THE ADVENTURER It Is Interesting to Learn from a Papyrus in the University Museum by Exces- of MONTENEGRO High Cost Living and CZAR NICHOLAS &, B
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UNITED LABOR BULLETIN Page Seven RETIRES WITH RECORD FREIGHT RATES OLD PROBLEM Qovsrnmsnts snd the Transportation Over the Sub- CONDUCTOR Lines Wrangled OLDEST RAILROAD ject 1300 Years Ago. IN COUNTRY ENDB WORK. THE ADVENTURER It Is Interesting to learn from a papyrus In the University museum by exces- OF MONTENEGRO high cost living and CZAR NICHOLAS &, B. Ughtcap of Kansas City Had 45 that tho of Ysars of Continuous Bervlca With sive freight rateji were Issues at least 1,800 peculiar \ One Lins —Talks of Times' years ago, and It is a coincidence that the complaint arose i Changes. COPYRIGHT RIDGWAY In Theadalphia, a name closely allied KINGBY CO. ARTHUR D. HOWDEN SMITH. to our own city, which Is now wres- "After 46 years of service, 34 of those tling with the cost of food and the year as conductor of a passenger rates on anthracite coal. It seems as train, S. B. Ught- If there is nothing new under the sun. cap, 81C Forest the same issues prevail and the same avenue, Kansas struggle Is being waged. boon re- City, has However, It seems certain that we tired at the age of are much better ofT than the fellahin seventy years, of Egypt In the apostolic age, or even pension with a than the small proprietors, who from the railroad landed had to pay as much freight "as the company of $64 a traffic would bear" for transportation m?mvoc mouGHTfir sarw atxvxuu re- month for the on the Nile. We get a glimpse of life E HAS always seemed to me the prince of mainder of his under the Ptolomles In Egypt, when all adventurers: a man whose nostrils life. the country was drained to furnish Llght- sniffed the breath of battle as eagerly as When Mr. Roma with food. It la an amazing ’ roost of us sniff a flower; a mau whose cap retired he was thing that In the Fa youm district, ' person delighted the zest of dan- the oldest conduc- is a pockdt to the west- virile In which little ger, who was invariably willing to stake tor In years of ser- ward of the Nile, flimsy records on so as be . his on the right; a man hardy vice. far papyrus have been preserved all deter- In the should ! mined, daring, resourceful, bold, yet never knows. to this day. This Is only possible In reckless; withal a man who knew United States. a of perpetual dryness. Egypt when land to enough steer the Mr. Ughtcap saw many changes In has without rain through two let well alone and the thriven middle path of caution. methodß of railroading. When he millenniums because the necessary went in 1868 it was He happened to be born with royal blood In bis to Omaha from water comes not from the skies, but j reins; Every of Pittsburgh, where he had gone along the Nile from the center of Hbut that is of small account. inch territory, he has fought for, after being mustered out of the Union Africa. every subject he owns, army Penn- and It Is to to He was in the Fourteenth Eighteen centuries may seem a long his credit that the domains handed sylvania cavalry was In. every him by predecessor, fifty-two years ago, and time to us, at the time the com- his have principal battle In the east from the but been rather more than In extent and popu- plaint of freight rates was mentioned doubled second to through might the agility battle of Bull Ran the sur- had been at least 5,000 years of lation the of hla sword and render there of at Appomattox. recorded history In Egypt, and un- his brain. "When I began as a passenger con- of Montenegro, doubtedly many millenniums which Nicholas Petrovich Nlegoch, czar ductor from Kansas City to Brook- left no record. The poor fellahin, the prince of the Zeta, voivode of Brda, and gospodar rills." he said. Abilene was the north- actual cultivators of the soil, com- of Tchernagora. Europe’s last feudal ruler, was born ern end the long from at * of cattle trail prised a sort pcUient who Nlegoch. the ancestral home of his house, on There bouse north of animal September M&raz/H seme tv Texas. was not a had become Inured to oppression and 25, 1841. He came of the wonderful railroad, where the principal line which for more TmumssenwG szkyra-* of the greed, and who never had the slight* has given rulers to Montenegro of ITmumssenwG1 port Abilene is now, and I have est opportunity for self-development than two hundred years and which was one of the seen thousands of Texas cattle grazing until within thirty years, when the foremost families of the ancient principality for country miles who had there. In all of the tor British government set him on his feet centuries before that. The Petrovich dynasty has young Nicholas, oust of where rich farms are upon his Abllens. and gave not only freedom from reigned in Montenegro since 1696. when the rule of often relied the him Bow. there was not a settler and lashings by the from extra the hereditary vladlkas. or prince-bishops, was In- judgment and advice. But was a courbash. aod was unbroken. Sallna taxation, but permitted him to ac- augurated. But for hundreds of years before that no man. however young, through a something on his date, even before the time of the first Black Prince. could have gone cumulate little which had own account and to become more Stephen Chrnolevlch, the Petrovich were an hon- the experiences than a tool of the officials. —Philadel- ored family, who boasted the rank of roivode or been the prince’s lot dur- years phia Inquirer. • ;lord. ing the few of his All of the men of this line have been men of great reign without learning personal prowess, exceptional military ability, much thereby. MAIL EXCHANGE WORKS WELL statesmanship and political cunning, and possesed Nicholas realized that of marked personal magnetism. Living, for the it was as certain as such New Idea Tried Out Has Received most psrt, lives of strictest celibacy, quaint mix- things could be that soon- have of the Government tures of the warrior and the monk, they presided er or later he would the Sanction Turkey Railroad Mall Service. over the destinies of their tiny nation with a sense another war with of responsibility that you will not find equaled by on his hands. He set out A new mall exchange Is being tried the standard of any ruling dynasty in Europe to prepare for It almost out In California and has been pro- At the beginning of its existence. Montenegro was before hostilities had been nounced a success by the representa- ruled by successive dynasties of princes, of which concluded. He secured mod- tlvee of the government Railroad Mall t» i last was the Chrnolevlch In 1616, however, large quantities of artillery—- Service department of the post office the system of government was changed, and what TONG 2f7CZfOZJL6 AND JOTZcQf ern rifles and as well ax by the officials of the rail- were known as elective vladlkas were Installed. W7ZOW3 CTJairVlgßa an arm in which the road company along whose line this One ruler of the Petrovich was succeeded by his Montenegrins had been device Is being used. A 15-foot tower brother's son. Strangely enough, there was he has written several poetic dramas, including sadly crippled—and instituted a systematic plan the Is erected at each mall delivery sta- never any jealousy among the nephews nb< were "The Empress of the Balkans" and "Prince Ar- of military organiaztion. on the model of tion. At the top of these towers are passed over. banit.'' all dealing with Serb history, and de- greater European nations. a pair of great semi-circular horns, For Instance, the father of Cxar Nicholas. clared to possess unusual merit. The result was that Turkey feared to wring while the tower at the base Is imbed- Mlrko. known as the “Sword of Mor.tenegro'— He was not quite nineteen when he was called from Montenegro all the privileges the sultan ded in cement and surrounded by a the most famous warrior the little land can boast to take his uncle's place. Two months later he had really gained under the last treaty. small platform Tbe mall train Is and a stalwart bulwark against the invasions of married Milena Voukovlch. daughter of one of During the next fourteen years there were equipped with a pair of on tbe the Mont-negro the principal voivodes, who had been a brother- many • outbreaks along the frontier In 6. B. Llghtcap. rails Turks which threatened until covert celling of tbe car On this Is placed 1878. when Russia put a stop once and for all to ln-arms of his father. Mlrko. The Czarina Mil- fact, such affairs have always been regular top- reiy small village and In all the coun- a steel arm on wheels, which arm. Moslem aggression In Europe—was twice passed ena is still one of the handsomest women in Eu- ics of gossip in Montenegro up to the present try west of there a plow had never attached to a chain, raises a large over for the throne, the second time In favor of rope. She stood shoulder to shoulder with her time. been stuck Into the sod. steel hook when pushed forward. A his own son Yet he fought cherefull.v both for husband throughout all the trials and adversities It came in 1576.