Sculpture I – Assemblage
Name Sculpture I – Assemblage Artist: Joseph Cornell was a collector and carefully juxtaposing found objects in small, glass-front boxes, Cornell created visual poems in which surface, form, texture, and light play together. Using things we can see, Cornell made boxes about things we cannot see: ideas, memories, fantasies, and dreams. Learning Targets: Sculpture I understand how color can change a sculpture. I know there are many types of sculptures. I know that there is a wide variety of materials used in sculpture. I know how to implement the elements and principles of design into my Sculpture I know how create an sculpture with assemblage of recyclables I can create 3•D sculpture from cardboard, using paper construction methods such as scoring, mitering edges. I know how to work with paper construction techniques and Mache; learn about grain, bending, cutting, scoring, and quality of different types of paper. I know and understand the work of artist Joseph Cornell . Standards A: Skills and Techniques: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes B: Creation and Communication: the student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. C: Cultural and Historical Connections: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis: The student assesses, evaluates and responds to the characteristics of works of art. E: Applications to Life: the student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines and the real world. Assessment: Design Considerations: o Outside Design, Color, Pattern, etc.
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