Education Resources Executive Director Jim Gilhooly Operations Service Kate Farrell Our ref: EDU/FOI/2014/131
[email protected] Your ref: If calling ask for: Molly Magee Phone: 01698 454512 Date: 27 June 2014 Dear Ms Farrell Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Request for Information Thank you for your request for information, received on 30 May 2014. Your request has been dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Please find listed below your request for information and our response. We have provided Yes or No answered where applicable, as requested. 1. How many Computing teachers work in Secondary schools in the local authority currently. To clarify, I want to know about teachers of Computing or Computer Science, not teachers of Business Studies or Administration. I would ideally like to have the information broken down by school and in Full Time Equivalent (FTE) format, if possible. Please refer to table 1 for this information. Please note that Biggar High School does not offer Computing or Computer Science. I can confirm, however, that relevant outcomes and experiences for this aspect of Curriculum for Excellence are taught within the ICT programme. 2. If a school no longer has teachers teaching Computing or Computing-related subjects or a Computing department then I would like to know the reason for this decision. Please refer to our response to Question 1. 3. If a school no longer has teachers teaching Computing or Computing-related subjects or a Computing department then I would like to know how the Computer Science outcomes in the Broad General Education are delivered by the school (Specifically TCH 3-08a/b/c, TCH 3-09a, TCH 4-08a/b/c/d, TCH 4-09a/b/c) Please refer to our response to Question 1.