
Stress field and seismotectonics of northern

Lourdes Colmenares   Department of , Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA Mark D. Zoback 

ABSTRACT REGIONAL We have integrated in situ stress, neotectonic, and Global Positioning System data to To clarify the state of stress in this region, investigate the complex interactions among the South American, , and Nazca the World Stress Map (WSM) database plates and the ±Panama microplate and to examine different seismotectonic (Mueller et al., 2000) was carefully reviewed models that have been proposed for the region. The resulting data set was used to generate and edited and focal-plane mechanisms from an integrated stress map of the region that shows that the stress ®eld in northern South well-de®ned plate boundaries were removed, America varies systematically in both orientation and relative magnitude. In the south- because such events are not indicative of in- western part of the study area, the Ecuadorian stress province exhibits strong E- traplate stresses. Overall, 116 of the 237 data W compression resulting from the of the beneath the South Amer- points (quality A±C) in the region of interest ican plate. In the North Andes stress province, the observed NW-SE compression may were removed. result from the convergence between the Caribbean and the South American plates and/ To supplement the WSM database, a thor- or the negative buoyancy of the already subducted beneath northwestern ough search for reliable focal mechanisms in South America. Possible convergence between the Costa Rica±Panama microplate with the region was done (Pennington, 1981; Kel- respect to northwestern South America may also be a source of compression in this region. logg and Bonini, 1982; Audemard and Rom- In north and northeastern , normal and strike-slip faulting with a NE-SW di- ero, 1993; Garciacaro, 1997; MalaveÂ, 1997; rection of extension characterizes the San Sebastian±El Pilar stress province. Perez et al., 1997a, 1997b; Choy et al., 2000; Harvard ±Centroid Moment Ten- Keywords: Caribbean, South America, stress, seismotectonics, Global Positioning System, sor catalog 1977±present). We considered fo- Northern Andes. cal mechanisms larger than magnitude 3 and with a maximum depth of 40 km to assure that INTRODUCTION Weber et al., 2001; Trenkamp et al., 2002), they re¯ect only crustal deformation: 50 data The present-day of northern South relative to stable South America. These GPS points were added to the original database. America is complex because four platesÐthe data help de®ne the relative motions among Several microtectonic studies have been South American, Caribbean, and Nazca plates the four plates in the region. The main ®nd- carried out in Venezuela and . In- and the Costa Rica±Panama microplateÐ ings can be summarized as follows. The Ca- versions of striae sets are available from interact in the region. The major tectonic fea- ribbean plate is moving eastward at a rate of the Falcon basin (Audemard, 2001), eastern tures of the area are shown in Figure 1, which ϳ20 mm/yr with respect to South America. Venezuela (BeltraÂn and Giraldo, 1989), the is a synthesis of the work by Taboada et al. However, oblique E-SE convergence of 20 Ϯ Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, and Bucara- (2000), Gonzalez de Juana et al. (1980), Pen- 2 mm/yr is occurring between the Caribbean manga (Taboada et al., 2000). Only the stress nington (1981), Robertson and Burke (1989), island of San Andres and stable South Amer- estimates obtained from Quaternary structures Dashwood and Abbotts (1990), Mann et al. ica. Thus, the GPS data con®rm the conver- were selected. Five data points of quality A (1990), BeltraÂn (1993), Perez et al. (1997a), gence between the Caribbean plate and north- were added. ECOPETROL (1998), Gutscher et al. (1999), western South America, as proposed by Observations of well-bore breakouts were and Mann (1999). The most important fault several seismotectonic models (Pennington, used to further constrain the stress ®eld in the systems, basins, and cordilleras are also 1981; van der Hilst and Mann, 1994; Perez et study region. We analyzed image logs from 16 shown. Two of the most prominent tectonic al., 1997a). Collision also appears to occur be- wells in the Barinas and Maturin basins in Ve- features of the area are the North Andean tween the Costa Rica±Panama microplate and nezuela and incorporated orientations of max- the North Andean block; the Costa Rica± block and the Maracaibo block. The North imum horizontal stress (SHmax) from breakout Andean block corresponds to the block where Panama microplate is moving eastward with studies by Sanchez et al. (1999) in the Mara the Andean ranges of Ecuador, Colombia, and respect to South America ϳ10±22 mm/yr fast- Oeste oil ®eld, Venezuela, and by Willson et Venezuela are located. It is supposed to be er than the North Andean block, which is al. (1999) in the Cusiana oil ®eld, Colombia, moving toward the NE relative to the South moving northeastward with respect to South and the Pedernales oil ®eld, Venezuela. American plate along a transpressive system America along the Bocono±East Andes±Dolores The evaluation of all these stress indicators of faults along the front of the Eastern Cor- Guayaquil megashear. The Nazca plate is and quality ranking was made according to moving eastward with respect to stable South dillera of Colombia (Pennington, 1981; Tren- Zoback and Zoback (1991). We added a total America at a rate of 60 mm/yr. kamp et al., 2002). The Maracaibo block is a of 62 well-constrained stress indicators from The GPS data indicate that northern Trini- triangular-shaped block of continental crust all the sources described. dad is moving eastward at 21 mm/yr, while bounded to the east by the Bocono fault and southern is moving northeastward to the west by the Santa Marta±Bucaramanga ϳ5 mm/yr. This ®nding implies that the plate DEFINITION OF STRESS PROVINCES fault (Mann et al., 1990). boundary between the Caribbean and South Figure 2 shows the integrated stress map of American plates must be located between northern South America and includes all the GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM northern and southern Trinidad, as suggested data described previously. The data are con- FINDINGS AND TECTONICS by Robertson and Burke (1989). The Los Bajos± centrated in the region corresponding to the Figure 1 also summarizes the Global Posi- El Soldado fault zone is an important tectonic North Andean block, the Costa Rica±Panama tioning System (GPS) data used in this study feature of the area, but might not represent the microplate, and northeastern Venezuela. No by showing velocity vectors from the three plate boundary as proposed by Perez and Ag- data are available for the southern part of Ve- most recent GPS studies (Perez et al., 2001; garwal (1981). nezuela or east of the Eastern Andean Front

᭧ 2003 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. Geology; August 2003; v. 31; no. 8; p. 721±724; 4 ®gures. 721 part of the Colombian Andes up to the bound- ary between the CaguaÂn-VaupeÂs basin and the Llanos Orientales basin east of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. The stress direction in this province shows maximum compression trending approximately E-W. The stress ®eld is compressional: the majority of are characterized by thrust faulting (with some strike-slip faulting). Two earthquakes due to normal faulting are thought to be associated with the high topography of the Andes (Zo- back, 1992). The North Andes stress province incorpo- rates most of northwestern South America, in- cluding the Atrato±San Juan basin, the Col- ombian Andes, and the Maracaibo block (Fig. 1). Toward the Atrato±San Juan basin, the stress direction trends NW, and the focal mechanisms reveal both thrust and strike-slip faulting. The majority of the earthquakes oc- cur in the northernmost part of the basin. Breakout data in this region also exhibit a gen- Figure 1. Major tectonic features of northern South America and Global Positioning System (GPS) velocity vectors from different studies. All vectors denote velocities with respect to eral NW trend of the SHmax axis. Willson et South America, and shading denotes different studies. Location of GalaÂpagos Island vector al. (1999) showed that the Cusiana oil ®eld is (GALA) has been shifted toward east just so we can show it in our study area (original characterized by a strike-slip faulting stress -location is at 90.3؇W, 0.74؇S). state. In the northeasternmost part of the prov ince, geologic indicators exhibit NNW-SSE fault system in Colombia and Ecuador. These thors (e.g., Jordan, 1975; Trenkamp et al., compression, and the stress state is mainly areas are part of a tectonically stable cratonic 2002). We have de®ned three stress provinc- strike slip. Overall, there appear to be both a crust (i.e., the Guyana shield) that is not un- esÐareas of relatively uniform stress orien- modest rotation of stress orientation and a de- dergoing deformation. The deformation in tation and magnitude (Zoback and Zoback, crease of relative stress magnitude from the northern South America is for the most part 1980)Ðin order to discuss variations of the southwest to northeast parts of this stress taken up by the North Andean block, sug- stress ®eld throughout the region, i.e., the province. gesting that the interaction among the differ- Ecuadorian Andes, North Andes, and San The San Sebastian±El Pilar province in- ent plates of the region does not occur on dis- Sebastian±El Pilar stress provinces (Fig. 3). cludes the San Sebastian and the El Pilar fault crete fault zones but throughout a broad The Ecuadorian Andes stress province in- systems and part of the Eastern Venezuela ba- deformation area, as suggested by several au- cludes the Ecuadorian Andes and the southern sin. Most of the earthquakes in the area result from strike-slip faulting and are considered to be part of the plate boundary between the Ca- ribbean and South American plates. The events that directly occurred on either the San Sebastian, the El Pilar, or any other major, right-lateral strike-slip subsidiary faults were not included in the stress map, but are kine- matically consistent with the stress orienta- tions inferred from the different stress indi- cators in the province. Geologic indicators in eastern Venezuela show NW-SE compression, and focal mechanisms from earthquakes due to strike-slip and normal faulting indicate this same compression direction. Willson et al. (1999) found that the stress state in the Ped- ernales oil ®eld is strike slip, which is consis- tent with analyzed by BeltraÂn and Giraldo (1989).

DISCUSSION As seen in Figure 3, the highly compressive stress ®eld and E-W SHmax direction observed in the Ecuadorian Andes province clearly re- Figure 2. Integrated stress map of northern South America, showing observed directions of ¯ects the convergence of the Nazca and the maximum horizontal compression in crust. Symbol associated with each data point indi- cates type of stress indicator, and shading indicates tectonic regime. Length of bars at- South American plates. What is perhaps more tached to each data point is measure of its quality. interesting in Figure 3 is the clockwise rota-

722 GEOLOGY, August 2003 province. As shown in Figure 1, the GPS data indicate that the convergence between the Ca- ribbean plate (as indicated by the station SANA) and northwestern South America is E-SE. Another possible origin of the stress rota- tion is the existence of the already subducted slab of the Caribbean plate. The shape of this slab can be determined from the depths of earthquakes, obtained from the National Information Center (NEIC, 1973 to present) (Fig. 4). The colored dots and dashed contour lines indicate the depth of the earthquakes. Note that the shape of the slab wraps around northwestern South America. Furthermore, the maximum compression stress direction is parallel to the dip direction of the slab at depth and rotates as the slab changes orientation. This suggests that the clockwise rotation of the direction of maxi- mum compression may result from the nega- Figure 3. Generalized tectonic map of northern South America. Stress provinces are dis- tive buoyancy of the already subducted Carib- cussed in text. See Figure 1 for abbreviations. bean plate beneath northwestern South America (Fleitout and Froidevaux, 1982; Tur- cotte and Schubert, 2002). The changes in the tion of the S direction of maximum hor- Near the Panama zone (Fig. 1), the Hmax slab's dip direction in the Bucaramanga izontal compression observed going north- direction of compression may be in¯uenced swarm area (BS in Fig. 4) coincide with the ward and eastward around northwestern South by the ongoing collision of the Costa Rica± step between the Eastern Andean front fault America, and the associated decrease in the Panama microplate with the North Andean system and the Bocono fault zone (Fig. 1). relative magnitude of the principal stresses. In block. In Figure 4, the open arrow shows the other words, in the North Andes stress prov- direction of relative motion between the Costa In the vicinity of the Bucaramanga swarm ince, the compression direction is generally Rica±Panama microplate and the North An- (Fig. 4), in the central part of the North Andes NW-SE, and characterized by a transition dean block (with respect to the reference sta- stress province, the top of the slab seems to from reverse to strike-slip faulting from south tion BOGO), as found by Trenkamp et al. reach ϳ100 km depth, continues almost hor- to north. In the San Sebastian±El Pilar stress (2002). However, the relative motion between izontally for ϳ50 km, and then resumes de- province, a still less compressive (normal the Caribbean and South American plates does scending until it reaches a depth of ϳ200 km. strike-slip faulting stress regime) is observed not appear to be the reason for the rotation of The dip of the slab in the area just north of with a NW-SE oriented direction of maximum the regional stress ®eld in the areas farther to the Bucaramanga swarm is ϳ22Њ toward horizontal compression. the north and east in the North Andes stress ϳN100ЊE, which is also the direction of max- imum compression in the area. Pennington (1981) identi®ed a slab he called the Bucara- manga slab with a dip of 20Њ±25Њ toward N109ЊE; this slab is apparently continuous with the of the - ¯oor northwest of Colombia and the zone of deformation in and near the Panamanian isth- mus. Toward the north of the Bucaramanga swarm, in an area ϳ200 km long (N-S), a well-de®ned Wadati-Benioff zone extending to 175 km depth has been identi®ed. The dip of the slab is ϳ22Њ and its dip direction is ϳN130ЊE, which is the same direction of maximum compression in the area. Moving northward, the dip direction of the slab rotates clockwise by ϳ15Њ, as does the direction of maximum compression. Toward the Falcon basin in Venezuela, the slab (as de®ned by seismicity) reaches depths of 60±75 km. On the basis of tomographic data, van der Hilst and Mann (1994) observed a slab extending to 300 km. According to them, the Maracaibo Figure 4. Map showing depth of regional seismicity. Contour lines are to top surface of inclined seismic zone in northwestern South America, and generalized stress di- slab is present in this area, dipping 17Њ in the rections are also shown (symbols as in Fig. 3). direction N150ЊE, which is the same direction

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