The Origin and Evolution of the Plate The Geological Society of London Books Editorial Committee




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It is recommended that reference to all or part of this book should be made in one of the following ways:

JAMES, K. H., LORENTE,M.A.&PINDELL, J. L. (eds) 2009. The Origin and Evolution of the . Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 328.

STANEK, K. P., MARESCH,W.V.&PINDELL, J. L. 2009. The geotectonic story of the northwestern branch of the Caribbean Arc: implications from structural and geochronological data of . In:JAMES, K. H., LORENTE,M.A.&PINDELL, J. L. (eds) The Origin and Evolution of the Caribbean Plate. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 328, 361–398. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO. 328

The Origin and Evolution of the Caribbean Plate


K. H. JAMES Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK

M. A. LORENTE Central University of , Venezuela


J. L. PINDELL Tectonic Analysis Ltd, West Sussex, UK Rice University, Texas, USA

2009 Published by The Geological Society London THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY

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This book records the proceedings of a conference, serpentinization. James describes a plate evolution held in Spain, 2006, that addressed aspects of the interpretation of these in a separate paper, along geology of the area between North and South with implications and outstanding problems. Exist- America, with focus upon the origin of the Carib- ing data/samples could provide many answers bean Plate. Additional papers provide new data. if revisited by studies designed to distinguish The book follows the structure of the conference, between different ideas. beginning with papers that describe different under- Milsom compares the Caribbean with basin/ standings of the plate origins, continuing with a orocline pairs in the Mediterranean area and the geological tour of the Caribbean and ending in the Banda Sea. Giner-Robles et al. describe the struc- plate interior. ture of the Atlantic Plate as it descends below the The papers express a wide variety of understand- , using focal mechanism ing of Caribbean geology. They cannot all be solutions. This offers an analogue for the Lesser correct. We, and the Geological Society, hope that zone of the eastern Caribbean. a book that brings them together will facilitate Keppie et al. discuss –Miocene debate and help readers to make their own analyses. events in southwestern Mexico. Instead of being The first four papers in particular describe consider- influenced by movements of the Chortı´s Block, the ably different visions of Caribbean Plate origins geology results from forearc subduction resulting and make-up. from collision of an with the Caribbean geology is complicated by wide dis- trench and change of plate relative motion associ- persal over many geographic elements, some with ated with the breakup of the . Cerca poor accessibility, tropical weathering and/or et al. describe analogue models that reproduce the young volcanic cover and some just poorly studied. tectonic evolution of SW Mexico and the Xolapa Much of the plate interior lies below deep water complex related to oblique sinistral transpressional and is directly sampled only by a few cores. movement of the Chortı´s Block. Guzma´n-Speziale Literature is spread over many sources, some inter- uses earthquake data to suggest that the Chortı´s national but many local, in English, French, Block is extruding to the SE in response to interaction German and Spanish. Given its location between with the North American and Cocos Plates and Valls the Gulf Mexico and northern , both Alvarez details geological history recorded in well-explored places where surprises continue to in similar terms. Ratschbacher et al. surface, it is obvious that a lot remains to be provide new data relevant to plate history in Guate- learned about the Caribbean. mala and , while Solari et al. focus upon Prevailing understanding is that the Caribbean zircon data to unravel the Palaeozoic history of Plate formed in the Pacific Ocean and migrated the area. between the . It is built, therefore, of Cobiella-Reguera details the record of volcanic oceanic and intra-oceanic rocks. Alter- arc activity and Late –Middle natively, it could have formed in place by extension emplacement of in Cuba. Volcanic between separating North and South America. It activity ceased from the Late Campanian to the could include . Some models are Danian when a new arc with north-dipping sub- hybrids of these possibilities. duction formed. This is not consistent with the Pindell & Kennan provide an update on Carib- concept of a coeval and continuous north-facing bean evolution in which the Americas engulf a Great Arc of the Caribbean. In western and central swath of Pacific-origin oceanic lithosphere during Cuba, the Northern Belt and Cretaceous their westward drift from Africa, from Early Creta- volcanic arc rocks were thrust several tens of ceous to Present, after a period of Jurassic passive kilometres to the north by the Middle Eocene. In margin formation around the Gulf of Mexico and contrast, Stanek et al. suggest that volcanic Proto-. References, frames, origins activity moved southwards to the Cayman Ridge of arcs, arc-continent interactions, mantle plume with south-dipping subduction. This, plus history exrusion, back arc spreading events and neotectonic of HP metamorphic rocks on Cuba, derived from settings are integrated to form an intrinsically con- the southern Yucata´n, supports the development of sistent evolutionary model. Giunta & Oliveri also the Caribbean Great Arc in the Pacific. suggest oceanic spreading and formation of an Hastie et al. describe the geochemistry and oceanic plateau but between the Americas. James significance of Cretaceous tholeiites and synthesizes data that indicate an in situ origin of calc-alkaline rocks on Jamaica. Both occur before the plate by extreme continental extension and and after the Aptian/Albian, thus commonly seen viii PREFACE volcanic arc subduction polarity reversal at this time Higgs proposes a radical change of timing of is not supported. In a separate paper, Hastie shows Caribbean evolution, with rifting ending in the that Caribbean primitive island arc (PIA) rocks are Coniacian instead of the Jurassic, and with chemically indistinguishable from modern island Santonian–Campanian spreading lasting only arc tholeiites (IAT) and recommends abandonment 10–15Ma instead of 140Ma, followed by sub- of PIA usage. duction of the Caribbean below northern South Buchs et al. report on detailed field studies of the America. Entry of the Caribbean arc occurred in Osa and Burica Peninsulas () that the Oligocene, not in the Palaeocene, and Caribbean recorded a long-term history of alternating relative motion became eastward in the Pliocene, with subduction erosion. An igneous complex not in the Middle Miocene. Higgs also pre- includes a Coniacian–Santonian oceanic plateau sents indirect evidence of a former Berriasian– and Coniacian–Santonian to Middle Eocene sea- Valanginian Carib Halite Formation, formed in a mounts that accreted along the Caribbean Plate extending from to and between the and the Late Eocene. A seen today only in Colombia. Indications include me´lange formed along the Igneous Complex in solution subsidence, saline springs, heat-flow and the Late Eocene by accretion of mass wasting gravity anomalies, and thrust belt structural style. deposits reworked from the igneous complex and Cooney & Lorente present data that show an the Central American Arc. The study suggests unrecognized Campanian structural event and that some sequences of Late Cretaceous oceanic resultant unconformity in the Maracaibo Basin plateau(s) in are unrelated to the that could be related to changes in Caribbean Plate Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) and . formed in the Pacific before being accreted along Maresch et al. discuss HP/LT metamorphic the Caribbean Plate. rocks of Margarita, overlain by greenschists. HP/ Montgomery & Kerr reinterpret red cherts on LT protoliths were both oceanic and continental La De´sirade, , relating them to (Palaeozoic and ) and metamorphism is hydrothermal sedimentation at an Upper Jurassic, seen to have occurred to the west, in accord with Pacific spreading ridge. Pacific models for the Caribbean. Jaillard et al. relate upper Cretaceous ocean Pindell et al. discuss heavy mineral content plateau rocks of western Ecuador to the of rocks from eastern Venezuela, Trinidad and Caribbean Oceanic Plateau by their similar evol- , and outline a history of Cretaceous utions. If correct, the latter formed on the Farallon , Palaeogene subduction below Plate and not above the Galapagos hot spot. Simi- South America, Eocene–Miocene foredeep devel- larly, Kennan & Pindell relate the history of opment related to passage of the Caribbean western rocks from northern Peru to Colombia to Plate and Miocene–Recent sedimentation of the migration of the Caribbean Plate and arcs at its Orinoco River. leading and trailing margins. Diebold presents seismic data over the Carib- Grande & Urbani report the first findings of bean Plateau of the western Venezuela Basin. Two Grenvillian or derived rocks in northwest- separate sequences, possibly coeval lower intru- ern Venezuela. Their data will help to complete sions and upper extrusions, were folded during ancient palaeogeography of Pangaea. Weber et al. emplacement of the upper sequence, prior to uplift describe new data on serpentinites, gabbros and of the Beata Ridge. This could have occurred as andesites from the Guajira Peninsula, relating these the Caribbean Plate was entering the Caribbean to a surfacing supra-subduction zone. This paper area in the Late Cretaceous. Kerr et al. discuss also supports migration of the Caribbean Plate. chemistry of basalts drilled at DSDP Site 1001 and Audemard details the progressive collision of a conclude that they are most likely derived from migrating Caribbean volcanic arc along northern depleted mantle plume, possibly mixed with Venezuela and proposes that the Falco´n, Bonaire, depleted upper mantle source. Blanquilla and Basins of northern Vene- Drs A. W. Bally, M. A. Lorente and D. Roberts zuela and the eastern Caribbean began life as a chaired the 2006 meeting. The conference conve- single, back-arc basin. Baquero et al. describe nors, Keith James and Maria Antonieta Lorente, Late Cretaceous–Middle Eocene emplace- gratefully acknowledge financial support for the ment in the Falco´n area of Venezuela, followed meeting from BP, Repsol, SEPM, Shell and Statoil by Late Eocene–Early Miocene graben formation and the support of the Spanish Asociacio´n de Geo´- and then Middle Miocene . The classic logos y Geofı´sicos Espan˜oles del Petro´leo, especi- Upper Cretaceous petroleum source overmatured ally President Wenceslao Martı´nez, Vice-President during graben formation and oils of this region are Susanna Torrescusa Villaverde and Secretary sourced by rocks. Aurelio Jime´nez Ferna´ndez. We also wish to thank PREFACE ix

Cristina Rzepka de Lombas, Lorenzo Villalobos, facilities. Lorenzo Villalobos and Ramo´n Mas led Natalia Villalobos Vencela´ and Amparo Donderis a field trip to excellent local outcrops and places for their enthusiastic energy in the organization of historic interest. and running of the conference. The Town Hall K. H. JAMES of Sigu¨enza and the Sigu¨enza Parador Hotel M. A. LORENTE generously provided transport, tours and meeting J. L. PINDELL