Citrus limon

A survey and an ecological Study of the phytophagous and their natural enemies in orchards limon in Latakia governorate

صفاء علي قرحيلي

األستاذ الدكتور لؤي أصالن الدكتور زياد بربر







شكر وتقدير



إىل كل من ال يزال مؤمناً بسوريا ويعمل من أجلها



إىل من تعلّمتُ، وما زلتُ أتعلّم، منه حبَّ احلياة

والوطن واإلخالص هلما

أخي الشهيد الرائد غزوان علي قرحيلي







7 .1

7 Tetranychidae .1.1

8 Panonychus citri (McGregor) .1 .1 .1

9 Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein) .2 .1 .1

10 Tenuipalpidae .2 .1

11 Brevipalpus spp. .1 .2 .1

13 Tenuipalpus spp. .2 .2 .1

13 .3.1

13 Phyllocoptruta oleivora Ashmead .1 .3 .1

13 Aculops pelekassi Keifer .2 .3 .1

14 sheldoni Ewing .3 .3 .1

14 Tasonemidae Canestrini et Fanzago .4.1

14 Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks

14 .2


14 .1 .2

15 .2 .2

15 1 .2 .2

16 2 .2 .2

16 Phytosiidae

18 Anystidae

18 Stigmaeidae

18 3 .2 .2

18 Coleoptera Cocciniellidae

20 (Neouroptera) Conioptrygidae

20 .3


23 .1

23 .1.1

24 .2.1

26 .3.1

26 .2

26 .1.2

26 P. citri 1 .1 .2

26 P. citri 2 .1 .2


27 3 .1 .2

28 Stethorus gilvifrons .2.2

28 Stethorus gilvifrons 1 .2 .2

29 Panonychus citri 2 .2 .2

Stethorus gilvifrons 3 .2 .2 على أطوار P . citri 29


31 .1

31 Tetranychidae .1 .1

32 Eutetranychus orientalis Panonychus citri .1 .1 .1

33 Panonychus citri .2 .1 .1 35 Eutetranychus orientalis .3 .1 .1

.4 .1 .1 36

41 Tenuipalpidae .2 .1 41 Tenuipalpus punicae Pritchard and Baker .1 .2 .1

44 Brevipalpus californicus (Banks) .2 .2 .1 44 Brevipalpus californicus .1 .2 .2 .1 48 Brevipalpus californicus .2 .2 .2 .1 52 .3 .1 52 1 .3 .1

56 .2 .3 .1

56 Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant .1 .2 .3 .1 58 Conwentzia psociformis (Curtis) .2 .2 .3 .1


65 .4 .1 72 .2

72 Panonychus citri .1 .2 72 .1 .1 .2

74 .2 .1 .2

75 .3 .1 .2

Panonychus citri .2 .2 على األطوار المختلفة لـ Stethorus gilvifrons 80

80 Panonychus citri Stethorus gilvifrons .1 .2 .2

81 Panonychus citri Stethorus gilvifrons .2 .2 .2 81 Panonychus Stethorus gilvifrons .3 .2 .2 citri Stethorus gilvifrons .4 .2 .2 على Panonychus citri 82 83 .5 .2 .2 85 86 87



113 120 Abstract



24 1

28 2

B P. citri A D P. citri C 3: ذكر وأنثى P. citri 31

B E.orientalis 32 E. D E. orientalis C 4 orientalis، في حالة تزاوج

P .citri و E. orientalis 33 5 2013 2011

± SE P .citri 34 6

± SE E. orientalis 35 7

37 8

C B :A T. punicae 42 9

C B :A T. punicae 43 10 D

A .B.californicus 11: أنثى بالغة. B: بيوض 44


C B :A .B .californicus 45 12

B A :B. californicus 46 D C 13 E

B. californicus 48 14

B .californicus SD) 15 ±) في بساتين الدراسة 2011 49 2013

100 Phytoseiidae 52 16 2013 2011

± SE 54 17 2013 2011

± SE 54 18 2013 2011

± SE 55 19 2013 2011

D ، :C ، :B :A .Stethorus gilvifrons: 56 20 ، E:

S. gilvifrons 57 21 2013 2011

B :A ،C. psociformis 22: 58

58 C. psociformis 23


2013 2011

61 Anystidae 24

بيوض أسد المن B .Chrysoperla carnea: يرقة أسد المن. C: الحشرة الكاملة 61 25 لمفترس التربس ذي الست نقاط Scolothrips sexmaculatus

Phytoseiidae 69 26

P. citri 72 27

74 P .citri 28

mx lx 77 29 P.citri


Citrus lemon L.

2013 2011 Tenuipalpidae Brevipalpus californicus (Banks, (Tenuipalpus punicae Pritchard and Baker, 1958 ،1904.

B. californicus

2012 في 2012 2.52 9.75 74.5 2012 2.44 36.4 14.41 Tetranychidae Panonychus citri (McGregor, 1916) Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein, 1936)

2012 76.3 357.6 29.2 96.0 20.3 98.0

2011، 3.8 5.5 2011 5.4 15.3 141.7 538.3 Phytoseiidae (Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot, 1960، و (Amblyseius andersoni (Chant, 1957 .Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese, 1889)


Coccinellidae Stethorus gilvifrons (Mulsant, 1850)

Coniopterygidae Conwentzia psociformis (Curtis, 1834)

2014 2015، Koch Phytoseiidae E. orientalis Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot S Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor, 1954) 1957 P. citri . gilvifrons، 30 25 20 15 12.08 16.5 1.66 21.2

S. gilvifrons

S. gilvifrons P.citri 886.6 1285.8 1700.8 2666

% 80.63 79.24


(Webber, 1967)


.)Sulaiman et al., 2014


67 33189



Hemiptera: Homoptera: Aphididae

Coccidae Aleyrodidae وHemiptera: Diaspididae

Diptera: Tephritidae Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)

Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae( Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton

، Talhouk, 1969 1999).


Vacante, 2010




Jiang et al., 2015 Campos and Omoto, 2002

Pena and Bullock,

Abd-Moyano et al., 2009a Argov et al., 2002 1994

Tetranychus Talhouk ،1969

(Auger et al. T. urticae ،cinnabarinus (Boisduval

Eotetranychus orientalis (Zacher) 2013

2013 Talhouk, 1969 Eriophyidae

Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein

Panonchus citri Tetranychus urticae Koch

Barbar, 2013, 2014

C. limon Phytophagous mites)







الفصل األول

الدراسة املرجعية



Phylum: Arthropoda

Class Arachnida subphylum Chelicera

Zhang 2011 Subclass

Evans 1992

Tetranychidae Donnadieu 1875 1 1

Tetranychoidea Tetranychidae

)Zhang, 2003؛

)Vacante, 2010

.)Vacante, 2010 73 1250


أرجل deutonymph protonymph

بـ deutochrysalis protochrysalis وteliochrysalis،

. McMurtry, 1985 adult


Vacante, 2010(. وفي

McMurtry, 1977؛ Emmanouel and Papadoulis, 1987؛ Kasap and

Sekeroglu, 2004؛ Satar et al., 2013؛ Tsolakis et al., 2013

(McMurtry, 1985) Panonychus citri (McGregor ،


(Jeppson et al., 1975( Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein؛ Vacante .), 2010 Panonychus citri .1 .1. 1

P. citri

Beattie et Kandeel et al., 1986 Jones and Morse, 1984 Denmark,1964

Zhong et al., 2015 Kasap, 2009 al., 1991؛ Mazih, 2015(، 111

Niu et al., 2011(

400 350

F2 h1 empodium

Vacante, 2010 C

Saito, 2010؛ Satar et al., 2013

Emmanouel and Papadaoulis, 1987؛

Jamieson et al., 2005؛ EFSA Panel on Plant Health, 2008؛ Xiao and Fadamiro, 2010

)Jeppson et al., 1975؛ Hare, 1988؛

Fadamiro et al., 2009؛ Satar et al., 2013(.

Jeppson et al., 1975


(Vacante, 2010 Hare et al., 1989 Hare, 1988 Jeppson et al., 1975

P. citri

10 .)Jeppson et al., 1975

Vacante, 2010 26

14 60 26.6



Jones and Morse, 1984 6.3(، وأظهرت دراسة مخبرية في تركيا، أن الحد األدنى لتطور

البيض 9.22 اإلناث وضعت أعلى معدّل من البيض عند درجة حرارة 25

Kasap, 2009 15

Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein) .2 .1 .1

McMurtry, E. orientalis 1985؛ Walter et al., 1995؛Singhm and Raghuraman, 2011 ؛ Kaimal et al., 2013 Vacante, 217 Mazih, 2015

2010؛ González-Zamora et al., 2011


d1 وe1 c2 V وd2 وe2 وf2 c1 وd1 وe1 وh1 f1 Vacante, 2010

E. orientalis


Vacante, 2010

Walter et al., 1995 Saito, 2010

McMurtry, 1985

Hall and Simms,

2003؛ González-Zamora et al., 2011؛ Kaimal et al., 2013؛ Halawa et al., 2014

E. orientalis،

6 45 27

11 8 12-10

5 ± 60 2 ± 35 Vacante, 2010

Walter et al., 1995 0.09 ± 9.48

75-35 30 18

Imani 6.37 Vacante, 2010

and Shishehbor, 2009

Tenuipalpidae Berlese, 1913

Tetranychoidea Tenuipalpidae

Acari Arachnida


1987؛ Zhang, 2003؛ Haramoto, )Vacante, 2010

Halawa and Fawzy, 2014 Childers et al., 2003 1966

(Mesa et al., 2009 (phytophagous ،

Khanjani et al., 2013a ،Jeppson et al., 1975

)Haramoto, 1966؛ Zhang, 2003(

200 و400



AL-Gboory, (“Metapodosoma” “Propodosoma” 1987؛ Zhang, 2003 ؛ Vacante, 2010(.

protochrysalis larva egg

deutonymph deutochrysalis protonymph

Childers et al., 2003) adult teliochrysalis) و

)Haramoto, 1966؛ Childers et al., 2001b ،Jeppson et al., 1975

.)Childers et al., 2013(

24 Mesa et al., 2009 1100 34

Vacante, 2010 AL-Gboory, 1987


.)Zhang, 2003( Brevipalpus

Brevipalpus Donnadieu 1875


Hassan et al., 2005 Childers et al., 2003 Childers et al., 2001b Tenuipalpidae


Xu and Zhang, 2013 ،Rodrigues and Childers, 2013 Gboory,1987

B. phoenicis B. obovatus Donnadieu Brevipalpus californicus Banks


Denmark, 1984؛ Quiros-Gonzalis, 2000 ؛ Hassan et al., 2005؛ Denmark, 2009

AL-Gboory, 1987؛ Rodrigues Childers et al., 2003


and Childers, 2013؛ Childers et al., 2013(

Childers, 1994؛ Quiros-Gonzalis, 2000


Childers et al., 2003

Vacante, 2010

Citrus Leprosies Virus

Childers et al., 2001b Childers, 1994؛ Kitajima et al., 2003؛ Mesa et al., 2009؛

Childers and Rodrigues, 2011

(Campos and Omoto, 2002) Nail Scale Bark Head Rust or Spot

Jeppson et al., 1975

)Rodrigues et al., 2000(

Rodrigues and Childers, 2013


)Mamglitz and Cory, 1953؛ Haramoto, 1966؛ Childers et al., 2003(

)Kennedy et al., 1996( T. urticae

P. citri B. phoenicis

B. californicus Childers et al., 2003،

7.0 6.2 8.6 30 21

25 3.8

)Mamglitz and Cory, 1953(. ولم تُسجّل أية 27

فروق معنوية في معدالت تطور B. phoenicis B. obovatus B. californicus،

.Rhododendron sp 23 و27

B. phoenicis

Childers et al., 2003

Tenuipalpus Donnadieu, 1875 Vacante, 2010 Tenuipalpus

Khanjani et al, ( 308 AL-Gboory, 1987

Mesa et al., 2009 1875 .)2013b

)Al-Atawi, 2011؛ Khanjani et al., 2013a؛



Zhang, 2003 AL-Gboory, 1987

.)Vacante, 2010( Eriophyidae Nalepa 1898 .3 .1 Phyllocoptruta oleivora Ashmead 1879 .1 .3 .1 (Denmark, 1963)

Argov et al., 2002 Talhouk, 1969

(Argov et al., 2002

Fadamiro et al., 2009 Beattie et al., 1991 Aculops pelekassi (Keifer, 1959) .2 .3 .1

.(Denmark, 1963 )

Denmark, 1963 28

(Villeneueva et al., 2006)

Aceria sheldoni (Ewing, 1937) .3 .3 .1

(Villanueva et al.,

Talhouk, 1969 2006(،

(Daniel et al., 1999)

Vecante, 2010 Daniel et al., 1999 Tarsonemidae (Canestrini et Fanzago, 1877) .4 .1 Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks, 1904)


Pena and Bullock, Gerson, 1992


. Vecante, 2010

Pena and Bullock, 1994 Gerson, 1992

Bullock and Pelosi, 1993؛ ,Childers

Childers and Abou- Setta, 1999 1997؛ Childers et al., 2001c؛Niu et al., 2011

Eandrade et al., 2011؛ Doker and Kazak, 2012


Vacante, 2010 450 3-2


Childers et al., 2001a 3 2


Rodrigues et al., 2000

Fadamiro et al., 2009

Doker and Kazak, 2013

)Cranham and Helle, 1985؛

Jiang et al., 2015 Argov et al., 2002 Osakabe et al., 2000؛ Tian et al, 2015

Childers and Abou-setta,

Mazih, 2015 Curkovic and Araya, 2004 Chen et al., 2003 1999

Gerson, 2003

P. citri

McMurtry, 1985 15 10

95 32 Neozygites spp. 1951

Van der Geest et al., 2000

Acaromyces ingoldii Meria argovae Meria geulakonigii،


Paz et al., 2007 87.5 57.5

Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin


Afifi et al., 83.3 62.5


Van Der Geest et al.,

2000؛ Metarhizium Albuquerque et al., 2000

Vacante, 8 B. phoenicis anisopliae


Van Der Geest et al,. Van der Geest,1985


Phytoseiidae Berlese, 1916


Gerson et al., 2003

Tixier et al., 2006 2709 91؛ Demite et al., 2014


Sabelis, 1985

20 2003

Gerson et al., 50 .)2003) 31

Croft McMurtry، 1997


II Tetranychus Phytoseiulus

Galendromus وTyphlodromus Neoseiulus

Typhlodromus Neuseiulus III

IV Amblyseius

15 .Euseius



Tetranychidae Tetranychus تحت b I

)Tetranychidae(؛ تحت II .Tydeoidae c-I




d-III domatia


McMurtry et al., 2013 IV

Sato Tetranychidae Tenuipalpidae

et al., 2001

81 2.5


New Abad-Moyano et al., 2009a P. citri

South Wales

Phytoseiidae Baettie et al., 1991، 32



. Fadamiro et al., 2013 Cardwell et al., 1997

.)Barbar, 2014(

Vacante, 2010

(Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot في تخفيض

.)El-Halawany, 1993 B. californicus


Dorokhova et al.,1989 Bondarenko, 1986

(Cuthberston and Murchei, 2010)

(Krantz, 1978)

Fadamiro et al., 2009 Jamieson et al., 2005 Mostafa et al., 1975 Anystis spp.


A. exsertus Gonzalez- Agistemus spp. Zetzellia spp. Aceria sheldoni Ewing Rodriguez

Gerson et al., 2003

(Fadamiro et al., 2009)

Agystimus cyprius Zetzellia spp.


A. longisetus Abad-Moyano et al., 2009a 2007 2004


Jamieson et al., 2005 )%88(

Barbar, 2014



90 6000

Rott and Ponsonby,

Majka and McCorquodale, 2010 2000؛ Jafari et al., 2013

Stethorus و Parastethorus، 90

(Biddinger et al., 2009)

McMurtry, 1985؛

Chazeau, 1985

Elekcioglu and Şenal. Jamieson et al., 2005 Baettie et al., 1991 Stethorus

Abad- Moyano et al., 2009 a 2007

Stethorus spp.

Biddinger et al., Jamieson et al., 2008

Stethorus punctum (LeConte) 2009

Abad- Moyano et al., 2009a

.Stethorus spp،

20 Baettie et al., 1991

Stethorus sphonulus Kapur 34

Huang et al., 1988 P.citri

Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant

Imani and Shishehbor, 2009

Jamieson et al., Baettie et al., 1991



(Klepal et al., 2009)

Coniopteryx vicina Hagen Conwentzia barrette Banks

McMurtry, 1985 P.citri

Semidalis aleyrodiformis Stephens

Conwentzia P.citri T.urticae

.)Abad- Moyano et al., 2009a psociformis Curtis

Barbar, 2014 3

Management of natural habitats

Gurr et al., Conservation of natural enemies resources

"monoculture" Fielder and Landis, 2007 2005)


Rodriguez et al., 2012 Weihrauch, 2008

Chen, 2002؛ Fielder and landis, 2007؛ Cheng et al., 2010


Mailloux et al., 2010 Coccinellidae؛ Villiers and Pringle, 2011

Fadamiro et al., 2009)

Phytosiidae (1975) Muma

Orius Amblyseius spp. Scolothrips longicornis Priesner S. gilvifrons

El-adawy et al., 2001) spp.

Typhlodromus exhilarates Ragusa

(Phytoseiidae) Typhlodromus phialatus Athias-Henriot

(Barbar (Barbar et al., 2006 2013، 2014

8 Phytosiidae 18




Van de 1969)


316 B. californicus

Vacante, 2010 60 213 E. orientalis 36

الفصل الثاني

مواد البحث وطرائقه


100 20 

2010 30 26

Casuarina cnninghamiana Miq

200 20 

30-25 15

Cupressus sempervirens L. 2006

1 

30 25 20 15

38 1


2013 2011


X 20


Hoyer’s medium

Vacante, 2010

Vacante, 2010 AL-Gboory,1987 Meyer, 1979

Khanjani et al., 2013



and McMurtry, 2007

2 1

Abd-moyano 5 3 5 2

et al., 2009a

One way ANOVA،

LSD، 5 %

.SPSS. V.18 (2009) 40

3 1

2015 2014

X 20

2 .1 .2

P. citri 1 .1 .2


8 16 5 ± 65( 1 ± 25


P. citri 2 1 2

20 15

8 16 5 ± 65 1 ± 35 30 25


24 2



3 .1 .2

. one- way ANOVA

SPSS. V.18 1 LSD

The Threshold Lower Development- .(2009) Sum of Effective Temperatures- SET LTD

1 Y Y= aT+b :Burnett (1949)

b a T

SPSS. V.18 (2009)

Kasap, 2009 1945 Birch

nx / no=lx = lx

= nx

x no mx= Fx / nx =mx




mx lx ( Ʃ lxmx =R0 Net reproductive rate x xlxmx/lxmx = (T) Generation time

ln Ro/ T=(rm) Intrinsic rate of increase

erm =() Finite rate of increase

ln 2 /rm =(DT) The population doubling time

Stethorus gilvifrons

Stethorus gilvifrons

.Phaseolus vulgaris L، 12

60 20 40 12

.T. urticae

.2 43

Melia azedarach L. S. gilvifrons

E. orientalis، 2014

Panonychus citri


Stethorus gilvifrons على أطوار P . citri



8 16 5 65 1 25


2009 16 SPSS LSD


الفصل الثالث

النتائج واملناقشة



E. orientalis P. citri


د ج

3 آ P. citri ب ج P. citri

د: ذكر وأنثى P. citri )قرحيلي، 2012، 2013(


4 آ E.orientalis ب ج .E orientalis د E. orientalis، في حالة تزاوج )قرحيلي، 2011، 2012(

Eutetranychus orientalis Panonychus citri

13.78 59.87 100 SE

2.98 23.2 3.15 32.75

5 P = 0.001 df = 2 H= 7.46


E. orientalis P .citri

2013 2011 .0.05 LSD

P = 0.001 df = 2 H = 7.2

13.78 ± 41.37

0.39 ± 0.98

5 0.3 ± 0.63 Panonychus citri

P. citri

)H = 13.23؛ df = 23؛P <0.001 (.

6.16 ± 37.4 2011

2012 7.3 ± 21.6 2012 1.0 ± 21.3 2011

20.3 ± 98.0

2013 )73.8 ± 20.6( و)73.3 ± 6.3( 6


H = 7.24( P. citri؛ df = 23؛ P <0.001( )39.0 ± 4.93(

و)28.3 ± 7.4( 2011 2012 2013 54.5 ± 16.1

)29.2 ± 96.0( 11.03 ± 78.8 2012 2011

6 2012

± SE P .citri 6

H= ( ،P. citri

7.63؛ df = 23؛P <0.001 (

2012 و2013 )164.0 ± 65.2( )147.5 ± 18.7(

2012 )357.6 ± 76.3(،

6 2011


Eutetranychus orientalis

E. orientalis،

H= ( ،E. orientalis

6.25؛ df=23؛P <0.001 (،

.)5.4 ± 15.3( 2011

. 7

)H = 1.67؛ df = 23؛P = 0.051(

.)3.8 ± 5.5( 2011

. 7

E. orientalis ،

)H = 11.79؛df = 23؛P <0.001(

2011 )141.7 ± 538.3( 2011


± SE E. orientalis 7 50

)H = 2.8؛ df = 2؛ P = 0.062(


R2= (

0.46؛ F= 24.730؛ R2= 0.56( )P<0.001؛ F= 44.56 ؛P<0.001(

)R2 = 0.46؛ F= 25.81؛ P<0.001 (]

)H=0.47؛ df=2؛ P=0.62(



P. citri

Childers and


Abou-Setta, 1999(،

Vacante, 2010 2014،

)Barbar, 2014

Fadamiro et al., 2009 ،Abad-Moyano et al., 2009a

McMurtry, 1985)

Kasap, 2009

McMurtry McMurtry, 1985


15 P. citri

11 20 3.9

19.7 3.4

4.1 15


Kasap, 25

Vacante, 2010 15 2009



Fadamiro et al., 2009

E. orientalis،

.)EPPO/CABI, 1990(

Vacante, 2010

E. orientalis

Vacante, 2010

E. orientalis، 22

26 31.3 17.8

33.5 18.1 22 31.9 17.2

27 21

Vacante, 2010

E. orientalis

Ledesma et al., 2011

.Euseius spp،

P.citri 54

McMurtry, 1985؛ McMurtry et al., 1992


E. scutalis 2010

Euseius spp. EPPO/CABI, 1990

Abad-Moyano et al., 2010

Barbar, 2013, 2014

.Stethorus spp،

Jamieson et al., 2005






Jeppson et al., 1975

13.5 و6 20 53.1 72.6 1 3

Vacante, 2010 10 6

Van de Vire, 1985



B. californicus، و T. punicae Tenuipalpus punicae .1 .2 .1

Tenuipalpus punicae Pritchard and Baker

Khanjani et al., ،Meyer, 1979 ،AL-Gboory,1987


sce sci v2 propodosoma

)c1 )hysterosoma وd1

وd3 c3 ،)e1

و e3 وf2 و f3 وh1 4a 3a،

10 9

T. punicae

Ardali et al., 2014 Doker et al., 2013 Al-Atawi, 2011 Zaher and Yousef, 1972




T. punicae 9 آ: ب ج





T. punicae 10 آ: ب ج 2014


Brevipalpus californicus .2 .2 .1 Brevipalpus californicus .1 .2 .2 .1

B. californicus،

AL-Gboory,1987؛ Meyer, 1979؛ Vacante, 2010

245 215

160 120

sc2 sc1 v2

h2 h1 f3 f2 e3 e1 d3 d1 c3 c1

13 12 11

ب آ

B.californicus. آ: أنثى بالغة. ب: بيوض )قرحيلي، 2012-2011(


ب آ


B .californicus. آ: ب ج


B. californicus: آ ب



B. californicus: آ )قرحيلي، 2013(


Brevipalpus californicus .2 .2 .2 .1

)P <0.001 ،df=2 ،H= 35(،

2.5 ± 22.08 SD ±

0.37 ± 2.82 1.24 ± 13.47


B. californicus 14

2013 2011 B. californicus

H= (

P = 0.0001،df=23 ،4.082(

)2.52 ± 9.75( 2012 2.01 ± 7.75 2011

)1.45 ± 4.66( 2012

15 2013 2011


B. californicus

)P <0.001 ،df=23 ،H=6.636(

2.81 24.25

2012 3.87 ± 34.0 2.44 ± 36.4 2011

±17.75 2012 2.84 ± 8.5 2011


15 2011


P <0.001 ،df=23(

2011 23.75 ± 1.75( 2012 )74.5 ± 14.41(،

])4.17 ± 28.75( 2011

])1.73 ± 12( 2012

15 2012

SD) B .californicus ±) في بساتين الدراسة 2011 2013 64

R2 .0.12


Khanjani et al., 2013b ،Gboory,1987 ،



.)Zaher and Yousef, 1972(

Al-Atawi, 2011 Cucurbita spp Capsicum spp

B. californicus

Childers et al., 2003 Denmark, 1984

Vacante, 2010 ،AL-Gboory,1987


Childers et al., 2003(،

Halawa and Fawazy, B. californicus

Brevipalpus spp. 2014،


Childers et al., 2001a

Kessing and Mau, 1992

El-Halawany, 1991

2012 B. californicus

11.82 ± 2.17 األول 2012 20.68 ±

3.21 ± 18.53 2012 2.19

15 B. obovatus

B. californicus ،)Vacante, 2010


30 25

Childers et al., 2003


. Phytoseiidae E. scutalis 50 El-Halawany et al., 1993 90 B. californicus


Barbar, 2013, 2014 B. californicus Vacante, 2010 316


Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot) Phytoseiidae، و Amblyseius

.Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) andersoni Chant Phytoseiidae


1.76 17.97 SE

2.18 16.64 1.27 16.86

16 P =0.85 df=2 H= 0.16


Phytoseiidae 2013 2011 Phytoseiidae


)H= 4.21؛ df=23؛P <0.001 (.

60.25 ± 30.6 2011

2012 7.42 ± 45.33 2012

23.18 ± 53.5 2013 3.22 ± 24.5

2012 2.72 ± 3.66 2012 0.57 ± 3 2011

17 0.4 ± 5.00

H= (

6.33؛ df=23؛P <0.001 ( 2011

3.04 ± 25.75 2011 23.13 ± 66.75

5.84 ± 39.25 2013 15.81 ± 44.5 2012



.)18 2013 2012


)H=6.51؛ df=23؛ P <0.001( 2011 24.5 ±

7.46 2012 36.5 ± 5.54 2013 )43.75 ± 8.83(،

1.22 ± 2 2011

19 0.46 ± 1.5 2012

± SE 17 2013 2011


± SE 18 2013 2011

± SE 19 2013 2011


R2= 0.163( Phytoseiidae؛ F= 18.115؛ > P


R2= ( P.citri

0.19؛ F= 12.33؛ P = 0.01 (،

R2= 0.05( B. californicus؛ F= 5.004؛ P = 0.02 (،

.2 .3 .1

Stethorus gilvifrons .1 .2 .3 .1

20 S. gilvifrons

0.81 ± 5.01

H= 10.84 0.26 ± 0.73 0.73 ± 2.84؛ df=2؛P <0.001 ( ) 21


ب آ

ز د ج

Stethorus gilvifrons 20. آ: ب: ، ج: ، د: ، ز: 2014

S. gilvifrons 21 2013 2011


S. gilvifrons

)H= 9.25،

P <0.001 ،df=23(

17 3.5 ± 8.5 2013

H=15.28( S. gilvifrons،

P <0.001 ،df=23(

5.5 28.5 2011

)1.28 ± 2.6 2012



P <0.001 ،df=23 ،H=9.1( gilvifrons(

± 22( 2012 )6.29 ± 13.75 2011

19 )5.23 ± 18.75( 2012 )4.79

Conwentzia psociformis .2 .2 .3 .1

22 C. psociformis

H= 14.20؛ df=2؛P <0.001( 6.82 ± 1.31

0.68 ± 2.93

23 0.12 ± 0.39 ب آ

C. psociformis 22، آ: ب: 2012 (


C. psociformis 23 2013 2011 H=20.76( C. psociformis،

P <0.001 ،df=23( 2011 13.2 ± 2.43(

2012 )30.66 ± 4.48( 2013 )45.25 ± 7.83(،


C. psociformis

H= (

P < 0.001،df=23 8.05( 2012 3 ± 0.81

18 1.62 ± 5.8 2013

C. psociformis

)P <0.001 ،df=23 ،H= 16.35(

2012 )19.75 ± 3.63( 2013 )22.5 ± 4.33(،


Phytoseiidae و .S gilvifrons وP<0.001 ،df =4 ،H= 59.94( C. psociformis(.


27 C. psociformis 70 Phytoseiidae 3 S. gilvifrons 1 1

2013 2011

الالذقية عين البيضا سلّورين LSD المفترس P-value F df 5 % العدد النسبة المئوية العدد النسبة المئوية العدد النسبة المئوية

85 2.18 ± 16.64 68 1.27 ± 16.86 70 1.76 ± 17.97 4.94 0.85 0.16 2 Phytoseiidae a A a A a A 14 0.73 ± 2.84 20 0.81 ± 5.01 3 0.26 ± 0.73 1.82 < 0.001 10.84 2 S. gilvifrons b B b A c B 1 0.12 ± 0.39 12 0.68 ± 2.93 27 1.31 ± 6.82 2.38 < 0.001 14.20 2 C. psociformis b C c B b A 4 4 4 Df 48.2 68.33 59.94 F

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 P-value Duncan 0.05 LSD )df =4 ،H= 68.33،

%68 Phytoseiidae .)P<0.001

C. psociformis %20 S. gilvifrons

1 %12

)df =4 ،H = 48.2،

1 )P < 0.001

% 14 S. gilvifrons % 85

%1 C. psociformis


4 3 2


Phytoseiidae 2

2013 2011 B. californicus E. orientalis P. citri Phytoseiidae 1.35 0.05 1.29 1 0.22 2.49 3.60 1 0.74 0.04 1.94 1 S. gilvifrons .3

2013 2011 B. californicus E. orientalis P. citri S. gilvifrons 0.07 0.074 0.03 1 0.78 0.06 0.04 1 0.41 7.95 0.15 1

C. psociformis .4

2013 2011

B. californicus E. orientalis P. citri C. psociformis 3.24 0.14 3.40 1 7.20 105.12 152.11 1 4.60 0.19 11.19 1


25 24

Anystidae 24 ب آ


25 آ: بيوض أسد المن Chrysoperla carnea. ب: يرقة أسد المن. ج: الحشرة الكاملة لمفترس التربس

ذي الست نقاط Scolothrips sexmaculatus ، -2011 2013


Fadamiro et al., 2009 Villanueva and Childers, 2005

2014 Barbar


E. stipulatus Phytoseiidae،

E. stipulatus

Ferragut et al., 1988

A. andersoni ،2014 2013

Barbar, 2014

Barbar, 2014


3.60 1.29 1

Barbar, 2014 4

0.9 -0.8 :1

Beattie et al., 1991


B. californicus P. citri




McMurtry et al., 2013

I .degenerans

Van Rijn and Tanigoshi,

1999( كما Tsoukanas 2006

E. orientalis

Fantinou et al., 2012

.)Vantornhout, 2006( Phytoseiidae

A. andersoni

Pratt and Croft, 1998

Duso et al., 2003

McMurtry E. stipulatus

and Croft, 1997

Abad- Moyano et al., 2009b؛ Abad- Moyano et al., 2010


S. gilvifrons،

Elekcioglu and Biddinger et al., 2009

Şenal. 2007؛ Akist et al., 2007؛ Biddinger et al., 2009؛ مفلح وآخرون، 2014

Long et al.,1996؛ Chin and Soo, 2000 79

S. gilvifrons


88 .E. orientalis gilvifrons

Imani and Shishehbor, 2009

Stethorus spp.

Abad- Moyano et al., 2009a

Biddinger et al., 2009

C. psociformis

McMurtry, 1985؛ Elekcioglu and Şenal. 2007؛ Bru and Garcia-Marí, 2008


Bru and Garcia-Marí .2008

C. psociformis

Abad- Moyano et al., 2009a


5 4


Phytoseiidae 4 T.urticae

P. persimilis N. californicus P. persimilis I. degenerans A. andersoni

Phytoseiidae %67

Phytoseiidae 26

6 5

5 12

4 E. orientalis T.urticae

E. P. persimilis I. degenerans A. andersoni Phytoseiidae

6 stipulatus

I. degenerans

Phytoseiidae %58 Phytoseiidae


S. gilvifrons E. orientalis

E. orientalis

S. gilvifrons 70


E. T.urticae 3

P. I. degenerans Phytoseiidae 3 P.citri orientalis

N. californicus persimilis


I. degenerans

26 Phytoseiidae %53

S. gilvifrons 170

7 19


.2015 2014

تاريخ العائل النباتي Phytoseiidae Tetranychidae

N. californicusN.

I. I. degenerans

A. A. andersoni

P. P. persimilis الجمع



urticae االسم االسم العربي العلمي

نيسان النفل .Trifolium sp 2 2 النفل .Trifolium sp 5 1 أيار المدادة C. arvensis 10 حزيران المدادة C. arvensis 7 1 تموز المدادة C. arvensis 2 أيلول النفل .Trifolium sp 3 1 النفل .Trifolium sp 7 تشرين األول الخبازة .Malva sp 1 1 الحماض O. curniculata 12 5 تشرين الثاني النفل .Trifolium sp 3 1 الخبازة .Malva sp 2 5 الخبازة .Malva sp 1 كانون األول الحماض O. curniculata 5 6 كانون الثاني الحماض O. curniculata 7 1 1 شباط الحماض O. curniculata 2 3 آذار الخبازة .Malva sp 4



.2015 2014 تاريخ الجمع العائل النباتي Phytoseiidae Tetranychidae

S. S. gilvifrons

I. degenerans

P. persimilis A. andersoni

E. stipulatus

E. orientalis

T. urtic

االسم العلمي االسم العربي


.Malva sp الخبازة 12 1 نيسان M. annua حشيشة الزئبق 13 2 .Malva sp الخبازة 10 5 أيار C. arvensis المدادة 3 Plumeria alba الفتنة 13 2 2 C. arvensis المدادة 9 1 حزيران P. alba الفتنة 7 تموز P. alba الفتنة 41 2 4 آب P. alba الفتنة 32 7 5 P. alba الفتنة 70 2 7 أيلول S. nigrum عنب الذئب 7 3 P. alba الفتنة 52 10 تشرين األول .Malva sp الخبازة 2 1 S. nigrum عنب الذئب 1 تشرين الثاني P. alba الفتنة 4 كانون األول .Malva sp الخبازة 4 7 كانون الثاني .Malva sp الخبازة 2 3 شباط M. annua حشيشة الزئبق 2 2 .Malva sp الخبازة 4 3 آذار M. annua حشيشة الزئبق 2 2



.2015 2014

العائل النباتي Phytoseiidae Tetranychidae مفترسات أخرى

N. califor

I. degeneransI.

P. persimilis


S. gilvifronsS.

C. carneaC. T


P .


تاريخ الجمع urticae

. االسم العربي االسم العلمي citri


الخبازة .Malva sp 10 5 نيسان الحماض Oxalis curniculata 21 2

حشيشة الزئبق Mercurialis annua 2 2 الخبازة .Malva sp 1 أيار المدادة Convolvulus arvensis 3 1 االزدرخت Melia azedarach 25 7 حزيران المدادة C. arvensis 16 1 تموز االزدرخت Melia azedarach 63 4 12 آب االزدرخت M. azedarach 57 9 االزدرخت M. azedarach 170 2 19 أيلول عنب الذئب Solanum nigrum 1 االزدرخت M. azedarach 52 2 5 تشرين األول الخبازة .Malva sp 2 الحماض O. curniculata 10 4 تشرين الثاني عنب الذئب Solanum nigrum 1 1 االزدرخت M. azedarach 30 1 كانون األول الخبازة .Malva sp 1 الحماض O. curniculata 8 5 كانون الثاني الحماض O. curniculata 16 3 الخبازة .Malva sp 15 5 شباط الحماض O. curniculata 4 2 الحماض O. curniculata 3 آذار الهندباء Taraxacum afficinalis 4 3


الشكل 26. النسبة المئوية لمفترسات Phytoseiidae على العوائل النباتية الثانوية في مواقع الدراسة المختلفة 85

P. persimilis

McMurtry and Croft, Tetranychus spp.





P. persimilis Abad-moyano et al., 2009a 1977

Abad-moyano et al., 2009b, 2010

N. californicus

%14 %18

Tetranychidae II

McMurtry et al., 2013

Citrus reticulate Blanco T.urticae،

Abad-moyano et al., 2009b, 2010

P. persimilis N. californicus


Xiao and Fadamiro, 2010



Barbar, 2014 2003


Schausberger, 2003 Phytoseiidae

؛ Hatherly et al., 2005

S. gilvifrons

E. orientalis





Panonychus citri



P. citri 27

30 15

df=3؛ F=4623.79؛ p<0.0001 (.

30 15

12 20 )% 4.57(

8 30


Panonychus citri باليوم

P-value f df 30 25 20 15

< 0.0001 6240.54 3 2.90 ± 0.07 d 6.54 ± 0.10 c 12.52 ± 0.14 b 25.5 ± 0.16 a

< 0.0001 2327.67 3 1.0 ± 0.00 b 1.33 ± 0.10 b 1.91 ± 0.06 b 7.90 ± 0.06 a

< 0.0001 261.92 3 1.0 ± 0.00 b 1.12 ± 0.07 b 1.16 ± 0.08 b 3.54 ± 0.11 a

< 0.0001 104.33 3 1.81 ± 0.08 d 2.62 ± 0.10 c 3.69 ± 0.13 b 4.13 ± 0.07 a

< 0.0001 179.94 3 1.00 ± 0.00 b 1.17 ± 0.08 bc 1.29 ± 0.09 b 3.13 ± 0.07 a

< 0.0001 214.85 3 1.00 ± 0.07 d 2.77 ± 0.09 c 3.40 ± 0.11 b 4.21 ± 0.09 a

< 0.0001 447.86 3 1.00 ± 0.00 b 1.00 ± 0.00 b 1.12 ± 0.07 b 2.92 ± 0.06 a

< 0.0001 4623.79 3 9.88 ± 0.12 d 16.50 ± 0.09 c 25.14 ± 0.16 b 51.21 ± 0.47 a

12.00 4.57 4.57 10.29

LSD P > 0.01 9

° 12.08

200.15 P.citri 28



LTD x Y P. citri SET (P- Sig R2 SET LTD(°C) a B Y = -a + bx value) < 0.0001 0.841 50.76 14.77 0.0197 0.291 Y = 0.0197 * X -0.291 < 0.0001 0.814 17.24 11.72 0.058 0.68 Y = 0.058 * X -0.68 < 0.0001 0.754 17.24 11.75 0.058 0.682 Y = 0.058 * X -0.682 < 0.0001 0.747 23.8 4.04 0.042 0.17 Y = 0.042 * X -0.17 < 0.0001 0.76 43.47 6.3 0.023 0.145 Y = 0.023 * X -0.145 < 0.0001 0.688 24.39 3.65 0.041 0.15 Y = 0.041 * X -0.15 < 0.0001 0.616 23.25 11.95 0.043 0.514 Y = 0.043 * X -0.514

< 0.0001 0.962 200.15 12.08 0.0053 0.064 Y = 0.0053 * X -0.064

P .citri

30 15 10

° 25 30

15 20 25 90

p<0.0001 df=3 F=19.18

30 25

21.2 25 p<0.0001 df=3 F=412.53

3.72 30

15 وp<0.0001 df=3 F=84.7 20

Panonychus citri ± الخطأ القياسي( عند درجات حرارة مختلفة.

d P-value f f 30 25 20 15 < 0.0001 412.53 3 1 ± 0.0 c 1.16 ± 0.075 c 2.24 ± 0.087 b 5.32 ± 0.16 a

< 0.0001 53.56 3 6.44 ± 0.174 c 8.2 ± 0.224 b 9.08 ± 0.408 b 16.4 ± 1.09 a

< 0.0001 59.6 3 1.2 ± 0.082 d 2.32 ± 0.095 c 3.16 ± 0.189 b 3.84 ± 0.189 a

< 0.0001 19.18 3 11.52 ± 1.641 c 14.2 ± 1.448 bc 16.68 ± 1.319 b 25.76 ± 1 a

< 0.0001 84.7 3 3.72 ± 0.178 c 21.2 ± 0.816 a 14.72 ± 0.859 b 13.28 ± 1.011 b

< 0.0001 98.26 3 0.39 ± 0.026 d 1.66 ± 0.097 a 0.93 ± 0.052 b 0.49 ± 0.025 c LSD P > 0.01


15 mx

2.08 11 25

30 15 20

العاشر 0.87

H= 87.31 25 20 rm، P < 0.0001 ،df=3 15 25



H= 299.9 30،

λ P<0.0001 ،df=3

P<0.0001 ،df=3 ،H= 9.52 25 20 30 15

H= 2200.89 T

P<0.0001،df=3 )54.91 27.57 24.59 14.14

30 25 20 15

20 وDT 25 15

30 25

P<0.0001 ،df=3 ، H= 474.88 25 20


P.citri mx lx .29


Panonychus citri 11 عند درجات حرارة مختلفة.

درجة الحرارة DT T λ R0 Rm

0.468 ± 24.44 a 0.472 ± 54.91 a 0.01 ± 1.03 b 0.272 ± 4.75 d 0.003 ± 0.03 c 15 0.264± 8.51 b 0.383 ± 27.57 b 0.035 ± 1.08 a 0.829 ± 9.45 c 0.019 ± 0.08 b 20 0.232 ± 7.12 b 0.38 ± 24.34 b 0.056 ± 1.10 a 0.8 ± 10.71 b 0.009 ± 0.10 b 25 0.142 ± 19.55d 0.368 ± 14.14 c 0.046 ± 1.04b 0.019 ± 1.65 a 0.007 ± 0.04 a 30 3 3 3 3 3 df 474.88 2200.898713 9.527698051 299.9123919 87.31423952 H <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 P-value 1.24 1.77 0.17 2.69 0.05 LSD 1% LSD P > 0.01


35 30 15


15 و30 35


P.citri Kasap, 2009


Sabelis, 1985 ،Jeppson et al., 1975

Kasap, 2009 °9.77 ° 11.32

Yasuda,1982 °7.9

Vacante, 2010 15


200.15 P.citri

Kasap, 2009 192.30




1.66 21.2

Gotoh et al., Sabelis, 1985 rm

r0 rm 2003


Kasap, 2009

Yasuda,1982 24

25 rm 0.209 67.2 11.6

Gotoh 2003 ،Citrus aurantium L 12.2 و25.6 و0.148

Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb،

Kasap, 2009


C. aurantium 1.4 P.citri Lei et al. 2004

Citrus unshiu Marcovitch


Stethorus gilvifrons على األطوار المختلفة لـ Panonychus citri Stethorus gilvifrons Panonychus citri

2666 3151 2409

df = 4 F = 624.56 P < 0.0001

12 df=4 F=25.98 P<0.0001

S. glivifrons P. citri 12 P. citri S. glivifrons

SE SE ± 23.76 3.4 2.98 5.64 ± 79.2 b 101 - 70 37 -15 2.73 c ± 30.11 3.2 3.61 14.52 ± 96.2 b 145 – 64 18 - 41 2.61 c

± 52.18 2.8 4.52 11.31 ± 120.6 b 191 – 100 30 - 72 7.09 b

± 69.79 3 8.26 21.76 ± 220.2 b 277 – 156 53 - 96 6.46 ab

2437 – ± 83.64 26 80.63 75.61 ± 2149 a 5 - 121 2019 4.31 a 3151 – 38.4 - 2666 - 121 - 367 2409 - - 4 - 4 - Df - - 624.56 - 25.98 - F - - <0.0001 - <0.0001 - P-value - - 145.77 - 20.1 - LSD 1% P= LSD 0.01


Stethorus gilvifrons Panonychus citri

df = 4 F = 52.76 P < 0.0001

df = 4 F = 581.07 P <0.0001


S. glivifrons P. citri P. citri S. glivifrons


2.6 2.95 10.44 ± 50.2 c 85 – 29 2.73 ± 18.86 c 31 - 12

2 2.65 8.49 ± 46.8 c 67 – 20 1.91 ± 22.26 c 31 - 16

2.4 5.28 10.31± 84.4 bc 120 – 59 2.11 ± 35.13 b 42 - 28

2.8 9.10 13.72 ± 154.8 b 187 – 115 3.19 ± 55.43 a 66 - 40

21.6 80.02 48.46 ± 1361.6 a 1499 – 1241 3.4 ± 63.6 a 105 - 6

31.41 - 1700.8 1958 – 1464 - 275 - 102 - - 4 - 4 - Df - - 581.07 - 52.76 - F - - <0.0001 - <0.0001 - P-value - - 95.65 - 20.1 - LSD 1% P= LSD 0.01 Stethorus gilvifrons Panonychus citri

df = 4 F = 814.04 P <0.0001

1285.8 1486 1107


14 df = 4 F = 28.4 P < 0.001

S. glivifrons P. citri 14 طور عدد حوريات P. citri المستهلك/ مفترس متوسط S. glivifrons خالل اليوم خالل الطور مدة المدى المتوسط ± SE المدى المتوسط ±SE النسبة المئوية % الطور العمر اليرقي األول c 80-19 3.1 ± 16.36 c 28 -9 41.8 11.59± 3.25 2.4 العمر اليرقي الثاني c 79-26 2.67 ±22.86 bc 34 -14 45.8 9.94± 3.56 2 العمر اليرقي الثالث bc 104-52 2.38± 32.39 b 44 -25 77.6 9.08± 6.04 2.4 العمر اليرقي الرابع b 159-81 3.03± 44.03 a 55 -33 114.6 14.13± 8.91 2.6 البالغة 1006a 1064-929 2.78± 52.86 a 79 -9 23.78± 78.24 19.5 المجموع -90 240 - 1486-1107 1285.8 - 29.9 - - 4 - 4 - Df - - 814.04 - 28.4 - F - - <0.0001 - 0.00 - P-value - - 59.18 - 11.29 - LSD 1% P= LSD 0.01 Stethorus gilvifrons على Panonychus citri

df = 4 F = 112.07 P <0.0001

. df = 4 F = 45.75 P < 0.001



S. glivifrons P. citri 15 P. citri S. glivifrons

SE SE 2.6 1.63 0.67 ± 14.4 b 16-12 0.65± 5.76 c 8-3

2.2 3.25 5.06 ± 28.8 b 47-17 1.33 ±12.73 c 18- 7

2.4 5.68 6.50 ± 50.4 b 49-36 1.26 ± 20.86 b 25-17

2.6 8.86 8.82± 78.6 b 109- 57 1.88 ±30.29 a 39-25

19.6 80.58 62.46 ±714.4 a 847-506 3.14± 36.55 a 61-5

29.4 - 886.6 1068-628 - 15-157 - - 4 - 4 - Df - - 112.07 - 45.75 - F - - <0.0001 - 0.00 - P-value - - 114.09 - 7.46 - LSD 1% P= LSD 0.01


جدول 16. متوسط عدد األطوار المختلفة من Panonychus citri Stethorus gilvifrons

P. citri LSD 1% P-value F df S. glivifrons 34.3 0.001 10.32 3 14.4 ± 0.67 c 41.8 ± 11.59 bc 50.2 ± 10.44 ab 79.2 ± 5.64 a 41.7 0.001 8.28 3 28.8 ± 5.06 b 45.8 ± 9.94 b 46.8 ± 8.49 b 96.2 ± 14.52 a 39.15 0.001 9.3 3 50.4 ± 6.5 b 77.6 ± 9.08 b 84.4 ± 10.31ab 120.6 ± 11.31 a 63.3 <0.0001 15.68 3 78.6 ± 8.82 c 114.6 ± 14.13 bc 154.8 ± 13.72 b 220.2 ± 21.76 a 231.2 <0.0001 122.9 3 714.4 ± 62.46 d 1006 ± 23.78 c 1361.6 ± 48.46 b 2149 ± 75.61 a

P= LSD 0.01


S. gilvifrons

2005 Jamieson P. citri

P. citri S. gilvifrons

Chazeau, 1985 Stethorus spp.

P. citri

Ragkou et al., 2004 T. urticae Stethorus spp.

Perumalsamy et al., 2010 Oliganychus coffeae (Nietner) 2009

Imani and Shishehbor, 2011



80.63 78.24

Shishehbor Imani Biddinger et al., 2009

S. gilvifrons 2011

7 Stethorus

18 8 20

Jamieson et al., 2008


Sohradi and Shishehbor, 2007




Tetranychidae E. orientalis P. citri Tenuipalpidae .T. punicaea B. californicus

2011، B. californicus

Phytosiidae E. stipulatus و I. degenerans A. andersoni.

C. psociformis S. gilvifrons


S. gilvifrons N californicus P. persimilis alternate habitats"

S. gilvifrons


B. californicus

E. orientalis

B. californicus

E. orientalis و B. californicus P.citri

T. punicae B. californicus

S. gilvifrons

E. orientalis و P.citri


E. orientalis و B. californicus P.citri

Phytoseiidae interaction

E. orientalis P.citri S. gilvifrons

Interspecific predation or Intra-guild predation


1. 2013 2014،

1999 2

.40-29 :)9(21

2009 .3

(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Stethorus gilvifrons (Muls)

(Acari: Tetranychidae) Tetranychus urticae

.193-182 :)2( 7

2007 4

Tetranychus urticae Koch Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henroit

.168 -163 :) 2 ( 29




Phytoseiulus .2008 .5

Tetranychus urticae Koch persimilis Athias- Henriot

.147 -143 :)2(26

2014 .6

Stethorus gilvifrons

.35-29 :)1( 1 . Tetranychus urticae


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2011 1 2013 LSD P- العامل سلورين عين البيضا الالذقية df H 5 % value 18.92±0.6 الحرارة a 17.36±0.7 b 19.4±0.6 2.8 0.062 2 1.77 ab 70.23±0.54 70.03±0.6 الرطوبة a 69.4±0.67 0.47 0.62 2 1.74 a 4 a

.0.05 LSD

P. citri وE. orientalis 2013 2011 النوع الالذقية عين البيضا سلورين LSD 5 % P-value F df ± 3.15 ± 2.98 59.87 ± 13.78 19.34 0.001 7.46 2 32.75 23.2 P. citri a A b A b A ± 0.39 41.37 ± 13.78 0.63 ± 0.3 0.98 23.52 0.001 7.2 2 E. orientalis b a A b B B 1 1 1 Df 1.08 68.45 54.48 F

0.3 0 0 P-value

.0.05 LSD

2011 B. californicus 2013

األكاروس الكاذب -LSD 5 P سلورين عين البيضا الالذقية df H % value 4.53 2 0 35 22.08±2.5 c 13.47±1.24 b 2.82±0.37 a B. californicus LSD .0.05 116

2011 2013 LSD المفترس الالذقية عين البيضا سلّورين P-value F df 5 % 16.64±2.18 16.86±1.27 17.97±1.76 4.94 0.85 0.16 2 Phytoseiidae a A a A a A 2.84±0.73 5.01±0.81 0.73±0.26 1.82 0 < 0.001 10.84 2 S. gilvifrons b B b A c B 0.120.39± 2.93±0.68 6.82±1.31 2.38 0 < 0.001 14.20 2 C. psociformis b C c B b A 4 4 4 Df 48.2 68.33 59.94 F

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 P-value األرقام المتبوعة بأحرف صغيرة متشابهة ضمن العمود غير مختلفة حسب اختبار Duncan وأحرف كبيرة ضمن السطر غير مختلفة معنوياً حسب اختبار LSD عند المستوى 0.05.

E. orientalis P .citri الموقع النوع معادلة االنحدار P-value F df R R2 0 24.730 1 - 0.211 0.46 Y = -8.660 * X + 223.75 P. citri سلورين 0.72 0.12 1 + 0.001 0.036 Y = 0.83 * X + 25.64 E. orientalis عين Y = -2.56 * X + 77.24 P. citri 0.56 0.32 - 1 44.56 0 البيضا Y = 0.07 * X - 0.66 E. orientalis 0.23 0.05 + 1 5.3 0.023 0 25.81 1 - 0.21 0.46 Y = -2.31 * X + 67.93 P. citri الالذقية 0.08 2.96 1 + 0.031 0.17 Y = 0.112 * X -1.26 E. orientalis *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( .0.05(

E. orientalis P .citri 6 الموقع النوع معادلة االنحدار P-value F df R R2 0.33 0.93 1 - 0.01 0.1 Y = -1.75 * X + 183 P. citri سلورين 2.87 0.09 1 - 0.03 0.17 Y = -3.73 * X + 302.6 E. orientalis عين Y = -0.22 * X + 48.39 P. citri 0.05 0.0023 - 1 0.22 0.64 البيضا Y = 0.007 * X + 0.061 E. orientalis 0.022 0.0005 + 1 0.047 0.82 0.55 0.35 1 + 0.0037 0.061 Y = 0.34 * X - 0.62 P. citri الالذقية 0.17 1.9 1 - 0.02 0.14 Y = -0.1 * X + 8.3 E. orientalis *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( .0.05(


جدول 7. عالقة االرتباط بين متوسط درجات الحرارة والرطوبة ومتوسط أعداد B. californicus الموسم المنطقة معادلة االنحدار P-value F R سلورين Y = -0.43 * X + 20.15 *-0.27 7.49 0.007 الحرارة عين البيضا Y = -0.19 * X + 19.95 *-0.342 12.31 0.001 الالذقية Y = -0.07 * X + 20.97 *-0.295 8.8 0.0038 سلورين Y = -0.11 * X + 70.36 0.07 0.45 0.5 الرطوبة عين البيضا Y = 0.05 * X + 68.73 0.092 0.79 0.37 الالذقية Y = -0.022 * X + 70.72 0.1 0.98 0.32 *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( .0.05(

2013 2011 الموقع المفترس P-value F R2 R 0.679 0.172 0.002 -0.043 Phytoseiidae الالذقية S. gilvifrons *-0.298 0.089 8.949 0.004 0.023 2.25 0.055 -0.235* C. psociformis 0.455 0.564 0.006 +0.078 Phytoseiidae عين البيضا S. gilvifrons *-0.394 0.156 17.139 0.001 > 0.197 1.685 0.018 -0.133 C. psociformis < 0.001 18.115 0.163 -0.404* Phytoseiidae سلورين S. gilvifrons +0.129 0.017 1.580 0.212 0.004 8.677 0.085 -0.292* C. psociformis *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( .0.05(


9 2013 2011

المفترس P-value F R2 R الموقع 0.151 2.097 0.022 +0.149 Phytoseiidae الالذقية S. gilvifrons +0.068 0.005 0.429 0.514 0.257 1.302 0.014 -0.118 C. psociformis 0.253 1.324 0.014 +0.118 Phytoseiidae عين البيضا S. gilvifrons +0.160 0.025 2.431 0.122 0.045 4.148 0.043 +0.207* C. psociformis 0.219 1.531 0.016 -0.127 Phytoseiidae سلورين S. gilvifrons -0.114 0.013 1.221 0.272 0.819 0.052 0.001 -0.024 C. psociformis *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( .0.05(

Phytoseiidae 10 2013 2011 الموقع اآلفة P-value F R2 R 0.001 12.33 0.118 0.34* P.citri الالذقية E. orientalis -0.85 0.007 0.675 0.413 0.893 0.018 0.00 0.014 B. californicus 0.81 0.053 0.001 -0.02 P.citri عين البيضا E. orientalis -0.11 0.013 1.192 0.27 0.44 0.589 0.006 0.08 B. californicus 0.07 3.321 0.035 0.19 P.citri سلورين E. orientalis 0.11 0.011 1.054 0.3 0.02 5.004 0.052 0.23* B. californicus *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( %5(


S. gilvifrons 11 2013 2011 الموقع اآلفة P-value F R2 R < 0.001 28.39 0.236 0.486* P.citri الالذقية E. orientalis -0.073 0.005 0.495 0.484 < 0.001 23.52 0.204 0.451* B. californicus < 0.001 61.488 0.398 0.63* P.citri عين البيضا E. orientalis -0.08 0.007 0.631 0.42 0.002 9.876 0.096 0.31 B. californicus 0.21 1.592 0.017 -0.13 P.citri سلورين E. orientalis *0.72 0.522 100.437 0.001 > < 0.001 35.2 0.052 -0.23* B. californicus *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( %5(

C. psociformis 12 2013 2011 الموقع اآلفة P-value F R2 R 0.037 4.48 0.046 0.216* P.citri الالذقية E. orientalis -0.136 0.018 1.72 0.192 0.034 4.63 0.048 -0.219* B. californicus 0.678 0.173 0.002 0.04 P.citri عين البيضا E. orientalis -0.11 0.012 1.138 0.289 0.576 0.315 0.003 -0.06 B. californicus 0.095 2.849 0.030 0.17 P.citri سلورين E. orientalis -0.10 0.010 0.947 0.333 0.019 5.740 0.059 0.24* B. californicus *االرتباط معنوي باستخدام الدالة (P-value (Sige عند مستوى المعنوية P-value (Sige) < 0.05( %5(


P. citri 13 2013 2011 LSD 5 P. citri الشهر P-value F df الالذقية عين البيضا سلورين % 16.86 0.01 7.16 2 12.5±4.29 a 39±4.93 b 37.4±6.16 b Apr-11 30.81 0.015 2.26 2 25±12.9 b 32.75±12.8 b 5.2±2.11 a May-11 10.6 0.48 0.78 2 4.75±4.42 a 8.5±2.1 a 3±0.57 a Jun-11 2.66 0.008 12.06 2 0±0 a 3±1 b 5.33±0.88 b Jul-11 6.81 0.35 1.2 2 0±0 a 4.33±2.84 a 3.75±2.05 a Aug-11 16.41 0.04 4.39 2 0±0 b 21±7.34 a 14.5±4.99 ab Sep-11 11.08 0.0004 21.52 2 0±0 a 31.5±5.9 b 21.25±1.03 b Oct-11 14.84 0 36.95 2 0±0 c 53.6±6.55 a 16.75±4.58 b Nov-11 21.18 0.00 37.997 2 2.75±2.7 b 78.75±11.03 a 15±1.47 b Dec-11 76.01 0.25 1.64 2 74.75±34.27 a 47.75±5.96 a 15±7.93 a Jan-12 142.08 0.05 4.4 2 164±65.16 a 21.75±5.58 b 3.66±1.85 b Feb-12 110.7 0.047 4.2 2 143±66.78 a 18.75±5.72 b 11.6±3.97 b Mar-12 24.86 0.19 2.01 2 8.5±7.22 28.25±7.36 21.6±7.26 Apr-12 11.04 0.02 5.46 2 4.25±2.65 b 20.8±5.4 a 7.2±1.85 b May-12 15.25 0.44 0.89 2 15.33±8 a 8.25±4.58 a 6±2.27 a Jun-12 4.42 0.59 0.55 2 1±1 a 1±1 a 2.66±1.76 a Jul-12 8.1 0.047 0.83 2 0±0 b 4±4 a 0.66±0.66 b Aug-12 12.19 0.3 1.36 2 6.75±5.79 a 15.5±1.84 a 9.75±2.56 a Sep-12 10.92 0.012 6.38 2 7.2±3.59 b 22.4±4.72 a 6.6±1.53 b Oct-12 168.75±59.62 36.25±12.12 115.87 0.07 3.4 2 87.5±15.26 ab Nov-12 a b 171.75 0.008 7.93 2 357.6±76.34 a 96±29.19 b 98±20.31 b Dec-12 47.37 0.25 1.62 2 75.66±29.49 a 38.75±3.96 a 53±5.56 a Jan-13 54.49 0.001 14.33 2 147.5±18.66 19±9.79 73.75±20.64 Feb-13 119.25±43.96 87.26 0.27 1.49 2 54.5±16.09 a 73.25±6.31 a Mar-13 a

.0.05 LSD


E. orientalis 2013 2011 E. orientalis الشهر LSD 5 % P-value F df الالذقية عين البيضا سلورين - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Apr-11 2.9 0.14 2.41 2 2.75±1.7 a 0.5±0.5 a 0±0 a May-11 10.26 0.48 0.79 2 4.75±4.75 a 0.25±0.25 a 0±0 a Jun-11 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Jul-11 1.81 0.52 0.7 2 0±0 a 0±0 a 0.5±0.5 a Aug-11 56.73 0.038 4.79 2 72±30.38 a 5.5±3.77 b 4±2.34 b Sep-11 11.08 0.0004 21.52 2 538.25±141.74 a 1.5±1.5 b 15.25±5.43 b Oct-11 128.47 0.002 12.49 2 241.8±64.52 a 0±0 b 0±0 b Nov-11 37.41 0.03 5.38 2 47±20.25 a 0±0 b 0±0 b Dec-11 1.02 0.28 1.45 2 0±0 a 0±0 a 0.67±0.66 a Jan-12 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Feb-12 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Mar-12 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Apr-12 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 May-12 5.05 0.47 0.81 2 2.33±2.33 a 2.25±1.65 a 0±0 a Jun-12 2.7 0.52 0.7 2 0.5±0.5 0±0 1.33±1.33 Jul-12 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Aug-12 3.23 0.83 0.183 2 1±1 a 1±1 a 1.75±1.03 a Sep-12 1.95 0.21 1.73 2 1.2±0.8 a 1.6±0.74 a 0±0 a Oct-12 0.92 0.405 1 2 0.5±0.5 a 0±0 a 0±0 a Nov-12 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Dec-12 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Jan-13 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Feb-13 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0±0 Mar-13 LSD .0.05


P. citri وE. orientalis 2013 2011 الالذقية الشهر P-value F df E. orientalis P. citri 0 36.48 1 0±0 b a 37.4±6.16 Apr-11 0.004 5.4 1 0±0 b 5.2±2.11 a May-11 0.007 27 1 0±0 b 3±0.57 a Jun-11 0.004 36.57 1 0±0 b 5.33±0.88 a Jul-11 0.17 2.35 1 0.5±0.5 a 3.75±2.05 a Aug-11 0.01 3.62 1 4±2.34 b 14.5±4.99 a Sep-11 0.32 1.17 1 15.25±5.43 a 21.25±1.03 a Oct-11 0.011 13.32 1 0±0 b 16.75±4.58 a Nov-11 0 103.84 1 0±0 b 15±1.47 a Dec-11 0.014 3.23 1 0.67±0.66 b 15±7.93 a Jan-12 0.119 3.9 1 0±0 a 3.66±1.85 a Feb-12 0.019 8.53 1 0±0 b 11.6±3.97 a Mar-12 0.041 8.89 1 0±0 b 21.6±7.26 a Apr-12 0.005 15.07 1 0±0 b 7.2±1.85 a May-12 0.039 6.96 1 0±0 b 6±2.27 a Jun-12 0.57 0.36 1 1.33±1.33 a 2.66±1.76 a Jul-12 0.37 1 1 0±0 a 0.66±0.66 a Aug-12 0.027 8.39 1 1.75±1.03 b 9.75±2.56 a Sep-12 0.003 18.45 1 0±0 b 6.6±1.53 a Oct-12 0.024 8.94 1 0±0 b 36.25±12.12 a Nov-12 0.003 23.28 1 0±0 b 98±20.31 a Dec-12 0 90.61 1 0±0 b 53±5.56 a Jan-13 0.008 15.61 1 0±0 b 73.75±20.64 a Feb-13 0 134.84 1 0±0 b 73.25±6.31 a Mar-13 LSD .0.05


E. orientalis P. citri 2013 2011 عين البيضا الشهر P-value F df E. orientalis P. citri 0 62.5 1 0±0 b 39±4.93 a Apr-11 0.045 6.32 1 0.5±0.5 b 32.75±12.8 a May-11 0.008 15.19 1 0.25±0.25 b 8.5±2.1 a Jun-11 0.04 9 1 0±0 b 3±1 a Jul-11 0.203 2.31 1 0±0 a 4.33±2.84 a Aug-11 0.011 3.51 1 5.5±3.77 b 21±7.34 a Sep-11 0.003 24.21 1 1.5±1.5 b 31.5±5.9 a Oct-11 0 66.87 1 0±0 b 53.6±6.55 a Nov-11 0 50.94 1 0±0 b 78.75±11.03 a Dec-11 0 64.11 1 0±0 b 47.75±5.96 a Jan-12 0.008 15.14 1 0±0 b 21.75±5.58 a Feb-12 0.017 10.74 1 0±0 b 18.75±5.72 a Mar-12 0.009 14.71 1 0±0 b 28.25±7.36 a Apr-12 0.005 14.79 1 0±0 b 20.8±5.4 a May-12 0.026 1.51 1 2.25±1.65 b 8.25±4.58 a Jun-12 0.37 1 1 0±0 a 1±1 a Jul-12 0.37 1 1 0±0 a 4±4 a Aug-12 0 47.6 1 1±1 b 15.5±1.84 a Sep-12 0.002 18.87 1 1.6±1.67 b 22.4±4.72 a Oct-12 0.001 32.84 1 0±0 b 87.5±15.26 a Nov-12 0.017 10.81 1 0±0 b 96±29.19 a Dec-12 0 95.46 1 0±0 b 38.75±3.96 a Jan-13 0.01 3.76 1 0±0 b 19±9.79 a Feb-13 0.015 11.47 1 0±0 b 54.5±16.09 a Mar-13 LSD .0.05


E. orientalis P. citri 2013-2011 سلورين الشهر P-value F df E. orientalis P. citri 0.001 51.19 1 0±0 b 12.5±4.29 a Apr-11 0.013 2.89 1 2.75±1.7 b 25±12.9 a May-11 1 0 1 4.75±4.75 b 4.75±4.42 a Jun-11 - - - 0±0 0±0 Jul-11 - - - 0±0 0±0 Aug-11 0.036 5.61 1 72±30.38 b 0±0 a Sep-11 0.009 14.42 1 538.25±141.74 b 0±0 a Oct-11 0.006 14.04 1 241.8±64.52 b 0±0 a Nov-11 0.074 4.68 1 47±20.25 b 2.75±2.7 a Dec-11 0.072 4.75 1 0±0 b 74.75±34.27 a Jan-12 0.047 6.24 1 0±0 b 164±65.16 a Feb-12 0.076 4.58 1 0±0 b 143±66.78 a Mar-12 0.15 2.49 1 0±0 a 8.5±7.22 a Apr-12 0.16 2.55 1 0±0 a 4.25±2.65 a May-12 0.019 2.431 1 2.33±2.33 b 15.33±8 a Jun-12 0.67 0.2 1 0.5±0.5 a 1±1 a Jul-12 - - - 0±0 0±0 Aug-12 0.14 2.56 1 1±1 a 6.75±5.79 a Sep-12 0.14 2.65 1 1.2±1.78 a 7.2±3.59 a Oct-12 0.03 7.96 1 0.5±0.5 b 168.75±59.62 a Nov-12 0.002 21.93 1 0±0 b 357.6±76.34 a Dec-12 0.062 6.58 1 0±0 b 75.66±29.49 a Jan-13 0 51.04 1 0±0 b 147.5±18.66 a Feb-13 0.035 7.35 1 0±0 b 119.25±43.96 a Mar-13 LSD .0.05


B. californicus 18 2013-2011

الشهر سلورين عين البيضا الالذقية LSD 5 % Df Sig. F

12.8±1.93 7.25±2.28 3.25±0.94 2 0.0125 6.99 5.76 Apr-11 bcef B bcd AB bc A 4±1.92 8.5±2.84 7.75±2.01 2 0.336 1.21 7.01 May-11 f A bcd A A ab 4±2.08 1.25±0.47 3.75±2.24 2 0.52 0.699 6.21 Jun-11 f A d A bc A 4.33±1.2 0±0 2±0.57 2 0.02 7.93 2.66 Jul-11 f A d B c AB 7.5±1.75 0±0 0±0 2 0.004 12.77 4.15 Aug-11 cf A d B c B 22.5±4.11 1.25±1.05 0±0 2 0.00001 25.95 7.94 Sep-11 abce A d B c B 23.75±1.75 8.5±3.27 0.5±0.28 2 0.001 30.12 6.89 Oct-11 ab A bcd B c C 17.5±4.17 17±3.39 1.4±0.24 2 0.003 10 9.34 Nov-11 bce B ab B c A 28.75±4.17 24.25±2.81 2.5±0.95 2 0.001 19.04 10.29 Dec-11 a B a B c A 19.66±3.75 4.25±2.59 4±2.04 2 0.007 9.78 9.14 Jan-12 abc A bcd B bc B 6.33±0.33 8.75±4.17 8±2.7 2 0.87 0.136 10.77 Feb-12 f A bcd A ab A 10.4±4.61 12±4.02 9.75±2.52 2 0.92 0.07 12.47 Mar-12 cef A bc A a A 12±1.73 17.75±4.36 7.25±3.32 2 0.159 2.32 12.13 Apr-12 cd A cdef A a A 1.4±1.4 6.4±2.13 1.25±0.25 2 0.06 3.46 5.1 May-12 d B ef A bc B 0±0 5.25±2.17 4.66±1.45 2 0.07 3.7 5.19 Jun-12 d B f A ab AB 1.33±1.22 6±1.52 1.75±0.47 2 0.039 5.29 3.57 Jul-12 d B ef A bc B 12.66±2.18 9.33±2.4 1.33±0.33 2 0.013 9.54 6.35 Aug-12 cd B def B bc A 26.75±6.11 24.5±6.03 2.75±1.18 2 0.014 7 16.02 Sep-12 cd B abc B bc A 37.6±4.76 36.4±2.44 1.2±0.2 2 0.0002 44.75 9.52 Oct-12 bc B a B bc A 74.5±14.41 22.5±2.8 1.25±0.25 2 0.001 19.71 27.15 Nov-12 a A bcd B bc B 72±19.22 34±3.87 0.6±0.4 2 0.002 12.27 32.12 Dec-12 a C ab B c A 61.5±7.57 24.25±6.57 0±0 2 0.001 22.47 21.46 Jan-13 ab C abc B c A 26.25±12.66 19.25±6.83 1.5±0.86 2 0.15 2.34 26.63 Feb-13 cd A cde A bc A 30±11.27 10.25±4.38 1.25±0.25 2 0.04 4.4 22.35 Mar-13 cd A def AB bc B

0.05 LSD


Phytoseiidae 2013 2011

LSD 5 Phytoseiidae P-value F df % 14.34 0.011 7.28 2 DE 6.75±1.31 b DEFGH 14.75±2.01 b BCD 30.6±6.52 a Apr-11 41.05 0.036 4.73 2 A 66.75±23.13 a BCDE 24.5±7.46 ab DEF 11.6±4.7 b May-11 17.23 0.369 1.13 2 CDE 18±3.56 GH 8.5±1.55 CDEF 17.33±9.87 Jun-11 7.11 0.004 15.47 2 DE 3±0.58 b DEFG 17±2.3 a CDEF 17±2.64 a Jul-11 7.1 0.217 1.91 2 DE 6.66±2.4 a EFGH 10.66±2.33 a DEF 12.5±1.84 a Aug-11 8.47 0.012 2.75 2 DE 6.5±3.62 b FGH 10.25±1.1 ab DEF 15.25±2.59 a Sep-11 8.84 0.009 8.37 2 BCD 25.75±3.04 a DEFGH 12.25±2.32 b DEF 11.5±2.9 b Oct-11 10.29 0.017 6.09 2 BCDE 23±3.91 a DEFGH 13.2±2.72 ab EF 7±2.58 b Nov-11 4.4 0.002 12.88 2 DE 11±1.96 a H 2±1.22 b F 3±0.57 b Dec-11 23.41 0.102 3.07 2 BCDE 23±10.66 a H 1.5±0.64 a F 3.66±2.72 a Jan-12 19.62 0.012 8.19 2 BC 37±7.67 a GH 7±3.08 b DEF 11.66±5.36 b Feb-12 26.23 0.018 6.15 2 B 44.5±15.81 a FGH 9.75±1.03 b EF 6±1.81 b Mar-12 17.25 0.001 19.14 2 DE 3±2.38 b AB 36.5±5.54 a AB 45.33±7.42 a Apr-12 11.26 0.002 12.03 2 DE 11±15.8 c BCD 24.8±3.27 b ABC 37.6±4.87 a May-12 10.04 0.017 7.08 2 DE 10.66±3.48 b DEFG 17.25±3.56 ab BCDE 26.75±1.7 a Jun-12 6.82 0.001 21.81 2 E 0±0 c DEFG 17.66±3.71 b DEF 9.66±0.88 a Jul-12 15.82 0.061 4.61 2 E 0±0 b DEFG 17±6.02 a CDEF 17±5.13 a Aug-12 3.95 < 0.001 34.42 2 E 0.5±0.5 c DEFGH 15±2.04 a EF 8±0.4 b Sep-12 5.91 0.008 7.32 2 E 1.2±0.97 b GH 8.6±2.4 a DEF 11.2±2.08 a Oct-12 8.07 0.037 4.89 2 DE 3±1.58 b DEFGH 13.5±4.05 a EF 5±0.4 b Nov-12 8.27 0.002 11.61 2 DE 8.6±1.17 b CDEF 23±3.58 a BCDEF 24.5±3.22 a Dec-12 7.05 < 0.001 23.84 2 E 1±1 a BCDEF 23.75±3.19 a DEF 15.25±1.31 b Jan-13 26.76 0.624 0.50 2 BC 39.25±5.84 a ABC 32.5±8.83 a BCDE 27.5±9.88 a Feb-13 47.26 0.761 0.28 2 BC 38±6.68 a A 43.75±8.51 a A 53.5±23.18 a Mar-13 23 23 23 Df 6.33 6.51 4.21 F < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 P-value

0.05 LSD


S. gilvifrons 20 2013 2011 LSD P- Stethorus gilvifrons الشهر F df الالذقية عين البيضا سلورين value % 5 3.71 0 24 2 C 0±0 b C 10.75±2.25 a CD 0.8±0.2 b Apr-11 10.3 0.024 5.51 2 C 0±0 b BC 13.75±6.29 a C 0±0 b May-11 … .. 2 C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. Jun-11

0.67 0.422 1 2 C 0±0 a E0.33±0.33 a C 0±0 a Jul-11 0.56 0.35 1.22 2 C 0±0 a E0.33±0.33 a C 0±0 a Aug-11 8.1 0.003 11.5 2 B 15±4.37 a E0.25±0.25 b C 0±0 b Sep-11 10.74 0 20.15 2 A 28.5±5.5 a DE 5.75±1.88 b C 0±0 b Oct-11 7.75 0.002 11.49 2 B 8±2.5 b ABC 16.8±2.95 a C 0±0 c Nov-11 8.97 0.001 19.44 2 C 1.25±0.75 b A 22±4.79 a C 0±0 b Dec-11 3.1 0.33 1.26 2 C 0±0 a E 1.75±1.43 a C 0±0 a Jan-12 0.54 0.46 0.84 2 C 0±0 a E 0.25±0.25 a C 0±0 a Feb-12 0.41 0.35 1.15 2 C 0±0 a E 0.25±0.25 a C 0±0 a Mar-12 1.08 0.46 0.84 2 C 0±0 a E 0.5±0.5 a C 0±0 a Apr-12 0.55 0.57 0.58 2 C 0.25±0.25 a E 0.2±0.2 a C 0±0 a May-12 ...... 2 C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. Jun-12 ...... 2 C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. Jul-12 ...... 2 C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. Aug-12 0.53 0.1 3 2 C 0±0 a E 0.5±0.28 a C 0±0 a Sep-12 0.44 0.11 2.66 2 C 0±0 a E 0.4±0.24 a C 0±0 a Oct-12 3.62 0 31.56 2 C 0±0 b C 11±1.95 a C 0±0 b Nov-12 9.05 0.008 8.09 2 C 2.6±1.28 b AB 18.75±5.23 a B 7.5±0.64 b Dec-12 8.53 0.13 2.64 2 C 0±0 a DE 5.25±1.84 a A 8.5±3.5 a Jan-13 0.65 0.622 0.5 2 C 0±0 a 0.25±0.25 a C 0.25±0.25 a Feb-13 3.05 0.003 12.11 2 C 1.2±1.2 a DE 5.75±1.65 a C 0±0 a Mar-13 23 23 23 Df

15.28 9.1 9.25 F

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 P-value

0.05 LSD


C. psociformis 21 2013 2011 LSD P- Conwentzia psociformis الشهر F df الالذقية عين البيضا سلورين value % 5 5.19 0 19.51 2 C 0.25±0.25 b C 1.5±0.28 b CD 13.2±2.43 a Apr-11 4.14 0.314 1.3 2 C 0±0 a C 1.75±0.85 a E 3±1.84 a May-11 0.62 0.139 2.5 2 C 0±0 a C 0.5±0.28 a E 0±0 a Jun-11 1.33 0.25 1.75 2 C 0±0 C 0.33±0.33 E 1±0.57 Jul-11 0.81 0.25 1.68 2 C 0±0 a 0.66±0.33 a E 0.25±0.25 a Aug-11 0.46 0.405 1 2 C 0±0 a C 0±0 a E 0.25±0.25 a Sep-11 0.65 0.622 0.5 2 C 0±0 a D 0.25±0.25 a E 0.25±0.25 a Oct-11 0.4 0.44 0.88 2 C 0±0 a 0.2±0.2 a E 0±0 a Nov-11 ...... 2 C 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. Dec-11 ...... 2 C 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. Jan-12 0.97 0.812 0.21 2 C 0.5±0.28 .. C 0.25±0.25 .. E 0.33±0.33 .. Feb-12 8.63 0.012 7.09 2 B 3±0.81 b C 3±1.41 b C 15.4±3.88 a Mar-12 10.45 0 22.76 2 C 1±0.4 c A 19.75±3.63 b B 30.66±4.48 a Apr-12 8.88 0 25.86 2 C 0±0 c B 10.8±2.8 b B 28.4±3.47 a May-12 6.37 0.047 4.57 2 C 0±0 b C 0.25±0.25 b DE 7±2.94 a Jun-12 0.56 0.35 1.22 2 C 0±0 a C 0.33±0.33 a E 0±0 a Jul-12 0.67 0.422 1 2 C 0±0 a C 0±0 a E 0.33±0.33 a Aug-12 1.07 0.5 0.75 2 C 0±0 a C 0.5±0.28 a E 0.5±0.5 a Sep-12 0.36 0.397 1 2 C 0±0 a C 0±0 a E 0.2±0.2 a Oct-12 ...... 2 C 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. Nov-12 ...... 2 C 0±0 .. C 0±0 .. E 0±0 .. Dec-12 0.54 0.46 0.84 2 C 0±0 a C 0.25±0.25 a E 0±0 a Jan-13 9.38 0.265 1.5 2 C 0±0 a C 4.25±2.52 a DE 7.25±4.4 a Feb-13 16.7 0.001 15.3 2 A 5.8±1.62 c A 22.5±4.33 b A 45.25±7.83 a Mar-13 23 23 23 Df

8.05 16.35 20.76 F

0 0 0 P-value

0.05 LSD


P. persimilis I. degenerans N. californicus

A. andersoni E. stipulatus

Phytoseiidae )spermatheca( 1



P .citri


B. californicus

Phytoseiidae 4



B B. californicua Phytoseiidae A 5 P. citri Phytoseiidae A B

A S. gilvifrons



E. orientalis S. gilvifrons 7 A B


B A .B. californicus S. gilvifrons C 134


B A ، B.californicus C. psociformis 9


B A C. psociformis 10


C. psociformis


Abstract The objective of this research is to survey the phytophagous mite species and their predators in three lemon orchards at different sites in Latakia governorate, Syria: Lattakia, Salloren, and Ein-Albeda, and to study the population dynamics of these species from April 2011 to March 2013. The results showed the presence of two species of the familyTenuipalpidae: Brevipalpus californicus (Banks, 1904) and Tenuipalpus punicae Pritchard and Baker, 1958, and this is the first record of these two species in Syria. As the abundance of T. punicae was very low, so it was ignored. However, populations of B. californicus was abundant on lemon trees all around the year, excepted during summer and differences in population dynamics were present according to study sites. The highest peaks of B. californicus were recorded during March 2012 in Salloren (9.75 ± 2.52 mites/ 100 leaves), and during November 2012 in Ein Al-beda and Lattakia (36.4 ± 2.44 and 74.5 ± 14.41 mites/ 100 leaves, respectively), the latest peak was the highest one in the three sites. Two species of Tetranychidae were also recorded on lemon trees: the citrus red mite Panonychus citri (McGregor, 1916) and the citrus brown mite Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein, 1936). The highest densities of P. citri were recorded in the beginning and in the end of winter and also in the beginning of spring. The highest peaks of P. citri were recorded during December 2012 in the three sites (98.0 ± 20.3, 96.0 ± 29.2, and 357.6±76.3 mites/ 100 leaves) in Lattakia, Ein-Albeda and Salloren respectively. The citrus brown mite was, however, found only during autumn 2011, in particular, in September and October. One peak of this mite was recorded in the three sites: during Septemper 2011 in Ein- Albeda (5.5 ± 3.5 mites/ 100 leaves), and during October in Lattakia and Salloren (15.3 ± 5.4 and 538.3 ± 141.7 mites/ 100 leaves) respectively. The latest peak was the highest one in the three sites. Three species of phytoseiid predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) were collected from lemon leaves: Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot, 1960), Amblyseius andersoni (Chant, 1957) and Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese, 1889). The highest densities of these predators were recorded in spring. The peaks of these predators were not coincided with the peaks of the phytophagous mites. Two predatory insects were also recorded: the coccinellid predator Stethorus gilvifrons (Mulsant, 1850) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) which was abundant during several monthes in autumn, winter and spring, concided with the peaks of P.citri and E. orientalis, and the predator Conwentzia psociformis (Curtis, 1834) 137

(Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) which was more abundant during March and April. Leaves of natural vegetation around orchards were also sampled, from the beginning of April 2014 to the end of March 2015. The phytophagous mites in these plants were: Tetranychus urticae. and E. orientalis . The phytoseiid mites were: E. stipulatus, A. andersoni, I. degenerans, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, 1957 and Neoseilus californicus (McGregor, 1945), and the predatory insect S . gilvifrons. The development time and fecundity of P. citri were studied under laboratory conditions of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C± 1, 65 ±5% RH, and 16:8 hours (L:D) photoperiod. The citrus red mite completed its development at the temperature ranged from 15 to 30 °C. The development threshold for was 12.08 °C. The optimal temperature for its development was 25 °C, where the duration of development from egg to adult was 16.5 days, the total fecundity was 21.2 eggs, the daily fecundity was 1.66 eggs. Laboratory experiments were conducted also to evaluate the efficiency of the predatory S. gilvifrons against different stages of P. citri. The results showed that both larvae and, in particular, adults of the predator were highly efficient against all mite stages. During its whole life, S. gilvifrons consumed an average of 2666 eggs, 1700.8 larvae, 1285.8 nymphs and 886.6 adults of P.citri. The efficacy of S. gilvifrons larvae increased from first to the fourth instar. Adult stage of S. gilvifrons seemed to be more voracious than its larvae and consumed 78.24 - 80.63 % of P. citri offered during the whole life of the predator.


Damascus University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection

A survey and an ecological Study of the phytophagous mites and their natural enemies in lemon orchards Citrus limon in Latakia governorate

A THESIS submitted to faculty of Agriculture in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Ph.D in Plant Protection


MSc. Eng. Safaa Ali Qerhili

Supervision under

Prof. Dr. Louai Asslan Dr. Ziad Barbar Plant Protection Department Plant Protection Department Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture University of Damascus University of Abaath Damascus, Syria Homs, Syria