Abacus, 1–2, 111, 636, 716, 950, 1341–1342, 1371, 1375, 1397
Index A Africa (Contd.) Abacus, 1–2, 111, 636, 716, 950, 1341–1342, 1371, 1375, 1397, bone technology, 406–411 1401, 1429, 1960, 2045, 2240 bread as food, 413–417 Abd ar-Rah.mān II, 1403 bread baking process in, 414 Abassi, 1362 bronze production and usages in, 1598–1599 Abe Motoaki, 1260 ceramics Abe Rakuho, 1260, 1262 clay extraction, 465 al-Istakhrī, Muh.ammad Ibrāhīm ibn (Abū Ishāq), 389 clay processing, 466 ˓ Ibn Firnās, Abbās, 594 decoration, 470–471 ˓ Ibn Mah. Fūf, Abdallāh, 999 drying, 471 ˓ Ibn Muh.ammad, Abd al-Rah. īm, 1307 firing of, 471–474 ˓ al-Yāqūtī, Abd al-Rashīd, 1785 firing structures, 472 Abdul-Hameed, 226 organic coating, 474 Abelmoschus diversifolius, 3 postfiring, 474–475 al-Abharī, Athīr al-Dīn, 157, 1333 pounding sherds in wooden mortars, 466 Aboriginal health workers (AHWs), 1526–1527 pounding technique, 468 Abortifacients, 3 resin application, 474 Abortion, 3–4, 540, 1453–1454, 1459, 1502, 1534, 1582, 1887 roughing out, 467–468 Ibn Ezra, Abraham, 5, 1336, 1388 shaping, 467 Abu’l Abbas al-Ma’mūn ibn Muh.ammad II, 92 social background, 464–465 ˒ Abū ’l-Fidā ,9 symbolic or religious concerns, 467 ˒ al-Khayyām, Abū’l-Fath Umar Ibn, 133, 241, 639, 2122 colonialism and science in, 608 ˓ al-Khāzin, Abū Ja far Muh.ammad Ibn al-H. usay, 6–7, 115–116, 122, colonial capitalism, 609 247, 275, 639 Khaya senegalensis, 610 Abū’l-S.alt al-Dānī,9–10 scrap iron policy, 610 ˒ Abū l-Wafā ,10–11, 630, 2173 copper production in, 1596–1597 Abū Kāmil, 7–8, 1354 dwelling and settlement patterns in, 753 ˓ Abū Ma shar, 12, 1335 Egyptian
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