Rereading Philip K. Dick
REFLECTIONS Robert Silverberg REREADING PHILIP K. DICK They were ugly little things. I mean the tner. Dick was only twenty-seven when first editions of Philip K. Dick’s first nov- Solar Lottery came out, a youthful begin- els—squat, scrunchy, cheaply printed ner who had appeared in the science fic- 1950s paperbacks, artifacts of a primitive tion magazines just three years before era in science fiction publishing. Ace with a double handful of ingenious short Books was the name of the publishing stories. I had already begun to sell some company—they are still in business, stories myself in 1955, so in terms of ca- though vastly transformed—and Ace reer launch we were virtually contempo- writers then were paid one thousand dol- raries, but I was only twenty, a college ju- lars per novel, which even then was the nior, and that seven-year gap in our ages bottom rate for paperback books, al- made me regard Dick as vastly older, though in modern purchasing power it’s vastly wiser, vastly more skillful in the a good deal more than most new SF writ- art of storytelling. I was an earnest be- ers can command today. ginner; he was already a pro. Still, there were harbingers of things to He was good, all right. But I don’t come in those early Dick books. The very think either of us realized, back there in first sentence of the very first one tells us 1955, that he was destined to make an that in the most literal way: “There had imperishable mark on American popular been harbingers.” That’s Solar Lottery, culture.
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