
Sports Med 1999 Feb; 27 (2): 97-110 REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/99/0002-0097/$07.00/0

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved.

Dietary Supplements and the Promotion of Muscle Growth with Resistance Exercise

Richard B. Kreider Exercise and Sport Laboratory, Department of Human Movement Sciences and Education, The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

Contents Abstract ...... 97 1. Dietary Strategies for Enhancing Lean Tissue Accretion ...... 98 1.1 Overfeeding ...... 98 1.2 Pre- and Post-Exercise Meals ...... 99 2. Purported to Affect Lean Tissue Accretion ...... 100 2.1 and Selected Amino Acids ...... 100 2.1.1 Protein ...... 100 2.1.2 ...... 100 2.1.3 Branched-Chain Amino Acids ...... 101 2.1.4 and Nutritional Formulations Containing Creatine ...... 101 2.1.5 and β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate ...... 102 2.2 ...... 104 2.3 Vanadyl Sulfate ...... 105 2.4 Boron ...... 106 2.5 and Androstenedione ...... 106 3. Conclusions and Implications ...... 107

Abstract Nutritional strategies of overfeeding, ingesting carbohydrate/protein before and after exercise, and dietary supplementation of various nutrients [e.g. protein, glutamine, branched-chain , creatine, leucine, β-hydroxy β-methyl- butyrate (β-HMB), chromium, vanadyl sulfate, boron, prasterone (dehydroepi- androsterone [DHEA]) and androstenedione] have been purported to promote gains in fat-free mass during resistance training. Most studies indicate that chromium, vanadyl sulfate and boron supplemen- tation do not affect muscle growth. However, there is evidence that ingesting carbohydrate/protein prior to exercise may reduce during exercise and that ingesting carbohydrate/protein following resistance-exercise may promote a more anabolic hormonal profile. Furthermore, glutamine, creatine, leucine, and calcium β-HMB may affect protein synthesis. Creatine and calcium β-HMB supplementation during resistance training have been reported to increase fat-free mass in athletic and nonathletic populations. Prasterone supplementation has been reported to increase testosterone and 98 Kreider

fat-free mass in nontrained populations. However, results are equivocal, studies have yet to be conducted on athletes, and prasterone is considered a banned substance by some athletic organisations. This paper discusses rationale and effectiveness of these nutritional strategies in promoting lean tissue accretion during resistance training.

One of the primary goals of resistance training mote weight gain and muscle growth is overfeed- is to promote gains in muscle mass.[1] Chronic re- ing.[2,11,12] This is typically accomplished by add- sistance training typically promotes gains in fat- ing meals, carbohydrate-rich snacks, and/or ingest- free mass ranging between 0 to 1kg per month.[1-3] ing high calorie carbohydrate/protein weight-gain However, gains in fat-free mass during resistance supplements in order to increase energy intake by training vary among individuals.[2,3] In this regard, 500 to 2000 Cal/day. While this method has been whereas some athletes may experience gains in fat- shown to be an effective strategy in promoting free mass, other athletes observe little change.[2,3] weight gain,[2,11,12] typically only 30 to 40% of the For this reason, both athletes and coaches have weight gain is fat-free mass. searched for ways to augment usual training-induced For example, Forbes and associates[11] investi- alterations in fat-free mass primarily through ex- gated the effects of 3 weeks of overfeeding (900 to perimentation with nutritional supplements and/or 1800 Cal/day) on body composition alterations. [4] pharmacological agents. Study participants consumed a consisting of While it is clear that pharmacological agents 15% protein, 45% carbohydrate and 40% fat, and such as anabolic-androgenic steroids and growth maintained a light activity level. Body mass in- [5-9] hormones may promote muscle growth, there creased by an average of 4.4kg (3.5 to 5.9kg) and are significant medical, ethical and legal concerns.[10] fat-free mass was increased by 1.7kg (0 to 5.1kg) Consequently, athletes have relied to a greater de- representing 38% of the total weight gain. Similar gree on nutritional strategies designed to promote findings have been observed with carbohydrate muscle growth. This has resulted in an explosion overfeeding. Welle and associates[12] evaluated the in the development, marketing and research of nu- effects of carbohydrate supplementation (400 tritional supplements purported to promote lean g/day) for 10 days on fat-free mass alterations in tissue accretion. Although there is evidence sug- gesting that dietary manipulation and/or supple- 11 men whose baseline diet was 2600 Cal/day. Car- mentation of some nutrients may enhance gains in bohydrate overfeeding promoted a positive nitro- fat-free mass during resistance training, many of gen balance and a 2.9kg increase in total body the nutrients marketed to athletes have few scien- mass. However, only 33% of the weight gain was tific data to support their claims of effectiveness. The fat-free mass. purpose of this review is to examine the rationale Although overfeeding is an effective method of and effectiveness of some of the most popular promoting weight gain, most of the weight gained dietary supplements purported to promote muscle is fat which may not be a desirable body composi- growth during resistance training and to provide tion alteration for athletes. Nevertheless, resis- insight regarding recommendations for athletes. tance-trained athletes often use this method to ‘bulk up’ and then diet in an attempt to lose the 1. Dietary Strategies for Enhancing unwanted fat gained. This is despite the fact that Lean Tissue Accretion when people lose weight on calorie-restricted diets approximately 50% of the weight loss is fat-free [2] 1.1 Overfeeding mass. Consequently, in my view, this nutritional strategy should not be recommended to athletes as The most common nutritional strategy to pro- a means of promoting muscle growth unless the

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athlete is severely underweight and/or the added group consumed water during exercise and then 80g fat mass gained will not compromise performance. of sucrose with 15g of milk protein after exercise. The remaining 2 groups consumed a 6% - 1.2 Pre- and Post-Exercise Meals electrolyte solution during swim training and then either 80g of sucrose or 80g of sucrose with 15g of Another nutritional strategy employed by ath- milk protein after training. The researchers found letes to promote muscle growth is ingesting carbo- that regardless of consuming water or glucose- hydrate, or carbohydrate and protein, before and/or electrolyte solution during exercise, after periods of exercise. These strategies have levels were lower in the groups receiving the been based on reports indicating that ingesting sucrose-protein supplement after exercise. In addi- carbohydrate/protein before exercise may increase tion, creatine kinase levels returned to baseline insulin levels thereby decreasing exercise-induced sooner in the group receiving sucrose-protein after [13,14] catabolism, and that ingesting carbohydrate exercise (3 hours) compared with carbohydrate or carbohydrate/protein following exercise may supplementation alone (8 hours). These findings hasten recovery,[14] promote a more anabolic hor- suggest that ingestion of carbohydrate and protein monal profile,[15] decrease myofibrillar protein following exercise may hasten the rate of muscle breakdown and urea excretion,[16] and en- recovery during intense training. hance glycogen resynthesis.[17-19] Finally, Roy and co-workers[16] investigated the For example, Chandler and colleagues[15] inves- effects on markers of protein of ingest- tigated the effects of ingesting carbohydrate and/or ing carbohydrate (1 g/kg immediately and 1 hour protein supplements after a standardised resis- after exercise) following resistance training. Par- tance-training workout on hormonal profiles. Par- ticipants performed 8 sets of about 10 repetitions ticipants consumed a water control or isocaloric at 85% 1 repetition maximum (RM) of unilateral amounts of carbohydrate (1.5 g/kg), protein (1.38 knee extension exercise followed by ingesting g/kg) or carbohydrate and protein (1.06 g/kg car- bohydrate, 0.41 g/kg protein) immediately and 2 placebo or carbohydrate during recovery. Carbo- hours after the workout. Insulin levels were in- hydrate supplementation resulted in significantly creased to a greater degree in the carbohydrate and greater increases in glucose levels during the the carbohydrate/protein groups, and ingesting first hour and insulin levels during the first 2 hours carbohydrate/protein after exercise promoted a of recovery. In addition, fractional muscle protein modest but significant increase in growth hormone synthetic rate in the carbohydrate supplemented levels. These findings suggest that ingesting carbo- group was nonsignificantly higher (36%) in the ex- hydrate and protein following resistance training ercise compared with the non-exercise leg. Fur- may promote a more favourable hormonal environ- thermore, urinary excretion of 3-methylhistidine ment to promote muscle growth. and urea nitrogen were significantly lower in the Cade and associates[14] investigated the effects carbohydrate supplemented group. The researchers of carbohydrate and protein supplementation fol- concluded that carbohydrate supplementation fol- lowing swim training in 20 male and 20 female lowing resistance training can decrease myofibril- intercollegiate swimmers. Swimmers were random- lar protein degradation and urea nitrogen excretion ised into 1 of 5 supplementation groups while thereby promoting a more positive nitrogen bal- maintaining their regular training diets. One group ance. consumed water during exercise and was not Ingesting carbohydrate and protein before administered a supplement after training sessions. and/or after exercise has been reported to lessen A second group consumed water during periods of catabolism during running,[13] hasten recovery fol- exercise and was supplemented with 80g of sucrose lowing swim training,[14] modestly increase growth immediately after each training session. The third hormone levels following resistance training,[15]

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and enhance glycogen resynthesis following en- protein above this level does not promote muscle durance[17,18] and resistance training.[16,19] Conse- growth. quently, following these nutritional strategies dur- Similarly, Lemon and co-workers[21] investi- ing training may lead to greater gains in fat-free gated the effects of protein supplementation on mass. However, although there is sound scientific body composition and strength alterations in a rationale to recommend these nutritional strategies group of novice bodybuilders. In a repeated meas- for athletes, this hypothesis has not been evaluated ures crossover design, 12 male bodybuilders ran- during long term training periods. Additional re- domly ingested 1.35 or 2.62 g/kg/day of protein search is necessary to evaluate the effects of meal while consuming a 3500 Cal/day diet. Participants timing and composition on hormonal responses to trained for 4 weeks, observed a 7 day washout resistance-exercise and body composition alter- period, and then repeated the experiment with the ations during training. alternate protein intake. There were no significant differences observed between groups in gains in 2. Nutrients Purported to Affect Lean body mass, muscle mass (determined by density, Tissue Accretion creatinine excretion, and computerised axial tomo- graphy), or strength. Therefore, although it is important for athletes 2.1 Protein and Selected Amino Acids to ingest an adequate amount of protein in order to maintain a positive nitrogen balance during train- 2.1.1 Protein ing (i.e. 1.3 to 2 g/kg/day), and ingesting carbo- It is a commonly held belief amongst resistance- hydrate and protein after resistance-exercise may trained athletes that in order to promote muscle promote a more favourable anabolic hormonal pro- growth, the diet must be supplemented with large file,[15] consuming additional amounts of protein amounts of protein. While studies[20,21] indicate does not appear to promote muscle growth. Fur- that athletes involved in intense training may have thermore, most resistance-trained athletes ingest a greater protein needs than non-exercising counter- sufficient amount of dietary protein in their usual parts (i.e. 1.3 to 2 vs 0.8 to 1 g/kg/day), most ath- diet to accommodate the increased protein needs letes who eat enough to maintain energy balance observed. achieve these recommendations.[20-22] Further- more, increasing dietary intake of protein above 2.1.2 Glutamine that necessary to maintain nitrogen balance does Glutamine is a common ingredient currently not appear to promote lean tissue accretion.[20,21] found in many of the weight-gain supplements For example, Tarnopolsky and colleagues[20] in- marketed to athletes. Glutamine is an amino acid vestigated the effects of dietary intake of protein which has been suggested to promote muscle on strength and body composition in untrained and growth and decrease exercise-induced immuno- trained men in a randomised, double-blind cross- suppression. These contentions are based on ani- over study. Six sedentary and 7 resistance-trained mal and human studies that investigated the effect athletes ingested 0.86, 1.4, and 2.4 g/kg/day of pro- of glutamine on protein synthesis,[23,24] cell vol- tein for 13 days separated by an 8 day washout ume[25] and glycogen synthesis.[26] Studies also period. Resistance-trained athletes had a greater suggest that intense exercise may decrease glut- daily requirement for protein (1.4 g/kg/day). How- amine levels[27,28] and that this decrease may con- ever, increased protein intake did not affect tribute to exercise-induced immunosuppression in changes in fat-free mass in either group. These overtrained athletes.[27-29] findings suggest that resistance-trained athletes In analysis of this literature, it appears that glut- may need between 1.7 to 1.8 g/kg/day of protein in amine is an important metabolic affecting order to ensure nitrogen balance but that ingesting protein synthesis,[23,24] possibly by increasing cell

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volume and osmotic pressure.[25] Furthermore, gree compared with athletes on hypocaloric con- glutamine availability directly affects lymphocytic trol, hypocaloric low protein, and hypocaloric high function.[27-29] Branched-chain amino acid (4 to protein diets. Finally, we reported that branched 16g) and/or glutamine supplementation (4 to 12g) chain amino acid supplementation with carbohy- has been shown to increase glutamine levels.[22,29] drate during 25 weeks of swim training promoted Consequently, there is some evidence to support a greater increase in fat-free mass and reduction in glutamine supplementation, in that it may promote percent body fat compared with carbohydrate sup- [23,24] muscle growth and/or prevent upper respira- plementation alone.[22,23] [22,27-29] tory tract infections among athletes. How- Although results of these studies support con- ever, long term studies investigating the effects of tentions that branched chain amino acid supple- glutamine supplementation on protein synthesis, mentation may affect protein degradation and/or body composition, and the incidence of upper res- muscle mass, none of these studies evaluated the piratory tract infections during resistance training effects of branched chain amino acid supplemen- have yet to be conducted. Consequently, although tation on body composition alterations during re- basic research is promising, additional research is sistance training. Consequently, additional re- necessary. search is necessary to determine whether branched 2.1.3 Branched-Chain Amino Acids chain amino acid supplementation prior to and/or Branched-chain amino acid supplementation following resistance-exercise promotes muscle has been reported to decrease exercise-induced growth. protein degradation and/or serum muscle 2.1.4 Creatine and Nutritional Formulations [30-32] efflux, possibly by promoting an anticata- Containing Creatine [13,15] bolic hormonal profile. Theoretically, branched Dietary supplementation of creatine and nutri- chain amino acid supplementation during intense tional formulations containing creatine have be- training may help minimise protein degradation come the most popular nutritional strategy em- and thereby lead to greater gains in fat-free ployed by resistance-trained athletes to promote [22,29,33,34] mass. gains in strength and fat-free mass.[35] The ratio- In support of this contention, Carli and associ- nale for this is that creatine supplementation (20 to [13] ates reported that addition of 10g of branched 25 g/day for 4 to 7 days then 2 to 25 g/day) has chain amino acid to a carbohydrate/protein drink been reported to increase total body mass,[36-42] promoted a more anabolic response to intense run- fat-free mass,[38-40,42-47] single-effort and/or repet- ning compared with ingesting the carbohydrate/ itive sprint capacity,[39-41,43,44,48-55] strength and/or protein supplement without branched chain amino power,[38,39,43,47-49,56] and work performed dur- acid. Moreover, Coombes and McNaughton[31] re- ported that branched chain amino acid supplemen- ing sets of maximal effort muscle contrac- [37,39,40,42,44,50,53,56] tation (12 g/day for 14 days) prior to performing a tions. It has been suggested that 2-hour period of endurance cycling at 70% of max- the increased body mass is due to creatine stimulated [53] [38,54-59] imal oxygen uptake, significantly decreased post- water retention, protein synthesis, and/or exercise creatine kinase and an improved quality of training leading to greater (LDH) enzyme efflux. This suggests that branched gains in strength and fat-free mass.[39-40,42-44,46,47] chain amino acid supplementation may reduce Gains in total body mass and fat-free mass follow- exercise-induced muscle damage. Mourier et al.[33] ing creatine supplementation and nutritional for- found that branched chain amino acid supplemen- mulations containing creatine are typically 0.8 to tation during 19 days of in wres- 3kg greater than matched-paired control partici- tlers promoted a greater reduction in percent body pants, depending on the duration and amount of fat while maintaining fat-free mass to a greater de- supplementation.

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For example, Earnest and colleagues[39] re- increased .[63,64] It has been suggested ported that 28 days of creatine supplementation (20 that the anticatabolic effects of leucine and α-keto- g/day) during resistance training significantly in- isocaproate are regulated by the leucine metabolite creased total body mass by 1.7kg (p < 0.05) and β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (β-HMB). Animal that gains in hydrostatically determined fat-free studies indicate that β-HMB is synthesised from mass accounted for 1.5kg of the total body mass α-ketoisocaproate almost entirely as a byproduct gain (p = 0.054). Moreover, Vandenburghe and as- of leucine metabolism and that approximately 5% sociates[47] reported that women consuming cre- of oxidised leucine is converted to β-HMB.[65,66] atine (20 g/day for 4 days followed by 5 g/day for Furthermore, that adding β-HMB to dietary feed 66 days) during resistance training observed signif- improved carcass quality in sows[65] and steers.[66] icantly greater gains in fat-free mass compared Based on these findings, it has been hypothesised with a placebo group. These gains were maintained that supplementing the diet with leucine and/or β- during a subsequent 70-day detraining period with HMB may inhibit protein degradation during per- continued supplementation (5 g/day). In addition, iods of increased proteolysis such as resistance the gains in fat-free mass were maintained 28 days training. after cessation of supplementation despite muscle In support of this contention, intravenous leu- phosphocreatine levels returning toward pre- cine infusion has been reported to decrease protein supplementation values. degradation in humans suggesting that leucine may Studies from our laboratory investigating the ef- serve as a regulator of .[63] More- fects of ingesting commercially available supple- over, Nissen and colleagues[64] reported signifi- ments containing 15 to 25 g/day of creatine during cantly greater gains in fat-free mass and strength in 4 to 5 weeks of resistance training indicate that untrained men and women[67] initiating resistance gains in fat-free mass were 1.1 to 2.3kg greater (1- training when administered calcium β-HMB 1.5 or to 2-fold) than gains observed when participants 3 g/day for 3 to 4 weeks. The gains in fat-free mass ingested near isocaloric amounts of carbohy- were approximately 0.4 to 0.7kg greater than in the drate,[40,45,46] carbohydrate/protein,[42,60] or even a placebo groups. These researchers also reported[64] higher calorie carbohydrate/protein supplement that 3 g/day of calcium β-HMB supplementation containing chromium, as chromium picolinate, and ingested with a carbohydrate/protein meal replace- boron.[42] Whether the gains in fat-free mass ob- ment powder significantly increased fat-free mass served in these studies were due to creatine and/or (≈2.7kg in the first 3 to 4 weeks) during 7 weeks a synergist action with other nutrients contained in of off-season college football resistance training these formulations remains to be determined. Nev- compared with participants ingesting an isocaloric ertheless, these data suggest that supplementing the β diet with creatine, and/or these specific creatine- amount of orange juice. Calcium -HMB supple- containing formulations, is an effective means of mentation was also associated with less serum promoting gains in strength and fat-free mass dur- creatine kinase and LDH efflux as well as urinary ing resistance training. For a more detailed review 3-methylhistidine excretion suggesting that partic- β on the effects of creatine supplementation on exer- ipants ingesting -HMB experienced less catabo- [64] cise and body composition, refer to 2 recent com- lism during training. Finally, Vukovich and co- [68] β prehensive reviews.[61,62] workers reported that 8 weeks of calcium -HMB supplementation (3 g/day) significantly increased 2.1.5 Leucine and Calcium β-Hydroxy fat-free mass (–0.58 vs 1.5%), reduced fat mass β-Methylbutyrate (0.27 vs –2.2%), and promoted greater gains in up- Leucine and metabolites of leucine such as α- per and lower extremity 1RM strength in a group ketoisocaproate have been reported to inhibit pro- of elderly men and women (≈70 years) initiating tein degradation particularly during periods of training.

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Although additional research is necessary, these tion, and 1RM leg press and bench press were ob- findings suggest that supplementing the diet with tained before and after the supplementation period. calcium β-HMB 1.5 to 3 g/day may enhance train- Changes in creatine kinase levels in the 6 g/day ing induced changes in fat-free mass and strength group tended to be lower (p = 0.09) than changes in untrained participants initiating training[64,67,68] in the 0 g/day group (82 ± 71; –24 ± 28; –101 ± as well as in well-trained participants.[64] 92IU for the 0, 3 and 6 g/day groups, respectively). However, results from 2 studies conducted in However, no significant differences were observed our laboratory do not entirely support these find- between groups in LDH, urea nitrogen or creati- ings.[40,45,69,70] In the first study, 52 college football nine levels, or in the ratio of urea nitrogen to creati- players undergoing off-season resistance/agility nine. In addition, no statistically significant differ- training (≈8 hours/week) were administered in a ences were observed in changes in fat-free mass double-blind and randomised manner either a car- (0.28 ± 0.4, 0.69 ± 0.4, 1.04 ± 0.3kg; p = 0.44) or bohydrate/electrolyte placebo, the placebo with combined gains in bench press and leg press 1RM calcium β-HMB 3 g/day, the placebo with creatine strength (1.8 ± 3, 4.1 ± 2, 4.6 ± 2kg; p = 0.68). monohydrate 15.5 g/day, or the placebo with β- Consequently, although changes observed in fat- HMB 3 g/day and creatine monophosphate 15.5 free mass and strength were similar to values pre- g/day for 28 days. Fasting blood samples, dual viously reported in untrained individuals initiating energy x-ray absorptiometer (DEXA) determined training,[64,65,67,68] ingesting calcium β-HMB 3 and body composition, maximal effort isotonic bench 6 g/day with a fortified carbohydrate/protein sup- press, squat and power clean repetition tests, and a plement during resistance training did not promote cycle ergometer sprint test (12 × 6-second sprints statistically significant increases in fat-free mass with a 30-second rest recovery), were obtained be- or strength. fore and after supplementation. Gains in fat-free Although additional research is necessary, it ap- mass in the placebo/β-HMB group (1.4 ± 0.3kg) pears that calcium β-HMB supplementation may were not significantly different to changes ob- help reduce catabolism and affect lean tissue accre- served in the placebo group (1.3 ± 0.3kg) and gains tion in untrained individuals initiating resistance in fat-free mass in the placebo/creatine group training. However, it is less clear whether calcium (2.4 ± 0.4kg) and the placebo/β-HMB/creatine β-HMB promotes muscle growth in well-trained group (2.6 ± 0.5kg) were significantly greater than athletes involved in intense resistance training. In the placebo and placebo/β-HMB groups. There the one study that reported significant gains in fat- was no evidence that calcium β-HMB supplemen- free mass in resistance-trained athletes,[64] calcium tation reduced muscle and liver enzyme efflux. β-HMB was added to a popular carbohydrate/pro- Furthermore, calcium β-HMB supplementation had tein / fortified minimal effects on repetitive sprint performance supplement and compared with participants ingest- and lifting volume. These findings suggest that cal- ing isocaloric amounts of orange juice. Conse- cium β-HMB during intense training has limited quently, it is unclear whether calcium β-HMB value. supplementation and/or some combination of nu- In our second study, 40 experienced resistance- trients was responsible for the gains in fat-free trained athletes were matched according to training mass observed. volume (7.3 ± 1 hours/week) and fat-free mass, and Data from our laboratory suggest that supple- assigned to supplement their diet for 28 days with mentation with calcium β-HMB 3 and 6 g/day has a fortified carbohydrate/protein powder (84 g/day limited effects on alterations in fat-free mass dur- carbohydrate, 75 g/day protein, 3 g/day fat) con- ing resistance training in well-trained athletes. taining calcium β-HMB 0, 3 or 6 g/day. Fasting Furthermore, that other nutritional interventions blood samples, DEXA determined body composi- such as dietary supplementation with creatine

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or nutritional formulations containing creat- Initial studies on chromium supplementation ine[40,42,45,46,60,69,70] may be more effective in promo- during resistance training suggested some benefit. ting muscle growth than calcium β-HMB. Conse- Evans[77] reported that chromium (as chromium quently, our current recommendations in counselling picolinate) 200 µg/day supplementation during 6 resistance-trained athletes about calcium β-HMB weeks of resistance training promoted significantly supplementation is that: greater gains in fat-free mass and a greater loss in (i) it is unclear whether calcium β-HMB promotes fat mass compared with a placebo. Hasten and col- muscle growth and/or gains in strength in well- leagues[78] reported that chromium (as chromium trained athletes; picolinate) 200 µ/day supplementation during 12 (ii) there is evidence that supplementation of cre- weeks of resistance training did not significantly atine and/or creatine-containing supplements may affect gains in fat-free mass or 1RM strength be more effective; and changes in men or women. However, the women (iii) if they want to try this nutritional strategy that supplementing their diet with chromium experi- they ingest calcium β-HMB with a carbohydrate/ enced a significant increase in total bodyweight protein meal vitamin/mineral fortified replacement suggesting that women may benefit to a greater powder or in addition to creatine and/or creatine- degree from chromium supplementation than men. containing supplements. Results from these studies served as the basis for the marketing of chromium as a nutrient to promote muscle growth and fat loss. However, results of 2.2 Chromium these studies have been questioned[71] because of concerns about the methods used to determine Chromium is an essential biologically active body composition (i.e. anthropometric skin-folds). trace mineral primarily involved as a component of Most studies conducted since these initial inves- glucose tolerance factor.[71,72] Glucose tolerance tigations have used more precise methods of as- factor serves to potentiate insulin activity and is, sessing body composition (i.e. hydrodensiometry therefore, an important nutrient necessary to main- tain insulin function.[71,72] Anabolic processes of or DEXA) and have not supported contentions that protein synthesis within cells are intimately af- chromium supplementation promotes lean tissue fected by chromium/insulin activity.[72] Endurance accretion during resistance training in healthy [42,79-81] exercise has been reported to promote urinary chro- participants. For example, Clancy and co- [79] mium excretion.[73] Consequently, chromium sup- workers investigated the effects of supplement- plementation during training has been proposed as ing the diet with chromium (as chromium picolin- µ a means of maintaining chromium stores and ate) 200 g/day on body composition and strength thereby maintaining insulin function.[71] The inter- alterations during 9 weeks of off-season college est in chromium as a nutrient to promote muscle football resistance/agility training. These research- growth is related to the role of chromium/insulin ers reported that although chromium supplementa- activity in the anabolic processes of protein synthe- tion increased urinary chromium excretion, no sig- sis.[71] Although some beneficial effects of chrom- nificant differences were observed in hydrostatically ium supplementation (as picolinate or nicotinate) determined body composition or strength meas- on insulin function and/or profiles have been ures. Hallmark and associates[80] and Lukaski et reported in patients with type 1 (insulin-depend- al.[81] also reported that 8 to 12 weeks of chromium ent)[72-74] and type 2 (non-insulin-dependent)[75] picolinate supplementation (200 µg/day) during diabetes mellitus and in healthy non-obese partici- resistance training did not increase fat-free mass or pants,[76] the effects of chromium supplementation strength. Findings from our laboratory support on body composition alterations during resistance these contentions. We investigated the effects on training are conflicting. body composition of supplementing the diet with a

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popular carbohydrate/protein weight-gain powder from chromium supplementation. Further, given which contained chromium (as chromium picolin- preliminary reports by Bulbulian and colleagues,[82] ate) 800 µg/day during resistance training for 28 additional research should investigate the long days.[42] DEXA body composition analysis re- term effects of supplementation with chromium 200 vealed no significant difference in gains in fat-free to 400 µg/day on body composition alterations in mass between the group receiving the carbohy- male and female athletes involved in intense train- drate/protein/chromium supplement and a group ing. ingesting a carbohydrate placebo. The only recent study we are aware of that sup- ports the contention that chromium supplementa- 2.3 Vanadyl Sulfate tion affects body composition during training is a [82] Animal studies suggest that vanadyl sulfate paper presented by Bulbulian and co-workers at [83-86] the 1996 American College of Sports Medicine an- serves as a insulin mimetic compound. Con- nual meeting. These researchers investigated the sequently, vanadyl sulfate has been purported to effects of 24 weeks of chromium supplementation promote and muscle growth during (400 µg/day as chromium picolinate) on body com- training. Although clinical trials have indicated position alterations in 20 male and 20 female col- that vanadyl sulfate supplementation (100 mg/day lege swimmers. Overall, results indicated that for 3 weeks) in patients with type 2 diabetes chromium supplementation increased hydrostatic- mellitus[87] and vanadate supplementation ally determined fat-free mass (3.3%), and decreased (125 mg/day for 2 weeks) in patients with type 1 fat mass (–4.6%) and the percentage of body fat diabetes mellitus[88] may affect insulin-sensitivity, (–6.4%) compared with the placebo group. More- little is known regarding the effects of vanadyl sul- over, that the female athletes observed a greater fate supplementation on body composition alter- increase in fat-free mass and loss in fat mass than ations during resistance training in healthy individ- the male participants. The authors noted that the uals. greatest change in body composition parameters Fawcett and co-workers[89] investigated the ef- occurred between 12 and 24 weeks of training fects of 12 weeks of vanadyl sulfate supplementa- which suggests that the effectiveness of chromium tion (0.5 mg/kg/day) during 12 weeks of resistance supplementation may require longer periods of training on body composition and strength alter- supplementation at higher doses than previously ations in 31 experienced male and female resistance- studied in conjunction with a higher volume/inten- trained athletes. DEXA body composition meas- sity of training. urements were determined before and after It appears clear from these studies that short supplementation while 1RM and 10RM bench term chromium supplementation (i.e. chromium press and leg extension tests were performed at 200 to 800 µg/day, as chromium picolinate, for 4 weeks 0, 4, 8, and 12 of supplementation. There to 12 weeks) does not promote muscle growth in healthy resistance-trained individuals. Consequently, were no significant differences observed between in my view, chromium supplementation should not the placebo and vanadyl sulfate supplemented be recommended to athletes as a method of pro- groups in DEXA determined fat-free mass and moting muscle growth or fat loss. However, addi- total body mass. In addition, limited effects were tional research is warranted to evaluate the effects observed in 1RM and 10RM strength results. Con- of chromium supplementation (as picolinate and sequently, although additional research is necessary, nicotinate) on insulin activity and cardiovascular it does not appear that vanadyl sulfate supplemen- risk profiles in patient populations, such as those tation promotes muscle growth during resistance with diabetes mellitus, who may possibly benefit training in healthy participants.

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2.4 Boron erosclerosis as one ages.[95-98] In support of this contention, animal studies suggest that prasterone The mineral boron has been marketed to athletes supplementation may decrease body fat[99-101] pos- as a which may promote mus- sibly by promoting lipolysis[101] and/or protein cle growth during resistance training. The rationale synthesis.[102] for this contention was primarily based on an initial However, results in human trials have been report that boron supplementation (3 mg/day) sig- mixed. De Pergola et al.[96] reported that prasterone β nificantly increased -estradiol and testosterone appeared to be the most sensitive of the androgens levels in postmenopausal women consuming a diet to body fat accumulation in premenopausal obese [90] low in boron. However, subsequent studies that women. However, Denti and co-workers[95] reported have investigated the effects of 7 weeks of boron that age-related declines in DHEAS levels were not supplementation (2.5 mg/day) during resistance related to insulin sensitivity or body composition training on testosterone levels, body composition in men while changes in DHEAS levels were neg- and strength have reported no ergogenic value.[91,92] atively correlated to changes in the hip to waist Consequently, there is no evidence at this time that ratio in women. boron supplementation during resistance training To date, only a few studies have investigated the promotes muscle growth. effects of prasterone supplementation on body composition alterations. Nestler and co-workers[97] 2.5 Prasterone and Androstenedione reported that prasterone supplementation (1600 mg/day for 28 days) in untrained healthy men sig- Prasterone (; DHEA) nificantly increased prasterone and androstenedi- and its sulfated conjugate dehydroepiandrosterone- one levels, did not significantly affect testosterone sulfate (DHEAS) represent the most abundant levels, promoted a 31% reduction in percent body adrenal steroids in circulation.[93-95] The level of DHEAS in serum is approximately 300 to 500 fat, and decreased serum levels. How- [103] times greater than that of prasterone which is ap- ever, Vogiatzi and associates reported that proximately 20 times greater than remaining ste- prasterone supplementation (40 mg/day for 8 weeks) roid hormones.[93] Prasterone and DHEAS inter- in obese adolescents significantly increased testos- convert, and therefore, DHEAS serves as a major terone levels in women but had no effect on body- precursor to prasterone.[94] Although prasterone is weight, percent body fat, or serum lipid levels. considered a weak androgen, it can be converted to These findings suggest that higher dose prasterone the more potent androgens testosterone and supplementation (1600 mg/day) may provide some dihydrotestosterone in tissues.[93,94] In addition, health benefit while low dose prasterone supple- DHEAS can be converted into androstenedione mentation (40 mg/day) does not appear to affect and testosterone.[94] health status. However, additional research is nec- Circulatory levels of prasterone have been essary to evaluate the effects of aging on androgen reported to decline with age in humans.[95] The de- availability and whether androgen replacement cline in prasterone levels with aging has been assoc- therapy may affect health status. iated with increased deposition of intra-abdominal With regards to resistance-trained athletes, fat and risk to atherosclerosis.[96] Since prasterone prasterone and androstenedione containing dietary and androstenedione are naturally occurring com- supplements (typically 50 to 200 mg/day of pras- pounds, it has been hypothesised that dietary sup- terone and/or androstenedione) have been mar- plementation of prasterone and/or androstenedione keted as a nutritional means to increase androgen may help maintain prasterone availability, main- availability and promote muscle growth during tain and/or increase testosterone levels, reduce training. However, this author is unaware of any body fat accumulation, and/or reduce risk to ath- published studies which have investigated the

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effects prasterone and/or androstenedione supple- growth during resistance training remains to be de- mentation on hormonal profiles or body composi- termined. tion alterations during resistance training. Until 3. Most studies indicate that protein (>2 research is available to demonstrate that prasterone g/kg/day), chromium (200 µg/day for 8 to 12 weeks), and/or androstenedione supplementation alters vanadyl sulfate (0.5 mg/kg/day for 12 weeks), and hormonal profiles and increases gains in fat-free boron (2.5 g/day for 7 weeks) supplementation do mass during resistance training in young healthy not affect muscle growth during resistance train- participants, it is my view that prasterone and an- ing. drostenedione supplementation should not be not 4. Additional research is warranted to evaluate recommended. In addition, since prasterone is a the effects of glutamine, branched chain amino acid, precursor to testosterone, some athletic governing prasterone, and androstenedione supplementation bodies have placed this supplement on their on protein synthesis, hormonal profiles and/or body banned substance list. Consequently, athletes in- composition alterations during resistance training. volved in organised athletics, particularly at the 5. Dietary supplementation with calcium β- international level, should not supplement their HMB has been reported to promote greater gains diet with prasterone and/or androstenedione. in fat-free mass in untrained participants initiating resistance training (0.4 to 0.7kg). However, the ef- 3. Conclusions and Implications fects of calcium β-HMB supplementation during resistance training in well-trained athletes are Nutritional strategies for promoting lean tissue equivocal. accretion during resistance training have included: 6. Dietary supplementation with creatine (20 to overfeeding, ingesting carbohydrate/protein be- 25 g/day for 4 to 6 days then 2 to 25 g/day for up fore exercise in order to prevent exercise-induced to 140 days) and specific nutritional formulations catabolism, ingesting carbohydrate/protein fol- containing creatine (10 to 25 g/day for 28 to 84 lowing resistance-exercise in order to promote a days) have been reported to promote significant more anabolic hormonal profile, and nutritional increases in fat-free mass during resistance train- supplementation with various nutrients purported ing in well-trained athletes. Although no signifi- to promote muscle growth. Although additional re- cant adverse effects from creatine supplementation search is necessary, the following conclusions can have been reported in the scientific literature, ad- be made from reviewing the literature in this area. ditional long term studies are warranted to evaluate 1. Overfeeding 500 to 2000 Cal/day has been the long term safety of creatine supplementation. reported to be an effective means of increasing 7. Athletes should be educated on the impor- body mass. However, only 30 to 40% of the mass tance of maintaining a well balanced, nutrient gained has been reported to be fat-free mass. Con- dense, energy balanced diet during resistance train- sequently, this does not seem to be an effective ing as well as on the rationale, effectiveness and strategy to promote lean tissue accretion during re- potential adverse effects of dietary supplements sistance training. which they are contemplating adding to their diet. 2. Ingesting a carbohydrate/protein snack (e.g. 30 to 50g carbohydrate with 5 to 10g of protein) prior References to exercise may help decrease exercise-induced ca- 1. Kraemer WJ. General adaptations to resistance and endurance tabolism while ingesting a carbohydrate/protein training. In: Baechle T, editor. Essentials of strength training meal or supplement (e.g. 80 to 120g of carbohy- and conditioning. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics, 1994: 127-50 drate with 15 to 40g of protein) within 2 hours after 2. Forbes GB. Exercise and body composition. J Appl Physiol resistance-exercise may promote a more anabolic 1991; 70: 994-7 3. Wilmore JH. Alterations in strength, body composition, and hormonal profile and glycogen resynthesis. Whether anthropometric measurements consequent to a 10 week following these strategies would affect muscle weight training program. Med Sci Sport Exerc 1974; 6: 133-8

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