AR International US & possessions Including micro-exhibits of Philippines Canal Zone Hawaii I suggest reading the ar book ( first, for a general description of worldwide ar. The other exhibits, mini- & micro-, are also downloadable from Richard Frajola's exhibit site, Higher resolution pdfs are possible but require a dvd; please contact me if interested. Comments, suggestions, contributions welcomed. This is version 1.1 of international us, an update of the international usexhibit, now including a few possessions. Puerto Rico will be done later (maybe); Danish West Indies is included in the Generalized Scandinavia exhibit. The domestic usexhibit has also been updated, but is a separate file. Among the improvements to this exhibit were Barry Jablon's pre-upuarcover (the fifth), a lot more arcards, including some weird ones returned by air, a second arcard for an interna- tional insured (not registered) item, many more arcovers (especially airmail), an international money package, ... The images for the incoming réclamation forms are now visible (no one seems to have com- mented on this), and the numerous typos and errors have been replaced by better ones. Com- ments were gratefully received from Tony Wawrukiewicz. The Hawaii micro-exhibit shows the thus far unique Hawaiian arform. A pre-gpuSpanish colonial period Philippines arcover is courtesy of Geoff Lewis, rdp. George Campbell kindly supplied several images for the Canal Zone micro-exhibit; one appears here, but others may appear in the future, as I expand the scope. David Handelman
[email protected] April 2020 United States (international) AR service ounding member of the gpu-upu, it established compulsory return receipt (the usterm for ar) service on registered domestic mail in 1863.