Art in Craft Media : the Haystack Tradition Has Foundation's Director of Visual Arts, for His Aid
Tlie Bowdoin College Library Art . in Crart Media This exhibition and publication have been funded in part by the National Endowment The Haystack Tradition for the Arts, a Federal Agency, and the New England Foundation for the Arts, Inc. a regional exhibition from New England and New York Organized by Participating Institutions: Bowdoin College Museum of Art William Benton Museum of Art Brunswick, Maine University of Connecticut exhibition dates: March 20-May 31, Storrs, Connecticut October 10-November 15, 1981 Rose Art Museum Brandeis University Waltham, Massachusetts January 24-March 7, 1982 Museum of Art Rhode Island School of Design Providence, Rhode Island March 26-May 2, 1982 Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Williamstown, Massachusetts July 10-September 5, 1982 ®1981 The President and Trustees of Bowdoin College, I LC 81-65685 Cover Photo: Barry Edmonds Preface The decision to have a Haystack exhibition at Bow- provided the lists used to contact craftspeople in New doin had Httle to do with clarifying definitions of England and New York, and worked with the com- crafts; it is clear that in this instance the crafts are art mittee on the choice of crafts included in the exhibi- of great originality and beauty and the highest tech- tion. Their essential support and enthusiastic encour- nical quality. The intention was, rather, to spotlight agement throughout all phases of planning, selection, the crafts school, its traditions, and the activities and exhibition design are deeply appreciated. and accomplishments of its faculty and students, cre- Paul Smith, Director of the American Craft Mu- ating a further awareness of Haystack's presence seum in New York City, and Charles Gailis, President and cultural importance to Maine and New England.
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