Education Resources Executive Director Tony McDaid Head of Education Mr Jeremy Scott Our ref: EDU/FOI/2020/36
[email protected] Your ref: If calling ask for: Molly Magee Phone: 01698 454512 Date: 27 March 2020 Dear Mr Scott Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Request for Information Thank you for your request for information, received on 1 March 2020. Your request has been dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA). Please find listed below your request for information and our response: 1. How many Computing teachers currently work in each secondary school in your local authority? Please refer to the attached table for information on FTE teachers (including promoted posts) whose main subject taught is Computing, taken from staff census 2019-20. 2. If a school no longer has qualified teachers teaching CS, or a Computing department, then please give the reason for this decision. Please refer to our response to Question 1. 3. If a school no longer has qualified teachers teaching CS, or a Computing department, then please state how the Computing Science outcomes in the Broad General Education (BGE) are delivered by the school. Please refer to our response to Question 1. 4. How many Computing teacher vacancies have there been in your local authority in the last year and how many of these have been filled? If you have had any issues or problems recruiting Computing teachers, please state what they were. I can advise you that the information required for Questions 4 and 5 is held by the Council’s Personnel Section.