MINERAL INDEX Acmite Adularia ...Afwillite Alamosite Albite Anq, Low

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MINERAL INDEX Acmite Adularia ...Afwillite Alamosite Albite Anq, Low MINERAL INDEX Page Acmite 236, 246, 247 Adularia ..... 674, 686, 687 Afwillite 125, 132, 133 Alamosite 316, 324, 325 Albite AnQ, low 627, 629, 630 Albite AnQ, high 627, 634, 635 Alumino-silicates 425, 107, 109 Amesite, two-layer 521, 523, 524 Amphiboles .... 361, 382 Amphibole, Proto- 382, 399, 400 Analcime, disordered 772, 781, 782 Andalusite ..... 107, 113, 114 Andradite ..... 72, 82, 83 Anorthite An10Q, primitive 653, 655, 656 Anorthite An10Q, transitional 627, 648, 649 Anthophyllite .... 403, 405, 406 Apophyllite .... 588, 595, 596 Ardennite 196, 210, 211 Astrophyllite .... 440, 446, 447 Augite^ Al (fassaite) 236, 249, 250 BaAlgSigOg, alpha- 610, 621, 622 Barylite ..... 338, 357, 358 Batistite ..... 338, 352, 353 Bavenite ..... 832, 843, 844 Bazzite ..... 832, 838, 839 Benitoite ..... 449, 459, 460 Beryl, anhydrous 812, 823, 824 Betrandite ..... 832, 834, 835 Brewsterite .... 700, 707, 708 Bultfonteinite .... 125, 137, 138 Bustamite ..... 296, 307, 308 Bytownite -Ang^ .... 627, 645, 646 CaAl2Si2Og .... 610, 624, 625 Ca2Si04, beta- .... 33, 49, 50 Ca2Si04> gamma- 33, 45, 46 CaSiOg, high-pressure polymorph 449, 466, 467 Cancrinite ..... 790, 792, 793 Carpholite, Ferro- 316, 334, 335 Celadonite 496, 498, 499 Celsian (Ba-feldsbar) 653, 659, 660 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953873/mem122-bm.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Page Chkalovite, Zn- 832, 840, 841 Chlorites 510 Chloritoid 566, 585, 586 Chondrodite 88, 98, 99 Chondrodite - Humite group 88 Clay minerals 530 Clinoenstatite 272, 283, 284 C linof er r o silit e 272, 292, 293 Clinohedrite 338, 340, 341 Clinohumite 88, 103, 104 Clinopyroxenes 236, 257, 272 Clinozoisite 196, 202, 203 Coesite 738, 750, 751 Cordierite, low 812, 819, 820 Corundophillite 510, 512, 513 Cristobalite, low 738, 747, 748 Cronstedtite, one-layer 521, 525, 526 Cummingtonite 361, 371, 372 Cummingtonite, Mn- 361, 375, 376 Dalyite 566, 572, 573 Danburite 790, 795, 796 Datolite 588, 590, 591 Dickite 530, 536, 537 Dioptase 449, 451, 452 Diopside 236, 238, 239 Dumortierite 125, 141, 142 Elpidite 403, 413, 414 316, 330, 331 Enstatite, Proto- 196, 206, 207 Epidote 718, 727, 728 Epistilbite 338, 343, 344 Euclase 107, 122, 123 Eulytite 236, 249, 250 Fassaite (Al-augite) 53, 65, 66 Fayalite 674 Feldspars, alkali 627 Feldspars, plagioclas Ferri-annite 496, 507, 508 Ferro-carpholite 316, 334, 335 Ferro-pigeonite 272, 288, 289 Ferrosilite 272, 279, 280 Fluor phlogopite 496, 503, 504 Forsterite 53, 55, 56 892 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953873/mem122-bm.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Page 152, 154, 155 Fresnoite 72 Garnets Gehlenite 547, 555, 556 Gillespite 547, 558, 559 Gismondite 718, 720, 721 Glaucophane 382, 388, 389 72, 74, 75 Grossular 361, 379, 380 Grunerite 547, 549, 550 Haradaite 547, 552, 553 Hardystonite 790, 808, 809 Hemimorphite 718, 731, 732 Heulandite 566, 577, 578 Hodgkinsonite 361, 367, 368 Hornblende 53, 62, 63 Hortonolite 88, 94, 95 Humite 53, 59, 60 Hyalosiderite 712, 784, 785 Hydrosodalite 272, 274, 275 Hyper sthene 152, 159, 160 Ilvaite 236, 242, 243 Jadeite 257, 259, 260 Johannsenite 449, 462, 463 Kainosite 755, 769, 770 Kalsilite 530, 532, 533 Kaolinite 755, 757, 758 Keatite 152, 166, 167 Kentrolite 196, 214, 215 Kornerupine 107, 109, 110 Kyanite 175, 187, 188 Lavenite 33, 49, 50 Larnite 812, 814, 815 Larsenite 700, 715, 716 Laumontite 152, 170, 171 Lawsonite 588, 603, 604 Leucophanite 316, 321, 322 U2Si03 . 610, 616, 617 Margarite 790, 805, 806 Marialite-scapolite 588, 607, 608 Meliphanite 610 Micas, brittle 496 Micas, miscellaneous 470 Micas, muscovite Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953873/mem122-bm.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Page Microcline, intermediate 674 682, 683 Microcline, maximum .... 674 676, 677 Milarite 812 826, 827 Monticellite 53, 68, 69 Mullite, 2:1 425 431, 432 Mullitc, 1.92:1 425 434, 435 Mullite, 1.71:1 425 437, 438 Muscovite 2MX (1) 470 472, 473 Muscovite 2M2 (2) 470 476, 477 Muscovite 3T 470 481, 482 Nacrite ....... 530 540, 541 NaIn(SiOs)2 257 265, 266 Na2Si03 316 318, 319 Na2Si2Og, beta- ..... 566 568, 569 Narsarsukite ...... 403 418, 419 Natrolite 772 774, 775 Nepheline ....... 755 766, 767 Neptunite ....... 218 220, 221 Norbergite ....... 88, 90, 91 Oligoclase An2g 627 639, 640 Olivines ....... 53 Omphacite ....... 257 269, 27 0 Orthoclase ....... 674 691, 692 Orthopyroxenes ..... 272 Osumilite ....... 812 829, 830 Paracelsian ...... 653 664, 665 Paragonite ....... 470 486, 487 Paulingite ....... 700 702, 703 Pectolite 296 302, 303 Perrierite ....... 175 191, 192 Petalite ....... 790 800, 801 Phenacite 832 846, 847 Phengite ....... 470 491, 492 Phillipsite ....... 718 724, 725 Phlogopite 496 500, 501 Plagioclase Feldspars .... 627 653 Pollucite ....... 772 778, 779 Prehnite 588 599, 600 Prochlorite ...... 510 515, 516 Protoamphibole ..... 382 399, 400 Proto-enstatite ...... 316 330, 331 Pumpellyite ...... 218 228, 229 894 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953873/mem122-bm.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Page Pyrope 72, 79, 80 Pyrope, synthetic 72, 76, 77 Pyroxene-like silicates 296 Quartz, alpha 738, 740, 741 Quartz, high 738, 743, 744 Reedmergneri+e 653, 668, 669 Richerite, K> 382, 384, 385 Riebeckite 382, 392, 393 Rinkite 175, 177, 178 Ripidolite 510, 518, 519 Rhodonite 296, 312, 313 Sanbornite 547, 562, 563 Sanidine, high 674, 696, 697 Sapphirine 440, 442, 443 Scapolite, Marialite- 790, 805, 806 Seidozerite, Ca- 175, 180, 181 Sepiolite 566, 582, 583 Septechlorites 521 Serpentine, Al- 521, 527, 528 Sillimanite 425, 427, 428 738 Si02 polymorphs 787, 788 Sodalite 772, Sphene 33, 38, 39 Spodumene 236, 253, 254 Spodumene, beta- 755, 762, 763 Spurrite 125, 146, 147 Staurolite 125, 127, 128 Stishovite 755, 760, 761 Stoke site 338, 347, 348 Thortveitite 152, 163, 164 Tirodite 382, 396, 397 Topaz 33, 41, 42 Tourmaline 449, 454, 455 Tremolite 361, 363, 364 Tridymite, high 738, 745, 746 Tugtupite 700,, 705, 706 Ureyite 257,, 262, 263 Uvarovite 72, 85, 8. 6 Vermiculite, Mg 530,, 544, 545 Vesuvianite 218., 233, 234 Vlasovite 403., 409, 410 Wohlerite 175,, 183,, 184 Wollastonite, alpha- 296 , 298,, 299 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953873/mem122-bm.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Page Xanthophyllite 610, 612, 613 Xonotlite 403, 422, 423 Yoderite 107, 117, 118 Yugawaralite 700, 712, 713 Zeolites 700, 718 Zeolite, dehydrated, Na-Type A 718, 735, 736 Zircon 33, 35, 36 Zoisite 196, 198, 199 Zunyite 218, 224, 225 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953873/mem122-bm.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021.
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