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Organization Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Organization 1. CONFERENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Yokota, H. University of Miyazaki Zen, K. Kyushu University Zhussupbekov, A. ISSMGE Immediate Past Vice President (Asian region, 2009 - 3. CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 2013), Kazakhstan Towhata, I. ISSMGE Vice President (Asian Secretariat region, 2013 - 2017), Japan Otani, J. * Kumamoto University Taylor, R. N. ISSMGE Secretary General, UK Kasama, K. Kyushu University Ho, A. N. L. 14th ARC Chairperson, Hong Mukunoki, T. Kumamoto University Kong Sato, T. Kumamoto University Otani, J 15th ARC Chairperson, Japan 3.1 Sub-Committee for General Affairs Committee 2. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Yasufuku, N.* Kyushu University Asaoka, A Association for the Kikuchi, Y.** Tokyo University of Science Development of Earthquake Akana, Y. Mitsui Chemicals Industrial Prediction Products Ltd. Hasegawa, S. The Japan Civil Engineering Asada, H. Gosei Co., Ltd. Consultants Association Furukawa, Z. Kyushu University Hayashi, S. Nihon Kensetsu Gijutsu Co., Hiyama, H. Kagoshima University Ltd. Iizuka, A. Kobe University Hirose, N. Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ishikawa, T. Hokkaido University Ishihara, K. Chuo University Ishikura, R. Kyushu University Kamon, M. Research Institute for Katsuki, Y. NihonChiken Co., Ltd. Environmental Geotechnics Kawano, Y. Kyushu Regional Development Kimura, T. Tokyo Institute of Technology Bureau Kitamura, R. Kagoshima University Kazama, M. Tohoku University Kusakabe, O. Ibaraki National College of Kidera, S. West Japan Engineering Technology Consultants, Inc. Miura, N. Institute of Soft Ground Kimura, M. Kyoto University Engineering Kodaira, T Kyushu Regional Development Nakamura, M. Japan Federation of Bureau Construction Contractors Kudo, S. Fukuoka City Nakashima, M. Architectural Institute of Japan Matsubara, H. University of the Ryukyus Narita, M. Japan Geotechnical Consultants Mitani, Y. Kyushu University Association Miyata, Y. National Defense Academy of Ochiai, H. Kyushu University Japan Ohta, H. Chuo University Nakamori, K. Fukuoka Prefecture Ohtsubo, M. Kyushu University Nakano, A. Kyushu University Sueoka, T. Geosphere Environmental Nishida, K Kyusyu Infrastructure Technology Corporation Management Association Suzuki, H. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Ohtsuka, S. Nagaoka University of Transport and Tourism Technology Tatsuoka, F. Tokyo University of Science Sezaki, M. University of Miyazaki Tsutsumi, K. Fukuoka City Uzuoka, R. Tokushima University Watanabe, T. The Japanese Society of Yahiro, Y. Kyushu University Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Yamamoto, K. Kagoshima University Engineering vi 3.2 Sub-Committee for Scientific Program 3.3 Sub-Committee for Engineering Session Mimura, M.*,+ Kyoto University Horikoshi, K.*,+ Taisei Corporation Watabe, Y.**,+ Port and Airport Research Hirai, T.** Mitsui Chemicals Industrial Institute Products Ltd. Chai, J. Saga University Hamada, J. Takenaka Research & Chen, G. Kyushu University Development Institute Cui, Y. Meijo University Hironaka, J. Mitsui Chemicals Industrial Flores, G. Kyoto University Products Ltd. Fujisawa, K. Kyoto University Ikeda, T. Japan Geotechnical Consultants Higo, Y.+ Kyoto University Association Hirakawa, D. Chuo University Izawa, J. Railway Technical Research Inui, T. Kyoto University Institute Isobe, K. Hokkaido University Kimura, M. Kyoto University Izawa, J. Railway Technical Research Maekawa, H. The Japan Civil Engineering Institute Consultants Association Katsumi, T.+ Kyoto University Mano, H. Shimizu Corporation Kazama, M. Tohoku University Matsuda, T. Obayashi Corporation Kimoto, S. Kyoto University Mitarai, Y. Toa Corporation Kiyota, T. The University of Tokyo Morikawa, Y. Port and Airport Research Kobayashi, S. Kanazawa University Institute Kobayashi, T. Port and Airport Research Moriwake, A. Toa Corporation Institute Nishihara, S. Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation Koseki, J. The University of Tokyo Sasaki, T. Public Works Research Institute Kuwano, J. Saitama University Sha, K. Oyo Corporation Kyoya, T. Tohoku University Shimamura, T. Kajima Corporation Matsumura, S. Port and Airport Research Shimomura, M. Taisei Corporation Institute Shirai, Y. Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co., Ltd. Miyata, Y.+ National Defense Academy of Sueoka, T. Geosphere Environmental Japan Technology Corporation Momoya, Y. Railway Technical Research Tayama, S. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Institute Co., Ltd. Morikawa, Y. Port and Airport Research Teruya, J. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. Institute Tobita, T.+ Disaster Prevention Research Nakai, K. Nagoya University Institute, Kyoto University Nakashima, S. Yamaguchi University Watanabe, T. Taisei Corporation Nishimura, S. Hokkaido University Yatami, T. Japan Federation of Construction Omine, K. Nagasaki University Contractors Pipatpongsa, T. Kyoto University Sako, K. Kagoshima University 3.4 Sub-Committee for Event Sassa, S. Port and Airport Research Institute Nagase, H.* Kyushu Institute of Technology Shuku, T. Okayama University Sato, K.** Fukuoka University Sugimoto, S. Nagasaki University Fujikawa, T. Fukuoka University Takahashi, A. Tokyo Institute of Technology Fukuda, N. Fukken Co., Ltd. Takano, D.+ Port and Airport Research Hayashi, Y. Kyushu Sangyo University Institute Hirooka, A. Kyushu Institute of Technology Takeyama, T. Kobe University Ishikura, R. Kyushu University Tobita, T.+ Disaster Prevention Research Kawano, Y. Kyushu Regional Development Institute, Kyoto University Bureau Uchimura, T. The University of Tokyo Koga, K. Kajima Corporation Yamada, S. Nagoya University Nakamori, K. Fukuoka Prefecture Yasutaka, T. National Institute of Advanced Nishida, K. Kyushu Infrastructure Industrial Science and Management Association Technology Nishikawa, K. Fukuoka Toshi Kaihatsu Co., Ltd. Ogata, F. Fudo Tetra Corporation Okayasu, T. Kyushu University vii Suetsugu, D. Institute of Lowland and Marine Matsushima, Takashi Research, Saga University Minegishi, Kunio Takahashi, Y. Taisei Corporation Miyata, Yoshihisa Tanoue, Y. Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co., Ltd. Momoya, Yoshitsugu Tsutsumi, K. Fukuoka City Moriguchi, Shuji Mukunoki, Toshifumi 3.5 Sub-Committee for Homecoming Nakai, Kentaro Nakajima, Susumu Kuwano, R.* Institute of Industrial Science, the Nakano, Masaki University of Tokyo Nakata, Yukio Zhang, F.** Nagoya Institute of Technology Nishimura, Satoshi Hazarika, H. Kyushu University Nishimura, Shin-ichi Sako, K. Kagoshima University Nonoyama, Hideto Takahara, T. Kanazawa University Okayasu, Takashi Ramsey, Boyd Sako, Kazunari * : Chairperson Sassa, Shinji ** : Co-Chairperson Sato, Kenichi + : Proceedings editorial members Sawada, Yutaka Sawamura, Yasuo Shahin, Hossain MD. 3.6 Paper Reviewers Shimamura, Tomohisa Shuku, Takayuki Beppu, Masuhiro Sugimoto, Satoshi Bouazza, Abdelmalek Tachibana, Shinya Fujikawa, Takuro Takahara, Toshiyuki Fujisawa, Kazunori Takahashi, Akihiro Hayano, Kimitoshi Takahashi, Hidenori Hazarika, Hemanta Takai, Atsushi Higo, Yosuke Takano, Daiki Hirakawa, Daiki Takeyama, Tomohide Imanishi, Hajime Tanaka, Yosuke Inazumi, Shinya Tashiro, Mutsumi Inui, Toru Tobita, Tetsuo Ishii, Hiroyasu Touze-Foltz, Nathalie Ishikawa, Tatsuya Uchimura, Taro Isobe, Koichi Ueda, Kyohei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Uzuoka, Ryosuke Izawa, Jun Watabe, Yoichi Kaneda, Kazuhiro Yamada, Hiroshi Kaneko, Takashi Yamada, Shotaro Kasama, Kiyonobu Yamada, Suguru Katsumi, Takeshi Yamamoto, Kentaro Kawamura, Takashi Yasuhara, Kazuya Kazama, Motoki Zhang, Feng Kikkawa, Naotaka Kiriyama, Takatoshi Kohata, Yukihiro Komine, Hideo Kono, Akiko Koseki, Junichi Kotake, Nozomu Kuwano, Jiro Maeda, Kenichi Matsuda, Tatsuya Matsumaru, Takaki Matsumura, Satoshi viii.
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