Transboundary Cooperation Fact Sheets

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Transboundary Cooperation Fact Sheets Transboundary Cooperation Fact Sheets November 2012 Part of "Comparative Study of Pressures and Measures in the Major River Basin Management Plans" Task 1 – Governance Final Report 28 November 2012 1 This collection of fact sheets are part of a report has been prepared for DG Environment of the European Commission for Task 1 the Comparative Study of Pressures and Measures in the Major River Basin Management Plans. The fact sheets relate to Part V of Task 1. Part V (International coordination): Co-ordinators: Birgit Vogel, Nikolaus Fleischmann, Maria Berglund (Fresh- Thoughts Consulting GmbH). Fact sheet co-authors: Pierre Strosser, Kieron Stanley (ACTeon); Birgit Vogel, Nikolaus Fleischmann, Maria Berglund, Thomas Dworak (Fresh-Thoughts Consulting GmbH); Eduard Interwies, Stefan Görlitz (InterSus). Steve Nixon (WRc plc) was the overall Project Director. The views expressed herein are those of the consultants alone and do not necessarily represent the official views of the European Commission. The information is based on prefilled questionnaires submitted to Member State representatives in the Strategic Coordination Group for validation. For some Member States no feedback was received (see Table 1, main overview report). Any potential errors in this document are unintentional, and corrections may be submitted to: [email protected] 2 Table of Content COOPERATION CATEGORY 1 ................................................................................ 6 Coordination Mechanisms in the international Danube River Basin (AT, BG, CZ, DE, HU, IT, PL, RO, SI, SK, AL, BA, CH, HR, MD, ME, MK, RS, UA) ......................................................................................... 7 Coordination Mechanisms in the International Elbe River Basin (AT, CZ, DE, PL) ....................... 20 Coordination Mechanisms of the International Meuse River Basin (BE, DE, FR, LU, NL) ............. 33 Coordination Mechanisms of the International Odra River Basin (CZ, DE, PL) ........................... 44 Coordination Mechanisms of the International Rhine River Basin (AT, BE, DE, FR, IT, LU, NL, CH, LI) .................................................................................................................................................. 55 Coordination Mechanisms of the International Ems River Basin (DE, NL) ................................. 71 Coordination Mechanisms of the International Scheldt River Basin (BE, FR, NL) ....................... 80 Coordination Mechanisms of the International UK-IE River Basins (Neagh Bann, North Western RBD (Erne, Foyle), Shannon) ............................................................................................................ 96 COOPERATION CATEGORY 2 ............................................................................104 Coordination Mechanisms of the International ES-PT River Basins (Duero/Douro, Guadiana, Miño/Minho, Lima/Limia, Tajo/Tejo) ............................................................................................... 105 Coordination Mechanisms of the International ES-FR-AD River Basins (Garonne, Nive, Nivelle, Bidasoa, Ebro, Segre) ................................................................................................................... 114 Coordination Mechanisms of the International EL-AL-MK River Basins (Lake Prespa as part of the Drin/Drim; Aoos/Vjosa) ................................................................................................................ 130 Coordination Mechanisms of the International IT-FR-CH River Basins (Po, Ticino/Lago Maggiore, Adda/Lake Como) ........................................................................................................................ 142 Coordination Mechanisms of the International IT-SI River Basins (Isonzo/Soca) ..................... 153 Coordination Mechanisms of the International FR-IT-CH River Basins (Rhone, Doubs, Allaine, Arve, Lac Leman/Lake Geneva) .............................................................................................................. 160 Coordination Mechanisms of the International LV-EE River Basins (Gauja/Koiva) ................... 174 Coordination Mechanisms of the International EE-LV-RU River Basins (Narva including Lake Peipsi/Chudkoe, Lake Pihkva/Pskovskoye)) ...................................................................................... 180 Coordination Mechanisms of the International FI-NO River Basins (Pasvik/Paatsjoki, Naatamo, Teno/Tana) ............................................................................................................................... 186 Coordination Mechanisms of the International FI-RU River Basins (Tuloma/Tuulamajoki, Jakobselv, Kemijoki, Oulujoki, Kem/Viena, Vuoksi RBD, Jänisoki, Koutajoki, Kiteenjoki-Tohmajoki, Hitolanjoki, Juustilanjoki, Saimaa Canal, Hounijoki, Tervajoki, Vilajoki, Kaltonjoki, Urpalanjoki, Vaalimaanjoki) ................................ 192 Coordination Mechanisms of the International SE-FI-NO River Basins (Torneälven/Tornionjoki) ................................................................................................................................................ 199 Coordination Mechanisms of the International SE-NO River Basins (Signaldalselva, Malselvvassdraget/Malangen, Skjomavassdraget, Luleälven, Umeälven, Piteälven, Angermanälven, Indalsälven, Dalälven, Hellemovassdraget, Kobbelva, Fagerbakkvassdraget, Saltelva, Ranavassdraget, Rossaga, Vefsna, Verdalsvassdraget, Stjordalsvassdraget, Nidelva, Glomma, Klarälven/Trysil - Göta alv/Vänern Göta/ (including the Sub—basins Norsälven/Byälven/Upperudälven) Haldenvassdraget/Enningsdal, Strömsan ................... 209 Coordination Mechanisms of the International PL-MD-UA River Basins (Dniester/Dnistr/Nistru) ................................................................................................................................................ 219 COOPERATION CATEGORY 3 ............................................................................227 Coordination Mechanisms of the International LT-LV River Basins (Lielupe, Venta) ................ 228 Coordination Mechanisms of the International LT-LV-RU-BY River Basins (Daugava/Sapadnaja Dwina, Nemunas/Nieman/Neman/Nyoman, Neris/Wilia) ................................................................... 234 3 Coordination Mechanisms of the International BG-TR River Basins (Rezovska/Mutludere, Veleka) ................................................................................................................................................ 240 Coordination Mechanisms of the International EL-BG River Basins (Mesta-Nestos, Struma- Stymonas) .................................................................................................................................. 246 Coordination Mechanisms of the International DE-DK River Basins (Vidaa/Wiedau, Krusaa/Krusau, Jardelunde Groeft/Jardelunder Graben/Bongsieler Kanal) ................................................................... 253 Coordination Mechanisms of the International PL-SK-CZ-LT-BY-UA River Basins (Vistula, Bug, Poprad, Dunajec) ......................................................................................................................... 261 Coordination Mechanisms of International the PL-RU River Basins (Swieza, Jarft) .................. 271 COOPERATION CATEGORY 4 ............................................................................278 Coordination Mechanisms of the International EL-BG-TR River Basins (Maritsa-Evros/Meric) .. 279 Coordination Mechanisms of the International EL-MK-RS River Basins (Axios/Vardar) ........... 284 Coordination Mechanisms of the International IT-CH River Basins (Adige/Etsch) .................... 287 4 Background: In the context of the comparative study ‘Pressures and Measures in the Major River Basin Management Plans’ launched 2011 by the European Commission’s DG Environment - this fact sheet contributes to the development of an overview on international coordination mechanisms between countries sharing international river basins (Task 1b), as part of the Task 1 on governance. Task 1b aims at investigating the degree of international coordination and cooperation under the EU Water Framework Directive, and where possible make indications on their effectiveness, the coherence between national and international RBMPs as well as the additional value of international RBMPs. Fact sheets are completed for a representative selection of international river basins. These international river/sub-river basins are allocated to the respective River Basin Districts that have been designated under EU WFD Article 3 and as part of the Task 1b work to four different categories. Specific sub-basins are referred to in cases where there are separate governance aspects to raise (i.e. bilateral agreements, conventions). The four categories describe different but characteristic international coordination mechanisms and roughly indicate respective degrees of cooperation. Some international basins have established cooperation agreements and are coordinated through relevant international bodies. The River Basin Districts that are coordinated through international river commissions have in most cases also developed international River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) according to the EU WFD. Many other river basins are less advanced regarding adoption of RBMPs but may still cooperate via international coordination mechanisms and coordinating bodies. Some basins have not yet established
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