of till, lake sediment, and outwash of and occur in a specific level in the succession of sediment layers (see Layne Christensen Co., Patrick Technologies, Inc., and Testing Service the Glasford Formation (unit g on the cross sections). In places, the old map and fig. 5). For deposits of the last glaciation, a special distinction Corporation. The text was improved through suggestions by Timothy Most evidence indicates that after the effects of glaciation and its The surficial geology map depicts materials encountered below a mantle drift is overlain by patchy deposits less than 10 feet thick of buried peat is made based on grain size and sorting. Deposits composed of similar- Kemmis and Ardith Hansel. associated flooding abated about 10,000 years ago there has been little of weathered, silty soil (loess) within 2 to 4 feet of ground surface. The known as the Robein Member of the Roxana Silt (unit r-r; Curry 1989, sized grains (i.e., well-sorted sediment or poorly graded sediment) are modification of the landscape. The most significant change is the infilling accompanying cross sections show the vertical dimension of the deposits, Curry and Pavich 1996). classified with the Mason Group, whereas deposits composed of a poorly References of basins such as Crystal Lake, where postglacial lake sediment dating including several units that do not appear on the map and are completely sorted mixture of grain sizes (i.e., diamicton) are classified with the from about 10,000 years old to the present has filled about 30% of the Buol, S.W., F.D. Hole, and R.J. McCracken, 1980, Soil genesis and buried by younger glacial drift. Other geologic maps that depict features At the base of Wisconsin Episode sediments are layers of outwash sand Wedron Group (Hansel and Johnson 1996). Regionally important layers available basin space. Sediment stored as alluvium along the Fox River classfication, nd2 ed.: Ames, The Iowa State University Press, 404 p. related to the surficial geology map and cross sections include those of the and gravel and lake sediment. These materials were deposited in streams of sand and gravel or fine-grained sediment that occur between named and its tributaries rarely attains thicknesses of more than 20 feet. These bedrock topography, glacial drift thickness, and thickness of surficial sand and ahead of the advancing (fig. 2). With time, the glacial lithostratigraphic units of the Wedron Group are called stratigraphic Cobb, J.C., and G.S. Fraser, 1981, Application of sedimentology to floodplain deposits, classified with the Cahokia Formation, include and gravel deposits (Curry 2005a, 2005b). ice covered these proglacial sediments and buried them with deposits of tongues. Sand and gravel layers that are mappable at a scale of 1:24,000, development of sand and gravel resources in McHenry and Kane till and debris flows of the Tiskilwa Formation. Buried outwash is mapped deposits of gravelly sand, sand, peat, and silty clay. but do not occur regionally, are unnamed tongues. Counties, northeastern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Methods as the Ashmore Tongue of the Henry Formation (unit h-a) and the lake Illinois Mineral Notes 82, 17 p. sediment as the Peddicord Tongue of the Equality Formation (unit e-p). Landscape-Sediment (Lithofacies) Assemblages “Diamicton” describes a deposit of particles with a wide range of grain Curry, B.B., 1989, Absence of Altonian glaciation in Illinois: Quaternary The sources of data used to prepare the surficial geology map and cross Both units are buried deeply and are shown only on the cross sections. Landscape-sediment assemblages relate the origin and composition of sizes, usually from clay to boulders. Most diamicton of glacial origin in Research, v. 31, p. 1–13. sections are described on the data point locations map (Curry 2005c). Deposits of the Peddicord Tongue are thin and patchy, but the Ashmore landforms. The glaciated landscape of northeastern Illinois is subdivided Illinois is matrix-supported, meaning that the larger particles (gravel to Curry, B.B., 1991, Statistical evaluation of common geotechnical These include 8 key stratigraphic borings sampled by Illinois State Tongue is more than 70 feet thick in places. The Ashmore Tongue is an into five generalized landscape-sediment assemblages, including (1) boulders) are encased in a mixture of finer particles (clay, silt, and sand). parameters of glacial drift units at Fermi National Accelerator Geological Survey geologists or by a consulting geologist. Data for these important aquifer in many areas in the quadrangle, especially to the south lakes and lake plains, (2) outwash plains, (3) drainageways, (4) stream Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois: Association of Engineering Geologists, borings in McHenry County are summarized elsewhere (Curry 1995; see (see cross section C–C). valleys, and (5) moraines. Examples of each are found on the Crystal Grayslake Peat (gp) Peoria Silt, Mason Group (not mapped) 34th Annual Meeting Proceedings, Greensburg, PA, p. 258. also, Lund 1965, Jennings 1985). Other data sources include 11 gamma- Cahokia Fm (c) Henry Fm (h) Henry Fm Lake Quadrangle (fig. 4). Lake plains and lakes are underlain by fine- (fine facies) Curry, B.B., 1995, Groundwater protection mapping for McHenry County, ray logs of existing water wells; 184 shallow borings (not to bedrock and, The Lobe reached its terminal position about 24,500 Equality Fm (e) Haeger Mbr (l-h) grained sediment, marl, or peat. Outwash plains are underlain by deposits on average, about 50 feet deep) for aggregate exploration, road and other radiocarbon years ago when it began to form the Marengo Moraine about Illinois: Drilling Report: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File of sand and gravel deposited in front of glacial margins (fig. 2), such as Beverly T (h-b) construction, and geological investigation; 104 property evaluation borings 6 miles west of Crystal Lake (fig. 1). The Marengo Moraine is composed Report 1995-1, 123 p. the one that formed the Woodstock Moraine (fig. 4). Originally eroded (on average, about 15 feet deep); 375 logs from water-well drillers; and 60 of the Tiskilwa Formation, the thickest and most lithologically uniform Yo rkville Mbr (l-y) Curry, B.B., 1998, Quaternary geology map, Elgin Quadrangle: Illinois y Fm, by meltwater, drainageways are generally underlain by two kinds of river Lemont Fm outcrops described by the author and other ISGS geologists. Data for many glacial drift unit in the region (Wickham et al. 1988). The uniform matrix unnamed tongue (h(l-y)) State Geological Survey (U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Henr

sediment (alluvium): (1) outwash sand and gravel and (2) finer alluvium of undivided (h) of these borings are available from the ISGS Geological Records Unit. texture, great thickness, paucity of significantly thick and continuous Batestown Mbr (l-b) program), 1:24,000. Mason Group postglacial streams. dron Group We sand and gravel lenses (Wickham et al. 1988, Curry et al. 1997), and unnamed tongue (h(l-y)) Curry, B.B., 2005a, Bedrock topography of Crystal Lake Quadrangle, Different levels of data interpretation were needed to complete the sedimentology (Curry et al. 1999) collectively imply that most Tiskilwa McHenry and Kane Counties, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey,

The character of the drainageway sediment assemblage changes along a Fm cross sections and map. The highest-quality data (the key stratigraphic diamicton is till that was deposited in a subglacial environment. The unit Tiskilwa Fm (t) the course of the river system depending on variables such as the distance Ashmore T, Illinois Geological Quadrangle Map, IGQ Crystal Lake-BT, 1:24,000. borings, borings with gamma-ray logs, and outcrops) were used to tends to contain more lenses and layers of sand and gravel in the northern Henry Fm (h-a) Peddicord T, from the meltwater source or the depth to bedrock. The Fox River valley Equality Fm (e-p) Tiskilw Curry, B.B., 2005b, Drift thickness of Crystal Lake Quadrangle, McHenry prepare preliminary cross sections. Supplemental data were added, and eastern parts of the quadrangle than to the south and west. is an outstanding example of a glacial drainageway. Steep slopes often Robein Mbr, Roxana Silt (r-r) and Kane Counties, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois where available, along the lines of section; the preliminary cross sections connect the floodplains of glacial drainageways with glaciated uplands Glasford Fm (g) Geological Quadrangle Map, IGQ Crystal Lake-DT, 1:24,000. served as guides for interpreting the geometry of sediment layers. The direction of ice flow was from east to west during the formation of (fig. 4). Stream valleys are also floored by alluvium of modern streams, the After preliminary cross sections were made, surficial geology map unit the Marengo Moraine. After the moraine formed, the direction of ice flow Paleozoic bedrock (Pz) Curry, B.B., 2005c, Data point locations of Crystal Lake Quadrangle, character of which changes rapidly as the stream approaches its confluence boundaries were drawn based in part on previous investigations (Curry changed dramatically as looping moraines of the Bloomington Morainic McHenry and Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, with the master trunk stream. In the Crystal Lake Quadrangle, the master et al. 1997, Wickham et al. 1988) and interpretations of the Kane County System were formed (fig. 1). At the Wedgewood Subdivision in western Illinois Geological Quadrangle Map, IGQ Crystal Lake-DP, 1:24,000. trunk stream is the Fox River. Thick deposits of coarse- to fine-grained Figure 5 Schematic representation of the spatial relationships among the and McHenry County soil survey maps (Goddard 1979, Ray and Wascher Crystal Lake (Sec. 3, T42N, R8E), a lake deposit above a layer of Tiskilwa lithostratigraphic units and associated tongues. Curry, B.B., R.C. Berg, and R.C. Vaiden, 1997, Geologic mapping for alluvium and peat are near the mouths of valleys that are tributary to the 1965, respectively), primarily to delineate areas of peat and alluvium. In Formation diamicton yielded organic matter dated at 23,230 ± 500 yr environmental planning, McHenry County, Illinois: Illinois State Fox River. These deposits are thinner toward the stream’s headwaters, some areas, the altitude of unit contacts on the cross sections was adjusted before present (BP) (ISGS-2345; Curry et al. 1997). This finding indicates In Illinois, the lithology of a diamicton in a moraine commonly contrasts Geological Survey, Circular 559, 79 p. where many streams have formed wide floodplains by lateral migration to reflect the mapped distribution of the lithologic units. The smallest map that the ice melted back rapidly from the position of the Marengo Moraine with that of adjacent moraines. The most commonly used lithological and beveling of the underlying glacial sediment (fig. 4) but with little, Curry, B.B., D.A. Grimley, and J.A. Stravers, 1999, Quaternary geology, units cover about 1 acre; areas this small generally show small patches of and that a proglacial lake formed between the Marengo Moraine and the criteria to differentiate among diamicton units include color, particle-size if any, alluvium. Moraines formed when glacier margins were relatively geomorphology, and climatic history of Kane County, Illinois: Illinois peat or lake sediment in shallow depressions. Lake Michigan Lobe when the Bloomington Morainic System was formed distribution of the <2-mm matrix, and clay mineral composition (Wickham State Geological Survey, Guidebook 28, 40 p. to the south and west (Curry et al. 1997). et al. 1988). Quaternary geologists use textural terms such as “loam” and Curry, B.B., and M.J. Pavich, 1996, Absence of glaciation in Illinois 35 36 Geologic Setting 36 31 32 33 34 “clay loam” to describe the particle-size distribution of the matrix; the during marine isotope stages 3 through 5: Quaternary Research, v. 31, After the Princeton Sublobe melted, the Harvard Sublobe of the Lake terms are based on the soil texture classification of the U.S. Department of Glacial deposits mantle most of Illinois. In the Crystal Lake Quadrangle, W p. 19–26. Michigan Lobe was active from about 19,000 to 15,000 yr BP (Hansel o Agriculture (Buol et al. 1980). Crystal o 1 drift is as much as 290 feet thick (Curry 2005b). In northeastern Illinois, 1 L. 6 5 4 d3 2 Curry, B.B., and P.R. Seaber, 1990, Hydrogeology of the shallow and Johnson, 1992). The Harvard Sublobe waxed and waned three times s to near-surface glacial sediment was deposited during the last glaciation across parts of the Crystal Lake Quadrangle (fig. 1). The first readvance o c groundwater resources, Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological u k Mason Group B t Survey, Contract/Grant Report 1989-3, 34 p. (Wisconsin Episode) from about 24,500 to 15,000 radiocarbon years ago. reached the position of the Huntley Moraine just to the west of the w M a Two kinds of materials composed of sorted sediment of the Mason Group a o During this time, the Lake Michigan Lobe, a south-flowing tongue of the r 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 l s r Goddard, T.M., 1979, Soil survey of Kane County, Illinois: Urbana- Crystal Lake Quadrangle, and sediment associated with the Batestown i h a are identified in this quadrangle (table 1). One is sand and gravel of the n i Laurentide , formed numerous subdued ridges with hummocky Member was deposited. The second readvance reached the position of a p n Champaign, Illinois: Illinois Agricultural Experimental Station, Soil la e Henry Formation. The other is finer-grained deposits of fine sand, silt, topography known as moraines. Movement of the Lake Michigan Lobe M i the Barlina Moraine, and sediment associated with the Yorkville Member o n and clay of the Equality Formation. The Henry sand and gravel deposits, Report No. 109, 179 p. r was deposited. The third and final ice margin advanced to the position of 13 a 18 17 16 15 14 13 in especially as they occur at or just below ground surface, can be important Graese, A.M., 1991, Facies analysis of the Ordovician Maquoketa Group the Woodstock Moraine and deposited thick proglacial sand and gravel e Lake in sources of aggregate resources or aquifers (Curry and Seaber 1990). and adjacent strata in Kane County, northeastern Illinois: Illinois State outwash of the Beverly Tongue (Henry Formation) and sandy loam the Hills Several types of deposits are recognized as part of the Henry Formation. Geological Survey, Circular 547, 36 p. Harvard (reservoir) Wd diamicton of the Haeger Member (Lemont Formation). 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sublobe The distinction usually is stratigraphic; that is, the named facies or Graese, A.M., R.A. Bauer, B.B. Curry, R.C. Vaiden, W.G. Dixon Jr., and stratigraphic tongue is dependent on the diamicton unit under which the Br J.P. Kempton, 1988, Geological/geotechnical studies for siting the As the ice melted from the Crystal Lake Quadrangle, numerous sand and gravel lies. The fine-grained deposits of the Equality Formation Supercollider Superconducter in Illinois—Regional summary: Illinois Br depressions formed on the Woodstock and Barlina Moraines. As melting 25 30 28 27 26 25 form important local aquitards that impede the movement of groundwater. Mr Ht 29 State Geological Survey, Environmental Geology Notes 123, 100 p. occurred, the sides of the kettles became unstable, and deposits of sand The Grayslake Peat (peat and marl) and Cahokia Formation (interbeds Wd Hansel, A.K., and W.H. Johnson, 1992, Fluctuations of the Lake Michigan Joliet and diamicton were redeposited in the basins. In Sec. 3, T43N, R8E, of sand and gravel, sand, clayey silt, and peat) are special units of the Sublobe cores from two kettles in borings 37144 and 22742 (Curry 2005c) reveal Fox River Lobe during the late Wisconsin subepisode. Sveriges Geologiska n Mason Group. Both units occur in areas prone to flooding. The Grayslake o m 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 t e g t Valley Undersökning, Series Ca 81, p. 122–144. n s a succession of more than 40 feet of such postglacial sediment classified i y W Peat occurs in depressions or at the foot of slopes that receive year-round m S B o e a o n o Hansel, A.K., and W.H. Johnson, 1996, Wedron and Mason Groups: l with a fine-grained facies of the Henry Formation. The lower part is i Princeton Mn o moisture from groundwater. The Cahokia Formation is the alluvium of B a r M o r Sublobe u l F o Sc i o d composed of about 20 feet of fossiliferous silt, sand and gravel, and thin t n x o Lithostratigraphic reclassification of deposits of the Wisconsin M w a R r s postglacial rivers and streams. Due to the very high moisture content and 1 6 524 3 iv a t 1 a e o beds of loam diamicton; the upper part was 20 feet of oxidized, well- M r i Episode, Lake Michigan Lobe area: Illinois State Geological Survey, s n c high compressibility, peat, marl, and clayey sediments are not suitable for Chicago h o e r k sorted, medium- to fine-grained sand. Fossil stems and leaves yielded p a foundation material, and they often are classified as fat clays or organic Bulletin 104, 116 p. la in radiocarbon ages of 14,610 ± 110 yr BP (ISGS-A-0143) and 14,860 ± in e soils (Unified Soil Classification System; Holtz and Kovacs 1981). Holtz, R.D., and W.D. Kovacs, 1981, An introduction to geotechnical 11 110 yr BP (ISGS-A-0165), suggesting that the Harvard Sublobe had 12 7 8 9 10 12 Desiccation of these units caused by drainage may lead to cracking and Mr Marengo Moraine Other moraines engineering: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 733 p. retreated from the area by about 15,000 yr BP. Deposits of fine, sorted subsidence. Illinois Census 2000, http://illinoisgis.ito.state.il.us/census2000. Ht Huntley Moraine Glaciated area with sediment of the Equality Formation (map unit e) and peat and marl of the no moraines 0 15 0 1 2 3 Sc St. Charles Moraine Grayslake Peat (map unit gp) also fill many kettle depressions and other Jennings, R.L., 1985, Report of hydrogeological investigations, proposed Sublobe boundary Miles MILES Wedron Group Mn Pyott Road sanitary landfill, submitted to Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc., Minooka Moraine low-lying areas. The thickest known deposit of surficial lake silt and clay Four lithologically distinct diamicton units of the Wedron Group are County boundary Moraines; gentle hills and hummocky Hinsdale, Illinois, 107 p. Br Barlina Moraine (33 feet) was cored in boring 39254 under 42 feet of water in Crystal Lake mapped on the Crystal Lake Quadrangle (table 1). All units classify as lean Crystal Lake Quadrangle topography Wd Woodstock Moraine (see cross section D–D); spruce wood sampled near the bottom of the clays in the Unified Soil Classification System (Holtz and Kovacs 1981). Kesich, P.M., 1999, Groundwater flow in a succession of fine-grained core yielded a radiocarbon age of 13,560 ± 90 yr BP (ISGS-4367). The associated with the The most diagnostic characteristics of each unit and assessments of the glacial deposits, in T. Kemmis and D. Kelleher, eds., Advances in Figure 1 Wisconsin Episode moraines in northeastern Illinois. Moraines were thickness of peat deposits has been measured in only a few places in the Woodstock Moraine; mined out for units as aquitards are listed. The stratigraphic nomenclature follows that characterizing ground water movement through glacial sequences: formed near the terminus of glacial ice at various positions of the Lake Michigan map area. The maximum thickness of peat measured at the Lake in the sand and gravel aggregate Naperville, Ilinois, Midwest GeoSciences Group. Lobe. Glacial ice advanced in a westerly and southwesterly direction into Illinois of Willman and Frye (1970) with modifications to the lithologic units of from the Lake Michigan basin. The older moraines of this figure generally occur to Hills fen is only about 7 feet (center of cross section B–B). Outwash plain associated with the the last glaciation by Hansel and Johnson (1996). Lund, C.R., 1965, Data from controlled drilling program in McHenry the west and the younger moraines to the east. In the area of the last glaciation, Barlina Moraine; not extensively mined County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Environmental the yellow areas are typically drainageways or plains of outwash, lake sediment, Also during , large meltwater floods along the present-day Fox for sand and gravel • Tiskilwa Formation diamicton is reddish-brown, hard, thick, and Geology Notes 7, 64 p. or till. Adapted from Willman and Frye (1970) and Hansel and Johnson (1996). River carved a channel across the Woodstock Moraine. Downstream of the uniform and has a matrix texture of clay loam to loam. Thick Masters, J.M., 1978, Sand and gravel and peat resources in northeastern moraine, the floods eroded more than 100 feet of glacial sediment from Fox River valley drainageway Tiskilwa Formation diamicton is the most significant drift aquitard Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 503, 11 p. the Fox River valley, leaving behind large point bars (~1 mi2) and terraces in the region. was complex and, at times, sublobes with unique flow patterns formed Ray, B.W., and H.L. Wascher, 1965, McHenry County soils: Urbana- distinctive tracts of moraines (fig. 1). The sublobes melted back and (fig. 3). The sand and gravel constituting the large point bar on the Crystal Lake Quadrangle was likely deposited contemporaneously with another Stream valley with broad floodplain • Batestown Member (Lemont Formation) diamicton is brown, Champaign, University of Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station, readvanced several times during the Wisconsin Episode glaciation; each friable when dry (crumbly), thin, sandy, and contains abundant Soil Report 81, 132 p. moraine represents the sediment deposited at the glacial margin during large point bar deposit in the core of the large, abandoned meander of the interbeds of sand and gravel. Wickham, S.S., W.H. Johnson, and H.D. Glass, 1988, Regional geology separate readvances. Meltwater carried and deposited sand and gravel Fox River 3 miles south in the Elgin Quadrangle (Curry 1998, Curry et al. 1999; fig. 3). Subtle ridges (scroll bars) on the point bars and scarps on the Steep slopes of the Tiskilwa Till Member, Wedron Formation, northeastern Illinois: atop, below, and through the glacier, as well as along drainageways beyond • Yorkville Member (Lemont Formation) diamicton is gray, very terraces suggest that flooding was episodic. Postglacial erosion has incised Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 543, 35 p. the moraines (fig. 2). In some low areas, meltwater deposited fine-grained fine-grained, hard, thin, and contains little sand and gravel. In the these terraces and, in places, exposed diamicton of the Tiskilwa Formation lake sediment. Figure 4 Landform map of the Crystal Lake Quadrangle using the 10-meter Crystal Lake Quadrangle, the Yorkville Member contains abundant Willman, H.B., and J.C. Frye, 1970, stratigraphy of Illinois: along several reaches of the Fox River. USGS digital elevation model of the topographic map. Scale is 1:100,000. fractures formed by desiccation and weathering. The Batestown Illinois State Geological Survey, Bulletin 94, 204 p.

IGQ Crystal Lake-SG Sheet 3 of 3