This document is a manuscript version of the following article: Title: The failure of integrated transport policy in Germany: a historical perspective By: Schwedes, Oliver Published in: Journal of Transport Geography Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 85-96 Publisher: Elsevier | Year: 2010 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2009.01.006 Brought to you by the Scientific Information Service for Mobility and Transport Research Fachinformationsdienst Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung Website: Repository: Contact:
[email protected] © 2010. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY- NC-ND 4.0 license. Prof. Dr. Oliver Schwedes Head of Department Technische Universität Berlin Faculty V Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems Institute of Land and Sea Transport Systems Integrated Transport Planning Salzufer 17 – 19 10587 Berlin GERMANY Email:
[email protected] The failure of integrated transport policy in Germany: a historical perspective Abstract: In order to reach a sustainable traffic development, the European Union follows the central idea of an integrated transport policy. In contrast to the widely accepted concept, the EU recently had to admit that in fact transport development goes in the opposite direction. This contradiction has to be explained. The article describes the long lasting succession of efforts to implement a far-reaching cooperation in the transport sector as is aspired by an integrated transport policy. In each case, though, the political idea of cooperation was superseded by the economic one of competition. Therefore, the author argues in favour of a detailed scientific analysis of the necessary political conditions for an integrated transport policy, instead of continuing an untested concept.