heritage days 19 & 20 SEPT. 2020 urban.brussels new administration. new horizon. architecture and culture for the city. urbanism heritage urban renovation contemporary architecture urban.brussels (Brussels Urbanism & Heritage) is an administrative body in the Brussels Capital Region. It supports territorial development by implementing regional policies relating to urban development, cultural heritage and urban revitalisation. urban.brussels organises and coordinates a large number of public awareness campaigns concerning heritage and contemporary architecture. In addition, urban.brussels awards subsidies and grants for home renovation, facade embellishment and the restoration of heritage. urban.brussels also provides legal advice related, among other things, to the Brussels Land Management Code (CoBAT) and the Regional Urban Development Regulations (RRU). To accomplish this, urban.brussels offers a broad range of expertise, particularly in the fields of architecture, history, documentation and regulations, in order to optimise its response to citizens’ and users’ expectations. The Urbanism Directorate The Cultural Heritage Directorate The Urban Renovation Directorate The Knowledge & Communication Directorate The Legal Affairs Directorate The Staff & Organisation Directorate To carry out these tasks, urban.brussels urban.brussels tasks, these out carry To counts on a General Direction and six directorates: urban.brussels also hosts the secretariats of three independent bodies: the Royal Monuments and Sites Commission, the Urbanism College and the Environment College. urban.brussels mont des arts 10-13 1000 brussels +32 (0)2 432 83 00
[email protected] www.urban.brussels Legal deposit: D/2020/6860/009 heritage days / COLOR / 1 Over the years, the Heritage Days have become a highlight of the Brussels cultural events calendar, drawing thousands of visitors from Brussels, Wallonia, Flanders and further afield each September.