CRIMINAL JUSTICE MONOGRAPH the Change Process Criminal

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CRIMINAL JUSTICE MONOGRAPH the Change Process Criminal If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at ....'" ----, ----- -~-, I CRIMINAL JUSTICE MONOGRAPH Lr \ \ i This microfiche was produced from documents received for I, The Change Process inclu$ion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise 1, control over the physical condition of the documents submitted, f ln , i the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution cha.rt on \ ~ Criminal Justice this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. ·1 This monograph consists of papers on rela· ted topics presented at the Fourth National Symposium on Law Enforcement Science and Technology, May 1-3, 1972 conducted 1.0 by: THE INSTITUTE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 1.1 The Symposium wa~ supported by' Contract Number J-LEAA-021-72 awarded by the IIIII 1.8 National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Points of view or opinions 111111.6 stated in the papers are those of the authors 111111.25 !!!I!I.A and do not necessarily represent thl) official positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU at STANDARDS-1963-A Microfilming procedures used to create this, fiche comply with the standards £et forth in 41CFR 10t·11.504 Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authorl s) and do not represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. June 1973 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION Law Enforcement Assistance Administration National Institute of Law Enforcement and CIiminaiJustice NATIONAL CRIMINAL· JUSTICE REFERENCE SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20531 . I r""""~--·"""'''''''~-'''-:'~-~-~ .. ; 7/1/76 tOate filmedJ ~'---"--:'-;"'-~--. >-.~- ... -~.,- _ ....--;- ...... FOREWORn '1'h:l.s pubiication ia one of c, IJCr.:LCB Qf niw;~ monog;t'(l.pha exttActed f;:r.ol1l the Proceecl:l;ngs Of the Fourth N~~c;tonal SYl11pos:I.Utrl on 'Law En.f!Q);' Scieno\;) nnd T~ch:nol,ogy ~ SYMPOSlUM COMMITTRE The rn:inoipnl Symposium theme Q,e "C'l:'i1\~ LJr.\;)v~," tion t\\1d Do tcwrence JJ waf.! chosen by the Nat::I.on{lJ. Inn t:l.tute afl a ref.J.ccl!ion or: LEAA 19 ovo'r.all nct~.{.m, goa:L ... the rectllction (If m~:tme and de:U,nq\Hmcy. WlHn:eufl pr.OVj,Q1.Ul Symposia examined Inethoda of imptoving the Ope1:l:lt:tons of: :tnd:lvf.dual component;s o;f the C1~:1,m:J,nul jusl::l.ce flyetem> the Symposium Waf) put'P{)fi!f.l'.£"l11y des:l.~\~.d CO l.ool" beyond chese llys tam components nnd Cocua Mury Ann H~{.,'k, Chllirmnn on the gQAl Qf cr.:lme l~educclon. Michnd AHh A mf,ljo:):' cOnf:el;ence s'Ubth~me was "the MmvJ.gemcnt: of Cl:wuge; Put:t:j,ng C):;l.lnin111 ~Tu!Jt:l,ce Innovations to Wo:rk." ll:h('~ lust:!.tute I f;I ove'r.l.ll,l. mlssion W. Robcrt Bmkhmt ;1.0 in the a:rea of tlpp:Lied raCher chan basic ''}l)'J:'ch, wi th flP ed.a), llj;t~ntion he:f.ns g:!,ven to 1:'Qsen'J:'ch that can be' tranol.ate4 inl;o oIHn:utJonnl ThO})H1fl Clurk terma A l~eJ.{ttive:Ly short; pc.r.iod Ql7 t::tUl.e. We have thex\ef:ore been ;t,nte'J:'(;!HiJ ted in t.:he aba tllclea to the adoption of n~w Philip (,heilik technol,QBY by c.r.iNinnl just:l,ce aB~,~lciea.. Hany of; thu Sympodum l'llpers identHy t;hese ()bs t:~,cl.ell ... al;t;it::uc) 1no1, o:r.gan;/,:;;: u t::!. on a.l > and poti t:tC{l,J, .,... m;\Q discuss how they axe he:!.1,1S ove'X'c.01\\e ~ln speeif::1.c ngency (;i({tl;~"ngfh l.ouis MIlYo 'l'he titl.os of: the nine :;;ympoa iU\Jl monog'X'aphs at'e: Deter.l:ence of Cr,l,rnc :~n and Ar.Oll1.1d Reeidetl.ces; on the Contr.oJ, of Str.ecc C'd,JllO; John Pj(~k~l(1: Reduoing COllt't De. ,t ay ; :V I:eventiop. of V:1.olc:nce. :1.1'1 Cot'r.ecl:~.onAl. Ins titut;io~.f~; Re-;i.nte.g:r.ation of t.he Offender into the COlllUHm;1,ty; New App:t'cH1ches to D:Lvets:lon al'ld 'rr.eatment: of: Juven:1.le Of:f:enders; '£ho Change l?'l:'ocosa in Cr,ill1;/.nul Juat:lCl"; 1.nnovutio11, in LnwEn£o'X'cem~nt) (.l:nd J?rogl:cea Repol:c of: the Natiol11l1 Advisol:Y COlmnissiol"). on Cr.iminal Just:l.ce Standal:ds ilnd Goats. The Im;til\ltQ of ('\'imino! JllStlc~ lind CI'irrdnology ;. '. "', .... ~ 'Xhis Tl~or.wgr.ap11 considers r.he prOCCfl$ of,1 justice changc) Uniwn;Hy of M~l1'ylflnrJ emphaail'3 on the interclHlnge be'tween wanilgera of change a.n,d t'eoco.' o'Cgan:lzf1.tions at' athe:' g-..:oupa at:tempt:1.. ng to act as "change agent.s ,II A Dr. Pt.'tCl' Lt~ins d:lsoussion of two ma.jor LEU nttelupts to iner.oduce systematic change - the Pilot and Impact Cities Programs "'" is :t;r.~cl.uded. Also inc.3.uded a.rc the Dr. Charles WcllfMd l~out'th Symposium plenary addr.e$ses by R:Lchar.d McGee and Arthur. Bile1<., which aUffil\lur.:tze 'J:'cl,;ent j uetice achievements and point toward future Arthm Hnllignn directions. Jumcs Rdgn!' Readers concerned the pr.oblem of tr.ansforming innovat:1.on into operational reality will abo be inteX'ested in the Symposium monogr.aph entitl.ed ,Innovation in Enforcement.. Martin B. Danziger Assistant Administrator National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice \-'(ll' ~t\\l' 1»' \h~ ::;\\llol'\lll\\l\\\~n\ uf nar\\n\Qnl~, u.s. (loVl\\'l1l\\u\ll PI'\\\\l1l1t omell, Wn~hlllRtOl\, I).C. ~O'10~ !'I·let.. '$\),115, 110]1)us\ll' lloKlpnld: $2 OPt) Ilookalol'o iii Sluck NIIlllhQl' 2700.001\)1 CONTENTS I' INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • vii MYTHOLOGY AND THE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE: INCONSISTENCIES IN THE BEHAVIOR OF STAFF--Chauncey F. Bell, Donald B. Manson, Criminal Justice Project, National League of Cities and United States Conference of Mayors ••.••. 1 . THE M.,\NAGEMENT OF CHANGE IN LEAA'S IMPACT PROGRAM-- \ Gerald P. Emmer, 01airman; Office of Inspection and Review, The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. • • . • • 18 THE PILOT CITIES EXPERIENCE--Robert C. Cushman, Project Dirac tor, Sana ta Clara Criminal Justice Pilot Progl~am. • 36 THE QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF IMPROVEMENT t~EEDS: THE ALBUQUERQUE PILOT CITIES EXPERIENCE--William R. Partridge, Director,Fred W. Koehne, Assistant Di,+ector, The Crimil1al Justice Program, Institute for Social Research and Develop­ ment, the University of New Mexico •...••.•••• 67 AMERICA'! S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM--A DIAGNOSIS AND PROGNOSIS --Arthur J. Bilek, Chairman, Illinois Law Enforcement Com- mss ion... 4 ... • .. .. ... ~ .. '" .. ... ... ... ... 1j .. -. ... .. .. .. .. to -,}- .. 85 HOPE AND DESPAIR MAKE THE SCENE IN CRIME PREVENTION-­ Richard A. McGee, President, American Justice Institute, Sacramento, California. • . • . • . • . • • . • .• 111 THE RESEARCH PROCESS AS A FACTOR IN IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE CHANGE--Herbert Edelhertz, Director, Law and Justice Study Center, Battelle, Human Affairs Research Center s . • • . • . • . • • . '.. 132 ... v INTRODUCTION i> The Fourth National Symposium on Law Enforcement Science and Technology was held in Washington~ D.C. on May 1-3, 1972. Like CORRECTIONAL SYSTEM: A RATIONALE FOR DETEID1INING the three previous Symposia, it was sponsored by the National PROGRAM ALTERNATIVES--Lawrence H. Albert, Ed.D., Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice of the Law Director of Rehabilitation Services, Connecticut Enforcement Assistance Administration. The Fourth Symposium was Department of Correction; Alber t S. A1:issi, D.S.W., co'nducted by the Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology Associate Professor of Social Work, School of Social of'the University of Maryland. work, University of Connecticut •.•••••..••• • 145 These Symposia are one of the means by which the National Institute strives to achieve the objective of strengt.hening , THE APPLICATION OF MAGNITUDE-ESTIMATION SCALING TO THE criminal justice in this country through research and devel~' ESTABLISHMENT OF PRIORITIES FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS opment. The Symposia bring into direct contact the research and --Robert L. Kaplan, Executive Vice President, Forge Aero­ development community with the operational personnel of the law space, Inc.; David Jaffe! Member, Fairfax County Criminal enforcement systems. The most recent accomplishments of "science Justice Coordinating Council • • • . • . • . • . • • .. 158 and technology" in the area of criminal justice are presented to operational agencies - law enforcement, courts, and corrections - in a series of workshcps and plenary sessions. The give and take POLITICAL OBSTACLES TO CHANGE IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCIES: of the workshops, followed by informal discussions between the more AN INTERORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE--Paul Solomon; John formal gatherings, provide the scholar and resea7ccher with the all Gardiner, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal important response and criticism of the practitioner, ~V'hile the Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration • .• 171 latter has the opportunity to hear the analyst B.nd the planner present the newest suggestions, trends and prospects for the future. In the case of the Fourth Symposium, these opportunities were amply utilized by over 900 participants from across the country. The specific theme of the Fourth Symposium was "Crime Prevention and Deterrence." The content and thl~ work of the Symposium must be seen against the immediate baekground of the activities of the National Advisory Commission em Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, which was appointed several months earlier and by the time of the Symposium wa.s deeply· involved in its mammoth task.
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