ASIAN STUDIES is a refereed journal of research studies and analysis on subjects of intellectual and cultural interest in Asia, published since 1963 by the Asian Center, University of the Philippines. Opinions and views expressed herein are those of the authors who are responsible for the accuracy of the facts and statements presented. Materials published in Asian Studies may not be re-published without permission. We welcome contributions in accordance with the following guidelines: CONTENT: Articles should be relevant to Philippine studies and Asian studies. They should be original and not previously published. The authors must be prepared to revise the manuscript according to reasonable comments and suggestions ofreferees. In addition, authors must provide a 100-word abstract of the paper as well as a 100-word biographic profile ofhimself. FORMAT: Manuscripts must be encoded in MS Word and submitted in hard copy and in electronic form (to The Editor, Asian Studies via
[email protected]). It should be typed with 1 U spacing, Point 12 Times New Roman font and should not exceed 30 pages. References must be provided, including complete bibliographic data. Published by The Asian Center University of the Philippines ISSN 0004-4679 Copyright© 2008 The Asian Center Send communications to: ASIAN STUDIES JOURNAL The Asian Center Romulo Hall, Magsaysay corner Guerrero Streets University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines The texts published in this journal may be copied and distributed provided that the author and the journal are cited. The views expressed are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstance be regarded as stating the official position of the journal or of the Asian Center.