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November 22, 1988 BARUCH COLLEGE, CUNY Page 81

The Of/ice 0/Counseling And Psychological Services Tests How Well Baruch Students Play Herbert M. Paul


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alnll~ llring your ad wit h » check <11 111

Ic. Are you a winter, spring, summer colors and bone structures are all dience who portrayed the visual r. or fall? This terminology wouldn't factors which determine which identities of the four seasons, and appear awkward to you, had you season we belong to. Spring Isbeque demonstrated a color Seasonal Color Theory been a member of the workshop of represents lively, warm, golden and analysis for each of them. The color consultant, Dominique Isbe- animated looks. Rich, dynamic and workshop allowed ample time for que, on Thursday October 20th. earthy is more typical of Autumn. the many questions and contribu­ Seasons are determined by skin, Through the use of collages splash- Gentle pastels create Summer and tions of the audience, who generally ed with different scenes of people intense dramatic and sophisticated seemed very enthusiastic. tone, hair, eye color and bone Now available if you: with various physical appearances, is, typical of Winter. Winter and and color palettes with an array of Summer people tend to be of dark Dominique Isbecque has had 8 structure. shades from the spectrum, this skin color, hair and eyes, with well- years experience as a color consul- • Are the holder of an F-l or J-l VIsa. specialist demonstrated to the defined bone contour. On the other tant, Her academic background in- Winter and summer people have Awards can range from $250 to $150 for Spring '89 semester. students of Baruch, how they can hand, those with light features and eludes a degree in color • Are'enrolled full time in an undergraduate capitalize on the use of color, subtle bone structure fall into the photography and specialized train- dark skin hair and eyes. They look degree program at a CUNY senior college. blended with personal style. This Spring and Autumn category. ing in color analysis. A typical con- Deadline for the Spring '89 semester: December 2, 1988. can enhance one's image and ap- Much of the workshop was spent sultation with her would cost • Are in good academic standing. pearance, which in turn generates on dressing for interviews. Certain anywhere from $75-$150 for about best in dramatic colors. an increase in self-esteem and taboos discussed included not dress- 2 years. This would include a color • Complete a "Foreign Student Scholarship Application". positive impressions. ing better than your prospective as well as personality analysis, con- Spring and fall people have liqhter Dominique Isbecque utilizes the boss and not wearing green for any cept was sensical, while Applications are available at the Foreign Student Advisor's Seasonal Color Theory, a concept financial field. Marketing positions another opinion was that it was complexions and a less well-defined based on nature which draws a allow more flexibility of style. A quite informative. One attendant Office at your college. parallel between the characteristics more general rule of thumb seemed said, "I never even thought that bone structure. Look. best which differentiate people from to be, "Dress for the position you color was such a vital factor in in-l .. each other and t?econtrast .of.the want and slightly above." fluencing the way we appear." . ,_ ; " in -earth tones, .. "i '.' -" -- ..', . ~~~.,~~~'~~\~r.'~~P~.~~~~~~~;AJ~~r'.\'.F~.··(·/~~'V~'·"~~~~~.~.'u.~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~~.... "'.~';'-;'" 't ••• ",e.~~~""l",.'~. ~.~ ... ; •• • J"", ...~ ,".. . -

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damental assumption is that in­ Rebalancers have opposite pro­ PHOTOS AND TEXT 8y JOAN PAITERSON vestors are averse to risk and that blems; they often buy and sell too they must be tempted by higher early. returns in order to take a higher Markowitz concluded that if the risk. Portfolio theory is one which stocks.one chooses are. interrelated. AIIoza FIaabert (24, Upper Sel1iGr, tries to avoid high risk by diversify- They would never reduce the risk There is a saying which goes White House for four years. Accounting major) 'ing investments..Evidence that in­ dramatically and maximize r.eturn "There is nothing permanent in this On the other hand the Democrats • vestors try to avoid risk is shown by on investment in the long run. world except change itself." The should not be all that discontent founders of this country fully because they still control the U.S. Flaubert predicts drugs to be the their investment in life, health acci­ Some of Markowitz's other main problem facing this country dent insurance. People are willing realized that saying. They sought to Congress. What about all the pro­ endeavors include developing a create a government in which blemsthe new President must face? today. "I feel this society is on the to invest to avoid future uncertain- sparse matrix techniques for solving downslope as far as values are con­ change would not disrupt the COUl1­ Never before has a President had to ty, to minimize risk factors in the thousands of simultaneous equa­ cerned, and that the drug problem I future. A computer ·program is one try but rather enhance,it. Probably; deal with such a myriad of domestic, I tions ar the Rand Corporation. In is leading a good part of our society that uses a model of the portfolio Herbert M. Paul in 1952 the 'best tool the founding fathers ~and foreign problems. Not only are 1962, he' helped found a software created to.deal with change was that these dilemmas numerous and com­ astray." Young people are the ones analysis to calculate the set of effi­ firm, Consolidated Analysis who are led astray the most. This I receive his Master's of Law. His of presidential elections. In many plex, but so are the solutions. These cient investments within a port­ Centers, Inc., to exploit his simula­ could have serious reprecussions connection with the University has other countries. the removal and mdoem and sophisticated pro­ I' folio. The program indicates the tion language, Simscript. not only now, but later on as 'Nell continued to this day. He is a Pro­ replacement of leaders can blems. President Elect George Bush proportion of an. investor's fund when this Ulost generation" must At IBM, he developed a database fessor of Taxation at the N.V.U. sometimes mean a revolution, or must rise to meet the occasion that should be allocated to each assume tile reins of power upon language that ultimately became and is a member 0 f the even worse, the total collapse of the because four years from now, the security in order to achieve efficien­ reaching maturity. cy kand to maximize within the obsolete. Some of the endeavors University's Board of Trustees. • country itself: Just look in any Democrats will be coming up to the given degree of risk. Markowitz is involved in now are: a When he completed his educa­ history book from any time period; plate again looking to improve their The investors In Harry minority owner and research direc­ tion, he went to work for Touche there are more than enough ex­ dismal "hitting" percentage. Markowitz's model are of two tor of the Wall Street firm Brignoli Ross. He stayed at the na­ amples. But in America, things are To keep' the Democrats from kinds: rebalancers and portfolio in­ Models, which manages more than tional/international accounting different. Here the transfer of ex­ "hitting," Bush must not strike surers. The two strategies in playing $2 billion in portfolios by com- i firm for 25 years and became a ecutive power rarely brings out any out. During his administration he ! the marker are; I) those who go puter. He teaches at Baruch and is.a i senior tax partner. Paul decided action more belligerent than a should concentrate on those pro­ Fanor Marjory (19, Sophomore, I with the market's trend and 2) those published writer with a new book. ; that he had "spent a lot of years heated debate and the only thing blems which he feels are the most Businm Administration major) I , that gets spilt is ink, not blood. important to address. By carrying on a campaign of who trade against it.' Both have pro­ Markowitz explains that, as and accomplished a great many 1- things and probably was anxious Two weeks ago for the 41st Con­ Sometimes figuring out the main name calling - and ill-will the : - blems; trend chasers miss the begin- observed by the Brady Commis­ secutive time in its 212th year of ex­ topics to be resolved are just as dif- Democrats and Republicans hitve :::: ning of rallies and declines fre­ sion, tbe crash of 1987 was due to for a change," so he left Touche­ ~z istence, this country-has carried out ficult as finding the resolutions . created between themselves a reel­ quently buying high and seIling low. the fact that the portfolio insurers Ross to form his own firm in 1982. themselves. As a follow-up from ing of dislike and distrust. This is numbers tilted the balance so that' Though he had the normal dif­ another. peaceful exchange of ficulties of assembling a staff and , leadership. The Republicans have the last'edition of The Ticker, we the main problem, Fanor brings up, the rebalancers could not stablize ! - won control of the executive branch have decided to go back to the that makes all the other dilemmas ::!: the market. There was a need for finding clients, his business flourished. He recently merged his yet again and the next four years classrooms, halls and cafeterias of pale by comparison. Once this divi­ i more selling than the portfolio in­ will see Mr. Bush directing the main Baruch College to see what the sion is cleared up and the country I Its fundamental surers managed to do. If tile first $5 firm with another to form Mahoney Cohen Paul, Co . efforts of this country. Understan­ average student believes are this unites its efforts, then the president billion or $6 billion hadn't can get to other business. \ Paul is a partner in the Manhattan dably, the Democrats are not pleas­ country's main problems. Five I assumption is that swamped the market there were: Fanor explains "I think the presi­ ! firm which employs 120 people. ed. In the past 20 years, the students we interviewed for their .. many'to follow. opinions P!lt'hls..t9pic. ---.~._---, _ .... -_., ."---,'-' dent-shoaid speak' more aboat 1he One thing Paul likes about his Democrats have' only OCetiPiecf the investors are averse average citizen and average eon­ Harry Markowitz has future. job is that he learns as much about Harry Markowitz cems like education, acid rain and to risk and that they plans, but we will not know of them' a company as any of the employees. Leong Philippe (18, Lower jobs. This can only be accomplished until they are fully created. Let's He added that he enjoys helping Sophomore, Business Administra- when the two parties join together must t\3 tem pted by hope that more valuable theories i people achieve their goals and to' tion major) , and forget their differences." Harry Markowitz, the father of a chance to teach his own theory. and knowledge will come from him : legally save taxes. He uses his legal An advocate of the war on drugs, the modern portfolio theory is a What a true satisfaction. in the future. Harry Markowitz is , training in solving a company's ac­ Philippe believes that the drug pro­ professor in Baruch's graduate pro­ Markowitz just recently came out higher returns in world-wide for his contributions. counting problems. blem can be traced to the with his fifth book gram. He teaches portfolio selec­ Variance (Reference: Market value: PCs on : Paul concluded that "things disorganization and neglect of our tion to MBA and Phd candidates. Analysis in Portfolio Choice and order to take a Wall Street by W. Shepherd, Jr.) : turned out better than I had any educational system. Christopher Adrian (23 Upper Capital Markets. He says, "I enjoy seeing people PC/Computing; Sept. 1988. right to hope for." Philippe complains that "The Senior, Accounting major) What is the portfolio theory? understand my theory." He also ex­ higher risk. education of our children is messed And how does it relate to the stock presses that he "learns much from up. We have the lowest rated educa­ Adrian feels that- all of America's market crash of 1987? Its fun- his students." It is rare that one gets Do you know any outstanding alumni? Ifyou do, drop tion system in the western world. problems stem from the trade im­ Drugs and racism can all be traced balance with Japan. Says Adrian a note to The Ticker suggesting- someone for the "The incoming president cannot ~. back to a lack of education." Distinguished Alumni Series. Therefore, he thinks that by allow this one sided flow of pro­ tackling the education problem, we ducts. They have flooded the can also take care of several other market and they should put some problems as well. limit on it. Also they should be "GAME" . A second issue which should have forced to buy American products been addressed a long time ago is particularly food products.'· Continued from Page B] that of fossil fuel. He maintains Secondly, he strongly believes that that an adequate alternative to gas the U.S. should stop policing the relationsh-ip. They also show if you volunteers. The biofeedback has still not been discovered and it rest of the world. The amount of have a healthy view of yourself or if machine measures the amount of is only a matter of time before money it takes to protect the rest of you have a low self-concept. muscle tension you are experienc­ another energy crisis arises. the world. The amount of money it At the "Drugs and ing. It emits a tone which gets lower takes to protect the rest of the worId Alcohol/Health and College" as tension relaxes. He had a pulse should not come from the tables was Liz Toepfer,.coordinator rate measurer which you can con­ Margaret O'Donnell (19 Lower American taxpayers. He points to GMAT/GRE 8l11T} of Helpline. Her purpose was to try trol by relaxing and breathing deep­ Sophomore. Marketing major) the fact that practically all of. and explain why we use these ly. In the background, Tribaldi had O'Donnell perceives a govern- Japan's defense rely on the U.S. substances. She said we should instrumental music playing. ment divided between t-he military machine, compliments of think about our own drug use as Technically called "New Age Democrats (Legislature) and the the American worker. TUITION REFUNDED Republicans (Executive.) While the well as be aware of friends and and/or Space Music," it is mostly NOW, AT LAST A REAL CUARANTEE! family. She had tests to assess out Democrats will take care of ('v~r. music that has a calming For tne flrst·tlr.lc Gaar 800 preparatlon courses will use of drugs whether they be quality. It is used in helping you to domestic issues regardless' of the raise your rest scores -:;lgnlflcantly. OR We WILL REFUND alcohol, marijuana, nicotine. caf­ President's decision to do thesame, YOUR -uu. TUITION rnars Goal 800's Real Guarantee. relax, These demonstrations were to feine, or cold medications and han­ help show you how to help relieve the President will nonetheless have et~(lnc(> BOO Increase your Of attending the school of your first douts on recognizing danger signals stress. He had handouts on the to take care of foreign policy, the ------enoree CALL NOW FOR DETAilS • c-o U s:l 5 E 5, of substance abuse. Toepfer is in­ causes and effects of stress and more important of the two groups INC. of problems (foreign vs domestic). "I feel this society is on the down slope, CALL NOW: 212 874-8787 terested in the awareness of guidelines to how much stress A.I.D.S. and the importance of you're currently feeling in your life. O'Donnell states "National defense safe sex. It's important to "educate He emphasized the importance of is the most important issue. We're as for as society ls concerned." yourself to make a responsible deci­ stress management, especially in not sure about the Russians, you sion on your own,' she said. students' lives. He suggested that never know who will be running Pierre Tribaldi, coordinator of we budget our time reasonably to their country. A strong nuclear -AnozCJ Flaubert the. Student Assistance Program, allow time for studying, work, and deterence will force the Russians to was in charge of the "Stress social life balanced with individual be more peaceful." She feels that Management" table. He worked a' time for ourselves. stability and peace abroad wiU in­ ....', , biofeedback ~l''a~ilj.rle - on .,) .- "I·)(;~"".("1{1'111 ." L't-,<,' ",-I"",;,,:} evitably lead to improvements on .. . • ~."...... a...... '-:..",• .,.~ )f;(;··i <\,~;r'·i ·_,'1 the home front as well . - ~ PqeB6· Nove)Dber 22,1981.. ''-'-- "'-"'~-. ° "'PqeB7 FEATURES ARTS

Caught in the middle of all this is who plays the Vulcan, Spack, and -l Michelle Pfeiffer, the woman both who has directed the last two UStar SCENES FROM LEADERSHIP WEEKEND Martin Starlcey men love. Trek" pictures, is handing over the

------~l TWINS director's chair to his buddy Bill. I' A real stupid concept that will This will mark Shatner's first time probably make tons of money at the as the director of a movie for which I box office for the mere fact that Ar­ t Stark '5 Arts he has also written the script. As far nold Schwarzenegger and Danny as what "Star Trek V" is about, De Vito are the stars of this comedy. Shatner will only say that "The It appears that Schwarzenegger and Final Frontier" will attempt to go DeVito are scientifically engineered back to those things in the "Star twins who were separated at birth. Trek" series that amused and amaz­ THE HOLIDAY MOVIE SEASON Arnold, who grew up on a deserted ed him the most. I hope that South Seas island, arrives in the doesn't mean that the people on the U.S. to search for his brother, and bridge are going to run back and the twins then team up to find their forth in some corney rocking mo­ PART II mother. We all know how painful tion when the Enterprise is attacked that can be. by Klingons. ••·Wonders never cease. The BUF­ FALO BILLS have the best record in the NFL• ... ····Thanks to the writers strike -:.:.. DECEMBER'S FRANK MILLER, the mastermind :... behind the critically acclaimed com­ - ic book, "Batman: Tbe Dark Knight Returns," will write the se­ quel to ROBOCOP. Originally MOVIES Orion Pictures wanted the creators Michael Miner and Ed Neumeier to - do the follow up, but when the -z Last issue we took a look at the BEACHES television comedy "Police Squad"? writers strike broke out Miner and -:: holiday movies scheduled for a Better Midler and Barbara Her- How, is this possible? How can you Neumeier stopped working on the November - release. Erroneously a shey star in this ToucbstonelWalt spoof something that is already a screenplay. Orion was barred from few November movies were omitted Disney release directed by "Happy spoof? Who knows, and who cares working with the screen-writers so from last issue's edition of "Stark's Days" and "Laverne and Sbirley" with these guys. "The Naked Gun" "Robocop" producer Jon Davison, Arts. " "Fresb Horses," starring producer and director Gary Mar- tells the tale of a Los Angeles not bound by any Writers Guild red Molly Ringwald and Andrew Me­ shall. It's a comedy about two girls businessman who is hired by ter­ tape, hired Frank Miller to do for Carthy was one of them. Originally who meet at a vounz aze and form a rorist to assassinate the Queen of Robocop what he did for Daredevil scheduled for an October release lifetime friendship. This film, which England when she visits southern and The Batman. The story is not "Fresh Horses" was pushed back a takes place over forty years ago, is California. Sounds wild huh? It is! known just yet, but Peter Weller month in order to give it holiday ap­ Mid ter :s fifth with "Tbe Naked Gun" promises to will return as Detroit'5 iron-clad peal and a longer theatre run. In ToucbstonelWalt Disney. have all the laughs, stupidity and cop. "Horses" McCarthy plays Matt ~ THE BOOST cliches in it that have become Larkin, a senior in college who's A chance encounter with a West Zuckerman, Abraham, and Zucker- living a safe quiet life until he meets man's unique trademark. Jewel (Molly Ringwald), a sensual coast businessman leads Lenny married woman. This is a milestone Brown (James Woods) and his wife OLD GRINGO (Sean Young) to a world of wealth Jane Fonda, Gregory Peck, and in Ringwald's career, in that she will ~ beyond their wildest dreams. Jimmy Smits star in this Columbia not be playing one of her zany Ho . ld ] shalt ed Picture that takes place in the early r-\: teenage roles, but rather -a serious wever, tb_ ~ wor ; .IS;. . er - ~ -A essect:A_.-~ '*; by drug abuse. A Tri-Star Picture. s, repr . lI'Ul~ ~1 f/Fon- and mature older woman. It will be DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS do) goes to ~eX1co to t~ch. and GET inter-esting--to-.-see- ROW-the--public -o·li----Ided holida ely .1.._,- -meets-att-Ameneaft""ft""'l'stnotJOUr--- reacts to Ringwald's new film that­ . era as . ~come. WAt natist (Peck) .and a - passionate, ~'REAL" opened last Friday. W11~ walk away WIth I~ all, Michael dangerous revolution (Smits). "The Good Mottler" is another Came and Steve Martin playa cou- RAIN MAN ary ple of dirty rotten scoundrels out to Thi hId f ad ti . Th~ Twins. BUSINESS film that was overlooked last issue . h s one f!..J oa s 0 pr uc IOn t and it really should not have. This do It to each ot er. The French probl ms b·\ fi all ed t EXPERIENCE Riviera'viera s sophistiisttcated Lawrence mak eit i t CLth In"88"Y manag. 0 WORKING GIRL film has controversy written allover . /r· ,j bilk e 1 In 0 e movie crop. J amlso~ w,?~an This one has real Academy ap­ U'~J it, and that's surprising, seeing as tcaine) 1 s out Originally scheduled for last year SC H 00LAT "The Good Motber" is a of their ":l0ney ~y posing as.a Tom Cruise and -Duuin Hoffman peal. Tess McGill (Melanie Griffith) Tcucbstone/Wal! Disney film. deposed prmce. HIS cushiorry I~t IS star in this film that takes them on a is a smart, hardworking secretary in WANT A,pIT JOB? What makes this picture even more threatened whe~ a young Ame~c~ colorful cross-country trip. Charlie a New York brokerage firm. c~n challe~ges,?lm Katherine Parker (Sigourney Frank Miller, t"~ popular comic book T·Shirt silkscreening company. mid­ interesting is that it was directed by man (Martin) at Babbitt (Cruise) attempts to trick gam~. Weaver) is her idea-stealing boss wril~r will be wriling Ih~ Robocop see town. looking for people to work Bam Leonard Nimoy, In "Tbe Good his ,?wn A .defimte must- his idiot-savan brother trip. Charlie and Jack Trainer (Harrison Ford) is queal. + Sat .. or 4~ Sat. Mottler.," Diane Keaton plays a see from Orion Pictures. Babbitt (Cruise) attempts to trick Vt!:~ -11 - 7 + Will the love interest. Tess tries to climb : DO IT I\Lt: train. Call Charles. 889-4099 divorced woman who has a love af­ FUGITIVES his idiot-savant brother Raymond the corporate ladder by pretending •••••Frank Gifford said during a :.~.-\L=S fair and loses custody of her This ToucbstonelWalt Disney (Hoffman), out of the $3 million he daughter as a resulf. This is film is about a reformed bank rob- recently inherited from their dead to be an executive in her spare time. "MORday Night FootbaD" telecast -4. [)\F i~ i :)/ , .. " ~ Nimoy's first attempt at directing a ber (Nick Nolte) who is forced to father. This could be strong Oscar With a $20 million budget, "Work­ that he and his wife, Cathy Lee, .Ie OJ' -, ~ i » (• .'\,_ l L..... ' \., LONELY? hard-nosed drama. hide out with a down-on-his-luck material. ing Girl" is 20th Century Fox's watched the first six hours of _ f ... { ~ • l' . ABC's yawner "War and Remem­ ... 1/ \; ...... r, : .. .. _J Need a Date? single father (Martin Short) when TEQUILA SUNRISE costliest movie of the season. brance" and said it was the most Write Oatetime. 134 W. 32nd St. the father holds up a bank and the A definite Oscar contender, this WHO'S HARRY CRUMB gripping thing he and his wife have Suite 602. New York. N.Y. 10001 pclice blame the seasoned pro. movie shoudl rake in the bucks as When a wealthy young woman is James Earl Jones also stars in this well as the Oscar nominations. Mel kidnapped, bumbling detective ever seen on television. I guess we t Harry Crumb is put on the case. know who's paying his salary. CRUISE SHIPS action/comedy adventure. Gibson and Kurt Russell are two JACKNIFE friends from high school. Gibson is This Tri-Star film stars John Candy (ABC) GREAT PART TIME JOB - IDEAL FOR STUDENTS Now HIring Men and Women. Summer & Robert Detviro, riding high on a retired drug dealer and Russell's a as Harry Crumb and co-stars Annie I Film iIAVE "FUN" DOING IT! LOCATED ON 23RD STREET Career Opportu nities (Will Trai n). Ex· Potts and Tim Thomperson. the success of his summer cop. Sptuks fly when Russell is cellent Pay Plus World Travel. Hawaii, TELEMARKETING blockbuster "'Midnigbt Run,' dives UNFORGETTABLE Bahamas. Caribbean. Etc CALL NOW' into this new drama that teams him Cybill Shepherd, Robert Downey 725-7622 Rm 3<11 F iOG- 737-7000 Ext 511 C CAN EARN .$10 PER HOUR OR MORE up with Ed Harris and "Clean and Jr.. Marv Stuart Masterson, and STUDENT CENTER Sober's," Kathy Baker. The story Ryan O'Neal star in yet another Tri- JO·8S IN AUSTRALIA Star Picture that revolves around a fI) involves two Vietnam veterans who Guar Min of $7.50/hr wi exp IU Immediate Opening for Men and Women lit; find their already strained relation- woman named Corinne Jefferies Guar Min of $5.50/hr wi no exp $11.000 to $60.000_ Construction. ~ ship getting even worse when one (Shepherd) who is obsessed with the Manufacturing. Secretarial Work, Nurses, i: falls in love with the other's sister. memory of her late husband until NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Engineering. Sales. Hundreds of Jobs < MISSISSIPPI BURNING she meets her daughter's boyfriend Listed. CALL NOW! 206-736-7000 Ext. iii~ Shot in Jackson, Mississippi (Downey), who is really her" hus­ 511A. . band experiencing another life. DAYS/NIGHTS/WEEKENDS 3 Gena Hackman and William Dafoe 8 portray a couple of FBI agents who Flexible Schedules are searching for three missing civil­ Special 4-9 Shift Available rights workers. This Orion Picture STARK is based loosely on a true story. Ringwsld and McCarthy In uFresb WANTED: Your Ad THE NAKED GUN CALL MR. DEAN AT Horses. n Uh oh. Those crazy and kooky TREKS•• EDWARD BLANK ASSOCIATES $20 tor 2" x ,OO &elroD Eagle Il;" the new action creators of the "Airpl.ne'~movies, M-F 212-741-8163 9-5 $10 lor cacn added 2·' J , .. Must be paid in advance thriller from CarolcG and Tri-S.­ "Top Seent" and "Ruthless Peo­ ····Funny that we should be talk­ Btlng your ad Wllh a check or money order 10 Pictnres, was also omitted but I pie," David and Jerry Zuckerman ing about "Stark Treks" at this Frank GiffGnI gys he .... IUs wife loye 725-7~2 The T,Cker. Roorn 501 F,Sludtmt Center. don't think we need to waste and Jim Abr.Jl!!am have managed to particular time. William Shatner is "War aDd RemelDbenulce.·' Doa'l GI_~ IT'S BETTER THAN BILLBOARDS! 1 valuable space talking about this corral Leslie Nielson, Priscilla Mel ....MIdIe8e Pfeiffer IIIaft set to step in front of the camera as belieYe tile bype! , "Top Gun" rip-off. Well, now that Presley,' Ricardo Montalban. O.J. a Id. ill ·'Teq_ Sa..." Captain James T. Kirk in "Star you're updated on November here Simpson and John Houseman for a Tr$ V: TIle FI... Frontier." The . .. ~ ; ... . is December's movies. theatrical spoof on their shot lived assigned to put Gibson behind bars. thing here is that Leonard Nimoy, I (Continued on Page BJ2) i r " .... TIle Tlder November 12,. 1911 November 22, 1911 ....·119 .

ARTS > ,

co and Stein received. One of the dormant and ineffective. The same reasons more sample projects were logic can be applied with regard to undertaken was because of the the sarnpling issue. If producers release of the aforementioned such as Terry do not abuse the in­ technologies. Such technologies herently dangerous characteristics ,were not available to Saddler or of the digital sampler or sampling DeFranco and Stein, and what had keyboard, all remains well. It Tour Itaken them long periods to ac­ seems, however, that such pro­ complish was now made ridiculous- ducers have chosen to abuse the CL·ASS RINGS ly easy, and the new digitally power and the privilege granted reproduced result even sounded them; they contribute to the demise Of The 12Inch better than the old result. The pro­ of music as a whole and dance liferation of sample-based rap music in particular because they use records was marked, and the prin­ the technology as a replacement of cipal samplees were Bob James, traditional- music principles rather Dennis Coffey, and "The God­ than as an enhancement of those father of Soul, U James Brown. principles. One could feel Sorry for The new trend is in sampling such producers and state that by "SAMPLE1'~ HERE'S AN EXAMPLED and dance classics. Whereas continuing in such a manner, they rappers laid down drum or beat are only hurting themselves by tracks, added the samples, and rap­ depriving their minds of needed ped over t he res ult, the musical knowledge. The fact. re­ KMD investigates the problem of ilsampling" underground trend is to program a mains, however, that the public beat, add the samples, and add a seems ready to encourage this bass or string track. You know, dilemma by supporting it same stuff. different day. ·Here the economically. I admit that I, too, chief targets are Lo/eatta Holloway. am guilty of such support. Even if Recently I had the opportunity to and the B~adcast Music Incor- U Adventures•.•" was, in effect, engage in some much-needed shop porated (BMI) audit radio stations the first commercially released sam­ talk with a colleague of mine. As is nationwide and distribute the ap- pie record that gained any substan­ customary for us, the conversation plicable revenues to their respective tial notoriety. Flash, in displaying inevitably turned to music. My col- members in the event a member's his legendary turntable wizardry, league inquired as to what the latest song is aired in any shape or form. used pieces from Chic's "Good trends in dance music were; I Additionally, a writer or publisher Times" and Blondie's "Rapture" Now is the season for big answered that seemed to be can accrue additional revenues in and interwove them with other reviving, underground ("House") the event the song is played - in famous records of the savings on your college music was being "discovered" by whole or in "10" form - on a sta- period. He scratched, mixed, and ring. Order now, opt for he mainstream and a trend called tion with a format different from edited the entire piece himself and .... 'Sampling" seemed to be making the one it initially appeared in. All the result had all the controversy its presence felt to the point of this being said, why is there such a surrounding it that innovations March delivery, andyou disturbance and intrusion. As I large issue made about Sampling usually command. The record is can save as much as $75.00 mentioned sampling, I felt a frown and its fusion with music? The still readily available, and it can .. -e ./ come over my face - a frown that answer can be found in the changes safely assumed that the commercial / - ona gold ArtCarved ring. was easily detected by mycolleague. in technology, and the potential releases necessary for the material /,('.'. He asked why I seemed disap- abuses of such technology. used were both sought and granted. /, It'syour opportunity to pointed with what would seem like Where musical Samples had to be (The assumption is safe because the .//.{ In advancement, not a regression. manually edited into the context of mix sold very well and made Flash's r·· own a ring ofthe finest It was then that I decided to present a work before technology before us record company, Sugar Hill f:: my thoughts regarding the "Sampl- the digital simpler, the machine Records of New Jersev, Quite a bit i ~"~~~~~oo~~~. ~wd~ill~w~~~. ~moo~.)~~e~rt~~- r _ style and quality, backed First, it should be acknowledged Units such as the Akai 5-900 basis upon which the next major James Brown, alollg with Bob James and Dennis Coffey are finding tlleir music be­ bytheArtCarved Full that "Sampling" is not really a new sampler are able to record the re- :S'UIlPle record was.developed, Two Il1g sampled on I regular·basis.DOW. :':."-;.: :-: , . concept. Samples of existing quired vignettes from various restless disc jockeys, Doug DeFran­ Lifetime Warrarity. At a ~:...:. .'. ~.-'. :,...... - :..- ~- material have been used to enhance sources, store them, and reproduce co and Steve Stein, took Flash's various media since broadcasting's them with the clarity of digital concept and compiled what has First Choice, Sinnamon, and inner such support were not forthcoming, price you'll thank us for. nost ancient stages. There were sound. Technology has also given become the quintessential hip hop Life. Even Michael Jackson has does not such activity equate to two significant exceptions that birth to the digital sampling sample rec- .rd: "The Payoff Mix." been thrown into the fray, as it is piracy? Creatively, yes; legally, no. Don't miss it! separated these early forms of keyboard. Such keyboards In winning Tommy Boy Records' his break from "Get On The Technology has progressed so sampling from the sampling done (Emulator II, Roland 5-50, Kurz- "Play That Beat" Contest in the Floor" that is the percussive sample quickly that the copyright laws have today: releases for the sampled wei) K-2S0, etc.) can not only sam- fall of 1983, Dehranco and Stein used in Richie Rich's uSalsa not had enough time to cover the material was given by the ple from external sources, they also not only used bits and pieces of the House." Where Saddler, Dehranco issue. To further complicate the material's owner, and the final pro- can store the samples and can most popular beats of the day, but and Stein were once the kingpins of legal issue, while the sampling issue duct was not released for a comrner- reproduce them with various they also sampled such diverse the hip hop sample, the''king" of remains unresolved, another cial profit. If one looks at a recent changes in pitch. The instruments sources as The Fat Boys and the underground sample is Todd technological breakthrough ­ advertising campaign for Hershey's listed above have been the principal Lauren Bacall's request that they Terry. Terry has sampled (taken Digital Audio Tape - has already 1 The Quality. ; chocolate, the company's "One Of weapons in the new age of sarnpl- "put their lips together," a Bogart hostage?) such classics as aGo passed its nascent stages and brings ., The A 11- Time Greats" campaign is ing, but there are scores of others quote from "Casablanca," and Bang" by Dinosaur L, "At­ with it the same questions of piracy ~ really nothing more than a visual (some even better than the ones Herbie Hancock's "Rockit.99 The mosfear'" by John Davis, '·Planet The Craftsmanship. ··_'_~_~_:_.·~.~_.::~~/.-0.i.:.;.:.~.:.?.l_ ,.,:~_;.·:;.«H~ as the sampler. Thus, the legal en­ ...:.·...~;.- ... .- sample. It includes clips of Muham- listed). Rap music was the first ending to this epic came courtesy of Rock" by the Soul Sonic Force, vironment is now two major in­ The Reward You Deserue. j&.. mad Ali, The Three Stooges, Laurel genre to actively exploit the former New York City mayor "Let No Man Put Asunder" by novations behind. and Hardy, and quite a few others. technology of such instrumentation Fiorello LaGuardia, quoted as say­ First Choice, and "The Sound by What all this indicates is that it is As for radio, artist's songs are used on a regular basis, but the initial ing to a bunch of school children "I Reese and Santonio, (It should be contingent upon the producer or ar­ for advertisements and station iden- ideas for the rap sample record say children - What does it all noted that Terry's "Back To Tbe tist to prohibit these new tifications via the use of tape carts. grew out of a early 19805 composi- mean?" Beat," the record in which he technologies from being used as a Such advertisements are, again, tion named .,Adventures 011 Tbe The largest problem DeFranco sampled "The Sound" has been crutch and to avoid any piracy, nothing more than uncomplicated Wheels OfSteel;" its composer was and Stein encountered in marketing renamed "The Sound Power whether it be intentionalor uninten­ samples. The key element in both a young man out of the Bronx nam- the mix was in receiving the proper Remix" and the artist has been tional. Be very clear about the pro­ these examples is that direct income ed Joseph Saddler, also known as releases for all the quotes used in changed to Reese and Santonio.) cess: sampling can be a wonderful is not a factor in either. As far as Grandmaster Flash. the mix. While most sample pro- Just as there were followers of the· tool if used in the correct manner. .he Hersbey's example is concern- ...... jects use a minimal number of hip hop sample, there are now When it - or any technology - is ed, it is true that through the use of .. ~ sources, "The Payoff Mix" used followers of the underground sam­ abused, t he result can be as destruc­ 1, uch celebrities as Muhammad Ali : : over twenty different sources. (In ple: Ellis D., Kidd City Orchestra, tive to music and its patrons as a Hersbey's is looking to associate its .. • comparison, Flash '5 David Cole and Robert Clivilles Smitb and Wesson firearm is in the .t product with a "great" figure in the.. • "Adventures.•." has less than half (they of the pre-Terry epic "Do It hands of a maniac like David , nope that the public will think that .. • that number.) In some cases, com- Properly,") and Ex-sample. Still, Berkowitz. ; Hershey's is great also and subse- .. ~·S • pensation was not even an issue; the inevitable question remains quently buy the product. This com- .. • some companies would not grant "What does it all mean?" I think :nercial, however, is not being sold .. . .. the releases for any reason. As a answers can be found in the ethics _0 the public for a commercial pro- .. • result, DeFranco and Stein's legen- that producers and artists wish to !It, and one can be sure that Her- : : dary mix. never was commercially impart to their various com­ NOTES: .,bey's has received the proper .. released. The pair composed two munities. Let us use an analogy. Robert Clivilles and David Cole tocumentation allowing it to: .. more mixes, called "Hip When David ("Son Of Sam") have collaborated on another slam­ .ise the material for its purposes, .. • Hop On Wax:· and quietly retired. Berkowitz terrorized New York Ci­ mer for their production company. 10-3pm (23rd & Lex) Similarly, the radio identification- .. .. I 'Hip Hop On Wax" was aired on ty in the late 19705. he chose to use Do It Properly Productions. The are not being sold to the consumer" .. some New York radio stations as a firearm as his weapon. I ask. since record. ·~It Could've Been You," Nov. 28, 29, 30th tor a profit. It is expected that in .. ... late as 1985, but the only copies of Berkowitz chose to abuse the power will be released on Manhattan 4:30-6:45pm (26 st. Caf 5th fl) nearing popular songs on an "ID," .. .. the record in distribution were of that firearm, should the Records, not on A&M's dance a listener will become a regular .. .. bootleg editions. It is improbable manufacturer (say, Smith and music affiliate, Vendetta..• Sleeping Date Time place :istener. The artists whose songs are : : tha~ this bootleg edition is still Wesson) be held accountable for Bag Records has announced the Deposit Required featured in such a manner will get . ***....******...... available. the havoc that was wrought? Ob­ opening of Koala Sound, their own © 1988 AnCar\'ed Class Rings. paid a royalty, for both the See Review The rap music community viously 0'11. If Berkowitz does not editing studio. Outfitted with the 4JDeriaD Society of Composers, PB 11 adopted a "me-too" philosophy possess the firearm, or opts not to latest in technological ad- A.thora, ad Pub1isber5 (ASCAP) on age after the acclaim Saddler, DeFran- abuse its power, the firearm lies (Continued on Page B12) November'22 1988 Page BI0 The Ticker November 22, '1988 t Page Bit : ARTS ARTS A VERY NOT F-IlEDDY,-. clASON OR_ MICHAEL••• ORDINARY WAR BUT·CHUCKYII A·VIE THE.BRIDGE SPOILS OF WAR THE· REVIEWII A play by /\1ichael' Weller Directed by /custin Pendleton. By MARTIN STARKEY

By GLEN J. SPANGLER those sweet Disney movies and all those sitcoms he's been on, as boys that is where the trouble in this If someone had dropped a and girls of all ages? Another minor story begins. _ • typewriter in my lap as the actors in flaw: Collet, who was in "Torch When Beatrice's cousin Marco, "'Spoils of War" completed their Song Trilogy," the film "The played with stylish poise by Thomas last series of bows. this would have Manhattan Project" and an episode A. Peters, manages to sneak into been a different review. The play of "'The Equalizer" (I think he was the country with his brother succeeded in steering my emotions, the priest who heard the confession Rudolfo, Eddie agrees to let the of a planned bombing) is in his duo shack-up at his place until they twenties, and unless it is explicitly can save up enough money working told otherwise, an audience will ~th Ed to rent.out their own place. take an actor's age at face value. What Carbone didn't count on was . Unless my attention wandered at a Rudolfo's overpowering charm that crucial time, Martin's age, 16, was totally captivates his niece. This doesn't go over too well with Eddie not mentioned until the middle of - the second act. I had thought Mar­ as Rudolfo, played by the slender - tin was at least 18, making him a yet impressive Elan Martin, does different character and a more things that Eddie feels aren't very .·H~~·~ . realistic match for his father's manly. "He cooks, he cleans, he girlfriend, Penny (Marita Geraghty, sings on the job and even makes ~";,.." .. :~~:;i:;; .•·,...:.. :"j'r/~:A·· . of "Broadcast News" and "Fresh clothes,tt Eddie tells Alfieri. "I tell Horses:') Left' pboto: The Cast of "'A V~W From actresses and crew people of ya, the guy ain't right." He tries to not allow the entire audience to see slightly less important then Andrew, Elise's communist tum­ the Bridge:" Leighann S. lord Baruch's Tbeatron and Stagewise nip the relationship in the bud, ac­ all of the action. This was true in Buxton's, Lord's and Martin's. (Catberine). Elaa Martin' (Rudolfo). performing arts clubs nave done. cusing Ruldolfo of trying to hook the beginning of the play when the However, Lydon and Peter's parts ::.: ed capitalist ex husband, played by u David Buxton (Eddie). Thomas A. For ten consecutive nights these up with Catherine solely to gain two longshoremen were pitching ~::. y . ..' .•. y 8 Jeffrey De Munn, of the films z did compliment the other's .;f?\:>.">.",.. .' .. •...• U "'Ragtime" ""The Hitcher" and ~ Peters (Marco) aBel Claristine Lydon talented individuals labored citizenship. Beatrice, Catherine and pennies and the finale in which characters nicely. They gave the >,,;,?c/ . ... .,,~... z' , c (Beaarice). RigbtpiH)to: Buxton (Eddie) feverishly in front of ten sold out several cast members ended up on .. \: .... .'"\' .... ,. " • r: < ""The Blob" rings fewer bells but ~ Marco brand Eddie a monster for play that extra push it needed to .ff.[;Wd0:;~< +-~.,,\.~r.'> ..... lesson from houses performing their rendition ..•. ..'" '.,,- =s too much of what we know about I­ Refs a on tbe law his lawyer making such an accusation. It is the floor just in front of the raised send it over the top. ~ ~i,· [/J Alfieri (Nathan Freeman). of Arthur Miller's gripping tale of then that Eddie's jealousy begins to stage. But that is a technical thing '...... him comes from summaries and I­ One actos who should not be al: ------love, hate, anger, and .obsession, ",(;\., speeches. Alice Playten's Emma, -e consume .the confused dock and with a few changes that could overlooked in all this is Nathan the Plain Jane die hard communist, o "A View From The Bridge." worker, leading him down an emo­ . be corrected rather nicely. Freeman. His portrayal of the w *******:* The action did not take place in path that "A View From The Bridge" was Jeffer}' DeMunn. Martta Geragbt)' and is one of the play's more original t: tional and strenuous will lawyer Alfieri was sharp and on the z ******** the 23rd street auditorium, which is ultimately lead to his undoing. fast paced and very well done. It is a Chrisloper Coltet share a moment in creations. but Kevin 0 'Rourke's ::; mark. He handled the chore of con­ scheduled for a million dollar shame that more people could not "Spoils of War. .. Lew is the usual thick-headed ******** Act II was a period of confronta­ verting from "narrator of the story redneck. The house lights were still up as overhall soon, but rather ,uA View tions. It was the part of this play have seen this play. The actors and to actually being in the play with J John Marigliano and Roger From The Bridge" was presented in where things got hot and heavy and actresses really seemed at home on making me feel the need we all have Most of the problems with grace. He. handled working with Aquilera strolled down the isle the newly renovated Theatre Studio these young .actors and actresses the stage and their characters ap­ Buxton well also, offering his legal to love and be loved. Some of the ·"Spoils of War" can be traced to its resembling acouple of seedy look­ which is room 911. With a theatre shined exuberantly. The quaint lit­ peared to be a part of them. Many advice to the longshoreman with lines were so good and funny that to writer, Michael Weller, He has writ­ ten many forgotten plays as wen as 5 1: _ ;- ing long-shoremen. They stopped no -bigger than .a large classroom tle setting of the theatre allowed the times a play is ruined when the per­ stem and convincing authority. give away an)' of the best of them " the screenplays, "Hair" and '- By LISA CERMAK Day Afternoon." "The Princes actors who added humor to this so­ just in front of the stage and began play director and speech professor audience to really feel as though formers, especially young and inex­ Other actors and actresses in the might make the difference as to uRagtime" (which,· interestingly Bri4e.,~'j .woo- ~oiocidentany 15 -the called thriller. The mass.murderer, pi£'Cbing pennies when .Ntlfl1aft Mimi ffAponte-and'-her .associate . -they were part . oftb-e-' action, petienced'ones~-(Jon~seemto De-as' play'InCluded sarahLiiCiiino;-ii:ii-k ,- whether you should see "Spoils of enough.. featured Jeffrey De Munn Well, if Chucky is Freddy's cop who' killed Charles Lee Ray. Brad Dourif, looked strik-ingly -like Freeman. dressed as the studious directorBee Carne}; took full corn­ especially'oil two unprecedented ac- one with the character he or she is Carlson, Christoper F. Torres, and War." I was pleased. .. I Ch k' hi I' Comedian Sam Kinson which made nightmare. Freddy can rest easy. Norris IS a so on uc y s It 1St. and revered lawyer Alfieri, stepped mand of the rooms' small confines tion scenes that emptied the entire . portraying. This was not the case Mark Callahan, who was one of the As it stands. with the wit ready to in a supporting role.) Except for a "Child's Play," produced by David The police leave. but Andy is still a it virtually impossible to take him past them and up the isle to a desk and encompassed many of the cast of 14 into the small theatre. with the folks who put on leads in last semester's play '"Car­ surprise you and the drama ready to tendency to give the characters lines and speeches that are a bit too well : Kirschner (""An American Tail;") suspect. seriousIv. And each time Chris at the back of the theatre. The scenes, not just on the stage, but all There was -wen a scene involving A View From The .Bridge." nival." manipulate you. it is a play i and directed by Tom HoI/and The next day, Andy cuts school Sarandon appeared on the screen as house lights dimmed with the first throughout the tiny theatre. two irnrrr.gration officers (Earl David Buxton, a British­ marginally worth seeing, thought oiut and eloquent to ring true, the play is written effectively. ("'Fright Night,'~) is the newest film and traveIsb y tram. t0 skidI row, Detective Norris, the skeptical words out of his mouth and a David Buxton played the lead, Bovell and Philippe Leong) who born English' literature major. was Marginally- I wouldn't have used to fall into the category "Comedic- where Charles Lee Ray's ac- veteran cop, I couldn't help seeing s~otlight blazed down upon him Eddie Carbone, an immigrant busted into the Carbone home like the smoothest. Even with a slight EXTRA NOTE: that word if I had written this in the As I've already said, one's emotions are stirred. But if you're going to Thriller." It was hysterical! complice Eddie Caputo is hiding himas the deceivingly, sexy vampire signaling for David Buxton, poising longshoreman with traditional Darth Vader's stormtroopers look­ British accent he took command of Written as a one-act play in 1955, theater. But that was before I realiz­ However, that seems to be the out. Eddie becomes the next victim, from "Fright Nigbt." Finally, see­ as the bewildered Italian dock values who's been busting his buns ing for Marco and Rudolfo. Their every scene he was in and would "A View from the Bridge" was a ed that there is almost no theme, write a play, write a thoroughly new -. play, not a compilation. Art should n ewes t trend in t h ri IIer s . and, of course, Andy is seen in the ing Catherine Hicks has a concerned, worker Eddie Carbone, to meander for twenty years. Carbone has a presence on the stage was both dark have stole the show had Leighann . love letter not immediately ap­ character or scene in "Spoils of "Frfght Night," Tom Holland's area. He is now put into a sometimes frantic mother, was a lit- out from behind a curtain and into wife named Beatrice, played con­ and forboding as we knew that if S. Lord, a journalism major from preciated by its first American au­ War" that was not famiiiar to me. grow from life, not just from o tri H it I ft . . ti tie comical if the viewer compared previous art. previous thriller. was also as funny psychra TIC OSPI a , a er msis ing the audience's view. Alfieri set the vincingly by Christine Lydon, and a Marco and Rudolfo were captured Queens and Elan Martin, a dience on Broadway. Arthur Miller Take Elise, for example. Kate as it was scary. Even Freddy in that Chucky is alive and it is her to Peggy Sue's flippant, mood, explaining the current situa­ niece named Catherine, played by they would be deported back to Ita- freshman finance major also from re-wrote the work- in two acts in Nelligan, who you might remember '"Nightmare on Elm Street Part 4" Chucky who is commiting the carefree bestfriend Carol in UPeggy tion, as he would throughout the Leighann S. Lord who portrayed .ly ~ tearing apart Catherine and Queens, not played their parts so 1956, and it was produced that from the movies, "Dracula," "Eye became a bit of a jokester. murders. No one believes him, ex- Sue Got Married." entire play, even as Leighann Lord Carbone's niece 'with spunk, flair Ruldolfo forever and ruining Mar­ well. They hung with Buxton every same year in London, and two years of the Needle:' and "Witbout a o""Child's Play" is the story of a cept his mother, who doesn't know This movie does hit a soft spot and Christine Lydon joined Buxton and exhilarating energy. As the co's chances of saving his dying :step of the way andthe energy that later in Paris, each time to great ac­ Trace," plays the role perfectly. mass murderer, Charles Lee Ray, what to believe. Until she goes because many of us as children on the stage as the real action began opening scene begins to develop we wife and starving children; the those three performers created was claim. A 1965 Off-Broadway She seems born to portray the portrayed by actor Brad Dourif home, and discovers that Chucky's believed, as many children now to unfold. Of all the students atten­ learn that Eddie considers reason for Marco and his brother what made this so gripping and en­ . revival and a second Broadway pro­ divorced ex-communist mother who (."Blue Velvet," "'The Eyes of batteries were never installed! She believe, that toys come to life. At ding ivy league schools in the New Catherine to be his daughter. As a coming to America. joyable. Christine Lydon and duction in 1983 both met with is usually either buzzed. tipsy or Laura Mars.") Laying wounded confronts the doll, who briefly at- about the age of five, I was certain York metropolitan area 1 doubt matter of fact Eddie is very over­ Unfortunately, all is not peaches Thomas A. Peters, both making tremendous success, and A View smashed. Most of the enjoyable, and about to die in a toy store. Ray tacks her" and runs away. She tells that my dolls took over my very seriously that any of them protective of his niece almost to the and cream with this play. The their stage debuts, also did extreme­ from tbe Bridge is now an establish­ sarcastic zingers come from her performs an incantation that puts Norris,. Wh 0 thiInksse h IS° as crazy as bedroom the instant I fell asleep. could have done what the actors, point of it being an obsession and design of the theatre sometimes did ly well but their characters appeared ed classic of the American drama. mouth, and she offers insight into his soul into the body of the "Good her son. Norris is not convinced un- Adults. of course, know this is irn­ the other characters of the play, and GUY Doll" (the equivalent of the til he almost becomes Chucky's possible, which helps Chucky to Hawkins, wife of Walter Hawkins others felt about her music. She her character is an interesting, Cabbage Patch Dolls). One the in- third victim. It is at this point that continue killing. Ignorance is his entertaining creation. The pro­ was part of the clan when they per­ also said she always wanted to do carnation is performed. the store Karen Barclay and Detective Norris greatest weapon. ""Child's Play" blem? She was created a very long formed."Oh Happy Day" Walter something different in her albums blows up. and the doll is eventually join forces to find Chucky. like "Ni~htmare on Elm Street" Oh, then used her in many of the leads to the glory of God. Well, after she time ago. she hasn't always picked up by a peddler. Chucky, however, visits resident aims for the human psyche. Can that been a divorced ex-communist in his albums which became hits was dropped from AAM to Spar­ While all of t~li~ i~ going on. An- voo-doo expert. Dr. Death (a little really happen? What is the super­ mother. In fact she has been women because every song Tramaine sang row records she released "The Joy dy Barclay. portrayed by Alex Vin- cliche"), portrayed by Raymond natu ral anyway? Didn't your was a hit. My personal favorite was That Floods My Soul." This LP br­ and men. young and old. on film. cent (his screen debut). is disap- Oliver and Dr. Death reluctantly parents tell you that bad dreams stage and paper. But we have all "I'll Never Let You Down" but ings. back the traditional Tramaine pointed on his birthday because the tells Ch uck y that unless he could never harm you? Freddy, like met the stereotypical drunken Pafl~ other songs of hers were felt by that people are used to hearing. In box that he thought was a .'Good transforms his soul into the body of Chucky played on ignorance. The ·The Of Praise philosopher, spewing forth many people inall walks of life. She addition to having a great album­ Kevin O·Rourke. Kate "elliRan and Guy Doll" is filled with clothes. His the first person he revealed his true only difference was that Freddy was alcoholic wisdom and biting wit. then released two albums that did she has help from -her friends like Alice Playten gelling close in "Spoils of mother, Karen Barclay. portrayed identity to. he will be trapped in the a more frightening killer. The And Ch rist o p h er Co tlet :s well and then moved up to AAM the Randall Sisters and Brothers. War." by Catherine Hicks, (".p~gy Sue body of the doll forever.. Chucky Chucky doll was pretty funny­ character, Martin? Martin. the self Records where she released the con­ The album contains hits like "With Got Married," "Star Trek IV; The now must find Andy to take over looking, which added to the com- appointed guardian of his parents. troversial uFaD Down." It was bad The Love Of The Lord," uYou are Voyage Home") feels guilty and his body. 'Poor Andy is locked in edy of the movie. who schemes to bring them back enough that secular radio stations My Ufe," and "We're AU In The eventually buys a Good Guy Doll the solitary ward in a psychiatric If you like to laugh through your together by deceiving them both? In the next couple of months the other christian music which is an artist who was the first person was killing this song at the time but Same Rota. Together." The album _., . for one-third the price from a Ped- hospital, where no one believes thrillers, see "Child's Play." It was ."..- Don't you remember him from gospel music will change due to the range any where from. cross-over to put gospel music on the dance when her loyal foUowers flipPed on has an angelic sound to it that dler behind the Department Store in him. The rest of the movie is the a good movie and there are a few various artists' releasing their (christian pop) to christian heavy floor. (Some people thought it was the T.V. and saw her performing makes it very different from the • which she works. Charles Lee Ray, perennial chase scene, which leads good scares, but it won't give you albums. In this issue I would like to metal and christian rap. Aliew Myers when she released het the song on "Soul Train" and other albums she released. Tra· TOP TEN GOSPEL ARTISTS ! alias "Chucky" becomes the best to the ending which is very good. any nightmares. If you prefer to be focus on these artists as much as Bands likeStyper, Blood Good, M. song '61 Want To 11Iank You various other night clubs it was like maines vocals' as always will make i friend of little Andy Barclay. All of the actors give very good scared to death, I say visit your possible an introduce the various C. peace and other artists who do Heayellly Father,'" but this was not a saint being crucified. While others this album a memorable one. J) DaryrColey 6) The Clarke Sisrers ' Karen Barclay must work late, so performances, especially six-year- video store and pick out a classic types of gospel music in "christian­ different types of christian music the case because in reality she was criticized her they were ignorant to 2) Take 6 7) TramlJine Hawkins her bestfriend, Maggie Peterson. old Alex Vincent. There was not horror movie, because you'll only dome." As mentioned ip previous focus alot of attention and con- thanking the· Heavenly Father for a the fact that the famous Winans .~ass 3) Lavine Hudson 8) Bibleway IVational Choir played by Dinah Man off, one moment during the movie be disappointed with "Child's articles that I havewritten, there are troversy among other christians lover.) When Tramaine Hawkins also released the single "Let My " H Play." 4) Milton Brunson and The (new) "'Grease"), babysits while the where h e. was not convm~ng.. e SEE different types of gospel. music that are oot open to this type of released the dance track "Fd People Go" which was just as Thompson Community Singers 9) Vanessa Mitchel! (new) I finger is pointed at Andy, by Det~- was th~ Ideal for a role It? Whl.ch " music. Nevertheless, these artists Do..." people from allover the danceable as uFaI! Do..." Tra­ c~.u.ld ~th, T~E, ~H~r .~~ which range from cortez-gospe!. (new) _~~ . 10) Hezikiah Walker and The Love tive Mike Norris, played by ChrIS, most, vl(:wers e",lpathlze , " .... inspirational-gospel, to con1eril- . minisler_l;heir music.in.spite.o(what, ~·world.became v~ judgmental of moine said in a re.view, in.BIIIboud . - 5) Be Be anIJIC~~.~$~w) R1o~~~!p.',C'J.~~~) " ... .~:' :< ... l~arci~~Q~i:)-':·r~~(.~,glit,~_:',l~~' ;)he ~~~~~:'<~~~eY~r~~ir w~ ,l~~.;:; \ R~W·,OD.,pq~·;Btrar.~t'.: porar.,y-t~ ~,-Je"US' n«·~ . others' say~ A goOd example of i&fs her ~ . 'The backdroi):' Trafiuline' '-apzt- that it diill1't matter what .J. ., ..'. , - .' .~" . .r ~. i ~ ~,':~7", -'. .~. Page Bl1 ) ARTS~ ~ _ SPORTS" ****************.~~*****.*****.************••*****••••••••••** •• .' Q STARK'S Also, one of New York's top dance Recreation Schedule and rap editors, Chep Nunez, will THE vmm THEY LIVE, •••••* ••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.* ... ~. An Olympian UPCOMING Home Games make Koala his new home. Plans FIT~ESS C[~TER (\Vci~hl room) ARTS are in the works for Koala Sound to I(OClt1\ 1120 . 23rcJ Sf. 8uHdin~ (Men's Basketball) ------_._--- --_. - Continued from Page B7 expand into a fully-equipped 24 BUT HOW ABOUT track studio... If you really want to CLUB Monday noon - ~:45 Revisited ····No wonder it's taking have a clear insight into the aura ------._--_.._---_.- "Moonlighting" so long to and magic of Sylvester, you owe it THE MOVf£? Tuesday 12:45"- 4:45 and 7:15 - 9 p.rn . Nov. 22, vs. Stevens Tech - 7:30 PM premeire. Why with Cyb ill to yourself to read Barr)' Waiters' IS Dec. 6, vs. CCNY - 7:30 PM Shepherd and Bruce Willis both Village article in the Voice Wednesday 1:15-4:45 making movies, who. has time to do (November 8)... New York's in­ television. Cybill, as we already dependent label Wild Pitch will be UPCOMING Home Games know if you've gotten this far into releasing its second underground PACI'. Thursday 12:45-2:30 and7:l)·\) p.rn. the column, is about to premiere in single, entitled '6Psychedelic (Women '5 Basketball) UUnf9rgettable" with a host of Shack." The single is performed by Friday 12:15-4:45 other stars, and Bruce Willis. whose The Trybe and produced by Chuck BAlD megahit summer movie "Die Artamatick of "Free" fame. The ...... Nov. 26, vs. CalDwell: 2 'PM Hard" refuses to die at the box of- World's Frankie Knuckles is :\tAIN GYMNASIUM 6th floor. 23rd Sf. Building Dec. 1, vs. Yeshiva - 8 PM credited with mixing the vocal By MICHAEL HON Dec. 6, ve. CCNY - 5 PM tracks.i. Sound Factory's Junior Monday 1:15-2:45 Vasquez is currently involved in a .. . Todd Terry-like album for Ellis D. Television. The Electronic 1 Tuesday UPCOMING Home Games The album will be released on Fireplace. We all watch it. Some of j 7:45 - \): 10 p.m. (basketball only) Minimal Records... Rumor has it us are hypnotized by it. Some of us (Men's and Women's that Bob Caviano will have Larry are fascinated by it. Television is a Wednesday Bowling) Levan plaving at Irving Plaza for very complex media. An extraor­ another six to eight weeks, after dinary amount. of work goes on Thursday 12:45. - 2:30 and 7:45 - 9: 10 which Levan is supposed to open up behind the scenes to bring you the (volleyball only) Every Sunday at "Bowlrnor" ~ a club of his own on the West multitude of programs that you Located at 110 University Place > Side... Starting in mid-November, take for granted when you press the Friday 11:30 - 1 Matches begin at 1 PM . ~ Zanzibar's Tony Humphries is remote control. The television in­ ~ scheduled to spin at Tile Tunnel on dustry consists of actors/actresses, Certain evening times may be pre-empted for varsity games, .B Wednesday nights... Newest groove writers, directors, producers and ...... " - " " -- .. - - . *The men play their basketball" -...... ~._ I track [0 groove people will be Vicki technical staff working across the S\\'IMMING POOL Basement Level - 23rd SI. Bld~. Game at Xavier High School ~ Martin's "I'm Not Gonna Do It;" globe to bring you this multitude of located at 30 West 16 Street ~ remixes are done by Bam Bam and pr-ograms. Television has created a Monday 1:00 - 3:45 . ~ Mike Dunn out of , and "Global Village," bringing all of us !- Marshall Jefferson. Incidentally, who inhabit this planet that much the Ten Cit~· album that Marshall c loser together. That box sitting in Tuesday is producing has been moved back the middle of your living- room is , LEND for release in February.... Perhaps your window to the world. Wednesday 1:45 - 4: 15 the "epilogue" I granted Chaka Enter The Video aub. What is flee, has just wrapped production Khan in the last edition was it? It's not where you go to rent By GEORGIA KONTOS messages. Justiceville is a society Thursday 12:45 - 2:45 and 7 - 8 p.m. YOUR on "In Country." In "In Country" premature. The grapevine is videos! The Video Club is a newly where monetary gain is the only Willis stars with Emily Lloyd in a screaming about a new album to be formed organization catering to Each year directors come up with game in town and where one's soul Friday 1:30 - 4 story about a young girl coming to released by her (on Warner Bros.) students who are interested in a new flicks that they try to make may be easily exchanged for power --_._------Peter Lewtson (righ:) poses with Olympic Champ, CartLewis, at tile SUPPORT . terms with a war that-still rages in soon after the "Greatest Hits" behind the scenes look at television. scarier, or a bit more unusual than and prestige. Does that society opening ceremonies. the hearts and minds of those that album has sold well. Prince, under The Video Oub is looking for ac­ the past years. sound familiar well, don't scratch ...... - " .. she loves. It is a portrait of one a pseudonym, will be ghost writing tors/actresses, writers, directors, Director John Carpenter is your head too long. Just look out family's struggle to heal the wounds some ·of the tracks... Todd Terry is technical people, and anyone with a UIIIIIIII ;:i IH111111111. funn y known for such masterpieces like the window and you'll see on f i ction q\\\"'II"'•. \\\\\\\l\''''.' \\\\\\\\\"\1' caused by the war in Vietnam. rhe motivating force behind Hard .. curiosity about. the television in­ ~S.A~ UTile PriDce of Daiklless"and·one Justieevilie, a.k.a. the U the _._~ Samantha (Lloyd), whose father House, which has released •'Cheek dustry. The Vitleo a.m is in the of the best horror movies ever, The chase continues as Piper and across - was killed in the war, wants to This Out" on Easy Street... Billie midst of producing a comedy/varie­ Halloween." Now he can add David discover yet another goodie. 2 lord of the - know everything about what went should be ready to release her se­ ty show featuring local talent to be - "They Live" to his list, but we It's a watch that has magical funny 3 she created marple and poirot - on in "NAM" while her uncle Em­ cond record - and second hit ­ broadca-, on the CUNY-TV net­ can't be too certain in which powers. It may cost a few thousand - mett (Willis), a reclusive veteran, very soon. The song, uTrue Love," work aJld Manhattan cable. The ~ he ~rotc ghost story - category this one will fall in. dollars more than a Rolex, but struggles to overcome the pain of is a 'very strong follow-up to her Video Club will be sponsoring field that's only because it can open 6 he wrote the stranger the past. Remember when Bruce epic '6Sobod~"s Business."...Will tri ps to tapings of such TV shows as "They Live," produced by Larry passage'Ways to the underworld, the file 7 herbert wrote dune •- WiJiis was walking around with a we ever. hear from Touch again? "Late Ni2bt with David Franco, is a science-fiction action t . I &0 these creat res - par ying pace l' r u - full beard? Well that was becaus.e At this point, it seems unlikely. The Letterman," "Saturday Night thriller which may put you to sleep on a Saturday 'night. - he was filming "In Country." This Live," "Remote Control (MTV)" somewhere between the first ten - _. - group has disbanded after having The u n d erl y i n g message - film from Warner Brothers is being contractual and managerial dif­ and "Geraldo." In the semesters to minutes and the closing credits. It's 1 the _ supremacy, by robert luclurn. about aliens who control the Carpenter is trying to get across is 4 he wrote the shining directed by "Moonstruck's Nor­ ferences with the Executive Director come, members of the club will be the cold, hard reality that envelops man Jewison. This is a far cry from of the Supertronics label, Frederick producing independent projects earth through a television system, our society. With the approaching' just 5 he wrote native son (initials) - '0 ~ -' - "Die Hard" as I'm sure you can Periera. No new projects are slated such as music videos or short sub­ whose hypnotic signal lulls an un- close of another decade, progress 8 albert camus' greatest work - ~ -- imagine. for the group as of this writing... If ject films. The Video Club can be a suspecting public into submission. on one end of society's spectrum 9 main character of winds of wa~ - you are a record collector and are in valuable first step into the television Unusual? You ha.ven't seen continues to escalate as the other rd ~ 10 orwell invented new in 1984 the habit of passing the now­ industry. Throughout the semesters anything yet! end tailspins into a depression i ubiquitous record vendors on the to come, guest lectures from the in­ Roddy Piper. (Yes, "Rowdy which rivals that of the 30's. With street, slow down and take a look. d ustry itself will be giving informal • .by Berke Breathed TOUR Roddy Piper." as he is .known to approximately one-half of one per­ The last guy i ran into at Grand talks. If your interest in television wrestling fans), portrays John cent of our country's 'population ~~~ ....------., - Central Station was selling "Keep It goes beyond wondering "What's on $TICI<'~ A~O $TO~S - (Continued from Page B8) Nada, a blue collar worker, who holding 50 percent of our country's . - Hot" by Cheryl Lynn and the the tube tonight," then THE L.J. - stumbles upon this deadly alien wealth it is all too evident that the MAY 8REA~ My BotJ~) - vancements, the studio will be original version of Cerrone's VlDEO CL VB is for you. The - '\' - discovery. Keith David. who plays gap between different . managed by Todd Culver, who was "Supernature" for ridiculously low Video Club meets in the TV studio eor NAME5 - .. Frank in the movie, has a hard time socioeconomic classes continues to formerly the night manager at the prices and the records were in good in Room III in the24th St. building ,..s~v~R coping with Piper. whose curiosity widen. WH.. L. I-lUR..r H reknowned Prime Cuts Studio. condition... during club hours on Thursdays. - gets him into hot water. The two UThey Live" was shot on loca­ - men get into a nasty street fight and tions that bear the closest possible - Piper forces a pair of sunglasses on resemblance to the settings in the - David. Why sunglasses? Well these film. No studio set was used to - aren't your usual ultra-violet ray create Justic e v i l le . In a - "~ ~ ~~~ ~lr~m£\h1m~a!! protectors. When you put these cosmopolitan city in one of the ZOOJ2L[L§\ITjQ \ black babies on you can separate world's wealthiest countries, the ------~_._~------~------~------~~ mw~~m mJ}~Om~ the aliens from the humans. These disparity between the economic - WUIDtiJQ ;~ - ghouls have faces that resemble the class is so distinct and widespread. retus, ant philosopher ==- ~t!l6B~~ .J11IIIIIIIIII11~ :Ptls)~~ 9 . iii last remaining remnants of human There is more than just a little irony ducks & .l.ig.h:tbulbs gl~n·.j . 2272 Broadway (82nd St.) {At,~omant r y.'-'& 439 East H2nd St. (Yurk) form and on every wall there are in the fact that these places were so ~~f- spangler - commands that they follow. At this easily located in natural surroun­ S'-("-Y of-- (212) $80-4600 Q 111111'([ IIII ~"J -o (212) ~7-18SH f point along comes a beautiful di ngs which brings particular - 1370 York A~e. (73rd St.) 1626 York Ave. (86th St.) - IhlllrtfJ.lllltll woman, Holly, played by Meg relevance to the story itself. L., r::- e'S L-\cDK.pL~ - ~. - (212) 7!/4-9696 IIII (212) 772·7722 - $100 Foster, who is a sneaky freak who "They Live" was the type' of - ._, 1726 Second :ve. (89th St.) 11111. offl • JJ7 Third A~e. (25th !'It.) does more harm tha.n good: A movie you could consider a waste of ~ RCt\.ds Ii (212) 831-1010 at any of our elg.ht (212) 532-2929 chase begins when the aliens find time. It is hard to understand ~ • 1I111ocationsJIIIlI •. \ 119 East 18th Street .ItIIlUlIlllIlIlllIll'· 1518 First Ave, (19lh St.) out that Piper and David have because you have to search for a - 11el <;lprl~ - (212) 979-1200 SINe E 19QO (212) 734-5~ discovered these sunglasses and .meaning. Aliens are not exactly • I \ - have a lead on their secret. Under your typical lunch crowd and you - t\-l - II the guise of rich successful humans, can't associate fear with a bunch of \ 'fI\"'1 f.J rl;rtrlA.J-; 2'9H - - these aliens show us a bit too much ghouls. I think John Carpenter O~f'" e Ii fa g JJ e-0 1.0 ib 9"/ i of our own real world. They cor- wanted the people to leave the - rupt those they can to aide their movie theater looking a little (\{.~ ~"2 bi.ow ~.,pd ,. • , be. SiVc:uJ 11 - . mission and hypnotize the rest of strangely at each other and wonder­ ,1 - ...... , (.9 is:>i'2i - ;.~ e, . the 'pOpUlalioR with subliminal. ing.· - ,.. ..,,~ , Ck(I~~plt~r ir ~~ ~::..=.....;.~ ~ - r."":.-... .. , 0y (jjA.rtl .;';, ·"'L'__..:...-__--= ta·cs- II ___I I

....,- --- ¢ • a i .STL"'7i'5F ' m I --._--_..- _._- Page 814 November 22, 1988 De TIcker .:. Pale 815 SPORTS New Jers-ey Nets: A IISorry Team" THE ADVANCED By KEVIN M. DAMES fort on the defensive end of the did a solid job playing point was a major disappointment. and .load by himself because his backups floor or he is going to be eaten alive guard. Bagley is better suited for things have not gotten better for will be the oft-injured Lee and the Due to a key trade, right before by star forwards like Charles backup point guard.and I would not him this season. He missed all of 6'9" Hinson. Things could get • SCOUTING the, season, I had to revise my Net Barkley, Larry Bird, and even be surprised if a playoff team picks the pre-season with a sprained ankle. rough even if Carroll plays well preview. Even with their "im­ Washington's John Williams. First­ him up for additional reinforce­ The last guard, ex-St. John's guard because everyone needs an occa­ , pressive" start, the Nets 'rill still be ' round draft pick Chris Morris ment and experience. The Nets ac­ Kevin Williams got cui from the ex- ' -siona! rest and this division boasts REPORT a sorry team once the season's over. (Auburn) has showed some early quired Mike McGee for two future pansion Miami Heat; and it is im- big men like Robert Parrish, ex-Net , The one bright spot this season signs that he has the physical' at­ draft choices just three days before probable that he will contribute Mike Gminski, arid Patrick Ewing. for the Nets will be the play of their tributes to become a solid small for­ the season opener. He is slated to .aaything but additions to the tur­ forwards. The Nets will feature Roy ward. Coach Willis Reed will have play shooting guard. He's a ques­ nover column. The key to the The situation, despite the good J..Women's Basketball) Hinson, . All-Star Buck Williams, to exercise (J lot of patience with tion mark because the reason that season wiD be the production the start, looks bleak. The Nets' Awesome! Keith Lee, and former St. John's him, though. Morris has adopted • lakers and kings traded him was Nets get out of the center position. strength (forwards) is everyone star Walter Berry. Believe it or not, some of Berry's defensive habits. because he was not adequately fill­ The Nets acquired Joe Barry Car­ else's strength, and the other posi­ By MICKEY KRAMER there are Weiner's two swing­ this four-man rotation could be the Things get progressively worse ing that role for them. McGee's ac­ roll from Houston; this is the tions leave them at a disadvantage. women. A swing-woman can play Last season the women's basket­ strongest in the Conference. from there. The collection of tions, especially early any will be in­ aforementioned key trade right Reed looks to break even at 41 wins either forward or guard. Novella ball team finished 6-14. especially if Lee is able to recover guards the Nets possess are nothing teresting to watch; maybe the before the opener. If Carroll plays this year; I honestly can't see them Lewis is entering her senior cam­ And they were extremely happy. from the injury-plagued season he to write home about. In fact, none change of scenery and a chance to somewhere near the potential winning more than.2S. Their only paign. She's the captain. She is a You'd be happy too, if you went suffered through Iastyear. I look of them can be looked upon as play regularly will help him regain everyone knows he has, the Nets salvation from last place is that the motivating team leader who can years and years without even one for Berry to have a solid season of­ legitimate NBA starters. John "some of the touch he had as a may have managed a steal worthy expansion Charlotte Hornets have also play a fine point guard. victory. fensively, but he is going to have to Bagley was the only Net to appear Michigan Wolverine. Last year's of Red Auerbach's congratulations. been placed in the Atlantic Divi­ Stephanie Varcados - remember Its record of 6-14 even included a show some signs of making an ef- in all 82 games last season' and he first-round pick, Dennis Hopson, Carroll will likely have to carry the sion. her, of Athlete of the Month 64-62 playoff win against Staten ••••••*•••*•••••••**.*••••*••** •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••***•••••••••*.** ...... ~ . honors?- will be starting her first Island College. year playing for Baruch's team. The ladies are led by last year's Coach Weiner calls her, "very fast CUNY Co-Coach of the Year, Pen­ and Intelligent ... She also has a nice ny Weiner. She is enthusiastic, touch." Varcados is also expected knowledgable and a skilled tacti­ to make the three-pointer. BOWLING TEAM tion. Let's take a closer look at this Guards- The guards Quarter­ • team on the rise: back the offense. They need . Centers- The center is the Quickness, good passing ability and "Tower of Power" on offense and smarts. They also need experience. ROLLS INTO That point is lacking from this defense. Wilda Colon is a six foot, one inch returning player from last year's crop. Only Gleo Guiste is ..J'"Sealr. v..".. year. Weiner calls her "good inside, returning from last year. Alexis r- very strong and a good rebounder. " Alland- of tennis fame-«, KitYuk -By STEVEN SCHEER woutdbe wmmng the Hudson has some talented players... Even Sakena Parker, who is on the bowl­ Ho, who played for the volleyball FIRST Valley Tournament. To me it meant with the absence of a home court ing team, does not have a lot of ex­ team and Nesma El Toukhi round Baruch bowls in the Eastern In­ James Napolitano all have averages The Ladies' tennis team was more than the CUNY Townament and practices, this tearn did very perience. but she is six feet tall and out the lot. They are all new to the B)" MICKEY KRAMER tercollegiate Bowling Conference. ranging from a low of 173 to a high within ODe win ofgoing undefeated. because it was more competitive, I well. Lot's of luck to the players in does have "potential." The last game, but are adjusting as well as The scoring is done as follows: of 187. , .butin an almost-meaningless game. also enjoyed playing for Dr. Eng. I the coming years. It will definitely It's been a mighty smooth ride, player contributing in the middle is can be expected. three games are played per match Gee has had the team's highest - they were beaten by Yeshiva in the learned a lot from him. I just can't so far. be a challenge for them to maintain Lavonda Davis. Weiner says she What did coach Weiner think of with the winner of each game three game series mark (629) and season finale. They finished at a believe that George Bush is Presi- the records." The men's bowling team, with "has matured a lot and her game last year? and what does she expect receiving five points plus one point the' highest game of the year (232). near])erfect-I~1~ .teRtand DaR-Quayle-is VlCePresi-- Catherine Assimacoupolos has a match record of 6-1, is comfor­ .'laS improved." ~~~_~l!~l!~()!!1_i!1g~&J.l1__·~ 1 w~_ for each of the five starters for a Both of these marks were scored ----Bamch~.woDthr=cbampioR.. -, _

Page 816 SPORTS November 22, 1988 THE ADVANCED THED ueH SCOUNTING REPORT ETE (Men's Basketball) OF THE • MONTH

By MICKEY KRAMER loss with a three game series of 577 (or a 192 average). The following It's that time again. Sunday he was rested after two Time for The Ticker to choose games, but once again showed why the finest athlete for the month of he's the best when he bowled a 181 November. and a 193. With the completion of the On the year he has bowled the By STEVEN SCHEER women's tennis, women's vollevball most games over 200, six, which is One guard will be Tyrone position defense. and men's soccer seasons and both twice as many as any of his team­ The ladies' tennis and volleyball Greaves. As a freshman last season Another new comer is Bland basketball seasons just beginning mates and rolled the second highest seasons are over. Now it's time for Greaves was second in scoring and Simkins. Simkins at 5'9" is the the choice came down to our two game (227) as well as the second the men's basketball team to take fourth in rebounding. He plays very smallest player on the team. first place bowling teams. highest series, 621. the court. Last season was a poor well on the baseline, near the Simkins is a good ball-handling Fnmk Gomez, in his third year Gomez was pleased with the one for Baruch as it went 8-19 basket .and .is also a ·great .-COm-... paiRt guw--wbo.. coacb .Rangs. with the team, gets the nod. distinction; "I'm honored, the overall and 4-10 in the CUNY Con­ petitor. feels, wbenbe learns to be-~ Gomez raised his average about coach has recognized me as a good ference. Cecilio Freeman will probably be in control of the ball '(commit­ 20 pins per game from last year. bowler.', However, head coach Ray the other starting guard. "Free," as ting less turnovers), he will become How'd you do it? "I joined summer When Coach Doug York was Rankis, who IS entering his sixth he is called by his peers, is only an outstanding player in the con­ leagues and bowled all year long." asked who he felt would be the best season as isead coach, assistant 5'11" 165 lbs, but plays a very ference. For the season, Gomez is rolling representative of his squad, it took coach AI Ford and the rest of the physical game for a guard. Free is James- Davis, Rob Scola and at a 187 clip. In his two matches in him a split second to say "It's young team are sure that they can aggressive on defense and drives Leekah Wl1liams are less experienc­ November he did even better. Frank." be very competitive this season. well to the basket, but needs to be ed, but coach Rankis says, "they On Nov. 6, vs Hofstra Universi­ Ok Coach, this month, "It's One of the reasons for the op­ more under control wben driving to exhibit good work habits." He add­ ty, he helped avenge the teams only Frank." timism is that coach Rankis plans to the hoop. ed, UWith experience and better utilize nine to ten players in every As for the reserves: . understanding of our offenses and game - always keeping fresh Kevin June will be the backup defenses, they will be great addi­ bodies on the court. Another center. June, who is from Leake tions to our basketball program." reason is that the team plans to play and Watts High School, is a good Baruch will have some problems. a pressing style, hoping to wreak leaper who blocks shots very well. For starters, like most Baruch havoc on opposing teams. June's major weakness is his inex­ teams, they lack a home gym (they The following is a player by perience. He is enthusiastic and play their home games at nearby player preview of the 1988-89 learning very quickly. Coach Xavier High School), practices, season. First, the starters: Rankis says that June's game is though, are held in the Baruch DID. Starting at center will be 6'5" 215 developing rapidly. Consequently, because they prac­ pound freshman Michael Reid. As a freshman last season Sandy tice in a smaller gym and play in a Reid, who started at Rice High Varellas contributed a lot to the larger gym, they may have problems School, is a very hard worker who team, leading the tearn in field in transition from offense to rebounds well and, as coach Rankis goal percentage, shooting 51.2070. defense. put it, "he has a soft touch near the He is a crafty southpaw who can hit Coach Rankis has a positive basket." Reid's only weaknesses the three-point shot as well as draw outlook on the season. urm look­ may be his size (smallcompared to) fouls near a basket. ing early on to give experience to as other centers in the league) and his Victor Milukas is another many players as possible before we inexperience. freshman playing on the team. start playing CUNY Conference One of the forwards will be team Milukas is a bright and intuitive games. I expect to be in the upper captain Randy Goon, who is one of player. He has good court half of our division. How far we go the two seniors on this year's team. awareness, takes passes well and depends on how unselfishly we play Gorin was last season's top player should contribute. and how we mesh our individual • he led the team in scoring, re­ Brian O'Connor is the only skills into a team picture. I expect to bounding, steals and blocked shots. junior on this season's squad. He is be much better than last year .and Gurin's strengths are that he runs described by coach Rankis as a am realistically shooting for IS the court well, drives strong to the "jock of aU trades," which means wins." basket and bas a good jumper. that he plays a lot .of positions Captain Randy Gurin shares. Gorin is coming offof a knee injury well. 0 'Connor plays good similar sentiments , "We have a lot but is optimistic that he will be defense, hits the open jumper and of hard working freshmen on the ready by the start of the season. rarely turns the ball over. team. We have less experience but At the other forward spot will be Last season, Brian Skriloff was more talent than last year. I expect Sean Jones, a freshman from Mt. third on the team in scoring, first in to have a winning season." St. Michael, in the Bronx. Jones' free throw percentage and second in Well, there you have it. strong points are his great leaping steals. Skriloff comes off picks well They have a good combination of ability and his excellent defensive and runs the offense very well. youth, talent and a lot of con­ play. On offense, Jones has a soft Skriloff is also a very good three­ fidence in themselves. If they can jump shot and drives well to the point shooter. Last season he hit 30 ~ overcome the hardship of playing hoop, but needs to be encouraged out of 83 three pointers. Despite be- all of their games "away," we may ~' ~ ...... C ••II: 117 dIIt. . to shoot more. ing slow footed, he also plays good be headed for an exciting season. .
