BALCANICA POSNANIENSIA xxV Poznań 2018 YUGOSLAV DIPLOMATS DURING THE INTERWAR PERIOD1 Sr đ a n Mićić 1 ABSTRACT. Yugoslav diplomats during the interwar period. The article deals with influence of the Serbian elite in the scope of the Yugoslav Foreign Service during 1918– 1939. The influence of the elite circles was particularly prominent in the Yugoslav Army and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as was the case in Serbia until 1918. As non-institutional factors had great influence on the work of state institutions, the first aim of this paper is to examine the main aspect for selection, career development and obstacles in the life of Yugoslav Diplomats, derived from the power struggle among elite circles. The second aim is to compare Serbian and Yugoslav experiences in order to establish similarities and differences in the char- acteristics of the pre-War and Interwar Diplomatic-Consular personnel. The analysis is based on Yugoslav ar- chival materials, as well as on foreign published documents, memorial literature and relevant Yugoslav/Serbian and foreign historiography. Author: Srđan Mićić, Institute for Modern History of Serbia, Trg Nikole Pašića 11/IV, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia,
[email protected] Keywords: Serbian elite, Yugoslav foreign service, Yugoslav military service Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et studia, XXV, Poznań 2018, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Historii UAM, pp. 143– 159, ISBN 978-83-65663-94-8, ISSN 0239-4278. English text with summary in English. The Kingdom of Serbia represented the most important factor of Yugoslav unifica- tion, but not the only one.