The in a Nutshell highlights from dutch history and culture

Amsterdam University Press The Netherlands in a Nutshell

The Netherlands in a Nutshell highlights from dutch history and culture

Amsterdam University Press

© 2008 Frits van Oostrom | Stichting isbn 978-90-8964-039-0 nur 688/840

Published by Amsterdam University Press, the Netherlands

Design: Kok Korpershoek, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written permission of both the copyright owner and the author of the book. Contents

7 Foreword

9 The canon of the Netherlands

112 Main lines of the canon When we, as individuals, pick and mix cultural elements for ourselves, we do not do so indiscriminately, but according to our natures. Societies, too, must retain the ability to discriminate, to reject as well as to accept, to value some things above others, and to insist 6 on the acceptance of those values by all their members. [...] If we are to build a plural society on the foundation of what unites us, we must face up to what divides. But the questions of core freedoms and primary loyalties can’t be ducked. No society, no matter how tolerant, can expect to thrive if its citizens don’t prize what their citizenship means – if, when asked what they stand for as Frenchmen, as Indians, as Britons, they cannot give clear replies. salman rushdie1

Some etymologists speculate that the word ‘canon’ (as in ‘canonical’) is related to the Arabic word qanum, or law in the binding, legalistic sense of the word. But that is only one rather restrictive meaning. The other is a musical one, canon as a contra- puntal form employing numerous voices in usually strict imitation of each other, a form, in other words, expressing motion, playfulness, discovery, and, in the rhetorical sense, invention. Viewed this way, the canonical humanities, far from being a rigid tablet of fixed rules and monuments bullying us from the past [...] always remain open to changing combination of sense and signification. edward said2

1 Rushdie 2005. 2 Said 2004, p. 25. Foreword

What basic knowledge of Dutch history and culture should we pass on to 7 future generations of Dutch citizens? This was the difficult question facing the Committee for the Development of the Dutch Canon in 2005, when the Minister of Education, Culture and Science asked it to design a canon of the Netherlands.

The result is a canon in fifty key topics, or ‘windows’: important people, inventions and events which together show how the Netherlands has developed into the country that it now is. Each Dutch student will become familiar with these windows at school. In this book, the fifty windows sit together as the Netherlands in a nutshell, to anyone who would like to make a quick acquaintance with this low country by the sea.

Each window includes a list of places to visit and websites. At the back of the book, there is an overview of the fifty windows, grouped in fourteen ‘main lines’.

It has become a truly Dutch canon because it was created in a typically Dutch way: it was not decreed by a central authority or a single lofty institution, and neither was it created by a majority vote in a referendum.

This canon was created by bringing together a number of specialists and allowing them to consult for a year with one another and with a selection of interested individuals and stakeholders. A website that featured a discussion forum gave every Dutch citizen the opportunity to voice his or her opinion. The process brings to mind the way in which the Netherlands has succeeded for centuries in keeping its polders dry: collective craftsmanship.

The way in which this canon was created says as much about the Netherlands as do the fifty windows themselves.

The canon of the Netherlands

circa 3000 BC Megalithic tombs Early farmers

People were already living in the Low years – but funerary gifts placed with the Countries when the world was five thousand deceased for use in the afterlife have been years younger than it is today. What little found. These gifts include pots known as they left behind is usually buried deep in “funnel beakers” due to their shape. Based the ground. However, in the province of on these and other finds, archaeologists have Drenthe, you can see traces of them above constructed a picture of the way of life of the ground. Their megaliths: giant stones these first generations of farmers. They were that people set in formations and piled up the first people in the region to leave behind on one another. They were used as tombs. their hunter-gatherer existence and settle in This type of chamber tomb was relatively a fixed place. They lived in wattle and daub common at the time, but certainly not all farmhouses, used wooden and stone tools such tombs were built with enormous erratic and made pots for storage. Undoubtedly blocks. These huge boulders were only to be they also made agreements regarding found in Drenthe, Denmark and northern ownership and the administration of justice, Germany and must have been transported but we can no longer discover what these there by glaciers during one of the ice ages were because these early farmers had no some 150,000 years ago. written language. Their society had no Archaeological excavations in and around written records. megalithic tombs have not uncovered any How these people were able to raise skeletons – bones have completely stones from the ground that sometimes disintegrated after so many thousands of weighed 20,000 kilos, without any machinery, is still not completely clear. Perhaps they In Drenthe, over fifty megalithic tombs have built earthen ramps and used small logs to remained preserved. There must have been roll the stones. Once the stones were in many more at one time, because over the place, the ground underneath them could centuries a great many megaliths have have been dug away to create a chamber disappeared, for instance, because the stones tomb. were used for building.



Places to Go Alphen aan den Rijn: Archeon Assen: Drents (Girl of Yde) Borger: Hunebedcentrum Borger (Hunebed Centre) Delfzijl: Muzeeaquarium (Iron Age findings) Dongen: IJzertijdboerderij (reconstruction of a farm dating from the Iron Age)


Captions [page 12] Megalithic tomb, ANP/Koen Suyk [above] Megalithic tomb of Loon, archives of Leendert P. Louwe Kooymans [left] Funnel beaker, van Oudheiden 47 AD - circa 400 AD The Roman Limes On the frontiers of the Roman world

Two thousand years ago, one of the frontiers helmets, shields and swords, must have made of the immense Roman Empire ran through quite an impression on the local population. the Low Countries. The River Rhine that Moreover, the surrounding areas changed flowed from Nijmegen via and dramatically with the introduction of Roman Alphen aan den Rijn to the sea at Katwijk, architecture. formed part of the Roman Limes, the Latin South of the frontier – in Roman word for frontier. In the eyes of the Romans, territory – lived, among others, the Batavians. the uncivilised world began north of the They lived in peace with the Romans and river. That was where Germanic and Celtic many Batavians served in the Roman army. tribes lived, including the Frisians and the However, in 69 A.D. they rose up against the Canninefates. The Rhine was, however, not Romans, profiting from the unrest that had just a frontier. It was also a major transport broken out across the entire Roman Empire channel for the Romans. Supplies were following the death of the Emperor Nero. brought in and exported by ship. The Batavians were led by Julius Civilis, a The Romans built watchtowers and army Batavian who had already served twenty-five camps at regular intervals along the Rhine to years in the Roman army. For a short time it defend their territory against enemy attacks seemed as if the rebellion would be success- from the north. Most of the encampments ful, but after a few months the Romans could house several hundred soldiers, but defeated the Batavians. Julius Civilis had close to Nijmegen a camp arose that could achieved nothing. Nonetheless, he was accommodate two legions of six thousand honoured as a true hero centuries later. men. The presence of these well-trained Sixteenth century scholars claimed that the soldiers in their tunics, with their shiny Batavians had rebelled for love of freedom and that they should therefore be regarded Various places along the Rhine in the as the true forefathers of the Dutch. This says Netherlands have their origins in Roman more about the scholars than it does about times, as you can see on a medieval copy of the Batavians. an ancient Roman map. Finds are still being In the fourth century ad, more and more made at new archaeological excavations. Germanic tribes invaded Roman territory. For example, a watchtower and two ships As a result, the Romans ultimately withdrew were unearthed when the new Leidsche Rijn to behind the Alps. district was being built near Utrecht.



Places to Go Websites Alphen aan den Rijn: Archeon Assen: Drents Museum Heerlen: Thermenmuseum Leiden: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (National Museum of Antiquities) Lelystad: Bataviawerf (excavated Roman ship),50-v--Chr---400.html Nijmegen: Museum het Valkhof The Hague: Museon (four Roman ‘limes’ found in The Hague) Xanten (Germany): ‘Römerroute’ (bicycle route) Captions Venlo: Limburgs Museum (Romans in Limburg) [page 14] Milestone, Archeologische Dienst, The Hague Woerden: Stadsmuseum Woerden (findings from [above] Tabula Peutingeriana, Conradi Milleri, a Roman military camp) Bibliotheca Augustina 658 AD - 739 AD Willibrord The spread of Christianity

In 690 ad, Willibrord, an English monk from permanent border, because battles regularly Northumbria, landed at the then mouth of broke out and the border would shift as the the Rhine where the town of Katwijk is now Frisians moved slightly to the south or situated. Together with a group of colleagues the Franks to the north. During a period of he wished to spread Christianity throughout success, in 630 ad a Frankish king had built the land of the Frisians. The Frisians lived the first church in Utrecht at the place where in the coastal region stretching from the the Dom now stands. Shortly afterwards, Westerschelde to near Dokkum. Their territory however, the church had been destroyed by bordered on that of the Frankish kings, the Frisians. who had converted to the Christian faith a Willibrord’s predecessors had experienced century earlier. The port town of Dorestad that converting the heathen Frisians would aan de Rijn and the settlement of Utrecht be no easy task. For this reason, Willibrord were situated on the border. This was not a first sought support. He paid several visits to the Frankish king and the Pope in Rome. – he died in 739 ad – the new faith had the The latter appointed Willbrord Archbishop upper hand in the coastal region. In the rest of the Frisians. In 696 ad, Willibrord settled of Frisian territory, however, resistance to in Utrecht. He rebuilt the church destroyed the new faith was strong. The local nobility earlier by the Frisians and commissioned regarded the missionaries as accomplices the building of a new church dedicated to of the Franks and they clung to the old San Salvator, or, in other words, Jesus Christ. ways and their gods like Wodan and Donar. Subsequently, missionaries left Utrecht for It was only at the end of the eighth century the lands of the Frisians. They were ad that Frankish weapons finally crushed successful and by the end of Willibrord’s life the Frisian resistance.



Places to Go Captions Dokkum: Bonifatius Chapel, Bonifatius Spring, [page 16] Willibrord, Bibliothèque Nationale de France/ art work ‘Martelaarsveld’ Latin 10510 Echternach (Luxemburg): Abby of Echternach [above] Digital visualisation of the Chapel of the (founded by Willibrord, grave of Willibrord) Holy Cross and the St. Servator church, Utrecht: Museum Catharijneconvent DeroDe3D/Rijntjes/Stöver Utrecht: Kerkenkruis (five churches together form a Christian cross)

Websites Saint-Willibrord 742 AD - 814 AD Charlemagne Emperor of the Land of the Setting Sun

Charlemagne was the most important warriors in times of war. In exchange, they king of the early Middle Ages. In 771 ad he received a “fief” from Charlemagne, control became King of the Franks, whose territory over and the revenues of a large area of land. included what would be the Low Countries. The vassals in turn often divided their land Charlemagne was at war throughout his among tenants. Initially, the agreements entire reign: against the Moslem rulers of terminated on the death of the vassal, but the Iberian peninsula, against the Langobards over the course of time the vassals began to in the south and against the Saxons and regard their fiefs as hereditary possessions the Danes in north-western Europe. and adopted an increasingly independent Charlemagne was successful because he position in respect of their liege lord. managed to expand the kingdom of the Charlemagne kept palaces throughout Franks into an empire that encompassed his empire. Such a palace was known as a large parts of what we know today as “palts”. Charlemagne travelled from palts Europe. On Christmas day 800 ad, the Pope to palts arranging his affairs with his vassals crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the West. on the spot. He also had a palts in Nijmegen: To govern his enormous empire, the Valkhof. Here, Charlemagne busied Charlemagne used “vassals” or liegemen himself, among other things, with the who had to serve him “in word and deed”. situation in the Frisian bishopric and kept They had to advise him on all kinds of abreast of the campaign of his armies against administrative matters and serve him as the heathen Saxons. Charlemagne’s first biographer, the monk Einhard, regarded In the last years of his life, Charlemagne this 33-year-long battle as the “longest, settled down in his palace complex at Aix-en- most horrible, and, for the Frankish people, Chapelle, where he was buried in 814 ad. the most exacting war he ever waged”. His palace chapel formed the basis for the Charlemagne set great store by education, present Cathedral (the Dom), where his culture and science. Although he himself throne and elaborately-decorated coffin can could barely write his own name, he was still be seen today. accomplished in maths and astronomy and Even in his own lifetime, many stories he spoke several languages. Charlemagne went around about Charlemagne. After his established schools to train young noblemen death they became even more expansive and for serving the empire. He also was in embellished; people started to regard him as contact with the Moslem world through a saint. Charlemagne is considered one of the Caliph of Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid, the greatest kings in history. who gave him an elephant as a gift. 19


Places to Go Aachen (Germany): Cathedral, treasury Nijmegen: The Valkhof (park)

Websites Charlemagne,800.html

Captions [page 18] Bust of Charlemagne, Domkapitel Aachen/ Ann Münchow [above] Signature of Charlemagne [left] Portrait of Charlemagne, Albrecht Dürer, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg circa 1100 Hebban olla vogala The in writing

Hebban olla vogala nestas hagunnan hinase for writing. On the last page of the book hic anda thu, wat unbidan we nu? he was copying he would try out his newly sharpened pen before continuing his The above is a Dutch sentence, although at copying. In such instances he wrote the first sight it’s barely recognisable as such. first thing that came into his head. For this This is because it is about the earliest monk, it was a love poem that he remembered piece of written Dutch we have, some one from his youth in Flanders: Hebban olla thousand years old. It literally says: Have all vogala... birds nests started except me and you; This was simply an incident that only what wait we for, or: All birds have started with the wisdom of many centuries could making nests, except you and me, what are be regarded as the beginning of a new we waiting for? These lines are probably phenomenon: the use of the Dutch language from a love song, the oldest Dutch love song as a medium for written literature. That the you could say. first fruits of the pen in Dutch were written These lines were written to test a quill in a monastery and were preserved in a pen in about 1100 by a Flemish monk sacred monastic book is, of course, no who was staying in an English monastery. His coincidence. Writing had long been the daily life was largely filled with copying domain of monks and the written word was Latin and Old English texts. Now and then mainly used for the sacred, Latin texts of he had to sharpen the goose quill he used the church. 21


Places to Go Captions Ter Apel: Klooster Ter Apel (monastery with reconstructed [page 20] Latin handwriting from the abbey of scriptorium, in which manuscripts and books are Rochester, Bodleian Library, Oxford/MS. Bodl. 340, exhibited) fol. 169v. The Hague: Museum Meermanno (museum about [left] Parchment seller, Hs. Kopenhagen, (the history) of the handwritten and printed book; Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS F4, bd. 1, f. 183r. in the scriptorium one can try to write with a [right] Scriptorium initial from the Rooklooster with goose feather) writing monk, Hs. Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Zuthphen: Librije (medieval library of St. Walburg’s 213, fol. 2r. Church)

Websites 1254 - 1296 Floris V A Dutch count and disgruntled nobles

Today, the “Binnenhof” is symbolic of the and town-dwellers in Kennemerland the Dutch political scene that has its home in opportunity to rebel. Floris was only able to The Hague. Few people realise that the quell the rebellion by granting Kennemer- history of the complex goes back to the land a number of privileges that would thirteenth century and is closely linked to afford the inhabitants protection from the the period in which the most famous noble lords. The indignant nobles sneeringly medieval Count of , Floris V, ruled. called Floris: “Der keerlen god”, the god of When Floris was born in the summer of the peasants. 1254, a new was being built in des In the years that followed, however, Graven Haghe (The Hague). Floris’s father, Floris was able to expand the territory of the Count William II had commissioned the counts of Holland considerably: he snatched building. In 1256, during an expedition the Amstel region and Woerden from the against the Frisians near Hoogwoud, Count Bishop of Utrecht (thereby making the very William and his horse fell through the ice. young Amsterdam a town of Holland) and The Frisians were quick to rush up and he conquered West Friesland. To consolidate smash in his skull. At only two years old, his victories, Floris had citadels built near Floris was now officially the new count, Alkmaar, Medemblik and Wijdenes. although power was temporarily vested In about 1280, the new castle in The in the hands of his uncle. Hague was finally completed with its proud Once he gained his majority, Floris Great Hall (literally the Knight’s Hall, Ridder - decided to avenge his father’s death by zaal), symbol of chivalry, regal and imposing conquering the Frisians. The campaign was in style as Floris had desired. Floris had a a huge failure and allowed the peasants second castle built: Muider Castle (Muiderslot). In 1296, Floris’ rebellious vassals Gijsbrecht their prisoner, in the hope of escaping the van Amstel, Gerard van Velzen and Herman angry peasant mob. They had tied Floris’ legs van Woerden took him prisoner in Muider together under his horse’s belly and when he Castle. The peasant population trekked to the tried to escape he ended up in a ditch where castle to demand the release of their count. his captors slashed him to death with their The three conspirators fled the castle with swords.



Places to Go Alkmaar: Grote of Sint-Laurenskerk (burial place of partial remains of Floris V) The Hague: Binnenhof : Muiderslot (castle, incl. falconer) Medemblik: Kasteel Radboud (castle) Rijnsburg: Museum Oud Rijnsburg (Floris V and the St. Jacob’s Order)


Captions [page 22] Ridderzaal, ANP/Cees van Leeuwen [above] Muiden Castle, Klaas Lingbeek-Van Kranen [left] Engraving of Floris V, Principes Hollandie et Zelandie, Domi Frisiae, Michiel Vosmeer 1356 - circa 1450 The Hanseatic League Trading towns in the Low Countries

In the long period from the twelfth to the , the Baltic States, Norway and sixteenth century, the towns of Zutphen, Poland. Within its network, the league Deventer, Tiel, Kampen, Zwolle and others attempted to alleviate restrictions on trade (particularly in the east of the country) were as far as possible. The Hansa network also important and prosperous trading centres. traded with partners outside this area, with They were members of the Hanseatic League. London, for example, and even with Spanish A Hansa was originally a collaborative cities. arrangement between merchants in various Trade was brisk in such goods as salt, cities who traded in the same goods. grains, fish, wood, wine, beer, animal skins By working together they could reduce their and cloth. The goods were mainly transported costs, travel more safely (together), make by sea and on rivers using so-called ‘cogs’ purchases or sell in bulk, and arm themselves (ships) of between fifteen to thirty metres in against the capricious whims of liege lords. length. The towns grew and prospered, built In 1356, the Hansa towns formed a league city walls and became dotted with merchant’s of not just merchants but whole towns. homes, warehouses and many other types of The decision to form the league was made buildings. The legacy of the Hanseatic League in Lubeck, a town in what is modern-day can still be seen in the towns mentioned Germany. The German Hanze, which is called above, as well as in smaller Hansa towns like the Hanseatic League in English, became a Hasselt and Doesburg. powerful collaborative network of towns that For non-Hansa towns like Amsterdam, stretched across Germany, the Netherlands, trade across the Baltic Sea was the so-called “mother of all trade”. This trade formed the true centre of trade and this position the basis for an economic boom. It also was later taken over by Amsterdam. Shortly meant that this trade centre had to compete afterwards, Dutch trade became increasingly with the towns along the IJssel. When the focused on all the seven seas and became Hanseatic League collapsed in the course of embedded in the conquest and exploitation of the sixteenth century, the Baltic Sea trade colonies. The shifting economic relationships through towns outside the league continued in Europe resulted in the towns along the to flourish. By 1585, Antwerp had become IJssel losing their prominent position.



Places to Go Websites Deventer: Historisch Museum Deventer (Deventer Historical Museum) Hanseatic-League Tourist information office Deventer: ‘Hanze-Speurneus’, a walk through Deventer on the subject of the Hanze Groningen: Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum (Northern Maritime Museum) Kampen: a visit to a reconstructed fourteenth-century hansa.en.html cog from Kampen Tourist information office Kampen: ‘Hanzestadswandeling’, a walk through Kampen hanzestudiecentrum/publicaties on the subject of the Hanze (bibliography on the Hanseatic League)

Captions [page 24] View of Zwolle, Stedelijk Museum Zwolle [above] Carta marina of the Baltic Sea, Olaus Magnus, Royal Library, Stockholm 1469? - 1536 An international humanist

Erasmus had a complicated relationship He travelled as an independent scholar with the land of his birth. He liked to call across large areas of Europe, living from himself Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, the income from his writing and gifts from and yet repeatedly criticised the coarse a growing multitude of admirers. Erasmus manners and lack of taste of his fellow stayed in contact with friends, like-minded town-dwellers and country folk. scholars and informants through an He was probably born in 1469 as the extensive correspondence network. illegitimate son of a priest. This meant In 1500 he wrote Adagia, one of the world’s that a future as a monk was the obvious first bestsellers, courtesy of the still new choice. After completing his training at a printing press. This collection of classical seminary of the Brethren of the Common proverbs offered readers a speed course Life, among other places, he joined the in the lifestyle and way of thinking of the Augustinian monastery in Steyn near humanists. In addition, Erasmus published Gouda. Erasmus was taken with the books on etiquette, guides for heads of monastery’s library and immersed himself state, and dialogues and tracts that were in the world of classical antiquity through aimed at educating lords and commoners the writings of classical authors and Italian to be good and responsible Christians. humanists. The latter, with their enormous Erasmus was the first to apply the learning and critical approach, brought humanist critical approach to Christian ancient times closer than ever before. writings. He studied Greek specifically to Monastic life with its strict regime read the writings of the early founders and duties was suffocating. Erasmus’s of the Church and the texts of the New extraordinary knowledge of Latin gave him Testament in the original language. This the opportunity to leave the monastery. resulted in a series of new critical editions of early Christian writings, including a the Bible. His ideal was the attainment new edition of the New Testament in of tranquil, austere devotion rooted in Greek with a new translation in Latin. inner reflection. With this Novum Instrumentum, Erasmus In the polarisation that began in expressly distanced himself from the 1517 with the religious reforms of Martin Vulgate (the official Church translation) Luther, Erasmus did not want to adopt a and defended the right to adopt a critical position – or did not dare to. He was not approach to the Bible with the aim of prepared to break away from the Catholic strengthening the perception of faith. Church and hoped that the differences Erasmus hoped that one day everyone that had arisen could be resolved with would be able to quote the Bible – the sound reasoning. This caused him to be farmer behind his plough, the weaver at criticised by both sides. Erasmus died in his loom and the traveller on his journey; the summer of 1536 at the home of the he believed that even women should read printer Froben, in Basel. 27


Places to Go (Belgium): The Erasmus House Rotterdam: Huis van Erasmus (The Erasmus House) Rotterdam: Gemeentebibliotheek Rotterdam (Rotterdam City Library; the Erasmus Collection can be consulted by appointment) Captions Websites [page 26] Portrait of Erasmus, Quinten Metsijs, The Royal Collection of H.M. The Queen, Desiderius-Erasmus Buckingham Palace, London [left] Illustration in the margin of Praise of Folly, humanism Holbein the Younger, Kupferstichkabinett, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basel [right] Page from Praise of Folly, Library Collection, Rotterdam 1500 - 1558 Charles V The Low Countries as an administrative unity

In the first half of the sixteenth century, empire on which the sun never set the Low Countries consisted of different created problems of its own. Confronted areas with their own laws and regulations. by hostile German princes, advancing However, they had one thing in common: Turks and a French king who mistrusted the Habsburg ruler Charles V. Charles’s the expansion of the emperor’s power, father, Duke Philip the Handsome, was a Charles moved from one war to the next. descendant of the Burgundians who had This cost a great deal of money that had acquired a large number of dukedoms to be supplied in part by the prosperous and counts’ domains in the Low Countries Low Countries. At the same time, Charles in the late fourteenth century. His mother tried to make the Low Countries into an was heiress to the Spanish kingdoms of administrative unity and he conquered Aragon and Castile. Philip died when the last remaining independent provinces Charles was still young, so Charles had in the region: Frisland and Guelders. to ascend the throne early on in his life. This centralisation of politics was In 1515 – at age fifteen – he became the not welcomed by everyone. The towns ruler of the Low Countries; a year later he resisted the high taxes and cherished their was also King of Spain and ruler of Spain’s privileges, while the nobility defended dominions in the New World; and in 1519 their administrative functions against he was elected Emperor of the German Charles’s new civil servants. The presence empire. of many supporters of the Reformation This was the first time since Charle- increased the tensions. Charles clung to magne that anyone had ruled over such the unity of the Church and took severe a huge empire. Being emperor of an measures against dissidents: people who criticised the Roman Catholic Church Supported by the young prince William of created divisions. Charles had strict Orange, he told those present of his love anti-heresy edicts proclaimed to the for the Low Countries, about the many dismay of an ever-increasing group of efforts he had undertaken during his town administrators and nobles who reign and of the mistakes he had made. preached religious tolerance. He asked for forgiveness and begged those On 25 October 1555, in the golden hall present to be as loyal to his successor, of his Brussels palace, Charles abdicated his son Philip II, as they had always been his various positions. He was only fifty-five to him. Charles spent the last years of his years old but he was burnt out from his life in a Spanish monastery where he administrative duties and gout. died in 1558.



Places to Go Captions Brussels (Belgium): BELvue museum (a guided tour [page 28] Charles V, Titian, Alte Pinakothek, Munich/ underneath the museum will let you discover The Bridgeman Art Library/XIR158620 the remains of Charles’ palace) [above] Charles V on horseback, Titian, Museo del Prado, Ghent (Belgium): The birthplace of Charles V Madrid

Websites,1515-1555.html 1566 The Beeldenstorm (iconoclastic outbreak) Religious conflict

Contemporary accounts refer to 1566 as carried begging bowls attached to their the year of wonders. And indeed, the belts and wore a special medal around dramatic events that took place in quick their neck. Profiting from the indecision succession made it a “wonderful” year. that was rampant in the administration of On 5 April, two hundred noble landowners the country after the submission of their presented a petition to Margaret, Duchess petition, the dissatisfied nobles offered of Parma. The nobles wanted religious increasingly open resistance in subsequent persecution to cease and a meeting of months, while supporters of the “new the States General to be held to discuss faith” gathered in public to listen to the the country’s problems. The Duchess was sermons of travelling Calvinist preachers. shocked by the numbers of the nobles but On 10 August, one of these open-air a councillor whispered in her ear: ‘They sermons resulted in the plundering of a are just “gueux” (beggars)’. Several days nearby monastery. This happened near later, when the same nobles entered into Steenvoorde, in the Flemish Westhoek, the an alliance with one another, they decided highly industrialised textile centre of the to call themselves “Beggars”. In recognition Low Countries. In the weeks and months of this name, from that time on they that followed, other churches and monas- teries were stormed and plundered, first in true faith. By purifying the churches of the rest of the Westhoek and then in other their images of saints, altars, works of parts of Flanders and Brabant, and from art and other unnecessary luxuries, the the end of August, in the north of the Low Calvinists believed they were restoring ties Countries as well. With hindsight, there with the earlier, in their eyes more pure, had been lots of omens. As a result of the Christians and washing away severe persecution of heretics with the centuries of corruption and the worship of victims including ordinary, perfectly inno- false saints. The purified churches would cent men and women, unemployment and be suitable from now on for reformed successive poor harvests, the situation had services in which the Word of God been inflammable for some time already. was the focal point: Bible reading and In the summer itself, the mood was pre- explanations of the Bible by a preacher. dominantly one of surprise and astonish- ment and the wildest of rumours were rife. 31 The iconoclasts came from every layer of society. The high and low, rich and poor, male and female and young and old all stormed churches, destroyed images of saints and other works of art and plun- dered monasteries’ stores. Their motives were as different as their backgrounds. Some hated the clergy with all their privileges, others were unhappy about their own meagre existence, while still others were simply curious, and the Calvinists believed the Church had to be purified of “papist superstitions”. By drink- ing the communion wine, trampling consecrated wafers underfoot or feeding them to birds and smashing images of saints, they aimed to rid these Catholic symbols of their mystical value and make clear that Catholicism had been twisted into a sacrilegious puppet show of the


Places to Go Captions Locally: Catholic and Protestant churches [page 30] Coloured engraving of the iconoclastic Amsterdam: Oude Kerk (Old Church) outbreak, Hoogenbergh, Atlas Van Stolk, Utrecht: Museum Catharijneconvent Rotterdam/AVS 50439(3) [above] De Beeldenstorm, Dirk van Delen, Websites Collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/ M-NG-2006-61-0,1566.html 1533 - 1584 William of Orange From rebel nobleman to “father of the country”

William of Orange was an ambitious one of the most powerful noblemen in the nobleman who grew into a rebel leader Low Countries. However, his relationship and was later honoured as the “father of with Philip II, Charles V’s successor, quick- the country”, as the founder of a new ly deteriorated. William became the Dutch state. He himself had never envis- major spokesman of the noble opposition aged the emergence of an independent party. They were arguing for the persecu- state. tion of heretics to be scaled down and William was born in 1533 at Dillenburg they resisted the rise of professional civil Castle (in Germany). His parents were servants in the administration of the Lutheran, but when he inherited the country. The rise of the new civil servants principality of Orange (in France) in 1544 meant that the nobility were losing their and could call himself “Prince”, emperor traditional positions. Charles V insisted that the young prince After the debacle of the iconoclastic be raised a Catholic. For this reason, from outbreak, William fled to Dillenburg. age twelve, William grew up at the royal From here, from 1568 onwards, he under- court in Brussels. He was raised in the took several military assaults on the Low French language in his new surroundings Countries to bring to an end the rule of in a manner that befitted his new standing. Duke of Alva. He also used propaganda From 1555 onwards, William of Orange (pamphlets, battle songs and cartoons) acquired high positions. As a military in this battle. One of the products of this commander, member of the Council of period is the Dutch national anthem, State, Knight of the Order of the Golden the Wilhelmus. William had little initial Fleece and Stadholder (governor) of success. Only when the Sea Beggars took Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht he was Den Briel by accident on 1 April 1572 did the Rebellion begin to receive widespread response was to write an Apologie (defence) support. and the States General of the rebelling Against all expectations, the rebels in provinces responded with a Plakkaat van Holland and Zeeland continued to hold verlatinghe (Oath of Abjuration). Both fast, due in part to the perseverance of these documents had the same message: William of Orange. With the Pacification resistance was justified because the king of Ghent in 1576 the rebels even managed was acting like a tyrant. On 10 July 1584 to make peace with the various provinces. a Catholic, Balthasar Gerards, shot The ideals of William of Orange seemed William of Orange and brought an within reach: the restoration of the seven- end to his life. William appeared to have teen Burgundian Low Countries under achieved nothing, but less than twenty- the administration of the nobles, and five years later the rebellious provinces the resolution of the prevailing religious had developed into a self-confident Republic and William of Orange was differences, based on tolerance. However, 33 the new unity did not last. regarded as the founding father of the In 1580, Philip II placed a bounty on new state. the head of William of Orange. William’s


Places to Go Websites Alkmaar: Stedelijk Museum (Alkmaar City Museum; Siege of Alkmaar) Breda: Kasteel van Breda (castle; court of the Nassau family in Breda) Brielle: Historisch Museum ‘Den Briel’ en/index_html (Historical Museum) and city walk (1572) Buren: Museum Buren & Oranje Delft: Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof,1568.html Delft: the tomb of William of Orange in the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) Leiden: Stedelijk Museum ‘De Lakenhal’ Captions (Leiden City Museum; Siege of Leiden) [page 32] Portrait of William of Orange, Dillenburg (Germany): ‘Wilhelmsturm’ Adriaen Thomasz. Key, Collection of the and Orange Museum Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/SK-A-3148 [above] The murder of William of Orange, Hoogenbergh, Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam/AVS 806 1588 - 1795 The Republic A unique political phenomenon

In 1609, the Twelve-Year Truce resulted war: the southern, Spanish Low Countries in a temporary cessation of the war with and the northern Republic of the Seven Spain that had begun in 1568 with the United Low Countries. The latter had military attacks of William of Orange. recorded a diplomatic success with the To commemorate the occasion, Claes Jans- Truce even though international recogni- zoon Visscher produced a map of the Low tion as a sovereign state would only come Countries in the shape of a lion, the Leo in 1648 with the signing of the Treaty of Belgicus. The map depicts the seventeen Westphalia in Munster. low countries as a unity, existing peacefully Republics were the exception to the side by side thanks to the silencing of the rule in early-modern Europe where princes guns, symbolised by the sleeping figure of set the tone. Therefore, none of the rebels Mars at the bottom right. In truth, however, had actually been aiming to establish a the Low Countries had been split into two republic: they had simply wanted to bring states by the Rebellion and the subsequent back “the good old days” when princes had guaranteed the freedoms and privileges now simply a reference to early times: of towns, provinces and subjects. Such a after all, there was now no liege lord who prince had been sought after the renunci- had to be replaced. As a high nobleman ation of Philip II, but had not been found. from the House of Oranje-Nassau (and For this reason, in 1588 the seven remain- therefore a descendant of William of ing rebellious provinces took the form of Orange) and commander of the armed a republic. forces, the Stadholder was positioned well This resulted in a remarkable system above all other administrators and officials. of government in which, in theory, each Whereas such civil servants spent their province had an equal voice in the general time largely in meetings, Stadholders like meetings of the States General. Members Maurice and Frederik Hendrik recorded had the right of consultation. This meant military successes against the Spanish. that delegates had to return to their They had something of the air of a provinces for consultation. Consequently, prince about them, even though they 35 it could take a long time for decisions to were officially simply servants of the be made. In practice the system was not County Council. too bad. Given that the wealthy province The Stadholder and Grand Pensionary of Holland provided the most revenue, could easily come into conflict with one it also had the greatest say. The highest another. During the Twelve Year Truce, official of Holland, the Grand Pensionary, this happened for the first time, with had duties similar to President of the a dramatic outcome. After a heated Republic, Minister of Finance and Minister political and religious conflict, Stadholder of Foreign Affairs all rolled into one. Maurice had Johan van Oldenbarneveldt In addition, a member of the House of arrested on the charge of high treason. Orange usually held the office of Stadholder Oldenbarne veldt was sent to the block (governor). The Dutch term literally means on 13 May 1619. “deputy” or “replacement”, but this was


Places to Go Websites Amsterdam: Koninklijk Paleis op de Dam (City Hall/ Royal Palace Amsterdam) Gouda: Grote of Sint-Janskerk, ‘Goudse Glazen’ Union-of-Utrecht (church with stained-glass windows, partly dating from the sixteenth century) Dutch-Republic The Hague: Binnenhof and surroundings,1579.html

Captions [page 34] Leo Belgica, Atlas Van Stolk, Rotterdam/ AVS 1248 1602 - 1799 The Dutch East India Company (VOC) Overseas expansion

Mauritius, Hollandia and Amsterdam, English became jealous. The ships returned these were the names of the three mer- heavily laden with colonial goods like chant ships that set sail from Texel for pepper and nutmeg. To limit internal “the East”, together with the small ship competition, Johan van Oldenbarneveldt the Duyfken, on 2 April 1595. It proved to took the initiative of setting up the Dutch be an exciting adventure. Only three of the East India Company (VOC). On 20 March four vessels returned in August 1597 and 1602, the company acquired the Dutch only 87 of the 249-man crew. The revenues monopoly on all trade in Asian waters were modest. But still, this first Dutch from the Cape of Good Hope onwards. sailing expedition to Asia was a success The company was empowered to sign because it opened a trade route to the East. treaties in the name of the Republic, Other expeditions followed. With their to wage war and administer conquered strong and heavily armed trading vessels territories. the merchant traders from Zeeland and The VOC developed into a power to be Holland out-performed the Portuguese who feared. ‘This can lead to something big,’ had used the route for some time, and the wrote Jan Pieterszoon Coen to the Heren XVII, the board of the VOC in the distant In this way, the VOC not only stocked fatherland. In 1619, he conquered the Dutch warehouses with colonial goods and town of Jayakarta and founded Batavia filled the houses of the bourgeois with there. Coen wrote that ‘Jacatra’ would curiosa from foreign lands, but they also become ‘the most important place in all played an important trading role within the Indies’ and that the reputation of the Asia. Textiles, spices, coffee, tea, tobacco, Dutch had increased through their con- opium, tropical wood, iron, copper, , quests. ‘Everyone will now seek to become gold, porcelain, dyes, shells – an endless our friend’. Parts of Java were occupied, array of goods was transported by the Ambon and Ternate in the Mulluccas were Dutch East India fleet. subjugated and the population was forced In 1799, in the time of the French, the to cultivate spices. Elsewhere in Asia VOC was dissolved. Today, the archives of too the VOC gained ground with either the VOC are regarded as world heritage, persuasion or violence. Forts were built in a . The daily reports memory of the world 37 South Africa, India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and of the merchants who organised trade Makassar in . China was visited from the forts, the reports of the travels and when in 1641 the Shogun of Japan of VOC officials to royal courts of rulers closed his country’s borders to foreigners, with whom they traded, ships’ bills of the VOC alone received his permission lading... together the documents are an to continue to trade from the island of important source of information about Decima near Nagasaki. two centuries of Asian-European history.


Places to Go Websites Amsterdam, Delft and Middelburg: city walks on the subject of the VOC Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum Dutch-East-Indies (Amsterdam Historical Museum) Amsterdam: Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam Dutch-East-India-Company (National Maritime Museum Amsterdam; replica VOC ship) Amsterdam: Tropenmuseum,1602.html Delft: Nusantara Museum (museum about the history and cultures of Indonesia) Leiden: Museum Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology) Lelystad: Bataviawerf Captions Utrecht: Museum Maluku ((history of) Moluccan [page 36] Replica of the Batavia, Batavia shipyard – community in the Netherlands) Nationaal Scheepshistorisch Centrum/Jaap Roskam Rotterdam: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam (Maritime Museum Rotterdam) Rotterdam: Scheepswerf ‘De Delft’ (shipyard; the building of a reconstruction of an eighteenth-century Dutch ship) Vlissingen: Maritiem MuZEEum Vlissingen (Maritime MuZEEum Vlissingen; large collection of objects from the VOC ship ‘t Vliegent Hart, which sunk in 1735) 1612 The Beemster Polder The Netherlands and water

There is a good reason for the fact that the cially lucrative project that moreover Beemster Polder is listed on the Unesco would contribute to providing food for the World Heritage Register. The draining fast-growing town of Amsterdam. A high, of this lake in 1612 is a shining example strong dyke with a length of 38 kilome- of how the Dutch “created” large areas of tres was built around the lake; around their country in the north, west and that dyke, the ring canal was dug. After south-west of the Netherlands. The Nether- this, work began on pumping the lake lands took shape by man battling the dry, using no fewer than 43 windmills. elements. It started with small-scale land An engineer, Jan Adriaenszoon Leeghwater, reclamation and the building of dykes in was responsible for the building and the Middle Ages. The scale became increas - placement of the windmills. A series of ing larger from the sixteenth century mills had to be built, each slightly higher onwards with the draining of lakes and than the last, so that the water was gradu- peat bogs, and, for the time being, work ally pumped into the ring canal. was wound up in the twentieth century In 1612, the lake was dry and the with the laying down of the Flevo polders polder could be laid out. Roads were laid, and the Maasvlakte. channels and ditches were dug and farms In 1607, a group of Amsterdam mer- were built. The design was well-ordered in chants and town administrators decided a tight geometric pattern. The Beemster to drain the Beemster which at the time Polder’s fame is due to this parcellation was a large lake. It promised to be a finan- and design. Over the centuries, a great deal of tinker- contact with air. The ideal water level for ing was done to the system of water cattle farmers is somewhere in between, management in the Beemster. For a long while nature conservationists have their time it was the windmills that had to own requirements. ensure that the residents kept their feet In the past, water was only pumped dry and that the water levels were suitable away to prevent flooding but today, in for land cultivation. In the late nineteenth dry periods, water is also pumped into century, the windmills were replaced by the Beemster. This is possible because the steam-driven pumping stations, and later IJsselmeer, the former Zuiderzee, now still by diesel and electric-driven pumps. contains fresh water of a quality suitable Today, the Beemster is divided into over for agriculture. fifty sections, each with its own water The power of the wind and windmills level. Farmers need a low water level once allowed the Beemster waters to under their land, while village residents be drained and land to be reclaimed. 39 want a high level to prevent the posts Today electricity and computers are under their houses from rotting on used to manage the water levels.


Places to Go Websites Beemster: a walk along the ring dike gives the visitor a good view of the straight, strict lines of the exceptional land divisionand the typical shapes of the “stolp” farms Cruquius: Museum De Cruquius (former steam pumping station) Captions Middenbeemster: Infocentrum Beemster [page 38] Windmill, Frans Heijn (information centre about the Beemster) [left] Aerial photograph of the Beemster, Pandion/ Middenbeemster: Museum Betje Wolff Peter Bolhuis [right] Working drawing of a typical Beemster mill, from “Groot volkomen Moolenboek”, unknown 1613 - 1662 The canal ring Urban development in the seventeenth century

On aerial photographs and maps, the Large-scale development, however, only Amsterdam canal ring is immediately took place from 1613 onwards when the recognisable due to its characteristic semi- three canals mentioned above were dug circular form made up of the Herengracht, up to the current Leidsegracht. A new Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht canals in western port area was realised by the the centre of the city. The canal ring is a creation of three rectangular islands fine example of Dutch urban development and a new neighbourhood was developed in the seventeenth century. With the to the west of the canals: the Jordaan. massive inflow of new arrivals in the This was all done in accordance with a prosperous western Republic from the end master plan involving various parties: of the sixteenth century onwards, town the town administration, the Stadholder administrators and town-dwellers were (governor), the Council of Holland and confronted with overcrowded towns, the town carpenter, Hendrick Jacobszoon housing shortages and a lack of space. Staets. It was a large project. Land had to Urban development was unavoidable. be repossessed, new defences had to be But how could this be realised and what built and funds had to be made available should the priorities be? Should the to finance the undertaking. starting point be sensible considerations The elements of functionality and or aesthetic principles as set out in the beauty were combined in the plan. popular tracts on the ideal city? Wherever possible, use was made of tight At the end of the sixteenth century, geometric shapes, which means the urban the city of Amsterdam made a cautious development features the consistent use start at increasing urban space. of straight lines. In addition, the aim was to create a geographic division between canal houses decorated this new section. the various urban functions. The new Today, the Golden Bend of the Herengracht western islands mainly accommodated can still be regarded as a symbol of the wharves and shipping companies, where- wealth of the Golden Age. as the Jordaan district provided room for At the time of this last development housing and small businesses. The canals the Golden Age was drawing to a close. had an exclusively residential function. The development of 1662 had been too Numerous “urban palaces” arose, built optimistic. The newly-won urban area to by wealthy merchants, bankers, town the east of the Amstel remained noticeably administrators and other men of means. empty until far into the nineteenth century. In the period from 1656 to 1662, the Today, the canal ring serves as a famil- canals were extended to across the river iar example of typically Dutch urbanisa- Amstel, which gave the centre of tion. The urban waterways, the small Amsterdam its current shape. The design scale, the innumerable bicycles, the 41 continued along the lines of the first bustling city centre, these are the phase: new, even more lovely and bigger hallmarks of a true Dutch city.


Places to Go Captions Amsterdam: a walk along the Canals [page 40] Herengracht, Frans Heijn Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum (Amsterdam [above] Amsterdam canal, Andrew Ward/Life File, Historical Museum, which offers a combination in Getty Images guided tours through the city and in the museum every last Saturday of the month) Amsterdam: Woonbootmuseum (Houseboat Museum)

Websites 1583 - 1645 Hugo Grotius Pioneer of modern international law

Hugo Grotius was well known to the in life. A child prodigy, Grotius was born public at large mainly because of the in 1583 in Delft and at age eleven book chest which he used to escape from he was admitted to the newly established Loevestein Castle on 22 March 1621. University of Leiden. Here, he was hailed He had been imprisoned in the castle in as the successor of Erasmus. The young 1619 for treason. As Pensionary of Rotter- Grotius had an unparalleled intellect. dam and political and legal advisor to He could write Latin verses as easily as he government prosecutor Oldenbarneveldt, could write annotations to ancient Greek Grotius was one of the leading players in and Roman texts. In 1598 the French king the Truce Negotiations. After the fall of referred to him as “the Dutch miracle”. Oldenbarneveldt, Grotius’s days were Hugo Grotius remained a man of many numbered. Although (unlike his protector) talents for the rest of his life. He wrote dis- he was not executed, he was sentenced to courses on theological, historical, and, in a life in prison. Thanks to the ruse with particular, legal topics. Initially, his Dutch the book chest he did not serve his full roots could be clearly seen in his writing. term. He did, however, have to spend For example, using a flood of the rest of his life in exile abroad. historical and legal examples he tried to Grotius died in 1645 in Rostock. prove that Holland had had the ideal In 1621, Hugo Grotius’s time in Holland form of government since the time of the came to an end but his intellectual activi- Batavians, or that the Dutch were free to ties and academic reputation continued to use the seas as these were international grow. He had earned his reputation early waters (Mare Liberum). The way in which he reached these conclusions was typical In the Netherlands, Grotius is known as for humanist scholars like Grotius. Hugo de Groot, and is still largely remem- Using his astonishing scholarship, his bered for the tale of the book chest. primary aim was to bring order and Abroad, the name Grotius is associated structure to existing knowledge as could with a man with a brilliant legal mind. be found in the works of classical writers. Together with his fellow victims of the This approach delivered important new Stadholder (the De Witt brothers and insights, particularly in his legal writings Oldenbarneveldt), Hugo Grotius served as like De iure belli ac pacis (“On the law of a symbol of resistance for the opponents war and peace”). Written in 1625, this of the Orangists. During the 1780s, the work sets out the fundamental principles Patriot period, several relics of Grotius of international law. came to light, including two book chests.



Places to Go Captions Delft: Nieuwe Kerk (New Church: Grotius is buried here [page 42] The book chest of Hugo Grotius, Collection and a memorial is erected to him; outside the of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/NG-KOG-1208 church there is a statue of Grotius) [left] Portrait of Hugo Grotius, Michiel Jansz. van Poederoijen: Slot Loevestein (Loevestein Castle) Miereveld, Collection of the Rijksmuseum The Hague: Vredespaleis (Peace Palace: its Library has Amsterdam the most extensive collection of works by Grotius [right] Aerial photograph of Loevestein Castle, in the world) Loevestein Castle

Websites Hugo-Grotius 1637 The Statenbijbel (authorised version of the Bible) The Book of Books

For Christians, the Bible is the most therefore, that the Bible should be important book in existence because it available in the language of the faithful, contains the truth revealed by God, preferably in as reliable a translation as “the word of God”. One of the points of possible. Consequently, the reformer conflict during the Reformation had been Luther translated the Bible from the the question of for whom the Bible was original texts into German in around 1535. meant. The Catholic Church believed that In the sixteenth century, a number of the Bible should preferably not be read Dutch translations were made of Luther’s by ordinary people. Rather, they could German work. listen to the explanations of the clergy in Over the course of time, the call from church, where the priests read from the the Dutch Reformed Church became ever Bible in Latin. The priests acted as inter- stronger for a new translation based on mediaries between God and the faithful. the original manuscripts of the Bible in The protestants, on the other hand, Hebrew and Greek. In 1618, the synod of believed that the faithful themselves the Dutch Reformed Church, during its should be able to read the Bible and main assembly in the city of Dordrecht, that the preacher in the first place was a commissioned such a translation based servant of the word of God. It was the task on the example of the English Authorised of preachers to let God’s word speak to Version (the King James Bible of 1611). the congregation, through Bible readings The States General was asked to finance and exegis of the Scriptures. This meant, the translation. The States General only agreed to this in being done on a revised version of the 1626 and the translators were then able to Statenvertaling. start work. Nine years later the translation Over the course of time, through was completed, and in 1637 the Dutch sermons and Bible readings, large groups authorised version, the Statenvertaling or of people became familiar with the Statenbijbel, was printed for the first time. language of the Statenbijbel, that also had Over 500,000 copies were printed between an enormous impact on Dutch culture. 1637 and 1657. The Statenbijbel remained The Statenvertaling was the source for the most important Bible in the Dutch expressions like “in the sweat of thy face” Reformed Church for over three hundred and “a feast for the eye”, that have now years. Even today it is still used in some become embedded in the Dutch church communities. Currently, work is language.



Places to Go Websites Amsterdam: Bijbels museum (Biblical Museum) Amsterdam: Joods Historisch Museum (Jewish Historical Museum) States-Bible Heilig Landstichting (near Nijmegen): Museumpark Orientalis Leerdam: Statenbijbelmuseum (States Bible Museum; collection of restored Dutch (States) Bibles dating from the sixteenth to the twentieth century) Uden: Museum voor Religieuze Kunst Captions (Museum for Religious Art) [page 44] Statenbijbel, Platvorm BV Utrecht: Museum Catharijneconvent [left] Title page of the Statenbijbel, Collection of the Catherijneconvent, Utrecht [right] Old woman reading from a lectionarium, Gerard Dou, Collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/SK-A-2627 1606? - 1669 Rembrandt The great painters

Rembrandt van Rijn’s painting “The Night colleagues did themselves equal justice: Watch” is world famous. The painting they too commissioned group portraits by dates from 1642 and since that time it well-known artists. Rembrandt’s painting has been commented on, praised and therefore originally hung in the company discussed on innumerable occasions. It is of a number of other recent group indeed an intriguing painting: it depicts portraits in the new Doelenzaal of the something – but what? On the other Kloveniersdoelen where the guardsmen hand, it is an ordinary painting: a group regularly met to eat, drink and smoke of Amsterdam residents depicted as together. members of the civic guard around their At the time that Banning Cocq Captain Frans Banning Cocq. The painting commissioned Rembrandt, the latter was was intended to be hung in the new great already much in demand as a portrait hall of the renovated Kloveniersdoelen painter. He was also ambitious and had (the headquarters of the civic guardsmen). left his birthplace (Leiden) at an early Such group portraits belonged to a age in the hope of making a better career tradition that dated back to the first half for himself in the richer, larger town of of the sixteenth century. Banning Cocq’s Amsterdam. He was successful. With his expensive portraits and paintings of bibli- Republic artists tried to create their own cal and mythological figures and stories, niche in the market. It has been calculated Rembrandt served the elite among the that in the seventeenth century over wealthy bourgeoisie and art lovers. five million paintings must have been The Amsterdam art market was, produced. This figure clearly illustrates however, much wider in scope. Around that Dutch painting was not dominated the year 1650, the city had some 175 by a few great masters working in impor- artists. The majority of them produced tant artistic centres such as Amsterdam, cheap paintings for an anonymous market, Haarlem and Utrecht. It is therefore not mainly small landscapes and so-called Rembrandt alone who symbolises the genre pieces depicting everyday scenes. remarkable cultural boom of the seven- These painters did not achieve eternal teenth century, but also the hundreds of fame, but their work is a mark of the second and third-rate local painters who wealth and scope of seventeenth-century tried to make a living in the shadows of 47 Dutch painting. Spurred on by the great famous masters or working in smaller demand from ordinary citizens for paint- artistic centres like Enkhuizen and ings to decorate their homes, all over the Zwolle.


Places to Go Alkmaar: Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar (Alkmaar City Museum) Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum (Amsterdam Historical Museum; paintings of guildmembers of ‘schutterijen’) Amsterdam: Museum het Rembrandthuis (Rembrandt House Museum) Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum Delft: Vermeer Centrum Delft (Vermeer Centre Delft) Haarlem: Frans Hals Museum Leiden: Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal (Leiden City Museum) The Hague: Mauritshuis

Websites Rembrandt,1600---1700.html

Captions [page 46] Het korporaalschap van kapitein Frans Banninck Cocq en luitenant Willem van Ruytenburch/ The Night Watch, Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, Collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/SK-C-5 [right] Self Portrait as the Apostle St. Paul, Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, Collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/SK-A-4050 1662 Blaeu’s Atlas Major Mapping the world

In the seventeenth century, the Blaeu fam- This was not a completely new market. ily was world famous for the atlases and In the last decades of the sixteenth century, maps printed by their family business in based on examples from abroad, cartogra- Amsterdam. The Republic was enjoying its phers in Enkhuizen and Edam had Golden Age and Amsterdam was steadily searched for suitable maps for mariners growing as a centre of international and other interested citizens. Willem trade, overseas expansion and wealth. Janszoon Blaeu responded to this demand, Such a town provided the international making good use of his knowledge of the contacts, the financial resources and the subject and sound business instincts. market for starting a thriving printing After an apprenticeship with the famous business in maps and atlases. Not only were Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, Blaeu set there sufficient mariners and merchants up a printer’s and publishing house in who needed reliable navigation tools, also Amsterdam. His first printed maps date many wealthy members of the bourgeoisie from 1605 and he distinguished himself appeared to be curious about the world from the outset by the quality and innova- beyond the horizon. They were prepared to tions in his work. Blaeu did not go out to pay for luxury editions of atlases or beau- take measurements himself. He designed tiful globes of the earth and the heavens. his maps based on existing cartographic material, supplemented by the knowledge illustrated how knowledge of the world he drew from ships’ logs, travel journals had been increased by voyages of discovery and talks with mariners. His maps and and trade contacts. At the same time, the atlases gained Blaeu an international atlas was a desirable status symbol, print- reputation. ed in folio format and bound in expensive After his death in 1638, his son Joan leather if so desired. The maps themselves took over the business. Joan expanded the were beautifully printed but seldom family business still further and published original. Often, they had been published numerous new maps and atlases, including previously, sometimes they were outdated the renowned Atlas Major, that was brought and they were largely inaccurate. However, onto the market from 1662 onwards in all this had hardly any effect on the various editions and languages. This multi- esteem in which the atlas was held. volume atlas maps the known world of With his Atlas Major Blaeu had brought the time in six hundred maps and several the known world within hands’ reach 49 thousand pages of descriptions. The atlas in the loveliest way possible.


Places to Go Captions Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum [page 48] Theatre of the World, or a New Atlas of (Amsterdam Historical Museum) Maps and Representations of All Regions, Amsterdam: Nationaal Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam Willem and Joan Blaeu, Universi teitsbibliotheek UvA, (National Maritime Museum Amsterdam) Bijzondere Collecties Leeuwarden: TRESOAR (Friesland Historical and [left] Hollandia 1604, Blaeu, Universi teitsbibliotheek UvA, Literary Centre) Bijzondere Collecties Rotterdam: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam [right] Frontispiece from Blaeu’s Theatrum, (Maritime Museum Rotterdam) Blaeu Sr. and Jr., 1648, unknown

Websites,com_album (digitally available version of Toonneel des Aerdriicx, ofte Nieuwe Atlas by Joan Blaeu, web page in Dutch) 1607 - 1676 Michiel de Ruyter Heroes of the sea and the wide reach of the Republic

The Republic was at war for a large part heroes in this self-made image were the of the seventeenth century. In 1648, the admirals of the fleet and their sailors. Eighty Years’ War with the Spanish came Songs were written about them, their to an end with the signing of the Treaty lives and deeds were set down in popular of Westphalia in Munster. However, the history booklets and major sea battles Republic did not enjoy peace for long. were depicted in paintings and prints. Conflicting trade interests quickly led to Fleet admirals who died in battle were two sea wars with England (from 1652- assured of a magnificent mausoleum. 1654 and from 1665-1667). In 1672, the Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter is English and the French launched a com- without doubt the most famous of all bined attack on the Republic that brought seventeenth-century heroes of the sea. it to the brink of destruction. It managed He was born in Vlissingen in 1607, the to survive, however, and in the decades son of a humble beer porter. From early that followed the Republic played an on it was clear that his future lay on the important role in the international seas. After working for some time as a rope- coalition that resisted the territorial maker for the Lampsins, the wealthiest ambitions of the French king Louis XIV. family of ship owners in Vlissingen, In the meantime, the administrators in 1618 he signed on as an orderly for of the coastal provinces presented the the Chief Petty Officer on his first ship. image of the Republic as a peace-loving It was the beginning of an adventurous maritime and trade nation that only life on the seas. As a captain, waged war with the greatest reluctance to rear admiral and merchantman he sailed protect its economic interests. The great the world’s oceans and tried his luck. In 1652, he believed he had acquired Pensionary , De Ruyter sufficient wealth to lead a tranquil life on sailed his fleet up the Thames and into shore. However, De Ruyter did not enjoy the Medway, inflicting an embarrassing his rest for long. After the outbreak of the defeat on the English on their own soil. First Anglo-Dutch War, the Admiralty of A large part of the English fleet was Zeeland offered him a position. De Ruyter destroyed on the Medway near Chatham. accepted, for one voyage. However, this De Ruyter was hailed as the new soon appeared to be the start of a new Hannibal. career culminating in his appointment to In 1676, De Ruyter died in a battle the highest position in the navy, that of against the French near Syracuse. It was Lieutenant-Admiral. to have been his last expedition. He was De Ruyter’s greatest moment came buried in a marble mausoleum on the spot in 1667, at the height of the Second where the high altar had formerly stood Anglo-Dutch War. On the urging of Grand in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. 51


Places to Go Websites Amsterdam: Nationaal Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam (National Maritime Museum Amsterdam) Amsterdam: Nieuwe Kerk Michiel-Adriaanszoon-De-Ruyter (New Church: tomb of Michiel de Ruyter) Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum Rotterdam: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam (Maritime Museum Rotterdam) Vlissingen: Maritiem MuZEEum Vlissingen (Maritime MuZEEum Vlissingen) Vlissingen: De Ruyter-wandeling Captions (walk on the subject of De Ruyter) [page 50] Portrait of Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter, Ferdinand Bol, Collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/SK-A-44 [above] The court martial aboard the Seven Provinces, Willem van de Velde Senior, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam/SK-A-4289 1629-1695 Science in the Golden Age

Christiaan Huygens, born in 1629, was referred to his son the second son of the poet Constantijn as “my Archimedes”. Huygens who was secretary to two Princes Huygens was a regular visitor to of Orange. Christiaan Huygens’ father had England and France too, where in 1655 envisaged diplomatic careers for his sons he was awarded a doctorate and was and he therefore sent them to study law, appointed the first director of the Royal first in Leiden and later in Breda. Academy of Science in 1666. This appoint- However, Christiaan was more interested ment illustrates the international attention in maths, physics and astronomy. As a Huygens’ work attracted. From 1681 up child he refused to write verses in Latin. until his death, Huygens lived either He preferred to tinker with tiny windmills in Voorburg (in the Hofwijck summer and other model machines and to observe residence designed by his father) or on the ripples created by throwing a stone the Plein (town square) in the centre of into water. The Hague. At an early age, Christiaan was already Christiaan was an admirer of Descartes, corresponding about various issues with the “father of modern philosophy” who authoritative scholars abroad. In 1647, did not base his thinking on doctrines the French philosopher, physicist and and theories that had been handed down mathematician Mersenne wrote to across generations. He wanted to perform Christiaan’s father: “If he continues in experiments himself, to observe and this way he will one day even surpass formulate laws. This new form of scientific Archimedes.” For the rest of his days practice became known as the Scientific Revolution. And this was exactly what he corresponded frequently and to whom Huygens did: he constantly observed, he was very close, Christiaan began to experimented and monitored. grind lenses for microscopes and astrono- Christiaan’s achievements lay in many mical telescopes. He discovered the ring fields: in mathematics, he wrote about of Saturn with such a telescope and just squaring the circle, among other things. before that (in 1655) Titan, the first In physics, he studied free fall and pendu- moon of a planet ever to be discovered. lum motion and the pendulum clock – his The peculiar phenomena around Saturn best-known achievement – was a result of had been described by earlier scholars as these studies (1656). Christiaan Huygens some kind of “ears” of the heavenly body. also worked at improving sea clocks so Christiaan revealed the true situation and that they would keep as accurate time as reported his findings to many authoritative possible on ships at sea and would not astronomers in Europe. Regarding Saturn’s stop. Knowing the precise time was of ring and the moon Titan he wrote: great importance in determining the posi- “These remain signs of my ingenuity 53 tion of ships at sea. and the names I have written across Together with his brother Constantijn the heavens will still echo my fame long (his elder by thirteen months) with whom after my death.”


Places to Go Amsterdam: NEMO Captions Leiden: Museum Boerhaave (Boerhaave Museum) [page 52] Constantijn Huygens and his five children Voorburg: Huygensmuseum Hofwijck (detail, Christiaan Huygens), Adriaen Hanneman, Websites Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, Den Haag [above] Drawings of Saturn by Christiaan Huygens (1659) and a photo of Saturn made by the NASA Cassini- Huygens mission in 2004 1632 - 1677 Spinoza In search of truth

Spinoza is the most famous philosopher did not want to conform outwardly to the of the Netherlands: he belongs to a small strict orthodox rules and requirements. group of philosophers who changed the Although in comparison with sur- course of western thinking. rounding countries the Republic was Benedictus de Spinoza was born in tolerant and dealt patiently with criticism, Amsterdam in 1632 as Baruch d’Espinoza, Spinoza still had to be careful. He pub- the son of Jewish parents who had fled lished a lot of his works under a pseudo- from Portugal. He died in The Hague in nym – or not at all. His major work, the 1677 of a lung disease. Spinoza lived a Ethica, was only published after his death. quite frugal life and to earn his keep he In the “disaster year” of 1672, the ground lenses for glasses and microscopes. atmosphere became increasingly turbulent His illness was probably aggravated by and the De Witt brothers were lynched by the dust he inhaled in this work. an Orangist mob without any interference Spinoza’s nickname was “Bento”, from the authorities. This shocked Spinoza which means the same in Portuguese as so deeply that he wanted to take a Baruch in Hebrew and Benedictus in placard to the spot bearing the text Latin: “the blessed”. Spinoza learned ultimi barbarorum (‘you are the greatest Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and Hebrew of all barbarians’). His landlord and friend and later wrote in Latin. After his reli- stopped him and in so doing probably gious training, in 1656 he came into con- saved his life. flict with the Amsterdam Jewish commu- In his book Tractatus theologico-politicus nity. Probably not because he was critical Spinoza gave the initial impetus to a of orthodox beliefs, but rather because he free-thinking interpretation of the Bible. In the Tractatus politicus he spoke up for passions. Spinoza lived his beliefs: his democracy and pointed out the enormous arguments were always presented calmly, importance of freedom of expression. were well-considered and reasonable. He The Ethica (in full the Ethica Ordine did not ever allow himself to be provoked. Geometrico Demonstrata), Spinoza’s master- The Ethica appears to be structured work, was meant to teach people how like a geometric system. Spinoza uses they could lessen their suffering. This was definitions, axioms and propositions: in not philosophy for its own sake, because this way he tries to approach matters the book had a practical objective: to objectively despite the turbulence of the teach people to see that God is part of times. Throughout history many readers Creation, that everything that exists is a have complained that this makes the book manifestation of God – including human very difficult to read. But then Spinoza beings. In order to come to this clear has the last word, because the final realisation it was of the utmost importance sentence of the says: “All noble Ethica 55 to be independent and free of intense things are as difficult as they are rare.”


Places to Go Captions Amsterdam: Amsterdam Esnoga (Portugese Synagogue) [page 54] Portrait of Baruch de Spinoza, Rijnsburg: Spinozahuis (Spinozahouse) Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel/B 117 The Hague: Spinozahuis (Spinozahouse) [left] Statue of Spinoza by Frédéric Hexamer, near his The Hague: Nieuwe Kerk (New Church: tomb of Spinoza) house in the Paviljoensgracht in The Hague [right] The Spinozahouse in Rijnsburg and a Dutch Websites banknote from 1972 ca. 1637 - 1863 Slavery Human trafficking and forced labour in the New World

Since the great ocean crossing of Colum- Portuguese lost Saint George del Mina in bus in 1492, Europeans had been settling modern-day Ghana to the WIC. In addition, in what they called the New World, at the parts of Brazil were occupied (1624-1654) expense of the indigenous populations. and in 1665 the Republic’s claim to colo- The Portuguese began this by setting up nial rights over the so-called Wild Coast sugar plantations in Brazil and having (Surinam, Berbice, Essequibo-Demarary), these worked by slaves brought across and the Antillean islands of Aruba, from Africa. This policy was adopted Bonaire, Curaçao, Saint Martin, Saint by all the European colonial powers. Eustatius and Saba was recognised. Together, in some two hundred years they The Dutch became important players transported over twelve million Africans in the Atlantic area as a colonial power in the transatlantic slave trade. The Dutch and slave traders. Up until 1730, the WIC themselves transported more than held a monopoly on the slave trade. 550,000 of these slaves. Some artists Subsequently, the Middelburg Commercial recorded their miserable lot in a drawing. Company (established in 1720) grew The Dutch slave trade started in 1621 into the biggest Dutch slave trader, with with the establishment of the Dutch West various auction houses in Rotterdam and India Company (WIC). WIC ships were Amster dam to compete with the WIC. originally sent out as and to In around 1770, the Dutch slave trade wage war on the Spanish-Portuguese fleet. reached its zenith, transporting some six In 1628, admiral Piet Hein captured thousand slaves each year. In following the Spanish silver fleet, and in 1638 the years these numbers quickly decreased. Being a slave meant being forced to work uprising took place on in 1795 on and having no say in where, with whom Curaçao under the leadership of Tula, and how you would live. The African who, inspired by the ideals of the French slaves, and their descendants who were Revolution and the success of the slave born into slavery, worked on plantations uprising in Saint-Domingue (Haiti), growing sugar, coffee, cocoa, cotton and demanded freedom. Tula, however, paid tobacco. They worked in the salt ponds for his freedom with his life. of Curaçao or waited on their masters. At the end of the eighteenth century, Not all slaves accepted their lot. outrage against the slave trade was Particularly in Surinam, people escaped growing. This was true in the Netherlands from slavery by running away. They too, even though discussions were often settled in the jungle and established dominated by the interests of slave owners. their own communities alongside those Under pressure from the English, the of the Indians. These fugitive slaves were slave trade was prohibited in 1814. In the 57 referred to as Maroons or Bush Negroes. Netherlands, the abolition of slave labour In addition, there were constant small and slavery did not follow until 1 July and large slave uprisings on plantations 1863, making it one of the very last coun- and in the towns. The largest slave tries in Europe to emancipate its slaves.


Places to Go Amsterdam and Middelburg: ‘Slavernijroute’ (city walks on the subject of slavery) Amsterdam: Nationaal instituut Nederlands slavernijverleden en erfenis (Dutch National Institute of Slavery and Heritage) Amsterdam: Nationaal Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam (National Maritime Museum Amsterdam) Amsterdam, Oosterpark: Nationaal Slavernij Monument (National Slavery Monument) Amsterdam: Tropenmuseum Rotterdam: Historisch Museum Rotterdam (Historical Museum Rotterdam) Rotterdam: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam (Maritime Museum Rotterdam) Vlissingen: Maritiem MuZEEum Vlissingen (Maritime MuZEEum Vlissingen)

Websites (the Dutch West India Company in North America), 1600---1700.html Captions [page 56 and above] Engravings from Narrative of a Five Years’ Expedition against the revolted Negroes of (Charter of Privileges and Exemptions Surinam (1772 to 1777), John Gabriel Stedman, of the Dutch West India Company) Collection of the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Country mansions Prosperous living in the countryside

Today, Goudestein mansion is the town visited occasionally as they had to spend hall of Maarssen, situated to the north a lot of time working in town even over of Utrecht on the River . For a long the summer months. time it had been one of many country Goudestein is a textbook example of what mansions along the river where wealthy happened to country mansions. In 1608, residents of Amsterdam came to spend the Amsterdam merchant Jan Jacobszoon the summer. Huydekoper bought a large farmstead in If you take a trip on or alongside the Maarssen. His son Joan, a very important Vecht, you will come across a great many man in Amsterdam – he was, among other country mansions, real palaces with things, elected mayor on several occasions magnificent gardens. This concentration – subsequently had the Goudestein along the river illustrates the immense mansion built in 1628. In 1754 the wealth of Amsterdam in the Golden Age. seventeenth-century house was knocked Most of the mansions were built in the down and replaced by the current palace. seventeenth century, some later. Wealthy Up until the twentieth century the Huyde- merchants liked to escape the town kopers continued to live in the mansion. in the summer months and enjoy the Then, in 1955, the municipality bought it natural surroundings along the Vecht. and converted it into the town hall. Such escapes went hand in hand with Influential people from Amsterdam large-scale relocations, usually by barge. invited many guests to their country The staff were moved as well as part of retreats: friends from their social circles, the household stocks – everyone and as well as artists and intellectuals. everything was brought along. The men The famous poet and scholar Constantijn Huygens stayed at Goudestein in 1656 mazes. Needless to say, everyone wanted and apparently he enjoyed himself, for their garden to be a showpiece and each he wrote three spirited poems about the was more beautiful than the last. mansion. The summer life in the country mansions The gardens of the houses were of the aristocracy continued in the eigh- lovely and often still are today. They were teenth century, although the economy inspired by the formal French style of in the Netherlands was slowing down. landscaping, with tight geometric The wealthy families, however, were still patterns. From this starting point, a new able to live off their capital. Today, most Dutch style evolved: ordered and geomet- of the country mansions are no longer ric, but with baroque elements and play- owned by individuals. Instead they have ful additions like theekoepels (tea house become tourist attractions, prestigious gazebos), canals, water attractions and business premises and venues for parties. 59


Places to Go Websites A visit to the country estates along the river Vecht, such as Gunterstein, Vreedenhoff and Bijdorp Captions A visit to similar country estates in the region of [page 58] Goudestein, Municipality of Maarssen Kennemerland, such as Beeckestein [above] Country mansion on the Vecht river, A boattrip along the river Vecht Sijmen Hendriks/Hollandse Hoogte Maarssen: Museum Maarssen 1744 - 1828 Eise Eisinga The Enlightenment in the Netherlands

Eise Eisinga was an amateur astronomer decided to build a scale model of the solar who built a planetarium in his own system on the ceiling of his living room. home in Franeker (Friesland). Today this In 1781 his planetarium was completed. planetarium is recognised as the oldest Just like many other men of his time, in the world. Eisinga was inspired by the Enlightenment. The highly gifted Eisinga was not These men were convinced that knowledge allowed to attend the Latin School could improve both mankind and society. because he was expected to become a Enlightenment thinkers in the Netherlands woolcomber like his father before him. were different in nature to those in France. All on his own, he immersed himself in Living in a country with no all-powerful the study of the principles of maths and church or absolute ruler meant that few astronomy. The fact that the Franeker Dutch citizens were sympathetic to the Academy was close by suited him well. radical and anti-clerical views of some In 1774, a booklet was published in French philosophes. Rather, they believed which it was forecast that the earth would that God wanted the best for the world: be thrown out of its orbit by a collision He was leading all things towards a between the moon and a number of other friendly, harmonious society. They there- planets. This prediction caused a great fore immersed themselves in enjoyable deal of panic in Friesland. To demonstrate social interaction. Together with other that there was no need for panic, Eisinga responsible citizens, they conducted experiments in physics, they examined rings and discs with ten thousand hand- fossils, discussed solutions for social forged nails as cog teeth. A pendulum problems and studied heavenly bodies. clock and nine weights drive the gear Even today, Eisinga’s planetarium mechanism. shows the current position of the planets, When King William I came to Fries- because the planets of the model take the land in 1818 to visit the planetarium, same time to move around the sun as do he was so impressed that he subsequently the real planets: Mercury takes 88 days bought it for the Dutch state. Ten years for its orbit, Earth 365 days and Saturn later, in 1828, Eisinga died aged 84. over 29 years. All this is kept in motion by In his will he described the mechanism an impressive gear mechanism of wooden of his planetarium.



Places to Go Amsterdam: New Metropolis Museum (NeMo) Amsterdam: Planetarium Artis Franeker: Koninklijk Eise Eisinga Planetarium (Royal Eise Eisinga Planetarium) Haarlem: Teylers Museum Leiden: Museum Boerhaave (Boerhaave Museum)

Websites Captions [page 60] Ceiling of the planetarium, Eise Eisinga Planetarium, Franeker [left] Portrait of Eisinga, Willem Bartels van der Kooi, Eise Eisinga Planetarium, Franeker [right] Interior of the planetarium and rad work above the planetarium, Eise Eisinga Planetarium, Franeker 1780 - 1795 The patriots Political conflict about modernising the Republic

By the second half of the eighteenth On 26 September 1781, an anonymous, century, the Golden Age of the Republic illegal patriot pamphlet was published, definitely seemed to be over. As a trading addressed “To the people of the Nether- nation, the Republic had been surpassed lands”. It had an explosive effect on the by England. Although the financial sector political discussions. Two parties became was growing, it was unable to cope with clearly defined: the supporters of Stad- increasing unemployment. The voice of holder William V, and, on the other side, the Republic was barely listened to in the patriots. Both sides made full use of international politics. This was made political pamphlets. The country was painfully clear in the Fourth Anglo-Dutch inundated by an avalanche of magazines War (1780-1784), in which the Republic – such as the influential De Kruyer – single- could offer little resistance to the English. page flyers and cartoons. All of these A new political group came to the fore analysed how the Republic was organised during this crisis. Citizens who up until and why it was failing, and put forward then had had almost no say in the admin- solutions. Gradually, new elements were istration of the towns and the country brought into the discussions. This was the itself. They regarded Stadholder (gover- start of a national feeling, pride in one’s nor) William V as a kind of dictator and own country, a feeling that began to play the ruling class as his puppets. They held an increasingly larger role. People no the Stadholder responsible for the crisis longer simply thought of themselves as in which the country found itself. These inhabitants of a town or region, but critical citizens called themselves the also as citizens of the fatherland, which, Patriots. Some members of the ruling according to the patriots, should therefore class sided with the patriots. be organised as a political unity. One moot point in this issue was how the The Prussian king’s sister, Wilhelmina citizens would be represented politically. (wife of the Stadholder) had requested Patriot citizens organised themselves him to take this action. The patriot militia into ‘vrijkorpsen’, volunteer corps, a kind could not stand up to the well-trained of militia to take over the country. Prussian soldiers. Eight years later (in 1795) Stadholder William V no longer felt safe the Republic came to its end after all, in the patriot town of The Hague and he when the revolutionary French came to retreated to Nijmegen until the Prussian the aid of the (underground) patriots king sent in troops in 1787 to restore order. to overthrow the old regime.



Places to Go Captions Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum [page 62] Engraving from De politieke kruyer, (Amsterdam Historical Museum) Universiteitsbibliotheek UvA, Special Collections Dordrecht: Simon van Gijn – museum aan huis [above] Coloured engraving entitled: Princess Wilhelmina (museum at home) held captive, G.A. Lehman, Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam Websites,1781.html 1769 - 1821 Napoleon Bonaparte The French period

The history of the Netherlands can never Dutch patriots. Until 1806, the Batavian truly be separated from developments Republic, as the Netherlands was then outside the country. This certainly applies known, remained officially independent to the end of the eighteenth century and of France but in actuality little took place the beginning of the nineteenth century, without the approval of the French. when the French exerted decisive influ- In 1806, Napoleon appointed his brother ence on Dutch politics and the “little cor- Louis as King of Holland, and the Nether- poral” Napoleon Bonaparte was France’s lands became a kingdom. This laid the leader. Napoleon was a military man who foundations for the later monarchy. overthrew the French government in In 1810 Napoleon deposed his brother 1799 and afterwards took control not only and the Netherlands was absorbed into of France but also of all the territories the French Empire. Three years later, conquered by French armies. Subsequently, Napoleon was defeated and banished as a general, he led his troops in battle to Elba; the Netherlands regained its against the Emperor of Austria, the Tsar independence. of Russia and the King of England. Napoleon clearly played a leading From 1806, Emperor Napoleon ruled role in the history of Europe at this time. almost the whole of Europe as an One of his major achievements was that “enlightened despot”. he modernised administration procedures The Dutch Republic had already fallen and justice systems in the areas he con- to French troops in 1795 with the aid of trolled. He also implemented new weights (the kilogramme) and measurements (the metre). In addition, the registry of births, deaths and marriages was intro- duced whereby everyone had to adopt a surname. The Dutch response to these moderni- sations was divided. For example, some believed that the Code Napoleon, the French civil code, was an enormous improvement compared to their own local laws. The new civil code created a rule of law under which everyone was equal, and in which the dispensation of justice was public. Its opponents felt that 65 Napoleon had not taken into consideration the greatly varying local customs and arrangements. The introduction of con- scription met with just as much resistance, especially when the demand for soldiers for the seemingly never-ending wars continued to grow. After the fall of Napoleon no one thought about reversing the Napoleonic innovations. The Code Napoleon therefore remained in force, just like many more of Napoleon’s innovations.


Places to Go Websites Amsterdam: Koninklijk Paleis op de Dam (City Hall/Royal Palace Amsterdam) Amsterdam: Trippenhuis (Trippen House; home to the Royal Institute of Sciences, Literature and Fine Arts founded by King Louis Napoleon, nowadays the historie_huis.html Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences),1793.html Delft: Legermuseum (Army Museum), Haarlem: Provinciehuis van Noord-Holland 1806-1810.html (Province House of North Holland; Haarlem Captions residence of King Louis Napoleon) [page 64] Etude de Tête pour un portrait de Napoléon Woudenberg: Pyramide van Austerlitz Ier en costume de Sacre, David Jacques Louis, (Pyramide of Austerlitz) Photo RMN/Christian Jean/89-002118/T184 [above] Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Musée de l’Armée, Paris 1772 - 1843 King William I The kingdom of the Netherlands and Belgium

In 1813, after the end of French rule, the parts of the country (the north, south and son of Stadholder William V returned to the Indies). The south, where an Industrial the Netherlands to accept the crown. Revolution had taken place early, had to This was a clear break with tradition. concentrate on producing consumer goods. Unlike his father, William I did not The traders in the north subsequently become Stadholder (governor) of all the had to transport these goods across the provinces but rather king of a unified world. And finally, the inhabitants of the state in which he played the main colonies were to supply valuable tropical political role. goods. The King had canals dug and roads In 1815, the so-called Austrian Low laid between the north and south to make Countries (modern-day Belgium) were transport more easy. He himself acted as united with the territory of the former an investor. In 1824, William set up the Republic to serve as a buffer against the Netherlands Trading Company for trade defeated French. And so, the United with the . The “cultiva- Kingdom of the Netherlands was created. tion system” or “culture system” was In European terms it was a medium- introduced in the East Indies, under sized country controlling large colonial which the indigenous population was territories. The energetic William (whose obliged to work for the colonial authori- nickname was “king-merchant”) tried to ties on the land for a period of each year. restore the previously thriving economy The products were sold by the Netherlands by stimulating its strengths in the three Trading Company. Despite his economic endeavours, de la patrie” that had been sung in their the King was not popular among the theatre. William I sent an army against Belgians. Belgian liberals saw him as a them but to no avail. Belgium was grant- ruler who desired absolute power and ed independence. Nevertheless, William I who was not prepared to tolerate any kept the army called up for nine years increased participation on the part of the – incurring extremely high costs – educated elite. Belgian Catholics objected something that damaged his reputation to the interference of the Protestant king in the Netherlands very badly. In 1839 he in the training of novice priests. In 1830, finally recognised Belgium’s independence. the citizens of Brussels rebelled. They In the following year, a disillusioned were inspired by the aria “Amour sacrée William I abdicated from the throne.



Places to Go Websites Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum (Amsterdam Historical Museum) Amsterdam: Koninklijk Paleis op de Dam (City Hall/Royal Palace),1813.html Delft: Nieuwe Kerk (New Church:,1830.html William I was buried in the Royal Crypt) Captions Frederiksoord (agricultural colony, established [page 66] William I with a map of Java, Joseph Paelinck, in 1818 by the Society of Charity which was Collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/SK-C-1460 inspired by William I) [above] Tableau of the September days in 1830, Grote Markt, Egide Charles Gustave Wappers, Musée d’Art Ancien, Brussels 1839 The first railway Acceleration

On 20 September 1839, the first railway second major rail link began in 1843, line in the Netherlands was opened with connecting Amsterdam with Utrecht. a festive celebration. The steam locomo- More lines followed, all run by different tive “De Arend” took twenty-five minutes railway operators. By about 1900, the to travel from Amsterdam to Haarlem. train had become the most important A lot of people were not impressed: the mode of transport in the Netherlands. train went too fast and made much too Today, it is hard to imagine the enor- much noise. Was this novelty really neces- mous changes the railways brought about sary and was it safe? Near Ghent at the in Dutch society. Before the arrival of the beginning of the same year, the steam railways, travelling cost a great deal of boiler of a departing train had exploded. time. It was too expensive for most people This innovation was doomed to failure and was sometimes dangerous. In terms and after all, barges were a fine mode of of travelling time, the railways made the transport, weren’t they? Netherlands much smaller. The improved Despite all the initial scepticism, the links and travel comfort contributed first train heralded a time of enormous greatly to the unification of the country: change. The Amsterdam-Haarlem line people from different regions came into was quickly extended into what became contact with one another more often and known as the “Old Line” running from the state was able to better organise its Amsterdam to Rotterdam. Work on the national territory. The railway network was a pre-condition were closed – particularly local ones. for the industrialisation of the Nether - In 1938, all the lines were incorporated lands, which only really took off after into one nationalised company: NV Neder- 1870. Raw materials, products and work- landse Spoorwegen (NS) that continued ers too all had to be transported. In its to exist until the reorganisation of 1995. turn, industrialisation contributed to the The state and all kinds of lobby organisa- further expansion of the railway network. tions are still actively involved in the At the beginning of the twentieth century, now privatised NS and its services. This the Netherlands had a dense railway net- indicates that railways have remained a work. In the thirties, however, many lines vital component of Dutch society.



Places to Go Websites Apeldoorn-Dieren/Goes-Borsele/Simpelveld-Schin op Geul: Take a ride on a steam train on one of these tracks. Captions Brussels: Museum van de Belgische Spoorwegen [page 68] The “Arend” powered by steam, (Belgian Railway Museum) Collection of the Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht: Spoorwegmuseum (Railway Museum) [above] Opening of the first Amsterdam-Haarlem link, Rotterdam: Museum van de Stoom Stichting Nederland Collection of the Spoorwegmuseum (Museum of the Dutch Steam Foundation) 1848 The Constitution Fundamental rules and principles of government

The Constitution is the most important how different they are or what different law of a state. (The word “state” refers to opinions they hold, will be treated equally an autonomous territory in which power by the state. In the articles that follow, the is exercised over the inhabitants.) Constitution states, among other things, The Constitution determines who exercises that citizens have the right to practice power in practice in such a state and how their own religion, the right to exchange this will take place. The Dutch Constitu - ideas with one another; and the right to tion sets out, for example, the role of the express their opinions in public. monarch and that of the ministers. The The state can only restrict such rights – Constitution also states how other laws like freedom of worship and freedom of are to be made, what duties judges have speech – if it is absolutely necessary. and what the tasks of the municipalities For example, someone’s freedom may be and provinces are. Moreover, the Constitu- restricted if that person presents a danger tion sets out what influence and power to others. In such instances the state may Dutch citizens have in the state. act, but only in accordance with the law. Right at the beginning, the Dutch No Constitution existed in the Nether - Constitution sets out the rights of citizens lands in the Middle Ages. The ruler had in terms of the state: basic rights. Basic the power and did not have to conform rights are not the rights of citizens to the law. In later times, some groups of amongst one another but rather the people did gain rights in respect of their rights of citizens to live their own lives ruler, but it was only from the eighteenth without the interference of the state century onwards that everyone had rights in their opinions and life choices. and that every institution entitled to exer- The first article of the Constitution cise power was obliged to obey the law. promises that all people, no matter This was set down in a Constitution in the Netherlands in 1798. The “Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands” that still applies today was drafted in 1815. It is easier to change other laws than it is to change the Constitution. However, significant amendments to the Constitu- tion have been made. In 1848 King William II agreed to amend the Constitu- tion so that the monarch would have less power and the people more. This amend- ment was so dramatic that the “Constitu - tion of 1848”, drafted by constitutional law expert Thorbecke, is regarded as the 71 beginning of democracy in the Nether- lands. Nonetheless, it was only in 1917 that the right to vote was extended to include all men. Women were granted the passive right to vote at the same time. In 1922, the active right to vote for women – that was introduced in 1919 – was finally set down in the Constitution.


Places to Go Locally: a visit to a Dutch court of law or a local council The Hague: a visit to the Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal, the Dutch House of Representatives

Websites The-Netherlands index_html_en,1848.html

Captions [page 70] The Constitution of 1848, Beeldbank Nationaal Archief [above] Portrait of Johan Rudolf Thorbecke, Johan Heinrich Neuman, Collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/SK-A-4120 [left] The text of the Dutch Constitution on a wall in The Hague, Jan Kooi 1860 Max Havelaar Scandal in the East Indies

In 1859 Eduard Douwes Dekker, a disap- of the manuscript that relates in broad pointed civil servant in the Dutch East lines the actual experiences of Multatuli Indies, wrote a book under the pseudo- (alias Max Havelaar) as assistant-resident nym “Multatuli”. This book was entitled in the Dutch East Indies. (This is largely “Max Havelaar or the Coffee Auctions of history as experienced by the writer the Dutch Trading Company”. It was a Eduard Douwes Dekker himself as a civil condemnation of the abuses of the Dutch servant.) Assistant-resident Havelaar takes colonial administration in the Dutch up the cause of the oppressed islanders, East Indies. the Javanese, but his Dutch superiors and The book is a frame story with various local profiteers who do business with the interwoven storylines. It begins with the Dutch work against him. tale of Batavus Droogstoppel, a coffee A number of native stories are woven broker and textbook example of a petty into the book, for example, the story of bourgeois, unimaginative, miserly man Saidjah and Adinda. Between the lines of who symbolises how the Netherlands this moving love story lies a bitter indict- was profiting from its colonies in the ment of the exploitation and cruelties to East Indies. On a certain day, a former which the native Javanese were subjected. classmate (Sjaalman) visits Droogstoppel At the end of the book, Multatuli addresses and asks him to publish a manuscript. a passionate plea directly to King William What follows – interrupted by III, who, as head of state, was ultimately Droogstoppel’s commentary – is the tale responsible for the abuses and corruption of the administration in the Dutch East print today and has been translated into Indies. over 140 languages. In 1999, the Indone sian Initially, the book received a lot of writer Pramoedya Ananta Toer referred criticism, but it quickly created a storm to the book in The New York Times as and was reprinted many times. It is still in “The Book That Killed Colonialism”.



Places to Go Amsterdam: Multatuli Museum Amsterdam: Statue of Multatuli at the Torensluis Bridge across the Singel Amsterdam: Tropenmuseum Delft: Museum Nusantara (museum about the history and cultures of Indonesia)

Websites language/multatuli/index.html

Captions [page 72] Cover of Max Havelaar, published by Pandora [left] First edition of Max Havelaar [right] Drawing of Multatuli, August Allebé, Collection of the Multatuli Museum [beneath] Statue of Multatuli by Hans Bayens Nineteenth century Opposition to child labour Out of the workplace and back to school

Child labour was a normal and usual In about 1860, criticism of child labour occurrence in the nineteenth century. became more intense. Doctors and teachers Children worked on the land and in shops explained that working was unhealthy or workshops. This was considered very and that the proper place for children was sensible – they could learn a trade in at school. Factory operators began to this way – but often it was necessary for realise that children would be better off children to work to supplement the family starting work once they had completed income. When, during the Industrial their primary education. Moreover, Revolution, children were put to work in children aged twelve years and older factories as well, more and more objec- who could read and write could be put tions were raised against child labour to better use in the factories. At the same – at least in factories. time, the need for child labour decreased Working conditions in factories were as increasingly more work was done by usually very poor. A well-known story is machines. The attitude of parents also that of Petrus Regout’s glass factory in began to change with the times. As their Maastricht, where the kilns burned day wages began to rise and the need to and night. The factory had two shifts of supplement their income with their workers, each working twelve hours at children’s wages became less pressing, a stretch. Half-asleep, children aged parents started to send their children to between eight and ten years old would school more often and for longer periods have to walk to work at about midnight to of time. start their shift. Regout saw no problem in Two Acts contributed to this develop- this. He believed that children could ment. The Kinderwet van Van Houten do with less sleep. (the Child Labour Act of 1874) prohibited children under the age of twelve from child labour once and for all. From that working in workshops and factories. time onwards, parents were obliged to This did not mean, however, that child send children aged between seven and labour in factories was fully abolished twelve years old to school. In practice, with immediate effect. Furthermore, most parents were already doing so. children were not prohibited from doing By about 1900, ninety percent of all farm work. The Leerplichtwet (Compulsory children were attending school. Education Act of 1900) put an end to



Places to Go Arnhem: Openluchtmuseum (Open-air Museum) Leiden: Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal (City Museum The Lakenhal) Ootmarsum: Openluchtmuseum (Open-air Museum) Rotterdam: Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum (National Museum of Education) Tilburg: Audax Textielmuseum Tilburg (Audax Textile Museum Tilburg)

Websites child-labour

Captions [page 74] Sewing burlap sacks, Beeldbank Nationaal Archief/BG A23/648 [above] Child labour in the printing industry, Beeldbank Nationaal Archief BG B15/237 [left] The children of the factory: "Long live Sir Van Houten", Elias Spanier, Rijksmuseum, inv. nr. RP-P-OB-76.771 1853 - 1890 Vincent van Gogh The modern artist

Every year, some one and a half million Van Gogh was born in 1853 in the village people visit the Van Gogh Museum in of Zundert in the province of Brabant. Amsterdam. Eighty to ninety percent At a young age he travelled across the of these visitors come from outside the Netherlands and Europe. In 1885, in Netherlands. The Dutch painter Vincent Nuenen, he painted the famous picture van Gogh is famous in all four corners of “The Potato Eaters”, a dark portrait of a the globe. peasant family. The following year he This was not the case in the nineteenth went to Paris. Van Gogh’s brother Theo, century during his lifetime. Van Gogh had an art dealer in Paris, showed him paint- a difficult life filled with upheaval, lost ings and drawings of the Impressionists, loves and financial problems. Despair artists whose use of colour and light was ultimately drove him to commit suicide. more refined than what Vincent was used Only after his death did his star begin to to. Vincent was also impressed by the rise. On the one hand, this was because Japanese prints he viewed. of his paintings: powerful images, with In 1888, he rented a studio in the south vibrant colours, different. Many people of of France: the “Yellow House” in Arles. all ages appreciate his work. On the other He wrote to his younger sister Wil that hand, people are interested in Van Gogh’s the lavish natural beauty of the south life story. His is the textbook tale of the demanded a new way of painting: artist whose genius is only matched by “Distinctly colourful: sky blue, pink, his loneliness. orange, vermillion, bright yellow, bright green, bright wine-red, violet”. institution where he painted his famous Vincent painted landscapes and, because cypresses and starry skies. On 27 July 1890 he could not afford to pay for models, he walked into a corn field and shot him- many self-portraits. self in the chest. He died two days later. The French artist Paul Gauguin came Today, Vincent van Gogh is such a to stay with Vincent, but they had an highly appreciated artist that his work argument. Van Gogh became so confused hangs in throughout the world that he threatened Gauguin with a razor. and is worth huge amounts of money. Shortly afterwards Van Gogh cut of a His portrait of the owner of the café in portion of his left ear, either accidentally Arles, “L’Arlésienne”, was auctioned in or on purpose. Some of his self-portraits New York in 2006 for 40.3 million dollars show him with his ear bandaged. (33.9 million euros). That is the equivalent Van Gogh became increasingly neurotic of the price of a Boeing 737 commercial and had himself committed to a psychiatric airliner. 77


Places to Go Captions Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum [page 76] Sunflowers, Vincent van Gogh, 1888, Nuenen: Van Gogh Documentatiecentrum Van Gogh Museum (Vincent van Gogh Stichting) (Van Gogh Documentation Centre) [left] Self Portrait, Vincent van Gogh, 1887, Otterlo: Museum Kröller-Müller Van Gogh Museum (Vincent van Gogh Stichting) Zundert: Van Goghhuis (Van Gogh House), [right] Vincent van Gogh, 1873 Van Gogh bicycle and walking route

Websites 1854 - 1929 Aletta Jacobs The emancipation of women

Aletta Jacobs was the first woman in Maria van Schurman, an educated woman Dutch history to be officially admitted (she had a command of no less than ten to university. This took place in 1871. languages) who lived in the seventeenth As a schoolgirl she had written a letter to century, had ever been allowed to attend Prime Minister Thorbecke requesting per- any lectures (in Utrecht). However, she mission to be allowed to attend “academic had had to sit behind a curtain so as not classes”. Aletta Jacobs’ dream was to to cause a distraction for the young men. become a doctor. Thorbecke answered Throughout her life, Aletta Jacobs within a week, but did not write to Aletta fought for the rights of women. As a herself. Instead, he wrote to her father doctor, for example, she opened a practice that permission had been granted. And that assisted women with contraception so, thanks to a seventeen-year-old girl, so that they did not have to become preg- in 1871 universities in the Netherlands nant every year. She also fought against were opened to women. Prior to this time, the abuses of the retail trade. In her prac- universities and most schools as well tice in Amsterdam, she had noticed that were only open to young men. Only Anna shop girls suffered from many physical complaints because they were forced to For centuries, politics had been the exclu- remain standing for the entire working sive domain of men, just like the academic day (which was then eleven hours long). world, the Church and the armed forces. Thanks to Aletta Jacobs, a bill was passed People believed that women were not that obliged shops to provide their staff the equals of men: their job was to run with seating facilities. For fifty years, the household and care for children, Aletta Jacobs also fought for the right to and therefore they could not participate vote for women, together with other men in public life. There had always been and women who supported the rights of criticism of this “patriarchal” view of life, women. These women called themselves but real changes only took place in the “feminists” and made their voices heard twentieth century. And a second wave in a variety of ways: they organised of feminist campaigning was needed to exhibitions, published newspapers and achieve these changes. In the early 1970s, pamphlets, established societies, held the “dolle minas” [Dutch women’s 79 demonstrations and submitted petitions. libbers] carried out a campaign for However, it was only in 1919 that the the emancipation of women. They did right to vote for women was introduced not want to be condemned to lives as in the Dutch Constitution. In 1922, housewives like their mothers before Dutch women voted for the first time. them. In 1980 the Equal Opportunities Aletta Jacobs was 68 years old at the time. Act came into force.


Places to Go Captions Groningen: Universiteitsmuseum (University Museum) [page 78] Aletta as a new graduate of medicine, Heesch: Poppenhuismuseum (Doll’s House Museum) Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen [above] SDAP demonstration for universal suffrage Websites in Amsterdam, 1916 1914 - 1918 World War I War and neutrality

From 1914 to 1918 the “Great War” raged When the United States joined the Allies in Europe. The war did have consequences in 1917, the balance was tipped in the for the Netherlands, but the country was Allies’ favour. In November of the follow- spared its horrors. In World War I, the ing year the Central Powers surrendered. Central Powers (Germany, Austria and During the war, the Netherlands had Turkey) were opposed by the Allies remained neutral, something that had (France, Great Britain and Russia). been a principle of Dutch foreign politics However, what it actually came down to for some time. The Dutch army was, how- was the soldiers of the two sides facing ever, mobilised to defend its own territory. one another along kilometres of trenches. Furthermore, the Netherlands had to deal When shooting broke out, the soldiers with the peripheral effects of the war. could do little else than take cover from Large numbers of Belgian refugees had the exploding shells and hope for the best. to be taken in, in temporary camps, They were even more powerless when they among other places. Unemployment rose had to attack the enemy. As soon as due to the fall in international trade they went over the top of the trenches, and the sinking (by torpedoes) of many they were mowed down by the machine merchant vessels. Food became scarce guns of the other side. The use of poison and rationing was introduced. In 1917 and gas was something new in this war. 1918, despairing housewives plundered Ultimately the war cost millions of lives. food stocks in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Many European countries experienced the during the war. In 1917 all men were upheaval of revolution during or after the granted the right to vote. After the war, war. In Russia, the Tsar was forced from in 1919, this was followed by universal the throne and executed, and the German suffrage for women. From 1919 onwards, and Austro-Hungarian empires were the Netherlands was a fully democratic replaced by republics. In the Netherlands, country: every adult man and woman had radical political changes were implemented the right to vote in elections.



Places to Go Captions Alkmaar: Le Poilu (First World War Museum) [page 80] Australian soldiers with gas masks (1917), Delft: Legermuseum (Army Museum, trench art) Imperial War Museum/Captain Frank Hurley The city of Ieper and surroundings, where heavy [top left] Man holding a heavy loaded bicycle in balance, fights took place during the First World War two children and a large bundle of clothing on it, Ieper (Belgium): In Flanders Fields Museum Refugees from Belgium (1914), Nationaal Archief Ieper (Belgium): Ramparts War Museum [top right] Red Cross transporting wounded soldiers in Rotterdam (1914), Nationaal Archief Websites [beneath left] Arrival of Belgian refugees on a horse- drawn cart from the port of Antwerp, Regionaal World-War-I Historisch Centrum Bergen op Zoom, [beneath right] Western front, Belgian and French 1914---1918.html soldiers in a trench (1917), unknown 1917 - 1931 De Stijl Revolution in design

Gerrit Rietveld’s famous red and blue reflect reality, but rather to express the chair of 1918 is not only red and blue: harmony that they believed was the law the frame is yellow and black. of the universe. This harmony demanded The chair therefore still meets the abstract shapes – straight lines and bright requirements that the artists of the De Stijl colours. Their works of art therefore did (The Style) movement upheld with regard not simply reflect the incidental state of to visual arts. In their eyes, only the three mind of the artist but helped the public primary colours (red, blue and yellow) along the path to truth and purity. and the three “non-colours” (black, white The group and their monthly journal and grey) were acceptable. Moreover, all called “De Stijl” were established in 1917. lines had to be straight and the angles It is easy to understand that this longing right-angles. for harmony developed in the chaotic Their principles of colour are still times of the World War I. The journal reflected, for example, in the works of continued to be printed until 1931, Dick Bruna (“Miffy”). In fact, Dick Bruna when the artist Theo van Doesburg died. was influenced by De Stijl but he deviated After his death the group dissolved. from the strict principles by immediately The artists who made up De Stijl were not using the colour green and curved lines. a fixed group: the composition fluctuated. More important than the design aspects The architect Gerrit Rietveld and the of De Stijl was the substantive task that artist Piet Mondrian, two of the move- the artists set themselves. The artistic ment’s key members, never even met content of their work was not meant to one another. De Stijl was very internationally-oriented According to Jaffé, one can even see simi- and gained an international reputation. larities between the art of De Stijl and the And yet the movement was firmly rooted struggle of the Dutch to master nature. in Dutch traditions. The art historian After all, the Dutch landscape with its H.L.C. Jaffé once said that the aim of precise geometric shapes, its straight lines De Stijl – to achieve the abstract, beauty and waterways brings to mind the paint- and purity – had its origins in the ings of Mondrian. In short, geometry and iconoclasm and the restrained, Calvinist precision, the abstract and purity had art of seventeenth-century Dutch been sought in the Netherlands for painters like Vermeer, Saenredam and centuries and this is reflected in the De Hooch. artistic works of the De Stijl movement.



Places to Go Captions Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum (City Museum) [page 82] Red and blue armchair, Gerrit Rietveld, Utrecht: Centraal Museum (Central Museum) Collection of the Centraal Museum, Utrecht Utrecht: Schröderhuis [left] Composition in Red, Blue and Yellow (1930), (Schröderhouse: design by Gerrit Rietveld) Piet Mondrian, Fukuoka City Bank LTD, Fukuoka, Japan Rotterdam: Café De Unie (design by J.J.P. Oud) [right] Rietveldt-Schröderhuis, Collection of the Centraal The Hague: Gemeentemuseum (Municipal Museum) Museum, Utrecht

Websites 1929 - 1940 The crisis years Society in the depression

The years from 1929 to 1940 are usual This support could not be too high, referred to as the “crisis years” or the because – according to the government – “great depression”: a long period of a that would make the unemployed lazy. falling economy and large-scale unem- The benefit paid out was just enough to ployment. The crisis began in October 1929 pay the rent and provide a simple meal. in the United States after the Wall Street There was no money left for entertain- Crash and soon the whole world was in ment, sports or clothes. To prevent the the grip of the depression. unemployed from accepting cash-in-hand The number of unemployed in the work alongside their benefit, they had Netherlands in 1930 totalled about to have their dole card stamped at 100,000 and reached its peak in 1936 with unemployment office once or twice a day. 480,000 people out of work. The numbers This was considered very humiliating. fell somewhat after this time but until the In addition, the unemployed could be outbreak of the war, hundreds of thou- forced to work in the relief work pro- sands of people remained out of work. gramme. This meant that a teacher could Up until then, unemployment rates in the be forced to take a spade and dig ditches Netherlands had never been this high and or build dykes. Large public works like the situation had never lasted for so long. the Amsterdamse Bos (Amsterdam Woods) One out of every four Dutch citizens had date from this time. been out of work for a year or longer. The government, under Prime Minister The government decided to provide Colijn, chose to keep its hands on the the unemployed with financial support. purse strings as much as possible. The budget had to be balanced, and for a votes to the right or left at the elections. long time Colijn refused to reconsider the The large democratic parties managed to value of the Dutch guilder. This policy retain most of their support. The National of economising was highly criticised – Socialist Movement, which promoted particularly by the socialists who believed powerful leadership, remained a small that the government needed to imple- right-wing party with little support. ment a much stronger economic policy. After World War II, new ideas The government appeared powerless arose about tackling the problem of to resolve the crisis and many Dutch unem ployment. Unemployed people citizens began to have doubts about their were approached in a more human, parliamentary democracy: the system less suspicious manner. In addition, seemed to represent division and lack the government made greater efforts of decisive action. This criticism did not, to assist the unemployed in finding however, lead to a significant shift of work. 85


Places to Go Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum (Amsterdam Historical Museum) Amsterdam: bezoekerscentrum Amsterdamse Bos (Visitor Information Centre of the Amsterdam wood) Amsterdam: Vakbondsmuseum De Burcht (Unionmuseum The Burcht)

Websites (This is the website of one of the world's largest documentary and research institutions in the field of social history in general and the history of the labour movement in particular),1929.html

Captions [page 84] “Who will help me along”, Spaarnestad Photo [above] Unemployed men lined up, Spaarnestad Photo [right] Prime Minister Hendrik Colijn during a speech (1938), ANP Historisch Archief 1940 - 1945 World War II Occupation and liberation

In 1933 Adolf Hitler came to power in up to the force of the German assault. Germany. He was the leader of the Once the Germans had bombed the centre National Socialist German Workers Party, of Rotterdam into the ground and were the NSDAP, known in English as the Nazi threatening to treat other cities in the Party which promoted anti-Semitism. same way, the Dutch military command The party profited from the discontent felt decided to surrender. The government by many Germans about the humiliating and the queen had already fled to England. way in which Germany had been treated Initially, the occupation did not seem after World War I. Hitler intended to too bad, but it quickly became clear what make Germany the most powerful country occupation really meant. Dutch men were in Europe. He first directed attacks on forced to go and work in German factories. Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. People were also taken away to prisons Subsequently he planned to neutralise and concentration camps without any Germany’s most stringent opponent in form of due process. The Jews in particular Western Europe: France. Both the Nether - were persecuted. The occupying Germans lands and Belgium were to be occupied in transported over 100,000 Jewish men, Hitler’s invasion of France. women and children in freight trains from On the morning of Friday, 10 May 1940, the Netherlands to concentration camps many Dutch citizens were awoken by the where most of them were put to death. droning of aircraft, exploding bombs and The Germans were assisted by members the rattling of tanks. German soldiers had of the Dutch National Socialist Movement crossed the border. The war had started. (NSB), who had a similar ideology, and by The Dutch army was far too weak to stand hangers-on and profiteers. On the other side was the resistance movement, which starvation” before being liberated in their gained a lot of support towards the end of turn. An extreme food shortage weakened the war in particular. The great majority the population and tens of thousands died. of the Dutch population was anti-German In May 1945 the German commander but passive. signed the surrender and the whole of the In the autumn of 1944, the south of Netherlands was liberated. At that time, the country was liberated by allied troops. the Dutch East Indies was still in the hands The area above the great rivers, however of the Japanese. Japan surrendered on (particularly the towns in the western 15 August 1945. provinces), had to endure the “winter of



Places to Go Amsterdam: Nederlands Verzetsmuseum (Dutch Resistance Museum) Groesbeek: Nationaal Bevrijdingsmuseum (National Liberation Museum) Hooghalen: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork (Memorial Centre Camp Westerbork) Overloon: Nationaal Oorlogs- en Verzetsmuseum Liberty Park (National War and Resistance Museum Liberty Park) Overveen: Erebegraafplaats Bloemendaal (Remembrance Cemetery Bloemendaal)

Websites Captions [page 86] Seyss-Inquart during his speech to newly- www.libertypark.nvl sworn-in army recruits in 1943, ANP Historisch, Archief/F.C. de Haan 1940-1945.html [above] Rotterdam, May 1940 [beneath] American and British soldiers, The Battle of Nijmegen, September 1944, MAI/Sam Presser 1929 - 1945 Anne Frank The persecution of the Jews

Anne Frank was born into a Jewish family a large-scale operation in the Netherlands in the German city of Frankfurt am Main to transport Jews to Eastern Europe. in 1929. The family fled to Amsterdam in Jewish families were notified to pack the summer of 1933. That was the year their bags for work in the East. They were in which Hitler came to power and began collected from their homes, put on trains his policy of driving the Jews out of the to the transit camp at Westerbork in the country. province of Drenthe and from there they The Frank family found a house in the were taken to death camps in Eastern Rivierenbuurt in Amsterdam. Anne went Europe. Over 100,000 Jewish men, women to school there and learned Dutch. After and children from the Netherlands died the occupation in May 1940, the German in concentration camps. In total, some authorities implemented measures in the six million European Jews were killed in Netherlands aimed at isolating the Jews the holocaust. from the rest of Dutch society. It was a In 1942, together with four other dramatic moment for Anne when she had people, the Frank family went into hiding to say goodbye to her fellow pupils and in a house behind Anne’s father’s company teacher, because she had been transferred on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. to a Jewish school. Jews were forced to wear It was here that Anne began to keep the a star of David so that they were easily diary which made her famous after the recognisable in public. Signs were hung war. She wrote about her experiences as a in cinemas, cafés and theatres stating: young, ambitious girl living in a stifling, “Entry Forbidden to Jews”. From July 1942, small room. Later – when she was free the German occupation forces implemented again – she wanted to become a writer. The family managed to stay hidden from of exercise books. These were the the Germans for two years but were then diaries his daughter Anne had written. betrayed and captured. Anne died in the Otto Frank took the diaries to several German concentration camp Bergen- publishers and in 1947 they were Belsen in 1945, aged only fifteen. Her published under the title Het Achterhuis. sister also died there. Her mother died in (The English title is: Anne Frank: Auschwitz. Her father, Otto Frank survived The Diary of a Young Girl.) In 1955, an the camp and returned from Poland. American stage adaptation of the diaries After the war, Miep Gies, a woman made the book world famous – just in who had helped the family when they time to save the actual Achterhuis that had were in hiding, gave Otto Frank a bundle been recommended for demolition.



Places to Go Amsterdam: Anne Frankhuis (Anne Frank House) Amsterdam: Joods Historisch Museum (Jewish Historical Museum) Amsterdam: Verzetsmuseum (Dutch Resistance Museum) Vught: Nationaal Monument Kamp Vught (National Monument Camp Vught) Westerbork: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork (Memorial Centre Camp Westerbork)

Websites Captions [page 88] Anne Frank, AFF Basel/AFS Amsterdam [top left] Star of David [top right] “Razzia” (raid) in Amsterdam, February 1941 [beneath] The entrance to the Achterhuis 1945 - 1949 Indonesia A colony fights for freedom

Proklamasi. Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini their surrender followed on 8 March. menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia... The allied troops became prisoners of We, the people of Indonesia, hereby war, most Dutch citizens were interned in declare the independence of Indonesia... civilian camps, and many men were taken into forced labour. The Japanese disman- On 17 August 1945, in a brief ceremony tled the administration system of the on the streets of , Sukarno made a Dutch East Indies and in reality this short statement proclaiming to the world signalled the end of the existence of that colonial rule of the Dutch East Indies the Dutch East Indies. had ended. Two days earlier, Japan had After 1945, the Netherlands tried to surrendered after the dropping of atomic restore its colonial administration through bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima negotiations and with force, in two police and Nagasaki. With Japan’s surrender, actions. However, on 27 December 1949, World War II in Asia was brought to an under a great deal of international end. pressure, it accepted Indonesian indepen- A widespread independence movement dence. Dutch New Guinea was only had existed in the Dutch East Indies before relinquished in 1962, and finally, after a World War II. Nationalist leaders like transition period under UN supervision Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta and Sutan and a plebiscite held among the Papuans, Sjahrir wanted their country to be free of the territory was ceded to Indonesia. the Netherlands, others simply wanted This meant that from 1969, the national more autonomy. The Dutch administration, borders of modern-day Indonesia were however, kept a tight hand on the reins. the same as those of the former Dutch And then came the Japanese invasion East Indies. in 1942. On 27 February, the allied forces Fighting was heavy during the struggle were defeated in the Java Sea Battle and for independence. By the 1960s, a total of over 300,000 Dutch people, Indo-Euro- celebrations surrounding the sixtieth peans, Papuans and Indonesians had left anniversary of Indonesian independence. the country. Most of these travelled to In this way, the Netherlands accepted that the Netherlands. They included 12,500 Indonesia had gained independence not Moluccan soldiers of the former Royal in 1949, but on 17 August 1945. Minister Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL) and Bot expressed regret that the Netherlands their families. In 1951, they arrived in the at that time “had stood on the wrong side Netherlands where their military service of history, as it were” and had caused was terminated. a great deal of suffering in so doing. This decolonisation is not yet a thing This was an important, sometimes con- of the past. In 2005, the Dutch Minister frontational speech for everyone involved of Foreign Affairs participated in the – in Indonesia and the Netherlands alike.



Places to Go Memorials in many Dutch cities, for example in The Hague Arnhem: Museum Bronbeek Arnhem: Het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum (The Netherlands Open-air Museum) Amsterdam: Tropenmuseum Amsterdam: Verzetsmuseum (Dutch Resistance Museum) Utrecht: Museum Maluku ((history of) Moluccan community in the Netherlands)

Websites, 1941---1945.html, Captions 1945.html [page 90] Handwritten Proklamasi, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen [above] Dutch marines in Indonesia, 1946, Hugo Alexander Wilmar, Rijksmuseum [beneath] Sukarno on one of the first Indonesian stamps 1886 - 1988 Willem Drees The welfare state

Willem Drees was one of the most popular municipal employees. After the war, Drees Prime Ministers in Dutch history. He was entered the cabinet as Minister of Social known as “Vadertje” (Father Drees) a Affairs. From 1948 to 1958 he was Prime nickname that shows the socialist Prime Minister of the Christian Democrat and Minister was a father figure not only for Social Democrat coalition (rooms-rode his own party but for the entire population coalitie). of the Netherlands. His enormous popu- Stories about Willem Drees always larity was largely due to the emergency mention his thriftiness and simplicity. law on state old-age pensions he imple- The most important politician in the mented in 1947. Netherlands went to work every morning At an early age, Drees joined the either on foot or by bicycle – he did not Social Democratic Workers’ party (SDAP), need a chauffeur-driven car. At the time, the predecessor of the Dutch Labour Party most politicians enjoyed cigars and drink- (PvdA). He experienced the crisis years of ing, but Drees refrained. And when an the 1930s as an alderman in The Hague American diplomat visited Drees at home and tried to alleviate the effects for to discuss American financial support for the Dutch economy, Mrs Drees apparently years and most of the Dutch lived their served him a cup of tea and a biscuit. lives within their own small social circle. The American supposedly said that a Catholic boys joined a Catholic football country with such a thrifty Prime Minister club, socialists joined a socialist hiking was undoubtedly greatly in need of association. assistance through the Marshall Plan. The Drees cabinets were broad-based, Drees was closely tied to the years in with Catholics and socialists having the which the Netherlands was recovering most sway. Together, they built the Dutch from World War II. The economy had to welfare state. The best-known measure be kick-started and everyone had to lend from that time is the state Old-age a hand. The emphasis was placed on Pension Act (AOW) of 1956, which Drees cooperation rather than conflict. initiated in 1947 with his emergency law Employees agreed to low wages to for the elderly. Every elderly person over achieve a com petitive position for the the age of 65 received a pension from 93 Netherlands in respect of other countries. the state. Pensioners at the time talked This meant that most people had to about “drawing money from Drees” as postpone buying a car or a television set. if he were paying them out of his own In politics, cooperation was the top pocket. When Willem Drees died in 1988, priority, even though pillarisation was he was 101 years old, so he certainly had ingrained in Dutch society during those time to enjoy his old-age pension.


Places to Go Amsterdam: Rijsmuseum (when the museum is fully accessable again (its renovation is estimated to be complete in 2012), the office of Drees will be on display) Arnhem: Openluchtmuseum (Open-air Museum) The Hague: Binnenhof (seat of the Dutch Parliament in Drees’ time)

Websites Willem-Drees

Captions [page 92] Willem Drees Sr., Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis/BG B27/653 [right] In 1954, the status of the Netherlands West Indies was upgraded from a colonial territory to a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands as a separate country within the kingdom. Spaarnestad Photo/ Hollandse Hoogte 1 February 1953 The great flood The danger of water

Late in the night of 31 January 1953, the Plans had been made earlier to strengthen dykes of the province of Zeeland gave way coastal flood barriers, but due to the war during an enormous storm: 1,835 people and post-war reconstruction they had lost their lives, 72,000 people lost their not been implemented yet. All the gaps homes and 200,000 hectares of land were between the islands were closed by dams. flooded. A national disaster. Across the The sea and river dykes were strength- whole of the Netherlands, money and ened and a storm surge barrier was built clothing was collected, evacuees were in the Dutch IJssel. warmly welcomed and aid arrived from As they went along, the engineers abroad. realised that not all the arms of the river The disaster could have been much should be sealed off because this would worse. If the dykes of the province of cause the unique natural environment to South Holland had not held, another disappear. For this reason, a storm surge 30,000 might have drowned and a further barrier was built in the Oosterschelde one million would have been made with openings that are only closed in homeless. Because, behind these dykes, the event of an emergency. The Wester- close to the Dutch IJssel, lies the lowest schelde could not be sealed off from the part of the Netherlands. The waters sea, because it provides access to the ports would have reached levels of over seven of Antwerp and Ghent. Consequently, metres in most places if these dykes had the sea dykes were simply reinforced here. burst. Thanks to this enormous project, the To prevent such a disaster reoccurring, south-western Netherlands is much more soon after the flood, work was begun secure against flooding than ever before. on the Delta works storm surge barrier. At the same time, new bridges and dams have improved the accessibility of the Netherlands was critical: some of the islands of Zeeland, which has fostered the great rivers were on the point of flooding. development of industry and tourism in This led to the implementation of a large the province. number of projects to strengthen the dykes. The great flood of 1953 clearly illus- However, experts believe that just raising trated how vulnerable large areas of the the dykes is not the solution. They think Netherlands were to flooding. It is now that the rivers should be given more known that the danger is not only from room, that building on river-forelands the sea, but from the great rivers as well. should be stopped and that areas should Climate change is causing rainfall in be designated for the temporary storage Europe to become unpredictable and this of excess water. This philosophy translates affects the water levels of the great rivers. into learning to live with water and not In 1993 and 1995, the situation in the in conflict with it. 95


Places to Go A drive over the 1.8 mile long Oosterscheldekering (storm surge barrier Oosterschelde). Ouwerkerk: Watersnoodmuseum (Flood disaster Museum) Vrouwenpolder: Deltapark Neeltje Jans


Captions [page 94] Small boat, unknown [left] Dreischen, unknown [top right] Rescue by a soldier, unknown [beneath right] Rescue by a soldier, unknown 1948 - the present Television The rise of mass media

In the 1950s, the Philips company was to limit private spending, but by the end one of the driving forces behind the intro- of the fifties this innovation could no duction of television in the Netherlands. longer be resisted. By about 1961, one In advertising campaigns, the Eindhoven- million television sets were in use in the based company praised the new medium Netherlands and around twenty hours a as a phenomenon that did not pose a week of programs were being broadcast. threat to the traditional family but would The news, dramas, entertainment and rather strengthen it. The advertisements sporting events were popular viewing. often showed a happy and harmonious Around 1970, virtually every household family watching the screen that was in the country had a black and white set bringing the world into their living room. and some had even moved on to colour. In order to capture a segment of the The arrival of the television caused European market, Philips first had to sell a great changes in the living room. The sufficient number of sets in its own coun- focus was no longer on the dining table try. To this end, in 1948 the company because everyone had to have a good view began the experiment of broadcasting of the TV from the sofa or an easy chair, programs that could be received in preferably with a side table nearby with Eindhoven and the surrounding area. snacks and a drink. The use of leisure In 1951, radio broadcasting corporations time was also affected. By around 1970, in Bussum took up the television experi- the average Dutch person watched about ment. The densely-populated western one and a half hours of television a day Netherlands was now receiving broadcasts and spent much less time on activities with the full support of Philips. like playing cards and board games. In those days of thriftiness and dili- Critics believed that this viewing gence, Prime Minister Drees attempted behaviour would lead to passivity and encourage slavish consumerism. and the royal family invited a lot of Supporters of the new medium, however, discussion. pointed out the fun that families had With the introduction of cable and while watching together and the infor- satellite television, the range of programs mative function served by television. on offer became much broader and more Television also played an important role international. Today, most people spend in shaping opinions on social topics. more hours watching television than Due to the limited viewing choice (until people in 1970 did, but watching television 1964 there was only one channel, and as a family activity is less common, due only two thereafter), many people used in part to the fact that a great many to watch the same programmes. children have their own television sets. When they arrived at work the next This individualisation has continued with morning, they had something to discuss. the advent of the internet, that offers an Programs about controversial issues like even wider window through which to 97 sex, emancipation, youth culture, religion view the world.


Places to Go Hilversum: Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (Dutch Institute of Picture and Sound)


Captions [page 96] Television, Bradley Mason [left] Philips brochure, Philips Company Archives [right] A Dutch family watching TV, 1950 circa 1880 - the present The port of Rotterdam Gateway to the world

If there is one place that has made the top priority port. In around 1250, a dam Netherlands such an important trading was built in the estuary of the small Rotte nation in modern times, it is Rotterdam. River to prevent inflowing seawater from The port lies at the delta of major Euro - making the river-water too salty. At the pean rivers, is accessible for sea-going dam, goods were loaded by hand from ships and currently has access to a market riverboats onto coasters – this was the of one hundred million people just a day’s beginning of the port of Rotterdam. In the drive away. It is the natural location for sixteenth century, Rotterdam developed Europe’s major port. The rebuilding of into an important fishing port and later the port was therefore a top priority the city had some share of the colonial during the post-war reconstruction of expeditions. However, Rotterdam never the Netherlands. The port was severely became the centre of colonial trade: the damaged in World War II – almost half port at that time was too difficult to reach of it was destroyed. Due in part to the from the sea and moreover, the major re-emergence of Germany and successful financiers and entrepreneurs had their European cooperation, trade with the offices in Amsterdam. German market was restored. Growth In the second half of the nineteenth was so swift that by the 1950s expansion century, the port changed dramatically. of the port was needed: the Eemshaven Mining and industry began to flourish and Botlek were developed. in the German Ruhrgebiet. Furthermore, Rotterdam had only become the major Rotterdam became much more easy to port of the Netherlands in the nineteenth reach from the sea. Under the direction century. Although the city had existed for of hydraulic engineer Pieter Caland, the a long time, it had not been considered a dunes at the Hook of Holland were cut through and a new link was dug to the Just like Schiphol Airport, Rotterdam is a port: the Nieuwe Waterweg (New Water - main port, a hub for Dutch international way). In the port itself, new harbour trade relations. Today, globalisation basins were dug. Steam cranes and means that goods are transported inten- other machinery facilitated loading and sively from one end of the globe to the unloading, and freight trains transported other. Competition is increasing – even the products quickly. between ports. For this reason the state is The port of Rotterdam has grown paying extra attention to the design and continuously over the past forty years, accessibility of the port of Rotterdam. for example, with the development of the The Betuwelijn, a new freight railway line Europoort and the Maasvlakte. It is impor- between Rotterdam and Germany, is one tant to the Netherlands government to of the projects that will lay the founda- keep the port of Rotterdam competitive. tions for the future of the port. 99


Places to Go Rotterdam: a boattrip in the harbour Rotterdam: Havenmuseum (Harbourmuseum) Rotterdam: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam (Maritime Museum Rotterdam) Rotterdam: visit the Wereldhavendagen (Worldharbourdays), yearly in August or September


Captions [page 98] OOCL container ship in the port of Rotterdam, ANP/Robin Utrecht [above] Unloading a container ship, Teun van den Dries [right] The Erasmus bridge against the skyline of Rotterdam, Willem Schulte 1911 - 1995 Annie M.G. Schmidt Going against the grain of a bourgeois country

“Never do what your mother tells you stories about a boy and a girl, Jip and to do, then everything will be alright.” Janneke [Jim and Jennifer], that were These words are typical of the Dutch published each day in the newspaper. writer Annie M.G. Schmidt. They are a This marked the beginning of a lifelong fine example of why so many of her collaboration that resulted in books such verses, songs, books, plays, musicals and as Pluk van de Petteflet, Otje and Floddertje. radio plays are both sparkling fresh In the 1950s, Annie had enormous and comically rebellious. success with her fortnightly radio series Annie was born in Zuid-Beveland in De familie Doorsnee [The Average Family]. 1911. The daughter of a clergyman, she Everyone in the Netherlands listened to the was a precocious child, and she examined series, regardless of which socio-political the world around her with a somewhat group they belonged to. The ups and surprised look in her eyes. She wrote her downs of this family portrayed the con- first verses of poetry when she was temporary life of Dutch families after fourteen. After World War II, she went the war. Annie also captured the spirit of to work for the Amsterdam newspaper the times in other works like her lyrics for Het Parool, where she met the illustrator cabaret shows and later in musicals. Her Fiep Westendorp. From 1952 to 1957 they first television series “Pension Hommeles” worked together on a series of children’s [Bicker’s Boarding House] was screened and was followed by the legendary series translated into numerous languages. “Ja zuster, nee zuster” [Yes, sister, No, sister], Her publisher referred to her as “the true that was adapted for the big screen in Queen of the Netherlands”. When he 2002. Annie M.G. Schmidt’s rebellious asked her to hold a book-signing session texts made her one of the most influen- at the Uitmarkt in Amsterdam, the organ- tial, and at the same time most gentle isers asked him to never do it again: critics of the respectable, bourgeois and the narrow lanes and alleys of Amsterdam pillarised Netherlands. could not cope with the crowds and Through her work, Annie M.G. Schmidt congestion. The secret of her success? inspired many children and adults. “I have always been eight years old. Millions of copies of Jip en Janneke alone And I actually write for myself. I think have been sold and her writing has been that is the point. I am eight.”



Places to Go Captions The Hague: Letterkundig Museum [page 100] Cover of Pluk van de Petteflet, (Literature Museum) Fiep Westendorp, Em. Querido’s Uitgeverij BV [top left] Jip and Janneke, Fiep Westendorp, Illustre BV Websites [beneath left] A statue of Jip and Janneke in [top right] Annie M.G. Schmidt, Steye Raviez/ Hollandse Hoogte [beneath right] A Chinese edition of Jip and Janneke 1945 - the present Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles Decolonisation in the West

The colourful architecture of Willemstad, decolonised and in Surinam too the move- the capital of Curaçao, bears witness to ment for independence began to gather the history of this port and trade centre momentum. The Netherlands, under the since 1635. Curaçao is one of the six Antil - leadership of Labour Prime Minister lian islands that form part of the Kingdom Joop den Uyl, immediately supported this of the Netherlands, together with Aruba, movement. Within two years, together Bonaire, Saba, St. Martin and St. Eustatius. with Henck Arron (Prime Minister of Up until 1975, Surinam was also included. the ruling coalition party in Surinam), The relationships between the Den Uyl had drawn up an arrangement Netherlands and its colonies in the “West” for arriving at independence. After weath- changed drastically in the second half of ering heavy opposition led by Jagernath the twentieth century. During World War Lachmon, finally, on 25 November 1975, II, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles the arrangement resulted in the unani- remained free. They provided military mous acceptance of independence. support to allied operations and supplied The Netherlands agreed to continue raw materials needed for the war industry, to support Surinam with development like bauxite and petroleum. After the war, funding for a long period. These payments the so-called overseas territories were were suspended for a few years following granted regional autonomy and the right the 1982 “December Murders”. to vote. This new relationship was set In 1975, the tensions between the down in the Charter for the Kingdom of different ethnic groups in the run-up to the Netherlands (Statuut voor het Konink- independence, uncertainty about the rijk der Nederlanden) enacted in 1954, a future and the choice each inhabitant type of constitution for a transatlantic king- had to make between either Surinamese dom with autonomous overseas territories. or Dutch nationality, led to the departure In the early 1970s, many African from Surinam of over 130,000 Surinamese and Asian countries had already been for the Netherlands. The Charter of 1954 continued to govern the relationship language, the Netherlands has strong between the Netherlands and the Antilles. trans-national links with the multicultural Within this framework, in 1986 Aruba Caribbean societies of Surinam, the Nether- was granted Status Aparte (separate status) lands Antilles and Aruba. Many languages and since 1996 it has been a nation within are spoken in those regions, but they all the Kingdom. Since 2005, discussions have have the Dutch language in common. been held with the other islands about In 2005 Surinam became a member of revising their relationships. the Nederlandse Taalunie [Dutch Language In many ways, through their long Union], alongside the Netherlands and common history, family ties and the Dutch Belgium/Flanders.



Places to Go Websites Amsterdam: Imagine IC (Image, identity and culture centre) Amsterdam: Kwakoefestival (multicultural festival,,1975.html held every Saturday and Sunday in July and August) Amsterdam: Tropenmuseum Captions Delft: Nusantara Museum (museum about [page 102] Willemstad waterfront, Curacao, history and cultures of Indonesia) Brand X Pictures/Hollandse Hoogte Rotterdam: Zomercarnaval [left] Prime Minister Den Uyl and Prime Minister Arron (multicultural summer carnival, held in July) sign the declaration of independence, 1975 The Hague: Sarnamihuis (Sarnami House, history and [right] Raising of the flag ceremony in the Suriname culture of Hindus in the Netherlands and Suriname) Stadium leads to exuberant celebrations among VIPs, Center Queen Beatrix, ANP Historisch Archief 1995 Srebrenica The dilemmas of peacekeeping

On 9 July 1995, the Bosnian Serb troops avoided the slaughter. Initially, attention of General Mladic moved towards the was largely focused on the troops, but it Dutchbat III protected enclave of Srebre- soon became clear that responsibility nica. Without too much resistance the could not be laid at their feet. Their man- attacking troops took control of this safe- date prohibited them from participating haven for Muslims. The Serbs had the in the war. In September 1996, the Nether- Muslims removed in buses, after first lands Institute for War Documentation separating the men from the women and (NIOD) was commissioned by the govern- children with assistance from the Dutch ment to investigate the exact circum- forces. A short time later, the Serbs stances of the incident. When the NIOD executed most of the men (at least 7000). report was published in 2002, Prime The Dutch soldiers, some of whom Minister Kok accepted political responsi- suspected what was to come but none bility for the massacre in Srebrenica and of whom witnessed the executions, were resigned. given safe passage to Zagreb, where they Right from the outset, Dutch soldiers were welcomed by Prime Minister Kok have participated in UN peacekeeping and Crown Prince Willem-Alexander. missions whereby, on behalf of the United When news of the massacre that had Nations, troops supervise compliance taken place “under the very eyes of Dutch- with peace treaties and ceasefires in bat” reached the Netherlands, the ques- various troubled areas around the globe. tion was raised as to whether the Dutch The first mission was in 1948, in Israel. soldiers should have protected the enclave A recurring problem during these missions against the Bosnian Serb troops ands so is the instruction on the use of force. What are the peacekeepers allowed to do, Srebrenica, it was once again set down and what is prohibited in these trouble that the House must be kept as well spots? The Dutch Lower House has the informed as possible in this regard. ultimate say in instructing Dutch troops. The aftershocks of Srebrenica were The House has to endorse the agreements felt deeply in the Netherlands. It led to made between the government and the increased hesitation and more caution UN regarding the degree to which the when deploying Dutch troops abroad. troops are armed and the type of force However, the incident did not result in they are permitted to use. This means that the Netherlands sitting on the fence the balance between the duties of Dutch and rejecting international requests for troops and the dangers they consequently military support, because the Netherlands run is ultimately struck in the Dutch desires to continue to play a role in Lower House. After the massacre at international politics and peacekeeping. 105

N.B. The canon committee hesitated before including this window. Not so much because the underlying story is so complex, or unflattering, to put it mildly, to the Netherlands. We have faith in the capacity of primary school teachers to explain this to their pupils, and a canon has to pay its dues to the blacker moments of history too. It is, however, the case that thanks to the internet, the most horrific images of the drama in Srebrenica are only a mouse-click away. Although the truth is undoubtedly served by this, the committee would like to warn teachers and other staff about the attendant risks.


Places to Go Captions Delft: Legermuseum (Army Museum) [page 104] Dutchbat in Srebrenica, Ministry of Defence The Hague: Nederlandse Veteranendag (Dutch Veterans [left] Dutchbat in Srebrenica, Nederlands Instituut voor Day, every year on the last Saturday of June) Militaire Historie [right] Burial of 308 identified Bosnians, July 2008, Websites Conor Smith Gaffney 1945 - the present Diversity in the Netherlands The multicultural society

On 1 January 2000, the twentieth century Pupils themselves know exactly which passed into history and the twenty-first school they attend. century began. While over five million Diversity in education, on the grounds people lived in the Netherlands in 1900, of ideology or teaching methods, has on New Year’s Day 2000 this number had existed throughout the twentieth century. grown to 15,864,000 according to figures Freedom of education is set down in from Statistics Netherlands. Some 1,598,200 Article 23 of the Dutch Constitution. of these were children attending primary The decision to regard privately-run school. schools as equal to public schools was In the Netherlands, there are many opposed in what came to be known types of primary schools, due among as the school funding controversy. other things, to differences in religion and This controversy had long been settled ideology. In addition to public schools, and, as a result of the secularisation, was there are, for example, Protestant, Roman all but forgotten, when, in 1988 and 1989, Catholic, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Humanist the first Hindu and Islamic primary and Anthroposophist schools. In principle, schools were set up. the curriculum is equivalent at all of these This founding of new schools arose schools. However, the lessons concerned from changes in the composition of the with religion and ideology are different. Dutch population. After 1945, the Nether- Because religion can also have an effect lands had been an emigration country on clothing and behaviour, on rituals with its people leaving for Australia, and religious holidays, schools can also Canada, the United States and South differ from one another in these respects. Africa, while its immigrants came largely Parents choose the schools for their from the former Dutch East Indies. children for their own reasons. From the beginning of the 1960s, an active immigration policy resulted in minaret is now a well-known city image. the arrival of immigrant workers from Since the beginning of the twenty-first countries like Italy, Spain, the former century, a new kind of school funding Yugoslavia, Turkey and Morocco, to fill controversy has been raging, largely jobs in Dutch industry. They brought their around new Islamic schools. This reflects families with them. The Netherlands, like the fierce political debate about the many other European countries, also relationship between society, culture offered asylum to political refugees and and religion that is being conducted on opened its borders within Europe. numerous themes: from major political In this way, the diversity of Dutch issues to the problems of everyday life. society increased rapidly in a short space Time and again the question of what of time. As recently as 1955, for example, “being Dutch” actually entails is raised. the first mosque in the Netherlands was The current, diverse generation of young established in The Hague. By 2000, Islam Dutch residents who are attending 107 in the Netherlands, just like Christianity, school now will be the ones to add had many different branches and the substance to the answer.


Places to Go Visit a church, a synagogue, a mosque or any other religious site Have dinner in a restaurant that serves non-European food Visit a market in a big city, and taste the non- European food that is for sale at the stalls Rotterdam: Dunya Festival (non-European music), yearly in May


Captions [page 106] Community centre children’s afternoon, Chris Pennarts/Hollandse Hoogte [left] Mevlana mosque in Rotterdam, Nick Hannes/Hollandse Hoogte [right] The Dutch National Soccerteam, 2007 1959 - 2030? The natural gas deposit A finite

It has been called the raft on which the For the Dutch government, natural gas is Dutch economy and prosperity floats: the a source of revenue. The state has a profit enormous gas field that was discovered share. The price of natural gas is linked in 1959 near Slochteren in the province of to the price of oil, and as the oil price Groningen. It is estimated that more than continues to rise, so to do the revenues 300 billion cubic metres of gas lie in the from natural gas. The question is: how ground here: the second-largest deposit long can the Netherlands continue to of gas known at the time. It is now known profit from this natural source of energy? that the field contains 3000 billion cubic According to the Nederlandse Aardolie metres of gas. Thanks to this discovery, Maatschappij (Netherlands Petroleum the Netherlands has gradually switched Company; NAM), that deals with extracting over to gas completely. Almost every the gas, the reserves are sufficient for household uses natural gas, and over at least a further twenty-five years of ten thousand glasshouses and some high-level production. However, the NAM five thousand businesses are connected believes that it will gradually become to the natural gas network. more difficult to meet all obligations. The so-called “gas pocket” is not actu- Dutch and foreign customers would have ally a pocket. The gas is trapped in porous to be served, in peak-demand periods as rock underground. It is sealed from above well, while the pressure in the Slochteren by a layer of impermeable rock (otherwise field is already reducing significantly. The the gas would have escaped into the technical problems involved in continuing atmosphere long ago). As the gas is to extract large volumes of gas from the extracted, the rock simply stays where field will become increasingly greater. it is. And yet, during large-scale gas It is for good reason that the NAM extraction, slight earth tremors may would like to begin operations in new occur caused by underground subsidence, fields, including under the Wadden Sea, which can lead to cracks in walls or roads. something to which some environmental organisations are violently opposed. Can the Netherlands manage without Their objections are not aimed at the use revenues from natural gas? Can the of natural gas – it is a clean fuel – but country, if the worst comes to the worst, rather at the disturbance of the tranquillity convert to alternative energy sources? of the Wadden Sea, the most important Should the Netherlands import more nature reserve in the Netherlands – and foreign natural gas and store it in its gas at skyline pollution, and, in particular, fields? And as far as the Wadden Sea is subsidence in the area. The major lobbyist concerned: does nature conservation for the area, the Wadden Society, has deserve a higher priority than economic agreed to operations being implemented gain, are gas revenues more important with the proviso that this takes place than the environment or can the under stringent conditions. quality of the environment and gas Future generations will be faced extraction be combined in an accept- with difficult political choices. able manner? 109


Places to Go Captions Petten: Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland [page 108] Burner on a gas hob, Rob Huibers/ (Dutch energy research centre) Hollandse Hoogte [left] Flare and drum, N.A.M. Websites [right] Pipelines, N.A.M. [beneath] The Wadden Sea at low tide, Merijn van der Vliet,1959.html 1945 - the present Europe The Dutch and Europeans

The Netherlands does not exist in isolation. (EEC) a reality: a customs union of the six It is closely tied to its neighbouring coun- member countries that guaranteed free tries and together they form Europe. trade in all products. The EEC quickly After World War II, the heads of state of launched a common agricultural policy a number of western European countries aimed at safeguarding the provision realised that the future of Europe lay in of food and improving the incomes of cooperation, to prevent another war farmers. The Treaty also established the breaking out. It started with cooperation European Atomic Energy Community in the area of strategic resources. Around (better known as Euratom), a third Euro- 1950, these resources were coal and steel. pean community, focused on the explo- At the time, coal was the major energy ration and development of nuclear energy source, and steel was needed in large for peaceful purposes. Later, the three amounts to reconstruct the infrastructure Communities were merged into a single of western Europe. Six European countries European Community; today, it is referred signed the Treaty of Paris in 1951, and by to as the European Union (EU). doing so established the European Coal This European cooperation was a and Steel Community (ECSC). This treaty success in many ways. Numerous other allowed for, among other things, free European nations wished to join. The first trade in these resources between the six new members were the United Kingdom, participating nations: the Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland (1973), followed Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany later by southern European enlargement and Italy. with the addition of Greece (1981) and In 1957, the six nations took the next Spain and Portugal (1986). In 1995, step by signing the Treaty of Rome. This Austria, Finland and Sweden joined, made the European Economic Community bringing the number of member states to fifteen. The biggest enlargement took priorities for European cooperation as place in 2004 when eight countries from shown by the Dutch rejection of the the former Eastern Bloc acceded to the proposals for a European Constitution. European Union along with Malta and For the Netherlands, a future without Cyprus. In 2007, the EU member states Europe is virtually unimaginable. The vast number twenty-five and further enlarge- majority of the nation’s trade takes place ment is around the corner. within Europe. The various economies of A European Union comprising ever the EU are strongly interwoven and the more countries is also an EU of more and freedom of movement of workers regularly more votes, interests and cultures. This reminds the Dutch (and others) that we makes it increasingly difficult to agree are all part of Europe and we are all on the future aims of the EU and on the Europeans.



Places to Go Captions Brussels (Belgium): a visit to the European Parliament [page 110] Euro coin, Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt Brussels (Belgium): Musée de l’Europe [above] The European Parliament in Brussels (Museum of Europe)

Websites,2005.html,2002.html (the Euro) Main lines of the canon

Introductory explanation: characteristics of the main lines 112 • It is important that certain terms like “the Netherlands”, “Dutch culture” and “Dutch history” are used with caution. After all, up until the nineteenth century the term “the Netherlands” is an anachronism and the adjective “Dutch” remains problematic in early history. When a text mentions the history of Dutch language and culture, and Dutch territory and the Dutch state, we actually mean “relevant to this region”, without the suggestion that this region in that time already presented a cultural, political or linguistic unity. We have treated these matters as historical phenomena. • In the texts, Dutch history and culture are not treated as isolated components but rather they are described within the context of developments in Europe and the rest of the world. • The structure of the main lines is roughly chronological, although it should be pointed out that certain aspects (for example, the struggle against the water or Christian culture) cannot be restricted to one single period. • The main lines provide orientation in time and place: they sketch a general picture of what the previous generations that inhabited this region would have experienced. Main lines of the canon of Dutch history and culture

Introduction These fourteen “main lines of the canon” are meant to serve as background texts to the fifty windows. They are the red threads running through the history of the Netherlands that indicate the cross-links between the separate windows, thereby helping to create cohesion in the topics, objects, persons and themes featured on the chart.

1 The Low Countries by the sea 113 The modern-day Netherlands was largely “created” by human hands: dyked-in, reclaimed and developed. Adapting to and struggling against water is a red thread in the history of this region. > The Beemster polder • The great flood

2 On the periphery of Europe The region that is today known as the Netherlands is a river delta on the periphery of the European continent. This geographic position has deter- mined the history of the region throughout the centuries. In 4500 bc, an agrarian society began to develop here, and from the beginning of the Christian era the region formed one of the frontiers of the Roman Empire. In later centuries, the region became part of other large empires. It was only from about 1590 that the first contours of the modern-day Netherlands began to be mapped. However, the borders would often be changed dramatically. > The Roman Limes • Charlemagne • Charles V

3 A converted country Little is known about the religion of the earliest inhabitants of the region, but thanks to Tacitus (among others) we do know something about the gods that the people here honoured. The people of the low countries converted to Christianity from about 600-700 ad. Monasteries became centres of culture. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, wars were waged in the name of the true doctrine. Today, Christianity still remains an important feature of Dutch culture. > Megalithic tombs • The Roman Limes • Willibrord • Erasmus • The Beeldenstorm • The Statenbijbel 4 A Dutch language The earliest extant words written in Dutch date from circa 1100. They were written by a Flemish monk. Printed material in the “mother tongue” only became available in the sixteenth century. Many people continued to speak and write in Latin (scientists) and in French (the elite). Regions had their own dialects. And yet the Netherlands has a long history of literature in its own language. The borders of language do not run parallel to political borders. > Hebban olla vogala • The Statenbijbel • Max Havelaar • Annie M.G. Schmidt

114 5 An urbanised country and a trading hub at the mouth of the Rhine, Schelde and Maas rivers From circa 1100, urbanisation began to take place in the region and trading centres were established. The centre of gravity initially lay in the south (Flanders and Brabant), but by circa 1500 the north (province of Holland) was a strong centre of trade. From circa 1600, the provinces of Holland and Zeeland were important hubs for trade in Europe. The modern-day Netherlands continues to fulfil this function. > The Hanseatic League • The canal ring • The port of Rotterdam

6 The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands: founded on rebellion Towns, with their citizens, have different interests than the nobility. The first signs of a clash of these interests could be seen early. In the late Middle Ages, the Burgundian rulers tried to bring the Low Countries under one administration, but this policy met with resistance from both town- dwellers and the nobility. In the sixteenth century, this resistance blended with the call for Reformation. War broke out and the nobility became “gueux’. William of Orange rose to become the leader of the Rebellion and for this reason is known as the “father of the fatherland”. The unique political structure known as the “Republic” developed after his violent death in 1584. Features of the Republic: the administrative power of regents; weak central authority; religious tolerance. > Floris V • Charles V • The Beeldenstorm • William of Orange • The Republic • Hugo Grotius • Spinoza • The canal ring 7 The blossoming of the Golden Age The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands was a superpower in Europe in the seventeenth century: economically, politically and culturally. The period was short but intense. Immigrants (Jews, Flemings, Huguenots) played an important role in this blossoming. In the cultural domain, the scope and quality of seventeenth-century painting was particularly remarkable. Economically, it was shipping, the staple market, the highly-developed land cultivation and industry. Politically, the Republic had a unique form of government on a continent where monarchies were the rule. The disaster year of 1672 signalled the beginning of the end for this period of previously unknown blossoming. 115 Thereafter, the Republic was a humble player on the European stage, dependent on the European powers for room to manoeuvre. In economic and cultural terms, the Republic was also less of a European player from the end of the seventeenth century. > Hugo Grotius • Rembrandt • Michiel de Ruyter • Blaeu’s Atlas Major • Christiaan Huygens • Spinoza • Country mansions

8 Business sense and colonial power Dutch ships took to the seas from about 1600. Europe was the world’s centre of trade, but business was conducted in Asia, Africa and America as well. Colonies were established in Asia and America. The Dutch also traded in slaves on all three continents. In the nineteenth century, the centralisation of the Dutch administration of the colonies led to lengthy wars. To this day, the Netherlands still maintains strong ties with Indonesia, Surinam and the Antilles. > The VOC • Blaeu’s Atlas Major • Slavery • Max Havelaar • Indonesia • Surinam and the Antilles • Diversity in the Netherlands

9 Nation-state, constitutional monarchy In the second half of the eighteenth century, due to the influence of the Enlightenment, among other things, the need arose among a broad range of people to acquire and disseminate knowledge. New ideas about the organisation of the state and society were discussed. The patriot movement’s attempts to limit the power of the Stadholders (governors) and to give the people a greater voice were initially unsuccessful. The modern-day Dutch state was formed between 1795 and 1848. The founda- tions of the nation-state were laid in the French period (1795-1813). After the defeat of Napoleon, William I, the son of the last Stadholder (governor) became king of a united kingdom. This “restoration” of the Netherlands did not last long, because Brussels joined in the rebellions of the year 1830. In 1848, the foundations for a constitutional monarchy (as the Netherlands still is today) were laid with the drafting of the Constitution by Thorbecke. The kingdom became minor power that cherishes its neutrality. > Country mansions • Eise Eisinga • The patriots • Napoleon Bonaparte • King William I • The Constitution 116 10 The rise of modern society From circa 1870, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht began to grow into cities. Industrialisation reached the region relatively late. The laying of the first railways began somewhat earlier. Distances became smaller: the integration of the Netherlands had begun. The call for equality under the law became stronger. “Common” citizens demanded their say in society and politics. This resulted in universal suffrage being granted to men and women in 1917 and 1919 respectively. “Modern” artists of the time no longer regarded themselves as the keepers of established artistic traditions and reveal themselves as artistic innovators. In literature this goal is reflected in the “Movement of the Eighties”, in painting, in Impressionism and Post-impressionism and in the applied art of the Art Nouveau and Modernism movements. > The first railway • Opposition to child labour • Vincent van Gogh • Aletta Jacobs • World War I • De Stijl

11 The Netherlands in a time of World War 1914-1945 As a small country, the Netherlands tried to avoid involvement in large conflicts in Europe. It succeeded during World War I, but at its end, the Netherlands was dragged into a world crisis. The blackest moments of the German occupa- tion were the bombing of Rotterdam, the deportation and murder of the Jewish population and the winter of starvation. In Asia, the war began in 1942, but after the liberation of 1945 a new war began that lasted until 1949. World War II is referred to as “the past that refuses to become history”. > World War I • De Stijl • The crisis years • World War II • Anne Frank • Indonesia 12 The welfare state, democratisation and secularisation Reconstruction began immediately after the end of World War II. After those years of deprivation and hard work, the 1950s heralded in a period of great change in the lifestyle of the Dutch population. The welfare state and an afflu- ent society ensured a radical rise in the standard of living. In addition, people were breaking their ties with their church, socio-political group and family. This change was marked in particular by less hierarchical relationships between parents and children, the rise of new male and female role patterns and increasingly open views on sexuality. In terms of politics, this was combined with a strong movement towards democratisation: the authority of established, elite groups was called into question. 117 > Willem Drees • The great flood • Television • The port of Rotterdam • Annie M.G. Schmidt • The natural gas deposit

13 The diversification of the Netherlands After World War II, the Netherlands became embroiled in a colonial war with the Indonesian independence movement. During and after this war, many Dutch, Indo-Europeans, and left for the Netherlands. Other immigration waves followed: in the 1960s, workers from Mediterranean countries arrived, at the time of the decolonisation of Surinam (1975) people arrived from the former colony and later from the Netherlands Antilles, as well as numerous other regions. Dutch society changed with this increasing immigration. Inevitably, tensions arose between the established inhabitants and the new arrivals. > Indonesia • Surinam and the Antilles • Diversity in the Netherlands

14 The Netherlands in Europe After World War II made way for the Cold War, the Netherlands became an advocate of Atlantic and European cooperation. Once the Cold War had ended, European cooperation rapidly gained momentum. In this phase, the Netherlands was also active in UN peacekeeping missions. > Srebrenica • Europe