I CAN MOVE community dance palestine NARRATIVE REPORT: FEB. 2012 - AUG. 2013 1 IMPRINT: Copyright © 2013 by YANTE All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of this work in any form – total or partial – is forbidden without the written permission of the publishing parties. PUBLISHED BY: Youth, Art & Levante (YANTE) AUSTRIA Stumpergasse 57/58, 1060 Vienna Mobile: +43 (0) 676 3193323 Tel/Fax: +43 (0) 1 9717946 PALESTINE 16. Al-jami’a Street, 72100 Ramallah Mobile: +972 (0) 592 123 218 / +972 (0) 592 123 216 E-MAIL & WEB
[email protected] www.yante-icanmove.org EDITOR: Dylan Collins PHOTOS: YANTE Premiere pictures: Dylan Collins & Riyad Hamad TABLE OF CONTNET 1. Preface 1 2. YANTE 2 3. I CAN MOVE 4 P6. Pilot P7. Conclusions drawn from the pilot for the launch of the I CAN MOVE ToT programme P9. Structure of ToT 4. ToT Implementation 14 P15. Semester 1 P30. Semester 2 P42. Semester 3 P56. Participating Trainees 5. OutReach 58 P60. Performance - Street-Children/Child- Labourers P77. Work in Schools & Community Classes P78. Dance Library at Goethe Institute. P80. Exhibition: Smell the yasmine and taste the olives. P80. Research by the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace, Spain 6. Media Coverage 82 7. Conference & 86 Symposiuyms & Peize Nominations 8. Team Yante 90 9. Partners & 94 Supporters Coming soon 98 july - august I CAN MOVE . community dance palestine 2013 15 committed dance trainees in our training programme. 450 children participating in our dance sessions. 200 children on stage performing Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’, one of every four is a child-laborer.