
Journal of Neurochemistry Raven Press, New York 0 1984 International Society for Neurochemistry

Short Review Glutamate: A in Mammalian Brain Frode Fonnum Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Division for Environmental Toxicology, Kjeller, Norway

Glutamate is ubiquitously distributed in brain specifically released by physiological stimuli in con- tissue, where it is present in a higher concentration centrations high enough to elicit postsynaptic re- than any other . During the last 50 years sponse; (3) it demonstrates identity of action with glutamate in brain has been the subject of numerous the naturally occurring transmitter, including re- studies, and several different functions have been sponse to antagonists; and (4) mechanisms exist ascribed to it. that will terminate transmitter action rapidly. Early studies by Krebs (1935) suggested that glu- The evidence for glutamate as a transmitter at the tamate played a central metabolic role in brain. The locust neuromuscular junction has recently been complex compartmentation of glutamate metabo- carefully evaluated by Usherwood (1981). In that lism in brain was first noted by Waelsch and co- case the identity of action of glutamate with the workers (Berl et al., 1961). These studies were pre- naturally occurring transmitter on the neuromus- cipitated by the claim that glutamate improved cular receptor, the release from nerve terminals, mental behaviour and was beneficial in several neu- and its similarity to acetylcholine at the mammalian rological disorders including epilepsy and mental neuromuscular junction with regard to presynaptic retardation. Other scientists pointed out its function pharmacology and denervation supersensitivity are in the detoxification of in brain (Weil-Mal- compelling evidence for glutamate as a neurotrans- herbe, 1950). Glutamate is also an important mitter. building block in the synthesis of and pep- The main methods used to identify glutamergic tides, including (Meister, 1979). The pathways in brain will be critically reviewed and toxic effect of administered glutamate and its ana- discussed. The effect of lesions on high-affinity up- logues , , and N-methyl as- take and release are particularly important, but im- partic acid on CNS neurones has become a large munohistochemical methods to study and and independent line of research (Lucas and New- glutamate itself are becoming more interesting. The house, 1957; Olney et al., 1974; Lund-Karlsen and release of glutamate has been demonstrated by sev- Fonnum, 1976; Coyle, 1983). Attention has also eral different procedures using both in vivo and in been focused on the role of glutamate as a precursor vitro preparations. The synthesis of large groups of for the inhibitory neurotransmitter y-aminobutyric specific and antagonists has been impor- acid (GABA) (Roberts and Frankel, 1950). tant both for identification and characterization of Electrophysiological studies (Curtis and Watkins, the by electrophysiological tech- 1961) focused early on the powerful and excitatory niques and for the isolation of glutamate receptors. action of glutamate on spinal cord neurones. Since High and perhaps low-affinity uptake into nerve ter- the action was widespread and effected by both the minals and glial cells is important for the termina- D- and L- forms, it was at first difficult to believe tion of transmitter action. Particular attention is that glutamate could be a neurotransmitter. During given in this review to the complex compartmen- the last 15 years, however, several studies have pro- tation of glutamate synthesis and the possibility of vided support for the concept that glutamate is a identifying the transmitter pool of glutamate. transmitter in brain (for review see Curtis and John- ston, 1974; Fonnum, 1978; 1981; Roberts et al., HIGH-AFFINITY UPTAKE 1981; DiChiara and Gessa, 1981). Glutamate satis- fies today to a large extent the four main criteria for classification as a neurotransmitter: (1) it is pre- A common property of transmitter amino acids synaptically localized in specific neurones; (2) it is such as GABA and and transmitter amines

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Frode Abbreviations used: GABA, 6-Aminobutyric acid; HRP, Fonnum, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Division Horseradish peroxidase; NMDA, N-Methyl-o-aspartate. for Environmental Toxicology, N-2007 Kjeller, Norway. 2 F. FONNUM such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline is et al., 1979), viral infection (Young et al., 1974), or a -dependent high-affinity uptake system in mutant mice with reduced number of parallel (for review see Fonnum et al., 1980). A similar up- fibres (Hudson et al., 1976), there is a significant take system also exists for glutamate. The uptake reduction in uptake in cerebellar homogenate. of glutamate shows an absolute requirement for so- GIial cell preparations from sensory ganglia dium (Bennet et al., 1973), and studies with (Schon and Kelly, 1974), isolated glial cells (Henn 22Na+showthat two sodium ions are required for and Hamberger, 1971), or primary cultures of astro- the uptake of one glutamate molecule (Stallcup et cytes (Hertz et al., 1979) all show high-affinity up- al., 1979). The order of association of the ions with take of glutamate. Injection of [3H]glutamate intra- the transport carrier has by kinetic studies been de- cerebrally also leads to the preferential labelling of termined to be sodium-sodium-glutamate (Wheeler glial cells (Hokfelt and Ljungdahl, 1972). and Hollingsworth, 1978). There is apparently no difference in the substrate The uptake carrier of glutamate exhibits a high and inhibitor specificity in the glutamate uptake of degree of specificity. L-Glutamate and D- and L-as- nerve terminals or glial cell preparations (Balcar et partate are taken up by the same uptake mecha- al., 1977). Recently 4-acetamino-4-isothiocyano- nism, whereas no other amino acid is taken up to 2,2-disulphonic acid stilbene has been suggested as any significant extent by this carrier (Logan and a specific glial inhibitor (Waniewski and Martin, Snyder, 1971; Balcar and Johnson, 1972, 1973; 1983). The compound has previously been used as Davies and Johnston, 1976). The active uptake of an inhibitor of high-affinity uptake of glycine by D-aspartate has allowed us to use this relatively met- human erythrocytes (Ellory et al., 1981) and the abolically stable compound as a false transmitter specificity in brain has not been thoroughly ex- in uptake and release studies (Lund-Karlsen and plored. The different findings of high-affinity uptake Fonnum, 1978; Malthe-Sgrenssen et al., 1979). of glutamate both into nerve terminals and glial cell The high-affinity uptake can be measured bio- preparations can be reconciled by assuming that chemically in a homogenate or in a synaptosome both structures have an uptake activity. The glial preparation, and autoradiographically in thin slices cell uptake is, however, very labile to mechanical (<200 km). Alternatively, the number of sodium- disruption such as homogenization or even rough dependent binding sites can be used in studying tissue slice preparation. In vivo the glial cell uptake postmortem material (Vincent and McGeer, 1980). is probably important in removing the released neu- With these techniques the uptake seems to be rotransmitter. highly specific for glutamergic nerve terminals. In High-affinity uptake studies cannot be used to more than 20 regions of the brain there is a reduc- differentiate between the transmitters aspartate and tion in glutamate uptake after lesions of presumed glutamate. The uptake ratio between D-aspartate glutamergic pathways (see Table 1). Lesions of spe- and L-glutamate is similar in different brain regions cific pathways are often accompanied by a reduc- (McGeer et al., 1977) and only small changes are tion of 70-90% in uptake of glutamate or aspartate observed after lesions (Lund-Karlsen and Fonnum, in a homogenate, without any changes in uptake of 1978; Storm-Mathisen and Woxen-Opsahl, 1978; other transmitters such as GABA (Lund-Karlsen Thangnipon et al., 1983). The small differences and Fonnum, 1978; Fonnum et al., 1981~;Walaas, noted may be due to changes in the amino acids of 1981; Young et al., 1981). Quantitative autoradio- the homogenate. Goldfish rod photoreceptors, how- graphic studies from hippocampal slices show a ever, showed a preferential uptake of L-glutamate three- to sixfold higher grain density over unmy- compared with L-aspartate (Marc and Lam, 1981). elinated axons and boutons than average for the Also, injection of labelled aspartate and glutamate slice. In fact, 80% of the grains were over neuronal in the cochlea gave labelling of different structures structures, whereas only 20% were over glial struc- in cochlear nucleus (Kane, 1979). Further, Streit tures (Storm-Mathisen and Iversen, 1979). Very (1980) reported labelling of neurones in different specific autoradiographic localization of [3H]~-as- cortical layers after injection with D,L-r3H]glu- partate has been found in brain (Sgreide and tamate and ~-[~H]aspartate.It was, however, not Fonnum, 1980; Fonnum et al., 1981b). excluded in any of these studies that different rate An exception to this rule is described in several of rather than differences in uptake cerebellar studies where glial cells show a higher specificity of the two amino acids could explain labelling than neuronal structures. In these studies these unexpected results. care was taken to preserve cell structures (de Barry The importance of the uptake process in termi- et al., 1982; Levi et al., 1982; Wilkins et al., 1982). nating the excitatory effect of exogenous aspartate Recently, however, Shank and Campbell (1983) and glutamate has been established. The uptake in- have shown that in cerebellar fractions parallel fibre hibitors L-glutamate dimethylester (Haldeman and synaptosomes showed a more than threefold higher McLennan, 1973) and L- and ~-threo-3-hydroxyas- uptake than the astrocytes. After destruction of the partate (Johnston et al., 1980), all prolonged the ex- parallel fibre terminals with X-ray radiation (Rohde citatory action of L-glutamate.


TABLE 1. Summary oj evidencc for identification of glutamate neurones in brain

Immunocyto- chemistry + Uptake Release injection Content

Auditory nerve 1 3 2 Cerebellar fibres Climbing fibres 4 4 Parallel fibres 6,7 8 7 Corticofugal fibers Amygdala 9 9 Cuneate nucleus 10 11 12 13 Lateral geniculate body 14 15 15 14 Nucleus accumbens 16,7 16 Olfactory tubercle 9 9 Pontine nucleus 18 Red nucleus 10 Spinal cord 10 Neostriatum 19 20,22,23 21 19 Substantia nigra 24 Thalamus 19 25 Hippocampal fibres Commissural 13,26 Schaffer collateral 12 28 Fornix fibers Bed nl of stria Terminals 16 16 Hypothalamus 16 16 Lateral septum 16 29,32 16 Mammillary body 16 16 Nucleus accumbens 16 16 Nucleus of diagonal band 16 16 Lateral olfactory tract 30 Spinal cord interneurons 31 11 (1) Canzek and Reubi, 1980; (2) Wenthold, 1978; (3) Altschuler et al., 1981; (4) Wiklund et al, 1982; (5) Rea et al., 1980; (6) Rohde et al., 1979; (7) Young et al., 1974; (8) Sandoval and Cotman, 1978; (9) Walker and Fonnum, 1983; (10) Young et al., 1981; (11) Rustioni and Cuenod, 1982; (12) Storm-Mathisen, 1977; (13) Nadler et al., 1978; (14) Lund-Karlsen and Fonnum, 1978; (15) Baughman and Gilbert, 1981; (16) Walaas and Fonnum, 1979; (17) Walaas, 1981; (18) Thangnipon et al., 1983; (19) Fonnum et al., 1981~;(20) Godukhin et al., 1980; (21) Streit, 1980; (22) Reubi and Cuenod, 1979; (23) Rowlands and Roberts, 1980; (24) Fonnum et al., 1981b; (25) Rustioni et al., 1982; (26) Skrede and Malthe-Sflrenssen, 1981; (27) Nitsch et al., 1979; (28) Malthe- Sflrenssen et al., 1979; (29) Malthe-Sgirensien et al., 1980; (30) Collins and Probett, 1981; (31) Davidoff et al., 1967; (32) Fonnun and Walaas, 1978.

syr WTIC RELEASE tyus , and the snake p-bungarc-jxin (Dolly et al., 1978; Smith et al., 1980) all release Endogenous glutamate or exogenously labelled transmitter amino acids including glutamate from glutamate/aspartate has been released in a Ca2+- cortical synaptosomes. dependent manner from slices or synaptosome The transmitter amino acids including glutamate preparations by several different depolarization are also released by depolarization of glial cell prep- methods such as electric field stimulation (de Bel- arations, but in a Ca2+-independent manner (Blau- leroche and Bradford, 1972; Potashner, 1978), high stein, 1975; Sellstrom and Hamberger, 1977; Bowey concentration (Nadler et al., 1977, 1978), et al., 1979; Duce and Keen, 1983). veratridine (Toggenburger et al., 1982), or in the ab- There are several examples of synaptic release of sence of depolarization agents by the ionophore aspartate/glutamate after specific stimulation A23187 and Ca2+(Levi et al., 1976). Several of nerve pathways in in vitro preparations. Ex- such as the fungal toxins verrucologen and peni- ogenously added D-aspartate or L-glutamate is re- trenin (Norris et al., 1980), the venom Ti- leased by stimulation of the Schaffer collaterals

J. Neurochem., Vol. 42, No. 1, 1984 4 F. FONNUM

(Malthe-Sqirenssen et al., 1979; Wieraszko and demonstrated ATP-dependent uptake of glutamate Lynch, 1979) and of the commissural pathway into 1-associated synaptic vesicles. (Skrede and Malthe-SGrenssen, 1981) in the hippo- campal slice preparations, or from lateral septum in LOCALIZATION OF the septum-fimbria slice preparation (Malthe-Sqi- GLUTAMATE NEURONES renssen et al., 1980). Endogenous aspartatelgluta- mate are released by stimulation of the lateral ol- The most commonly used technique to identify factory tract both directly and by activation of the glutamate pathways is the combination of lesions deep and superficial pyramidal cells in the olfactory and high-affinity uptake studies as discussed above. cortical slice (Collins, 1980). The results obtained using this technique agree with There are several examples of release of gluta- the general conclusions drawn from other tech-

mate from in vivo experiments. Glutamate was re- niques. Lesions combined with Ca2+ -dependent re- . leased together with smaller amounts of glycine, lease have also been of considerable value and have , and aspartate but not together with other even been claimed to differentiate between aspar- amino acids from the cortical surface after stimu- tate and glutamate as the transmitter (see, however, lation of the medial reticular formation in an en- Reubi et al., 1980). Lesions will also result in a de- cephali isole preparation (Jasper and Koyama, creased level of the neurotransmitter itself. There 1969). Glutamate was also released from the hippo- are several examples where a lesion is accompanied campal surface after stimulation of the entorhinal by a loss in the endogenous level of glutamate, and cortex (Crawford and Connor, 1973). Likewise, glu- this method may also be used to differentiate be- tamate and GABA were released from sensorimotor tween aspartate and glutamate (Lund-Karlsen and cortex by contralateral, but not by ipsilateral, bron- Fonnum, 1978; Walaas and Fonnum, 1980; Fonnum chial plexus stimulation (Abdul-Ghani et al., 1979). et al., 1981~;Hassler et al., 1982). Interestingly, There are examples of release of glutamate together earlier studies in did not reveal with GABA and taurine after direct electrical stim- changes in the endogenous level of acidic amino ulation or KC1 application to the visual cortex acids (Nadler et al., 1977, 1978, but see Nitsch et (Clarke and Collins, 1975, 1976). al., 1979), but recent results have shown that lesion of the hippocampal commissural pathway is accom- SUBCELLULAR DISTRIBUTION panied by a loss of synaptosomal glutamate (Nadler and Smith, 1981). Subcellular fractionation has not shown a specific Retrograde transport of D-aspartate after microin- localization of glutamate to synaptosomes or to syn- jection in terminal region is a method that may be aptic vesicle fractions, which is in contrast to the of great value in tracing neurotransmitter pathways findings for acetylcholine (Mangan and Whittaker, (Streit, 1980). The success of this method must de- 1966; Rassin, 1972; de Belleroche and Bradford, pend on specific uptake rather than specific trans- 1972; Kontro et al., i980). It is particularly striking port; otherwise horseradish peroxidase (HRP), that newly synthesized glutamate after injection of germ agglutinin conjugated-HRP, and other labelled immediately prior (10 min) to prep- proteins used in anatomical transport studies would aration of the tissue did not give a preferential la- have to be regarded as . The tech- belling of glutamate in the synaptosome fraction nique should preferably be limited to metabolically (van den Berg, 1973; Fonnum and Minchin, unpub- stable transmitters or false transmitters such as D- lished observation). The results may in part be ex- aspartate. plained by the fact that glutamate is ubiquitously -activated and cyto- localized in brain, but it may well be that the trans- plasmic aspartate aminotransferase have been suc- mitter amino acids are bound to synaptic vesicles cessfully localized in some presumed glutamate differently than is acetylcholine. The experiment on nerve terminals by immunohistochemical methods the different effects of cold and warm buffer on the (Altschuler et al., 1981 ; Wendtholdt, personal com- release of transmitter amines and amino acids sup- munication). This is interesting, since the enzymes ports such an idea (Raiteri and Levi, 1973). Gluta- have an ubiquitous localization in brain (Johnson, mate-like immunoreactivity has been indicated in 1972) and are at most only slightly concentrated in some synaptic vesicles (Ottersen and Storm-Math- glutamergic nerve terminals (see Glutamate Syn- isen, 1983). The fast retrograde transport of D-as- thesis). It should be kept in mind that small differ- partate described in many presumed glutamergic ences in endogenous concentrations of a substance pathways (Streit, 1980) may also be taken as an may be responsible for negative or positive immu- indication for localization of glutamate in synaptic nocytochemical staining. vesicles. It may be that the isolation of proper syn- Recently Storm-Mathisen et al. (1983) have suc- aptosomal and vesicular pools of glutamate requires ceeded in histochemical localization of glutamate- a different technique than used for acetylcholine. like immunoactivity in hippocampus with results Recently, however, Naito and Ueda (1983) have similar to those obtained by high-affinity uptake of


L3H1aspartate.The method is based on the assump- as if glucose and acetate are synthesizing glutamate tion that glutamate, as are other neurotransmitters, via two different citrate cycles in brain. The list of is localized in a high concentration in glutamate precursors behaving as acetate include propionate, nerve terminals (for GABA see Fonnum and Wal- butyrate, citrate, , GABA, aspartate, pro- berg, 1973). Studies have shown results in agree- tein, and ammonia, whereas glycerol, lactate, py- ment with the general view on glutamergic terminal ruvate, a-ketoglutarate, and P-hydroxybutyrate be- localization in regions such as cerebellum or neo- have as glucose (Clarke et al., 1975). Glucose is striatum. Discrepancies are found in nucleus inter- believed to be metabolized in the large glutamate peduncularis, which exhibits a high glutamate-like compartment with little synthesis. This immunoactivity (Ottersen and Storm-Mathisen, compartment consists probably of neuronal struc- 1983), but low glutamate uptake activity (Fonnum, tures including nerve terminals (Balazs et al., 1970; unpublished). Machiyama et al., 1970). Acetate, on the other The results on localization of glutamergic neu- hand, is metabolized in a small glutamate compart- rones are summarized in Table 1. It should be borne ment high in glutamine synthesis (Berl et al., 1961; in mind that it is at present difficult to differentiate van den Berg et al., 1975). The immunohistochem- between aspartate and glutamate as the transmitter. ical localization of , the en- Cortical afferent fibres are often glutamergic. The zyme synthesizing glutamine, to astroglial cells is fibres apparently come from areas throughout the compatible with the view that the small compart- entire cortex although medial frontal cortex appears ment is the astroglial cells (Norenberg and Mar- to be especially rich in afferent glutamergic neu- tinez-Hernandez, 1979). The autoradiographic pic- rones. ture after incubation of peripheral ganglia with la- Fornix fibres derived from subiculum and hip- belled glucose and acetate (Minchin and Beart, pocampus are another important glutamergic 1974), and the rate of conversion of labelled acetate pathway (Walaas and Fonnum, 1980). Within the and glucose into glutamate and glutamine in normal hippocampus itself there is strong evidence for glu- and deafferentated substantia nigra (Minchin and tamate, or aspartate, as transmitters in the com- Fonnum, 1979) are consistent with these morpho- missural and mossy fibres, as well as in the per- logical interpretations. forant path. The lateral olfactory tract, the auditory The large compartment contains 85-98% of the nerve, and the cerebellar climbing fibres are listed total glutamate pool in brain (summarized by in Table 1, although the aspartergic component may Cremer et al., 1975). A further subdivision of the dominate in these fibers (Wenthold, 1979; Collins two compartments is, however, necessary to ac- and Probett, 1981; Wiklund et al., 1982). It is ap- commodate the several different functions and turn- propriate in connection with Table 1 to recall the over rates of glutamate (van den Berg et al., 1975; strong evidence for glutamate as a transmitter of Fonnum, 1981). Two of these subcompartments the optic nerve in pigeon (for review see Cuenod et contain transmitter glutamate and precursor gluta- al., 198l), and also that an acidic amino acid may mate for GABA, respectively. Lesions of gluta- be released from afferent nerve fibers from arterial mergic pathwayi to different regions of the brain baroreceptors terminating in nucleus tractus soli- are often accompanied by a loss of 20-45% of the taire (Talman et al., 1980). endogenous glutamate content, indicating the size of the transmitter glutamate pool (Lund-Karlsen SYNTHESIS OF GLUTAMATE IN BRAIN and Fonnum, 1978; Walaas and Fonnum, 1980; Fonnum et al., 1981~;Hassler et al., 1982). In con- The transport of circulating glutamate to the brain trast, the loss of glutamate in substantia nigra is normally plays only a minor role in regulating the negligible after lesion of the GABAergic striato- brain glutamate level. In fact, the influx from nigral tract (Korf and Venema, 1983). plasma across the -brain barrier is much The compartmentation studies indicate the fol- lower than the efflux of glutamate from brain (Old- lowing immediate precursors for glutamate syn- endorf, 1971; Oldendorf and Szabo, 1976; Pratt, thesis: (1) from glutamine by phosphate-activated 1976). glutaminase, (2) from 2-oxoglutarate and aspartate In view of the many different roles assigned to by aspartate aminotransferase, and (3) from 2-0x0- glutamate, it is not surprising that its synthesis and glutarate by ornithine 6-aminotransferase. metabolism are compartmentalized in a very com- Several studies have shown that glutamine is an plex pattern. Administration of the two general pre- excellent precursor both for the releasable pool cursors, glucose and acetate, in a labelled form (transmitter pool) of glutamate as well as for GABA gives very different incorporation of radioactivity (Hamberger et al., 1979u,b; Reubi, 1980). Phos- into the two related amino acids, glutamate and glu- phate-activated glutaminase belongs to the large tamine. Glucose leads to a low specific radioactivity group of mitochondria1 enzymes that are preferen- of glutamine relative to glutamate whereas the op- tially but not exclusively localized to nerve termi- posite is true for acetate. This has been interpreted nals (Reijnierse et al., 1975; Bradford and Ward,

1.Neurochem., Vol. 42, No. 1, 1984 6 F. FOiVNUM

1976). Degeneration of the glutamergic terminals in (Hamberger et al., 1979a,b). Similar experiments neostriatum or cochlear nucleus was accompanied with cortex synaptosomes have shown that 80% of by a small but significant fall (approximately 20%) the released glutamate was derived from glutamine of glutaminase (Walker and Fonnum, unpublished; and less than 20% from glucose (Bradford et al., Ward et al., 1982; Wenthold, 1980). Immunohisto- 1978). Characteristic of these studies is that the chemical localization has shown that the is presence of glutamine in addition to glucose en- at least preferentially localized to glutamergic ter- hanced the released glutamate several-fold. Due to minals in cochlear nucleus (Wenthold, personal the rapid diffusion in slices and synaptosomes, it communication). Glutaminase activity is strongly may be that the strong endogenous regulation of regulated by its products, glutamate and ammonia. glutaminase is not working and that the contribution It may be that end-product regulation is the domi- from glutamine is overemphasized in in vitro nating factor for regulation of transmitter glutamate studies. synthesis (Kvamme and Olsen, 1980). In ex vivo studies the two precursors were in- Several experiments have shown that [U-14Cl- fused into the lateral ventricles in vivo, but the re- glucose can function as a precursor for the releas- lease experiments were carried out with the prela- able pool of glutamate (Potashner, 1978; Bradford belled slices in vitro. In such experiments the re- et al., 1978; Hamberger et al., 1979a). Glucose is leased pool of glutamate was labelled to the same metabolized to precursors for glutamate such as ox- extent by glutamine and glucose (Ward et al., 1983). aloacetate or 2-oxoglutarate. The keto acid could In an in vivo study where the sensorimotor cortex be produced from glucose either via citrate cycles was first perfused with 0.5 mM glutamine and then or, as argued by Shank and Campbell (1982), via stimulated by Tityus toxin (1 FM),the specific ac- pyruvate carboxylase which is localized in astro- tivities of the released glutamate were only about glial cells. I% of that of the original glutamine solution. The 2-Oxoglutarate, either synthesized in the nerve low specific activities could be due either to a tre- terminal or transported from the astroglial cell, mendous dilution of the infused glutamine by en- could be transaminated by aspartate aminotrans- dogenous glutamine or to a low conversion rate of ferase to transmitter glutamate. Aspartate amino- glutamine to transmitter glutamate (Thanki et al., transferase is localized in brain as two isoenzymes 1983). with widely different kinetic properties (Fonnum, In conclusion, the relative contribution of gluta- 1968). One isoenzyme shows product inhibition and mine or glucose to transmitter glutamate in vivo is predominantly present in synaptic mitochondria therefore remains an open question. It may well be whereas the other isoenzyme is localized like the that transmitter pool of glutamate will accept any cytoplasmic marker (Fon- glutamate available independent of source and that num, 1968). An immunocytochemical technique has the synthesis of the transmitter itself is not a rate- shown that the cytoplasmic isoenzyme is prefer- limiting factor under normal conditions. entially localized to presumed glutamergic termi- nals in retina and cochlear nucleus (Altschuler et RECEPTOR AND BINDING STUDIES al., 1982). Kinetic studies with an inhibitor, ami- nooxyacetic acid, also suggest that the enzyme is The development of new agonists and antagonists associated more with neuronal than glial structures have suggested the existence of at least three dis- (Berl and Clarke, 1978). tinct classes of receptors for the dicarboxylic amino Kinetic studies by infusion of [ 15N] acids glutamate and aspartate. The three receptors acetate (Berl et al., 1962) and subcellular fraction- are activated preferentially by N-methyl-D-aspar- ation (Reijnierse et al., 1975) suggest that glutamate tate (NMDA), quisqualate, and kainate (Watkins, dehydrogenase is localized to nonsynaptic mito- 1981; McLennan, 1981). chondria and therefore does not participate in the The NMDA receptor has a slight preference for formation of transmitter glutamate. aspartate compared with glutamate, whereas the The basic amino acid ornithine may be converted opposite is true for the quisqualate and kainate re- to glutamate in brain via glutamate semialdehyde ceptors. The NMDA receptor may be characterized (Yoneda et al., 1982). The slow conversion, at least by the potent and specific antagonists D-a-aminoad- in climbing fibre endings, makes this substance less ipic acid and 2-amino-5-phosphonovalericacid. likely to be a precursor for transmitter glutamate NMDA antagonists have blocked excitation of cor- (Shank and Campbell, 1983). One should note that ticofugal fibres to cuneate nucleus, caudate nu- quantitative data on influx of ornithine from circu- cleus, and cerebral cortex (Stone, 1979). The quis- lation and its metabolism in brain are sparse. qualate receptor is antagonized by L-glutamate di- Double labelling experiments with glucose and ethylester, which has low potency, but has been glutamine in hippocampal dentate gyrus slices have shown to have antagonistic action against the syn- shown that 66% of the released glutamate pool was aptic excitation in neostriatum (Spencer, 1976), and derived from glutamine and only 16% from glucose other CNS cells (Haldeman and McLennan, 1972).


Cotman et al. (1981) have shown that different glu- Several different precursors have been discussed tamergic/aspartergic pathways in hippocampus are for the synthesis of transmitter glutamate, gluta- blocked by different groups of antagonists. Gluta- mine being the strongest candidate. It is, however, mate and quisqualate gave depolarization with fast not yet known to what extent the transmitter glu- onset and recovery with a small increase in mem- tamate pool is well differentiated from the meta- brane conductance whereas NMDA showed depo- bolic pool (Engelsen and Fonnum, 1982). A solution larization slow in onset and recovery with a large to these problems may enable us to develop a and stable increase in membrane conductance method for the determination of turnover of trans- (Lambert et al., 1981). The may mitter glutamate. have different physiological functions and is not dis- The use of subcellular fractionation technique to cussed further. identify the different pools of glutamate has so far Several different groups have reported sodium- been of little value. Progress in this direction will independent binding of glutamate and aspartate to also help in understanding the storage and release brain membranes (Sharif and Roberts, 1981; Mi- of the transmitter glutamate pool. chaelis et d., 1983; Baudry et al., 1983). The spe- Further work on the glutamate receptor binding cific binding is modified by CaZ+and C1- ions (Fagg may well result in the isolation of subgroups of re- et al., 1982). Activation of proteinases by Ca2+ions ceptors that will better differentiate between the ac- also increases the number of binding sites (Baudry tions of glutamate and aspartate, and in developing et al., 1983). pharmacas that may be important in mental health There is a poor correlation between the phar- and memory. In this respect it should be borne in macological activity of the agonists and antagonists mind that glutamate is particularly important as a and the binding to glutamate sites in several studies transmitter in cortical and hippocampal regions. (Sharif and Roberts, 1981; Michaelis et al., 1983). But recently a close correspondence between the REFERENCES binding of glutamate and o-phosphonoamino acids to synaptic membranes in the presence of C1- and Abdul-Ghani A. S., Bradford H. F., Cox D. W. G., and Dodd Ca2+ ions and pharmacological activity have been P. R. (1979) Peripheral sensory stimulation and the release demonstrated (Fagg et al., 1982). It will be of great of transmitter amino acids in vivo from specific regions of interest to see whether the present complexity in cerebral cortex. Brain Res. 171, 55-56. Altschuler F. R., Neises G. R., Harmison G. C., Wenthold R. J., binding studies will result in the series of subpop- and Fex J. (1981) Immunocytochemical localization of as- ulations of receptors for the acidic amino acids. In partate aminotransferase immunoreactivity in cochlear nu- particular, it will be interesting to see whether such cleus of the guinea pig. Proc. Nutl. Acud. Sci. USA 78, studies will lead to a better differentiation between 6553-6557. Altschuler R. A,, Mosinger J. L., Harmison G. G., Parakkal aspartate and glutamate as transmitters. M. H., and Wenthold R. J. (1982) Aspartate aminotrans- ferase-like immunoreactivity as a marker for aspartateiglu- tamate in guinea pig photoreceptors. Nature 298, 657-659. FUTURE STUDIES Balazs R., Machiyama Y., Hammond B. J., Julian T., and Rich- ter D. (1970) The operation of the y-aminobutyrate bypath of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in brain tissue in vitro. During the last 5 years we have come a long way Biochem. J. 116, 445-467. in showing that glutamate satisfies the criteria for Balcar V. J. and Johnston G. A. R. (1972) The structural spec- classification as a neurotransmitter in mammalian ificity of the high affinity uptake of L-glutamate and L-as- brain and in identification of glutamate neurones partate by rat brain slices. J. Neurochem. 19, 2657-2666. Balcar V. J., and Johnston G. A. R. (1973) High affinity uptake and pathways. One of the most intriguing problems, of transmitters: studies on the uptake of L-aspartate, GABA, which has not yet found a satisfactory solution, is t-glutamate and glycine in cat spinal cord. J. Neurochem. the differentiation between aspartate and glutamate 20, 529-539. as transmitters. The two amino acids are metabol- Balcar V. J., Borg J., and Mandel P. (1977) High affinity uptake ically closely related through transamination reac- of L-glutamate and L-aspartate by glial cells. J. Neurochem. 28, 87-93. tion and they are taken up by the same high-affinity Baughman R. W. and Gilbert C. D. (1981) Aspartate and gluta- uptake mechanism. At least in vitro they are re- mate as possible neurotransmitters in the visual cortex. J. leased by the same mechanism and can act as false Neurosci. 1, 427-439. transmitter for each other. The quisqualate and the Baudry M., Seman R., Smith E. W., and Lynch G. (1983) Reg- ulation by ions of glutamate receptor binding in hip- NMDA receptors do not differentiate well between pocampal slices. Eur. J. Phurmacol. 90, 161-166. them. The localization of is Berl S. and Clarke D. D. (1978) Metabolic compartmentation of independent of the relative levels of aspartate and the glutamate-glutamine system; glial contribution, in Amino glutamate (Graham and Aprison, 1969). 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vous synaptosomes of the rat. J. Neurochem. 21, 1533- of D- and L-aspartate by rat brain slices. J. Neurochem. 26, 1550. 1007-1014. Berl S., Lajtha A., and Waelsch H. (1961) Amino acid and pro- de Barry J., Langley 0. K., Vincendon G., and Gombos G. tein metabolism. VI. Cerebral compartments of glutamic (1982) L-glutamate and L-glutamine uptake in adult rat cer- acid metabolism. J. Neurochem. 7, 186-197. ebellum: an autoradiographic study. Neuroscience 7, 1289- Berl S., Takagaki G., Clarke D. D., and Waelsch H. (1962) Met- 1297. abolic compartments in vivo: ammonia and de Belleroche J. S. and Bradford H. F. (1972) Metabolism of metabolism in brain and liver. J. Biol. Chem. 237, 2562- beds of mammalian cortical synaptosomes: response to de- 2569. polarizing influences. J. Neurochem. 19, 525-602. Blaustein M. P. (1975) Effects of potassium, veratridine and de Belleroche J. S. and Bradford H. F. 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J. Neurochem., Vol. 42, No. 1, 1984