ISSN 2088-1916



Sri Wahyono, Wahyu Widi, Agustinus Hadi, Meylisa Rahajeng, Silviana Oktaveri, Elisa, Sarah


Sri Wahyono


Andri Sutisna

ISSN :2088-1916

© Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 2018 Direktorat Pengelolaan Kekayaan Intelektual Ditjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Gedung 2 BPPT, Lt. 20, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340 Telp. : +62 21 3169777; 3169797; Fax. : +62 21 39836180 Homepage :; Email : [email protected] Link : DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI 2018


Kerjasama riset internasional di bidang adalah mutlak diperlukan dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kerjasama tersebut tidak hanya bagi negara berkembang namun juga sangat diperlukan bagi negara maju. PP No. 41 Tahun 2006 sebagai amanat UU No. 18 Tahun 2002 dan penyempurnaan Kepres No. 100 Tahun 1993 yang mulai diimplemetasi oleh Kemeneterian Riset dan Teknologi sejak 17 Desember 2007. Undang-undang tersebut memegang peran strategis dalam pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan memberikan arah pengaturan guna mewujudkan tujuan memperkuat daya dukung ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk mempercepat pencapaian tujuan negara, serta meningkatkan daya saing dan kemandirian dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan negara dalam hubungan internasional. Di samping itu, undang-undang tersebut merupakan dasar hukum bagi pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 2006 tetang Perizinan Melakukan Kegiatan Penelitian dan Pengembangan bagi Perguruan Tinggi Asing, Lembaga Litbang Asing, Badan Usaha Asing dan Orang Asing tersebut berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa iptek dalam kerangka sistem nasional penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan iptek tidak dapat terlepas dari kerjasama internasional. Hal ini kita sadari mengingat sebagian besar kemajuan iptek berkembang pesat di negara-negara maju yang menguasai sumber daya iptek, memiliki kemampuan finansial dan lembaga litbang yang sudah sangat mapan serta tradisi akademik yang sangat kuat. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, maka kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek dilaksanakan untuk mempercepat alih teknologi dari negara- negara maju dan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat ilmiah internasional.

Salah satu bentuk kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek tersebut adalah kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Perguruan Tinggi asing, Lembaga Litbang asing, Badan Usaha asing dan orang asing yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Dalam tahun 2018 terdapat 521 peneliti asing yang telah diberikan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) melakukan kegiatan penelitian di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Jumlah tersebut terdiri dari 461 izin penelitian baru dan 60 izin perpanjangan. Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka seperti Jepang, AS, Australia, Perancis, Jerman, Inggeris.

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing i Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Buku “Direktori Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2018” ini memuat Abstract riset dan biodata para peneliti dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, lembaga litbang, badan usaha asing dan mahasiswa asing serta kelompok profesi intelektual publik lainnya, seperti dosen, budayawan dan jurnalis asing. Buku ini telah terbit sejak tahun 2011, dan akan terbit secara berkala setiap tahunnya. Kami berharap buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber informasi ilmiah dan rujukan bagi para peneliti dan akademisi serta semua pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) untuk memperluas jaringan kerjasama riset internasional dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan (capacity building) dan mempercepat transfer iptek di berbagai bidang keilmuan.

Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, seperti kata pepatah “tiada gading yang tak retak” maka kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan masukan dari semua pihak untuk penyempurnaan buku tersebut pada penerbitan yang akan datang.

Kami juga tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak, khususnya rekan-rekan Sekretariat Tim Koordinasi Pemberian izin Penelitian Asing (TKPIPA), Kementerian Riset, Teknolgi dan Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk membantu penyusunan buku direktori ini.

Jakarta, Mei 2019

Tim Penyusun/Sekretariat TKPIPA - RISTEKDIKTI

ii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018


Kata Pengantar...... i Daftar Isi...... iii BAB I PETA PENELITIAN ASING 2018...... 1 1.1 Permohonan Izin Penelitian...... 1 1.2 Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP)...... 3 1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing ...... 5 1.4. Bidang dan Daerah Penelitian...... 7 1.5. Mitra Kerja Peneliti Asing...... 8 1.6. Dana Penelitian...... 9 1.7. Publikasi Ilmiah Hasil Penelitian...... 12

BAB II ILMU HAYATI (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE)...... 13 A. ILMU HAYATI (BIOLOGY)...... 13 A.1. Aboveground biodiversity patterns and processes across rainforest transformation landscapes...... 13 A.1.1. Ms. Rebekka Blessenohl...... 14 A.2. Impacts of transformation of rainforests into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils...... 14 A.2.1. Ms. Britta Glenesk Greenshields...... 15 A.3. Phylogenomics and Microevolution of Endemic Freshwater Fishes...... 16 A.3.1. Prof. Kazunori Yamahira...... 17 A.3.2. Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi...... 17 A.3.3. Mr. Javier Andres Montenegro Gonzales...... 17 A.4. Anti-Herbivory and Pollination Study of Glomera Species in The Moluccas.... 18 A.4.1. Dr. Barbara Gravendeel...... 19 A.5. Targeting case detection strategies to populations at high risk for malaria in Aceh Province: case control and reactive case detection studies...... 19 A.2.1. Ms. Jennifer Linnea Smith...... 20 A.3. Empathizing With Nature– Underpinning the Essence of Conservation Advocacy...... 21 A.3.1. Ms. Corinne Emma Bailey...... 22 A.4. Molecular epidemiology of avian influenza virus infection in Indonesia... 22 A.4.1. Prof. Kazufumi Shimizu...... 23 A.5. Theory into Practice-Conservation Advocacy and Proenvironmental Behaviour in Indonesia...... 24

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A.5.1. Mr. Harry Henry Benjamin Hilser...... 25 A.6. Impact of rainforest conversion: How prokaryotic communities respond to anthropogenic land use changes...... 26 A.6.1. Mr. Dirk Berkelmann...... 27 A.7. Epidemiological study of Norovirus Infection in Indonesia and its Infection Control...... 27 A.7.1. Dr. Takako Utsumi...... 28 A.8. Improving the Prevention and Treatment of Vivax Malaria in Indonesia... 29 A.8.1. Prof. John Kevin Baird...... 30 A.9. Valorization of local biodiversity, domestication and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia...... 30 A.9.1. Mr. Jacques Louis Daniel Slembrouck...... 33 A.10. Ecological Studies On Flying Foxes And Their Involvement In Rabies- Related And Other Viral Infectious Diseases...... 33 A.10.1. Mr. Hitoshi Takemae...... 34 A.11. Identifying Sumatran elephant habitat requirements in three dimensions to provide the tools for minimizing human elephant conflict and maximizing essential elephant habitats...... 34 A.11.1. Dr. Gaius Wilson...... 35 A.12. Rapid Evolutionary Change of Invertebrates, Plants, and Their Interactions Under Ecological Disturbance...... 36 A.12.1. Mr. Naoyuki Fujiyama...... 37 A.12.2. Mr. Satoru Sato...... 37 A.13. Improving the Prevention and Treatment of Vivax Malaria in Indonesia... 38 A.13.1. Prof. John Kevin Baird...... 39 A.14. The Evaluation of Phenotypes Caused by Endosymbiotic Microbes in Tortricidae Insects...... 39 A.14.1. Mr. Hiroshi Arai...... 40 A.15. The Development of Curiosity in Wild Immature Orangutans...... 41 A.15.1. Ms. Larissa Josephina Jacoba Nellissen...... 42 A.16. The Diversification and Population Genomics of birds in Sumatra and Genomic Applications for their Conservation...... 42 A.16.1. Dr. Frank Erwin Rheindt...... 44 A.16.2. Ms. Pratibha Baveja...... 44 A.16.3. Ms. Gwee Chyi Yin...... 44 A.16.4. Ms. Ng Ying Xin Elize...... 45 A.17. Molecular Phylogenetics of Southeast Asian Syzygium (Myrtaceae), and Taxonomic Review of the Genus for the Bird’s Head Peninsula, Indonesia New Guinea...... 45

iv Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

A.17.1. Mr. Low Yee Wen...... 48 A.18. Aboveground Biodiversity Patterns and Processes Across Rainforest Transformation Landscapes...... 48 A.18.1. Mr. Kevin Li...... 49 A.19. Study of Epidemic and Emerging Viruses in Indonesia Archipelago...... 49 A.19.1. Dr. Khin Saw Myint...... 51 A.20. Molecular Epidemiology of Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Indonesia.. 51 A.20.1. Dr. Yoko Shimizu...... 52 A.21. Inventory of Amphidromous Species in Indonesia...... 52 A.20.1. Dr. Yoko Shimizu...... 53

B. BOTANI (BOTANY)...... 54 B.1 Taxonomic, Phylogenetic, Functional, and Biogeographical Diversity of Vascular Plants in Rainforest Transformation Systems on Sumatra (Indonesia)...... 55 B.1.1. Dr. Fabian Otto Brambach...... 56

C. EKOLOGI (ECOLOGY)...... 57 C .1. Assessing Risk Extirpation and Extinction Risk of Intertidal Fauna in the Banda Sea, Indonesia...... 57 C . 1. 1. Dr. Wayne Arden Bennett Jr...... 58 C .2. Corals at the extreme: partitioning the response of coral holobionts to marginal habitats 5. Indicators of Biodiversity Response to Land Use Changes Across Tropical Forest Habitats on Buton Island, Indonesia...... 58 C .2. 1. Dr. Stephanie Courtney Jones...... 59 C.3. Assessment of The Relationship between Landscape Scale Habitat Diversity and Mammal Diversity to Identify Areas of Conservation Priority and Predict The Consequences of Land-Use Change on Biodiversity...... 60 C .3. 1. Ms. Shari Lynn Mang...... 61 C .4. Is regeneration enough? Temporal turnover of forest bird assemblages in a disturbed Sumatran lowland rainforest and implications for conservation...... 61 C .4. 1. Mr. Sathya Chandra Sagar Halehalli Sathyanarayana...... 62 C.5. Determining population trends and factors contributing to Yellow- crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) persistence in ...... 62 C .5. 1. Ms. Astrid Linnea Alexandra Andersson...... 63

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C .6. SUSTAINPEAT: Overcoming barriers to sustainable livelihoods and environments in smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatland... 63 C.6.1. Mr. Antonio Jonay Jovani Sancho...... 66 C.6.2. Mr. Patrick Joseph O’Reilly...... 66 C .7. Assessment of The Relationship between Landscape Scale Habitat Diversity and Mammal Diversity to Identify Areas of Conservation Priority and Predict The Consequences of Land-Use Change on Biodiversity...... 66 C .7. 1. Ms. Shari Lynn Mang...... 67 C.8. Is regeneration enough? Temporal turnover of forest bird assemblages in a disturbed Sumatran lowland rainforest and implications for conservation...... 68 C.8.1. Mr. Sathya Chandra Sagar Halehalli Sathyanarayana...... 69 C . 9. Determining population trends and factors contributing to Yellow- crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) persistence in Komodo National Park...... 69 C .9. 1. Ms. Astrid Linnea Alexandra Andersson...... 70 C.10. SUSTAINPEAT: Overcoming barriers to sustainable livelihoods and environments in smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatland... 70 C. 10. 1. Mr. Antonio Jonay Jovani Sancho...... 73 C. 11. Impacts of transformation of rainforests into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soil...... 73 C .11. 1. Ms. Britta Glenesk Greenshields...... 74 C.12. Density and Ranging behaviour of the Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus and Sleep Quality and Sleep Site Selection in the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo albelii in Response to Environmental Changes of Forest Habitats...... 74 C .12. 1. Ms. Emma Louise Hankinson...... 76 C .12. 2. Ms. Rosanna Arianna Consiglio...... 76 C.13. The Importance of Micro-Climate Refuges for Mammal Responses to Climate Change and Human Disturbance...... 76 C.13.1. Ms. Helen Danielle Slater...... 77 C.14. Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Microbial Activity Related to Methane Emissions from Trees in The Central Kalimantan Peatland Forest...... 77 C.14.1. Ms. Carla Sabrina Gomez...... 78 C.15. Action Research for the Peat Land Restoration and Transdiciplinary Study for the Future of Peatland Society...... 78 C.15.1. Mr. Taishin Kameoka...... 79

vi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

C.16. Reconstruction of natural disasters records from historical description and social response in Indonesia...... 80 C .16.1. Mr. Ryosuke Kajita...... 80 C.17. Long Term Change in Peatland Societies: Natural Processes and Human Interference, an Archive Study...... 80 C .17. 1. Mr. Arthur van Schaik...... 81 C.18. The Contribution of Riparian Reserves within Oil Palm Plantations to pest control...... 81 C.18.1. Ms. Helen Sophie Waters...... 82 C.19. Influence of Fruit Availability on Party Size of Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo Abelii) Living in ...... 82 C.19.1. Mr. Tom Simon Roth...... 83 C.20. Monitoring of Greenhouse Gasses and Particulate Matters and Assessment of health impact of haze pollutants caused by peatland fires in Indonesia...... 84 C.20. 1. Osamu Kozan...... 84 C.21. Investigating Spider Ecology and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia Oil Palm Plantations...... 84 C.21.1. Mr. Michael David Pashkevich Jr...... 85 C.22. The Observation of the Hypoxia in Jakarta Bay...... 85 C.22.1. Dr. Yuichi Hayami...... 87 C.23. Possible Effects of Gold Mining on Coral Reef Health (Goldcoreh)...... 87 C.23.1. Ms. Greta Zampa...... 88 C.24. Oil Palm and Ecosystem Services from Native Pollinators in Sumatra, Indonesia...... 88 C.24.1. Mr. Tien-Yi Fung (Jonathan Fung)...... 89 C.25. Impacts of Land Use on Native Pollinator Diversity and Survival in Sumatra, Indonesia...... 90 C.25.1. Ms. Sonja Schröck...... 91 C.26. Identifying Drivers of Tropical Vertebrate Population Dynamics and Distributions at Gunung Palung National Park...... 91 C.26.1. Mr. Samuel Christopher Lavis...... 92 C.27. Understanding Fast and Slow Variables of Karimunjawa Marine Protected Area as a means to Effectively Manage Implications of Rapid Change...... 92 C.27.1. Ms. Simar Kaur...... 93 C.28. Secret Cats of Sabangau: Behavioural Ecology and Population Density of Borneo’s Small Cats...... 94

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C.29.1. Ms. Karen Anne Jeffers...... 95 C.30. Quantification of (Micro) Plastic Particles in The Sediment and Benthic Organisms of The Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia...... 95 C30.1. Ms. Jana Frey...... 96 C.31. Ecology Of The Maleo (Macrocephalon Maleo) In Tompotika, Central Sulawesi...... 96 C.31.1. Ms. Marcia Lee Brown Summers...... 97 C.32. BioPlasDeg Asia-Biological degradation of bio-plastic in the marine environment in Asia...... 97 C.32.1. Mr. Christian Lott...... 99 C.32.2. Ms. Miriam Elisabeth Weber...... 100 C.33. The importance of ant and termite communities in ecosystem functioning in oil palm plantations...... 100 C.33.1. Ms. Amelia St Clair Hood...... 101 C.34. Assessing Ecological Restoration: Odonates as a Bioindicator for Peat Swamp Forest Recovery...... 101 C.34.1. Mr. Brendan Alexander Holly...... 102 C.35. Using Monitoring Technologies for Conservation, A Change in The Management and Governance of Protected Areas?...... 102 C.35.1. Ms. Laure Juliette Marie Joanny...... 103 C.36. Coral reefs, SCUBA diving and tourism: A social-ecological Network Analysis...... 103 C.36.1. Mr. David Eider...... 104 C.37. Interventions for behavior change of consumption of single-use plastic. 104 C.37.1. Ms. Mirja Kristina Bauer...... 105 C.38. The Biogeochemical, Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Cycling in Coastal Mangrove Systems...... 105 C.38.1. Ms. Ceylena Holloway...... 107 C.39. A Study of Mangrove Forest Management Arrangements in Kabupaten Langkat, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia...... 107 C.39.1. Ms. Ruth Althea Pinto...... 108 C.40. Impacts of Marine Debris on Coastal Life Around Bangka Island (North Sulawesi, Indonesia)...... 108 C.40.1. Ms. Jasmin Susanne Müller...... 109 C.40.2. Mr. Nicolas Thaddäus Bill...... 109 C.41. Agricultural Practices for Greenhouse Gas Regulation in Oil palm (AP-GRO)...... 110 C.41.1. Dr. Julia Drewer...... 111

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C.42. Socio-Ecology of Tropical Peatlands: An Interdisciplinary Project on Aquatic Ecology and Sustainable Livelihoods in Indonesian Borneo to Support Environmental Conservation and Fire Prevention...... 112 C.42.1. Ms. Sara Anne Thornton...... 113 C.43. Biomanco. Bio-Morphodynamic Modelling of Mangrove Mud-Coasts...... 113 C.43.1. Ms. Alejandra Gijon Mancheno...... 114 C.43.2. Ms. Celine Euphemia Johanna van Bijsterveldt...... 115 C.43.3. Ms. Silke Andrea Judith Tas...... 115 C.44. Indonesian coral reefs health assessment (InCoRA)...... 115 C.44.1. Prof. Massimo Ponti...... 117 C.44.2. Dr. Eva Turicchia...... 117 C.45. Improving seaweed production and processing opportunities in Indonesia...... 117 C.45.1. Dr. Michael Albert Rimmer...... 120 C.46. Assessing Ecological Restoration: Odonates as a Bioindicator for Peat Swamp Forest Recovery...... 121 C.45.1. Dr. Michael Albert Rimmer...... 122 C.47. Behavioural and Home Range Changes in Orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in an Area Affected by the 2015 Forest Fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 122 C.47.1. Mr. Axel Martínez Ruiz...... 123 C.48. Analysing the impact of farming activities in the Getas-Ngandong forests on water and land use management to explore possibilities of mitigating negative impacts...... 123 C.48.1. Ms. Rhoda Rijneveld...... 124 C.49. Migratory Seabird Research in Coastal Indonesia...... 124 C.49.1. Mr. Sanjay Pyare...... 125 C.50. Action Research for the Peatlands Restoration and the Trans-disciplinary Study on the Future of Peatlands Society in Indonesia...... 125 C.50.1. Prof. Kosuke Mizuno...... 126 C.51.2. Mr. Ryosuke Kajita...... 127 C.52. A03 - Ecosystem-scale assessment of the full greenhouse gas and energy balance of an oil palm plantation in Sumatra (Indonesia)” Contribution to: “Z02-Central Scientific Service Project...... 127 C.52.1. Mr. Christian Stiegler ...... 128 C.53. Testing strategies for biodiversity conservation, sustainability and resilience in oil palm plantations...... 128 C.53.1. Ms. Sarah Helen Luke...... 129

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C.54. Action Research for the Peatlands Restoration and the Trans-disciplinary Study on the Future of Peatlands Society in Indonesia...... 129 C.54.1. Prof. Kosuke Mizuno...... 130 C.54.2. Mr. Kei Mizuno...... 131 C.55. Ecosystem-scale assessment of the full greenhouse gas and energy balance of an oil palm plantation in Sumatra (Indonesia)” Contribution to: “Z02-Central Scientific Service Project...... 131 C.55.1. Mr. Christian Stiegler...... 132

D. OSEANOGRAFI (OCEANOGRAPHY)...... 132 D.1. Corals at the extreme: partitioning the response of coral holobionts to marginal habitats...... 132 D.1.1. Ms. Bethan Nicole Greenwood...... 133 D.2. Environmental degradation and future transitions from coral to sponge- dominated reef states 2018: trophic interactions and population changes.... 133 D.2.1. Ms. Charlotte Lucy Mortimer...... 134 D.3. Assessing coral communities in the aftermath of the third global mass bleaching event: Indonesia...... 134 D. 3. 1. Dr. Emma Victoria Kennedy...... 136 D. 3.2. Ms. Susannah Alexandra Green...... 136 D. 3.3. Mr. Dominic Edmund Paul Bryant...... 136 D. 3. 4. Ms. Kathryn Louise Markey...... 136 D. 3. 5. Mr. Patrick George Gartrell...... 137 D. 3. 6. Ms. Anjani Ellen Ganase...... 137 D.4. Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction...... 137 D.4.1. Mr. Kenneth John Connell...... 138 D.4.2. Mr. William Lester Higley Jr...... 138 D.5. The Long-Term Impact of Environmental Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems in The Spermonde Archipelago...... 138 D.5. 1. Dr. Willem Renema...... 139 D.5.2. Ms. Nicole Joy de Voogd...... 139 D. 5.3. Ms. Esther van der Ent...... 140 D. 5.4. Mr. Niels van der Windt...... 140 D.6. Phylogenomics and Microevolution of Sulawesi Endemic Freshwater Fishes...... 140 D.6.1. Prof. Kazunori Yamahira...... 141 D.6.2. Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi...... 141 D.6.3. Mr. Javier Andres Montenegro Gonzales...... 142

x Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

D.7. The Long-Term Impact of Environmental Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems in The Spermonde Archipelago...... 142 D.7.1. Dr. Willem Renema...... 143 D.7.2. Ms. Nicole Joy de Voogd...... 143 D.7.3. Ms. Esther van der Ent...... 143 D.7.4. Mr. Niels van der Windt...... 144 D.8. Joint Singapore-Indonesia Expedition to Elucidate The Deep-Sea Biodiversity of The Seas Off Southern Java...... 144 D. 8. 1. Dr. Tan Koh Siang...... 145 D. 8. 2. Ms. Chuar Cheah Hoay...... 145 D. 8. 3. Mr. Chim Chee Kong...... 146 D. 8. 4. Ms. Gan Bin Qi...... 146 D. 8. 5. Mr. Lim Swee Cheng...... 146 D. 8. 6. Ms. Ong Sheue Ling (Wang Xueling)...... 146 D. 8. 7. Ms. Tong Jia Wen, Samantha...... 147 D. 8. 8. Ms. Iffah Binte Iesa...... 147 D. 8. 9. Mr. Muhammad Dzaki Bin Safaruan...... 147 D.10. Prof. Ng Kee Lin...... 147 D. 8.11. Dr. Tan Heok Hui...... 148 D. 8.12. Mr. Tan Siong Kiat (Chen Xiongjie)...... 148 D. 8.13. Dr. Jose Christopher Escaño Mendoza...... 148 D. 8.14. Prof. Chen Tien-Jen (Chan Tin Yam)...... 148 D. 8.15. Dr. Yang Chien-Hui...... 149 D. 8.16. Prof. Lin Chia-Wei...... 149 D. 8.17. Dr. Bertrand Richer De Forges...... 149 D. 9. Biodiversity and Connectivity Patterns Inside and Outside Marine Protected Areas...... 149 D.9.1.Mr. Christiaan Albert de Leeuw...... 150 D.10. Global FinPrint Project...... 151 D.10.1.Mr. Stephen Kelso Moore...... 152 D.10.2.Ms. Carolyn Samantha Sherman...... 152 D.11. Circulation and ecosystem study in the Indonesian seas under the influence of the western Pacific variability...... 153 D.11.1. Mr. Wang Zheng...... 154 D.11.2. Mr. Yao Li...... 154 D.11.2. Mr. Yao Li...... 154 D.11.3. Mr. Xiang Li...... 155 D.11.4. Ms. Xiaoyue HU...... 155 D.11.5. Mr. Yang Ya...... 155

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D.12. TRansport Indonesian seas, Upwelling and Mixing Physics (TRIUMPH)..... 156 D.12.1. Mr. Wei Wu...... 157 D. 12.2. Mr. Qinglei Su...... 157 D.12.3. Mr. Huiwu Wang...... 158 D.12.4. Mr. Chao Li...... 158 D.13. Blue Carbon: The Impacts of Mangrove Restoration on Seagrass Carbon Storage in Indonesia...... 158 D.13.1. Ms. Carly LaRoche...... 159 D.14. ITST Palu 2018...... 159 D.14.1. Prof. Philip L-F Liu...... 160 D.13.2. Dr. Pablo Higuera...... 161 D.13.3. Dr. Kuifeng Zhao...... 161 D.13.4. Mr. Ignacio Barranco...... 161

E. PRIMATOLOGI (PRIMATOLOGY)...... 162 E.1. Population Monitoring of Endangered Gibbons and Orangutans to Support Protection of A Threatened Bornean Landscape...... 162 E.1.1. Ms. Wendy Marie Erb...... 163 E.2. Nest Surveys and Qualitative Habitat Analyses of Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Morio) in Kutai National Park...... 163 E.2.1. Mr. Ryan Graham Guild...... 164 E.3. Conservation implications of sex-based differences in daily distance travelled and behaviour in infant and juvenile Javan slow lorises (Nycticebus javanicus)...... 164 E.3.1. Ms. Keely Queen Maynard...... 165 E.4. Reproductive Strategies in Bornean Orangutans...... 166 E.4.1. Ms. Amy Marie Scott...... 167 E.5. Orangutan Development, Reproduction and Life History...... 167 E.5.1. Ms. Alys Granados...... 168 E.6. Stone handling as precursor to stone tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques...... 168 E.6.1. Ms. Chloe India Wright...... 169 E.7. Behavioral structure and motivational processes of object play in Balinese long-tailed macaques...... 169 E.7.1. Ms. Sydney Ellen Chertoff...... 170 E.8. Object play, complex foraging, and tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques...... 171 E.8.1. Ms. Camilla Cenni...... 172

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E.9. Behavior monitoring of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and assessment of local conservation education...... 172 E.9.1. Ms. Ella Rebekah Brown...... 173 E.10. Behavioral structure and motivational processes of object play in Balinese long-tailed macaques...... 174 E.10.1. Ms. Sydney Ellen Chertoff...... 175 E.11. Object play, complex foraging, and tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques...... 175 E.11.1. Ms. Camilla Cenni...... 176 E.12. Stone handling as precursor to stone tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques...... 176 E.11.1. Ms. Chloe India Wright...... 178 E.12. Behavior monitoring of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and assessment of local conservation education...... 178 E.12.1. Ms. Ella Rebekah Brown...... 179 E.13. Behavior monitoring of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and assessment of local conservation education...... 179 E.13.1. Ms. Ella Rebekah Brown...... 180 E.14. Habitat use and preference of mammals in Sumatra...... 181 E.14.1. Mr. Nathan John Harrison...... 182 E.15. Demographic and Behavioral Monitoring of Long-Tailed Macaques in A Framework of A Sterilization Programme in Monkey Forest Ubud (Bali)... 182 E.1 5.1. Mr. Damien Broens...... 183 E.15. 2. Ms. Sophie Regine S. Delooz...... 183 E.16. Habitat use, social behaviour, and collective decision-making of the black crested macaque (Macaca nigra)...... 184 E.16.1. Mr. James Oliver Waterman...... 184 E.17. Joint attention in wild Sulawesi crested macaques (Macaca nigra)...... 185 E.17.1. Dr. Kirsty Emma Graham...... 185 E.18. Demography, Behavior and sterilization of an overcrowded long-tailed macaque population in Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali): a long-term follow-up.. 186 E.19.1 Ms. Fany Aline M. Brotcorne...... 187 E.20. Behavioral Monitoring of Sterilized Long-Tailed Macaques at Monkey Forest Ubud (Bali): Evaluating Changes in Alloparental Care, Sexual and Stress-Related Behaviours...... 187 E.20.1 Ms. Fany Aline M. Brotcorne...... 188 E.21. Why do orangutans show such late weaning? Skill acquisition and growth trajectories in immature Sumatran orangutans around the timing of weaning”...... 189

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E.21.1. Ms. Belinda Lilian Kunz...... 190 E.22. The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Variation in Plant Productivity on The Population Ecology of Bornean Rainforest Vertebrates...... 190 E.22.1. Ms. Lisa Orth...... 191 E.23. Orangutan Development, Reproduction and Life History...... 191 E.23.1. Ms. Dania Magaly Abizaid Herrera...... 192 E.23.2 Ms. Erin Elizabeth Kane...... 193 E.24. Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on The Natural Calling Behavior of Wild Siamang...... 193 E.24.1. Ms. Amelie, Marie, Catherine Desmoulin...... 194 E.25. Ethological Study of The Impact of Female Sterilization on Young Individuals in The Macaca Fascicularis Population of The Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali)...... 194 E.25.1. Ms. Gabrielle Verrier...... 195 E.26. A Comparative, Inter-Disciplinary Approach to Understanding The Evolution ff Monogamy and Duetting Behavior in Non-Human Primates... 196 E.26.1. Dr. Dena Jane Clink...... 197 E.27. Understanding The Effects of Seed Predation by Red Leaf Monkeys on The Diversitya and Distribution of Bornean Plants...... 197 E.27.1. Mr. Gene Rafael Estrada...... 198 E.28. Orangutan Development, Reproduction and Life History...... 198 E.28.1. Ms. Cheryl Denise Knott...... 199 E.29. Linking Nutrition, Oxidative Stress, and Immunity in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) at The Tuanan Research Station... 200 E.29.1. Ms. Sophia Terese Palia...... 200 E.30. Nutritional Immunology, Energetics, and Habitat Quality in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) at The Tuanan Research Station...... 201 E.30.1. Ms. Shaylyn Austin...... 202 E.31. Gut Microbes, Nutrition, and Health in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) at The Tuanan Research Station...... 202 E.31.1. Mr. Ethan Harris...... 203 E.32. The Evolutionary Origins Of Human Innovation...... 203 E.32.1. Ms. Lisa-Marie Kiessling...... 204 E.32.2. Mr. Victor Beltran Frances...... 205 E.33. The Impact of Diet, Disease, Social Behavior, and Reproductive Status on Parasite Prevalence in Bornean Orangutans...... 205 E.33.1. Ms. Natalie Jane Robinson...... 206 E.34. Distribution and Taxonomy of Banded Langurs in Sumatra...... 206

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E.34.1. Ms. Ang Hui Fang Andie...... 207 E.34.2. Ms. Sabrina Binte Abdul Jabbar...... 207 E.35. Costs and Benefits from Associations with Males for Female Orangutans... 208 E.35.1. Ms. Caroline Fryns...... 208 E.36. Early Orang-utan Independence...... 209 E.36.1. Ms. Sophie Amelia Vaughn Kirklin...... 209 E.37. Camp Leakey Relatedness, Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah...... 210 E.37.1. Ms. Ruth Ella Linsky...... 211 E.38. Impacts of ENSO Cycles on Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus Morio) Feeding Ecology, Ranging, and Development in Kutai National Park, Indonesia...... 211 E.38.1. Prof. Anne Eleanor Russon...... 212 E.39. Human-wildlife Relationships and Perceived Risk Related to Long-Tailed Macaques in Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali, Indonesia)...... 213 E.39.1. Ms. Emilie Ségolène Chotard...... 214 E.40. Investigating Forest Edge Effects on Gibbon and Red Langur Behaviour. 214 E.40.1. Ms. Nora Helal...... 215 E.41. Seed Dispersal Effectiveness and Spatial Distribution Patterns in Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)...... 215 E.41.1. Ms. Andrea Beth Blackburn...... 216 E.42. Dispersal in Wild Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch): Development, Intra-Group Competition, and Population Genetics...... 217 E.42.1. Ms. Ahyun Choi...... 218 E.43. What Cognitive Mechanisms Do Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo Abelii) Use to Navigate Their Travel Routes?...... 218 E.43.1. Mr. James Marcus Smedley...... 219 E.44. Orangutan Mothers’ Adaptive Strategies to Make Their Infants Develop Fast...... 220 E.44.1. Ms. Natalie Oliver-Caldwell...... 220 E.45. Gut Microbes, Nutrition, and Health in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at the Tuanan Research Station...... 221 E.45.1. Ms. Rebecca Shae-Anna Brittain...... 222 E.46. Human-wildlife Relationships and Perceived Risk Related to Long-Tailed Macaques in Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali, Indonesia)...... 223 E.47. Complexity of Facial Communication in Crested Macaques (Macaca Nigra)...... 224 E.47.1. Mr. Peter Robert Clark...... 225 E.48. Orangutan Population Density Surveys Across Kalimantan Tengah...... 225

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E.48.1. Dr. Benjamin James William Buckley...... 226 E.49. Potential Side-Effects of Sterilizations on Socio-Ecology of Female Long- Tailed Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) In Bali (Indonesia)...... 226 E.49.1. Ms. Gwennan Thérèse Louise Giraud...... 227

F. ZOOLOGI (ZOOLOGY)...... 228 F.1. Density and Ranging behaviour of the Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus and Sleep Quality and Sleep Site Selection in the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo albelii in Response to Environmental Changes of Forest Habitats...... 228 F.1.1. Ms. Lucy Elizabeth Twitcher...... 229 F.2. Conservation of the Endemic Chelonians of Sulawesi : Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi) and Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii)...... 230 F.2.1. Ms. Christine Light...... 231 F.3. Species discovery, evolutionary relationships, and conservation of small mammals on Java and the Sunda Shelf”...... 232 F.3.1. Mr. Jonathan Allen Nations...... 233 F.4. Genome-wide Assessment of Morphological Convergence among Bird Populations on Indonesian Peripheral Islands...... 233 F.4.1. Mr. Matthew L. Brady...... 234 F.4.2.Oscar Johnson...... 234 F.4.3. Mr. Subir B. Shakya...... 234 F.5. Epifauna Associated to Coral Reef Crinoids (Epicrin)...... 234 F.5.1. Mr. Riccardo Virgili...... 235 F.6. Population biology of a critical pollinator and invasive species, Apis cerana the Asian honey bee, in Indonesia and Australia...... 236 F.6.1. Dr. Michael Holmes...... 237 F.7. Conservation Biology of the Paguyaman (Nantu) Forest in Northern Sulawesi...... 237 F.7.1. Dr. Lynn M. Clayton...... 238 F.8. DNA barcoding Indonesian freshwater aquatic biotas of Wallacea: cryptic diversity and its biogeographical origin in a biodiversity hotspot...... 239 F.8.1. Mr. Nicolas Michel Hubert...... 240 F.9. Testing Depth Response of Transplanted Heat-Resistant Corals...... 240 F.9.1. Mr. Max Sascha Dhillon...... 241

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F.10. Conservation of the Endemic Chelonians of Sulawesi : Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi and Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii)...... 241 F.10.1. Ms. Angela Simms...... 243 F.11. Cognitive Ecology of Goffin’s Cockatoos (Cacatua Goffiniana)...... 243 F.11.1. Dr. Mark Christopher O Hara...... 244 F.11.2. Ms. Berenika Mioduszewska...... 245 F.11.3. Mr. Aristide Maxime Parisod...... 245 F.12. Survey of Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea to identify and promote conservation action for each of its subspecies...... 246 F.12.1. Ms. Anna Reuleaux...... 247 F.13. Understanding The Behavioural Impacts of Fragmentation on Javan Slow Lorises (Nycticebus Javanicus): Building Bridges for Conservation... 247 F.13.1. Ms. Hélène Birot...... 248

BAB IV PERIKANAN...... 295 A. PERIKANAN LAUT...... 295 A.1. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System...... 295 A.1.1. Prof. Katsumori Hatanaka...... 296 A.2. Cetacean Bycatch in Artisanal Fisheries in Gorontalo, Northern Sulawesi: An Assessment Using Fisher Interviews...... 296 A.2.1. Elena Wonneberger...... 298 A.3. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System...... 298 A.3.1. Prof. Masaaki Wada...... 299 A.3.2. Mr. Yoshinori Mine...... 299 A.4. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System...... 299 A.4.1. Prof. Masaaki Wada...... 300 A.4.2. Mr. Yoshinori Mine...... 300 A.4.3. Mr. Takumi Okabe...... 300 A.5. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System...... 301 A.5.1. Mr. Keiji Suzuk...... 301 A.5.2. Mr. Hiroaki Taka...... 302 A.5.3. Mr. Hiroyasu Kamoshita...... 302

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B. PERIKANAN BUDIDAYA...... 302 B.1. Valorisation of local biodiversity, domestication and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia/Reproduction and eggs and embryos management in the giant gourami...... 302 B.1.1. Mr. Simon Pouil...... 304

BAB V. ILMU KESEHATAN & KEDOKTERAN (HEALTH & MEDICAL SCIENCE)...... 305 A. KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT (PUBLIC HEALTH)...... 305 A.1. The Impact of Domestic Dog Ecology on The Spread and Control of Infectious Diseases...... 305 A.1.1. Ms. Charlotte Warembourg...... 306 A.2. Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Their Adherence Problems, and Related Factors...... 307 A.2.1. Mr. Wei-Chih Liu...... 308 A.3. The Effect of Displacement on the Association Between Landslides and Mental Health in Banjarnegara and Yogyakarta, Indonesia...... 308 A.3.1. Ms. Katherine Burrows...... 309 A.4. Validating Ischaemic Heart Disease as A Cause of Death Diagnosis from Verbal Autopsy in Indonesia...... 310 A.4.1. Ms. Wenrong Zhang...... 310 A.5. Validating The Diagnosis of Death Caused by Cerebrovascular Disease from Verbal Autopsy in Indonesia...... 311 A.5.1. Ms. Sha Sha...... 311 A.6. Food, Agrobiodiversity and Diet: The Nutritional Ethnobiology of The Minang and Mandailing Food Systems in West Sumatra...... 312 A.6.1. Mr. Lukas Pawera...... 313 A.7. Contributions of Indonesian Traditional Herbal Treatment ‘Jamu’ to Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Female’s Quality of Life...... 314 A.7.1. Ms. Yoshimi Sugino...... 314 A.8. Liquid Gold: A Qualitative Inquiry into Decision-Making about Breastfeeding Among Indonesian Women...... 315 A.8.1. Ms. Nicole Lynn Johnson...... 316 A.9. A Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Adjunctive Dexamethasone from The Treatment of HIV Infected Adults with Tuberculous Meningitis...... 316 A.9.1. Dr. Raph Leonardus Hamers...... 318 A.10. Research on mosquito-borne and blood-borne viral infectious diseases in Indonesia...... 318 A.10.1. Mr. Shuhei Ueda...... 319

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A.11. From Forest Foods to Supermarkets: Changing Diets, Nutrition and Food Environments Resulting from Oil Palm Driven Deforestation, West Kalimantan, Indonesia”...... 319 A.11.1. Mr. Dominic Samuel Rowland...... 320

B. KEDOKTERAN (MEDICAL SCIENCES)...... 320 B.1. An Integrated Research For The Development of A Scheme To Control Emerging Vector-Borne Viral Diseases In Asia...... 320 B.1.1. Mr. Hiroshi Shimoda...... 321

C. BIOLOGI MOLEKULER (MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)...... 322 C.1. Co-evolution of humans and infectious diseases in Island Southeast Asia.. 322 C.1.1. Mr. John Stephen Lansing...... 323 C.2. Targeting case detection strategies to populations at high risk for malaria in Aceh Province: case control and reactive case detection studies...... 323 C.2.1. Mr. Adam Forrest Bennett...... 324 C.2.2. Mr. Paul Joseph Brown III...... 324 C.3. Molecular Epidemiological Studies on Human Malaria Parasites and G6PD Deficiency in Indonesia...... 325 C.3.1. Prof. Fumihiko Kawamoto...... 326

BAB VI. ILMU KIMIA (CHEMISTRY)...... 327 A. Synthesis And Characterization Of Graphene Based Metal/Metal Oxide Composites For Photocatalytic Treatment Of Wastewater...... 327 A.1.1. Ms. Vanitha Muthukannan...... 328

BAB VII. ILMU KEBUMIAN (EARTH SCIENCES)...... 329 A. GEOLOGI (GEOLOGY)...... 329 A.1. Quaternary Sediments of Sumatra...... 329 A.1.1. Mr. Edward Park...... 330 A.1.2. Ms. Francesca Forni...... 330 A.1.3. Mr. Steffen Eisele...... 330 A.2. Climate Life and Oceans Modulated by Mantle Dynamics in Indonesia...... 330 A.2.1. Mr. Denovan Chauveau...... 331 A.2.2. Mr. Kevin Vincent Pedoja-Mathelin...... 332 A.2.3. Mr. Laurent Bernard Marie Husson...... 332

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B. GEOFISIKA...... 332 B.1. Scientific investigation of the Jailolo seismic swarms and related seismic hazard and risk assessment...... 332 B.1.1. Dr. Luigi Passarelli...... 333 B.2. Optimizing Models Using Complex Source of Deformations in Elastic Medium...... 334 B.2.1. Mr. Villie Antoine Marie Christophe...... 334 B.3. Java Tsunami Earthquake Risk Assessment (JAVATERA)...... 335 B.3.1. Prof. Satish Chandra Singh...... 336 B.3.2. Ms. Helene Delphine Carton...... 336 B.3.3. Ms. Muriel Laurencin...... 336 B.3.4. Mr. Hongyu Zeng...... 336

C. GEOKIMIA...... 337 C.1. Geochemical and age constrains on the petrogenesis of potassic magmatism of the Muria igneous complex, Central Java...... 337 C.1.1. Mr. Yu Ming Lai...... 338 C.1.2. Mr. Sun Lin Chung...... 338 C.1.3. Mr. Yang Sun...... 338

D. PALEOGEOLOGI...... 339 D.1. Palaeoenvironements of Sumatra During the Pleistocene...... 339 D.1.1. Mr. Julien Louys...... 340 D.1.2. Mr. Gilbert James Price...... 341 D.1.3. Ms. Holly Ellen Smith...... 341

E. HIDROLOGI...... 341 E.1. Catchment hydrology in the Wet Dry Tropics –what are the drivers of spring yield variability in East Sumba, Indonesia...... 341 E.1.1. Ms. Penelope Bronwyn Godwin...... 342 E.2. Carbon dioxide cycling in fresh to estuarine waterways on a tropical island...... 342 E.2.1. Mr. Paul Anthony Macklin...... 343

F. VULKANOLOGI (VULCANOLOGY)...... 344 F.1. VELI: Indonesian Explosive Volcanoes Laboratory...... 344 F.1.1. Mr. Nabil Dahamna...... 344

xx Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

BAB VIII. ILMU SOSIO HUMANIORA...... 345 A. ARKEOLOGI (ARCHAEOLOGY)...... 345 A.1. Studying Human Origin in East Java...... 345 A.1.1. Gerrit Mannes Alink...... 346 A.2.1. Mr. Stéphane Claude Frère...... 347 A.2.2. Ms. Bing Zhao...... 347 A.3. Studying Human Origin in East Java...... 348 A.3.1. Ms. Josephine Caroline Antoinette Joordens...... 349 A.4. Evolution and Dispersal of Early Modern Humans in Wallacea...... 349 A.4.1. Ms. Josephine Caroline Antoinette Joordens...... 350 A.5. The Archaelogy of Island use in the Wallacean Archipelago...... 350 A.5.1. Prof. Susan Lillian O’Connor...... 352 A.5.2. Ms. Shimona Frances Kealy...... 352 A.5.3. Mr. Ceri Ben Kersey Shipton...... 352 A.5.4. Mr. Jack Alexander O’Connor-Veth...... 352 A .6. Archaeological excavations at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia)...... 353 A .6.1. Mr. Matthew Wayne Tocheri...... 354 A.7. Archaeological excavations at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia)...... 354 A.7. 1. Mr. Matthew Wayne Tocheri...... 355 A.7.2. Ms. Elizabeth Grace Veatch...... 355

B. SOSIOLOGI (SOCIOLOGY)...... 355 B.1. Urbanisation, dietary change and local food cultures: the case of Indonesia...... 355 B.1.1. Mr. David Colozza...... 356 B.2. Determinants of Religious Violence in Indonesia and Future Prospects...... 357 B.2.1. Mr. Yushin Kurisawa...... 357 B.3. Pemukiman-Pemukiman Kuno di Sumatra Utara, Sumatra Barat dan Riau (Abad Ke-9-Abad Ke-14 M)...... 358 B.3.1. Prof. Dr. Daniel Georges Perret...... 359 B.4. Neutralism in Global History: A Case Study of the Role of Indonesia as A Mediator between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia in International Community from 1970-1980’s...... 360 B.4.1. Ms. Minako Wakasugi...... 361 B.5. Sustainable Communities and Disaster Planning in Indonesia...... 361 B.5.1. Ms. Michiko Hosobuchi...... 362 B.6. The Urbanisation and Migration around Jakarta...... 362 B.6.1. Mr. Jiro Oi...... 363

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B.7. Agricultural Development in Minahasa, North Sulawesi, in the Late Colonial Period...... 363 B.7.1. Mr. Atsushi Ota...... 364 B.8. Intercultural Development as Part of The In-Country Educational Experience...... 364 B.8.1. Ms. Kate Louise Naidu...... 365 B.9. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia...... 365 B. 9. 1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter...... 366 B.10. The Individual Deprivation Measure...... 366 B.10. 1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming...... 368 B.11. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia...... 368 B.11.1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter...... 369 B.12.1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming...... 370 B.12.2. Ms. Helen Catherine Suich...... 370 B.13. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia...... 371 B.13. 1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter...... 372 B.14. The Individual Deprivation Measure...... 372 14. 1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming...... 373 14. 2. Ms. Helen Catherine Suich...... 373 B.15. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia...... 374 B.15. 1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter...... 375 B.16. The Individual Deprivation Measure...... 375 B.16.1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming...... 376 B.16.2. Ms. Helen Catherine Suich...... 376 B.17. Labor Migration in Indonesia’s Industrial Agricultural and Forest Landscapes...... 377 B.17.1. Prof. Nancy Lee Peluso...... 378 B.17.2 Ms. Lisa Cailin Kelley...... 378

C. ANTROPOLOGI SOSIAL BUDAYA (SOCIAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY).... 379 C.1. Budaya Sensor Mandiri: Film Censorship in Contemporary Indonesia...... 379 C .1. 1. Ms. Rosalia Namsai Engchuan...... 380 C.2. A Study on Property Strategies of Business Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Sized Local Enterprises in The Business Environment of Kota Semarang, Indonesia...... 380 C.2.1. Ms. Tirza Julianne van Bruggen...... 381 C.3. Pluralism as Practice: Offline and Online Forms of Sociality in the Technopolitan City of Bandung, Indonesia ...... 381 C.3. 1. Ms. Dayana Lengauer...... 382

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C.4. Shifting Villages in Iskland Southeast Asia...... 383 C.4.1. Mr. Joss Charles Roberts Whittaker...... 384 C.5. Performing Indonesian Islamic Piety: Forming Global Communities through Local Practies...... 384 C.5.1. Mr. James Michael Edmonds...... 385 C.6. A Woman’s Place: Gendered space, piety, and access to religious knowledge in women’s mosques...... 385 C.6.1. Ms. Bethany Mintha Elias Jenner...... 386 C.7. Assessing the Governance of Tuna Fisheries: Case Studies from the Pacific and Indian Oceans...... 386 C.7.1.Mr. Nicholas Robert McClean...... 387 C.8. Processes of Religious and Cosmopolitan Self-Formation: A Performance Ethnography of the Putri Reinha Rosar...... 388 C.8.1. Ms. Meghan Rose Donnelly...... 389 C.9. The Formation of Bajo Sea Nomad’s Maritime Network Based on A Traditional Navigation System...... 389 C.9.1. Ms. Makibi Nakano...... 390 C.10. Pre-investigation study for One Health management of Rabies in Bali: A socio-ecosystem dimension...... 390 C.10.1. Ms. Séverine Thys...... 391 C.11. Bibliographic research on adat in post-Soeharto Indonesia...... 391 C.11.1. Ms. Minami Takizawa...... 392 C.12. The modes of interreligious dialogue in Moluccas, Eastern Indonesia...... 392 C.12.1. Ms. Simona Sienkiewicz...... 393 C.13. Women’s emancipation through Muslim faith in Indonesia...... 393 C.13.1. Mr. Diego Garcia Rodriguez...... 394 C.14. Modern Migration, Linguistic Practices, and Youth Identity in Pekanbaru, Indonesia...... 394 C.14.1. Ms. Moniek Jacqueline van Rheenen...... 395 C.15. How Family Reunification Has Affected The Lives of Young Adults-Impacts of Family First Signature Program...... 395 C.15.1. Ms. Ayae Kanemitsu...... 396 C.16. The future of digital payments: The impact of digital and decentralised financial technologies...... 397 C.16.1. Ms. Sunniva Sandbukt...... 398 C .17. Research on the First Female Artist in Indonesia Emiria Sunassa...... 398 C.17.1. Mr. Yuki Hatori...... 399 C.18. Voyaging Resistance: Japanese Imperial Literature and the “South Seas”.399 C.18.1. Mr. Yoshiaki Otta...... 400

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C.19. Catholic Music in Indonesia: Representation, Identity Formation, and Community Building...... 401 C.18.1. Ms. Emilie Rose Coakley...... 402 C .19. Okinawan at Heart...... 403 C.19.1. Mr. Aaron West Singer...... 404 C.20. Forging Modern Identities through Metal and Music...... 404 C.20.1. Ms. Nancy Irene Cooper...... 405 C.20. Malay Chronicles, Thai Drama, Javanese Tales: Indonesian Malay Identity, Pasisir Cultural Flows, and the Performing Arts in Riau Islands Province... 405 C.20.1. Ms. Patricia Ann Hardwick...... 407

D. SEJARAH (HISTORY)...... 407 D.1. Pemukiman-Pemukiman Kuno di Sumatra Utara, Sumatra Barat dan Riau (Abad Ke-9-Abad Ke-14 M)...... 407 D.2. Neutralism in Global History: A Case Study of the Role of Indonesia as A Mediator between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia in International Community from 1970-1980’s...... 409 D.2.1. Ms. Minako Wakasugi...... 410 D.3. History of Tanah Bengkok and Local Leaders...... 410 D.3. 1. Mr. Lim Jia De Gedeon...... 411 D.4. Wars and Wonders: Imperial Wars and Natural-Cultural Expeditions in Indonesia...... 411 D.4.1. Ms . Jin Hee Yoo...... 412 D.5. The Opium Distribution and Consumption in the Indonesian Archipelago, c. 1670-1820...... 412 D.5.1. Mr. Shohei Okubo...... 413 D.6. Indonesian Cosmopolitanism and Inter-Asian Imaginations from Late Colonial to Early Postcolonial Periods (1920s-1950s)...... 414 D.6.1. Mr. Thiti Jamkajornkeiat...... 415

E. ILMU POLITIK (POLITICAL SCIENCE)...... 415 E.2. Explaining Institutional Development in Post-Colonial Indonesia...... 415 E.2.1. Mr. Darin Sanders Self...... 416 E.3. Creative Youth Culture and Urban Political Transformation in Indonesia: A Case of Bandung...... 416 E.3.1. Mr. Yujin Kim...... 417 E.4. Political Decentralisation as a Driver of Change in Indonesian Village Level Forest Governance...... 417 E.4.1. Mr. Logan John Hamilton...... 418

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E.5. The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Europe and Indonesia in Shaping Sustainable Land Use Policies in the Palm Oil Sector...... 419 E.5.1. Ms. Auriane Germémont-Collin...... 420

F. ILMU PENDIDIKAN (EDUCATION)...... 420 F.1. Exploring Indonesian Teachers’ Experiences Interpreting the Pancasila in an Interregional Online Collaborative Inquiry...... 420 F.1.1. Ms. Christine Edith Pheeney...... 421 F.2. The Study on Self-Formation of University Students by Visualizing The Process of Their Career Development and Its Comparative Research between Indonesia and Japan...... 422 F.2.1. Ms. Kiyomi Banda...... 423

G. EKONOMI MAKRO...... 423 G.1. Everything but Land, Nothing but Land: The Complexity of Land Tenure Security for Slum Upgrading ...... 423 G.1.1. Mr. Jae Hyeon Park...... 424 G.2. Infrastructure Financing and Transit Oriented Development: the case of Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta...... 425 G.2.1.Mr. Dimitar Velkov Anguelov...... 425 G.3. Indonesian Intergovernmental transfers and Risk Sharing...... 426 G.3.1. Mr. Junichiro Takahata...... 426 G.4. Mobilizing Green Finance...... 427 G.4.1. Mr. Rishikesh Ram Bhandary...... 427

LAMPIRAN Daftar Surat Izin Penelitian Asing tahun 2018...... 428 Daftar Surat Izin Perpanjangan Penelitian Asing tahun 2018...... 631

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing xxv Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi



1.1 Permohonan Izin Penelitian

Permohonan izin peneltian tahun 2017 ditunjukkan pada gambar 1, yang terdiri dari permohonan baru dan perpanjangan. Total permohonan sebanyak 611 peneliti asing dari 384 proyek penelitian. Sebagian proyek penelitian merupakan tim yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih personel peneliti. Dari sejumlah itu, 480 merupakan permohonan baru dan 131 permohonan perpanjangan.

Permohonan tersebut dibahas dalam Sidang TKPIPA dengan rincian sebagaimana tertera dalam Tabel 1 (permohonan baru) dan Tabel 2 (permohonan perpanjangan). Permohonan yang disetujui selanjutnya diproses visanya agar dapat memulai risetnya di Indonesia. Sedangkan keputusan pending diberikan jika memerlukan klarifikasi, baik tertulis ataupun diundang presentasi pada sidang berikutnya. Permohonan yang ditolak umumnya karena topik penelitian merupakan isu sensitif terkait regulasi, ataupun kebijakan, atau karena lokasinya yang merupakan daerah rawan konflik.

Dibandingkan dengan data tahun 2017, secara keseluruhan jumlah permohonan izin penelitian 2018 jauh lebih sedikit yaiyu hanya 611 permohonan sedangkan pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 750 permohonan (gambar 1).

Rasio Agregasi Permohonan Izin Penelitian 2017 Dibandingkan 2018 (Berdasarkan Jumlah Pemohon) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

2017 2018

Gambar 1: Perbandingan Fluktuasi jumlah permohonan tahun 2017 dan 2018

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 1 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Tabel 1. Rekap Jumlah Proyek dan Pemohon, Permohonan Baru dan Perpanjangan 2018

Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah Total Total Bulan proyek Proyek Permohonan Permohonan Proyek Permohonan baru Perpanjangan Baru Perpanjangan Januari 33 11 44 45 12 57 Februari 28 5 33 79 8 87 Maret 16 7 23 18 11 29 April 18 6 24 31 6 37 Mei 39 7 46 39 18 57 Juni 19 1 20 40 1 41 Juli 42 12 54 74 19 93 Agustus 22 5 27 35 5 40 September 15 14 29 18 22 40 Oktober 25 6 31 41 12 53 November 13 5 18 21 5 26 Desember 27 8 35 39 12 51 297 87 384 480 131 611

Fluktuasi Jumlah Permohonan Izin Penelitian 2018 (Berdasarkan Jumlah Aplikasi Riset) 60







Baru Perpanjangan

Fluktuasi Jumlah Permohonan Izin Penelitian 2018 (Berdasarkan Jumlah Pemohon) 100 90 80 2 Sekretariat Perizinan70 Penelitian Asing Kementerian60 Riset dan Teknologi 50 40 30 20 10 0

Baru Perpanjangan

Fluktuasi Jumlah Permohonan Izin Penelitian 2018 (Berdasarkan Jumlah Aplikasi Riset) 60







Fluktuasi Jumlah Permohonan Izin Penelitian 2018 (Berdasarkan Jumlah Pemohon) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Baru Perpanjangan

Gambar 2. Jumlah Permohonan Izin Penelitian 2018

1.2 Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP)

Peneliti asing yang telah disetujui dan mendapatkan Visa Tinggal Terbatas (VITAS C315), selanjutnya datang ke Indonesia dan melapor ke Ristekdikti. Ristekdikti menerbitkan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP), baik baru maupun perpanjangan. Fluktuasi jumlah SIP baru dan perpanjangan ditunjukkan oleh Gambar 2 sedangkan Gambar 3 menunjukkan fluktuasi SIP yang diterbitkan dalam periode 2000 - 2018. Secara keseluruhan selama tahun 2018 jumlah SIP mencapai baru 461 dan 60 SIP perpanjangan, atau total sejumla 521 SIP. Dibandingkan dengan tahun 2017, jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan pada 2018 ini mengalami penurunan (Gambar 3).

Tabel 2. Jumlah Agregat SIP 2010-2018


1 2010 552 2 2011 453 3 2012 544 4 2013 546 5 2014 512 6 2015 537 7 2016 489 8 2017 557 9 2018 521

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 3 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA







0 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jlh SIP 116 224 224 271 193 208 309 310 361 461 552 453 544 546 512 537 489 557 521

Gambar 3. Fluktuasi jumlah SIP tahun 2000 – 2018

Tabel 3. Surat Izin Penelitian Januari - Desember 2018 SIP JUMLAH SIP BARU/ No. BULAN SIP BARU PERPANJANGAN PERPANJANGAN 1 JANUARI 21 4 25 2 FEBRUARI 31 5 36 3 MARET 49 6 55 4 APRIL 32 32 5 MEI 39 6 45 6 JUNI 18 4 22 7 JULI 38 8 46 8 AGUSTUS 31 6 37 9 SEPTEMBER 41 5 46 10 OKTOBER 66 13 79 11 NOVEMBER 79 2 81 12 DESEMBER 16 1 17 TOTAL 461 60 521

4 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

Rekap SIP Januari - Desember 2018 90 79 79 81 80 70 66 60 55 49 50 45 46 46 39 41 36 38 37 40 31 32 32 31 SIP BARU 25 30 21 22 18 16 17 20 13 8 SIP PERPANJANGAN 4 5 6 6 4 6 5 10 2 1 0

Gambar 4. Fluktuasi Jumlah SIP 2018

1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing

Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun 2018 secara berturut-turut Jepang, AS, Australia, Perancis, Jerman, Inggeris selalu menmpati peringkat 10 besar dalam ju,lah peneliti yang melakukan penelitian di Indonesia. RRC merupakan Negara pendatang baru Asia yang mampu menembus posisi sepuluh besar sedangkan Sungapura merupakan satu-satunya negara Asia Tenggara yang masuk 10 besar. Gambar 6 di bawah ini menggambarkan komposisi 10 besar negara asal peneliti asing tersebut.

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 5 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Tabel 4. 10 Besar Negara Asal Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2018


1 Jepang 102 2 Amerika Serikat 79 3 Australia 67 4 Perancis 50 5 Jerman 41 6 Inggris 39 7 Singapura 26 8 China 25 9 Belanda 21 10 Italia 18

4% 4% 1 Jepang 5% 22% 2 Amerika Serikat 6% 3 Australia 4 Perancis 8% 5 Jerman 6 Inggris

17% 7 Singapura 9% 8 China 9 Belanda 10 Italia 11% 14%

Gambar 5. Komposisi 10 Besar Negara Asal Peneliti Asing 2018

6 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

1.4. Bidang dan Daerah Penelitian

Disiplin ilmu yang banyak diteliti oleh para peneliti asing dapat dilihat pada grafik di bawah ini. Sepuluh besar disiplin ilmu yang masih tetap mendominasi adalah Ilmu Hayai, misalnya, , Primatologi, Ekologi dan Biologi dan Ekologi Kehutanan serta Zoologi kemudian diikuti oleh Ilmu Kebumian seperti Oseanografi, Geologi dan Mitigasi Bencana. Dua bidang ilmu yang juga masuk ke dalam 10 besar adalah Arkeologi dan Sosiologi.

Tabel 5. 10 Besar Bidang Ilmu Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2018


1 Biologi 119 2 Pertanian 93 3 Ekologi 84 4 Arkeologi 83 5 Perikanan 60 6 Kehutanan 58 7 Antropologi 58 8 Mitigasi Bencana 54 9 Oseanografi 54 10 Primatologi 48


Primatologi Oseanografi Mitigasi Bencana Antropologi Kehutanan Perikanan Arkeologi Ekologi Pertanian Biologi

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Gambar 6. Sepuluh Besar Bidang Ilmu Yang Diteliti Peneliti Asing 2018

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 7 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Dalam hal daerah penelitian, hot-spots yang banyak diminati ditunjukkan pada Gambar 8. Dalam 2018 Sulteng menempati urutan teratas berdasarkan jumlah peneliti asing yang melakukan penelitian di daerah itu mengalahkan Jabar yang selama beberapa tahun terakhir menjadi daerah favorit tujuan peneliti asing sedangkan Provinsi Jabar menempati urutan kedua dan diikuti oleh DKI Jakarta, Jateng, Jatim dan D.I. Yogyakarta.

Tabel 6. 10 Besar Daerah Penelitian Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2018

No Provinsi Total

1 Sulawesi Tengah 86 2 Jawa Barat 68 3 DKI Jakarta 56 4 Jawa Tengah 55 5 Jawa Timur 44 6 DI Yogyakarta 43 7 Bali 38 8 Jambi 37 9 Sulawesi Utara 34 10 Aceh 31

Top 10 Daerah Penelitian 2018 100 86 90 80 68 70 56 55 60 44 43 50 38 37 34 40 31 30 20 10 0 Bali Aceh Jambi Tengah Sulawesi Jawa Barat Jawa Timur DKI Jakarta Jawa Tengah DI Yogyakarta Sulawesi Utara 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gambar 7. Peta Daerah Penelitian Peneliti Asing 2018

8 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

1.5. Mitra Kerja Peneliti Asing

Sejak tahun 2010 sampai dengan 2017 Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) merupakan Lembaga litbang yang paling banyak menjalin kemitraan dengan para peneliti asing, pada tahun 2018 digeser oleh Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) menempati peringkat kedua sebagai Perguruan Tinggi yang paling banyak bermitra dengan peneliti asing. Gambar di bawah ini menunjukkan lima Lembaga Litbang dan Perguruan Tinggi yang paling banyak menjalin kemitraan dengan para peneliti asing selama 2018.

Tabel 7. 10 Besar Mitra Kerja Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2018

No Lembaga Litbang Total

1 IPB 63 2 P2O LIPI 43 3 UGM 42 4 ARKENAS 34 5 ITB 30 6 UNSYIAH 29 7 KKP 26 8 Universitas Indonesia 23 9 Universitas Jambi 18 10 BMKG 17

Top 10 Mitra Kerja

63 70 60 43 42 50 34 40 30 29 26 23 30 18 17 20 10 0 ITB IPB KKP UGM BMKG Jambi P2O LIPI P2O UNSYIAH ARKENAS Indonesia Universitas Universitas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gambar 8 10 Besar Lembaga Litbang dan Perguruan Tinggi Mitra Kerja Peneliti Asing

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 9 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

1.6. Dana Penelitian

Dalam tahun 2018 sebanyak 521 peneliti asing dari berbagai negara yang bermitra dengan berbagai peneliti dari lembaga Litbang maupun Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia, membawa dana penelitian yang sangat besar. Berdasarkan data yang diolah dari laman web frp. dalam tahun tersebut sebanyak 521 peneliti asing membawa dana sebesar USD 44.116.093,00.

Gambar 9. Jumlah Dana Riset Yang Dibawa Peneliti Asing 2018

Gambar 10. Sepuluh Besar Dana Riset Yang Dibawa Berdasarkan Kewarganegaraan Peneliti Asing 2018

10 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

Gambar 11. Sepuluh Besar Dana Riset Yang Dibawa Berdasar Bidang Ilmu Yang Diteliti Peneliti Asing 2018

Gambar 12. Sepuluh Besar Dana Riset Yang Dibawa Berdasarkan Lembaga Mitra Kerja Peneliti Asing 2018

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 11 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

1.7. Publikasi Ilmiah Hasil Penelitian

Salah satu hasil yang berdampak (outcomes) sebagai indicator utam dalam kerjasama riset internasional yang telah dilakukan antara peneliti asing dengan peneliti nasional dari berbagai lembaga litbang dan perguruan tinggi, adalah publikasi ilmiah. Berdasarkan data yang berhasil dihimpun oleh Subdirektorat Perizinan Penelitian, Direktorat Pengelolaan Kekayaan Intelektuan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi sampai dengan tahun 2019, jumlah publiksinilmiah yang telah diterbitkan dalam berbagai junal internasional, prosiding maupun book chapter sebanyak lebih dari 1.600. Sebgian besar dari publikasi tersebut nerupakan penulisan publikasin ilmiah bersama (co- authorship) anatar para peneliti asing dengan mitra kerja Indonesia (local counterparpart).

Gambar 13. Perbandingan Jumlah Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) Dengan Publikasi Ilmiah Yang Dihasilkan Dengan Mitra Kerja Indonesia

UNAS UNTAN KKP 3% 3% 4% IPB ESDM 26% 7%

Arkenas 8%

ITB 9% LIPI 18% UNJA 9%

UNRI 13%

Gambar 14. Mitra Kerja Peneliti Asing Dengan Publikasi Ilmiah Terbanyak

12 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018



A.1. Aboveground biodiversity patterns and processes across rainforest transformation landscapes

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective) Untuk mengidentifikasi pengelolaan kelapa sawit yang memungkinkan keragaman serangga tinggi tanpa mempengaruhi hasil kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research) : Biologi Lama Penelitian (Research Duration) : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 18 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research Location) : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kota Jambi) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian IPB (Prof. Dr. Damayanti Buchori, MSc) dan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi (Dr. Fuad Nurdiansyah) Abstract

The occurrence of invasive species is throughout the world and the same species cause the same problems in many areas of the world. For the study of invasive species, it is important that we understand the cause and consequence of plant invasion. We expect that the abundance of invasive species decreases with increasing distance to roadsides. In this context, we will investigate the structure and distribution of alien naturalized plant species along a disturbance gradient reaching from primary lowland rainforest over different types of secondary forest up to open roadside habitats. Sited in Harapan Rainforest (PT Restorasi Ekosistem Indonesia), the survey of alien vegetation will be carried out in each 10 transects in three different forest types (primary disturbed forest, old secondary forest, young secondary forest) resulting in a total of 30 transects starting from roadsides into the forest. Herbarium specimens of all alien species will be collected and prepared for deposition at the Herbarium Bogoriense, BIOTROP Herbarium, Harapan Rainforest Herbarium and UNJA Herbarium.

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 13 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

A.1.1. Ms. Rebekka Blessenohl

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Schlözerweg 5a 37085 Göttingen, Germany

A.2. Impacts of transformation of rainforests into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis dampak dari transformasi penggunaan (Research Objective) lahan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada stok Si mobile dan berinteraksi fase Si dalam tanah (misalnya Si dalam silika amorf, yang jauh lebih mudah larut daripada fase Si tanah kristal) Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kab. Sarolangun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako (Dr. Aiyen Tjoa) (Counterpart)


Impacts of transformation of rainforests into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils Abstract Since the mid-20th century, the expansion of oil-palm plantations has considerably contributed to the decrease of rainforests in Southeast Asia, whereby Indonesia has become the largest oil-palm producer world-wide. Several studies, including current investigations within the CRC 990, have shown that oil-palm cultivation may lead to a decline of soil organic carbon and various nutrients. However, no studies on the influence of oil palms on silicon (Si) pools in soils exist yet. In this project, we intend to close this knowledge gap, because (i) oil palms are Si-accumulating plants and thus supposed to have a considerable impact on soil-plant Si cycling, (ii) oil-palm plantations are established on tropical soils such

14 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 as Acrisols and Ferralsols, which are characterized by strong natural desilification. In these soils, soil-plant Si cycling is particularly important for maintaining appropriate soil Si levels on the long term. Four hypotheses (H1-H4) will be tested in this project. H1) Oil palms produce larger amounts of biogenic silica (BSi) than rainforest trees. This BSi is returned to the soils only under long frond piles, which, according to common management practices, are created in every second oil-palm inter-row. No BSi return from above-ground oil-palm biomass takes place in any other area of the plantations. BSi released from decomposing palm fronds, because of its amorphous character, represents the most soluble relevant Si source in the otherwise Si-depleted soils. BSi dissolution and leaching of the released Si with abundant percolating water under humidtropical conditions leads to net Si loss from the system. H2) Soils of riparian areas receive dissolved silica (DSi) from higher landscape positions. They are thus not prone to serious Si depletion. H3) Phytoliths accumulate especially in top-soils. They have a lower density than soil-mineral grains. Thus, they are preferably removed with surface run-off, which results in direct BSi export. H4) Oil palms also accumulate BSi in their fruit bunches. Thus, harvesting fruit bunches involves direct BSi export from the system as well. These hypotheses will be tested by (i) sequential Si extraction, carried out on Acrisols under oil palm plantations and rainforests, both in well- drained areas and riparian areas (testing H1 and H2), (ii) analysis of BSi in top-soils and sediments, caught below erosion plots (testing H3), (iii) analysis of BSi in oil-palm fruit bunches, fruits, kernels, woody parts, fronds (testing H4). The outcomes of this project will provide a scientific base for evaluating the risk of longterm Si depletion in Acrisols under oil-palm plantation and for developing potential measures (e.g. returning empty fruit bunches to the plantations, preferably using riparian areas). The project will be closely linked to the CRC 990. All analyses will be carried out on CRC plots. In this way, the project outcomes can be directly integrated into the overall outcomes of the CRC 990.

A.2.1. Ms. Britta Glenesk Greenshields

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Münchhausenstraße 26, D-37085 Göttingen, Germany

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 15 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

A.3. Phylogenomics and Microevolution of Sulawesi Endemic Freshwater Fishes

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengkaji pola filogenomik dan mikroevolusi ikan Sulawesi (Research Objective) Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kampus UNSRAT Manado); Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. (Research Location) Morowali, Kab. Poso, Kota Palu, Morowali Utara); Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Gowa, Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Luwu, Kab. Luwu Timur, Kab. Luwu Utara, Kab. Maros, Kab. Tana Toraja, Kab. Toraja Utara, Kota ); Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Kolaka, Kab. Kolaka Timur, Kab. Kolaka Utara, Kab. Konawe, Kab. Konawe Kepulauan, Kab. Konawe Selatan, Kab. Konawe Utara, Kab. Muna, Kab. Wakatobi); Sulawesi Barat (Kab. Mamuju, Kab. Mamuju Tengah, Kab. Mamuju Utara) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Samratulangi (Dr. Kawilarang W.A. Masengi)


The fauna on Sulawesi, the largest island in Wallacea, is known to be largely distinct from that of the adjacent islands on the Sunda and Australian shelves. This high endemism implies that each taxon diversified on this single island. However, it remains unclear how the island’s complex geological history and microevolutionary processes have contributed to the formation of this biodiversity hotspot on this island. The aim of this study is to estimate detailed divergent history of freshwater fish fauna, especially of ricefishes of the family Adrianichthyidae and halfbeaks of the genus Nomorhamphus as model systems, using next generation sequencing. We also measure natural and sexual selections on these taxa in each of various wild habitat environments by regular field collections. Based on the findings and geological histories of the island, we discuss what drove the intra- island genetic differentiation, which resulted in Sulawesi becoming a biodiversity hotspot for many freshwater taxa. Field collections and surveys will be conducted mainly in (1) Southeastern Sulawesi areas (January-February 2018), (2) Southwestern Sulawesi area (April-May 2018), (3) Malili Lake areas (Septembery 2018), and (4) Central Sulawesi including Lake Poso (November-December 2018). The regular (probably monthly) field collections will be conducted in Sungai Asinua near Kendari in Southeastern Sulawesi.

16 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

A.3.1. Prof. Kazunori Yamahira

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University of the Ryukyus Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan

A.3.2. Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Senbaru 1, Nishihara Okinawa 903-0213 Japan

A.3.3. Mr. Javier Andres Montenegro Gonzales

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kolombia Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral researcher Institusi (Institution) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Senbaru 1, Nishihara Okinawa 903-0213 Japan

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 17 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

A.4. Anti-Herbivory and Pollination Study of Glomera Species in The Moluccas

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki fungsi bulu dan kutil pada selubung daun (Research Objective) Glomera dan mendeteksi serangga mana yang menyerbuki bunga Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (Kab. Maluku Tengah) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya LIPI (Richa Kusumawati)


Title: Anti-herbivory and pollination study of Glomera species in the Moluccas Applicants: Richa Kusuma Wati and Barbara Gravendeel Affiliations: Kebun Raya, Bogor, Indonesia, Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands Objective for the antiherbivory study Warts and bristles are rarely found in orchids and their function is currently unknown. In this fieldtrip, we would like to investigate their function in the Glomera orchid genus, of which five species occur in the Moluccas in the area of Mount Murkele and Mount Makina: G. amboinensis, G. lancipetala, G. plumosa, G. pumilio and G. secunda. All of these species have warts on their leaf sheaths but only two of them (G. amboinensis and G. lancipetala) have bristles as well. Objective for the pollination study We would also like to study the pollinators of these five species of Glomera in the field. Nothing is known about the pollination of Glomera. For single-flowered species, moth- pollination seems most likely as suggested by Dressler (1981) because of the dull whitish flowers and presence of a nectar spur. Interestingly, the length of the spur of the five species of Glomera in the fieldwork area varies from quite long (G. amboinensis, G. lancipetala) to intermediate sized (G.plumosa) to relatively short (G. pumilio and G. secunda), which suggests that different moth species might be attracted with long versus shorter tongue lengths. Methodology 1. Anti-herbivory study-We will conduct an experiment in the field by (i) cutting bristles off, (ii) cutting entire leaf sheaths off next to leaving plants undisturbed (iii) and placing various traps (pots, sticky sheets) next and on the plants, that will be observed by us and a local collaborator for several months afterwards to score differences in herbivory damage between treated and untreated plants to investigate the function of the bristles and warts on the leaf sheaths. Insects, snails and other organisms caught in

18 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 the traps will be collected, photographed, and preserved on ethanol for identification by specialists at Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. 2. Pollination study - To observe pollinators, we will spend time in the field next to flowering specimens. Any moths or other insects observed near the flowers will be caught with a net or sucking device, photographed, pinned and transported to Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands for identification by specialists. Location The fieldwork will take place on Mt. Murkele, located in the Manusela National Park, Masohi, Central Maluku , Maluku Province as five different species of Glomera occur there in the wild, which will enlarge the changes of observing herbivores and pollinators and investigate possible interspecific differences. The exploration will be done in July because this is the peak flowering season for Glomera. The exploration will take approximately 20 days.

A.4.1. Dr. Barbara Gravendeel

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Utrecht, 2 December 1968 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Associate professor Institusi (Institution) : Leiden University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Sylviusweg 72, 2333 BE Leiden, The Netherlands Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : NTBC21KD9

A.5. Targeting case detection strategies to populations at high risk for malaria in Aceh Province: case control and reactive case detection studies

Judul Penelitian : “Targeting case detection strategies to populations at high risk (Research Title) for malaria in Aceh Province: case control and reactive case detection studies” Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menentukan faktor risiko utama yang mencirikan (Research Objective) populasi berisiko tinggi dan metode deteksi kasus reaktif yang optimal di Provinsi Aceh Bidang Penelitian : Biologi molekular (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration)

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 19 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (LBM Eijkman), Aceh (Kab. Aceh Besar, Kab. (Research Location) Aceh Jaya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LBM Eijkman (Dr. Farah N Coutrier)


Building on recent evidence that malaria transmission is occurring outside of the household in Aceh province, this study is aimed at improving surveillance strategies by (i) locally defining and accessing high risk populations, and (ii) evaluating RACD strategies that are targeted to forest-going groups. To support this, we propose to conduct epidemiological studies to identify risk factors and useful interventions for high-risk risk populations and compare socio-behavioral RACD approaches to traditional household-based RACD. Existing tools and methodologies developed by the MEI and Eijkman Institute will be used for this purpose, including the Malaria Elimination Risk Factor Analysis Tool (MERFAT) and active surveillance through social networks intervention studies to recruit and describe high-risk groups. The MEI-developed MERFAT tool will be used to conduct prospective case-control studies by selecting cases and controls from commune health facilities and/ or representative localities with follow-up of the selected subjects to identify geographic and socio-behavioral risk factors for symptomatic infection. Household RACD will be carried out alongside targeted RACD strategies which will use location-based screening and peer-referral screening to engage and recruit high-risk and hard-to-reach populations. This information will be critical to understand their travel/work behaviors, malaria-related personal protection measures, treatment-seeking behavior and access to health services, interventions, and preventive health messaging, and prevalence of symptomatic and asymptomatic infection. Finally, human movement studies using GPS loggers and vector assessments will be carried out in areas where risk of transmission has been established, in order to better characterize types of forest-movement and vector behaviors that are driving human-vector contact. The population of Aceh Besar and Aceh Jaya Districts, Aceh Province, Indonesia will be targeted for this study.

A.2.1. Ms. Jennifer Linnea Smith

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : California, USA, 17 December 1983 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat

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Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of California Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Mission Hall 550 16th Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94158, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) 488257944

A.3. Empathizing With Nature– Underpinning the Essence of Conservation Advocacy

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi konservasi di Sulawesi (Research Objective) Utara dengan menggunakan pendekatan mixed method Bidang Penelitian : Konservasi Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Manado, Minahasa, Bitung) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. John Tasirin)


The proposed research to be carried out in 2018-2019 by Corinne Bailey will be conducted as an ongoing collaboration between The University of Sam Ratulangi and the Pacific Institute for Sustainable Development, Indonesia and the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK. The research is proposed in order to establish essential population and trade estimation baselines of key indicator species. Results will be utilised to assess the effectiveness of conservation strategies in North Sulawesi using a mixed methods research approach, with a case study of the Sulawesi crested black macaque, Macaca nigra. In 2008 the IUCN red data list changed the status of the M. nigra from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Critically Endangered’ due to previous research that indicated that there had been >80% population decline in a period of only 30 years (MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1980; Sugardjito et al. 1989; Rosenbaum et al. 1998; Melfi 2007, 2010). It is likely that M. nigra populations have continued to decline since the last published surveys, even within protected forest areas, and that the anthropogenic pressures within M. nigra habitat continues, and is threatening this species with imminent extinction. Conservation of M. nigra can only be effective and move forward with an accurate evaluation of the current threats facing the population

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today. Previous research has identified that the main threats to the survival of M. nigra are hunting, trade and the degradation of prime forest habitat across Minahasa, the M. nigra home range (Lee & Kussoy 1999, Clayton & Milner-Gulland 2000, Lee 2000, Lee et al. 2005). With these primary threats in mind, a Long Term Framework for Action has been formed. My role will be to address specific goals within the Framework for Action including 1) Quantifying and monitoring the population of M. nigra across the native and non-native range 2) Designing and implementing a long-term wildlife trade research and mitigation plan for M. nigra which will include developing and evaluating a new education and outreach approach and 3) Collating social research results with biodiversity monitoring data to enhance a Socio-Ecological Systems approach.

A.3.1. Ms. Corinne Emma Bailey

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bangor, UK, 24 June 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Program Coordinator Institusi (Institution) : Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 24 High St, Llanberis, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 4EN, United Kingdom Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 210078295

A.4. Molecular epidemiology of avian influenza virus infection in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meneliti epidemiologi molekuler dari infeksi virus flu burung pada unggas, hewan, dan manusia untuk (Research Objective) mengontrol infeksi virus tersebut pada manusia Bidang Penelitian : Biologi molekuler

(Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Malang)

(Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis-Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Dr. Maria Inge Lusida, M.Kes., Sp.MK)

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The purpose of this research is to trace the historical process of the movements of “sea peoples”, analyze their maritime networks and explore their ethnogenesis in the waters surrounding Sulawesi island. It also tries to understand the flexible and creole natures of the sea peoples’ socio-cultural characteristics including language (dialect) usages, livelihood activities, and indigenous knowledge regarding the maritime environments. Among the sea peoples of a number of ethnic groups in Indonesia, I focus on the Bajau (or Sama) people. The Bajau constitute one of the most distinctive sea peoples and their settlements are widely distributed in the eastern part of Indonesia. The ethnographic and historiographic studies have so far clarified that the Bajau have repeated sea-going movements and reorganized their maritime networks in the varied socio-economic contexts such as globalized demands for precious marine products, changes of local entrepots for their catches, or impacts of national as well as non-governmental commitments for the development of their economy. This research tries to examine the socio-cultural dynamics of the inter-ethnic relations between the Bajau and the neighboring communities by placing the processes in the local ecological, economic and socio-political contexts of the studied regions. The concrete purposes are 1) to map the distribution and socio-historical grouping of of the Bajau, 2) to explore the patterns of their population diaspora and inter- ethnic relations of the Bajau, 3) to collect oral histories of their migratory movements and data on the ecological and socio-economic backgrounds against which the movements occurred; and 4) to examine dynamics of ethnogenesis of the Bajau as a maritime creole. During the extensive fieldworks, I will conduct short interviews on their migrations and networks at as many Bajau villages as possible. During intensive researches, I will attempt unorganized interviews at a few Bajau villages concerning their migrations, social networks and socio-cultural changes in the past 100 years.

A.4.1. Prof. Kazufumi Shimizu

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Yamaguchi, 28 Juni 1941 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Kobe University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2-8-4-702, Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0014, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK2668614

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A.5. Theory into Practice-Conservation Advocacy and Proenvironmental Behaviour in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menguji hubungan antara keterhubungan alam (Research Objective) dan perburuan dan praktik penebangan, menilai potensi berbagai strategi untuk mempromosikan advokasi konservasi, dan mengurangi eksploitasi sumber daya alam. Bidang Penelitian : Konservasi Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Agustus 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Manado, Minahasa, Bitung) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. John Tasirin)


The proposed research to be carried out in 2018 by Mr Harry Henry Benjamin Hilser will be conducted as an ongoing collaboration between The Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK, The University of Exeter, UK, along with The University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado and The Pacific Institute for Sustainable Development, Manado. The research is proposed in to buid upon previous findings which have so far spread several years as an assessment into the effectiveness of conservation strategies in North Sulawesi using a mixed methods research approach, with a case study of the Sulawesi crested black macaque, Macaca nigra. This research represents an integral part of an ongoing programme including am interdisciplinary conservation biology approach to better understand and protect the critically endangered M. nigra. In 2008 the IUCN red data list changed the status of the M. nigra from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Critically Endangered’ due to previous research that indicated that there had been >80% population decline in a period of only 30 years (MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1980; Sugardjito et al. 1989; Rosenbaum et al. 1998; Melfi 2007, 2010). It is likely that M. nigra populations have continued to decline since the last published surveys, even within protected forest areas, and that the anthropogenic pressures within M. nigra habitat continues, and is threatening this species with imminent extinction. Conservation of M. nigra can only be effective and move forward with an accurate evaluation of the current threats facing the population today. Previous research has identified that the main threats to the survival of M. nigra are hunting, trade and the degradation of prime forest habitat across Minahasa, the M. nigra home range (Lee & Kussoy 1999, Clayton & Milner-Gulland 2000,

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Lee 2000, Lee et al. 2005). Surveys of communities’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviour therefore provide a useful insight into human activity and the threats to the species and its remaining habitat. Additionally, the monitoring of bushmeat being traded in local markets can be a useful measure of levels of hunting activity, local demand and consumption of wild animals, and can give an indication of the remaining populations of species through accessibility of supply (Lee 2000). Through doctoral research, deep investigations into the social conditions present throughout communities in North Sulawesi have been conducted, with the objective of tailoring conservation strategies specifically for behaviour change for pro-social and pro-environmental tendencies. Additionally, understanding the levels of bushmeat consumption, wildlife trade and forest resource exploitation/disturbance activities still performed today, is therefore vital, so that conservation initiatives can identify effective conservation actions and target communities that are causing the greatest threat to the remaining population of M. nigra. To date, doctoral research conducted across three years has yielded significant quantities of ethnographic field data and rich insight into ways of life of rural communities and their relationship with nature. Addressing previous recommendations, the PhD will now include a comprehensive in-situ data analysis phase, while developing a new long-term education strategy grounded in behavioural change science and building upon the evidence and findings yielded within this ongoing research. This will include full evaluation and monitoring of a diversity of approaches from community based social marketing, value and empathy priming, environmental citizenship and social practices. Ongoing research and conservation projects will be coordinated and adapted as the research findings emerge and inform the most effective measures.

A.5.1. Mr. Harry Henry Benjamin Hilser

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Inggris, 10 Oktober 1984 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Exeter University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 202 Winsley Road, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. BA15 1NU, United Kingdom Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 502200902

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A.6. Impact of rainforest conversion: How prokaryotic communities respond to anthropogenic land use changes

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis bagaimana (Research Objective) peningkatan penggunaan lahan pertanian mempengaruhi masyarakat prokariotik. Di dalam tanah, mikroorganisme memainkan peran penting dalam siklus nutrisi dan transformasi nutrisi yang berbeda dan oleh karena itu untuk pertanian Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Agustus 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kota Jambi) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : FMIPA-Institut Pertanian Bogor (Prof. Dr. Anja Meryandini dan (Counterpart) Dr. Iman Rusmana), Universitas Jambi (Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain)


The aim of the B02 subproject is to identify and analyze how increased agricultural land use affects prokaryotic communities. In soil, microorganisms play a significant role in different nutrient cycles and nutrient transformation. Therefore, they are strongly connected to the lifestyle of higher organisms like fungi and plants. Due to this connection, bacterial and archaeal communities in soil play a major role in nutrient availability for plants and thus are a remarkable factor in agriculture. In this subproject, prokaryotic communities in soils of the different investigated agricultural systems of the CRC990 (oil palm plantations, rubber plantations and secondary rainforest) on Sumatra, Indonesia will be studied. Sampling plots were established in the Harapan Rainforest Concession and Bukit Duabelas consisting of the four different land use systems. Additionally, a gap enrichment experiment (B11) will be analysed, which aims to investigate the effects of increasing biodiversity in oil palm monocultures, by establishing different native tree species in oil palm monoculture areas. Furthermore, questions concerning the impact of different management types regarding fertilization, weeding and herbicide application will also be addressed within the Z01 oil palm management experiment. In order to investigate prokaryotic community structures and analyze their functional profiles, state of the art molecular biological methods and bioinformatics will be employed. This includes 16S rRNA marker gene analysis as well as shotgun sequencing of entire metagenomes and metatranscriptomes. Sequence and statistical analysis will be performed by using multiple software packages (e.g. QIIME,

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Usearch, Tax4fun, Kraken, metafast, R). In addition to the foregoing, issues regarding functional gene redundancy associated to nutrient cycling and comparative analyses with other sub-projects and previous phases will be addressed. These analyses will give insight into prokaryotic community dynamics in different agricultural land use systems. Furthermore, they will reveal general functional patterns of prokaryotes in agricultural soils and secondary rainforests and eventually contribute to deciphering of important mechanisms for agricultural land use in tropical environments.

A.6.1. Mr. Dirk Berkelmann

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bielefeld, 16 June 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Innersteweg 11, 37081 Göttingen, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C1Y833R1X

A.7. Epidemiological study of Norovirus Infection in Indonesia and its Infection Control

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari epidemic infeksi dan menjelaskan jalur (Research Objective) infeksi serta mekanisme epidemic

Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Moleluker (Field of Research)

Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from)

Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (RS. Dr. Soetomo, RS. Soerya, RS. (Research Location) Universitas Airlangga); Maluku (Ambon); Lampung (Bandar Lampung)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Maria Lucia Inge Lusida, dr, MKes., PhD., SpMK(K))


I. Title of the research: Epidemiological study of Norovirus infection and other viral

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gastroenteritis in Indonesia and infection control II. Objectives of research: 1. To characterize the epidemiology of viral diarrhea (Norovirus, Rotavirus and Sapovirus) infections in Indonesia by analyzing nucleotide sequence of epidemic strains. 2. To clarify the infection route and the mechanism of the epidemic by longitudinal epidemiologic analysis. III. Methodology of research 1. The research activities on viral gastroenteritis will be conducted in Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD), Airlangga University, in collaboration in collaboration with Prof. Soetijipto, the head of the viral gastroenteritis study group, Dr. Maria Inge Lusida, director of ITD, and their colleagues. 2. A Japanese long-term researcher, Dr. Takako Utsumi from Center for Infectious Diseases (CID), Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine stayed at ITD will carry out the research on viral gastroenteritis. The collaborators of the long-term researcher (Prof. Ikuo Shoji) and/or their colleagues may be dispatched from CID for a short-term stay to join in the collaborative research activities at ITD. 3. Samples will be collected by stool container provided by Collaborative Research Center for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases (CRC-ERID). Samples will be kept in freezer at -20? in CRC-ERID, ITD. All the samples will be examined with Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and/or real time PCR, and partial genomic analyses by genetic analyzer and full sequence by MiSeq with the help of Dr. Kazuhiko Katayama from Kitasato University and National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), Japan.

A.7.1. Dr. Takako Utsumi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kagawa, 14 Desember 1962 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Kobe University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, 650-0017 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TZ1147621

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A.8. Improving the Prevention and Treatment of Vivax Malaria in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tenaga medis di (Research Objective) Indonesia dalam memberantas reservoir laten P.vivax secara aman dan efektif melalui metode perawatan dan pengobatan yang tepat Bidang Penelitian : Biologi molekuler (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Februari 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, NTB (Waikabubak), Lampung, Sumatera (Research Location) Utara (Tanjung Lejong), Jawa Tengah (Sragen) Mitra Kerja : LBM Eijkman (Prof. Herawati Sudoyo, Dr. Rintis Noviyanti, (Counterpart) Dr. Farah N. Coutrier, dan Dr. Ari W. Satyagraha)


The parasite Plasmodium vivax infects at least several million Indonesians each year, and many more globally. The prevention and treatment of this infection is hampered by a serious problem with one of the only drugs available to cure it-primaquine. That problem is hemolytic toxicity in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PDd), which is very common among most of Indonesia’s many ethnic groups (typically about 5% prevalence). That drug kills latent parasites in the liver, and prevents multiple repeated attacks of malaria from a single mosquito bite. Delivering this treatment is thus crucially important to Indonesia’s declared malaria elimination goals. The research in this project is aimed directly at vastly improving the ability of Indonesia’s care providers to attack the latent reservoir of P. vivax by safe and effective delivery of primaquine or another drug, tafenoquine, in order to realize those elimination goals.

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A.8.1. Prof. John Kevin Baird

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oklahoma, 11 Februari 1958 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Direktur Institusi (Institution) : Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Eijkman Institute Building, Jalan Diponegoro No.69 Jakarta 10430 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 488398275

A.9. Valorization of local biodiversity, domestication and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi tahapan penting dalam (Research Objective) membesarkan goby marmer muda dan mengusulkan cara meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan penetasan masa depan Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Maret 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, (Research Location) Bekasi, dan Taksikmalaya) serta Jawa Tengah (Banyumas dan Purwokerto) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar- Bogor (Jojo Subagja)


The sustainable development of aquaculture requires in-depth knowledge of the genetic structure, life-history traits and adaptive capacities of fish species in relation to their environment. The enhancement of the production and propagation of local species already domesticated and other local species of economic interest for aquaculture (diversification) will be developed through the monitoring of broodstock, optimization of larvae and fingerlings production. On this basis, the definition of zootechnical and health

30 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 management solutions should be thought out for local species, and adapted to societal and environmental contexts. This includes participatory actions between scientists and producers, and the promotion of rearing practices based on ecosystem functions and their biological regulation. Our objective is to develop a multidisciplinary research project to support the sustainable development of inland aquaculture in Indonesia and more generally in SE Asia.

The proposed research topics listed below result from exchanges with BRPBAT Bogor. This list is subdivided into two major research axes (WP) for the sake of clarity:

WP1: Biological bases of local species aquaculture; WP2: Ecological intensification of culture systems

The research activities are carried out in partnership with Jojo Subagja (BRPBAT Bogor/ Puslitbang KP)

The research actions proposed for this period is presented below:

WP1-Action 1: Biology and control of reproduction of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) for improvement of egg production methods: in the present study, we intend to conduct on farm inquiries in order to evaluate the variability of spawning and hatching success in egg production of O. goramy and tentatively identify associated factors. The inquiries will be conducted mainly in fish farms of the Bogor area, but some information will also be sought for in a traditional area of gourami production, probably the area of Tasikmalaya.

Research objectives: Further evaluate and optimize the methods applied by fish farmers in the management and control of the spontaneous reproduction of O. goramy for mass production of fry. Strengthen the biological bases of the reproductive biology of O. Goramy.

WP1-Action 2: Elucidating the thermal biology of Giant Gourami eggs and larvae for improving the productivity of hatcheries: here, we propose investigating how water temperature affects the survival, yolk utilisation and growth of young giant gourami at different life stages, in order to 1) identify critical life stages as regards the resistance to heat or cold, 2) test whether these traits vary between progenies and cultured strains and 3) test whether thermal experience is conducive or can be compensated for by a restoration of adequate rearing temperatures.

Research objectives: Identifying adequate thermal regimes for hatcheries of giant gourami and quantifying the penalties, in terms of lower survival and slower growth while departing of these limits.

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WP1-Action 3: Preliminary investigation of the ontogeny of marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata) and of the effect of environmental factors on the survival of its eggs and larvae: here, we intend to explore further the biological bases of aquaculture of this species during its early life stages, in order to propose improvements for its hatcheries. This study, which is planned to extend over at least two years, will examine the ontogenetic development of marble goby, elements of its thermal biology (effects of temperature on egg and embryo survival, yolk efficiency, growth and survival of larvae), and further experiments on the effects of food and environmental factors on the growth and survival of its young life stages. During the first step of the study, to be conducted in 2016, we intend to: 1) explore the ontogeny of marble goby during its embryonic and larval stages, including the development of its feeding capacities (mouth, gut, food intake), and 2) conduct preliminary experiments on the effects of water temperature on its development, survival and growth.

Research objectives: Identifying critical stages in the rearing of young marble goby and proposing ways of improving survival and growth in future hatcheries.

WP2-Action 4: The use of aquatic macrophytes for sustainable Gourami farming: one possible way to develop a more sustainable intensification of small scale gourami farming would be the use of natural and local and ecosystemic resources; particularly exploiting the capabilities of gourami to feed waters plants. Water plants are a source of proteins and microelements and are well accepted by omnivorous fishes; however their nutritional properties can vary depending on environmental conditions. Plants can also be incorporated in fish feed (at least in homemade feed) and thus replace other source of feeds in part or totality.

Research objectives: Select suitable water plants for sustainable intensification of small scale gourami farming. Four candidate water macrophytes will be evaluated and compared on the basis of the following selective criteria: productivity, quality as alternative source of feed for fish and effect on water quality.

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A.9.1. Mr. Jacques Louis Daniel Slembrouck

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Pointe-Noire, 19 Mei 1961 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Senior Research Ingineer Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Bât. 22 - CC065 (2ième étage), Place Eugène Bataillon, France Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 15FV17347

A.10. Ecological Studies On Flying Foxes And Their Involvement In Rabies-Related And Other Viral Infectious Diseases

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan transfer teknis dari teknik isolasi virus/ (Research Objective) pemeliharaan sehingga peneliti di Institut Pertanian Bogor dapat melakukan analisis virus secara mandiri Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 Juni 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Garut, Cagar Alam Leuweung Sancang) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB (Prof Drh Srihadi Agungpriyono, PhD, PAVet (K))


Bats can transmit rabies and other dangerous viruses. Among the bats, flying foxes travel particularly long distances, and should be monitored as animals that may spread infections across national borders. In this research, to clarify the involvement of globally migrating flying foxes in Rabies-related and other viral infectious diseases, we analyze the viral strains that they carry. We perform virus isolation from the collected flying foxes and establish cell lines. Our aim includes technical transfer of the virus isolation/maintenance technique so that researchers in Bogor Agricultural University can carry out viral analysis independently. We are planning to identify flying fox-derived viruses using the rapid determination

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system for viral nucleic acid sequences and next-generation sequencing. The scientific evidence obtained by this research will lead to understanding how to control bat-borne viral infectious diseases. The ecology of flying foxes is still poorly understood. We will also conduct a survey of the movement of flying foxes in Indonesia, home to great diversity of plants and animals. We assess their points of contact with dogs, wild animals, and humans, and track routes of infection.

A.10.1. Mr. Hitoshi Takemae

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Niigata, 28 October 1971 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Nagoya University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TZ1185779

A.11. Identifying Sumatran elephant habitat requirements in three dimensions to provide the tools for minimizing human elephant conflict and maximizing essential elephant habitats

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk menganalisis dan memprediksi konsekuensi Objective) hilangnya habitat dan gangguan antropogenik terhadap perilaku dan kelangsungan hidup gajah Sumatera Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Biologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Juli 2018 (month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Aceh (Taman Nasional Leuser, Aceh Timur, Aceh Tamiang, Location) Aceh Utara, Bener Meriah, Gayo Lues, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Pidie) dan Sumatera Utara (Langkat, Karo) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Jurusan Biologi Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Abdullah, M.Si), Balai KSDA Aceh (Sapto Aji Prabowo), Dr Wahdi Azmi (ACCI))

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Indonesia’s forests are quickly disappearing and several endangered species are facing extinction, even those living in protected forests. As a result of habitat loss and recent increased ivory trade, the Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), is critically endangered (IUCN). Still, very little is known about the population estimates, behaviour and habitat use of Sumatran elephants in the last remaining sufficiently large forest block, the Leuser Ecosystem. This study will be the first to identify ranging behavior of elephants throughout LES across varying forest types. We will integrate field data on tracked elephants and cutting edge remote sensing data on forest cover and structure in 3-dimensional space, with innovative animal behavior modeling to explain which habitat features determine the travel routes and habitat use of the Sumatran elephant. This information can then be used to analyze and predict the consequences of habitat loss and anthropogenic disturbances on the behavior and survival of these elephants.

A.11.1. Dr. Gaius Wilson

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kotagiri, India, 6 Oktober 1980 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : India Jabatan (Position) : Research Scholar Institusi (Institution) : International Elephant Foundation Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) No. 882/88 (New No. 4) 2nd Main, 2nd Cross, Kammanahalli St. Thomas town Bangalore-560084, India Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : Z4500609

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A.12. Rapid Evolutionary Change of Invertebrates, Plants, and Their Interactions Under Ecological Disturbance

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami bagaimana perubahan evolusioner (Research Objective) organisme biologis yang cepat berlangsung dan akan memberikan kontribusi pemeliharaan fungsi ekosistem di bawah gangguan habitat Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Biologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 (month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Jawa Barat (Bogor, Cibodas, TN. Gede Pangarango); Jawa Location) Tengah (TN. Gunung Merapi) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Sih Kahono, Prof. Dedy Darnaedi, dan Dr. Himmah Rustiani) Abstract

Indonesia occupies a central part of the Asian tropics, which is known to harbor the world’s richest fauna and flora. It also has diverse climatic and vegetational environments. Besides the remarkably high biodiversity and environmental situations, habitats of biological organisms in Indonesia are often exposed to natural and/or anthropogenic disturbance in various scales, such as landslide, deforestation, volcanic eruption, earthquake, and tsunami. Therefore, Indonesia provides fascinating arenas for studies of adaptive evolutionary changes of biological organisms both in disturbed and undisturbed tropical habitats. This project aims to understand how does rapid evolutionary change of biological organisms proceed and will contribute maintenance of ecosystem functions under habitat disturbances, with particular emphasis on invertebrates such as insects and freshwater snails, plants, and their interactions.

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A.12.1. Mr. Naoyuki Fujiyama

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sapporo, 8 Juli 1969 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Faculty of Science, Yamagata University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Yamagata University 1-4-12 Kojirakawa-machi, Yamagata, 990-8560, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR4510744

A.12.2. Mr. Satoru Sato

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Hokkaido, 6 November 1972 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Faculty of Science, Yamagata University Email (email) : - Alamat (Address) : 296-35, Jizomata, Akagawa, Haguro-machi, Tsuruoka, 997- 0167, Yamagata, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR6490652

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A.13. Improving the Prevention and Treatment of Vivax Malaria in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tenaga medis di Indonesia (Research Objective) dalam memberantas reservoir laten P.vivax secara aman dan efektif melalui metode perawatan dan pengobatan yang tepat Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Biologi molekuler Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2019 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sumatera Utara (Kab. Batu Bara); Lampung (Kab. Location) Pesawaran); DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara); Jawa Tengah (Kab. Sragen); Jawa Timur (Kab. Malang, Kota Malang); Nusa Teng Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LBM Eijkman (Prof. Herawati Sudoyo, Dr. Rintis Noviyanti, Dr. Farah N. Coutrier, dan Dr. Ari W. Satyagraha) Abstract

The parasite Plasmodium vivax infects at least several million Indonesians each year, and many more globally. The prevention and treatment of this infection is hampered by a serious problem with one of the only drugs available to cure it-primaquine. That problem is hemolytic toxicity in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PDd), which is very common among most of Indonesia’s many ethnic groups (typically about 5% prevalence). That drug kills latent parasites in the liver, and prevents multiple repeated attacks of malaria from a single mosquito bite. Delivering this treatment is thus crucially important to Indonesia’s declared malaria elimination goals. The research in this project is aimed directly at vastly improving the ability of Indonesia’s care providers to attack the latent reservoir of P. vivax by safe and effective delivery of primaquine or another drug, tafenoquine, in order to realize those elimination goals.

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A.13.1. Prof. John Kevin Baird

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Oklahoma, 11 Februari 1958 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Direktur Institusi (Institution) : Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Eijkman Institute Building, Jalan Diponegoro No.69 Jakarta 10430 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 488398275

A.14. The Evaluation of Phenotypes Caused by Endosymbiotic Microbes in Tortricidae Insects

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mendeteksi wolbachia dan endosymbiont lainnya (Research Objective) pada serangga Tortricidae Indonesia, dan menguji karakterisasi efek (fenotipe) endosimbion ke inang Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Biologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Desember 2018 (month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Arman Wijonarko)


Insect harbor various kind of symbiotic microbes-virus, fungi, and bacteria. Some endosymbiotic microbes interact with their insect host in some mutualistic or parasitic manners via host reproductive manipulation. The best-studied endosymbiotic bacterium is Wolbachia (alpha-proteobacteria), which generally is responsible for three types of reproductive manipulation, namely, male killing, feminization, and cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Homona magnanima (Tortricidae, Lepidoptera) is a serious tea pest insect in East Asia. From our studies, two male-killing agents, a presumed RNA virus and

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Spiroplasma have been identified. We also detected three Wolbachia strains (wHm-a, b, and -c) from Japanese population of H. magnanima. Although none of the strains showed male-killing phenotype. We recently identified a variant strain of wHm-c induced male killing to Taiwanese host. Our survey has also indicated that a variety kind of Tortricidae insects harbor Wolbachia. Indonesia has rich biodiversity in Tortricidae insects, especially in Homona species group. However, there is no knowledge about the prevalence and phenotypes of Wolbachia and other kind of endosymbionts in Indonesian Tortricidae insects. Hence, our objectives of this research are (1) To detect Wolbachia and other endosymbionts in Indonesian Tortricidae insects, and (2) To characterize the effect of endosymbionts to their host. Firstly, with Dr. Arman Wijonarko (Universitas Gadjah Mada: UGM), we will correct Tortricidae insects in Pagilaran tea field. Secondly, we will detect endosymbionts with diagnostic PCR in UGM. Thirdly, we will characterize the effect (phenotypes) of endosymbiont through rearing insects whether they cause male killing or other phenotypes observed in H. magnanima. From these experiments, we will characterize Wolbachia and other endosymbionts found in Indonesian Tortricidae insects. This work will highlight not only interactions between host and endosymbiont, but also the evolution of phenotypes.

A.14.1. Mr. Hiroshi Arai

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 12 October 1993 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) 3-25-2, Hachimanyama, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Zip: 156-0056 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TL0231783

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A.15. The Development of Curiosity in Wild Immature Orangutans

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperluas dan mengembangkan pengetahuan (Research Objective) lebih lanjut mengenai evolusi orangutan Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Selatan, Stasiun riset Suaq Balimbing) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Sri Suci Utami Atmoko)


Curiosity is foundational to deliberate innovation and thus crucial for any development in science, industry, and arts. The psychological motivation to be curious is, as such, a hallmark of human society. Over evolutionary time curiosity boosted innovation rates, drove human cultural evolution to unmatched levels and may have enabled the evolution of our species’ unequaled cognitive capacity. The aim of our multiyear project is to investigate what social and environmental factors foster the development of curiosity in young orangutans, one of our closest relatives and how curiosity correlates with cognitive ability. Moreover, we aim to find out how curiosity and cognitive performance translate into skill repertoires, survival, and fitness. We will test curiosity and cognitive performance with a novel experimental approach. To behaviorally assess curiosity we will build on an existing dataset on exploratory behavior. To reconstruct developmental histories we will access vast long- term datasets on social- and environmental factors. The results of this project will shed light on the phylogeny of curiosity and help to understand the evolution of our species’ unique cognition. They will also elucidate how human curiosity is developmentally constructed. Finding out what makes children grow up to be curious and innovative adults is a concern of every parent and a key responsibility of our society. The project’s implications will thus be highly relevant for child-rearing, education and other applied disciplines.

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A.15.1. Ms. Larissa Josephina Jacoba Nellissen

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Eindhoven, 30 November 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Zürich Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Breisacherstrasse 132, 4057, Basel, Basel-stadt, Switzerland Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : NV83PP443

A.16. The Diversification and Population Genomics of birds in Sumatra and Genomic Applications for their Conservation

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menjelaskan komposisi dan keanekaragaman (Research Objective) spesies di pulau-pulau kecil dalam hal variabilitas terkait keterbatasan penyebaran dalam suatu avifauna Bidang Penelitian : Biologi molekuler (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Selatan, Kab. Aceh Singkil, Kab. Nagan (Research Location) Raya, Kab. Siumeulue); Sumatera Utara (Kab. Nias Barat, Kab. Nias Selatan); Sumatera Barat (Kab. Kepulauan Mentawai); Bengkulu (Kab. Bengkulu Utara) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LPPM, Universitas Syiah Kuala (drh. T. Reza Ferasyi, M.Sc., Ph.D)


Island-biogeographic predictions have been shown to be notoriously unreliable at smaller spatial scales (the so-called ‘small-island effect’), and it remains unclear to what extent deterministic niche models or models of dispersal limitation take over at these scales. Specifically, islands in the smaller size spectrum tend to have a roughly constant species richness regardless of size, although island biogeography would predict an increase of species richness with size. Recent research has suggested that ecological niche models may

42 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 take over at smaller island sizes as rates of immigration become negligible, meaning that a small island’s community would be limited by the number of ecological niches available. Alternatively, the community of a small island may be limited by the availability of highly dispersive species in the local fauna as extinction rates inflate and only highly dispersive species are able to re-colonise in the wake of frequent extinction events. Neither of these two models has ever been rigorously tested directly in the field. By comprehensively addressing this factor, our research will lead to a unified model of island biogeography that facilitates predictions of diversity on islands both small and large. Our study approach marries a massive geographic and bathymetric dataset with an unprecedented compilation of avian distributional data across the Indonesian archipelago, coupled with genomic data generated using contemporaneous Next-Generation Sequencing approaches. The following are some of our study’s main approaches: (1) We will make compilations of all small-island inhabitants across the region and, using the main PI’s proven expertise in the region’s birds, we will ecologically classify them to test whether ecological niches may be a determinant of species richness across small islands. (2) To specifically address the dispersal limitation hypothesis, we will carry out field surveys and DNA collecting work across a small archipelago (“Barusan Islands”, usually known as West Sumatran Islands) of just the right size to be able to sample a wide cross-selection of species of the impoverished avifaunas of each small island. Using the most recent laboratory approaches based on Next-Generation Sequencing, we will generate DNA datasets of genomic proportion for the species collected to facilitate inquiry about their dispersal capabilities. To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first time that entire island avifaunas will be genomically quantified with respect to their dispersal and gene flow capabilities. (3) Finally, the ecological and genomic data will allow us to test a set of specific predictions of both the dispersal and niche hypothesis to assess the extent to which each of the two models operate across smaller islands in the region.

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A.16.1. Dr. Frank Erwin Rheindt Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Heilbronn Neckargartach, Germany, 26 January 1977 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Avian Evolution Lab, Department of Biological Sciences, S3, Level 4, 16 Science Drive 4, Singapore- 117558 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C4KHK9LWJ

A.16.2. Ms. Pratibha Baveja Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Delhi, 20 September 1992 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : India Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 10-203C, 36 College Avenue East, UTown Residence, Singapore-138600 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : L4297290

A.16.3. Ms. Gwee Chyi Yin Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Singapore, 29 June 1993 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Blk 836 Jurong west St 81 #08-69 Singapore 640836 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E4623576J

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A.16.4. Ms. Ng Ying Xin Elize Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Singapore, 23 April 1993 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block 104 Pasir Ris street 12 #08-149 Singapore 510104 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E4972044L

A.17. Molecular Phylogenetics of Southeast Asian Syzygium (Myrtaceae), and Taxonomic Review of the Genus for the Bird’s Head Peninsula, Indonesia New Guinea Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk merakit bahan herbarium dan literatur yang relevan (Research Objective) untuk Syzygium dari wilayah Malesian, dengan penekanan pada subgenus Syzygium, untuk penilaian studi dan taksonomi; serta menggunakan analisis filogenetik molekuler untuk menjelaskan hubungan filogenetik Bidang Penelitian : Biologi botani (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Papua Barat (Kab. Fak-Fak, Kab. Kaimana, Kab. Manokwari, (Research Location) Kab. Manokwari Selatan, Kab. Maybrat, Kab. Pegunungan Arfak, Kab. Raja Ampat, Kab. Sorong, Kab. Sorong Selatan, Kab. Tambrauw, Kab. Teluk Bintuni, Kab. Teluk Wondama, Kota Sorong) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Balitbangda Provinsi Papua Barat (Prof. Dr. Charlie D. Heatubun) Abstract

Syzygium Gaertn. is one of the largest genera of the myrtle family, Myrtaceae with about 1200-1800 species occurring in the Old World tropics and subtropics from the African continent through to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific islands (Biffin et al., 2006; Craven et al., 2006; Parnell et al., 2007; Syzygium Working Group, 2016). Due to its immense diversity and lacked of salient morphological characters for species distinction, the genus was considered to be “difficult” and generally avoided by botanists in the field (Parnell et al., 2007; Craven & Biffin, 2010; Syzygium Working Group, 2016). The centre of Syzygium diversity lies in the Malesian region, estimated to have over 1000 species,

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with more novelties yet to be discovered. For example, Henderson (1949) revised the genus for Malaya and enumerated 138 species. Later, in Kochummen’s revision for the Tree Flora of Malaya project, he listed 193 species, with 66 new taxa recognised but deliberately unnamed due to insufficient materials for further studies (Kochummen, 1978). The same trend was also observed for Borneo, the third-largest island in the world, with 156 species enumerated by Merrill and Perry (1939), and later Ashton (2011) in his account of the genus for the Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak project alone enumerated 178 species for the Malaysian state of Sabah and Sarawak, of which eight taxa were again intentionally unnamed due to inadequate materials. Taxonomic history of Syzygium is extremely complicated to begin with and this is well acknowledged by various workers, namely Schmid (1972), Craven (2001), and Parnell et al. (2007). The disagreement was largely caused by the existence of two camps of systematists with contrasting concepts of its generic delimitation with Eugenia L. The first group is the “all-in-one” or the “lumpers” that considers the generic differentiation between Eugenia and Syzygium to be insignificant, and hence preferred for it to be included under Eugenia, an earlier name (Wight, 1841; Bentham & Hooker, 1865; Henderson, 1949; Kochummen, 1978). While the other group is the “splitters” and considers Eugenia to be a largely New World centred taxon, and Syzygium and allied genera are for the Old World (de Candolle, 1828; Blume, 1850; Miquel, 1855; Merrill & Perry, 1939; Hyland, 1983). Phylogenetic analysis has now showed that Eugenia and Syzygium are distinct and belong to different tribes, namely Eugenia in the Myrteae, and Syzygium in the Syzygieae (Wilson et al., 2005). Recent phylogenetic analyses also show that allied genera, namely Acmena DC., Acmenosperma Kausel, Cleistocalyx Blume, Piliocalyx Brongn. & Gris and Waterhousea B. Hyland, are not well supported as individual monophyletic genera, and best treated within Syzygium (Biffin et al., 2006, 2007; Craven et al., 2006). Although an updated infrageneric classification has been proposed, Syzygium subg. Syzygium is still poorly resolved (Craven & Biffin, 2010). The Bird’s Head Peninsula or Vogelkop is about 55,604 km2 and located on the northwestern end of New Guinea, the world’s second-largest island. Politically, the island is divided more-or-less in the middle, with the western portion forms the eastern most boundary of Indonesia (West Papua, and Papua Province), while the eastern portion forms an independent nation, which is Papua New Guinea. Botanically, the whole island is considered to be well collected, but coverage wise is regarded to be uneven with many areas still poorly explored. Also, the Indonesian portion of New Guinea is considered to be not well explored until the 1990s, compared to Papua New Guinea (Frodin, 2001). At present, Govaerts et al. (2016) enumerated 212 species of Syzygium for New Guinea. References Ashton, P.S. (2011). Myrtaceae. In: Soepadmo, E., Saw, L.G., Chung, R.C.K. & Kiew, R. (eds), Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, vol. 7. Pp. 122-308. Malaysia: Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Sabah Forestry Department & Sarawak Forestry Department. Bentham, G. & Hooker, J.D. (1865). Genera Plantarum. London: Reeve & Co. (Myrtaceae, Pp. 690-725) Biffin, E., Craven, L.A., Crisp, M.D. & Gadek, P.A. (2006). Molecular systematics of Syzygium and allied genera (Myrtaceae): Evidence from the chloroplast genome. Taxon 55: 79-94. Biffin, E., Harrington, M.G., Crisp, M.D., Craven, L.A. & Gadek, P.A. (2007). Structural partitioning, paired-sites models and evolution of the ITS transcript in Syzygium and Myrtaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 124-139. (Published online 22 Aug. 2006) Blume, C.L. (1850). Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum. Lugduni-Batavorum:

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E.J. Brill. (Myrtaceae, Pp. 66-109) Coode, M.J.E., Dransfield, J., Forman, L.L., Kirkup, D.W. & Said, I.M. (1996). A Checklist of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Brunei Darussalam. Brunei Darussalam: Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources. Craven, L.A. (2001). Unravelling knots or plaiting rope: What are the major taxonomic strands in Syzygium sens. lat. (Myrtaceae) and what should be done with them? In: Saw, L.G., Chua, L.S.L. & Khoo, K.C. (eds), Taxonomy: The Cornerstone of Biodiversity. Proceedings of the Fourth International Flora Malesiana Symposium. Pp. 75-85. Kuala Lumpur: Forest Research Institute Malaysia. Craven, L.A. & Biffin, E. (2010). An infrageneric classification of Syzygium (Myrtaceae). Blumea 55: 94-99. Craven, L.A., Biffin, E. & Ashton, P.S. (2006). Acmena, Acmenosperma, Cleistocalyx, Piliocalyx and Waterhousea formally transferred to Syzygium (Myrtaceae). Blumea 51: 131-142. de Candolle, A.P. (1828). Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, vol. 3. Parisiis: Treuttel & Wurtz. (Myrtaceae, Pp. 207-296) Frodin, D.G. (2001). Guide to Standard Floras of the World. 2nd ed. xxiv+1100 p. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Papuasia, Pp. 873-882) Govaerts, R., Sobral, M., Ashton, P.S., Barrie, F., Holst, B.K., Landrum, L.L., Matsumoto, K., Fernanda Mazine, F., Nic Lughadha, E., Proenca, C., Soares-Silva, L.H., Wilson, P.G. & Lucas, E. (2016). World Checklist of Myrtaceae. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (accessed on 10 Nov. 2016). Henderson, M.R. (1949). The genus Eugenia (Myrtaceae) in Malaya. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 12: 1-293. Hyland, B.P.M. (1983). A revision of Syzygium and allied genera (Myrtaceae) in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany, Supplement Series 9: 1-164. Kochummen, K.M. (1978). Myrtaceae. In: Ng, F.S.P. (ed), Tree Flora of Malaya, vol. 3. Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (Eugenia, Pp. 172-247) Merrill, E.D. & Perry, L.M. (1939). The Myrtaceous genus Syzygium Gaertner in Borneo. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 18(3): 135-202. Miquel, F.A.W. (1855). Flora van Nederlandsch Indie, vol. 1. Amstelaedami: C.G. van der Post; Ultrajecti: C. van der Post Jr; Lipsiae: Frid. Fleischer. (Myrtaceae, Pp. 394-498) Parnell, J.A.N., Craven, L.A. & Biffin, E. (2007). Matters of Scale: Dealing with One of the Largest Genera of Angiosperms. In: Hodkinson, T.R. & Parnell, J.A.N. (eds), Reconstructing the Tree of Life: Taxonomy and Systematics of Species Rich Taxa. The Systematics Association Special Volume Series 72. Pp. 251-273. US: CRC Press. Schmid, R. (1972). A resolution of the Eugenia-Syzygium controversy (Myrtaceae). American Journal of Botany 59: 423-436. Syzygium Working Group (2016). Syzygium (Myrtaceae): Monographing a taxonomic giant via 22 coordinated regional revisions. PeerJ Preprints 4: e1930v1 Thiers, B. (continuously updated). Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. (accessed on 19 Oct. 2016). Wight, R. (1841). Illustrations of Indian Botany, vol. 2. Madras: P.R. Hunt, American Mission Press. (Myrtaceae, Pp. 6-21) Wilson, P.G., O’Brien, M.M., Heslewood, M.M. & Quinn, C.J. (2005). Relationships within Myrtaceae sensu lato based on a matK phylogeny. Plant Systematics and Evolution 251: 3-19.

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A.17.1. Mr. Low Yee Wen Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Negeri Sembilan, 18 April 1981 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Malaysia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Singapore Botanic Gardens / University of Aberdeen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Herbarium, Singapore Botanic Gardens National Parks Board 1 Cluny Road Singapore 259569 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : A35271854

A.18. Aboveground Biodiversity Patterns and Processes Across Rainforest Transformation Landscapes Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari fungsi dan layanan penyerbukan dengan (Research Objective) menekankan skala lanskap, pertanian, dan tanaman Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Agustus 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kab. Sarolangun) Daerah Penelitian : (Research Location) FMIPA, IPB (Prof. Dr. Damayanti Buchori) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Abstract

Abstract Arthropod pollinators provide a critical ecosystem function through their role in plant reproduction, which in turn is an essential ecosystem service to agriculture. However, to date, little work has been done to understand the drivers of spatial variation in native pollinators and the ecosystem service they provide in the rainforest transformation landscape of Jambi Province, Indonesia. We propose to investigate these questions through projects framed at three spatial scales. 1) At the landscape scale, we will sample pollinator diversity and abundance within four predominant land cover types (oil palm, rubber, shrub brush, and forest) over a gradient of rainforest transformation, i.e. the total forest composition within a radius. We will also assess long-term pollinator resource availability by monitoring deliberatelyplaced hives of the native stingless bee Trigona sp. over this gradient. 2) At the farm scale, we will investigate how enrichment changes the pollinator community and the associated pollination network, and how these effects spill over into the surrounding oil palm matrix. We will make use of an established agricultural enrichment experiment that has created enrichment plots of varying size (5x5m to 40x40m) and species richness (0 to 6 tree species) in an oil palm plantation, sampling arthropods

48 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 and the pollen on their bodies over transects from enrichment plots into the oil palm matrix. This will be complemented by experimental phytometer plantings, which we will use to track changes in pollination through phytometer fruit development. 3) At the farm and tree scale, we will investigate the role of native pollinators in providing pollination ecosystem service to oil palm agriculture. Using oil palm flower exclosure treatments, we will test whether other pollinators besides the introduced weevil Elaeidobius kamerunicus play a role in oil palm pollination, and whether pollination is affected by the presence of nearby forest.

A.18.1. Mr. Kevin Li Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Florida, U.S.A, 4 January 1986 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Theaterstraße 25, 37073 Göttingen, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 526270491

A.19. Study of Epidemic and Emerging Viruses in Indonesia Archipelago Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami munculnya berbagai virus dan endemik (Research Objective) di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Biologi molekular (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian Kalsel (Banjarmasin), Kalbar (Singkawang), Bali (Denpasar (Research Location) & Tabanan), Sulut (Manado, Bitung, Pulau Sangihe), Sulsel (), Jabar (Bandung), Yogyakarta, Jambi, NTB (Sumba), Papua (Jayapura, Timika)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LBM Eijkman (Ir. I Made Artika, M.App.Sc, Ph.D) Abstract

Myint KS, Murray CK, Scott RM, Shrestha MP, Mammen MP Jr., Shrestha SK, Kuschner RA, Joshi DM, Gibbons RV, 2010. Incidence Of Leptospirosis In Adults In Nepal. TRSTMH 104: 551-555.

Angelia Eick, John Ticehurst, Steven Tobler, Remington Nevin, Luther Lindler, Zheng Hu, Victor MacIntosh, Richard G. Jarman, Robert V. Gibbons, Khin Saw Aye Myint, Joel Gaydos, 2010. Hepatitis

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E Seroprevalence and Seroconversion among U.S. Military Service Members Deployed to Afghanistan. J Infect Dis 202: 1302-1308.

James M. Colborn,, Michael Y. Kosoy, Vladimir L. Motin, Maxim V. Telepnev, Gustavo Valbuena, Khin S. Myint, Yuri Fofanov, Catherine Putonti, Chen Feng, Leonard Peruski, 2010. Detection of Bartonella DNA in mammalian hosts and arthropod vectors using the NADH dehydrogenase gamma subunit (nuoG) by real-time PCR. JCM 48: 4630-4633.

Khin Saw Aye Myint, Robert V. Gibbons, Jennifer Iverson, Sanjaya K. Shrestha, Julie A. Pavlin, Michael Y. Kosoy, 2011. Serological Response to Bartonella Species in Febrile patients from Nepal. TRSTMH 105: 740-742.

Gundi VA, Kosoy MY, Myint KS, Shrestha SK, Shrestha MP, Pavlin JA, Gibbons RV, 2010. Prevalence and genetic diversity of bartonella species detected in different tissues of small mammals in Nepal. Appl Environ Microbiol 76: 8247-8254.

Witt CJ, Richards AL, Masuoka PM, Foley DH, Buczak AL, Musila LA, Richardson JH, Colacicco- Mayhugh MG, Rueda LM, Klein TA, Anyamba A, Small J, Pavlin JA, Fukuda MM, Gaydos J, Russell KL; AFHSC-GEIS Predictive Surveillance Writing Group, Wilkerson RC, Gibbons RV, Jarman RG, Myint KS, Pendergast B, Lewis S, Pinzon JE, Collins K, Smith M, Pak E, Tucker C, Linthicum K, Myers T, Mansour M, Earhart K, Kim HC, Jiang J, Schnabel D, Clark JW, Sang RC, Kioko E, Abuom DC, Grieco JP, Richards EE, Tobias S, Kasper MR, Montgomery JM, Florin D, Chretien JP, Philip TL, 2011. The AFHSC-Division of GEIS Operations Predictive Surveillance Program: a multidisciplinary approach for the early detection and response to disease outbreaks. BMC Public Health 4;11 Suppl 2:S10. Review.

Namsai A, Louisirirotchanakul S, Wongchinda N, Siripanyaphinyo U, Virulhakul P, Puthavathana P, Myint KS, Gannarong M, Ittapong R, 2011. Surveillance of hepatitis A and E viruses contamination in shellfish in Thailand. Lett Appl Microbiol 53: 608-613.

Khin Saw Aye Myint, Kosasih H, Artika IM, Perkasa A, Puspita M, Ma’roef CN, Antonjaya U, Ledermann J, Powers A, Alisjahbana Bachti, 2014. West Nile Virus Documented in Indonesia from Acute Febrile Illness Specimens. Am J Trop Med Hyg 90: 260-262.

Khin Saw Aye Myint, Robert V. Gibbons, Anja Kipar, Richard G. Jarman, Yvonne Van Gessel, Guey Chuen Perng, Duangrat Mongkolsirichaikul, Tom Solomon. Neuropathogenesis of Japanese Encephalitis in a primate model. PLOS NTD 8:e2980.

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A.19.1. Dr. Khin Saw Myint Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Myanmar, 10 April 1956 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Myanmar Jabatan (Position) : Virologist Institusi (Institution) : Lembaga Biologi Molekular Eijkman Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman Jl. Diponegoro No. 69 Jakarta Pusat 10430 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : MA151866

A.20. Molecular Epidemiology of Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki epidemiologi molekular dari infeksi virus (Research Objective) flu burung di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Molekular (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Jawa Timur (Surabaya dan Malang)

Daerah Penelitian : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis-Universitas Airlangga (Dr. Gatot (Research Location) Soegiarto, dr., Sp.PD., KAI)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LBM Eijkman (Ir. I Made Artika, M.App.Sc, Ph.D) Abstract

Monitoring infection of avian influenza virus to wet market workers, and confection with seasonal influenza virus and consequential genetic reassortment between them to detect emergence of new viruses with pandemic potential.

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A.20.1. Dr. Yoko Shimizu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nagano, 29 Oktober 1943 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : School of Medicine, Kobe University Email (email) : - Alamat (Address) : 2-8-4-702, Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0014, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TZ1033391

A.21. Inventory of Amphidromous Species in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperkuat pengetahuan tentang keragaman (Research Objective) spesies ikan amphidromous dan krustasea di Indonesia melalui penerapan pendekatan pluridisciplinary yang melibatkan taksonomi, molekul yang sistematis dan ekologi Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Berau, Kutai Timur, Kutai Kartanegara, (Research Location) Kutai Barat, Paser), Sulsel (seluruh kabupaten), Sulawesi Tenggara (seluruh kabupaten), Sulbar (seluruh kabupaten), Sulawesi Tengah (Banggai, Donggala, Morowali Utara, Pari Mutong, Sigi, Tojo Una-una) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Daisi Wowor, Hadi Dahrudin, M.Si., Sopian Sauri dan Ujang Nurhaman) Abstract

The project seeks to strengthen the knowledge on the Indonesian amphidromous species of fishes and crustaceans diversity through the implementation of a pluridisciplinary approach involving taxonomy, molecular systematic and ecology. First, several facts argue for the importance of assessing their biodiversity: 1. Most of them are endemic 2. Given the high diversity in Indonesia compared to other countries in the Indo-Pacific area, Indonesia is likely to represent the centre of origin of several freshwater species. 3. Extent difficulties in the systematic of the group call for a better assessment of their diversity in their type localities 4. These groups of freshwater species are an important source of protein for local human populations during given period of the year Second, the increasing use of

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DNA sequencing has shown that molecular-based systematic studies often challenged the taxonomy established using morphological characters. In this context, an integrative approach of the family is proposed including as follow: 1. DNA Barcoding: The development of standardized molecular tools for identifying species in the “DNA-barcoding” project laid the foundation for streamlining the inventory of biodiversity and speed up the pace of species description. A standardized screening of the family using DNA Barcoding will be implemented as a first step toward the characterization of the family biodiversity in Indonesia. 2. Phylogeny: Assessing the phylogenetic relationships among amphidromous species will help assess the modality of speciation (geographic isolation vs. ecological processes) and shed a new light on the origin of the diversity of the groups in Indonesia and beyond. 3. Taxonomy: Providing cryptic or undescribed diversity is discovered, new species will be described based on traditional morphological description. Finally, the objectives of the project are as follow: 1. Building DNA Barcoding reference libraries for the Indonesian amphidromous species of fishes and crustaceans designed for online open access and use. 2. Assess the phylogenetic relationships of the Indonesian amphidromous species of fishes and crustaceans compared to other locations in the Indo-Pacific regions based on previous published molecular data set by the team from the MNHN. 3. Increase the knowledge of the biodiversity of the group through formal taxonomic acts including species description and revision. 4. Foster knowledge dissemination through the publication of field guides. 5. Capacity-building in molecular systematic and taxonomy through the supervision of students and co-organization of workshops.

A.20.1. Dr. Yoko Shimizu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nagano, 29 Oktober 1943 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : School of Medicine, Kobe University Email (email) : - Alamat (Address) : 2-8-4-702, Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0014, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TZ1033391

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A. 9. The Effect of Tree Planting in Oil Palm Plantations on The Structure and Diversity of The Understorey Vegetation Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai pengaruh penanaman pohon terhadap struktur (Research Objective) dan keragaman vegetasi tumbuhan di area perkebunan kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Botani (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 17 Januari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Jambi (Dr. Forst. Bambang Irawan, S.P.,M.Sc) & IPB (Dr. Leti Sundawati)


The aim of the EFForTS Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment (BEE) is the knowledge about the potential of enriched oil-palm landscapes to maintain or enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services while having a minimum of economic losses. The experiment consists of 52 tree islands of different sizes. The plots vary in tree species composition and diversity following a random partitions design. This study will focus on the understorey vegetation of the tree islands in the EFForTSBEE project. The study’s primary aim is assessing the effect of tree planting on the structure and diversity of the understorey vegetation. It is expected that the treediversity level will impact biodiversity and vegetation structure in the undergrowth. Further it is hypothesized that the results of the vegetation survey will differ depending on the plot size. The investigation of the two key factors in a restoration context-plot size and tree diversity-aims at having a deeper comprehension of the process related to ecological restoration of oil-palm landscapes. On each of the 56 plots of the experimental site a randomly placed subplot is established. In these subplots the percentage of bare soil and live vegetation cover will be estimated. Besides, the height of live understorey vegetation and the depth of leaf litter will be measured. Vegetation data regarding life-form characteristics and broad morphology characters will be collected as well. As far as possible some taxonomy identifications of understorey vegetation are targeted additionally. In the statistical analysis the effect of tree diversity and plot size on the differences in undergrowth vegetation aspects will be tested.

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A. 9. 1. Ms. Lena Sachsenmaier Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Göttingen University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Marsiliusstraße 62, 50937 Cologne, Germany

B.1 Taxonomic, Phylogenetic, Functional, and Biogeographical Diversity of Vascular Plants in Rainforest Transformation Systems on Sumatra (Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki pengaruh konversi hutan menjadi lahan (Research Objective) pertanian pada keanekaragaman tumbuhan termasuk alpha, beta, dan gamma diversity Bidang Penelitian : Biologi botani (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 Juli 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kab. Sarolangun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : BIOTROP, Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo) dan Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Hariyadi)


Understanding changes of plant diversity at different spatial and temporal scales is essential for an overall assessment of economic-ecological trade-offs and for developing science- based solutions for sustainable land-use and biodiversity conservation. Subproject B06 investigates changes in different aspects of plant diversity from local to biogeographical scales. In the first phase, we investigated plant species diversity with a focus on alpha- and beta-diversity within the 32 core plots located in the four land-use systems (lowland rainforest, jungle rubber, rubber, and oil palm plantations). In the next phase, we will expand our studies to include functional, phylogenetic and biogeographical aspects of plant diversity. Following our sampling protocols from the first phase, we will inventory the 12 new 50x50m core plots in riparian habitats to compare them to the 32 core plots with well-drained soils. We will investigate how changes in micro-topography and edaphic conditions affect alpha- and beta-diversity, evenness, and species composition. Further, we will extend our investigations of ecologically relevant plant traits within the core plots to quantify changes in functional diversity and composition. Community phylogenies will

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be constructed in close collaboration with the barcoding project of Z02 to investigate phylogenetic signatures in the responses of plant communities to land-use change and biological invasions that are particularly important in plantations. Combining species diversity with the functional and phylogenetic dimensions of plant diversity will allow us to disentangle effects of land management and ecological filters on plant diversity and composition along gradients of land-use intensity and topography and to quantify losses in ecological functions in direct comparison with species loss. The following hypotheses will be tested: i) Taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity are not closely and not linearly correlated with each other across the land-use systems which allows identifying trade-offs to retain basic ecological functions at relatively low levels of taxonomic diversity. ii) Environmental filtering and ecological specialization are the main drivers of diversity patterns in forests, whereas ecologically neutral processes prevail in the intensely managed systems.

B.1.1. Dr. Fabian Otto Brambach Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Halle (Saale), 11 July 1980 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Institusi (Institution) : University of Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Burgstraße 4, 37073 Göttingen, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C1Y85F82K

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C .1. Assessing Risk Extirpation and Extinction Risk of Intertidal Fauna in the Banda Sea, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur ekologi termal spesies intertidal/ (Research Objective) mangrove untuk mengidentifikasi kelompok sensitif termal, memprediksi risiko kepunahan mereka dan menyarankan praktik pengelolaan terbaik Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 7 Juni 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Wakatobi) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin (Dr. Ir. Nadiarti Nurdin, M.Sc)


By the end of the century world-wide mean sea-surface temperatures are expected to rise an average 3°C. Indo-Pacific regions, however, may rise as much as 4°C (Meehl et al. 2007; Munday et al. 2008; Pandolfi et al. 2011; IPPC 2016). Coral reef and their associated Intertidal marine systems are expected to be most affected with some estimates suggesting that one-fourth of all invertebrate fauna and one-third of all fish fauna in the Banda Sea will be extirpated or extinct by the end of this century (Paladino et al.1980; Poloczanska et al. 2007). Reefs and associated marginal habitats such as tidal pools, mudflats and mangroves serve a variety of economic and ecological functions including supporting fisheries, promoting tourism, protecting coastlines, and increasing coastal biodiversity (Dikou 2010). While many studies have examined and described organismal responses to higher water temperature, it has proven much more difficult to predict the ecological risk posed to specific species living in austere environments. In 1997, a method for rapidly quantifying the potential risk of ectotherms to rising temperatures based on thermal niche metrics was developed at the University of North Texas (Bennett and Beitinger, 1997). The research program proposed here aims to modify this method to specifically target tropical ecosystem fauna and amass the empirical thermal ecology data for the Banda Sea region over the next five years. The focus of the project is four-fold: (1) quantify key thermal niche components of coral reef or reef-associated fish species living in various sub-habitat types and/or occupying different trophic guilds; (2) identify shallow-water thermophilic fishes from marginal intertidal

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habitats and evaluate their thermal tolerance responses to high cycling temperatures that may exceed their critical temperature limits for time periods equivalent to spring tide events; (3) evaluate resting and maximum sustained active metabolism in these same fishes and calculate their scope of metabolic expansibility, and (4) determine the effects of desiccation rates and desiccation levels on heat tolerance of amphibious mudskipper and rockskipper species from intertidal, mangal mudflat habitats. Results of these studies will address major gaps in our understanding about thermal ecology of animals living in tropical intertidal zones. The information garnered will help predict how individual populations as well as species-interdependencies will respond to rising sea surface temperature. Perhaps more importantly, these studies provide critical information needed to develop effective proactive conservation measures and management strategies.

C . 1. 1. Dr. Wayne Arden Bennett Jr Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of West Florida Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 11000 University Parkway Pensacola, Florida, USA 32514

C .2. Corals at the extreme: partitioning the response of coral holobionts to marginal habitats 5. Indicators of Biodiversity Response to Land Use Changes Across Tropical Forest Habitats on Buton Island, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengkaji dampak jangka panjang dari perubahan (Research Objective) penggunaan lahan (degradasi habitat dan deforestasi) dan gangguan pada ekosistem hutan tropis termasuk indikasi stok karbon Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 31 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Buton, Kab. Buton Utara) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : FMIPA, Universitas Halu Oleo (Analuddin, S.Si., M.Si.,M. Sc.,Ph.D)

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Anthropogenic disturbances, such as land use change, deforestation and habitat degradation, threaten biodiversity losses, with substantial range contractions and loss of species. This threat is widespread throughout tropical forests where human pressures, species diversity and endemism are particularly high. For example, the rapid changes in land use such as agriculture, timber production and other harvesting practices potentially have consequences for tropical terrestrial biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services including carbon sequestration. These changes are likely to have implications on ecosystem functioning and human wellbeing. However, it is poorly understood how different regimes of anthropogenic disturbances impact the biodiversity in tropical forests. Our lack of understanding of how biodiversity responds to different regimes of anthropogenic disturbances in tropical forests is often because many species can be difficult to detect. To address this deficiency and identify high priority conservation areas, we need studies that investigate the impacts of different regimes of land use change have on tropical forests and the biodiversity in these ecosystems. To address this lack of knowledge, the proposed project involves the completion of habitat surveys and biodiversity assessments of three key taxa groups (birds, herpetofauna and mammals) in the forests of central and northern Buton Island, which have differing disturbance intensities and land use practices providing a gradient of disturbance of intensity. The data from these studies will then be combined to determine how populations of these key taxa are distributed along a gradient of disturbance intensity, and how the demographics of these populations are changing through time. The datasets will also be used to add to expand existing knowledge of species inventories of these key taxa on Buton Island. Habitat surveys will be completed to provide greater understandings of species-habitat relationships, allow for the calculation of carbon stocks in different stratification types and to investigate the impact of changes in biodiversity on carbon sequestration. All data will then be used to inform and safeguard the biodiversity and for management of the Buton forests.

C .2. 1. Dr. Stephanie Courtney Jones Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Scientist Institusi (Institution) : University of Wollongong Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University of Wollongong Northfields Avenue Wollongong NSW 2522

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C.3. Assessment of The Relationship between Landscape Scale Habitat Diversity and Mammal Diversity to Identify Areas of Conservation Priority and Predict The Consequences of Land-Use Change on Biodiversity Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai keragaman dan penyebaran spasial mamalia, (Research Objective) serta menentukan kepadatan, distribusi spasial, dan ukuran populasi orangutan Borneo dan owa jenggot putih di hutan bertipe Rungan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Gunung Mas, Kab. Pulang Pisau, (Research Location) Kota Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya (Siti Maimunah, S.Hut., MP)


This research is the first assessment of mammal biodiversity and habitat distribution in the Rungan Forest, the largest unprotected and intact lowland forest left in Central Kalimantan. Exploratory surveys indicate the Rungan supports one of the largest unprotected populations of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii), a critically endangered species, as well as several other species of conservation concern. Rungan Forest is a unique ecological unit, a peat-swamp and heath forest mosaic with a huge conservation value. I aim to provide a biodiversity assessment by quantifying mammal biodiversity and species spatiotemporal distribution among the various forest types which I’ll use to better understand the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and mammal diversity. I’ll focus particularly on endangered Bornean orangutans and white- bearded gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis), estimating their density and population size to improve conservation capacity and better understand their distribution. Furthermore, I’ll quantify the ecological and conservation value of the Rungan and model the effects of land-use change on biodiversity. Through this research, I’ll improve our understanding of how heterogeneous landscapes and the simplification of them influence the diversity and density of mammals. This information is transferable to other ecosystems, particularly poorly studied tropical mosaic landscapes, and will aid in the global challenge of balancing environmental preservation with increased natural resource extraction and economic growth and enable more targeted land-use planning. I’ll directly address this challenge as this research will contribute to Borneo Nature Foundation’s efforts to create a conservation area in the Rungan Forest.

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C .3. 1. Ms. Shari Lynn Mang Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : PhD Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Exeter, UK; Borneo Nature Foundation Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 47b Budock Terrace, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3ND, United Kingdom

C .4. Is regeneration enough? Temporal turnover of forest bird assemblages in a disturbed Sumatran lowland rainforest and implications for conservation Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur perubahan dalam komunitas burung (Research Objective) dengan pertumbuhan hutan yang berkelanjutan, dan memeriksa dampak tekanan berburu/perangkap di Way Biologi Station Canguk dalam Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan di Provinsi Lampung dan Situs Restorasi Ekosistem Harapan Rainforest di Provinsi Jambi. Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari); Sumatera Selatan (Kab. Musi (Research Location) Banyuasin); Lampung (Kab. Pesisir Barat) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Jambi (Novriyanti, S.Hut, M.Si dan Dr. Bambang Irawan)


Harapan Rainforest (HR) in Jambi Province, Sumatra, is the site of a major tropical forest restoration program, the Harapan Rainforest Initiative (HRI). Covering an extensive lowland forest undergoing post-logging regeneration, HR represents an important conservation effort for an endangered ecosystem. Despite the importance of biodiversity monitoring for HRI, ten years into the program, no study has explicitly evaluated the patterns of biodiversity recovery at HR or across western Indonesia. At the same time, there are indications that biodiversity at HR, particularly the forest avifauna, is severely threatened by trapping for the pet trade, an emerging global threat for wildlife particularly in Southeast Asia whose impacts are just beginning to be understood. In this project, we aim to understand the effects of forest recovery and trapping on the forest avaifauna at HR, by assessing the patterns of avian community change at HR over the past ten years or so. Importantly, we

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will build upon historical avian survey data collected from HR in around 2010, and conduct new avian community surveys along gradients of forest vegetation recovery and trapping pressure to tease apart the effects of forest recovery and trapping. Understanding from our project will provide (1) important insights for HRI pertaining to the effectiveness of their forest management plans, and (2) much needed understanding of the biodiversity impacts of trapping in Southeast Asia. Through our project, we also aim to set up an avian monitoring platform for HRI by conducting capacity training of local staff.

C .4. 1. Mr. Sathya Chandra Sagar Halehalli Sathyanarayana Warga Negara (Nationality) : India Jabatan (Position) : Masters Student Institusi (Institution) : University of East Anglia Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : c/o Dr James Gilroy School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ

C . 5. Determining population trends and factors contributing to Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) persistence in Komodo National Park Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan studi observasional tentang perilaku dan (Research Objective) alokasi anggaran waktu kakaktua di lokasi yang berbeda di TNK, mendukung staf Taman Nasional Komodo dengan jumlah populasi burung kakatua dan juga melakukan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan polisi hutan dan penduduk setempat tentang kelimpahan burung kakaktua saat ini dan sejarah, penyebab potensial untuk setiap fluktuasi dalam tren populasi kakatua, dan mengubah sikap konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 19 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Balai Taman Nasional Komodo) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Balai Taman Nasional Komodo (Ande Kefi, SST)

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We propose to determine population trends of Yellow-crested Cockatoos (YCCs) at multiple sites in Komodo National Park (KNP) based on comprehensive population surveys. At each site, we will conduct behavioural and time-budget surveys to examine differences between sub-populations that might be affected by habitat characteristics (e.g., forest cover, proximity to ocean) or by humans (e.g., presence of ranger stations, proximity to local villages, frequency of tourist visits). We will also interview rangers and local villagers to gain insight into historic and current YCC abundance and historic and current threats to YCC populations. Combined, our research will provide the most accurate and recent YCC population estimates across KNP and will identify those factors which might contribute to the long-term survival of this critically endangered species in its native habitat.

C .5. 1. Ms. Astrid Linnea Alexandra Andersson Warga Negara (Nationality) : Swedia Jabatan (Position) : MPhil/PhD student Institusi (Institution) : The University of Hong Kong Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6th Floor, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building, Hong Kong

C .6. SUSTAINPEAT: Overcoming barriers to sustainable livelihoods and environments in smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatland Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari sifat biofisik gambut di bawah SHA pada (Research Objective) komunitas percontohan dan menentukan praktik pertanian saat ini serta strategi penghidupan yang diharapkan oleh petani kecil Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Ketapang, Kab. Kubu Raya, Kab. (Research Location) Pontianak); Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Katingan, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kota Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Tanjungpura (Prof. Gusti Z Anshari)

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SUSTAINPEAT: Overcoming barriers to sustainable livelihoods and environments in smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatland Abstract Tropical peatlands are one of the Earth’s most spatially efficient terrestrial C sinks and their greatest extent (248,000 km2) and mass (69 Gt) is in SE Asia (Page et al. 2011). This region also houses biologically diverse ecosystems, including peat swamp forest (PSF) which support unique and highly specialised assemblages of plants and animals. At the same time these areas support significant human populations which rely on the exploitation of local natural capital for their livelihood and face particular challenges in relation to income, resilience to environmental stressors and exposure to external market forces. Landscape-scale management of tropical peatlands thus faces apparently conflicting objectives including: increasing smallholder income and food production, averting biodiversity loss, minimising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and mitigating climate change. The development and implementation of more efficient and sustainable agricultural systems in areas of tropical peatlands is therefore important for improving income and food security as well as achieving national development goals. However the values, decision-making practices, and livelihood constraints of these communities are little understood as are the dynamics of their interactions with policy makers and implementors and with the natural and physical environment in which they live. This research employs an interdisciplinary approach to address this knowledge gap, The overall research question is: what are the sustainable livelihood options for SHA on peat soils. In order to achieve this objective the research will focus on a number of linked objectives; (a) To assess current peatland SHA systems and associated environmental impacts; (b) To develop an integrated locally relevant inter-disciplinary approach for assessing the biophysical, social and economic impacts of new practices; and (c) To facilitate the development of effective and responsible environmental, economic and socially sustainable agricultural systems suited to the peatland environment. The project involves a suite of biophysical measurements and socio economic research in locations in both Pontianak and Palangkarya Indonesia and also in Selangor Malaysia to allow us to compare and contrast rural livelihood and policy practices and their environmental impact in different nations. The research employes a variety of methods and is comprised of a series of five work packages which will be delivered by a mixed team of socio-economic and biophysical researchers. These workpackages are Work Package 1. Collating current knowledge of socio-economic and environmental status of small holders in tropical peatlands Methods employed in this work package include; • A comprehensive literature review gathering data on current cropping and management systems used in smallholder agriculture in tropical Peatlands. • Targeted stakeholder engagement workshops with policy makers and implmenters during which participants will employ future scenario planning to identify possible options for the future of Sustainable Peatland Development

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Work Package 2. Socio-economic characterisation of pilot communities and valuation of ecosystem services This will involve field work examining the socio-economic status of smallholder agriculture in our chosen research sites using focus group discussion and community mapping exercises together with survey work employing a semi-structured research instrument to generate qualitative and quantitative information about local livelihoods and farming practices. Work Package 3. Measurement of biophysical properties To determine the importance of the biophysical constraints that the peatland environment places on SHA and the impacts of SHA on C losses, GHG emissions, fire occurrence, water fluxes, and susceptibility to flooding, we will carry out targeted field measurements. With regards to biotic environmental measurements we will target measurements within identified research plots in each of the research areas. Specifically we will measure above and below ground C stocks, and GHG emissions from the peat surface. Yield of key crops will be quantified. To determine above ground biomass and C stocks in each plot we will measure tree height and measure DBH to quantify standing biomass via allometric equations. Peat cores will be collected for determination of bulk density and below ground C stocks. Measurements of GHG fluxes will be made using portable GHG analysers and/ or head space gas collection using static chambers on a regular basis. The waterborne component of C loss will be estimated by measuring the concentration of A suite of abiotic measures of climate and soil properties will be made. Specifically we will measure peat N, P, and K content along with Cu, Bo and Sn to assess macro and micro nutrient availability. Peat pH and S will also be measured to assess soil acidity. Climatic data will be accessed from nearby meteorological stations/EC flux towers. Dipwells will be installed for manual water table (WT) measurements in each plot. Samples of soil, gas(air) and water will be collected for analysis in the UK. Work Package 4. Modelling impacts of alternative practices on crop production and environmental outcomes Agro-economic and biophysical data collected in previous work packages will provide the basis of a modified livelihood analysis which takes account of how the dynamic interaction between biotic, abiotic and human factors controls the status of peatlands in the pilot areas. This analysis will form a baseline for comparison with environmental and socio-economic impacts of alternative cropping patterns and land management regimes. Model analyses will be conducted to identify candidate alternative crops and income streams for each study site under a range of peat management scenarios in which the water table is maintained at different mean depths. These alternatives will be assessed against modelled environmental outcomes (GHG emission and flood risk). Work package 5. Integrating smallholder income models with optimal SHA options and ES values. WP5 will draw on WP4 model outputs to evaluate alternative livelihood options and provide a detailed analysis of the requirements for these options, including barriers to uptake allowing us to address the overall project aim of delivering sustainable livelihood options for SHA on peat. Local participants will work with the research team to provide inputs for modelling smallholder income under current and

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alternative cropping systems. The novelty of the project revolves around a the provision of a comprehensive account of the status of SHA on tropical peat swamps via a dedicated study which will develop and employ an innovative framework tailored to the specific characteristics of SHA on peatlands. This framework will provide a transferable approach which can be employed to assess SHA in different areas and is up-scalable at national and regional levels. Fundamentally, our proposal makes an innovative contribution to support Malaysia and Indonesia in achieving their Sustainable Development Goals, specifically in relation to reducing poverty, improving rural income, achieving food security and improved nutrition, promoting sustainable agriculture, reducing land degradation, and reducing (economic) inequality between and within countries.

C. 6.1. Mr. Antonio Jonay Jovani Sancho Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : Post Doctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Nottingham Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 52 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL, United Kingdom

C . 6. 2. Mr. Patrick Joseph O’Reilly Warga Negara (Nationality) : Irlandia Jabatan (Position) : Post Doctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Leicester Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : School Of Geography, Geology and the Environment, The University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

C .7. Assessment of The Relationship between Landscape Scale Habitat Diversity and Mammal Diversity to Identify Areas of Conservation Priority and Predict The Consequences of Land-Use Change on Biodiversity Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai keragaman dan penyebaran spasial mamalia, (Research Objective) serta menentukan kepadatan, distribusi spasial, dan ukuran populasi orangutan Borneo dan owa jenggot putih di hutan bertipe Rungan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research)

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Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Gunung Mas, Kab. Pulang Pisau, (Research Location) Kota Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya (Siti Maimunah, S.Hut., MP)


This research is the first assessment of mammal biodiversity and habitat distribution in the Rungan Forest, the largest unprotected and intact lowland forest left in Central Kalimantan. Exploratory surveys indicate the Rungan supports one of the largest unprotected populations of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii), a critically endangered species, as well as several other species of conservation concern. Rungan Forest is a unique ecological unit, a peat-swamp and heath forest mosaic with a huge conservation value. I aim to provide a biodiversity assessment by quantifying mammal biodiversity and species spatiotemporal distribution among the various forest types which I’ll use to better understand the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and mammal diversity. I’ll focus particularly on endangered Bornean orangutans and white- bearded gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis), estimating their density and population size to improve conservation capacity and better understand their distribution. Furthermore, I’ll quantify the ecological and conservation value of the Rungan and model the effects of land-use change on biodiversity. Through this research, I’ll improve our understanding of how heterogeneous landscapes and the simplification of them influence the diversity and density of mammals. This information is transferable to other ecosystems, particularly poorly studied tropical mosaic landscapes, and will aid in the global challenge of balancing environmental preservation with increased natural resource extraction and economic growth and enable more targeted land-use planning. I’ll directly address this challenge as this research will contribute to Borneo Nature Foundation’s efforts to create a conservation area in the Rungan Forest.

C .7. 1. Ms. Shari Lynn Mang Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : PhD Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Exeter, UK; Borneo Nature Foundation Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 47b Budock Terrace, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3ND, United Kingdom

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C . 8. Is regeneration enough? Temporal turnover of forest bird assemblages in a disturbed Sumatran lowland rainforest and implications for conservation Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur perubahan dalam komunitas burung (Research Objective) dengan pertumbuhan hutan yang berkelanjutan, dan memeriksa dampak tekanan berburu / perangkap di Way Biologi Station Canguk dalam Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan di Provinsi Lampung dan Situs Restorasi Ekosistem Harapan Rainforest di Provinsi Jambi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari); Sumatera Selatan (Kab. Musi (Research Location) Banyuasin); Lampung (Kab. Pesisir Barat) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Jambi (Novriyanti, S.Hut, M.Si dan Dr. Bambang Irawan)


Harapan Rainforest (HR) in Jambi Province, Sumatra, is the site of a major tropical forest restoration program, the Harapan Rainforest Initiative (HRI). Covering an extensive lowland forest undergoing post-logging regeneration, HR represents an important conservation effort for an endangered ecosystem. Despite the importance of biodiversity monitoring for HRI, ten years into the program, no study has explicitly evaluated the patterns of biodiversity recovery at HR or across western Indonesia. At the same time, there are indications that biodiversity at HR, particularly the forest avifauna, is severely threatened by trapping for the pet trade, an emerging global threat for wildlife particularly in Southeast Asia whose impacts are just beginning to be understood. In this project, we aim to understand the effects of forest recovery and trapping on the forest avaifauna at HR, by assessing the patterns of avian community change at HR over the past ten years or so. Importantly, we will build upon historical avian survey data collected from HR in around 2010, and conduct new avian community surveys along gradients of forest vegetation recovery and trapping pressure to tease apart the effects of forest recovery and trapping. Understanding from our project will provide (1) important insights for HRI pertaining to the effectiveness of their forest management plans, and (2) much needed understanding of the biodiversity impacts of trapping in Southeast Asia. Through our project, we also aim to set up an avian monitoring platform for HRI by conducting capacity training of local staff.

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C .8. 1. Mr. Sathya Chandra Sagar Halehalli Sathyanarayana Warga Negara (Nationality) : India Jabatan (Position) : Masters Student Institusi (Institution) : University of East Anglia Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : c/o Dr James Gilroy School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ

C . 9. Determining population trends and factors contributing to Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) persistence in Komodo National Park Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan studi observasional tentang perilaku dan (Research Objective) alokasi anggaran waktu kakaktua di lokasi yang berbeda di TNK, mendukung staf Taman Nasional Komodo dengan jumlah populasi burung kakatua dan juga melakukan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan polisi hutandan penduduk setempat tentang kelimpahan burung kakaktua saat ini dan sejarah, penyebab potensial untuk setiap fluktuasi dalam tren populasi kakatua, dan mengubah sikap konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 19 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Balai Taman Nasional Komodo) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Balai Taman Nasional Komodo (Ande Kefi, SST)


We propose to determine population trends of Yellow-crested Cockatoos (YCCs) at multiple sites in Komodo National Park (KNP) based on comprehensive population surveys. At each site, we will conduct behavioural and time-budget surveys to examine differences between sub-populations that might be affected by habitat characteristics (e.g., forest cover, proximity to ocean) or by humans (e.g., presence of ranger stations, proximity to local villages, frequency of tourist visits). We will also interview rangers and local villagers to gain insight into historic and current YCC abundance and historic and current threats to YCC populations. Combined, our research will provide the most accurate and recent YCC

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population estimates across KNP and will identify those factors which might contribute to the long-term survival of this critically endangered species in its native habitat.

C .9. 1. Ms. Astrid Linnea Alexandra Andersson Warga Negara (Nationality) : Swedia Jabatan (Position) : MPhil/PhD student Institusi (Institution) : The University of Hong Kong Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6th Floor, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building, Hong Kong

C .10. SUSTAINPEAT: Overcoming barriers to sustainable livelihoods and environments in smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatland Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari sifat biofisik gambut di bawah SHA pada (Research Objective) komunitas percontohan dan menentukan praktik pertanian saat ini serta strategi penghidupan yang diharapkan oleh petani kecil Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 April 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Ketapang, Kab. Kubu Raya, Kab. (Research Location) Pontianak); Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Katingan, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kota Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Tanjungpura (Prof. Gusti Z Anshari)


SUSTAINPEAT: Overcoming barriers to sustainable livelihoods and environments in smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatland Abstract Tropical peatlands are one of the Earth’s most spatially efficient terrestrial C sinks and their greatest extent (248,000 km2) and mass (69 Gt) is in SE Asia (Page et al. 2011). This region also houses biologically diverse ecosystems, including peat swamp forest (PSF) which support unique and highly specialised assemblages of plants and animals. At the same time these areas support significant human populations which rely on the exploitation of local natural capital for their livelihood and face particular challenges in relation to income, resilience to environmental stressors and exposure to external market forces. Landscape-scale management of tropical peatlands

70 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 thus faces apparently conflicting objectives including: increasing smallholder income and food production, averting biodiversity loss, minimising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and mitigating climate change. The development and implementation of more efficient and sustainable agricultural systems in areas of tropical peatlands is therefore important for improving income and food security as well as achieving national development goals. However the values, decision-making practices, and livelihood constraints of these communities are little understood as are the dynamics of their interactions with policy makers and implementors and with the natural and physical environment in which they live. This research employs an interdisciplinary approach to address this knowledge gap, The overall research question is: what are the sustainable livelihood options for SHA on peat soils. In order to achieve this objective the research will focus on a number of linked objectives; (a) To assess current peatland SHA systems and associated environmental impacts; (b) To develop an integrated locally relevant inter-disciplinary approach for assessing the biophysical, social and economic impacts of new practices; and (c) To facilitate the development of effective and responsible environmental, economic and socially sustainable agricultural systems suited to the peatland environment. The project involves a suite of biophysical measurements and socio economic research in locations in both Pontianak and Palangkarya Indonesia and also in Selangor Malaysia to allow us to compare and contrast rural livelihood and policy practices and their environmental impact in different nations. The research employes a variety of methods and is comprised of a series of five work packages which will be delivered by a mixed team of socio-economic and biophysical researchers. These workpackages are Work Package 1. Collating current knowledge of socio-economic and environmental status of small holders in tropical peatlands Methods employed in this work package include; • A comprehensive literature review gathering data on current cropping and management systems used in smallholder agriculture in tropical Peatlands. • Targeted stakeholder engagement workshops with policy makers and implmenters during which participants will employ future scenario planning to identify possible options for the future of Sustainable Peatland Development Work Package 2. Socio-economic characterisation of pilot communities and valuation of ecosystem services This will involve field work examining the socio-economic status of smallholder agriculture in our chosen research sites using focus group discussion and community mapping exercises together with survey work employing a semi-structured research instrument to generate qualitative and quantitative information about local livelihoods and farming practices. Work Package 3. Measurement of biophysical properties To determine the importance of the biophysical constraints that the peatland environment places on SHA and the impacts of SHA on C losses, GHG emissions, fire occurrence, water fluxes, and susceptibility to flooding, we will carry out targeted field measurements. With regards to biotic environmental measurements we will target measurements within identified research plots in each of the research areas. Specifically we will measure above

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and below ground C stocks, and GHG emissions from the peat surface. Yield of key crops will be quantified. To determine above ground biomass and C stocks in each plot we will measure tree height and measure DBH to quantify standing biomass via allometric equations. Peat cores will be collected for determination of bulk density and below ground C stocks. Measurements of GHG fluxes will be made using portable GHG analysers and/ or head space gas collection using static chambers on a regular basis. The waterborne component of C loss will be estimated by measuring the concentration of A suite of abiotic measures of climate and soil properties will be made. Specifically we will measure peat N, P, and K content along with Cu, Bo and Sn to assess macro and micro nutrient availability. Peat pH and S will also be measured to assess soil acidity. Climatic data will be accessed from nearby meteorological stations/EC flux towers. Dipwells will be installed for manual water table (WT) measurements in each plot. Samples of soil, gas(air) and water will be collected for analysis in the UK. Work Package 4. Modelling impacts of alternative practices on crop production and environmental outcomes Agro-economic and biophysical data collected in previous work packages will provide the basis of a modified livelihood analysis which takes account of how the dynamic interaction between biotic, abiotic and human factors controls the status of peatlands in the pilot areas. This analysis will form a baseline for comparison with environmental and socio-economic impacts of alternative cropping patterns and land management regimes. Model analyses will be conducted to identify candidate alternative crops and income streams for each study site under a range of peat management scenarios in which the water table is maintained at different mean depths. These alternatives will be assessed against modelled environmental outcomes (GHG emission and flood risk). Work package 5. Integrating smallholder income models with optimal SHA options and ES values. WP5 will draw on WP4 model outputs to evaluate alternative livelihood options and provide a detailed analysis of the requirements for these options, including barriers to uptake allowing us to address the overall project aim of delivering sustainable livelihood options for SHA on peat. Local participants will work with the research team to provide inputs for modelling smallholder income under current and alternative cropping systems. The novelty of the project revolves around a the provision of a comprehensive account of the status of SHA on tropical peat swamps via a dedicated study which will develop and employ an innovative framework tailored to the specific characteristics of SHA on peatlands. This framework will provide a transferable approach which can be employed to assess SHA in different areas and is up-scalable at national and regional levels. Fundamentally, our proposal makes an innovative contribution to support Malaysia and Indonesia in achieving their Sustainable Development Goals, specifically in relation to reducing poverty, improving rural income, achieving food security and improved nutrition, promoting sustainable agriculture, reducing land degradation, and reducing (economic) inequality between and within countries.

72 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

C. 10. 1. Mr. Antonio Jonay Jovani Sancho Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : Post Doctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Nottingham Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 52 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL, United Kingdom

C. 11. Impacts of transformation of rainforests into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soil Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis dampak dari transformasi penggunaan (Research Objective) lahan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada stok Si mobile dan berinteraksi fase Si dalam tanah (misalnya Si dalam silika amorf, yang jauh lebih mudah larut daripada fase Si tanah kristal) Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kab. Sarolangun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako (Dr. Aiyen Tjoa)


Impacts of transformation of rainforests into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils Abstract Since the mid-20th century, the expansion of oil-palm plantations has considerably contributed to the decrease of rainforests in Southeast Asia, whereby Indonesia has become the largest oil-palm producer world-wide. Several studies, including current investigations within the CRC 990, have shown that oil-palm cultivation may lead to a decline of soil organic carbon and various nutrients. However, no studies on the influence of oil palms on silicon (Si) pools in soils exist yet. In this project, we intend to close this knowledge gap, because (i) oil palms are Si-accumulating plants and thus supposed to have a considerable impact on soil-plant Si cycling, (ii) oil-palm plantations are established on tropical soils such as Acrisols and Ferralsols, which are characterized by strong natural desilification. In these soils, soil-plant Si cycling is particularly important for maintaining appropriate soil Si levels on the long term. Four hypotheses (H1-H4) will be tested in this project. H1) Oil palms produce larger amounts of biogenic silica (BSi) than rainforest trees. This BSi is returned to the soils only under long frond piles, which, according to common management practices,

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are created in every second oil-palm inter-row. No BSi return from above-ground oil-palm biomass takes place in any other area of the plantations. BSi released from decomposing palm fronds, because of its amorphous character, represents the most soluble relevant Si source in the otherwise Si-depleted soils. BSi dissolution and leaching of the released Si with abundant percolating water under humidtropical conditions leads to net Si loss from the system. H2) Soils of riparian areas receive dissolved silica (DSi) from higher landscape positions. They are thus not prone to serious Si depletion. H3) Phytoliths accumulate especially in top-soils. They have a lower density than soil-mineral grains. Thus, they are preferably removed with surface run-off, which results in direct BSi export. H4) Oil palms also accumulate BSi in their fruit bunches. Thus, harvesting fruit bunches involves direct BSi export from the system as well. These hypotheses will be tested by (i) sequential Si extraction, carried out on Acrisols under oil palm plantations and rainforests, both in well- drained areas and riparian areas (testing H1 and H2), (ii) analysis of BSi in top-soils and sediments, caught below erosion plots (testing H3), (iii) analysis of BSi in oil-palm fruit bunches, fruits, kernels, woody parts, fronds (testing H4). The outcomes of this project will provide a scientific base for evaluating the risk of longterm Si depletion in Acrisols under oil-palm plantation and for developing potential measures (e.g. returning empty fruit bunches to the plantations, preferably using riparian areas). The project will be closely linked to the CRC 990. All analyses will be carried out on CRC plots. In this way, the project outcomes can be directly integrated into the overall outcomes of the CRC 990.

C .11. 1. Ms. Britta Glenesk Greenshields Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Münchhausenstraße 26, D-37085 Göttingen, Germany

C .12. Density and Ranging behaviour of the Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus and Sleep Quality and Sleep Site Selection in the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo albelii in Response to Environmental Changes of Forest Habitats Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menetapkan perkiraan kepadatan penduduk untuk (Research Objective) gajah sumatera di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara dengan survei kepadatan kotoran, survei vegetasi dan survei di daerah setempat dan juga menyelidiki kompleksitas struktural platform tidur orangutan untuk memastikan apakah hal ini mengarah pada tidur yang lebih dalam dan lebih efisien di orangutan Sumatera

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Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Maret 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Tamiang, Kab. Aceh Tenggara, Kab. Aceh (Research Location) Timur, Kab. Aceh Utara, Kab. Bener Meriah, Kab. Gayo Lues); Sumatera Utara (Kab. Karo, Kab. Langkat, Kota Medan, Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Abdullah)


Indonesian tropical rainforests are being lost at a substantial rate through anthropogenic activities, typically having a significant impact on rare and keystone species of flora and fauna. Indonesian rainforests are home to a significant proportion of the world’s biodiversity, and a stronghold for many unique, endangered species. With habitat loss being a significant threat many of these species are critically endangered and are at a high risk of extinction. Two of these critically endangered species include the Sumatran orangutan Pongo albelii and the Sumatran elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus. Both species have been severely affected by habitat loss, and the on-going threats in both protected and unprotected areas is attributed to conversion of land into human settlements, agricultural land and large monoculture plantations (palm oil), and logging (both legal and illegal). Due to this significant, on-going forest loss and conversion, species numbers are continuing to decline and are additionally, coming more frequently into contact with humans. Both species can cause significant damage to plantations and are therefore treated as ‘pests’ by farmers. Thus, becoming targets of elimination if they are seen damaging or stealing crops, bringing further threats to their populations. The population of the Sumatran elephant is largely unknown due to lack of widespread data and knowledge of fragmented populations across Sumatra, therefore it is impossible to predict the severity of habitat loss without a comprehensive, up to date population estimate. Although the Sumatran orangutan has been studied profusely, on-going habitat destruction is clearly having an effect on behaviour; logging not only reduces feeding and travel routes but causes loss of sleeping trees. For a highly intelligent ape, safe and comfortable sleeping sites, allowing a high-quality sleep are paramount for next day cognitive functioning and therefore survival. This study is therefore two-fold; 1. To provide a comprehensive estimate of the Sumatran elephant population, elephant habitat requirements, and human-wildlife conflict in the Leuser ecosystem and neighbouring areas in Aceh and North Sumatra; and 2. Assessment of orangutan sleeping sites and sleep quality in Sikundur, North Sumatra. This research will be undertaken over a ? 12 month period, and will be carried out in collaboration with

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Universitas Syiah Kuala (UniSyiah), Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL), Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP), PanEco, and Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL). Additionally, this project provides opportunities for a counter-part Indonesian student to be part of this exciting project or undertake a related project of their own. The results of this study would be shared openly with the Indonesian government and universities, and can help to inform future policies on efficient, successful conservation for a highly-valued ecosystem.

C .12. 1. Ms. Emma Louise Hankinson Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Bournemouth University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3 Smestow Mews Smestow Watermill off Heathmill Close Wombourne Wolverhampton WV5 8EX, Enlgand

C .12. 2. Ms. Rosanna Arianna Consiglio Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Research Volunteer Institusi (Institution) : Bournemouth University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 44 Greenlaw.Ave, Toronto, Ontario M6H 3V5 Canada

C .13. The Importance of Micro-Climate Refuges for Mammal Responses to Climate Change and Human Disturbance. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk lebih memahami bagaimana dampak gangguan iklim (Research Objective) mikro, kesehatan dan kelangsungan hidup mamalia di hutan tropis di Sumatera Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Maret 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Tamiang, Kab. Aceh Tenggara, Kab. Aceh (Research Location) Timur, Kab. Aceh Utara, Kab. Bener Meriah, Kab. Gayo Lues); Sumatera Utara (Kab. Karo, Kab. Langkat, Kota Medan, Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Abdullah)

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The forests of Indonesia represent an important refuge for unique, endangered species. Forest ecosystems are being increasingly altered by human activities, and understanding how these systems will respond to changes in their environment is a vital step in preserving biodiversity in these regions. This study aims to link variation in habitat structure and microclimate with mammal behaviour and habitat use within the Gunung Leuser National Park. Data on forest microclimate, population density and ranging behaviour of mammal species will be collected over a 12-month period. This research would be carried out in collaboration with Universitas Syiah Kuala (UnSyiah), Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL), Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP),and PanEco, and provide the opportunity for a counter-part Indonesian student to be part of this exciting project or run a related project of their own. The results of this study would be shared openly with the Indonesian government and universities, and can help to inform future policies on efficient, successful conservation for a highly-valued ecosystem.

C .13. 1. Ms. Helen Danielle Slater Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Bournemouth University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 17 Twyford Close, Bournemouth, BH8 0PQ, United Kingdom

C .14. Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Microbial Activity Related to Methane Emissions from Trees in The Central Kalimantan Peatland Forest Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan pengukuran metana fluks dari batang (Research Objective) spesies beberapa pohon dominan dan dari tanah di daerah dekat sungai Sebangau, dan untuk mengumpulkan sampel inti kayu pada ketinggian yang berbeda dan sampel tanah pada kedalaman yang berbeda, untuk mengukur aktivitas mikroba Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Maret 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Taman Nasional Sebangau) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Ir. Ici Piter Kulu)

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Methane is the second most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere after carbon dioxide, but with a higher global warming potential. Tropical peatlands globally emit the largest proportion of this greenhouse gas to the atmosphere but the emission source strengths are highly uncertain. A study in 2013 by Pangala et al. in central Kalimantan found trees to emit a large proportion of methane. Methane emissions to the atmosphere are the product of the balance between the production and consumption activity by specific microbial communities, which varies significantly along the length of the tree and soil depths, affecting the methane fluxes dynamics from the tree stems and ultimately from the entire ecosystem. To understand the variability and to characterize the methane sources, we aim to perform methane fluxes measurements from stems of a few dominant tree species and from soil in an area near the Sebangau river, and to collect wood cores samples at different heights and soil cores samples at different depths, to quantify microbial activity. The samples will be eventually stored to be able to perform DNA extraction. Furthermore, the activity of microbial communities in tropical peatlands also depend on the season and water-table levels, therefore we aim to conduct a second field campaign during dry season.

C .14. 1. Ms. Carla Sabrina Gomez Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : The Open University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Walton Hall, Milton Keynes , United Kingdom

C.15. Action Research for the Peat Land Restoration and Transdiciplinary Study for the Future of Peatland Society Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengklarifikasi karakteristik dan kejadian kebakaran (Research Objective) lahan gambut di Indonesia, yang merupakan sumber CO2 yang siginfikan, untuk membantu menerapkan keselamatan kebakaran, mengukur dan mengurangi pemanasan global Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Maret 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, Kab. Siak, (Research Location) Pekanbaru)

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Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza SE. MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut (Dr. Haris Gunawan)


Restoration of degraded dried peatlands is really urgent issue both for Indonesia and international community. Indonesian Government has set up the Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) in January 2016 to restore 2 million hector by 2019. We have collaborated with BRG since March 2016, and issued the joint statement of action research among BRG, Kyoto University and National Institutes for Humanity in April 2016, and singed MOU among BRG, Kyoto University and RIHN in August 2016 at Presidential Palace in Jakarta. We have started the action research at Bengkalis and Kep. Meranti Districts of Riau Province in collaboration with BRG, KLHK, Riau University, Riau Province, village offices and local people.. Facing the huge challenge of 2 million peatand restoration, we should conduct so many action research, and do the studies on this challenges. How the paludiculture (sustainable agriculture and forestry on the rewetted peatland) can be developped, how the people will be actively involved in the rewetting and paludiculture, how the products of the paludiculture will be processed, and marketed to domestic and international market, how the private investment both of domestic and international (including Japanese) will be promoted, what is the impacts of haze brought about peatland fire to the people’s health, how the decrease of bad impacts of the haze to people’s health, how to monitor the impacts of the haze to the health of the people, and so on. We will conducts the action researches and seek for the answers to the questions mentioned above in collaboration with BRG, KLHK, Riau University, Riau Province, JICA, NGO and local people, with that way we will contribute the implementation of peatland rehabilitation in Indonesia. We do comparative studies on forestation, people’s participitation, LEDD+ and so on at various areas such as West Java, West Kalimantan, Yogyakarta and Central Kalimantan by each member.

C .15. 1. Mr. Taishin Kameoka Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Technical Staff Institusi (Institution) : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 74-2-1, Higashihangicho, Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto Prefecture, 606-0824, JAPAN

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C.16. Reconstruction of natural disasters records from historical description and social response in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengklarifikasi catataan sejarah api dan asap yang (Research Objective) terjadi pada area lahan gambut di Riau dan Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Februari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Provinsi Riau (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza SE. MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut (Dr. Haris Gunawan)

Abstract -

C .16. 1. Mr. Ryosuke Kajita Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Research Project Institusi (Institution) : Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6-1, Kamitakano Nishihimuro-sho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan

C . 17. Long Term Change in Peatland Societies: Natural Processes and Human Interference, an Archive Study Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperbaiki pemahaman tentang interaksi jangka (Research Objective) panjang antara lingkungan dan campur tangan manusia, penelitian yang diajukan ini akan berfokus pada laporan perkembangan dan dampak kebijakan di era kolonial Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Januari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia), Provinsi (Research Location) Riau (Kotamadya Pekanbaru) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza SE. MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut (Dr. Haris Gunawan)

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C .17. 1. Mr. Arthur van Schaik Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Retired Institusi (Institution) : Independen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Kemminkhorstweg 6, 1104 MJ Amsterdam, Netherlands

C .18. The Contribution of Riparian Reserves within Oil Palm Plantations to pest control Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui kapasitas cadangan riparian (Research Objective) dalam perkebunan kelapa sawit yang baru ditanam untuk memberikan layanan pengendalian hama yang menguntungkan bagi tanaman Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Siak, Kota Pekanbaru) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : SMARTREE SINAR MAS (Dr. Muhammad Nain) Abstact

Agricultural expansion and intensification in tropical landscapes are driving rapid habitat loss and resulting in declines in biodiversity, with deterioration of related ecosystem functions. Retention of natural habitat fragments within farmland is a well-studied strategy that can, in some cases, maintain levels of biodiversity close to that of secondary forest. One rapidly expanding crop, conversion to which is responsible for losses in many taxa, is oil palm. Cultivated land area has increased 168% worldwide since the 1960s, with Southeast Asia currently leading in production. A large proportion of mature oil palm plantations are also currently scheduled to be replanted, as oil palms reach the end of their productive life after 25-30 years. The environment changes dramatically as a result of this replanting, with young plantations featuring much higher temperatures and lower humidity. The initial phase of clearance is even more severe. The impact of this massive disturbance on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is little studied, although it is likely to be profound. A particularly important ecosystem service within oil palm plantations is pest control. Defoliating insects cause the most damage, with bagworms alone driving yield losses of up to 50% during high infestation levels. The native predators of defoliators are especially sensitive to habitat loss, and conversion to oil palm is causing declines in their

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numbers. Retaining natural habitats within plantations could foster predator populations by providing alternate sources of prey, breeding sites and refuges. Due to the nature of oil palm cultivation, large forest fragments are rare within plantations, but margins of non-crop habitat are often left along river borders (called riparian reserves). These areas are protected legally, primarily to improve water quality, but they have also been shown to support assemblages of forest dependent species. The main aim of this project is to investigate and quantify the contribution of riparian reserves to ecosystem functioning in oil palm landscapes, and how this changes in response to replanting. This will be accomplished by focusing on pest control. Because the activity of defoliating pests is closely linked to yield, the results will be related to the economic importance of riparian reserves. The project will also inform sustainable management options for oil palm cultivation.

C .18. 1. Ms. Helen Sophie Waters Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : MPhil student Institusi (Institution) : University of Cambridge Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Flat 7, 75 New Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, U.K., CB1 2QT

C .19. Influence of Fruit Availability on Party Size of Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo Abelii) Living in Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari hubungan antara perilaku agregasi (Research Objective) orangutan Sumatera dan ketersediaan makanan mereka Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 4 Januari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Utara (Kab. Langkat) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas MIPA, IPB (Dr. Puji Rianti)


THEORY: Group living is common amongst primates, and provides a number of benefits, such as reduced predation risk and protection against infanticide. However, living in groups also has its downsides, with the most important one being within-group competition for food. In large groups, food will become scarce faster, resulting in within-group feeding

82 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 competition. If the costs of within-group feeding competition are too large, species or populations of a species may live semi-solitary lives, in which formation of groups occurs sporadically. An example of such a species is the orangutan (Pongo spp.). Orangutans are predominantly solitary, but may occasionally aggregate to form groups to fulfill social needs, such as mating or playing. Interestingly, Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) aggregate more frequently than Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). This difference may be related to the higher availability of fruit on Sumatra compared to Borneo.

Due to this high fruit availability, Sumatran orangutans may experience lower costs of food competition, and therefore, forming temporary groups may be less costly for them. Based on this hypothesis, orangutan aggregation would be expected to positively correlate with fruit availability over time as well. However, this seems not to be the case for Sumatran orangutans: in both Ketambe and Suaq Balimbing, there is no relationship between fruit availability and party size (i.e. number of individuals in proximity). This difference may be explained by the fact that both these field sites have extremely high fruit availability throughout the year, resulting in low costs of aggregating. However, the recently established Sikundur Monitoring Post surveys a population of Sumatran orangutans that live in previously logged forest, with very low fruit availability compared to other Sumatran field sites, theoretically resulting in higher food competition. Therefore, average party size may be strongly related to fruit availability in the Sikundur population. AIMS: To test whether average party size is related to fruit availability in the Sikundur orangutan population. METHODS: I will use 2-minute instantaneous focal animal observations, in accordance with the orangutan data collection standardization. In addition, I will survey 20 forest plots every month to gather data on fruit availability. I will not take any biological samples. Research will be performed on the Sikundur Monitoring Post (Langkat District, North Sumatra). I will start the project in January 2018 and the project will end in June 2018. RELEVANCE: Besides providing specific knowledge about the influence of food availability on aggregation, this research project aids in getting better understanding of orangutans living in suboptimal habitats. As orangutans are critically endangered, knowledge about their behavior in previously logged habitat may aid in their conservation.

C .19. 1. Mr. Tom Simon Roth Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Master studentr Institusi (Institution) : Utrecht University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Jutfaseweg 186 3522HP Utrecht, The Netherlands

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C .20. Monitoring of Greenhouse Gasses and Particulate Matters and Assessment of health impact of haze pollutants caused by peatland fires in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menghitung rasio emisi dan faktor gas rumah kaca (Research Objective) dan spesies jejak atmosfer dari pembakaran lahan gambut tropis di indonesia, dan parameterisasi dengan kondisi pembakaran yang diamati seperti kandungan kelembaban tanah dari suhu gambut dan pembakaran Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 Januari 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Pontianak, Kab. Kubu Raya), Kalimantan (Research Location) Tengah (Palangkaraya), Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Siak, Cagar Biosfer Giam Siak Kecil) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza SE. MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut (Dr. Haris Gunawan)

C .20. 1. Osamu Kozan Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 606-8501

C .21. Investigating Spider Ecology and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia Oil Palm Plantations Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai bagaimana teknik pengelolaan perkebunan (Research Objective) mempengaruhi keanekaragaman hayati dan proses ekosistem laba-laba Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Februari 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Siak, Kota Pekanbaru) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : SMART Research Institute (Mohammad Naim, PhD)

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Oil palm is an economically important global crop. Previous studies have suggested that plantation establishment negatively affects diverse taxa, but very little research has studied how plantation establishment affects spiders or spider-driven ecosystem processes. Spiders are dominant predators in agricultural systems. They limit pest abundance through feeding and may influence pollination. Despite this, little published research has assessed the biodiversity and functional roles of spiders in oil palm landscapes. Managing for plant heterogeneity may enhance overall biodiversity in agricultural systems. Implementing plant heterogeneity management procedures that encourage spider biodiversity may be of particular value because spiders carry out beneficial functions in agricultural systems. This doctoral research, in collaboration with University of Cambridge researchers and the SMART Research Institute (SMARTRI), will (1) quantify the spider community of established oil palm plantations in Riau, Indonesia; (2) investigate the potential of understory management and habitat restoration for benefitting spider biodiversity in a plantation landscape; (3) determine the functional role of spiders in oil palm plantations, particularly as pest control agents and their interactions with pollinators; and (4) assess whether management can enhance beneficial functions carried out by spiders that improve oil palm yield. This research will improve understanding of spider ecology and the management of tropical agricultural ecosystems, with potential real-world outcomes for spider conservation and the development of more-sustainable agricultural systems.

C.21.1. Mr. Michael David Pashkevich Jr. Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Doctoral Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Cambridge Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Zoology University of Cambridge Downing St. Cambridge, England, UK CB2 3EJ

C.22. The Observation of the Hypoxia in Jakarta Bay Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperjelas distribusi dan variasi temporal oksigen (Research Objective) yang terlarut di Teluk Jakarta dan mengetahui massa air hipoksia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 Maret 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration)

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Daerah Penelitian : Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Balai Teknologi Survei Kelautan, BPPT (Dr. M. Ilyas)


Objectives Recently, massive fish kill often happened in Jakarta Bay. It is supposed that the upwelling of oxygen depleted water (hypoxic water mass) would induced the massive fish kill. However, it was not confirmed because of the lack of dissolved oxygen data in Jakarta Bay. The hypoxic water mass happened in many enclosed bays in summer and became a big environmental problem in temperate zone. On the other hand, there are few information of hypoxic water mass in the tropical zone. So, the study of the formation mechanism of hypoxia in tropical bays is novel and challenging research in oceanography. It is scientifically interesting to compare the mechanisms between in temperate zone and tropical zone. First of all, the purpose of our research is to clarify the distribution and temporal variation in dissolved oxygen in Jakarta Bay and find out the hypoxic water mass. Second purpose is to understand the formation mechanism of the hypoxic water mass. The third purpose is to estimate the effect of the hypoxia on the eco-system in Jakarta Bay.

The hypoxic water mass largely affects the eco-system and fishery resources in coastal waters. Therefore, to clarify the mechanism of the formation of hypoxia in Jakarta bay is important for the environmental preservation and recovery of the fisheries production. Our project will contribute the transfer of latest technology in oceanography to Indonesia. Also, the international corroboration in this research and workshops which will be held in this project would be helpful to promote the science of coastal oceanography in Indonesia.

Methodology This research project will be carried out between Jan. 2017 and Mar. 2020. In order to clarify the spatial distribution and temporal change in oxygen concentration and find out the occurrence of hypoxic water mass in Jakarta Bay, we will conduct field surveys using a CTD (RINKO Profiler) at 30 stations in Jakarta Bay and continuous observations. The surveys will be carried out every 3 months to investigate the seasonal variations during the early half of the research period. During the latter half, it will be done 2 times a year. Some water samples will be taken for the analysis in the laboratory for the calibration of the RINKO profiler and continuous observation instruments. To estimate the effect of hypoxia for the marine eco-system, macrobenthos and bottom sediment sampling will be also conducted at 12 stations every year. The benthos and sediment samples will be analyzed in the laboratory. To understand the formation mechanism of hypoxic water mass, field

86 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 experiments for oxygen consumption and numerical simulation will be carried out. The research results will be discussed in the two scientific workshops with other researchers

C.22.1. Dr. Yuichi Hayami Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kyoto, Japan, 5 Maret 1967 Jabatan (Position) : Jepang Institusi (Institution) : Associate Professor Email (email) : Institute of Lowland and Marin Research, Saga University Alamat (Address) : [email protected] 1 Honjo-machi, Saga 840-8502, Japan TR7184902

C.23. Possible Effects of Gold Mining on Coral Reef Health (Goldcoreh) Tujuan Penelitian : “Possible Effects of Gold Mining on Coral Reef Health (Research Objective) (Goldcoreh)” Untuk menilai prevalensi penyakit karang dan gangguan kesehatan karang lainnya yang terkait dengan kedekatan tambang emas Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 12 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kab. Bolaang Mongondow, Kab. Minahasa, (Research Location) Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Utara, Kota Bitung, Kota Manado) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. Markus T. Lasut)


Coral reefs around the world are increasingly threatened by a multitude of stressors, both natural and anthropogenic. These include decline in water quality, overexploitation of resources and global climate change which have all been linked with the onset of mass coral bleaching and a variety of different disease signs. Indonesia, being the core of the Coral Triangle, is supposed to hosts the most healthy and diverse coral reefs on the Planet Earth. Nevertheless, this hot spot of marine biodiversity may be affected by both global and local causes of decline. At local scale, many human activities (e.g., blast and poisoning fishing, overfishing, fish and pearl farming, metal mining, plastic pollution) may threaten the biodiversity and functioning of marine coastal habitats, especially coral reefs, with possible

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dramatic consequences on the natural resources and well-being of the local populations on the long term. According to the methods involved in gold mining, some trace elements, potentially toxic for the marine life, can be released in the coastal environments. Toxic elements could alter the natural defences of corals and promote the onset of diseases. Aim of this project is to assess the health status of a range of Indonesian coral reefs in order to shed light on possible effects of gold mining on coral reef health. Study sites will be selected based on their distance from possible source of local stress (i.e. near and far from mining sites). Coral reefs at different study sites will be compared in terms of prevalence of coral diseases and aggressive species interactions. Surveys will be performed down to 30 m depth using visual observations, in situ measurements, underwater video recording and photographic sampling. Few marine specimens will be collected for taxonomic purposes or biological and chemical analysis. No protected species will be damaged. Expected result is a scientific publication on the coral reefs health status in the study area. This study wants to contribute to the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICIRI), to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), and answer to requirement of the Coral Triangle Initiative and other environmental protection international conventions.

C.23.1. Ms. Greta Zampa Warga Negara (Nationality) : Porretta Terme, 20 September 1992 Jabatan (Position) : Italia Institusi (Institution) : Master Student Email (email) : Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Alamat (Address) : [email protected] 191 Corvella Street, Porretta Terme, 40046 Bologna Italy YA8057186

C.24. Oil Palm and Ecosystem Services from Native Pollinators in Sumatra, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : “Oil Palm and Ecosystem Services from Native Pollinators (Research Objective) in Sumatra, Indonesia” Untuk mengidentifikasi peran penyerbuk yang berbeda dalam menentukan berbagai metrik hasil dalam produksi kelapa sawit dan memeriksa variasi fungsi jarak dan jenis penggunaan lahan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 20 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration)

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Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kab. Sarolangun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor (Prof. Dr. Damayanti Buchori)


The proposed Master thesis (entitled: “Oil palm and ecosystem services from native pollinators in Sumatra, Indonesia”) will be conducted within subproject B09 (Tscharntke/ Grass) “Aboveground patterns of biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes across tropical rainforest transformations” within CRC 990. Oil palm is a major crop in Indonesia, but production can come at the cost of biodiversity loss and ecological degradation, making it a critical issue to conservation. Despite oil palm’s economic significance and ecological impact, little is known about biotic factors in its production, in particular how the ecosystem service of pollination from insects contributes to yield. Using size-based insect exclusion, I plan to investigate the contributions of different insect groups in pollinating oil palm flowers. Netting mesh size will be used to exclude most pollinating visits except for the small (< 5mm) weevil Elaeidobius kamerunicus, which was introduced to Indonesia for this purpose. This will isolate the effect of larger insect pollinators on yield. Using passive insect sampling methods, I will also investigate the effect of neighboring land use type and distance to neighboring forest on pollinating insect diversity. I hypothesize that greater pollinator diversity will improve metrics of oil palm yield, and that more neighboring natural land use types (i.e. more similar to forest) and locations closer to forests will be associated with higher pollinator diversity. Understanding these relationships could improve our knowledge of how oil palm may fit into a diversified agroecological landscape and the role of pollination in yield gaps in palm oil production. This information could help develop more sustainable models of oil palm agriculture through potentially linking natural habitats to yield while improving a source of income for smallholder farmers.

C.24.1. Mr. Tien-Yi Fung (Jonathan Fung) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Taipei City, 9 October 1991 Jabatan (Position) : Cina Institusi (Institution) : Master Student Email (email) : University of Göttingen Alamat (Address) : [email protected] Department of Crop Science of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, 37075, Germany 311252364

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C.25. Impacts of Land Use on Native Pollinator Diversity and Survival in Sumatra, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari variasi dalam pengembangan dan (Research Objective) kelangsungan hidup koloni T. Laeviceps sebagai fungsi dari penggunaan lahan petak dan daerah alam sekitarnya; memeriksa variasi dalam keanekaragaman penyerbuk di seluruh tipe penggunaan lahan dan gradien habitat alami sekitarnya Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 26 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Kab. Sarolangun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Biologi FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Rika Raffiudin)


The proposed Master thesis (entitled: “Impacts of land use on native pollinator diversity and survival in Sumatra, Indonesia”) will be conducted within subproject B09 (Tscharntke/Grass) “Aboveground patterns of biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes across tropical rainforest transformations” within CRC 990. In Sumatra, Indonesia, recent demographic changes and government policies have led to the transformation of tropical lowland forest to a landscape dominated by shrubby fallow land and rubber and oil palm plantations. However, native insect pollinators, which provide important ecosystem functions and services, may depend on the higher resource diversity of diminishing forests to flourish. I propose to investigate the role of land use and landscape composition on insect pollinator diversity and survival in Sumatra, Indonesia. A series of landscape sites has already been established in Jambi Province representing four prominent land use types in the region (oil palm, rubber, shrub, and forest) and covering a gradient of surrounding forest composition. I will monitor pollinator insect traps, climate stations, and colonies of a native stingless bee (Tetragonula laeviceps) that will be established at these sites. Differences in pollinator diversity, T. laeviceps colony growth, and colony resource-gathering activities will be monitored as a function local land use type and amount of surrounding natural habitat (forest and shrub). I hypothesize that pollinator diversity and measures of T. laeviceps colony health will be higher in more natural (i.e., similar to forest) land use and with more surrounding natural habitat. Understanding how land use and landscape composition affects the diversity and health of local pollinators would provide important insights into the impacts of land use and transformation on pollinator biodiversity and ecosystem services.

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C.25.1. Ms. Sonja Schröck Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kirchheimbolanden, 25 March 1992 Jabatan (Position) : Jerman Institusi (Institution) : Master student Email (email) : University of Göttingen Alamat (Address) : [email protected] Rudolf-Diesel Str. 14, 37075 Göttingen, Germany C1Y8H12F0

C.26. Identifying Drivers of Tropical Vertebrate Population Dynamics and Distributions at Gunung Palung National Park Tujuan Penelitian : “Identifying Drivers of Tropical Vertebrate Population (Research Objective) Dynamics and Distributions at Gunung Palung National Park” Untuk mengkarakterisasi dinamika populasi spasial dan temporal mengenai berbagai spesies vertebrata (terdiri dari 12 pesanan burung dan mamalia) di seluruh mosaik jenis hutan alam dam menggambarkan distribusi spasial spesies mamalia dan burung Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Agustus 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kayong Utara, Kab. Ketapang, TN. (Research Location) Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Tatang Mitra Setia dan Tri Wahyu Susanto, MSi)


Determining the drivers of long-term population dynamics and distributions of vertebrates is a primary goal of theoretical ecologists and conservation biologists. Despite considerable progress in understanding both topics, key questions remain regarding the relative importance of different regulatory mechanisms and determinants of species distributions, how and why these change over time, and to what extent their effects vary as a function of species traits.In addition, there are substantial gaps in understanding diversity in tropical communities, which are especially threatened by anthropogenic change and may function in distinct ways from their better-studied temperate counterparts. This project will help fill

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key knowledge gaps through use of long-term, intensive monitoring of mammal and bird populations, abiotic conditions, and plant phenology across a broad ecological gradient to reveal vertebrate population dynamics and distributions in a way that is rarely possible in the tropics. Our objectives are to 1) characterize spatial and temporal population dynamics in a wide range of vertebrate species; 2) describe species-specific distributions and ascertain whether and how they have changed in recent decades; 3) identify abiotic and biotic predictors of these patterns; and 4) examine the roles of social system, phylogeny, and functional traits in determining them. The project promises to advance fundamental ecological understanding of tropical forest dynamics and meaningfully contribute to the conservation of species predicted to be affected by global climate change.

C.26.1. Mr. Samuel Christopher Lavis Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inchester, 19 September 1986 Jabatan (Position) : Inggris Institusi (Institution) : Research Assistant Email (email) : University of Michigan Alamat (Address) : [email protected] 4 Bostennack Terrace, St Ives, Cornwall, TR26 1BB, United Kingdom 532148807 C.27. Understanding Fast and Slow Variables of Karimunjawa Marine Protected Area as a means to Effectively Manage Implications of Rapid Change Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi sifat perubahan, menentukan (Research Objective) variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap Taman Nasional Laut Karimunjawa yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat setempat Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA / Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 14 Agustus 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (TN. Karimunjawa) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Diponegoro (Prof. Indah Susilowati)


We are now emerging in what is known as the anthropocene, in which humans and the natural world are connected. Human activities are increasingly impacting the natural world.

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In a coastal marine system, changes occur on various temporal and spatial scales and can range from short term or permanent change, and sudden or gradual change, hence making intervention or addressing change a delicate subject. In literature, these changes are known as fast and slow variables. In a social-ecological system, fast variables include ecosystem services that are of primary concern to the local communities such as crop production, clean water and abundance of fish. Slow variables or controlling variables are formed over time such as distinct culture affiliated with small-scale fisheries, can be seen as a slow variable. There are many implications of a connected social and ecological system, seen in the form of resource dependency, governance, community adaptation strategies, political frameworks and scale of interventions. These interconnections of drivers and impacts with institutional responses form the basis for a complex and interactive Social Ecological System (SES), in which humans and ecosystems are coupled. In these systems, decisions made by institutions, ecosystem managers and societies form feedback responses, indicating the system’s thresholds. With rising disturbances, managing such feedbacks and slow variables is vital for effective management of the overall implications of change. The goal of this research is to depict the importance of managing slow variables in coupled social ecological systems in coastal areas undergoing rapid change as perceived by the local communities. This research will use Karimunjawa Marine National Park (KMNP), Indonesia as a study site, and the study will be conducted using qualitative research methods. The results from the study will lead to a better understanding of local perception of change and of fast and slow variables. This research will also be used to develop tools to predict these rapid changes in order to either avoid or better adapt to the change. Keywords: adaptation; change; fast and slow variables; governance; local knowledge; social ecological systems.

C.27.1. Ms. Simar Kaur Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jalandhar, India, 30 August 1994 Jabatan (Position) : Kanada Institusi (Institution) : Master Student Email (email) : University of Waterloo Alamat (Address) : [email protected] 17 Frampton Road, Brampton L7A 4E1,ON, Canada GG902549

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C.28. Secret Cats of Sabangau: Behavioural Ecology and Population Density of Borneo’s Small Cats Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari perilaku dari Borneo’s Small Cats di (Research Objective) Sebangau Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Laboratorium Alam Hutan Gambut Sebangau-Palangkaraya (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : CIMTROP-Universitas Palangkaraya (Rahman dan Bustani Arifin)


Since 2008 OuTrop and CIMTROP have carried out the first long-term monitoring of Sunda clouded leopards in Indonesia. We have determined population densities for peat- swamp forest, added much needed information to knowledge of behavioural ecology and anthropogenic pressures and obtained demographic data for 9 individual clouded leopards. In this time we have also opportunistically obtained images of 3 of the 4 small cats. Since the cameras were first placed in 2008, we have captured 142 independent photos of clouded leopards but only 74 leopard cats, 34 marbled cats and 30 flat-headed cats (independent photos). This is likely an artefact of the placing of the cameras (±1km apart) to focus on the wide-ranging clouded leopard. By moving the cameras closer (±500m) we hope to determine population density for the small cats and determine if the bay cat is indeed absent from this forest as well as continuing our monitoring of the clouded leopard population. Given the disturbed mosaic nature of Sabangau we also hope to determine which areas are unsuitable for small cats either due to habitat changes and/ or due to human disturbance. Live small cats are more common in Kalimantan markets than clouded leopards and their skins are more regularly found in homes. Far less is known about small cat movements, habitat preferences, seasonal movements, breeding patterns and effects of anthropogenic disturbance across their range but these data are particularly lacking from tropical peat-swamp forests [Cheyne, and Macdonald, 2011]. By shifting the camera project focus away from clouded leopards we hope to add to this information.

The final report will: 1) Describe survey and analysis methods, site locations and field protocol in detail to enable identical repeat surveys;

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2) Include baseline dataset; 3) Make recommendations for evaluation and feedback; 4) Be translated into the Indonesian language. This document will contain the most complete and up-to-date overview of small cats’ status in Sabangau.

C.29.1. Ms. Karen Anne Jeffers Warga Negara (Nationality) : Exeter, 2 Maret 1963 Jabatan (Position) : Inggris Institusi (Institution) : Researcher Email (email) : OutTrop WildCRU, University of Oxford Alamat (Address) : [email protected] Barge Induce The Hollows Brentford Middlesex, TW8 0DZ United Kingdom 518419968 C.30. Quantification of (Micro) Plastic Particles in The Sediment and Benthic Organisms of The Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : “Quantification of (Micro) Plastic Particles in The Sediment (Research Objective) and Benthic Organisms of The Segara-Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia” Untuk mengukur partikel plastik pada sedimen dan organisme bakau seperti krustasea dekapoda dengan jenis pakan yang berbeda Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 14 September 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Kab. Banyumas, Kab. Cilacap) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Biologi, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Dr. rer.nat. Erwin Riyanto Ardli, M.Sc)


Increasing plastic pollution to the environment leads to a wide spread abundance of micro- plastic especially in marine and coastal habitats. Micro-plastic can make organic pollutants more bioavailable to organisms and is bio-accumulative over the food web. Because mangroves forests are located on coasts, often close to major cities and river outlets they could be especially under stress through this source of pollution. For these reasons this

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study will focus on quantifying and classifying micro and macro plastic abundance in a mangrove habitat through analyzing the sediment and one benthic species (Uca spp.). Sediment sampling and hand-collecting of crabs will be conducted in the Segara Anakan lagoon, Jawa, at six stations. In the laboratory sediment will be separated from plastic and organic material digested to retrieve micro-plastic from organisms. Further on, one commercially used species (Scylla spp.) will be purchased on the markets and analyzed for micro plastic, to determine if the pollution reaches the human food resources.

C30.1. Ms. Jana Frey Warga Negara (Nationality) : Feuchtwangen, 10 January 1994 Jabatan (Position) : Jerman Institusi (Institution) : Graduate student Email (email) : Universität Bremen Alamat (Address) : [email protected] Bürgermeister-Deichmann Str 31 28217 Bremen, Germany CH2F8RHT2 C.31. Ecology Of The Maleo (Macrocephalon Maleo) In Tompotika, Central Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengembangkan strategi riset konservasi dan (Research Objective) memformulasikan program untuk melindungi habitat burung maleo Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi (TAMAN NASIONAL : Lore Lindu, Bogani Nani (Research Location) Wartabone, Rawa Aopa Watumohai, Gandang Dewata); CAGAR ALAM : Morowali, Tangkoko, Panua, Tanjung Api, Gunung Dako, Pamona, Gunung Sojol, Gunung Tinombala, Kakinauwe, Lamedae, Napabalano, Farumumpenai, Kalaena, Tanjung Amolenggo); SUAKA MARGASATWA : Nantu, Panua, Tangkoko, Tanung Amolenggo, Lampoko- Mampie, Tanjung Matop, Pati-Pati, Lombuyan I & II, Santigi, Tanjung Batikolo, Lambusango, Peropa, Buton Utara, Tonggala, Bankiriang, Dolongan) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian-Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. John Tasirin)

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Working together with local government and community members since 2006, The Alliance for Tompotika Conservation / Aliansi Konservasi Tompotika (AlTo) has successfully facilitated an end to the poaching of endangered maleo eggs (Macrocephalon maleo) and a 62ncrease in the local maleo population at a key nesting ground in the Tompotika Peninsula, Eastern Central Sulawesi. Essential information about maleo breeding ecology and habitat use, however, remains unknown. This research project proposes to place colored leg bands on maleo adults and chicks to provide crucial information about maleo breeding activity and survivorship through recording activities of individual banded birds at nesting grounds. In addition, essential information about maleo home range, migration patterns, and habitat use will be discovered through the attachment of transmitters and tracking maleo movements in their non-breeding forest habitat. In collaboration with its government and community partners, AlTo will facilitate the dissemination of this information in the scientific and local communities so that it may be used to better manage maleo nesting grounds in Tompotika and beyond, as well as to better plan forest conservation efforts through a more complete understanding of maleo non-breeding habitat needs.

C.31.1. Ms. Marcia Lee Brown Summers Warga Negara (Nationality) : Ohio, 22 November 1963 Jabatan (Position) : Amerika Serikat Institusi (Institution) : Director Email (email) : Alliance for Tompotika Conservation Alamat (Address) : [email protected] 21416 86th Ave SW Vashon, WA 98070 USA 530508379 C.32. BioPlasDeg Asia-Biological degradation of bio-plastic in the marine environment in Asia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperoleh pengetahuan tentang kondisi dan (Research Objective) pengelolaan bio plastik yang mampu terdegradasi di laut tropis Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Maret 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (P. Bangka) (Research Location)

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Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Prof. Dr. Ir. Markus T. Lasut, M.Sc)


BioPlasDeg Asia-Biological degradation of bio-plastic in the marine environment in Asia Summary Plastic debris is an ever growing problem for the world’s oceans. South-East Asia, and Indonesia in particular, is identified as one of the regions most heavily affected by this threat with large ecological and socio-economic impact. Biodegradable plastic is growing on the market and can be seen as an alternative. The waste stream of biodegradable plastic items in case of mismanagement is the same as for conventional plastic. The knowledge about the consequences of the introduction of biodegradable polymers into nature is very scarce and consequences and risks are not well assessed so far. Previous studies in Europe, as e.g. in the framework of the EU project Open-BIO (no. 613677) expressed the need for further research in a global approach to address a global problem. Indonesia was chosen to continue field research in tropical waters for its good infrastructure and natural conditions in the centre of the area of interest in Asia. The research approach is based on the ecology of the artificial material, with the focus on the in-situ testing of different bio-polymers as a potential substitute for conventional non-degrading plastics with the following research questions: (1) Are the chosen polymers biodegradable in the selected coastal marine habitats in the natural environment, and if so at which rate? (2) How does the colonisation of the material with micro- and macro-organisms influence the degradation of the polymer? (3) How do the biodegradable polymers influence the natural environment? Depending on the availability of funds and the approval of pending applications the studies in Indonesia are planned in three steps: Step 1, Preliminary tests: At the stage of today there is a budget allocated to conduct in-situ exposure experiments with polymers in the form of base materials (foil). Step 2, In-detail studies: An application is in progress with the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF for investigations on plastic items already in use (e.g. packaging, cups etc.), which should be decided on within the next 6 months. Step 3, Future studies: Furthermore, there is a strong interest amongst some research partners from the Open-BIO EU project that is about to be terminated soon to continue research and to apply for a follow-up EU grant in the framework of Horizon 2020. Expected outcomes of the preliminary study (step 1): There will be a baseline characterisation of the ambient physico-chemical and biogeochemical conditions, that can be used by all partners for future research in this area. The in-situ tests will provide disintegration rates of different polymers in two tropical marine habitats, and allow a comparison with results obtained in laboratory standard tests, and results from other marine regions (e.g. Mediterranean Sea). Better understanding of biogeochemical processes that influence biodegradation is expected from the correlation of material

98 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 alterations with metadata of water and sediment quality, and between measured disintegration and fouling (community, abundance, density, functional groups). With this also a deeper insight into the impact of the biofilm and fouling of artificial materials on the ecosystem can be gained. This will prepare the way for further, e.g. ecotoxicological studies. Project duration: 2 years Projected start: February 2017 Presence of foreign researchers in Indonesia: 5 times 2-3 weeks within the project duration, multiple entry, minimum 2 researchers, maximum 4-6. Material transfer, protected species: Small amounts of artificial polymers (inert plastic foil) only will be brought to Indonesia, and only plastic samples will be exported after the exposure in the sea. No specific organisms, no protected plants or animals are in the interest of this project, and are not intended to be transferred out of Indonesia. Natural seawater and sediment will be exported in small amounts for further matrix characterisation and additional laboratory tests. Technical equipment to be imported: Test system parts, photo equipment, data loggers. Material value 2000 €. All consumables and labware needed will be preferably bought in Indonesia. Project location, field studies: Bangka Island, Northern Sulawesi. Logistic support by CoralEye resort. Indonesian counterpart: Prof. Dr. Ir. Markus T. Lasut, M.Sc. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University Contact address: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Jl. Kampus UNSRAT Bahu, Manado 95115, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia Phone: +62 (0) 431 868027 (Office); +62 (0) 852 98070889 (Cellular phone) Email: [email protected], [email protected] Institution’s web: http:// Project responsible HYDRA Institute for Marine Sciences: Christian Lott, Dipl.-Biol., Director of Research and Science Communication HYDRA Institute for Marine Sciences, Munich, and HYDRA Field Station Centro Marino Elba, Italy Contact address: Legal address: HYDRA Institut für Meereswissenschaften AG Seestr. 8 80802 München Deutschland Phone: +49 (0) 89 130 60 131 Email: [email protected] Institution’s web: Field station: HYDRA Field Station Centro Marino Elba Via del Forno 80, Loc. Fetovaia 57034 Campo nell’Elba (LI) Italia Phone: +39 0565 988 027; mobile: +39 338 179 9871.

C.32.1. Mr. Christian Lott Warga Negara (Nationality) : Baden-Baden, 1 September 1965 Jabatan (Position) : Jerman Institusi (Institution) : Director of Research and Science Communications Email (email) : HYDRA Institute for Marine Sciences, Munich, Germany Alamat (Address) : [email protected] HYDRA Institut für Meereswissenschaften AG Seestr. 8 80802 München C8W9N70X4

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C.32.2. Ms. Miriam Elisabeth Weber Warga Negara (Nationality) : Baden-Baden, 1 September 1965 Jabatan (Position) : Jerman Institusi (Institution) : Director of Research and Science Communications Email (email) : HYDRA Institute for Marine Sciences, Munich, Germany Alamat (Address) : [email protected] HYDRA Institut für Meereswissenschaften AG Seestr. 8 80802 München C8W9N70X4

C.33. The importance of ant and termite communities in ecosystem functioning in oil palm plantations Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami pola penanaman kembali dan (Research Objective) kompleksitas habitat yang mempengaruhi semut dan rayap, dan peran mereka dalam perkebunan kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Maret 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Libo Estate) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Smart Research Institute (SMARTRI), PT SMART Tbk. (Dr. Ir. Sudharto Prawirosukarto, SU)


Oil palm expansion is a primary cause of land-use change in Southeast Asia. Ants and termites are functionally important, playing roles as predators, herbivores, decomposers, seed dispersers, disease regulators, and drivers of soil properties and biogeochemical cycles. I will assess their importance in the ecosystem functioning of oil palm, using manipulative exclusion experiments.

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C.33.1. Ms. Amelia St Clair Hood Warga Negara (Nationality) : Dublin, Irlandia, 3 Maret 1993 Jabatan (Position) : Inggris Institusi (Institution) : PhD Student Email (email) : University of Cambridge Alamat (Address) : [email protected] Darwin College, Silver Street, Cambridge, CB3 9EU, England 707605370

C.34. Assessing Ecological Restoration: Odonates as a Bioindicator for Peat Swamp Forest Recovery Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai validitas kekayaan spesies capung (Research Objective) sebagai bioindikator untuk degradasi lingkungan guna menginformasikan upaya restorasi rawa gambut Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Ir. Ici Piter Kulu, MP)


Peatland fires in Kalimantan, Indonesia, have become recurring threats to local livelihoods and climate stability due to land-use change and increasingly severe drought during El Niño cycles. Already degraded areas must be successfully restored to prevent reignition and further ecosystem damage during fire-prone years. Restoration could be improved through the development of a bioindicator to assess organismal recovery. I propose to conduct surveys of dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) in the peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan to produce field-tested methods to evaluate habitat restoration efforts using dragonfly species richness as a bioindicator. This research will be completed at CIMTROP’s research site LAHG, where restoration efforts are already underway. While accomplishing my primarily research objective, this research will further inform conservation efforts by creating a species list of macrofungi which can be used to characterize habitats, building upon the existing scientific knowledge of dragonflies in the region through describing

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currently unidentified nymphs, linking nymphs to adults through larval rearing and DNA barcoding, and adding to existing species lists to increase our understanding of dragonfly conservation needs. Due to the evidence for the use of dragonflies as bioindicators in other habitat types, I hypothesize the findings will support their use in peat swamp forests and create a standardized procedure for the continued evaluation of habitat restoration efforts. By establishing this method for assessing habitat restoration and training local field staff to continue carrying out the surveys, this project will have an ongoing impact by informing and improving ongoing habitat restoration.

C.34.1. Mr. Brendan Alexander Holly Warga Negara (Nationality) : Orlando, Florida USA, 14 October 1995 Jabatan (Position) : Amerika Serikat Institusi (Institution) : Independent researcher Email (email) : Centre College Alamat (Address) : [email protected] 2461 Shelby Drive, Sidney, Nebraska 69162, USA

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 554647923 C.35. Using Monitoring Technologies for Conservation, A Change in The Management and Governance of Protected Areas? Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang (Research Objective) cara-cara di mana teknologi pemantauan mengubah manajemen satwa liar dan konservasi hutan di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi politik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 12 Desember 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Utara (Kab. Mandailing Natal, Kota Medan); Riau (Research Location) (Kab. Pelalawan, Kota Pekanbaru); DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara); Jawa Barat (Kota Bogor, Kota Depok); DI Yog Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Politik dan Pemerintahan, FISIP, UGM (Dr. Amalinda Savirani, MA)

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C.35.1. Ms. Laure Juliette Marie Joanny Warga Negara (Nationality) : Paris, France, 23 February 1994 Jabatan (Position) : Perancis Institusi (Institution) : PhD Candidate Email (email) : University of Sheffield Alamat (Address) : [email protected] 22 Kirkstall Road, Sheffield 5118XJ, UK

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 13CZ01953 C.36. Coral reefs, SCUBA diving and tourism: A social-ecological Network Analysis Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis scuba diving di pulau tropis sebagai (Research Objective) sistem sosio-ekologis Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Nusa Tenggara Barat (Kab. Lombok Utara) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, IPB (Dr. Luky Adrianto)


Increasing tourism related to coral reefs is causing drastic environmental and social changes and challenges for small tropical islands often leading to an exploitation of resources. In order to develop sustainable management strategies, a comprehensive understanding of social-ecological systems (SES) is necessary. Social-ecological network approaches represent a powerful way to describe and analyse complex patterns of interdependencies. The aim of this project is to advance methods in SES theory through examining SCUBA diving. We will conduct a case study on Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia. It will last from October 2018 till February 2019 and will analyse the human-nature interaction. Links are defined through how SCUBA diving business cooperate with each other, the number of SCUBA divers that are taken to each dive site from each business, the value of dive sites to tourists and businesses and the species composition of coral reef dive sites. It involves multi-disciplinary data collection and analysis of social and ecological quantitative and qualitative data. Ecological data from benthic and fish surveys will be provided by Gili Shark Conservation. Social Data will be collected by means of interviews and self-completion

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surveys of tourists and dive center managers. The project requires field work on the island and will cooperate with Gili Eco Trust.

C.36.1. Mr. David Eider Tempat dan tanggal lahir Meisenheim, 8 May 1993 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Bremen, Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : David Eider Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 58 28199 Bremen Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C2VC0CZ9N C.37. Interventions for behavior change of consumption of single-use plastic Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menentukan jenis intervensi yang paling efektif untuk (Research Objective) memotivasi individu untuk menolak plastik-sekali-pakai dan, dengan demikian, mengurangi polusi plastik di laut Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Nusa Tenggara Barat (Kab. Lombok Utara) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, IPB (Dr. Luky Adrianto)


Plastic, with about 60-80 %, makes up the major part of all anthropogenic waste in oceanic ecosystems and becomes an omnipresent and-through the poor biodegradability- resistant marine pollutant of modern times which is continually increasing with a growing world population. . Indonesia is the country littering the 2nd biggest amount of plastic annually into the ocean. The Gili islands, and in particular Gili Trawangan, are one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia. With an ever-growing number of tourists visiting the islands, hotels and other traveller’s accommodations are increasing likewise with the amount of rubbish disposed each year. For better mitigation of marine pollution

104 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 on Gili Trawangan, rubbish sorting and recycling infrastructure, mostly done by the local NGO Gili Eco Trust, needs further improvement. Furthermore, the increasing amounts of plastic-especially single-use plastics-produced and used should be mitigated. One way of doing this is inducing behaviour change of the plastic consumers. This can be done by interventions educating about the impacts of marine plastic pollution. With different types of message framing (gain vs. loss, concrete vs. abstract mindsets, current vs. future generation affected by consequences) the best intervention for motivating individuals to reduce their plastic consumption and inducing behaviour change will be found out. This is done by handing out leaflets with different message framing and setting up posters. Data is collected via self-report/questionnaires and direct observation.

C.37.1. Ms. Mirja Kristina Bauer Tempat dan tanggal lahir Adenbüttel, 17 January 1994 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Bremen, Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Münchener Straße 124 28215 Bremen Germany

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : CH2FWYZ89

C.38. The Biogeochemical, Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Cycling in Coastal Mangrove Systems Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami kontribusi respirasi bawah tanah terhadap (Research Objective) sumber karbon dan gas rumah kaca pada daerah mangrove menggunakan kombinasi pendekatan eksperimental dan pemodelan canggih Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Klungkung; P. Nusa Penida & P. Nusa Lembongan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : FMIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suryaputra)

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Mangroves are sites of intense organic matter processing and have a major influence on global carbon and nitrogen cycles. Even though mangrove forests cover only 0.1% of the continental area, they represent an unaccounted for carbon sink equivalent to about 40% of the global riverine carbon input to the coastal zone (Bouillon et al., 2008a). Our knowledge about mangrove biogeochemistry has improved in recent years, but there are still significant gaps. Most of the previous investigations focused on the relatively easy- to-measure carbon burial rates, CO2 evasion, C fixation within mangroves, and organic matter recycling. However, recent reviews on the topic (Bouillon et al., 2008b; Breithaupt et al., 2012) revealed that known carbon sinks are equivalent to only about 50% of the mangrove primary production (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: The fate of mangrove carbon production (Breithaupt et al., 2012). About 50% of mangrove primary production is unaccounted for in mangrove budgets. I suspect underground respiration represents the major missing term in mangrove carbon budgets. In this project, I hypothesize that underground respiration represents the major missing component of mangrove carbon budgets. I suggest that the high microbial activity in mangrove soils converts fixed carbon (i.e., particulate organic matter, POM) into dissolved organic and inorganic carbon and greenhouse gases. Part of this POM is respired by anaerobic processes including methanogenesis. As CH4 is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, conversion of POM to CH4 can result in significant greenhouse forcing via the net reaction CO2®POM®CH4. I also hypothesize that seawater recirculation in mangrove sediments catalyses underground biogeochemical reactions that produce greenhouse gases. The large amounts of burrows, roots, and irrigating fauna in mangroves create conduits for water flow in otherwise impermeable muddy sediments (Fig. 2), allowing for extremely high flushing rates (Kristensen, 2008; Ridd, 1996; Stieglitz et al., 2013). Previous mangrove studies have relied mostly on sediment core or chamber incubations under diffusive conditions that exclude tides, currents and burrows (Alongi et al., 2005; Bouillon et al., 2008a). As result, previous budgets (Fig. 1) did not account for underground respiration in burrows and within the sediment matrix even though the process was suggested to be potentially important (Bouillon et al., 2007; Dittmar and Lara, 2001).

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C.38.1. Ms. Ceylena Holloway Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Australia, 4 April 2018 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Southern Cross University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : National Marine Science Centre 2 Bay drive Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : N9159795

C.39. A Study of Mangrove Forest Management Arrangements in Kabupaten Langkat, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami bagaimana pengaturan pengelolaan (Research Objective) hutan bakau dikembangkan dan dikoordinasikan oleh para pemangku kepentingan yang relevan di Kabupaten Langkat Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi sosial (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Utara (Kab. Langkat) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : FISIP, Universitas Sumatera Utara (Prof. Dr. R. Hamdani Harahap, M.Si) Abstract

Mangrove forests provide a range of environmental services, including coastal stability, food and livelihood security, and climate change mitigation. Yet, in many countries, these coastal forests lack clear governance arrangements that enable their sustainable usage. Over the last two decades, the Government of Indonesia has set up institutional and policy frameworks that take into consideration this gap in coastal governance. These state-led efforts are accompanied by local-level mangrove restoration and management activities. Limited research has explored the emergence of mangrove management arrangements and their everyday governance. The objective of this research is to investigate how mangrove stakeholders coordinate and develop local mangrove management initiatives by leveraging

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various government schemes and policies. This research will use a case study approach, focusing on the everyday practices of mangrove management in Langkat regency. This regency is an ideal case due to the diversity of mangrove management arrangements and stakeholders involved in these arrangements. This study will employ qualitative research methods, including semi-structured interviews, participant observation and document review. These methods are aimed at understanding the role of different stakeholders, including government and non-governmental agencies, the private sector and local communities, in mangrove development activities. This study will provide insights on local mangrove governance practices, while also highlighting the role of government schemes and policies in varied mangrove management arrangements.

C.39.1. Ms. Ruth Althea Pinto Tempat dan tanggal lahir : India, 15 November 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Portugal Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of East Anglia Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 23 Enfield Road, Norwich, United Kingdom

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C903135

C.40. Impacts of Marine Debris on Coastal Life Around Bangka Island (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mendeteksi pengaruh dan perluasan sampah plastik (Research Objective) dan lainnya pada lingkungan laut dan pesisir Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 12 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kab. Minahasa Utara, Kota Bitung, Kota (Research Location) Manado) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan & Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Prof. Dr. Markus Talintukan Lasut)

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The project will focus on impacts of marine debris on coastal life around Bangka Island, North Sulawesi. Therefore, an observation for debris ingestion and feeding modes of fish, as well as a beach and shoreline litter monitoring, and an investigation on the impacts of plastic on marine invertebrates are on our schedule.

C.40.1. Ms. Jasmin Susanne Müller Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Dudweiler, 15 December 1988 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University Oldenburg Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Porsenbergstrasse 12 26121 Oldenburg Lower Saxony Germany

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C2CNVT7L2 C.40.2. Mr. Nicolas Thaddäus Bill Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Halle (Saale), 29 September 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University Oldenburg Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Auguststrasse 84 26121 Oldenburg Lower Saxony Germany

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C2CN09TG7

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C.41. Agricultural Practices for Greenhouse Gas Regulation in Oil palm (AP-GRO) Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur fluks gas rumah kaca dari berbagai (Research Objective) perlakuan dengan minyak sawit yang berbeda Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi / pertanian (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Siak) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : SMART Research Institute (Pujianto,SP.,MP) Abstract

Oil palm is one of the most valuable crops in the humid tropics, dominating the global vegetable fat market and also providing biofuel. The major global producers are Indonesia and Malaysia, where oil palm monocultures now cover over 11.5 million hectares of land, by replacing natural forests. This change has had seriously damaging effects on the biodiversity of flora and fauna, but also alters the emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide, which in turn affects the global climate. Scientists are currently investigating whether biodiversity can be improved by encouraging ground vegetation within and around the monocultures so as to minimise environmental damage and maximise co-benefits such as soil protection, pest control and conservation of biodiversity. Such practices include creating reserves and buffer strips of native vegetation and management of vegetation in the plantations themselves. The success of these management practices in delivering ecosystem services and the impact on GHG emissions are uncertain, and there is a real need for an evidence-base to guide improvements in the environmental sustainability of oil palm management. A key proposed management strategy is to promote a more developed, more diverse understory within the plantation. As well as increasing biodiversity by creating a more complex habitat and links between forest remnants, the understory may sequester carbon in above-ground biomass and through maintenance of plant-soil interactions. This project specifically tests how different understory management practices affect GHG emissions in oil palm plantations. We expect that the understory may be one important aspect in determining GHG emissions because oil palms are routinely fertilised with nitrogen, of which a significant proportion can be lost to the atmosphere as the GHG nitrous oxide and leached to the rivers as nitrate and organic nitrogen compounds. A large understory biomass can potentially increase plant nitrogen uptake, so effectively could reduce nitrous oxide emissions and leaching. We urgently need to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions in relation to a range of plantation management strategies so we can provide accurate environmental assessments and identify best

110 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 agricultural practices. This project will collaborate with industry partners and disseminate findings to the Round Table of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) board to feed in to the development of industry guidelines. The area of RSPO-certified plantations is rapidly growing, so identifying best agricultural practices will have a large impact. The time scale for research relating to management options is critical for influencing decision making in the near-future; in Indonesia, most OP plantations were established in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Due to the 25 - 30 year life cycle of OP plantations, nearly half are due to be clear-cut for replanting in the near-future. Hence, it is vital to understand replanting and restoration options which simultaneously allow for high productivity as well as supporting biodiversity and minimising GHG emissions. The proposed project, AP-GRO, will be a collaboration between the ‘The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture’ (BEFTA) project team in Indonesia, consisting of the industry partner Sinar Mas Agro Resources Technology Corporation Research Institute (SMARTRI) and, in the UK, the University of Cambridge and the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH). We will bring together CEH’s long standing expertise in greenhouse gas research with the established BEFTA long-term experiment to investigate the impact of diversifying understory vegetation in oil palm plantations on GHG emissions in Sumatra, Indonesia.

C.41.1. Dr. Julia Drewer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bad Pyrmont, Germany, 24 September 1977 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Senior Research Scientist Institusi (Institution) : NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Bush Estate, Penicuik, EH26 0QB, Scotland, UK

Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C4WXL29KH

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C.42. Socio-Ecology of Tropical Peatlands: An Interdisciplinary Project on Aquatic Ecology and Sustainable Livelihoods in Indonesian Borneo to Support Environmental Conservation and Fire Prevention Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan studi Interdisipliner tentang ekologi (Research Objective) perairan dan penghidupan yang berkelanjutan di Kalimantan untuk mendukung pelestarian lingkungan dan pencegahan kebakaran Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi sosial (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kota Palangkaraya (Research Location) (LAHG CIMTROP)) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Yulintine) Abstract

This project will investigate the socio-ecology of tropical peatlands in Indonesian Borneo. It focuses in particular on opportunities for sustainable livelihoods in Indonesian Borneo, with an emphasis on fishing and farming and associated cooperatives. This will involve establishing dialogue with and researching with farming and fishing cooperatives regarding techniques used and potential for developing more ‘peat-friendly’ farming and fishing practices. Taking an interdisciplinary socio-ecological approach, this project also involves ecological and social surveys to increase our understanding of aquatic wildlife: such as fish and false gharials (Tomistoma schlegelii) and turtles. This will increase our understanding of the aquatic ecology of tropical peatland rivers, through 1) establishing long-term fish monitoring in Sabangau, 2) assessing the impacts of canal dams on fish populations and 3) further develop studies of T. schlegelii and turtle distribution (involving social surveys to inform future ecological surveys). Fish surveys link directly to the T. schlegelii surveys as fish are important food for T. schlegelii. All areas of research (fish and T. schlegelii and turtle populations) have received limited attention to date and are thereby timely and necessary to increase our understanding of the socio-ecology of tropical peatlands. Lastly, this project will focus on building a network of Indonesian fish researchers to support capacity building, publications and planning of future research on fish and fish conservation in Kalimantan. Ultimately, this project hopes to contribute towards developing more sustainable approaches to land management in the area for the protection of the suite of benefits provided by Indonesia’s tropical rainforests.

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C.42.1. Ms. Sara Anne Thornton Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Abo, 5 December 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Finlandia Jabatan (Position) : Honorary Visiting Fellow Institusi (Institution) : University of Leicester Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 23 College Street, Leicester, United Kingdom Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : FP1578612

C.43. Biomanco. Bio-Morphodynamic Modelling of Mangrove Mud-Coasts Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang restorasi hutan (Research Objective) bakau untuk memulihkan garis pantai Demak yang sudah terkikis dan juga untuk mendapatkan pedoman umum yang dapat diterapkan ke lokasi-lokasi pesisir bakau di seluruh dunia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Kab. Cilacap, Kab. Demak, Kab. Jepara, Kab. (Research Location) Pemalang, Kota Semarang) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro (Dr. Max Rudolf Muskananfola) Abstract

The aim of the BioManCO project is to support the mangrove restoration project in Demak, North Java, in which a consortium of Indonesian and Dutch partners is attempting to restore and protect the heavily degraded coast of Demak by creating a mangrove greenbelt. The location of the area is shown in Figure 1 (left). The restoration would be achieved through large scale sediment trapping using brushwood structures, which can be seen in Figure 1 (right). The structures attenuate waves and enhance sediment accumulation, counteracting erosion and allowing mangroves to establish. The existing BwN designs and constructions in Demak province are based on best- engineering practice. However, a profound scientific base is missing. The BioManCO project will investigate how mangrove vegetation stabilizes the coastline and how this role is controlled by the abiotic conditions in the system. The research will also analyze the coastal erosion cycle, i.e. the transition from a sustainable

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mangrove forest to a situation with on-going erosion. Finally, BioManCO will assess how the required conditions for mangrove restoration can be reproduced using the brushwood structures. In order to improve system understanding, fieldwork will be conducted in the BioManCO project to study the mangrove habitat, and to determine the conditions that healthy mangroves require to develop and survive. The fieldwork activities would involve sampling campaigns (e.g. water samples and sediment samples) and deployment of different types of electronic sensors (e.g. waveloggers, pressure sensors, current velocity meters and sedimentation erosion sensors) in order to understand the current conditions of the area. These boundary conditions would then be complemented with experiments in the field and in the laboratory, such as mangrove planting and environment control experiments to determine how mangroves respond to different physical conditions, such as different levels of sediment accumulation, erosion or subsidence. The acquired information, both through field measurements and laboratory experiments, will be a powerful dataset to predict what can happen with Demak’s coastline and with other eroding and subsiding coastlines in the future, and how mangrove restoration is best accomplished to stabilize such coasts. The BioManCO research project is formed by 3 PhD students, Celine van Bijsterveldt, Silke Tas and Alejandra Gijón Mancheño, their respective supervisors from Dutch Universities and institutes (Technical University of Delft or “TU Delft”, University of Utrecht and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research “NIOZ”) and their Indonesian supervisors at Universitas Diponegoro “UNDIP”. In addition to joined supervision, the group works in close collaboration with their Indonesian counterpart (UNDIP), through workshops, joint data collection and publications. For the figures, see the attached documents.

C.43.1. Ms. Alejandra Gijon Mancheno Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sevilla, Spain, 14 October 1992 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Room 2.94 Stevinweg 1 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PAD388582

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C.43.2. Ms. Celine Euphemia Johanna van Bijsterveldt Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ede, the Netherlands, 12 December 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University of Utrecht / Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Estuarine and Delta Studies (EDS) Korringaweg 7 4401 NT Yerseke, The Netherlands Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : NT78LCJD8

C.43.3. Ms. Silke Andrea Judith Tas Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ghent, Belgium, 13 May 1993 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Room 2.94 Stevinweg 1 2628 CN, Delft, the Netherlands Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : EP044038

C.44. Indonesian coral reefs health assessment (InCoRA) Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai status kesehatan terumbu karang Indonesia (Research Objective) di bawah perubahan iklim global dan tekanan kegiatan manusia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kab. Bolaang Mongondow, Kab. Minahasa, (Research Location) Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Utara, Kota Bitung, Kota Manado) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. Markus T. Lasut)

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Coral reefs around the world are increasingly threatened by a multitude of stressors, both natural and anthropogenic. These include decline in water quality, overexploitation of resources and global climate change which have all been linked with the onset of mass coral bleaching and a variety of different disease signs. Indonesia, being the core of the Coral Triangle, is supposed to hosts the most healthy and diverse coral reefs on the Planet Earth. Nevertheless, this hot spot of marine biodiversity may be affected by both global and local causes of decline. At local scale, many human activities (e.g., blast and poisoning fishing, overfishing, fish and pearl farming, metal mining, plastic pollution) may threaten the biodiversity and functioning of marine coastal habitats, especially coral reefs, with possible dramatic consequences on the natural resources and well-being of the local populations on the long term. Monitoring the coral reef health, including coral diseases, human pressures and contamination levels in marine organisms and in their habitats, may provide invaluable information to prevent environmental risks. To develop effective monitoring designs, which help to discriminate the different effects from individuals to ecosystems and their causes, reliable baseline knowledge is needed. Aim of this project is to assess the health status of a range of Indonesian coral reefs in order to shed light on possible driving forces that may threat biodiversity conservation. Study sites will be selected based on their distance from possible source of local stress (e.g. near and far from towns, ports, industries, mining sites) and protection level (inside/outside marine protected areas). Coral reefs at different study sites will be compared in terms of a wide range of biological, physical and chemical indicators. Bioaccumulation of trace elements and contaminants, prevalence of diseases and species interactions were also considered. Surveys will be performed down to 30 m depth using visual observations, in situ measurements, underwater video recording and photographic sampling. Few marine specimens will be collected for taxonomic purposes or biological and chemical analysis. No protected species will be damaged. Expected results are reports and scientific publications on the coral reefs health status in the study area. This study want to contribute to the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICIRI), to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), and answer to requirement of the Coral Triangle Initiative and other environmental protection international conventions.

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C.44.1. Prof. Massimo Ponti Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Forlì (Italy), 29 March 1970 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Reef Check Italia onlus (RCI) and University of Bologna (UNIBO), Italy Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Laboratori di Scienze Ambientali - Università di Bologna Via S. Alberto 163 48123 Ravenna (Italy) Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : YA8327064

C.44.2. Dr. Eva Turicchia Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ravenna, 12 November 1979 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Reef Check Italia onlus (RCI) and University of Bologna (UNIBO), Italy Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Laboratori di Scienze Ambientali - Università di Bologna Via S. Alberto 163 48123 Ravenna (Italy) Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : AA5402572

C.45. Improving seaweed production and processing opportunities in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengindetifikasi peluang pengolahan dan produksi (Research Objective) rumput laut di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Pidie, Kota Banda Aceh, Kota Lhokseumawe); (Research Location) Lampung (Kab. Lampung Selatan); Sulawesi Utara (Kab. Bolaang Mongondow, Kab. Minahasa Utara, Kota Kotamobagu); Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Barru, Kab. Maros, Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan, Kota Makasar)

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Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Loka Riset Budidaya Rumput Laut, BRSDM Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Petrus Rani Pong Masak, S.Pi., M.Si) Abstract

ACIAR Project FIS/2015/038: Improving seaweed production and processing opportunities in Indonesia 1 August 2016-31 August 2020 Project summary The issue Indonesia is the world’s second-largest producer of seaweeds, and seaweed culture is one of the few available income-generating opportunities for coastal communities in eastern Indonesia. In 2014, seaweed exports were valued at around US$200 million. Although production is increasing at a rate of about 30% per annum, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) statistics, the industry has identified problems with seaweed quality, processing procedures and utilisation of waste streams from processing. In August 2015, a scoping study of the Indonesian seaweed industry was undertaken to identify industry research and development (R&D) needs. At the production end of the value chain, processors identified an issue of declining quality of carrageenan- producing seaweeds, particularly reduced gel strength and problems with colour of the processed product. The causes of variation in product quality and production between farming sites, and across seasons, as well as the longer-term deterioration in gel strength, are currently unknown. The Indonesian government has clearly articulated that effort for seaweed development should focus on cultivating those species of seaweed with the ability to value-add, that processing be done as close to the production areas as possible, and that a range of new products be developed to enable further growth in the industry. Aim and objectives The overall aim of the project is to provide the scientific basis to transform and modernise the Indonesian seaweed industry by taking a ‘whole-of-value- chain’ approach to solve the key production constraints and develop diverse product opportunities. The objectives are to: 1. Analyse value chains to identify constraints and knowledge gaps for seaweed production in Indonesia; 2. Improve the quality of seaweeds produced at the farm level; 3. Create innovative products from seaweeds and their processed waste streams. Methodology The project will employ bio-physical, technical and socio-economic methods to meet the industry R&D needs and address research questions that were developed through discussions with stakeholders. Firstly, the value chains of both the established and emerging species of seaweed will be characterised to understand the flow of raw and processed material and their respective values. This will identify constraints and knowledge gaps where technical interventions can be made in both production and processing. Secondly, species and strains of both existing and emerging species of red seaweed will be characterised using molecular barcoding to provide a standardised nomenclature for commercially produced seaweed and identify the genetic diversity throughout Indonesia. Superior strains from the major domestic production areas will then be collected and cultured at the Centre for Seaweed Culture Research and

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Development (LPPBRL) in Gorontalo province to be used as a nursery for national production. The project will then focus on establishing better on-farm practices to enhance the quality of the seaweeds, including the gel strength and colour of dried material. Farm- level production of new species of seaweed that have the potential to diversify the types of products available in the marketplace will also be evaluated. Thirdly, innovative products will be developed from seaweeds and their processed waste streams. This will use equipment and techniques previously developed at James Cook University and the Research & Development Centre for Marine & Fisheries Product Processing & Biotechnology (P3DPSB) to extract high-value biochemicals, evaluate new extraction processes, and create alternative products from the liquid and solid waste streams from industrial processing of carrageenan and agar. Outputs and benefits There will be significant economic, social and capacity outcomes from the project, some of which will be realised during the project period, primarily the farm-scale interventions and ‘low-tech’ village- based processing opportunities. Other positive impacts for which we expect short- to medium-term horizons relate to new products and ‘high-tech’ processing, specifically for high-value products that require a change in processing methods and market development. The three Indonesian seaweed industry associations (see below) will be involved in project activities to facilitate rapid uptake of new technologies and methodologies. Indonesia’s estimated 120,000 seaweed farmers are smallholders. Most seaweed production is in eastern Indonesia: Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara Timur province together account for about 74% of national production. The project will develop approaches to improve product quality and will create innovative seaweed-based products, thus diversifying the markets into which seaweed can be sold. Enhancing quality and expanding markets will reduce the current reliance of seaweed farmers on the commodity markets for carrageenan and agar, which are subject to dramatic price fluctuations in response to variations in global supply. Diversification of market opportunities will bring direct benefits to coastal communities, particularly in eastern Indonesia, primarily through increased and more stable incomes and revenue streams. Project outcomes will be disseminated through regular project meetings with the immediate stakeholders and by employing a communications officer (in-country) to publish and distribute project documents and maintain a web presence to highlight important outputs for project partners as well as the broader community. Partnerships The project will work with researchers at the production end of the value chain (LPPBRL) as well as with post-harvest and processing researchers (P3DPSB). Both of these institutions sit within the Agency for Marine Affairs and Fisheries Research and Development (AMAFRAD), the lead agency for fisheries research in Indonesia. Socio- economic studies and village-based processing opportunities will be developed and evaluated with Hasanuddin University, Makassar, in collaboration with James Cook University. The project will work closely with the three relevant industry associations, Indonesian Seaweed Industry Association (ASTRULI), Indonesian Seaweed Farmers and

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Processors Association (ASPPERLI) and the Indonesian Seaweed Association (ARLI). Project objectives Objective 1: Analyse value chains to identify constraints and knowledge gaps for seaweed production in Indonesia (estimated 20% of time and budget allocation) 1.1. Analyse the value chains for established red seaweeds Kappaphycus/Eucheuma, produced for carrageenan, and Gracilaria, produced for agar. 1.2. Identify value chains for emerging species, including the green seaweed Caulerpa, produced for food, and the red seaweed Halymenia, produced for food and nutraceutical applications. 1.3. Analyse the socio- economic benefits for women from community-scale processing of established seaweed species. Objective 2: Improve the quality of seaweeds produced at the farm level (estimated 40% of time and budget allocation) 2.1. Develop technical capacity for seaweed production and quality assessment at the Centre for Seaweed Culture Research and Development (LPPBRL) in Gorontalo province. 2.2. Identify existing and emerging Indonesian species of seaweed using molecular barcoding techniques. 2.3. Improve the quality of Kappaphycus/ Eucheuma produced at the farm level to enhance gel yields 2.4. Increase the production and quality of Gracilaria farmed in coastal areas and ponds in province. 2.5. Increase the production and quality of Caulerpa species farmed in ponds in South Sulawesi province. Objective 3: Create innovative products from seaweeds and their processed waste streams (estimated 40% of time and budget allocation) 3.1. Identify new product opportunities for seaweeds that can be developed domestically. 3.2. Develop new processing techniques for seaweeds by expanding the existing product R&D programs of the Research & Development Centre for Marine & Fisheries Product Processing & Biotechnology (P3DPSB) 3.3. Identify innovative methods to manage processing waste streams from seaweeds. (NP) 3.4. Develop new preservation techniques to extend the shelf life of the edible seaweed Caulerpa. 3.5. Evaluate food and health applications for red seaweeds. Project progress The Project Leader (Dr Nicholas Paul) and the Project Manager (Dr Mike Rimmer) will travel to Indonesia in October 2016 to plan research activities to commence in 2017.

C.45.1. Dr. Michael Albert Rimmer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Manly, 25 November 1956 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Project Manager Institusi (Institution) : Sydney University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Locked Bag 4, Maroochydore DC Qld 4558 Australia 90 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs Qld 4556 Australia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E4040833

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C.46. Assessing Ecological Restoration: Odonates as a Bioindicator for Peat Swamp Forest Recovery Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai validitas kekayaan spesies capung (Research Objective) sebagai bioindikator untuk degradasi lingkungan guna menginformasikan upaya restorasi rawa gambut Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Ir. Ici Piter Kulu, MP) Abstract

Peatland fires in Kalimantan, Indonesia, have become recurring threats to local livelihoods and climate stability due to land-use change and increasingly severe drought during El Niño cycles. Already degraded areas must be successfully restored to prevent reignition and further ecosystem damage during fire-prone years. Restoration could be improved through the development of a bioindicator to assess organismal recovery. I propose to conduct surveys of dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) in the peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan to produce field-tested methods to evaluate habitat restoration efforts using dragonfly species richness as a bioindicator. This research will be completed at CIMTROP’s research site LAHG, where restoration efforts are already underway. While accomplishing my primarily research objective, this research will further inform conservation efforts by creating a species list of macrofungi which can be used to characterize habitats, building upon the existing scientific knowledge of dragonflies in the region through describing currently unidentified nymphs, linking nymphs to adults through larval rearing and DNA barcoding, and adding to existing species lists to increase our understanding of dragonfly conservation needs. Due to the evidence for the use of dragonflies as bioindicators in other habitat types, I hypothesize the findings will support their use in peat swamp forests and create a standardized procedure for the continued evaluation of habitat restoration efforts. By establishing this method for assessing habitat restoration and training local field staff to continue carrying out the surveys, this project will have an ongoing impact by informing and improving ongoing habitat restoration.

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C.45.1. Dr. Michael Albert Rimmer Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Orlando, Florida USA, 14 October 1995 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Independent researcher Institusi (Institution) : Centre College Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2461 Shelby Drive, Sidney, Nebraska 69162, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 554647923

C.47. Behavioural and Home Range Changes in Orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in an Area Affected by the 2015 Forest Fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi pola perilaku dan rentang orangutan (Research Objective) yang terkena dampak kebakaran hutan 2015 Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : UPT CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Hendrik Segah, S.Hut., M.Si.) Abstract

In order to understand how orang-utans have been affected by the 2015 forest fires, which destroyed a large area of forest in the Sabangau peat-swamp forest, we need to conduct behavioural studies to assess how their behavioural and ranging patterns have changed, and compared them to before the fires. From recent research it is apparent that in Sabangau there is a male-biased dispersal system with philopatric females. Female social organisation appears to be influenced by the spatial distribution of fruit resources and overall productivity of the forest, which explains why females in Sabangau do not disperse over large areas, and their ranges appear more fixed. Thus, habitat quality is a major influencing factor on their ranging behaviour, and also on their activity patterns. Thus the influx of other individuals into the area, moving away from the fire burn areas, may have an effect not only on resources availability and thus behaviour, but also ranging patterns with more hostility between individuals. The Sabangau Forest did occupy an area of ca. 5,780km2 within the province of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia; but this has severely

122 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 decreased due to the 2015 forest fires, with an estimated 8% of the forest lost. This is still an extremely important area of tropical peat-swamp forest, and is home to the largest orang- utan population remaining. Thus this research is extremely important in order to find out what has happened to this population since the devastating forest fires. These finding are important for understanding how the normal behavioural and ranging patterns are disrupted, and what consequences forest loss has on orang-utan. These finding will help with conservation management strategies for this area, and for the species.

C.47.1. Mr. Axel Martínez Ruiz Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Madrid, Spain, 7 October 1981 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : Independent Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Goettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : c/Pozo del Valle, 14A. Cervera de los Montes. Toledo, Spain Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : AAK139463

C.48. Analysing the impact of farming activities in the Getas-Ngandong forests on water and land use management to explore possibilities of mitigating negative impacts Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis dampak kegiatan pertanian di hutan (Research Objective) Getas-Ngandong pada pengelolaan air dan penggunaan lahan untuk mengeksplorasi kemungkinan mitigasi dampak negatif dari pertanian Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi lingkungan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 26 November 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Blora, Ngawi (Hutan Pendidikan UGM di (Research Location) Desa Getas & Desa Ngandong)) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan, UGM (Dr. Hero Marhaento, S.Hut., M.Si) Abstract

Analysing the impact of farming activities in the Getas-Ngandong forests on water and land use management to explore possibilities of mitigating negative impacts.

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C.48.1. Ms. Rhoda Rijneveld Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ede, 30 June 1998 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Bachelor Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Twente Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Velveweg 2, 7533XJ, Enschede, The Netherlands Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : NT675KF03

C.49. Migratory Seabird Research in Coastal Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami distribusi, pola pergerakan, dan habitat (Research Objective) yang terkait dengan barang Aleutian di pesisir Indonesia, dan pada skala yang lebih luas, memahami lokasi daerah migrasi burung laut, serta kondisi lingkungan dan oseanografi yang terkait dari daerah-daera Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 26 November 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Kab. Padang Pariaman, Kab. Pesisir (Research Location) Selatan, Kota Padang); Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Pelalawan, Kab. Siak, Kota Dumai); Bali (Kab. Buleleng, Kab. Jembrana, Kota Denpasar); Nusa Tenggara Barat (Kab. Lombok Barat, Kab. Lombok Tengah, Kab. Lo Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Udayana (Dr. Ida Ayu Astarini) Abstract

I propose to conduct a seabird research project that builds on a decade of prior U.S.-based research on an Indonesian seabird, emerging seabird-tracking technology, a preliminary visit to Indonesia in 2016, and a forthcoming 5-month U.S. Fulbright award to Indonesia. The research will entail (1) a non-invasive investigation of Aleutian tern migration ecology in Indonesia, using remote data collection and analysis of satellite tracking data and marine based surveys where Aleutian terns have been documented in the provinces of Bali, the Nusa Tenggarras, West Sumatra and Riau; (2) a broad scale analysis of the geographic and

124 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 environmental patterns associated with seabird-migration areas across coastal Indonesia; and (3) a series of science capacity-building activities for Indonesian partners, including publication of a online atlas of seabird migration, outreach, student research mentoring and geospatial science training. I expect that the proposed research and experience will yield joint publications, digital resources and databases, and in the long term, allow for more sustained networking between U.S. and Indonesian entities, and thus increase capacity for Indonesia-U.S. collaboration in the longer term.

C.49.1. Mr. Sanjay Pyare Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, U.S.A., 4 February 1970 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Alaska Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 403 Alaska Belle Court Douglas, AK 99824, U.S.A. Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 497663910

C.50. Action Research for the Peatlands Restoration and the Trans-disciplinary Study on the Future of Peatlands Society in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari tindakan yang tepat untuk merestorasi (Research Objective) lahan gambut, dan menyuplai data akademis mengenai isu mendesak restorasi lahan gambut, dan menunjukkan perspektif masa depan masyarakat bagi lahan gambut di Indonesia dengan interpersonal dan transdisipliner Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, Kab. Siak); (Research Location) Jawa Barat (Kab. Bandung) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Badan Restorasi Gambut (Dr. Haris Gunawan); LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza SE. MP) Abstract

Restoration of degraded dried peatlands is really urgent issue both for Indonesia and international community. Indonesian Government has set up the Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) in January 2016 to restore 2 million hector by 2019. We have collaborated

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with BRG since March 2016, and issued the joint statement of action research among BRG, Kyoto University and National Institutes for Humanity in April 2016, and singed MOU among BRG, Kyoto University and RIHN in August 2016 at Presidential Palace in Jakarta. We have started the action research at Bengkalis and Kep. Meranti Districts of Riau Province in collaboration with BRG, KLHK, Riau University, Riau Province, village offices and local people.. Facing the huge challenge of 2 million peatand restoration, we should conduct so many action research, and do the studies on this challenges. How the paludiculture (sustainable agriculture and forestry on the rewetted peatland) can be developped, how the people will be actively involved in the rewetting and paludiculture, how the products of the paludiculture will be processed, and marketed to domestic and international market, how the private investment both of domestic and international (including Japanese) will be promoted, what is the impacts of haze brought about peatland fire to the people’s health, how the decrease of bad impacts of the haze to people’s health, how to monitor the impacts of the haze to the health of the people, and so on. We will conducts the action researches and seek for the answers to the questions mentioned above in collaboration with BRG, KLHK, Riau University, Riau Province, JICA, NGO and local people, with that way we will contribute the implementation of peatland rehabilitation in Indonesia. We do comparative studies on forestation, people’s participitation, LEDD+ and so on at various areas such as West Java, West Kalimantan, Yogyakarta and Central Kalimantan by each member.

C.50.1. Prof. Kosuke Mizuno Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi Japan, 15 September 1953 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 46, Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TZ1161984

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C.51.2. Mr. Ryosuke Kajita Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ibaraki, 9 Juli 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Research Project Institusi (Institution) : Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6-1, Kamitakano Nishihimuro-sho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK4162146

C.52. A03 - Ecosystem-scale assessment of the full greenhouse gas and energy balance of an oil palm plantation in Sumatra (Indonesia)” Contribution to: “Z02-Central Scientific Service Project Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari efek dari perkebunan kelapa sawit (Research Objective) terhadap fluks gas rumah kaca (CO2, CH4, H2O, N2O) dan mengukur dampak iklim secara keseluruhan di perkebunan kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (PTPN VI, PT. Perkebunan Negara 6) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas MIPA, IPB (Dr. Tania June) Abstract

Current land transformation in Indonesia resulted in a rapid expansion of oil palm plantation. This project focusses on the effects of oil palm plantation on greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, CH4, H2O, N2O) and land-atmosphere energy exchange to quantify the overall climate impact of oil palm plantations. Continuous measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes, using eddy covariance towers, allows us to quantify the net greenhouse gas balance. Concurrent meteorological data provides knowledge on functional relationships between greenhouse gas exchange and environmental parameters within and across multiple years and scales. Additionally, a network of meteorological stations in the Jambi province will be used to evaluate regional climatic differences and the effect of land-use change on microclimate.

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C.52.1. Mr. Christian Stiegler Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Österreich, 14 Maret 1985 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Austria Jabatan (Position) : Post Doc Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universitat-Goettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : P5245959

C.53. Testing strategies for biodiversity conservation, sustainability and resilience in oil palm plantations Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menguji strategi konservasi keanekaragaman hayati, (Research Objective) keberlanjutan dan ketahanan pada perkebunan kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Perkebunan Libo, SMARTRI, Pekanbaru, Riau, Sumatera (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : SMART Research Institute (SMARTRI) (Dr. Mohammad Naim) Abstract

Oil palm is an economically important global crop. Previous studies have suggested that plantation establishment negatively affects diverse taxa, but very little research has studied how plantation establishment affects spiders or spider-driven ecosystem processes. Spiders are dominant predators in agricultural systems. They limit pest abundance through feeding and may influence pollination. Despite this, little published research has assessed the biodiversity and functional roles of spiders in oil palm landscapes. Managing for plant heterogeneity may enhance overall biodiversity in agricultural systems. Implementing plant heterogeneity management procedures that encourage spider biodiversity may be of particular value because spiders carry out beneficial functions in agricultural systems. This doctoral research, in collaboration with University of Cambridge researchers and the SMART Research Institute (SMARTRI), will (1) quantify the spider community of established oil palm plantations in Riau, Indonesia; (2) investigate the potential of understory management and habitat restoration for benefitting spider biodiversity in a plantation landscape; (3)

128 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 determine the functional role of spiders in oil palm plantations, particularly as pest control agents and their interactions with pollinators; and (4) assess whether management can enhance beneficial functions carried out by spiders that improve oil palm yield. This research will improve understanding of spider ecology and the management of tropical agricultural ecosystems, with potential real-world outcomes for spider conservation and the development of more-sustainable agricultural systems.

C.53.1. Ms. Sarah Helen Luke Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lancaster, UK, 7 Agustus 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Research Associate Institusi (Institution) : Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Downing Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3EJ, United Kingdom Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 534707930

C.54. Action Research for the Peatlands Restoration and the Trans-disciplinary Study on the Future of Peatlands Society in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari tindakan yang tepat untuk merestorasi (Research Objective) lahan gambut, dan menyuplai data akademis mengenai isu mendesak restorasi lahan gambut, dan menunjukkan perspektif masa depan masyarakat bagi lahan gambut di Indonesia dengan interpersonal dan transdisipliner Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, Kab. Siak); (Research Location) Jawa Barat (Kab. Bandung) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Badan Restorasi Gambut (Dr. Haris Gunawan); LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza SE. MP) Abstract

Restoration of degraded dried peatlands is really urgent issue both for Indonesia and international community. Indonesian Government has set up the Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) in January 2016 to restore 2 million hector by 2019. We have collaborated

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with BRG since March 2016, and issued the joint statement of action research among BRG, Kyoto University and National Institutes for Humanity in April 2016, and singed MOU among BRG, Kyoto University and RIHN in August 2016 at Presidential Palace in Jakarta. We have started the action research at Bengkalis and Kep. Meranti Districts of Riau Province in collaboration with BRG, KLHK, Riau University, Riau Province, village offices and local people.. Facing the huge challenge of 2 million peatand restoration, we should conduct so many action researchs, and do the studies on this challenges. How the paludiculture (sustainable agriculture and forestry on the rewetted peatland) can be developed, how the people will be actively involved in the rewetting and paludiculture, how the products of the paludiculture will be processed, and marketed to domestic and international market, how the private investment both of domestic and international (including Japanese) will be promoted, what is the impacts of haze brought about peatland fire to the people’s health, how the decrease of bad impacts of the haze to people’s health, how to monitor the impacts of the haze to the health of the people, and so on. We will conducts the action researches and seek for the answers to the questions mentioned above in collaboration with BRG, KLHK, Riau University, Riau Province, JICA, NGO and local people, with that way we will contribute the implementation of peatland rehabilitation in Indonesia. We do comparative studies on forestation, people’s participitation, LEDD+ and so on at various areas such as West Java, West Kalimantan, Yogyakarta and Central Kalimantan by each member.

C.54.1. Prof. Kosuke Mizuno Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi Japan, 15 September 1953 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 46, Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TZ1161984

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C.54.2. Mr. Kei Mizuno Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kanagawa, Japan, 15 Juli 1964 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email (email) : - Alamat (Address) : - Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR2271394

C.55. Ecosystem-scale assessment of the full greenhouse gas and energy balance of an oil palm plantation in Sumatra (Indonesia)” Contribution to: “Z02-Central Scientific Service Project Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari efek dari perkebunan kelapa sawit (Research Objective) terhadap fluks gas rumah kaca (CO2, CH4, H2O, N2O) dan mengukur dampak iklim secara keseluruhan di perkebunan kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (PTPN VI, PT. Perkebunan Negara 6) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Badan Restorasi Gambut (Dr. Haris Gunawan); LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza SE. MP) Abstract

Current land transformation in Indonesia resulted in a rapid expansion of oil palm plantation. This project focusses on the effects of oil palm plantation on greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, CH4, H2O, N2O) and land-atmosphere energy exchange to quantify the overall climate impact of oil palm plantations. Continuous measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes, using eddy covariance towers, allows us to quantify the net greenhouse gas balance. Concurrent meteorological data provides knowledge on functional relationships between greenhouse gas exchange and environmental parameters within and across multiple years and scales. Additionally, a network of meteorological stations in the Jambi province will be used to evaluate regional climatic differences and the effect of land-use change on microclimate.

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C.55.1. Mr. Christian Stiegler Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Österreich, 14 Maret 1985 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Austria Jabatan (Position) : Post Doc Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universitat-Goettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : P5245959


D .1 . Corals at the extreme: partitioning the response of coral holobionts to marginal habitats Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami komposisi biologi dan simbion karang (Research Objective) yang hidup di habitat marginal Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 7 Juni 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Wakatobi) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Dr. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc.)


Understanding how corals survive stressful conditions has never been more important given the number of people relying on reefs and the increasing threat of mass-bleaching events. While facing unprecedented environmental change, some corals can already be found living under the extreme conditions of marginal habitats. Learning how corals survive the warm, acidic, and fluctuating conditions of mangroves and seagrass beds could hold the key to ensuring coral survival into the future. Corals are not one organism but consist of a cnidarian host, symbiotic algae and a diverse microbiome, known collectively as the ‘holobiont’. The roles of these compartments and how they interact with environmental change to affect survival remain unclear. This project will focus on 1) the

132 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 biology and symbiont composition of corals existing the under sub-optimal conditions of mangroves and seagrass beds; 2) whether coral are locally adapted to marginal habitats and whether there are physiological trade-offs for locally adapted coral when moved to a new environment; 3) whether microbial symbiont composition changes after exposure to a new environment; 4) whether the uptake of new local symbionts can be accelerated. This will be achieved by measuring the physiology (respiration, productivity, calcification) of corals belonging to marginal habitats before undergoing a reciprocal transplantation to/ from optimal reef habitats. Results of this study will be disseminated in the form of a PhD thesis, scientific report and peer-reviewed publications.

D.1.1. Ms. Bethan Nicole Greenwood Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Essex Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Room 2.12 - School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ

D. 2. Environmental degradation and future transitions from coral to sponge-dominated reef states 2018: trophic interactions and population changes Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami bagaimana terumbu karang dapat (Research Objective) berfungsi di masa depan jika mereka didominasi oleh spons Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 7 Juni 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Wakatobi) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Dr. Abdul Haris)


Coral reefs across the world have been seriously degraded and have a bleak future in response to predicted global warming and OA scenarios, as well as impacts from a range of other stressors, particularly sedimentation, excess nutrient addition, destructive fishing practices and coral mining. Current predictions indicate that future coral reef ecosystems will have significantly reduced levels of coral compared to today. With the decline of

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calcifying organisms, other potential ‘winners’ may emerge, including an increase in some of the oldest living organisms on reefs - the sponges. Sponges fulfil a range of important functional roles on reefs and this diversity of functional roles means that changes to the abundance or composition of sponge assemblages is likely to significantly influence other reef organisms and overall ecosystem functioning. This research focuses on the impacts of local environmental degradation on sponges in the Wakatobi Marine National Park, which is located off the southeast coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia and is the third largest marine national park in Indonesia. This work builds on earlier projects based from Victoria University of Wellington (Associate Professor James Bell’s research group) in collaboration Hassanudin University in Makasaar (Professor Jamal Jompa’s research group and Dr Abdul Haris). I will work to understand how the trophic interactions change between reefs dominated by sponges compared to those dominated corals. My project will also examine changes in the abundance of key sponges, and explore the deeper water sponge assemblages of the Wakatobi to provide further insights into how future reefs might function.

D. 2.1. Ms. Charlotte Lucy Mortimer Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Victoria University of Wellington Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : School of Biological Sciences Po Box 600 Wellington

D. 3. Assessing coral communities in the aftermath of the third global mass bleaching event: Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur perubahan kondisi karang atau tutupan (Research Objective) karang akibat kondisi panas yang parah yang dialami pada bulan Agustus 2016 dan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh tekanan termal terhadap struktur masyarakat di seluruh gradien rezim lingkungan lainnya Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (P2O LIPI Kota Jakarta Utara); Jawa Tengah (Research Location) (Kab. Jepara); Sulawesi Utara (Kota Manado) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Dr. Abdul Haris)

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Assessing coral communities in the aftermath of the third global mass bleaching event: Indonesia Most evidence points to a deepening of the stresses associated with coral reefs, and understanding the synergistic effects of different environmental stressors are fundamental challenges facing resource managers and policy makers in an attempt to build resilience and manage coral reefs into the future. Good baseline data is key to understanding the changes and recovery potential of coral reef systems in the face of change. Since 2012, the Global Change Institute (GCI) in partnership with the XL Catlin Seaview Survey has been undertaking large-scale baseline surveys of coral cover and community composition worldwide-which included across two provinces in Indonesia in 2014: North Sulawesi (Bunaken National Park) and Central Java (Karimunjawa National Park). Since then, a third global coral bleaching event was recorded across the majority of the coral reef regions of the world in 2016. In response to the 2016 global bleaching event, the GCI has undertaken re-surveys of the XL Catlin Seaview Survey sites on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, in Hawaii, and in the Maldives in an attempt to understand the extent of the global bleaching event. The GCI is proposing to re-survey (April-June 2018,) a minimum ~60 km of reef across Bunaken and Karimunjawa - with the site and transects locations a repeat of the 2014 surveys using the same methodology as in the Catlin Seaview Survey 2014 baseline. As with the 2014 surveys, the reefs will be surveyed using a custom designed diver propelled vehicle and camera system consisting of three synchronised Cannon 5D-MkII cameras will be used to survey the fore-reef habitats at the proposed sites. Images (21Mp resolution) will be collected every three seconds (~every 2 m) following a linear transect (averaging 1.8 km in length) along the 10m depth contour. The images will be processed using advanced machine learning algorithms developed as part of the XL Catlin Seaview Survey. The proposed surveys will generate important information on the severity of the coral bleaching response in the wake of the 2016 bleaching across a wide range of reefs, with the impacts noted directly attributable to that event, with the following objectives: • To quantify change in coral condition or coral cover resulting from the severe thermal conditions experienced in August 2016. • To evaluate the effect of thermal stress on community structure across gradients of other environmental regimes.

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D. 3. 1. Dr. Emma Victoria Kennedy Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected]; [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Global Change Institute, Building 20, Staff House rd., The University of Queensland, 4072

D. 3.2. Ms. Susannah Alexandra Green Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Project Officer Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Global Change Institute, Building 20, Staff House rd., The University of Queensland, 4072 QLD

D. 3.3. Mr. Dominic Edmund Paul Bryant Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Phd Student and Field Technical Officer Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Global Change Institute, Building 20, Staff House rd., The University of Queensland, 4072 QLD

D. 3. 4. Ms. Kathryn Louise Markey Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Project Officer Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Global Change Institute, Building 20, Staff House rd., The University of Queensland, 4072 QLD

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D. 3. 5. Mr. Patrick George Gartrell Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Field Officer Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Global Change Institute, Building 20, Staff House rd., The University of Queensland, 4072 QLD

D. 3. 6. Ms. Anjani Ellen Ganase Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Research Officer/ Volunteer/ Phd Student Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Global Change Institute, Building 20, Staff House rd., The University of Queensland, 4072 QLD

D. 4. Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk maintenance buoy RAMA milik NOAA dan melakukan (Research Objective) observasi met-ocean di Samudra Hindia Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 21 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Samudera Hindia bagian timur (Barat Sumatera) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Meteorologi Maritim, BMKG (Nelly Florida Riama, M.Si) Abstact

The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array is a multi-national effort to provide data in real- time for climate research and forecasting. Major components include the TAO/TRITON array in the Pacific, PIRATA in the Atlantic, and RAMA in the Indian Ocean. The major phenomenological foci of this array are:

El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific The interhemispheric dipole mode, equatorial warm events, and hurricane activity in the Atlantic The monsoons, the Indian Ocean Dipole, and intraseasonal variability in the Indian Ocean.

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D. 4. 1. Mr. Kenneth John Connell Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Project Manager Institusi (Institution) : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-PMEL Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : NOAA-PMEL 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, Washington 98115

D. 4. 2. Mr. William Lester Higley Jr Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research Scientist Institusi (Institution) : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-PMEL Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6540 34th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98126, USA

D.5. The Long-Term Impact of Environmental Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems in The Spermonde Archipelago Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur variasi habitat bentik dalam kaitannya (Research Objective) dengan parameter abiotik dan mengukur peran mikroba sebagai parameter abiotik pada dua kelompok yang dapat digolongkan (foraminifera dan spons bentik besar) Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Makasar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa) Abstact

Coral reefs are the highest valued ecosystems in the world (Costanza et al 2014) and provide valuable ecosystem services, including fisheries, tourism, and coastal protection. Additionally, coral reefs harbour the highest diversity, and the Indonesian reefs are globally the most diverse. However, reefs are threatened worldwide by global warming resulting in mass bleaching, increased sensitivity to diseases, and decreasing water quality (e.g.

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Hughes et al. 2017). Recently it has been proposed that turbid reefs, such as the reefs in the Spermonde Archipelago, could be refugia in which coral reefs have a higher chance of survival. The presence of terrestrially derived material shelters the corals from high irradiation stress (Cacciapaglia et al 2016). In contrast, poor water quality and especially nutrient availability increase the incidence of disease and Acanthaster planci outbreaks (Baird et al. 2013; Plass-Johnson et al 2016). Despite this potentially high importance for future reef survival, spatial and temporal variation in turbid reef ecosystems is understudied. The Spermonde Archipelago is one of the areas for which the longest time series of benthic habitat quality is available. Previous work has shown that coral cover on the reef slope is high and macroalgae cover was low compared to Indo-Pacific reefs (Renema, 2010; Roff and Mumby 2012; Cleary et al 2016). Despite these overall large coral cover, mortality, including bleaching of stony corals, soft corals, and sponge disease was observed. Furthermore, since 1980 coral cover has decreased dramatically on the reef flat, and macro-algae are now dominating the benthic habitat on the reef flat. These observations highlight the importance of a systems approach to understand ecological processes, including competition and functioning. Here we propose to look at a diverse array of reef organisms performing key functions in the coral reef ecosystem. We will combine data on the assemblage composition of stony corals, sponges, large benthic foraminifera (LBF), and molluscs, with detailed assessments of environmental data (benthic community structure, sedimentary facies, nutrient availability).

D. 5. 1. Dr. Willem Renema Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden

D.5.2. Ms. Nicole Joy de Voogd Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden

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D. 5.3. Ms. Esther van der Ent Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden

D. 5.4. Mr. Niels van der Windt Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden

D. 6. Phylogenomics and Microevolution of Sulawesi Endemic Freshwater Fishes Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengkaji pola filogenomik dan mikroevolusi ikan (Research Objective) Sulawesi Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kampus UNSRAT Manado); Sulawesi (Research Location) Tengah (Kab. Morowali, Kab. Poso, Kota Palu, Morowali Utara); Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Gowa, Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Luwu, Kab. Luwu Timur, Kab. Luwu Utara, Kab. Maros, Kab. Tana Toraja, Kab. Toraja Utara, Kota Palopo); Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Kolaka, Kab. Kolaka Timur, Kab. Kolaka Utara, Kab. Konawe, Kab. Konawe Kepulauan, Kab. Konawe Selatan, Kab. Konawe Utara, Kab. Muna, Kab. Wakatobi); Sulawesi Barat (Kab. Mamuju, Kab. Mamuju Tengah, Kab. Mamuju Utara) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Samratulangi (Dr. Kawilarang W.A. Masengi)

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The fauna on Sulawesi, the largest island in Wallacea, is known to be largely distinct from that of the adjacent islands on the Sunda and Australian shelves. This high endemism implies that each taxon diversified on this single island. However, it remains unclear how the island’s complex geological history and microevolutionary processes have contributed to the formation of this biodiversity hotspot on this island. The aim of this study is to estimate detailed divergent history of freshwater fish fauna, especially of ricefishes of the family Adrianichthyidae and halfbeaks of the genus Nomorhamphus as model systems, using next generation sequencing. We also measure natural and sexual selections on these taxa in each of various wild habitat environments by regular field collections. Based on the findings and geological histories of the island, we discuss what drove the intra-island genetic differentiation, which resulted in Sulawesi becoming a biodiversity hotspot for many freshwater taxa. Field collections and surveys will be conducted mainly in (1) Southeastern Sulawesi areas (January-February 2018), (2) Southwestern Sulawesi area (April-May 2018), (3) Malili Lake areas (Septembery 2018), and (4) Central Sulawesi including Lake Poso (November-December 2018). The regular (probably monthly) field collections will be conducted in Sungai Asinua near Kendari in Southeastern Sulawesi.

D. 6. 1. Prof. Kazunori Yamahira Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University of the Ryukyus Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan

D. 6. 2. Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Senbaru 1, Nishihara Okinawa 903-0213 Japan

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D. 6. 3. Mr. Javier Andres Montenegro Gonzales Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kolombia Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral researcher Institusi (Institution) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Senbaru 1, Nishihara Okinawa 903-0213 Japan

D. 7. The Long-Term Impact of Environmental Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems in The Spermonde Archipelago Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur variasi habitat bentik dalam kaitannya (Research Objective) dengan parameter abiotik dan mengukur peran mikroba sebagai parameter abiotik pada dua kelompok yang dapat digolongkan (foraminifera dan spons bentik besar) Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Makasar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa)


Coral reefs are the highest valued ecosystems in the world (Costanza et al 2014) and provide valuable ecosystem services, including fisheries, tourism, and coastal protection. Additionally, coral reefs harbour the highest diversity, and the Indonesian reefs are globally the most diverse. However, reefs are threatened worldwide by global warming resulting in mass bleaching, increased sensitivity to diseases, and decreasing water quality (e.g. Hughes et al. 2017). Recently it has been proposed that turbid reefs, such as the reefs in the Spermonde Archipelago, could be refugia in which coral reefs have a higher chance of survival. The presence of terrestrially derived material shelters the corals from high irradiation stress (Cacciapaglia et al 2016). In contrast, poor water quality and especially nutrient availability increase the incidence of disease and Acanthaster planci outbreaks (Baird et al. 2013; Plass-Johnson et al 2016). Despite this potentially high importance for future reef survival, spatial and temporal variation in turbid reef ecosystems is understudied. The Spermonde Archipelago is one of the areas for which the longest time series of benthic

142 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 habitat quality is available. Previous work has shown that coral cover on the reef slope is high and macroalgae cover was low compared to Indo-Pacific reefs (Renema, 2010; Roff and Mumby 2012; Cleary et al 2016). Despite these overall large coral cover, mortality, including bleaching of stony corals, soft corals, and sponge disease was observed. Furthermore, since 1980 coral cover has decreased dramatically on the reef flat, and macro-algae are now dominating the benthic habitat on the reef flat. These observations highlight the importance of a systems approach to understand ecological processes, including competition and functioning. Here we propose to look at a diverse array of reef organisms performing key functions in the coral reef ecosystem. We will combine data on the assemblage composition of stony corals, sponges, large benthic foraminifera (LBF), and molluscs, with detailed assessments of environmental data (benthic community structure, sedimentary facies, nutrient availability).

D. 7. 1. Dr. Willem Renema Warga Negara (Nationality) : Researcher Jabatan (Position) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Institusi (Institution) : [email protected] Email (email) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden Alamat (Address) : Senbaru 1, Nishihara Okinawa 903-0213 Japan

D. 7. 2. Ms. Nicole Joy de Voogd Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden

D. 7. 3. Ms. Esther van der Ent Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden

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D. 7. 4. Mr. Niels van der Windt Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Naturalis Biodiversity Center Vondellaan 55 2332 AA Leiden

D. 8. Joint Singapore-Indonesia Expedition to Elucidate The Deep-Sea Biodiversity of The Seas Off Southern Java Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di (Research Objective) lepas pantai selatan Jawa Barat untuk pertama kalinya Bidang Penelitian : Biologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Perairan Sunda, Jawa Barat (Teluk Penanjung Barat/Parigi, (Research Location) Teluk Penanjung Timur/Pangandaran) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Abstract

The National University of Singapore (NUS) and Research Center for Oceanography (RCO- LIPI) plan to conduct a joint scientific expedition to study the biodiversity of the deep- sea floor off the southern coast of West Java for the first time, by embarking on a 14-day cruise onboard R/V Baruna Jaya VIII in March 2018. Scientific observations concerning marine life in the area, particularly those on the deep-sea floor more than 1 km below the surface have been far and few between, or are altogether lacking. Scientific observations conducted by English, Dutch, German and Danish expeditions were made in the eastern and western regions of Indonesia in the late 1800s and early 1900s, but few or no samples were collected off southern Java. The proposed expedition intends to redress this historical sampling bias. This is important not just for marine science in general, but also for understanding the deep-water biodiversity of southern Java and Indonesia. The research vessel Baruna Jaya VIII will be used to sample the seabed at depths between 500 and 2000 m from the vicinity of the Sunda Strait to the Sunda Trough off Cilacap over a period of two weeks (2 days transit to site from Jakarta; 10 days on site; 2 days return transit to Jakarta) between March and April 2018. The main sampling gear shall be the rectangular dredge and beam trawl for larger fauna, and the box core and megacore (multicorer) will be used to sample smaller fauna quantitatively. For operational efficiency, the expedition will focus

144 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 on the deep-sea benthos. A total of 29 scientists will be take part in the expedition. Some 13 Indonesian scientists will work together with 12 Singapore and 4 foreign scientists (3 Taiwanese, 1 French national) during the cruise. Senior members of the expedition team, as well as our French and Taiwanese advisors/colleagues have conducted hundreds of deep-water faunistic expeditions over the last 40 years and are extremely experienced. These expeditions have been conducted all over the Indo-Pacific, from Madagascar to French Polynesia. Two of the members were also part of the KARUBAR Expedition in 1991. The expedition will collect all macro- and meiobenthos that are brought to the surface by the various sampling equipment. The two focus taxa will be Crustacea and Mollusca, mainly because the international Census of Marine Life and various other studies have demonstrated that the highest discovery rate and number of new taxa are from these groups. Detailed collections of these two groups, together with detailed taxonomic studies of the species will allow the team to make comparisons with other areas and better understand the biodiversity of the Sunda Trough. Taxa from secondarily important groups like the Porifera, Cnidaria, Polychaeta, Echinodermata, fishes etc. will also be collected for study by other lead scientists participating in the cruise. The outputs of this project will be jointly published, presented at international meetings, workshops and conferences, and also includes joint laboratory training, technical support, sample analysis and data processing, data sharing, and research exchange.

D. 8. 1. Dr. Tan Koh Siang Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Senior Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore, 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227

D. 8. 2. Ms. Chuar Cheah Hoay Warga Negara (Nationality) : Malaysia Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Marine Science Institute National University of Singapore 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227

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D. 8. 3. Mr. Chim Chee Kong Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Research Associate Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Marine Science Institute National University of Singapore 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227

D. 8. 4. Ms. Gan Bin Qi Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Laboratory Executive Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Marine Science Institute National University of Singapore 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227

D. 8. 5. Mr. Lim Swee Cheng Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Laboratory Technologist Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Marine Science Institute National University of Singapore 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227

D. 8. 6. Ms. Ong Sheue Ling (Wang Xueling) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Temporary worker Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Blk 1 Lorong Lew Lian #14-20. Singapore 531001

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D. 8. 7. Ms. Tong Jia Wen, Samantha Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Marine Science Institute National University of Singapore 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227

D. 8. 8. Ms. Iffah Binte Iesa Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Specialist Associate (Collections) Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum National University of Singapore 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377

D. 8. 9. Mr. Muhammad Dzaki Bin Safaruan Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Specialist Associate Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum National University of Singapore 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377

D. 10. Prof. Ng Kee Lin Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Professor and Head, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum National University of Singapore 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377

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D. 8.11. Dr. Tan Heok Hui Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Museum Operations Officer Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum National University of Singapore 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377

D. 8.12. Mr. Tan Siong Kiat (Chen Xiongjie) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Curator (Invertebrates) Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum National University of Singapore 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377

D. 8.13. Dr. Jose Christopher Escaño Mendoza Warga Negara (Nationality) : Filipina Jabatan (Position) : Museum Officer and Lecturer Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum National University of Singapore 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377

D. 8. 14. Prof. Chen Tien-Jen (Chan Tin Yam) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Retired Institusi (Institution) : retired Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 5 Rue Félix Franchette Val-Plaisance, 98800, Nouméa Nouvelle-Calédonie

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D. 8. 15. Dr. Yang Chien-Hui Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : National Taiwan Ocean University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University Keelung, Taiwan ROC

D. 8. 16. Prof. Lin Chia-Wei Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Researcher Institusi (Institution) : National Taiwan Ocean University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University Keelung, Taiwan ROC

D. 8. 17. Dr. Bertrand Richer De Forges Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : National Dong Hwa University, Graduate Institute of Marine Biology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Institute of Marine Biology, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien 974, Taiwan, R.O.C.

D. 9. Biodiversity and Connectivity Patterns Inside and Outside Marine Protected Areas Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari keragaman spesies Marine Protectes (Research Objective) Areas (MPAs) dan daerah sekitarnya, dan bagaimana hal ini dipengaruhi oleh jarak geografis, habitat dan status perlindungan. Menilai status kesehatan terumbu karang mengikuti protokol GCMN Bidang Penelitian : Biologi kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 5 Maret 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration)

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Daerah Penelitian : Papua Barat (Kab. Raja Ampat) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Negeri Papua (Dr. Ricardo Tapilatu), dan Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Ludi Parwadani Aji, S.Si, M.App.Sc)


Coral reefs are declining worldwide due to various local and global threats. In order to increase coral reef biodiversity and resilience, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been established. Marine Protected Areas are designated zones of (coastal) oceans, where fishing and other uses are limited or prohibited completely. In the most biodiverse marine area of the world, Raja Ampat, currently there is a network of seven MPAs together consisting of an area of 1,185,940 hectares. MPAs are generally known to benefit fish densities and biomass, but how they affect benthic invertebrate communities is less well-known. This project, entitled: “Biodiversity and connectivity patterns inside and outside Marine Protected Areas” aims to address this lack of knowledge by performing extensive benthic community monitoring. Here, we propose to visit five areas in the Raja Ampat Regency and select multiple sites per area both within and outside MPAs to perform extensive video and photo transects. We aim to better quantify benthic biodiversity of Raja Ampat, while relating diversity and connectivity patterns to protection status. We aim to accomplish the following: 1) Attain a comprehensive description of benthic biodiversity in Raja Ampat, 2) Contrast species diversity between inside and outside MPA sites, 3) Quantify species turnover between different sites as a measure of connectivity, and 4) Determine whether all relevant community and environmental types are currently protected. We expect to contribute fundamental knowledge on biodiversity and connectivity patterns of the Marine Protected Area network in the most biodiverse region on the planet. Raja Ampat has the potential to be an example in marine biodiversity stewardship. By providing science-based monitoring information on placement and connection of MPAs, we will ensure prolonged protection of biodiversity and maintain sustainable fisheries.

D. 9. 1.Mr. Christiaan Albert de Leeuw Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Wageningen University & Research Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : De Elst 1 6708WD Wageningen Room E1216, The Netherlands

150 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018

D. 10. Global FinPrint Project Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan survei populasi hiu dan kelimpahan sinar (Research Objective) pada ekosistem terumbu karang secara global Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 5 Maret 2018(month, starting from) Lama Penelitian : (Research Duration) Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh); Bali (Kota Denpasar); Sulawesi Utara (Kota Manado); Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Makasar); Sulawesi Tenggara (Kota Bau Bau) Daerah Penelitian : (Research Location) BRSDM KKP (Dr. Joni Haryadi) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Abstact

Nearly one quarter of the world’s sharks, rays and skates (“elasmobranchs”) are threatened with extinction (Dulvy et al. 2014), with many of the remaining species either approaching this status or too poorly studied to be assessed. Overexploitation by fisheries to supply large markets for dried fins and meat are principally responsible for this situation, with the effects of overfishing sometimes coupled with habitat loss (Clarke et al. 2006, Worm et al. 2013). The most severe impacts of human threats occur on the world’s continental and insular shelves, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, but at present, we are poorly equipped to manage or reverse these declines (Dulvy et al. 2014). A lack of survey data that allows us to monitor abundance and diversity is a key issue that prevents us from pinpointing where elasmobranchs are most affected by human pressures and identifying areas where populations might remain intact. This compromises attempts to both target mitigation and prioritize protection of habitat refuges. Furthermore, it is also difficult to set baselines for restoration or to determine the ecological impact of the world-wide depletion of elasmobranchs. The latter point is critical because there is growing evidence that the removal of large sharks from the costal habitats where they have evolved may allow their prey (e.g., rays, small sharks, certain bony fish) to increase in abundance and change behaviors, altering food webs and ecosystem structure (Heithaus et al. 2008). A relatively small number of fishery-independent surveys of elasmobranchs have been completed at various locations around the world using methods such as hook-and-line (e.g., Pikitch et al. 2005), nets (e.g., Gruber et al. 2001), recreational and scientific diver surveys (e.g., Ward-Paige et al. 2010, Nadon et al. 2012), aerial counts (e.g., Kessel et al. 2013) and, increasingly, baited remote underwater video (BRUV; e.g., Bond et al. 2012, Espinoza et al.2014). All of these surveys have potential biases and until recently, the diversity of methods has prevented any meaningful comparison of elasmobranch communities among studies and sites. However,

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the increasing use of BRUVS by many studies (e.g. Australia; Meekan & Cappo 2004, Meekan et al. 2006, Malcolm et al. 2007, Belize and the Bahamas; Brooks et al. 2011, Bond et al. 2012, White et al. 2013, Espinoza et al. 2014) offers an opportunity to unite these research efforts and for the first time, to build a picture of the status of populations of elasmobranchs on a global scale. The Global FinPrint project will bring together existing BRUV datasets and collect new data from critical sites that will be merged into a single analysis, producing the first globally standard survey of elasmobranch diversity and abundance over the world’s continental and insular shelves, with a key focus on coral reef ecosystems (defined here as the coral reef and associated shallow habitats, such as seagrasses). This large-scale effort will seek to fill the knowledge gaps in human impacts, habitat use and baseline abundance, aiding management and conservation efforts for elasmobranchs In June 2015 the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation pledged ca. $4M in seed funding over three years to initiate the Global FinPrint Project. Six individuals form the core team: Dr. Demian Chapman (Stony Brook University, USA), Dr. Michael Heithaus (Florida International University, USA), Dr. Aaron McNeil (Australia Institute of Marine Science; AIMS), Dr. Colin Simpfendorfer (James Cook University, Australia), Dr. Michelle Heupel (AIMS) and Dr. Mark Meekan (AIMS). The PIs will collectively lead a team of postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and citizen scientists and establish dozens of partnerships with other scientists around the world to achieve the project objectives.

D. 10. 1.Mr. Stephen Kelso Moore Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : James Cook University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4/12 Hirst Street Hermit Park, Queensland, 4812, Australia

D. 10. 2.Ms. Carolyn Samantha Sherman Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D candidate Institusi (Institution) : James Cook University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4/ 35 Punari Street, Currajong, QLD 4812

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D. 11. Circulation and ecosystem study in the Indonesian seas under the influence of the western Pacific variability Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur sirkulasi laut dan ekosistem Laut Indonesia (Research Objective) timur Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi Fisika (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 September 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Perairan Sulawesi bagian Timur, Maluku, Lifamatola dan (Research Location) Perairan Laut Halmahera Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah, MA dan Dewi Surinati, M. Si)


The Indonesian seas locate at a key position connecting western equatorial Pacific Ocean and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, where the warm pool is believed to modulate the global climate. The circulation in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean is subject to the influence of the strongest climate mode, El Nino and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO). And the influence is relayed to the marginal seas of western Pacific Ocean including the Indonesia Seas. The way the circulation and ecosystem of the Indonesian seas are influenced by the western Pacific Ocean circulation and the dynamics of the forcing have never been studied, due to lack of synchronous observations of the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and the eastern Indonesian seas. This project is under the umbrella of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Research Center for Oceanography- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCO-LIPI) and Institude of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) signed in Nov 2013. In 2014, 2015, 2016, RCO-LIPI and IOCAS succeeded to conduct three joint surveys on physical oceanography and ecosystem in Indonesia seas. At present, 10 subsurface moorings are working as designed in the Maluku sea, the Savu sea, Halmahera sea and Lifamatola strait.

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D.11.1. Mr. Wang Zheng Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hebei, 28 Oktober 198 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PE0515665 D.11.2. Mr. Yao Li Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hebei, 28 Oktober 198 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PE0515665 D.11.2. Mr. Yao Li Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 16 Juli 1980 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PE0699794

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D.11.3. Mr. Xiang Li Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 15 Oktober 1983 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Post doctor, Key Lab Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : ED5I8064I

D.11.4. Ms. Xiaoyue HU Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Anhui, 05 Juli 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E30285993

D.11.5. Mr. Yang Ya Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ningxia, 09 September 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E24609789

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D.12 . TRansport Indonesian seas, Upwelling and Mixing Physics (TRIUMPH) Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami transpor massa air Arus Lintas Indonesia (Research Objective) dan proses pencampuran yang terjadi di perairan Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 26 September 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Perairan Selatan Jawa, Selat Badung, Selat Lombok, Selat (Research Location) Alas, Selat Sape, Selat Makassar, Selat Seram, Teluk Ambon) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Laut Dalam LIPI (Dr. Augy Syahailatua, M.Sc)


The Indonesian seas provide a low-latitude pathway for the transfer of warm, relatively low salinity Pacific waters into the Indian Ocean, known as the Indonesia Through flow (ITF). ITF is an integral part of the global thermohaline circulation, and has impacts on the basin budgets of the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Indonesian seas host the strongest equatorial convective center that drives the global tropical circulation (Walker Circulation), which affects Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), Asian-Australian monsoon and interacts with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The Makassar Strait, Lifamatola passage/Seram Sea, and Karimata Strait are three main inflow passages of the ITF, and respectively transmit water masses from the North and South Pacific Ocean and freshwater from the South China Sea into the Indonesian Seas. The Lombok, Alas, and Sape Straits are important exit pathways of ITF, not only play important role in transport in the Pacific water into the Indian Ocean, but also in transformation of Pacific water by internal wave and mixing and intensive internal- wave generation. In order to improve the understanding of the transport in the ITF input passages, the mixing along the exit passages of the Indonesian seas in the Indonesian, and the upwelling in Eastern Indian Ocean, and benefit the people living in this area, we make Agreement between Research Center for Deep Sea - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2LD- LIPI), First Institute of Oceanography (FIO)-State Oceanic Administration and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science-University of Maryland (UMD). This Plan of Operation “TRansport Indonesian Seas, Upwelling and Mixing Physics (TRIUMPH)” is an integral part of the Agreement. We plan to carry out routine cruises in 2018-2021 to deploy and recovery of mooring systems. During the cruise, ship-mounted ADCP measurements, CTD casts, mixing observation and towed CTD will be done along the transections. Magnitude and variability of the water mass transport and mixing in the passages, full-depth velocity and

156 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 property structure in these three inflow passages of ITF will be observe by deploying a series of surface and subsurface moorings and also ship based measurement. Based on measurement data, we will determine transport in these strait, and study their interannual variability and relation with monsoon, MJO, ENSO, and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). This project will enhance our knowledge on ITF, mixing and upwelling, which help decision maker to mitigate climate change impacts on sustainable fisheries and marine biodiversity and ecosystem in general. It is crucial to have sustained observations to quantify their contributions to basin scale balances of heat, freshwater and biogeochemical fluxes from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean. These long-term observations will also better constrain future climate projection and variability. Keyword : Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), Mixing Physics, Upwelling, TRIUMPH Project, Climate Change, Mitigation.

D .12.1. Mr. Wei Wu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 14 November 1967 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Engineer Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : No.6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road,Qingdao, 266061, P. R. China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PE1335900

D . 12.2. Mr. Qinglei Su Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 26 December 1988 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Engineer Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : No.6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road,Qingdao, 266061, P. R. China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PE0575517

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D.12.3. Mr. Huiwu Wang Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shandong, 30 July 1982 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : No.6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road,Qingdao, 266061, P. R. China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PE1294655

D.11.4. Mr. Chao Li Tempat dan tanggal lahir : China, 29 October 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Engineer Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : No.6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road,Qingdao, 266061, P. R. China Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PE1380517

D.13. Blue Carbon: The Impacts of Mangrove Restoration on Seagrass Carbon Storage in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami bagaimana karakteristik mangrove, (Research Objective) seperti usia, kepadatan, dan spesies berdampak pada kuantitas karbon yang disimpan di padang lamun Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Semarang) , Sulawesi Utara (Kota Manado, (Research Location) TN. Bunaken) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro (Prof. Dra. Norma Afiati, PhD)

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Indonesia’s expansive coast is lined with mangroves and seagrasses that take up CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in their roots and soils. The storage of carbon in the marine ecosystems, known as blue carbon, offers an effective climate change mitigation tactic. I will study how mangrove characteristics impact the carbon storage in seagrass meadows in North Sulawesi. Because leaf drop from mangroves increases carbon export to seagrass meadows, I predict that older, denser forests that contain species with more frequent leaf turnover will result in higher carbon storage in adjacent seagrass meadows. The methods will include collecting sediment cores, determining the carbon content of the cores, and observing the condition of the mangroves. The resulting information will be distributed to community mangrove rehabilitation projects and to local marine protected area managers.

D.13.1. Ms. Carly LaRoche

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Massachusetts, 18 June 1996 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : American University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : PO Box 209 01468 Templeton, MA, United States Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 525106422

D.14. ITST Palu 2018

Tujuan Penelitian (Research Objective) : Untuk memahami sumber-sumber tsunami yang dihasilkan di Palu Bidang Penelitian (Field of Research) : Oseanografi Lama Penelitian (Research Duration) : 7 (tujuh) hari mulai 27 November 2018 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research Location) : Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Palu)

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Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : BRSDM KP-KKP (Dr.-Ing. Semeidi Husrin, ST. M.Sc; Dr. Widodo S Pranowo), Kemenko Kemaritiman (Dr. Rahman Hidayat), PTRRB BPPT (Dr. Udrekh Hanif), BPDP-BPPT (Dr. Widjo Kongko), P2O-LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hananto), BMKG (Kian Purna Sinki), Balai Pantai - PUPR Abstract

The tsunami survey conducted by various institution worldwide lead by the leading scientist on this field under the coordination of IOC-UNESCO revealed that this event is very complex and unique since it was generated by strike-slip event which are known as less potential generated tsunami in fact, the devastated tsunami occurs inside the Bay and several coastal collapses, subsidence and or landslide occurred along the coast of the Bay. These uncertainties of the source of tsunami generation and resulting impact on the Bay shape like Palu need to be assessed in order to understand the generating mechanism and the characteristic of the tsunami impacts to enable of the enhancement of tsunami disaster risk management practice including an appropriate early warning system for this type of event worldwide. One of the important data that need to be acquired in detail as soon as possible are the coastal bathymetry data from -100m water depth to coastline and the sub-bottom profile of the seabed to identify the seabed deformation due to the earthquake movement inside the Palu Bay.

D.14.1. Prof. Philip L-F Liu

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : China, 11 December 1946 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Vice President Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University Hall, Lee Kong Chian Wing, #UHL- 05-02, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 531163215

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D.13.2. Dr. Pablo Higuera

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Santander, 10 August 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block E1-08-20, 3 Engineering Drive 2 117578, Singapore Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : XDC862271

D.13.3. Dr. Kuifeng Zhao

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : China, 22 February 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NUS Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E7024091J

D.13.4. Mr. Ignacio Barranco

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Barcelona, 22 November 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore, Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block E1-08-20, 3 Engineering Drive 2 117578, Singapore Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : AAJ287244

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E.1. Population Monitoring of Endangered Gibbons and Orangutans to Support Protection of A Threatened Bornean Landscape

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memprakarsai program pemantauan owa dan orangutan di (Research Objective) Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Hutan Pendidikan UMP - Kab. Gunung Mas, (Research Location) Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kota Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian dan Kehutanan, Universitas Muhammadiyah (Counterpart) Palangkaraya (Siti Maimunah, S.Hut.,M.P.)


Borneo’s endangered apes are iconic flagships for conservation and indicators of habitat health, yet most of what is known about their ecology is based on a few sites, with a strong bias towards pristine habitats and protected areas. As the majority of wild gibbons and orangutans inhabit mixed-use landscapes outside of protected areas, sustainable management of these populations is critical to the species’ survival and requires an understanding of the factors affecting their viability. This project will target endangered ape populations in the 150,000-ha Rungan landscape in Central Kalimantan, one of the largest intact lowland forests in Borneo with no formal protection, much of which is designated for conversion to plantations. Rungan is home to an estimated 2,000 orangutans, a population identified as a conservation priority. I aim to initiate a long-term monitoring program to gather data about animals and their environments across this landscape. I will employ passive acoustic monitoring to: 1) identify locations for a permanent camp, 2) document rare wildlife, 3) estimate ape populations, 4) assess ecological and anthropogenic influences, and 5) identify threats. This project seeks to highlight the conservation and scientific value of the Rungan landscape, aiding efforts to protect its endangered biodiversity.

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E.1. 1. Ms. Wendy Marie Erb

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research Associate Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 161 W 133rd St Apt 5B New York, NY 10030

E.2. Nest Surveys and Qualitative Habitat Analyses of Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Morio) in Kutai National Park

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk Untuk melakukan survei sarang orangutan (Research Objective) dan menilai secara kualitatif degradasi habitat yang mempengaruhi orangutan di Taman Nasional Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (Tiga) Bulan, mulai 9 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (TN Kutai) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Balai Taman Nasional Kutai (Tisaritha Patangke, S. Hut.) (Counterpart)


Facing a call from orangutan researchers and conservationists alike to develop accurate estimates of orangutan densities and distributions (Cattau et al., 2015; Wich et al. 2008), the research proposed herein aims to ameliorate this informational deficit for the endangered Northeast Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus morio). In the last 12 years, such population parameters for this subspecies have not been formally assessed within Kutai National Park (KNP) of East Kalimantan. With the area of protected forest of the National Park recently reduced from 190,000 ha to 130,000 ha in 2015 to resolve conflicts with illegal settlements (Russon, 2016), population analyses must be reassessed for the residents of KNP to draw an up-to-date accurate picture for this subspecies. The researchers involved in the proposed study will conduct nest surveys within KNP along 1 km long transects situated in areas that orangutans are likely to use. Such transects will involve resurveying those

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established and regularly monitored as apart of Dr. Anne Russon’s research within the park, as well as performing additional transects in areas of the Park not formally assessed. Along with recording and recoding data conventionally measured in nest census work (such as nest “age”, height in tree and associated tree species), habitat degradation will also be qualitatively measured through indicators of illegal human activity and climatic variables within the park (such as logging, fires and resource extraction). By utilizing a unanimously employed methodology to accurately estimate the parameters of an orangutan population (found in studies such as van Schaik et al., 1995; Russon et al., 2001; Kanamori et al., 2017), and by assessing levels of habitat degradation associated with anthropogenic factors within KNP, the results of this study can provide baseline information to inform effective forest management and conservation decisions for the Bornean orangutan.

E.2.1. Mr. Ryan Graham Guild

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Masters Student Institusi (Institution) : York University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 104-3894 Bathurst St., North York, ON

E.3. Conservation implications of sex-based differences in daily distance travelled and behaviour in infant and juvenile Javan slow lorises (Nycticebus javanicus)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki perkembangan bayi dan pola penyebaran (Research Objective) pada kukang jawa (Nycticebus javanicus) Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 14 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. (Counterpart) Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut, M.Sc)

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This project is investigating infant development and dispersal patterns in the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus). The Javan slow loris is a Critically Endangered (IUCN, 2017) nocturnal primate found only on the island of Java, Indonesia. While we now understand the fundamentals of adult behavioural ecology in the wild, there is a need for focused study of wild juvenile and infant slow lorises. Such data are important for conservation to understand the carrying capacity of available habitat; to understand generation times in order to make conservation assessments; and in the case of disturbed habitat, it is vital to understand the implications of dispersal timing. Furthermore, the illegal trade in Nycticebus has resulted in a deluge of animals in rescue centres, yet sadly, reintroduction attempts have had a high mortality rate. An increase in knowledge around infant and juvenile behaviour could help to decrease the mortality rate by identifying ideal individuals for release, as well as the process of dispersal, which mirrors what occurs during reintroduction. Through a continuing collaboration between Oxford Brookes University and the Universitas Gadjah Mada, we intend to examine daily distance travelled and range usage in Javan slow lorises with an intersexual comparison, through continuous focal observations of juveniles of both sexes. To provide more information around behavioural usage of natal ranges by infant and juvenile slow lorises, the movements and behaviours of multiple individuals will be observed. Documented ranging behaviours can then be applied to captive slow lorises to assess animal welfare and proper development needs. Results will be shared with Indonesian authorities, NGOs, and partners via reports and seminars.

E.3.1. Ms. Keely Queen Maynard

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : MSc Student Institusi (Institution) : Oxford Brookes University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Clive Booth Postgraduate Centre Flat K3B John Garne Way, Oxford Oxfordshire, OX3 0FP, United Kingdom

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E.4. Reproductive Strategies in Bornean Orangutans

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk 1: Mengumpulkan data perilaku rinci pada orangutan jantan (Research Objective) dan betina ketika mereka sendirian dan ketika mereka berinteraksi dengan orangutan lainnya; 2: Mengumpulkan data rinci tentang perubahan perilaku ibu dan keturunan ketika sendirian dan ketika berinteraksi dengan orangutan lainnya; 3: Mengumpulkan data GPS secara bersamaan tentang perilaku orangutan jantan dan betina; 4: Mengumpulkan sampel feses untuk mengidentifikasi paternitas; 5: Mengumpulkan urin untuk menentukan status kesehatan dan reproduksi Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang, Balai Taman Nasional Gunung (Research Location) Palung) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Tatang Mitra Setia, (Counterpart) M.Si)


This study examines male and female reproductive and mating behavior of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in Gunung Palung National Park. Orangutans exhibit sexual dimorphism in body size, extreme male-male competition, male bimaturism, female preference for flanged males, multiple mating by females, post-conceptive mating, and forced copulations. However, due to the semi-solitary social structure, large home ranges, and slow life history of orangutans, there are still many aspects of orangutan reproductive behaviors that are not well understood. This study will use fecal samples to determine paternity of orangutans and show which mating strategies are effective. We will also collect detailed behavioral data to measure the costs and benefits of male- female interactions, how these costs are mitigated, and whether males or females direct associations. We will use GIS data to examine how female ovarian status impacts female reaction to long calls. Finally, we will examine how mothers and infant pairs change their behavior in the presence of males. Together these data will show (1) how male orangutans employ reproductive strategies to increase their likelihood of reproductive success in the face of multi-male mating by females and (2) how female orangutans employ reproductive strategies to enact female choice and increase infant survival in the face of male-male competition and sexual coercion by males.

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E.4.1. Ms. Amy Marie Scott

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 232 Bay State Road Boston, MA 02215, United States of America E.5. Orangutan Development, Reproduction and Life History Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari sejarah kehidupan populasi orangutan (Research Objective) Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) di TN. Gunung Palung Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Ketapang) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Tatang Mitra (Counterpart) Setia, M.Si)


Orangutans have the latest age at first birth, they may live to over 50 years, and they have a 6-8 year interbirth interval in the wild, the longest birth spacing of any mammals. Thus, in this research we examine why orangutans grow so slowly, what determines female interbirth interval, what determines male flange development and how parasites and disease impact orangutan health and longevity. The study focuses on evaluation of ecological and reproductive variables and has six major objectives: (1) Detailed investigation of the role of energy fluctuations on orangutans through collection of data on activity levels, dietary diversity and ranging patterns (2) Measurement of changes in orangutan growth and development using a camera and hormonal markers (3) Study of orangutan development, reproduction and long interbirth intervals through hormonal analysis of urine (4) Determination of how orangutan nutrition and digestion affect juvenile growth, maternal condition, male flange development and overall health (5) Determination of orangutan health status through parasite monitoring of feces and urinary dipstick analysis (6) Determination of paternity and relatedness through genetic analysis of fecal samples.

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E.5.1. Ms. Alys Granados

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Research Manager Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : P.O. Box 15680 Boston, MA 02215, United States

E.6. Stone handling as precursor to stone tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menjelajahi hubungan psikologis dan lingkungan (Research Objective) antara permainan objek dan penggunaan alat Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata Universitas Udayana (Counterpart) (Dr. I Nengah Wandia)


The “affordance learning” theory states that object play allows individuals to become familiar with the intrinsic and contextual properties of an object through versatile manipulation, which facilitates the development of goal-directed problem-solving skills, including the complex and functional handling of hard-to-process food via tool use. However, data-based studies on the developmental and mechanistic connections between object play and tool use show conflicting results. When investigating the proximate and ultimate links between playful object manipulation and the instrumental use of objects as tools, inter-species, inter-group, and inter-individual variation in cognitive abilities, personality dimensions, motivational processes, demographic structure, social dynamics, behavioral propensities, and ecological pressures should be jointly considered. My research will take up this challenge by focusing on socio-demographic settings and cognitive/behavioral capacities in relation to the expression of two types of object manipulation (stone handling: SH, and stone tool use: STU) in a non-human primate species known for its enhanced manipulative abilities: the long-tailed macaque. SH is defined as the varied, seemingly functionless, and

168 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 culturally transmitted manipulation of stones, including gathering, rubbing, and pounding. STU involves using stones by directing similar collection and percussive actions to encased foods. Because play activities are contagious, I predict that the larger the group, the higher the proportion of group members exhibiting SH simultaneously. Because SH diffusion depends on age structure, I predict that a group with abnormal age structure (i.e., missing age classes) will show a lower proportion of stone handlers and a lower frequency of SH than normal groups with all age classes present. To investigate the role of direct social influences in the diffusion of SH, I will test the “cultural zone” hypothesis, holding that neighbouring groups should show a high degree in SH similarity, due to the possibility of intergroup observational learning or of SH patterns being transferred by males migrating from one group to the next. To demonstrate the role of indirect social influences in the maintenance of the SH culture through the occurrence of behavioral artefacts, I predict that the monkeys will be more attracted to piles of stones (i.e., typical artefacts) than to randomly scattered stones to perform SH. To test the “affordance learning” hypothesis, I predict that percussive STU is more likely to be elicited (via non-invasive STU tasks) in groups and individuals with more combinatorial and percussive SH profiles (e.g., clacking and pounding patterns) than in those exhibiting lower levels of SH complexity and diversity.

E.6.1. Ms. Chloe India Wright

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Volunteer Field assistant Institusi (Institution) : United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 9/1 St Leonard’s Crag, Edinburgh, EH8 9SP, Scotland

E.7. Behavioral structure and motivational processes of object play in Balinese long- tailed macaques

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengeksplorasi dasar emosional dan kognitif (Research Objective) manipulasi objek lucu pada monyet Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location)

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Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata Universitas Udayana (Dr. I (Counterpart) Nengah Wandia)


Despite decades of research, play behavior remains an evolutionary puzzle. To explain the underlying causes and functions of object play, numerous theories have been proposed, but many still lack strong empirical support. Part of this ambiguity stems from a lack of consensus regarding the terms used to define, the criteria used to categorize, and the theories used to explain different forms of play. Five criteria were proposed to address the structural components, psychological mechanisms, and functional aspects of playful activities. Play is defined as a behavior that (1) is incompletely functional in the behavioral context in which it is expressed, (2) is spontaneous, pleasurable, rewarding, or voluntary, (3) differs from other more serious behaviors in form (e.g., exaggerated) or timing (e.g., occurring early in life before the more serious version is needed), (4) is repeated (i.e., with some regularity), but not in abnormal and unvarying stereotypic form (e.g., rocking or pacing), and (5) is initiated in the absence of severe acute or chronic stress (e.g., predation pressure, crowding, hunger, disease). My research project aims to test the fourth and fifth criteria of play when applied to stone handling (SH), defined as the varied, seemingly functionless, and culturally transmitted manipulation of stones, including gathering, rubbing, and pounding. I will focus on a non-human primate species known for its enhanced manipulative abilities: the long-tailed macaque.

E.7.1. Ms. Sydney Ellen Chertoff

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : BA/BSc student Institusi (Institution) : Canisius College, Buffalo, NY Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 73 Northington Drive, East Amherst, NY 14051, USA

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E.8. Object play, complex foraging, and tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menjelajahi dasar motivasi manipulasi objek pada (Research Objective) monyet Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata Universitas Udayana (Dr. I (Counterpart) Nengah Wandia)


Despite decades of research, play behavior remains an evolutionary puzzle. To explain the underlying causes and functions of object play, numerous theories have been proposed, but many still lack strong empirical support. The “affordance learning” theory states that object play allows individuals to become familiar with the intrinsic and contextual properties of an object through versatile manipulation, which facilitates the development of goal- directed problem-solving skills, including the complex and functional handling of hard-to- process food: extractive foraging and tool use. However, most studies fail to differentiate between different types of object-oriented activities (i.e., object exploration, object play, and extractive foraging), and to systematically compare multiple levels of their behavioral structure. This hinders our examination of the motivational processes potentially linking purposeless object manipulation and complex food acquisition. My research project aims to contribute to filling these gaps by focusing on two types of object manipulation (stone handling: SH, and nut handling: NH) in a non-human primate species known for its enhanced manipulative abilities: the long-tailed macaque. SH is defined as the varied, seemingly functionless, and culturally transmitted manipulation of stones, including gathering, rubbing, and pounding [14-16]. NH involves directing similar collection and percussive actions to hard-shelled nuts. I will test three mutually exclusive hypotheses about the motivational processes underlying SH and NH by generating predictions that differentiate between object exploration, object play, and extractive foraging. I will examine the timing of expression of SH and NH, the sequential organization of actions, and the dynamic body structure, including an analysis on the gaze and arm movements. If SH and NH are a form of object exploration, the activity should occur at any time of day, be moderately random in its sequence, and the variability in directionality and amplitude of

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gaze and arm movements should decrease as the object becomes more familiar. If SH and NH are a form of object play, the activity should be performed throughout the day, except during periods of external disturbance causing stress, be highly random in its sequence, and the variability in directionality and amplitude of gaze and arm movements should remain high and constant over time. If SH and NH are linked to foraging, the activity should only be performed around feeding time, be fixed in its sequence, and the gaze direction and arm movements should remain stable until the condition of the object changes (e.g., cracked nut).

E.8.1. Ms. Camilla Cenni

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Lethbridge - Canada Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 230 Heritage Circle West Lethbridge, T1K7H8, Canada

E.9. Behavior monitoring of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and assessment of local conservation education

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk membantu upaya konservasi lokal kukang (Research Objective) jawa, lebih memahami perilaku dan kualitas habitat dan penggunaannya, serta menilai upaya pendidikan konservasi lokal Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut, M.Sc)


The Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is becoming increasingly threatened by habitat loss and the pet trade. In light of these major threats, the Javan slow loris has been listed

172 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 five times on the Top 25 most Endangered Primates list, developed by Conservation International and the IUCN Primates Specialist Group. Much of the limited habitat remaining to this species is agroforest close to human development, making involvement of the local communities in conservation efforts necessary for the survival of this species. This study therefore has three aspects: collecting long-term behavioural data, such as time budgets and activity patterns, implementing and assessing a local conservation education program with young students; work with agroforestry to analyse various methods to re-plant trees that are useful to humans in an increasingly-agroforest area, and how this gradual change in environment may affect slow loris behaviour and dispersal patterns. For the education aspect, an emphasis will be placed on forging a positive relationship between slow lorises and other endemic Javan species and the humans bordering their habitat. The programme will involve ten local schools where children will be given the opportunity to learn more about ecology of Javan wildlife as well as their symbiotic relationship with local agriculture. Data will be collected from these educational sessions through free-listing, drawing and engagement studies. The same curricula will also be taken to other schools in Sumatra and Kalimantan in order to assess regional differences in education and conservation. The field aspects of this project will be carried out on 20 adult and 10 juvenile radio collared lorises. Lorises will be tracked using radio telemetry, GPS and accelerometers with data loggers. Once located, selected individuals will be identified and behavioural data will be collected via focal sampling. This project will involve five Indonesian trackers and one Indonesian education officer/translator.

E.9.1. Ms. Ella Rebekah Brown

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Oxford Brookes University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 517 S. Columbia Dr. Decatur, GA 30030, United States of America

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E.10. Behavioral structure and motivational processes of object play in Balinese long- tailed macaques

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengeksplorasi dasar emosional dan kognitif (Research Objective) manipulasi objek lucu pada monyet Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Primatologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018(month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata Universitas Udayana (Dr. I Nengah Wandia)


Despite decades of research, play behavior remains an evolutionary puzzle. To explain the underlying causes and functions of object play, numerous theories have been proposed, but many still lack strong empirical support. Part of this ambiguity stems from a lack of consensus regarding the terms used to define, the criteria used to categorize, and the theories used to explain different forms of play. Five criteria were proposed to address the structural components, psychological mechanisms, and functional aspects of playful activities. Play is defined as a behavior that (1) is incompletely functional in the behavioral context in which it is expressed, (2) is spontaneous, pleasurable, rewarding, or voluntary, (3) differs from other more serious behaviors in form (e.g., exaggerated) or timing (e.g., occurring early in life before the more serious version is needed), (4) is repeated (i.e., with some regularity), but not in abnormal and unvarying stereotypic form (e.g., rocking or pacing), and (5) is initiated in the absence of severe acute or chronic stress (e.g., predation pressure, crowding, hunger, disease). My research project aims to test the fourth and fifth criteria of play when applied to stone handling (SH), defined as the varied, seemingly functionless, and culturally transmitted manipulation of stones, including gathering, rubbing, and pounding. I will focus on a non-human primate species known for its enhanced manipulative abilities: the long-tailed macaque.

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E.10.1. Ms. Sydney Ellen Chertoff

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : BA/BSc student Institusi (Institution) : Canisius College, Buffalo, NY Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 73 Northington Drive, East Amherst, NY 14051, USA

E.11. Object play, complex foraging, and tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menjelajahi dasar motivasi manipulasi objek pada (Research Objective) monyet Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata Universitas Udayana (Dr. I Nengah Wandia)


Despite decades of research, play behavior remains an evolutionary puzzle. To explain the underlying causes and functions of object play, numerous theories have been proposed, but many still lack strong empirical support. The “affordance learning” theory states that object play allows individuals to become familiar with the intrinsic and contextual properties of an object through versatile manipulation, which facilitates the development of goal- directed problem-solving skills, including the complex and functional handling of hard-to- process food: extractive foraging and tool use. However, most studies fail to differentiate between different types of object-oriented activities (i.e., object exploration, object play, and extractive foraging), and to systematically compare multiple levels of their behavioral structure. This hinders our examination of the motivational processes potentially linking purposeless object manipulation and complex food acquisition. My research project aims to contribute to filling these gaps by focusing on two types of object manipulation (stone handling: SH, and nut handling: NH) in a non-human primate species known for its enhanced manipulative abilities: the long-tailed macaque. SH is defined as the varied,

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seemingly functionless, and culturally transmitted manipulation of stones, including gathering, rubbing, and pounding [14-16]. NH involves directing similar collection and percussive actions to hard-shelled nuts. I will test three mutually exclusive hypotheses about the motivational processes underlying SH and NH by generating predictions that differentiate between object exploration, object play, and extractive foraging. I will examine the timing of expression of SH and NH, the sequential organization of actions, and the dynamic body structure, including an analysis on the gaze and arm movements. If SH and NH are a form of object exploration, the activity should occur at any time of day, be moderately random in its sequence, and the variability in directionality and amplitude of gaze and arm movements should decrease as the object becomes more familiar. If SH and NH are a form of object play, the activity should be performed throughout the day, except during periods of external disturbance causing stress, be highly random in its sequence, and the variability in directionality and amplitude of gaze and arm movements should remain high and constant over time. If SH and NH are linked to foraging, the activity should only be performed around feeding time, be fixed in its sequence, and the gaze direction and arm movements should remain stable until the condition of the object changes (e.g., cracked nut).

E.11.1. Ms. Camilla Cenni

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Lethbridge - Canada Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 230 Heritage Circle West Lethbridge, T1K7H8, Canada

E.12. Stone handling as precursor to stone tool use in Balinese long-tailed macaques

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menjelajahi hubungan psikologis dan lingkungan (Research Objective) antara permainan objek dan penggunaan alat Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location)

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Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata Universitas Udayana (Dr. I Nengah Wandia)


The “affordance learning” theory states that object play allows individuals to become familiar with the intrinsic and contextual properties of an object through versatile manipulation, which facilitates the development of goal-directed problem-solving skills, including the complex and functional handling of hard-to-process food via tool use. However, data-based studies on the developmental and mechanistic connections between object play and tool use show conflicting results. When investigating the proximate and ultimate links between playful object manipulation and the instrumental use of objects as tools, inter-species, inter-group, and inter-individual variation in cognitive abilities, personality dimensions, motivational processes, demographic structure, social dynamics, behavioral propensities, and ecological pressures should be jointly considered. My research will take up this challenge by focusing on socio-demographic settings and cognitive/behavioral capacities in relation to the expression of two types of object manipulation (stone handling: SH, and stone tool use: STU) in a non-human primate species known for its enhanced manipulative abilities: the long-tailed macaque. SH is defined as the varied, seemingly functionless, and culturally transmitted manipulation of stones, including gathering, rubbing, and pounding. STU involves using stones by directing similar collection and percussive actions to encased foods. Because play activities are contagious, I predict that the larger the group, the higher the proportion of group members exhibiting SH simultaneously. Because SH diffusion depends on age structure, I predict that a group with abnormal age structure (i.e., missing age classes) will show a lower proportion of stone handlers and a lower frequency of SH than normal groups with all age classes present. To investigate the role of direct social influences in the diffusion of SH, I will test the “cultural zone” hypothesis, holding that neighbouring groups should show a high degree in SH similarity, due to the possibility of intergroup observational learning or of SH patterns being transferred by males migrating from one group to the next. To demonstrate the role of indirect social influences in the maintenance of the SH culture through the occurrence of behavioral artefacts, I predict that the monkeys will be more attracted to piles of stones (i.e., typical artefacts) than to randomly scattered stones to perform SH. To test the “affordance learning” hypothesis, I predict that percussive STU is more likely to be elicited (via non-invasive STU tasks) in groups and individuals with more combinatorial and percussive SH profiles (e.g., clacking and pounding patterns) than in those exhibiting lower levels of SH complexity and diversity.

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E.11.1. Ms. Chloe India Wright

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Volunteer Field assistant Institusi (Institution) : United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 9/1 St Leonard’s Crag, Edinburgh, EH8 9SP, Scotland

E.12. Behavior monitoring of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and assessment of local conservation education

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk membantu upaya konservasi lokal kukang jawa, (Research Objective) lebih memahami perilaku dan kualitas habitat dan penggunaannya, serta menilai upaya pendidikan konservasi lokal Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut, M.Sc)


The Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is becoming increasingly threatened by habitat loss and the pet trade. In light of these major threats, the Javan slow loris has been listed five times on the Top 25 most Endangered Primates list, developed by Conservation International and the IUCN Primates Specialist Group. Much of the limited habitat remaining to this species is agroforest close to human development, making involvement of the local communities in conservation efforts necessary for the survival of this species. This study therefore has three aspects: collecting long-term behavioural data, such as time budgets and activity patterns, implementing and assessing a local conservation education program with young students; work with agroforestry to analyse various methods to re-plant trees that are useful to humans in an increasingly-agroforest area, and how this gradual change

178 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 in environment may affect slow loris behaviour and dispersal patterns. For the education aspect, an emphasis will be placed on forging a positive relationship between slow lorises and other endemic Javan species and the humans bordering their habitat. The programme will involve ten local schools where children will be given the opportunity to learn more about ecology of Javan wildlife as well as their symbiotic relationship with local agriculture. Data will be collected from these educational sessions through free-listing, drawing and engagement studies. The same curricula will also be taken to other schools in Sumatra and Kalimantan in order to assess regional differences in education and conservation. The field aspects of this project will be carried out on 20 adult and 10 juvenile radio collared lorises. Lorises will be tracked using radio telemetry, GPS and accelerometers with data loggers. Once located, selected individuals will be identified and behavioural data will be collected via focal sampling. This project will involve five Indonesian trackers and one Indonesian education officer/translator.

E.12.1. Ms. Ella Rebekah Brown

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Oxford Brookes University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 517 S. Columbia Dr. Decatur, GA 30030, United States of America

E.13. Behavior monitoring of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and assessment of local conservation education

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk membantu upaya konservasi lokal kukang jawa, (Research Objective) lebih memahami perilaku dan kualitas habitat dan penggunaannya, serta menilai upaya pendidikan konservasi lokal Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) (Research Location)

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Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut, M.Sc)


The Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is becoming increasingly threatened by habitat loss and the pet trade. In light of these major threats, the Javan slow loris has been listed five times on the Top 25 most Endangered Primates list, developed by Conservation International and the IUCN Primates Specialist Group. Much of the limited habitat remaining to this species is agroforest close to human development, making involvement of the local communities in conservation efforts necessary for the survival of this species. This study therefore has three aspects: collecting long-term behavioural data, such as time budgets and activity patterns, implementing and assessing a local conservation education program with young students; work with agroforestry to analyse various methods to re-plant trees that are useful to humans in an increasingly-agroforest area, and how this gradual change in environment may affect slow loris behaviour and dispersal patterns. For the education aspect, an emphasis will be placed on forging a positive relationship between slow lorises and other endemic Javan species and the humans bordering their habitat. The programme will involve ten local schools where children will be given the opportunity to learn more about ecology of Javan wildlife as well as their symbiotic relationship with local agriculture. Data will be collected from these educational sessions through free- listing, drawing and engagement studies. The same curricula will also be taken to other schools in Sumatra and Kalimantan in order to assess regional differences in education and conservation. The field aspects of this project will be carried out on 20 adult and 10 juvenile radio collared lorises. Lorises will be tracked using radio telemetry, GPS and accelerometers with data loggers. Once located, selected individuals will be identified and behavioural data will be collected via focal sampling. This project will involve five Indonesian trackers and one Indonesian education officer/translator.

E.13.1. Ms. Ella Rebekah Brown

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Oxford Brookes University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 517 S. Columbia Dr. Decatur, GA 30030, United States of America

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E.14. Habitat use and preference of mammals in Sumatra

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik dan habitat hutan yang paling (Research Objective) banyak digunakan untuk menentukan apakah persaingan antar dan intra-spesifik terjadi pada akses terhadap pohon tidur antara spesies primate, mengetahui apakah preferensi habitat bervariasi di dataran tinggi, hamparan aluvial, bukit dan perkebunan, mengamati perilaku P. thomasi, H. lar dan S. syndactylus, mengetahui kepentingan relatif ketersediaan pangan, regulasi termo dan predator dan penghindaran parasit dalam kaitannya dengan pemilihan tempat tidur, mengetahui bagaimana preferensi dan ketersediaan habitat dipengaruhi oleh gangguan manusia (logging) dan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 19 Maret 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Tamiang, Kab. Aceh Tenggara, Kab. Aceh Timur, (Research Location) Kab. Aceh Utara, Kab. Bener Meriah, Kab. Gayo Lues); Sumatera Utara (Kab. Karo, Kab. Langkat, Balai Besar Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser) Mitra Kerja : Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Abdullah, M.Si) (Counterpart)


Habitat use and preference by mammals varies across all species. Primates exploit the arboreal resources whereas terrestrial mammals such as elephants need vast ranges and abundant food sources. The forest cover that these animals occupy and need to survive, however, is diminishing at an alarming rate –some of the fastest areas of land change in the world are occurring in Sumatra. Climate change and human disturbance are causing alterations to environments so it is important to understand the habitat requirements of these species and how the availability of habitats across the region can affect intra and inter-species competition. Several hypotheses have therefore arisen as to why species select and prefer specific habitats. This includes anti-predator defence, food availability, thermoregulation, sleeping site selection and minimising parasite exposure. Competition for these resources and thus for the best habitats is therefore expected between and within species. This study will be one of the first to investigate intra and inter-specific competition of habitat use and sleep site selection between two lesser ape species: white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar), siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus), and one langur species: Thomas’ langur (Presbytis thomasi). These species occupy similar ecological niches

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within Sumatra. Data will also be collected on the Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), a critically endangered subspecies of the Asian elephant, to gain a better understanding of the habitat preference of a large mammal on the brink of extinction. It is important to know which habitats species use and those that are most favourable in order to identify areas of most significance. From this it will be possible to predict how climate change and human disturbance will affect these areas in order to support planning of local land use management.

E.14.1. Mr. Nathan John Harrison

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Bournemouth University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2 Lulworth Garth Leeds LS15 8TH, UK

E.15. Demographic and Behavioral Monitoring of Long-Tailed Macaques in A Framework of A Sterilization Programme in Monkey Forest Ubud (Bali)

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk melakukan survei demografi guna menganalisis Objective) dinamika populasi dan tren dari monyet ekor panjang di Hutan Monyet Padangtegal, serta memantau perilaku sosio-seksual monyet betina (kohesi sosial, ketegangan sosial dan persaingan seksual) pada jangka panjang dan menilai tingkat stres (diukur melalui perilaku mandiri) pada kera betina Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Primatologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 9 Maret 2018(month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (Pr. I Nengah Wandia)


We live an epoch of a major human-induced environmental change associated with a multiplication of contact zones between humans and wildlife. Throughout South-east Asia,

182 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 commensal relationships between macaques and humans become increasingly frequent. In Bali, humans and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have a long history of coexistence but the current landscape anthropization is intensifying their proximity and interactions. In some locations, habitat loss often confines macaques in forest pockets where overpopulation develops as a result of high fecundity and low mortality driven by frequent food provisioning and lack of natural predators. This macaques’ overpopulation generates conflicts with humans, with a myriad of nuisances for people and noteworthy significant threats and impacts for macaques. In an effort to manage the human-macaque conflict, population control by means of birth control strategies are increasingly used and requires a systematic monitoring to assess the efficiency and impacts. The present project participates in the long-term demographic and behavioural monitoring of long-tailed macaques in the framework of an upcoming sterilization programme at the Padangtegal Monkey Forest (Ubud-Bali, Indonesia) where the population is experiencing overcrowding conditions, thriving social tension amongst macaques and growing conflict with humans. The objectives of this research are: 1) pursuing the long term and systematic demographic survey on this population to analyze variations in population size and vital rates over years; 2) monitoring the impacts of sterilizations on the social, sexual, and stress-related behaviours of the female macaques, through a comprehensive ethological follow-up based on a detailed catalogue of sterilized and non-sterilized individuals. This research is part of a long-term collaborative project between University of Liège, Universitas Udayana (Bali), and the management committee of the Padangtegal Monkey Forest (Bali).

E.1 5.1. Mr. Damien Broens

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : Research fellow Institusi (Institution) : University of Wollongong Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 25 Rue de Rachecourt 6782 Hebergy Belgium

E.15. 2. Ms. Sophie Regine S. Delooz

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : Research assistant Institusi (Institution) : University of Liège Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Heid de Boileux, 8 4122 Plainevaux Belgium

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E.16. Habitat use, social behaviour, and collective decision-making of the black crested macaque (Macaca nigra)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis peran faktor ekologi, sosial, dan antropogenik (Research Objective) pada penggunaan habitat dan interaksi antar kelompok Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Maret 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Cagar Alam Gunung Dua Saudara-Kota Bitung) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. RR. Dyah Perwitasari dan Dr. Drh. Muhammad Agil, MSc.Agr)


Abstract Group living animals, including primates, must frequently make collective decisions in order to successfully coordinate their actions. Decisions that concern a group’s direction of travel, the selection of foraging patches, and home range defence have significant fitness consequences and can generate conflicts of interest between group members. However, relatively little is known about how individuals that differ in, e.g. rank, gender, physical condition or social connectedness, manage these conflicts and arrive at a collective decision. This study will examine habitat use, social behaviour, and collective decision-making in the black crested macaque (Macaca nigra). Behavioural and ecological data will be collected in order to examine how individuals within groups reach a consensus during between-group aggressive interactions (BGAIs); something that so far has received little attention. This gap in the literature significantly limits our understanding of individual responses to collective decision-making and social dilemmas during BGAIs, and this project aims to fill that gap, pushing the boundaries of current research in these themes.

E.16.1. Mr. James Oliver Waterman

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : John Moores University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : James Parsons Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF, England, UK

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E.17. Joint attention in wild Sulawesi crested macaques (Macaca nigra)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menginvestigasi joint attention kera jambul Sulawesi (Research Objective) di Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Maret 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Cagar Alam Gunung Dua Saudara-Kota (Research Location) Bitung) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. RR. Dyah Perwitasari dan Dr. Drh. Muhammad Agil, MSc.Agr)


Joint attention is the ability of at least two individuals to share attention about an object or event, and it has been argued that joint attention is vital for human language and complex cooperation. Although studies have looked at joint attention in non-human species, no study to date has compared humans (across different cultures) and other primates using the same methods. In our research project, we will collect observational and experimental data for British humans, Ugandan humans, chimpanzees, and Sulawesi crested macaques. Sulawesi crested macaques are a socially tolerant species and may therefore be more likely than other monkey species to engage in joint attention. We aim to investigate whether joint attention events or skills are present in Sulawesi crested macaques, what factors in their socio-ecological environment might predict their joint attention abilities and how joint attention abilities predict later cooperative behaviour.

E.17.1. Dr. Kirsty Emma Graham

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meng-investigasi dan mengawasi bersama Crested (Research Objective) Macaques di Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : - (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kota Bitung) (Research Location)

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E.18. Demography, Behavior and sterilization of an overcrowded long-tailed macaque population in Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali): a long-term follow-up

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memberikan respon berkelanjutan terhadap masalah (Research Objective) akut yang ditimbulkan oleh kelebihan populasi monyet, atas permintaan dari pemangku kepentingan lokal di Hutan Monyet Ubud. Serta, mengurangi kelebihan populasi melalui pengendalian kelahiran (dikendalikan melalui survei demografis), memperbaiki kondisi kehidupan kera dan mengevaluasi potensi efek samping (dikendalikan melalui pemantauan perilaku), dan mengurangi konflik dengan manusia (dikendalikan melalui pemantauan perilaku dan keluhan tetangga) Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 Februari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (I Nengah (Counterpart) Wandia)


Worldwide, primates and humans are increasingly forced to share space. In Bali (Indonesia), contacts between humans and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) intensify with the development of monkey tourist sites, called Monkey Forests. Populations of wild macaques confine in forest pockets, often grow exponentially as a result of high fecundity, low mortality, and food provisioning. In some locations, overpopulation generates conflicts with humans over nuisances caused to people, and in return significant threats for macaques. In an effort to limit overpopulation and manage the human-macaque conflict, population control by means of sterilization (birth control) is increasingly used. This present project takes place in the Ubud Monkey Forest where long-tailed macaques thrive in overcrowded conditions, correlated with intense social tensions amongst the macaques, and growing conflicts with humans. To control overpopulation and alleviate tension, a female sterilization program via endoscopic tubectomy will be soon implemented in the six social groups of this population. The goal is to improve macaques’ living conditions and mitigate the conflict with humans, while keeping sustainable the existence of the population as an important cultural and economic resource for the Balinese. To monitor

186 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 the efficiency of the programme, we will carry out systematic demographic surveys and run population trends modelling. Moreover, we will analyze changes in macaques’ behaviors through an extensive ethological follow-up based on a detailed catalogue of sterilized and non-sterilized individuals. This project is the result of close collaboration between our team at the University of Liège, the veterinarian team at Universitas Udayana (Bali), and the management committee of the Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali).

E.19.1 Ms. Fany Aline M. Brotcorne

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Liège Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Quai Van Beneden, 22 4020 Liege, Belgium

39. BeE.20. Behavioral Monitoring of Sterilized Long-Tailed Macaques at Monkey Forest Ubud (Bali): Evaluating Changes in Alloparental Care, Sexual and Stress-Related Behaviours

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan pengamatan terhadap perilaku dan (Research Objective) demografi monyet ekor panjang

Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 28 Februari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (Counterpart) (I Nengah Wandia)


At present, we may not ignore the huge impact of human activity on our environment. One outcome of this activity is an emerging proximity between human beings and wildlife animals. In Asia, commensal relationships between macaques and human are a part of

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everyday life, may be characterized as conflict, cooperation or mere coexistence, and reach their climax in temples where we may find the largest number of monkeys. In Bali, the Ubud Monkey Forest is a well-known tourist spot characterized by long-term relationships between local communities and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) which are provisioned by people. This constant feeding and lack of predation strongly impact macaque reproduction by decreasing infant and juvenile mortality and increasing the average lifespan and fertility. Therefore, these macaques thrive in overcrowded conditions that lead to intense social tensions amongst them and growing conflicts with humans. In an effort to manage these issues and decrease the over-abundant population of macaques at Ubud Monkey Forest, a sterilization program has been implemented as a population control by means of birth control strategies. Notwithstanding, there is a lack of information concerning the short and long-term effects of primate reproductive control. Therefore, the present project participates in the long-term demographic and behavioural monitoring of long-tailed macaques in the framework of this sterilization program. The objectives of my research are: 1) pursuing the long term and systematic demographic survey on this population to analyze variations in population size and vital rates over years; 2) monitoring the impacts of sterilizations specifically on the sexual and mothering behaviors of the female macaques, and on stress-related behaviours, through a comprehensive ethological follow-up based on a detailed catalogue of sterilized and non-sterilized individuals. This research is part of a long-term collaborative project between University of Liège, Universitas Udayana (Bali), and the management committee of the Ubud Monkey Forest.

E.20.1 Ms. Fany Aline M. Brotcorne

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : University of Liège Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rue de L’Etat-Tiers, 6 4000 Liège, Belgium

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E.21. Why do orangutans show such late weaning? Skill acquisition and growth trajectories in immature Sumatran orangutans around the timing of weaning”

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melihat perolehan keterampilan dan lintasan pertumbuhan (Research Objective) pada orangutan sumatera yang belum dewasa sekitar usia menyusui, dan untuk memahami hubungan antara perolehan keterampilan, pertumbuhan tubuh dan waktu menyusui Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Selatan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Drs. Tatang Mitra Setia, (Counterpart) Msi)


This study will address the question why orangutans wean their offspring later than any other species. Orangutans seem to reach major locomotion and feeding competence at a similar age as chimpanzees do. It has been suggested that due to ecological constraints orangutan mothers cannot keep their weaned offspring in close association after the next one is born. The weaned immature must have acquired enough skills to survive without being in close association with the mother. Thus, their semi-solitary lifestyle might have enforced a high level of skill competence at weaning. It has also been hypothesized that body growth might have an influence on the timing of weaning. A very slow growth rate may thus lead to late weaning. This study will look at growth trajectories as well as skill repertoire and competence in immature Sumatran orangutans around the age of weaning to understand why orangutans show such late weaning. The additional data collected in this project will supplement the already available data and will be entered into the long term database from the population of Suaq Balimbing, Aceh Selatan, which will be used for this study.

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E.21.1. Ms. Belinda Lilian Kunz

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Switzerland Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Department of Anthropology, University of Zurich Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Universität Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zürich

E.22. The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Variation in Plant Productivity on The Population Ecology of Bornean Rainforest Vertebrates

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari bagaimana variasi tingkat landskap (Research Objective) mengenai kualitas habitat dan produksi buah musiman mempengaruhi ekologi populasi owa berjanggut putih dan monyet Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 6 Februari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kayong Utara, Kab. Ketapang, TN. (Research Location) Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja : FMIPA, Universitas Tanjungpura (Riyandi M. S); Balai (Counterpart) Taman Nasional Gunung Palung (Endro Setiawan, S.PKP); dan Pusat Studi Satwa Primata-IPB (Drh. Huda S Darusman, MSi, PhD)


The proposed research seeks to continue our long-term studies regarding how spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity affects populations of Bornean rainforest vertebrates. Our ongoing work, directed by Prof. Andrew Marshall and conducted in collaboration with Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN), has documented substantial variation in population density, group size, inferred reproductive success, and offspring sex ratios in populations of white-bearded gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis) and red leaf monkeys (Presbytis rubicunda rubida) living across seven distinct forest types at the Cabang Panti Research Station (CPRS) in Gunung Palung National Park (GPNP). These results have uncovered intriguing patterns in density and demography of gibbon and

190 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 leaf monkey populations living across a gradient of diverse habitats. Current data suggest that these patterns are controlled by spatial and temporal variation in patterns of plant productivity among the seven forest types at CPRS. In order to investigate the effects of plant productivity on primate populations Prof. Marshall began a long-term project at CPRS in 2007. As patterns of fruit availability vary over long time scales in Bornean rainforests due to the phenomenon of mast fruiting, long term data are required to uncover the true ecological mechanisms underlying variation in primate population parameters. The key objective of the proposed research is to continue collection of data that will be used to test hypotheses designed to improve our understanding of how landscape-level variation in habitat quality and seasonality of fruit production impact the population ecology of white- bearded gibbons and red leaf monkeys. The goal is to obtain a deeper understanding of the underlying ecological principles limiting primate population dynamics, and understand inter-specific variation in response to landscape-scale and seasonal variation in plant productivity.

E.22.1. Ms. Lisa Orth

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Scientific Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Michigan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Feuerbachstraße 16 04105 Leipzig Sachsen, Germany

E.23. Orangutan Development, Reproduction and Life History

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki peran fluktuasi energi pada orangutan (Research Objective) dan mengukur perubahan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan orangutan menggunakan kamera dan spidol hormonal Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Januari 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (TN. Gunung Palung, Kab. Kayong Utara, (Research Location) Kab. Ketapang)

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Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Tanjungpura (Dr. Hari (Counterpart) Prayogo, S.Si., M.Si & Dr. Slamet Rifanjani, S.Hut., M.P) Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Tanjungpura (Riyandi, M.Si)


This study examines the extended life history of the Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) through study of the population living in Gunung Palung National Park. Orangutans have the latest age at first birth, they may live to over 50 years, and they have a 6-8 year interbirth interval in the wild, the longest birth spacing of any mammals. Thus, in this research we examine why orangutans grow so slowly, what determines female interbirth interval, what determines male flange development and how parasites and disease impact orangutan health and longevity. The study focuses on evaluation of ecological and reproductive variables and has six major objectives: (1) Detailed investigation of the role of energy fluctuations on orangutans through collection of data on activity levels, dietary diversity and ranging patterns (2) Measurement of changes in orangutan growth and development using a camera and hormonal markers (3) Study of orangutan development, reproduction and long interbirth intervals through hormonal analysis of urine (4) Determination of how orangutan nutrition and digestion affect juvenile growth, maternal condition, male flange development and overall health (5) Determination of orangutan health status through parasite monitoring of feces and urinary dipstick analysis (6) Determination of paternity and relatedness through genetic analysis of fecal samples.

E.23.1. Ms. Dania Magaly Abizaid Herrera

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 233 Paulin Ave Calexico California 92231, USA

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E.23.2 Ms. Erin Elizabeth Kane

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2 Parley Vale Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 United States

E.24. Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on The Natural Calling Behavior of Wild Siamang

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki efek gangguan antropogenik pada kera (Research Objective) liar yang terbesar di keluarga siamang (Hylobatidae) Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 8 Januari 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Counterpart) (Dr. Abdullah, M.Si)


Growing industrialization, rail, road, air, and sea traffic are major contributors to global noise levels, which limit the distance and area over which acoustic signals of animals can be perceived. Noise can negatively impact foraging success, anti-predator behavior, and overall density and community structure of animals. However, how animals respond to the masking effect of anthropogenic noise is still poorly understood. This project investigates the impact of anthropogenic noise on the calling behavior of siamang, one of the most vocal primates and a close relative of humans. We will examine siamangs natural calls, vocalization-associated behaviors, and vocal parameter changes in response to noisy environments at three localities with varying anthropogenic noise levels and by conducting controlled playback experiments that directly test the impact of noise on siamang calling.

Our comparative study will use population-level average spectral and temporal vocal parameters (e.g. amplitude, peak frequency, fundamental frequency, vocalization

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bandwidth, and spectral tilt) to identify how siamangs mask anthropogenic noise. In a novel approach we will record ambient noise levels continuously (i.e. 24/7) with a bioacoustics monitoring system (i.e. 6 weatherproof microphones and solid state recorders mounted in the canopy). This study will contribute to ongoing discussions of the effects of noise on the natural acoustic communication in a vocalization-dependent small Asian ape. Data gathered will help inform conservation efforts, particularly in evaluating noise tolerance, and document vocal flexibility, which is directly relevant to ongoing debates about nonhuman primate vocal flexibility in the context of the evolution of human language.

E.24.1. Ms. Amelie, Marie, Catherine Desmoulin

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D student Institusi (Institution) : Alfort Veterinary School Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 9 Lot. le clos des 4 saisons 42330 Saint-Galmier, France

E.25. Ethological Study of The Impact of Female Sterilization on Young Individuals in The Macaca Fascicularis Population of The Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami pembentukan dan esensi budaya (Research Objective) multikulturalisme di Indonesia; untuk memperjelas sejauh mana pembentukan hukum dan kebijakan dipengaruhi oleh beragam budaya sosial dan dipengaruhi oleh aspek apa; dan untuk mengeksplorasi karakteristik dari sistem aturan hukum Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 10 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (I Nengah Wandia)

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Abstract The demographic explosion that we are currently witnessing leads to a radical change of our landscapes with an urban encroachment into natural forests. Nevertheless, we are now approaching an era where respect for the animals and their habitats has become paramount. We have created parks, reserves, conservation areas which we strive to keep intact in order to preserve biodiversity. This is what we observe at the Monkey Forest in Ubud, located in one of the most touristic islands in the world (Bali), where no less than 16 hectares of forest, harbour a primate species: the long- tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). This species has experienced a commensal relationship with humans for long periods. Although the Monkey Forest is the ideal example of the coexistence between humans and primates, there has been a recent emergence of conflicts. Indeed, primate feeding and protection, as well as the lack of natural predation have led to a significant macaque population growth due to an increase of birth rates and a longer life expectancy of the adults. To deal with this population growth and very high density, a birth control program has been established targeting sterilization of females with a tubectomy approach. Little information is available on the short- or long-term effects of sterilizations. Therefore, the program includes a long-term demographic and behavioural monitoring of long-tailed macaques. The main objective of my research project is to conduct a comparative study of the behaviour of newly sterilized versus one-year-sterilized females towards the young individuals (infants and juveniles). This research is part of a long- term collaborative project between the University of Liege, Universitas Udayana (Bali) and the Padangtegal Monkey Forest Management Committee (Bali).

E.25.1. Ms. Gabrielle Verrier

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Uccle, 31 July 1995 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Liege University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Avenue Marie-Louise, 44 1410 Waterloo Belgium Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 13CF88565

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E.26. A Comparative, Inter-Disciplinary Approach to Understanding The Evolution ff Monogamy and Duetting Behavior in Non-Human Primates

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari primata duet dengan menggunakan (Research Objective) teknik bioacoustik baru Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 19 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kota Manado, TN. Tangkoko) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. John Tasirin)


Understanding the evolution and maintenance of monogamy is of great interest to scientists, as well as the general public, given the obvious implications for understanding our own behavior. Across mammals, only 9% of mammal species exhibit monogamy, whereas in primates 29% of species exhibit some form of monogamy (Lukas et al. 2013), including gibbons, siamangs and tarsiers found in Southeast Asia, titi monkeys in South America, and some lemur species in Madagascar. Whether or not humans are monogamous is a topic that remains highly debated (Benshoof and Thornhill 1979; Clark et al. 1998; Kramer and Russell 2015), with up to 17% of human cultures being classified as monogamous (Marlowe 2000). Monogamy is an evolutionary puzzle, because theoretically, if a male has access to multiple breeding females he can (and should) increase his reproductive success by mating with multiple females (Trivers 1972). In many monogamous animals, male and female breeding partners combine their calls to produce coordinated duets (Geissmann 2002). Duetting behavior is another evolutionary puzzle, as the vocalizations are complex, highly coordinated, and also costly to produce. Despite the vast amount of research on the subject, the function of duets remains controversial (Hall 2004; Mennill and Vehrencamp 2008). The purpose of the current study is to combine two innovative techniques to study duetting behavior: acoustic location systems (ALS) capable of localizing vocalizing animals and a dual-speaker playback system that simulates intruding conspecifics in a realistic manner. This will allow me to test hypotheses related to the evolution of monogamy, duetting and paternal care in pair-living primates. The use of these techniques will provide detailed spatial information on vocalizing animals in natural contexts and under simulated confrontation with conspecifics. I propose to conduct this study at three separate locations

196 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 in Malaysia and Indonesia, where I will be able to study duetting behavior of five primate species: three species of gibbon, the siamang and the tarsier. In addition, setting up ALS will permit long-term acoustic monitoring of animals at these sites, which will make an important contribution to conservation efforts.

E.26.1. Dr. Dena Jane Clink

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oregon, USA, 13 August 1984 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Independent Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Cornell University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) 159 Sapsucker Woods Road Ithaca, NY Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 521686932

E.27. Understanding The Effects of Seed Predation by Red Leaf Monkeys on The Diversitya and Distribution of Bornean Plants

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami perilaku predasi benih monyet daun (Research Objective) merah (Presbytis rubicunda) di Stasiun Penelitian Cabang Panti (CPRS) di Gunung Palung National Park (GPNP), Kalimantan Barat Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 24 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kayong Utara, Kab. Ketapang, TN. (Research Location) Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Tatang Mitra Setia, Msi dan Tri Wahyu Susanto, MSi)


The proposed research aims to collect pilot data concerning seed predation by red leaf monkeys (Presbytis rubicunda) and the potential consequences this behavior has on the diversity of the plant community at the Cabang Panti Research Station (CPRS) in Gunung

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Palung National Park (GPNP), West Kalimantan. In order to determine the role red leaf monkeys play in shaping plant communities, data are needed to ascertain how important this species is as a seed predator compared to other seed predator species, determine the species of plants that are consumed and avoided by monkeys, and place the seed eating behavior of leaf monkeys in the larger ecological context of what seeds are available at CPRS. The objective of the proposed pilot research is to test multiple methods of data collection, including gathering red leaf monkey foraging behavior, placing simple botanical plots around feeding trees to understand what items are preferentially consumed or avoided, and using focal fruiting tree watches to determine the relative importance of red leaf monkeys as seed predators. Ultimately this research will aid in better understanding how red leaf monkey foraging behavior is shaping the plant community in GPNP.

E.27.1. Mr. Gene Rafael Estrada

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Portland, Oregon, USA, 29 July 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : University of Michigan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 293 Hiscock street Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 515623225

E.28. Orangutan Development, Reproduction and Life History

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami pertumbuhan orangutan yang sangat (Research Objective) lambat, menentukan interval persalinan betina dan memahami parasit dan penyakit yang berdampak pada kesehatan orangutan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 30 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Stasiun Penelitian Cabang Panti, Taman (Research Location) Nasional Gunung Palung) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Tatang Mitra Setia dan Tri Wahyu Susanto, MSi)

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This study examines the extended life history of the Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) through study of the population living in Gunung Palung National Park. Orangutans have the latest age at first birth, they may live to over 50 years, and they have a 6-8 year interbirth interval in the wild, the longest birth spacing of any mammals. Thus, in this research we examine why orangutans grow so slowly, what determines female interbirth interval, what determines male flange development and how parasites and disease impact orangutan health and longevity. The study focuses on evaluation of ecological and reproductive variables and has six major objectives: (1) Detailed investigation of the role of energy fluctuations on orangutans through collection of data on activity levels, dietary diversity and ranging patterns (2) Measurement of changes in orangutan growth and development using a camera and hormonal markers (3) Study of orangutan development, reproduction and long interbirth intervals through hormonal analysis of urine (4) Determination of how orangutan nutrition and digestion affect juvenile growth, maternal condition, male flange development and overall health (5) Determination of orangutan health status through parasite monitoring of feces and urinary dipstick analysis (6) Determination of paternity and relatedness through genetic analysis of fecal samples.

E.28.1. Ms. Cheryl Denise Knott

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : an Diego, USA, 24 March 1963 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 19 Woodpark Circle, Lexington, MA 02421, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 452074248

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E.29. Linking Nutrition, Oxidative Stress, and Immunity in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) at The Tuanan Research Station

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menghubungkan nutrisi, stres oksidatif, dan kekebalan (Research Objective) pada orangutan Borneo liar (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) di Tuanan Research Station Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Tuanan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Kristana P. Makur, SSi) Abstract

I will collect data to link nutrition, oxidative stress, and immunity in wild Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at the Tuanan Research Station.

E.29.1. Ms. Sophia Terese Palia

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, New York , 15 March 1996 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research assistant Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 645 North Chestnut St Westfield NJ 07090, United States of America Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 488592211

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E.30. Nutritional Immunology, Energetics, and Habitat Quality in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) at The Tuanan Research Station

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami peran imunologi gizi, energetika, dan kualitas (Research Objective) habitat pada orangutan borneo liar (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) di Tuanan Research Station Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah(Kab. Kapuas, Tuanan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Panji Surata Azis)


The purpose of this proposal is to examine how variation in habitat nutrient availability affects wild Bornean orangutan’s (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) nutritional strategies, and to identify the relationships among nutritional strategy, energy balance, protein balance, and immune function in wild Bornean orangutans living in non-masting peatland habitat in Central Kalimantan. For this project, I will be working closing with Rutger’s doctoral student Rebecca Brittain as an undergraduate research assistant on data collection, as well as for the nutritional immunology and energetics project at the Tuanan Orangutan Research Station in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, led by Drs. Erin Vogel (Rutgers) and Suci Utami Atmoko (Universitas Nasional). This study will also build on the 10-year database of daily macronutrient and caloric intake to examine how nutritional intake varies over time and how this affects health in wild orangutans. Camera traps will be used in attempt to monitor what animals are competing with orangutans at known orangutan feeding trees throughout the Tuanan study area and locations will be changed monthly. Food intake will be monitored and detailed variation in feeding techniques will be documented. Urine samples will be collected using established protocol; Energy balance will be examined by assaying samples for urinary C-peptide using commercial radioimmunoassay kits (HCP- 20K Millipore Human C-Peptide RIA). Protein balance will be studied through colorimetric assays following kit protocols (QuantiChromTMUrea Assay Kit (DIUR 500) and with nitrogen isotope analyses. To assess immune function, 6 cytokines involved in both adaptive and innate immune responses (GCS-F, MCP-1, TNF-?, IL-RA, IL-8, and IL-10). We expect that macronutrient consumption will either mirror temporal variation in the nutriscape or that orangutans target specific nutrients and in this case will consume more protein than

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expected based on availability. We also expect that during periods of fruit scarcity, when carbohydrate and energy intake are lowest, orangutans will enter into a negative energy balance as evidenced by increased ketones, increased cortisol, and reduced C-peptide of insulin in urine. Lastly we expect that there will be a negative relationship between protein and/or P:NPe intake and cytokine production. Results will be presented at international conferences, and published with our Indonesian counterparts at Universitas Nasional Jakarta.

E.30.1. Ms. Shaylyn Austin

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Torrance, California, 21 September 1996 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 207 Onyx Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92662, United States of America Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 515120599

E.31. Gut Microbes, Nutrition, and Health in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) at The Tuanan Research Station

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami Gut Microbes, nutrisi dan kesehatan dari (Research Objective) orangutan liar di Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Kapuas, Stasiun Tuanan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Mardianto)

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Her study explores the relationship between gut microbes, nutritional variation, and health in wild Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at the Tuanan Research Station in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. This is accomplished by collecting data and fecal samples for both Rebecca Brittain’s project, and by collecting additional data and samples for the long-term project led by Drs. Vogel (Rutgers University) and Drs. Tatang Mitra Setia and Sri Suci Utami Atmoko (UNAS) at Tuanan. Gut microbiota will be quantified using quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) methods to generate 16SrRNA amplicons. Gut microbes will be identified using 16SrRNA V4 region amplicon sequencing and processing methods. We expect gut microbes to change in response to fluctuations in nutrient intake. Results will be presented at international conferences, and published with our Indonesian counterparts at Universitas Nasional Jakarta.

E.31.1. Mr. Ethan Harris

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 3 June 1992 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Anthropology 131 George Street, Ruth Adams Building Suite 306 New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1414 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 499926128

E.32. The Evolutionary Origins Of Human Innovation

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menguji pengaruh beberapa faktor (jenis kelamin, (Research Objective) usia, pangkat, sosialitas, kepribadian) pada munculnya perilaku inovatif pada kera Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 Agustus 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Maros) Location)

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Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin (Dr. Risma Illa Maulany, S.Hut.,M.Nat) Abstract

OBJECTIVES This project aims to explore which factors lead to the occurrence of innovative behaviour in primates. In particular, we aim to systematically test a large number of individuals and compare their performance with that of other wild and captive individuals (N~300) from several macaque species (including Macaca silvanus, M. fuscata, M. fascicularis and M. maura) and specifically test the effect of several factors possibly linked to the emergence of innovative behaviour, including sex, age, rank, body condition, personality, social group size and dominance style. Moreover, we will analyse the different ways primates use to innovate: whether individuals innovate with insight, their consistency across tasks, the effects of proficiency in one task on the solution of other tasks, and the relative incidence of individual innovation, social facilitation and social learning. METHODS For this reason, we will use a controlled, experimental approach to test primates within their social groups with a battery of novel foraging tasks, providing them with tiny food quantities. After testing individual reaction to novel food, we will use transparent tubes to test whether individuals can find a solution to a novel problem via individual effort. Secondly, we will use transparent cylinders to assess whether individuals can find a novel solution to an old problem, using a novel foraging box that can be modified across conditions. Finally, we will test the effects of social facilitation and social learning on innovation using a transparent foraging box baited with food that can be accessed by pulling one of three differently coloured bars. Data collection will take place on moore macaques located between the Hasanuddin University Teaching Forest (in the village of Limapocoe, sub-district of Cenrana, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi) and the Bantimurung- Bulusaraung National Park (7km from the Teaching Forest, sub-district of Cenrana, South Sulawesi), for 6-8 months (e.g. from August 2018).

E.32.1. Ms. Lisa-Marie Kiessling

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Edersbach/Sachs., 17 November 1994 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Research assistant Institusi (Institution) : University of Leipzig Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Allgaeuerstrasse 7, 87778 Stetten, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : CG05PN0LL

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E.32.2. Mr. Victor Beltran Frances

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Elda (Alicante), 21 April 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : Research assistant Institusi (Institution) : University of Leipzig Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : C/ Julià de Chía 20 BX, 17004, Girona, Spain Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PAG851550

E.33. The Impact of Diet, Disease, Social Behavior, and Reproductive Status on Parasite Prevalence in Bornean Orangutans

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami interaksi antara perilaku, kesehatan, diet (Research Objective) dan parasit pada orangutan Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) melalui studi tentang populasi yang tinggal di Taman Nasional Gunung Palung Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kayong Utara) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Tatang Mitra Setia, MSi dan Tri Wahyu Susanto, MSi)


Gaining an understanding of orangutan physiological and disease status is necessary to inform conservation efforts, as wild orangutan populations are critically endangered. Assessment of orangutan parasite loads provides a useful proxy for population health. Intestinal parasites place stress on the host system, affecting nutrition, energy expenditure, travel, feeding patterns, immune function, and reproductive success. A solitary lifestyle, coupled with a decreased immune response, leads to the expectation that social behavior and health status have an influence on parasite infection risk and patterns. With increasing habitat loss, it is essential to understand whether baseline parasite loads in a population

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are increasing, and which factors are responsible. I will to travel to Cabang Panti Research Station in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia on the island of Borneo. This park is home to 17% of the remaining wild population of critically endangered Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii). Only one parasitology study has been done at Gunung Palung thus far. An association between parasite infection and sociality was not found. I propose a study with two main objectives: to further test whether seasonality and sociality have an impact on parasite infection, and to continue monitoring parasite infection patterns over time. Parasite concentration will be assessed using a fecal flotation technique on fresh samples on-site. Results will help us to better understand if and how orangutan sociality and disease risk are connected. This study will provide essential information to inform successful conservation management, which requires an understanding of how anthropogenic change influences populations.

E.33.1. Ms. Natalie Jane Robinson

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Abington, Pennsylvania, USA, 16 August 1996 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 204 Stonehouse Lane Wyncote, PA 19095, United States Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 531762432

E.34. Distribution and Taxonomy of Banded Langurs in Sumatra

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi distribusi lutung bandar Sumatera (Research Objective) Timur Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 24 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Siak, Kota Dumai) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Andalas (Dr. Rizaldi, M.Sc)

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This project addresses the knowledge gap identified in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species assessment of East Sumatran Banded Langur, currently listed as Data Deficient. This project aims to provide information on the distribution of the banded langur in Sumatra. Field observations will be carried in five locations in Riau Province using the present/absent method between April/May to December 2018. Data collected will be directly useful for the IUCN assessment of the banded langur and will help determine the feasibility for taxonomic examination of the species in subsequent projects.

E.34.1. Ms. Ang Hui Fang Andie

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Singapore, 15 April 1985 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 711 YISHUN AVENUE 5 04-124 SINGAPORE 760711 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E6112627K

E.34.2. Ms. Sabrina Binte Abdul Jabbar

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Singapore, 4 Maret 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block 812 Jurong West Street 81 #02-156 Singapore 640812 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E5844762C

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E.35. Costs and Benefits from Associations with Males for Female Orangutans

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami biaya dan manfaat dari asosiasi dengan (Research Objective) orangutan laki-laki untuk orangutan betina Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 5 Februari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Tuanan) & Aceh (Suaq Balimbing) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Tatang Mitra Setia) Abstract

The social organisation of a species can only be understood in the light of male-female relationships. Orangutans have a fission-fusion based social organisation, but spend most time solitarily. The degree of sociability is tightly linked to their ecology. So far, most studies focused on male-male and female-female interactions and association patterns. This study aims at investigating the association patterns between female and male orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii) and specifically at examining females’ costs and benefits of associations with males. We expect an imbalance of cost-benefit ratios between males and females. With interbirth intervals of 7 years on average, siring opportunities are rare. Males may benefit from associations by obtaining such rare mating opportunities, either directly or through building up a social relationship for future matings. However, being in prolonged association and thus competing over the same food, may be costly to both males and females. To reduce the energetic costs of association with a conspecific, females may have counterstrategies to avoid non-preferred association partners. Due to the lower habitat productivity, Bornean orangutans may be more costs sensitive than Sumatran orangutans.

E.35.1. Ms. Caroline Fryns

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fullerton, 24 Mei 1994 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Zurich University

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Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich, Switzerland Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 16DA68007

E.36. Early Orang-utan Independence

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajarai pola awal dan perilaku adaptasi oleh (Research Objective) orangutan yang baru saja dilepasliarkan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 6 Februari 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (LAHG Kereng Bangkirai, Sabangau) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Ir. Ici Piter Kulu, MP) Abstract

Bornean orang-utans are dependent on their mothers for 7-9 years. At the end of this period, they will begin to feed and range alone. This study will examine the behaviour of a young orang-utan when independence is first acquired. Ranging behaviours, including how far an individual travels from his or her mother and where they establish their own range, as well as social behaviours like how often and with which individuals they socialize, will be recorded and thoroughly analyzed. There is much still to be leant about this great ape (Pongo Pygmaeus) and by studying such an important period in the life-history of Bornean orang-utans, we can understand more about their evolution. It is important that we are aware how the spatial requirements of this population will change as it grows, and the research will also have implications for conservation of wild populations as well as potentially informing decisions about release sites for rehabilitated orang-utans.

E.36.1. Ms. Sophie Amelia Vaughn Kirklin

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : London, 10 Juni 1992 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : University of Exeter Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : 9A Church Row, London, England, NW3 6UT, United Kingdom Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 099178884

E.37. Camp Leakey Relatedness, Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami hubungan genetik antara populasi orang- (Research Objective) utan liar Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) di lokasi penelitian Camp Leakey, di Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 27 Februari 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Camp Leakey, TNTP Pangkalan Bun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Yayasan Orangutan Internasional Kalimantan (Reniastoetie Djojoasmoro S.Si.,M.Si) dan CIMTROP-Universitas Palangkaraya (Dr. Yulintine, Spi., MSc) Abstract

The objective of our study will be to conduct a thorough investigation into the genetic relationships among the wild population of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) at the Camp Leakey research site, in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan. Research will be conducted in partnership between Ruth Linsky, Master’s student at Central Washington University, and Indonesian Counterpart, Yayasan Orangutan Internasional Kalimantan. Noninvasive fecal, hair and saliva DNA sampling techniques will be used to avoid disruption of wild individuals and their behavior. DNA collected will be analysed using RAD sequencing, a next generation high-throughput sequencing method that allows for fine-scale genetic analysis of differences among individuals. Specific objectives include a description of relatedness and population genetic structure in order to estimate effective population size and relative diversity within the population, parameters not yet estimated for this population.

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E.37.1. Ms. Ruth Ella Linsky

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Edmonton AB Canada, 22 Maret 1986 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Central Washington University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1837 Adanac St. #401, Vancouver BC, Canada V5L2E1 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : GC376556

E.38. Impacts of ENSO Cycles on Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus Morio) Feeding Ecology, Ranging, and Development in Kutai National Park, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang siklus multi- (Research Objective) tahunan sebagai bentuk adaptasi dan perilaku orangutan di Kalimantan, Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (T.N. Kutai) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Balai Taman Nasional Kutai (Tirsarithe Patangke, S. Hut)


This project aims to assess effects of ENSO cycles (El Niño Southern Oscillation) on wild orangutans in Kutai National Park (KNP), East Kalimantan. ENSO is an irregular climate cycle defined by two events, El Niño and La Niña, which cause extreme weather worldwide. On Borneo El Niño brings extreme droughts that cause famine for orangutans then, as it ends, mass fruiting “feasts” and sometimes La Niña, which causes unusually high rainfall that promotes plant growth. These ENSO effects are most severe and extreme in East Borneo6, so East Bornean orangutans may have specialized adaptations and skills for surviving them. They are now recognized as a distinct subspecies, Pongo pygmaeus morio, and the toughest, most resilient orangutans. Our understanding of morio is limited, however, because existing evidence derives from outdated methods and habitat

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conditions. Further, while El Niño’s effects on E Bornean orangutans are well known, those of La Niña, intervening ENSO-neutral years, or changes over entire ENSO cycles are not. New research is then needed to understand their adaptations and to develop effective orangutan conservation programs for KNP. This project’s objectives are to assess the effects of entire ENSO cycles and their phases on East Bornean orangutans in KNP, in terms of changes between ENSO cycle phases in the forest’s production of important foods (e.g., fruit, young vegetation), changes in orangutans’ travel and foraging in response to these irregular supra-annual changes in food availability, and implications for female orangutan reproduction (reproductive cycles and maternal behavior). We aim to assess three possibilities. (1) ENSO phases affect not only when but also where KNP forest produces good orangutan foods. (2) Changes in food availability affected by ENSO phases may lead orangutans to migrate to forest areas with good food instead of staying in relatively small permanent home ranges as currently believed. (3) Adult females may “offspring stack”, i.e., care for two offspring simultaneously, a juvenile and a new infant, instead of just one offspring at a time as is normal in orangutans elsewhere. Methods involve observing the behavior of KNP orangutans (travel, nesting, habitat use, feeding, diet, female reproductive and parenting activities), identifying and monitoring key ecological conditions (e.g., forest types, orangutan food species, daily temperature and rainfall, phenology-especially for orangutan food species and across forest types). Plans include continuing data collection (orangutan feces and urine samples) for previously approved collaborative studies of orangutan genetics (PI: Banes) and reproductive physiology (PI: Knott).

E.38.1. Prof. Anne Eleanor Russon

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Toronto, 20 Mei 1947 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : York University, Glendon College Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Glendon College of York University, 2275 Bayview Ave. Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M6, Canada Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : HP040317

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E.39. Human-wildlife Relationships and Perceived Risk Related to Long-Tailed Macaques in Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali, Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari relasi dan konflik antara manusia dan monyet (Research Objective) serta resiko yang mungkin timbul akibat relasi tersebut Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 31 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (Pr. I Nengah Wandia)


In a highly human-dominated landscape, commensal relationships between primates and humans become increasingly frequent throughout the world, and especially in South- east Asia. In Bali, Indonesia, contacts between humans and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are intensifying with the development of monkey tourist sites. In some regions, both macaque and human populations overcrowding is becoming a problematic conflict generator associated with daily nuisances to people and threats to macaques. One of these tourist places, the Ubud Monkey Forest, is a religious and wildlife sanctuary in Bali sheltering a population of more than 900 macaques. This place is considered sacred and protected by Balinese people while being at the same time an ecotourism site. Monkeys therefore live and move freely in this sanctuary, coexisting with local population. Human-primate interactions are complex. Interspecies coexistence requires an extensive knowledge of the challenges face both by human and monkey societies today. The goal of my research is to compare the risk perceptions between different human communities interacting with monkeys at different extents (local staff, neighbours, tourists...) and depending differently on the sanctuary’s existence. In order to achieve this goal, I will conduct an ethnographic study using interviews to assess the people’s perceptions of risk. Analysing local custom involves understanding macaque/human relationships and the common opinion people have regarding infectious disease risk, economical risks and the paradox between harmful and sacred animals. The output data of this study would contribute to the understanding of this complex interface and help to preserve this sacred place and its inhabitants. This research will be conducted under the co-supervision of the University of Lie?ge in Belgium (Pr. Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux and Dr Fany Brotcorne) and the Universitas Udayana in Bali (Pr. I. Nengah Wandia), and the manager of the Ubud Monkey Forest (Nyoman Buana).

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E.39.1. Ms. Emilie Ségolène Chotard

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nogent-sur-Marne, 23 May 1992 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Université de Liège, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 18 chaussée de l’étang 94160 Saint-Mandé, FRANCE Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 12AA21720

E.40. Investigating Forest Edge Effects on Gibbon and Red Langur Behaviour

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari apakah kedekatan dengan tepi hutan (Research Objective) mempengaruhi perilaku owa liar dan lutung merah Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 14 November 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : UPT CIMTROP-Universitas Palangkaraya (Afentina, S.Hut.,M.P)


Borneo is a biodiversity hotspot at risk because of severe deforestation, degradation and forest fires. Habitat loss and anthropogenic altering of forest structures pose a threat to many flora and fauna, including various endemic primate species. Conservation management could be improved by evaluating how forest-dependent primates use their habitat for various needs, such as feeding and sleeping. This project will investigate if there are impacts from forest-edge effects, caused by disturbance such as burning events, on the behaviours (sleeping, ranging and feeding) of two endemic primate species: red langur (Presbytis rubicunda) and Bornean agile gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis). The project will take place in the Sabangau tropical peat-swamp forest, in Central Kalimantan. The impact of edge effects is well understood for indicator species with a short life cycle such as moths, but this has rarely been studied for primates. We aim to determine if proximity to the forest

214 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 edge affects the behaviours of wild gibbons and red langurs. By studying the impact of edge effects on these species we can better understand how disturbances and boundaries affect primate behaviour and determine if different types of edges positively or negatively affect a habitat. In this study we will collect and compare behavioural data from groups of wild gibbons and red langurs with territories both at the forest edges and deeper in the forest.

E.40.1. Ms. Nora Helal

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Amsterdam, 3 September 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : University of Amsterdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Edward Wrightstraat 12 1086 WC Amsterdam, The Netherlands Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : NY6LKKC68

E.41. Seed Dispersal Effectiveness and Spatial Distribution Patterns in Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki efektivitas penyebaran biji oleh (Research Objective) orangutan, laju saluran usus di orangutan Borneo liar, dan pola distribusi spasial benih Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Ketapang, TN. Gunung Palung) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Tatang Mitra Setia)

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Seed dispersal is the movement of seeds away from the original plant to a new location. Fruit-eating animals are often seed dispersers, as they swallow intact seeds and defecate these intact seeds in a new location. This project focuses on understanding the seed dispersal behavior of orangutans. Orangutans consume large quantities of fruit and travel extensive distances each day, suggesting that orangutans are shaping the structure of the forest through their seed dispersal behavior, however this has not yet been studied. This project will be conducted for one year in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia starting November 2018. Seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) is a framework for a holistic measure of seed dispersal behavior. SDE combines the quantity of seeds dispersed with measures of the quality of seed survival and establishment. We will measure the SDE of orangutans over a year. We will follow orangutans, recording feeding behavior, GPS locations, and the intact seeds in the feces. Our next objective is to measure gut passage rates in wild orangutans and investigates how diet, particularly fiber, influences gut passage rates. A gut passage rate is the amount of time it takes for an object, in this case seeds, to pass through the orangutan gut. We will also measures seed dispersal distances, defined as the distance seeds are dispersed from the original tree by orangutans. Finally we will combine where orangutans move (GPS data) with their seed dispersal behavior to understand how orangutan movement shapes the seed dispersal pattern. These research objectives will provide us with a thorough understanding of the ecological role orangutans play as seed dispersers.

E.41.1. Ms. Andrea Beth Blackburn

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Illinois, 28 September 1992 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 40 Ridgemont St. Apt. 1A Boston, MA 02134, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 587403155

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E.42. Dispersal in Wild Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch): Development, Intra-Group Competition, and Population Genetics

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk melakukan investigasi tentang penyebab dan hasil Objective) penyebaran di owa jawa liar (Hylobates Moloch) Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Primatologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Desember 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Jawa Barat (Kab. Sukabumi, TN. Gunung Halimun-Salak) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB (Prof. Dr. Ani Mardiastuti)


Title; Dispersal in Wild Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch):Development, Intra-Group Competition, and Population Genetics Dispersal is an important life history trait since animals can leave their natal group to avoid resource or mate competition which have important effects on their fitness, and its dispersal influences the population genetic structure by shuffling genes across physical and social landscapes. Despite the importance of dispersal, it has been rarely studied in Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch), which is endangered and endemic species in Java island, Indonesia. In this study, we aim to investigate behavioral development of immature individuals, behavioral changes in relationships between offspring and parents with regard to feeding and mate competition, and dispersal patterns through genetic relatedness among individuals in three groups of wild Javan gibbon in Citalahab area of Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park, West Java, Indonesia. This study includes behavioral data collection for intra-group competition between parent and offspring by identifying proximity, approach/leave, and context, as well as genetic analysis of fecal samples to investigate their dispersal patterns. The proposed research period is from November 2018 to October 2019. We believe that our research will contribute to better understanding of Javan gibbon population and its dispersal pattern and provide science-based source for better conservation strategies.

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E.42.1. Ms. Ahyun Choi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gwangju, South Korea, 3 June 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. student Institusi (Institution) : Ewha Womans University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : B319, General Science building B, Ewha Womans University, 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03760 Republic of Korea Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : M27322125

E.43. What Cognitive Mechanisms Do Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo Abelii) Use to Navigate Their Travel Routes?

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memeriksa rute perjalanan harian yang digunakan oleh (Research Objective) orangutan Sumatera selama siklus tahunan dan memahami mekanisme kognitif untuk menavigasi dalam ruang skala besar Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Desember 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Tenggara) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas MIPA, Univ. Syiah Kuala (Dr. Betty Mauliya Bustam)


Current predictions of orangutan (Pongo sp.) population numbers suggest future steep declines due to deforestation (Wich et al., 2016), so knowledge on how orangutans range is becoming increasingly more relevant. Little is known however about what dictates their route choices within their home ranges, how they might navigate their travel routes, and which forest trees might be important to them for travel. This study aims to record the travel routes used by Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) in primary forest over an annual cycle. From this it is hoped to be able to suggest what factors are important in guiding their travel routes, and what cognitive mechanisms they might use in order to navigate. It should

218 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 generate useful new data in the field of animal navigation, since orangutans are one of the most cognitively advanced animals (Deaner et al., 2006), and forest canopy is one of the most cognitively challenging habitats for a large bodied animal to navigate (Tecwyn et al., 2012). Knowledge gained from this study could also be important in managing the forest structure of their remaining fragmented and degraded habitats to aid their conservation, and in assessing forest suitability for reintroduction programmes. References Deaner, R. O., van Schaik C. P., Johnson V. E. 2006. Do some taxa have better domain-general cognition than others? A meta-analysis of nonhuman primate studies. Evolutionary Psychology, 4, 149–196. Tecwyn, E. C., Thorpe, S. K. S., Chappell, J. 2012. What cognitive strategies do orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) use to solve a trial-unique puzzle-tube task incorporating multiple obstacles? Animal Cognition, 15, 121-133. Wich, S. A., Singleton, I., Nowak, M. G., Atmoko, S. S. U., Nisam, G., Arif, S. M., Putra, R. H., Ardi, R., Fredriksson, G., Usher, G., Gaveau, D. L. A., Kühl, H. S. 2016. Land-cover changes predict steep declines for the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii). Science advances, 2, e1500789.

E.43.1. Mr. James Marcus Smedley

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Derby, United Kingdom., 26 May 1977 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University of Birmingham Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Locomotor Ecology and Biomechanics Lab Office W108 School of Biosciences University of Birmingham Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 531132190

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E.44. Orangutan Mothers’ Adaptive Strategies to Make Their Infants Develop Fast

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki apakah ibu orangutan memiliki adaptasi perilaku (Research Objective) untuk memaksimalkan kecepatan perkembangan keturunan mereka, serta strategi untuk mengatasi peningkatan biaya menjadi ibu Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Selatan, Stasiun riset Suaq Balimbing) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Sri Suci Utami Atmoko)


These two main goals of orangutan mothers might not always be easy to reconcile. We will investigate the following three main research questions: I. What behavioral adaptations do orangutan mothers have to facilitate the dietary learning process of their offspring so they reach nutritional independence? II. What behavioral and physiological adaptations do mothers have to cope with the increased costs of motherhood? III. Do the diverging needs of the mother and the offspring lead to a mother-offspring conflict? This research will help us understand how energetic limitations lead to behavioral and physiological adaptive strategies. Understanding these strategies will also help us understand a key question within anthropological research, namely how energetically costly large brains can be maintained when faced with extreme environmental variability in food availability. Ultimately, this research will shed light on how humans over evolutionary time have managed to carry the drastic energetic costs of their unmatched large brains and which life history correlates are associated with these large brains.

E.44.1. Ms. Natalie Oliver-Caldwell

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New Zealand, 16 January 1995 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : New Zealand Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Zürich

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Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : LM674401

E.45. Gut Microbes, Nutrition, and Health in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at the Tuanan Research Station

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mempelajari Gut Mikroba, nutrisi, dan kesehatan Objective) orangutan liar (Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii) di Stasiun Penelitian Tuanan dan Sabangau Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Primatologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Kapuas, Stasiun Tuanan) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Sri Suci Utami Atmoko)


Research Proposal Abstract: Rebecca Shae Anna Brittain (Current PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Erin Vogel) Gut Microbes, Nutrition, and Health in Wild Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) at the Tuanan Research Station Gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota play a major role in the health and nutrition of mammals. The interactions between a host and its microbial community are important for immune system function, metabolism, and nutrition. A few known health benefits from gut microbiota include supplementation of nutrients and energy, healthy immune system function, inhibition of pathogens, and cardiovascular health. GI microbial communities are affected by many factors, but most notably by the host organism’s diet. Within a species, an individual’s diet also has important influences on the abundance and diversity of its gastrointestinal microbial community. To date, data on the gut microbiomes of wild orangutans are lacking. Many important research questions related to the health and nutritional benefits (or consequences) of orangutan gut microbiomes remain unanswered. Determining the diversity, composition, and abundance of orangutan gut microbiomes and how these vary with nutrition will help us to better understand the health of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii). For this study, I aim to extend the gut microbe pilot study that I started in 2015, with the addition of one new components to the project. In 2015-2016, I collected

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behavioral data, dietary information, and fecal samples (for gut microbiome analysis) from orangutans at the Tuanan Orangutan Research Station in Kalimantan Tengah. I propose to continue this project as a doctoral student, and to add one new component, which is the collection of additional orangutan fecal samples for short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) analysis to determine microbial energy production. I also collect data and samples for the long- term project at Tuanan for Dr. Suci Utami-Atmoko (Universitas Nasional) and Dr. Erin Vogel (Rutgers). The specific objectives of my project are: 1. Continued collection of orangutan fecal samples for gut microbial analysis, 2. Continued collection of behavioral feeding data to estimate food intake rates, 3. Continued collection of urine for nitrogen stable isotopes, c-peptides of insulin, immune function, and ketones, 4. Continued collection of orangutan food samples for macronutrient analysis and total energy content, 5. Continued collection of orangutan fecal samples for parasite analysis, 6. To begin collecting additional fecal samples for short-chain fatty acid analysis.

E.45.1. Ms. Rebecca Shae-Anna Brittain

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Michigan, USA, 20 October 1983 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 11620 104th Ave West Olive, Michigan 49460, United States of America Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 565146092

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E.46. Human-wildlife Relationships and Perceived Risk Related to Long-Tailed Macaques in Ubud Monkey Forest (Bali, Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari relasi dan konflik antara manusia dan monyet (Research Objective) serta resiko yang mungkin timbul akibat relasi tersebut Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 31 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (Pr. I Nengah Wandia)


In a highly human-dominated landscape, commensal relationships between primates and humans become increasingly frequent throughout the world, and especially in South- east Asia. In Bali, Indonesia, contacts between humans and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are intensifying with the development of monkey tourist sites. In some regions, both macaque and human populations overcrowding is becoming a problematic conflict generator associated with daily nuisances to people and threats to macaques. One of these tourist places, the Ubud Monkey Forest, is a religious and wildlife sanctuary in Bali sheltering a population of more than 900 macaques. This place is considered sacred and protected by Balinese people while being at the same time an ecotourism site. Monkeys therefore live and move freely in this sanctuary, coexisting with local population. Human-primate interactions are complex. Interspecies coexistence requires an extensive knowledge of the challenges face both by human and monkey societies today. The goal of my research is to compare the risk perceptions between different human communities interacting with monkeys at different extents (local staff, neighbours, tourists...) and depending differently on the sanctuary’s existence. In order to achieve this goal, I will conduct an ethnographic study using interviews to assess the people’s perceptions of risk. Analysing local custom involves understanding macaque/human relationships and the common opinion people have regarding infectious disease risk, economical risks and the paradox between harmful and sacred animals. The output data of this study would contribute to the understanding of this complex interface and help to preserve this sacred place and its inhabitants. This research will be conducted under the co-supervision of the University of Lie?ge in Belgium (Pr. Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux and Dr Fany Brotcorne) and the Universitas Udayana in Bali (Pr. I. Nengah Wandia), and the manager of the Ubud Monkey Forest (Nyoman Buana).

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E.46.1. Ms. Emilie Ségolène Chotard

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nogent-sur-Marne, 23 May 1992 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Université de Liège, Faculty of Veterinary Medecine Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 18 chaussée de l’étang 94160 Saint-Mandé, FRANCE Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 12AA21720

E.47. Complexity of Facial Communication in Crested Macaques (Macaca Nigra)

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk menguji kompleksitas komunikasi wajah pada Objective) kera jambul dan untuk mengukur ekspresi wajah, serta memeriksa konteks perilaku yang mereka gunakan Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Primatologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 (month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Utara (Kota Bitung, Cagar Alam Tangkoko, Location) Cagar Alam Dua Saudara) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB (Dr. Drh. Muhammad Agil, MSc.Agr.) dan FMIPA IPB (Dr. Rr. Dyah Perwitasari Farajallah)


In order to investigate why humans communicate in such complex ways, it is informative to make comparisons with, and between, other primates. The social complexity hypothesis proposes that humans’ advanced cognitive abilities, including our unparalleled communicative ability, have arisen due to the challenges, and selective pressure, of living in large, complex social groups. This hypothesis predicts that in primates with more complex social groups, communication systems, such as the use of facial expressions, are also more complex. Measures of facial communicative complexity used to test this prediction have generally relied upon simply counting the number of distinct signals present in a species’ repertoire; this is arguably an over-simplification, since a single facial expression may differ in form and function between or within species, and this approach ignores blending and

224 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 grading of signals. In applying the Facial Action Coding System to crested macaques, I will quantify objectively and at high resolution the form of facial expressions used in this species, and subsequently, through detailed observation of social behaviour, compare the expressions’ form in different behavioural contexts. I will also compare the use of facial expressions between crested and rhesus macaques: these two species have different social styles, with the social system of crested macaques being more complex. Therefore, comparing the communicative complexity of crested and rhesus macaques will serve as a direct test of the social complexity hypothesis.

E.47.1. Mr. Peter Robert Clark

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Newport, 14 September 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD candidate Institusi (Institution) : University of Portsmouth Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 11 Castle Court 76 Castle Road Southsea, PO5 3AZ UK Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 517572318

E.48. Orangutan Population Density Surveys Across Kalimantan Tengah

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menghasilkan penilaian kepadatan dan distribusi (Research Objective) populasi yang komprehensif untuk Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii di seluruh Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Agustus 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Barito Utara, Kab. Gunung Mas, (Research Location) Kab. Kapuas, Kab. Katingan, Kab. Murung Raya, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kota Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : UPT LLG-CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Hendrik Segah Ph.D.)

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The objective of this research is to produce a comprehensive population density and distribution assessment for Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii across the province of Central Kalimantan, based on nest count surveys in previously unsurveyed areas. This is a stated requirement of the Ministry of Forestry’s Indonesian Action Plan for Orangutan Conservation 2007-2017 (PHKA, 2009) and was highlighted as incomplete in the 2016 Orangutan Population habitat and Viability Analysis (PHVA). The research will be conducted in association with the Borneo Nature Foundation, Universitas Palangka Raya and The Indonesian Orangutan Forum (FORINA). It is estimated that the project will take two years to reach completion. The researchers will be based in Palangka Raya for the planning and evaluation stages of the research and conduct field trips to necessary areas for data collection.

E.48.1. Dr. Benjamin James William Buckley

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Worcester, 19 September 1979 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Independent Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Borneo Nature Foundation, Oxford Brookes University UK Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Wyke House, Malt House Close, Broom, Nr Alcester, UK, B50 4JB Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 510524794

E.49. Potential Side-Effects of Sterilizations on Socio-Ecology of Female Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) In Bali (Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari potensi dampak sterilisasi terhadap (Research Objective) perilaku sosial kera ekor panjang untuk memperbaiki strategi pengelolaannya Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Gianyar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Satwa Primata, LPPM Universitas Udayana (Dr. I Nengah Wandia)


Coexistence between humans and wildlife populations is one of the major challenges to biodiversity conservation at the onset of this new millennium. In some areas, commensal primates reproduce too well, become difficult to manage and conflicts arise with local populations. In these cases, one management solution proposed is wildlife sterilization. Although sterilizations are increasingly used, little is known about the ways sterilizations impact the primates on a long-term. In the Ubud Monkey Forest, Bali (Indonesia), a sterilization project is currently running, the goal being to stop the growth of the long- tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) population living there. The present research project aims to understand the implications of the sterilizations on socio-ecology of the macaque population. The objectives of this research are: 1) investigating the influence of the sterilization program on their social behaviour within groups; 2) investigating the importance of infants on the adults’ social ties . Assessing the potentials impacts of such event on the social behaviours of these commensal populations is essential for promoting a sustainable coexistence by contributing to effective management strategies and the conservation efforts. This research is conducted in close collaboration between University of Liege (Belgium, Pr. Pascal Poncin and Dr. Fany Brotcorne), Universitas Udayana (Bali, Pr. I. Nengah Wandia) and the Ubud Monkey Forest stakeholders (Bali, Mr. Nyoman Buana).

E.49.1. Ms. Gwennan Thérèse Louise Giraud

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bordeaux (France), 18 April 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Liège Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4 Lot Champs Fermé - Le Muret 40 410 Saugnacq-et- Muret, France Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 17DF98781

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F.1. Density and Ranging behaviour of the Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus and Sleep Quality and Sleep Site Selection in the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo albelii in Response to Environmental Changes of Forest Habitats

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menetapkan perkiraan kepadatan penduduk untuk gajah (Research Objective) sumatera di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara dengan survei kepadatan kotoran, survei vegetasi dan survei di daerah setempat dan juga menyelidiki kompleksitas struktural platform tidur orangutan untuk memastikan apakah hal ini mengarah pada tidur yang lebih dalam dan lebih efisien di orangutan Sumatera Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Juni 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Tamiang, Kab. Aceh Tenggara, Kab. Aceh Timur, (Research Location) Kab. Aceh Utara, Kab. Bener Meriah, Kab. Gayo Lues); Sumatera Utara (Kab. Karo, Kab. Langkat, Kota Medan, Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser) Mitra Kerja : Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Abdullah) (Counterpart)


Indonesian tropical rainforests are being lost at a substantial rate through anthropogenic activities, typically having a significant impact on rare and keystone species of flora and fauna. Indonesian rainforests are home to a significant proportion of the world’s biodiversity, and a stronghold for many unique, endangered species. With habitat loss being a significant threat many of these species are critically endangered and are at a high risk of extinction. Two of these critically endangered species include the Sumatran orangutan Pongo albelii and the Sumatran elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus. Both species have been severely affected by habitat loss, and the on-going threats in both protected and unprotected areas is attributed to conversion of land into human settlements, agricultural land and large monoculture plantations (palm oil), and logging (both legal and illegal). Due to this significant, on-going forest loss and conversion, species numbers are continuing to decline and are additionally, coming more frequently into contact with humans. Both

228 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 species can cause significant damage to plantations and are therefore treated as ‘pests’ by farmers. Thus, becoming targets of elimination if they are seen damaging or stealing crops, bringing further threats to their populations. The population of the Sumatran elephant is largely unknown due to lack of widespread data and knowledge of fragmented populations across Sumatra, therefore it is impossible to predict the severity of habitat loss without a comprehensive, up to date population estimate. Although the Sumatran orangutan has been studied profusely, on-going habitat destruction is clearly having an effect on behaviour; logging not only reduces feeding and travel routes but causes loss of sleeping trees. For a highly intelligent ape, safe and comfortable sleeping sites, allowing a high-quality sleep are paramount for next day cognitive functioning and therefore survival. This study is therefore two-fold; 1. To provide a comprehensive estimate of the Sumatran elephant population, elephant habitat requirements, and human-wildlife conflict in the Leuser ecosystem and neighbouring areas in Aceh and North Sumatra; and 2. Assessment of orangutan sleeping sites and sleep quality in Sikundur, North Sumatra. This research will be undertaken over a ? 12 month period, and will be carried out in collaboration with Universitas Syiah Kuala (UniSyiah), Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL), Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP), PanEco, and Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL). Additionally, this project provides opportunities for a counter-part Indonesian student to be part of this exciting project or undertake a related project of their own. The results of this study would be shared openly with the Indonesian government and universities, and can help to inform future policies on efficient, successful conservation for a highly-valued ecosystem.

F.1.1. Ms. Lucy Elizabeth Twitcher

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Volunteer Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Bournemouth University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 42 Claremont Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 8DG, UK

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F.2. Conservation of the Endemic Chelonians of Sulawesi : Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi) and Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk membantu memandu upaya konservasi serta untuk (Research Objective) membangun kesadaran masyarakat dan program pendidikan di bidang ekologi, serta untuk memperbaharui penilaian daftar merah IUCN dan membantu pengembangan Penelitian Monografi Chelonian Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Maret 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : (Terlampir) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB (Dr. Ir. Mirza D Kusrini); Puslit Biologi (Counterpart) LIPI (Awal Riyanto, S.Si, dan Dr. Amir Hamidy, M.Sc); dan Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan Universitas Tadulako (Dr. Ir. Fadly Y. Tantu, M.Si dan Dr. Ir. Jusri Nilawati, M.Sc)


As part of the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot, Sulawesi is home to many species found nowhere else in the world. Although rich in herpetofauna diversity, Sulawesi has only two endemic chelonians: the Endangered Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii) and the Critically Endangered Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi; IUCN Red List; CITES Appendix II). Despite L. yuwonoi being listed as one of the top 25 endangered turtles and tortoises (Rhodin, et al. 2011) and I. forstenii considered to be amongst the rarest tortoises in the world (Platt, 2006), they are not well studied and little is known about their basic wild ecology. The current population statuses for both species are unknown, and previous estimates are based primarily on anecdotal information. Lack of research or conservation efforts combined with habitat destruction and collection for the bushmeat and pet trades, are pushing these two species toward extinction. Habitats that are professed to have once held high concentrations of turtles have undergone logging and conversion to agriculture. These factors led to the current conservation listings, yet there are currently no efforts to research and/or protect these species in their home country. This project is a partnership to support chelonian conservation, graduate education and re- search, and community-based awareness and capacity building. Our conservation collaboration will work with these endemics and will be based in field biology. We will conduct status and

230 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 distribution surveys, document ecological data, and collect health, forage, physiologic, and genetic samples throughout the range of these understudied species. Through these efforts, we aim to initiate long-term conservation projects to be run jointly by the project investigators, Indonesian university students, and local residents. Our findings will be used to guide both ex situ and in situ conservation efforts by contributing to longer- term programs which include identifying new land areas for protection, development of captive breeding programs, and building of assurance colonies for possible reintroduction programs. In June 2016, a reconnaissance trip was conducted with the objectives of meeting with Indonesian government agencies, local universities, communities near and within prime habitat, and potential partner organizations to lay the groundwork for the proposed conservation project. We were successful in establishing relationships with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Palu and Manado offices, the National Park Authority, local universities (Bogor Agricultural University [IPB] and Tadulako University in Palu), and local organizations (e.g., Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre in Manado in the Northern Sulawesi Province. Using the experiences and resources provided by past researchers (Hagen, et al, Platt et al. and Riyanto, et al) combined with the information acquired during this trip, we were able to identify several potential study areas in the Central and Northern Sulawesi Provinces and we initiated new communications with residents in local communities within and near these areas. The local residents visited included former and current hunters as well as exporters, some of whom have a limited understanding of the plight of the two species. With the appropriate long- term conservation goals of the project, which include community outreach, education, and incentives, we feel that these very hunters and exporters can become empowered as “Species Stewards”. We want to provide them with the information and resources they will need to become actively engaged in the conservation of these species and their habitat and aim to evoke a sense of personal responsibility toward ensuring that these species and their habitats are protected.

F.2.1. Ms. Christine Light

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Turtle Survival Alliance Email (email) : - Alamat (Address) : 310 S. Evergreen Drive, Ventura, CA 93003

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F.3. Species discovery, evolutionary relationships, and conservation of small mammals on Java and the Sunda Shelf”

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mensurvei populasi mamalia kecil di Jawa (Research Objective)

Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 Februari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Utara(Kab. Dairi); Sumatera Barat(Kab. Agam, Kota (Research Location) Pasaman Barat); Riau(Kab. Pelalawan); Jambi(Kab. Batanghari, Kab. Merangin); Jawa Barat(Kab. Cianjur, Kab. Kuningan, Kab. Sukabumi); Jawa Tengah(Kab. Magelang, Kab. Pemalang); DI Yogyakarta(Kab. Sleman); Jawa Timur(Kab. Banyuwangi, Kab. Bondowoso, Kab. Lumajang, Kab. Malang, Kab. Pasuruan, Kab. Situbondo) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi, LIPI (Anang S. Achmadi) (Counterpart)


The small terrestrial mammal fauna of Indonesia represents a remarkably species-rich and morphologically diverse group of animals. Indonesia’s shrews and rats, for example, are very poorly known in terms of their diversity, geographic distributions, ecologies, evolutionary relationships, and conservation statuses. I propose to inventory small terrestrial mammals along elevational gradients on Java provide improved information on diversity, relationships, and ecology of Indonesia’s unique fauna. New surveys will almost certainly result in the discovery of unknown geographic distributions and contribute to in-progress research on the phylogenetic relationships and diversification patterns in Southeast Asian mammals. Anticipated products include seminars and peer-reviewed publications on the taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of Indonesian mammals, which have direct implications for the preservation of Indonesian biodiversity. Indonesian collaborators are intimately involved in every stage of this research, including authorship of peer-reviewed publications.

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F.3.1. Mr. Jonathan Allen Nations

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Louisiana State University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 119 Foster Hall Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803

F.4. Genome-wide Assessment of Morphological Convergence among Bird Populations on Indonesian Peripheral Islands

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mensurvei genom burung dan membandingkan (Research Objective) dasar genetik fenotip konvergen

Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Kab. Agam, Kab. Kepulauan Mentawai, (Research Location) Kab. Pasaman, Kab. Tanah Datar, Kota Pasaman Barat) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi, LIPI (Dewi M. Prawiradilaga) (Counterpart)


The Indonesian archipelago includes the largest collection of islands in the world but very few studies have examined morphological convergence among populations in these islands. In this project, I plan to investigate the phenomenon of morphological convergence among birds found on the smaller islands (such as Nias Island, Siberut Island, Enggano Island, Natuna Islands, Bawean Island and Maratua Island) peripheral to the main islands of Sundaland (Borneo, Java and Sumatra) using genome-wide molecular assessment and morphological comparisons. Many of these islands harbor only a few bird species, and among those resident bird species, many are subspecies restricted to a particular island. Some of these subspecies clearly show convergence (such as the grey morph in the Black- headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus atriceps) on Bawean Island and Maratua Island).

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F.4.1. Mr. Matthew L. Brady

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 119 Foster Hall, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70803

F. 4.2.Oscar Johnson

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 119 Foster Hall, LSU, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

F.4.3. Mr. Subir B. Shakya

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Nepal Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science Email (email) : [email protected]; [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2800 July St. Unit 35, Baton Rouge, LA, 70808

F.5. Epifauna Associated to Coral Reef Crinoids (Epicrin)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari hubungan antara kehadiran tertentu (Research Objective) dari organisme simbiosis dan tingkat regenerasi Anneissia bennetti Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 12 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration)

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Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Utara (Kota Manado dan P. Bangka) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. Markus T. Lasut)


Crinoids are marine animals that make up the class Crinoidea of the echinoderms (phylum Echinodermata). In particular, the main target species in this study, Anneissia bennetti, common name Bennett’s feather star, is a crinoids belonging to the family Comatulidae. It lives on coral reefs and it is widespread in the Indo-West Pacific, from Bay of Bengal and Maldives to Marshall Islands and from China to Australia, Bali and Indonesia. Aims of the present study are to assess the distribution of this and other similar species in the northern Sulawesi and to investigate the possible interactions with associated epibenthic species.

F.5.1. Mr. Riccardo Virgili

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Macerata, 19 September 1994 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Polytechnic University of Marche Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Via De Vico 11, Macerata, Italia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : YA8792146

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F.6. Population biology of a critical pollinator and invasive species, Apis cerana the Asian honey bee, in Indonesia and Australia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai genetika populasi lebah madu Apis cerana di (Research Objective) Indonesia, khususnya keragaman genetik pada gen kunci kebugaran-kritis dan memperkirakan kepadatan populasi lebah madu Apis cerana di daerah terpilih di Indonesia melalui keragaman genetik dari laki-laki yang diambil sampelnya Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 18 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Bogor, Kab. Sumedang); Jawa Tengah (Kab. (Research Location) Cilacap, Kab. Purbalingga); Jawa Timur (Kab. Malang); Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Sikka); Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Tana Toraja) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Biologi FMIPA, Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. Rika Raffiudin)


This project will investigate the population biology of the honey bee Apis cerana in Indonesia. It will use collections of A. cerana made in Indonesia followed by genetic analyses of these samples at the University of Sydney, Australia. The field methods are: (i) trapping male A. cerana using pheromone lures that imitate queen bees and are attached to helium balloons, and (ii) collecting A. cerana workers from hives kept by local beekeepers. All samples will be stored on 70% ethanol for later genetic analyses. The project objectives are: (i) assess the population genetics of the honey bee Apis cerana in Indonesia, particularly genetic diversity at a key fitness-critical gene (the complementary sex determiner, csd), (ii) estimate population densities of the honey bee Apis cerana in Indonesia via the genetic diversity of sampled males, and (iii) compare the genetic diversity and population density of native-range Apis cerana in Indonesia to that of its range in northern Australia, where it is an invasive species.

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F.6.1. Dr. Michael Holmes

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ibenga, 14 July 1986 Place and date of birth) Warga Negara : Australia (Nationality) Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : The University of Sydney Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Macleay A12 Science Road University of Sydney, New South Wales Australia 2006 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PA2375153

F.7. Conservation Biology of the Paguyaman (Nantu) Forest in Northern Sulawesi

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengimplementasikan dan mendukung penelitian- (Research Objective) penelitian biologi, pendataan saintifik, dan transfer pengetahuan di hutan Nantu Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Manado, Kab. Minahasa, Bolong (Research Location) Mongondow), Gorontalo (Kawasan Hutan Paguyaman / Nantu) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr. John Tasirin); Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. Dr. Gono Semiadi, Dr. Marlina & Dr. Amir Hamidy); Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (Prof. Dr. Evi Hulukati, M.Pd)


Sulawesi is globally important biodiversity hotspot but its wildlife and forests have been gravely neglected by scientists and are highly endangered. Sulawesi lies at the heart of the Wallacea bio-region and its biodiversity is of the highest priority for conservation due to its remarkably high levels of endemism (127 known mammal species 79 are endemic (62%); 1500 known birds species (34%) are endemic). The Nantu Wildlife Sanctuary in Gorontalo

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Province is the last stronghold on earth for the endemic babirusa dan is of global importance for the Anoa, Heck’s Macaque and more than 100 species of birds (35 endemic). Floristically the island is greatly under-collected: over 5,076 species of plants have been recorded from Sulawesi and many more await discovery. Recent botanical exploration to Nantu identified more than 165 plant species. Some species from fern, gingers and flowering plants are identified as new records and some others proposed as new species. New findings and their uniqueness in Sulawesi will be discussed. Pteris ensiformis var. reophilia found in Nantu is a new record for Sulawesi. This variety is endangered due to the frequent flood and erosion. P.ensifermis var. victoria collected around Nantu is a diploid cytotype and new to science. This finding creates further problems to study the hybridization and polyploidization of Pteris ensiformis complex. The impressive giant stage horn fern Platycerium grande is also a new record for Sulawesi, so far only known to occur in Philippines. Some endemic and Wallacean species such as Ficus minahassae, Eucalyptus deglupta are found in the Nantu forest. During a short expedition, more than 10 species of Zingiberaceae were found in Nantu. At least two species are new to science. These and Nantu’s other species gravely threatened from illegal gold-mining and illegal logging-practical support from all stakeholders is necessary in order to ensure the conservation of this area, which has enormous potential as a source of sustainable income for local people. Nantu has excellent potential as a field laboratory for the Wallacea bioregion: further exploration here is highly likely to reveal significant new species discoveries. We conclude Nantu is the one of the last remaining critical representative Wallacean forest ecosystems of vital conservation importance for this unique region.

F.7.1. Dr. Lynn M. Clayton

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Cuckfield, 14 Agustus 1964 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Independent Researcher Institusi (Institution) : - Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 17, Highfield Drive, Hurspierpoint, Hassocks, Sussex BN6 9AT, England Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 99035910

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F.8. DNA barcoding Indonesian freshwater aquatic biotas of Wallacea: cryptic diversity and its biogeographical origin in a biodiversity hotspot

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memvalidasi status (validitas spesies, distribusi) dari (Research Objective) ikan air tawar dan spesies udang Wallacea melalui metode berbasis DNA Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Kab. Berau, Kab. Kutai Barat, Kab. Kutai (Research Location) Kertanegara, Kab. Kutai Timur, Kab. Makaham Ulu, Kab. Paser, Kab. Penajam Paser Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kota Bontang, Kota Samarinda); Kalimantan Utara (Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, Nunukan, Tana Tidu Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Biologi-LIPI (Dr. Daisy Wowor, M.Sc, Sopian Sauri, Ujang Nurhaman, Rena Tri Hernawati, Ilham Vemandra Utama) Abstract

Aquatic resources including freshwater fishes and crustaceans are an important source of incomes in Indonesia through exports in the international ornamental trade. Accurately identifying species is a mandatory pre-requisite for the development of sustainable practices in the exploitation of these resources. The inventories of the Indonesian freshwater fishes and crustaceans are still ongoing and recent studies have evidenced that numerous species are hardly delineated and identified based on morphological characters alone. DNA-based species inventories are proposed as a solution to circumvent this problem. The project is focusing on one of the most endangered and speciose biodiversity hotspot of Indonesia that is Wallacea. In order to accurately estimate endemism levels in Wallacea, particularly for lineages with high dispersal abilities such as the species displaying an amphidromous life cycle (e.g. Gobiidae, Eleotridae, Atyidae, Palaemonidae), one sampling session is also scheduled in Sundaland (Kalimantan) in order to analyze samples from several type localities.

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F.8.1. Mr. Nicolas Michel Hubert

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Chateauroux, France, 22 August 1975 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Permanent researcher Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : IRD - UMR226 Université de Montpellier Place Eugène Bataillon Batiment 22 34095 Montpellier Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 13CC67672

F.9. Testing Depth Response of Transplanted Heat-Resistant Corals

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan fragmen karang dari (Research Objective) koloni karang dangkal dalam beradaptasi di perairan yang lebih dalam dan lebih dingin dengan ketersediaan cahaya yang lebih rendah Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 28 Desember 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Nusa Tenggara Barat (Kab. Lombok Utara, perairan Gili (Research Location) Trawangan) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Studi Lingkungan, Universitas Mataram (Lalu Arifin A. Bakti)


In recent decades, the world’s coral reef ecosystems have been severely impacted by climate change and other factors, such as fishing and corallivores (Hughes et al., 2003; van Oppen et al., 2017). The implementation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has been the primary approach taken by those attempting to ensure that these invaluable ecosystems are not degraded further. Despite these efforts, coral reef ecosystems have continued to degrade as the threat of anthropogenically caused climate change continues to increase (Rinkevich, 2008). Observations made by Hughes et al. (2017) clearly show that there was no discrimination in bleaching events between MPAs and non-protected reefs, suggesting

240 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 that passive restoration is no longer sufficient in halting the degradation. Active restoration, however, may offer an alternative (Goreau, 2009; Perring et al., 2015; Rinkevich, 2008; 2014). The much more intensive human intervention does incur a high cost, but how high does it have to be to be effective?

F.9.1. Mr. Max Sascha Dhillon

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bath, 26 January 1995 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : University of Leeds Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) 23 Brincliffe Crescent, Sheffield, S119AW, South Yorkshire Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 513517085

F.10. Conservation of the Endemic Chelonians of Sulawesi : Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi and Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk membantu memandu upaya konservasi serta (Research Objective) untuk membangun kesadaran masyarakat dan program pendidikan di bidang ekologi, serta untuk memperbaharui penilaian daftar merah IUCN dan membantu pengembangan Penelitian Monografi Chelonian Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : (Terlampir) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB (Dr. Ir. Mirza D Kusrini); Puslit Biologi LIPI (Awal Riyanto, S.Si, dan Dr. Amir Hamidy, M.Sc); dan Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan Universitas Tadulako (Dr. Ir. Fadly Y. Tantu, M.Si dan Dr. Ir. Jusri Nilawati, M.Sc)

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As part of the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot, Sulawesi is home to many species found nowhere else in the world. Although rich in herpetofauna diversity, Sulawesi has only two endemic chelonians: the Endangered Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii) and the Critically Endangered Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi; IUCN Red List; CITES Appendix II). Despite L. yuwonoi being listed as one of the top 25 endangered turtles and tortoises (Rhodin, et al. 2011) and I. forstenii considered to be amongst the rarest tortoises in the world (Platt, 2006), they are not well studied and little is known about their basic wild ecology. The current population statuses for both species are unknown, and previous estimates are based primarily on anecdotal information. Lack of research or conservation efforts combined with habitat destruction and collection for the bushmeat and pet trades, are pushing these two species toward extinction. Habitats that are professed to have once held high concentrations of turtles have undergone logging and conversion to agriculture. These factors led to the current conservation listings, yet there are currently no efforts to research and/or protect these species in their home country. This project is a partnership to support chelonian conservation, graduate education and re- search, and community-based awareness and capacity building. Our conservation collaboration will work with these endemics and will be based in field biology. We will conduct status and distribution surveys, document ecological data, and collect health, forage, physiologic, and genetic samples throughout the range of these understudied species. Through these efforts, we aim to initiate long-term conservation projects to be run jointly by the project investigators, Indonesian university students, and local residents. Our findings will be used to guide both ex situ and in situ conservation efforts by contributing to longer- term programs which include identifying new land areas for protection, development of captive breeding programs, and building of assurance colonies for possible reintroduction programs. In June 2016, a reconnaissance trip was conducted with the objectives of meeting with Indonesian government agencies, local universities, communities near and within prime habitat, and potential partner organizations to lay the groundwork for the proposed conservation project. We were successful in establishing relationships with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Palu and Manado offices, the National Park Authority, local universities (Bogor Agricultural University [IPB] and Tadulako University in Palu), and local organizations (e.g., Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre in Manado in the Northern Sulawesi Province. Using the experiences and resources provided by past researchers (Hagen, et al, Platt et al. and Riyanto, et al) combined with the information acquired during this trip, we were able to identify several potential study areas in the Central and Northern Sulawesi Provinces and we initiated new communications with residents in local communities within and near these areas. The local residents visited included former and current hunters as well as exporters, some of whom

242 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 have a limited understanding of the plight of the two species. With the appropriate long- term conservation goals of the project, which include community outreach, education, and incentives, we feel that these very hunters and exporters can become empowered as “Species Stewards”. We want to provide them with the information and resources they will need to become actively engaged in the conservation of these species and their habitat and aim to evoke a sense of personal responsibility toward ensuring that these species and their habitats are protected.

F.10.1. Ms. Angela Simms

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Carlton, 22 September 1993 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Bachelor student Institusi (Institution) : University of Southern California Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 14 Tucker Rd, Vermont, 3133 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : N8448352

F.11. Cognitive Ecology of Goffin’s Cockatoos (Cacatua Goffiniana)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami faktor ekologis yang mendorong kognisi (Research Objective) fisik dan alat canggih dalam kakatua Goffin Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Biologi, LIPI (Dr. Dewi Malia Prawiradilaga, Tri Haryoko, M.Sc., Rini Rachmatika, M.Si)


The Goffin’s cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana), is a species naturally only occurring on the Tanimbar islands in Indonesia. This species has exhibited astonishing cognitive skills in previous studies conducted in captivity, including the ability to flexibly manufacture and

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use tools for accessing food items. However, very little is known about this remarkable species in their natural environment. To reveal which factors contribute to the establishment of such ‘seemingly’ sophisticated behaviours, we are planning to investigate the diet and behaviour of wild Goffin’s cockatoos in Indonesia. One reason for advanced cognitive abilities may be considered as relying on a great variety of food items, with some items being more complex to handle. By examining and comparing the relation of isotopes found in food items with the proportion of isotopes that are incorporated in feathers, we will be able to estimate the dietary composition of this species. Another factor contributing to advanced problem solving capacities may constitute experience gained through unrewarded object manipulations during object play. We will investigate precursors of functional behaviour in specially designed tasks to acquire a better understanding of how flexible tool use might arise from object play and possibly reveal the cognitive mechanisms involved. Finally, the abilities we have observed in captive situations may be promoted by spare time that otherwise has to be spent finding food or evading predators. Thus, we plan to directly compare how wild Goffin’s cockatoos fare in cognitive tasks corresponding to those conducted in captivity. If we find similar performances in wild living individuals, we might conclude that these capacities cannot be solely attributed to the captive setting. This project aims at integrating controlled laboratory experiments and fieldwork in order to establish a better understanding of the ecological circumstances underlying the cognitive processes of Goffin’s cockatoos. We believe that this approach can set new research standards and have a substantial impact on current hypotheses on cognitive evolution. Avian cognition in general is a relatively new topic within comparative cognitive research, contributing also to the fields of evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, comparative psychology and ethology. Recent advances in this field have not only received large scientific attention but also gained great medial response, indicating a strong public interest. Therefore, we hope that the scientific interest in this species, as well as the planned public outreach, will ultimately benefit the conservation status of Goffin’s cockatoos and the environment they live in.

F.11.1. Dr. Mark Christopher O Hara

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Vienna, 24 November 1982 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Austria Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral researcher Institusi (Institution) : Messerli Research Institute; University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : Messerli Research Institute University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (Vetmeduni Vienna) Veterinaerplatz 1 1210 Vienna, Austria Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : U0909778

F.11.2. Ms. Berenika Mioduszewska

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Warsaw, 16 July 1985 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Polandia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Messerli Research Institute; University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Margaretenstrasse 3/19 1040 Vienna, Austria Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : EK7402760

F.11.3. Mr. Aristide Maxime Parisod

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Lausanne VD, 26 April 1993 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Switzerland Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Biologie, Université de Neuchâtel Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Ch. de Pré-Fleuri 2, 1006 Lausanne Switzerland Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : X0030870

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F.12. Survey of Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea to identify and promote conservation action for each of its subspecies

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui populasi yang tersisa pada Kakatua, (Research Objective) memperkirakan ukuran populasi, dan untuk menentukan persyaratan ekologis dan manajemen Kakatua Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Kab. Sumba Barat, Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur (Research Location) TN. Laiwanggi Wanggameti dan TN. Manupeu Tanah Daru, Kab. Manggarai Barat TN. Komodo, Manggarai Tengah, Manggarai Timur, Ngada, Nagekeo, Ende, Sikka dan Flores Timur, Kab. Alor, Kab.Timor Tengah Selatan, Timor Tengah Utara, Kupang, Kab. Rote Ndao); Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Kepulauan Selayan); Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Konawe Selatan TN. Rawa Aopa Watumohai, Kab Wakatobi, Kab Buton); Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala TN. Bantimurung- Bulusaraung, Morowali TN. Lore Lindu); NTB (Kab Dompu, Bima); Jawa Timur (Kab. Sumenep) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Burung Indonesia (Benny Aladin Siregar); Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Dr. Ani Mardiastuti); Universitas Nusa Cendana (Prof. Drs. Mangadas Lumban Gaol, M.Si., Ph.D)


Decades of heavy trade and habitat loss have brought about population collapse in the seven subspecies of the Critically Endangered Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea right across Indonesia. The situation is so bad that, away from Sumba island where the race citrinocristata remains reasonably common, only tiny pockets of birds remain. The viability of these tiny populations must surely be questioned, and with further declines suspected even on well-protected islands such as Komodo, it is extremely timely to make efforts to understand how to boost their protection in these areas. It is also prudent to start the search for other suitable or near-suitable sites where the species could be nurtured in the future.

The objectives of the two year project are 1. To conduct extensive surveys of remaining cockatoo populations across its range, to estimate local population sizes, and to determine

246 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 their ecological and management requirements. 2. To identify areas which have, or could have, the right conditions to be focal sites for future management or re-introduction sites. The project will involve an Indonesian and a Western ecologist, plus supporting staff. The team will visit as many as possible of the known and suspected sites containing populations of cockatoos across Nusa Tenggara and southern Sulawesi. Cockatoos will be counted accurately at each site and a series of supporting environmental data collected. The team will also interrogate satellite maps and other remote resources to identify a series of likely stronghold sites. The most likely of these sites, along with currently occupied sites, will be visited, and habitat and socio-economic data relevant to cockatoo ecology collected.

The outcomes of the project will primarily be highly conservation-relevant information on the size of remaining cockatoo populations within the species’ strongholds, identification of new populations and explanations of why some areas retain cockatoo populations and other areas not. An additional output will be the identification of likely areas for future reintroductions of the species.

F.12.1. Ms. Anna Reuleaux

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Friedberg, 25 April 1977 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Hellweg 25, 55444 Seibersbach, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C2V85765T

F.13. Understanding The Behavioural Impacts of Fragmentation on Javan Slow Lorises (Nycticebus Javanicus): Building Bridges for Conservation

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami implikasi dari konservasi kukang Jawa (Research Objective) (Nycticebus javanicus) Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian (Research : Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Muhammad Ali Imroni) Abstract

The Critically Endangered Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is suffering from large population declines throughout its limited range due to habitat loss and offtake for the pet trade. The Javan slow loris has been included on the IUCN World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates list. Much of his habitat is in agroforest habitat in close proximity to human development. It is therefore critical for the survival of the species to have the support of local populations when implementing conservation efforts. This study therefore has a dual purpose of 1. Assess the impact of living in a changing agroforest on slow loris behaviour 2. Evaluate the efficacy of water hosepipe bridges as canopy connectivity. Advantages of both lorises & water hosepipe bridges to people should contribute to their long-term protection, decreasing predation & poaching. The intermingling of fragmented forest patches in Garut with agricultural fields has important conservation implications making an ecological project particularly appropriate.

F.13.1. Ms. Hélène Birot

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nantes, 19 Agustus 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University of Oxford Brookes Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 11 rue du Bignon 44880 Sautron, France Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 12DD44148

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A.1. Climate Life and Oceans Modulated by Mantle Dynamics in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki geomorfologi, tektonik, paleoclimate dan (Research Objective) hominins di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Geologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 3 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Bangka Belitung (Kab. Belitung, Kab. Belitung Timur); Jawa (Research Location) Barat (Kab. Indramayu, Kab. Sumedang); Jawa Tengah (Kab. Boyolali, Kab. Sragen); Jawa Timur (Kab. Mojokerto); Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Sumba Barat, Kab. Sumba Barat Daya, Kab. Sumba Tengah, Kab. Sumba Timur); Perairan (Teluk Waingapu) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Geoteknologi, LIPI (Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja)


This proposal is aimed to request research permit for French scientist for conducting research in the join research between CNRS and LIPI-Geotechnology. In this joint research involve field study to visit several key sites in Indonesia where we aim to collect samples of sediment and fossil corals in order to conduct a multi-disciplinary research project bringing together geomorphologists, geodynamicists, climate scientists and geologists from France and Indonesia. Climate and weathering patterns are closely related in the Indo Pacific area, we aim to reconstruct climate using fossil climate archives and conduct a field study in order to understand modern and past changes in landscape. Our research raises fundamental questions in the areas of solid earth, hydrosphere atmosphere and biosphere. More specifically, with the information and material collected during the planned fieldtrip, we aim to 1) establish geomorphological and tectonic reconstructions from key areas in Indonesia, 2) date the sedimentary layers of the hominin sites of Java (, Trinil, and Mojokerto). This research collaboration is under the MoU between LIPI (signed by Dr. Eko Elianto, director of the Research Center for Geotechnology) and CNRS (signed by Jérôme Vitre, Regional delegate of CNRS), signed by both parties in October 2016.

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A.1.1. Ms. Djamila Daddi-Addoun

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sallanches, France, 24 Juny 1979 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Independent Researcher Institusi (Institution) : - Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4 impasse de la Liberation, 38950 St Martin le Vinoux Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 17AY70591

A.2. Local Adaptation To Volcanic Risk

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari perilaku masyarakat yang mengambil (Research Objective) risiko hidup di daerah dekat gunung berapi dan mempelajari adaptasi lokal terhadap lingkungan yang berisiko. Bidang Penelitian : Geologi sosial (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 30 Agustus 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Kab. Lumajang, Kab. Malang) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Estuning Tyas Wulan Mei)


Active volcanoes and their exposed populations represent unique assets in the study of the roots of such adaptation responses. The aims of this project are thus to: 1) study risk-taking people behaviour across contrasting environments, both at-risk and (almost) without risk; 2) examine the possibility of a local adaptation to risky environments. The at-risk environments considered are flanks and surrounding plains of hazardous, active volcanoes, on which stable rural groups have developed. My own work will deal with the population exposure to natural hazards and risk, and with the analysis of risk perception and knowledge of the population in the Kabupaten Malang and Lumajang.

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A.2.1. Mr. Jean-Claude Paul Xavier Thouret

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Rabat, Marocco, 22 September 1951 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Professor Emeritus Institusi (Institution) : University Clermont-Auvergne Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Laboratoire Magmas Et Volcans, Universite Clermont- Auvergne, Campus Les Cézeaux, 6 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 63178 Aubiere Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 14DT77577

A.3. Earthquake-induced coastal landslide and tsunami disaster in Palu, Sulawesi Island on 28 September 2018 Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan Survey Ilmiah Gempa, Longsor dan (Research Objective) Likuifaksi Bidang Penelitian : Geologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 20 Desember 2018 (Research Duration) (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggah (Palu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Tehnik UGM (Prof. Teuku Faisal Fathani, Ph. D, Dr. Wahyu Wilopo, Hendy Setiawan, Ph.D), BMKG (Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati), Universitas Tadulako (Dr. Hendra Setiawan, Dr. Rustan Effendi)

Abstract A strong earthquake in Palu caused liquefaction of the ground in Palu. The liquefaction caused landslides over the gentle slope. The moving mass of some landslides near the coast entered into the sea and possibly triggered tsunami wave. But those are not yet explained. It is needed to investigate the mechanism of this process based on the field investigation, testing of samples taken from the site and computer numerical simulation. This study shall contribute to the development of the landslide and tsunami hazard assessment triggered by earthquakes in Indonesia, Japan and other countries.

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A.3.1. Mr. Kiyoharu Hirota

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Okayama, 29 July 1955 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Senior Researcher Institusi (Institution) : International Consortium on Landslides Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 138-1 Tanaka-Asukai cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8226, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR5274019

A.3.2. Mr. Nguyen Duc Ha

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ninh Binh, 30 September 1984 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Vietnam Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : DPRI Kyoto University Uji Campus, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : B5140255

A.4. Earthquake-induced coastal landslide and tsunami disaster in Palu, Sulawesi Island on 28 September 2018

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan Survey Ilmiah Gempa, Longsor dan (Research Objective) Likuifaksi Bidang Penelitian : Geologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 20 Desember 2018 (Research Duration) (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggah (Palu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Tehnik UGM (Prof. Teuku Faisal Fathani, Ph. D, Dr. Wahyu Wilopo, Hendy Setiawan, Ph.D), BMKG (Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati), Universitas Tadulako (Dr. Hendra Setiawan, Dr. Rustan Effendi) Abstract

A strong earthquake in Palu caused liquefaction of the ground in Palu. The liquefaction caused landslides over the gentle slope. The moving mass of some landslides near the coast entered into the sea and possibly triggered tsunami wave. But those are not yet explained. It is needed to investigate the mechanism of this process based on the field investigation, testing of samples taken from the site and computer numerical simulation. This study shall contribute to the development of the landslide and tsunami hazard assessment triggered by earthquakes in Indonesia, Japan and other countries.

A.4.1. Mr. Kyoji Sassa

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aichi, 11 January 1944 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Emeritus (Secretary General) Institusi (Institution) : International Consortium on Landslides Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 138-1 Tanaka-Asukai cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8226, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR8789775

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B.1 Improving Observation and Modeling Tools for Volcano Monitoring: Application to Merapi and North Maluku Province Volcanoes

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan kegiatan monitoring terhadap aktivitas (Research Objective) Gunung Berapi dan membangun model untuk mitigasi bencana Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi / Mitigasi bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Agustus 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Kab. Boyolali); DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman, (Research Location) Kota Yogyakarta); Maluku Utara (Kab. Halmahera Utara, Kota Ternate) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, KESDM (Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana, Dr. Hanik Humaida, Dr. Agus Budi Santoso)


In the framework of the research program cooperation between Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, Badan Geologi), the aim of multi-disciplinary scientific project is to detect and characterize the deep magma source and the dynamics of magma transfer to the surface using precise deformation measurements, especially tiltmeters and continuous Global Positioning System (cGPS) with modern data processes and modeling. During this long stay in Indonesia, I will continue the initiated work at Merapi volcano with Dr. Agus Budi- Santoso (BPPTKG), and contribute to installation of new instrumental networks at North Maluku province volcanoes. Also, I will initiate and give assistance to install the WebObs system in Bandung, for data management of most of the active volcanoes in Indonesia, in collaboration with Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana, head of Eastern volcanoes monitoring department at PVMBG.

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B.1.1 Dr. François Xavier Beauducel

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Conflans-Ste-Honorine, 3 Desember 1968 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Senior researcher Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1 rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 13AA52928

B.2. Gas and Thermal Emissions from Active Volcanoes

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami aktivitas vulkanik melalui emisi gas dan (Research Objective) thermal Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Bantul, Kab. Gunung Kidul, Kab. (Research Location) Kulon Progo, Kab. Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta); Maluku Utara (Kab. Halmahera Barat, Kab. Halmahera Selatan, Kab. Halmahera Tengah, Kab. Halmahera Timur, Kab. Halmahera Utara, Kab. Kep. Sula, Kab. Morotai, Kab. Pulau Taliabu, Kota Ternate, Kota Tidore Kepulauan) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : PVMBG (Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana) dan Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanan Geologi KESDM (Ir. I Gusti Made Agung Nandaka)


Volcanic gas and aerosols surveillance yield important insights into the magmatic, hydrothermal and atmospheric processes. Equally, studies of heat fluxes, temperature variations, and cooling rates in active volcanic areas provides fundamental contribution to understanding volcanic processes. These phenomenons are sustained by a unique sub- surface source, the magma. Combining volcanic degassing and heat measurement can thus contribute in hazard assessment and risk management. The conventional way to measure

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volcanic emissions and heat is by direct measurement or sampling using thermocouple and a close range collection of samples from fumarole vents and active lava bodies. Such approach is highly hazardous, particularly during eruptive period. Furthermore, only few points are measured which may not necessarily reflect the bulk information from the magma. The time delay between sampling and results can be long as it requires laboratory analysis, not excluding possible contamination. The alternative solution is the ground- based remote sensing. Here the time length between field measurements and results can be considerable reduced, post sampling contamination is avoided and most importantly the hazardous expositions for sampling is significantly reduced. Remote sensing is thus needed for Indonesian volcanoes where we have the highest concentration of active volcanoes on earth and very high level of volcanic risk. Considerable effort is currently devoted to the monitoring of the 76 active volcanoes of the country but much is still required to efficiently follow each volcano activity. Thus the ground-based remote sensing, whose deployment is still rudimentary in Indonesia, needs further consideration, and our goal here is to make further steep ahead in this approach in complementary to existent monitoring network.

B.2.1 Dr. Philipson Bani

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Vanuatu, 25 May 1975 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans Campus universitaire des Cezeaux 6 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 63170 Aubière, France Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 13BD06232

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B.3. Gas and Thermal Emissions from Active Volcanoes

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami aktivitas vulkanik melalui emisi gas dan (Research Objective) thermal Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 16 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Bantul, Kab. Gunung Kidul, Kab. (Research Location) Kulon Progo, Kab. Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta); Maluku Utara (Kab. Halmahera Barat, Kab. Halmahera Selatan, Kab. Halmahera Tengah, Kab. Halmahera Timur, Kab. Halmahera Utara, Kab. Kep. Sula, Kab. Morotai, Kab. Pulau Taliabu, Kota Ternate, Kota Tidore Kepulauan) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : PVMBG (Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana) dan Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanan Geologi KESDM (Ir. I Gusti Made Agung Nandaka)


Volcanic gas and aerosols surveillance yield important insights into the magmatic, hydrothermal and atmospheric processes. Equally, studies of heat fluxes, temperature variations, and cooling rates in active volcanic areas provides fundamental contribution to understanding volcanic processes. These phenomenons are sustained by a unique sub- surface source, the magma. Combining volcanic degassing and heat measurement can thus contribute in hazard assessment and risk management. The conventional way to measure volcanic emissions and heat is by direct measurement or sampling using thermocouple and a close range collection of samples from fumarole vents and active lava bodies. Such approach is highly hazardous, particularly during eruptive period. Furthermore, only few points are measured which may not necessarily reflect the bulk information from the magma. The time delay between sampling and results can be long as it requires laboratory analysis, not excluding possible contamination. The alternative solution is the ground- based remote sensing. Here the time length between field measurements and results can be considerable reduced, post sampling contamination is avoided and most importantly the hazardous expositions for sampling is significantly reduced. Remote sensing is thus needed for Indonesian volcanoes where we have the highest concentration of active volcanoes on earth and very high level of volcanic risk. Considerable effort is currently devoted to the monitoring of the 76 active volcanoes of the country but much is still required to efficiently follow each volcano activity. Thus the ground-based remote sensing,

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whose deployment is still rudimentary in Indonesia, needs further consideration, and our goal here is to make further steep ahead in this approach in complementary to existent monitoring network.

B.3.1. Dr. Philipson Bani

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Vanuatu, 25 May 1975 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans Campus universitaire des Cezeaux 6 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 63170 Aubière, France Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 13BD06232


C.1 Coring Danau Siidenreng to test for sea level changes in Southeast Sulawesi during the Holocene

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meneliti inti sedimen dari danau dataran rendah (Research Objective) Sidenreng di Sulawesi Selatan dan menguji apakah daerah tersebut pernah dilanda permukaan air laut yang tinggi selama periode Holosen, 10.000 tahun terakhir Bidang Penelitian : Paleoklimatologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Sidenreng Rapang) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Prof. Satria Bijaksana)

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Sulawesi Island in central Indonesia is an environmental treasure trove. The island lies at the heart of the western Pacific warm pool convective center, a poorly-studied and yet globally- important component of the Earth’s climate system. In addition to its environmental diversity, the island has diverse cultural groups as well, including the Mandar, Toraja, Bugis, and Macassar. Of these four language groups, the most different is Macassar, despite sharing a border with Bugis. Prior research suggests that a transpeninsular seaway once cut across South Sulawesi, separating a southern island (Macassar) from mainland Sulawesi (Bugis and other groups). We propose to test whether high sea levels during the early Holocene (~6000 years ago) flooded interior southwest Sulawesi by obtaining lake sediment cores from Danau Sidenreng. We will apply geochemical, paleoecological, and sedimentological tools to reconstruct the Holocene sea level, climate, vegetation, and paleogeography of central Southeast Sulawesi, including the formation of a possible trans-peninsular seaway. Low-lying Lake Sidenreng is located mid-way down the Southeast Sulawesi peninsula in the Tempe floodplain, directly in the proposed Holocene seaway. The lake thus offers our best chance to investigate the region’s paleoenvironmental and sea level history. We will compare our data to emerging records of sea level elsewhere in the region to better understand the amplitude of local vs. regional eutstatic sea level change during this time.

C.1.1 Prof. James Michael Russell

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : USA, 30 April 1975 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Brown University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Brown University 324 Brook St Providence, RI, 02912 USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 488567318

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C.1.2 Ms. Rachel Lucienne Lupien

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Maryland, 9 July 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. candidate Institusi (Institution) : Brown University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Brown University 324 Brook St Providence, RI, 02912 USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 570197995


D.1. Harbour geoarchaeology and fluvio-deltaic landscape evolution in Banda Aceh (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan evolusi lanskap fluvio- (Research Objective) deltaic dan memahami struktur perkotaan emporium di daratan / laut Bidang Penelitian : Geografi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh, Kab. Aceh Besar, Kota Sabong) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : TDMRC Universitas Syiah Kuala (Prof. Dr. Darusman, Dr. Ella Meilianda)


During the Middle Ages, (IX-XVth centuries), the society development in the Southeast Asia has been closely related with the maritime activities because of the trade and culture exchanges in the Indian Ocean. Situated on the northern tip of Sumatra in Indonesia, Banda Aceh occupies a strategic position on the maritime commercial roads between the south China, the India and the Middle East. Although the ancient written sources inform the origin and the nature of goods traded in the Aceh region, no precisely information about

260 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 the town structure and its harbour has been published. The research hypothesis to find the harbour basin relies on the importance of the shoreline mobility over time. This mobility is due to terrigenous inputs by watercourses making the coastline progress toward the sea. Therefore, the ancient harbour could be located more inland or inside the ancient lagoons, filled nowadays, but acted as natural protected areas in the past. The main objectives of the project are to (i) understand the river-deltaic landscape evolution, localise the medieval harbour basin and identify the events causing it disappearance, (iii) measure the lead isotope concentrations in the sedimentary records in order to characterize the economic development of the town and (iv) understand the way of society adaptation faced with the sedimentary and tectonic dynamics of the region. To do this, a multidisciplinary approach involving, field surveys, collecting of samples (sediments -sand, silt and clay), GIS, drill coring, geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy, will be performed. The expected results should improve the understanding of the evolution of human occupation within a major maritime crossroad of the Indian Ocean.

D.1.1. Mr. Stoil Vladimirov Chapkanski

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sofia, 15 July 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Bulgaria Jabatan (Position) : PhD in Physical Geography Institusi (Institution) : University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Laboratoire de Géographie Physique “Envt Quat et actuels” Unité Mixte de Rechrche 8591 du CNRS 1 place Aristide Briand 92195 MEUDON CEDEX FRANCE Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 384846387

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E.1. Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk atas permintaan Bappenas, mendukungan teknis Objective) untuk “Rencana Dasar” untuk rekonstruksi di Sulawesi Tengah, dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Geofisika Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala, Kab. Parigi Moutong, Location) Kab. Sigi, Kota Palu) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Abstract

Based on request by Bappenas, JICA has started technical support for “Basic Plan” for reconstruction in Central Sulawesi. Results of this survey will be utilized to formulate Basic Plan. Our survey team consists of famous researchers and their assistants whose specialties are Geotechnical Engineering, Geophysics and Building Engineering. The team plan to conduct 3 type of survey during their stay in Central Sulawesi. Firstly, the team will conduct visual observation. They have a good deal of knowledge and expertise in this academic field, however all of them have not visited the affected site in Central Sulawesi. In order to analyze the mechanism of this disaster, their observations are necessary. Secondly, hearing survey to witness will be conducted. There are 2 reasons. One is that we could not observe the situation just after the earthquake because some of building debris have been cleaned up. The other is that we have to obtain the information on the phenomena during the earthquake. Finally, “Simple Cone Penetration Test” will be conducted. This test is well- known as a simple field test for soil investigation. This is the preliminary test and the team will consider necessity of further survey on liquefaction based on its results.

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E.1.1. Mr. Hiromichi Kano

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Tokyo, Japan, 17 January 1981 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Representative Institusi (Institution) : Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Sentral Senayan II 14th Floor, Jl. Asia Africa No.8, Jakarta Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : RB0044193

E.1.2. Mr. Ikuo Tohata

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hyogo, Japan, 13 November 1954 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Visiting Professor Institusi (Institution) : Kanto Gakuin University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-50-1, Mutsu-ura Higashi, Kanazawa-Ku, Yokohama Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR2653602

E.1.3. Mr. Hazarika Hemanta

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Jorhat (Assam), India, 13 January 1968 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : India Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Department of Civil Engineering, Kyushu University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : Z4067588

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E.1.4. Mr. Siavash Manafi Khajeh Pasha

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Oroumieh, Iran, 13 July 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Iran Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Department of Civil Engineering, Kyushu University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : U96414569

E.1.5. Mr. Naoshi Hirata

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, Japan, 10 November 1954 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR7150515

E.1.6. Mr. Takashi Kiyota

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Mie, Japan, 6 December 1973 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Be204, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : MZ1061444

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E.1.7. Mr. Yasuhito Jibiki Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, Japan, 4 October 1980 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Tohoku University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6-6-11, Aza-Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Senday City, Miyagi Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK4738472

E.1.8. Mr. Naoto Tada Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Tokushima, Japan, 11 December 1976 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : JICA Expert dispatched from MLIT in Japan to BNPB in Indonesia Institusi (Institution) : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism in Japan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : RB0045418

E.1.9. Mr. Jun Hayakawa Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Tokyo, Japan, 18 March 1979 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : ICA Expert dispatched from MLIT in Japan to Directorate General of Water Resources, PUPR in Indonesia Institusi (Institution) : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism in Japan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : RB1006612

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E.1.10. Mr. Teruo Kurumada

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Kyoto, Japan, 3 November 1957 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Chief Engineer Institusi (Institution) : Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : CS Tower,5-20-8, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR4255555

E.1.11. Mr. Hisashi Furuichi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Chiba, Japan, 8 July 1965 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Senior Engineer Institusi (Institution) : Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : CS Tower,5-20-8, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK9099404

E.1.12. Mr. Junichi Fukushima

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kanagawa, Japan, 4 January 1967 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Manager Institusi (Institution) : Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : CS Tower,5-20-8, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TZ0797056

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E.1.13. Mr. Ryohei Kudo

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Tokyo, Japan, 19 October 1990 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Civil Engineer Institusi (Institution) : Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : CS Tower,5-20-8, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK7056983

E.1.14. Mr. Toyohiro Takagi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Fukuoka, Japan, 5 July 1948 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Senior Engineer Institusi (Institution) : Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : CS Tower,5-20-8, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TS1269332

E.1.15. Mr. Takayuki Nakano

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Nagano, Japan, 25 May 1977 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Kitasato 1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : QB1069614

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E.1.16. Mr. Hideyuki Kobayashi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, Japan, 13 November 1953 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : JapanTachihara-1, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki-prefecture Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : RB0061314


F.1. International Tsunami Survey Team (Palu Earthqukae And Tsunami 2018)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami (Research Objective) di dekat pantai, termasuk ketinggian gelombang, waktu kedatangan, ketinggian run-up, tingkat penggenangan, periode gelombang dan untuk mengamati dan mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur Bidang Penelitian : Mitigasi Bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala, Kota Palu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : BMKG (Dwi Hartanto, Gian Ginanjar, Sugeng Amirul Fahmi); Kemenkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Puslit Geotek LIPI (Dr. Eko Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Widjo Kongko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hananto); BRSDMKP-KKP (Dr. Widodo

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Immediately after Palu earthquake and tsunami event, the team has launched a fruitful discussion to prepare the necessary pre-survey information. We performed numerical modelling tests and analysed the available data to understand the general aspects of the event; discussed the data that will help in locating and conducting the field survey; as well as shared information about logistics and safety. However, there are numerous uncertainties of the event from the source to the coast. These come from i) the generation mechanism of the tsunami whether it is generated by coseismic activity of submarine landslide(s); and ii) the wave motion, arrival time, shape of the first wave, and the water elevation fluctuations. Tsunami inundation and damage on different structures and infrastructure at the coastal areas are other important tsunami parameters which can only be documented by the detailed post tsunami survey of the expert team. The team proposes to focus its survey on the most impacted coastal zones of Palu Bay, including the coasts where maximum wave heights, run-up height or inundations were reported. The mission will attempt to timely collect the tsunami data before the loss of ephemeral information, such as high-water marks and structural and infrastructure damage.

F.1.1. Ms. Chiara Proietti

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Roma, 11 April 1976 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Scientific Officer Institusi (Institution) : JRC- EC Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Via Milite Ignoto 119, Ispra (VA), Italy Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : YA3977746

F.1.2. Ms. Pamela Probst

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Bern, 15 December 1981 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Switzerland Jabatan (Position) : Scientific Officer Institusi (Institution) : JRC- EC

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Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Via Stefano Franscini 14a, 6600 Locarno, Switzerland Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : X0230400

F.1.3. Mr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Trabzon, 29 July 1956 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Turki Jabatan (Position) : Faculty Member, Prof. Dr. Institusi (Institution) : METU Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Middle East Technical University, Civil Eng. Dept. K5-105 06800 ANKARA TURKEY Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : S02324917

F.1.4. Mr. Andrei Zaitsev

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gorkovskaya obl, USSR, 21 March 1981 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Rusia Jabatan (Position) : Head of Laboratory Institusi (Institution) : SRB RAS Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Gorkiy 25 6936013 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 753484750

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F.1.5. Mr. Rachid Omira Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Morocco, 8 August 1979 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Maroko Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : IPMA, IDL Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rua C, Aeroporto de Lisboa, Portugal Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : ED8659304

F.1.6. Ms. Gözde Güney Doğan Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Ankara, 25 January 1989 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Turki Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : METU Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : METU Universiteler Mah. Dumlupinar Blv. No:1, Cankaya Zip: 06800 City: ANKARA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : U10572620

F.1.7. Mr. Pavel Pronin Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Nizhny Novgorod city, 11 August 1995 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Rusia Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : NNSTU Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Nizhny Novgorod city, Academician Sakharova 115/1 f16, Russia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 751773525

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F.1.8. Mr. Adel Giniiatullin

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Russia, 19 February 1998 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Rusia Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : NNSTU Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Krasnodoncev 19/1, Nizhny Novgorod 603101, Russia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 754554985

F.1.9. Ms. Maria Ausilia Paparo

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bronte (Catania, Italy), 20 July 1983 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Post Doc Institusi (Institution) : UniBo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : via Luigi Pirandello 21, Bologna, 40127, Italy Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : YA3723143

F.1.10. Mr. Martin Wronna

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wels, 12 June 1983 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Austria Jabatan (Position) : PhD-Student Institusi (Institution) : Instituto Dom Luíz Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rua Feliciano de Sousa 98, R/C 1300-231 Alcântara, Lisboa, Portugal Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : P4303119

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F.2. Post-earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance in Palu City, Sulawesi, Indonesia following the 28 September 2018 M7.5 Earthquake

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengumpulkan data pascabencana dan tsunami Objective) yang mudah rusak Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Mitigasi Bencana Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 6 November 2018 (month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Palu) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Badan Litbang Kementerian PUPR (Prof. Arief Sabaruddin) Abstract

We aim to work with local Indonesian engineers and government officials in Palu City to collect post-earthquake and tsunami information. In particular, we are interested in ground failures caused by liquefaction and lateral spreading, landsliding and mudsliding, and tsunami-induced erosion. In addition, we are interested in the collapse of the Palu Bay Bridge. We will openly publish our research findings, which we hope will increase worldwide preparedness for impending earthquakes and tsunamis. We are funded by the GEER Association, which is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (http://www.

F.2.1. Mr. Henry Benjamin Mason

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : South Boston, Virginia, USA, 15 December 1982 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Oregon State University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) 450 Learning Innovation Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 488885217

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F.2.2. Mr. Aaron Peter Gallant

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bangor, Maine, USA, 14 May 1986 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Maine Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 71 Fairways, Bangor, ME, USA, 04401 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C14528162

F.2.3. Mr. Jack Montgomery

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Deer Park, California, USA, 6 April 1986 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Auburn University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 238 Harbert Center, Auburn University Auburn, AL, USA, 36849-5337 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 502694812

F.2.4. Mr. Joseph Wartman

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Pennsylvania, 27 Juni 1968 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of California Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 201 More Hall, Box 352700, Seattle, Washington 98195 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 557460377

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F.3. Joint reconnaissance mission for morphologies and geological deposits to Palu and Donggala areas of Sulawesi, Indonesia, post-earthquake and tsunami of 28th September 2018 Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan pengamatan pasca gempa langsung (Research Objective) pada morfologi dan endapan geologi yang dihasilkan oleh tsunami dan aliran tanah yang terjadi pada 28 September 2018 Bidang Penelitian : Mitigasi Bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kota Palu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : TDMRC Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Ella Meilianda, Dedy Alfian) Abstract The purpose of the reconnaissance fieldwork is to conduct immediate post-earthquake observations on the morphologies and geological deposits generated by the tsunami and earthflows that occurred on September 28th 2018. We aim at conducting a reconnaissance of tsunamigenic deposits along the coastline between Tanjung Garang in the west, Palu city, and the Towaja River in the east. This would include on-shore, and possibly off-shore shallow water, visual observations. Depending on on-site conditions, we might as well take punctual depth measurements using a portable echosounder, in order to obtain, post- tsunami benchmarks against which to compare future bathymetric change during the post-tsunami recovery of the coastline.

F.3.1. Dr. Jean-Philippe Alain Louis Goiran Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Toulon, 25 August 1974 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Research Scientist CNRS Institusi (Institution) : Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 France Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Université Lumière Lyon 2 7 rue Raulin 69 007 Lyon (France) Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 14DA77390

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F.3.2. Dr. Gilles Yves Brocard

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Le Havre, 9 July 1975 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : CNRS - ISTERRE - University of Grenoble, France Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Université Grenoble Alpes ISTerre CS 40700 38058 GRENOBLE Cedex 9 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 15AK80926

F.4. A detailed survey of the 2018 Palu-Donggala Tsunami deposits

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mendokumentasikan karakteristik dari tsunami 2018 (Research Objective) pada tiga jenis garis pantai yang berbeda yang ada di teluk Palu Bidang Penelitian : Mitigasi Bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah(Kab. Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kota Palu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : TDMRC Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Ella Meilianda, Dr. Benazir)


The Palu-Donggala tsunami which in places reached 6 meters has likely left wash-over sediments, on coastlines surrounding the Palu Bay. The Palu-Donggala tsunami sediments represent a modern sedimentary record of a high impact tsunami event, and provide a contemporary platform for reconstructing pre-historical tsunami events in Sulawesi. Long-term tsunami records provide a foundation to understanding coastal responses and assessing future coastal risk, but data in tropical settings is still limited. In this study, we intend to map the thickness and extent of the Palu-Donggala tsunami deposit, and document the textural and compositional variations along several transects in three contrasting coastal environments. On the sandy, carbonate and muddy coasts of the Palu

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Bay. Differences in sediment type and grainsize as well as extent inland will serve to better constrain preservation and archetype of tsunami sediments in Sulawesi, particularly in the Central Sulawesi province, but will also be of use to researchers studying other tropical coastlines. Additionally, coring and shallow excavations will enable us to search for and compare the 2018 tsunami with any paleo-tsunami deposits from previous events. This work will form the basis for future investigations of the historical tsunami events in the region similar to that done on the coastline of Aceh and other locations. This will in turn provide additional information to local authorities on the frequency and size of tsunami events which could be expected to occur in the future.

F.4.1. Dr. Jedrzej Marcin Majewski

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Torun, 9 June 1979 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Polandia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01a-15, Singapore 639798 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : EG1110319

F.4.2. Prof. Adam Douglas Switzer

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Port Kembla, 4 October 1973 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Associate Chair Institusi (Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01a-15, Singapore 639798 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E4115605

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F.4.3. Dr. Peter Robertson Parham Tempat dan tanggal lahir : North Carolina, 9 July 1960 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Senior Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01a-15, Singapore 639798 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 566212741

F.5. EEFIT-TDMRC joint reconnaissance mission to areas affected by the 28 th September 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) Earthquake and Tsunami Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang perilaku (Research Objective) bangunan, dan infrastruktur dalam peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami, dan implikasi kerusakan pada infrastruktur penting untuk kegiatan bantuan bencana Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Mitigasi Bencana Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kota Palu) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : TDMRC Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Ella Meilianda, Dr. Yunita Idris, Ibnu Rusydy, Intan Dewi Kumala) Abstract In this proposal we look to conduct a joint Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) and Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Recearch Cntre (TDMRC) earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance mission to areas affected by the 28th September Sulawesi event. The aim of the research is to improve our understanding of the behaviour of buildings, and infrastructure in earthquake and tsunami events, and of the implications of damage to critical infrastructure for disaster relief activities. This will be done by conducting a post- disaster reconnaissance mission to areas affected by the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami within the time window of 14th November to 28th November 2018.

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F.5.1. Prof. Tiziana Rossetto

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Adelaide (AUS), 2 March 1977 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University College London Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University College London Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Department Gower St Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : YB0612408

F.5.2. Prof. Alison Caroline Raby

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Plymouth, 31 October 1966 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Plymouth Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Drake Circus Plymouth Devon PL4 8AA United Kingdom Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 555849153

F.5.3 Dr. Richard Henri Lagesse Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Aylesbury, 2 February 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Engineering Geologist Institusi (Institution) : Ove Arup & Partners Singapore Ltd. Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tan Yoong Heng 182 Cecil Street #06-01 Frasers Tower Singapore 069547 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 554153996

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F.5.4. Dr. Andrew John Brennan

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Cardiff, 7 August 1977 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering Institusi (Institution) : University of Dundee Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Fulton Building University of Dundee Dundee United Kingdom DD1 4HN Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 550301092

F.5.5. Dr. David Iain Robinson

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Shrewsbury, 29 June 1982 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : University College London Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University College London Chadwick Building Gower Street London WC1E 6BT Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 508482540

F.5.6. Mr. Rohit Kumar Adhikari

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sindhuli, 23 April 1987 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Nepal Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University College London Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : University College London Chadwick Building Gower Street London WC1E 6BT Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 10858867

F.6. Post-event Tsunami survey of the MW7.5 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami, Indonesia (28/09/2018)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mensurvei dampak tsunami pada lingkungan (Research Objective) binaan, merekam jejak-jejak yang diamati dari kedalaman genangan tsunami dan untuk mendukung pengembangan model dampak untuk gempa bumi dan tsunami Bidang Penelitian : Mitigasi Bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 13 November 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kota Palu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : PUI GAMA-InaTEK Universitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Teuku Faisal Fathani, Ph.d) Abstract

A New Zealand-based research team from New Zealand proposes to conduct a post-event tsunami field survey following the devastating Mw7.5 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami. The proposed survey will be conducted between the 11th and 20th of November 2018 along the coast of Palu Bay, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The objectives are to survey tsunami impacts on the built environment, record observed traces of tsunami inundation depth and to support impact model development for earthquake and tsunami. The research team will use the Real-time Asset Capture Tool (RiACT) to record observations in the field. The deliverables of this work will include data provision and debrief to the ICT, a summary report, 1-2 journal publications and tsunami impact models.

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F.6.1. Dr. ShengLin Lin

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Kinmen , 10 January 1979 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : Risk Engineer Institusi (Institution) : GNS Science Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : GNS Science 1 Fairway Drive Avalon Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : LM397989

F.6.2. Mr. Ryan Paul Paulik

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lower Hutt , 25 January 1983 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : Hazards Analyst Institusi (Institution) : NIWA Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, Wellington Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : LL524064

F.6.3. Mr. James Hilton Williams

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Christchurch , 16 November 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : PHD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : University of Canterbury Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Office 262, Ernest Rutherford, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8041, New Zealand Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : LH673801

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F.7. Adapting to climate change adaptation: local governance responses in rural Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami cara-cara di mana bantuan internasional (Research Objective) melalui perubahan adaptasi pemrograman perubahan iklim beririsan dengan praktek-praktek lokal dan proses pemerintahan Bidang Penelitian : Mitigasi bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 Desember 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Kulon Progo); Kalimantan Barat (Kab. (Research Location) Kapuas Hulu); Maluku (Kota Ambon) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Studi Asia Pasifik, UGM (Prof. Dr. Ir. Irham, M.Sc) Abstract

This research explores local-level responses in Indonesia, to climate change adaptation projects. It seeks to understand how climate change adaptation programming interventions interact with local practices and governance systems. In response to climate change adaptation programming framed in international forums supplied by a host of international institutions in Indonesia, this research explores how international aid in the climate change arena affects and influences the implementation of locally-targeted climate adaptation initiatives. This research will therefore examine the interaction between internationally driven and funded climate change adaptation programming interventions and local practices and governance. It will do this by analysing how climate change adaptation interventions have impacted levels of adaptive capacity to climate change of three locally-targeted projects that have been implemented in rural contexts throughout Indonesia. Using an adaptive capacity framework, this research analyses how the interventions in each case study have interacted with local practices and governance to alter capacities to respond to climate change at the local level in each case. Specifically, by looking at adaptation programming that is targeted at the local level, it seeks to understand local responses to and the impacts of, climate change adaptation interventions implemented under international programming. By doing so, it aims to understand how development interventions intersect with local processes and governance systems under the international streams of climate adaptation programming.

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F.7.1. Ms. Skye Turner-Walker

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bega, New South Wales, Australia, 13 January 1982 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University of Melbourne Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 187 Grattan Street, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 3010 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : PA7024095

F.8. Rapid: Field Survey Of The 28 September 2018 Sulawesi Tsunami

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan survei pasca gempa bumi dan tsunami (Research Objective) di Sulawesi Tengah pada tanggal 28 September 2018 sebesar Mw = 7.5 Bidang Penelitian : Mitigasi Bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) hari, mulai 19 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center - Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Khairul Munadi, M.Eng)


Post disaster field surveys following major natural and man-induced events has yielded significant new insights into both the characteristics of the events as well as the performance of natural and man-made infrastructure subjected to these catastrophic events. The Professors have led or participated in most major tsunami surveys during the past two decades, including the largest tsunami field reconnaissance in the aftermath of the deadliest tsunami in recorded history on 26 December 2004 (Fritz et al., 2006). Further Professor Fritz orchestrated in the past years tsunami surveys with truly international and multi-disciplinary tsunami survey teams (18 scientists from 4 continents) into Java in 2006 (Fritz et al., 2007), Solomon Islands (Fritz et al., 2008), Chile (Fritz et al., 2010), and

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Japan (Fritz et al., 2011). The benefits of conducting these well-coordinated, well-executed activities includes early collection of perishable data and the establishment of multi- factor databases of information that form the basis for detailed long-term follow-on and mostly modeling based investigations. Professor Fritz was an inaugural participant in the Indonesian Ministry of Educations World Class Professor Program (WCP) in 2017. Professor Fritz was hosted by Syiah Kuala University in Banda Aceh with host Professor Syamsidik (Photo below, Banda Aceh 2017). The disproportionately large local tsunami given its magnitude the Mw 7.5 Sulawesi earthquake needs to be understood. The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake is the deadliest tsunami generated from a strike slip event since the 2010 Haiti earthquake and tsunami (Fritz et al., 2013). Professor Fritz is able to compare not only against prior Indonesian tsunamis but also the tsunamis in Haiti 2010 similarly generated by a strikeslip earthquake.

F.8.1. Prof. Hermann Marc Fritz Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Switzerland, 20 May 1972 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Georgia Institute of Technology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 790 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0355, United States of America Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 548676554

F.8.2. Mr. Pascal Guerin Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Charenton-Le-Pont, 7 October 1966 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : ZED-French TV Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : - Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 15CE57472

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F.8.3. Mr. Philippe Pothon

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Les-Roses, 12 August 1966 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : ZED-French TV Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : - Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 17DD55325

F.9. Analysis of Tsunami Disaster Mechanism

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengukur distribusi ketinggian tsunami dan Objective) menganalisis mekanisme penghancuran tsunami Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Mitigasi Bencana Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Palu) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr.Eng Hendra Achiari) Abstract

In recent years we anlysed tunami and storm surge events over the world. By using those data, we will propose tsunami and storm surge countermeasures to protect local residents. We also use numerical simulations and hydraulic laboratory experiments to understand structure damage due to flooded water in the coastal area.

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F.9.1. Prof. Tomoya Shibayama

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, Japan, 10 November 1953 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Waseda University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4-1 Okubo 3, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR5188783

F.9.2. Prof. Miguel Esteban

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Liverpool, United Kingdom, 6 May 1977 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Waseda University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4-1 Okubo 3, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 517934424

F.9.3. Mr. Tomoyuki Takabatake

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Yokohama, Japan, 1 February 1988 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Waseda University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4-1 Okubo 3, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR8518889

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F.9.4. Mr. Yuta Nishida

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Kyoto, Japan, 25 March 1995 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Waseda University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4-1 Okubo 3, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR5487545

F.9.5. Mr. Takahito Mikami

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Tokyo, Japan, 5 June 1987 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Tokyo City University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-28-1 Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8557, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK0146122

F.9.6. Mr. Ryota Nakamura

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Saitama, Japan, 17 June 1990 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Toyohashi University of Technology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tempaku-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi, 441- 8580, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK2532605

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F.9.7. Mr. Jacob Franklin Stolle

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Ottawa, Canada, 6 September 1991 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University of Ottawa Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 161 Louis Pasteur Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5, Canada Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : HL018686

F.9.8. Mr. Clemens Krautwald

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bremen, Germany, 23 April 1994 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Research assistant Institusi (Institution) : Technical University Braunschweig Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Beethovenstraße 51a, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : C1WVK26ZL

F.9.9. Prof. Ian Nicol Robertson

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 May 1957 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Hawaii at Manoa Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2540 Dole Street, Holmes Hall 383, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822, United States of America Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 488179648

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F.10. Drone Mapping for Disaster Impact Assessment and Rapid Recovery Support in Palu Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memetakan daerah yang terkena dampak bencana (Research Objective) di Palu dan menilai dampak bencana melalui platform pemantauan lokasi untuk mendukung pengembangan rekomendasi pemulihan Bidang Penelitian : Mitigasi Bencana (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 24 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Palu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : PTPSW-TPSA BPPT (Ir. Yudi Anantasena, M.Sc, Dr. Agustan, Dr. Yusuf S Djajadihardja, Reni Sulistyowati, Ruki Ariyanto, Dionysius Bryan Sencaki) Abstract

A recent natural disaster, earthquake and tsunami, brought large-scale destruction in Palu area. For rapid disaster recovery process, a drone-based 3D mapping is considered an effective tool for Indonesia. This research aims to map the disaster-impacted area in Palu to support the development of recovery recommendation by Indonesian government. The research will utilize a site-monitoring platform specialized for disaster impact assessment. Under collaborative research framework with BPPT, the research would also conduct preliminary survey for expert consultation on recovery options.

F.10.1. Mr. Jongsoo Jurng Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Seoul, 19 April 1959 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan (Position) : Director General Institusi (Institution) : Green Technology Center Korea Email (email) : [email protected], [email protected], zulfikar132@gtck. Alamat (Address) : 17th Floor, Namsan Square Bldg., 173, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : M41515071

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F.10.2. Mr. Won Nyoung Park Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Seoul, 21 March 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan (Position) : Chief Executive Officer Institusi (Institution) : Angelswing Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : #327 Main Building, SNU Research Park, Gwanak-ro 1, Gwanak-gu, Seoul Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : M79998440

F.10.3. Ms. Jisun Lee Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Seoul, 29 May 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan (Position) : Chief Operating Officer Institusi (Institution) : Angelswing Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : #327 Main Building, SNU Research Park, Gwanak-ro 1, Gwanak-gu, Seoul Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : M51838654

F.10.4. Mr. So Soon Sung Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Seoul, 21 May 1972 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan (Position) : Drone Pilot Institusi (Institution) : Angelswing Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 806, youngpoong Apt, 15 6da-gil seongnae-ro, gandong- gu Seoul, Korea Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : M24178093

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F.11. Field Survey of the 28 September 2018 Tsunami Palu

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk lebih memahami penyebab ilmiah dari Tsunami Palu Objective) tanggal 28 September 2018 Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Mitigasi Bencana Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 (month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kota Palu) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Ikatan Ahli Tsunami Indonesia (G.S.Prasetya. PhD. MSc. (Hons); Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat. M.Eng.; Dr.Ing. Widjo Kongko.M.Eng.) Abstract

We propose to conduct a tsunami field survey of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi magnitude Mw = 7.5 earthquake and tsunami. (1) The Sulawesi earthquake falls into the category of tsunamis from strike slip earthquakes, which represent only about 1/10 to 1/100 of tsunamigenic earthquakes. The tsunami community lacks proper scaling functions for the tsunami runup associated with tsunami from strike slip earthquakes. (2) The high death toll of the 2018 Sulawesi tsunami needs to be understood, particularly in view of the warning and evacuation procedures. (3) Landslide scarps have been reported on Sulawesi Islands. The impact zone seems to be highly localized, and some scientists have already speculated that the offshore earthquake may have triggered superimposed tsunamis generated by landslides. The arrival times need to be determined and validated against numerical model predictions to exclude local early arrivals due to separate submarine landslide tsunamis. The distribution of inundation heights needs to be quantified as in Okal and Synolakis (2004) to help clarify whether tsunamigenic submarine landsliding needs to be invoked. (4) Several animations with runup projections have been posted on the ITIC list-servers. Collecting high quality inundation measurements will allow the community to infer the predictive capability of different models and evaluate their potential uses for inundation mapping and operational forecasts.

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F.11.1. Prof. Costas Synolakys Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Athens, Greese, 21 September 1956 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Southern California Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tsunami Research Centre USD 2531, Los Angeles, California 90089, United States of America Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 530621998

F.11.2. Dr. Nikos Kalligeris Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Chania, 21 January 1983 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Yunani Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of California Los Angeles Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : AN5537951

F.11.3. Prof. Philip Liu Tempat dan tanggal lahir : China, 11 December 1946 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : National University of Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : National University of Singapore, 1 Engineering Drive 2, E1A 07-03, Singapore 117576 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 531163215

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F.11.4. Dr. Vassilios Skanavis

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Long Beach, 6 January 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Yunani Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Southern California Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 12411 Fielding circle, Playa Vista, California, 90094, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : AP24211042

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A.1. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari penggunaan teknologi informasi dan (Research Objective) komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan laut yang berkelanjutan yang disesuaikan dengan perubahan iklim

Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan laut (Field of Research)

Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Maret 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from)

Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Badung, Kab. Buleleng, Gondol, Perancak), (Research Location) Jawa Timur (Banyuwangi), NTB (Lombok), dan Lampung

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Riset Perikanan-Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan-Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si)


Marine culture and capture in Indonesia have a high potential for job creation and the development of fishing communities. Their production, however, is unstable because of difficulties in adapting to the environmental changes caused by climate change. The project will generate big data by quantifying and digitizing the marine environment and traceability of marine products by utilizing ICT and analyze the generated data to establish marine culture and capture technologies based on a scientific analysis of big data. In addition, a cloud-based service will be developed and rolled out through Indonesia as a decision-making support system.

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A.1.1. Prof. Katsumori Hatanaka

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Tokyo University of Agriculture Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-1-1,Sakuraoka, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-8502, Japan

A.2. Cetacean Bycatch in Artisanal Fisheries in Gorontalo, Northern Sulawesi: An Assessment Using Fisher Interviews

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai luas dan jenis megafauna laut bycatch, (Research Objective) khususnya cetacea, di Gorontalo Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 11 Januari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Gorontalo (Kab. Bone Bolango) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Yayasan Cetacean Sirenian Indonesia - (CETASI) (Dr. Putu (Counterpart) Liza Mustika) dan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (Dr. Abdul Hafidz Olii, M.Si)


Bycatch, the unintended catch of non-target species in fishing gear, is one of the main threats to cetaceans (Reeves, 2005). It also displays a great harm to other marine megafauna like sea turtles, elasmobranchs, sirenians and sea birds. Fishing methods which harbour a great risk of marine megafauna bycatch are mainly trawling, longlines and gillnets, although other fishing techniques like purse seines and driftnets also form a threat. Most cetacean bycatch occurs in gillnets. When estimating bycatch, often, little attention is spent on artisanal fishery which leads to uncertainty in fisheries and bycatch data. (Lewison et al., 2004) In 2011, Indonesia was ranked third by the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in terms of marine and inland catch with Indonesia’s fishing fleet comprising 581 845 vessels (FAO, 2013). Artisanal fishery makes up 95 % of the fishing activity (FAO, 2013) and the extent of cetacean bycatch is still unknown in many parts of the country (Mustika et al., 2014). Main fishing gear used in Indonesian artisanal fishery are hooks and lines followed

296 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 by gill nets (Sularso, 2008). The province of Gorontalo, located on the Indonesian island Sulawesi, borders on the North side with the Celebes Sea and on the South side with the Molucca Sea. Both seas are part of the Coral Triangle, hosting a wide variety of marine life including reef fish, tuna, sea turtles, dolphins, whales, dugongs and sharks. Six of the seven sea turtle species, over 100 elasmobranch species and 35 cetacean species occur in Indonesian waters (WWF, n.d.).

Several orca sightings were reported for the Gorontalo area recently and in February 2017 an Orca got entangled in a fishing net in Gorontalo (Tempo, 2017; Terrajana, 2017). The fishermen released it, accepting the damage of their gear. In order to assess the extent and type of bycatch of cetaceans and other marine megafauna in the province of Gorontalo, interviews with fishermen will be conducted and analysed. During a timeframe of approximately one month fishermen in various fishing villages in Gorontalo will be interviewed. Questions will mostly address type and amount of marine megafauna caught, gear used and fishing effort. Questions on the social-economic background of the fishermen and their dependency on fisheries will also be asked to assess how potential mitigation measures might affect them. The study will mostly use qualitative methods as explained in Carruthers & Neis (2011), although financial and demographic data will also be analysed quantitatively.

References Carruthers, E. H., & Neis, B. (2011). Bycatch mitigation in context: Using qualitative interview data to improve assessment and mitigation in a data-rich fishery. Biological Conservation, 144(9), 2289-2299. FAO (2013). Indonesia, FAO to strengthen fisheries and aquaculture cooperation. Found on 06 June 2017. Available at: story/en/item/176776/icode/. Lewison, R.L., Crowder, L.B., Read, A.J. & Freeman, S.A. (2004). Understanding impacts of fisheries bycatch on marine megafauna. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 19(11),598-604. Mustika, P. L. K., Purnomo, F. S. & Northridge, S. (2014). A pilot study to identify the extent of small cetacean bycatch in Indonesia using fisher interview and stranding data as proxies. Updated report to the International Whaling Commission, Denpasar, 61 pp. Reeves, R. R., Berggren, P., Crespo, E. A., Gales, N., Northridge, S. P., Sciara, G. N. d., Perrin, W. F., Read, A. J., Rogan, E., Smith, B. D. & Waerebeek, K. V. (2005). Global Priorities for Reduction of Cetacean Bycatch. World Wide Fund for Nature. 29 pp. Sularso, A. (2008). Artisanal fisheries in Indonesia. Presentation by the Director General of Surveillance and Control on Marine Resources and Fisheries, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia. 38 pp. TEMPO. CO (2017). Killer Whales Spotted in Gorontalo Waters. Found on 06 June 2017. Available at: Killer-Whales-Spotted-in-Gorontalo-Waters. Terrajana, S. (2017). Paus Orca Dihormati Dalam Adat Pesisir Gorontalo. Found on 06 June 2017. Available at: https://degorontalo. co/paus-orca-gorontalo/. WWF (N.d). Found on 06 June 2017. Available at: https://www.

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A.2.1. Elena Wonneberger

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Ghent University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Manteuffelstr. 5 30163 Hannover, Germany

A.3. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari penggunaan teknologi informasi dan (Research Objective) komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan laut yang berkelanjutan yang disesuaikan dengan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan laut (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Badung, Kab. Buleleng, Gondol, Perancak), (Research Location) Jawa Timur (Banyuwangi), NTB (Lombok), dan Lampung Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Riset Perikanan-Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan-Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si)


Marine culture and capture in Indonesia have a high potential for job creation and the development of fishing communities. Their production, however, is unstable because of difficulties in adapting to the environmental changes caused by climate change. The project will generate big data by quantifying and digitizing the marine environment and traceability of marine products by utilizing ICT and analyze the generated data to establish marine culture and capture technologies based on a scientific analysis of big data. In addition, a cloud-based service will be developed and rolled out through Indonesia as a decision-making support system.

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A.3.1. Prof. Masaaki Wada

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Future University Hakodate Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 116-2 Kamedanakano, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-8655, Japan

A.3.2. Mr. Yoshinori Mine

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Principal Expert Institusi (Institution) : Fujitsu Limited Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Shiodome City Center, 5-2 Higashi-shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7123

A.4. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari penggunaan teknologi informasi dan (Research Objective) komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan laut yang berkelanjutan yang disesuaikan dengan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan laut (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Badung, Kab. Buleleng, Gondol, Perancak), (Research Location) Jawa Timur (Banyuwangi), NTB (Lombok), dan Lampung Mitra Kerja : Pusat Riset Perikanan-Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya (Counterpart) Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan-Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si)

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Marine culture and capture in Indonesia have a high potential for job creation and the development of fishing communities. Their production, however, is unstable because of difficulties in adapting to the environmental changes caused by climate change. The project will generate big data by quantifying and digitizing the marine environment and traceability of marine products by utilizing ICT and analyze the generated data to establish marine culture and capture technologies based on a scientific analysis of big data. In addition, a cloud-based service will be developed and rolled out through Indonesia as a decision-making support system.

A.4.1. Prof. Masaaki Wada Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Future University Hakodate Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 116-2 Kamedanakano, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-8655, Japan

A.4.2. Mr. Yoshinori Mine Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Principal Expert Institusi (Institution) : Fujitsu Limited Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Shiodome City Center, 5-2 Higashi-shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7123

A.4.3. Mr. Takumi Okabe Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Toyohashi University of Technology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tempaku-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi, 441-8580

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A.5. Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari penggunaan teknologi informasi dan (Research Objective) komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan laut yang berkelanjutan yang disesuaikan dengan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan laut (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Kab. Badung, Kab. Buleleng, Gondol, Perancak), (Research Location) Jawa Timur (Banyuwangi), NTB (Lombok), dan Lampung Mitra Kerja : Pusat Riset Perikanan-Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya (Counterpart) Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan-Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si)


Marine culture and capture in Indonesia have a high potential for job creation and the development of fishing communities. Their production, however, is unstable because of difficulties in adapting to the environmental changes caused by climate change. The project will generate big data by quantifying and digitizing the marine environment and traceability of marine products by utilizing ICT and analyze the generated data to establish marine culture and capture technologies based on a scientific analysis of big data. In addition, a cloud-based service will be developed and rolled out through Indonesia as a decision-making support system.

A.5.1. Mr. Keiji Suzuk

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Future University Hakodate Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 116-2 Kamedanakano, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-8655, Japan

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A.5.2. Mr. Hiroaki Taka

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Research Associate Institusi (Institution) : Future University Hakodate Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 116-2 Kamedanakano, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-8655, Japan

A.5.3. Mr. Hiroyasu Kamoshita

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Senior consultant Institusi (Institution) : Upside LLC. Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2-17-17 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0014, Japan


B.1. Valorisation of local biodiversity, domestication and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia/Reproduction and eggs and embryos management in the giant gourami

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengevaluasi dan mengoptimalisasi metode yang (Research Objective) digunakan oleh petani ikan dalam dalam pengelolaan dan pengendalian reproduksi ikan gurami Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Budidaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Januari 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Bogor, Kab. Tasikmalaya) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia Kelautan dan (Counterpart) Perikanan, KKP (Jojo Subagja)

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The giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) is one of the freshwater commodities of economical importance for Indonesia thanks to its high price and opportunities for both local and international markets. Its annual production now amounts to over 119,000 tons and has grown exponentially over the past 15 years (FAO, 2016). Given the growing demand for this fish and the growth of aquaculture (+ 110?n the last 6 years), the intensification of this production is a reality, which modifies the traditional practices of production. As a result, small-scale production of the giant gourami is increasingly dependent on costly inputs, mainly food. Moreover, it is weakened by the increase in anthropogenic pressure which reduces the availability and quality of water. These two factors strongly hamper the sustainability of this traditional production chain. It is important to accompany these changes and to move aquaculture farming practices towards innovative systems that are more efficient, more integrated, economically attractive, robust, environmentally friendly and meet society’s expectations, the development of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) strategies. The approach towards sustainable development of this sector requires a comprehensive approach and includes participatory actions between scientists and producers, as well as the promotion of husbandry practices based on the functions of the ecosystems and their biological regulation. In this context, the aim of this research is to develop an innovative multi-trophic integrated system by combining floating aquatic macrophytes with giant gourami farms.

This participatory project, including fish farmers, is carried out in 2 stages: 1) Comparative field test of innovative IMTA in goramy ponds; 2) Evaluating and monitoring the innovation (including zootechnics, environmental and economic aspects) will be carried out through comparison between IMTA and conventional production systems in association with fish farmers. Research actions proposed: Since previous experiments have been done to select suitable floating plant for IMTA production in combination with giant gourami, the first comparisons between the conventional and IMTA systems will be based on : 1. A comparative field test of IMTA in goramy pond will be carried out in field condition (Bogor district). A mass production of plants will be initiated taking advantage of the free surface between embankment and protective net used by fish-farmer for controlling the predation of gourami. This last surface will be seeded with the selected floating macrophytes. The use of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen will thus make it possible to study the web food and to quantify contributions of each element ingested by the fish and allows quantifying the proportion that participates in the constitution of the flesh of the fish. Comparison with conventional production system of gourami in the same farm will be done through the measurements of zoo technical performances (focused on growth) and a comparison of the sanitary and organoleptic qualities of the gourami from the different production systems. In order to assess the environmental impacts and energy requirements of both production

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systems (conventional and IMTA), the data needed for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) will be acquired from the partner aquaculture farmers. 2. The previous studies will be strengthened in 2018 by complementary scale-of-production tests (Participatory Action Research with groups of fish farmers and comparative case study of IMTA in production farms).

B.1.1. Mr. Simon Pouil

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 19 rue de Roquebillière 06300 Nice France

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A.1. The Impact of Domestic Dog Ecology on The Spread and Control of Infectious Diseases

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi (Research Objective) perilaku anjing dan menyelidiki pengaruh faktor yang diidentifikasi pada penyebaran penyakit, menggunakan rabies sebagai contoh

Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Masyarakat (Field of Research)

Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 16 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration)

Daerah Penelitian : Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Sikka) (Research Location)

Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang (Dr. Ewaldus Wera)


Dogs (Canis familiaris) are among the earliest domesticated animals and one of the most ubiquitous domestic species worldwide. Albeit of many benefits, this partnership can cause problems. Zoonoses (diseases transmittable from animals to humans) transmitted by dogs, particularly rabies, can have a high impact on animal and public health. Worldwide, more than 99% of human cases result from dog bites. The disease is responsible for around 59,000 human deaths per year with 60% occurring in Asia. In societies where domestic dogs are owned, but free-roaming, a substantial risk for disease transmission through frequent contacts within the dog population exists. Yet, knowledge on the behaviors of free roaming domestic dogs (FRDD) is limited. Published studies exist on demography of dog populations worldwide, however studies examining roaming behaviors and factors influencing it are rare. Do FRDD behave similarly worldwide? Is a dog just a dog? Or are there specific factors that influence their behavior or disease transmission? Such information is needed to inform mathematical disease spread models which can be used to design

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evidence-based disease control strategies within FRDD populations. We hypothesize that the behavior of FRDD depends on individual-dog, anthropogenic and environmental factors, which consequently influence the spread of infectious diseases in dog populations. Our objectives are to identify those influential factors and investigate the influence of identified factors on disease spread. We will combine infectious disease modelling with empirical data collected in the field in collaboration with Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic. Three study sites including urban and rural areas will be identified together with the local collaborator. The following data will be gathered: Movement data from individual dogs and contact rates among them using GPS collars, dog characteristics and management by conducting interviews with dog owners, environmental factors through observation, serological samples through venipuncture, and dog counts via transects. We will target 450 dogs (200, 150 and 100 dogs for high, middle and low density sites). These are appropriate sample sizes, based on our previous experience. Blood samples will be serologically analyzed for rabies antibodies and compared to the vaccination history of the dogs. Knowledge gained on dog roaming, rabies immunity and dog population size will be incorporated into mathematical agent-based simulation models. Thanks to this study, we will develop fruitful collaboration between our institutes and write joint publications. We will have a better understanding of the behaviour of the FRDD worldwide and their impact on zoonosis transmission. This study will contribute to the common aim of WHO and OIE to eradicate dog mediated human rabies by refining the current recommendations for rabies vaccination. Considering the close linkage between dog and human health, this study will also benefit human by controlling rabies in free roaming domestic dog populations.

A.1.1. Ms. Charlotte Warembourg

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Lille, France, 6 October 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Bern Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Universität Bern Schwarzenburgstrasse 155 3097 Liebefeld Switzerland Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 17FV23315

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A.2. Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Their Adherence Problems, and Related Factors

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami perilaku kepatuhan pasien CKD dan (Research Objective) faktor-faktor terkait di Aceh, Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan masyarakat (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Agustus 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Maimum Syukri)


Background: One in 10 (10%) of the world population is estimated affecting by chronic kidney disease (CKD), and CKD kills millions per year, directly or indirectly. Adherence to these prescribed therapeutic regimens for CKD patients are the important keystones to manage CKD, especially in containing the disease progression and prevent premature mortality. Although many studies have been conducted, few studies have been carried out in developing country settings. Aceh, province of Indonesia, has started its universal health program covering medical care expenses in 2014, including CKD. Nonetheless, adherence behaviors of CKD patients have not been examined. Objective: We aim to study CKD patients in Aceh, Indonesia and their adherence behavior to their therapeutic regimens, including fluid, dietary, medication, and dialysis, and try to understand factors related to their adherence behavior. Method: This study will use a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative interviews (1st phase) and a cross-sectional questionnaire survey (2nd phase). Qualitative interviews will recruit patients with end-stage CKD, their family member, and health care providers. Barriers and facilitators of adherence experience, as well as quality of the medical care for CKD patients, will be enquired. Based on the qualitative results, we will design structured questionnaire for the second phase survey. The study variables will include sociodemographics, disease characteristics, CKD health literacy, complementary and alternative medicines (CAM)/herbal and dietary supplement (HDS) utilization, and adherence. Approximately estimated 500 late-stage patients will be recruited through RUSD Zainoel Abidin Hospital, including patients on dialysis. Adherence will be measured by subjective/objective methods, such as intradialytic weight gain (IWG) for fluid adherence, serum level of potassium/phosphate/urea nitrogen for dietary adherence, self-report adherence scale (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale or MMAS)

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for medication adherence, and missed session/time and shortened dose time for dialysis attendance (if kidney failure). Content analysis will be used to analyze the qualitative data, while logistic regression will be used to examine factors associated with adherence behavior. Expected Result: We hope that this study could help identify current adherent rate to their different therapeutic regimens. While identifying those factors influence patient’s adherence, we could further design better program, to help increase patients’ adherence behavior. Keywords: CKD, Treatment Regimen, Adherence, Related Factors.

A.2.1. Mr. Wei-Chih Liu

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Taiwan, 24 June 1982 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Taiwan Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D student Institusi (Institution) : International Health Programme, National Yang-Ming University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : International Health Programme National Yang-Ming University No 155, Sec. 2, Li-Nong St. Taipei 112, Taiwan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 313922511

A.3. The Effect of Displacement on the Association Between Landslides and Mental Health in Banjarnegara and Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami apa yang membuat masyarakat Indonesia (Research Objective) tangguh terhadap bencana longsor dan perpindahan terhadap kesehatan jiwa Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan publik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 15 Agustus 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Kab. Banjarnegara); DI Yogyakarta (Kab. (Research Location) Gunung Kidul) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Indonesia (Dicky Pelupessy, Ph.D.)

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This study will assess the effect of displacement on the association between landslides and mental health and wellbeing in Indonesia. We will use a mixed-methodology. The first objective of this work is to understand what makes communities in Banjarnegara and Yogyakarta resilient following landslides. This includes understanding the ways in which communities conceptualize their relationship with the environment and what wellbeing means to them. By understanding why and how communities in Indonesia are resilient, we can improve our landslide-preparedness worldwide. We will use qualitative methodology to address this first aim, particularly the use of in-depth interviews. The second and third objectives of this research are to characterize the effect of landslides on displacement, and to understand how displacement affects the association between landslides and mental health/wellbeing. These objectives will be assessed quantitatively using a questionnaire. This questionnaire will be developed based on the findings from our qualitative work. We will make use of snowball sampling to access survey participants. Despite the fact that landslide-related displacement happens in many places around the world, there is no work on the association between landslides, displacement, and health. This research will help to fill an important gap in public health.

A.3.1. Ms. Katherine Burrows Tempat dan tanggal lahir : New York, USA, 8 May 1991 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Yale University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 205 Church St. Apt 6P. New Haven, CT, 06510, United States of America Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 561942722

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A.4. Validating Ischaemic Heart Disease as A Cause of Death Diagnosis from Verbal Autopsy in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk membuktikan diagnosis penyebab kematian lewat (Research Objective) kuesioner otopsi verbal dengan menggunakan algoritma standar Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan publik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 18 September 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Badan Litbang Kesehatan, Kemenkes (Dr. Yuslely Usman, M.Kes) Abstract

Indonesia is using the sample registration system to collect cause of death data. In the sample registration system, people working there will use the verbal autopsy as a method to collect the cause of death data. In order to make sure the data of the cause of death collected by the verbal autopsy is reliable, validation of the verbal autopsy must need to be done. In my research, I will use a certain disease (ischemic heart disease) as an example to show if the collected cause of death data from the verbal autopsy used in Indonesia is validated or not.

A.4.1. Ms. Wenrong Zhang

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Heilongjiang, 14 March 1992 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Australia National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 24 ogilby crescent page, belconnen, ACT., Australia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E25140551

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A.5. Validating The Diagnosis of Death Caused by Cerebrovascular Disease from Verbal Autopsy in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai validitas Verbal Autopsy sebagai metode (Research Objective) untuk memastikan diagnosis kematian dari Cerebrovascular Disease dimana terdapat sistem pendaftaran vital tidak memadai Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Masyarakat (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 18 September 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Badan Litbang Kesehatan, Kemenkes (Dr. Yuslely Usman, M.Kes) Abstract

Vital statistics in terms of the recording of births, deaths and causes of death are essential parts of the health information system for all countries. To collecting and evaluating the information on mortality rates and cause of death in the community, Indonesia established a Sample Registration System (SRS) to collect information on all deaths across the country. Verbal Autopsy (VA) is used in SRS to ascertain the medical background of the deceased. This study will use a three-stage cluster sampling method to select a nation-wide representative sample. A standardised algorithm will be used to assess the strength of the evidence for the diagnosis of Cerebrovascular disease caused death from verbal autopsy questionnaires. And a second stage of the analysis will then separate the VA questionnaires according to site of death to assess whether contact with the health system influences the reporting of symptoms in the VA questionnaires.

A.5.1. Ms. Sha Sha Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Jiangsu, 19 November 1993 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Australia National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 74 Chandler Street, Belconnen ACT, Australia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E58378694

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A.6. Food, Agrobiodiversity and Diet: The Nutritional Ethnobiology of The Minang and Mandailing Food Systems in West Sumatra

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan gizi (Research Objective) masyarakat Minang dan Mandailing dengan memperkuat dan melakukan diversifikasi sistem pangan lokal, dengan meningkatkan kesadaran dan nilai pangan lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati pertanian Bidang Penelitian : Nutrisi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 2 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Kab. Pasaman) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, IPB (Prof. Ali Khomsan), Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Dr. Ervizal A.M. Zuhud) dan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Andalas (Prof. Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto, MD, PhD)


Agricultural biodiversity (agrobiodiversity) of both cultivated and wild plant and animal species continues to be the basis of the food and nutrition of people in both developing and developed countries. There is a pressing need for research to facilitate understanding of linkages of socio-cultural factors with nutrition capacity of local food sources, land-use systems, landscapes and markets in order to inform policy and innovates practice and approaches towards nutrition and agriculture. West Sumatra is an area with relatively diverse food resources, such as fruit trees and local vegetables. Yet, there is still a high incidence of diet-related problems, such as coronary hearth diseases. Although people still adhere to the traditional diet, western foods are starting to be more available, and thus contributing to the obesity and nutritional transition in the region. Anemia levels in West Sumatra are consistent over time, ranging from 25% to 32% among women. Despite some recent improvements, underweight, stunting and wasting in children 12-23 month old is high anywhere in rural West Sumatra. The main rationale behind the proposed project is to expand our understanding of how local crops, wild edible resources and purchased foods are currently contributing to the food and nutritional security of smallholder cocoa farmers, and how insights gained might identify sustainable options for a healthy and diverse diet. Our research intends to assess how local food and crop diversity contribute to the diet and micronutrient intake. It is anticipated that the results (identification of nutrient-rich and

312 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 culturally preferred food plants, as well as barriers identified) will be directly used within nutritional programs implemented in the study areas by the Swisscontact organization. The direct application of the results in a form raising awareness about balanced diet and nutritional importance of the local fruits, vegetables, pulses and other food resources offer an intervention, which could improve the diet and nutrition in a sustainable and culturally- sensitive way among these communities. In Indonesia, one of the biggest challenges with human health and development are widespread micronutrient deficiencies, foremost of iron and vitamin A. The value of this current research will be to highlight the potential of locally available, and affordable nutrient-rich plant based foods such as iron-rich plants (i.e. dark green leafy vegetables; selected pulses or nuts), and vitamin A-rich plants (i.e. dark green leafy vegetables; and dark yellow-orange-reddish fruits/vegetables which are good sources of carotenoids) in addressing these challenges. The proposed project is aligned with goals and policy of the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019, in particular with the key strategy (c) to improve the quality and nutritional value of the Indonesian diet.

A.6.1. Mr. Lukas Pawera

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, 20 Mei 1988 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Republik Ceko Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D student Institusi (Institution) : Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Borek 47, okres Pardubice, 53401, Czech Republic Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 42265150

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A.7. Contributions of Indonesian Traditional Herbal Treatment ‘Jamu’ to Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Female’s Quality of Life Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami bagaimana masyarakat mempersiapkan (Research Objective) dan menggunakan Jamu untuk promosi kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit, dan kualitas hidup wanita Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Masyarakat (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kota Bogor); Jawa Tengah (Kab. Karanganyar, (Research Location) Kab. Sukoharjo, Kab. Wonogiri, Kota Surakarta); DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB (Dr. Katrin Roosita, SP, MSi) Abstract

This study thus aimed at understanding how local people use traditional herbal treatment ‘Jamu’ for (1) health promotion, (2) disease prevention, and (3) female’s quality of life in Indonesia. Indonesia has recently been developed economically, and this has led to changes of people’s lifestyles and accelerated increase of chronic degenerative diseases and diseases related with the ageing of the society (e.g., mental illness of the elders) and others. Western biomedicine is not so effective to cope with these diseases, and necessities to apply ‘complementary and alternative medicine (e.g., massage, herbal treatment)’ to mitigate the symptoms. Indonesia has one of the traditional herbal treatment “Jamu.” Ministry of Health of the Repulic of Indonesia already started to integrate the effectiveness of Jamu into their medical system. The multidisciplinary (cultural and medical) academic research of Jamu will contribute to further understanding of this medicine and contribution to the Indonesian society.

A.7.1. Ms. Yoshimi Sugino Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Ehime, 30 September 1982 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : 1-101 Katarinakan, 11-8, Kawaharamachi Shogoin, Sakyo- ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto-fu, 606-8397, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TL0087494

A.8. Liquid Gold: A Qualitative Inquiry into Decision-Making about Breastfeeding Among Indonesian Women

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari tentang bagaimana wanita (Research Objective) berkomunikasi mengenai keputusan tentang memberi makan bayi mereka Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Bayi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, (Research Location) Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara); Jawa Barat (Kota Bandung, Kota Cirebon); Jawa Tengah (Kota Semarang); Gorontalo (Kota Gorontalo) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Sri Handayani, SKM., M.Kes) Abstract

Given the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for infants and women, the suboptimal breastfeeding rates in Indonesia are a cause for concern. Communication is an integral component of the top three modifiable factors most strongly associated with breastfeeding: intention, self-efficacy, and social support. However, questions remain about how culture influences decisions about infant feeding, and we know very little about Indonesian women’s decisions and behaviors regarding breastfeeding. This research seeks to improve breastfeeding promotion programs by identifying priorities for decision-making, and exploring the communication processes surrounding such decisions. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with mothers as well as individuals who identify themselves as support persons (including spouses, mothers and mothers-in-law, friends, and health care providers) in Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung, Cirebon, and Gorontalo. All participants must be at least 18 years old, and born and raised in Indonesia. Data collection will occur during two trips to Indonesia: 1) May 19-June 6, 2018, and 2) July 15-29, 2018. Recruitment and data collection strategies will be overseen by Sri Handayani from Dian Nuswantoro University, my local research counterpart, and 10 personal contacts in Indonesia.

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A.8.1. Ms. Nicole Lynn Johnson

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Pennsylvania, USA, 12 January 1982 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant & Doctoral Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 219 N. New Jersey St., Unit D Indianapolis, IN 46204, USA Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 518887215

A.9. A Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Adjunctive Dexamethasone from The Treatment of HIV Infected Adults with Tuberculous Meningitis

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menentukan apakah dexamethasone adalah (Research Objective) tambahan yang aman dan efektif untuk 6-8 minggu pertama pengobatan anti-TB TBM dan menyelidiki strategi manajemen alternatif dalam subset dari pasien yang mengembangkan kerusakan hati yang diinduksi obat yang akan memungkinkan kelanjutan aman rifampicin dan terapi isoniazid apabila memungkinkan Bidang Penelitian : Kedokteran (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Juli 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (RSCM, RS. Persahabatan, Laboratorium LBM (Research Location) Eijkman) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kedokteran, UI (dr. Erni Juwita Nelwan, Sp.PD, Prof. Dr. dr. Inge Sutanto, M.Phill, Sp.Park, dr. Darma Imran, Sp.S, dan Dr. dr. Erlina Burhan, Sp.P(K), M.Sc)


TB meningitis is an infection of the brain caused by tuberculosis. It is a severe disease. We want to improve the treatment of TB meningitis to help people recover better. Normally, TB meningitis patients will be given antibiotics for 9-12 months to kill the infection. However, we want to know whether we should add a drug-called dexamethasone-to help control the

316 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 inflammation in the brain at the start of treatment whilst the antibiotics kill the infection. Our primary objective is to determine whether dexamethasone is a safe and effective addition to the first 6-8 weeks of anti-tuberculosis treatment of TBM (with dexamethasone duration depending on MRC grade at the start of treatment). In making this assessment we not only determine whether dexamethasone improves survival, but also whether it influences the time to new neurological events, IRIS, drug-related adverse events, opportunistic infections, and disability assessed by the modified Rankin score. Furthermore, we will follow participants for 24 months to assess longer-term neurological outcomes and the incidence of HIV-associated malignancy in the two treatment arms. Study design of this trial is a parallel group, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled multi-centre Phase III trial evaluating dexamethasone versus placebo for 6-8 weeks in addition to standard anti- tuberculosis and antiretroviral treatment. Potential participants from two hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and two hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia (Cipto Mangunkusumo and Persahabatan hospitals) will be identified and approached by clinic staff to participate in the trial. Recruitment activities will only occur in an in-patient hospital setting and no activities will be carried out outside of the participating hospitals. Approximately 520 people will be a part of this study which is being performed in two hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and two hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo dan Persahabatan hospitals. The target sample of Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital and Persahabatan hospital is 100-120 participants during the three years enrolment and two years follow up period. There are two groups of patients in this study. One group will be given standard antibiotic treatment for TB meningitis with dexamethasone for the first 6-8 weeks of treatment. The other group with be given standard antibiotic treatment for TB meningitis without dexamethasone. All patients treated for TB meningitis will stay in hospital for the period of treatment until their health status remains stable and they are able to be discharged. While participants are in hospital, they will be closely monitored by the study doctors. All information about participants will be kept confidential. Their medical records will be reviewed in strict confidence by those who are working on this study and may also be reviewed by the ethics committees and health authorities reviewing the study. If the participants do not want to be in the study, or at any time in the study decide to stop being in the study, the doctors will respect their decision.

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A.9.1. Dr. Raph Leonardus Hamers Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Geleen, 9 Desember 1977 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Postdoct Institusi (Institution) : Oxford Clinical Research Laboratory (IOCRL) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Lammenschansweg 56, 2313DN Leiden, The Nedherlands Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : NMK3C0KC0

A.10. Research on mosquito-borne and blood-borne viral infectious diseases in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari sejauh mana virus yang disebarkan (Research Objective) oleh nyamuk di wilayah tropis dapat membawa dampak demam berdarah, HIV/AIDS serta penyakit infeksi lainnya seperti Chikungunya dan Zika Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Masyarakat (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : (Terlampir) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Dr. Soegeng Soegijanto, dr., Sp.A(K)


Dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is the most important mosquito- borne viral infection prevalent throughout tropical and subtropical areas of the world including Indonesia. The recent distribution of the viruses in Indonesia has not been elucidated completely, and there would be a possibility of an appearance of highly pathogenic strains in the future. In fact, new subtype of dengue virus has discovered. Thus, it is important to continue surveillance the viruses in Indonesia. In addition, HIV/ AIDS is a blood-borne viral disease prevalent all over the world, and is mainly caused by HIV-1 infection. Rapidly growing epidemic of HIV-1 is a serious public health problem in Indonesia. In order to control the HIV-1 epidemic and to monitor the effectiveness of the

318 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 treatment, it is important to reveal the current prevalence rate and genotype of HIV-1 in Indonesia.

A.10.1. Mr. Shuhei Ueda

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Jepang, 18 September 1989 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Technical Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-1-17, Minamimotomachi, Oji-cho, Kitakatsuragi-gun, Nara 636-0015, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK3043390

A.11. From Forest Foods to Supermarkets: Changing Diets, Nutrition and Food Environments Resulting from Oil Palm Driven Deforestation, West Kalimantan, Indonesia”

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami perubahan nutrisi yang terkait dengan (Research Objective) perubahan agraria Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Nutrisi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Februari 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kapuas Hulu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Kementerian Kesehatan RI, Politeknik Kesehatan Pontianak (Counterpart) (Edy Waluyo, S.Gz, M.Gizi)


This study explores the nutritional implications of an agrarian. The transition is from forest- based agriculture (consisting of swidden agriculture and agroforestry, supplemented with wild forest foods) towards a form of contract farming for oil palm, combined with permanent agriculture, homegardens and rubber farming. The study is situated within Kapuas Hulu Regency, a rapidly changing, forested landscape in, West Kalimantan Province. This

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project is interdisciplinary, utilising mixed methods. It takes as its conceptual framework, work conducted in the fields of agriculture and nutrition, ethnobotany and public health nutrition-as well as drawing on debates from environmental science and agrarian studies.

A.11.1. Mr. Dominic Samuel Rowland

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : SOAS, University of London Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Jalan CIFOR Situ Gede, Sindang Barang Bogor (Barat) 16115 Indonesia Mailing address: P.O. Box 0113 BOCBD Bogor 16000 Indonesia


B.1. An Integrated Research For The Development of A Scheme To Control Emerging Vector-Borne Viral Diseases In Asia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami hubungan antara kesehatan masyarakat (Research Objective) dan kesehatan ternak di Asia di bawah konsep “One Health” dengan meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang mekanisme evolusi, siklus ekologi, dan kemunculan / munculnya kembali virus vektor di Asia Selatan Bidang Penelitian : Kedokteran hewan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (seluruh kabupaten dan kota) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB (Prof. Dr. Srihadi Agungpriyono, Ph.D., D.V.M)

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To establish a strong research network on vector-borne diseases and conduct a comprehensive surveillance of arbovirus activities, we propose a project consisted of five aims: (1) identification and molecular-cataloguing of unrecognized tick-borne viruses; (2) molecular and serological surveillance of arbovirus infections to better understand vector- borne virus activities; (3) evaluation of pathogenicity of viruses identified in this study by virological and molecular biological approaches; (4) proposition of a model for the geographical distribution, ecological cycle, and evolution of vector-borne viruses; and (5) development of a risk assessment for the emergence of pathogenic arboviruses based on a combination of bioinformatics and the data. The proposed research certainly contributes to both the public health and livestock health in Asia under the “One Health” concept by improving our understanding on the mechanisms of evolution, ecological cycle, and emergence/re-emergence of vector-borne viruses in South Asia. This research will also facilitate the prevention of vector-borne emerging infectious disease in humans and animals in Asia, and it will undoubtedly aid in the development of improved differential diagnostics for these neglected emerging pathogens. Finally, the active collaborations with investigators throughout Asia will provide the foundation for the establishment of strong diagnostic and epidemiological capabilities in Asian countries.

B.1.1. Mr. Hiroshi Shimoda

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Jepang, 8 Maret 1986 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Yamaguchi University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) 1677-1 Yoshida, Yamaguchi, 753-8515, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK2314570

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C.1. Co-evolution of humans and infectious diseases in Island Southeast Asia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis proses-proses selektif di skala mikro- (Research Objective) geografis, guna memberikan wawasan yang unik mengenai co-evolusi patogenik dalam populasi manusia yang beragam dari sejarah demografinya Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Molekuler (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 April 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Kep. Mentawai), NTT (Sumba Barat & (Research Location) Timur), Pulau Seram (Kab. Maluku Tengah); Maluku (Kab. Kep. Aru); Kalimantan Utara (Kab. Malinau); Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kapuas Hulu) Mitra Kerja : LBM Eijkman (Prof. Dr. Herawati Sudoyo) (Counterpart)


The specific objectives of this study are to: 1) Generate whole genome dataset: population genome datasets including Austronesians and Melanesians as reference populations will contribute to identify genetic ancestries of individual genome and population- specific variants. 2) Infer the demographic history of Indonesian populations: population structures between or within islands, the time and proportion of Austronesian-Melanesian admixtures in each population, changes in population size over time. 3) Examine the impact of admixtures: clarify a sex-biased admixture based on whole genome data and its relationships with society and cultures, associations of the admixture rate with phenotypes across populations, estimation of potential effects of admixed variants on individual’s health status. 4) Examine the relation between ancient and modern human lineage, to determine the convergence event between ancestries on their age and reveal the history of Austronesian migration and Austronesian-Melanesian admixture. 5) Construction of database: Indonesian and population-specific variants/haplotype will contribute to the community of population genome and human genetic studies.

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C.1.1. Mr. John Stephen Lansing

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01C-37, Singapore 639798

C.2. Targeting case detection strategies to populations at high risk for malaria in Aceh Province: case control and reactive case detection studies

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menentukan faktor risiko utama yang mencirikan (Research Objective) populasi berisiko tinggi dan metode deteksi kasus reaktif yang optimal di Provinsi Aceh Bidang Penelitian : Biologi molekular (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (LBM Eijkman), Aceh (Kab. Aceh Besar, Kab. (Research Location) Aceh Jaya) Mitra Kerja : LBM Eijkman (Dr. Farah N Coutrier) (Counterpart)


Building on recent evidence that malaria transmission is occurring outside of the household in Aceh province, this study is aimed at improving surveillance strategies by (i) locally defining and accessing high risk populations, and (ii) evaluating RACD strategies that are targeted to forest-going groups. To support this, we propose to conduct epidemiological studies to identify risk factors and useful interventions for high-risk risk populations and compare socio-behavioral RACD approaches to traditional household-based RACD. Existing tools and methodologies developed by the MEI and Eijkman Institute will be used for this purpose, including the Malaria Elimination Risk Factor Analysis Tool (MERFAT) and active surveillance through social networks intervention studies to recruit and describe high-risk groups. The MEI-developed MERFAT tool will be used to conduct prospective case-control studies by selecting cases and controls from commune health facilities and/ or representative localities with follow-up of the selected subjects to identify geographic

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and socio-behavioral risk factors for symptomatic infection. Household RACD will be carried out alongside targeted RACD strategies which will use location-based screening and peer-referral screening to engage and recruit high-risk and hard-to-reach populations. This information will be critical to understand their travel/work behaviors, malaria-related personal protection measures, treatment-seeking behavior and access to health services, interventions, and preventive health messaging, and prevalence of symptomatic and asymptomatic infection. Finally, human movement studies using GPS loggers and vector assessments will be carried out in areas where risk of transmission has been established, in order to better characterize types of forest-movement and vector behaviors that are driving human-vector contact.

C.2.1. Mr. Adam Forrest Bennett

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of California, San Francisco Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 550 16th Street, 3rd Floor, Box 1224 San Francisco, CA 94158, USA

C.2.2. Mr. Paul Joseph Brown III

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Principal Institusi (Institution) : Global Health Photo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6250 Lake Shore Drive South, Seattle, WA, USA

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C.3. Molecular Epidemiological Studies on Human Malaria Parasites and G6PD Deficiency in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari karakteristik molekuler parasit malaria (Research Objective) dan varian defisiensi G6PD di Indonesia

Bidang Penelitian : Biologi molekuler (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 Juni 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Surabaya-Laboratorium LPT Univ. Airlangga); (Research Location) Sumatera Selatan (Kab. Muara Enim (Puskesmas Tanjung Agung): Desa Muara Emil, Desa Embawang, Desa Tanjung Agung); Kab. Lahat (Puskesmas Bunga Mas) : Desa Bunga Mas, Desa Tanda Raja, Desa Paduraksa); Jambi (Kab Merangin, Kab Sarolangun) Mitra Kerja : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Dr. (Counterpart) Indah S. Tantular)


Recently, malaria is extremely decreased in Indonesia, but it is still an important medical problem, particularly at eastern Indonesia. I have been studying molecular epidemiology of malaria in Indonesia with my collaborators at ITD, UNAIR, since 1995, and we have surveyed at many eastern islands such as Lombok, Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores, West Timor, Halmahera, Buru, Seram, Sulawesi, etc. From these studies, we have found tremendous new findings, particularly presence of new variant forms of Plasmodium ovale and P. malariae for the first time from Indonesia. In this new project, we would like to continue malaria surveys at other endemic areas where we have never visited yet, such as Sumatra, Riau, East Kalimantan, etc. Furthermore, we would like to survey monkey malaria parasites from humans, particularly at Kalimantan island. In addition to the above epidemiological studies, we have tried to cultivate wild isolates of P. falciprum and compared with those collected from continental SEA countries such as Myanmar. Thailand and Vietnam. Quite interestingly, wild isolates collected from the SEA continents could be adapted to in vitro cultivation, as like African isolates, and easily obtained in vitro-adapted clones, whereas all Indonesian isolates collected from eastern Indonesian islands, more than 200 isolates examined, failed to be adapted to in vitro, and diasappered from in vitro culture by transforming to young gametocytes. It means that Indonesian isolates may be much different from the

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continental SEA isolates, particularly very sensitive for inducing to gametocytes. It is quite interesting to analyze molecularly why these differences happen. Therefore, we would like to collect wild isolates of P. falciparum from other Indonesian islands than eastern areas, and compare their ability for adaptation in vitro culture. Along with the field surveys on malaria, we have also conducted field surveys on G6PD deficiency for safe treatment to malaria patients by Primaquine. Molecular analysis of 130 variants collected from eastern Indonesian islands revealed that the G6PD Vanua Lava variant is most common in eastern populations, much differing from Javanese or peoples in the continental SEA countries. This means that ancestries for eastern Indonesian peoples may be different from Javanese or continental SEA peoples. To clarify this hypothesis, we would like to expand field surveys on G6PD deficiency to western areas and compare their variant forms with those in eastern populations.

C.3.1. Prof. Fumihiko Kawamoto

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Visiting fellow Institusi (Institution) : Oita University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Oita Univ. Fac. of Med., 1-1 Idaigaoka, Hasama, Yufu, Oita

326 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018


A. ILMU HAYATI (BIOLOGY) A. Synthesis And Characterization Of Graphene Based Metal/Metal Oxide Composites For Photocatalytic Treatment Of Wastewater Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari pengolahan fotokatalitik air limbah (Research Objective) dengan menggunakan komposit graphene oksida logam yang didoping logam Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kimia (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Maret 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Sumedang) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : FMIPA, Universitas Padjadjaran (Prof.Dr.Eng. I Made Joni)


The main objective is to synthesize metals doped metal oxide graphene composites for wastewater treatment. GO is synthesized by the well-known Hummer’s method with some modifications. This chemical method can lead to the bulk production of graphene materials when compared to the other methods that is used for producing graphene. Graphite is the source material used in this present study. Rare earth metals such as Ce, Eu, Sm, Y will be used along with metal oxides such as ZnO, TiO2 and bismuth based materials. Since these metal oxides have good photocatalytic activities and enhanced tailored properties can be made with the aid of rare earths. The materials will be prepared by hydrothermal and sol gel methods. Rare earth doped metal oxide graphene composites will be prepared by one pot synthesis method. Physical/morphology characterization: FT- IR, XRD, UV-Vis, SEM, TEM, EDAX and XPS analysis of the prepared composite will be done. The photocatalytic study of the prepared composite material will be done for synthetic wastewater prepared using methylene blue as a model dye. The study will be done with the help UV-Vis photocatalytic reactor using Xenon lamp as a visible light source. Samples of treated wastewater will be taken at regular intervals of time and the degradation will be monitored with spectrophotometer. The photocatalytic degradation with different catalyst loading, graphene loading will also be studies and corresponding kinetics will be analysed. The results will be analysed and documented.

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A.1.1. Ms. Vanitha Muthukannan

Warga Negara (Nationality) : India Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Anna University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : A Tech Campus, Anna University, Chennai-25, IndiaA Tech Campus, Anna University, Chennai-25, India

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A.1. Quaternary Sediments of Sumatra

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi jumlah, usia, dan ketebalan lapisan (Research Objective) abu endapan di seluruh Sumatera

Bidang Penelitian : Geologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Utara, Jambi, Riau, Bengkulu, (Research Location) dan Kep. Bangka Belitung Mitra Kerja : FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Padang (Dr. Hamdi, M.Si) (Counterpart)


The goal is to identify the number, age, and thickness of ash layers deposited across Sumatera, including the Riau Islands and Bangka Belitung Islands, in order to expand the record of volcanic eruptions and to provide a chronological framework for paleoclimate and other related studies. Sediments are fantastic archives of geological processes (floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes) and environmental change (climate change and change in land use). Volcanic ash can travel far and forms well-preserved tephra layers in quiet, low-energy sedimentary environments such as lakes, swamps or peatlands. The identification and correlation of tephra layers is therefore useful to reconstruct the number, timing and magnitude of eruptions that affected a given location but also to link, synchronize and date geological or environmental events that impact the local and regional ecology, human and climatic history.

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A.1.1. Mr. Edward Park

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Post-doc Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected], [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 50 Nanyang Avenue, blk N2-01a-15 Singapore

A.1.2. Ms. Francesca Forni

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Post-doc Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected]; [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Italia

A.1.3. Mr. Steffen Eisele

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Post-doc Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tunastigen 56 97344 Luleå, Sweden

A.2. Climate Life and Oceans Modulated by Mantle Dynamics in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki geomorfologi, tektonik, paleoclimate dan (Research Objective) hominins di Indonesia

Bidang Penelitian : Geologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration)

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Daerah Penelitian : Bangka Belitung (Kab. Belitung, Kab. Belitung Timur); (Research Location) Jawa Barat (Kab. Indramayu, Kab. Sumedang); Jawa Tengah (Kab. Boyolali, Kab. Sragen); Jawa Timur (Kab. Mojokerto); Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Sumba Barat, Kab. Sumba Barat Daya, Kab. Sumba Tengah, Kab. Sumba Timur); Perairan (Teluk Waingapu) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Geoteknologi, LIPI (Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja) (Counterpart)


This proposal is aimed to request research permit for French scientist for conducting research in the join research between CNRS and LIPI-Geotechnology. In this joint research involve field study to visit several key sites in Indonesia where we aim to collect samples of sediment and fossil corals in order to conduct a multi-disciplinary research project bringing together geomorphologists, geodynamicists, climate scientists and geologists from France and Indonesia. Climate and weathering patterns are closely related in the Indo Pacific area, we aim to reconstruct climate using fossil climate archives and conduct a field study in order to understand modern and past changes in landscape. Our research raises fundamental questions in the areas of solid earth, hydrosphere atmosphere and biosphere. More specifically, with the information and material collected during the planned fieldtrip, we aim to 1) establish geomorphological and tectonic reconstructions from key areas in Indonesia, 2) date the sedimentary layers of the hominin sites of Java (Sangiran, Trinil, and Mojokerto). This research collaboration is under the MoU between LIPI (signed by Dr. Eko Elianto, director of the Research Center for Geotechnology) and CNRS (signed by Jérôme Vitre, Regional delegate of CNRS), signed by both parties in October 2016.

A.2.1. Mr. Denovan Chauveau

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Université De Brest Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 5 rue George Mandel 29200 Brest

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A.2.2. Mr. Kevin Vincent Pedoja-Mathelin

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Caen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University of Caen 24 rue des Tilleuls 14000 Caen, France

A.2.3. Mr. Laurent Bernard Marie Husson

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : CNRS Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : ISTerre OSUG-C (Maison des Géosciences) 1381, rue de la Piscine 38400 SAINT MARTIN D’HÈRES


B.1. Scientific investigation of the Jailolo seismic swarms and related seismic hazard and risk assessment

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan pemantauan ilmiah menyeluruh terhadap (Research Objective) wilayah tersebut dengan instrumentasi ilmiah resolusi tinggi dan ekspedisi lapangan untuk mengumpulkan sampel biologis Bidang Penelitian : Geofisika (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Maluku Utara (Kab. Halmahera Barat) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) (Dr. (Counterpart) Urip Haryoko)

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Abstract Occurrence of seismic swarms close to volcanoes often harbinger the onset of unrest. Establishing whether magma is the culprit and the unrest can be flagged as magmatic may be challenging, as many processes may cause a volcano-tectonic seismic crisis. Here we analyse the spatio-temporal pattern of a seismic swarm that occurred in November 2015-February 2016 around Jailolo volcano, a long-dormant and poorly studied volcano located in the Halmahera island, North Moluccas, Indonesia. The swarm included four M>5 earthquakes and hundreds of events were felt by the population. We relocate the earthquakes using both the Indonesian Seismic Network and single station location techniques. We find the earthquakes cluster in a narrow strip, stretching 5 km E-W and 20 km N-S and migrating at a speed of around 10 km/d southward away from Jailolo volcano. We investigate the source mechanisms of the largest earthquakes via full moment tensor inversion. The non double-couple component of the best-determined moment tensor solutions is around 50% so that the earthquakes, beside normal/oblique faulting, included a relatively large opening component. After a thorough examination of the possible cause of the Jailolo swarm we conclude that a magmatic intrusion at shallow depth is the likely felon behind the Jailolo seismic swarm. This magmatic unrest calls for a revision of the classification of Jailolo volcano as active one and the volcanic hazard associated to this volcano.

B.1.1. Dr. Luigi Passarelli

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Research scientis Institusi (Institution) : GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Helmholtzstraße 6/7 Building H 7, Room 306 14467 Potsdam, German

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B.2. Optimizing Models Using Complex Source of Deformations in Elastic Medium

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menguji integrasi Model Dislokasi CDM dalam proses (Research Objective) integrasi yang cepat Bidang Penelitian : Geofisika (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 6 Februari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Jurusan Geofisika, FMIPA, UGM (Dr. Wiwit Suryanto) (Counterpart)


Numerical modelling of deformations is one of the effective methods to compute the depth and the amplitude of a pressure source as an early sign of some natural phenomena like magmatic reservoirs overpressure or dyke intrusion. But the implementation of real-time inversion faces heavy calculations, which makes it difficult to reproduce more complex sources than a plan or an isotropic point. In this project, we will focus on a new analytical solution: The Compound Dislocation Model (CDM) that solves deformations in the near- and in the far-field of a complex source composed of three mutually orthogonal plans. This model can be applied to shallow dikes, sills and any triaxial ellipsoidal shapes. We will test the efficacy of this Compound Dislocation Model through a probabilistic reversal process, using data from a 3D direct model with boundary element method.

B.2.1. Mr. Villie Antoine Marie Christophe

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : Mines Paristech Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1 impasse des Pins 69680 CHASSIEU, France

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B.3. Java Tsunami Earthquake Risk Assessment (JAVATERA)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperoleh data refleksi seismik beresolusi tinggi (Research Objective) 3D di bagian depan wilayah gempa tsunami 2006 guna memahami hubungan antara gempa dan tsunami Bidang Penelitian : Geofisika (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Pangandaran, Kota Sukabumi, Kota (Research Location) Tasikmalaya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hananto)


The Java section of the 6 000 km long Sunda subduction system has produced two known tsunami earthquakes in 1994 and 2006 with run-up heights up to 16 m in the coastal region, but there is no record of any known great earthquakes. Our experience from the Sumatra 2004 and Tohoku 2011 earthquakes suggests that up to 700 km of the Java section could rupture during a great earthquake possibly producing a devastating tsunami. In order to mitigate the earthquake and tsunami risk in this area, we propose to acquire at the first phase to acquire 3D high-resolution seismic reflection data at the frontal section of the 2006 tsunami earthquake region to understand the link between earthquake and tsunami genesis then, compare these results with the Mega-Tera experiment in the 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake and locked zones. At the second phase, we propose to acquire ultra- deep seismic reflection data using a 15 km long streamer and a large airgun source to image the plate interface down to 60 km depth covering the whole Java section. At this stage, our funding is sufficient only for the implementation of the 3 D high-resolution seismic experiment. The results will be extremely important in defining the nature of tsunami earthquake that can be applied to the subduction zone elsewhere and as key aspect for tsunami earthquake hazard mitigations.

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B.3.1. Prof. Satish Chandra Singh

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : IPGP - 1, rue Jussieu - 75238 Paris cedex 05, French

B.3.2. Ms. Helene Delphine Carton

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1, rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris, FRANCE

B.3.3. Ms. Muriel Laurencin

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Postdoct researcher Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 12, boulevard Commandant Mouchotte, 29200 Brest France

B.3.4. Mr. Hongyu Zeng

Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Research associate Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 50 Nanyang Ave., Singapore

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C.1. Geochemical and age constrains on the petrogenesis of potassic magmatism of the Muria igneous complex, Central Java

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik magmatisme Objective) dan petrogenesis Kompleks Muria Igneous dengan menggunakan analisis geokimia dan isotop, untuk mendapatkan umur batuan magmatik dengan pengumpulan zircon U-Pb sepanjang musim dan banyak informasi usia lebih lanjutoleh zirkon detrital dari batuan sedimen atau pantai dan pasir sungai dan juga untuk mengetahui hubungan antara magmatisme dan tektonik Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Geokimia Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 Maret 2018(month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Jawa Tengah (Kab. Boyolali, Kab. Grobogan, Kab. Jepara, Location) Kab. Kudus, Kab. Pati, Kab. Semarang) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Geoteknologi, LIPI (Iwan Setiawan)


The extinct Pleistocene Muria Igneous Complex is located in the north cost of Central Java and situated above an active subduction zone but within an extensional trough at the margin of the back-arc basin. It has erupted potassic lavas which have similar geochemical characteristic to within-plate settings. The methodology is using whole rock geochemical data including major elements, trace elements, different isotopic ratios and zircon U-Pb ages to study the igneous rocks from the Muria Igneous Complex. All of the samples will be analyzed in the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei. Objectives of this research are: (1) to collect a variety of rock samples from the Muria Igneous Complex, for (2) systematic analyses of whole-rock and mineral geochemical compositions including major and trace elements and certain “conventional” isotope ratios (e.g., Sr-Nd-Hf) and “non-conventional” isotope ratios (e.g., Mg-Fe-Li-K), to hopefully (3) better understand the petrogenesis of (highly) potassic magmatism in the region and worldwide implication in general.

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C.1.1. Mr. Yu Ming Lai

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : No.88, Sec. 4, Tingzhou Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei 11677, Taiwan R.O.C.

C.1.2. Mr. Sun Lin Chung

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Taiwan Jabatan (Position) : Distinguished Research Fellow and Director Institusi (Institution) : Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nangang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan

C.1.3. Mr. Yang Sun

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Cina Jabatan (Position) : Postdoc research fellow Institusi (Institution) : Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nangang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan

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D.1. Palaeoenvironements of Sumatra During the Pleistocene

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menguji apakah koridor penyebaran padang rumput (Research Objective) hadir di Sumatra selama masa Pleistocene

Bidang Penelitian : Paleontologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juni 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : (Terlampir) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Institut Teknologi (Counterpart) Bandung (Prof. Dr. Ir. Yahdi Zaim)


The research will address two pivotal research questions: Question 1: What are the ages and depositional contexts for existing Pleistocene Sumatran fossil localities? Dubois began collecting from Lida Ajer on the 15th July 1888, and this is the only Sumatran site he documented in detail. It is located south of the village of Situduh Batu, near Payakumbuh, with the cave entrance situated 150 m above the Babuwe river valley. Similarly precise locality information does not exist for Sibrambang or Jambu. These three caves represent the three main Dubois Sumatran assemblages, although Hooijer noted that Dubois also collected from other caves near Payakumbuh, Panyinggahan, Muara Pinggai, and Bua. The fossil assemblages from Lida Ajer and Sibrambang were originally assumed to be Holocene, and based on faunal similarities between these fossils and those from the site of Punung on Java, de Vos suggested that all three assemblages were coeval. Punung has been dated to 115-143 ka. Dating efforts for Lida Ajer have indicated ages of 72-62 ka for the fossil-bearing breccia. Addressing this research question will provide significant new insights for understanding the movements and environment inhabited by Pleistocene mammals in Sumatra, and can be achieved by testing the following hypothesis: 1. The Lida Ajer, Sibrambang, and Jambu assemblages represent single depositional events with tight chronologies, and thus can be used to confidently infer palaeoenvironments. Question 2: Did a savannah corridor exist in Sumatra during the Pleistocene? Several lines of evidence from palynological records, indirect biogeographical and geological evidence, and guano deposits suggest the expansion of a central savannah corridor through Southeast Asia

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during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Louys and Meijaard extended this inference, examining palaeoenvironmental records from throughout the Pleistocene, and concluded that more open environments were also present during glacials prior to the LGM. Vegetation models, on the other hand, tend to indicate continuous rainforests across the same area, and some have interpreted high-resolution offshore pollen data from the South China Sea as evidence for the maintenance of tropical rainforests throughout the LGM. Unfortunately, a lack of terrestrial palaeoenvironmental records hinders the convincing resolution of these differing reconstructions. In particular, evidence is lacking from the submerged Sunda shelf where the corridor would have been dominant, and those areas of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra most affected by lowered sea levels. Understanding the nature of vegetation changes across Pleistocene Sundaland has far reaching consequences. The existence of the savannah corridor is pivotal to hypotheses of human dispersals, large mammal biogeography, allopatric speciation of several key Southeast Asian taxa including orangutans, and Pleistocene megafauna extinctions. Vertebrate faunas represent a valuable terrestrial resource for palaeoenvironmental studies. Animals are limited in the types of habitats they are found in, and their environmental preferences are reflected in what they eat, their morphology, and the animals they are found in association with. Reconstructing these ecological aspects of fossil organisms provides unique insights into the range of palaeoenvironmental conditions present during their lifetimes. Multiproxy analyses of these ecological attributes allows for finer resolution of palaeoecologies. Addressing this question will provide significant new information required for reconstructing environments in Pleistocene Sumatra, and can be achieved by testing the following hypotheses: 1. That a savannah corridor was present during glacial periods in eastern Sumatra; and 2. More open environments were only present on the eastern coast of Sumatra, and did not penetrate into central and western Sumatra, which remained heavily forested.

D.1.1. Mr. Julien Louys

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Senior Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Griffith University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road QLD 4111, Australia

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D.1.2. Mr. Gilbert James Price

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Senior Lecturer in Palaeontology Institusi (Institution) : University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Faculty of Science, The University of Queensland St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia

D.1.3. Ms. Holly Ellen Smith

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Griffith University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Nathan campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road QLD 4111, Australia


E.1. Catchment hydrology in the Wet Dry Tropics –what are the drivers of spring yield variability in East Sumba, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengaktifkan perlindungan arus air dengan (Research Objective) mengkonsolidasikan pengetahuan lokal yang ada dan menghasilkan pengetahuan hidrologi baru yang meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang keseimbangan mata air dan pengaruh inisiatif manajemen tutupan lahan Bidang Penelitian : Hidrologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 2 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Sumba Timur) (Research Location)

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Mitra Kerja : Universitas Nusa Cendana (Dr. Jokobis J. Messakh) (Counterpart)


There is a common perception in East Indonesia that trees in upper catchments will regulate water and convey it to streams and springs and that revegetation of upper catchments can restore spring flows. Few hydrologists have addressed the influence of landcover change in fragmented landscapes of karst catchments and there is a global scarcity of knowledge of groundwater characteristics in the tropics. The aim of my PhD research is to understand the drivers of variability in karst spring yields in the wet-dry tropics and the role of landcover in the water balance, using social science and simple hydrogeological methods.

E.1.1. Ms. Penelope Bronwyn Godwin

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Charles Darwin University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 29 Nelumbo St Rivett ACT, 2611, Australia

E.2. Carbon dioxide cycling in fresh to estuarine waterways on a tropical island

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur aliran CO2 dan air tanah di perairan Bali (Research Objective) Bidang Penelitian : Hidrologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Agustus 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Palasari Reservoir, Danau Buyan, Danau Batur, Sungai (Research Location) Ayung, Nusa Lemongan, Pelabuhan Benoa, Perancak bag. Timur, Teluk Gilimanuk) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung (Counterpart) Suryaputra)

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To our knowledge, there are no previous assessments on the magnitude of the air-water carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in Bali’s waterways, and no studies quantifying groundwater- surface water exchange in these systems. There are few estimates of air-water CO2 fluxes from tropical freshwater and estuarine systems (Maher and Eyre, 2012), and to our knowledge no studies on CO2 fluxes or groundwater-surface water interaction in modified waterways in Bali. The few previous studies in modified waterways globally revealed frequent eutrophication and de-oxygenation events and changes in groundwater-surface water interactions, that were suggested to be related to long water residence times within these systems (Waltham and Connolly, 2011; Macklin et al, 2014). As there is little information on both water-to-air carbon dioxide fluxes and groundwater-surface water interactions in Bali, my research project will contribute significantly to Bali’s hydrological literature. The aim of this project is to quantify the flux of CO2 and groundwater in Bali’s waterways. We hypothesize that groundwater makes a significant contribution to CO2 inputs to the waterways. We intend to assess the qualitative and quantitative importance of groundwater CO2 high-tech radon measurement technology. Mangroves sequester and store large quantities of carbon (Lovelock, 2008). This is commonly known as a blue carbon. Most of this carbon is buried and comprises of mangrove leaves and roots (Donato et al, 2011) When the mangrove forest is removed the soil carbon stock may be altered (Donato et al, 2012). It is important to gauge how stocks of blue carbon respond to changes in land use, such as shrimp and seaweed farming, yet there are few empirical studies of GHG emissions from aquaculture ponds that occur in converted mangrove areas. It has been recently identified that climate change management strategies should include tropical wetlands (Sidik and Lovelock, 2013) . These ecosystems have significant potential to mitigate climate change if well managed. However, tropical wetlands are currently threatened by conversion to agriculture, aquaculture and infrastructure development (Murdiyarso et al, 2013). Effective climate change mitigation can be achieved in this study by comparing the CO2 efflux of natural and man-made systems and identifying the biogeochemical drivers of CO2 emissions.

E.2.1. Mr. Paul Anthony Macklin Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Southern Cross University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3a Second Ave, Tweed Heads, NSW 2485. Australia

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F.1. VELI: Indonesian Explosive Volcanoes Laboratory

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan pemetaan jenis hutan spesies (Research Objective) menggunakan data optik dan SAR beresolusi tinggi

Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 Juni 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bandung-Kantor Kementerian ESDM), Jawa (Research Location) Tengah & DI Yogyakarta (Gn. Merapi) & Maluku Utara Mitra Kerja : Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), (Counterpart) Kementerian ESDM (Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana, S.Si dan Ir. I Gusti Made Agung Nandaka)


Since project beginning in 2013, an observation platform has been set up for geophysical and geochemical data acquisition on Merapi volcano and North Moluccas volcanoes. Data are shared with BPPTKG for national monitoring of volcanic activity and also with french laboratories for research purposes. The main tasks of the project members consist in installation of instruments, maintenance, archiving, data diffusion and preliminary data processing.

F.1.1. Mr. Nabil Dahamna

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Engineer Institusi (Institution) : IRD Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1 rue Jussieu, Paris

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A . 1 . Studying Human Origin in East Java

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari kerangka biologis dan usia dari manusia (Research Objective) purba di daerah Trinil, Jawa Timur dan sekitarnya Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Januari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Ngawi-Bengawan Solo, Madiun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Arkeologi Nasional (Drs. I. Made Geria) (Counterpart)


Homo erectus, our predecessor, was first discovered at Trinil on Java (Indonesia) by Eugène Dubois in 1891. Later finds in Africa and Eurasia have increased our knowledge of this species. However, its biogeography, ecology, behaviour remain key unknowns that are central to understanding the origin of the human lineage. The goals of our study are: 1) to provide a geological and age framework for Trinil and surrounding area on East Java, 2) to reconstruct its paleoenvironmental and paloeclimatic context, 3) to assess Homo erectus behaviour based on modified fossils and artefacts. To achieve these objectives we will study available museum material in the Dubois and Selenka Collections (curated in Leiden and Berlin) and conduct an archaeological excavation in the Trinil area, applying lithostratigraphic description and measurements, a range of dating methods (radiometric, paleomagnetic, and luminescence dating), geochemical methods (e.g. stable and strontium isotopic ratios), faunal analyses and archaeological analyses of artefacts. Building on a successful fieldwork in Trinil in 2016, and to prepare for the proposed excavation planned for 2018, we will conduct a 2-week fieldwork in the Trinil area in the summer of 2017. The objectives of this 2017 fieldwork are to compare the stratigraphic section at Trinil with similar sections in the area, understand the local geology in the East Java Basin setting, and take additional samples for luminescence and paleomagnetic dating, and for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.

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A.1.1. Gerrit Mannes Alink

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Guest Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Da Costastraat 11, 3904 AZ Veenendaal, The Netherlands

A .2. Sejarah Pemukiman Di Sumatra (Abad Ke-11-Abad Ke-14 M)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan analisis data-data survei dan (Research Objective) penggalian, serta analisis temuan yang sistematik mengenai sejarah pemukiman di Sumatra Utara Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 30 Januari 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from)

Daerah Penelitian : Sumatra Utara (Medan, Deli-Serdang), Aceh (Research Location) (Banda Aceh, dan Aceh Besar) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Drs. I Made (Counterpart) Geria, M.Si.)


PROPOSAL PENELITIAN BERSAMA PUSAT PENELITIAN ARKEOLOGI NASIONAL INDONESIA UNTUK PERIODE NOV. 2017-OKT. 2018 Ringkasan Prof. Dr. Daniel PERRET (Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris, Perancis) Untuk periode tersebut, kami mengusulkan satu kegiatan bersama Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Indonesia. Program ini berkenaan dengan situs permukiman Kota Cina, yang terletak di Kotamadya Medan, Provinsi Sumatra Utara. Dia Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis data-data hasil survei dan penggalian, serta analisis temuan yang sistematik, yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian periode 2011-2016. Tahap penelitian ini diperlukan untuk dapat menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dasar mengenai sejarah situs Kota Cina: - kronologi terperinci

346 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 dan perkembangan area permukiman kuno berdasarkan analisis keramik yang diimpor dan penanggalan ekofak. Penyusunan skenario perkembangan area permukiman kuno memerlukan analisis sistematik temuan keramik, baik dari segi kronologi, maupun dari segi lokasi. Untuk sementara, didapati bahwa Kota Cina mulai dihuni pada paruh kedua abad ke- 11, mencapai puncak kemakmurannya pada abad ke-12 dan ke-13, sebelum ditinggalkan pada peralihan abad ke-14. - cara hidup penduduk Kota Cina pada zaman dahulu. Dalam konteks Kota Cina, pertanyaan ini bisa dijawab melalui dua aspek, yaitu lingkungan alami, serta analis struktur, fitur, artefak dan ekofak yang sistematik. Tentang sejarah kebiasaan makanan, situs Kota Cina menunjukkan satu kelebihan karena menghasilkan banyak sisa fauna. Selain itu, penelitian di Kota Cina membuka kemungkinan untuk melakukan perbandingan dengan cara hidup di situs-situs lain sezaman di Sumatra Utara, khususnya dari segi tembikar dan keramik. Bersama dengan pihak Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional kami merencanakan untuk mengadakan sebuah pameran mengenai hasil penelitian bersama di Provinsi Sumatra Utara sejak tahun 1995, dan khususnya di situs Kota Cina sejak tahun 2011.

A.2.1. Mr. Stéphane Claude Frère

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : INRAP Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 127, rue Moslard, 92700 Colombes, France

A.2.2. Ms. Bing Zhao

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : CNRS Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris France, Perancis

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A.3. Studying Human Origin in East Java

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari kerangka biologis dan usia dari (Research Objective) manusia purba di daerah Trinil, Jawa Timur dan sekitarnya Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Ngawi-Bengawan Solo, Madiun) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Arkeologi Nasional (Prof. Dr. Truman (Counterpart) Simanjuntak)


Homo erectus, our predecessor, was first discovered at Trinil on Java (Indonesia) by Eugène Dubois in 1891. Later finds in Africa and Eurasia have increased our knowledge of this species. However, its biogeography, ecology, behaviour remain key unknowns that are central to understanding the origin of the human lineage. The goals of our study are: 1) to provide a geological and age framework for Trinil and surrounding area on East Java, 2) to reconstruct its paleoenvironmental and paloeclimatic context, 3) to assess Homo erectus behaviour based on modified fossils and artefacts. To achieve these objectives we will study available museum material in the Dubois and Selenka Collections (curated in Leiden and Berlin) and conduct an archaeological excavation in the Trinil area, applying lithostratigraphic description and measurements, a range of dating methods (radiometric, paleomagnetic, and luminescence dating), geochemical methods (e.g. stable and strontium isotopic ratios), faunal analyses and archaeological analyses of artefacts. Building on a successful fieldwork in Trinil in 2016, and to prepare for the proposed excavation planned for 2018, we will conduct a 2-week fieldwork in the Trinil area in the summer of 2017. The objectives of this 2017 fieldwork are to compare the stratigraphic section at Trinil with similar sections in the area, understand the local geology in the East Java Basin setting, and take additional samples for luminescence and paleomagnetic dating, and for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.

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A.3.1. Ms. Josephine Caroline Antoinette Joordens

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Post-doctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC Leiden, The Netherlands

A.4. Evolution and Dispersal of Early Modern Humans in Wallacea

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengidentifikasi bukti pendudukan manusia (Research Objective) modern dan memahami sifat interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan Pleistosen, serta mengklarifikasi rute penyebaran manusia ke Australasia Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kidul); Bali (Kab. (Research Location) Klungkung); Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Belu, Kab. Rote Ndao); Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Banggai Kepulauan); Maluku (Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat); Papua Barat (Kab. Manokwari, Kab. Raja Ampat, Kab. Sorong, Kab. Sorong Selatan, Kab. Teluk Bintuni); Daerah baru : NTT (Kab. Kupang) & Maluku (Kab. Seram) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Drs. E. Wahyu (Counterpart) Saptomo, M.Hum.)


Recent research placed the initial arrival of modern humans (Homo sapiens) in Australia by at least 60,000 years ago, implying the presence of modern humans in Island Southeast Asia by this time, if not earlier. However, the earliest sites known in Wallacea—the oceanic island zone between Australia and mainland Southeast Asia—only date to ~45–40,000 years ago. This chronological discrepancy suggests that evidence for the initial peopling of Wallacea by modern humans has yet to be documented. To help resolve this knowledge

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gap, a joint Indonesian-Australian multidisciplinary project is proposed here to conduct comprehensive archaeological and paleoenvironmental research at eight key locations across Indonesia. The project will evaluate the archaeological potential of the research areas for evidence of Pleistocene modern human occupation. Long-term research will be conducted at selected sites to expand the investigation of the ecological setting of these Pleistocene occupations, and further clarify the route and timing of human dispersal into Island Southeast Asia and Australasia.

A.4.1. Ms. Josephine Caroline Antoinette Joordens

Warga Negara (Nationality) : New Zealand Jabatan (Position) : Research fellow Institusi (Institution) : University of Wollongong Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rm G04, Building 41, University of Wollongong, Northfield Ave, Wollongong 2500 NSW A.5. The Archaelogy of Island use in the Wallacean Archipelago

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki masa purba pendudukan manusia di pulau-pulau (Research Objective) kecil kawasan Wallacea Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Alor, Kab. Lembata); Maluku (Kab. Maluku (Research Location) Barat Daya) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Mahirta Sasongko, M.A) Abstract

Principal Investigators: Dr Mahirta, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Professor Susan O’Connor, Australian National Uuniversity. Abstract: This project aims to investigate the antiquity of human occupation on the small islands of Wallacea. Specifically it aims to investigate whether prehistoric peoples in the Pleistocene were capable of exploiting the rich marine resources surrounding the islands or subsisted only on the land-based fauna. Current theory would suggest that early in prehistory humans were not capable of targeting marine fauna as the capture of marine resources was more difficult requiring complex planning and an array of

350 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 technology. Thus the project will also investigate what types of technology were invented and in use in the Pleistocene period. We will focus on the stone, bone and shell technology and will investigate whether life on these small islands prompted novel solutions to the unique ecosystems (e.g. Tanudirjo 2001). On the smaller islands such as Alor, Pantar, Kisar and Leti the land-based fauna is very depauperate; in terms of native animals and during the Pleistocene only rats, bats and reptiles were available. Plants also likely formed a major staple of the diet in prehistory and while these do not preserve well in archaeological sites we will undertake sampling for pollen, phytoliths and starches down the profile to try to better understand the contribution to the diet made by plants. The Project So Far: In 2014 the island that was the focus of our research effort was Alor Island situated within the Nusa Tenggara Timur Province of Indonesia. Areas around Liang Puri, Kiraman, Lerabain, Mademang, Maimol, Buyungta, Mali, Toblang, Hame, Lakor, Kokar Weling, Alarang, Waking, Ehdon, Sebanjar, Ulimoning, Alor Besar, Alor Kecil, Ampera, Lewalu, Folboa, Dulolong, Atengmale, Kolana, Kaluman, Kenarlinag, and Watatuku villages in the Kui, Abui, Adang, Alorese, Kula, Sawila regions of Alor Island will be specifically targeted. We undertook our first field season from the 13th June 2014 until the 30th June 2014. We surveyed in the above mentioned areas and selected two cave sites for excavation. The research for 2015 was carried out on the small island of Kisar in Maluku Barat Daya of Indonesia. Between the 16th to the 29th of October we conducted extensive archaeological surveys around the island and excavated one rock shelter on the south coast and another shelter on the east coast. The research for 2016 was carried out on the small islands of Nusa Tenggara Timur of Indonesia, specifically; Alor, Pantar and Lembata. Excavations and survey work on Alor was conducted from 20th June to the 20th August. Pantar survey and excavation followed from the 17th to the 31st August. Preliminary survey of Lembata was conducted from the 22nd to the 26th August. In early 2017 research was conducted on the island of Lembata. We conducted three excavations, all on the eastern coast of the island, two rockshelter sites and one open site in an ancestral village. Further survey was also conducted in the central north, and south - southeast regions of the island in the Lembata districts of Omesuri and Wulandoni. Proposed Research: Later in 2017 we plan to conduct an additional excavation on Kisar Island, and also survey the nearby islands of Romang and Damar in Maluku Barat Daya. If any favorable archaeological sites are identified on Romang or Damar, one will be selected for excavation in early 2018. Methodology: We anticipate one or two weeks will be spent surveying and testing during each field season/year to locate suitable sites for excavation. Two sites will then be selected for excavation each year. Excavations will use fine-scale removals (2-5 cm), high precision recording (3-D) and recovery methods.

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A.5.1. Prof. Susan Lillian O’Connor

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Coombs Building 9 Fellows Road Australian National University CANBERRA ACT, Australia 2601

A.5.2. Ms. Shimona Frances Kealy

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Coombs Building 9 Fellows Road Australian National University CANBERRA ACT, Australia 2601

A.5.3. Mr. Ceri Ben Kersey Shipton

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Post-Doctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Coombs Building 9 Fellows Road Australian National University CANBERRA ACT, Australia 2601

A.5.4. Mr. Jack Alexander O’Connor-Veth

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Masters Student Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 20 Durack St Downer

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A .6. Archaeological excavations at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan penggalian baru di Liang Bua (Research Objective) yang khusus menargetkan deposit sedimen antara ~ 60 ka dan 12 ka kal dan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan baru tentang kedatangan, morfologi, dan perilaku populasi manusia modern awal yang datang ke Flores Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 April 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Liang Bua, Manggarai) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (I Made Geria)


As the type site of the enigmatic hominin species Homo floresiensis, Liang Bua—a large limestone cave on the Indonesian island of Flores—is critical for testing hypotheses about how, when and why this particular human species became extinct, and whether modern humans (Homo sapiens) played any direct or indirect role in this process. Current evidence from the cave suggests that H. floresiensis disappears ~50 thousand years (ka) ago whereas the oldest unequivocal evidence for the use of fire by hominins—and these hearth-like structures are probably the result of modern human behavior—occurs between 41 and 24 thousand calibrated radiocarbon years before present (ka cal. BP). The proposed research project will consist of new excavations at Liang Bua specifically targeting sedimentary deposits dated to between ~60 ka and 12 ka cal. BP in order to test whether H. floresiensis and other associated endemic fauna survived after ~50 ka ago while also gaining important new knowledge about the arrival, morphology, and behavior of the earliest modern human populations to reach Flores.

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A .6. 1. Mr. Matthew Wayne Tocheri

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Lakehead University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, P7B 5E1 Canada

A.7. Archaeological excavations at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk melakukan penggalian baru di Liang Bua (Research Objective) yang khusus menargetkan deposit sedimen antara ~ 60 ka dan 12 ka kal dan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan baru tentang kedatangan, morfologi, dan perilaku populasi manusia modern awal yang datang ke Flores Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian( : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 April 2018 (month, Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Liang Bua, Manggarai) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (I Made Geria)


As the type site of the enigmatic hominin species Homo floresiensis, Liang Bua—a large limestone cave on the Indonesian island of Flores—is critical for testing hypotheses about how, when and why this particular human species became extinct, and whether modern humans (Homo sapiens) played any direct or indirect role in this process. Current evidence from the cave suggests that H. floresiensis disappears ~50 thousand years (ka) ago whereas the oldest unequivocal evidence for the use of fire by hominins—and these hearth-like structures are probably the result of modern human behavior—occurs between 41 and 24 thousand calibrated radiocarbon years before present (ka cal. BP). The proposed research project will consist of new excavations at Liang Bua specifically targeting sedimentary deposits dated to between ~60 ka and 12 ka cal. BP in order to test whether H. floresiensis and other associated endemic fauna survived after ~50 ka ago while also gaining important new knowledge about the arrival, morphology, and behavior of the earliest modern human populations to reach Flores.

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A.7. 1. Mr. Matthew Wayne Tocheri

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Lakehead University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, P7B 5E1 Canada

A.7.2. Ms. Elizabeth Grace Veatch

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D Student Institusi (Institution) : Emory University

Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Anthropology 1557 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322


B.1. Urbanisation, dietary change and local food cultures: the case of Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami dampak urbanisasi di Indonesia terhadap (Research Objective) pola makan; dan peran budaya makanan tradisional setempat dalam memediasi proses perubahan Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta); Bali (Kab. Gianyar, Kota (Research Location) Denpasar) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : FISIP UGM (Dr. Amalinda Savirani)

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Dietary change across countries and continents has proceeded rapidly over the past decades, in conjunction with economic development, urbanisation and social change. In the Global South, the change has occurred more recently-and at faster rates. Understanding the drivers, and outcomes of dietary change, within the specific context of individual regions and countries is crucial, to inform action that can counter the rising occurrence of chronic, non-communicable diseases that, in the South add further to the existing burden of infectious disease and malnutrition. A popular narrative that looks at dietary change, the Nutrition Transition, first theorised in the early 1990s, predicts a pattern of overall convergence towards “Western” diets, characterised by high intake of overall calories, and of other nutrients such as fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates that are associated with decreasing dietary quality and consequent occurrence of chronic disease. One of the factors that, according to the theory, facilitates and increases the speed of change is urbanisation. As the South becomes more urban and economic development advances, the theory posits, an increasing number of people is exposed to the poorer diets that cities offer-increasingly diverse, but also characterised by a higher consumption of processed, packaged foods, which are energy-dense and laden with harmful nutrients, supplied by a growing number of supermarkets. Starting from this theoretical framework, and using Indonesia as a case study, the proposed PhD project will challenge the universality of the explanations for dietary change presented by the Nutrition Transition model. It will offer an alternative, but complementary understanding, by studying the characteristics of, and drivers behind the nutrition transition in Indonesia, through the lens of two potential mediators of change. On the one hand, the role of a multi-faceted urban food system that, in Indonesia as in many other countries of the South, still sees a wide range of formal and informal actors coexist. On the other hand, the role of specific local food cultures and habits that have potent influence on individual behaviours and choices that revolves around food.

B.1.1. Mr. David Colozza

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Fiesole (Florence, Italy), 22 February 1989 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : King’s College London - National University of Singapore Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : V. Castelnuovo-tedesco 30, 50127, Florence, Italy Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : YA5811659

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B.2. Determinants of Religious Violence in Indonesia and Future Prospects

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang (Research Objective) mempromosikan radikalisasi agama dari sebagian pemuda Indonesia dengan berfokus pada pemeriksaan komparatif dari proses radikalisasi pemuda di kelas menengah di Indonesia, Perancis dan Jepang Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi agama (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 1 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan), Jawa Barat (Research Location) (Bandung), Solo Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : PPIM UIN Jakarta (Prof. Jamhari Makruf), PMB LIPI (Dr. Cahyo Pamungkas) Abstract Indonesia has spent a long period, with moderate Muslims as the majority of its population whose ways of life are fused with indigenous culture, in a manner where different religions peacefully coexist, and tolerant and diversified sense of value is respected. Since the 2000’s, however, not a few cases of religious violence have been conducted by a small number of Islamists in Indonesia, possibly endagering its state idea such as “religious tolerance” and “diversified sense of value.” My intended research will focus onthose factors that lay behind a series of religious vilence, by examining the relevant cases in Indonesia, France and Japan and extracting common items of determinant factors. B.2.1. Mr. Yushin Kurisawa

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Japan, 23 August 1969 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Government official Institusi (Institution) : Ministry of Justice, Government of Japan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : #506, 39-13 Takenotsuka 1-chome, Adachi-ku, Tokyo (home) No.6-A-605, 1-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (office) Nomor Paspor : RB0052605 Pasport no.)

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B.3. Pemukiman-Pemukiman Kuno di Sumatra Utara, Sumatra Barat dan Riau (Abad Ke- 9-Abad Ke-14 M)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mencari dan memperbaiki situs-situs hunian (Research Objective) kuno yang melakukan pendaftaran di situs untuk memperkaya situs-situs pekerjaan kuno di Sumatra dan menggunakan sebuah sumber yang berarti untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang sejarah Sumatera kuno Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sumatera Utara (Kab. Mandailing Natal, Kab. Tapanuli Location) Selatan, Kab. Tapanuli Tengah); Sumatera Barat (Kab. Pasaman); Riau (Kab. Kampar) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Drs. I Made Geria, M.Si)


PROPOSAL PENELITIAN BERSAMA PUSAT ARKEOLOGI NASIONAL INDONESIA UNTUK PERIODE NOV. 2018-OKT. 2019 Ringkasan Prof. Dr. Daniel PERRET (Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris, Perancis) Untuk periode tersebut, kami mengusulkan satu program penelitian bersama Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Indonesia berjudul Pemukiman-Pemukiman Kuno di Sumatra Utara, Sumatra Barat dan Riau (abad ke-9-abad ke-14). Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient dan Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Indonesia menjalankan penelitian arkeologi bersama di sejumlah situs pemukiman kuno di Provinsi Sumatra Utara sejak tahun 1995, terutamanya di Barus-Lobu Tua, di Barus-Bukit Hasang, di Si Pamutung (Padang Lawas) dan di Kota Cina. Proposal penelitian ini mengusulkan untuk meneruskan jurusan yang sama untuk mencari situs-situs pemukiman kuno lainnya, yang belum teridentifikasi, di Provinsi Sumatra Utara, di Provinsi Sumatra Barat dan di Provinsi Riau berdasarkan sejumlah indikasi, misalnya temuan candi dari batu atau dari batu bata, arca, prasasti, nama tempat, tradisi lisan tentang jalur-jalur komunikasi yang lama, dll.. Proposal ini berdasarkan saran kami dalam laporan akhir penelitian sebelumnya. Program ini bertujuan untuk mencari lokasi dan mendokumentasikan situs-situs pemukiman kuno yang kemungkinan besar terdapat di Kabupaten Mandailing-Natal (Provinsi Sumatra Utara), di Kabupaten Pasaman (Provinsi Sumatra Barat), dan di Kabupaten Kampar (Provinsi Riau). Hasil program ini akan sekaligus memperkaya peta situs-situs pemukiman

358 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 kuno di Sumatra dan membawa satu sumbangan yang berarti untuk melengkapi pengetahuan tentang sejarah kuno Sumatra. Tahap pertama adalah tahap dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang terdapat di dalam laporan-laporan arkeologi, terbitan-terbitan lokal dan asing, serta peta-peta lama. Tahap kedua adalah penelitian di lapangan. Berdasarkan pengalaman penelitian mengenai situs-situs pemukiman kuno di Sumatra Utara sejak tahun 1995, lokasi sebuah situs dapat diidentifikasi melalui nama- nama tempat, melalui tradisi lisan, melalui artefak-artefak yang ditemukan penduduk, melalui pengamatan topografi, misalnya sistem parit-tembok, dan melalui sebuah survei berjalan kaki yang sesistematik mungkin. Sesudah lokasi situs dipastikan, kami mengusulkan untuk mendapatkan sejumlah sampel coring dengan memakai sebuah alat bor mekanikal untuk mendapatkan gambaran awal tentang jenis dan kepadatan artefak serta tentang kedalaman dan ketebalan lapisan yang mengandungi artefak. Jika hasilnya positif dan keadaan mengizinkan, coring dapat diambil secara sistematik untuk mencari batas-batas situsnya. Kemudian, jika keadaan mengizinkan, sejumlah kotak dapat digali untuk mencoba mendapatkan informasi yang lebih lengkap. Tahap berikutnya adalah dokumentasi artefak-artefak yang ditemukan dan persiapan publikasi.

B.3.1. Prof. Dr. Daniel Georges Perret

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Roanne, 20 November 1958 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Senior Researcher Institusi (Institution) : École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Jalan Ampera III No. 26, Jakarta Selatan 12550, Indonesia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 17FV28969

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B.4. Neutralism in Global History: A Case Study of the Role of Indonesia as A Mediator between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia in International Community from 1970- 1980’s

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengeksplorasi peran Indonesia sebagai (Research Objective) mediator dalam komunitas internasional terutama antara Asia Utara dan Asia Selatan dari 1970 hingga 1980-an Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 November 2018 (Research Duration) (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Barat); DKI Jakarta (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Sumber Daya Regional-LIPI (Dr. Ganewati Wuryandari) Abstract

After the end of Second World War, the two power bloc was rising in international society and it had become stronger, however, newly independence countries, most of which are belonging to Asia and Africa, choose the third path to keep their independence. Many of new independent states in Southeast Asia have decided not to take sides in the Cold War, wanting to take neutral stand instead. These countries adopted the stance of neutralism or non-alignment. Indonesia is considered to be one of the most neutral countries. And it has played a vital role towards the establishment of the Non Alignment Movement (NAM), which can be defined as a group of states that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc and main purpose was to support member countries in self-determination and independence. The movement has also promoted peaceful coexistence, social-economic restructure of the international economic system and also equal international cooperation beyond the East-West bloc.

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B.4.1. Ms. Minako Wakasugi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 1971 Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Tokyo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK2660933

B.5. Sustainable Communities and Disaster Planning in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengembangkan komunitas berkelanjutan dan Objective) perencanaan tentang mitigasi bencana di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Sosiologi Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 November 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kota Pekanbaru) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : LPPM, Universitas Riau (Prof. Dr. Almasdi Syahza.,MP)

Abstract Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti bagaimana proses pengembalikan masyarakat “asli” setelah bencana yang terjadi. Di Indonesia jika bencana terjadi, biasanya banyak pihak dari dalam maupun luar masuk sehingga terkadang masyarakat sebelumnya disebut “asli” sudah hilang dan juga sosialisasi mereka sudah pena. Supaya tidak, bagaimana proses yang lebih efektif bagi mereka akan saya terangkan dan buktikannya. Sebagai contoh, kali ini saya akan mengambil contoh dari Desa Tanjung Leban.

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B.5.1. Ms. Michiko Hosobuchi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 24 September 1984 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Tokyo Metropolitan University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2-29-16-203 Honkomagome Bunkyo-ku Tokyo Japan 1130021 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR9576253

B.6. The Urbanisation and Migration around Jakarta

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui dinamika perubahan penduduk (Research Objective) yang tinggal di pinggir kota Jakarta menggunakan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Agustus 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Banten, Jawa Barat (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Indonesia (Raphaella Dewantari Dwianto) Abstract

The purpose of this project is to clear who lives in suburban area around Jakarta by using qualitative data and quantitative data. The rapid development of Asian metropolitan city is one of the most important issues in current urban studies. It turns out these cities consist of a central area and large suburban areas. However, researches on the large suburban areas of Asian cities often fail to correctly grasp resident’s composition because of the lack of data. This research focuses on the migration of suburban residents and turns out the regions they come. For the purpose of prediction of the expansion of the Jakarta metropolitan area, it is important to understand the characteristic of the suburban residents.

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B.6.1. Mr. Jiro Oi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tokyo, 4 Juli 1984 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Research Associate Institusi (Institution) : Tohoku University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Tohoku University Aoba-ku, Kawauchi 27-1, JAPAN Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TR3625244 B.7. Agricultural Development in Minahasa, North Sulawesi, in the Late Colonial Period

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengeksplorasi pembangunan pertanian di bawah (Research Objective) inisiatif dari petani lokal di Minahasa mulai dari pertengahan abad kesembilan belas sampai pertengahan abad kedua puluh Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Agustus 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi Utara (Manado, dan Minahasa) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia (Bondan Kanumoyoso) Abstract

This project structurally analyzes how the Minahasan society developed into one of the most important producing-regions of coffee and copra in the late colonial period. For this analysis, I examine the government-created source materials, and conduct interviews with local people in Minahasa. By challenging the general assumption that the colonial government and Western capital violently changed the local economy drastically and destructively, and connected it to the world economy, in which Europe and the US played a leading role, this project aims to indicate the existence of a different path of economic development in colonial Southeast Asia, in which local actors also played a leading role in production expansion.

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B.7.1. Mr. Atsushi Ota

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Iizuka, 1 Maret 1971 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Keio University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Keio University Mita 2-12-45, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TS1527014 B .8. Intercultural Development as Part of The In-Country Educational Experience

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki cara-cara di mana program pendidikan (Research Objective) dalam negeri dapat mengembangkan kapasitas antar budaya peserta Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 22 Januari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : FISIP, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Arie Setyaningrum) (Counterpart) Abstract

This doctoral research project will explore the development of interculturality for Australian students during an in-country educational trip to Indonesia. Intercultural development is often assumed to be an automatic by-product of time spent ‘in-country’, and is cited as a benefit of such programs by educational institutions and study abroad organisations (Education Dynamics, 2017; Western Sydney University, 2016). However, many researchers have been questioning such assumptions, and there is a growing body of literature on the increasingly intentional development of intercultural capacities, both in domestic educational settings and abroad (see, for example, Anderson & Lawton, 2015; Coleman, 1997; Vande Berg, Paige & Lou, 2012). Much research around the effectiveness of in-country experiences in developing interculturality relies heavily on quantitative methods, often using standardised scales to assess pre-departure and post-trip levels of interculturality

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(Braskamp, Braskamp & Engberg, 2013; Paige & Vande Berg, 2012). Such methodological approaches have left ‘gaps’ in this area of knowledge, especially in understanding the processes, and practices, involved in intercultural development. Rather than assume that such developments will occur, or attempting to measure ‘intercultural’ capacities, I seek to understand what is actually developed, and how. Therefore, this project addresses the need for further empirical research, particularly qualitative research, to better understand the processes of intercultural development. This research will centre on Australian participants of a semester-long in-country educational trip to Indonesia, as part of the Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS). The focus, however, is not only the participants’ adaptation to the Indonesian context, but whether (and how) this experience serves the broader purpose of developing intercultural capacities, which might be transferable to other ‘cultural’ contexts. The aim is to closely examine the practices and processes that might contribute to interculturality, considering both formal and informal aspects of pedagogy.

B .8. 1. Ms. Kate Louise Naidu

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Western Sydney University, Australia Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 60 Quakers Hill Parkway Quakers Hill 2763, Australia

B. 9. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami tantangan yang dihadapi oleh mantan (Research Objective) tahanan kasus terorisme saat mereka bergabung kembali dengan masyarakat mereka Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi politik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 5 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta; Jawa Timur (Kab. Lamongan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, Universitas Indonesia (Irjen. Pol. Dr Benny Mamoto)

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The societal reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is an often overlooked aspect of a state’s counterterrorism policy portfolio. Prisoners re-entering society after incarceration typically experience significant obstacles, from the practical problems of gaining employment and obtaining bank accounts, to the social and emotional strains of readjusting to family life and dealing with community stigmatisation. For convicted terrorists these challenges are potentially more severe and failure to overcome them elevates the risk of individuals falling back into old ways and reacquainting with violent networks. In Indonesia, several hundred people have been released from prison in the past 10 years after serving sentences for involvement in or support for terrorism. Both state agencies and civil society organisations have worked towards facilitating their successful transition back into society, but resources appear to be modest and recent cases of recidivism suggest that programmes may be falling short. The existing international literature on the reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is small. However, reports from international organisations such as the United Nations and the Global Counterterrorism Forum have stressed the importance of reintegration as a key part of a nation’s broader counterterrorism strategy.

B. 9. 1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : Associate Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block S4, Level B4 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore B.10. The Individual Deprivation Measure

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur tingkat deprivasi perorangan, dengan (Research Objective) tujuan untuk menyediakan data yang relevan mengenai kemiskinan multi-dimensi yang berkorelasi dengan gender Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Sosiologi kesehatan Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Maros, Kab. Location) Pangkajene Kepulauan, Kota Makasar) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin (Dr. Ansariadi)

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Methodology: The Individual Deprivation Measure is a composite index of multi- dimensional poverty that is sensitive to gender. The IDM involves a household survey, undertaken with the head of randomly selected households and a survey undertaken with every individual over the age of 16 years in those randomly selected households. The household survey takes approximately 30 minutes; the individual survey takes approximately one hour. Location: South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep; pilot in Maros) Duration: The survey is planned for October/November 2017 (subject to approval). The data collection will take approximately 6 weeks. A pilot of the survey will be conducted prior to the full study (scheduled for late October 2017), and will take up to two weeks. Collaborating Partners: Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge, University of Indonesia; School of Population Health, University of Hasanuddin The Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) is a new gender-sensitive measure of multi-dimensional poverty. It is made up of 15 dimensions and is based on a survey that takes approximately 1 hour. Data are collected at the individual level, rather than the household, which is important in order to understand the gendered dimensions of poverty. It is proposed, subject to permission, that we undertake an IDM study in South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep), with a pilot in Maros prior to the full study. The IDM study will be undertaken with every member aged 16 years and above of randomly selected households in selected districts. Each survey takes approximately one hour. Prior to the full survey, we propose to pilot the survey, to ensure translation into Bahasa Indonesia (and local language if necessary) is appropriate and that the questions are readily understood by respondents. The pilot is being developed in collaboration with Dr Ansariadi at the School of Population Health at the University of Hasanuddin. Our collaboration with both the University of Indonesia (Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge) and the University of Hasanuddin (School of Population Health) is essential to communicating the findings of the research through policy briefs, joint seminars and joint publications.

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B.10. 1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Malaysia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy JG Crawford Building Lennox Crossing Australian National University Acton ACT 2601 B.11. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami tantangan yang dihadapi oleh mantan (Research Objective) tahanan kasus terorisme saat mereka bergabung kembali dengan masyarakat mereka Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Politik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 5 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta; Jawa Timur (Kab. Lamongan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, Universitas Indonesia (Counterpart) (Irjen. Pol. Dr Benny Mamoto)


The societal reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is an often overlooked aspect of a state’s counterterrorism policy portfolio. Prisoners re-entering society after incarceration typically experience significant obstacles, from the practical problems of gaining employment and obtaining bank accounts, to the social and emotional strains of readjusting to family life and dealing with community stigmatisation. For convicted terrorists these challenges are potentially more severe and failure to overcome them elevates the risk of individuals falling back into old ways and reacquainting with violent networks. In Indonesia, several hundred people have been released from prison in the past 10 years after serving sentences for involvement in or support for terrorism. Both state agencies and civil society organisations have worked towards facilitating their successful transition back into society, but resources appear to be modest and recent cases of recidivism suggest that programmes may be falling short. The existing international

368 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 literature on the reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is small. However, reports from international organisations such as the United Nations and the Global Counterterrorism Forum have stressed the importance of reintegration as a key part of a nation’s broader counterterrorism strategy.

B. 11. 1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : Associate Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block S4, Level B4 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore

B.12. The Individual Deprivation Measure

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur tingkat deprivasi perorangan, dengan (Research Objective) tujuan untuk menyediakan data yang relevan mengenai kemiskinan multi-dimensi yang berkorelasi dengan gender Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi kesehatan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Maros, Kab. (Research Location) Pangkajene Kepulauan, Kota Makasar) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin (Counterpart) (Dr. Ansariadi)


Methodology: The Individual Deprivation Measure is a composite index of multi- dimensional poverty that is sensitive to gender. The IDM involves a household survey, undertaken with the head of randomly selected households and a survey undertaken with every individual over the age of 16 years in those randomly selected households. The household survey takes approximately 30 minutes; the individual survey takes approximately one hour. Location: South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep; pilot in Maros) Duration: The survey is planned for October/November 2017 (subject to approval).

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The data collection will take approximately 6 weeks. A pilot of the survey will be conducted prior to the full study (scheduled for late October 2017), and will take up to two weeks. Collaborating Partners: Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge, University of Indonesia; School of Population Health, University of Hasanuddin The Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) is a new gender-sensitive measure of multi-dimensional poverty. It is made up of 15 dimensions and is based on a survey that takes approximately 1 hour. Data are collected at the individual level, rather than the household, which is important in order to understand the gendered dimensions of poverty. It is proposed, subject to permission, that we undertake an IDM study in South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep), with a pilot in Maros prior to the full study. The IDM study will be undertaken with every member aged 16 years and above of randomly selected households in selected districts. Each survey takes approximately one hour. Prior to the full survey, we propose to pilot the survey, to ensure translation into Bahasa Indonesia (and local language if necessary) is appropriate and that the questions are readily understood by respondents. The pilot is being developed in collaboration with Dr Ansariadi at the School of Population Health at the University of Hasanuddin. Our collaboration with both the University of Indonesia (Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge) and the University of Hasanuddin (School of Population Health) is essential to communicating the findings of the research through policy briefs, joint seminars and joint publications.

B. 12.1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Malaysia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy JG Crawford Building Lennox Crossing Australian National University Acton ACT 2601 B. 12.2. Ms. Helen Catherine Suich

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy JG Crawford Building Lennox Crossing Australian National University Acton ACT 2601 B. 13. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk memahami tantangan yang dihadapi oleh mantan Objective) tahanan kasus terorisme saat mereka bergabung kembali dengan masyarakat mereka Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Sosiologi politik Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 5 April 2018(month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : DKI Jakarta; Jawa Timur (Kab. Lamongan) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, Universitas Indonesia (Irjen. Pol. Dr Benny Mamoto) Abstract

The societal reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is an often overlooked aspect of a state’s counterterrorism policy portfolio. Prisoners re-entering society after incarceration typically experience significant obstacles, from the practical problems of gaining employment and obtaining bank accounts, to the social and emotional strains of readjusting to family life and dealing with community stigmatisation. For convicted terrorists these challenges are potentially more severe and failure to overcome them elevates the risk of individuals falling back into old ways and reacquainting with violent networks. In Indonesia, several hundred people have been released from prison in the past 10 years after serving sentences for involvement in or support for terrorism. Both state agencies and civil society organisations have worked towards facilitating their successful transition back into society, but resources appear to be modest and recent cases of recidivism suggest that programmes may be falling short. The existing international literature on the reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is small. However, reports from international organisations such as the United Nations and the Global Counterterrorism Forum have stressed the importance of reintegration as a key part of a nation’s broader counterterrorism strategy.

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13. 1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : Associate Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block S4, Level B4 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 14. The Individual Deprivation Measure

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur tingkat deprivasi perorangan, dengan (Research Objective) tujuan untuk menyediakan data yang relevan mengenai kemiskinan multi-dimensi yang berkorelasi dengan gender Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi kesehatan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Maros, Kab. (Research Location) Pangkajene Kepulauan, Kota Makasar) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin (Dr. Ansariadi) Abstract

Methodology: The Individual Deprivation Measure is a composite index of multi- dimensional poverty that is sensitive to gender. The IDM involves a household survey, undertaken with the head of randomly selected households and a survey undertaken with every individual over the age of 16 years in those randomly selected households. The household survey takes approximately 30 minutes; the individual survey takes approximately one hour. Location: South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep; pilot in Maros) Duration: The survey is planned for October/November 2017 (subject to approval). The data collection will take approximately 6 weeks. A pilot of the survey will be conducted prior to the full study (scheduled for late October 2017), and will take up to two weeks. Collaborating Partners: Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge, University of Indonesia; School of Population Health, University of Hasanuddin The Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) is a new gender-sensitive measure of multi-dimensional poverty. It is made up of 15 dimensions and is based on a survey that takes approximately 1 hour. Data are collected at the individual level, rather than the household, which is important in order to understand the gendered dimensions of poverty. It is proposed, subject to permission, that we undertake an IDM study in South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep), with a pilot in

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Maros prior to the full study. The IDM study will be undertaken with every member aged 16 years and above of randomly selected households in selected districts. Each survey takes approximately one hour. Prior to the full survey, we propose to pilot the survey, to ensure translation into Bahasa Indonesia (and local language if necessary) is appropriate and that the questions are readily understood by respondents. The pilot is being developed in collaboration with Dr Ansariadi at the School of Population Health at the University of Hasanuddin. Our collaboration with both the University of Indonesia (Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge) and the University of Hasanuddin (School of Population Health) is essential to communicating the findings of the research through policy briefs, joint seminars and joint publications.

14. 1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Malaysia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy JG Crawford Building Lennox Crossing Australian National University Acton ACT 2601 14. 2. Ms. Helen Catherine Suich

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy JG Crawford Building Lennox Crossing Australian National University Acton ACT 2601

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B.15. The Societal Reintegration of Terrorism Offenders in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami tantangan yang dihadapi oleh mantan (Research Objective) tahanan kasus terorisme saat mereka bergabung kembali dengan masyarakat mereka Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Politik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 5 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta; Jawa Timur (Kab. Lamongan) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, Universitas Indonesia (Counterpart) (Irjen. Pol. Dr Benny Mamoto)


The societal reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is an often overlooked aspect of a state’s counterterrorism policy portfolio. Prisoners re-entering society after incarceration typically experience significant obstacles, from the practical problems of gaining employment and obtaining bank accounts, to the social and emotional strains of readjusting to family life and dealing with community stigmatisation. For convicted terrorists these challenges are potentially more severe and failure to overcome them elevates the risk of individuals falling back into old ways and reacquainting with violent networks. In Indonesia, several hundred people have been released from prison in the past 10 years after serving sentences for involvement in or support for terrorism. Both state agencies and civil society organisations have worked towards facilitating their successful transition back into society, but resources appear to be modest and recent cases of recidivism suggest that programmes may be falling short. The existing international literature on the reintegration of former prisoners convicted of terrorism offences is small. However, reports from international organisations such as the United Nations and the Global Counterterrorism Forum have stressed the importance of reintegration as a key part of a nation’s broader counterterrorism strategy.

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15. 1. Mr. Cameron George Edward Sumpter

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : Associate Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Block S4, Level B4 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore

B .16. The Individual Deprivation Measure

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur tingkat deprivasi perorangan, dengan (Research Objective) tujuan untuk menyediakan data yang relevan mengenai kemiskinan multi-dimensi yang berkorelasi dengan gender Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi kesehatan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Maros, Kab. (Research Location) Pangkajene Kepulauan, Kota Makasar) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin (Counterpart) (Dr. Ansariadi)


Methodology: The Individual Deprivation Measure is a composite index of multi- dimensional poverty that is sensitive to gender. The IDM involves a household survey, undertaken with the head of randomly selected households and a survey undertaken with every individual over the age of 16 years in those randomly selected households. The household survey takes approximately 30 minutes; the individual survey takes approximately one hour. Location: South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep; pilot in Maros) Duration: The survey is planned for October/November 2017 (subject to approval). The data collection will take approximately 6 weeks. A pilot of the survey will be conducted prior to the full study (scheduled for late October 2017), and will take up to two weeks. Collaborating Partners: Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge, University of Indonesia; School of Population Health, University of Hasanuddin The Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) is a new gender-sensitive measure of multi-dimensional poverty. It is made up of 15

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dimensions and is based on a survey that takes approximately 1 hour. Data are collected at the individual level, rather than the household, which is important in order to understand the gendered dimensions of poverty. It is proposed, subject to permission, that we undertake an IDM study in South Sulawesi (Makassar, Jeneponto, Pangkep), with a pilot in Maros prior to the full study. The IDM study will be undertaken with every member aged 16 years and above of randomly selected households in selected districts. Each survey takes approximately one hour. Prior to the full survey, we propose to pilot the survey, to ensure translation into Bahasa Indonesia (and local language if necessary) is appropriate and that the questions are readily understood by respondents. The pilot is being developed in collaboration with Dr Ansariadi at the School of Population Health at the University of Hasanuddin. Our collaboration with both the University of Indonesia (Faculty of Political and Social Knowledge) and the University of Hasanuddin (School of Population Health) is essential to communicating the findings of the research through policy briefs, joint seminars and joint publications.

B.16.1. Ms. Mandy Yap Li Ming

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Malaysia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy JG Crawford Building Lennox Crossing Australian National University Acton ACT 2601 B. 16.2. Ms. Helen Catherine Suich

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy JG Crawford Building Lennox Crossing Australian National University Acton ACT 2601

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B.17. Labor Migration in Indonesia’s Industrial Agricultural and Forest Landscapes

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk membandingkan ekonomi rumah tangga dan lokal, (Research Objective) serta praktik ketenagakerjaan di seluruh lokasi di Indonesia dimana ada migrasi tenaga kerja dan konsesi skala besar Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Prkotaan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan LIPI-Jakarta (Research Location) Selatan); Sumatera Utara (Kab. Deli Serdang, Kab. Padang Lawas); Jawa Timur (Kab. Tulungagung); Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Bengkayang, Kab. Ketapang); Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Kolaka Timur, Kab. Konawe) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan LIPI (Dr. Herry Yogaswara) (Counterpart)


Labor migration and the mobility of capital are tremendously important for rural livelihoods and landscape making in Southeast Asia, where millions of people and substantial funds move between home and labor sites. While labor migration has long been a component of agrarian livelihoods, today’s labor migrants often travel further and work away from home for longer periods of time. Labor migration infuses cash into rural sending sites via remittances, and shifts resource and agrarian labor regimes, and gender and generational relations. Collectively, these dynamics generate shifts in land use and land cover. Concurrently, governments and corporate investors acquiring land for large-scale production of agricultural and forest commodities alter landscape composition and rural employment opportunities. Yet, little is known about interactions between labor migration and commodity concessions, including the effects of migration and remittances on land use and land cover in and around plantations. We propose to examine how labor migration and large-scale commodity plantations interact and reshape processes of land cover and land use change (LCLUC) in Indonesia, where industrial agriculture and forestry concessions are expanding rapidly. By using ethnographic survey, and other social science approaches, our research assesses (i) how large-scale concessions affect patterns and rates of labor migration from rural areas, (ii) how labor migration influences household labor allocation and new resource investments, and (iii) how resource investments enabled by remittances from migration produce measurable changes in land use and cover. We address these

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objectives in districts, villages, and households in four provinces where large-scale land acquisitions are present and labor migration is an important household livelihood strategy. We will combine research approaches from political ecology and land change science to answer these questions in four districts of Indonesia where largescale land acquisitions and transnational or domestic labor migration are taking place. In each district we will select one-two village-concession landscapes to carry out nested and iterative research. Over three years we will collect data using mixed methods, including ethnography, in- depth interviews and oral histories, land genealogies, and the use of historical maps and local land use data to answer our research questions. We will collaborate with Indonesian researchers in each site and coordinate our work through annual data sharing, planning, and training workshops.

B.17.1. Prof. Nancy Lee Peluso

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Berkeley Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1561 Beverly Place Berkeley, California, 94706, USA

B.17.2 Ms. Lisa Cailin Kelley

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of Hawaii Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University of Hawaii-Manoa, Saunders Hall 445, Geography Dept, 2424 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI, 96822

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C.1. Budaya Sensor Mandiri: Film Censorship in Contemporary Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman tentang bagaimana aktor (Research Objective) terlibat dalam menavigasi proses penyensoran film dan bagaimana proses ini berkembang Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 24 Januari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : CISForm UIN Sunan Kalijaga (Dr. Fatimah Husein, MA) (Counterpart)


In the study of film and also in public discourse, there is a tendency to describe censorship as something negative and oppressive that harms the creative potential of the film industry. With my research, I intend to provide a more nuanced analysis of film censorship in times of technological and social changes. Within the framework of an anthropological approach, my research project is not about making judgments in the sense of “censorship is bad” but about getting an understanding of how the actors involved navigate the process of film censorship and how this process is evolving. In order to get a more complex understanding of film censorship in contemporary Indonesia, I intend to do long-term ethnographic research with actors involved in the process of film censorship in contemporary Indonesia, such as the Indonesian film censorship board Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF) and Indonesian filmmakers. While the Indonesian Film Censorship Board Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF) is the institutional body in charge of film censorship, there are many other voices in Indonesian society who want to have a say in what can be shown on Indonesian screens. This puts the LSF into a challenging position as they have the responsibility to balance different voices in their censorship decisions. The widespread availability of audiovisual material, facilitated by technological changes that make it easier to both produce and distribute film, pose another challenge to the LSF, as the amount of films becomes increasingly impossible to control. Both as a reaction to the widespread availability of audiovisual material that is becoming impossible to control and as a proactive move towards a future where a culture

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of self-censorship is established, the LSF has recently launched a re-orientation in their strategy: contributing to the development of film in Indonesia and establishing a culture of self-censorship. This re-invention process of the LSF is a very interesting process that to my knowledge has not been dealt with in academic research so far. The main objective of this research is to analyze the social process of film censorship in contemporary Indonesia and the recent strategic changes towards budaya sensor mandiri from the perspective and experience of involved actors.

C .1. 1. Ms. Rosalia Namsai Engchuan

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Max Planck Institut Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology PO Box 11 03 51 06017 Halle (Saale) GermanyS C.2. A Study on Property Strategies of Business Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Sized Local Enterprises in The Business Environment of Kota Semarang, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari strategi wirausahawan untuk melindungi (Research Objective) kebutuhan bisnis mereka di lingkungan bisnis Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 23 Januari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Kota Semarang) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro (Counterpart) (Dr. Siwi Gayatri)


This proposed ethnographic PhD project on property strategies of entrepreneurs of small- and medium sized enterprises (SME) towards starting and maintaining a business in the growing business environment of Kota Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia,

380 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 will study the effects of national reforms regarding the regulation of business. More specifically, it will investigate how business entrepreneurs respond to these national reforms and the changing business environment in Indonesia by adjusting their property strategies accordingly in order to provide for themselves and maintain their business. The ability to solidify property ownership is an inherent business need (Roulac 2001, 129- 151). Therefore, this research project aims to uncover which strategies business owners employ to safeguard their business needs within the Indonesian business environment, by responding, or not responding, to these national reforms. These property strategies may include the management of business through; occupancy of a business venue, business networks, business- and property registration and recognition, paying taxes, facilitating production, real estate investment, and so on (Roulac 2001, 135).

C.2.1. Ms. Tirza Julianne van Bruggen

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rolighedsvej 25 DK-1958 Frederiksberg C Copenhagen Denmark C.3. Pluralism as Practice: Offline and Online Forms of Sociality in the Technopolitan City of Bandung, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari keragaman budaya, hubungan sosial di (Research Objective) dunia online dan offline, dan proyek afektif Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Februari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kota Bandung) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : FISIP, Universitas Padjajaran (Erna Herawati, S.Ant) (Counterpart)

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This project aims at generating an anthropological account of pluralism as it is practiced and experienced in emerging online and offline socialities in the technology-driven city of Bandung, Indonesia. It lends on a definition of pluralism as different ways of being in the world which are accorded legitimacy in the process of everyday practices and interaction. This definition goes beyond discursive engage-ments to account for pluralist sentiments and dispositions nurtured in the daily socialities of ethnically and religiously heterogeneous groups. Bandung, Indonesia’s center of technological development, demonstrates a multiplicity of lifestyles with social media prompting new spheres of cultural exchange that inform the perception and interpretation of diversity. Central aim of this research is to assess how young tech-savvy Muslims in Indonesia deal with cultural and religious difference and to what extent new forms of connectivity bear on pluralist sentiments and dispositions in an urban, majority Muslim and yet diverse society. Bringing theories of digital anthropology and the anthropology of pluralism and Islam together, I will inquire into the emerging online and offline socialities of multiple groups constituted of mainly young and educated middle-class Muslims with a shared goal or social concern. Methodologically, the project builds on an extended period of ethnographic fieldwork, using a variety of reflexive and participatory methods of data collection and analysis, both online and offline. This research aims at understanding the social and cultural circumstances that shape pluralism in Indonesia, and thus at contributing to broader studies on the role of social media in culturally diverse societies.

C.3. 1. Ms. Dayana Lengauer

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Austria Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Augustusstrasse 1/2, 3313 Wallsee, Austria

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C.4. Shifting Villages in Iskland Southeast Asia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari mengapa beberapa desa di wilayah (Research Objective) pulau-pulau Asia Tenggara berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain untuk alasan yang melampaui kebutuhan hidup Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 5 Februari 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (Kab. Kep. Aru, Kota Ambon) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Departemen Antropologi, Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Suraya (Counterpart) A. Afiff), dan FISIP Universitas Pattimura (Prof. Dr. Hermien Soselisa) Abstract

The proposed archaeological research will examine why some villages in Island Southeast Asia move from place to place, for reasons that go beyond subsistence. Scholars have noted the relative ease with which Southeast Asian villages in both the distant and recent past moved from one place to another, yet in some cases the reasons for these movements remain poorly understood. This research will use archaeological excavation, stylistic analysis of ceramics, inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry, thin-section petrography, and scanning electron microscopy to investigate the phenomenon of shifting villages. It will examine the Ujir site, in the Aru Islands, as a test case. Ujir provides an excellent, unstudied example of this phenomenon. Oral traditions and written history suggest that Ujir was an important trade entrepôt, that it was the first village in Aru to convert to Islam, and that it resisted the trade monopoly of the Dutch East India Company during the colonial period. Despite its sedentary subsistence strategy, Ujir has relocated several times within the tightly bounded space of two small, neighboring islands; these shifts remain unexplained. However, some combination of stress and conflict due to climate change, ideological changes related to the arrival of Islam, and increased trade activity may have spurred Ujir to relocate. The research will investigate the roles these factors played within the last thousand years by examining indicators of climate stress, conflict, conversion to Islam, and changing trade patterns. An analysis of tradeware assemblages from Ujir’s multiple habitation sites will fix each site chronologically, while also demonstrating short- and long-distance trade connections, and how these connections changed over time. The tradeware assemblage, together with faunal remains and site layout data, will also reflect the timing and nature of Ujir’s conversion to Islam. The research team will investigate site

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context and fortifications in order to assess whether sites were well suited for trade, defense, or some combination of the two. Finally, the study will compare the site chronology at Ujir with regional climate proxy data, as well as with written history and ethnographically documented oral traditions. Together these lines of evidence will provide a rich diachronic description of the various, perhaps intertwining factors that caused Ujir’s community to abandon multiple sites and resettle only a few kilometers away. The proposed research will provide a case study of a widely observed, yet little explored phenomenon.

C.4.1. Mr. Joss Charles Roberts Whittaker

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Doctoral Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Washington Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Anthropology 314 Denny Hall, Box 353100 Seattle, WA 98195-3100 C.5. Performing Indonesian Islamic Piety: Forming Global Communities through Local Practies

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami sejarah dan praktik sholawat yang (Research Objective) dilakukan oleh Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi social budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 29 Januari 2018(month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta & Jawa Tengah (Kota Surakarta) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Program Studi Agama dan Lintas Budaya, UGM (Dr. Samsul (Counterpart) Maarif) & Universitas NU Yogyakarta (Dr. Abdul Ghoffar) Abstract


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C.5.1. Mr. James Michael Edmonds

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : Arizona State University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 351 E Encanto Dr. Tempe, AZ 85281, United State of America C.6. A Woman’s Place: Gendered space, piety, and access to religious knowledge in women’s mosques

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami bagaimana agama dan gender berperan (Research Objective) terhadap pemaknaan (assigned meaning)

Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Inter-Religious Studies, UGM (Dr. Dicky Sofjan) (Counterpart)


Using Foucault’s discussion on power and space and the motivations and activities within spaces as a theoretical base I will focus my research on how a segregated space can potentially be liberating as well as the importance of space to the access of knowledge. My analysis will be informed by the efforts of Islamic feminism, theoretical works on sacred space, the intricacies of the relationship between gender and architecture, religious architecture, Quran, Hadith and textual interpretations. For this dissertation project I will do qualitative research using ethnographic methods of observation and open-ended interviews in the community of the Aisyiyah mosque. This methodology is best suited for this project because those who are a part of this women’s-only mosque will be able to discuss their experiences, their religious beliefs especially as they pertain to gender,

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and how they use this segregated space as well as the co-ed masjid that is also in the community. This data will be juxtaposed with interviews and observations from the Los Angeles Women’s Mosque of America, a monthly jumma for women that has been ongoing for just over two years. The findings of this research will form case studies relevant to my larger project on the significance of physical space and gender and how these influence piety and the dissemination of religious knowledge in mosques.

C.6.1. Ms. Bethany Mintha Elias Jenner

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Arizona State University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2940 East Detroit Street Chandler, Arizona 85225, United States of America C.7. Assessing the Governance of Tuna Fisheries: Case Studies from the Pacific and Indian Oceans

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menilai tata kelola perikanan dalam hal manfaat (Research Objective) perikanan-tangkap-ikan tuna pada masyarakat pesisir

Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi lingkungan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Nusa Tenggara Barat (Kab. Lombok Timur, Kota Mataram); (Research Location) Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Kupang, Kota Kupang); Sulawesi Utara (Kota Bitung); Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Wakatobi, Kota Kendari); Maluku (Kab. Buru, Kota Ambon); Maluku Utara (Kab. Halmahera Selatan, Kota Ternate); Papua Barat (Kab. Raja Ampat, Kab. Sorong, Kota Sorong) Mitra Kerja : P2KK, LIPI (Dr. Dedi Adhuri) (Counterpart)

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One of the main obstacles to developing knowledge about the social aspects of fisheries governance that can then be feasibly used in fisheries management is how to assess the performance of a fishery in social terms. Fisheries performance is usually assessed in terms of fish stock or ecological health, and sometimes in terms also of economic outcomes, such as maximum economic yield. In Indonesia and the Pacific the economic outcomes have usually been framed in terms of industrial fisheries development, including increasing the size of domestic fishing fleets, increasing onshore processing of fish, replacing foreign with local investment in fishing, increasing government revenue from fishery access fees, and so on. These, however, are fairly blunt measures of development inculcated by fisheries activity. They do not enable assessments of whether fisheries are addressing the social needs of communities relying on them. While there is an emerging consensus that the social success of a fishery is crucial to the long-term environmental success of a fishery, how to best assess this success remains an area of considerable conceptual and empirical debate. The rhetoric about tuna fisheries in government circles is that their development is for improving the lives of local people, and the assumption is that if domestically based fishing and processing and government revenue increases then people will benefit. Do they?

C.7.1.Mr. Nicholas Robert McClean

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Post-doctoral Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : University of Technology Sydney Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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C.8. Processes of Religious and Cosmopolitan Self-Formation: A Performance Ethnography of the Putri Reinha Rosar

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memberikan laporan kualitatif tentang transformasi (Research Objective) nilai-nilai tradisional biarawati Katolik dari Indonesia Timur melalui hubungan mereka dengan orang-orang Indonesia dari tempat dan agama lain; untuk mengeksplorasi kontribusi teoritis bahwa etnografi kinerja dapat dilakukan terhadap antropologi dan juga pengetahuan publik tentang beragam budaya Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial Budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Maret 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Kota Surabaya); Bali (Kab. Tabanan); Nusa (Research Location) Tenggara Timur (Kab. Flotim) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Flores (Dr. Simon Sira Padji) (Counterpart)


This is a proposal to expand anthropology’s methodological horizons while contributing to a theory of embodiment through a study of Catholic nuns in Indonesia. Founded on the island of Flores, the Putri Reinha Rosari now boast hundreds of Sisters working in communities throughout Indonesia. Their service work brings them into intimate relationships with Indonesians of all cultural, religious, and faith backgrounds. While most studies of monastic subjectivities have examined religious formation almost exclusively in reference to the religious community alone, scholars of subjectivity have increasingly demonstrated how identities, selves, and persons are formed in the company of ‘others,’ beings unlike oneself, yet paradoxically inalienable. And while the body features prominently in both sets of analyses as a mode of representing, a means of action, and a site of knowing, its epistemological capacities have been dulled by the ‘necessity’ to reduce it to words. The nascent method of performance ethnography has arisen to give answer to this problem, but it too is often guilty of eliding the process of embodiment in favour of the problem of representation. Following these observations, I ask how the unending process of religious formation is influenced by sustained, intimate, embodied relationships with others; how the process of crafting live performance may elicit embodied processes of intersubjective becoming; and how the PRR’s approach to embodiment may help us realize

388 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 the methodological potential of performance ethnography. By developing a performance ethnography with the PRR in Flores, Java, and Bali, this research will help us understand the embodied, performative, and intersubjective necessities of human becoming.

C.8.1. Ms. Meghan Rose Donnelly

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : London School of Economics and Political Science Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3498 Commodore Perry Hwy Wakefield, RI 02879, USA

C.9. The Formation of Bajo Sea Nomad’s Maritime Network Based on A Traditional Navigation System

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengungkap situasi mobilitas orang Bajo di Kawasan Objective) Timur Indonesia dan mengoreksi informasi pengetahuan eksperimental para nelayan Bajo Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Antropologi budaya Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Maret 2018(month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Banggai, Kab. Banggai Kepulauan, Location) Kab. Banggai Laut); Maluku Utara (Kab. Pulau Taliabu) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup, Universitas Hasanuddin (Prof. Dr. Dadang Ahmad Suriamihardia) Abstact

The Bajo people in Eastern Indonesia have high mobility and it is expected that they have to understand and get the information from natural environment such as a color and motif of the sea, wave, shapes of rock, stars, moon, and tide. It is can be expected that these knowledge by experience is shared with their mobility. So in this research I would like to reveal the situation of mobility of them and correct these knowledge, and also examine the relationship between them.

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C.9.1. Ms. Makibi Nakano

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Graduate student Institusi (Institution) : Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : #103 Villa Shimei, 29-3, Koyama Nishihanaike-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto-fu, 606-8148, Japan C.10. Pre-investigation study for One Health management of Rabies in Bali: A socio- ecosystem dimension

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk membandingkan situasi anjing di Bali (Pulau Utama) Objective) dengan Nusa Penida dalam pendekatan sosio-ekologis Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Antropologi Sosial Budaya Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 Maret 2018(month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Bali (Kab. Klungkung) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : One Health-Eco Health Resource Center Universitas Gadjah Mada (Prof.Dr.drh. Wayan Tunas Artama) Abstract

Canine rabies is endemic in many parts of the developing world, where domestic dogs are the primary maintenance host of the virus, and responsible for the vast majority (>90%) of human exposures and deaths. Rabies is one of the neglected tropical diseases that predominantly affects poor and vulnerable populations who live in remote rural locations, hence a model for a true ‘‘One Health’’ management goal where human; veterinary and government officials should work together in harmony to defeat this disease. This infectious viral disease has been reported in Indonesia since the nine-teenth century and the virus has been endemic in various islands surrounding Bali, including Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Flores since 2000. Its transmission to formerly free areas was reported from 2008 to 2010, with rabies being confirmed in Bali for the first time in November 2008. Since this recent outbreak, the disease has been identified as a prioritized research option among zoonotic diseases according to Indonesian One Health experts and stakeholders. To further support the efforts for addressing the global target of “zero human rabies deaths by 2030”, the understanding of why in some provinces of Indonesia rabies elimination is being successfully managed, whereas in others rabies is endemic and

390 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 continues to spread to uninfected areas appears to be crucial. Studying the environmental dimension for zoonotic health problems, as third pillar of the One Health concept, is an approach well developed and supported by the South-East Asian One Health movement in general. Therefore, together with the team of The One Health/EcoHealth Resource Center of the University Gadjah Mada, we would like to conduct an exploratory study on rabies, adopting a socio-ecological approach to compare an island where rabies has not been eradicated yet (Bali main Island) with another one free of rabies (Nusa Penida island).

C.10.1. Ms. Séverine Thys

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : Junior Researcher in the Public Health Department/ Epidemiology and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Nationalestraat 155, Belgium C.11. Bibliographic research on adat in post-Soeharto Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengkaji bahan-bahan yang berkaitan dengan adat Objective) di Indonesia pasca-Soeharto Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Antropologi Sosial Budaya Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018(month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Pusat, Kodya Jakarta Selatan); Location) Jawa Barat (Kota Depok); DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Studi Asia Pasifik Universitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Ir. Irham, M.Sc., Ph.D.) Abstract

Adat takes on increasing importance throughout the post-Soeharto period because it has become related to many aspects of social affairs such as land tenure, religion, environmental issues, and so on. This leads to the necessity for multifaceted researches on it. Nonetheless, it is not easy to grasp a huge amount of existing materials about adat in Indonesia. In such a condition, the purpose of my study is to delineate the entire picture of materials related to adat through bibliographic research. The information made by my research will make a contribution to studies of Indonesian adat as a basic data on it.

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C.11.1. Ms. Minami Takizawa

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Librarian, Processing Division, Library Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Developing Economies Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3-2-2 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 261-8545, Japan C. 12. The modes of interreligious dialogue in Moluccas, Eastern Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengungkapkan cara-cara dialog tradisional dan Objective) kultural antar-agama di provinsi Maluku saat ini Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Antropologi Sosial Budaya Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 2 April 2018(month, starting from) Duration) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Maluku (Kab. Kep. Aru, Kab. Maluku Tengah, Kab. Maluku Location) Tenggara, Kab. Seram Bagian Barat, Kab. Seram Bagian Timur, Kota Ambon, Kota Tual) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon (Dr. Saidin Ernas, M.Si) Abstract

The research aims to reveal, how inhabitants of Maluku understand the interreligious dialogue fifteen years after the conflict. The special attention would be paid to the particular villages in the province, instead of pan-Moluccan organizations and the role of migrants. Especially, in a context of their harmonic relations with native Moluccans and the participation in local religious communities. The project concerns the role of bottom-up initiatives in daily situations, which maintain the dialogue and aims to show that is possible to keep the peaceful coexistence in multi-ethnic and multi-religious small societies. It also going to answer the questions, such as: do the people still need the institutionalized forms of dialogue? Do the local traditions and cultures support the interreligious and inter- ethnic dialogue? If yes, how? The explanation would base on the ideas applied by the small societies. In fact, they create the whole image of the province as a peaceful land in Indonesia and their solutions could be a role model for other communities in the world, especially in the Middle East or Africa.

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C.12. 1. Ms. Simona Sienkiewicz

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Polandia Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Institute of the Middle and Far East, Jagiellonian University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : ul. Gronostajowa 3 30-387 Kraków, Poland C.13. Women’s emancipation through Muslim faith in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menentukan bagaimana Islam bisa menjadi kekuatan (Research Objective) pemberdayaan bagi wanita Muslim Indonesia

Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial Budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, (Research Location) Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara); DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta); Jawa Timur (Kota Surabaya) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Airlangga (Diah Ariani (Counterpart) Arimbi, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.)


Muslim women the world over have developed modalities of agency emerging in the intersection between their gender identity and religion. Using the case study of Indonesia, while considering broader implications for Muslim women worldwide, this study seeks to explore how these forms of agency take shape against normative readings of ‘freedom’. The reality of wom-en’s emancipation through the practice of Islamic faith takes on particular relevance in Indonesia, where, among other pro-jects, women’s prayer groups, ibu-ibu pengajian and activities promoted by the two largest Muslim organisations in the coun- try (Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama) have emerged as evidence of the potentially ‘empowering’ nature of religion. I will demonstrate how reinterpretations of Islamic texts can be of benefit for these actors, proving that Islamic faith and wom-en’s rights are not mutually exclusive but can coexist and shape each other. Drawing on the Foucauldian idea of power as not only repressive but also productive and Mahmood’s (2004) understanding

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of agency as not necessarily based on resistance, this research will explore the possibilities of a female religious agency.

C.13.1. Mr. Diego Garcia Rodriguez

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University College London Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 18 Scriven Court Livermere Road E8 4LD London

C.14. Modern Migration, Linguistic Practices, and Youth Identity in Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana praktik bahasa nasional (Research Objective) dan lokal didistribusikan di antara individu-individu yang berasal dari berbagai generasi migrasi di Sumatera Barat dan Riau Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 24 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Kab. Agam, Kab. Tanah Datar, Kota (Research Location) Bukittinggi, Kota Padang, Kota Payakumbuh); Riau (Kab. Kampar, Kota Pekanbaru) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam (Counterpart) Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN SUSKA Riau) (Robi Kurniawan, MA)


My project builds upon preliminary fieldwork to continue exploring the effects of modern migration on youth linguistic practices and identity formation in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. My research questions center on the way that local languages of former migratory families do or do not get carried on by the youth generation, and how Indonesia’s understanding of one motherland, one nation, and one language from the post-colonial independence era is coming to fruition in modern-day Indonesia. Specifically, my Specifically, my project probes

394 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 at the following questions: how does the language use of youth born in Pekanbaru differ from the language use of their elders (parents or grandparents) born in rural communities and later migrated to Pekanbaru? If such variation exists, what are the reasons for it? How much multilingual variation occurs in the speech of different generations still living in the kampung, comparatively? What might these multiethnic and multigenerational linguistic practices and patterns index about orientations towards globalization or national unification?

C.14.1. Ms. Moniek Jacqueline van Rheenen

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Doctoral Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Michigan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1016 Oakland Avenue Apartment #3 Ann Arbor, MI 48104, United States C.15. How Family Reunification Has Affected The Lives of Young Adults-Impacts of Family First Signature Program

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari perubahan yang telah terjadi pada (Research Objective) kehidupan dari anak-anak yang telah mengalami proses reintegrasi kepada keluarga mereka melalui program Families First Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi sosial (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 31 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan), Jawa Barat (Kab. (Research Location) Cianjur) Mitra Kerja : Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (Dr. Pritawati) (Counterpart)

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In response to the devastating tsunami in Indonesia in 2005, the number of children who are living in institutions reached nearly 500,000, the largest number in the world. However, the majority of children in such facilities seems to have at least one living parent (UNICEF, 2007). There are various reasons for this institutionalization, a major reason in the case of Indonesia is because parents believe that such facilities can provide their children with better access to education that they cannot afford. The reality, however, is that more than 90% of the institutions are privately owned and children are likely not to receive the services that their parents expect. Also, family-based care is known to provide more protection, security, and affection. To address this issue, Families First Signature Program (FF) started in 2011 by Save the Children Indonesia with close collaboration with the Government of Indonesia, aiming to shift the paradigm from institutional care towards family- based care. Some of the children who were the targets of FF during its beginning years are now young adults. There is neither qualitative nor quantitative data on the paths that young adults have taken after being reintegrated with their families so far. Examining how their current lives are and have been since being reintegrated with their families can help understand how family reunification has actually affected their lives and identify the issues that they might have faced throughout the period. These data might help identify how FF might have helped the young adults throughout the process and give an idea of what additional services can be added in FF to mitigate the issues that might occur to children after their family reunification. Given that, this research aims to investigate these aspects through individual interviews with the young adults themselves as well as their closest stakeholders when needed. Prior to this primary data gathering, the researcher will develop a thorough understanding of the quantitative and qualitative objectives of FF to children through to young adults as well as its services by reviewing relevant literatures and interviews with the key staffs and social workers.

C.15.1. Ms. Ayae Kanemitsu

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Development Practice, Trinity College Dublin Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Museum Building, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland

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C.16. The future of digital payments: The impact of digital and decentralised financial technologies

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari dampak sosio-ekonomi dari sistem (Research Objective) pembayaran digital yang muncul di berbagai komunitas di Indonesia, menggunakan pengumpulan data kualitatif dan grounded theory untuk mengembangkan kerangka teoritis Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Juni 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Departemen Antropologi Budaya, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, (Counterpart) Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Bambang Hudayana)


The use of digital payments, could facilitate more services for financial inclusion and economic equality. Especially in countries that are characterised by unequal or limited access to formal financial services, these new technologies may create the possibility of socio-economic inclusion (Dupas et al., 2016; He et al., 2017; Maurer et al., 2013). Indonesia is an example of a country where the implications could be extremely significant in terms of providing financial access to those excluded from existing systems, as well as making the services that people rely on more affordable (Janis and Shah, 2016). However, others predict that it may reproduce existing inequalities and develop new path dependencies for users, who may have limited opportunity for affecting change. The relationship that people have to both money and phone technology varies depending on context, thus the implementation of eMoney or digital payment services such as Go-Jek may have more subtle long term impacts (both positive and negative) on a wide variety of cultural or socio-economic relationships (Rea and Nelms, 2017). There is a serious need for qualitative research into potential socio-economic implications, and to develop theory through which to examine how this technology could be deployed with sensitivity to the needs of people within diverse cultural, social, political and economic contexts. References: Dupas, P., Karlan, D., Robinson, J., Ubfal, D., 2016. Banking the Unbanked? Evidence from three countries. National Bureau of Economic Research. He, D., Leckow, R., Haksar, V., Mancini- Griffoli, T., Jenkinson, N., Kashima, M., Khiaonarong, T., Rochon, C., Tourpe, H., 2017. Fintech

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and Financial Services: Initial Considerations. Int. Monet. Fund Staff Discuss. Note 17. Janis, W., Shah, R., 2016. Accelerators to an Inclusive Digital Payments Ecosystem. Better Than Cash Alliance. Maurer, B., Nelms, T.C., Rea, S.C., 2013. ‘Bridges to cash’: Channelling agency in mobile money. J. R. Anthropol. Inst. 19, 52–74. Rea, S.C., Nelms, T.C., 2017. Mobile Money: The First Decade.

C.16.1. Ms. Sunniva Sandbukt

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Denmark Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : IT University of Copenhagen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rued Langgards Vej 7 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Building 3B08, Denmark C .17. Research on the First Female Artist in Indonesia Emiria Sunassa

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk Untuk melihat sebenarnya lukisan-lukisan Sunassa, Objective) mengumpulkan gambar-gambar lukisan Sunassa, kumpulkan dan analisis materi dan informasi yang berkaitan dengan Emiria Sunassa dan sejarah seni rupa Indonesia modern Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Seni Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 November 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, Location) Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara); Jawa Barat (Kab. Bandung, Kab. Bandung Barat); DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Bantul, Kab. Gunung Kidul, Kab. Kulon Progo, Kab. Sleman, Kota Yogy Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Ruangrupa (Leonhard Bartolomeus)

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My research is centered on Indonesian art history. I am particularly interested in how the Indonesian art world contributed in shaping Indonesia as a nation during the second half of the 1930s to the 1940s. Especially, I focus on Emiria Sunassa’s, who was the member of the Persagi and the first woman artist in Indonesia, artworks, because although she is the first female artist in Indonesia, the study of Emiria Sunassa is scarce compared to other modern Indonesian artists. I believe there is more research needed concerning Sunassa and her artworks. By revealing the value and the unique characteristics of her artworks, which stands out even in modern Indonesian art world, I attempt to reveal a new aspect of modern Indonesian art history.

C.17.1. Mr. Yuki Hatori

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Japan, 29 May 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Kyushu University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Minami 5-5-24, Hanyu, Saitama, 348-0053 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK7488769 C.18. Voyaging Resistance: Japanese Imperial Literature and the “South Seas”

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memeriksa bagaimana tokoh-tokoh perlawanan (Research Objective) dalam gerakan anti-kolonial di “Laut Selatan”, wilayah yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Taiwan, Asia Tenggara, dan Pasifik, dan literatur kekaisaran Jepang Bidang Penelitian : Seni Sastra (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Bogor) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Departemen Humaniora Universitas Indonesia (Manneke Budiman)

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Representations of the colonized’s struggle for independence from Euro-American and Japanese colonialism occupy a significant position in modern Japanese literary history. From the middle of the Meiji period (1868-1912) to present day, representations of anti- colonial movement and revolutionary as well as decolonizing slogan such as “freedom,” “independence,” “democracy,” and so forth recur in Japanese literature that represents the “South Seas.” However, what happens when decolonizing figures travel to and circulate within Japanese literature has not been brought under full scrutiny. This research analyzes Japanese literary engagements with a number of important anti-colonial struggles in the “South Seas,” including the Philippine Revolution and the subsequent Philippine-American War (1896-1902), the anti-colonial movements led by communists and Muslims in the Dutch East Indies around the year 1930, the Taiwanese aborigines’ rebellions against the Japanese imperial regime (1920 and 1930), the First French Indochina War (1946-1954), and the Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1949). It also investigates how the Japanese colonial “Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere” ideology was employed and looked at by the colonized people in Taiwanese and Southeast Asian texts. This pseudo-decolonizing “Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere” ideology pervaded Japan and its colonies in the early 1940s as a geopolitical paradigm that rejected Western power over East and Southeast Asia by purporting to “liberate” them. My research will examine how figures of colonial resistance from these moments are reproduced, concealed, and transformed in an asymmetrical relationship with Japanese literature while simultaneously intervening in the preexisting semiotic codes of Japanese, Taiwanese and Southeast Asian literature. Through this examination, I hope to shed light on the ongoing debates over Japan’s reluctance to take responsibility for its actions during the war and its colonial conquests in the “South Seas.”

C.18.1. Mr. Yoshiaki Otta

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D candidate Institusi (Institution) : The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the University of Hawaii Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 5-37-23 Ōizumigakuen-chō, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 178-0061

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C.19. Catholic Music in Indonesia: Representation, Identity Formation, and Community Building

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk berkontribusi dalam percakapan interdisipliner (Research Objective) tentang musik dan agama, juga untuk mempelajari penggunaan musik dalam membangun identitas Katolik Indonesia, seperti dalam dialog dengan tren sosio-religius yang lebih besar di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Etnomusikologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 16 Januari 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Utara (Kota Medan); DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta (Research Location) Pusat); Jawa Barat (Kab. Bandung); DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta); Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Ngada) Mitra Kerja : Institut Seni dan Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) - Bandung (Dr. (Counterpart) Hj. Een Herdiani) Abstract

“Catholic Music in Indonesia: Representation, Identity Formation, and Community Building” In this project, I propose to study the use of music in constructing an Indonesian Catholic identity that is in dialogue with larger socio-religious trends in the country. While Indonesia is home to multiple religions, Catholicism functions somewhat differently due to its structure and missional history. While Catholic practice is distinct, it is also influenced by predominant musical and religious trends in Indonesia. Music is mobilized by Indonesian Catholics-who are at the same time members of a universal Catholic community and citizens of a multi- faith nation-state-as a tool for identity formation and community building. Furthermore, musical materials, like the Madah Bakti hymnal, have become tangible signifiers through which an Indonesian Catholic identity is disseminated. The purpose of this project will be to examine the musical programs and materials that help shape Indonesian Catholic identity as a way to further understand different functions of music and religion in Indonesia.

Therefore, my work will simultaneously be in dialogue with that of inter-faith social organizations, such as the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies (CRCS) and the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (IRCS). I will be working under the guidance of Dr. Hj. Een Herdiani, Rector of ISBI Bandung for which I will be making bi-monthly visits to ISBI Bandung in order to work collaboratively with Dr. Herdiani and her faculty. My research will focus on the work of the Pusat Musik Liturgi (PML) Center for Liturgical Music in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, as a site for the construction of inculturated music for the

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Catholic Church in Indonesia. In order to examine its central function, I will also conduct two regional studies, following the flow of musicians and musical materials between Pusat Musik Liturgi and their affiliate parishes in Mataloko, Flores and Medan, Sumatra. While functioning locally through church music lessons, camps, and the Vocalista Sonora choir, the Center aims to support and represent communities throughout the nation by producing sheet music, hymnbooks, recordings, and the monthly Warta Musik magazine at their onsite publishing house. Embracing the values of unity in diversity, the Center works to bridge ethnic, cultural, and linguistic divides through their musical material. One such example is the Madah Bakti hymnal, which embraces a variety of instrumentations, local languages, and tuning systems. While my methodology will focus on musical ethnography and participant observation, I will simultaneously employ interdisciplinary techniques, including liturgical ethnography and congregational surveys. During this research I will conduct interviews of key musicians at the center and in the affiliate parishes. My participant observation will include being a part of services, rehearsals, concerts, and special events, while playing with the church gamelans and doing research at the Center’s library and music-publishing house. Although the majority of my time in country will be spent at the PML in Yogyakarta, month-long trips to both Flores and Sumatra will allow me to experience Indonesian Catholic practice in outer island locations, studying the relationship between the Center and its affiliates. While this research will provide me with the material I need for my dissertation as well as allow for collaborative work with my Indonesian counterparts for future articles, its purpose transcends my academic career. By conducting a critical, collaborative examination of Indonesia Catholic music and identity formation, this study will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of how music and religion function in Indonesia to transcend difference and foster deep mutual respect.

C.18.1. Ms. Emilie Rose Coakley

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Pittsburgh Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 38 Ledgelawn Ave. Lexington, M.A. 02420, USA

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C .19. Okinawan at Heart

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menjelajahi politik nasional, global, identitas etnis, (Research Objective) dan berbagi budaya dan meminjam melalui kinerja musik Okinawa di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Etnomusikologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 4 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, (Research Location) Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia (Counterpart) (Prof. Dr. Melani Budianta)


This study looks at the politics of identity and culture sharing and mixing through the performance of Okinawan music in Indonesia. Okinawan identity is politically tangled with Japanese identity. Historically the Japanese government has marginalized the people of Okinawa, by both asserting that Okinawans are Japanese, while at the same time ostracizing them for their differences. In diasporic communities, such as those in Hawaii, Okinawans were able to develop strong communities with political and cultural power through a combination of celebration internally of their cultural distinctiveness , as well as through cultural sharing with other local communities in public forums. The Hawaii United Okinawa Association has created the slogan “Okinawan at Heart” to refer to people participating in Okinawan celebration, even though they may not be of Okinawan ancestry. Other Okinawan diasporic communities have also adopted this idea in their communities, as well as a number of organizations in Okinawa Prefecture itself. This study aims to observe the relationships the Okinawan community in Jakarta has both with the Japanese communities and the Indonesian communities, through the performance of Okinawan music and dance. Okinawa has its own distinct music and dance traditions, many of which are regulated by organizations in Okinawa. Groups like the Jakarta Sanshin Club and U-maku Eisa Shinka Indonesia have seen moderate success as performers in Indonesia and in Okinawa, often through songs that mix Okinawan and Indonesian music and dance tropes. This study explores the place of this music within the Okinawan, Japanese, and Indonesian communities, what it says about the performers and their own identities, and analyze the power dynamics involved in this type of culture sharing in Jakarta.

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C.19.1. Mr. Aaron West Singer

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Hawaii at Manoa Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 8382 Bluff Circle Huntington Beach, CA 92646, United States of America C.20. Forging Modern Identities through Metal and Music

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meneliti etnografi tentang musik blacksmithing dan (Research Objective) gamelan sebagai pekerjaan non-pertanian di pedesaan Jawa Bidang Penelitian : Etnomusikologii (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 24 Mei 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kidul, Kota Yogyakarta) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. (Counterpart) Gabriel Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang, M.A.)


The purpose of the proposed research is to document how rural people select different aspects of modernity without relinquishing the parts of tradition that they most value. The focus will be on two non-agricultural occupations, blacksmithing and the performance of gamelan music, with the baseline provided by my own study and by that of S Ann Dunham (Soetoro) in the late 1900s. Contrary to some stereotypes of rural folk, the practitioners of these occupations do modernize, albeit at different rates and different in kind from their urban counterparts, leading to what can be called an “alternative modernity”. An example is how Gunungkidul musicians picked up the new gamelan fusion genre, campur sari, innovated by native son, Manthou’s, and made it their own by refusing to retune indigenous instruments to a Western diatonic scale. At the same time, they were able to supplement their incomes by playing the popular music without compromising the integrity of the

404 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 traditional scales and instruments. In blacksmithing, the smiths in Dunham’s time began to favor electric fans in their forges over the more labor intensive hand driven bellows. More recently, the family-operated blacksmith cooperative in Kajar began to supplement their family’s income by planning and supplying weddings in the community. Through these changes, rural folk have been able to keep their occupations and their rural locations through forging alternative modern identities in comparison to those of city dwellers.

C.20.1. Ms. Nancy Irene Cooper

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Independent Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Hawaii at Manoa Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2790 Kahaloa Drive, Apt. #707 Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A. 96822 C.20. Malay Chronicles, Thai Drama, Javanese Tales: Indonesian Malay Identity, Pasisir Cultural Flows, and the Performing Arts in Riau Islands Province

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari tradisi teatrikal Melayu mak yong di (Research Objective) Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dan mengkontekstualisasikan peran arus budaya kontemporer yang membentuk tradisi dan ekspresi teatrik Indonesia-Melayu Bidang Penelitian : Etnomusikologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 4 Juni 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Kepulauan Riau (Kab. Bintan, Kota Batam, Kota (Research Location) Tanjungpinang) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Dep. Susastra, (Counterpart) Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Pudentia MPSS)


I propose to study the Indonesian Malay theatrical tradition of mak yong in the Riau Islands Province. My study will contextualize the role of contemporary cultural flows that continue to shape Indonesian Malay theatrical traditions and expressions of Indonesian Malay

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identity in Riau Islands Province. I will also investigate the historical cultural flows between the Riau Islands, West Java, Central Java, Northeast Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, and Southern Thailand and explore how the exchange of ideas, performers, and performance practices in this region have influenced and continue to influence the Indonesian Malay theatrical tradition of Riau mak yong. In an era in which ownership of intangible cultural heritage is often contested in maritime Southeast Asia, the examination of the history and contemporary influence of pasisir cultural flows on performance forms like Riau mak yong will provide perspective on the way in which people and forms extended across the Southeast Asian maritime world in the period before colonial rule and the emergence of modern nation states. My ethnographic research of the Riau mak yong tradition will be centered in Tanjungpinang, Bintan, Provinsi Kepuluan Riau. Once I have obtained the official Indonesian research and residency permits, I plan to reside with my family in Tanjungpinang, Bintan, KEPRI. My research project will require travel within the KEPRI region to conduct ethnographic interviews and record oral histories of the performers, events, and performances. Most contemporary Riau mak yong performers can be found in Tanjungpinang, Mantang Arang and Kijang (Bintan Timur). I also plan to investigate if mak yong and related performance forms can be found in Rempang/Sembulang, Dompak, Kasu, Pulau Buluh, and Cate, a region on the outskirts of Pulau Batam. I plan to be affiliated with the Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia (UI). I will be in Indonesia conducting research for ten months as stipulated in the Fulbright Senior Scholar grant documents. I will arrive in Indonesia in January of 2018 and will begin my research once all necessary Indonesian permits have been obtained. I plan to complete my research within the ten-month timeframe stipulated in the Fulbright senior scholar grant documents. I will use qualitative ethnographic fieldwork methodologies including participant observation, ethnographic interviews, the collection and recording of oral histories and tales. I will document Riau mak yong performances with audio, video, and still photographs. Once I have obtained the appropriate permission from participants, I plan to share my research with local collaborators by donating copies of my field recordings of Indonesian mak yong to my academic hosts and The Oral Traditions Association of Indonesia. As my research interest is in the concept of performance as a form of embodied knowledge, I will endeavor to personally study performance practice with Riau mak yong practitioners should they find this an acceptable methodology.

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C.20.1. Ms. Patricia Ann Hardwick

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Hofstra University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3996 Constellation Road Lompoc CA 93436, USA


D.1. Pemukiman-Pemukiman Kuno di Sumatra Utara, Sumatra Barat dan Riau (Abad Ke- 9-Abad Ke-14 M)

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mencari dan memperbaiki situs-situs hunian kuno Objective) yang melakukan pendaftaran di situs untuk memperkaya situs-situs pekerjaan kuno di Sumatra dan menggunakan sebuah sumber yang berarti untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang sejarah Sumatera kuno Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Sejarah Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Sumatera Utara (Kab. Mandailing Natal, Kab. Tapanuli Location) Selatan, Kab. Tapanuli Tengah); Sumatera Barat (Kab. Pasaman); Riau (Kab. Kampar) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Drs. I Made Geria, M.Si)

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PROPOSAL PENELITIAN BERSAMA PUSAT ARKEOLOGI NASIONAL INDONESIA UNTUK PERIODE NOV. 2018-OKT. 2019 Ringkasan Prof. Dr. Daniel PERRET (Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris, Perancis) Untuk periode tersebut, kami mengusulkan satu program penelitian bersama Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Indonesia berjudul Pemukiman-Pemukiman Kuno di Sumatra Utara, Sumatra Barat dan Riau (abad ke-9-abad ke-14). Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient dan Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Indonesia menjalankan penelitian arkeologi bersama di sejumlah situs pemukiman kuno di Provinsi Sumatra Utara sejak tahun 1995, terutamanya di Barus-Lobu Tua, di Barus-Bukit Hasang, di Si Pamutung (Padang Lawas) dan di Kota Cina. Proposal penelitian ini mengusulkan untuk meneruskan jurusan yang sama untuk mencari situs-situs pemukiman kuno lainnya, yang belum teridentifikasi, di Provinsi Sumatra Utara, di Provinsi Sumatra Barat dan di Provinsi Riau berdasarkan sejumlah indikasi, misalnya temuan candi dari batu atau dari batu bata, arca, prasasti, nama tempat, tradisi lisan tentang jalur-jalur komunikasi yang lama, dll.. Proposal ini berdasarkan saran kami dalam laporan akhir penelitian sebelumnya. Program ini bertujuan untuk mencari lokasi dan mendokumentasikan situs-situs pemukiman kuno yang kemungkinan besar terdapat di Kabupaten Mandailing-Natal (Provinsi Sumatra Utara), di Kabupaten Pasaman (Provinsi Sumatra Barat), dan di Kabupaten Kampar (Provinsi Riau). Hasil program ini akan sekaligus memperkaya peta situs-situs pemukiman kuno di Sumatra dan membawa satu sumbangan yang berarti untuk melengkapi pengetahuan tentang sejarah kuno Sumatra. Tahap pertama adalah tahap dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang terdapat di dalam laporan-laporan arkeologi, terbitan-terbitan lokal dan asing, serta peta-peta lama. Tahap kedua adalah penelitian di lapangan. Berdasarkan pengalaman penelitian mengenai situs-situs pemukiman kuno di Sumatra Utara sejak tahun 1995, lokasi sebuah situs dapat diidentifikasi melalui nama- nama tempat, melalui tradisi lisan, melalui artefak-artefak yang ditemukan penduduk, melalui pengamatan topografi, misalnya sistem parit-tembok, dan melalui sebuah survei berjalan kaki yang sesistematik mungkin. Sesudah lokasi situs dipastikan, kami mengusulkan untuk mendapatkan sejumlah sampel coring dengan memakai sebuah alat bor mekanikal untuk mendapatkan gambaran awal tentang jenis dan kepadatan artefak serta tentang kedalaman dan ketebalan lapisan yang mengandungi artefak. Jika hasilnya positif dan keadaan mengizinkan, coring dapat diambil secara sistematik untuk mencari batas-batas situsnya. Kemudian, jika keadaan mengizinkan, sejumlah kotak dapat digali untuk mencoba mendapatkan informasi yang lebih lengkap. Tahap berikutnya adalah dokumentasi artefak-artefak yang ditemukan dan persiapan publikasi.

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D.1.1. Prof. Dr. Daniel Georges Perret

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Roanne, 20 November 1958 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Senior Researcher Institusi (Institution) : École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Jalan Ampera III No. 26, Jakarta Selatan 12550, Indonesia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 17FV28969 D.2. Neutralism in Global History: A Case Study of the Role of Indonesia as A Mediator between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia in International Community from 1970- 1980’s

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengeksplorasi peran Indonesia sebagai mediator Objective) dalam komunitas internasional terutama antara Asia Utara dan Asia Selatan dari 1970 hingga 1980-an Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Sejarah Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 November 2018 (month, Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Aceh (Kab. Aceh Barat); DKI Jakarta Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Pusat Penelitian Sumber Daya Regional-LIPI (Dr. Ganewati Wuryandari) Abstract

After the end of Second World War, the two power bloc was rising in international society and it had become stronger, however, newly independence countries, most of which are belonging to Asia and Africa, choose the third path to keep their independence. Many of new independent states in Southeast Asia have decided not to take sides in the Cold War, wanting to take neutral stand instead. These countries adopted the stance of neutralism or non-alignment. Indonesia is considered to be one of the most neutral countries. And it has played a vital role towards the establishment of the Non Alignment Movement (NAM), which can be defined as a group of states that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc and main purpose was to support member countries in self-determination and independence. The movement has also promoted peaceful coexistence, social-economic restructure of the international economic system and also equal international cooperation beyond the East-West bloc.

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D.2.1. Ms. Minako Wakasugi

Tempat dan tanggal lahir (Place : Tokyo, Japan, 16 October 1971 and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Tokyo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) Takagi 2-9-6, Higashiyamatoshi Tokyo Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : TK2660933 D.3. History of Tanah Bengkok and Local Leaders

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengumpulkan data historis dari Arsip Nasional dan (Research Objective) melakukan penelitian lapangan di Jawa Barat mengenai sejarah Tanah Bengkok Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah Sosial Politik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Januari 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Kab. Bandung, Kab. Ciamis, Kab. Cirebon, (Research Location) Kab. Indramayu, Kab. Kuningan, Kab. Majalengka, Kab. Subang, Kab. Sumedang, Kab. Tasikmalaya, Kota Bandung, Kota Cirebon), DKI Jakarta (Arsip Nasional) Mitra Kerja : SMERU Research Institute (Dr. Asep Suryahadi) (Counterpart)


Decentralization has been touted as a solution to promote government accountability in the provision of local services and public goods (Mookherjee 2000 and World Bank 2004). There is, however, scarce quantitative evidence on the role of local (village) leaders in shaping decentralization outcomes due to the scarcity of micro village-level data. Hence, my project is an attempt to quantitatively determine the extent to which local leaders might influence decentralization outcomes. I propose to do so by utilizing historical geographical variation in a historical land institution, tanah bengkok in West Java, Indonesia. ). I hypothesize that the amount of tanah bengkok affected the quality and accountability of local leaders, thereby affecting the effectiveness of decentralization and public goods provision. In my

410 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 main research design, I use regression analysis to compare decentralization outcomes between villages with and without bengkok land across the historical Cirebon residency boundary and argue that any differences are caused by historical differences in tanah bengkok and the effects on quality and accountability of local leaders. To do this, I will supplement my regression analysis with a mixed research methodology of historical data collection from Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI) and qualitative interviews with villagers and village leaders in West Java.

D.3. 1. Mr. Lim Jia De Gedeon

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D student Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1482 Beacon Street, Apt 12 Brookline, MA U.S.A

D.4. Wars and Wonders: Imperial Wars and Natural-Cultural Expeditions in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk Untuk menulis sejarah kontribusi intelektual dari para (Research Objective) cendekiawan Indonesia di bidang sejarah alam Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 16 Januari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta dan DI Yogyakarta (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Demokrasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Universitas (Counterpart) Sanata Dharma (Prof. Baskara T. Wardaya) Abstract

My dissertation aims to explore the entwined histories of imperial wars and scientific expeditions in the islands of the Indonesian archipelago. From the time the Dutch East India Company (VOC) first gained a foothold in the archipelago in the 17th century to the formal establishment of a Dutch colonial state in the region in the early 19th century, natural and cultural expeditions have accompanied various imperial military and commercial ventures in the islands. Among wondrous portrayals of Indonesian plants and animals in the works of European naturalists, one also finds accounts of battles and wars, descriptions

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of local healing traditions, and the socio-political circumstances that helped sustained the gathering of such knowledge. While asserting that imperial wars made it possible for European naturalists to collect and record these findings, my project also emphasizes the lesser-known intellectual contributions of Indonesian informants and scribes in the spread of natural knowledge.

D.4.1. Ms . Jin Hee Yoo

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Princeton University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 529 West 111th Street, Apartment 3 New York, NY 10025

D.5. The Opium Distribution and Consumption in the Indonesian Archipelago, c. 1670- 1820

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk memperjelas distribusi opium dan konsumsi di Objective) Kepulauan Indonesia Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Sejarah Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 April 2018(month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Bondan Kanumoyoso) Abstract

This research project aims to clarify the distribution and consumption of opium in the Indonesian archipelago in the 1670s-1810s, especially paying attention to commercial activities of Chinese merchants who cooperated with the Dutch East India Company (VOC: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, 1602-1799) and its successor colonial governments, both Dutch and British (1800-1811, 1811-1816). I set three objects in this research. First, investigating the Batavia centered opium distribution from the late seventeenth to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Second, surveying the activity of the Opium Society (De Amfioen Sociëteit, 1745-1794; The Board of Opium Management De Amfioen

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Directie, 1794-1808). Third, analyzing impacts and patterns of opium consumption in Java from the late seventeenth to the beginning of the nineteenth century. In this project, I will extensively use historical sources which are available at the Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia. For example, the Archives of the Gouverneur-General and the Indian Councils (the High Government) of the Dutch East India Company and its successor, 1612-1812 Het Archief van de gouverneur-generaal en raden van Indië (Hoge Regering) van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie en taakopvolgers, 1612-1812 contains huge volumes of the Daily Journal of Batavia Castle, 1624-1806. This collection of journals has monthly lists of incoming and ongoing non-company ships and commodities including opium at the port of Batavia. Analyzing these lists, I will describe the Batavia-centered commercial network for the trade of opium in particular. Other than this, many archives which have not been consulted well yet is going to be investigated. This project will offer an important missing link between the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century regarding the opium distribution and its consumption. Considering the research trends, this project can make an important contribution to the historiography not only on the opium trade but also on the Indonesian archipelago. By investigating the opium distribution and consumption, we have a better insight how the VOC and other successor colonial government tried to control the social economy of the Indonesian Archipelago especially Java by making use of the network of Chinese merchants and the local demand of opium. In addition, we will also have some clues how local distribution and consumption were organized in social lives in the Archipelago.

D.5.1. Mr. Shohei Okubo

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Tokyo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2412-7 Daitakubo, Minami-ku, Saitama, Saitama, 336- 0015, Japan

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D.6. Indonesian Cosmopolitanism and Inter-Asian Imaginations from Late Colonial to Early Postcolonial Periods (1920s-1950s)

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki berbagai bentuk kosmopolitanisme dari (Research Objective) bawah yang telah dipraktekkan di titik-titik sejarah tertentu di Indonesia dari era kolonial akhir hingga pascakolonial awal Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018(month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Pusat, Kodya Jakarta Selatan); Location) DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Lilawati Kurnia) Abstract

This dissertation project aims to investigate different forms of cosmopolitanism from below that have been practiced in certain historical junctures of Indonesia from late colonial to early postcolonial eras (1920s-1950s) with a particular focus on inter-Asian connections through textual analysis that deploys cosmopolitanism as an analytical framework. This research on cosmopolitanism from below in Indonesia is an extension of the studies undertaken by Benedict Anderson’s account of Kwee Thiam Tjing and Peter Zinoman’s analysis of V? Trong Phung, which propose the concepts of “colonial cosmopolitanism” and “provincial cosmopolitanism” respectively to analyze the forms of cosmopolitanism these two writers express. It proposes to track, identify, and analyze other existing historical forms of ethico-political practices and ideals in Indonesia that could encapsulate the senses of cosmopolitanism from below because these cosmopolitan instances could supply us concrete resources for thinking about ways of living together in the nation, region, and world. Though by no means limited to these cases, this dissertation proposes to investigate the following instances: the 1927 Rabindranath Tagore’ Southeast Asian tour (particularly in Java and Bali) with an endeavor to establish a cultural exchange program between Santiniketan University and other Southeast Asian institutions, the works of Sanusi Pané (1905-1968) who went to India to study Indian culture in 1929 and wrote a drama Manoesia Baroe in 1940 featuring lives of labor in India, the theatrical Orion Malay opera troupe of Miss Riboet which toured parts of Southeast Asia in the early 1930s, the cultural productions of the Japanese-sponsored Center for the Guidance of Popular Culture and Enlightenment active from 1943-1945, and the publications and discourse emerging out of the Afro-Asian Conference at Bandung in 1955. This research is conducted

414 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 with the combination of methodologies from three academic fields, namely, Southeast Asian Studies, intellectual history, and sociology of literature. Besides these interpretive methodologies, this dissertation involves a eight-month investigation of the archival sources in Indonesia including the National Archives of Indonesia, National Library of Indonesia, Pusat Dokumentasi H.B. Jassin at Taman Ismail Marzuki in Jakarta, and Jogja Library Center (BPAD Unit III Malioboro) in Yogyakarta.

D.6.1. Mr. Thiti Jamkajornkeiat

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Thailand Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : University of California-Berkeley Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 243/5 Soi 4 Kanchanapisake 0015 Rd. Chuanchuen- Parkview Saladhammasop Taweewattana Bangkok 10170


E.2. Explaining Institutional Development in Post-Colonial Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami bagaimana TNI dan Sekber Golkar (Research Objective) melembagakan reformasi Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Politik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, (Research Location) Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : FISIP UI, Departemen Ilmu Politik (Dr. Meidi Kosandi) Abstract

Why do some countries have stronger institutions than others? Institutions are believed to be critical to provide social, economic, and political stability (Huntington 1968) yet theories explaining the source of this institutional strength is still under developed. Using Indonesia, I demonstrate how the colonial struggle against the Dutch, the Darul Islam movement, and the need to respond to regional rebellions, pushed critical institutions to implement reforms which strengthened them. The history of Indonesia demonstrates how conflict provides the impetus for institutional development.

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E.2.1. Mr. Darin Sanders Self

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Boise, 22 September 1986 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : Cornell University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 700 Warren Rd 21-3E Ithaca, NY 14850 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : 524171732

E.3. Creative Youth Culture and Urban Political Transformation in Indonesia: A Case of Bandung

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengetahui berbagai peran dari budaya kreatif kaum Objective) muda pada transformasi politik perkotaan di Indonesia, khususnya di Bandung, Jawa Barat Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Ilmu Politik Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Juli 2018 (month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Jawa Barat (Bandung), DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur (Surabaya, Location) Malang) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya-Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Maria Shuriah Gietty Tambunan, Ph.D) dan Pusat Penelitian Sumber Daya Regional-LIPI (Dr. Fadjar Ibnu Thufail,Ph.D) Abstract

The purpose of the research is to find out variety roles of creative youth culture on the transformation of urban politics in Indonesia, especially in Bandung, West Java. Moreover, this study aims to reveal new attempts and potentials of Indonesian youth cultural practices as a new trend of national political transition which has been actively studied nowadays.

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E.3.1. Mr. Yujin Kim

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Jepang, 11 Desember 1990 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 4-6, Kitayamacho, Tennoji-ku Osaka-shi, Osaka, 543-0035, Japan Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : M33492331 E.4. Political Decentralisation as a Driver of Change in Indonesian Village Level Forest Governance

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari dampak reformasi di tingkat desa yang (Research Objective) diprakarsai oleh adopsi Undang-undang Desa tahun 2014 di Indonesia mengenai sistem pengelolaan hutan desa Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Politik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Februari 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kapuas Hulu) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia (Dr. (Counterpart) Mahawan Karuniasa) Abstract

In 2013, Indonesia’s House of Representatives passed Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 6/2014 about Village (the 2014 Village Law), which decentralises substantial legislative powers to villages, grants them increased authority over their territories, restructures their government structures, and furnishes them with considerable streams of direct government funding (roughly $75,000 per village). The policy has been lauded as an opportunity to tackle challenges of rural development from the ground up, and considerable research has been conducted concerning its social and economic effects on village life. Little academic attention however has been given to the impacts of the law on the governance of village forests. The village law decentralisation forms part of a wider trend across the world in which centralised governments have granted power to govern

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forests to a variety of sub-national authorities and non-government entities. Whilst it has been argued that forest decentralisation improves the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and responsiveness of governance, it has also been associated with the blurring of authority, legality and land tenure, increased rates of corruption and in some cases to increased rates of deforestation. Taking a political economy approach, this research shall seek to identify changes in village forest governance systems initiated by the 2014 Village Law’s adoption, explore the mechanisms driving them, and highlight their village level ecological and social consequences. The primary question of this thesis is: “How has the Village Law impacted village forest governance systems and with what implications for forest sustainability and equitability of access to forest resources?” Research-including interviews and participant observation-shall be conducted in six villages in West Kalimantan, as well as with officials at the district, provincial and national levels. Results of this study shall be of value both to researchers-by exploring the impacts on forest governance of decentralisation policies not specifically aimed at forests-and to policy makers concerned with promoting good and equitable forest governance and sustainable rural development.

E.4.1. Mr. Logan John Hamilton

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph. D Student Institusi (Institution) : School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1 Walton Lane, Oxford, United Kingdom

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E.5. The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Europe and Indonesia in Shaping Sustainable Land Use Policies in the Palm Oil Sector

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memahami peran yang dimainkan oleh organisasi (Research Objective) masyarakat sipil di Eropa dan Indonesia dalam membentuk kebijakan penggunaan lahan yang berkelanjutan di sektor kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Politik Agraria (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Mei 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Indragiri Hilir, Kab. Indragiri (Research Location) Hulu, Kab. Kampar, Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, Kab. Kuantan Singingi, Kab. Pelalawan, Kab. Rokan Hilir, Kab. Rokan Hulu, Kab. Siak, Kota Dumai, Kota Pekanbaru); DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Barat, Kodya Jakarta Pusat, Kodya Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, Kodya Jakarta Utara, Kotip Kepulauan Seribu); Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Bengkayang, Kab. Kapuas Hulu, Kab. Kayong Utara, Kab. Ketapang, Kab. Kubu Raya, Kab. Landak, Kab. Melawi, Kab. Pontianak, Kab. Sambas, Kab. Sanggau, Kab. Sekadau, Kab. Sintang, Kota Pontianak, Kota Singkawang); Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Barito Selatan, Kab. Barito Timur, Kab. Barito Utara, Kab. Gunung Mas, Kab. Kapuas, Kab. Katingan, Kab. Kotawaringin Barat, Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, Kab. Lamandau, Kab. Murung Raya, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kab. Seruyan, Kab. Sukamara, Kota Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Sosial, Ekonomi, kebijakan dan Perubahan (Counterpart) Iklim, KLHK (Dr. Fitri Nurfatriani)


Oil palm is an ambivalent crop considered as a great development lever as well as an opportunity for poverty alleviation. Nevertheless, unsustainable practices leading to environmental and social damages have taken place in this sector. Calling for stronger regulations and actions from the value chain actors, civil society organizations have played a key role in shaping the modalities of standard certifications and companies’ commitments, leading to better sustainability. Today, the European Union and Indonesia are two arenas

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in which the formulation and implementation of policies aiming at improving palm oil sustainability are debated. As the sector’s governance may know important transformations, studying civil society movements and their interactions would enable to understand what is currently at stake in the sector. Through the application of the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, this research aims at getting a deep insight into the terms of the Indonesian and European debates about sustainability, identify influential actors involved in the policy process and detect the opportunities of harmonization between the two governance systems.

E.5.1. Ms. Auriane Germémont-Collin

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : Siences-Po Toulouse Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 13 avenue de la Chapellerie, 94370 Sucy-en-Brie, France


F.1. Exploring Indonesian Teachers’ Experiences Interpreting the Pancasila in an Interregional Online Collaborative Inquiry

Tujuan Penelitian (Research : Untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman guru Indonesia yang Objective) menafsirkan Pancasila dalam penyelidikan kolaboratif online antar daerah Bidang Penelitian (Field of : Ilmu Pendidikan Research) Lama Penelitian (Research : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 6 Agustus 2018 (month, starting Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh); Sumatera Utara (Kota Medan); Location) Jawa Barat (Kota Bandung, Kota Tasikmalaya); Jawa Timur (Kota Malang); Banten (Kab. Lebak); Bali (Kota Denpasar); Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kab. Sumba Barat); Kalimantan Barat (Kota Pontianak); Kalimantan Selatan (Kota Banjarmasin); Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Makasar); Maluku (Kota Ambon) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Prof. Dr. Elly Malihah, M.Si)

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Indonesia is a diverse ethnic and religious entity established on a set of values known as the Pancasila. The values are précised as Unity In Diversity and are intended to guide citizens towards this ideal. Facing recurring and divisive conflicts, Indonesia’s recently initiated Mental Revolution Policy prescribes regeneration of cultural roots to direct contemporary behaviour. Education institutions are instructed ‘to animate [embody] the Pancasila values and put them into practice in daily life’ (Secretary Office Mental Revolution, 2016). Analysis of the Pancasila reveals underlying cultural heritages as collaborative inquiries responsive to context challenges. Mobilising cultural heritages to transform institution practice in Indonesia is promoted by Hudalah, Firman and Woltjer (2014), who also call for coordination of interregional interaction to counter local egoism. Concurrently, international education research practice, postcolonial and transformative learning discourses commend collaborative inquires to facilitate learning that validates and is more inclusive of diversity (Kumar, 2009; Kasl & Yorks, 2002). Successively digital connectivity tools emerge with capacity for interregional approaches and maximising reflective opportunities (Garrison, 2006). The proposed research is situated at this confluence of culture, emerging times and technologies. The research will study teacher experiences within an interregional online collaborative inquiry of the Pancasila. Study of interactions will be guided by collaborative inquiry discourse. King’s (2009) ‘transformative learning survey and interview tool’ will be adapted to explore any transformative aspects. Results will provide understanding and insight of the teachers’ interpretation of the Pancasila and factors that support or hinder interpretation. The findings are of interest to Indonesian governance, educational research and international relations, providing insight into: Indonesian sensitivities and dispositions in postcolonial dynamics; efforts transforming institution practice; cultural interfaces for peace and understanding; and application of digital tools.

F.1.1. Ms. Christine Edith Pheeney

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Sydney, Australia, 14 February 1973 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Phd Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Charles Darwin University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : P O Box 1151 Coolalinga 0839 Northern Territory, Australia Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : E4128747

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F.2. The Study on Self-Formation of University Students by Visualizing The Process of Their Career Development and Its Comparative Research between Indonesia and Japan

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis proses pengembangan karir mahasiswa (Research Objective) di Jepang dan Indonesia yang berada dalam masa transisi antar sekolah dan sistem pembentukan diri mereka Bidang Penelitian : Pendidikan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur-Surabaya (Universitas PGRI Adi Buana (Research Location) Surabaya) dan Jawa Barat-Bandung (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) Mitra Kerja : LPPM Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya (Dr. Hartono, (Counterpart) M.Si)


Japan has problems with the declining birthrate and aging population. In addition, Japanese university graduates face difficulty in visualizing their possible future because they first have to be selected by a company as one of the members to be raised as a generalist. On the other hand, Indonesian population has been expanding and may advance the cultivation of human resources in a different system from Japan. In a globalized world, personnel exchanges between Indonesia and Japan are supposed to be promoted rapidly. The aim of my research is to analyze the process of career development of university students in both countries who are in the term of school- to-work transition and their self-formation system. The methodology is as follows: 1. Conduct questionnaire survey, which was translated from Japanese into Indonesian, to about 500 university students in Indonesia. 2. Conduct interview to 16 university students in 2017 and 2018 in Indonesia. 3. Analyze the interview data by using a qualitative methodology Trajectory Equifinality Modeling(TEA) (Sato, Mori, Valsiner, 2016) and the notion of Dialigical Self Theory ( Hernans, 1993). This psychological outcome may help to find out the way to successful collaboration between the two countries.

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F.2.1. Ms. Kiyomi Banda

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : School of Business, SANNO University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6-35-15 Tododoroki, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo


G.1. Everything but Land, Nothing but Land: The Complexity of Land Tenure Security for Slum Upgrading

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menyelidiki cara di mana keamanan kepemilikan (Research Objective) lahan kumuh di tepi sungai dibentuk dan diperebutkan Bidang Penelitian : Perencanaan Kota (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Oktober 2018 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Kota Surakarta); DI Yogyakarta (Kab. (Research Location) Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Departemen Teknik Arsitektur dan Perencanaan, UGM (Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, MA, Ph.D.)


Jae Hyeon Park is a recipient of the 2018 Indonesian Summer Research Travel Grant from the UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies as well as the 2018 CfDS Research Fellowship from the Center for Digital Society at Gadjah Mada University. This fieldwork project is designed to understand the national slum upgrading Kota Tanpa Kumuh (KOTAKU, cities without slums) and its governance system in Yogyakarta and Surakarta within the country’s decentralized context. This research begins with a question which shapes complexities: Why is the demolition and relocation of some types of slums unavoidable? Within the national initiative, at the local level, slums without legal land proofs are handled separately from those with legal grounds thus to be relocated elsewhere. Slums based on informal or customary contracts also have the increasingly blurry security of land tenure.

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In consequence, the majority of riverbank slums on an extralegal basis are bulldozed and relocated. Apparently, land tenure security lies at the heart of various factors that cause such complexities, as de jure security overrides de facto security. From this perspective, some successful slum relocation cases such as the row house (Rumah Renteng) in Surakarta is a case in which communities compromised to gain ‘everything but land’ while giving up their desire for ‘nothing but land’ based on the de facto security. Given the heterogeneous types of land that riverbank slums occupy currently, the hypothesis is that there exist different senses of land tenure security among riverbank slums, some of which are tradable with ‘everything but land,’ and some other of which are longed for ‘nothing but land.’ The lack of understanding of heterogeneity that slums hold causes the state’s simplistic demolition and relocation approach, or at best maintaining the status quo. At the critical moment of the country’s ambitious zero-slum movement, our critical understanding is necessary to better devise inclusive slum upgrading approaches. In Yogyakarta, Sleman and Surakarta, where diverse slum land types are observed along rivers: for example, Sultan Ground, wedi kengser (river sediment land), government land, village land (tanah kas desa), and privately-owned land based on the traditional land rental system called ngindung, I will use a mixed-method approach, including quantitative and qualitative research methods from late July 2018 until the end of September 2018. Some data were already collected from online and local collaborators, but further empirical data will be collected through field diary, interview, documentary analysis, case study and participant observation methods during fieldwork. The findings of this summer research will also set the stage for a part of my following one-year dissertation research which will delve into diversified slum upgrading strategies tailored to the type of land tenure security.

G.1.1. Mr. Jae Hyeon Park

Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Seoul, 27 December 1982 (Place and date of birth) Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Los Angeles Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : #401, DAEDO B-DONG, HUIUJEONG-RO 20-76, MAPO- GU, SEOUL 04009 Nomor Paspor (Pasport no.) : M58837330

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G.2. Infrastructure Financing and Transit Oriented Development: the case of Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari bagaimana kota Jakarta menanggapi (Research Objective) tantangan pembiayaan infrastruktur MRT dalam mencapai pertumbungan ekonomi dan pembangunan, serta kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan proyek Bidang Penelitian : Perencanaan Kota (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Februari 2018(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Pusat-Menteng) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Magister Teknik Perencanaan, Universitas Tarumanagara (Counterpart) (Ir. Liong Ju Tjung M.Sc)


Indonesia has embarked on a large infrastructure development program aimed at achieving sustainable and inclusive growth. However, given the limited public funds, there is a need to attract significant private financing for projects and for meting these development objectives. This research seeks to understand how cities like Jakarta are responding to the challenges of infrastructure financing in order to achieve economic growth and development, as well as the obstacles faced in the implementation of projects.

G.2.1.Mr. Dimitar Velkov Anguelov

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 34 Dudley Avenue, Apt #2, Venice, CA 90291, USA

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G.3. Indonesian Intergovernmental transfers and Risk Sharing

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menemukan efek dari pembanguan risiko dalam (Research Objective) transfer antar pemerintah di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekonomi Pembangunan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 April 2018(month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian (Research : DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Pusat) Location) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (Teguh Dartanto)


As is found in other developed countries cases, it is expected to have risk sharing effects with intergovernmental transfers in developed countries. However, it has not been investigated thus far. I would conduct a study on risk sharing effects with intergovernmental transfers in Indonesia using data of DAU.

G.3.1. Mr. Junichiro Takahata

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Dokkyo University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1-1 Gakuen-cho, Soka-shi, Saitama, 340-0042

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G.4. Mobilizing Green Finance

Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mempelajari peluang dan tantangan dalam (Research Objective) memobilisasi keuangan hijau

Bidang Penelitian : Kebijakan publik (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 Juli 2018 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Landscape Indonesia / PT Bentang Alam Indonesia (Agus (Counterpart) Sari)


Indonesia has formulated ambitious policies to tackle climate change. This study aims to understand how the finance part of the puzzle is being structured. In particular, it endeavors to understand the use of different policy instruments to mobilize international finance for the pursuit of domestic energy and climate objectives. Instruments used may involve entities such as the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund and other less institutionalized policies and directives. By examining the operation of these instruments, the study aims to understand the conditions in which they work.

G.4.1. Mr. Rishikesh Ram Bhandary

Warga Negara (Nationality) : Nepal Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Tufts University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 160 Packard Avenue, Medford, MA 02155, United States

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 427 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA Badan Litbang Kesehatan, Kemenkes Yuslely (Dr. Usman, M.Kes) Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Mitra Tatang Setia dan Wahyu Tri Susanto, MSi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kab. Utara, Kayong TN. Ketapang, Gunung Palung) LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 18 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kesehatan Kesehatan publik Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menilai validitas menilai validitas Autopsy Verbal sebagai metode memastikanuntuk dari kematian diagnosis Disease Cerebrovascular sistem dimana terdapat pendaftaran vital tidak memadai mengkarakterisasi dinamika populasi spasial dan temporal mengenai berbagai spesies vertebrata dari 12 pesanan (terdiri burung dan mamalia) di seluruh mosaik jenis hutan alam dam menggambarkan distribusi spasial spesies mamalia dan burung JUDUL PENELITIAN Validating The The Diagnosis Validating by Caused of Death Disease Cerebrovascular in Autopsy Verbal from Indonesia Identifying Drivers of Drivers Identifying Vertebrate Tropical Dynamics and Population Distributions Gunung at Park National Palung LAMPIRAN NOMOR PASPOR E58378694 532148807 National National Australia Australia Michigan University INSTITUSI University of University SURAT IZIN PENELITIAN ASING TAHUN 2018 TAHUN ASING PENELITIAN IZIN SURAT SURAT IJIN PENELITIAN TAHUN 2018 IJIN PENELITIAN TAHUN SURAT JABATAN Research Research Assistant Master student China Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL inchester, 19 inchester, September 1986 Jiangsu, 19 No Jiangsu, 1993 vember 14.000 220.845 Grant ($) Grant Lavis NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Samuel Mr. Ms. Sha Ms. Christopher Christopher SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 240/SIP/ 283/SIP/ VIII/2018 12 24 No No 240 283

428 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2017, tanggal 4 2017 Oktober 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin Ansar (Dr. iadi) BRSDM KKP Joni (Dr. Haryadi) BRSDM KKP Joni (Dr. Haryadi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Maros, Kab. Jeneponto, Pangkajene Kab. Kepulauan, Kota Makasar) (Kota Banda Aceh Bali (Kota Aceh); Denpasar); Sulawesi (Kota Manado);Utara Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Makasar); Sulawesi (Kota Bau Tenggara Bau) Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh Bali (Kota Aceh); Denpasar); Sulawesi (Kota Manado);Utara Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Makasar); Sulawesi (Kota Bau Tenggara Bau) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 5 Maret 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 5 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosiologi Sosiologi kesehatan Perikanan Perikanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengukur Untuk tingkat deprivasi perorangan, dengan tujuan menyediakan untuk relevan yang data mengenai kemiskinan multi-dimensi yang dengan berkorelasi gender melakukanUntuk survei populasi hiu dan kelimpahan sinar pada terumbu ekosistem karang global secara Untuk melakukanUntuk survei populasi hiu dan kelimpahan sinar pada terumbu ekosistem karang global secara JUDUL PENELITIAN “The Individual Deprivation Measure” Project” FinPrint “Global “Global FinPrint Project” FinPrint “Global NOMOR PASPOR PA5223138 N7446457 GK664172 National National University University University Australian Australian INSTITUSI James Cook James Cook James Cook James Cook JABATAN Researcher Research Research Fellow Ph.D candidate Ph.D Kanada WARGA WARGA Australia Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Adelaide, 30 Adelaide, Desember 1979 17 Toronto, 1989 Agustus - Aus Sydney, 21 Maret tralia, 1973 0 939.000 156.000 Grant ($) Grant Suich NAMA NAMA Sherman PENELITI Ms. Helen Ms. Catherine Catherine Samantha Samantha Ms. Carolyn Carolyn Ms. Mr. Stephen Stephen Mr. Kelso Moore SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 48/SIP/ 49/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 128/SIP/ 27 27 28 No 48 49 No 128

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 429 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi Nu - LIPI (Dr. Dwi groho Hananto) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi Nu - LIPI (Dr. Dwi groho Hananto) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi Nu - LIPI (Dr. Dwi groho Hananto) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kota Pangandaran, Sukabumi, Kota Tasikmalaya) Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kota Pangandaran, Sukabumi, Kota Tasikmalaya) Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kota Pangandaran, Sukabumi, Kota Tasikmalaya) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 April 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 April 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Geofisika Geofisika TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memperoleh memperoleh Untuk seismik refleksi data 3D di tinggi beresolusi depan wilayah bagian gempa tsunami 2006 guna memahami hubungan antara gempa dan tsunami Untuk memperoleh memperoleh Untuk seismik refleksi data 3D di tinggi beresolusi depan wilayah bagian gempa tsunami 2006 guna memahami hubungan antara gempa dan tsunami Untuk memperoleh memperoleh Untuk seismik refleksi data 3D di tinggi beresolusi depan wilayah bagian gempa tsunami 2006 guna memahami hubungan antara gempa dan tsunami JUDUL PENELITIAN “Java Tsunami Earthquake Tsunami “Java Risk Assessment (JAVATERA)” “Java Tsunami Earthquake Tsunami “Java Risk Assessment (JAVATERA)” “Java Tsunami Earthquake Tsunami “Java Risk Assessment (JAVATERA)” NOMOR PASPOR 538560910 12DE43448 13CT96452 Paris Paris Paris Physique Physique Physique Physique Physique Physique Institut de Institut de Institut de INSTITUSI du Globe de du Globe de du Globe de JABATAN Professor Assistant Assistant Professor Postdoct Postdoct researcher Inggris WARGA WARGA Perancis Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Mahagawan, Mahagawan, 1 Desember 1957 Mulhouse, 2 Mulhouse, Juni 1978 Vienne, 20 Vienne, Desember 1990 0 0 Grant ($) Grant 2.000.000 Singh Carton NAMA NAMA Chandra Chandra Delphine PENELITI Laurencin Ms. Muriel Ms. Prof. Satish Satish Prof. Ms. Helene Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IV/2018 IV/2018 IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 121/SIP/ 122/SIP/ 123/SIP/ 20 21 22 No No 121 122 123

430 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi Nu - LIPI (Dr. Dwi groho Hananto) Pusat Pusat Meteorologi Maritim, (Nelly BMKG Ria - Florida ma, M.Si) FMIPA, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri (Dr. Padang Hamdi, M.Si) FMIPA, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri (Dr. Padang Hamdi, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kota Pangandaran, Sukabumi, Kota Tasikmalaya) Samudera HindiaSamudera timur (Barat bagian Sumatera) Sumatera Barat, Barat, Sumatera Jambi, Utara, Sumatera Riau, dan Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung Kep. Sumatera Barat, Barat, Sumatera Jambi, Utara, Sumatera Riau, dan Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung Kep. LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 April 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 21 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Oseanografi Geologi Geologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memperoleh memperoleh Untuk seismik refleksi data 3D di tinggi beresolusi depan wilayah bagian gempa tsunami 2006 guna memahami hubungan antara gempa dan tsunami Untuk maintenance maintenance Untuk milik RAMA buoy dan melakukanNOAA observasi met-ocean di HindiaSamudra Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk jumlah, usia, dan lapisan abu ketebalan endapan di seluruh Sumatera Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk jumlah, usia, dan lapisan abu ketebalan endapan di seluruh Sumatera JUDUL PENELITIAN “Java Tsunami Earthquake Tsunami “Java Risk Assessment (JAVATERA)” “Research Moored Array Array Moored “Research African-Asian-Australian for and Monsoon Analysis Prediction” “Quaternary Sediments of Sumatra” “Quaternary Sediments of Sumatra” NOMOR PASPOR E64384677 821699326 YB2251959 C1C9M6YFZ Paris National National Nanyang Nanyang Nanyang Nanyang Physique Physique University University Institut de tion-PMEL INSTITUSI - Administra du Globe de Oceanic and Oceanic Atmospheric Atmospheric Technological Technological Technological Technological JABATAN Research Research associate Project Project Manager Post-doc Post-doc Research Fellow Post-doc Post-doc Research Fellow Italia China Serikat Jerman WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sichuan, 23 Desember 1990 Miami, Florida., Miami, Florida., 1975 23 Maret Italia, 5 No 1979 vember Jerman, 10 1984 Februari 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant 2.500.000 Zeng Eisele NAMA NAMA ca Forni PENELITI Mr. Steffen Steffen Mr. Mr. Hongyu Mr. Mr. Kenneth Mr. - Frances Ms. John Connell SIP FRP/ FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. E5/Dit. IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 124/SIP/ 157/SIP/ 153/SIP/ 154/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 23 24 20 21 No No 124 157 153 154

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 431 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Ir. IPB (Dr. Baba Barus, M.Sc) Riset Pusat Kelautan, Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan Perikanan, Novi KKP (Dr. Adi) Susetyo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Bogor, Kab. Bandung, Bali (Kab. Cianjur); Kab. Kota Denpasar) Badung, Tengah Jawa (Kepulauan Karimunjaya), Pantura (Indramayu), Jawa Kalimantan Timur Bali, (Derawan), Utara Sulawesi (Bunaken) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Menajemen Sumber Daya Alam Pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menetapkan dan mengusulkan 'strategi karbon biru' sebagai untuk skema efektif meningkatkan lokalupaya untuk melestarikan ekosistem dan meningkatkan dan ketahanannya, dengan demikian berkontribusi untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim global mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan penilaian proses kerusakan lahan pertanian dalam pertanianasuransi dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem di Informasi Geografis dan Bali Barat Jawa JUDUL PENELITIAN Comprehensive Assessment Assessment Comprehensive and Conservation of Blue and Ecosystems Carbon their Services in the Coral (BlueCARES) Triangle Development and Development Implementation of New Damage Assessment in Agriculture Process to as Adaptation Insurance Food Change for Climate Security NOMOR PASPOR MU6779179 TR8994087 Tokyo Tokyo versity Chiba Uni - INSTITUSI Institute of Technology JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Professor Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Toyama, 2 May 2 May Toyama, 1961 Japan, 10 1954 March Grant ($) Grant 2.332.000 2.245.000 NAMA NAMA Hongo Nadaoka PENELITI Prof. Kazuo Prof. Dr. Chiharu Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 259/SIP/ 195/SIP/ VIII/2018 5 31 No No 259 195

432 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. TKPIPA NO. 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 10A/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober - KERJA KERJA MITRA MITRA Badan Pe nelitian dan - Pengem bangan Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian Atien Ir. (Dr. Su - Priyanti darjo Putri, M.Sc.) Departemen dan Politik - Pemerin tahan, FISIP, UGM (Dr. Amalinda Savirani, MA) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatera Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Bara, Batu Kab. Asahan, Deli Dairi, Kab. Kab. Humbang Kab. Serdang, Karo, Hasundutan, Kab. Kab. Labuhan Batu, Kab. Selatan, Labuhan Batu Labuhan Batu Kab. Langkat, Kab. Utara, Mandailing Natal, Kab. Nias Kab. Nias, Kab. Nias Kab. Selatan, Barat, Nias Kab. Kab. Utara, Kab. Lawas, Padang Utara, Lawas Padang Kab. Barat, Pakpak Kab. Serdang Kab. Samosir, Bedagai, Sumatera Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Mandailing Natal, Kota Medan); Riau Pelalawan, (Kab. DKI Kota Pekanbaru); Jakarta Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, JakartaSelatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Barat Jawa Utara); Kota (Kota Bogor, Depok); DI Yogyakarta Sleman, Kota (Kab. Yogyakarta) LAMA LAMA PENELITIAN PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 2018 Maret 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 12 Desember 2018 BIDANG BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN PENELITIAN Pertanian Ekologi politik Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk meningkatkanUntuk persediaan susu (kuantitas dan kualitas) sebesar 25% pada tahun 2020 untuk setidaknya 3.000 susu di Jawa produsen dan Sumatera Barat Utara mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang cara-cara di mana teknologi pemantauan mengubah manajemen satwa liar dan konservasi hutan di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN JUDUL PENELITIAN “AGB/2012/099: “AGB/2012/099: MilkImproving Supply, and Competitiveness in Smallholder Livelihoods Dairy Chains in Indonesia” Using Monitoring Using for Technologies Conservation, A Change Management and The in of Protected Governance Areas? NOMOR NOMOR PASPOR PASPOR N7010758 13CZ01953 - and Re Sheffield Adelaide Centre for for Centre INSTITUSI INSTITUSI Global Food Global Food sources, The The sources, University of University University of University JABATAN JABATAN Research Research Associate PhD Candidate PhD WARGA WARGA WARGA Perancis Australia NEGARA NEGARA LAHIR LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL TANGGAL Paris, France, France, Paris, 23 February 1994 Darlinghurst, NSW Australia, 20 September 1991 Grant ($) Grant ($) Grant 2.100.000 1.235.000 - ington NAMA NAMA NAMA Joanny Hether Mr. Jack Mr. Benjamin PENELITI PENELITI liette Marieliette Ms. Laure Ju - Laure Ms. SIP SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 58/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 453/SIP/ 8 6 No No 58 No No 453

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 433 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Simalungun, Kab. Simalungun, Kab. Kab. Selatan, Kab. Tapanuli Kab. Tengah, Tapanuli Kab. Utara, Tapanuli Kota Samosir, Toba Binjai, Kota Gunung Kota Medan, Sitoli, Kota Sidempuan, Padang Siantar, Kota Pematang Kota Sibolga, Balai, Kota Tanjung Tinggi); Jawa Tebing Bandung, (Kab. Barat Bandung Barat, Kab. Bekasi,Kab. Kab. Ciamis, Kab. Bogor, Kab. Cianjur, Kab. Garut, Kab. Cirebon, Indramayu, Kab. Karawang, Kab. Kab. Kuningan, Kab. Majalengka, Kab. Kab. Pangandaran, Purwakarta, Kab. Sukabumi, Kab. Subang, Kab. Sumedang, Kab. Kota Tasikmalaya, Kota Banjar, Bandung, Kota Bekasi, Kota Bogor, Kota Kota Cimahi, Kota Depok,Cirebon, Kota Sukabumi, Kota Tasikmalaya) LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

434 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA LPPM LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Almasdi Dr. SE. Syahza MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut Haris (Dr. Gunawan) Badan Litbang Kesehatan, Kemenkes Yuslely (Dr. Usman, M.Kes) Loka Riset Budidaya Rumput BRSDM Laut, Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Petrus Rani Pong Masak, S.Pi., M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Arsip Nasional Republik Riau Indonesia),Provinsi Pekanbaru) (Kotamadya DKI Jakarta Aceh (Kab. Pidie, Pidie, (Kab. Aceh Kota Banda Aceh, Kota Lhokseumawe); Lampung (Kab. Lampung Selatan); (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow, MinahasaKab. Utara, Kota Kotamobagu); Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Kab. Maros, Kab. Barru, Kepulauan, Pangkajene Kota Makasar) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Januari 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 18 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Kesehatan Kesehatan publik Ekologi Ekologi kelautan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memperbaikiUntuk pemahaman tentang jangkainteraksi panjang antara lingkungan dan campur tangan manusia, penelitian diajukanyang ini akan berfokus pada laporan perkembangan dan dampak kebijakan di kolonial era membuktikan diagnosis kematian penyebab kuesioner lewat dengan verbal otopsi menggunakan algoritma standar mengindetifikasi peluang pengolahan rumput dan produksi laut di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN “Long Term Change in Term “Long Societies; Natural Peatland and Human Processes an archive Interference, study” Validating Ischaemic Heart Validating of Death Disease as A Cause Diagnosis Verbal from in Indonesia Autopsy Improving seaweed seaweed Improving production and processing opportunities in Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR NN589KKF3 E25140551 E4040833 Sydney Sydney National National Australia Australia University University INSTITUSI Independen JABATAN Retired Project Project Manager Master student China Belanda WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Alkmaar, 9 Alkmaar, Desember 1945 Manly, 25 Manly, November 1956 Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang, 1992 14 March 0 320.000 Grant ($) Grant 1.064.000 Albert Zhang NAMA NAMA Rimmer PENELITI Mr. Arthur Mr. van Schaikvan Dr. Michael Dr. Ms. Wenrong Wenrong Ms. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 19/SIP/ IX/2018 FRP/E5/ 282/SIP/ 360/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 23 19 60 No 19 No 282 360

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 435 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 12/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XII/2018, tanggal 20 Desember 2018 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pene Pusat litian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia, Kementerian Pertanian Sukrisno (Dr. Widyotomo) LBM Eijkman (Prof. Herawati Sudoyo, Rintis Dr. Noviyanti, N. Farah Dr. dan Coutrier, Ari W. Dr. Satyagraha) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Bener Kab. Tengah, Utara Meriah); Sumatera Simalungun); (Kab. Selatan Sumatera Enim); DKI Muara (Kab. Jakarta Jakarta (Kodya Selatan); Sulawesi Luwu Selatan (Kab. Utara) Toraja Kab. Utara, (Kab. Utara Sumatera Lampung Bara); Batu DKI Pesawaran); (Kab. Jakarta Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, JakartaSelatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Utara); Tengah Jawa Jawa Sragen); (Kab. Malang, (Kab. Timur Kota Malang); Nusa Timur (Kab. Tenggara Kab. Sumba Barat, Daya) Sumba Barat LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 Agustus 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2019 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perkebunan Biologi Biologi molekuler TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengevaluasi dampak mengevaluasi dari intervensi rantai nilai tertentu terhadap pencaharian mata petani kecil dan kelestarian lingkungan perkebunan di sektor kopi dan kakao di Indonesia meningkatkan kemampuan tenaga medis di Indonesia dalam memberantas P.vivax reservoir laten aman dan secara melalui metode efektif dan perawatan tepat yang pengobatan JUDUL PENELITIAN Evaluating Smallholder Evaluating and Livelihoods Sustainability in Indonesian Value Cocoa and Coffee Chain Improving the Prevention the Prevention Improving of Vivax and Treatment Malaria in Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR PA4965843 488398275 - Sydney INSTITUSI ford Clinical ford Eijkman-Ox University of University Research Unit Research JABATAN Senior Lecturer Direktur Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Australia NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sydney, 7 Feb Sydney, ruary 1974 Oklahoma, 11 1958 Februari 971.500 Grant ($) Grant 1.300.000 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Prof. John Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Jeffrey Dr. Kevin Baird Mark Neilson SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 250/SIP/ 460/SIP/ VIII/2018 22 15 No No 250 460

436 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 8A/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 8A/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 8A/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah, dan MA Dewi Surina - ti, M. Si) Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah, dan MA Dewi Surina - ti, M. Si) Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah, dan MA Dewi Surina - ti, M. Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Perairan Sulawesi Sulawesi Perairan Maluku, Timur, bagian dan Perairan Lifamatola Laut Halmahera Sulawesi Perairan Maluku, Timur, bagian dan Perairan Lifamatola Laut Halmahera Sulawesi Perairan Maluku, Timur, bagian dan Perairan Lifamatola Laut Halmahera LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 September 2018 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 September 2018 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi Oseanografi Fisika Oseanografi Fisika Oseanografi Fisika TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengukur sirkulasi laut Laut dan ekosistem Indonesia timur mengukur sirkulasi laut Laut dan ekosistem Indonesia timur mengukur sirkulasi laut Laut dan ekosistem Indonesia timur JUDUL PENELITIAN Circulation and ecosystem and ecosystem Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability Pacific western and ecosystem Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability Pacific western and ecosystem Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability Pacific western NOMOR PASPOR PE0515665 PE0699794 ED5I8064I Science Chinese Chinese Chinese Sciences Sciences INSTITUSI Institute of Institute of Institute of Academy of Academy of Academy Academy of Academy Oceanology, Oceanology, Oceanology, Oceanology, Oceanology, JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Research Assistant doctor, Post Key Lab China China China WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Hebei, 28 198 Oktober 16 Shandong, Juli 1980 15 Shandong, 1983 Oktober 0 0 Grant ($) Grant 1.070.000 Zheng NAMA NAMA Mr. Wang Wang Mr. Mr. Yao Li Yao Mr. PENELITI Mr. Xiang Li Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 254/SIP/ 255/SIP/ 256/SIP/ VIII/2018 VIII/2018 VIII/2018 26 27 28 No No 254 255 256

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 437 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8A/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 8A/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah, dan MA Dewi Surina - ti, M. Si) Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah, dan MA Dewi Surina - ti, M. Si) Fakultas Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB (Hana Indri - ani, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Perairan Sulawesi Sulawesi Perairan Maluku, Timur, bagian dan Perairan Lifamatola Laut Halmahera Sulawesi Perairan Maluku, Timur, bagian dan Perairan Lifamatola Laut Halmahera Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kab. Bekasi, Bogor, Kab. Karawang, Kab. Cianjur, Sukabumi,Kab. Tasikmalaya); Kab. (Kab. Tengah Jawa Klaten, Kab. Boyolali, Magelang, Kab. Purworejo, Kab. Wonogiri); DI Kab. Bantul, (Kab. Yogyakarta Gunung Kidul, Kab. Progo, Kulon Kab. Sleman, Kota Kab. Yogyakarta) LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 September 2018 2 (dua) bulan mulai 5 September 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 14 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi Oseanografi Fisika Oseanografi Oseanografi Fisika Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengukur sirkulasi laut Laut dan ekosistem Indonesia timur mengukur sirkulasi laut Laut dan ekosistem Indonesia timur Untuk menganalisis Untuk keadaan dan potensi pertanian organik meningkatkanuntuk ketahanan pangan Indonesia dalam jangka panjang JUDUL PENELITIAN Circulation and ecosystem and ecosystem Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability Pacific western Circulation and ecosystem and ecosystem Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability Pacific western “IndOrganic: The “IndOrganic: The Societal Transformation Into of Agriculture Bioeconomy – Turning Indonesia Organic?” NOMOR PASPOR E30285993 E24609789 CFJJ3CLC3 versity Chinese Chinese Sciences Sciences INSTITUSI Institute of Institute of Passau Uni - Passau Academy of Academy Academy of Academy Oceanology, Oceanology, Oceanology, Oceanology, JABATAN Student Student Master Student China China Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Anhui, 05 Juli Anhui, 1990 Ningxia, 09 September 1990 Tübingen, 14 Tübingen, Januari 1992 0 0 Grant ($) Grant 1.034.973 HU NAMA NAMA PENELITI Steinhübel Mr. Yang Ya Yang Mr. Ms. Xiaoyue Xiaoyue Ms. Ms. Franziska Franziska Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 30/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 257/SIP/ 258/SIP/ VIII/2018 VIII/2018 9 29 30 No 30 No 257 258

438 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB (Hana Indri - ani, M.Si) Balai Besar Pene litian dan - Pengemban gan Sumber Lahan daya Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian Dr. (Prof. Fahmuddin Agus) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kab. Bekasi, Bogor, Kab. Karawang, Kab. Cianjur, Sukabumi,Kab. Tasikmalaya); Kab. (Kab. Tengah Jawa Klaten, Kab. Boyolali, Magelang, Kab. Purworejo, Kab. Wonogiri); DI Kab. Bantul, (Kab. Yogyakarta Gunung Kidul, Kab. Progo, Kulon Kab. Sleman, Kota Kab. Yogyakarta) Jambi (Kab. Tanjung Jambi Tanjung (Kab. Jabung Timur) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 14 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial ekonomi pertanian Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menganalisis Untuk keadaan dan potensi pertanian organik meningkatkanuntuk ketahanan pangan Indonesia dalam jangka panjang menilai status menilai status keanekaragaman ini dan saat hayati terhadap tanggapannya hutan degradasi gambut dan memahami kebutuhan masyarakat lokal dan dampak sosio-ekonomi untuk lahan merehabilitasi petani gambut bagi JUDUL PENELITIAN “IndOrganic: The “IndOrganic: The Societal Transformation Into of Agriculture Bioeconomy – Turning Indonesia Organic?” Enhancing the benefits peatland of tropical supporting for restoration and local communities processes ecosystem NOMOR PASPOR CFJJVHGPZ 528983952 York versity INSTITUSI Passau Uni - Passau University of University JABATAN Post-doctoral Post-doctoral Research Associate Master Student Inggris Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Gorleston, UK, 7 April 1988 Remscheid, 27 Remscheid, 1989 Oktober 0 Grant ($) Grant 1.009.282 - NAMA NAMA Redicker May War May Ms. Sarah Sarah Ms. PENELITI Ms. Eleanor Ms. ren-Thomas SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 32/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 198/SIP/ 8 11 No 32 No 198

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 439 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 - - KERJA MITRA Balai Besar Pene litian dan - Pengemban gan Sumber Lahan daya Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian Dr. (Prof. Fahmuddin Agus) Fakultas Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB (Hana Indri - ani, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (Kab. Tanjung Jambi Tanjung (Kab. Jabung Timur) Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kab. Bekasi, Bogor, Kab. Karawang, Kab. Cianjur, Sukabumi,Kab. Tasikmalaya); Kab. (Kab. Tengah Jawa Klaten, Kab. Boyolali, Magelang, Kab. Purworejo, Kab. Wonogiri); DI Kab. Bantul, (Kab. Yogyakarta Gunung Kidul, Kab. Progo, Kulon Kab. Sleman, Kota Kab. Yogyakarta) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Juli 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 14 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menilai status menilai status keanekaragaman ini dan saat hayati terhadap tanggapannya hutan degradasi gambut dan memahami kebutuhan masyarakat lokal dan dampak sosio-ekonomi untuk lahan merehabilitasi petani gambut bagi Untuk menganalisis Untuk keadaan dan potensi pertanian organik meningkatkanuntuk ketahanan pangan Indonesia dalam jangka panjang JUDUL PENELITIAN Enhancing the benefits peatland of tropical supporting for restoration and local communities processes ecosystem “IndOrganic: The “IndOrganic: The Societal Transformation Into of Agriculture Bioeconomy – Turning Indonesia Organic?” NOMOR PASPOR 551708263 CFJJW38M3 Leeds versity INSTITUSI Passau Uni - Passau University of University JABATAN Post-doctoral Post-doctoral researcher PhD student PhD Inggris Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Camden, 3 Juli Camden, 1989 Gräfelfing, 16 Gräfelfing, 1992 Oktober 0 0 Grant ($) Grant - Luck NAMA NAMA tin Ward Franziska Franziska PENELITI Ms. Caroline Caroline Ms. Ms. Nathalie Nathalie Ms. Frances Mat Frances SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 31/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 199/SIP/ 9 10 No 31 No 199

440 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 28 April 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), Kementerian ESDM (Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana, I S.Si dan Ir. Gusti Made Agung Nandaka) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro Max (Dr. Rudolf Mus - kananfola) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Bandung- Barat Jawa Kantor Kementerian ESDM), Tengah Jawa (Gn. Yogyakarta & DI Merapi) & Maluku Utara (Kab. Tengah Jawa Demak, Kab. Cilacap, Kab. Jepara, Kab. Kota Pemalang, Semarang) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 Juni 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Vulkanologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan pemetaan jenis hutan spesies menggunakan optik dan SAR data tinggi beresolusi meningkatkan pemahaman tentang hutan bakau restorasi memulihkanuntuk garis Demak pantai sudah terkikisyang dan juga untuk mendapatkan pedoman dapat umum yang diterapkan ke lokasi- lokasi pesisir bakau di seluruh dunia JUDUL PENELITIAN VELI: Indonesian Explosive Laboratory Volcanoes Biomanco. Bio- Biomanco. Morphodynamic Modelling Mud-Coasts of Mangrove NOMOR PASPOR 16AA53504 PAD388582 IRD Delft (TU Delft) INSTITUSI Technology Technology University of University JABATAN Engineer PhD student PhD Spanyol WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Saint-Denis, Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France, 23 June 1991 Sevilla, Spain, 14 October 1992 888.000 860.600 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Mr. Nabil Mr. dra Gijon dra PENELITI Dahamna Mancheno - Alejan Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. VI/2018 FRP/E5/ 188/SIP/ 329/SIP/ KI/X/2018 16 29 No No 188 329

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 441 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro Rudhi (Dr. Pribadi) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro Muham - (Dr. mad Helmi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa Demak, Kab. Cilacap, Kab. Jepara, Kab. Kota Pemalang, Semarang) (Kab. Tengah Jawa Demak, Kab. Cilacap, Kab. Jepara, Kab. Kota Pemalang, Semarang) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN meningkatkan pemahaman tentang hutan bakau restorasi memulihkanuntuk garis Demak pantai sudah terkikisyang dan juga untuk mendapatkan pedoman dapat umum yang diterapkan ke lokasi- lokasi pesisir bakau di seluruh dunia meningkatkan pemahaman tentang hutan bakau restorasi memulihkanuntuk garis Demak pantai sudah terkikisyang dan juga untuk mendapatkan pedoman dapat umum yang diterapkan ke lokasi- lokasi pesisir bakau di seluruh dunia JUDUL PENELITIAN Biomanco. Bio- Biomanco. Morphodynamic Modelling Mud-Coasts of Mangrove Bio- Biomanco. Morphodynamic Modelling Mud-Coasts of Mangrove NOMOR PASPOR NT78LCJD8 EP044038 Delft (NIOZ) / Royal / Royal (TU Delft) University University of Utrecht of Utrecht INSTITUSI Institute for Institute for Technology Technology Netherlands University of University Sea Research Sea Research JABATAN PhD student PhD PhD student PhD Belgia Belanda WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ede, the Ede, Netherlands, 12 December 1989 Ghent, Bel - Ghent, 13 May gium, 1993 0 0 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Andrea Andrea Ms. Silke Ms. PENELITI Judith Tas Ms. Celine Celine Ms. Euphemia Euphemia Bijsterveldt Johanna van Johanna van SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 330/SIP/ 331/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 30 31 No No 330 331

442 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA Magis - Ilmuter Lingkungan, Universitas Tanjungpura Gusti Z (Prof. Anshari) Magis - Ilmuter Lingkungan, Universitas Tanjungpura Gusti Z (Prof. Anshari) LPPM, Universitas Kuala Syiah Reza (drh. T. Ferasyi, Ph.D) M.Sc., DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kubu Kab. Ketapang, Pontianak); Raya, Kab. Kalimantan Tengah Katingan, (Kab. Kab. Kota Pisau, Pulang Palangkaraya) Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kubu Kab. Ketapang, Pontianak); Raya, Kab. Kalimantan Tengah Katingan, (Kab. Kab. Kota Pisau, Pulang Palangkaraya) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Selatan, Kab. Nagan Singkil, Kab. Siumeulue); Raya, Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Nias Kab. Nias Barat, Selatan); Sumatera Kepulauan (Kab. Barat Bengkulu Mentawai); Bengkulu (Kab. Utara) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 April 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Biologi molekuler Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk biofisik gambut sifat SHA pada di bawah komunitas percontohan dan menentukan pertanianpraktik ini serta saat strategi penghidupan yang diharapkan oleh petani kecil menjelaskan komposisi dan keanekaragaman spesies di pulau- pulau kecil dalam hal variabilitas terkait keterbatasan dalam penyebaran avifauna suatu Untuk mempelajari Untuk biofisik gambut sifat SHA pada di bawah komunitas percontohan dan menentukan pertanianpraktik ini serta saat strategi penghidupan yang diharapkan oleh petani kecil JUDUL PENELITIAN “SUSTAINPEAT: “SUSTAINPEAT: barriers to Overcoming sustainable livelihoods in and environments smallholder agricultural on tropical systems peatland” and Diversification The Genomics Population and in Sumatra of birds for Genomic Applications their Conservation “SUSTAINPEAT: “SUSTAINPEAT: barriers to Overcoming sustainable livelihoods in and environments smallholder agricultural on tropical systems peatland” NOMOR PASPOR PAF384499 C4KHK9LWJ LB0784557 National National Leicester Singapore INSTITUSI Nottingham University of University University of University University of University JABATAN Post Doctoral Post Researcher Assistant Assistant Professor Post Doctoral Post Researcher Jerman Irlandia Spanyol WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Valencia, 15 Valencia, Januari 1985 Heilbronn Neckargartach, 26 Germany, January 1977 United United Kingdom, 8 October 1967 0 774.755 727.300 Grant ($) Grant - NAMA NAMA Joseph Sancho O'Reilly PENELITI Mr. Patrick Patrick Mr. Mr. Antonio Antonio Mr. Dr. Frank Er Frank Dr. win Rheindt Jonay Jovani Jovani Jonay SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 112/SIP/ 134/SIP/ 312/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/X/2018 1 11 12 No No 112 134 312

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 443 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 - - KERJA MITRA LPPM, LPPM, Universitas Kuala Syiah Reza (drh. T. Ferasyi, Ph.D) M.Sc., LPPM, Universitas Kuala Syiah Reza (drh. T. Ferasyi, Ph.D) M.Sc., Pusat Pene Pusat litian Laut Dalam LIPI Augy (Dr. Syahailatua, M.Sc) Pusat Pene Pusat litian Laut Dalam LIPI Augy (Dr. Syahailatua, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Selatan, Kab. Nagan Singkil, Kab. Siumeulue); Raya, Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Nias Kab. Nias Barat, Selatan); Sumatera Kepulauan (Kab. Barat Bengkulu Mentawai); Bengkulu (Kab. Utara) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Selatan, Kab. Nagan Singkil, Kab. Siumeulue); Raya, Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Nias Kab. Nias Barat, Selatan); Sumatera Kepulauan (Kab. Barat Bengkulu Mentawai); Bengkulu (Kab. Utara) Perairan Selatan Perairan Selat Badung, Jawa, Selat Lombok, Selat Selat Selat Sape, Alas, Selat Seram, Makassar, Ambon) Teluk Perairan Selatan Perairan Selat Badung, Jawa, Selat Lombok, Selat Selat Selat Sape, Alas, Selat Seram, Makassar, Ambon) Teluk LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 26 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 26 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi molekuler Biologi molekuler Oseanografi Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menjelaskan komposisi dan keanekaragaman spesies di pulau- pulau kecil dalam hal variabilitas terkait keterbatasan dalam penyebaran avifauna suatu menjelaskan komposisi dan keanekaragaman spesies di pulau- pulau kecil dalam hal variabilitas terkait keterbatasan dalam penyebaran avifauna suatu memahami transpor memahami transpor Lintas massa air Arus Indonesia dan proses yang pencampuran di perairan terjadi Indonesia memahami transpor memahami transpor Lintas massa air Arus Indonesia dan proses yang pencampuran di perairan terjadi Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN The Diversification and Diversification The Genomics Population and in Sumatra of birds for Genomic Applications their Conservation and Diversification The Genomics Population and in Sumatra of birds for Genomic Applications their Conservation TRansport Indonesian seas, and Mixing Upwelling (TRIUMPH)Physics TRansport Indonesian seas, and Mixing Upwelling (TRIUMPH)Physics NOMOR PASPOR L4297290 K0689107G PE1335900 PE0575517 National National National Singapore Singapore INSTITUSI raphy, State State raphy, raphy, State State raphy, - Ad Oceanic - Ad Oceanic ministration ministration - of Oceanog - of Oceanog University of University of University First Institute First First Institute First JABATAN PhD student PhD Research Assistant Assistant Assistant Engineer Assistant Assistant Engineer ra India China China WARGA WARGA Singapu - NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Delhi, 20 Sep 1992 tember 29 Singapore, June 1993 Shandong, Shandong, 14 November 1967 Shandong, Shandong, 26 December 1988 0 0 0 720.000 Grant ($) Grant Su Baveja NAMA NAMA Chyi Yin Chyi PENELITI Ms. Gwee Gwee Ms. Mr. Wei Wu Wei Mr. Mr. Qinglei Mr. Ms. Pratibha Pratibha Ms. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 313/SIP/ 314/SIP/ 291/SIP/ 292/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 13 14 32 33 No No 313 314 291 292

444 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional - Pri (Drs. Hadi yatno Sulistyarto, M. Hum) Pusat Pene Pusat litian Laut Dalam LIPI Augy (Dr. Syahailatua, M.Sc) Pusat Pene Pusat litian Laut Dalam LIPI Augy (Dr. Syahailatua, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow), Tengah Sulawesi Sulawesi (Kota Palu), Bone, Selatan (Kab. Bulukumba, Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Soppeng), Sulawesi Buton, (Kab. Tenggara Muna, Kota Kab. Kendari), Gorontalo Gorontalo) (Kab. Perairan Selatan Perairan Selat Badung, Jawa, Selat Lombok, Selat Selat Selat Sape, Alas, Selat Seram, Makassar, Ambon) Teluk Perairan Selatan Perairan Selat Badung, Jawa, Selat Lombok, Selat Selat Selat Sape, Alas, Selat Seram, Makassar, Ambon) Teluk LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 26 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 26 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Oseanografi Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami situs hominin kuno (manusia di pra-modern) dan kapan Sulawesi serta bagaimana mereka punah memahami transpor memahami transpor Lintas massa air Arus Indonesia dan proses yang pencampuran di perairan terjadi Indonesia memahami transpor memahami transpor Lintas massa air Arus Indonesia dan proses yang pencampuran di perairan terjadi Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN In Search of ‘Celebes Man’: Man’: ‘Celebes In of Search of Early Archaeology in Hominin Occupation Sulawesi TRansport Indonesian seas, and Mixing Upwelling (TRIUMPH)Physics TRansport Indonesian seas, and Mixing Upwelling (TRIUMPH)Physics NOMOR PASPOR PA4555039 PE1294655 PE1380517 Griffith University University INSTITUSI raphy, State State raphy, raphy, State State raphy, - Ad Oceanic - Ad Oceanic ministration ministration - of Oceanog - of Oceanog First Institute First First Institute First JABATAN PhD. student PhD. Researcher Engineer China China WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Dubbo, 14 Dubbo, November 1984 Shandong, 30 Shandong, July 1982 China, 29 October 1991 0 0 643.000 Grant ($) Grant - Wang NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Huiwu Mr. Mr. Chao Li Mr. Ms. Kimber Ms. lee Newman SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 293/SIP/ 294/SIP/ 236/SIP/ VIII/2018 8 34 35 No No 293 294 236

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 445 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional - Pri (Drs. Hadi yatno Sulistyarto, M. Hum) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional - Pri (Drs. Hadi yatno Sulistyarto, M. Hum) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow), Tengah Sulawesi Sulawesi (Kota Palu), Bone, Selatan (Kab. Bulukumba, Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Soppeng), Sulawesi Buton, (Kab. Tenggara Muna, Kota Kab. Kendari), Gorontalo Gorontalo) (Kab. Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow), Tengah Sulawesi Sulawesi (Kota Palu), Bone, Selatan (Kab. Bulukumba, Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Soppeng), Sulawesi Buton, (Kab. Tenggara Muna, Kota Kab. Kendari), Gorontalo Gorontalo) (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami situs hominin kuno (manusia di pra-modern) dan kapan Sulawesi serta bagaimana mereka punah memahami situs hominin kuno (manusia di pra-modern) dan kapan Sulawesi serta bagaimana mereka punah JUDUL PENELITIAN In Search of ‘Celebes Man’: Man’: ‘Celebes In of Search of Early Archaeology in Hominin Occupation Sulawesi In Search of ‘Celebes Man’: Man’: ‘Celebes In of Search of Early Archaeology in Hominin Occupation Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR KJ0149819 U1331943 INSTITUSI Wollongong Wollongong Wollongong Wollongong University of University University of University JABATAN Principal Principal Research Fellow PhD Candidate PhD China Austria WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Guizhou, 14 Guizhou, Mei 1981 Sao Paulo, 07 Sao Paulo, 1992 August 0 0 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Sontag González PENELITI Prof. Li Bo Prof. Ms. Mariana Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 272/SIP/ 273/SIP/ 13 14 No No 272 273

446 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 23 Agustus 2017 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Riset Pusat Perikanan – Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan – Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional - Pri (Drs. Hadi yatno Sulistyarto, M. Hum) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Badung, Badung, Bali (Kab. Gondol, Buleleng, Kab. Jawa Perancak), (Banyuwangi), Timur dan NTB (Lombok), Lampung Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow), Tengah Sulawesi Sulawesi (Kota Palu), Bone, Selatan (Kab. Bulukumba, Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Soppeng), Sulawesi Buton, (Kab. Tenggara Muna, Kota Kab. Kendari), Gorontalo Gorontalo) (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perikanan laut Perikanan Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk penggunaan teknologi dan informasi komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan laut yang disesuaikanyang dengan perubahan iklim memahami situs hominin kuno (manusia di pra-modern) dan kapan Sulawesi serta bagaimana mereka punah JUDUL PENELITIAN “Optimizing Mariculture “Optimizing with based on Big Data Decision Support System” In Search of ‘Celebes Man’: Man’: ‘Celebes In of Search of Early Archaeology in Hominin Occupation Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR TR2184810 E4098945 Tokyo Tokyo INSTITUSI Agriculture University of University University of University New England JABATAN Professor Professor Jepang WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Fort Wayne, 15 Wayne, Fort April 1965 Fukui, Japan, 2 Fukui, Mei 1962 0 600.000 Grant ($) Grant Prof. Prof. Moore Wayne Wayne NAMA NAMA Hatanaka PENELITI Prof. Mark Prof. Katsumori SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 89/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 328/SIP/ KI/X/2018 28 37 No 89 No 328

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 447 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2017, tanggal 20 September 2017, dan 3B/ TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 1B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional E. (Drs. Wahyu Saptomo, M.Hum.) LBM Eijkman Dr. (Prof. Herawati Sudoyo) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kidul); Bali Klungkung);(Kab. Nusa Timur (Kab. Tenggara Ndao); Rote Kab. Belu, (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Banggai Kepulauan); Maluku Maluku (Kab. Papua Barat); Tenggara Manokwari, (Kab. Barat Raja Kab. Kab. Ampat, Sorong Kab. Sorong, Selatan, Teluk Kab. baru Daerah Bintuni); : NTT & Kupang) (Kab. Maluku Seram) (Kab. Sumatera Barat (Kep. (Kep. Barat Sumatera NTTMentawai), (Sumba Pulau Timur), & Barat MalukuSeram (Kab. Maluku (Kab. Tengah); Kalimantan Aru); Kep. Malinau); (Kab. Utara Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kapuas Hulu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Biologi Biologi Molekuler TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk bukti pendudukan manusia modern dan memahami sifat manusia interaksi dengan lingkungan sertaPleistosen, mengklarifikasi rute manusia ke penyebaran Australasia Untuk menganalisis Untuk selektif di proses-proses skala mikro-geografis, guna memberikan unik yang wawasan mengenai co-evolusi dalam patogenik populasi manusia yang dari sejarah beragam demografinya JUDUL PENELITIAN “Evolution and Dispersal of “Evolution Early Modern Humans in Wallacea” “Co-evolution of humans “Co-evolution and infectious diseases in Island Southeast Asia” NOMOR PASPOR LL529950 488881466 Nanyang Nanyang University INSTITUSI Wollongong University of University Technological Technological JABATAN Research Research fellow Professor New Serikat Zealand WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kaohsiung, 1 November 1986 Michigan USA , 19 Mei 1950 500.000 552.000 Grant ($) Grant Lin NAMA NAMA Lansing Mr. Sam Mr. Stephen Stephen Mr. John Mr. PENELITI Chieh-Heng SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ bahan 34/SIP/ Daerah Daerah II/2018, - Penam IV/2018 tanggal FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ Nomor : 119/SIP/ ari 2018, 34A/SIP/ VII/2018, Revisi SIP - 15 Febru Penelitian 18 13 No 34 No 119

448 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Mahirta Sasongko, M.A) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Mahirta Sasongko, M.A) Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Mahirta Sasongko, M.A) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Nusa Tenggara Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Alor, (Kab. Maluku (Kab. Lembata); Maluku Daya) Barat Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Alor, (Kab. Maluku (Kab. Lembata); Maluku Daya) Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Alor, (Kab. Maluku (Kab. Lembata); Maluku Daya) Barat LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menyelidiki masa menyelidiki Untuk purba pendudukan manusia di pulau-pulau kecil kawasan Wallacea Untuk menyelidiki masa menyelidiki Untuk purba pendudukan manusia di pulau-pulau kecil kawasan Wallacea Untuk menyelidiki masa menyelidiki Untuk purba pendudukan manusia di pulau-pulau kecil kawasan Wallacea JUDUL PENELITIAN “The of Island Archaelogy Wallacean use in the Archipelago” “The of Island Archaelogy Wallacean use in the Archipelago” “The of Island Archaelogy Wallacean use in the Archipelago” NOMOR PASPOR N6233787 PE0394196 511275597 National National National National National National University University University Australian Australian Australian Australian Australian Australian INSTITUSI JABATAN PhD Candidate PhD Professor Post-Doctoral Post-Doctoral Researcher Inggris WARGA WARGA Australia Australia NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL tember 1981 tember Subiaco, 11 Subiaco, 1990 Agustus 6 Sep Brecon, Melbourne, Melbourne, 8 November 1956 0 0 500.000 Grant ($) Grant Prof. Prof. Kealy NAMA NAMA Mr. Ceri Ceri Mr. Frances Frances Shipton PENELITI O'Connor Ben Kersey Susan Lillian Ms. Shimona Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 97/SIP/ 98/SIP/ 90/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 45 46 38 No 97 98 90 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 449 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari KERJA MITRA LPPM LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Almasdi Dr. SE. Syahza MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut Haris (Dr. Gunawan) Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Mahirta Sasongko, M.A) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Barat Kubu Kab. (Pontianak, Raya), Kalimantan (Palangkaraya), Tengah Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Giam Siak, Biosfer Cagar Siak Kecil) Nusa Tenggara Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Alor, (Kab. Maluku (Kab. Lembata); Maluku Daya) Barat LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 Januari 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menghitung Untuk emisi dan faktor rasio gas rumah kaca dan spesies jejak atmosfer dari pembakaran lahan gambut tropis di indonesia, dan dengan parameterisasi kondisi pembakaran diamati yang seperti kandungan kelembaban tanah dari suhu gambut dan pembakaran Untuk menyelidiki masa menyelidiki Untuk purba pendudukan manusia di pulau-pulau kecil kawasan Wallacea JUDUL PENELITIAN “Monitoring of Greenhouse “Monitoring of Greenhouse Gasses and Particulate and Assessment Matters of health impact of haze caused by pollutants in fires Indonesia” peatland “The of Island Archaelogy Wallacean use in the Archipelago” NOMOR PASPOR TR9757197 PA6518633 versity National National Center for for Center University Australian Australian Southeast Kyoto Uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI Asian Studies, Studies, Asian JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Masters Student Jepang WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Hiroshima, Japan, 19 Juni 1976 East Fremantle, East Fremantle, 23 Februari 1991 0 500.000 Grant ($) Grant Kozan NAMA NAMA - O'Con Mr. Jack Mr. nor-Veth PENELITI Alexander Alexander Dr. Osamu Dr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 99/SIP/ 17/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ KI/I/2018 47 17 No 99 17 No

450 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional E. (Drs. Wahyu Saptomo, M.Hum.) Ilmu Fakultas UGM Budaya Wening (Dr. Udasmoro, M.Hum,. DEA Laksmi & Dr. Andriani Savitri) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kidul); Bali Klungkung);(Kab. Nusa Timur (Kab. Tenggara Ndao, Rote Kab. Belu, Sulawesi Kupang); Kab. Banggai (Kab. Tengah Kepulauan); Maluku (Kab. Maluku Tenggara Seram); Kab. Barat, (Kab. Barat Papua Manokwari, Raja Kab. Sorong, Kab. Ampat, Selatan, Sorong Kab. Bintuni) Teluk Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Jawa Datar); Tanah Sumedang); (Kab. Barat Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 24 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Antropologi budaya TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengidentifikasi bukti pendudukan manusia modern dan memahami manusia interaksi sifat dengan lingkungan sertaPleistosen, mengklarifikasi rute manusia ke penyebaran Australasia memahami sifat, dan keragaman kerentanan penyebab di berbagai subkelompok dan lokasi Indonesia; serta mengidentifikasi sumber ekonomi, sosial masyarakat; dan budaya dan merancang yang strategi memperhitungkan orang- sumber daya ada untuk yang orang memperbaiki risiko dan mereka yang tantangan hadapi JUDUL PENELITIAN Evolution and Dispersal of Evolution Early Modern Humans in Wallacea Social Networks Livelihoods, the across and Resources in Indonesia Course Life NOMOR PASPOR PA5381128 N2146179 Australia University University INSTITUSI of Western of Western Wollongong University of University JABATAN PhD Student PhD Professor WARGA WARGA Australia Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Redcliffe, Redcliffe, 29 Australia, November 1985 Epping, NSW, NSW, Epping, 7 December 1956 500.000 460.500 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Norman Bohdana Ms. KasihMs. PENELITI Marie Parker Prof. Lynette Lynette Prof. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 220/SIP/ 191/SIP/ 1 30 No No 220 191

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 451 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas UGM Budaya Wening (Dr. Udasmoro, M.Hum,. DEA Laksmi & Dr. Andriani Savitri) Pene Pusat litian Kepen - dudukan LIPI Herry (Dr. Yogaswara) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Jawa Datar); Tanah Sumedang); (Kab. Barat Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) DKI Jakarta Penelitian (Pusat Kependudukan LIPI-Jakarta Selatan); Utara Sumatera Deli Serdang, (Kab. Lawas); Padang Kab. Timur Jawa (Kab. Tulungagung); Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kab. Bengkayang, Ketapang); Sulawesi Kolaka (Kab. Tenggara Konawe) Kab. Timur, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi budaya Kependudukan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami sifat, memahami sifat, dan keragaman kerentanan penyebab di berbagai subkelompok dan lokasi Indonesia; serta mengidentifikasi sumber ekonomi, sosial masyarakat; dan budaya dan merancang yang strategi memperhitungkan orang- sumber daya ada untuk yang orang memperbaiki risiko dan mereka yang tantangan hadapi membandingkanUntuk ekonomi rumah tangga dan lokal, serta praktik ketenagakerjaan di seluruh lokasi di Indonesia dimana ada kerja tenaga migrasi dan konsesi skala besar JUDUL PENELITIAN Livelihoods, Social Networks Livelihoods, the across and Resources in Indonesia Course Life in “Labor Migration Industrial Indonesia’s and Forest Agricultural Landscapes” NOMOR PASPOR 547327832 571387858 Berkeley University University INSTITUSI of California, of California, University of University Southampton JABATAN Professor Lecturer Serikat Inggris WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Giessen, 08 Germany, June 1971 Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, 15 Octo ber 1952 0 450.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA - Schroed PENELITI Lee Peluso Lee Prof. Nancy Prof. er-Butterfill Dr. Elisabeth Dr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ VII/2018 192/SIP/ 155/SIP/ KI/V/2018 2 22 No No 192 155

452 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA FMIPA, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri (Dr. Padang Hamdi, M.Si) Pusat Pene Pusat litian dan - Pengem bangan Lingkungan Hidup, Universitas Hasanuddin Dr. (Prof. Dadang SuriAhmad - amihardia) Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional Surata (Panji Azis) Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Mardianto) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatera Barat, Barat, Sumatera Jambi, Utara, Sumatera Riau, dan Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung Kep. Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Banggai Banggai, Kab. Kepulauan, Kab. Banggai Laut); Maluku Pulau (Kab. Utara Taliabu) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Kapuas, Tuanan) Kalimantan Tengah Kapuas, Stasiun (Kab. Tuanan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Antropologi Antropologi budaya Primatologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk jumlah, usia, dan lapisan abu ketebalan endapan di seluruh Sumatera Untuk mengungkapUntuk situasi mobilitas orang Bajo di Kawasan Indonesia Timur dan mengoreksi pengetahuan informasi para eksperimental Bajo nelayan memahami peran memahami peran gizi, imunologi energetika, dan kualitas pada orangutan habitat borneo liar (Pongo Wurmbii) Pygmaeus Research di Tuanan Station memahami Gut nutrisi Microbes, daridan kesehatan liar di orangutan Kalimantan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Quaternary Sediments of Sumatra” “The of Bajo Sea Formation Nomad's Maritime Network Traditional Based on A System” Navigation Nutritional Immunology, Nutritional Immunology, and Habitat Energetics, Bornean Wild Quality in (Pongo Orangutans Wurmbii) Pygmaeus The at Station Research Tuanan Nutrition, Gut Microbes, Bornean Wild and Health in (Pongo Orangutans Wurmbii) Pygmaeus The at Station Research Tuanan NOMOR PASPOR 499953386 TR5707752 515120599 499926128 versity Rutgers Rutgers Rutgers Nanyang Nanyang University University University Kyoto Uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI Technological Technological JABATAN Graduate Graduate student Post-doc Post-doc Research Fellow Graduate Graduate student Graduate student Serikat Serikat Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Saitama, 27 November 1992 Massaqhu - 25 setts, Januari 1985 Torrance, Torrance, 21 California, September 1996 Milwaukee, 3 Wisconsin, June 1992 400.881 420.000 446.900 446.900 Grant ($) Grant Park Harris Austin NAMA NAMA Nakano Mr. Ethan Ethan Mr. PENELITI Ms. MakibiMs. Mr. Edward Edward Mr. Ms. Shaylyn Shaylyn Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 60/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 238/SIP/ 138/SIP/ 239/SIP/ VIII/2018 VIII/2018 KI/V/2018 8 5 10 11 No 60 No 238 239 138

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 453 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (I Made Geria) Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (I Made Geria) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH NTT (Liang Bua, Manggarai) NTT (Liang Bua, Manggarai) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 November 2018 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 4 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan penggalian baru di Liang Bua yang khusus menargetkan deposit sedimen antara ~ 60 ka dan 12 ka kal memperoleh dan untuk pengetahuan baru kedatangan, tentang morfologi, dan perilaku populasi manusia yang modern awal ke Flores datang Untuk melakukanUntuk penggalian baru di khususLiang Bua yang menargetkan deposit ~ 60 sedimen antara ka dan 12 ka kal dan memperoleh untuk pengetahuan baru kedatangan, tentang morfologi, dan perilaku populasi manusia yang modern awal ke Flores datang JUDUL PENELITIAN Archaeological excavations excavations Archaeological Liang Bua (Flores, at Indonesia) “Archaeological excavations excavations “Archaeological Liang Bua (Flores, at Indonesia)” NOMOR PASPOR 565874984 472264051 versity University INSTITUSI Emory Uni - Arizona State State Arizona JABATAN Ph.D Student Ph.D PhD student PhD Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Georgia, 6 Georgia, 1987 Oktober New Jersey, 16 New Jersey, April 1989 305.000 305.000 Grant ($) Grant ison NAMA NAMA Ms. Paige Paige Ms. PENELITI Ann MadAnn - Grace Veatch Grace Ms. Elizabeth Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 141/SIP/ 423/SIP/ KI/V/2018 8 57 No No 141 423

454 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 1B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (I Made Geria) Lembaga Penyakit – Tropis Universitas Airlangga Dr. (Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, M.Kes., Sp.MK) LBM Eijkman N Farah (Dr. Coutrier) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH NTT (Liang Bua, Manggarai) Timur Jawa (Surabaya, Malang) Sidoarjo, DKI Jakarta (LBM (Kab. Eijkman), Aceh Aceh Kab. Besar, Aceh Jaya) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 April 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Biologi molekuler Biologi molekular TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melakukanUntuk penggalian baru di khususLiang Bua yang menargetkan deposit ~ 60 sedimen antara ka dan 12 ka kal dan memperoleh untuk pengetahuan baru kedatangan, tentang morfologi, dan perilaku populasi manusia yang modern awal ke Flores datang meneliti epidemiologi molekuler dari infeksi virus flu burung hewan, pada unggas, dan manusia untuk virus infeksi mengontrol pada manusia tersebut menentukanUntuk risiko utama yang faktor mencirikan populasi dan berisiko tinggi kasus deteksi metode optimal di yang reaktif Aceh Provinsi JUDUL PENELITIAN “Archaeological excavations excavations “Archaeological Liang Bua (Flores, at Indonesia)” Molecular epidemiology influenza virus of avian infection in Indonesia case detection “Targeting populations to strategies malaria in high risk at for case control Province: Aceh case detection and reactive studies” NOMOR PASPOR GA443779 TK2668614 545822561 - sity Francisco Lakehead University INSTITUSI University of University Kobe Univer California, San California, JABATAN Researcher Assistant Professor Professor Serikat Jepang Kanada WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Thunder Bay, Bay, Thunder 11 Juli 1973 Texas, USA, Texas, 1 November 1973 Yamaguchi, 28 Yamaguchi, Juni 1941 305.000 290.000 300.000 Grant ($) Grant Wayne Wayne NAMA NAMA Forrest Forrest Tocheri Bennett PENELITI Mr. Adam Adam Mr. mi Shimizu Prof. Kazufu - Prof. Mr. Matthew Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 102/SIP/ 219/SIP/ 148/SIP/ KI/V/2018 1 29 15 No No 102 219 148

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 455 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas - Samratulan Kaw (Dr. gi W.A. ilarang Masengi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Poso, Kab. Morowali, Morowali Kota Palu, Sulawesi Utara); Gowa, Selatan (Kab. Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Timur, Luwu Kab. Luwu, Kab. Utara, Luwu Kab. Toraja, Maros, Tana Kab. Kota Utara, Toraja Kab. Sulawesi Palopo); Kolaka, (Kab. Tenggara Kab. Kolaka Timur, KolakaKab. Utara, Kab. Konawe, Kab. Kepulauan, Konawe Selatan, Konawe Kab. Kab. Utara, Konawe Kab. Muna, Wakatobi); Kab. (Kab. Barat Sulawesi Mamuju Kab. Mamuju, Mamuju Kab. Tengah, Utara) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengkajiUntuk pola filogenomik dan ikanmikroevolusi Sulawesi JUDUL PENELITIAN “Phylogenomics and “Phylogenomics of Sulawesi Microevolution Fishes” Endemic Freshwater NOMOR PASPOR AO919230 - Tropical Tropical INSTITUSI the Ryukyus University of University Biosphere Re Biosphere search Center, Center, search JABATAN Postdoctoral Postdoctoral researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kolombia LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Santa Maria,Santa 21 Juli 1985 280.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Andres Andres Gonzales Mr. Javier Javier Mr. PENELITI Montenegro Montenegro SIP Dit.KI/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 108/SIP/ 7 No No 108

456 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 15 Januari 2018 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisi - ka (BMKG) Urip (Dr. Haryoko) Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas - Samratulan Kaw (Dr. gi W.A. ilarang Masengi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Maluku (Kab. Utara Barat) Halmahera Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Poso, Kab. Morowali, Morowali Kota Palu, Sulawesi Utara); Gowa, Selatan (Kab. Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Timur, Luwu Kab. Luwu, Kab. Utara, Luwu Kab. Toraja, Maros, Tana Kab. Kota Utara, Toraja Kab. Sulawesi Palopo); Kolaka, (Kab. Tenggara Kab. Kolaka Timur, KolakaKab. Utara, Kab. Konawe, Kab. Kepulauan, Konawe Selatan, Konawe Kab. Kab. Utara, Konawe Kab. Muna, Wakatobi); Kab. (Kab. Barat Sulawesi Mamuju Kab. Mamuju, Mamuju Kab. Tengah, Utara) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melakukanUntuk ilmiah pemantauan terhadap menyeluruh tersebut wilayah dengan instrumentasi tinggi ilmiah resolusi dan ekspedisi lapangan mengumpulkanuntuk sampel biologis Untuk mengkajiUntuk pola filogenomik dan ikanmikroevolusi Sulawesi JUDUL PENELITIAN “Scientific investigation of “Scientific investigation the Jailolo seismic swarms seismic hazard and related and risk assessment” “Phylogenomics and “Phylogenomics of Sulawesi Microevolution Fishes” Endemic Freshwater NOMOR PASPOR YA7384901 TK8340649 - Tropical Tropical Research Research Centre for for Centre INSTITUSI the Ryukyus Geosciences University of University GFZ German Biosphere Re Biosphere search Center, Center, search JABATAN Research Research scientis Professor Italia Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Castrovillari, Castrovillari, Italiana, 13 1981 February Hiroshima, Japan, 6 Sep 1968 tember 270.000 280.000 Grant ($) Grant - NAMA NAMA Dr. Luigi Luigi Dr. Passarelli PENELITI ri Yamahira Prof. Kazuno Prof. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 140/SIP/ 106/SIP/ KI/V/2018 7 5 No No 140 106

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 457 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 4/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/IV/2018, tanggal 9 April 2018 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 KERJA MITRA Departemen Antropologi Budaya, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Bambang Hudayana) Balitbangda Provinsi Barat Papua Dr. (Prof. Charlie D. Heatubun) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) Papua Barat (Kab. Fak Fak (Kab. Barat Papua Kaimana, Kab. – Fak, Manokwari,Kab. Kab. Manokwari Selatan, Kab. Maybrat, Kab. Arfak,Pegunungan Raja Kab. Kab. Ampat, Sorong Kab. Sorong, Selatan, Tambrauw, Kab. Kab. Bintuni, Teluk Kab. Wondama, Kota Teluk Sorong) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Juni 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosiologi Sosiologi Biologi botani Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari dampak sosio-ekonomi dari pembayaran sistem muncul di yang digital berbagai komunitas di Indonesia, menggunakan pengumpulan dan kualitatif data theorygrounded untuk mengembangkan kerangka teoritis merakit bahan herbarium dan literatur untuk relevan yang Syzygium dari wilayah Malesian, dengan penekanan pada subgenus Syzygium, penilaian studi untuk dan taksonomi; serta menggunakan analisis filogenetik molekuler menjelaskanuntuk hubungan filogenetik perwakilanantara Malesian dari subgenus Syzygium JUDUL PENELITIAN The future of digital of digital future The impactThe of payments: and decentralised digital technologies financial Molecular Phylogenetics of Molecular Phylogenetics Southeast Syzygium Asian (Myrtaceae), and Taxonomic Review of the Genus for Head Peninsula, the Bird’s Indonesia New Guinea NOMOR PASPOR 210402140 A35271854 - gen Aberdeen INSTITUSI IT University IT University - of Copenha tanic Gardens tanic Gardens / University of / University Singapore Bo Singapore JABATAN PhD Student PhD PhD Student PhD WARGA WARGA Malaysia NEGARA Denmark LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Holland, 4 Holland, 1988 August Negeri Sem - bilan, 18 April 1981 250.000 212.043 Grant ($) Grant Wen NAMA NAMA PENELITI Sandbukt Mr. Low Yee Yee Mr. Low Ms. Sunniva Sunniva Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ VI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 175/SIP/ 430/SIP/ 3 64 No No 175 430

458 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Fakultas Fakultas Hukum Uni - - Ta versitas rumanagara (Vera Wheni S. Soemarwi S.H., LL.M) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Utara) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 3 Desember 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi kelautan Biologi Kebijakan Publik Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya meneliti reformasi meneliti reformasi hak milik terhadap muncul di Jakartayang sebagai tanggapan risiko proyeksi terhadap banjir mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya JUDUL PENELITIAN Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Flood Risk and Property Flood Rights in Delta Megacities: of Jakarta Study A Case Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java NOMOR PASPOR K0106593B 483654776 EC2359462 A34547188 seum Institute Institute National National National National National National Lee Kong Lee University INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, History Mu - rine Science rine Science Tropical Ma - Tropical Tropical Ma - Tropical University of University University of University University of University Northeastern Chian Natural Chian Natural JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Museum Officer and Lecturer Research Research Assistant Senior Research Fellow ra Serikat Filipina WARGA WARGA Amerika Malaysia Singapu - NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tuguegarao Tuguegarao 9 Januari Cag, 1979 Perak, 21 De Perak, sember 1988 New York City, New York USA, 8 March 1967 Jepang, 12 Jepang, 1963 Oktober 182.784 182.784 197.352 182.784 Grant ($) Grant Siang NAMA NAMA Escaño Shatkin Dr. Jose Dr. Michael Mendoza PENELITI Ms. Chuar Ms. Prof. Gavin Prof. Dr. Tan Koh Tan Dr. Christopher Christopher Cheah Hoay SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 72/SIP/ 71/SIP/ 83/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 448/SIP/ 3 20 19 31 No 72 71 83 No 448

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 459 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya JUDUL PENELITIAN Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java NOMOR PASPOR 16DL63256 315571532 307613568 308468804 retired Biology Institute National National National National National National Graduate Graduate of Marine University University University, University, INSTITUSI Dong Hwa Taiwan Ocean Ocean Taiwan Taiwan Ocean Ocean Taiwan JABATAN Retired Associate Associate Professor Assistant Assistant Researcher Professor China China China WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Limoges, 14 Limoges, Desember 1948 Taipei City, 23 City, Taipei September 1975 Kaohsiung 19 Juli City, 1976 Hongkong, Hongkong, 19 November 1962 182.784 182.784 182.784 182.784 Grant ($) Grant Yam) Forges NAMA NAMA Prof. Lin Prof. Dr. Yang Yang Dr. Tien-Jen Tien-Jen Chia-Wei (Chan Tin Tin (Chan PENELITI Richer De Chien-Hui Prof. Chen Prof. Dr. Bertrand Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 87/SIP/ 86/SIP/ 85/SIP/ 84/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 35 34 33 32 No 87 86 85 84 No

460 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2017, tanggal 6 Sep 2017 tember 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2017, tang - gal 23 Agustus 2017 KERJA MITRA P2KK, LIPI Dedi (Dr. Adhuri) Pusat Riset Pusat Kolaboratif dan kerjasa - ma Interna - LPPM sional, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Dr. (Prof. U. Fenty Puluhulawa, SH, M.Hum) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara (Kab. Timur, Lombok Nusa Kota Mataram); Timur Tenggara Kota Kupang, (Kab. Sulawesi Kupang); (Kota Bitung); Utara Tenggara Sulawesi Wakatobi, (Kab. Kota Kendari); Maluku (Kab. Kota Ambon); Buru, Maluku (Kab. Utara Selatan, Halmahera Papua Kota Ternate); Raja (Kab. Ampat, Barat Kota Sorong, Kab. Sorong) Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Sorowako); Makassar, (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Bombana) & Gorontalo Utara Gorontalo (Kab. Bone Bolango dan Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi lingkungan Sosial Ekonomi & Pertanian Antropologi Lingkungan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menilai tata menilai tata Untuk kelola perikanan dalam perikanan-hal manfaat tangkap-ikan tuna pada masyarakat pesisir Untuk mempelajari Untuk karakteristik sosial ekonomi budaya, dan kondisi lingkungan hidup di provinsi beberapa Sulawesi di Pulau dan mengevaluasi perubahan karakter sosio-ekonomi budaya dan lingkungan hidup dipengaruhi oleh yang pendatang para JUDUL PENELITIAN “Assessing the Governance the Governance “Assessing Case Fisheries: Tuna of and the Pacific from Studies Indian Oceans” “Socio-Economic Characteristics and Its on Poverty Challenging Island” In Sulawesi Problem NOMOR PASPOR N9699316 TR2807693 versity Sydney INSTITUSI Ehime Uni - Technology Technology University of University JABATAN Professor Post-doctoral Post-doctoral Research Fellow Jepang WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ehime, 1 Okto Ehime, ber 1969 - Aus Sydney, 1 Meitralia, 1981 173.000 165.000 Grant ($) Grant Robert NAMA NAMA McClean PENELITI Kasamatsu Prof. Hiroki Prof. Mr. Nicholas Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 43/SIP/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 133/SIP/ 32 22 No 43 No 133

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 461 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah Dr. dan Prof. Suharsono) Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah Dr. dan Prof. Suharsono) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (P2O LIPI Kota Jakarta Utara); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Utara Sulawesi Jepara); (Kota Manado) DKI Jakarta (P2O LIPI Kota Jakarta Utara); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Utara Sulawesi Jepara); (Kota Manado) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengukur Untuk perubahan kondisi karang tutupan atau karang akibat kondisi yang parah panas yang dialami pada bulan 2016 dan Agustus mengevaluasi untuk pengaruh tekanan terhadap termal struktur masyarakat di rezim seluruh gradien lingkungan lainnya mengukur Untuk perubahan kondisi karang tutupan atau karang akibat kondisi yang parah panas yang dialami pada bulan 2016 dan Agustus mengevaluasi untuk pengaruh tekanan terhadap termal struktur masyarakat di rezim seluruh gradien lingkungan lainnya JUDUL PENELITIAN Assessing coral coral Assessing in the communities aftermath of the third global mass bleaching Indonesia event: coral Assessing in the communities aftermath of the third global mass bleaching Indonesia event: NOMOR PASPOR 532069613 PA5389649 The Uni - The Uni - The versity of versity of versity INSTITUSI Queensland Queensland JABATAN Postdoctoral Postdoctoral Research Fellow Research Officer Project Inggris WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Crawley, 4 Crawley, 1983 March Bedford Park, Park, Bedford 21 November 1976 161.000 161.000 Grant ($) Grant Ms. Ms. Green NAMA NAMA Victoria Victoria Kennedy PENELITI Dr. Emma Dr. Susannah Alexandra Alexandra SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 161/SIP/ 162/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 28 29 No No 161 162

462 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah Dr. dan Prof. Suharsono) Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah Dr. dan Prof. Suharsono) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (P2O LIPI Kota Jakarta Utara); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Utara Sulawesi Jepara); (Kota Manado) DKI Jakarta (P2O LIPI Kota Jakarta Utara); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Utara Sulawesi Jepara); (Kota Manado) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi Biologi Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengukur Untuk perubahan kondisi karang tutupan atau karang akibat kondisi yang parah panas yang dialami pada bulan 2016 dan Agustus mengevaluasi untuk pengaruh tekanan terhadap termal struktur masyarakat di rezim seluruh gradien lingkungan lainnya Untuk mengukur Untuk perubahan kondisi karang tutupan atau karang akibat kondisi yang parah panas yang dialami pada bulan 2016 dan Agustus mengevaluasi untuk pengaruh tekanan terhadap termal struktur masyarakat di rezim seluruh gradien lingkungan lainnya JUDUL PENELITIAN Assessing coral coral Assessing in the communities aftermath of the third global mass bleaching Indonesia event: Assessing coral coral Assessing in the communities aftermath of the third global mass bleaching Indonesia event: NOMOR PASPOR PA3034269 510987506 The Uni - The The Uni - The versity of versity versity of versity INSTITUSI Queensland Queensland JABATAN Research Research Officer Project Field Technical Technical Field Officer Inggris WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Riyadh, 20 1985 Februari Dubbo, 30 Dubbo, 1982 Maret 161.000 161.000 Grant ($) Grant Louise Louise NAMA NAMA Markey Edmund Edmund PENELITI Paul Bryant Paul Ms. KathrynMs. Mr. Dominic Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 163/SIP/ 164/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 30 31 No No 163 164

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 463 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah Dr. dan Prof. Suharsono) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah Dr. dan Prof. Suharsono) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (P2O LIPI Kota Jakarta Utara); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Utara Sulawesi Jepara); (Kota Manado) DKI Jakarta (P2O LIPI Kota Jakarta Utara); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Utara Sulawesi Jepara); (Kota Manado) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi Biologi Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengukur Untuk perubahan kondisi karang tutupan atau karang akibat kondisi yang parah panas yang dialami pada bulan 2016 dan Agustus mengevaluasi untuk pengaruh tekanan terhadap termal struktur masyarakat di rezim seluruh gradien lingkungan lainnya Untuk mengukur Untuk perubahan kondisi karang tutupan atau karang akibat kondisi yang parah panas yang dialami pada bulan 2016 dan Agustus mengevaluasi untuk pengaruh tekanan terhadap termal struktur masyarakat di rezim seluruh gradien lingkungan lainnya JUDUL PENELITIAN Assessing coral coral Assessing in the communities aftermath of the third global mass bleaching Indonesia event: Assessing coral coral Assessing in the communities aftermath of the third global mass bleaching Indonesia event: NOMOR PASPOR N2178561 18AI37509 The Uni - The The Uni - The versity of versity versity of versity INSTITUSI Queensland Queensland JABATAN Field Officer Field Research Research Officer WARGA WARGA Perancis Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Port D’EsPort - 15 Juni pagne, 1986 South 17 Brisbane, Desember 1986 161.000 161.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA George George Gartrell PENELITI Ms. Anjani Anjani Ms. Mr. Patrick Patrick Mr. Ellen Ganase SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 165/SIP/ 166/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 32 33 No No 165 166

464 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2017, tanggal 4 2017 Oktober 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2017, tanggal 20 September 2017 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin Ansar (Dr. iadi) SMART SMART Research Institute (Mohammad Naim, PhD) FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Bambang Suryobroto) FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Bambang Suryobroto) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Maros, Kab. Jeneponto, Pangkajene Kab. Kepulauan, Kota Makasar) Riau Siak, (Kab. Kota Pekanbaru) Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosiologi Sosiologi kesehatan Antropologi Antropologi sosial Antropologi sosial Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengukur Untuk tingkat deprivasi perorangan, dengan tujuan menyediakan untuk relevan yang data mengenai kemiskinan multi-dimensi yang dengan berkorelasi gender memahami adaptasi lokal risiko terhadap bencana vulkanik memahami adaptasi lokal risiko terhadap bencana vulkanik Untuk menilai Untuk bagaimana teknik pengelolaan perkebunan mempengaruhi keanekaragaman hayati ekosistem dan proses laba-laba JUDUL PENELITIAN “The Individual Deprivation Measure” Local Adaptation in Adaptation Local Risk at Environment in Adaptation Local Risk at Environment “Investigating Spider “Investigating and Biodiversity Ecology in SoutheastOil Palm Asia Plantations” NOMOR PASPOR A32113025 18CC56306 16AK60202 526668484 CNRS CNRS National National University Australian Australian INSTITUSI Cambridge University of University JABATAN Research Research Fellow Director Research scientist Doctoral Student Serikat WARGA WARGA Perancis Perancis Amerika Malaysia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Selangor, 9 Selangor, September 1979 Paris, France, France, Paris, 1977 04 May Paris, France, France, Paris, 22 November 1959 Temple Hills, Hills, Temple Maryland, USA, 5 November 1994 158.836 148.580 148.580 154.000 Grant ($) Grant - Mr. Michel NAMA NAMA kevich Jr. Ms. Char Ms. PENELITI Raymond Ms. Mandy Ms. lotte Faurie lotte Mr. Michael Mr. Yap Li Ming Yap - Pash David SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 22/SIP/ IV/2018 IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 127/SIP/ 262/SIP/ 263/SIP/ 3 4 1 26 No 22 No 127 262 263

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 465 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA FMIPA, FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Bambang Suryobroto) FMIPA, FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Bambang Suryobroto) FMIPA, FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Bambang Suryobroto) FMIPA, FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Bambang Suryobroto) FMIPA, FMIPA, IPB (Dr. Bambang Suryobroto) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi sosial Antropologi Antropologi sosial Antropologi Antropologi sosial Antropologi Antropologi sosial Antropologi Antropologi sosial TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami adaptasi lokal risiko terhadap bencana vulkanik memahami adaptasi lokal risiko terhadap bencana vulkanik memahami adaptasi lokal risiko terhadap bencana vulkanik memahami adaptasi lokal risiko terhadap bencana vulkanik memahami adaptasi lokal risiko terhadap bencana vulkanik JUDUL PENELITIAN Local Adaptation in Adaptation Local Risk at Environment Local Adaptation in Adaptation Local Risk at Environment Local Adaptation in Adaptation Local Risk at Environment Local Adaptation in Adaptation Local Risk at Environment Local Adaptation in Adaptation Local Risk at Environment NOMOR PASPOR 18DC47447 13CC15236 14AV52110 12AH97177 18CH25249 CNRS CNRS CNRS Lyon 2 Lyon INSTITUSI Montpellier University of University University of University JABATAN Research Research scientist Research Research scientist Associate Associate Professor Assistant Assistant Professor Research Research Engineer WARGA WARGA Perancis Perancis Perancis Perancis Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Colmar, France, France, Colmar, 24 July 1961 Montpellier, Montpellier, 28 France, June 1969 Champagnole, Champagnole, 04 France, December 1979 Saint Etienne, Etienne, Saint 16 France, 1981 March Orléans 20 (France), September 1978 148.580 148.580 148.580 148.580 148.580 Grant ($) Grant Rosaz Beaud NAMA NAMA Dubois Durand Mettling Ms. Jullie Ms. PENELITI Mr. Dimitri Mr. Ms. Valérie Valérie Ms. Mr. Mickael Mr. Mr. Clément Clément Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IX/2018 IX/2018 IX/2018 IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 264/SIP/ 265/SIP/ 266/SIP/ 267/SIP/ 268/SIP/ 5 6 7 8 9 No No 264 265 266 267 268

466 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Bandung Ir. Dr. (Prof. Zaim) Yahdi DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Barat, Barat, Aceh (Kab. Aceh Daya, Barat Aceh Kab. Kab. Besar, Aceh Kab. Aceh Kab. Jaya, Aceh Aceh Selatan, Kab. Aceh Singkil, Kab. Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tengah, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Kab. Utara, Meriah, Bireuen, Kab. Kab. Lues, Gayo Kab. Pidie, Kab. Nagan Raya, Kab. Jaya, Pidie Kab. Kota Banda Siumeulue, Kota Langsa, Aceh, Kota Lhokseumawe, Kota Kota Sabang, Subulussalam); (Kab. Utara Sumatera Bara, Batu Kab. Asahan, Deli Dairi, Kab. Kab. Humbang Kab. Serdang, Karo, Hasundutan, Kab. Kab. Labuhan Batu, Kab. Selatan, Labuhan Batu Labuhan Batu Kab. Langkat, Kab. Utara, Mandailing Natal, Kab. Nias Kab. Nias, Kab. Nias Kab. Selatan, Barat, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Paleontologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menguji apakah koridor penyebaran padang rumput hadir di selama masa Sumatra Pleistocene JUDUL PENELITIAN Palaeoenvironements Palaeoenvironements During the of Sumatra Pleistocene NOMOR PASPOR E4115611 Griffith University INSTITUSI JABATAN Senior Research Fellow WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Saint Denis, 15 Denis, Saint 1981 March 120.000 Grant ($) Grant Louys NAMA NAMA Mr. Julien Mr. PENELITI SIP Dit.KI/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ 179/SIP/ 7 No No 179

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 467 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Nias Kab. Kab. Utara, Kab. Lawas, Padang Utara, Lawas Padang Barat, Pakpak Kab. Kab. Samosir, Kab. Bedagai, Serdang Simalungun, Kab. Selatan, Tapanuli Kab. Tengah, Tapanuli Kab. Utara, Tapanuli Kab. Samosir, Toba Kab. Kota Binjai, Kota Gunung Sitoli, Medan, Kota Padang Sidempuan, Kota Kota Siantar, Pematang Sibolga, Kota Tanjung Balai, Kota Tebing Sumatera Tinggi); Kab. Agam, (Kab. Barat Kab. Dhamasraya, Kepulauan Mentawai, Kota, Lima Puluh Kab. Pariaman, Padang Kab. Kab. Pasaman, Kab. Selatan, Kab. Pesisir Lunto/Sijunjung, Sawah LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

468 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Solok, Kab. Tanah Tanah Solok,Kab. Kab. Kota Bukittinggi, Datar, Kota Kota Padang, Panjang, Padang Kota Kota Pariaman, Kota Barat, Pasaman Kota Payakumbuh, Kota Solok, Sawahlunto, Kota Solok Selatan); Riau(Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Indragiri Hilir, Kab. Kab. Indragiri Hulu, Kepulauan Kab. Kampar, Kuantan Kab. Meranti, Kab. Singingi, Rokan Kab. Pelalawan, Rokan Kab. Hulu, Hilir, Siak,Kab. Kota Dumai, Jambi Kota Pekanbaru); Batanghari, Kab. (Kab. Kerinci, Kab. Bungo, Kab. Merangin, Kab. Jambi, Kab. Muaro Kab. Sarolangun, Jabung Barat, Tanjung Jabung Tanjung Kab. Kota Tebo, Kab. Timur, Jambi, Kota Sungai Sumatera Penuh); Banyuasin, Selatan (Kab. Lawang, Empat Kab. Muara Kab. Lahat, Kab. Enim, LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 469 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN Kab. Musi Banyuasin, Kab. Kab. Musi Banyuasin, Kab. Musi Kab. Musi Rawas, Ogan Ilir, Kab. Rawas Utara, Kab. OKU, OKI, Kab. Kab. OKU OKU Selatan, Kab. Kota Lubuk PALI, Kab. Timur, Kota Pagaralam, Linggau, Kota Kota Palembang, Bengkulu Prabumulih); Bengkulu (Kab. Selatan, Kab. Bengkulu Tengah, Bengkulu Kab. Utara, Kab. Kab. Kepahiang, Kab. Kaur, Muko-Muko, Kab. Lebong, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Kab. Seluma, Kota Bengkulu); Lampung Lampung (Kab. Lampung Kab. Barat, Lampung Selatan, Kab. Lampung Kab. Tengah, Lampung Kab. Timur, Mesuji, Kab. Kab. Utara, Pesisir Kab. Pesawaran, Pringsewu, Kab. Barat, Kab. Tanggamus, Kab. Kab. Bawang, Tulang Kab. Barat, Bawang Tulang Kanan, Kota Bandar Way Kota Metro); Lampung, (Kampus Barat ITB- Jawa Bandung) NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

470 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Bandung Ir. Dr. (Prof. Zaim) Yahdi DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Barat, Barat, Aceh (Kab. Aceh Daya, Barat Aceh Kab. Kab. Besar, Aceh Kab. Aceh Kab. Jaya, Aceh Aceh Selatan, Kab. Aceh Singkil, Kab. Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tengah, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Kab. Utara, Meriah, Bireuen, Kab. Kab. Lues, Gayo Kab. Pidie, Kab. Nagan Raya, Kab. Jaya, Pidie Kab. Kota Banda Siumeulue, Kota Langsa, Aceh, Kota Lhokseumawe, Kota Kota Sabang, Subulussalam); (Kab. Utara Sumatera Bara, Batu Kab. Asahan, Deli Dairi, Kab. Kab. Humbang Kab. Serdang, Karo, Hasundutan, Kab. Kab. Labuhan Batu, Kab. Selatan, Labuhan Batu Labuhan Batu Kab. Langkat, Kab. Utara, Mandailing Natal, Kab. Nias Kab. Nias, Kab. Nias Kab. Selatan, Barat, NiasKab. Utara, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Paleontologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menguji apakah koridor penyebaran padang rumput hadir di selama masa Sumatra Pleistocene JUDUL PENELITIAN Palaeoenvironements Palaeoenvironements During the of Sumatra Pleistocene NOMOR PASPOR N5715692 INSTITUSI Queensland University of University JABATAN Senior in Lecturer Palaeontology WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ipswich, 5 May 1979 120.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Gilbert Mr. James Price SIP Dit.KI/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ 180/SIP/ 8 No No 180

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 471 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Padang Lawas, Lawas, Padang Kab. Lawas Padang Kab. Pakpak Kab. Utara, Samosir, Kab. Barat, Bedagai, Serdang Kab. Simalungun, Kab. Selatan, Tapanuli Kab. Tengah, Tapanuli Kab. Utara, Tapanuli Kab. Samosir, Toba Kab. Kota Binjai, Kota Gunung Sitoli, Medan, Kota Padang Sidempuan, Kota Kota Siantar, Pematang Sibolga, Kota Tanjung Balai, Kota Tebing Sumatera Tinggi); Kab. Agam, (Kab. Barat Kab. Dhamasraya, Kepulauan Mentawai, Kota, Lima Puluh Kab. Pariaman, Padang Kab. Kab. Pasaman, Kab. Selatan, Kab. Pesisir Lunto/Sijunjung, Sawah Tanah Solok,Kab. Kab. Kota Bukittinggi, Datar, Kota Kota Padang, Panjang, Padang Kota Kota Pariaman, Barat, Pasaman LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

472 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kota Payakumbuh, Kota Kota Payakumbuh, Kota Solok, Sawahlunto, Kota Solok Selatan); Riau(Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Indragiri Hilir, Kab. Kab. Indragiri Hulu, Kepulauan Kab. Kampar, Kuantan Kab. Meranti, Kab. Singingi, Rokan Kab. Pelalawan, Rokan Kab. Hulu, Hilir, Siak,Kab. Kota Dumai, Jambi Kota Pekanbaru); Batanghari, Kab. (Kab. Kerinci, Kab. Bungo, Kab. Merangin, Kab. Jambi, Kab. Muaro Kab. Sarolangun, Jabung Barat, Tanjung Jabung Tanjung Kab. Kota Tebo, Kab. Timur, Jambi, Kota Sungai Sumatera Penuh); Banyuasin, Selatan (Kab. Lawang, Empat Kab. Kab. Lahat, Kab. Musi Enim, Kab. Muara Musi Kab. Banyuasin, Musi Rawas Kab. Rawas, Utara, LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 473 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Ogan Ilir, Kab. Kab. Ogan Ilir, Kab. Kab. OKU, OKI, Kab. OKU Selatan, Kab. PALI, Kab. Timur, OKU Linggau, Kota Lubuk Kota Kota Pagaralam, Kota Palembang, Bengkulu Prabumulih); Bengkulu (Kab. BengkuluSelatan, Kab. Bengkulu Kab. Tengah, Kaur, Kab. Utara, Kab. Kepahiang, Kab. Muko- Kab. Lebong, Rejang Kab. Muko, Seluma, Kab. Lebong, Kota Bengkulu); Lampung (Kab. Kab. Lampung Barat, Lampung Selatan, Kab. Kab. Lampung Tengah, Kab. Lampung Timur, Kab. Lampung Utara, Pesawaran, Mesuji, Kab. Barat, Pesisir Kab. Kab. Pringsewu, Kab. Tulang Kab. Tanggamus, Bawang, Tulang Kab. Way Kab. Barat, Bawang Kanan, Kota Bandar Kota Metro); Lampung, (Kampus Barat Jawa ITB-Bandung) LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

474 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Bandung Ir. Dr. (Prof. Zaim) Yahdi DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Barat, Barat, Aceh (Kab. Aceh Daya, Barat Aceh Kab. Kab. Besar, Aceh Kab. Aceh Kab. Jaya, Aceh Aceh Selatan, Kab. Aceh Singkil, Kab. Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tengah, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Kab. Utara, Meriah, Bireuen, Kab. Kab. Lues, Gayo Kab. Pidie, Kab. Nagan Raya, Kab. Jaya, Pidie Kab. Kota Banda Siumeulue, Kota Langsa, Aceh, Kota Lhokseumawe, Kota Kota Sabang, Subulussalam); (Kab. Utara Sumatera Bara, Batu Kab. Asahan, Deli Dairi, Kab. Kab. Humbang Kab. Serdang, Karo, Hasundutan, Kab. Kab. Labuhan Batu, Kab. Selatan, Labuhan Batu Labuhan Batu Kab. Langkat, Kab. Utara, Mandailing Natal, Kab. Nias Kab. Nias, Kab. Nias Kab. Selatan, Barat, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Paleontologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menguji apakah koridor penyebaran padang rumput hadir di selama masa Sumatra Pleistocene JUDUL PENELITIAN Palaeoenvironements Palaeoenvironements During the of Sumatra Pleistocene NOMOR PASPOR 502741235 Griffith University INSTITUSI JABATAN PhD Student PhD Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sunderland, 16 Sunderland, April 1993 120.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Ms. Holly Ms. PENELITI Ellen Smith SIP Dit.KI/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ 181/SIP/ 9 No No 181

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 475 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Nias Kab. Kab. Utara, Kab. Lawas, Padang Utara, Lawas Padang Barat, Pakpak Kab. Kab. Samosir, Kab. Bedagai, Serdang Simalungun, Kab. Selatan, Tapanuli Kab. Tengah, Tapanuli Kab. Utara, Tapanuli Kab. Samosir, Toba Kab. Kota Binjai, Kota Gunung Sitoli, Medan, Kota Padang Sidempuan, Kota Kota Siantar, Pematang Sibolga, Kota Tanjung Balai, Kota Tebing Sumatera Tinggi); Kab. Agam, (Kab. Barat Kab. Dhamasraya, Kepulauan Mentawai, Kota, Lima Puluh Kab. Pariaman, Padang Kab. Kab. Pasaman, Kab. Selatan, Kab. Pesisir Lunto/Sijunjung, Sawah Tanah Solok,Kab. Kab. Kota Bukittinggi, Datar, Kota Kota Padang, Panjang, Padang Kota Kota Pariaman, Barat, Pasaman LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

476 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kota Payakumbuh, Kota Kota Payakumbuh, Kota Solok, Sawahlunto, Kota Solok Selatan); Riau(Kab. Bengkalis, Indragiri Hilir, Kab. Indragiri Hulu, Kab. Kab. Kampar, Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, Singingi, Kuantan Kab. Kab. Pelalawan, Kab. Kab. Rokan Hilir, Rokan Siak, Kab. Hulu, Kota Dumai, Kota Jambi (Kab. Pekanbaru); Bungo, Kab. Batanghari, Kerinci, Kab. Kab. Muaro Kab. Merangin, Sarolangun, Jambi, Kab. Jabung Tanjung Kab. Barat, Tanjung Kab. Kab. Jabung Timur, Kota Jambi, Tebo, Kota Sungai Penuh); Selatan (Kab. Sumatera Empat Kab. Banyuasin, Lahat, Kab. Lawang, Enim, Kab. Muara Kab. Kab. Musi Banyuasin, Musi Kab. Musi Rawas, Ogan Kab. Rawas Utara, OKU, OKI, Kab. Kab. Ilir, OKU Selatan, Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 477 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. OKU Timur, Kab. OKU Timur, Kota PALI, Kab. Kota Linggau, Lubuk Kota Pagaralam, Kota Palembang, Bengkulu Prabumulih); Bengkulu (Kab. BengkuluSelatan, Kab. Bengkulu Kab. Tengah, Kaur, Kab. Utara, Kab. Kepahiang, Kab. Muko- Kab. Lebong, Rejang Kab. Muko, Seluma, Kab. Lebong, Kota Bengkulu); Lampung (Kab. Kab. Lampung Barat, Lampung Selatan, Kab. Kab. Lampung Tengah, Kab. Lampung Timur, Kab. Lampung Utara, Pesawaran, Mesuji, Kab. Barat, Pesisir Kab. Kab. Pringsewu, Kab. Tulang Kab. Tanggamus, Bawang, Tulang Kab. Way Kab. Barat, Bawang Kanan, Kota Bandar Kota Metro); Lampung, (Kampus Barat Jawa ITB-Bandung) LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

478 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 23 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 23 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA Ikatan Ahli Tsunami Indonesia - (G.S.Pra setya. PhD. MSc.(Hons); Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat. M.Eng.; Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.) Ikatan Ahli Tsunami Indonesia - (G.S.Pra setya. PhD. MSc.(Hons); Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat. M.Eng.; Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN lebih memahami ilmiah dari penyebab tanggal Palu Tsunami 2018 28 September lebih memahami ilmiah dari penyebab tanggal Palu Tsunami 2018 28 September JUDUL PENELITIAN Field Survey of the 28 Field September 2018 Tsunami Palu Survey of the 28 Field September 2018 Tsunami Palu NOMOR PASPOR 530621998 531163215 National National California University University Singapore INSTITUSI of Southern University of University JABATAN Researcher Professor Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL China, 11 De 1946 cember Athens, Athens, 21 Greese, September 1956 100.000 100.000 Grant ($) Grant Liu NAMA NAMA PENELITI Synolakys Prof. Philip Philip Prof. Prof. Costas Costas Prof. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 353/SIP/ 351/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 53 51 No No 353 351

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 479 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 26 November 2018 - - KERJA MITRA BRSDM KP- KKP (Dr.-Ing. Semeidi Hus - M.Sc; rin, ST. Widodo Dr. S Pranowo), Kemenko Kemaritiman Rahman (Dr. Hidayat), PTRRB BPPT Udrekh (Dr. Hanif), BPDP-BPPT Widjo (Dr. Kongko), P2O-LIPI (Dr. Nugro ho Dwi Hananto), (Kian BMKG Sinki),Purna Balai Pantai - PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari mulai 27 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami sumber- sumber tsunami yang dihasilkan di Palu JUDUL PENELITIAN ITST Palu 2018 Palu ITST NOMOR PASPOR 531163215 National National Singapore INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, University of University JABATAN Vice President Vice Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL China, 11 De 1946 cember 100.000 Grant ($) Grant L-F Liu L-F NAMA NAMA PENELITI Prof. Philip Philip Prof. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 440/SIP/ 74 No No 440

480 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA PTPSW-TPSA PTPSW-TPSA BPPT Yudi (Ir. Anantasena, Dr. M.Sc, Agustan, S Yusuf Dr. Djajadi - Reni hardja, Sulistyowati, Ruki- Ariyan Dionysius to, Bryan Sencaki) PTPSW-TPSA PTPSW-TPSA BPPT Yudi (Ir. Anantasena, Dr. M.Sc, Agustan, S Yusuf Dr. Djajadi - Reni hardja, Sulistyowati, Ruki- Ariyan Dionysius to, Bryan Sencaki) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 24 Oktober 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 24 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memetakan daerah terkena yang dampak bencana dan menilai di Palu dampak bencana melalui platform lokasipemantauan mendukung untuk pengembangan rekomendasi pemulihan memetakan daerah terkena yang dampak bencana dan menilai di Palu dampak bencana melalui platform lokasipemantauan mendukung untuk pengembangan rekomendasi pemulihan JUDUL PENELITIAN Drone Mapping for Disaster Disaster Mapping for Drone Impact and Assessment Rapid Recovery Support in Palu Drone Mapping for Disaster Disaster Mapping for Drone Impact and Assessment Rapid Recovery Support in Palu NOMOR PASPOR M79998440 M41515071 Green Green INSTITUSI Technology Technology Angelswing Center Korea Center JABATAN Chief Executive Officer Director Director General Korea Korea Korea Korea Selatan Selatan WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Seoul, 21 Seoul, 1991 March Seoul, 19 April Seoul, 1959 100.000 100.000 Grant ($) Grant Park Jurng NAMA NAMA Nyoung Nyoung Mr. Won Won Mr. PENELITI Mr. Jongsoo Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 348/SIP/ 347/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 48 47 No No 348 347

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 481 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA PTPSW-TPSA PTPSW-TPSA BPPT Yudi (Ir. Anantasena, Dr. M.Sc, Agustan, S Yusuf Dr. Djajadi - Reni hardja, Sulistyowati, Ruki- Ariyan Dionysius to, Bryan Sencaki) PTPSW-TPSA PTPSW-TPSA BPPT Yudi (Ir. Anantasena, Dr. M.Sc, Agustan, S Yusuf Dr. Djajadi - Reni hardja, Sulistyowati, Ruki- Ariyan Dionysius to, Bryan Sencaki) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 24 Oktober 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 24 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memetakan daerah terkena yang dampak bencana dan menilai di Palu dampak bencana melalui platform lokasipemantauan mendukung untuk pengembangan rekomendasi pemulihan memetakan daerah terkena yang dampak bencana dan menilai di Palu dampak bencana melalui platform lokasipemantauan mendukung untuk pengembangan rekomendasi pemulihan JUDUL PENELITIAN Drone Mapping for Disaster Disaster Mapping for Drone Impact and Assessment Rapid Recovery Support in Palu Drone Mapping for Disaster Disaster Mapping for Drone Impact and Assessment Rapid Recovery Support in Palu NOMOR PASPOR M24178093 M51838654 INSTITUSI Angelswing Angelswing JABATAN Drone Pilot Drone Chief Operating Officer Korea Korea Korea Korea Selatan Selatan WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Seoul, 21 May 21 May Seoul, 1972 Seoul, 29 May 29 May Seoul, 1991 100.000 100.000 Grant ($) Grant Sung NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. So Soon Mr. Ms. Jisun Lee Ms. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 350/SIP/ 349/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 50 49 No No 350 349

482 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 23 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 23 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA Ikatan Ahli Tsunami Indonesia - (G.S.Pra setya. PhD. MSc.(Hons); Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat. M.Eng.; Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.) Ikatan Ahli Tsunami Indonesia - (G.S.Pra setya. PhD. MSc.(Hons); Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat. M.Eng.; Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN lebih memahami ilmiah dari penyebab tanggal Palu Tsunami 2018 28 September lebih memahami ilmiah dari penyebab tanggal Palu Tsunami 2018 28 September JUDUL PENELITIAN Field Survey of the 28 Field September 2018 Tsunami Palu Field Survey of the 28 Field September 2018 Tsunami Palu NOMOR PASPOR AN5537951 AP24211042 Angeles California University University INSTITUSI of Southern University of University California Los Los California JABATAN Researcher Researcher Yunani Yunani WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Chania, 21 January 1983 Long Beach, 6 Long January 1991 100.000 100.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Skanavis Dr. Nikos Dr. Kalligeris PENELITI Dr. Vassilios Vassilios Dr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 352/SIP/ 354/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 52 54 No No 352 354

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 483 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 26 November 2018 - - KERJA MITRA BRSDM KP- KKP (Dr.-Ing. Semeidi Hus - M.Sc; rin, ST. Widodo Dr. S Pranowo), Kemenko Kemaritiman Rahman (Dr. Hidayat), PTRRB BPPT Udrekh (Dr. Hanif), BPDP-BPPT Widjo (Dr. Kongko), P2O-LIPI (Dr. Nugro ho Dwi Hananto), (Kian BMKG Sinki),Purna Balai Pantai - PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari mulai 27 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami sumber- sumber tsunami yang dihasilkan di Palu JUDUL PENELITIAN ITST Palu 2018 Palu ITST NOMOR PASPOR XDC862271 National National Singapore INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, University of University JABATAN Research Research Fellow Spanyol WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Santander, 10 Santander, 1987 August 100.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Higuera Dr. Pablo Pablo Dr. PENELITI SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 441/SIP/ 75 No No 441

484 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 26 November 2018 - - KERJA MITRA BRSDM KP- KKP (Dr.-Ing. Semeidi Hus - M.Sc; rin, ST. Widodo Dr. S Pranowo), Kemenko Kemaritiman Rahman (Dr. Hidayat), PTRRB BPPT Udrekh (Dr. Hanif), BPDP-BPPT Widjo (Dr. Kongko), P2O-LIPI (Dr. Nugro ho Dwi Hananto), (Kian BMKG Sinki),Purna Balai Pantai - PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari mulai 27 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami sumber- sumber tsunami yang dihasilkan di Palu JUDUL PENELITIAN ITST Palu 2018 Palu ITST NOMOR PASPOR E7024091J National National Singapore INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, University of University JABATAN Postdoctoral Postdoctoral Research Fellow China WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL China, 22 Feb ruary 1987 100.000 Grant ($) Grant Zhao NAMA NAMA PENELITI Dr. Kuifeng Kuifeng Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 442/SIP/ 76 No No 442

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 485 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 26 November 2018 - - KERJA MITRA BRSDM KP- KKP (Dr.-Ing. Semeidi Hus - M.Sc; rin, ST. Widodo Dr. S Pranowo), Kemenko Kemaritiman Rahman (Dr. Hidayat), PTRRB BPPT Udrekh (Dr. Hanif), BPDP-BPPT Widjo (Dr. Kongko), P2O-LIPI (Dr. Nugro ho Dwi Hananto), (Kian BMKG Sinki),Purna Balai Pantai - PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari mulai 27 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami sumber- sumber tsunami yang dihasilkan di Palu JUDUL PENELITIAN ITST Palu 2018 Palu ITST NOMOR PASPOR AAJ287244 National National Singapore INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, University of University JABATAN PhD Student PhD Spanyol WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Barcelona, 22 Barcelona, November 1989 100.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Barranco PENELITI Mr. Ignacio Ignacio Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 443/SIP/ 77 No No 443

486 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA PPIM UIN Jakarta (Prof. Jamhari Makruf), LIPI PMB Cahyo (Dr. Pamungkas) PSDR LIPI I. Fadjar (Dr. Thufail) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan), Jawa (Bandung), Solo Barat DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Magelang); DI (Kab. Yogyakarta Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 1 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosiologi Sosiologi agama Arkeologi arsip Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menentukan yang faktor-faktor mempromosikan radikalisasi agama dari sebagian pemuda Indonesia dengan berfokus pada pemeriksaan dari proses komparatif radikalisasi pemuda di kelas menengah dan Indonesia, Perancis Jepang melakukan pengarsipan berkualitas digital tinggi dari (1) warisan budaya di Borobudur Candi dan (2) Yogyakarta dari koleksi tekstil Museum Nasional Indonesia. Proyek ini juga bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat lunak efektif secara untuk memanfaatkan arsip dibuat yang digital JUDUL PENELITIAN Determinants of Religious of Religious Determinants in Indonesia and Violence Prospects Future Research on Digital Archives Archives on Digital Research of Indonesian Cultural Heritages: Collaboration the Research between Regional for Center (P2SDR), Resources Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and the (ARC),Art Center Research Ritsumeikan University NOMOR PASPOR RB0052605 TS1836837 Ministry of Japan of Justice, of Justice, University INSTITUSI Ritsumeikan Government Government JABATAN Professor Government Government official Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Japan, 9 1959 August Japan, 23 1969 August 90.000 90.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Tanaka Kurisawa PENELITI Mr. Yushin Yushin Mr. Mr. Satoshi Satoshi Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 387/SIP/ 369/SIP/ 3 21 No No 387 369

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 487 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit LIPI Biologi, Dewi (Dr. Malia Praw iradilaga, Haryoko, Tri RiniM.Sc., Rachmatika, M.Si) Puslit Biolo Puslit LIPI (Dr. gi, Dewi Malia - Prawiradila ga) Pusat Studi Studi Pusat Pasifik, Asia UGM (Prof. Irham, Ir. Dr. M.Sc) Puslit Biolo Puslit LIPI (Dr. gi, Dewi Malia - Prawiradila ga) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Maluku Maluku (Kab. Barat) Tenggara Maluku Maluku (Kab. Barat) Tenggara DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta Progo); Kulon (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kapuas Hulu); Maluku (Kota Ambon) Maluku Maluku (Kab. Barat) Tenggara LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 Desember 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi Zoologi Mitigasi bencana Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami faktor memahami faktor yang ekologis fisik kognisi mendorong dalam canggih dan alat kakatua Goffin memahami faktor memahami faktor yang ekologis fisik kognisi mendorong dalam canggih dan alat kakatua Goffin memahami cara-cara di mana bantuan melalui internasional perubahan adaptasi pemrograman perubahan iklim beririsan dengan praktek-praktek lokal dan proses pemerintahan memahami faktor memahami faktor yang ekologis fisik kognisi mendorong dalam canggih dan alat kakatua Goffin JUDUL PENELITIAN Cognitive Ecology of Ecology Cognitive (Cacatua Cockatoos Goffin’s Goffiniana) Cognitive Ecology of Ecology Cognitive (Cacatua Cockatoos Goffin’s Goffiniana) Adapting to climate climate to Adapting local change adaptation: in responses governance Indonesia.rural Cognitive Ecology of Ecology Cognitive (Cacatua Cockatoos Goffin’s Goffiniana) NOMOR PASPOR U0909778 EK7402760 PA7024095 X0030870 Vienna Vienna Messerli Messerli Biologie, Biologie, Institute; Institute; Research Research Research Research Medicine, Medicine, Medicine, Medicine, Neuchâtel Institut de Veterinary Veterinary Veterinary Veterinary INSTITUSI Melbourne University of University University of University University of University Université de Université JABATAN Postdoctoral Postdoctoral researcher PhD Student PhD PhD student PhD Master Student - land Austria Switzer WARGA WARGA Polandia Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Vienna, 24 Vienna, November 1982 Warsaw, 16 Warsaw, July 1985 Lausanne VD, Lausanne VD, 26 April 1993 Bega, New South Wales, 13 Australia, January 1982 84.826 84.826 84.826 90.000 Grant ($) Grant - - er wska O Hara NAMA NAMA Parisod Maxime Dr. Mark Dr. Ms. Skye Ms. PENELITI Miodusze Christopher Christopher Mr. Aristide Mr. Ms. BerenikaMs. Turner-Walk SIP FRP/ FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ XII/2018 309/SIP/ 310/SIP/ 311/SIP/ 455/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 9 10 11 10 No No 310 311 309 455

488 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Estuning Wulan Tyas Mei) FMIPA, FMIPA, Universitas Tanjungpura (Riyandi M. S); Balai Nasi - Taman onal Gunung Palung Seti - (Endro S.PKP); awan, dan Pusat SatwaStudi Primata-IPB (Drh. Huda S Darusman, MSi, PhD) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kab. Malang) Kab. Lumajang, Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kab. Utara, Kayong TN. Ketapang, Gunung Palung) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 30 Agustus 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 6 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geologi sosial Geologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari perilaku masyarakat yang mengambil risiko hidup dekatdi daerah gunung dan mempelajari berapi adaptasi lokal terhadap lingkungan yang berisiko Untuk mempelajari Untuk bagaimana variasi tingkat landskap mengenai kualitas dan produksi habitat buah musiman mempengaruhi populasi owa ekologi berjanggut putih dan monyet JUDUL PENELITIAN Local Adaptation To Local To Adaptation Risk Volcanic “The Effects of Spatial Variation and Temporal on Productivity in Plant Ecology Population The of Bornean Rainforest Vertebrates” NOMOR PASPOR 14DT77577 C84F8018Y - vergne University University INSTITUSI Max Planck Institute for Institute for of Michigan Anthropolo Evolutionary gy, University University gy, - Clermont-Au JABATAN Professor Professor Emeritus Scientific Assistant Jerman WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Rabat, 22 Marocco, September 1951 Limburg an Limburg der Lahn, 14 November 1989 68.000 65.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Claude Thouret Mr. Jean- Mr. PENELITI Paul Xavier Xavier Paul Ms. Lisa OrthMs. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 25/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 253/SIP/ VIII/2018 4 25 No 25 No 253

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 489 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA Magis - Ilmuter Lingkungan, Universitas - Tanjung (Prof. pura Gusti Dr. Anshari) Puslit Puslit – LIPI Biologi Daisy (Dr. Wowor, SopianM.Sc, Sauri, Ujang Nurhaman, Rena Tri Hernawati, Ilham Vemandra Utama) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Ketapang) Kalimantan Timur Kab. Berau, (Kab. Kutai Kab. Barat, Kutai Kertanegara, Kutai Kab. Makaham Kab. Timur, Kab. Paser, Kab. Ulu, Utara, Paser Penajam Kota Balikpapan, Kota Kota Bontang, Samarinda); Kalimantan Selor, (Tanjung Utara Bulungan, Nunukan, Tideng Tidung, Tana Pale);Sulawesi Bolaang (Kab. Utara Kab. Mongondow, Bolmong Selatan, Kab. Kab. Bolmong Timur, Bolmong Kab. Utara, Kepulauan Sangihe, Kepulauan Sitaro, Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Talaud, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Ekologi kehutanan Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN merekonstruksi sejarah sejarah merekonstruksi kebakaran hutan hujan primer jangka panjang Nasional di Taman dengan Gunung Palung menggunakan bahan pirogenik organik tanah) arang (misalnya, memvalidasi status status memvalidasi spesies, (validitas distribusi) dari ikan dan spesies air tawar melalui udang Wallacea berbasis DNA metode JUDUL PENELITIAN Holocene Fire History in Fire Holocene Kalimantan, Indonesia: West of a Vulnerability The Fire Primary to Rainforest Encroachment DNA barcoding Indonesian DNA barcoding biotas of aquatic freshwater cryptic diversity Wallacea: and its biogeographical in a biodiversity origin hotspot NOMOR PASPOR 546347341 13CC67672 Oregon Institut de Recherche Recherche INSTITUSI oppement University of University - pour le Dével JABATAN PhD Student PhD Permanent Permanent researcher Serikat WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 16 April 1989 Chateauroux, Chateauroux, 22 France, 1975 August 60.000 60.000 Grant ($) Grant dricks Michel NAMA NAMA Hubert Bea Hen - PENELITI Ms. Lauren Lauren Ms. Mr. Nicolas Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 363/SIP/ 392/SIP/ KI/X/2018 63 26 No No 363 392

490 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Minahasa, Kab. Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Tenggara, MinahasaKab. Kota Bitung, Utara, Kota Kotamobagu, Kota Kota Manado, Sulawesi Tomohon); Banggai, (Kab. Tengah Banggai Kab. Kepulauan, Kab. Buol, Kab. Banggai Laut, Donggala, Kab. Kab. Parigi Kab. Morowali, Poso, Kab. Moutong, Tojo Kab. Sigi, Kab. Una-Una, Toli-Toli, Kab. Morowali Kota Palu, Selatan Sulawesi Utara); Kab. Bantaeng, (Kab. Kab. Bone, Kab. Barru, Bulukumba, Kab. Gowa, Kab. Enrekang, Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Timur, Luwu Kab. Luwu, Kab. Utara, Luwu Kab. Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Sidenreng Kab. Pinrang, Sinjai, Kab. Kab. Rapang, Soppeng, Takalar, Kab. Toraja, Tana Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 491 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Toraja Utara, Kab. Kab. Utara, Toraja Kab. Kota Makasar, Wajo, Kota Kota Palopo, Sulawesi Pare-pare); (Kab. Tenggara Buton, Bombana, Kab. Utara, Buton Kab. Kolaka,Kab. Kab. Kab. Kolaka Timur, Kolaka Kab. Utara, Konawe Kab. Konawe, Kepulauan, Kab. Selatan, Kab. Konawe Kab. Utara, Konawe Muna, Wakatobi, Kab. Kota Kota Bau Bau, Kendari); Gorontalo Kab. Boalemo, (Kab. Kab. Bone Bolango, Kab. Gorontalo, Utara, Gorontalo Kota Pohuwato, Kab. Sulawesi Gorontalo); Kab. Majene, (Kab. Barat Mamuju, Mamasa, Kab. Kab. Mamuju Tengah, Mamuju Utara, Kab. Mandar) Polewali Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

492 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 18 Januari 2018 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kedokteran InstiHewan, - tut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. RR. Dyah Perwitasari Drh. dan Dr. Muhammad MSc. Agil, Agr) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (Dr. Ambon Saidin Ernas, M.Si) SMART SMART Research Institute - (Pujian to,SP.,MP) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Cagar (Cagar Utara Sulawesi Gunung Dua Alam Bitung) Saudara-Kota Aru, Maluku Kep. (Kab. Kab. Maluku Tengah, Kab. Maluku Tenggara, Seram Bagian Kab. Seram Kab. Barat, Kota Timur, Bagian Ambon, Kota Tual) Riau Siak) (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 2 April 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Sosial Budaya Primatologi Ekologi / Ekologi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengungkapkanUntuk cara-cara dialog dan kultural tradisional di provinsi antar-agama Maluku ini saat Untuk menginvestigasi menginvestigasi Untuk kera attention joint di jambul Sulawesi Sulawesi, Tangkoko, Indonesia mengukur fluks gas rumah kaca dari berbagai perlakuan sawit dengan minyak berbeda yang JUDUL PENELITIAN “The modes of interreligious dialogue in Moluccas, Indonesia” Eastern “Joint attention in wild attention “Joint macaques crested Sulawesi (Macaca nigra)” Agricultural Practices for for Practices Agricultural Gas Regulation Greenhouse in Oil palm (AP-GRO) NOMOR PASPOR EM7436011 548141707 C4WXL29KH ogy ty of York University INSTITUSI the Middle Institute of for Ecology Ecology for - and Hydrol Jagiellonian Jagiellonian and Far East, East, and Far NERC Centre NERC Centre - Universi The JABATAN PhD student PhD Post-Doctoral Post-Doctoral Student Senior Research Scientist Inggris Jerman WARGA WARGA Polandia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tomaszów Tomaszów Lubelski, 8 1992 Februari Vernon, 29 Vernon, 1990 Oktober Bad Pyrmont, 24 Germany, September 1977 51.992 59.124 56.000 Grant ($) Grant Emma NAMA NAMA Drewer Dr. Julia Dr. Graham Dr. Kirsty Dr. PENELITI Ms. Simona Ms. Sienkiewicz SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 64/SIP/ III/2018 IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 323/SIP/ 103/SIP/ KI/X/2018 2 23 12 No 64 No 323 103

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 493 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018 tang - gal 18 Januari 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Universitas Universitas (Dr. Flores Simon Sira Padji) Lembaga Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga Maria (Prof. Inge Lucia dr, Lusida, PhD., MKes., SpMK(K)) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kota Bali (Kab. Surabaya); Nusa Tabanan); Timur (Kab. Tenggara Flotim) Jawa Timur (RS. Dr. (RS. Dr. Timur Jawa RS. Soerya,Soetomo, RS. Universitas Airlangga); Maluku Lampung (Ambon); (Bandar Lampung) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Sosial Budaya Biologi Biologi Moleluker TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memberikanUntuk kualitatif laporan transformasi tentang nilai-nilai tradisional Katolik dari biarawati Indonesia Timur melalui hubungan mereka dengan orang-orang Indonesia dari tempat dan agama lain; untuk mengeksplorasi kontribusi teoritis etnografi bahwa kinerja dilakukan dapat antropologi terhadap dan juga pengetahuan beragam publik tentang Indonesia budaya mempelajari epidemic dan menjelaskaninfeksi sertajalur infeksi mekanisme epidemic JUDUL PENELITIAN “Processes of Religious of Religious “Processes Self- and Cosmopolitan A Performance Formation: of the Putri Ethnography Reinha Rosari” Epidemiological study Epidemiological Infection in of Norovirus Indonesia and its Infection Control NOMOR PASPOR 522078545 TZ1147621 - sity Science London London School of INSTITUSI Economics Economics and Political and Political Kobe Univer JABATAN PhD Student PhD Assistant Assistant Professor Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Providence, RI, Providence, USA, 2 Maret 1989 Kagawa, 14 Desember 1962 46.000 50.000 Grant ($) Grant nelly NAMA NAMA Utsumi PENELITI Dr. Takako Takako Dr. Rose Don - Ms. Meghan Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 59/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 243/SIP/ VIII/2018 7 15 No 59 No 243

494 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi National I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si dan Drs. Bambang Budi Utomo) Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi National I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si dan Drs. Bambang Budi Utomo) Fakultas Fakultas - Ilmu Pen getahuan Dep. Budaya, Susastra, Universitas Indonesia Pudentia (Dr. MPSS) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Kab. Kota Batu, Mojokerto, Trawas) Timur Jawa (Kab. Kota Batu, Mojokerto, Trawas) Kepulauan Riau (Kab. Kota Batam, Bintan, Kota Tanjungpinang) LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 16 Juli 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 16 Juli 2018 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 4 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi Arkeologi Arkeologi Etnomusikologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan penelitian dan pelatihan kerja sama dengan ARKENAS di Gunung Penanggungan (Mojokerto Reg.) dari NSC sebagai bagian Fieldschool melakukan penelitian dan pelatihan kerja sama dengan ARKENAS di Gunung Penanggungan (Mojokerto Reg.) dari NSC sebagai bagian Fieldschool mempelajari tradisi mempelajari tradisi teatrikal Melayu di Provinsi mak yong Kepulauan Riau dan mengkontekstualisasikan arus budaya peran yang kontemporer tradisi membentuk teatrik dan ekspresi Indonesia-Melayu JUDUL PENELITIAN Malay Chronicles, Thai Thai Chronicles, Malay Drama, Tales: Javanese Indonesian Identity, Malay and Flows, Cultural Pasisir Artsthe Performing in Riau Islands Province Archaeological Research Research Archaeological Mount at Training and Trawas, Penanggungan: East Java, Mojokerto, Indonesia Provinsi Timur; (Province) Jawa Kabupaten (Regency) Mojokerto; Distrik (District) Gunung (Mount) Trawas; Penanggungan Archaeological Research Research Archaeological Mount at Training and Trawas, Penanggungan: East Java, Mojokerto, Indonesia Provinsi Timur; (Province) Jawa Kabupaten (Regency) Mojokerto; Distrik (District) Gunung (Mount) Trawas; Penanggungan NOMOR PASPOR 550057811 E5917686J 13AY43344 Hofstra Hofstra sof Ishak sof Ishak Institute, Institute, Institute, Institute, - ISEAS-Yu - ISEAS-Yu University Singapore Singapore INSTITUSI JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Research Research (Archaeology) Visiting Fellow Visiting ra Serikat WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika Singapu - NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Santa Barbara, Barbara, Santa CA, USA, 2 April 1977 Jakarta, 27 September 1977 Singapore, 16 Singapore, 1979 Maret 44.050 44.520 44.520 Grant ($) Grant wick Feng NAMA NAMA Humini PENELITI - Hard Ann Dr. Helene Dr. Ms. Patricia Patricia Ms. Mr. Kao Jiun Mr. Anasta Njoto Anasta SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 173/SIP/ 206/SIP/ 207/SIP/ 1 16 17 No No 206 207 173

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 495 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KIV/II/2017, tanggal 12 Juli 2017 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Tanjungpura (Riyandi, M.Si) Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Mitra Tatang Setia dan Wahyu Tri Susanto, MSi) LPPM, UIN LPPM, Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Al Dr. (Prof. Makin, S.Ag., MA) FISIP, Univer FISIP, - sitas Padja (Erna jaran Herawati, S.Ant) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan (TN. Barat Kab. Gunung Palung, Kab. Utara, Kayong Ketapang) Kalimantan Barat Penelitian (Stasiun Cabang Taman Panti, Nasional Gunung Palung) DKI Jakarta, DI (Kota Yogyakarta Yogyakarta) Jawa Barat (Kota Barat Jawa Bandung) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 30 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Februari 2018 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 2 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Primatologi Antropologi Antropologi sosial budaya Antropologi Antropologi budaya TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami pertumbuhan sangat yang orangutan menentukanlambat, interval persalinan betina dan memahami dan penyakit parasit pada berdampak yang orangutan kesehatan Untuk menyelidiki menyelidiki Untuk fluktuasi energi peran dan pada orangutan mengukur perubahan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan orangutan menggunakan kamera dan spidol hormonal bagaimana Nahdlatul 'Ulama mendukung gagasan NKRI Untuk mempelajari Untuk budaya, keragaman hubungan sosial di dunia online dan offline, afektif dan proyek JUDUL PENELITIAN Orangutan Development, Development, Orangutan Reproduction and Life History “Orangutan Development, Development, “Orangutan Reproduction and Life History” Multicultural Nationalism Nationalism Multicultural and the Youth Piety:As NU State of a Diverse Value “Pluralism as Practice: as Practice: “Pluralism Offline and Online of Sociality in the Forms City of Technopolitan Indonesia” Bandung, NOMOR PASPOR 452074248 550372001 488579146 U2056142 - Boston Boston Boston Boston Institute Sciences for Social for University University INSTITUSI gy, Austrian Austrian gy, Academy of Academy Anthropolo University of University North Florida JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Research Research Assistant Professor PhD student PhD Serikat Serikat Serikat Austria WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL San Diego, San Diego, USA, 24 March 1963 Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 9 Januari 1988 Kenitra, MoKenitra, 6 May rocco, 1966 Montana, Bulgaria, 28 December 1986 40.000 40.000 41.750 42.600 Grant ($) Grant Bull Kane NAMA NAMA Ms. Erin Ms. Elizabeth Lengauer PENELITI Ms. CherylMs. Dr. Ronald Dr. Ms. Dayana Dayana Ms. Alan Lukens Lukens Alan Denise Knott SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. II/2018 II/2018 28/SIP/ 23/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 227/SIP/ 304/SIP/ KI/X/2018 7 4 2 37 No 28 23 No 227 304

496 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 6/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VI/2018, tanggal 4 Juni 2018 6/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VI/2018, tanggal 4 Juni 2018 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratu - (Dr. langi John Tasirin) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratu - (Dr. langi John Tasirin) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, - Universi tas Sam Ratulangi Markus (Dr. Lasut) T. DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara Utara Sulawesi Minahasa, (Manado, Bitung) Sulawesi Utara Utara Sulawesi Minahasa, (Manado, Bitung) (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa, Kab. Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Kota Utara, Kota Manado) Bitung, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Agustus 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Konservasi Biologi Konservasi Biologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengevaluasi mengevaluasi strategi efektivitas konservasi di Sulawesi dengan Utara menggunakan pendekatan mixed method menguji hubungan keterhubungan antara alam dan perburuan dan praktik penebangan, menilai berbagai potensi untuk strategi mempromosikan advokasi konservasi, dan mengurangi eksploitasi sumber daya alam menilai status terumbu kesehatan karang Indonesia di perubahan iklimbawah global dan tekanan manusia kegiatan JUDUL PENELITIAN Empathizing With With Empathizing Nature– Underpinning the Essence of Conservation Advocacy Theory into Practice – Theory Practice into Conservation Advocacy and Proenvironmental in IndonesiaBehaviour reefs Indonesian coral (InCoRA) health assessment NOMOR PASPOR 210078295 538880296 YA8327064 Trust versity Wildlife Wildlife Whitley Whitley BO), ItalyBO), (RCI) and INSTITUSI Italia onlus Exeter Uni - Exeter Reef Check University of University Conservation Bologna (UNI - Bologna JABATAN Program Program Coordinator Professor PhD PhD Researcher Italia Inggris Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Bangor, UK, 24 Bangor, June 1989 Inggris, 10 Inggris, 1984 Oktober Forlì (Italy), 29 Forlì 1970 March 40.000 40.000 40.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA mo Ponti Mr. Harry Mr. PENELITI min Hilser Prof. Massi - Prof. Ms. Corinne Corinne Ms. Emma Bailey Henry Benja - SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 216/SIP/ 226/SIP/ 357/SIP/ KI/X/2018 26 36 57 No No 216 226 357

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 497 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, - Universi tas Sam Ratulangi Markus (Dr. Lasut) T. Puslit Biologi Biologi Puslit Sih LIPI (Dr. Kahono, Dedy Prof. Darnaedi, dan Dr. Himmah Rustiani) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian Universitas (Dr. Tadulako Tjoa) Aiyen DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa, Kab. Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Kota Utara, Kota Manado) Bitung, Jawa Barat (Bogor, (Bogor, Barat Jawa TN. Cibodas, Gede Jawa Pangarango); (TN. Gunung Tengah Merapi) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Biologi Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menilai status menilai status terumbu kesehatan karang Indonesia di perubahan iklimbawah global dan tekanan manusia kegiatan memahami bagaimana perubahan organisme evolusioner cepat yang biologis berlangsung dan akan memberikan kontribusi fungsi pemeliharaan di bawah ekosistem gangguan habitat Untuk menganalisis Untuk dampak dari transformasi penggunaan lahan menjadi perkebunan pada kelapa sawit Si mobile dan stok fase Si berinteraksi dalam tanah (misalnya Si dalam silika amorf, jauh lebih mudah yang larut daripada fase Si tanah kristal) JUDUL PENELITIAN Indonesian coral reefs reefs Indonesian coral (InCoRA) health assessment Rapid Evolutionary Change and Plants, of Invertebrates, InteractionsTheir Under Disturbance Ecological “Impacts of transformation oil-palm into of rainforests pools on silicon plantations in soils” NOMOR PASPOR AA5402572 TR4510744 C9KRH442K Science, Science, BO), ItalyBO), (RCI) and Faculty of Faculty Yamagata Yamagata University Göttingen INSTITUSI Italia onlus Reef Check University of University University of University Bologna (UNI - Bologna JABATAN PhD Student PhD PhD Student PhD Associate Associate Professor Italia Jepang Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Dieburg, 29 Dieburg, 1992 Agustus Ravenna, 12 Ravenna, November 1979 Sapporo, 8 Juli Sapporo, 1969 36.600 40.000 36.000 Grant ($) Grant Dr. Eva Eva Dr. NAMA NAMA Glenesk Turicchia Fujiyama Ms. Britta Ms. PENELITI Mr. Naoyuki Mr. Greenshields SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IV/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 110/SIP/ 358/SIP/ 389/SIP/ KI/X/2018 9 58 23 No No 358 110 389

498 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 - KERJA MITRA Program Program Agama Studi dan Lintas Budaya, UGM (Dr. Samsul Maarif) dan LPPM UIN Sunan Kalijaga (Muhrisun, M.Ag., BSW, Ph.D.) MSW., Geote Puslit knologi, LIPI Danny (Dr. Hilman Na - tawidjaja) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman, Kab. Bantul, Kota Yogyakarta) Bangka Belitung (Kab. Belitung Kab. Belitung, Barat Jawa Timur); Kab. Indramayu, (Kab. Sumedang); Jawa Boyolali, (Kab. Tengah Jawa Sragen); Kab. Mojokerto); (Kab. Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Sumba Barat, (Kab. Kab. Daya, Sumba Barat Kab. Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur); Perairan Waingapu) (Teluk LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 3 Desember 2018 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi sosial budaya Geologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempromosikan studi guna inter-religius menciptakan hubungan keagamaan yang lebih baik di Indonesia dahulu dengan terlebih memahami konsep- dari konsep Teologi agama di Indonesia menyelidiki geomorfologi, tektonik, dan paleoclimate hominins di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN Genealogies of KnowingGenealogies and God: Coherence Incommensurability in Theo- Javanese Muslims’ Discourses Political and Oceans Life Climate Mantle by Modulated Dynamics in Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR CGC982HTF 17DH87763 Brest University University in the City Columbia Columbia INSTITUSI of Religion Department of New York, of New York, Université De Université JABATAN PhD Student PhD PhD Student PhD Jerman WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Nantes, France, France, Nantes, 14 September 1994 Schweinfurt, 21 Germany, January 1984 35.000 35.125 Grant ($) Grant Meyer Hanna NAMA NAMA PENELITI Chauveau Ms. Verena Verena Ms. Mr. Denovan Denovan Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 184/SIP/ 447/SIP/ 2 12 No No 184 447

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 499 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Puslit Geote Puslit knologi, LIPI Danny (Dr. Hilman Na - tawidjaja) Puslit Geote Puslit knologi, LIPI Danny (Dr. Hilman Na - tawidjaja) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bangka Belitung (Kab. Belitung Kab. Belitung, Barat Jawa Timur); Kab. Indramayu, (Kab. Sumedang); Jawa Boyolali, (Kab. Tengah Jawa Sragen); Kab. Mojokerto); (Kab. Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Sumba Barat, (Kab. Kab. Daya, Sumba Barat Kab. Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur); Perairan Waingapu) (Teluk Bangka Belitung (Kab. Belitung Kab. Belitung, Barat Jawa Timur); Kab. Indramayu, (Kab. Sumedang); Jawa Boyolali, (Kab. Tengah Jawa Sragen); Kab. Mojokerto); (Kab. Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Sumba Barat, (Kab. Kab. Daya, Sumba Barat Kab. Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur); Perairan Waingapu) (Teluk LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geologi Geologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menyelidiki menyelidiki geomorfologi, tektonik, dan paleoclimate hominins di Indonesia menyelidiki menyelidiki geomorfologi, tektonik, dan paleoclimate hominins di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN Climate Life and Oceans and Oceans Life Climate Mantle by Modulated Dynamics in Indonesia Climate Life and Oceans and Oceans Life Climate Mantle by Modulated Dynamics in Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR 14AD01468 17E149044 Caen CNRS INSTITUSI University of University JABATAN Assistant Assistant Professor Researcher WARGA WARGA Perancis Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Lyon, France, France, Lyon, 30 August 1973 Boulogne-Bil - lancourt, 7 France, 1975 March 35.000 35.000 Grant ($) Grant - - lin NAMA NAMA Mr. Kevin Mr. PENELITI rie Husson Vincent Pe Vincent Mr. Laurent Laurent Mr. Bernard MaBernard - doja-Mathe SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ VI/2018 VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 185/SIP/ 186/SIP/ 13 14 No No 185 186

500 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Mitra Tatang Setia, M.Si) Puslit Geote Puslit knologi, LIPI Danny (Dr. Hilman Na - tawidjaja) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang, Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Palung) Bangka Belitung (Kab. Belitung Kab. Belitung, Barat Jawa Timur); Kab. Indramayu, (Kab. Sumedang); Jawa Boyolali, (Kab. Tengah Jawa Sragen); Kab. Mojokerto); (Kab. Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Kab. Sumba Barat, (Kab. Kab. Daya, Sumba Barat Kab. Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur); Perairan Waingapu) (Teluk LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Mei 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 3 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Geologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk 1: Untuk Mengumpulkan data perilaku rinci pada jantan orangutan dan betina ketika mereka sendirian dan ketika mereka dengan berinteraksi lainnya; orangutan 2: Mengumpulkan rinci data tentang perubahan perilaku ibu dan keturunan ketika sendirian dan ketika dengan berinteraksi lainnya; orangutan menyelidiki menyelidiki geomorfologi, tektonik, dan paleoclimate hominins di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN “Reproductive Strategies in Strategies “Reproductive Bornean Orangutans” Climate Life and Oceans and Oceans Life Climate Mantle by Modulated Dynamics in Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR 569687036 17AY70591 - Boston Boston University INSTITUSI JABATAN Graduate Graduate Student Independent Researcher Serikat WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sallanches, Sallanches, 24 France, 1979 Juny States United of America, 17 1988 February 35.000 34.000 Grant ($) Grant doun NAMA NAMA Ms. Amy Amy Ms. PENELITI - Daddi-Ad Marie Scott Ms. Djamila Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ VII/2018 193/SIP/ 142/SIP/ KI/V/2018 3 9 No No 193 142

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 501 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 18 Januari 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) Fakultas Fakultas Kedokteran InstiHewan, - tut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. RR. Dyah Perwitasari Drh. dan Dr. Muhammad MSc. Agil, Agr) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) Sulawesi Utara (Cagar (Cagar Utara Sulawesi Gunung Dua Alam Bitung) Saudara-Kota LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 2018 Maret BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran 3: Mengumpulkan GPS secara data bersamaan tentang perilaku orangutan dan betina; jantan 4: Mengumpulkan untuk sampel feses mengidentifikasi 5: paternitas; Mengumpulkan urin menentukanuntuk dan kesehatan status reproduksi menganalisis Untuk faktor peran dan sosial, ekologi, pada antropogenik penggunaan habitat antar dan interaksi kelompok JUDUL PENELITIAN Analysis of Tsunami Disaster Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism “Habitat use, social use, “Habitat and collective behaviour, decision-making of the macaque black crested (Macaca nigra)” NOMOR PASPOR 488179648 550653841 Manoa University University University INSTITUSI of Hawaii at at of Hawaii John Moores John Moores JABATAN PhD Student PhD Professor Serikat Inggris WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Plymouth, 30 Plymouth, 1979 Oktober Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1957 25 May 32.700 30.000 Grant ($) Grant - - man ertson NAMA NAMA Prof. Ian Prof. PENELITI Mr. James Mr. Nicol Rob Oliver Water Oliver SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 63/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 345/SIP/ KI/X/2018 11 45 No 63 No 345

502 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) Fakultas Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran JUDUL PENELITIAN Analysis of Tsunami Disaster Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism Analysis of Tsunami Disaster Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism NOMOR PASPOR TR5188783 HL018686 C1WVK26ZL Ottawa Waseda Waseda Technical Technical University University University INSTITUSI University of University Braunschweig JABATAN Professor PhD student PhD Research Research assistant Jepang Jerman Kanada WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ottawa, 6 Canada, September 1991 Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 10 November 1953 Bremen, 23 Germany, April 1994 30.000 30.000 30.000 Grant ($) Grant Stolle NAMA NAMA Franklin Franklin Mr. Jacob Jacob Mr. PENELITI Krautwald Shibayama Mr. Clemens Mr. Prof. Tomoya Tomoya Prof. SIP FRP/ FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 343/SIP/ 344/SIP/ 337/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 43 44 37 No No 343 344 337

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 503 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 12 November 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 12 November 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 12 November 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA PUI - GAMA-In Univer aTEK sitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Faisal Teuku Fathani, Ph.d) PUI - GAMA-In Univer aTEK sitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Faisal Teuku Fathani, Ph.d) PUI - GAMA-In Univer aTEK sitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Faisal Teuku Fathani, Ph.d) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 13 November 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 13 November 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 13 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mensurvei dampak tsunami pada lingkungan binaan, merekam jejak- diamati jejak yang dari kedalaman genangan tsunami mendukung dan untuk pengembangan model gempa dampak untuk bumi dan tsunami mensurvei dampak tsunami pada lingkungan binaan, merekam jejak- diamati jejak yang dari kedalaman genangan tsunami mendukung dan untuk pengembangan model gempa dampak untuk bumi dan tsunami mensurvei dampak tsunami pada lingkungan binaan, merekam jejak- diamati jejak yang dari kedalaman genangan tsunami mendukung dan untuk pengembangan model gempa dampak untuk bumi dan tsunami JUDUL PENELITIAN Post-event Tsunami survey Tsunami Post-event of the MW7.5 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami, Indonesia (28/09/2018) Post-event Tsunami survey Tsunami Post-event of the MW7.5 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami, Indonesia (28/09/2018) Post-event Tsunami survey Tsunami Post-event of the MW7.5 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami, Indonesia (28/09/2018) NOMOR PASPOR LL524064 LM397989 LH673801 NIWA INSTITUSI Canterbury GNS Science University of University JABATAN Risk Engineer Hazards Hazards Analyst PHD Candidate Baru Baru Baru WARGA WARGA Selandia Selandia Selandia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kinmen , 10 January 1979 Lower Hutt , 25 Lower January 1983 Christchurch , Christchurch 16 November 1990 30.000 30.000 30.000 Grant ($) Grant Lin Hilton NAMA NAMA Williams Mr. Ryan Mr. PENELITI Mr. James Mr. Paul Paulik Paul Dr. ShengLin Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 425/SIP/ 426/SIP/ 427/SIP/ 59 60 61 No No 425 426 427

504 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 30 Januari 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 8 Februari 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Smart Research lnstitute (SMARTRI), PT SMART (Dr Tbk Mohammad Naim) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (Teguh Dartanto) Fakultas Fakultas Univ. MIPA, Kuala Syiah Betty (Dr. Mauliya Bustam) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Riau Siak, (Kab. Kota Pekanbaru) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Pusat) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Tenggara) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 April 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Desember 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekonomi Ekologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menemukanUntuk efek dari pembanguan risiko antar dalam transfer di negara pemerintah berkembang seperti Indonesia Untuk mengetahui Untuk kapasitas cadangan riparian dalam perkebunan kelapa baru yang sawit ditanam untuk memberikan layanan pengendalian hama menguntungkanyang tanaman bagi memeriksa rute memeriksa rute perjalanan harian digunakanyang oleh Sumatera orangutan selama siklus tahunan dan memahami mekanisme kognitif menavigasi untuk dalam ruang skala besar JUDUL PENELITIAN “Indonesian transfers Intergovernmental and Risk Sharing” “The of contribution riparian reserves within oil pest to palm plantations control” What Cognitive Cognitive What Mechanisms Do Sumatran Abelii) (Pongo Orangutans Use to Travel Their Navigate Routes? NOMOR PASPOR TR5950706 504787579 531132190 Dokkyo University INSTITUSI Cambridge Birmingham University of University University of University JABATAN Associate Associate Professor PhD student PhD MPhil student MPhil Inggris Inggris Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Derby, United United Derby, Kingdom., 26 1977 May Oxford, U.K., 17 U.K., Oxford, Mei 1993 Japan, 20 1980 Maret 26.545 27.835 26.500 Grant ($) Grant Waters NAMA NAMA Sophie Marcus Marcus Smedley Takahata PENELITI Ms. Helen Ms. Mr. James Mr. Mr. Junichiro Junichiro Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 35/SIP/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 454/SIP/ 105/SIP/ 9 4 14 No 35 No 454 105

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 505 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember KERJA MITRA - Sekolah Pas casarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Gabriel Roosmargo Lastoro Lono Simatupang, M.A.) Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo, MA) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kidul, Kota Yogyakarta) Papua Barat (Kab. Raja (Kab. Barat Papua Ampat) LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 24 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Seni Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk meneliti Untuk tentang etnografi musik blacksmithing dan gamelan sebagai pekerjaan non- pertanian di pedesaan Jawa melakukan penelitian lapangan arkeologi di Waigeo di Pulau Kepulauan Raja Ampat, menemukanuntuk batu, bukti (alat-alat tulang binatang, cangkang, arang) mengenai manusia pertamaprasejarah masuk ke timur yang selama Wallacea periode Pleistocene JUDUL PENELITIAN Forging Modern Identities Forging Metal and Music through Prehistoric Archaeology on Archaeology Prehistoric Raja Island, Ampat, Waigeo northeast Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR 561553933 LK969708 Manoa University University INSTITUSI Cambridge of Hawaii at at of Hawaii University of University JABATAN Independent Researcher PhD student PhD Baru Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Selandia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Dunedin, New 22 Zealand, November 1991 - Cali Alto Palo USA, 3 fornia, 1946 February 25.156 25.750 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Charles Gaffney Andrew Andrew Mr. Dylan Mr. PENELITI Ms. NancyMs. Irene Cooper SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 359/SIP/ 167/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/X/2018 59 34 No No 359 167

506 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo, MA) - Pas Program casarjana, Universitas Udayana Ida Ayu (Dr. Astarini) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Papua Barat (Kab. Raja (Kab. Barat Papua Ampat) (Kab. Barat Sumatera Pariaman, Padang Selatan, Pesisir Kab. Riau Kota Padang); Bengkalis,(Kab. Kab. Pelalawan, Kab. Siak, Kota Dumai); Buleleng, Bali (Kab. Kota Jembrana, Kab. Denpasar); Nusa (Kab. Barat Tenggara Kab. Barat, Lombok Kab. Tengah, Lombok Kab. Timur, Lombok Kota Bima); Sumbawa, Timur Nusa Tenggara Manggarai Barat) (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 26 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan penelitian lapangan arkeologi di Waigeo di Pulau Kepulauan Raja Ampat, menemukanuntuk batu, bukti (alat-alat tulang binatang, cangkang, arang) mengenai manusia pertamaprasejarah masuk ke timur yang selama Wallacea periode Pleistocene memahami distribusi, pola pergerakan, dan terkait yang habitat Aleutian dengan barang di pesisir Indonesia, dan pada skala yang memahami lebih luas, lokasi migrasi daerah sertaburung laut, kondisi lingkungan dan terkaityang oseanografi dari daerah-daerah ini, di seluruh pesisir Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN Prehistoric Archaeology on Archaeology Prehistoric Raja Island, Ampat, Waigeo northeast Indonesia Migratory Research Seabird Indonesia in Coastal NOMOR PASPOR LM362935 497663910 Otago Alaska INSTITUSI University of University of University JABATAN Research Research Assistant Professor Baru Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Selandia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 11 July 1990 New York, New York, - 4 Febru U.S.A., ary 1970 25.156 25.050 Grant ($) Grant Pyare NAMA NAMA Russell PENELITI Mr. Tristan Tristan Mr. Christoper Christoper Mr. Sanjay Sanjay Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 361/SIP/ 439/SIP/ KI/X/2018 61 73 No No 361 439

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 507 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 - - KERJA MITRA CISForm CISForm UIN Sunan Kalijaga (Dr. Fatimah Husein, MA) Ke Fakultas hutanan, IPB Mirza Ir. (Dr. D Kusrini); Biologi Puslit LIPI (Awal S.Si, Riyanto, Amir dan Dr. Hamidy, M.Sc); dan Fakultas Peter nakan dan Perikanan Universitas (Dr. Tadulako Y. Ir. Fadly M.Si Tantu, Ir. dan Dr. Jusri- Nilawa ti, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow, Bolmong Selatan, Kab. Kab. Bolmong Timur, Bolmong Utara, Kab. Kepulauan Kab. Kab. Sangihe, Kab. Kepulauan Sitaro, Kepulauan Talaud, Minahasa, Kab. Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Tenggara, MinahasaKab. Kota Bitung, Utara, Kota Kotamobagu, Kota Kota Manado, Sulawesi Tomohon); Banggai, (Kab. Tengah Banggai Kab. Kepulauan, Kab. Buol, Kab. Banggai Laut, Donggala, Kab. Kab. Parigi Kab. Morowali, Moutong, LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 24 Januari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2018 Maret BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Budaya Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mendapatkanUntuk pemahaman tentang bagaimana aktor dalam terlibat proses menavigasi film dan penyensoran ini bagaimana proses berkembang membantu Untuk memandu upaya konservasi serta untuk membangun kesadaran masyarakat dan pendidikan di program sertabidang ekologi, memperbaharui untuk penilaian daftar merah IUCN dan membantu pengembangan Monografi Penelitian Chelonian JUDUL PENELITIAN “Budaya Sensor Mandiri:“Budaya in Censorship Film Indonesia” Contemporary of the “Conservation Endemic Chelonians of Forest : Sulawesi Sulawesi (Leucocephalon Turtle and Forsten’s yuwonoi) (Indotestudo Tortoise forstenii)” NOMOR PASPOR C3J3P1V2C 533834763 - Institut al Alliance INSTITUSI Max Planck Turtle SurvivTurtle JABATAN Scientist Ph.D Ph.D Candidate Serikat Jerman WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Horgenzell, 6 Horgenzell, Juni 1988 New York, 8 New York, Juni 1970 25.000 25.000 Grant ($) Grant Light NAMA NAMA Namsai PENELITI Engchuan Ms. Rosalia Ms. Ms. Christine Ms. SIP FRP/ kerja mitra mitra 2018, Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ bahan E5/Dit. 57/SIP/ 15/SIP/ III/2018 1 Maret 1 Maret - Penam tanggal FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ IV/2018, revisi SIP revisi KI/I/2018 57.A/SIP/ 5 15 No 57 15 No

508 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Poso, Kab. Sigi, Sigi, Kab. Poso, Kab. Una-Una, Tojo Kab. Kota Toli-Toli, Kab. Utara); Morowali Palu, Selatan Sulawesi Kab. Bantaeng, (Kab. Kab. Bone, Kab. Barru, Bulukumba, Kab. Gowa, Kab. Enrekang, Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Timur, Luwu Kab. Luwu, Kab. Utara, Luwu Kab. Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Sidenreng Kab. Pinrang, Sinjai, Kab. Kab. Rapang, Soppeng, Takalar, Kab. Kab. Toraja, Tana Kab. Wajo, Kab. Utara, Toraja Kota Kota Makasar, Kota Pare-pare); Palopo, Tenggara Sulawesi Bombana, Kab. (Kab. Buton Kab. Buton, Kolaka, Kab. Utara, Kab. Kolaka Timur, KolakaKab. Utara, Kab. Konawe, Kab. Kepulauan, Konawe Selatan, Konawe Kab. Kab. Utara, Konawe Kab. Muna, Wakatobi, Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 509 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2019 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas MIPA Universitas Indonesia Sari) P. (Agus FISIP UI, Departemen Ilmu Politik Meidi (Dr. Kosandi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta Kota Bau Bau, Kota Kota Bau Bau, Kendari); Gorontalo Kab. Boalemo, (Kab. Kab. Bone Bolango, Kab. Gorontalo, Utara, Gorontalo Kota Pohuwato, Kab. Sulawesi Gorontalo); Kab. Majene, (Kab. Barat Mamuju, Mamasa, Kab. Kab. Mamuju Tengah, Mamuju Utara, Kab. Mandar) Polewali Kab. DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Utara) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 Juli 2018 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kebijakan publik Politik TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari peluang dalam dan tantangan memobilisasi keuangan hijau memahami bagaimana TNI dan Sekber Golkar melembagakan reformasi JUDUL PENELITIAN Mobilizing Green Finance Mobilizing Green Explaining Institutional in Post- Development Indonesia Colonial NOMOR PASPOR 10260037 524171732 - sity Cornell Cornell University INSTITUSI Tufts Univer Tufts JABATAN PhD Candidate PhD Graduate Graduate Student Nepal Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kathmandu, 18 De Nepal, 1986 cember Boise, 22 Sep Boise, 1986 tember 25.000 25.000 Grant ($) Grant dary NAMA NAMA Mr. Darin Mr. PENELITI Ram Bhan - Sanders Self Mr. Rishikesh Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 183/SIP/ 433/SIP/ 11 67 No No 183 433

510 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, KESDM (Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana, Hanik Dr. Humaida, Dr. Budi Agus Santoso) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa Boyolali); DI Yogyakarta Sleman, Kota (Kab. Maluku Yogyakarta); Halmahera (Kab. Utara Utara, Kota Ternate) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Vulkanologi Vulkanologi / Mitigasi bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan kegiatan terhadap monitoring aktivitas Gunung Berapi dan membangun mitigasi model untuk bencana JUDUL PENELITIAN Improving ObservationImproving and Volcano for Modeling Tools to Monitoring: Application Merapi and North Maluku Volcanoes Province NOMOR PASPOR 13AA52928 Paris Physique Physique Institut de INSTITUSI du Globe de JABATAN Senior researcher WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR - TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Con flans-Ste-Hon - 3 orine, Desember 1968 25.000 Grant ($) Grant Xavier Xavier NAMA NAMA PENELITI Beauducel Dr. François François Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 217/SIP/ 27 No No 217

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 511 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ke Fakultas hutanan, IPB Mirza Ir. (Dr. D Kusrini); Biologi Puslit LIPI (Awal S.Si, Riyanto, Amir dan Dr. Hamidy, M.Sc); dan Fakultas Peter nakan dan Perikanan Universitas (Dr. Tadulako Y. Ir. Fadly M.Si Tantu, Ir. dan Dr. Jusri- Nilawa ti, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow, Bolmong Selatan, Kab. Kab. Bolmong Timur, Bolmong Utara, Kab. Kepulauan Kab. Kab. Sangihe, Kab. Kepulauan Sitaro, Kepulauan Talaud, Minahasa, Kab. Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Tenggara, MinahasaKab. Kota Bitung, Utara, Kota Kotamobagu, Kota Kota Manado, Sulawesi Tomohon); Banggai, (Kab. Tengah Banggai Kab. Kepulauan, Kab. Buol, Kab. Banggai Laut, Donggala, Kab. Kab. Parigi Kab. Morowali, Poso, Kab. Moutong, Tojo Kab. Sigi, Kab. Una-Una, Toli-Toli, Kab. Morowali Kota Palu, Selatan Sulawesi Utara); Kab. Bantaeng, (Kab. Kab. Bone, Kab. Barru, Bulukumba, Kab. Gowa, Kab. Enrekang, Jeneponto, Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN membantu memandu membantu konservasiupaya serta membangun untuk masyarakat kesadaran dan program pendidikan di bidang sertaekologi, untuk memperbaharui penilaian daftar merah IUCN dan membantu pengembangan Monografi Penelitian Chelonian JUDUL PENELITIAN Conservation of the Endemic Chelonians of Forest : Sulawesi Sulawesi (Leucocephalon Turtle and Forsten’s yuwonoi) (Indotestudo Tortoise forstenii) NOMOR PASPOR N8448352 University Macquarie INSTITUSI JABATAN Bachelor student WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Carlton, 22 Carlton, September 1993 25.000 Grant ($) Grant Simms NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Angela Angela Ms. SIP FRP/ E5/Dit. 303/SIP/ KI/X/2018 3 No No 303

512 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. KERJA MITRA DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Kepulauan Selayar, Kab. Luwu Kab. Luwu, Kab. Luwu Kab. Timur, Kab. Maros, Kab. Utara, Kepulauan, Pangkajene Kab. Pinrang, Kab. Kab. Rapang, Sidenreng Soppeng, Sinjai, Kab. Tana Kab. Takalar, Kab. Toraja Kab. Toraja, Kota Wajo, Kab. Utara, Kota Palopo, Makasar, Kota Pare-pare); Tenggara Sulawesi Bombana, Kab. (Kab. Buton Kab. Buton, Kolaka, Kab. Utara, Kab. Kolaka Timur, KolakaKab. Utara, Kab. Konawe, Kab. Kepulauan, Konawe Selatan, Konawe Kab. Kab. Utara, Konawe Kab. Muna, Wakatobi, Kab. Kota Kota Bau Bau, Kendari); Gorontalo Kab. Boalemo, (Kab. Kab. Bone Bolango, Kab. Gorontalo, Utara, Gorontalo Kota Pohuwato, Kab. Gorontalo); LAMA PENELITIAN BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN JUDUL PENELITIAN NOMOR PASPOR INSTITUSI JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI SIP No No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 513 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Sri Suci Uta - mi Atmoko) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi (Prof. Zulkifli Dr. Alamsyah dan Dr. Mirawati dan Yanita), Dedi IPB (Dr. Budiman Hakim) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sulawesi Mamasa, Kab. Majene, Kab. Mamuju, Kab. Kab. Mamuju Tengah, Mamuju Kab. Utara, Mandar) Polewali Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh risetSelatan, Stasiun Suaq Balimbing) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 29 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menyelidiki apakahmenyelidiki ibu memilikiorangutan adaptasi perilaku memaksimalkanuntuk kecepatan perkembangan keturunan mereka, serta untuk strategi peningkatanmengatasi menjadi ibu biaya mempelajari berbagai di tahapan produksi nilai sepanjang rantai karetpada varietas demi dan kelapa sawit yang kepentingan berkelanjutan JUDUL PENELITIAN Orangutan Mothers’ Mothers’ Orangutan Make to Strategies Adaptive Fast Infants Develop Their Dynamics of Technical Dynamics of Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Oil and in Palm Producers Systems Rubber Land Use NOMOR PASPOR LM674401 CG6PZ5VG9 Zürich INSTITUSI Goettingen University of University University of University JABATAN Student PhD Student PhD New Jerman Zealand WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL New Zealand, New Zealand, 16 January 1995 Heil - bronn-Neck argartach, 10 1990 February 25.000 23.612 Grant ($) Grant - well NAMA NAMA PENELITI Dalheimer Ms. Natalie Natalie Ms. - Oliver-Cald nhard Stefan Stefan nhard Mr. Hans Ber Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ 317/SIP/ 247/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/X/2018 17 19 No No 317 247

514 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi (Prof. Zulkifli Dr. Alamsyah dan Dr. Mirawati dan Yanita), Dedi IPB (Dr. Budiman Hakim) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 29 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari berbagai di tahapan produksi nilai sepanjang rantai karetpada varietas demi dan kelapa sawit yang kepentingan berkelanjutan JUDUL PENELITIAN Dynamics of Technical Dynamics of Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Oil and in Palm Producers Systems Rubber Land Use NOMOR PASPOR CH2VFJNTZ INSTITUSI Goettingen University of University JABATAN Master Student Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Usingen, 2 Usingen, October 1992 23.612 Grant ($) Grant Latzko NAMA NAMA Vincent Vincent PENELITI Mr. Jakob Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ 248/SIP/ VIII/2018 20 No No 248

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 515 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret - KERJA MITRA Balai Taman Balai Taman Nasional Ko modo (Ande Kefi, SST) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH NTT (Balai Taman Nasional Komodo) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 19 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melakukanUntuk studi observasional perilaku dan tentang alokasi anggaran kakaktuawaktu di lokasi berbeda yang di TNK, mendukung Nasional staf Taman Komodo dengan jumlah populasi burung kakatua dan juga melakukan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan polisi hutan dan penduduk tentang setempat kelimpahan burung kakaktua ini dan saat penyebab sejarah, setiap untuk potensial fluktuasi dalam tren populasi kakatua, dan mengubah sikap konservasi JUDUL PENELITIAN “Determining population “Determining population and factors trends contributing Yellow- to (Cacatua Cockatoo crested in persistence sulphurea) Park” Komodo National NOMOR PASPOR 91036732 - Kong INSTITUSI The Univer The sity of Hong JABATAN MPhil/PhD MPhil/PhD student Swedia WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sweden, 3 Sweden, 1986 Agustus 23.445 Grant ($) Grant Linnea NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Astrid Astrid Ms. Alexandra Alexandra Andersson SIP Dit.KI/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 120/SIP/ 19 No No 120

516 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Per Fakultas tanian dan Kehutanan Universitas Muham - - Pa madiyah langkaraya (Siti Maimu - nah, S.Hut., MP) BIOTROP, BIOTROP, Institut Pertanian Sri Bogor (Dr. Sudarmi - Tjitro yati soedirdjo) dan Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Hariyadi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Gunung Mas, (Kab. Kota Pisau, Pulang Kab. Palangkaraya) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Biologi botani Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menilai Untuk dan keragaman penyebaran spasial mamalia, serta menentukan distribusi kepadatan, dan ukuran spasial, populasi orangutan Borneo dan owa jenggot putih di hutan bertipe Rungan menyelidiki pengaruh menyelidiki hutan menjadi konversi lahan pertanian pada keanekaragaman tumbuhan termasuk alpha, beta, dan gamma diversity JUDUL PENELITIAN “Assessment of The “Assessment Relationship between Landscape Scale Habitat and MammalDiversity Areas Identify to Diversity of Conservation Priority and The Predict Consequences Change on of Land-Use Biodiversity” Taxonomic, Phylogenetic, Phylogenetic, Taxonomic, and Functional, of Diversity Biogeographical in Rainforest Plants Vascular on Systems Transformation (Indonesia)Sumatra NOMOR PASPOR GM113180 C1Y85F82K dation of Exeter, of Exeter, University University Göttingen INSTITUSI UK; Borneo University of University - Foun Nature JABATAN PhD PhD Researcher Postdoctoral Jerman Kanada WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Canada, 22 Canada, 1988 August Halle (Saale), 11 July 1980 23.365 22.736 Grant ($) Grant bach NAMA NAMA Ms. Shari Ms. PENELITI Dr. Fabian Fabian Dr. Otto- Bram Lynn Mang Lynn SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 132/SIP/ 212/SIP/ 31 22 No No 132 212

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 517 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 24 2018 Oktober 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KIV/II/2017, tanggal 12 Juli 2017 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ke Fakultas hutanan, IPB Ani Dr. (Prof. Mardiastuti) LPPM Uni - LPPM PGRI versitas Buana Adi Surabaya Hartono, (Dr. M.Si) Fakultas Fakultas Kedokteran IPB Hewan, Drh. (Dr. Muhammad MSc. Agil, dan Agr.) IPB FMIPA Dyah Rr. (Dr. Perwitasari Farajallah) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Sukabumi, TN. Gunung Halimun-Salak) Jawa Timur-Surabaya Timur-Surabaya Jawa PGRI Adi (Universitas dan Buana Surabaya) Barat-Bandung Jawa Pendidikan (Universitas Indonesia) Sulawesi Utara (Kota Utara Sulawesi Alam Cagar Bitung, Alam Cagar Tangkoko, Dua Saudara) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Desember 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Pendidikan Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan investigasi melakukan investigasi dan penyebab tentang di hasil penyebaran liar (Hylobates jawa owa Moloch) Untuk menganalisis Untuk pengembangan proses karir di mahasiswa Jepang dan Indonesia dalam berada yang antar masa transisi sekolah dan sistem pembentukan diri mereka menguji kompleksitas komunikasi pada wajah jambul dan untuk kera mengukur ekspresi sertawajah, memeriksa perilaku yang konteks mereka gunakan JUDUL PENELITIAN Dispersal in Wild Javan Javan Wild Dispersal in moloch): Gibbon (Hylobates Intra- Development, and Competition, Group Genetics Population “The on Self- Study of University Formation Students Visualizing by Career Their of Process The and ItsDevelopment Research Comparative Indonesiabetween and Japan” Complexity of Facial of Facial Complexity in Crested Communication Macaques (Macaca Nigra) NOMOR PASPOR M27322125 TR9318019 517572318 SANNO Business, Business, School of University INSTITUSI - Wom Ewha Portsmouth Portsmouth University of University ans University ans University JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Ph.D. student Ph.D. PhD candidate candidate PhD Korea Korea Inggris Jepang Selatan WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Newport, 14 September 1987 Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 20 Oktober 1960 Gwangju, Gwangju, 3 South Korea, June 1991 22.446 22.455 22.000 Grant ($) Grant Choi Banda NAMA NAMA Mr. Peter Peter Mr. PENELITI Ms. Ahyun Ahyun Ms. Ms. Kiyomi Kiyomi Ms. Robert Clark SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 41/SIP/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 451/SIP/ 432/SIP/ 6 66 20 No 41 No 432 451

518 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2017, tanggal 4 2017 Oktober 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Departemen Antropologi, Universitas Indonesia Suraya (Dr. A. Afiff), dan FISIP Universitas Pattimura Dr. (Prof. Hermien Soselisa) P2SDR-LIPI Fadjar (Dr. Ibnu Thufail) Fakultas Fakultas - Ilmu Pen getahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia Bondan (Dr. Kanumoyo so) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Maluku (Kab. Kep. Aru, Aru, Maluku Kep. (Kab. Kota Ambon) Bali (Kab. Buleleng, Kota Buleleng, Bali (Kab. Denpasar) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan) LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 5 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Desember 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Antropologi budaya Sejarah TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk mengapa beberapa pulau- desa di wilayah pulau Tenggara Asia berpindah dari satu lain ke tempat tempat alasan yang untuk melampaui kebutuhan hidup mempelajari bagaimana musik dapat dibagikan kepada tuna rungu dan orang-orang mendengar di yang Bengkala, Buleleng, pulau Bali Untuk memperjelas Untuk distribusi opium dan konsumsi di Kepulauan Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN “Shifting Villages in IsklandVillages “Shifting Southeast Asia” An Ethnographic Research Research Ethnographic An of Music Sharing in the Deaf Village “The Opium Distribution in the and Consumption c. Indonesian Archipelago, 1670-1820” NOMOR PASPOR 494444416 TR9702944 TR6126486 Tokyo INSTITUSI ty of Tokyo Washington University of University University of University - Universi The JABATAN Doctoral Student PhD candidate PhD Ph.D. Student Ph.D. Serikat Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL - Wash Seattle, USA, ington, 24 April 1983 Tokyo, 13 De Tokyo, 1993 cember Japan, 14 April 1990 21.100 21.600 21.830 Grant ($) Grant Okubo NAMA NAMA Charles Mr. Joss Mr. Roberts Tsuchida PENELITI Whittaker Mr. Shohei Mr. Ms. MadokaMs. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 26/SIP/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 449/SIP/ 111/SIP/ 5 4 10 No 26 No 111 449

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 519 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2017, tanggal 24 2017 Oktober 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit LIPI Biologi, (Dewi M. - Prawiradila ga) Fakultas Fakultas Peter nakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro Siwi (Dr. Gayatri) Jurusan Agribisnis, Universitas Jambi (Dr. Edison, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Kepulauan Kab. Agam, Kab. Mentawai, Pasaman, Tanah Kab. Kota Pasaman Datar, Barat) Jawa Tengah (Kota Tengah Jawa Semarang) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari) Jambi (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 23 Januari 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 12 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi Antropologi Antropologi budaya Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mensurveiUntuk genom burung dan membandingkan dasar genetik fenotip konvergen Untuk mempelajari Untuk wirausahawan strategi melindungi untuk kebutuhan bisnis mereka di lingkungan bisnis Indonesia menghasilkan lingkungan preferensi ekonomi dan valuasi mengenai layanan dari petani ekosistem di Jambi, kelapa sawit Sumatra JUDUL PENELITIAN “Genome-wide Assessment of Morphological among Bird Convergence on Indonesian Populations Islands” Peripheral “A Study on Property Study “A of Business Strategies of Small Entrepreneurs Local and Medium Sized Business The in Enterprises of Kota Environment Indonesia” Semarang, Environmental Preferences Preferences Environmental of Valuation and Economic ServicesEcosystem of Palm Oil Smallholders in Jambi, Sumatra NOMOR PASPOR 6587915 NY459KR40 C1Y8PC7LH - Science Resource Resource Louisiana Louisiana of Natural of Natural INSTITUSI Economics Goettingen of Food and of Food Department University of University University of University sity Museum State Univer State Copenhagen, Copenhagen, JABATAN Graduate Graduate Student PhD student PhD Phd Student Phd Nepal Jerman Belanda WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Nepal, 1 June Nepal, 1991 Zwolle, 20 Zwolle, 1990 Maret Wuppertal, 20 Wuppertal, June 1989 20.000 20.000 20.960 Grant ($) Grant Rudolf NAMA NAMA Shakya Ms. Tirza Tirza Ms. Bruggen PENELITI Ms. KatrinMs. Mr. Subir B. Subir B. Mr. Julianne van Julianne van SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. II/2018 39/SIP/ 16/SIP/ FRP/E5/ 320/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 20 18 16 No 39 16 No 320

520 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 9 Agustus 2017 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 9 Agustus 2017 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Ir. Dr. (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Ir. Dr. (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Makasar) Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Makasar) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengukur Untuk bentik variasi habitat dalam kaitannya dengan parameter abiotik dan mengukur mikrobaperan sebagai abiotik pada parameter dua kelompok yang digolongkandapat dan spons (foraminifera besar) bentik Untuk mengukur Untuk bentik variasi habitat dalam kaitannya dengan parameter abiotik dan mengukur mikrobaperan sebagai abiotik pada parameter dua kelompok yang digolongkandapat dan spons (foraminifera besar) bentik JUDUL PENELITIAN “The Long-Term Impact “The Long-Term Change of Environmental Reef Ecosystems on Coral in The Spermonde Archipelago” “The Long-Term Impact “The Long-Term Change of Environmental Reef Ecosystems on Coral in The Spermonde Archipelago” NOMOR PASPOR NR235C251 BKBD53B91 Center Center Naturalis Naturalis Naturalis Naturalis INSTITUSI Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity JABATAN Researcher Researcher Belanda Belanda WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Dordrecht, 6 Dordrecht, April 1972 Apeldoorn, 6 Januari 1972 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant Joy de Joy Voogd NAMA NAMA Renema PENELITI Dr. Willem Willem Dr. Ms. Nicole Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IV/2018 IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 116/SIP/ 115/SIP/ 15 14 No No 116 115

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 521 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 9 Agustus 2017 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 9 Agustus 2017 KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit LIPI Biologi, (Dewi M. - Prawiradila ga) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Ir. Dr. (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Ir. Dr. (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Kepulauan Kab. Agam, Kab. Mentawai, Pasaman, Tanah Kab. Kota Pasaman Datar, Barat) Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Makasar) Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Makasar) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi Oseanografi Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mensurveiUntuk genom burung dan membandingkan dasar genetik fenotip konvergen Untuk mengukur Untuk bentik variasi habitat dalam kaitannya dengan parameter abiotik dan mengukur mikrobaperan sebagai abiotik pada parameter dua kelompok yang digolongkandapat dan spons (foraminifera besar) bentik Untuk mengukur Untuk bentik variasi habitat dalam kaitannya dengan parameter abiotik dan mengukur mikrobaperan sebagai abiotik pada parameter dua kelompok yang digolongkandapat dan spons (foraminifera besar) bentik JUDUL PENELITIAN “Genome-wide Assessment of Morphological among Bird Convergence on Indonesian Populations Islands” Peripheral “The Long-Term Impact “The Long-Term Change of Environmental Reef Ecosystems on Coral in The Spermonde Archipelago” “The Long-Term Impact “The Long-Term Change of Environmental Reef Ecosystems on Coral in The Spermonde Archipelago” NOMOR PASPOR 488260738 NV096B0L9 NM3336H92 - Center Center Science Naturalis Naturalis Naturalis Naturalis Louisiana Louisiana of Natural of Natural INSTITUSI Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity sity Museum State Univer State JABATAN Graduate Graduate Student Graduate Graduate student Researcher Serikat Belanda Belanda WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL California, 11 California, Mei 1983 Blaricum, 29 1995 Agustus Nieuw-Lekker 29 Maret land, 1987 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA L. Brady PENELITI der Windt Ms. Esther Ms. van der Ent van Mr. Matthew Mr. Mr. Niels van Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 37/SIP/ IV/2018 IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 118/SIP/ 117/SIP/ 16 17 16 No 37 No 118 117

522 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 1B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2018, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 KERJA MITRA Departemen Konservasi Sumber Hutan, Daya Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Muhammad Imron, Ali M.Sc)S.Hut, Puslit Puslit LIPI Biologi, (Dewi M. - Prawiradila ga) Fakultas Fakultas Teknik - Pertamban gan dan - Perminya kan, Institut Teknologi Bandung Satria (Prof. Bijaksana) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) (Kab. Barat Jawa Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Kepulauan Kab. Agam, Kab. Mentawai, Pasaman, Tanah Kab. Kota Pasaman Datar, Barat) Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Rapang)Sidenreng LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Zoologi Paleoklimatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk membantu membantu Untuk konservasiupaya lokal kukang lebih jawa, memahami perilaku dan kualitas habitat dan penggunaannya, serta menilai upaya pendidikan konservasi lokal Untuk mensurveiUntuk genom burung dan membandingkan dasar genetik fenotip konvergen sedimen meneliti inti dari danau dataran di Sidenreng rendah Selatan dan Sulawesi menguji apakah daerah pernah dilanda tersebut permukaan air laut selama tinggi yang periode Holosen, 10.000 tahun terakhir JUDUL PENELITIAN “Behavior monitoring of the monitoring “Behavior loris (Nycticebus slow Javan and assessment javanicus) of local conservation education” “Genome-wide Assessment of Morphological among Bird Convergence on Indonesian Populations Islands” Peripheral to Danau Siidenreng Coring changes in sea level for test during Southeast Sulawesi the Holocene NOMOR PASPOR 565712296 538925058 488567318 - versity Oxford Oxford Science Brookes Brookes Louisiana Louisiana of Natural of Natural University INSTITUSI Brown Uni - Brown sity Museum State Univer State JABATAN Associate Associate Professor PhD Student PhD Graduate Graduate Student Serikat Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL USA, 30 April 1975 Richmond, VA Richmond, VA USA, 5 Sep 1992 tember California, 31 California, Juli 1988 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant Brown NAMA NAMA Russell Ms. Ella Ms. Michael Johnson Rebekah Mr. Oscar Mr. PENELITI Prof. James Prof. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 38/SIP/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 223/SIP/ 104/SIP/ 3 33 17 No 38 No 223 104

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 523 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2018, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang Gatut (Dr. Susanto) Fakultas Fakultas Teknik - Pertamban gan dan - Perminya kan, Institut Teknologi Bandung Satria (Prof. Bijaksana) Politeknik Politeknik Pertanian Negeri (Dr. Kupang Ewaldus Wera) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kota Tengah Jawa Surakarta); Timur Jawa Malang) (Kab. Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Rapang)Sidenreng Nusa Tenggara Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Sikka)(Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Oktober 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Juli 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 16 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Linguistik Paleoklimatologi Veterinary Veterinary Health Public TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN meneliti inti sedimen meneliti inti dari danau dataran di Sidenreng rendah Selatan dan Sulawesi menguji apakah daerah pernah dilanda tersebut permukaan air laut selama tinggi yang periode Holosen, 10.000 tahun terakhir mendokumentasikan perubahan dalam dan sikapprofisiensi terhadap pembicara dan bahasa Jawa bahasa Indonesia di berbahasa Jawa daerah tradisional mengidentifikasi yang faktor-faktor mempengaruhi perilaku anjing dan menyelidiki yang pengaruh faktor diidentifikasi pada penyakit, penyebaran menggunakan rabies sebagai contoh JUDUL PENELITIAN Coring Danau Siidenreng to to Danau Siidenreng Coring changes in sea level for test during Southeast Sulawesi the Holocene Language Attitudes and Language Attitudes Language Change in East Java and Central The ImpactThe of Domestic Spread The on Dog Ecology of Infectious and Control Diseases NOMOR PASPOR 570197995 557807007 17FV23315 Bern versity College Carleton Carleton INSTITUSI Brown Uni - Brown University of University JABATAN Ph.D. Ph.D. candidate Graduate Graduate student PhD Student PhD Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Maryland, 9 July 1990 Lille, France, 6 France, Lille, October 1990 Norwalk,- Con necticut, USA, 29 February 1996 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant - bourg NAMA NAMA Lupien Brodkin Lucienne Lucienne Ms. Char Ms. PENELITI Mr. Daniel Mr. Ms. RachelMs. - Warem lotte Deliyannides SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 224/SIP/ 208/SIP/ 364/SIP/ KI/X/2018 34 18 64 No No 224 208 364

524 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2017, tanggal 26 Juli 2017 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Dr. IPB (Prof. Lilik Budi Prasetyo) FMIPA, FMIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Dr. I Gusti Ngu - Agung rah Suryaputra) TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella (Dr. Meilianda, Benazir) Dr. DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kendal, Kab. Blora, Timur Jawa Pati); Kab. Kab. Bojonegoro, (Kab. Nganjuk,Madiun, Kab. Ngawi) Kab. Bali (Kab. Klungkung; P. Klungkung;Bali (Kab. P. Nusa & P. Nusa Penida Lembongan) Sulawesi Tengah(Kab. Tengah(Kab. Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 Januari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kehutanan Ekologi Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengeksplorasi mengeksplorasi Untuk aktualitas dan pengelolaan efektivitas hutan di Jawa memahami kontribusi memahami kontribusi tanah bawah respirasi sumber terhadap karbon dan gas rumah kaca pada mangrove daerah menggunakan kombinasi pendekatan dan eksperimental pemodelan canggih mendokumentasikan karakteristik dari tsunami 2018 pada tiga jenis garisyang pantai berbeda ada di yang Palu teluk JUDUL PENELITIAN “Local Implementation “Local Forest of and Effectiveness Sector in Initiatives Reform Indonesia” The Biogeochemical, Biogeochemical, The and Greenhouse Carbon in Coastal Gas Cycling Systems Mangrove A detailed survey of the 2018 Palu-Donggala deposits Tsunami NOMOR PASPOR TR1594828 N9159795 566212741 - sity Earth (EOS) Kyushu Kyushu Southern INSTITUSI Institute of Technology Observatory of Singapore of Singapore Cross Univer Cross JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Researcher Senior Research Fellow Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Japan, 20 1980 Oktober Australia, 4 Australia, April 2018 North Carolina, 9 July 1960 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant ko Ota NAMA NAMA Parham Dr. Peter Peter Dr. Holloway PENELITI Robertson Mr. Masahi - Mr. Ms. Ceylena Ceylena Ms. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 01/SIP/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 316/SIP/ 413/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 1 16 47 No 1 No 316 413

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 525 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Geofisika Geofisika TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar JUDUL PENELITIAN Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR TR7150515 TR2653602 RB0044193 Japan Tokyo Research Research University INSTITUSI Earthquake Cooperation Cooperation University of University International International Institute, The The Institute, Kanto Gakuin Agency (JICA) JABATAN Professor Visiting Visiting Professor Representative Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 10 November 1954 Hyogo, Japan, Hyogo, 13 November 1954 Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 17 January 1981 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant Hirata Tohata NAMA NAMA Mr. Ikuo Mr. chi Kano PENELITI Mr. Naoshi Mr. - Hiromi Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 375/SIP/ 372/SIP/ 371/SIP/ 9 6 5 No No 375 372 371

526 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Geofisika Geofisika TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar JUDUL PENELITIAN Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR RB0045418 TK4738472 MZ1061444 - Japan Tokyo Tohoku Tohoku of Land, of Land, Science, Science, Ministry Industrial Transpor University tation and tation Tourism in Tourism INSTITUSI Institute of University of University Infrastructure, Infrastructure, JABATAN JICA Expert dispatched MLIT in from BNPB Japan to in Indonesia Associate Associate Professor Assistant Professor Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan, 11 De 1976 cember Mie, Japan, 6 December 1973 Japan, 4 Tokyo, October 1980 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant Tada Jibiki Kiyota NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Naoto Naoto Mr. Mr. Takashi Takashi Mr. Mr. Yasuhito Yasuhito Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 378/SIP/ 376/SIP/ 377/SIP/ 12 10 11 No No 378 376 377

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 527 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Geofisika Geofisika TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar JUDUL PENELITIAN Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR TK9099404 TR4255555 RB1006612 - Japan Yachiyo Yachiyo Yachiyo Yachiyo Co., Ltd. Co., Co., Ltd. Co., of Land, of Land, Ministry Transpor tation and tation Tourism in Tourism INSTITUSI Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Infrastructure, Infrastructure, JABATAN Senior Engineer Chief Engineer ICA Expert from dispatched MLIT in Japan Directorate to General of Water in Resources, PUPR Indonesia Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 1979 18 March Chiba, Japan, 8 July 1965 Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto, 3 November 1957 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Mr. Jun Mr. Furuichi Mr. Teruo Teruo Mr. PENELITI Hayakawa Kurumada Mr. Hisashi Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 379/SIP/ 381/SIP/ 380/SIP/ 13 15 14 No No 379 381 380

528 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Geofisika Geofisika TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar JUDUL PENELITIAN Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR TZ0797056 TS1269332 TK7056983 Yachiyo Yachiyo Yachiyo Yachiyo Yachiyo Yachiyo Co., Ltd. Co., Co., Ltd. Co., Co., Ltd. Co., INSTITUSI Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering JABATAN Manager Senior Engineer Civil Engineer Civil Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kanagawa, Ja - pan, 4 January 1967 Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan, 5 July 1948 Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 19 October 1990 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant Kudo Takagi NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Ryohei Mr. Mr. Junichi Mr. Fukushima Mr. Toyohiro Toyohiro Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 383/SIP/ 382/SIP/ 384/SIP/ 17 16 18 No No 383 382 384

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 529 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dedy Alfian) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Geofisika Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar melakukan pasca pengamatan gempa langsung pada morfologi dan endapan dihasilkan yang geologi oleh tsunami dan aliran pada terjadi tanah yang 2018 28 September JUDUL PENELITIAN Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Joint reconnaissance reconnaissance Joint morphologies mission for deposits to and geological of and Donggala areas Palu Indonesia, post- Sulawesi, earthquake and tsunami of 28th September 2018 NOMOR PASPOR RB0061314 QB1069614 14DA77390 Japan 2 France National National Land and Universite Universite INSTITUSI Geospatial Institute for Institute for Information Information Authority of Management Lumiere Lyon Lyon Lumiere Infrastructure JABATAN Researcher Researcher Research Research Scientist CNRS Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 13 November 1953 25 Toulon, 1974 August Nagano, Nagano, Japan, 25 May 1977 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant Goiran NAMA NAMA Nakano Philippe Philippe Dr. Jean- Dr. PENELITI Kobayashi Alain Louis Louis Alain Mr. Takayuki Takayuki Mr. Mr. Hideyuki Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 386/SIP/ 409/SIP/ 385/SIP/ 20 43 19 No No 386 409 385

530 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - - - - NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember KERJA MITRA TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dedy Alfian) TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella (Dr. Meilianda, Benazir) Dr. TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dr. Idris, Yunita Ibnu Rusydy, Intan Dewi Kumala) TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella (Dr. Meilianda, Benazir) Dr. DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah(Kab. Tengah(Kab. Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah(Kab. Tengah(Kab. Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan pasca pengamatan gempa langsung pada morfologi dan endapan dihasilkan yang geologi oleh tsunami dan aliran pada terjadi tanah yang 2018 28 September mendokumentasikan karakteristik dari tsunami 2018 pada tiga jenis garisyang pantai berbeda ada di yang Palu teluk meningkatkan pemahaman kita perilaku tentang bangunan, dan dalam infrastruktur peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami, implikasi kerusakan pada infrastruktur kegiatan untuk penting bencana bantuan mendokumentasikan karakteristik dari tsunami 2018 pada tiga jenis garisyang pantai berbeda ada di yang Palu teluk JUDUL PENELITIAN Joint reconnaissance reconnaissance Joint morphologies mission for deposits to and geological of and Donggala areas Palu Indonesia, post- Sulawesi, earthquake and tsunami of 28th September 2018 A detailed survey of the 2018 Palu-Donggala deposits Tsunami EEFIT-TDMRC joint joint EEFIT-TDMRC mission to reconnaissance by the 28 th affected areas September 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) Earthquake and Tsunami A detailed survey of the 2018 Palu-Donggala deposits Tsunami NOMOR PASPOR 15AK80926 E4115605 YB0612408 EG1110319 Earth Earth (EOS) (EOS) France CNRS - College College London ISTERRE University University INSTITUSI - University - University of Grenoble, of Grenoble, Observatory Observatory of Singapore of Singapore of Singapore of Singapore JABATAN Researcher Professor Associate Chair Associate Research Research Fellow Italia WARGA WARGA Perancis Polandia Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Le Havre, 9 Havre, Le July 1975 Adelaide Adelaide 2 March (AUS), 1977 Port Kembla, 4 Port October 1973 Torun, 9 June Torun, 1979 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Marcin Marcin Switzer Douglas Rossetto Dr. Gilles Dr. Majewski PENELITI Dr. Jedrzej Dr. Prof. Adam Adam Prof. Prof. Tiziana Tiziana Prof. Yves Brocard Yves SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 410/SIP/ 411/SIP/ 414/SIP/ 412/SIP/ 44 45 48 46 No No 410 411 414 412

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 531 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - - NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember KERJA MITRA TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dr. Idris, Yunita Ibnu Rusydy, Intan Dewi Kumala) TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dr. Idris, Yunita Ibnu Rusydy, Intan Dewi Kumala) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN meningkatkan pemahaman kita perilaku tentang bangunan, dan dalam infrastruktur peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami, implikasi kerusakan pada infrastruktur kegiatan untuk penting bencana bantuan meningkatkan pemahaman kita perilaku tentang bangunan, dan dalam infrastruktur peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami, implikasi kerusakan pada infrastruktur kegiatan untuk penting bencana bantuan JUDUL PENELITIAN EEFIT-TDMRC joint joint EEFIT-TDMRC mission to reconnaissance by the 28 th affected areas September 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) Earthquake and Tsunami EEFIT-TDMRC joint joint EEFIT-TDMRC mission to reconnaissance by the 28 th affected areas September 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) Earthquake and Tsunami NOMOR PASPOR 555849153 554153996 Plymouth INSTITUSI gapore Ltd. gapore Ove & Arup University of University Partners Sin - Partners JABATAN Professor Engineering Engineering Geologist Inggris Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Plymouth, 31 Plymouth, October 1966 Aylesbury, 2 Aylesbury, 1989 February 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant esse Raby NAMA NAMA Caroline Caroline PENELITI Henri Lag - Dr. Richard Richard Dr. Prof. Alison Alison Prof. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 415/SIP/ 416/SIP/ 49 50 No No 415 416

532 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - - NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember KERJA MITRA TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dr. Idris, Yunita Ibnu Rusydy, Intan Dewi Kumala) TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dr. Idris, Yunita Ibnu Rusydy, Intan Dewi Kumala) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN meningkatkan pemahaman kita perilaku tentang bangunan, dan dalam infrastruktur peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami, implikasi kerusakan pada infrastruktur kegiatan untuk penting bencana bantuan meningkatkan pemahaman kita perilaku tentang bangunan, dan dalam infrastruktur peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami, implikasi kerusakan pada infrastruktur kegiatan untuk penting bencana bantuan JUDUL PENELITIAN EEFIT-TDMRC joint joint EEFIT-TDMRC mission to reconnaissance by the 28 th affected areas September 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) Earthquake and Tsunami EEFIT-TDMRC joint joint EEFIT-TDMRC mission to reconnaissance by the 28 th affected areas September 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) Earthquake and Tsunami NOMOR PASPOR 550301092 508482540 College College London Dundee University University INSTITUSI University of University JABATAN Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering Research Research Assistant Inggris Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Cardiff, 7 Cardiff, 1977 August Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury, 29 June 1982 20.000 20.000 Grant ($) Grant son nan NAMA NAMA Dr. David David Dr. PENELITI - John Bren Iain Robin - Dr. Andrew Andrew Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 417/SIP/ 418/SIP/ 51 52 No No 417 418

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 533 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 7 No 2018 vember 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2017, tanggal 24 2017 Oktober 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 KERJA MITRA TDMRC Universitas Kuala Syiah Ella Meil - (Dr. ianda, Dr. Idris, Yunita Ibnu Rusydy, Intan Dewi Kumala) Institut Seni dan Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) - Bandung Een Hj. (Dr. Herdiani) Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Kuala Syiah - Abdul (Dr. lah, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Sigi, Donggala, Kab. Kota Palu) Utara Sumatera (Kota Medan); DKI Jakarta Jakarta (Kodya Barat Jawa Pusat); Bandung); DI (Kab. (Kota Yogyakarta Nusa Yogyakarta); Timur (Kab. Tenggara Ngada) Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh) Aceh LAMA PENELITIAN 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 16 Januari 2018 15 (lima belas) hari mulai 14 November 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 8 Januari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Etnomusikologi Mitigasi Bencana Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk berkontribusi Untuk dalam percakapan tentang interdisipliner musik dan agama, juga mempelajari untuk penggunaan musik dalam membangun Katolikidentitas Indonesia, seperti dalam dialog dengan yang sosio-religius tren lebih besar di Indonesia meningkatkan pemahaman kita perilaku tentang bangunan, dan dalam infrastruktur peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami, implikasi kerusakan pada infrastruktur kegiatan untuk penting bencana bantuan Untuk menyelidiki menyelidiki Untuk gangguan efek pada antropogenik terbesar liar – yang kera siamang di keluarga (Hylobatidae) JUDUL PENELITIAN “Catholic Music in “Catholic Indonesia: Representation, and Identity Formation, Building” Community EEFIT-TDMRC joint joint EEFIT-TDMRC mission to reconnaissance by the 28 th affected areas September 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) Earthquake and Tsunami “Effects of Anthropogenic Anthropogenic of “Effects Calling Natural The Noise on Siamang” Wild of Behavior NOMOR PASPOR 569249401 10858867 15DC61370 College College London University University Pittsburgh INSTITUSI nary School University of University - Alfort Veteri JABATAN Student PhD Student PhD Ph.D student Ph.D Nepal Serikat WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 30 U.S.A., Januari 1989 Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne, 1992 29 Maret Sindhuli, 23 April 1987 19.300 19.300 20.000 Grant ($) Grant Marie, Marie, Kumar Kumar NAMA NAMA Adhikari Mr. Rohit Mr. PENELITI Catherine Catherine Ms. Emilie Ms. Desmoulin Ms. Amelie, Amelie, Ms. Rose Coakley SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 05/SIP/ 10/SIP/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 419/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/I/2018 5 53 10 No 5 10 No 419

534 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 6/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VI/2017, tanggal 14 Juni 2017 - KERJA MITRA CIMTROP, CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Ir. Raya (Dr. Kulu, Ici Piter MP) Pusat Pusat Demokrasi - dan Hak Asa si Manusia, Universitas Dhar Sanata ma (Prof. Baskara T. Wardaya) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya) DKI Jakarta dan DI Yogyakarta LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Oktober 2018 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 16 Januari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Sejarah TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menilai validitas menilai validitas kekayaan spesies capung sebagai bioindikator degradasi untuk lingkungan guna menginformasikan rawa restorasi upaya gambut Untuk Untuk menulis Untuk Untuk kontribusi sejarah dari para intelektual Indonesiacendekiawan alam di bidang sejarah JUDUL PENELITIAN Assessing Ecological Ecological Assessing as a Odonates Restoration: Swamp Peat for Bioindicator Recovery Forest “Wars “Wars and Wonders: and Natural- Wars Imperial Expeditions in Cultural Indonesia” NOMOR PASPOR 554647923 548586761 Centre Centre College Princeton Princeton University INSTITUSI JABATAN Independent researcher PhD student PhD Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Orlando, Orlando, USA, 14 Florida October 1995 Korea, 15 Mei Korea, 1986 19.000 19.300 Grant ($) Grant Yoo Holly NAMA NAMA PENELITI Alexander Alexander Ms. Jin Hee Ms. Mr. Brendan Brendan Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 11/SIP/ 365/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 65 11 No 11 No 365

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 535 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Ir. Dr. (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa M.Sc) Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Bambang Hudayana, M.A) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Banggai Banggai, Kab. Kepulauan, Kab. Banggai Laut) DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 Agustus 2018 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perikanan Sejarah / Sosial budaya TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari keputusan penangkapan ikan harian oleh nelayan dan apa yang keputusan memotivasi guna lebih tersebut memahami bagaimana mempertahankan pencaharian mata skala sementara kecil, juga mempertahankan karangterumbu di Sulawesi produktif Tengah mempelajari dan persepsi historis tentang kontemporer Ratu Laut Selatan, Ratu Kidul, dalam kesenian dan kesusastraan dan bagaimana Jawa, dapat hal tersebut mencerminkan tanggapan orang Indonesia yang lebih besar terhadap globalisasi, identitas, dan keyakinan JUDUL PENELITIAN Thinking Like A Fisher: Thinking Like A Fisher: Understanding The and Ecology Psychology to Practices of Fishing Context-Driven Develop Conservation in Central Indonesia Sulawesi, Imagining Ratu Kidul: and National Localized Identity in Java NOMOR PASPOR 483776983 508762877 Stanford Stanford University INSTITUSI Hope College JABATAN PhD Student PhD Independent Researcher Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL San Diego, CA, San Diego, 18 January 1984 Missoula, Montana, USA, 7 October 1996 18.000 17.600 Grant ($) Grant KAM Leigh Leigh NAMA NAMA Switzer PENELITI Chun Wah Chun Wah Mr. Joshua Mr. Ms. Shannon Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ 249/SIP/ 324/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/X/2018 21 24 No No 249 324

536 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas - Ilmu Peri kanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro Dra. (Prof. Norma Afiati, PhD) P2KK LIPI Dr. (Prof. Herman Hidayat) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah Tengah Jawa (Semarang) , Sulawesi TN. (Kota Manado, Utara Bunaken) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Pusat); Kalimantan (Kab. Utara Malinau, Kota Tarakan); Kalimantan Timur (Kab. Makaham Kota Ulu, Samarinda) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Oseanografi Sosial ekonomi kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami bagaimana karakteristik mangrove, seperti usia, kepadatan, dan spesies berdampak pada kuantitas karbon disimpan di yang padang lamun mempertimbangkan kembali kebijakan yang dan uji coba relevan lokal terkait dengan konservasi HoB di kerangkabawah SDGs menjembatani untuk kebijakan nasional lokaldengan realitas JUDUL PENELITIAN Blue Carbon: The ImpactsThe Blue Carbon: on Restoration of Mangrove in Storage Carbon Seagrass Indonesia Integrated Reconsideration Reconsideration Integrated of Various Activities Heartfor of Borneo Conservation Under The of SDGs Framework NOMOR PASPOR 525106422 MU5517364 Waseda Waseda American University University INSTITUSI Faculty of Hu - Faculty man Sciences, man Sciences, JABATAN Graduate Graduate student Graduate student Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 18 June 1996 Kanagawa, 25 1997 February 17.600 17.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Tsunoda LaRoche Ms. Carly Carly Ms. PENELITI Mr. Kazuki Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IX/2018 FRP/E5/ 276/SIP/ 356/SIP/ KI/X/2018 17 56 No No 276 356

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 537 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Puslit Geo Puslit teknologi, LIPI (Iwan Setiawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kab. Boyolali, Jepara, Kab. Grobogan, Pati, Kab. Kudus, Kab. Semarang) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geokimia TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk karakteristik dan magmatisme Kompleks petrogenesis Muria dengan Igneous menggunakan analisis geokimia dan isotop, mendapatkanuntuk magmatik umur batuan dengan pengumpulan sepanjang U-Pb zircon musim dan banyak usia lebih informasi lanjut oleh zirkon detrital dari batuan pantai sedimen atau dan pasir sungai mengetahui juga untuk hubungan antara dan magmatisme tektonik JUDUL PENELITIAN “Geochemical and “Geochemical on the age constrains of potassic petrogenesis of the Muria magmatism Central complex, igneous Java NOMOR PASPOR 305716756 Taiwan of Earth Sciences, Sciences, University, University, INSTITUSI wan Normal wan Department - Tai National JABATAN Assistant Assistant Professor Taiwan WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Taipei, 31 Taipei, 1979 Oktober 16.000 Grant ($) Grant Lai NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Yu Ming Yu Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ 94/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 42 No 94 No

538 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Puslit Geo Puslit teknologi, LIPI (Iwan Setiawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kab. Boyolali, Jepara, Kab. Grobogan, Pati, Kab. Kudus, Kab. Semarang) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geokimia TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk karakteristik dan magmatisme Kompleks petrogenesis Muria dengan Igneous menggunakan analisis geokimia dan isotop, mendapatkanuntuk magmatik umur batuan dengan pengumpulan sepanjang U-Pb zircon musim dan banyak usia lebih informasi lanjut oleh zirkon detrital dari batuan pantai sedimen atau dan pasir sungai mengetahui juga untuk hubungan antara dan magmatisme tektonik JUDUL PENELITIAN “Geochemical and “Geochemical on the age constrains of potassic petrogenesis of the Muria magmatism Central complex, igneous Java NOMOR PASPOR 300990675 Taiwan of Earth Sciences, Sciences, University, University, INSTITUSI wan Normal wan Department - Tai National JABATAN Distinguished Research and Fellow Director Taiwan WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Taiwan, 29 Mei Taiwan, 1959 16.000 Grant ($) Grant Chung NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Sun Lin Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ 95/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 43 No 95 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 539 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Puslit Geo Puslit teknologi, LIPI (Iwan Setiawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kab. Boyolali, Jepara, Kab. Grobogan, Pati, Kab. Kudus, Kab. Semarang) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geokimia TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk karakteristik dan magmatisme Kompleks petrogenesis Muria dengan Igneous menggunakan analisis geokimia dan isotop, mendapatkanuntuk magmatik umur batuan dengan pengumpulan sepanjang U-Pb zircon musim dan banyak usia lebih informasi lanjut oleh zirkon detrital dari batuan pantai sedimen atau dan pasir sungai mengetahui juga untuk hubungan antara dan magmatisme tektonik JUDUL PENELITIAN “Geochemical and “Geochemical on the age constrains of potassic petrogenesis of the Muria magmatism Central complex, igneous Java NOMOR PASPOR E52374112 Taiwan of Earth Sciences, Sciences, University, University, INSTITUSI wan Normal wan Department - Tai National JABATAN Postdoc Postdoc fellow research China WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Anhui, 25 Anhui, 1989 Maret 16.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Yang Sun Yang Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ 96/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 44 No 96 No

540 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 4/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/IV/2018, tanggal 9 April 2018 - KERJA MITRA Departemen - FMI Biologi Institut PA, Pertanian Bogor (Dr. Rika Raffiu - din) Balai Pene litian dan - Pengem bangan Teknologi Konservasi Sumber Alam Daya KLHK (Dr. Ishak Yassir, M.Si.) S. Hut., DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. Bogor, Bogor, (Kab. Barat Jawa Sumedang); Jawa Kab. Cilacap, (Kab. Tengah Jawa Purbalingga); Kab. Malang); (Kab. Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Sikka);(Kab. Sulawesi Selatan Tana (Kab. Toraja) Kalimantan Timur (Kec. Kutai Samboja, Kab. Kartanegara) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 18 Juli 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi Zoologi Kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menilai genetika populasi lebah di cerana madu Apis Indonesia, khususnya genetik keragaman pada gen kunci kebugaran-kritis dan memperkirakan populasi kepadatan cerana lebah madu Apis di terpilih di daerah Indonesia melalui genetik dari keragaman laki-laki diambil yang sampelnya menghitung kekayaan kelimpahan, jenis, kelompok suksesi, dan mekanisme penyebaran benih spesies pohon direkrutasli yang melalui regenerasi alami di bawah kanopicampuran tajuk berbeda yang dan monokultur dalam kaitannya dengan struktur kanopi JUDUL PENELITIAN Population biology of Population and a critical pollinator Apis species, invasive honey bee, the Asian cerana in Indonesia and Australia of natural Patterns late of native regeneration species under successional canopies of plantation tree varying species assemblage and structure in East Kalimantan, Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR PA2375153 490310030 - sity INSTITUSI Yale Univer Yale ty of Sydney - Universi The JABATAN Research Research Assistant Masters of Science Forest Candidate Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ibenga, 14 July 1986 Denver, USA, Colorado, 29 September 1992 15.232 15.000 Grant ($) Grant James NAMA NAMA Holmes Mr. David David Mr. PENELITI Woodbury Dr. Michael Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 218/SIP/ 190/SIP/ 28 18 No No 218 190

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 541 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 2 Novemberr 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Teknolo Kebumian gi ITB (Dr.Eng. Imam A. Sadisun) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang & Irawan Mohd. Ir. M.Sc Zuhdi, Eva & Dr. Achmad) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Parigi Donggala, Kab. Sigi, Kab. Moutong, Kota Palu) Jambi (Kota Jambi) LAMA PENELITIAN 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 2 November 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 17 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geofisika Geofisika Kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar atas permintaan atas Bappenas, mendukungan teknis “Rencana untuk Dasar” rekonstruksi untuk di Tengah, Sulawesi dimana hasil survei ini akan digunakan untuk merumuskan Rencana Dasar menunjukkan bagaimana Kendaraan Berawak Tak Udara dapat (drone) digunakan untuk penilaian membuat keanekaragaman hayati yang dan regenerasi biaya dan hemat cepat dalam proyek-proyek tropis restorasi JUDUL PENELITIAN Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Survey on Liquefaction and Building Damage in Central Sulawesi Development of Image Development to Techniques Analysis Enable Tropical Low-Cost Monitoring Rainforest NOMOR PASPOR U96414569 Z4067588 504526741 of Civil of Civil of Civil of Civil Kyushu Kyushu Kyushu Kyushu University University INSTITUSI Cambridge Department Department University of University Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, JABATAN Postdoctoral Postdoctoral Fellow Professor PhD student PhD Iran India Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Oroumieh, Oroumieh, Iran, 13 July 1987 Jorhat (Assam), Jorhat (Assam), India, 13 Janu - ary 1968 Staines, United United Staines, Kingdom, 19 January 1993 15.000 15.000 15.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Williams Hemanta jeh Pasha PENELITI Mr. Jona - Mr. Mr. Siavash Siavash Mr. Manafi Kha - Mr. Hazarika Mr. than Vernon than Vernon SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 374/SIP/ 332/SIP/ 373/SIP/ KI/X/2018 8 7 32 No No 332 374 373

542 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KIV/II/2017, tanggal 12 Juli 2017 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2017, tanggal 12 Juli 2017 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Arkeologi Nasional Dr. (Prof. Si - Truman manjuntak) Pusat Arkeologi Nasional I. Made (Drs. Geria) Pusat Arkeologi Nasional I. Made (Drs. Geria) FISIP, Univer FISIP, sitas Suma - Utara tera R. Dr. (Prof. Hamdani Harahap, M.Si) Pusat Arkeologi Nasional I. Made (Drs. Geria) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Ngawi Solo, – Bengawan Madiun) (Ngawi Tengah Jawa Solo, – Bengawan Madiun) (Ngawi Tengah Jawa Solo, – Bengawan Madiun) Sumatera Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Langkat) Timur Jawa (Ngawi Solo, – Bengawan Madiun) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Januari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi Arkeologi Ekologi sosial Ekologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari kerangka dan usia biologis dari manusia purba Jawa Trinil, di daerah dan sekitarnya Timur mempelajari kerangka dan usia biologis dari manusia purba Jawa Trinil, di daerah dan sekitarnya Timur Untuk mempelajari Untuk kerangka dan biologis usia dari manusia purba Jawa Trinil, di daerah dan sekitarnya Timur memahami bagaimana pengaturan pengelolaan hutan bakau dikembangkan dan dikoordinasikan pemangku oleh para yang kepentingan di Kabupaten relevan Langkat mempelajari Untuk kerangka dan biologis usia dari manusia purba Jawa Trinil, di daerah dan sekitarnya Timur JUDUL PENELITIAN Studying Human Origin in Human Origin Studying East Java in Human Origin Studying East Java “Studying Human Origin in Human Origin “Studying East Java” A Study of Mangrove Forest Forest of Mangrove A Study Management Arrangements in Kabupaten Langkat, Utara, Sumatera Provinsi Indonesia in Human Origin “Studying East Java” NOMOR PASPOR NNPHPDFK7 NRJPOPC76 NXKL12HF6 C903135 NU9B39C41 - - Ultrech Ultrech Naturalis Faculty of Faculty Faculty of Faculty University University University gy, Leiden Leiden gy, gy, Leiden Leiden gy, INSTITUSI Archaeolo Archaeolo East Anglia University of University JABATAN Post-doctoral Post-doctoral Researcher Guest Scientist PhD Student PhD Research Research Assistant Master Student Belanda Belanda Belanda Belanda WARGA WARGA Portugal NEGARA - - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Venlo, 30 April Venlo, 1963 Heerenveen, Heerenveen, 28 September 1945 India, 15 No 1990 vember Neder weert-Eind, 05 December 1992 Rotterdam, 26 November 1990 14.000 14.000 14.090 14.000 14.000 Grant ($) Grant Ms. Ms. Bos Alink Hilgen NAMA NAMA Mannes Caroline Caroline Ms. Ruth Ms. Joordens Mr. Gerrit Mr. PENELITI Josephine Mr. Remco Remco Mr. Mr. Sander Mr. Antoinette Antoinette Althea Pinto Althea SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. II/2018 13/SIP/ 33/SIP/ IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 269/SIP/ 270/SIP/ 318/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 10 11 13 12 18 No 13 33 No 269 270 318

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 543 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Arkeologi Nasional I. Made (Drs. Geria) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional I. Made (Drs. Geria) Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional I. Made (Drs. Geria) CIMTROP, CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Yulintine) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Ngawi Tengah Jawa Solo, – Bengawan Madiun) Jawa Tengah (Ngawi Tengah Jawa Solo, – Bengawan Madiun) (Ngawi Tengah Jawa Solo, – Bengawan Madiun) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Kota Pisau, Pulang (Kab. (LAHG Palangkaraya CIMTROP)) LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 18 September 2018 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi Arkeologi Ekologi sosial Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari kerangka dan usia biologis dari manusia purba Jawa Trinil, di daerah dan sekitarnya Timur mempelajari kerangka dan usia biologis dari manusia purba Jawa Trinil, di daerah dan sekitarnya Timur mempelajari kerangka dan usia biologis dari manusia purba Jawa Trinil, di daerah dan sekitarnya Timur melakukan studi tentang Interdisipliner perairan ekologi dan penghidupan berkelanjutan yang di Kalimantan untuk mendukung pelestarian lingkungan dan kebakaranpencegahan JUDUL PENELITIAN Studying Human Origin in Human Origin Studying East Java Studying Human Origin in Human Origin Studying East Java in Human Origin Studying East Java Socio-Ecology of An Peatlands: Tropical Interdisciplinary Project and Ecology on Aquatic Sustainable Livelihoods in Indonesian Borneo to Support Environmental Conservation and Fire Prevention NOMOR PASPOR NUFCKL108 NTF1LCLK2 NN9PFC4K9 FP1578612 Leiden Leiden Naturalis Leicester INSTITUSI Universitas Universitas Universitas Universitas University of University JABATAN Postdoctoral Researcher Technical editor Honorary Fellow Visiting Belanda Belanda Belanda WARGA WARGA Finlandia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Leidschendam, Leidschendam, 1984 01 March Voorhout, 8 Voorhout, July 1965 Amstelveen, Amstelveen, 25 February 1969 - 5 Decem Abo, ber 1991 14.000 14.000 14.000 13.244 Grant ($) Grant ton Pop Albers NAMA NAMA Berguis Cornelis Cornelis Ms. Sara Sara Ms. PENELITI Mr. Harold Harold Mr. Mr. Eduard Eduard Mr. Dr. Paulinus Paulinus Dr. - Thorn Anne SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IX/2018 IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 271/SIP/ 284/SIP/ 290/SIP/ 326/SIP/ KI/X/2018 12 25 31 26 No No 271 284 290 326

544 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Mitra Tatang Setia) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sam Ratu - (Dr. langi John Tasirin) Ilmu Fakultas - Pengeta huan Budaya Universitas Indonesia Lilawati (Dr. Kurnia) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat TN. Ketapang, Gunung Palung) Sulawesi Utara (Kota Utara Sulawesi TN. Tangkoko) Manado, DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan); DI (Kota Yogyakarta Yogyakarta) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 November 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 19 Juli 2018 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Primatologi Sejarah TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menyelidiki efektivitas efektivitas menyelidiki biji oleh penyebaran laju saluran orangutan, usus di orangutan dan pola Borneo liar, distribusi spasial benih mempelajari primata duet dengan menggunakan teknik baru bioacoustik Untuk menyelidiki menyelidiki Untuk berbagai bentuk kosmopolitanisme telah yang dari bawah dipraktekkan di titik- tertentutitik sejarah di Indonesia dari era kolonial akhir hingga pascakolonial awal JUDUL PENELITIAN Seed Dispersal Effectiveness Seed Dispersal Effectiveness Distribution and Spatial in Bornean Patterns (Pongo Orangutans pygmaeus) A comparative, inter- A comparative, disciplinary approach understanding the to of monogamy evolution in and duetting behavior non-human primates “Indonesian and Cosmopolitanism Imaginations Inter-Asian to Colonial Late from Periods Early Postcolonial (1920s-1950s)” NOMOR PASPOR 587403155 521686932 AA9433669 - Boston Boston Cornell Cornell Califor University University University INSTITUSI nia-Berkeley University of University JABATAN Student Graduate Student Independent Researcher Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika Thailand NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Illinois, 28 Illinois, September 1992 Bangkok, 18 1988 Oktober Oregon, USA, Oregon, 13 August 1984 13.000 12.000 13.230 Grant ($) Grant - burn keiat NAMA NAMA Mr. Thiti Thiti Mr. Dr. Dena Dr. PENELITI Jane Clink Beth Black Ms. Andrea Andrea Ms. Jamkajorn - SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IV/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 214/SIP/ 125/SIP/ 424/SIP/ 24 24 58 No No 214 125 424

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 545 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (M.R. Andri Gunawan Wibisana, S.H., L.L., Ph.D) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Riau (Kota Dumai, Kota Pekanbaru); Jambi (Kota Jambi); Selatan (Kab. Sumatera Kab. Musi Banyuasin, OKI, Kota Palembang); DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Jawa Utara); Bekasi, (Kab. Barat Kota Karawang, Kab. Kota Bekasi);Bandung, Banten Tangerang, (Kab. Kota Kota Tangerang, Selatan); Tangerang Kalimantan Barat Raya, Kubu (Kab. Kota Pontianak, Kab. Pontianak) LAMA PENELITIAN 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 23 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Hukum TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menyelidiki bagaimana menyelidiki berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan di Indonesia menafsirkan norma keuangan global berkelanjutan yang JUDUL PENELITIAN Regulating Sustainable in Indonesia: An Financing Perspective Interpretive NOMOR PASPOR MU6012153 Monash University INSTITUSI JABATAN PhD Student PhD Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Chiba Japan, 11 July 1976 12.000 Grant ($) Grant Suzuki NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Sachiko Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 222/SIP/ 32 No No 222

546 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Dr. I Made Geria, M.Si) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Dr. I Made Geria, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kab. Karanganyar, Sragen); Timur Jawa Pacitan) (Kab. DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kab. Karanganyar, Sragen); Timur Jawa Pacitan) (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami sejarah memahami sejarah manusia umat evolusi (Homo erectus dan Homo sapiens) yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi pulau di daerah sejak 1,5 juta tropis melalui lalu, tahun yang mosaik penyusunan ada dari yang kelompok di tersebar yang orang kepulauan memahami sejarah memahami sejarah manusia umat evolusi (Homo erectus dan Homo sapiens) yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi pulau di daerah sejak 1,5 juta tropis melalui lalu, tahun yang mosaik penyusunan ada dari yang kelompok di tersebar yang orang kepulauan JUDUL PENELITIAN Chronology and Chronology of Palaeoenvironments the Indonesian and in Central Period the Punung Java: Eastern and Solo Areas Chronology and Chronology of Palaeoenvironments the Indonesian Paleolithic and in Central Period the Punung Java: Eastern and Solo Areas NOMOR PASPOR 13FV23750 14DF78891 (IRD) National National Naturelle Museum d’Histoire d’Histoire Researche Researche Institut de INSTITUSI oppement oppement - pour le Dével JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Senior Researcher WARGA WARGA Perancis Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Paris, 15 April Paris, 1954 Hellemes-Lille, Hellemes-Lille, 1953 3 Maret 12.000 12.000 Grant ($) Grant Dr. Dr. NAMA NAMA Semah Semah PENELITI Anne-Marie Prof. François François Prof. Rene Eugene SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 434/SIP/ 435/SIP/ 68 69 No No 434 435

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 547 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Dr. I Made Geria, M.Si) Jurusan So sial Ekonomi Pertanian Universitas Jambi Ir. Dr. (Prof. Dompak Napitupulu M.Sc) MT, dan Fakultas Ekonomi Dr. IPB (Prof. Nunung Nu - ryantono) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kab. Karanganyar, Sragen); Timur Jawa Pacitan) (Kab. Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Jambi) Muaro Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 November 2018 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 1 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami sejarah memahami sejarah manusia umat evolusi (Homo erectus dan Homo sapiens) yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi pulau di daerah sejak 1,5 juta tropis melalui lalu, tahun yang mosaik penyusunan ada dari yang kelompok di tersebar yang orang kepulauan mengevaluasi kontribusi dari sertifikasi sawit minyak mengurangi untuk trade-off antara dan produksi sisi, di satu pendapatan, di dan, fungsi ekologi, sisi lain JUDUL PENELITIAN Chronology and Chronology of Palaeoenvironments the Indonesian Paleolithic and in Central Period the Punung Java: Eastern and Solo Areas Mitigating Trade-Offs and Economic between Functions Ecological and Services through Certification NOMOR PASPOR 13CV88897 C1Y8YHX9K National National Museum Naturelle d’Histoire d’Histoire INSTITUSI Goettingen University of University JABATAN Assistant Assistant Reseacher Master student Jerman WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Paris, 24 Mei Paris, 1975 Stuttgart , 23 April 1991 12.000 11.581 Grant ($) Grant - Reich Gallet NAMA NAMA Ms. Char Ms. Dr. Xavier Xavier Dr. PENELITI lotte-Elena SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 436/SIP/ 301/SIP/ KI/X/2018 1 70 No No 436 301

548 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018 tanggal 21 2018 Maret 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2018, tanggal 23 November 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Dr. (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc.) Fakultas Tehnik UGM (Prof. Faisal Teuku Ph. Fathani, Wahyu D, Dr. Wilopo, Hendy Seti - Ph.D), awan, (Prof. BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati), Universitas Tadulako Hendra (Dr. Setiawan, Rustan Dr. Effendi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Wakatobi) (Palu) Tenggah Sulawesi LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 7 Juni 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 20 Desember 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi Geologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami komposisi dan simbion biologi karang hidup di yang marginal habitat melakukan Survey Ilmiah Gempa, Longsor dan Likuifaksi JUDUL PENELITIAN Corals at the extreme: at Corals partitioning of the response marginal to holobionts coral habitats Earthquake-induced coastal landslide and tsunami Sulawesi in Palu, disaster Island on 28 September 2018 NOMOR PASPOR 502108913 TR8789775 Essex INSTITUSI Consortium University of University International International on Landslides JABATAN Professor Professor Emeritus (Secretary General) PhD researcher PhD Inggris Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Gloucester, UK, Gloucester, 21 November 1991 Aichi, 11 Janu - Aichi, ary 1944 11.000 11.000 Grant ($) Grant Sassa Nicole NAMA NAMA Mr. Kyoji Kyoji Mr. PENELITI Ms. Bethan Ms. Greenwood SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 177/SIP/ 456/SIP/ 5 11 No No 177 456

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 549 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2018, tanggal 23 November 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Tehnik UGM (Prof. Faisal Teuku Ph. Fathani, Wahyu D, Dr. Wilopo, Hendy Seti - Ph.D), awan, (Prof. BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati), Universitas Tadulako Hendra (Dr. Setiawan, Rustan Dr. Effendi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tenggah (Palu) Tenggah Sulawesi LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 20 Desember 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Geologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan Survey Ilmiah Gempa, Longsor dan Likuifaksi JUDUL PENELITIAN Earthquake-induced coastal landslide and tsunami Sulawesi in Palu, disaster Island on 28 September 2018 NOMOR PASPOR TR5274019 INSTITUSI Consortium International International on Landslides JABATAN Senior Researcher Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Okayama, 29 July 1955 11.000 Grant ($) Grant Hirota NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Kiyoharu Kiyoharu Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 457/SIP/ 12 No No 457

550 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 8A/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2018, tanggal 23 November 2018 - KERJA MITRA Ruangrupa Ruangrupa (Leonhard Bar tolomeus) Fakultas Fakultas Tehnik UGM (Prof. Faisal Teuku Ph. Fathani, Wahyu D, Dr. Wilopo, Hendy Seti - Ph.D), awan, (Prof. BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati), Universitas Tadulako Hendra (Dr. Setiawan, Rustan Dr. Effendi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Jawa Utara); Bandung, (Kab. Barat Bandung Barat); Kab. DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kab. Bantul, Progo, Kulon Kidul, Kab. Sleman, Kota Kab. Yogyakarta) Sulawesi Tenggah (Palu) Tenggah Sulawesi LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 November 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 20 Desember 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Seni Geologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melihat melihat Untuk lukisan-sebenarnya lukisan Sunassa, mengumpulkan gambar-gambar lukisan Sunassa, kumpulkan dan analisis materi yang dan informasi berkaitan dengan Emiria Sunassa dan seni rupa sejarah Indonesia modern melakukan Survey Ilmiah Gempa, Longsor dan Likuifaksi JUDUL PENELITIAN Research on the First on the First Research Artist in Indonesia Female Emiria Sunassa Earthquake-induced coastal landslide and tsunami Sulawesi in Palu, disaster Island on 28 September 2018 NOMOR PASPOR TK7488769 B5140255 versity Kyushu Kyushu University Kyoto Uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI JABATAN Master student Ph.D. Student Ph.D. Jepang WARGA WARGA Vietnam NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ninh Binh, 30 September 1984 Japan, 29 May Japan, 29 May 1990 11.000 10.875 Grant ($) Grant Hatori NAMA NAMA Duc Ha Mr. Yuki Yuki Mr. PENELITI Mr. Nguyen Nguyen Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 458/SIP/ 370/SIP/ 4 13 No No 458 370

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 551 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2017, tanggal 24 2017 Oktober - - - KERJA MITRA Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia Ke lautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Jojo Subagja) Departe men Gizi Masyarakat, Ali IPB (Prof. Khomsan), Ke Fakultas hutanan IPB Ervizal (Dr. A.M. Zuhud) dan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Andalas Nur (Prof. Indrawaty MD, Lipoeto, PhD) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. Bogor, Bogor, (Kab. Barat Jawa Tasikmalaya) Kab. Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Pasaman) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Januari 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 3 Januari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perikanan Kesehatan Kesehatan masyarakat TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengevaluasi mengevaluasi Untuk dan mengoptimalisasi yang metode digunakan oleh petani ikan dalam dalam pengelolaan dan pengendalian ikan gurami reproduksi Untuk meningkatkanUntuk ketahanan pangan dan masyarakat Minanggizi dan Mandailing dengan memperkuat dan melakukan diversifikasi pangan lokal,sistem dengan meningkatkan dan nilai kesadaran pangan lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati pertanian JUDUL PENELITIAN “Valorisation of local “Valorisation domestication biodiversity, and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia / Reproduction and eggs embryos in the giant management gourami” “Food, Agrobiodiversity Agrobiodiversity “Food, Nutritional The and Diet: Ethnobiology of The Minang and Mandailing West in Systems Food Sumatra” NOMOR PASPOR 10CL24012 42265150 (IRD) Czech Czech Prague recherche recherche Institut de INSTITUSI oppement oppement University of University Life Sciences Life - pour le dével JABATAN Ph.D student Ph.D Researcher Ceko WARGA WARGA Perancis Republik NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Hradec Czech Kralove, 20 Republic, Mei 1988 Toulouse, 18 Toulouse, Januari 1990 10.750 10.773 Grant ($) Grant Pouil NAMA NAMA Pawera Mr. Lukas Mr. PENELITI Mr. Simon Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 03/SIP/ 12/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/I/2018 3 12 No 3 12 No

552 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 9/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 KERJA MITRA - Universi tas Nusa (Dr. Cendana Jokobis J. Messakh) Fakultas Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Indonesia (Dicky Pelupessy, Ph.D.) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Kuala Syiah Dr. (Prof. Darusman, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH NTT (Sumba Timur) Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa DI Banjarnegara); (Kab. Yogyakarta Gunung Kidul) (Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh Kota Besar, Aceh Kab. Sabong) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 2 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 November 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 15 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Geografi Kesehatan Kesehatan publik TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengaktifkanUntuk perlindungan arus air dengan mengkonsolidasikan lokalpengetahuan yang ada dan menghasilkan pengetahuan baru yang hidrologi meningkatkan pemahaman kita keseimbangan tentang air dan pengaruh mata manajemen inisiatif tutupan lahan meningkatkan pengetahuan evolusi lanskap fluvio-deltaic dan memahami struktur perkotaan emporium di / laut daratan memahami apa membuat yang masyarakat Indonesia tangguh terhadap bencana longsor dan perpindahan terhadap jiwa kesehatan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Catchment hydrology in hydrology “Catchment –what Tropics Dry Wet the of spring the drivers are yield variability in East Sumba, Indonesia” Harbour geoarchaeology Harbour geoarchaeology and fluvio-deltaic landscape in Banda Aceh evolution Indonesia)(Sumatra, The Effect of Displacement of Displacement Effect The Between on the Association Landslides and Mental and Health in Banjarnegara Indonesia Yogyakarta, NOMOR PASPOR PA6415121 384846387 561942722 - - sity bonne Darwin Charles University INSTITUSI théon-Sor - 1 Pan Paris Yale Univer Yale University of University JABATAN PhD Student PhD PhD Student PhD in Physical PhD Geography Serikat Bulgaria WARGA WARGA Amerika Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sofia, 15 July 1990 Australia, 6 Australia, Januari 1984 New York, USA, New York, 1991 8 May 10.500 10.200 10.500 Grant ($) Grant - - NAMA NAMA Godwin Mr. Stoil Stoil Mr. PENELITI Vladimirov Vladimirov Ms. KatherMs. Ms. Penelo Ms. Chapkanski ine Burrows pe Bronwyn pe Bronwyn SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 367/SIP/ 137/SIP/ 242/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/V/2018 1 4 14 No No 367 137 242

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 553 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2017, tanggal 4 2017 Oktober 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si.) Fakultas Fakultas IPB MIPA, Puji (Dr. Rianti) Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Mitra Tatang Setia, Msi - Wa dan Tri Susanto, hyu MSi) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi (Prof. Zulkifli Dr. Alamsyah) dan IPB (Prof. Hermanto Siregar) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatra Utara (Medan, Utara Sumatra Deli-Serdang), Aceh dan Aceh (Banda Aceh, Besar) Sumatera Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Langkat) Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kab. Utara, Kayong TN. Ketapang, Gunung Palung) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Muaro Kab. Bungo, Kab. Sarolangun, Jambi, Kab. Kota Jambi) Tebo, Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 30 Januari 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 4 Januari 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 24 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Ekologi Primatologi Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melakukanUntuk analisis data-data survei dan penggalian, serta yang analisis temuan mengenai sistematik pemukimansejarah di Utara Sumatra Untuk mempelajari Untuk hubungan antara perilaku agregasi Sumatera orangutan dan ketersediaan makanan mereka memahami perilaku benih monyet predasi (Presbytis daun merah rubicunda) di Stasiun Cabang Penelitian di Gunung (CPRS) Panti Park National Palung Kalimantan (GPNP), Barat memahami penggerak memahami penggerak sosio-ekonomi dan dampak perubahan tata guna lahan baru-baru ini di Indonesia, dengan khususfokus pada dampak heterogenitas berbagai dan peran jenis lembaga JUDUL PENELITIAN “Sejarah Pemukiman Di “Sejarah Pemukiman Ke-11 (Abad Sumatra – Ke-14Abad M)” “Influence of Fruit “Influence of on Party Size Availability Orangutans of Sumatran Living in Abelii) (Pongo Forest” Logged Previously Understanding The Understanding The Effects Red by of Seed Predation The on Monkeys Leaf and Distribution Diversitya of Bornean Plants Land-use Change and Effects among Livelihood in Smallholder Farmers Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR 16AR27228 NMKLK3PH3 515623225 CFJJ1K5HG INRAP Utrecht Utrecht Michigan University Göttingen INSTITUSI University of University of University JABATAN Researcher Master student Graduate Graduate student PhD Student PhD Serikat Jerman Belanda WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Paris, 22 Sep Paris, 1971 tember Kabul, 15 1990 March Amsterdam, 25 Amsterdam, Juni 1993 Portland, Portland, USA, Oregon, 29 July 1987 10.000 10.044 10.000 10.200 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Mr. Tom Tom Mr. PENELITI Ms. Nadjia Ms. Mehraban fael Estrada Simon Roth Claude Frère Mr. Gene Ra- Mr. Mr. Stéphane Stéphane Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 20/SIP/ 02/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 232/SIP/ 221/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/I/2018 KI/I/2018 4 2 20 31 No 2 20 No 221 232

554 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - - NO. TKPIPA NO. 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 11/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XI/2017, tanggal 8 No 2017 vember 2/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 8 Feb ruari 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si.) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Negeri (Dr. Papua Ricardo Tapilatu), dan Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Ludi Parwadani S.Si, Aji, M.App.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatra Utara (Medan, Utara Sumatra Deli-Serdang), Aceh dan Aceh (Banda Aceh, Besar) Jawa Tengah (Brebes, Tengah Jawa Pemalang, Tegal, Batang, Pekalongan, Semarang, Kendal, Demak), Jambi dan Selatan Sumatera Raja (Kab. Barat Papua Ampat) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 30 Januari 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 5 Maret 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Ekologi Ekologi kelautan Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melakukanUntuk analisis data-data survei dan penggalian, serta yang analisis temuan mengenai sistematik pemukimansejarah di Utara Sumatra Untuk mempelajari Untuk spesies keragaman Marine Protectes dan (MPAs) Areas sekitarnya, daerah dan bagaimana hal ini dipengaruhi oleh jarak dan habitat geografis, perlindungan. status Menilai status terumbu kesehatan karang mengikuti GCMN protokol Untuk memahami Untuk selama pola interaksi periode zaman Hindu- Budha di sejumlah Nusantara wilayah JUDUL PENELITIAN “Sejarah Pemukiman Di “Sejarah Pemukiman Ke-11 (Abad Sumatra – Ke-14Abad M)” “Biodiversity and “Biodiversity Connectivity Patterns Inside and Outside Marine Areas” Protected “An Archaeology of Archaeology “An NorthThe Coast Interaction: South of The and of Java Hindu-The During Sumatra Buddhist Period” NOMOR PASPOR 13DA32238 NPCRD1L62 17EK72978 - CNRS bonne Research Université Université INSTITUSI théon-Sor - 1 Pan Paris University & University Wageningen Wageningen JABATAN Researcher Master student PhD Candidate PhD Belanda WARGA WARGA Perancis Perancis NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Zigong Sich - uan, 24 August 1966 Paris, 13 Febru Paris, ari 1996 Gouda, The Gouda, The Netherlands, 25 Agustus 1988 10.000 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant Zhao NAMA NAMA Nabart Danielle Ms. Bing Ms. Christine, Christine, Mr. Chris - Mr. PENELITI de Leeuw tiaan Albert Ms. Virginie, Virginie, Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. II/2018 44/SIP/ 21/SIP/ 56/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ KI/I/2018 4 23 21 No 44 21 56 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 555 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018 tang - gal 10 Januari 2018 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA One Health- Health Eco Resource Center Universitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Dr.drh. Tunas Wayan Artama) Sekolah Ka - jian Stratejik dan Global, Universitas Indonesia (Irjen. Pol. Dr Benny Mamoto) Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Mitra Tatang Setia, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Klungkung)Bali (Kab. Timur DKI Jakarta; Jawa Lamongan) (Kab. Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Ketapang) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 2018 Maret 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 5 April 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Sosial Budaya politik Sosiologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk membandingkanUntuk situasi anjing di Bali Utama) dengan (Pulau dalam Nusa Penida pendekatan sosio- ekologis memahami Untuk yang tantangan dihadapi oleh mantan tahanan kasus mereka saat terorisme kembali bergabung dengan masyarakat mereka Untuk mempelajari Untuk kehidupan sejarah populasi orangutan Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) di TN. Gunung Palung JUDUL PENELITIAN “Pre-investigation study for study for “Pre-investigation One Health management of Rabies in Bali: A socio- dimension” ecosystem “The Societal Reintegration Offenders in Terrorism of Indonesia” “Orangutan Development, Development, “Orangutan Reproduction and Life History” NOMOR PASPOR EP728889 LK298406 GK907472 Boston Boston Institute Antwerp Nanyang Nanyang Medicine, Medicine, University University of Tropical of Tropical INSTITUSI Technological Technological JABATAN Associate Associate Research Fellow Research Research Manager Junior Researcher in the Public Health Department/ Epidemiology and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases Baru Belgia Kanada WARGA WARGA Selandia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL New Zealand, New Zealand, 11 Januari 1980 North York, North York, ON Canada, 2 Desember 1984 Ixelles, 24 April Ixelles, 1981 10.000 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant Thys NAMA NAMA George George Edward Edward Ms. Alys Alys Ms. Sumpter PENELITI Granados Ms. Séverine Séverine Ms. Mr. Cameron Cameron Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 91/SIP/ III/2018 IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 109/SIP/ 143/SIP/ KI/V/2018 8 10 39 No 91 No 109 143

556 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya LIPI (Richa Kusumawati) LPPM LPPM Universitas Madako (Dr. H. Moh. Drs. Ban - Ma'ruf tilan, MM) dan Pusat Penelitian Kemas - yarakatan dan Kebu - LIPI dayaan Obing (Dr. Katubi, M.Hum) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Risma (Dr. Illa Maulany, S.Hut.,M. Nat) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Maluku Maluku (Kab. Tengah) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Toli-Toli) Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Maros) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 16 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Juli 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Bahasa Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menyelidiki fungsi bulu menyelidiki dan kutil pada selubung dan daun Glomera serangga mendeteksi menyerbuki mana yang bunga menyelidiki tata bahasa tata menyelidiki dan Totoli dan sintaks antarmukanya dengan prosodi menguji pengaruh (jenis faktor beberapa kelamin, usia, pangkat, kepribadian) sosialitas, pada munculnya pada perilaku inovatif kera JUDUL PENELITIAN Anti-Herbivory and of Study Pollination The Species in Glomera Moluccas The Grammatical and Grammatical The Totoli of System Prosodic The Evolutionary OfThe Origins Human Innovation NOMOR PASPOR NTBC21KD9 C4K554PXH CG05PN0LL versity versity Leipzig Cologne INSTITUSI Leiden Uni - Leiden University of University University of University JABATAN Research Research fellow Research Research assistant Associate Associate professor Jerman Jerman Belanda WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Germany, 10 Germany, January 1990 Ebersbach/ 17 Sachs., November 1994 Utrecht, 2 Utrecht, December 1968 10.000 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant Mr. Bracks NAMA NAMA PENELITI Christoph Christoph Alexander Alexander Dr. Barbara Barbara Dr. Gravendeel rie Kiessling Ms. Lisa-Ma - Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 197/SIP/ 251/SIP/ 205/SIP/ VIII/2018 7 23 15 No No 197 251 205

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 557 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Tanjungpura Hari (Dr. Prayogo, S.Si., M.Si & Slamet Dr. Rifanjani, M.P) S.Hut., Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Sri Suci Uta - mi Atmoko) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Risma (Dr. Illa Maulany, S.Hut.,M. Nat) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan (TN. Barat Kab. Gunung Palung, Kab. Utara, Kayong Ketapang) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh risetSelatan, Stasiun Suaq Balimbing) dan Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya, Stasiun riset Tuanan) Sulawesi Selatan (Kab. Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Maros) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Januari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Oktober 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Biologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menyelidiki menyelidiki Untuk fluktuasi energi peran dan pada orangutan mengukur perubahan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan orangutan menggunakan kamera dan spidol hormonal memperluas dan mengembangkan pengetahuan lebih lanjut mengenai evolusi orangutan menguji faktor mana menguji faktor menyebabkan yang perilaku terjadinya pada primata inovatif dan, khususnya, bagaimana individu dari spesies toleran, Macaca Maura, bereaksi stimulus terhadap baru pendengaran JUDUL PENELITIAN “Orangutan Development, Development, “Orangutan Reproduction and Life History” The Development of Development The Immature Wild Curiosity in Orangutans The Evolutionary of The Origins 2 Human Innovation NOMOR PASPOR 518285799 NV83PP443 PAG851550 Zürich Boston Boston Leipzig University INSTITUSI University of University University of University JABATAN Research Research Assistant Student Research Research assistant Serikat Spanyol Belanda WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL - Cal San Diego, U.S.A., ifornia, 1994 21 Maret Eindhoven, Eindhoven, 30 November 1991 Elda (Alicante), Elda (Alicante), 21 April 1990 10.000 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Jacoba Jacoba Beltran Beltran Frances Nellissen Mr. Victor Victor Mr. PENELITI Ms. Dania Ms. Josephina Ms. Larissa Ms. Magaly- Abi zaid Herrera SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 07/SIP/ FRP/E5/ 307/SIP/ 252/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 7 7 24 No 7 No 252 307

558 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember - KERJA MITRA Program Program Agama Studi dan Lintas Budaya, UGM (Dr. Samsul Maarif) & Univer sitas NU Yogyakarta Abdul (Dr. Ghoffar) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta & Jawa & Jawa Yogyakarta DI (Kota Surakarta) Tengah Sumatera Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Kab. Mandailing Natal, Selatan, Kab. Tapanuli Tengah); Tapanuli (Kab. Barat Sumatera Riau (Kab. Pasaman); Kampar) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 29 Januari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi sosial budaya Sejarah TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memahami Untuk dan praktik sejarah yang sholawat dilakukan oleh Habib Qodir bin Abdul Syech Assegaf mencari dan memperbaiki situs- situs hunian kuno melakukanyang pendaftaran di situs memperkayauntuk situs-situs pekerjaan dan kuno di Sumatra menggunakan sebuah berartisumber yang mendapatkanuntuk pengetahuan tentang kuno Sumatera sejarah JUDUL PENELITIAN “Performing Indonesian“Performing Islamic Piety: Forming Global Communities Practies” Local through Pemukiman-Pemukiman Pemukiman-Pemukiman Utara, di Sumatra Kuno dan Riau Barat Sumatra Ke-9(Abad Ke-14 – Abad M) NOMOR PASPOR 526038775 17FV28969 - d'Ex École École (EFEO) française française University INSTITUSI trême-Orient Arizona State State Arizona JABATAN Graduate Graduate Student Senior Researcher Serikat WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Roanne, 20 Roanne, November 1958 United States States United of America, 30 1987 Oktober 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant Perret NAMA NAMA Michael Edmonds PENELITI Mr. James Mr. iel Georges iel Georges Prof. Dr. Dan - Dr. Prof. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 18/SIP/ 327/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 27 18 No 18 No 327

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 559 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018 tang - gal 10 Januari 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas - Pengeta huan Budaya Universitas Indonesia Dr. (Prof. Melani Budianta) Puslit Puslit LIPI Biologi, S. (Anang Achmadi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Utara) Sumatera Utara(Kab. Utara(Kab. Sumatera Dairi); Sumatera Agam, Barat(Kab. Barat); Kota Pasaman Riau(Kab. Pelalawan); Batanghari, Jambi(Kab. Jawa Merangin); Kab. Cianjur, Barat(Kab. Kab. Kuningan, Kab. Sukabumi); Jawa Magelang, Tengah(Kab. DI Pemalang); Kab. Yogyakarta(Kab. Sleman); Jawa Banyuwangi, Timur(Kab. Kab. Bondowoso, Kab. Malang, Kab. Lumajang, Kab. Pasuruan, Kab. Situbondo) LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 4 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Etnomusikologi Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menjelajahi Untuk global, politik nasional, dan etnis, identitas dan budaya berbagi meminjam melalui kinerja musik Okinawa di Indonesia Untuk mensurveiUntuk populasi mamalia kecil di Jawa JUDUL PENELITIAN “Okinawan at Heart” at “Okinawan “Species discovery, “Species discovery, evolutionary relationships, and conservation of small and the mammals on Java Sunda Shelf” NOMOR PASPOR 505844443 471387290 - sity Manoa Louisiana Louisiana University University INSTITUSI of Hawaii at at of Hawaii State Univer State JABATAN Graduate Graduate Student PhD student PhD Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Santa Ana, Ana, Santa CA, USA, 10 November 1984 Florida, USA, Florida, 10 December 1981 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant tions NAMA NAMA Allen Na - Allen PENELITI Mr. Aaron Aaron Mr. West Singer West Mr. Jonathan Jonathan Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. II/2018 52/SIP/ FRP/E5/ 136/SIP/ KI/V/2018 3 31 No 52 No 136

560 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - - - NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 No 2018 vember 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 No 2018 vember 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 No 2018 vember KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Mitra Tatang Setia, MSi - Wa dan Tri Susanto, hyu MSi) Badan Litbang Kementerian PUPR (Prof. Arief Saba - ruddin) Badan Litbang Kementerian PUPR (Prof. Arief Saba - ruddin) Badan Litbang Kementerian PUPR (Prof. Arief Saba - ruddin) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Utara) Kayong Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 September 2018 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 6 November 2018 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 6 November 2018 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 6 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami interaksi memahami interaksi perilaku, antara diet dan kesehatan, pada orangutan parasit Borneo (Pongo melalui pygmaeus) populasi studi tentang Taman tinggal di yang Nasional Gunung Palung mengumpulkan data pascabencana dan mudah tsunami yang rusak mengumpulkan data pascabencana dan mudah tsunami yang rusak mengumpulkan data pascabencana dan mudah tsunami yang rusak JUDUL PENELITIAN The ImpactThe of Diet, Social Behavior, Disease, Status and Reproductive in Prevalence on Parasite Bornean Orangutans Post-earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance Sulawesi, City, in Palu the Indonesia following 2018 M7.5 28 September Earthquake Post-earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance Sulawesi, City, in Palu the Indonesia following 2018 M7.5 28 September Earthquake Post-earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance Sulawesi, City, in Palu the Indonesia following 2018 M7.5 28 September Earthquake NOMOR PASPOR 531762432 502694812 C14528162 488885217 Maine Boston Boston Auburn Auburn University University University INSTITUSI University of University Oregon State State Oregon JABATAN Student Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Associate Professor Serikat Serikat Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Abington, Abington, - Pennsylva nia, USA, 16 1996 August South Boston, USA, Virginia, 15 December 1982 Maine, Bangor, USA, 14 May 1986 - Cal Deer Park, USA, 6 ifornia, April 1986 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant - ery inson Mason NAMA NAMA Mr. Jack Mr. Benjamin PENELITI Mr. Aaron Aaron Mr. Mr. Henry Mr. Jane Rob - Montgom Ms. Natalie Natalie Ms. Peter Gallant Peter SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 IX/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 403/SIP/ 405/SIP/ 274/SIP/ 404/SIP/ 37 39 15 38 No No 403 405 274 404

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 561 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 No 2018 vember KERJA MITRA Lembaga Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga Dr. (Prof. Indah S. Tantular) Fakultas Fakultas - Ilmu Pen getahuan Budaya, Departemen Humaniora Universitas Indonesia (Manneke Budiman) Badan Litbang Kementerian PUPR (Prof. Arief Saba - ruddin) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Surabaya- LPT Univ. Laboratorium Airlangga); Sumatera Muara Selatan (Kab. Enim (Puskesmas Desa Agung): Tanjung Desa Emil, Muara Desa Embawang, Kab. Agung); Tanjung (Puskesmas Lahat Bunga Mas) : Desa Tanda Desa Bunga Mas, Raja, Desa Paduraksa); Jambi (Kab Merangin, Kab Sarolangun) Jawa Barat (Kab. Bogor) (Kab. Barat Jawa Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 Juni 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 2018 Maret 10 (sepuluh) hari, mulai 6 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi molekuler Seni Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari karakteristik molekuler malaria dan parasit varian defisiensi G6PD di Indonesia Untuk memeriksa Untuk bagaimana tokoh-tokoh dalam perlawanan gerakan di anti-kolonial wilayah "Laut Selatan", sekarangyang dikenal Asia sebagai Taiwan, dan Pasifik, Tenggara, kekaisaran dan literatur Jepang mengumpulkan data pascabencana dan mudah tsunami yang rusak JUDUL PENELITIAN Molecular Epidemiological on Human MalariaStudies and G6PD Parasites Deficiency in Indonesia “Voyaging Resistance: Resistance: “Voyaging Japanese Imperial Literature “South Seas” and the Post-earthquake and tsunami reconnaissance Sulawesi, City, in Palu the Indonesia following 2018 M7.5 28 September Earthquake NOMOR PASPOR TK8262190 TK8869257 557460377 - - sity of Hawaii California Asian Lan - Asian INSTITUSI guages and The DepartThe Oita Univer ment of East ment University of University Literatures at at Literatures the University the University JABATAN Visiting fellow Visiting Associate Associate Professor Ph.D candidate Ph.D Serikat Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL - 16 Agus Aichi, tus 1947 Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, 27 Juni 1968 Tokyo, 27 Sep Tokyo, 1987 tember 10.000 10.000 10.000 Grant ($) Grant Prof. Prof. Otta NAMA NAMA Wartman Fumihiko Fumihiko PENELITI Mr. Joseph Mr. Kawamoto Mr. Yoshiaki Yoshiaki Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ III/2018 VI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 406/SIP/ 187/SIP/ 100/SIP/ 40 15 48 No No 406 187 100

562 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Program Program Agama Studi dan Lintas Budaya-UGM Moham - (Dr. mad Iqbal Ahnaf) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman Budi Y. (Dr. Sulisitoadi) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman Budi Y. (Dr. Sulisitoadi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) Kalimantan Timur (Kota Samarinda) Kalimantan Timur (Kota Samarinda) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 4 Desember 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi agama Kehutanan Kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari tingkat dan dampak dari Salafisme penyebaran tanpa kekerasan (khususnya memeriksa Abu pengikut para Nida) di universitas- di universitas Yogyakarta menilai akurasi, menilai akurasi, secara penerapan, dan operasional berbagai teknikbiaya jauh penginderaan mendukung untuk mekanisme pencatatan pengukuran dan verifikasi (MRV) REDD + Program menilai akurasi, menilai akurasi, secara penerapan, dan operasional berbagai teknikbiaya jauh penginderaan mendukung untuk mekanisme pencatatan pengukuran dan verifikasi (MRV) REDD + Program JUDUL PENELITIAN The Spread of Salafism in Spread The Universities in Yogyakarta Forest Biomass and Forest Assessment Stock Carbon Using Forest Tropical of Remote Sensing Different Techniques Forest Biomass and Forest Assessment Stock Carbon Using Forest Tropical of Remote Sensing Different Techniques NOMOR PASPOR 561119559 BDP82D381 OC3206771 Twente Twente Law and Law School of INSTITUSI Diplomacy The Fletcher Fletcher The University of University University of University JABATAN Masters student Associate Associate Professor Master Student desh Serikat Bangla - Belanda WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Boston, MA MA Boston, USA, 11 June 1991 Baghdad, 29 Baghdad, April 1954 20 Gazipur, November 1984 9.100 9.000 9.000 Grant ($) Grant Hussin NAMA NAMA Banker Hashem PENELITI Campbell Campbell Ms. Carter Ms. Dr. Yousif Ali Yousif Dr. Mr. MD Abul MD Abul Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 450/SIP/ 295/SIP/ 296/SIP/ 5 36 37 No No 450 295 296

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 563 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman Budi Y. (Dr. Sulisitoadi) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman Budi Y. (Dr. Sulisitoadi) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman Budi Y. (Dr. Sulisitoadi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Kota Samarinda) Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Kota Samarinda) Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Kota Samarinda) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 September 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kehutanan Kehutanan Kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menilai akurasi, menilai akurasi, secara penerapan, dan operasional berbagai teknikbiaya jauh penginderaan mendukung untuk mekanisme pencatatan pengukuran dan verifikasi (MRV) REDD + Program menilai akurasi, menilai akurasi, secara penerapan, dan operasional berbagai teknikbiaya jauh penginderaan mendukung untuk mekanisme pencatatan pengukuran dan verifikasi (MRV) REDD + Program menilai akurasi, menilai akurasi, secara penerapan, dan operasional berbagai teknikbiaya jauh penginderaan mendukung untuk mekanisme pencatatan pengukuran dan verifikasi (MRV) REDD + Program JUDUL PENELITIAN Forest Biomass and Forest Assessment Stock Carbon Using Forest Tropical of Remote Sensing Different Techniques Forest Biomass and Forest Assessment Stock Carbon Using Forest Tropical of Remote Sensing Different Techniques Forest Biomass and Forest Assessment Stock Carbon Using Forest Tropical of Remote Sensing Different Techniques NOMOR PASPOR EP3412106 OC9086487 EP3596943 Twente Twente Twente INSTITUSI University of University University of University University of University JABATAN Master Student Master Student Master Student desh Bangla - WARGA WARGA Ethiopia Ethiopia NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Hareto, 29 Hareto, Desember 1983 Dhaka, 4 Feb ruari 1983 Adigrat, 12 Adigrat, November 1986 9.000 9.000 9.000 Grant ($) Grant - NAMA NAMA Mr. MD Mr. Hossain Mahmud Mr. Geza - Mr. PENELITI de Beyene Mr. Welday Welday Mr. hegn Kebe hegn Berhe Tesfay SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IX/2018 IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 297/SIP/ 298/SIP/ 299/SIP/ 38 39 40 No No 297 298 299

564 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2018, tanggal 23 November 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA P2KK LIPI Dr. (Prof. Herman Hidayat) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman Budi Y. (Dr. Sulisitoadi) P2KK-LIPI P2KK-LIPI Dr. (Prof. Herman Hidayat) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, JakartaKodya Utara); Kalimantan (Kab. Utara Malinau, Kota Tarakan); Kalimantan Timur Kab. Barat, Kutai (Kab. Makaham Kota Ulu, Samarinda) Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Kota Samarinda) Riau (Kab. Pelalawan); Riau Pelalawan); (Kab. DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan); Kalimantan (Kab. Utara Malinau); Kalimantan Barat, Kutai (Kab. Timur Makaham Kab. Kab. Ulu, Paser) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 Desember 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 27 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial ekonomi kehutanan Kehutanan Sosial ekonomi kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengembangkan model pembangunan lokal yang berkelanjutan dengan menyesuaikan pencaharian mata masyarakat setempat menilai akurasi, menilai akurasi, secara penerapan, dan operasional berbagai teknikbiaya jauh penginderaan mendukung untuk mekanisme pencatatan pengukuran dan verifikasi (MRV) REDD + Program menguji model mata menguji model mata pencaharian yang berkelanjutan di kawasan Heart of Borneo JUDUL PENELITIAN Livelihood Adjustment for for Adjustment Livelihood Conservation,Biodiversity Change Mitigation/ Climate The and Sdgs in Adaptation Heart of Borneo Forest Biomass and Forest Assessment Stock Carbon Using Forest Tropical of Remote Sensing Different Techniques The adjustment of local adjustment The for livelihoods people’s conservationbiodiversity in the Heart of Borneo – A study of five comparative regions NOMOR PASPOR TS1570706 BR0425981 TZ1154217 - sity Twente Strategies Strategies ronmental ronmental INSTITUSI - Global Envi Institute For Institute For Toyo Univer Toyo University of University JABATAN Master Student Research Research Associate Researcher desh Jepang Jepang Bangla - WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Chapainawab 10 April ganj, 1985 Osaka, Japan, 19 June 1983 Utsunomiya Tochigi City, - Prefecture-Ja pan, 3 October 1976 9.000 9.000 9.000 Grant ($) Grant Kawai Nesha NAMA NAMA Ms. MST Ms. Terauchi Karimon PENELITI Dr. Daisuke Dr. Mr. Masayuki Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 300/SIP/ 261/SIP/ 452/SIP/ 2 7 41 No No 300 261 452

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 565 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 24 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Arman Wijonarko) LPPM LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Almasdi Dr. SE. Syahza MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut Haris (Dr. Gunawan) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi (Prof. Zulkifli Dr. Alamsyah) dan IPB (Prof. Hermanto Siregar) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman) Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Kab. Indragiri Hilir, Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, RokanKab. Hilir); Jambi Jabung Tanjung (Kab. Barat, Tanjung Kab. Jabung Timur); Jawa Bandung) (Kab. Barat Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Muaro Kab. Bungo, Kab. Sarolangun, Jambi, Kab. Kota Jambi) Tebo, Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Desember 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 November 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 6 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Agroforestri Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mendeteksi wolbachia wolbachia mendeteksi dan endosymbiont pada serangga lainnya Indonesia, Tortricidae dan menguji karakterisasi efek endosimbion (fenotipe) ke inang memahami metode memahami metode penggunaan lahan dari petani kecil yang hidup berdampingan dengan lahan gambut pada dan mengarah lahan rehabilitasi telah gambut yang hancur mengeksplorasi mengeksplorasi ekonomi penggerak dan dampak perubahan guna lahan baru- tata baru ini di provinsi Jambi dengan fokus khusus pada ketahanan pangan dan pola makan JUDUL PENELITIAN The Evaluation of Evaluation The by Phenotypes Caused Endosymbiotic Microbes in Insects Tortricidae Livelihood of Smallholders Livelihood Kopi GambutSurrounding The From - Coffee) (Peatland of Rehabilitation Point View Peatland- Socioeconomic Drivers Socioeconomic Drivers and Impacts of Land- use Changes among Smallholders in Tropical Rain Forests Lowland NOMOR PASPOR TL0231783 TR5165167 K0013203 versity Göttingen Kyoto uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI Tokyo Uni - Tokyo Technology Technology University of University riculture and riculture - of Ag versity JABATAN Post Doctoral Post PhD student PhD Ph.D student Ph.D Eritrea Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Argzana, 7 July Argzana, 1983 Tokyo, 12 Tokyo, October 1993 Japan, 16 No 1995 vember 8.670 8.837 8.400 Grant ($) Grant Arai Kasori NAMA NAMA Sibhatu Tadesse Tadesse PENELITI Ms. Maho Ms. Mr. Hiroshi Hiroshi Mr. Mr. Kibrom Kibrom Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 233/SIP/ 446/SIP/ 428/SIP/ VIII/2018 5 1 62 No No 233 446 428

566 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 4/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/IV/2018, tanggal 9 April 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Suwig - Agus M.A) nyo, Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Suwig - Agus nyo) Fakultas Fakultas Univer MIPA sitas Andalas Rizaldi, (Dr. M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) DI Yogyakarta Sleman, Kota (Kab. Yogyakarta) Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Siak,Kab. Kota Dumai) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 3 Juli 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 22 Oktober 2018 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 24 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi sosial budaya Antropologi Antropologi budaya Primatologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami pembentukan dan esensi budaya multikulturalisme di Indonesia; untuk memperjelas sejauh mana pembentukan hukum dan kebijakan dipengaruhi oleh budaya beragam sosial dan dipengaruhi oleh aspek apa; dan mengeksplorasi untuk karakteristik dari hukum aturan sistem Indonesia mengungkap sejarah hubungan antara kesenian tradisional dan hukum Islam di Indonesia, termasuk perkembangan historis dan pendapatnya ini saat mengidentifikasi distribusi lutung bandar Timur Sumatera JUDUL PENELITIAN The Influence of The Social of the Formation to Culture in Indonesia and Policy Law The Relationship of Arts Relationship The and Islam in Southeast Asian and in the Muslim Culture, Tradition Written Arabic Distribution and Taxonomy Distribution and Taxonomy of Banded Langurs in Sumatra NOMOR PASPOR E004I4680 BJ3829734 E6112627K - Eötvös Eötvös Loránd Loránd Institute University University University INSTITUSI Law School Law (Singapore) eign Studies Studies eign Jane Goodall of Beijing For JABATAN PhD candidate PhD PhD Student PhD Researcher ra China WARGA WARGA Singapu - NEGARA Hungaria - - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Székesfe Hunga - hérvár, 22 February ry, 1988 Chong Qing, Chong Qing, China, 11 Feb ruary 1987 Singapore, 15 Singapore, April 1985 7.402 7.700 8.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Ms. Sun Ms. Yunxiao Mr. Áron Áron Mr. PENELITI Bence LakiBence Fang Andie Fang Ms. Ang Hui Ang Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 346/SIP/ 288/SIP/ 194/SIP/ KI/X/2018 4 46 29 No No 346 288 194

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 567 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5Dit. KI/I/2018 tang - gal 15 Januari 2018 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Widyanto Dwi Nugro ho) Pusat Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat (PPIM) UIN Jakarta (Dr. Jamhari Makruf) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi National I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si) Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi National I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan) Papua (Kab. Jayapura, Jayapura, (Kab. Papua Pegunungan Kab. Bintang) Papua (Kab. Jayapura, Jayapura, (Kab. Papua Pegunungan Kab. Bintang) LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 22 Februari 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 11 Juli 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 17 Juli 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 17 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Pertanian Hukum Arkeologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengklarifikasiUntuk mekanisme pembentukan kayu di pohon tropis Indonesia, terutama pada aspek fokus sel formasi biologis kayu Untuk memahami Untuk hukum yang praktik mapan terkait dengan agama di peraturan Indonesia melakukan penelitian dan arkeologi di Provinsi antropologi Indonesia Papua, melakukan penelitian dan arkeologi di Provinsi antropologi Indonesia Papua, JUDUL PENELITIAN “Anatomical study on wood study on wood “Anatomical trees of tropical formation in Indonesia” Religion and the Law in and the Law Religion Indonesia: Decisions Recent Windows into the into Windows Inquiry Past Prehistoric Windows into the into Windows Inquiry Past Prehistoric NOMOR PASPOR TR4921510 N5706981 EP174739 CFGN13Y7H PACEA Catholic Catholic University Australian Australian UMR 5199 INSTITUSI Tokyo Uni - Tokyo Max Planck Technology Institute for Institute for Ornithology riculture and riculture - of Ag versity JABATAN Associate Associate Professor PhD candidate PhD CNRS Researcher Professor Belgia Jepang Jerman WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Japan, 13 January 1981 Melbourne, Melbourne, 28 Australia, July 1983 Leuven Leuven 16 (Belgium), December 1974 Siegen, 2 Ok 1943 tober 7.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 Grant ($) Grant - evel Patrick Patrick NAMA NAMA Nakaba Dr. Wulf Wulf Dr. Peterson PENELITI Mr. Daniel Mr. Dr. Marian Dr. Dr. Satoshi Satoshi Dr. Vanhaeren Schiefenho SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 45/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 VII/2018 202/SIP/ 209/SIP/ 210/SIP/ 12 24 19 20 No 45 No 202 209 210

568 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 6/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VI/2018, tanggal 4 Juni 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi National I Made (Drs. Geria, M.Si) Fakultas Syari’ah, Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol (Dr. Padang Huda) Yasrul Departemen Biologi IPB FMIPA, Rika (Dr. Raffiudin) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Papua (Kab. Jayapura, Jayapura, (Kab. Papua Pegunungan Kab. Bintang) (Kota Barat Sumatera Padang) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 Oktober 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 17 Juli 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 26 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial ekonomi pertanian Arkeologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengeksplorasi mengeksplorasi pengembangan sistem dan sosiokultural manusia agroekologi dan menerapkan berbasis- metodologi tepat yang sistem menganalisis untuk saling yang aspek-aspek berhubungan dari manusia eksistensi melakukan penelitian dan arkeologi di Provinsi antropologi Indonesia Papua, mempelajari variasi dalam pengembangan dan kelangsungan hidup koloni T. sebagai Laeviceps fungsi dari penggunaan lahan petak dan daerah alam sekitarnya; memeriksa variasi dalam keanekaragaman di seluruh penyerbuk tipe penggunaan lahan habitat dan gradien alami sekitarnya JUDUL PENELITIAN Survival of The Fitted: Fitted: The Survival of Human Self-Domestication and Our Sociocultural Niche Windows into the into Windows Inquiry Past Prehistoric Impacts on of Land Use Diversity Pollinator Native and Survival in Sumatra, Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR N7605545 17EC59242 C1Y8H12F0 PACEA National National University Australian Australian UMR 5199 Göttingen INSTITUSI University of University JABATAN CNRS Researcher student PhD Master student Jerman WARGA WARGA Perancis Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL L´Union, 6 1980 March Melbourne, Melbourne, 9 Australia, July 1971 Kirchheim - bolanden, 25 1992 March 6.000 6.000 5.996 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Schröck Gleeson Antunes Ms. Sonja Ms. PENELITI Mr. Benja - Mr. Dr. Nicolas Dr. min Thomas min Thomas SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 211/SIP/ 362/SIP/ 225/SIP/ KI/X/2018 21 62 35 No No 211 362 225

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 569 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 12/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XII/2017, tanggal 13 Desember 2017 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 2A/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, 8 Februari 2018 - KERJA MITRA FISIP, Univer FISIP, sitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Arie Setyan - ingrum) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan Dr. IPB (Prof. I Nengah Jaya) Surati Politeknik Politeknik Negeri Lampung Jakty (Dr. Kusuma) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. Lampung (Bandar Lampung) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 22 Januari 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 28 Maret 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 7 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosiologi Kehutanan Bioteknologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menyelidiki menyelidiki Untuk cara-cara di mana pendidikan program dalam negeri dapat mengembangkan kapasitas budaya antar peserta Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk dan penyediaan diferensial informasi bermaknayang tentang pola lanskap yang mendukung penjelasan dan pola fungsi ekologi sosial ekonomi Untuk Untuk mengkarakterisasi genetik keragaman dan struktur spesies pala (Myristica dan M. fatua fragrans, dalam M. argentea) distribusi asli Indonesia mendukung untuk konservasi strategi dan penggunaan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Intercultural Development Development “Intercultural In-CountryThe of as Part Experience” Educational “Land Use Classification for Classification “Land Use Jambi Province” “NUTMEG: Genetic diversity tree food of the emblematic species Myristica fragrans (Indonesian Nutmeg)” NOMOR PASPOR N5128599 5703155 17AB067882 (IRD) Sydney Sydney Western Western Australia University Institut de Göttingen University, University, Recherche Recherche INSTITUSI oppement oppement - pour le Dével JABATAN PhD Candidate PhD Master Student Researcher Peru WARGA WARGA Perancis Australia NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sydney, Sydney, 24 Australia, November 1976 - Pavil lons-sous-Bois, 21 October 1977 ber 1988 Lima, 25 Okto 5.000 5.960 5.700 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Duminil Ramirez Ms. Kate Ms. Paul Vera Vera Paul PENELITI Mr. Jerome Jerome Mr. Mr. Rodrigo Mr. Louise Naidu Louise SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 14/SIP/ 93/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 144/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/V/2018 11 14 41 No 14 93 No 144

570 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 2/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 8 Feb ruari 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 7/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/VII/2018, tanggal 11 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA Kementerian Kementerian Kesehatan RI, Politeknik Kesehatan Pontianak Waluyo, (Edy S.Gz, M.Gizi) Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Dr. (Prof. Haris)Abdul - Pen Fakultas didikan Ilmu - Pengeta huan Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Elly Dr. (Prof. Malihah, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kapuas Hulu) (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Wakatobi) (Kota Banda Aceh Utara Sumatera Aceh); (Kota Medan); Jawa (Kota Bandung, Barat Jawa Kota Tasikmalaya); (Kota Malang); Timur Lebak); (Kab. Banten Bali (Kota Denpasar); Timur Nusa Tenggara Sumba Barat); (Kab. Kalimantan (Kota Barat Kalimantan Pontianak); Selatan (Kota Banjarmasin); Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Makasar); Maluku (Kota Ambon) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 7 Juni 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Februari 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 6 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi Zoologi Ilmu Nutrisi Ilmu Pendidikan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami bagaimana karangterumbu dapat berfungsi di masa depan jika mereka didominasi oleh spons Untuk memahami Untuk perubahan nutrisi terkaityang dengan perubahan agraria mengeksplorasi pengalaman guru Indonesia yang menafsirkan Pancasila dalam penyelidikan online antar kolaboratif daerah JUDUL PENELITIAN Environmental degradation degradation Environmental from transitions and future sponge-dominated to coral 2018: trophic states reef and population interactions changes “Rom Forest Foods to to Foods “Rom Forest Supermarkets: Changing Nutrition and Food Diets, Resulting Environments Driven Oil Palm from West Deforestation, Kalimantan, Indonesia” Exploring Indonesian Experiences Teachers' the Pancasila Interpreting Online in an Interregional InquiryCollaborative NOMOR PASPOR 533898577 511412338 E4128747 SOAS, SOAS, Darwin Charles Victoria Victoria London University INSTITUSI Wellington University of University University of University JABATAN Phd Candidate Phd PhD student PhD PhD Candidate PhD Inggris Inggris WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Peterborough, Peterborough, 12 January 1987 Sydney, 14 Australia, 1973 February Chelmsford, Chelmsford, UK, 9 Juli 1988 5.000 5.000 5.000 Grant ($) Grant - Edith Edith NAMA NAMA Samuel Pheeney Rowland Ms. Char Ms. Mortimer PENELITI lotte Lucy lotte Mr. Dominic Mr. Ms. Christine Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 50/SIP/ VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 178/SIP/ 234/SIP/ VIII/2018 6 6 29 No 50 No 178 234

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 571 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2017, tanggal 26 Juli 2017 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Diponegoro Indah (Prof. Susilowati) PVMBG (Dr. PVMBG (Dr. Devy Kamil Syahbana) dan Balai - Penyeli dikan dan - Pengem bangan Teknologi Kebencanan Geologi I KESDM (Ir. Gusti Made Agung Nandaka) Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata Universitas (Dr. Udayana I Nengah Wandia) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (TN. Tengah Jawa Karimunjawa) DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kab. Bantul, Progo, Kulon Kidul, Kab. Sleman, Kota Kab. Maluku Yogyakarta); Halmahera (Kab. Utara Halmahera Kab. Barat, Halmahera Selatan, Kab. Halmahera Kab. Tengah, Halmahera Kab. Timur, Sula, Kep. Kab. Utara, Pulau Kab. Morotai, Kab. Kota Ternate, Taliabu, Kota Tidore Kepulauan) Gianyar) Bali (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 14 Agustus 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Manajemen / Ekologi SDA Primatologi Vulkanologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengidentifikasi perubahan, sifat menentukan variabel berpengaruh yang Taman terhadap Nasional Laut Karimunjawa yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat setempat Untuk mengeksplorasi mengeksplorasi Untuk dasar emosional dan manipulasi kognitif objek lucu pada monyet memahami aktivitas vulkanik melalui emisi gas dan thermal JUDUL PENELITIAN Understanding Fast Understanding Fast of Variables and Slow Karimunjawa Marine as a means Area Protected Manage Effectively to Implications of Rapid Change “Behavioral structure and “Behavioral of processes motivational object in Balinese long- play tailed macaques” Gas and Thermal Emissions Thermal Gas and from Volcanoes Active NOMOR PASPOR GG902549 524524095 13BD06232 College, College, Canisius Canisius Waterloo INSTITUSI Buffalo, NY Buffalo, oppement) IRD (Institut University of University de Recherche de Recherche - pour le Dével JABATAN Master Student BA/BSc student Researcher Serikat Kanada WARGA WARGA Perancis Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Jalandhar, In - Jalandhar, dia, 30 August 1994 Vanuatu, 25 Vanuatu, 1975 May New York, USA, New York, 2 Juni 1997 5.000 5.000 5.000 Grant ($) Grant - toff Bani Kaur NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Simar Ms. Ellen Cher Ms. Sydney Sydney Ms. Dr. Philipson Philipson Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ IV/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 241/SIP/ 281/SIP/ 130/SIP/ VIII/2018 13 22 29 No No 241 281 130

572 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2018, tanggal 23 November 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 6 Februari 2018 - KERJA MITRA UPT CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Hendrik Se gah, S.Hut., M.Si.) Fakultas Fakultas - Ilmu Pen getahuan Budaya, Ali UI (Dr. Akbar) Fakultas Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Airlangga (Diah Ariani Arimbi, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Kotip Utara, Kepulauan Seribu); Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Bulukumba) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Timur, JakartaKodya Utara); DI Yogyakarta (Kota Timur Yogyakarta); Jawa (Kota Surabaya) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Desember 2018 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Arkeologi Arkeologi maritim Antropologi Antropologi Sosial Budaya TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengidentifikasi pola perilaku dan rentang terkena yang orangutan dampak kebakaran hutan 2015 meningkatan sumber maritim budaya daya Indonesia dan manajemen maritim survei melalui proyek percontohan Untuk menentukanUntuk bagaimana Islam bisa menjadi kekuatan pemberdayaan Muslim wanita bagi Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN Behavioural and Home Behavioural Range Changes in Orang- pygmaeus utans (Pongo wurmbii) in an Area Forest by the 2015 Affected Kalimantan, in Central Fires Indonesia Maritime Cultural Resource Resource Maritime Cultural Case Two of Indonesia: Contemporary Studies. boatbuilding in Tana Licin. and Batu Bira Beru, investigated from Cargoes the Chinese shipwrecks: porcelain “Women’s emancipation emancipation “Women’s Muslim faith in through Java” NOMOR PASPOR AAK139463 YA9299054 PAF544203 Napoli College College London University University INSTITUSI Goettingen University of University University of University JABATAN Independent Researcher Associate Associate Professor PhD student PhD Italia Spanyol Spanyol WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Madrid, Spain, 7 October 1981 Salerno, 02 Salerno, July 1963 Albacete, Albacete, Spain, 20 July 1989 5.000 5.000 4.915 Grant ($) Grant Ruiz guez NAMA NAMA Mr. Axel Axel Mr. Soriente Martínez PENELITI Mr. Diego Mr. Ms. Antonia Antonia Ms. Garcia RodriGarcia - SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 431/SIP/ 459/SIP/ 160/SIP/ KI/V/2018 65 14 27 No No 431 459 160

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 573 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pene Pusat litian dan - Pengem bangan Lingkungan Hidup, Universitas Hasanuddin Dada - (Prof. ng Ahmad Suriami - dan hardja), Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Pattimura Hellen (Dr. Nanlohy, Msi.) SPi., DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Maluku Maluku (Kab. Kota Tual, Tenggara, Kei) P. LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 30 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perikanan dan Perikanan kelautan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari sistem mempelajari sistem pengenalan dan proses manajemen praktek perikanan tradisional "Sasi" di Kepulauan Kei JUDUL PENELITIAN Multi-Evaluation SurveyMulti-Evaluation Fishery Traditional of The Management “Sasi” Practice Indonesia Kei Islands, The in NOMOR PASPOR TR8481615 versity versity Kyoto Uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI JABATAN PhD student PhD Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Osaka, Japan, 24 April 1993 4.766 Grant ($) Grant Seko NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Hotaka Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 228/SIP/ 38 No No 228

574 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA/ VM/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 8 Januari 2018 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional Tatang (Drs. Mitra Setia, Msi) Pusat Studi Studi Pusat Lingkungan, Universitas Mataram (Lalu Arifin A. Bakti) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Selatan) Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Utara, Lombok (Kab. perairan Gili Trawangan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 28 Desember 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melihat melihat Untuk perolehan dan keterampilan pertumbuhanlintasan pada orangutan belum yang sumatera sekitardewasa usia dan untuk menyusui, memahami hubungan perolehan antara keterampilan, pertumbuhan tubuh menyusui dan waktu mengevaluasi mengevaluasi kemampuan fragmen karang dari koloni karang dangkal dalam di perairan beradaptasi lebih dalam dan yang dengan lebih dingin cahaya ketersediaan lebih rendah yang JUDUL PENELITIAN “Why do orangutans show “Why show do orangutans Skill weaning? such late and growth acquisition trajectories in immature orangutans Sumatran the timing of around weaning” Testing Depth Response of Testing Heat-Resistant Transplanted Corals NOMOR PASPOR X3378188 513517085 - Leeds Zurich pology, pology, of Anthro INSTITUSI Department University of University University of University JABATAN Master Student Master student - land Inggris Switzer WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Zürich, 14 Zürich, September 1992 Bath, 26 Janu - Bath, ary 1995 4.500 4.400 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Sascha Dhillon Mr. Max Mr. PENELITI Lilian Kunz Ms. Belinda Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 40/SIP/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ XII/2018 461/SIP/ 19 16 No 40 No 461

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 575 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 30 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian Dr. IPB (Prof. Damayanti Buchori, MSc) dan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi (Dr. - Nurd Fuad iansyah) - FMIPA-Insti tut Pertanian Bogor (Prof. Anja Dr. Meryandini Iman dan Dr. Rusmana), Universitas Jambi (Prof. Zulkar Dr. nain) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Kota Jambi) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Kota Jambi) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 18 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk pengelolaan yang kelapa sawit memungkinkan serangga keragaman tanpa tinggi mempengaruhi hasil kelapa sawit mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis bagaimana peningkatan penggunaan lahan pertanian mempengaruhi masyarakat prokariotik. Di dalam tanah, mikroorganisme memainkan peran dalam sikluspenting nutrisi dan transformasi nutrisi berbeda yang dan oleh karena itu pertanianuntuk JUDUL PENELITIAN “Aboveground biodiversity biodiversity “Aboveground and processes patterns rainforest across landscapes” transformation Impact of rainforest Impact of rainforest How conversion: prokaryotic communities anthropogenic to respond land use changes NOMOR PASPOR C1Y8C95L0 C1Y833R1X Göttingen Göttingen INSTITUSI University of University University of University JABATAN Master Student PhD Student PhD Jerman Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL - Berlin-Zehlen 8 August dorf, 1994 Bielefeld, 16 Bielefeld, June 1989 4.296 4.275 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Mr. Dirk Mr. PENELITI Blessenohl Berkelmann Ms. RebekkaMs. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ 156/SIP/ 229/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/V/2018 1 23 No No 156 229

576 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 6/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VI/2018, tanggal 4 Juni 2018 8A/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Per tanian Bogor Dr. (Prof. Damayanti Buchori) Sekolah Kajian dan Stratejik UI Global, Chotib, (Dr. M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. DKI Jakarta(Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Kotip Utara, Kepulauan Seribu) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 20 Juli 2018 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 27 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Kebijakan publik TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengidentifikasi penyerbuk peran berbeda yang dalam menentukan berbagai metrik hasil dalam kelapa sawit produksi dan memeriksa variasi dan jenis fungsi jarak penggunaan lahan mengungkap apakah aplikasi ojek online kehidupan membuat penumpang lebih baik, masalah mengulangi menciptakanlama, atau masalah baru JUDUL PENELITIAN Oil Palm and Ecosystem and Ecosystem Oil Palm Services Native from in Sumatra, Pollinators Indonesia Understanding the Social Impact of Ride in Apps Jakarta NOMOR PASPOR 311252364 P4336602A - Oxford Göttingen INSTITUSI University of University University of University net Institute, net Institute, Oxford Inter Oxford JABATAN Master Student Doctoral Candidate China Filipina WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Taipei City, 9 City, Taipei October 1991 Quezon City, City, Quezon 29 Philippines, 1989 March 4.188 4.150 Grant ($) Grant - NAMA NAMA Ramizo PENELITI Mr. Tien-Yi Tien-Yi Mr. do Jr Mesa than Fung) Fung (Jona - Fung Mr. Godofre Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 213/SIP/ 445/SIP/ 23 79 No No 213 445

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 577 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 30 Januari 2018 KERJA MITRA Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Kuala Syiah - Abdul (Dr. lah) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Utara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Meriah, Kab. Kab. Sumatera Lues); Gayo Kab. Karo, (Kab. Utara Langkat, Kota Medan, Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 2018 Maret BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menetapkanUntuk perkiraan kepadatan gajah penduduk untuk dan di Aceh sumatera dengan Utara Sumatera survei kepadatan surveikotoran, dan surveivegetasi setempat di daerah dan juga menyelidiki kompleksitas platform struktural untuk tidur orangutan memastikan apakah pada hal ini mengarah lebih dalam tidur yang dan lebih efisien di Sumatera orangutan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Density and Ranging of the Sumatran behaviour Elephas maximus Elephant and Sleep sumatranus Quality and Sleep Site Selection in the Sumatran albelii in Pongo Orangutan Environmental Response to Habitats” Changes of Forest NOMOR PASPOR 511015690 University INSTITUSI Bournemouth JABATAN PhD Student PhD Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Walsall, 9 Mei Walsall, 1980 4.000 Grant ($) Grant Louise Louise NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Emma Ms. Hankinson SIP Dit.KI/ 68/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 16 No 68 No

578 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 30 Januari 2018 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Kuala Syiah - Abdul (Dr. lah) Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata Universitas (Dr. Udayana I Nengah Wandia) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Utara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Meriah, Kab. Kab. Sumatera Lues); Gayo Kab. Karo, (Kab. Utara Langkat, Kota Medan, Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser) Gianyar) Bali (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 2018 Maret 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menetapkanUntuk perkiraan kepadatan gajah penduduk untuk dan di Aceh sumatera dengan Utara Sumatera survei kepadatan surveikotoran, dan surveivegetasi setempat di daerah dan juga menyelidiki kompleksitas platform struktural untuk tidur orangutan memastikan apakah pada hal ini mengarah lebih dalam tidur yang dan lebih efisien di Sumatera orangutan Untuk menjelajahi Untuk hubungan psikologis dan lingkungan antara permainan objek dan penggunaan alat JUDUL PENELITIAN “Density and Ranging of the Sumatran behaviour Elephas maximus Elephant and Sleep sumatranus Quality and Sleep Site Selection in the Sumatran albelii in Pongo Orangutan Environmental Response to Habitats” Changes of Forest “Stone handling as “Stone tool stone to precursor use in Balinese long-tailed macaques” NOMOR PASPOR HM168576 522980484 United United Ireland University INSTITUSI Kingdom of Great Britain Great and Northern Bournemouth JABATAN Volunteer Field Field Volunteer assistant Research Research Volunteer Inggris Kanada WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Cardiff, UK, Cardiff, 3 Desember 1991 Toronto, Toronto, 6 Canada, November 1989 4.000 4.000 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Arianna Consiglio PENELITI Ms. Chloe Ms. India Wright Ms. Rosanna Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 69/SIP/ III/2018 IV/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 129/SIP/ 17 28 No 69 No 129

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 579 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 30 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata Universitas (Dr. Udayana I Nengah Wandia) Balai Taman Balai Taman - Nasional Ku tai (Tisaritha S. Patangke, Hut.) Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Kuala Syiah - Abdul (Dr. lah) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Bali (Kab. Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (TN Kutai) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Utara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Meriah, Kab. Kab. Sumatera Lues); Gayo Kab. Karo, (Kab. Utara Langkat, Kota Medan, Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 9 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Primatologi Ekologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menjelajahi dasar Untuk manipulasi motivasi objek pada monyet Untuk Untuk Untuk Untuk melakukan survei dan orangutan sarang kualitatif menilai secara habitat degradasi mempengaruhi yang orangutan di Taman Nasional menetapkan perkiraan penduduk kepadatan gajah sumatera untuk dan Sumatera di Aceh dengan surveiUtara kotoran, kepadatan survei dan vegetasi survei di daerah dan setempat juga menyelidiki kompleksitas platform struktural untuk tidur orangutan memastikan apakah pada hal ini mengarah lebih dalam tidur yang dan lebih efisien di Sumatera orangutan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Object play, complex complex play, “Object use and tool foraging, in Balinese long-tailed macaques” “Nest Surveys and Analyses Habitat Qualitative of Bornean Orangutans Morio) in Pygmaeus (Pongo Park” National Kutai Density and Ranging of the Sumatran behaviour Elephas maximus Elephant and Sleep sumatranus Quality and Sleep Site Selection in the Sumatran albelii in Pongo Orangutan Environmental Response to Habitats Changes of Forest NOMOR PASPOR YA6543117 HP750577 517630737 - sity Canada University INSTITUSI York Univer York Lethbridge - Lethbridge University of University Bournemouth JABATAN PhD Student PhD Masters Student Volunteer Volunteer Research Assistant Italia Inggris Kanada WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Hamilton, ON, Hamilton, 26 July 1995 Arezzo, Italy, Italy, Arezzo, 1992 19 Maret Reading, 9 Reading, September 1994 4.000 4.000 4.000 Grant ($) Grant Guild Cenni NAMA NAMA Graham Graham Ms. Lucy Ms. Mr. Ryan Mr. Twitcher Elizabeth PENELITI Ms. Camilla Camilla Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IV/2018 VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 146/SIP/ 131/SIP/ 174/SIP/ KI/V/2018 2 13 30 No No 146 131 174

580 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 4/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Dr. IPB (Prof. Lilik Budi Ir. Prasetyo) Fakultas Fakultas dan Tarbiyah Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN SUSKA Riau) (Robi Kurniawan, MA) Fakultas (Dr. MIPA-IPB Sri Sudarmi - Tjitro yati soedirdjo) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Kapuas, Kab. (Kab. Katingan, Kota Palangkaraya) Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Agam, Tanah Kab. Kota Bukittinggi, Datar, Kota Kota Padang, Riau Payakumbuh); Kota Kampar, (Kab. Pekanbaru) Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Kota Sarolangun, Kab. Jambi) LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 21 Agustus 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 24 Mei 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 3 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kehutanan Antropologi Antropologi budaya Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan pemetaan jenis hutan spesies menggunakan optik dan SAR data tinggi beresolusi Untuk mengeksplorasi mengeksplorasi Untuk bagaimana praktik bahasa nasional dan lokal didistribusikan individu- di antara berasal individu yang dari berbagai generasi di Sumatera migrasi dan RiauBarat menyelidiki Untuk LAI dalam empat penggunaan sistem berbeda, lahan yang membandingkan riparian dengan situs- dikeringkansitus yang dengan baik, dan mengidentifikasi faktor mempengaruhi yang iklimsitus (variabel dan tegakan) di seluruh estimasi LAI dalam penggunaan sistem berbeda lahan yang JUDUL PENELITIAN Forest Biomass Monitoring Forest Pol-InSAR Using Modern Migration, and Linguistic Practices, Identity in Pekanbaru, Youth Indonesia Area Leaf The “Assessing Land Uses Four Index Across In Jambi Province Systems Indonesia)”(Sumatra, NOMOR PASPOR AM6321293 561710281 G0740922 - Michigan University Göttingen sity, Japan sity, INSTITUSI University of University Chiba Univer JABATAN PhD Student PhD Doctoral Student Master Student Ghana Serikat WARGA WARGA Pakistan Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Lahore, Lahore, 20 Pakistan, November 1988 Rochester, Rochester, New York, States, United 17 July 1992 Kumasi, 22 Kumasi, 1979 May 4.000 4.000 3.944 Grant ($) Grant Waqar NAMA NAMA komah Ofori- An Mr. Mirza Mr. PENELITI Jacqueline Jacqueline Mr. George George Mr. Ms. Moniek Ms. Muhammad van Rheenenvan SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ 246/SIP/ 168/SIP/ 135/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 2 18 35 No No 246 168 135

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 581 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 30 Januari 2018 11/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XI/2017, tanggal 8 No 2017 vember 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Pusat Studi Studi Pusat Pasifik Asia Universitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Irham, Ir. Ph.D.) M.Sc., Jurusan Geofisika, UGM FMIPA, Wiwit (Dr. Suryanto) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Hen - IPB (Dr. drayanto) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Luky IPB (Dr. Adrianto) Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi (Prof. Zulkifli Dr. Alamsyah) dan IPB (Prof. Hermanto Siregar) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan); Jawa (Kota Depok); Barat DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman) DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman) Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. Barat Nusa Tenggara Utara) Lombok (Kab. Jambi (Kab. Batanghari) Jambi (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 2018 Maret 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 6 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 23 Juli 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Sosial Budaya Geofisika Ekologi Ekologi kelautan Kehutanan Sosial ekonomi pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengkajiUntuk bahan-bahan yang berkaitan dengan adat di Indonesia pasca- Soeharto Untuk menguji integrasi menguji integrasi Untuk Model Dislokasi CDM integrasi dalam proses cepat yang menganalisis scuba diving di pulau tropis sosio-sebagai sistem ekologis mengatasi mekanismemengatasi pengendalian penggunaan pohon dan air pada sawit memahami dampak akibat kesejahteraan adopsi kelapa sawit dari pertanian skala kecil dengan mempertimbangkan mekanisme transmisi perluasan lahan dan pekerjaan di luar pertanian JUDUL PENELITIAN “Bibliographic research research “Bibliographic in post-Soehartoon adat Indonesia” “Optimizing Models “Optimizing of Source Complex Using in Elastic Deformations Medium” Coral reefs, SCUBA diving reefs, Coral A social- and tourism: Network Analysis ecological Tree and Palm Water Use: Use: Water and Palm Tree Dynamics, Spatial Temporal and Scaling Heterogeneity (Jambi, Indonesia) Determinants of Land-Use of Land-Use Determinants Change and Welfare Impacts Farm Rural Among Households and Non-Farm NOMOR PASPOR TR3635230 C7GW35HPT C2VC0CZ9N L8600185 A0764777 - - tech search niz Center niz Center Göttingen INSTITUSI Marine Re Institute of Economies for Tropical Tropical for Goettingen Developing Developing - Mines Paris University of University University of University University of University Bremen, Leib Bremen, JABATAN Librarian, Librarian, Processing Division, Library PhD Student PhD Graduate Graduate student Master Student Master student India Jepang Jerman WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA Kolombia - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Blois, France, France, Blois, 25 Januari 1996 Akita, 10 Feb ruari 1986 Meisenheim, 8 1993 May Manipur, 20 Manipur, October 1989 Bogota Col, 5 Bogota Col, 1991 March 3.193 3.240 3.600 3.662 3.153 Grant ($) Grant Eider NAMA NAMA - Ahong Cepeda Takizawa Mr. David David Mr. PENELITI De La Hoz De La Hoz Mr. Joyson Joyson Mr. shangbam Christophe toine Marietoine Ms. MinamiMs. Ms. Daniela Ms. Mr. Villie Villie - An Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. II/2018 27/SIP/ 92/SIP/ III/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 215/SIP/ 305/SIP/ 277/SIP/ KI/X/2018 6 5 25 18 40 No 27 92 No 215 277 305

582 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (I Nengah Wandia) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Bali (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memberikanUntuk berkelanjutan respon masalah terhadap akut ditimbulkan yang oleh kelebihan populasi monyet, permintaan dari atas pemangku kepentingan lokal di Hutan Serta, Ubud. Monyet kelebihan mengurangi populasi melalui pengendalian kelahiran (dikendalikan melalui survei demografis), memperbaiki kondisi kehidupan kera dan mengevaluasi samping efek potensi (dikendalikan melalui perilaku),pemantauan konflik dan mengurangi dengan manusia (dikendalikan melalui perilakupemantauan dan keluhan tetangga) JUDUL PENELITIAN “Demography, Behavior Behavior “Demography, of an and sterilization long-tailed overcrowded in macaque population (Bali): Ubud Monkey Forest follow-up” a long-term NOMOR PASPOR EM743507 Liège INSTITUSI University of University JABATAN Assistant Assistant Professor Belgia WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Schaerbeek, 22 1983 Agustus 3.026 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Aline M. Aline Ms. Fany Fany Ms. PENELITI Brotcorne SIP Dit.KI/ II/2018 46/SIP/ FRP/E5/ 25 No 46 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 583 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2017, tanggal 24 2017 Oktober 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 11/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/XI/2017, tanggal 8 No 2017 vember 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA - Inter-Reli - Stud gious UGM ies, Dicky (Dr. Sofjan) Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Kuala Syiah - Abdul (Dr. lah) Fakultas Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Kuala Syiah Maimum (Dr. Syukri) Departe men Teknik Arsitektur - dan Perenca naan, UGM Bakti Ir. (Prof. Setiawan, Ph.D.) MA, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Utara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Meriah, Kab. Kab. Sumatera Lues); Gayo Kab. Karo, (Kab. Utara Langkat, Kota Medan, Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser) Aceh (Kota Banda Aceh) Aceh (Kota Tengah Jawa Surakarta); DI (Kab. Yogyakarta Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta) LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Agustus 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Sosial Zoologi Kesehatan Kesehatan masyarakat Perencanaan Perencanaan Kota TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memahami Untuk bagaimana agama dan gender berperan pemaknaanterhadap meaning) (assigned Untuk lebih memahami Untuk bagaimana dampak gangguan iklim dan kesehatan mikro, kelangsungan hidup mamalia di hutan tropis di Sumatera memahami perilaku pasien CKD kepatuhan terkait dan faktor-faktor Indonesia di Aceh, menyelidiki cara di cara menyelidiki mana keamanan kepemilikan lahan kumuh di tepi dan sungai dibentuk diperebutkan JUDUL PENELITIAN “A Woman's Place: Woman's “A piety, space, Gendered religious to and access knowledge in women's mosques” “The Importance of Micro-Climate Refuges Mammal Responses to for Change and Human Climate Disturbance” Patients with Chronic with Chronic Patients Kidney Their Disease, and Problems, Adherence Factors Related Everything but Land, Everything but Land, The Nothing but Land: Tenure of Land Complexity Security Slum Upgrading for NOMOR PASPOR 505147266 522087775 313922511 M58837330 Angeles National National al Health University University University INSTITUSI Yang-Ming Yang-Ming - Internation Programme, Programme, University of University Arizona State State Arizona California, Los Los California, Bournemouth JABATAN PhD student PhD PhD Candidate PhD Ph.D student Ph.D PhD Student PhD Korea Korea Serikat Inggris Taiwan Selatan WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Poole, United United Poole, Kingdom, 20 Juni 1991 Mesa Arizona Mesa Arizona USA, 4 April 1987 Taiwan, 24 Taiwan, June 1982 Seoul, 27 De Seoul, 1982 cember 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 Grant ($) Grant Liu Slater Jenner NAMA NAMA Mr. Jae Mr. Danielle PENELITI Ms. Helen Ms. Hyeon Park Hyeon Mintha Elias Ms. Bethany Bethany Ms. Mr. Wei-Chih Wei-Chih Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. II/2018 70/SIP/ 42/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 231/SIP/ 302/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/X/2018 3 2 18 21 No 70 42 No 231 302

584 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IV/2018, tanggal 28 April 2018 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 24 2018 Oktober - KERJA MITRA Yayasan Yayasan - Tu Sayangi (Dr. nas Cilik Pritawati) LPPM, IPB LPPM, – Inter CAFE (Dr. Lukytawati Anggraeni) LPPM, LPPM, Universitas Riau (Prof. Almasdi Dr. Syahza.,MP) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Selatan), Jawa Cianjur) (Kab. Barat Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Purwakarta) Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Kota Pekanbaru) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 31 Mei 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 11 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi sosial Sosial ekonomi pertanian Sosiologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk telah perubahan yang pada kehidupan terjadi yang dari anak-anak mengalami proses telah kepada reintegrasi mereka keluarga melalui program First Families memahami masalah yang struktural akses menghalangi penduduk pedesaan keuangan ke layanan / semi-formal formal di Indonesia dan menentukan kebijakan diperlukanyang mengembangkan komunitas berkelanjutan dan tentang perencanaan mitigasi bencana di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN How Family Reunification Reunification Family How of The Lives Has Affected – Impacts Adults Young Signature First of Family Program Agricultural and Rural and Rural Agricultural Indonesia: in Java, Finance Financial More Towards Inclusion Sustainable Communities Sustainable Communities in Planning and Disaster Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR TR6649116 TR3691959 TR9576253 Tokyo Tokyo versity Dublin Center for for Center University Southeast Kyoto Uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI ity College ity College Metropolitan Metropolitan - Trin Practice, Development Development Asian Studies, Studies, Asian JABATAN Master Student Student Professor Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Osaka, 28 October 1993 Tokyo, 24 Sep Tokyo, 1984 tember Osaka, 15 April 1959 3.000 3.000 2.700 Grant ($) Grant Fujita NAMA NAMA Ms. Ayae Ayae Ms. PENELITI Mr. Koichi Mr. Kanemitsu Hosobuchi Ms. MichikoMs. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 172/SIP/ 437/SIP/ 319/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/X/2018 39 71 19 No No 172 437 319

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 585 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata, Universitas (Pr. Udayana I Nengah Wandia) - Peri Fakultas kanan & Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratu - (Prof. langi Markus Dr. Talintukan Lasut) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Bali (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Minahasa Kota Utara, Kota Manado) Bitung, LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 9 Maret 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 12 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Ekologi kelautan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk melakukanUntuk survei guna demografi menganalisis dinamika dari populasi dan tren ekor panjang monyet di Hutan Monyet serta Padangtegal, perilakumemantau sosio-seksual monyet betina (kohesi sosial, sosial dan ketegangan persaingan seksual) pada jangka panjang dan menilai tingkat (diukur melalui stres perilaku mandiri) pada betina kera pengaruh mendeteksi dan perluasan sampah pada plastik dan lainnya lingkungan laut dan pesisir JUDUL PENELITIAN “Demographic and “Demographic Monitoring of Behavioral Macaques in A Long-Tailed of A Sterilization Framework in Monkey Programme Ubud (Bali)” Forest Impacts of Marine Debris on Bangka Around Life Coastal Island (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) NOMOR PASPOR EN908989 C2CNVT7L2 University University INSTITUSI Oldenburg Wollongong University of University JABATAN Research Research fellow Student Belgia Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Dudweiler, Dudweiler, 15 December 1988 Messancy, 25 Messancy, 1988 Oktober 2.500 2.576 Grant ($) Grant Müller NAMA NAMA Broens Susanne PENELITI Ms. Jasmin Ms. Mr. Damien Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 61/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 321/SIP/ KI/X/2018 9 21 No 61 No 321

586 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 KERJA MITRA - Peri Fakultas kanan & Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratu - (Prof. langi Markus Dr. Talintukan Lasut) Fakultas Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB Katrin (Dr. Roosita, SP, MSi) Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bam - Forst. bang Irawan, & S.P.,M.Sc) Leti IPB (Dr. Sundawati) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Minahasa Kota Utara, Kota Manado) Bitung, Jawa Barat (Kota Barat Jawa Bogor); Tengah Jawa Karanganyar, (Kab. Sukoharjo, Kab. Wonogiri, Kab. Kota Surakarta); DI (Kota Yogyakarta Yogyakarta) Batanghari) Jambi (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 12 Oktober 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 17 Januari 201 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Ekologi kelautan Biologi botani Biologi Kesehatan Kesehatan Publik TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mendeteksi pengaruh mendeteksi dan perluasan sampah pada plastik dan lainnya lingkungan laut dan pesisir Untuk menilai Untuk pengaruh penanaman pohon terhadap struktur dan keragaman tumbuhan di vegetasi perkebunan kelapa area sawit memahami bagaimana masyarakat mempersiapkan dan menggunakan promosi Jamu untuk pencegahan kesehatan, dan kualitaspenyakit, hidup wanita JUDUL PENELITIAN Impacts of Marine Debris on Bangka Around Life Coastal Island (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) “The Effect of Tree Planting Planting Tree “The Effect of on Plantations in Oil Palm and Diversity Structure The of The Understorey Vegetation” Contributions of Contributions Indonesian Traditional to 'Jamu' Treatment Herbal Disease Health Promotion, and Female's Prevention, Quality of Life NOMOR PASPOR C2CN09TG7 C74H7W4GP TL0087494 versity University University University Göttingen Kyoto Uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI Oldenburg JABATAN Student Master Student Graduate Graduate student Jepang Jerman Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Halle (Saale), 29 September 1990 Schwäbisch Schwäbisch 29 Gmünd, April 1991 Ehime, 30 Ehime, September 1982 2.500 2.400 2.500 Grant ($) Grant Bill maier NAMA NAMA Sugino Ms. Lena Lena Ms. Sachsen - PENELITI Thaddäus Thaddäus Mr. Nicolas Mr. Ms. Yoshimi Yoshimi Ms. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 09/SIP/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 322/SIP/ 407/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 9 22 41 No 9 No 322 407

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 587 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018 tang - gal 10 Januari 2018 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018 tang - gal 10 Januari 2018 1/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018 tang - gal 10 Januari 2018 KERJA MITRA Universitas Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan) Universitas Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan) Universitas Universitas Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (Kab. Batanghari) Jambi (Kab. Jambi (Kab. Batanghari) Jambi (Kab. Jambi (Kab. Batanghari) Jambi (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 Maret 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 Maret 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kehutanan Kehutanan Kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memahami Untuk dan menilai dampak penanaman pohon di lanskap kelapa terhadap sawit keanekaragaman hayati dan fungsi ekosistem Untuk memahami Untuk jenis persaingan pohon dan antara pohon kelapa sawit dan pengaruhnya produktivitas terhadap dengan kelapa sawit dampak menyelidiki persaingan ringan Untuk memahami Untuk dan menilai pengaruh penanaman pohon struktur dan terhadap vegetasi keragaman JUDUL PENELITIAN “Biodiversity enrichment “Biodiversity in Sumatra: experiment of water Comparison capacities” infiltration “Determining the effects on oil competition of lights palm yield in biodiversity enriched agroforestry” “Biodiversity enrichment “Biodiversity in Sumatra: experiment Monitoring of leaf area index” NOMOR PASPOR C3FTP5PC7 C27RPWC5C AS262336 INSTITUSI Goettingen Goettingen Goettingen University of University University of University University of University JABATAN Master Student Master Student Master Student Jerman Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kolombia LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Siegburg, 5 Siegburg, 1991 Agustus Düsseldorf, 18 Desember 1990 - Bogota Colom bia, 19 Januari 1989 2.400 2.400 2.400 Grant ($) Grant Lorenz NAMA NAMA PENELITI Alejandra Alejandra Sebastian Ms. Darlyn Ms. Mr. Hendrik Mr. Ruth Kückes Ms. Johanna Ms. Valdes Uribe Valdes SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 53/SIP/ 54/SIP/ 55/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 1 2 3 No 53 54 55 No

588 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2017, tanggal 12 Juli 2017 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA SMERU Research Institute Asep (Dr. Suryahadi) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Jambi (Novriyanti, M.Si S.Hut, dan Dr. Bambang Irawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Kab. Bandung, Cirebon, Kab. Ciamis, Indramayu, Kab. Kuningan, Kab. Majalengka,Kab. Kab. Subang, Kab. Kab. Sumedang, Kota Tasikmalaya, Kota Bandung, DKI JakartaCirebon), Nasional) (Arsip Jambi (Kab. Batanghari); Batanghari); Jambi (Kab. Selatan Sumatera Musi Banyuasin); (Kab. Pesisir Lampung (Kab. Barat) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Januari 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 23 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sejarah ekonomi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengumpulkanUntuk dari historis data Nasional dan Arsip melakukan penelitian Barat lapangan di Jawa mengenai Tanah sejarah Bengkok Untuk mengukur Untuk perubahan dalam komunitas burung dengan pertumbuhan hutan yang berkelanjutan, dan memeriksa dampak tekanan berburu / perangkap di Way Canguk Station Biologi Nasional dalam Taman Bukit Barisan Selatan Lampung di Provinsi dan Situs Restorasi Harapan Ekosistem di Provinsi Rainforest Jambi JUDUL PENELITIAN “History of Tanah Bengkok Tanah “History of Leaders” and Local “Is regeneration enough? “Is regeneration of turnover Temporal assemblages bird forest in a disturbed Sumatran rainforest lowland for and implications conservation” NOMOR PASPOR E6039813C K8369948 Boston Boston University INSTITUSI East Anglia University of University JABATAN Ph.D. Ph.D. Candidate Masters Student ra India WARGA WARGA Singapu - NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Singapore, 19 Singapore, September 1989 Chikamagalur, Chikamagalur, 25 Juli 1994 2.057 2.075 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Halehalli Mr. Sathya Sathya Mr. PENELITI Mr. Lim Jia Mr. De Gedeon Chandra Sagar Chandra Sathyanarayana SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 06/SIP/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 126/SIP/ KI/I/2018 6 25 No 6 No 126

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 589 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 10B/TKPI - PA/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 24 2018 Oktober 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 KERJA MITRA FMIPA, FMIPA, Universitas Padjadjaran (Prof.Dr.Eng. I Made Joni) Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Luky IPB (Dr. Adrianto) Fakultas Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, Siti IPB (Dr. Amanah) - Peneli Pusat tian Sumber Daya Regional – LIPI (Dr. Ganewati Wuryandari) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Sumedang) Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Utara) Lombok (Kab. Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa DI Tasikmalaya); (Kota Yogyakarta Yogyakarta) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Barat); Barat); Aceh (Kab. Aceh DKI Jakarta LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 27 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ilmu Kimia Ekologi Ekologi kelautan Antropologi Antropologi budaya Sejarah TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk pengolahan air limbah fotokatalitik dengan menggunakan komposit graphene oksida logam yang didoping logam menentukan jenis intervensi yang untuk paling efektif individu memotivasi menolak untuk plastik-sekali-pakai dan, dengan demikian, polusi mengurangi plastik di laut melakukan analisis mengenai komparatif kepercayaan aliran Sunda Wiwitan dan Wiwitan, dan Yogya mereka ini peran saat dalam gerakan organik mengeksplorasi peran peran mengeksplorasi Indonesia sebagai dalam mediator komunitas internasional Asia antara terutama Selatan dan Asia Utara dari 1970 hingga 1980-an JUDUL PENELITIAN “Synthesis And And “Synthesis Characterization Of Based Metal/Graphene For Metal Composites Oxide Of Treatment Photocatalytic Wastewater” Interventions for behavior behavior Interventions for of change of consumption single-use plastic Values and Beliefs, and The The and and Beliefs, Values West in Movement Organic Java and Central Neutralism in Global Neutralism History: Study A Case of the Role of Indonesia between as A Mediator Northeast and Asia Southeast in Asia Community International 1970-1980’s from NOMOR PASPOR Z3523630 CH2FWYZ89 C744HN6YM TK2660933 - - - sity Tokyo search Passau Passau niz Center niz Center INSTITUSI Marine Re for Tropical Tropical for University of University University of University University of University Anna Univer Anna Bremen, Leib Bremen, JABATAN Researcher Master Student Post-Doc Post-Doc researcher PhD Student PhD India Jepang Jerman Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Adenbüttel, 17 Adenbüttel, January 1994 Ambattur, Ambattur, 16 Nadu, Tamil 1986 May Alzenau, 22 Alzenau, June 1982 Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 16 October 1971 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Grant ($) Grant nan Frank Frank Bauer NAMA NAMA Kristina Keilbart Ms. MirjaMs. PENELITI Wakasugi Mr. Patrick Patrick Mr. Muthukan - Ms. MinakoMs. Ms. Vanitha Vanitha Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. 67/SIP/ III/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 306/SIP/ 444/SIP/ 429/SIP/ KI/X/2018 6 15 78 63 No 67 No 306 444 429

590 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember 7/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jambi (Prof. Zulkifli Dr. Alamsyah) dan IPB (Prof. Hermanto Siregar) Jurusan So sial Ekonomi Pertanian - Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi (Dr. Edison, Ir. MSc) Fakultas Fakultas Hukum, Unika Atma (Prof. Jaya Ida Bagus Rahmadi Supancana) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Muaro Kab. Bungo, Kab. Sarolangun, Jambi, Kab. Kota Jambi) Tebo, Kab. Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Jambi) Muaro Kab. DKI Jakarta LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 8 Agustus 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 18 Oktober 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial ekonomi pertanian Sosial ekonomi pertanian Hukum TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengeksplorasi mengeksplorasi ekonomi penggerak dan dampak guna perubahan tata lahan baru-baru ini Jambi di provinsi khususdengan fokus pada penghematan kerja dalam tenaga kelapa sawit budidaya dalam mempengaruhi pemberdayaan dan sektor perempuan off-farm menilai persepsi dan kesadaran petani kecil tentang ekosistem, layanan keanekaragaman hayati dan lingkungan di lanskap kelapa sawit dan karet mengantisipasi mengantisipasi kesalahan kebijakan negara-negara berkembang dalam pengembangan BIT dan menilai apakah modifikasi masa depan akan bermanfaat dalam jangka panjang JUDUL PENELITIAN Determinants of Land-use Determinants Change and Welfare Impacts Farm among Rural Households and non-Farm Smallholder famers’ Smallholder famers’ of Ecosystem Perception Services, and Biodiversity Issues Environmental Oil and Rubber in Palm Landscapes in Indonesia, Sumatra Investor-State Arbitration Arbitration Investor-State The of and Protection or Friends Environment, The Foes: Developing Experience Countries’ NOMOR PASPOR C1Y8Z2T26 C1Y8X1PR5 CK10496 - Kong Göttingen INSTITUSI Goettingen The Univer The sity of Hong University of University University of University JABATAN Post Doctoral Post Master student PhD student PhD Kenya Jerman Jerman WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Sandton, 22 Sandton, July 1989 Kassel, 23 Feb ruary 1992 Nairobi Kenya, Kenya, Nairobi 26 December 1983 1.841 1.728 1.720 Grant ($) Grant Mr. Kanitz Karera Wilson Wilson NAMA NAMA Kubitza Ms. Tonia Tonia Ms. PENELITI Christoph Christoph Alexander Alexander Mr. Mbugua Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 235/SIP/ 333/SIP/ 391/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/X/2018 7 33 25 No No 235 333 391

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 591 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, - Universi tas Sam Ratulangi Markus (Dr. Lasut) T. DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa, Kab. Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Kota Utara, Kota Manado) Bitung, LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 12 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menilai prevalensi menilai prevalensi penyakit karang dan gangguan kesehatan yang karang lainnya terkait dengan kedekatan tambang emas JUDUL PENELITIAN Possible Effects of Gold Possible Reef Mining Health on Coral (Goldcoreh) NOMOR PASPOR YA8057186 Bologna INSTITUSI Studiorum Studiorum Alma Mater Mater Alma Università di Università JABATAN Master Student Italia WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Porretta Terme, Terme, Porretta 20 September 1992 1.500 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Zampa Ms. Greta Greta Ms. PENELITI SIP Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 204/SIP/ 14 No No 204

592 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR YA3977746 JRC- EC INSTITUSI JABATAN Scientific Officer Italia WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Roma, 11 April 1976 1.500 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Proietti PENELITI Ms. Chiara Chiara Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 393/SIP/ 27 No No 393

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 593 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA ing) BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR X0230400 JRC- EC INSTITUSI JABATAN Scientific Officer - land Switzer WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Bern, 15 De 1981 cember 1.500 Grant ($) Grant Probst NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Pamela Pamela Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 394/SIP/ 28 No No 394

594 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA ing) BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR S02324917 METU INSTITUSI JABATAN Faculty Faculty Prof. Member, Dr. Turki WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Trabzon, 29 Trabzon, July 1956 1.500 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Cevdet Cevdet Yalciner PENELITI Mr. Ahmet Ahmet Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 395/SIP/ 29 No No 395

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 595 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA ing) BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR 753484750 SRB RAS INSTITUSI JABATAN Head of Laboratory Rusia WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Gorkovskaya USSR, 21 obl, 1981 March 1.500 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Zaitsev PENELITI Mr. Andrei Andrei Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 396/SIP/ 30 No No 396

596 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR ED8659304 IPMA, IDL IPMA, INSTITUSI JABATAN Researcher Maroko WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Morocco, 8 Morocco, 1979 August 1.500 Grant ($) Grant Omira NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Rachid Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 397/SIP/ 31 No No 397

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 597 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA ing) BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR U10572620 METU INSTITUSI JABATAN PhD Student PhD Turki WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ankara, 25 Jan uary 1989 1.500 Grant ($) Grant Güney Doğan NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Gözde Gözde Ms. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 398/SIP/ 32 No No 398

598 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA ing) BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR 751773525 NNSTU INSTITUSI JABATAN Master student Rusia WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Nizhny Nizhny city, Novgorod 11 August 1995 1.500 Grant ($) Grant Pronin NAMA NAMA Mr. Pavel Pavel Mr. PENELITI SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 399/SIP/ 33 No No 399

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 599 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR 754554985 NNSTU INSTITUSI JABATAN Researcher Rusia WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Russia, 19 Feb ruary 1998 1.500 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Mr. Adel Adel Mr. PENELITI Giniiatullin SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 400/SIP/ 34 No No 400

600 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo ing) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR YA3723143 UniBo INSTITUSI JABATAN Post Doc Post Italia WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL - (Cata Bronte nia, Italy), 20 July 1983 1.500 Grant ($) Grant Ausilia Ausilia NAMA NAMA Paparo Ms. Maria Ms. PENELITI SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 401/SIP/ 35 No No 401

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 601 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/XI/2018, tanggal 5 Novemberr 2018 - - - KERJA MITRA ing) BMKG (Dwi BMKG Hartanto, Gian Ginan - Sugeng jar, Amirul Ke Fahmi); menkomar RI (Dr.Eng. Rahman Hidayat); Geotek Puslit Eko LIPI (Dr. Yulianto); PTASR (Gegar Prasetya); BPPT (Dr.Ing. Kong - Widjo ko.M.Eng.); P2O LIPI (Dr. Nugroho Dwi Hanan - BRSDM to); (Dr. KP-KKP S. Widodo Pranowo, Semeidi Dr. Husrin); Kementerian PUPR (Dr. Sembir Leo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala, Kota Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 5 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengumpulkan dan mengukur karakteristik tsunami di dekat pantai, ketinggian termasuk waktu gelombang, ketinggian kedatangan, tingkat run-up, penggenangan, periode gelombang dan dan mengamati untuk mendokumentasikan dampak tsunami pada infrastruktur JUDUL PENELITIAN International Tsunami Tsunami International (Palu Survey Team Earthqukae Tsunami And 2018) NOMOR PASPOR P4303119 Luíz INSTITUSI Instituto Dom JABATAN PhD-Student Austria WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Wels, 12 June Wels, 1983 1.500 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Wronna PENELITI Mr. Martin Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 402/SIP/ 36 No No 402

602 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 5/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, - Universi tas Syiah (Dr Ari Kuala S.Sn., Palawi, M.A., Ph.D) Fakultas Per Fakultas tanian dan Kehutanan, Universitas Muham - - Pa madiyah langkaraya (Siti Maimunah, S.Hut.,M.P.) UPT CIM TROP – Uni - - Pa versitas langkaraya (Afentina, S.Hut.,M.P) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Gayo Lues, Lues, Gayo (Kab. Aceh Kota Banda Aceh); DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Jawa Pusat); (Kota Bandung); Barat DI Yogyakarta (Kota Timur Yogyakarta); Jawa (Kota Surabaya) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah UMP (Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Mas, - Kab. Kota Pisau, Pulang Kab. Palangkaraya) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Kota Palangkaraya) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 14 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Etnomusikologi Primatologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mendokumentasikan peningkatan yang luar biasa tentang popularitas tari duduk (Saman) dan Aceh di penyebarannya seluruh Indonesia dan dunia memprakarsai pemantauan program dan orangutan owa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya mempelajari apakah kedekatan dengan tepi hutan mempengaruhi liar dan perilaku owa lutung merah JUDUL PENELITIAN Acehnese Sitting Dances Sitting Dances Acehnese Project Population Monitoring of Population Gibbons and Endangered Support to Orangutans Threatened of A Protection Bornean Landscape Investigating Forest Edge Edge Forest Investigating Effects on Gibbon and Red Langur Behaviour NOMOR PASPOR N5185529 488766259 NY6LKKC68 Sydney Rutgers Rutgers University University INSTITUSI Amsterdam Amsterdam servatorium University of University - Con Sydney University of University of The Music, JABATAN PhD student PhD Research Research Associate Master student Serikat Belanda WARGA WARGA Amerika Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Darlinghurst, 19 Australia, 1990 February - USA, 23 Febru ary 1978 Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 3 September 1990 1.150 1.500 1.500 Grant ($) Grant Helal mons NAMA NAMA Ms. Nora Nora Ms. Marie Erb PENELITI Ms. Wendy Wendy Ms. Mr. Niall- Ed Mr. - wards-FitzSi SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ VI/2018 XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 189/SIP/ 422/SIP/ 368/SIP/ 2 17 56 No No 189 422 368

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 603 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 - - - - KERJA MITRA Sekolah Pascasar jana & FIB, Universitas Sumatera (Prof. Utara Robert Dr. Sibarani, MS) Pusat Pe Pusat nelitian Ke masyaraka - tan dan Kebudayaan LIPI (PMB) Dr. (Prof. Herman Hidayat) Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata, Universitas (Pr. Udayana I Nengah Wandia) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatera Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Humbang Hasundutan, Mandailing Natal) Kab. DKI Jakarta (Kantor KalimantanPMB-LIPI), Barat) Kutai (Kab. Timur Gianyar) Bali (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 September 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 25 Juni 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 31 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Bahasa Sosial ekonomi pertanian Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari bahasa dan (Toba Batak Mandailing) mengklarifikasi dinamika mata pencaharian suku di sekitarDayak perkebunan kelapa sawit dan mempelajari relasi manusia konflik antara serta dan monyet resiko mungkinyang timbul akibat tersebut relasi JUDUL PENELITIAN The study of Batak study of Batak The Manuscripts Modernization process by by Modernization process The indigenizing oil palm. tribe in case study of Dayak East Kalimantan, Indonesia Human-wildlife Relationships and Perceived Long-Tailed Risk to Related Macaques in Ubud Monkey (Bali, Indonesia) Forest NOMOR PASPOR YA5212023 TR6638262 12AA21720 Tokyo Tokyo Napoli Medecine Università Università INSTITUSI University of University of Veterinary of Veterinary L'Orientale di L'Orientale Université de Université Liège, Faculty Faculty Liège, JABATAN PhD Student PhD Masters Course Masters Course Student Master Student Italia Jepang WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Caserta (CE), 25 Oktober 1991 Nogent-sur- 23 May Marne, 1992 Kanagawa, Japan, 13 July 1993 928 1.000 1.000 Grant ($) Grant - Okita NAMA NAMA Chotard Ségolène PENELITI Mr. Hiroki Mr. Ms. Emilie Ms. Ms. Giusep Ms. pina Monaco SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. VI/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 275/SIP/ 182/SIP/ 366/SIP/ KI/X/2018 16 10 66 No No 275 182 366

604 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 4/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/IV/2018, tanggal 9 April 2018 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2017, tanggal 4 2017 Oktober KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Muhammad Imron, Ali M.Sc)S.Hut, Yayasan Yayasan Cetacean Sirenian Indonesia - (Dr. (CETASI) Liza Putu Mustika) dan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Abdul (Dr. Hafidz Olii, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) (Kab. Barat Jawa Gorontalo (Kab. Bone (Kab. Gorontalo Bolango) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 14 Mei 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 11 Januari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Perikanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menyelidiki menyelidiki Untuk perkembangan bayi dan pola penyebaran pada kukang jawa (Nycticebus javanicus) Untuk menilai luas dan Untuk jenis megafauna laut khususnya bycatch, di Gorontalo cetacea, JUDUL PENELITIAN “Conservation implications implications “Conservation differences of sex-based travelled in daily distance and in infant and behaviour lorises slow Javan juvenile (Nycticebus javanicus)” “Cetacean Bycatch in Bycatch “Cetacean in Artisanal Fisheries Northern Gorontalo, Assessment An Sulawesi: Interviews” Fisher Using NOMOR PASPOR HK424956 C218ZKXRM versity Oxford Oxford Brookes Brookes University INSTITUSI Ghent Uni - Ghent JABATAN Master student MSc Student Jerman Kanada WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Langenhagen, 23 Juli 1991 Scarborough, Ontario, 24 Canada, September 1994 0 500 Grant ($) Grant - berger Queen NAMA NAMA Wonne Maynard Ms. Keely Ms. Ms. Elena Ms. PENELITI SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 08/SIP/ 147/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/V/2018 8 14 No 8 No 147

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 605 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 23 Agustus 2017 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Riset Pusat Perikanan – Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan – Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si) Pusat Pusat Meteorologi Maritim, (Nelly BMKG Ria - Florida ma, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Badung, Badung, Bali (Kab. Gondol, Buleleng, Kab. Jawa Perancak), (Banyuwangi), Timur dan NTB (Lombok), Lampung Samudera HindiaSamudera timur (Barat bagian Sumatera) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 21 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perikanan laut Perikanan Oseanografi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk penggunaan teknologi dan informasi komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan laut yang disesuaikanyang dengan perubahan iklim Untuk maintenance maintenance Untuk milik RAMA buoy dan melakukanNOAA observasi met-ocean di HindiaSamudra JUDUL PENELITIAN “Optimizing Mariculture “Optimizing with based on Big Data Decision Support System” “Research Moored Array Array Moored “Research African-Asian-Australian for and Monsoon Analysis Prediction” NOMOR PASPOR TH9213227 450526930 Future Future National National Hakodate University University tion-PMEL INSTITUSI - Administra Oceanic and Oceanic Atmospheric Atmospheric JABATAN Professor Research Research Scientist Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Shizuoka, Ja - pan, 29 Maret 1971 Bellevue, WA WA Bellevue, USA, 9 Sep 1973 tember 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Jr Wada NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. William William Mr. Lester Higley Lester Prof. Masaaki Prof. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 113/SIP/ 158/SIP/ KI/V/2018 12 25 No No 113 158

606 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret - - KERJA MITRA Pusat Riset Pusat Perikanan – Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan – Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si) Pusat Riset Pusat Perikanan – Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan – Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Badung, Badung, Bali (Kab. Gondol, Buleleng, Kab. Jawa Perancak), (Banyuwangi), Timur dan NTB (Lombok), Lampung Bali (Kab. Badung, Badung, Bali (Kab. Gondol, Buleleng, Kab. Jawa Perancak), (Banyuwangi), Timur dan NTB (Lombok), Lampung LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perikanan laut Perikanan Perikanan laut Perikanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk penggunaan teknologi dan informasi komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan laut yang disesuaikanyang dengan perubahan iklim Untuk mempelajari Untuk penggunaan teknologi dan informasi komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan laut yang disesuaikanyang dengan perubahan iklim JUDUL PENELITIAN “Optimizing Mariculture “Optimizing with based on Big Data Decision Support System” “Optimizing Mariculture “Optimizing with based on Big Data Decision Support System” NOMOR PASPOR TR1720354 TR7679497 Fujitsu Fujitsu Limited Toyohashi Toyohashi INSTITUSI Technology University of University JABATAN Assistant Assistant Professor Principal Principal Expert Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kochi, Japan, 14 August 1977 Iwate Prefec Iwate , 4 ture,Japan Mei 1955 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Mine Okabe NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Takumi Takumi Mr. Mr. Yoshinori Yoshinori Mr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 139/SIP/ 114/SIP/ KI/V/2018 6 13 No No 114 139

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 607 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret - - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pene Pusat litian Kepen - dudukan LIPI Herry (Dr. Yogaswara) Riset Pusat Perikanan – Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan – Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta Penelitian (Pusat Kependudukan LIPI-Jakarta Selatan); Utara Sumatera Deli Serdang, (Kab. Lawas); Padang Kab. Timur Jawa (Kab. Tulungagung); Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kab. Bengkayang, Ketapang); Sulawesi Kolaka (Kab. Tenggara Konawe) Kab. Timur, Badung, Bali (Kab. Gondol, Buleleng, Kab. Jawa Perancak), (Banyuwangi), Timur dan NTB (Lombok), Lampung LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kependudukan Perikanan laut Perikanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk membandingkanUntuk ekonomi rumah tangga dan lokal, serta praktik ketenagakerjaan di seluruh lokasi di Indonesia dimana ada kerja tenaga migrasi dan konsesi skala besar Untuk mempelajari Untuk penggunaan teknologi dan informasi komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan laut yang disesuaikanyang dengan perubahan iklim JUDUL PENELITIAN “Labor Migration in “Labor Migration Industrial Indonesia’s and Forest Agricultural Landscapes” “Optimizing Mariculture Mariculture “Optimizing with based on Big Data Decision Support System” NOMOR PASPOR 513210699 TR5690117 Future Future Hawaii Hakodate University University INSTITUSI University of University JABATAN Assistant Assistant Professor Professor Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Rochester, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, 26 No 1985 vember Hokkaido, 22 1965 February 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Suzuki NAMA NAMA Mr. Keiji Mr. in Kelley PENELITI - Lisa Cail Ms. SIP FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 159/SIP/ 150/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 26 17 No No 159 150

608 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret - - KERJA MITRA Pusat Riset Pusat Perikanan – Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan – Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si) Pusat Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (I Nengah Wandia) LBM Eijkman N Farah (Dr. Coutrier) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kab. Badung, Badung, Bali (Kab. Gondol, Buleleng, Kab. Jawa Perancak), (Banyuwangi), Timur dan NTB (Lombok), Lampung Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Bali (Kab. DKI Jakarta (LBM (Kab. Eijkman), Aceh Aceh Kab. Besar, Aceh Jaya) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Mei 2018 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 28 Februari 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Perikanan laut Perikanan Primatologi Biologi Biologi molekular TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajari Untuk penggunaan teknologi dan informasi komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan laut yang disesuaikanyang dengan perubahan iklim Untuk melakukanUntuk terhadap pengamatan perilaku dan demografi ekor panjang monyet Untuk menentukanUntuk risiko utama yang faktor mencirikan populasi dan berisiko tinggi kasus deteksi metode optimal di yang reaktif Aceh Provinsi JUDUL PENELITIAN “Optimizing Mariculture “Optimizing with based on Big Data Decision Support System” Behavioral Monitoring Behavioral Long-Tailed of Sterilized Macaques Monkey at Forest Ubud (Bali): Evaluating Changes in Alloparental Sexual and Stress- Care, Behaviours Related “Targeting case detection “Targeting populations to strategies malaria in high risk at for case control Province: Aceh case detection and reactive studies” NOMOR PASPOR TS0200367 EP643969 565795738 Liège Photo Future Future Hakodate University University INSTITUSI University of University Global Health JABATAN Master student Research Research Associate Principal Belgia Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Seraing, 23 Seraing, Desember 1992 Toyama, Japan, Toyama, 18 November 1984 Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, 11 November 1955 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Taka NAMA NAMA Joseph Mr. Paul Paul Mr. Cambier Brown III Brown PENELITI Ms. Chloé Ms. Mr. Hiroaki Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. II/2018 47/SIP/ FRP/E5/ 151/SIP/ 149/SIP/ KI/V/2018 KI/V/2018 26 18 16 No 47 No 151 149

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 609 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret - KERJA MITRA LBM Eijkman N Farah (Dr. Coutrier) Riset Pusat Perikanan – Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan – Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Moh. Natsir, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (LBM (Kab. Eijkman), Aceh Aceh Kab. Besar, Aceh Jaya) Badung, Bali (Kab. Gondol, Buleleng, Kab. Jawa Perancak), (Banyuwangi), Timur dan NTB (Lombok), Lampung LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 11 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Biologi molekular laut Perikanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menentukan faktor risiko utama yang mencirikan populasi dan berisiko tinggi kasus deteksi metode optimal di yang reaktif Aceh Provinsi mempelajari Untuk penggunaan teknologi dan informasi komunikasi untuk mendukung budaya dan penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan laut yang disesuaikanyang dengan perubahan iklim JUDUL PENELITIAN Targeting case detection Targeting populations to strategies malaria in high risk at for case control Province: Aceh case detection and reactive studies Mariculture “Optimizing with based on Big Data Decision Support System” NOMOR PASPOR 488257944 TR8457685 California INSTITUSI Upside LLC. University of University JABATAN Assistant Assistant Professor Senior consultant Serikat Jepang WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL California, USA, California, 17 December 1983 Tokyo, Japan, 5 Tokyo, January 1976 0 0 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI Kamoshita Ms. Jennifer Jennifer Ms. Mr. Hiroyasu Hiroyasu Mr. Linnea Smith SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. FRP/E5/ VII/2018 201/SIP/ 152/SIP/ KI/V/2018 11 19 No No 201 152

610 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret - KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Pusat Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata, Universitas (Pr. Udayana I Nengah Wandia) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Bali (Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 9 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya Untuk melakukanUntuk survei guna demografi menganalisis dinamika dari populasi dan tren ekor panjang monyet di Hutan Monyet serta Padangtegal, perilakumemantau sosio-seksual monyet betina (kohesi sosial, sosial dan ketegangan persaingan seksual) pada jangka panjang dan menilai tingkat (diukur melalui stres perilaku mandiri) pada betina kera JUDUL PENELITIAN Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java “Demographic and “Demographic Monitoring of Behavioral Macaques in A Long-Tailed of A Sterilization Framework in Monkey Programme Ubud (Bali)” Forest NOMOR PASPOR E4410666A E5143711H EN909115 Liège Institute Institute National National National National INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, rine Science rine Science Tropical Ma - Tropical Tropical Ma - Tropical University of University University of University University of University JABATAN Laboratory Executive Research Research Associate Research Research assistant ra ra Belgia WARGA WARGA Singapu - Singapu - NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Singapura, 28 Singapura, Juni 1983 Singapura, 2 Singapura, Mei 1977 Vervier, 11 Mei Vervier, 1992 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Bin Qi NAMA NAMA Delooz Ms. Gan Ms. Mr. Chim Mr. Regine S. Regine PENELITI Ms. Sophie Ms. Chee Kong SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 74/SIP/ 62/SIP/ 73/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 22 10 21 No 74 62 73 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 611 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya JUDUL PENELITIAN Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java NOMOR PASPOR E5590734H E5892647E E4061504L E4301525E seum Institute Institute Institute National National National National National National National National Lee Kong Lee INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, History Mu - rine Science rine Science rine Science Tropical Ma - Tropical Tropical Ma - Tropical Tropical Ma - Tropical University of University University of University University of University University of University Chian Natural Chian Natural JABATAN Specialist Associate (Collections) Research Research Assistant Temporary Temporary worker Laboratory Technologist ra ra ra ra WARGA WARGA Singapu - Singapu - Singapu - Singapu - NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Singapura, 23 Singapura, Januari 1992 Singapura, 17 Singapura, September 1993 Singapura, Singapura, 12 November 1974 Singapura, 8 Singapura, 1977 Februari 0 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant (Wang Cheng NAMA NAMA Jia Wen, Jia Wen, Ms. Ong Ms. Ms. Iffah Ms. Xueling) Ms. Tong Tong Ms. PENELITI Binte Iesa Binte Samantha Sheue Ling Mr. Lim Swee Lim Swee Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 78/SIP/ 77/SIP/ 76/SIP/ 75/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 26 25 24 23 No 78 77 76 75 No

612 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 3/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) Puslit Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dwi Listyo Rahayu) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) Perairan Sunda, Jawa Sunda, Jawa Perairan Penanjung (Teluk Barat Teluk Barat/Parigi, Timur/ Penanjung Pangandaran) LAMA PENELITIAN 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 28 (dua puluh delapan) hari, mulai 23 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi Biologi kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati laut dalam di lepas Jawa selatan pantai pertama untuk Barat kalinya JUDUL PENELITIAN Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java Joint Singapore-IndonesiaJoint The Elucidate Expedition to Deep-Sea of Biodiversity Seas OffThe Southern Java NOMOR PASPOR E5803860N E6853947N E4185524H E4686037A seum seum seum seum National National National National National National National National Lee Kong Lee Lee Kong Lee Lee Kong Lee Lee Kong Lee INSTITUSI Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, History Mu - History Mu - History Mu - History Mu - University of University University of University University of University University of University Chian Natural Chian Natural Chian Natural Chian Natural Chian Natural Chian Natural Chian Natural Chian Natural JABATAN Curator Curator (Invertebrates) Museum Operations Officer Professor and Professor Lee Head, Kong Chian HistoryNatural Museum Specialist Associate ra ra ra ra WARGA WARGA Singapu - Singapu - Singapu - Singapu - NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Singapura, Singapura, 23 Desember 1974 Singapura, Singapura, 17 November 1971 Singapura, Singapura, 11 November 1960 Singapura, 25 Singapura, 1989 Oktober 0 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Lin Hui (Chen (Chen NAMA NAMA Mr. Tan Tan Mr. Xiongjie) PENELITI Siong Kiat mad Dzaki Prof. Ng Kee Prof. Mr. Muham - Mr. Dr. Tan Heok Tan Dr. Bin Safaruan SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ 82/SIP/ 81/SIP/ 80/SIP/ 79/SIP/ III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 30 29 28 27 No 82 81 80 79 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 613 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 2B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/II/2018, tanggal 22 2018 Februari KERJA MITRA Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Kuala Syiah - Abdul (Dr. lah, M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Kab. Tamiang, Aceh Kab. Tenggara, Utara, Aceh Kab. Timur, Bener Meriah, Kab. Kab. Sumatera Lues); Gayo Karo, (Kab. Utara Langkat,Kab. Balai Nasional Besar Taman Gunung Leuser) LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 19 Maret 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk karakteristik dan habitat paling hutan yang digunakanbanyak menentukanuntuk apakah persaingan dan intra-spesifik antar pada akses terjadi pohon terhadap spesies tidur antara mengetahui primate, apakah preferensi bervariasihabitat tinggi, di dataran aluvial, hamparan bukit dan perkebunan, perilakumengamati thomasi, H. lar P. dan S. syndactylus, mengetahui relatif kepentingan ketersediaan pangan, regulasi dan predator termo dan penghindaran dalam parasit kaitannya dengan pemilihan tempat mengetahui tidur, bagaimana preferensi dan ketersediaan dipengaruhi habitat oleh gangguan dan manusia (logging) perubahan iklim JUDUL PENELITIAN “Habitat use and preference use and preference “Habitat of mammals in Sumatra” NOMOR PASPOR 465079380 University INSTITUSI Bournemouth JABATAN Master student Inggris WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Leeds, 29 Sep Leeds, 1989 tember 0 Grant ($) Grant - rison NAMA NAMA PENELITI John Har Mr. Nathan Nathan Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ 88/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ 36 No 88 No

614 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Ir. IPB (Dr. Ahmad Djunaedi, M.Si) Fakultas Per Fakultas tanian, IPB Ir.Suryo (Dr. Wiyono, Agr) M.Sc. Fakultas Kehutanan, Dr. IPB (Prof. Lilik Budi Ir. Prasetyo, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Bogor, Kab. Bandung, Bali (Kab. Cianjur); Kab. Kota Denpasar) Badung, Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Bogor, Kab. Bandung, Bali (Kab. Cianjur); Kab. Kota Denpasar) Badung, (Kab. Barat Jawa Bogor, Kab. Bandung, Bali (Kab. Cianjur); Kab. Kota Denpasar) Badung, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Pertanian Pertanian Pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan penilaian proses kerusakan lahan pertanian dalam pertanianasuransi dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem di Informasi Geografis dan Bali Barat Jawa mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan penilaian proses kerusakan lahan pertanian dalam pertanianasuransi dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem di Informasi Geografis dan Bali Barat Jawa mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan penilaian proses kerusakan lahan pertanian dalam pertanianasuransi dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem di Informasi Geografis dan Bali Barat Jawa JUDUL PENELITIAN Development and Development Implementation of New Damage Assessment in Agriculture Process to as Adaptation Insurance Food Change for Climate Security Development and Development Implementation of New Damage Assessment in Agriculture Process to as Adaptation Insurance Food Change for Climate Security and Development Implementation of New Damage Assessment in Agriculture Process to as Adaptation Insurance Food Change for Climate Security NOMOR PASPOR TS1100371 TS1100371 TK8374122 TR8304120 - sity versity Tohoku Tohoku University University Chiba Uni - INSTITUSI Chiba Univer JABATAN Researcher Researcher Professor Researcher Researcher Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Nara, 19 May 19 May Nara, 1972 5 Janu - Tokyo, ari 1955 Chiba, 14 De 1960 cember 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Kuze NAMA NAMA Homma Dr. Koki Dr. Shishido PENELITI Dr. Hiroaki Dr. Dr. Masahiro Masahiro Dr. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 286/SIP/ 287/SIP/ 308/SIP/ KI/X/2018 8 27 28 No No 286 287 308

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 615 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tang - gal 15 Februari 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Drs. IPB (Dr. Boedi Tjahjo M.Sc) no, Fakultas Fakultas Pertanian, Ir. IPB (Dr. Darmawan, M.Sc) Riset Pusat Kelautan, Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan Perikanan, Novi KKP (Dr. Adi) Susetyo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Bogor, Kab. Bandung, Bali (Kab. Cianjur); Kab. Kota Denpasar) Badung, Jawa Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Jawa Bogor, Kab. Bandung, Bali (Kab. Cianjur); Kab. Kota Denpasar) Badung, Tengah Jawa (Kepulauan Karimunjaya), Pantura (Indramayu), Jawa Kalimantan Timur Bali, (Derawan), Utara Sulawesi (Bunaken) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Pertanian Menajemen Sumber Daya Alam Pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan penilaian proses kerusakan lahan pertanian dalam pertanianasuransi dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem di Informasi Geografis dan Bali Barat Jawa menetapkan dan mengusulkan 'strategi karbon biru' sebagai untuk skema efektif meningkatkan lokalupaya untuk melestarikan ekosistem dan meningkatkan dan ketahanannya, dengan demikian berkontribusi untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim global mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan penilaian proses kerusakan lahan pertanian dalam pertanianasuransi dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem di Informasi Geografis dan Bali Barat Jawa JUDUL PENELITIAN Development and Development Implementation of New Damage Assessment in Agriculture Process to as Adaptation Insurance Food Change for Climate Security Comprehensive Assessment Assessment Comprehensive and Conservation of Blue and Ecosystems Carbon their Services in the Coral (BlueCARES) Triangle Development and Development Implementation of New Damage Assessment in Agriculture Process to as Adaptation Insurance Food Change for Climate Security NOMOR PASPOR TK1777913 TK9810389 TR6014286 Tokyo Tokyo versity versity INSTITUSI Tokyo Uni - Tokyo Nihon Uni - Institute of Technology JABATAN Researcher Researcher Researcher Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Shizuoka, 12 September 1958 Tokyo, 11 July Tokyo, 1951 Japan, 28 De 1990 cember 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA Yoshikai Dr. Seishi Dr. PENELITI Ninomiya Mr. Masaya Masaya Mr. Dr. Hiroyuki Dr. Wakabayashi SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 420/SIP/ 421/SIP/ 196/SIP/ 6 54 55 No No 420 421 196

616 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018 tanggal 15 Februari 2018 2/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018 tanggal 15 Februari 2018 - - KERJA MITRA Pusat Riset Pusat Kelautan, Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan Perikanan, Novi KKP (Dr. Adi) Susetyo Pusat Riset Pusat Kelautan, Badan Riset dan Sumberdaya Manusia Ke lautan dan Perikanan, Novi KKP (Dr. Adi) Susetyo DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah Tengah Jawa (Kepulauan Karimunjaya), Pantura (Indramayu), Jawa Kalimantan Timur Bali (seluruh (Derawan), Kabupaten dan Utara Kota), Sulawesi (Bunaken) Jawa Tengah Tengah Jawa (Kepulauan Karimunjaya), Pantura (Indramayu), Jawa Kalimantan Timur Bali (seluruh (Derawan), Kabupaten dan Utara Kota), Sulawesi (Bunaken) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Agustus 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 Agustus 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menetapkan dan mengusulkan 'strategi karbon biru' sebagai untuk skema efektif meningkatkan lokalupaya untuk melestarikan ekosistem dan meningkatkan dan ketahanannya, dengan demikian berkontribusi untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim global menetapkan dan mengusulkan 'strategi karbon biru' sebagai untuk skema efektif meningkatkan lokalupaya untuk melestarikan ekosistem dan meningkatkan dan ketahanannya, dengan demikian berkontribusi untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim global JUDUL PENELITIAN Comprehensive Assessment Assessment Comprehensive and Conservation of Blue and Ecosystems Carbon their Services in the Coral (BlueCARES) Triangle Comprehensive Assessment Assessment Comprehensive and Conservation of Blue and Ecosystems Carbon their Services in the Coral (BlueCARES) Triangle NOMOR PASPOR TS0892042 TR7087704 Japan Japan Science Science Research Research Research Research Center for for Center Center for for Center INSTITUSI Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural International International International International JABATAN Senior Researcher Professor Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kyoto, 13 May 13 May Kyoto, 1976 Tokyo, 20 Tokyo, 1970 Maret 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Suwa NAMA NAMA Tanaka PENELITI Dr. Rempei Dr. Dr. Yoshiyuki Yoshiyuki Dr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 245/SIP/ 244/SIP/ VIII/2018 VIII/2018 17 16 No No 245 244

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 617 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 KERJA MITRA LPPM LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Almasdi Dr. SE. Syahza MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut Haris (Dr. Gunawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Riau Provinsi LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengklarifikasiUntuk api dan sejarah catataan pada terjadi asap yang lahan gambut di area Riau dan Kalimantan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Reconstruction of natural from records disasters descriptionhistorical in and social response Indonesia” NOMOR PASPOR TK4162146 Japan Research Research Humanity INSTITUSI Institute for Institute for and Nature, and Nature, JABATAN Research Research Project Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ibaraki, 9 Juli 1989 0 Grant ($) Grant Kajita NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Ryosuke Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ II/2018 24/SIP/ FRP/E5/ 3 No 24 No

618 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret - - KERJA MITRA Pusat Pene Pusat litian Sosial, Ekonomi, ke bijakan dan Perubahan Iklim, KLHK Fitri (Dr. Nurfatriani) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Kab. Indragiri Hilir, Kab. Kab. Indragiri Hulu, Kepulauan Kab. Kampar, Kuantan Kab. Meranti, Kab. Singingi, Rokan Kab. Pelalawan, Rokan Kab. Hulu, Hilir, Siak,Kab. Kota Dumai, DKI Kota Pekanbaru); Jakarta Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, JakartaSelatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Kotip Kepulauan Utara, Seribu); Kalimantan Bengkayang, (Kab. Barat Kapuas Kab. Kab. Hulu, Kab. Utara, Kayong Kubu Kab. Ketapang, Landak,Raya, Kab. Kab. Melawi, Kab. Sambas, Kab. Pontianak, Kab. Sanggau, Kab. Sekadau, Sintang, Kab. Kota Pontianak, Kota Singkawang); Kalimantan Tengah Selatan, Barito (Kab. , Timur Barito Kab. Kab. Utara, Barito Kab. Gunung Mas, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Politik ekologi Politik TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memahami Untuk dimainkan yang peran oleh organisasi masyarakat sipil di dan Indonesia Eropa dalam membentuk kebijakan penggunaan lahan yang berkelanjutan di sektor kelapa sawit JUDUL PENELITIAN “The Role Society of Civil in Europe Organizations and Indonesia in Shaping Sustainable Land Use Oil in the Palm Policies Sector” NOMOR PASPOR 15AL30336 Toulouse INSTITUSI Siences-Po Siences-Po JABATAN Master student WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Maisons-Laf - 5 France, fitte, 1995 March 0 Grant ($) Grant - lin Ms. Ms. NAMA NAMA PENELITI Auriane Ger Auriane - mémont-Col SIP FRP/ E5/Dit. 145/SIP/ KI/V/2018 12 No No 145

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 619 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 KERJA MITRA LPPM LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Almasdi Dr. SE. Syahza MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut Haris (Dr. Gunawan) LPPM LPPM Universitas Riau (Prof. Almasdi Dr. SE. Syahza MP); Badan Restorasi Gambut Haris (Dr. Gunawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Kepulauan Kab. Siak, Kab. Meranti, Pekanbaru) Kab. Kapuas, Kab. Kapuas, Kab. Kab. Katingan, Kab. Barat, Kotawaringin Kotawaringin Kab. Lamandau, Kab. Timur, Murung Raya, Kab. Pisau, Pulang Kab. Seruyan, Kab. Kab. Sukamara, Kota Palangkaraya) Riau Siak, (Kab. Provinsi Bengkalis), Kalimantan Kalimantan Barat, Yogyakarta Tengah, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 Februari 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengklarifikasiUntuk karakteristik dan kejadian kebakaran lahan gambut di Indonesia, yang merupakan sumber siginfikan, yang CO2 membantu untuk menerapkan keselamatan kebakaran, mengukur dan mengurangi pemanasan global Untuk memahami Untuk kebijakan-kebijakan dan pendorong ekonomi sosial dari pengundulan hutan, peristiwa iklim, dan kebakaran hutan di dan hutan tropis boreal tanah dan ekosistem gambut JUDUL PENELITIAN “Action Research for the for Research “Action and Land Restoration Peat for Study Transdiciplinary of Peatland the Future Society” “Comparative Studies of Studies “Comparative Climate-Resilient livelihoods high carbon in tropical and peatlands” forests NOMOR PASPOR TR7618056 TR1636367 versity versity Center for for Center Center for for Center Southeast Southeast Kyoto Uni - Kyoto Kyoto Uni - Kyoto INSTITUSI Asian Studies, Studies, Asian Asian Studies, Studies, Asian JABATAN Assistant Assistant Staff Technical Researcher Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ehime, 30 Juli Ehime, 1986 Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto, 5 Desember 1978 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Naito NAMA NAMA Kameoka PENELITI Mr. Taishin Taishin Mr. Mr. Daisuke Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 66/SIP/ 36/SIP/ III/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 14 15 No 66 36 No

620 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA FMIPA, FMIPA, Universitas Halu Oleo (Analuddin, S.Si., M.Si.,M. Sc.,Ph.D) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tenggara Tenggara Sulawesi Buton Kab. Buton, (Kab. Utara) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 31 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengkajiUntuk dampak jangka panjang dari perubahan penggunaan lahan habitat (degradasi dan deforestasi) dan gangguan pada hutan tropis ekosistem indikasitermasuk stok karbon JUDUL PENELITIAN Indicators of Biodiversity Indicators of Biodiversity Land Use Response to Changes Tropical Across on Buton Habitats Forest Indonesia Island, NOMOR PASPOR PA6397862 INSTITUSI Wollongong University of University JABATAN Research Research Scientist WARGA WARGA Australia NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Melbourne, Melbourne, 3 Australia, December 1987 0 Grant ($) Grant Jones NAMA NAMA PENELITI - Stepha Dr. nie Courtney SIP FRP/ E5/Dit. 169/SIP/ KI/V/2018 36 No No 169

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 621 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 - KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas - Samratulan Kaw (Dr. gi W.A. ilarang Masengi) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Poso, Kab. Morowali, Morowali Kota Palu, Sulawesi Utara); Gowa, Selatan (Kab. Kab. Jeneponto, Kab. Timur, Luwu Kab. Luwu, Kab. Utara, Luwu Kab. Toraja, Maros, Tana Kab. Kota Utara, Toraja Kab. Sulawesi Palopo); Kolaka, (Kab. Tenggara Kab. Kolaka Timur, KolakaKab. Utara, Kab. Konawe, Kab. Kepulauan, Konawe Selatan, Konawe Kab. Kab. Utara, Konawe Kab. Muna, Wakatobi); Kab. (Kab. Barat Sulawesi Mamuju Kab. Mamuju, Mamuju Kab. Tengah, Utara) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 April 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengkajiUntuk pola filogenomik dan ikanmikroevolusi Sulawesi JUDUL PENELITIAN “Phylogenomics and “Phylogenomics of Sulawesi Microevolution Fishes” Endemic Freshwater NOMOR PASPOR TR1768388 - Tropical Tropical INSTITUSI the Ryukyus University of University Biosphere Re Biosphere search Center, Center, search JABATAN Master student Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 1993 22 Maret 0 Grant ($) Grant NAMA NAMA PENELITI Kobayashi Mr. Hirozumi Hirozumi Mr. SIP Dit.KI/ IV/2018 FRP/E5/ 107/SIP/ 6 No No 107

622 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 5A/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 5B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 - KERJA MITRA Pusat Riset Pusat Kolaboratif dan Kerjasa - ma Interna - LPPM sional, Universitas Gorontalo Dr. (Prof. U. Fenty Puluhulawa, SH, M.Hum) Pusat Pene Pusat litian Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana (I Nengah Wandia) Fakultas Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, - Universi tas Sam Ratulangi Markus (Dr. Lasut) T. DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Sorowako); Makassar, (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Bombana) & Gorontalo Utara Gorontalo (Kab. Bone Bolango) dan Kab. Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Bali (Kab. Sulawesi Utara (Kota Utara Sulawesi Bangka) Manado dan P. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Agustus 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 10 Juli 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 12 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial Ekonomi & Pertanian Antropologi Lingkungan Primatologi Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari karakteristik sosial ekonomi budaya, dan kondisi lingkungan hidup di provinsi beberapa Sulawesi di Pulau dan mengevaluasi perubahan karakter sosio-ekonomi budaya dan lingkungan hidup dipengaruhi oleh yang pendatang para memantau perilakumemantau monyet alloparental bayi betina terhadap dan anak mereka di Hutan Monyet Padangtegal mempelajari hubungan kehadiran antara tertentu dari organisme simbiosis dan tingkat Anneissia regenerasi bennetti JUDUL PENELITIAN Socio-Economic Characteristics and Its on Poverty Challenging Island In Sulawesi Problem Ethological Study of Study Ethological ImpactThe of Female Sterilization on Young Macaca The Individuals in of Population Fascicularis Ubud Monkey Forest The (Bali) Epifauna Associated to to Epifauna Associated Reef Crinoids (Epicrin) Coral NOMOR PASPOR TK6099377 13CF88565 YA8792146 versity Marche Nagasaki University Liege Uni - INSTITUSI Polytechnic Polytechnic University of University JABATAN Associate Associate Professor Master student Master Student Italia Jepang WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Shiga, 2 Okto ber 1981 Uccle, 31 July Uccle, 1995 Macerata, 19 Macerata, September 1994 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Virgili Verrier NAMA NAMA Komatsu PENELITI Prof. Satoru Satoru Prof. Mr. Riccardo Riccardo Mr. Ms. GabrielleMs. SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ VII/2018 VII/2018 230/SIP/ 200/SIP/ 203/SIP/ VIII/2018 2 10 13 No No 230 200 203

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 623 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA PSDR LIPI I. Fadjar (Dr. Thufail) Puslit Biologi Biologi Puslit Sih LIPI (Dr. Kahono, Dedy Prof. Darnaedi, dan Dr. Himmah Rustiani) Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan); (Kab. Tengah Jawa Magelang); DI (Kab. Yogyakarta Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta) Jawa Barat (Bogor, (Bogor, Barat Jawa TN. Cibodas, Gede Jawa Pangarango); (TN. Gunung Tengah Merapi) (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 1 (satu) 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi arsip Arkeologi Biologi Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan pengarsipan berkualitas digital tinggi dari (1) warisan budaya di Borobudur Candi dan (2) Yogyakarta dari koleksi tekstil Museum Nasional Indonesia. Proyek ini juga bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat lunak efektif secara untuk memanfaatkan arsip dibuat yang digital memahami bagaimana perubahan organisme evolusioner cepat yang biologis berlangsung dan akan memberikan kontribusi fungsi pemeliharaan di bawah ekosistem gangguan habitat mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran JUDUL PENELITIAN Research on Digital Archives Archives on Digital Research of Indonesian Cultural Heritages: Collaboration the Research between Regional for Center (P2SDR), Resources Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and the (ARC),Art Center Research Ritsumeikan University Rapid Evolutionary Change and Plants, of Invertebrates, InteractionsTheir Under Disturbance Ecological Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism NOMOR PASPOR TK4698500 TR6490652 517934424 Waseda Waseda Science, Science, Institute Research Research Faculty of Faculty Yamagata Yamagata University University Properties INSTITUSI for Cultural Cultural for Nara National National Nara JABATAN Researcher Professor Associate Associate Professor Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Saga, 7 August Saga, 7 August 1977 Liverpool, Liverpool, KingUnited - dom, 6 May 1977 Hokkaido, 6 November 1972 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Sato NAMA NAMA Esteban PENELITI Mr. Satoru Satoru Mr. Mr. Hiroshi Hiroshi Mr. Yamaguchi Prof. Miguel Prof. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. XI/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 388/SIP/ 390/SIP/ 338/SIP/ KI/X/2018 22 24 38 No No 388 390 338

624 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 18 2018 Oktober KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) Fakultas Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - ITB (Dr. Eng Hendra Achiari) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) Sulawesi Tengah (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 7 (tujuh) hari, mulai 25 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran mengukur distribusi tsunami ketinggian dan menganalisis mekanisme tsunami penghancuran JUDUL PENELITIAN Analysis of Tsunami Disaster Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism Analysis of Tsunami Disaster Disaster Tsunami of Analysis Mechanism NOMOR PASPOR TR8518889 TR5487545 TK2532605 TK0146122 Waseda Waseda Waseda University University University Toyohashi Toyohashi Tokyo City Tokyo INSTITUSI Technology University of University JABATAN Assistant Assistant Professor Master student Associate Professor Assistant Assistant Professor Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Yokohama, Yokohama, - Japan, 1 Febru ary 1988 Japan, Kyoto, 1995 25 March Japan, 5 Tokyo, June 1987 Saitama, Japan, 17 June 1990 0 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Mr. NAMA NAMA Mikami Nishida Mr. Yuta Yuta Mr. Mr. Ryota Mr. PENELITI Tomoyuki Tomoyuki Nakamura Takabatake Mr. Takahito Takahito Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ FRP/ FRP/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 340/SIP/ 341/SIP/ 339/SIP/ 342/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 40 41 39 42 No No 340 341 339 342

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 625 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 4/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/IV/2018, tanggal 9 April 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 16 2018 Oktober - KERJA MITRA FISIP UGM - Amalin (Dr. da Savirani) Fakultas Fakultas Univer MIPA sitas Andalas Rizaldi, (Dr. M.Sc) LPPM, Universitas Kuala Syiah Reza (drh. T. Ferasyi, Ph.D) M.Sc., Tsunami Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research - Center Universitas Kuala Syiah Khairul (Dr. Munadi, M.Eng) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Bali (Kab. Yogyakarta); Kota Denpasar) Gianyar, Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Siak,Kab. Kota Dumai) Aceh (Kab. Aceh Aceh Selatan, Kab. Nagan Singkil, Kab. Siumeulue); Raya, Kab. (Kab. Utara Sumatera Nias Kab. Nias Barat, Selatan); Sumatera Kepulauan (Kab. Barat Bengkulu Mentawai); Bengkulu (Kab. Utara) Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 24 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) hari, mulai 19 Oktober 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosiologi Primatologi Primatologi Biologi molekuler Mitigasi Bencana TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami dampak urbanisasi di Indonesia pola makan;terhadap budaya dan peran makanan tradisional dalam setempat memediasi proses perubahan mengidentifikasi distribusi lutung bandar Timur Sumatera menjelaskan komposisi dan keanekaragaman spesies di pulau- pulau kecil dalam hal variabilitas terkait keterbatasan dalam penyebaran avifauna suatu melakukan survei pasca gempa bumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi pada tanggal Tengah 2018 28 September sebesar Mw = 7.5 JUDUL PENELITIAN Urbanisation, dietary change and local food the case of cultures: Indonesia Distribution and Taxonomy Distribution and Taxonomy of Banded Langurs in Sumatra and Diversification The Genomics Population and in Sumatra of birds for Genomic Applications their Conservation Rapid: Field SurveyRapid: Of Field 28 September 2018 The Tsunami Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR YA5811659 E5844762C E4972044L 15CE57472 TV Institute National National National National London - London Singapore Singapore INSTITUSI (Singapore) University of University University of University Jane Goodall ZED – French ZED – French King's College King's College JABATAN PhD student PhD Researcher Research Assistant Researcher ra ra Italia WARGA WARGA Perancis Singapu - Singapu - NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Fiesole (Flor Fiesole Italy), 22 ence, 1989 February Singapore, 4 Singapore, 1990 Maret 23 Singapore, April 1993 - Charen 7 ton-Le-Pont, October 1966 0 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Jabbar Guerin NAMA NAMA Colozza Xin Elize Mr. David David Mr. PENELITI Mr. Pascal Pascal Mr. Ms. Sabrina Ms. Ms. Ms. Ng Ying Binte Abdul Abdul Binte SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. IX/2018 IX/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 280/SIP/ 289/SIP/ 315/SIP/ 335/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 21 30 15 35 No No 280 289 315 335

626 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 - NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VII/2017, tanggal 26 Juli 2017 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 16 2018 Oktober 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Kehutanan, Dr. IPB (Prof. Lilik Budi Prasetyo) Tsunami Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research - Center Universitas Kuala Syiah Khairul (Dr. Munadi, M.Eng) P2KK LIPI Dr. (Prof. Herman Hidayat) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Tengah (Kab. Tengah Jawa Kendal, Kab. Blora, Timur Jawa Pati); Kab. Kab. Bojonegoro, (Kab. Nganjuk,Madiun, Kab. Ngawi) Kab. Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Pusat); Kalimantan (Kab. Utara Malinau, Kota Tarakan); Kalimantan Timur (Kab. Makaham Kota Ulu, Samarinda) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Januari 2018 12 (dua belas) hari, mulai 19 Oktober 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kehutanan Mitigasi Bencana Sosial ekonomi kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengeksplorasi mengeksplorasi Untuk aktualitas dan pengelolaan efektivitas hutan di Jawa melakukan survei pasca gempa bumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi pada tanggal Tengah 2018 28 September sebesar Mw = 7.5 mempertimbangkan kembali kebijakan yang dan uji coba relevan lokal terkait dengan konservasi HoB di kerangkabawah SDGs menjembatani untuk kebijakan nasional lokaldengan realitas JUDUL PENELITIAN “Local Implementation “Local Forest of and Effectiveness Sector in Initiatives Reform Indonesia” Rapid: Field SurveyRapid: Of Field 28 September 2018 The Tsunami Sulawesi Integrated Reconsideration Reconsideration Integrated of Various Activities Heartfor of Borneo Conservation Under The of SDGs Framework NOMOR PASPOR TR8122697 17DD55325 TR6121233 TV Waseda Waseda Forestry Forestry Institute, Institute, University INSTITUSI - Prod Forest Forestry and Forestry Organization ZED – French ZED – French Research and Research Management ucts Research Faculty of Hu - Faculty man Sciences, man Sciences, JABATAN Senior Researcher Researcher Professor Jepang Jepang WARGA WARGA Perancis NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Les-Roses, 12 Les-Roses, 1966 August Japan, 12 Juni 1979 Yamanashi, 1 Yamanashi, 1960 August 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Inoue NAMA NAMA (Shiga) Pothon Ms. KaoriMs. PENELITI Samejima Dr. Makoto Makoto Dr. Mr. Philippe Philippe Mr. SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. 04/SIP/ IX/2018 FRP/E5/ 336/SIP/ 278/SIP/ KI/I/2018 KI/X/2018 4 36 19 No 4 No 336 278

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 627 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA - NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 5 Sep 2018 tember 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2017, tanggal 22 November 2017 10/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 2018 Oktober - KERJA MITRA P2KK LIPI Dr. (Prof. Herman Hidayat) Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indone sia (Dr. Mahawan Karuniasa) Pusat Pusat Pengkajian Industri dan Proses BPPT Energi, (Nugroho Sasong - Adi M.Sc, ST, ko, Ph.D.) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Pusat); Kalimantan (Kab. Utara Malinau, Kota Tarakan); Kalimantan Timur (Kab. Makaham Kota Ulu, Samarinda) Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kapuas Hulu) Banten (Kota Tangerang Banten (Kota Tangerang Selatan, Puspiptek) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Februari 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 8 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial ekonomi kehutanan Geografi Manajemen dan air energi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempertimbangkan kembali kebijakan yang dan uji coba relevan lokal terkait dengan konservasi HoB di kerangkabawah SDGs menjembatani untuk kebijakan nasional lokaldengan realitas Untuk mempelajari Untuk dampak reformasi di tingkat desa yang diprakarsai oleh adopsi Undang-undang Desa tahun 2014 di Indonesia mengenai sistem pengelolaan hutan desa mengembangkan kemampuan dasar dalam merancang dan mengkonfigurasi komponen PV untuk on-grid Tegangan Rendah; dan sistem off-grid; serta menilai PV untuk sistem ukuran on-gridsistem dan off-grid JUDUL PENELITIAN Integrated Reconsideration Reconsideration Integrated of Various Activities Heartfor of Borneo Conservation Under The of SDGs Framework “Political Decentralisation Decentralisation “Political of Change in as a Driver Indonesian Village Level Governance” Forest Integrated Solar Integrated (PV)Photovoltaic System (VisitingDesigner Trainee) Occupational NOMOR PASPOR MU5517364 452716172 C6Z1ZFCC4 Oxford and the Waseda Waseda School of University Ruhr West Ruhr West INSTITUSI Geography Geography Hochschule University of University Environment, Environment, Faculty of Hu - Faculty man Sciences, man Sciences, JABATAN Graduate Graduate student Ph. D Student Ph. Student Serikat Jepang Jerman WARGA WARGA Amerika NEGARA - LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kanagawa, 25 1997 February Gainsville 21 Georgia, Desember 1990 Essen, 21 Feb ruary 1994 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant ilton Buch NAMA NAMA Tsunoda Mr. Malte Malte Mr. PENELITI Mr. Logan Logan Mr. Mr. Kazuki Mr. John Ham - SIP Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ II/2018 29/SIP/ IX/2018 XI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 279/SIP/ 408/SIP/ 8 20 42 No 29 No 279 408

628 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 6/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/VI/2018, tanggal 4 Juni 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 1 Agustus 2018 3/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/III/2018, tanggal 2 2018 Maret KERJA MITRA Fakultas Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Kristana P. SSi) Makur, Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Nasional (Dr. Sri Suci Uta - mi Atmoko) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Nadi - Ir. (Dr. arti Nurdin, M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Tuanan) Kalimantan Tengah Kapuas, Stasiun (Kab. Tuanan) Sulawesi Tenggara (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Wakatobi) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Agustus 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Oktober 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 7 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Primatologi Ekologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menghubungkan oksidatif, nutrisi, stres dan kekebalan pada Borneoorangutan pygmaeus liar (Pongo wurmbii) di Tuanan Station Research mempelajari Gut Mikroba, nutrisi, dan orangutan kesehatan Pygmaeus liar (Pongo di Stasiun Wurmbii) dan Tuanan Penelitian Sabangau mengukur ekologi mengukur ekologi spesies termal intertidal/ mangrove mengidentifikasiuntuk kelompok sensitif memprediksi termal, risiko kepunahan mereka dan praktik menyarankan pengelolaan terbaik JUDUL PENELITIAN Linking Nutrition, Oxidative and Immunity in Stress, Bornean Orangutans Wild Wurmbii) (Pongo Pygmaeus Research Tuanan The at Station Nutrition, Gut Microbes, Bornean Wild and Health in (Pongo Orangutans wurmbii)the at pygmaeus Station Research Tuanan Assessing RiskAssessing Extirpation and Extinction Risk of in the Intertidal Fauna Banda Sea, Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR 488592211 565146092 545672424 Rutgers Rutgers Rutgers The State State The University University, University, INSTITUSI New Jersey West Florida West University of University University of University JABATAN Research Research assistant student PhD Professor Serikat Serikat Serikat WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL New York, New New York, , 15 March York 1996 Michigan, USA, 20 October 1983 USA, 14 April 1958 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant Arden Arden NAMA NAMA Brittain PENELITI Dr. Wayne Wayne Dr. Bennett Jr Ms. Sophia Ms. Shae-Anna Terese Palia Terese Ms. Rebecca Rebecca Ms. SIP FRP/ Dit.KI/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. VI/2018 FRP/E5/ FRP/E5/ 237/SIP/ 325/SIP/ 176/SIP/ VIII/2018 KI/X/2018 9 4 25 No No 325 237 176

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 629 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA-VM/ FRP/E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 16 2018 Oktober 9B/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tang - gal 13 Agustus 2018 KERJA MITRA Tsunami Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research - Center Universitas Kuala Syiah Khairul (Dr. Munadi, M.Eng) Fakultas Fakultas Kehutan - an, UGM Hero (Dr. Marhaento, M.Si) S.Hut., - Universi tas Dian Nuswantoro (Sri Han - SKM., dayani, M.Kes) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tengah (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Donggala) Jawa Tengah (Blora, Tengah Jawa (Hutan Ngawi UGM di Pendidikan Desa Getas & Desa Ngandong)) DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Kodya Barat, Jakarta Kodya Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Kodya Jakarta Kodya Timur, Jakarta Jawa Utara); (Kota Bandung, Barat Kota Cirebon); (Kota Tengah Jawa Semarang); Gorontalo (Kota Gorontalo) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) hari, mulai 19 Oktober 2018 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 24 Oktober 2018 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 26 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Mitigasi Bencana Ilmu Komunikasi Ekologi Ekologi lingkungan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan survei pasca gempa bumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi pada tanggal Tengah 2018 28 September sebesar Mw = 7.5 mempelajari tentang mempelajari tentang bagaimana wanita berkomunikasi mengenai keputusan memberi tentang makan mereka bayi menganalisis dampak pertaniankegiatan di hutan Getas-Ngandong pada pengelolaan air dan penggunaan lahan mengeksplorasi untuk kemungkinan mitigasi dari dampak negatif pertanian JUDUL PENELITIAN Rapid: Field SurveyRapid: Of Field 28 September 2018 The Tsunami Sulawesi Liquid Gold: A Qualitative Liquid Gold: A Qualitative Inquiry Decision- into Making about Breastfeeding Among Indonesian Women Analysing the impactAnalysing of farming activities in the Getas-Ngandong forests and land use on water explore to management possibilities of mitigating impacts negative NOMOR PASPOR 548676554 518887215 NT675KF03 Twente Indiana Georgia Georgia - Universi ty-Purdue ty-Purdue University University INSTITUSI Institute of Technology Indianapolis University of University JABATAN Professor Bachelor Student Research Assistant & Doctoral Candidate Serikat Serikat Belanda WARGA WARGA Amerika Amerika NEGARA LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Switzerland, 20 Switzerland, 1972 May Ede, 30 June Ede, 1998 Pennsylvania, USA, 12 Janu - ary 1982 0 0 0 Grant ($) Grant - son Fritz NAMA NAMA Prof. Her Prof. Rijneveld PENELITI Ms. Nicole Ms. Ms. Rhoda Ms. Lynn John - Lynn mann Marc mann Marc SIP FRP/ FRP/ Dit.KI/ E5/Dit. E5/Dit. XI/2018 FRP/E5/ 334/SIP/ 438/SIP/ 355/SIP/ KI/X/2018 KI/X/2018 34 72 55 No No 334 438 355

630 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 1B/TKPIPA/ VM/E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 1B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 1B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 1/TKPIPA/E5/ Dit.KI/I/2018, tanggal 10 Januari 2018 MITRA KERJA CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP Ir. Raya (Dr. Palangka MP) Kulu, Ici Piter Fakultas ISIPOL Fakultas Gadjah Universitas Purwo Mada (Drs. Ph.D) MA, Santoso, Fakultas Biologi, Biologi, Fakultas Nasional Universitas Mitra Setia) (Tatang LBM Eijkman (Prof. LBM Eijkman (Prof. Sudoyo, Herawati Rintis Noviyanti, Dr. N. Coutrier, Farah Dr. W. Ari dan Dr. Satyagraha) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Bangkirai,(LAHG Kereng Sabangau) Kalimantan Utara (Nunukan) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Suaq (Tuanan) & Aceh Balimbing) DKI Jakarta, NTB (Waikabubak), Lampung, (Tanjung Utara Sumatera Lejong), Tengah Jawa (Sragen) LAMA PENELITIAN 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 6 2018 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 Januari 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 5 2018 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 2018 Februari BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Antropologi Primatologi Biologi Biologi molekuler TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mempelajarai mempelajarai Untuk dan pola awal perilaku adaptasi oleh baru yang orangutan saja dilepasliarkan Untuk mempelajari Untuk dari kelompok etnografi etnis Tidung di Kalimantan Utara Untuk memahami Untuk dan manfaat biaya dari asosiasi dengan laki-lakiorangutan betina orangutan untuk Untuk meningkatkanUntuk kemampuan tenaga medis di Indonesia dalam memberantas P.vivax reservoir laten aman dan secara melalui metode efektif dan perawatan tepat yang pengobatan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Early Orang-utan “Early Orang-utan Independence” “An ethnographic ethnographic “An in Tidung study of the Nunukan, Indonesia” “Costs and Benefits “Costs Associations from Female with Males for Orangutans” - the Preven “Improving tion and Treatment Malaria in Vivax of Indonesia” NOMOR PASPOR N9829802 099178884 488398275 16DA68007 INSTITUSI University of University Exeter University of University Melbourne Zurich University Zurich Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit SURAT IJIN PERPANJANGAN PENELITIAN TAHUN 2018 PENELITIAN TAHUN IJIN PERPANJANGAN SURAT date Master Master student student Direktur JABATAN - Candi PhD WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Australia Perancis Amerika Serikat LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL London, 10 London, Juni 1992 Gosford, Gosford, NSW, Australia, 15 Oktober 1995 Fullerton, Fullerton, 24 Mei 1994 Oklahoma, 11 Februari 1958 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Sophie Ms. Amelia Vaughn Kirklin Mr. Nathan Nathan Mr. Gary Bond Ms. Caroline Caroline Ms. Fryns Prof. John Prof. Kevin Baird SIP 04/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/I/2018 03/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/I/2018 02/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/I/2018 01/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/I/2018 4 3 2 1 No 4 3 2 1 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 631 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 1B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 1B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 2/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tanggal 8 Februari 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Perikanan Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Prof. Lasut, T. Markus Ir. Dr. M.Sc) Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas dan Perikanan Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Prof. Lasut, T. Markus Ir. Dr. M.Sc) Balitbang KKP (M. ST)Zulfikar Mochtar, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (P. (P. Utara Sulawesi Bangka) Sulawesi Utara (P. (P. Utara Sulawesi Bangka) NTB (Balai Perikanan NTB (Balai Perikanan Laut Lombok), Budidaya (Balai Perikanan Aceh Payau Air Budidaya Bali Ujung Batee), (Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Laut) Budidaya LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 2018 Februari BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Ekologi Perikanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memperoleh memperoleh Untuk pengetahuan kondisi dan tentang pengelolaan bio mampu plastik yang di laut terdegradasi tropis Untuk memperoleh memperoleh Untuk pengetahuan kondisi dan tentang pengelolaan bio mampu plastik yang di laut terdegradasi tropis Untuk mempelajari Untuk teknologi produksi di berduri lobster Indonesia yang memungkinkan pembentukan lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial industri berkelanjutan yang menguntungkan masyarakat pesisir JUDUL PENELITIAN “BioPlasDeg Asia – Asia “BioPlasDeg degradation Biological of bio-plastic in the marine environment in Asia” “BioPlasDeg Asia – Asia “BioPlasDeg degradation Biological of bio-plastic in the marine environment in Asia” “Expanding spiny “Expanding spiny in aquaculture lobster Indonesia” NOMOR PASPOR PE0399524 C8W9F03ZH C8W9N70X4 INSTITUSI HYDRA Institute HYDRA Marine for Sciences, Munich, Germany HYDRA Institute HYDRA Marine for Sciences, Munich, Germany James Cook James Cook University Fellow cations Head of Principal Principal Research Research Research Research Research JABATAN Director of Director - Communi and Science WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman Jerman Australia LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Hamburg, Hamburg, 28 Oktober 1976 Baden- Baden, 1 September 1965 Brisbane, 27 Brisbane, September 1959 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. MiriamMs. Elisabeth Weber Mr. Christian Mr. Lott Mr. Clive Clive Mr. Morris Jones SIP 07/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/II/2018 06/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/II/2018 05/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/II/2018 3 2 1 No 7 6 5 No BULAN FEBRUARI BULAN

632 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 2/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tanggal 8 Februari 2018 1B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/I/2018, tanggal 24 Januari 2018 2B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tanggal 22 Februari 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Universitas Budaya, Sri Gadjah Mada (Dr. M.A) Margana, Smart Research Institute (SMARTRI), PT Tbk.SMART Sudharto Ir. (Dr. SU) Prawirosukarto, Yayasan Orangutan Orangutan Yayasan Internasional Kalimantan (Reniastoetie S.Si.,M. Djojoasmoro Si) dan CIMTROP – Universitas (Dr. Palangkaraya Spi., MSc) Yulintine, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Tenggara Tenggara Sulawesi (Wakatobi) Riau (Libo Estate) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah TNTP (Camp Leakey, Bun) Pangkalan LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 2018 Maret 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 27 2018 Februari BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi Budaya Ekologi Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memahami Untuk etnis dan identitas suku Bajo sejarah Untuk memahami Untuk pola penanaman kembali dan kompleksitas habitat mempengaruhi yang dan semut dan rayap, merekaperan dalam perkebunan kelapa sawit Untuk memahami Untuk hubungan genetik populasi antara liar Borneoorang-utan pygmaeus) (Pongo di lokasi penelitian Taman di Leakey, Camp Nasional Tanjung Kalimantan Puting, Tengah - JUDUL PENELITIAN “Life through the through “Life Myths Ex of Origin: ploring Identity Ethnic and History of Bajo in Southeast Sulawesi” “The importance of - com and termite ant munities in ecosystem functioning in oil palm plantations” - Related Leakey Camp Puting, Tanjung ness, Kalimantan Tengah NOMOR PASPOR GC376556 707605370 TR1657066 INSTITUSI Sophia University University of University Cambridge Central Central Washington University dent dent Master student PhD stu - PhD - Stu PhD JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Inggris Kanada LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Saitama, Japan, 25 September 1990 Dublin, Irlandia, 3 1993 Maret Edmonton Edmonton AB Canada, 22 Maret 1986 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Kumiko Kumiko Ms. Kato Ms. Amelia Amelia Ms. Clair Hood St Ms. Ruth Ella Ms. Linsky SIP 10/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/III/2018 09/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/II/2018 08/EXT3/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/II/2018 1 5 4 No 9 8 10 No BULAN MARET BULAN

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 633 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret 2B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ II/2018, tanggal 22 Februari 2018 3/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ III/2018, tanggal 8 2018 Maret MITRA KERJA Fakultas Pertanian Pertanian Fakultas Sam Universitas John Ratulangi (Dr. Biologi Puslit Tasirin); Gono Dr. LIPI (Prof. Marlina Semiadi, Dr. Hamidy); Amir & Dr. MIPA Fakultas Negeri Universitas Dr. (Prof. Gorontalo Hulukati,Evi M.Pd) Balai Teknologi Balai Teknologi Survei Kelautan, M. Ilyas) BPPT (Dr. Balai Penelitian dan Balai Penelitian Pengembangan – Tawar Air Budidaya Bogor (Jojo Subagja) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Manado, (Manado, Utara Sulawesi Minahasa,Kab. Bolong Gorontalo Mongondow), (Kawasan Hutan / Nantu) Paguyaman Jakarta Jakarta) (Teluk DKI Jakarta, Jawa Depok, (Bogor, Barat Bekasi, dan Tangerang, serta Jawa Taksikmalaya) dan (Banyumas Tengah Purwokerto) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 April 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 2018 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 2018 Maret BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi Ekologi Ekologi kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk Untuk mengimplementasikan dan mendukung penelitian-penelitian pendataan biologi, saintifik, dan transfer pengetahuan di hutan Nantu Untuk memperjelas Untuk distribusi dan variasi oksigen yang temporal Jakarta Teluk di terlarut dan mengetahui massa air hipoksia Untuk mengidentifikasiUntuk tahapan penting dalam membesarkan marmer muda goby dan mengusulkan meningkatkancara kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan penetasan masa depan - JUDUL PENELITIAN “Conservation Biology “Conservation of the Paguyaman in Forest (Nantu) Northern Sulawesi” “The Observation of in Jakartathe Hypoxia Bay” “Valorization of local “Valorization domesti - biodiversity, and sustainable cation in Indo aquaculture nesia” NOMOR PASPOR 99035910 TR7184902 15FV17347 INSTITUSI - Institute of and Lowland Marin Research, Saga University Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) - Inde Senior Ingineer pendent pendent Research Research Professor Associate Associate JABATAN Researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Jepang Perancis LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Cuckfield, Cuckfield, 14 Agustus 1964 Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 5 1967 Maret Pointe- 19 Noire, Mei 1961 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Dr. Lynn M. Lynn Dr. Clayton Dr. Yuichi Yuichi Dr. Hayami Mr. Jacques Jacques Mr. Daniel Louis Slembrouck SIP 13/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/III/2018 12/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/III/2018 11/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/III/2018 4 3 2 No 13 12 11 No

634 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 3B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 4/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IV/2018, tanggal 11 April 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas IPB Hewan, Srihadi Dr. (Prof. Ph.D., Agungpriyono, D.V.M) Nasional Balai Taman (TirsaritheKutai S. Hut) Patangke, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (seluruh Barat Jawa kabupaten dan kota) Kalimantan Timur (T.N. Kutai) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kedokteran Kedokteran hewan Primatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memahami Untuk hubungan antara masyarakatkesehatan ternak dan kesehatan di bawah di Asia Health" konsep "One dengan meningkatkan pemahaman kita mekanismetentang siklusevolusi, ekologi, dan kemunculan / kembali munculnya di Asia virus vektor Selatan meningkatkanUntuk pemahaman tentang siklus multi-tahunan sebagai bentuk adaptasi dan perilaku di orangutan Kalimantan, Indonesia - - - JUDUL PENELITIAN “Impacts of ENSO on Orangutan Cycles Mo Pygmaeus (Pongo “An Integrated Re Integrated “An - Devel The For search Ofopment A Scheme Emerging Control To Viral Vector-Borne Diseases In Asia” Ecology, rio) Feeding and Develop Ranging, National in Kutai ment Indonesia” Park, NOMOR PASPOR HP040317 TK2314570 INSTITUSI York University, University, York Glendon College Yamaguchi Yamaguchi University Assistant Assistant Professor Professor JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kanada Jepang LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Toronto, 20 Toronto, Mei 1947 Jepang, 8 Jepang, 1986 Maret NAMA NAMA PENELITI Prof. Anne Anne Prof. Eleanor Russon Mr. Hiroshi Hiroshi Mr. Shimoda SIP 15/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/IV/2018 14/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/IV/2018 6 5 No 15 14 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 635 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 3B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret 4B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IV/2018, tanggal 25 April 2018 MITRA KERJA Badan Penelitian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kementerian (Dr. Pertanian Muhammad Syakir) CSIS (Dr. Philips Philips CSIS (Dr. Vermonte) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Timur Yogyakarta); Jawa Kab. Jember, (Kab. Malang); Nusa Tenggara (Kota Mataram); Barat (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) Jawa Tengah, DI. Tengah, Jawa Yogyakarta LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Mei 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 Juni 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Pertanian Kebijakan publik TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk meningkatkanUntuk produksi profitabilitas skalasapi ternak kecil pada produsen sapi melalui daging pengembangan sederhana ransum pakan biaya hemat Untuk menganalisis Untuk investasi proses dalam proyek-proyek di infrastruktur Indonesia dalam rangka memahami untuk bagaimana instansi dan daerah pemerintah bekerja sama pusat menyelesaikan untuk penting, proyek-proyek serta memahami bagaimana proyek ini meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi transfer dan membantu keahlian dan teknologi - JUDUL PENELITIAN “Profitable Feeding “Profitable for Strategies in Smallholder Cattle Indonesia” “The Role of Institu - tions in Infrastructure and Eco Investment in nomic Development Indonesia” NOMOR PASPOR E4097144 546095938 INSTITUSI University of University Queensland S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies diate PhD can - PhD Professor JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Australia LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL California, California, United 2 States, Desember 1985 Babinda, 17 April 1951 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. James Mr. Guild Jordan Dennis Dr. Poppi Paul SIP 16/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/V/2018 17/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/V/2018 1 2 No 16 17 No BULAN MEI BULAN

636 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 5B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 3B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ III/2018, tanggal 21 2018 Maret MITRA KERJA Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya LIPI (Dr. Regional, I. Thufail) Fadjar Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas IPB (Prof Hewan, Drh Srihadi PhD, Agungpriyono, (K)) PAVet Badan Penelitian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kementerian (Dr. Pertanian Muhammad Syakir) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta Kalimantan Barat (Kab. Kalimantan (Kab. Barat Kab. Mempawah, Ketapang) DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kota Timur Yogyakarta); Jawa Kab. Jember, (Kab. Malang); Nusa Tenggara (Kota Mataram); Barat (Kota Tengah Sulawesi Palu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Juni 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 Juni 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Mei 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi sosial Biologi Pertanian TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memahami Untuk bagaimana persepsi warga dan reaksi Indonesianegara skema terhadap jaminan sosial yang baru diperkenalkan (BPJS) Untuk melakukanUntuk teknis dari transfer teknik isolasi virus/ sehingga pemeliharaan peneliti di Institut Bogor Pertanian dapat melakukan analisis virus mandiri secara Untuk meningkatkanUntuk produksi profitabilitas skalasapi ternak kecil pada produsen sapi melalui daging pengembangan sederhana ransum pakan biaya hemat JUDUL PENELITIAN People’s Reaction and People’s - Wel of The Perception People How State: fare Risk and Adopt Percept IndonesianThe New to Social Security Scheme Ecological Studies Studies Ecological And Foxes On Flying In Involvement Their Rabies-Related And Other Viral Infectious Diseases “Profitable Feeding “Profitable for Strategies in Smallholder Cattle Indonesia” NOMOR PASPOR N6070348 TZ1185779 MU3848097 INSTITUSI University of University Tokyo Nagoya Nagoya University University of University Queensland dent fellow - Stu PhD Research Research JABATAN Researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang Australia LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Mexico City, City, Mexico 28 Mei 1986 Niigata, 28 October 1971 Ipswich, 1 Juni 1967 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Daiki Mr. Ayuha Mr. Hitoshi Mr. Takemae Ms. Karen Ms. Jean Harper SIP 20/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/V/2018 19/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/V/2018 18/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/V/2018 5 4 3 No 20 19 18 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 637 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 5B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 5B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/V/2018, tanggal 28 Mei 2018 MITRA KERJA Jurusan Biologi Jurusan Biologi Syiah Universitas Abdullah, (Dr. Kuala M.Si), Balai KSDA Aji (Sapto Aceh Dr Wahdi Prabowo), Azmi (ACCI)) Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, IPB Khomsan), Ali (Prof. Kehutanan Fakultas Ervizal IPB (Dr. dan A.M. Zuhud) Kesehatan Fakultas Masyarakat, Andalas Universitas Nur Indrawaty (Prof. PhD) MD, Lipoeto, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (Taman Nasional (Taman Aceh Aceh Timur, Aceh Leuser, Utara, Aceh Tamiang, Bener Lues, Meriah, Gayo Pidie) Aceh Jaya, Aceh Utara dan Sumatera (Langkat, Karo) Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Pasaman) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Juli 2018 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 2 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Kesehatan Kesehatan masyarakat TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk menganalisis Untuk dan memprediksi konsekuensi hilangnya dan gangguan habitat antropogenik perilakuterhadap dan kelangsungan hidup gajah Sumatera Untuk meningkatkanUntuk ketahanan pangan dan masyarakat Minanggizi dan Mandailing dengan memperkuat dan melakukan diversifikasi pangan lokal,sistem dengan meningkatkan dan nilai kesadaran pangan lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati pertanian JUDUL PENELITIAN Identifying Sumatran Sumatran Identifying habitat elephant in requirements dimensions to three for the tools provide minimizing human conflictelephant and maximizing essential habitats elephant Food, Agrobiodiversity Agrobiodiversity Food, Nutri- The and Diet: of tional Ethnobiology MinangThe and Man - Systems dailing Food in West Sumatra NOMOR PASPOR 42265150 Z4500609 INSTITUSI International International Elephant Foundation Czech University University Czech Sciences of Life Prague Ph.D Ph.D Scholar student Research Research JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA India Republik Ceko LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Kotagiri, Kotagiri, India, 6 Oktober 1980 Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, 20 Mei 1988 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Dr. Gaius Dr. Wilson Mr. Lukas Mr. Pawera SIP 22/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VI/2018 21/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/V/2018 1 6 No 22 21 No BULAN JUNI BULAN

638 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 5/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 5/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 MITRA KERJA Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Nasional Arkeologi Hadi Priyatno (Drs. M. Hum) Sulistyarto, Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Nasional Arkeologi Hadi Priyatno (Drs. M. Hum) Sulistyarto, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow), Tengah Sulawesi Sulawesi (Kota Palu), Bone, Selatan (Kab. Bulukumba, Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Soppeng), Sulawesi Buton, (Kab. Tenggara Muna, Kota Kab. (Kab. Kendari), Gorontalo Gorontalo) Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow), Tengah Sulawesi Sulawesi (Kota Palu), Bone, Selatan (Kab. Bulukumba, Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Soppeng), Sulawesi Buton, (Kab. Tenggara Muna, Kota Kab. (Kab. Kendari), Gorontalo Gorontalo) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Arkeologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami situs hominin kuno (manusia di pra-modern) dan kapan Sulawesi serta bagaimana mereka punah memahami situs hominin kuno (manusia di pra-modern) dan kapan Sulawesi serta bagaimana mereka punah JUDUL PENELITIAN In Search of ‘Celebes ‘Celebes In of Search of Archaeology Man’: Early- Hominin Occupa tion in Sulawesi In Search of ‘Celebes ‘Celebes In of Search of Archaeology Man’: Early- Hominin Occupa tion in Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR N6539976 PA3953523 INSTITUSI Griffith University Griffith University dent - Stu PhD. Professor Associate Associate JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Australia Australia LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Brisbane, 27 Brisbane, Juni 1976 - Toowoom ba, 17 Juli 1976 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. David David Mr. McGa - Paul han Mr. Adam Adam Mr. Robert Brumm SIP 24/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VI/2018 23/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VI/2018 3 2 No 24 23 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 639 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 6/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VI/2018, tanggal 4 Juni 2018 5/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/V/2018, tanggal 14 Mei 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Pengetahuan Budaya-Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Maria Shuriah Gietty Tambunan, dan Pusat Ph.D) Sumber Penelitian Regional-LIPI Daya Ibnu Fadjar (Dr. Thufail,Ph.D) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Nasional Arkeologi Hadi Priyatno (Drs. M. Hum) Sulistyarto, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Bandung), Barat Jawa Timur DKI Jakarta, Jawa Malang) (Surabaya, Sulawesi Utara (Kab. (Kab. Utara Sulawesi Bolaang Mongondow), Tengah Sulawesi Sulawesi (Kota Palu), Bone, Selatan (Kab. Bulukumba, Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Selayar, Pangkajene Kab. Maros, Kepulauan, Kab. Soppeng), Sulawesi Buton, (Kab. Tenggara Muna, Kota Kab. (Kab. Kendari), Gorontalo Gorontalo) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Juli 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 2018 Agustus BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial politik Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengetahui berbagai dari budaya peran kreatif kaum muda pada transformasi politik perkotaan di Indonesia, khususnya di Barat Jawa Bandung, memahami situs hominin kuno (manusia di pra-modern) dan kapan Sulawesi serta bagaimana mereka punah JUDUL PENELITIAN Creative Youth Culture Youth Creative and Urban Political in Transformation Indonesia: of A Case Bandung In Search of ‘Celebes ‘Celebes In of Search of Archaeology Man’: Early- Hominin Occupa tion in Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR N2306376 M33492331 INSTITUSI Kyoto University Kyoto Griffith University dent dent - Stu PhD - Stu PhD. JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Australia Korea LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Fannie Bay, Bay, Fannie - 26 Novem ber 1988 Jepang, 11 Jepang, Desember 1990 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Yinika Ms. L.H.A. Perston Mr. Yujin Kim Yujin Mr. SIP 25/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VI/2018 26/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 4 1 No 25 26 No BULAN JULI BULAN

640 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 7/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Indonesia (Raphaella Dwianto)Dewantari Pertanian, Fakultas Dr. IPB (Prof. Buchori) Damayanti Fakultas Kedokteran, Kedokteran, Fakultas Erni Juwita UI (dr. Prof. Sp.PD, Nelwan, Inge Sutanto, dr. Dr. dr. Sp.Park, M.Phill, Darma Imran, Sp.S, Erlina dr. dan Dr. Burhan, Sp.P(K), M.Sc) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta, Jawa Banten, Barat Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. DKI Jakarta (RSCM, RS. Persahabatan, LBM Laboratorium Eijkman) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2018 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 2018 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Juli 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosiologi Biologi Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengetahui dinamika perubahan penduduk tinggal di yang kota Jakartapinggir menggunakan data dan kuantitatif kualitatif mempelajari fungsi dan penyerbukan layanan dengan menekankan skala lanskap, pertanian, dan tanaman menentukan apakah adalah dexamethasone aman tambahan yang untuk dan efektif 6-8 minggu pertama anti-TB pengobatan TBM dan menyelidiki manajemen strategi dalam subset alternatif dari pasien yang mengembangkan kerusakan yang hati yang diinduksi obat akan memungkinkan kelanjutan aman rifampicin dan terapi isoniazid apabila memungkinkan JUDUL PENELITIAN The Urbanisation and Urbanisation The around Migration Jakarta Aboveground Patterns Biodiversity Across and Processes - Transforma Rainforest tion Landscapes A Randomized Double Blind Placebo - of Ad Trial Controlled junctive Dexametha - sone Treatment The fro of HIV Infected Adults with Tuberculous Meningitis NOMOR PASPOR 526270491 TR3625244 NMK3C0KC0 INSTITUSI University of University Göttingen Iwate University University Iwate of Health and Medical Sciences Oxford Clinical Oxford Research Laboratory (IOCRL) Ph.D Ph.D Senior Student Lecturer Scientist Clinician JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Jepang Belanda LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Florida, Florida, 4 U.S.A, January 1986 Tokyo, 4 Juli Tokyo, 1984 Geleen, 9 Desember 1977 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Kevin Li Mr. Mr. Jiro Oi Jiro Mr. Dr. Raph Dr. Leonardus Hamers SIP 29/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 28/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 27/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 4 3 2 No 29 28 27 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 641 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 7B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 MITRA KERJA Pusat Riset Pusat Kolaboratif dan Kerjasama Internasional, Universitas LPPM Dr. (Prof. Gorontalo Puluhulawa, U. Fenty SH, M.Hum) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Sumber Daya – LIPI Regional Ganewati (Dr. Wuryandari) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Sumber Daya – LIPI (Dr. Regional M.A) Thufail, I. Fadjar DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Sorowako); Makassar, (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Bombana) & Gorontalo Utara Gorontalo (Kab. Bone Bolango) dan Kab. DKI Jakarta, Barat Jawa Bali Karawang), (Kab. DI Jembrana), (Kab. Bantul) (Kab. Yogyakarta DKI Jakarta, Jawa Karawang), (Kab. Barat Timur Jawa (Sidoarjo), Selatan Sulawesi Kab.Soppeng) (Makassar, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 2018 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2018 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 2018 Agustus BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial Ekonomi & Pertanian Antropologi Lingkungan Antropologi Antropologi Budaya Antropologi Antropologi Sosial TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari karakteristik sosial ekonomi budaya, dan kondisi lingkungan hidup di provinsi beberapa Sulawesi di Pulau dan mengevaluasi perubahan karakter sosio-ekonomi budaya dan lingkungan hidup dipengaruhi oleh yang pendatang para mempelajari perubahan masyarakat Indonesia berfokusyang pada komunikasi, hidup, gaya lembaga sosial dan warga antar interaksi mempelajari perubahan di sosial budaya masyarakat Jawa Selatan dan Sulawesi mengenai perspektif penuaan JUDUL PENELITIAN Socio-Economic Characteristics and Its on Challenging In Problem Poverty Island Sulawesi Changing Community Community Changing village Network in rural and urban kampung: Historical Review Comparative Study of Study Comparative Modernization Ageing, and Socio-cultural of Transformation in Java Communities and South Sulawesi NOMOR PASPOR TR3294637 TK1105564 TK1910909 INSTITUSI Ehime University Keio University Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan University ogy Emeritus Emeritus Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor & Visiting & Visiting Professor, Professor, JABATAN - Anthropol Dept. Social WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang Jepang LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Ehime, 30 Ehime, October 1959 Osaka, 26 Juli 1946 Yokohama, Yokohama, - 21 Novem ber 1950 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Prof. Prof. Masayuki Sakakibara Ms. Aiko Aiko Ms. Inomata Kurasawa Mr. Makoto Makoto Mr. Ito SIP 32/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 31/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 30/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 7 6 5 No 32 31 30 No

642 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tanggal 1 Agustus 2018 7B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 7/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 6 Juli 2018 MITRA KERJA UPT LLG-CIMTROP, UPT LLG-CIMTROP, Palangka Universitas Raya (Hendrik Segah Ph.D.) Departemen Biologi Institut FMIPA, BogorPertanian (Dr. Rika Raffiudin) Pusat Arkeologi Arkeologi Pusat I Made Nasional (Drs. Geria, M.Si.) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Kab. Utara, Barito (Kab. Kab. Gunung Mas, Katingan,Kapuas, Kab. Murung Raya, Kab. Kota Pisau, Pulang Kab. Palangkaraya) Jawa Barat (Kab. Bogor, Bogor, (Kab. Barat Jawa Sumedang); Jawa Kab. Cilacap, (Kab. Tengah Jawa Purbalingga); Kab. Malang); (Kab. Timur Timur Nusa Tenggara Sikka);(Kab. Sulawesi Toraja) Selatan Tana (Kab. Sulawesi Utara (Manado, (Manado, Utara Sulawesi Sulawesi Talaud), Kep. dan (Morowali Tengah Utara) Morowali LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 2018 Agustus 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 2018 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 2018 Agustus BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Primatologi Biologi Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN menghasilkan penilaian kepadatan dan distribusi populasi komprehensif yang Pygmaeus Pongo untuk di seluruh Wurmbii Kalimantan Provinsi Tengah meneliti genetika populasi lebah di cerana madu Apis Indonesia, khususnya genetik keragaman pada gen kunci melakukan penggalian dan analisis arkeologi merekonstruksi untuk eksploitasi marine dan di lokasi-terrestrial lokasi cenderung yang belum diketahui di Indonesia Timur - JUDUL PENELITIAN Orangutan Population Population Orangutan Density Surveys Across Kalimantan Tengah Population biology of Population and a critical pollinator Apis species, invasive hon - the Asian cerana in Indonesia ey bee, and Australia source Use in Sulawesi in Sulawesi Use source and Maluku Islands Prehistoric Human Prehistoric Maritime Migrations, Networks and Re NOMOR PASPOR 510524794 TR1241686 PA2375153 INSTITUSI Borneo Nature Borneo Nature Foundation, Brookes Oxford UK University The University of University The Sydney Tokai University Tokai - Inde pendent pendent Assistant Research Research Professor Associate Associate JABATAN Researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Australia Jepang LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Worcester, Worcester, - 19 Septem ber 1979 Ibenga, 14 July 1986 Shimane, Shimane, 15 Mei 1975 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Dr. Benjamin Dr. - James Wil liam Buckley Dr. Michael Dr. Holmes Dr. Rintaro Rintaro Dr. Ono SIP 35/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VIII/2018 34/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VIII/2018 33/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VII/2018 2 1 8 No 35 34 33 No BULAN AGUSTUS BULAN

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 643 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tanggal 1 Agustus 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tanggal 1 Agustus 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kehutanan, Fakultas Leti IPB (Dr. Sundawati) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Nasional Arkeologi I Made Geria,(Drs. M.Si) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (Kab. Batanghari – Batanghari Jambi (Kab. PT Humusindo) Sulawesi Utara (Kota Utara Sulawesi Manado); Sulawesi Morowali, (Kab. Tengah Utara) Morowali LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 26 September 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kehutanan Arkeologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari kesuksesan dari tanaman pengayaan mulai dari kontrol pertumbuhan pohon, menganalisis suksesi, tanaman lintas memahami peran matriks lanskap dan menilai keuntungan dan ekologi dari segi ekonomi melakukan penggalian dan analisis baru arkeologis guna merekonstruksi eksploitasi dan migrasi manusia laut masa lalu migrasi dan proses manusia di wilayah tidak diketahui yang arkeologis secara di Kawasan Timur Indonesia, khususnya di sekitar Sulawesi - - JUDUL PENELITIAN Biodiversity enrichBiodiversity - in oil palm ment plant plantations: and inte succession gration Prehistoric Human Prehistoric Maritime Migrations, Networks and Resourc and in Sulawesi es Use Maluku Islands NOMOR PASPOR EC3645952 10AR83329 INSTITUSI Georg-August- Universitat- Goettingen University of University Tübingen Ph.D Ph.D student Post Doc Post JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Filipina LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL France, 7 France, 1988 Maret Sara, Iloilo, Iloilo, Sara, Philippines, 16 March 1986 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Dr. Delphine Dr. Zemp Clara Mr. Riczar Mr. Belcena Fuentes SIP 37/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VIII/2018 36/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VIII/2018 4 3 No 37 36 No

644 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 5 September 2018 8B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tanggal 13 Agustus 2018 8/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VIII/2018, tanggal 1 Agustus 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas MIPA, IPB MIPA, Fakultas June) Tania (Dr. Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat LPPM Satwa Primata, Universitas Udayana I Nengah (Dr. Wandia) Fakultas Pendidikan Pendidikan Fakultas Seni dan Desain, Universitas Pendidikan Juju Indonesia (Dr. Masunah, S.Sen, M.Hum) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jambi (PTPN VI, PT. VI, PT. Jambi (PTPN 6) Negara Perkebunan Bali (Kab. Gianyar) Bali (Kab. DKI Jakarta; Barat Jawa (Kota Bandung); DI Bantul, (Kab. Yogyakarta Sleman, Kota Kab. Yogyakarta) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 September 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 19 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 2018 Oktober BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Primatologi Etno- musikologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari efek dari mempelajari efek perkebunan kelapa fluks terhadap sawit gas rumah kaca CH4, H2O, (CO2, dan mengukur N2O) dampak iklim secara keseluruhan di perkebunan kelapa sawit mempelajari potensi mempelajari potensi dampak sterilisasi perilakuterhadap sosial ekor panjang kera memperbaikiuntuk pengelolaannya strategi mempelajari kebijakan pendidikan nasional dirancang yang membentuk untuk dan moralitas musikologi semangat Indonesiasiswa mencerminkanyang kesatuan ideologi Indonesia dalam demokrasi,keragaman, dan keadilan sosial, penghormatan tradisi terhadap - JUDUL PENELITIAN A03 - Ecosystem-scale A03 - Ecosystem-scale of the full assessment gas and greenhouse of an balance energy in oil palm plantation (Indonesia)” Sumatra Contribution “Z02 to: Scientific – Central Service Project Potential Side-Effects Potential on So of Sterilizations cio-Ecology of Female Macaques Long-Tailed In (Macaca Fascicularis) Bali (Indonesia) Teaching the Sound of Teaching Indonesiana Nation: Values in National Music Class - Javanese rooms NOMOR PASPOR P5245959 561594363 17DF98781 INSTITUSI Georg-August- Universitat- Goettingen University of University Liège University of University California Ph.D Ph.D Master Student Student Post Doc Post JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Austria Amerika Serikat Perancis LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Österreich, Österreich, 14 Maret 1985 Reading, Reading, - Pennsylva nia, USA, 13 Januari 1992 Bordeaux 18 (France), April 1989 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Christian Mr. Stiegler Ms. Gillian Ms. IrwinAnn - Gwen Ms. nan Thérèse Louise Giraud SIP 40/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/IX/2018 38/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VIII/2018 39/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/VIII/2018 1 5 6 No 40 38 39 No BULAN SEPTEMBER BULAN

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 645 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 5 September 2018 7B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ VII/2018, tanggal 18 Juli 2018 MITRA KERJA Badan Restorasi Badan Restorasi Haris Gambut (Dr. LPPM Gunawan); Riau Universitas Almasdi Dr. (Prof. MP) SE. Syahza Ilmu Fakultas Pengetahuan Universitas Budaya Indonesia (Bondan Kanumoyoso) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Riau Bengkalis, (Kab. Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, (Kab. Barat Siak); Jawa Bandung) DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi dan (Manado, Utara Minahasa) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2018 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 2018 Agustus BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Ekologi Sosiologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari tindakan untuk tepat yang lahan merestorasi dan menyuplai gambut, akademisdata mengenai isu mendesak lahan gambut, restorasi dan menunjukkan perspektif masa depan lahan masyarakat bagi gambut di Indonesia dengan interpersonal dan transdisipliner mengeksplorasi pembangunan pertanian di bawah dari inisiatif petani lokal di Minahasa mulai dari pertengahan abad kesembilan belas sampai pertengahan abad kedua puluh JUDUL PENELITIAN Action Research for the for Action Research Restoration Peatlands and - the Trans-disci plinary on the Study of Peatlands Future Society in Indonesia - Devel Agricultural in Minahasa,opment North in the Sulawesi, Period Colonial Late NOMOR PASPOR TS1527014 TZ1161984 INSTITUSI Keio University Center for for Center Southeast Asian Kyoto Studies, University Professor Professor Associate Associate JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Iizuka, 1 1971 Maret Aichi Japan, Aichi - 15 Septem ber 1953 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Atsushi Atsushi Mr. Ota Prof. Kosuke Prof. Mizuno SIP 42/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/IX/2018 41/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/IX/2018 3 2 No 42 41 No

646 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 5 September 2018 MITRA KERJA Burung Indonesia Aladin (Benny Fakultas Siregar); Kehutanan IPB (Dr. Mardiastuti); Ani Nusa Universitas Drs. (Prof. Cendana Mangadas Lumban M.Si., Ph.D) Gaol, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH NTT Sumba Barat, (Kab. Sumba Sumba Tengah, TN. Timur Laiwanggi Wanggameti dan TN. Daru, Manupeu Tanah Manggarai Barat Kab. Manggarai TN. Komodo, Manggarai Tengah, Ngada, Nagekeo, Timur, Sikka Ende, dan Flores Kab. Alor, Kab. Timur, Selatan, Tengah Timor Utara, Tengah Timor Ndao); Rote Kab. Kupang, Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Kepulauan Selayan); (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Konawe Selatan TN. Rawa Watumohai, Aopa Kab Wakatobi, Kab Sulawesi Buton); Donggala (Kab. Tengah TN. Bantimurung- Morowali Bulusaraung, Lindu); NTB (Kab TN. Lore Bima); Jawa Dompu, Sumenep) (Kab. Timur LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 2018 Oktober BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mengetahui tersisa populasi yang pada Kakatua, memperkirakan populasi, dan ukuran menentukanuntuk ekologis persyaratan dan manajemen Kakatua - - JUDUL PENELITIAN Survey of Yellow-crest Cacatua ed Cockatoo identify to sulphurea conser and promote vation actioneach vation for of its subspecies NOMOR PASPOR C2V85765T INSTITUSI Manchester Manchester Metropolitan UK University, dent PhD stu - PhD JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Friedberg, Friedberg, 25 April 1977 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Anna Anna Ms. Reuleaux SIP 43/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/IX/2018 4 No 43 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 647 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 9B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 9/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 5 September 2018 MITRA KERJA Jurusan Antropologi, Jurusan Antropologi, Universitas Tony Indonesia (Prof. Rudyansjah) Jurusan Pariwisata, Jurusan Pariwisata, Udayana Universitas I Nyoman (Prof. dan Darma Putra) FIB - Universitas I (Dr. Udayana DarmaNyoman Putra) SMART Research Research SMART Institute (SMARTRI) Mohammad (Dr. Naim) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Bali (Kota Denpasar); Selatan (Kab. Sulawesi Kepulauan, Pangkajene Kota Makasar); Sulawesi (Kota Bau Bau); Tenggara (Kab. Tengah Sulawesi Banggai Banggai, Kab. Kepulauan); Sulawesi Manado); (Kab. Utara Timur Jawa (Kab. Banyuwangi) Bali (Kab. Badung, Badung, Bali (Kab. Bangli, Kab. Kab. Gianyar, Kab. Buleleng, Kab. Jembrana, Kab. Karangasem, Kab. Kab. Klungkung, Kota Denpasar) Tabanan, Perkebunan Libo, Libo, Perkebunan Pekanbaru, SMARTRI, Riau, Sumatera LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 2018 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 2018 Oktober BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi budaya Antropologi Antropologi budaya Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami dampak degradasi lingkungan terhadap ekonomi kesejahteraan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir mendokumentasikan berbeda, tujuan yang makna dan asumsi yang terkait dengan praktek ritual masyarakat membuat Bali saat persembahan menguji strategi menguji strategi konservasi keanekaragaman keberlanjutan hayati, dan ketahanan pada perkebunan kelapa sawit JUDUL PENELITIAN Environmental Environmental Change and Coastal in the Live Livelihoods Trade Coral Ritual Offerings and the Arts of Influence in Bali Testing strategies for for strategies Testing conservabiodiversity - tion, sustainability and in oil palm resilience plantations NOMOR PASPOR N9649984 506282949 534707930 INSTITUSI University of University Santa California, Cruz London School London of Economics and Political Science Department of Zoology, of University Cambridge - date dent - Stu PhD Associate JABATAN al Research al Research - Candi PhD Postdoctor WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Amerika Serikat Australia LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Lancaster, Lancaster, UK,- 7 Agus tus 1987 USA, 19 November 1990 Melbourne, Melbourne, 7 Australia, November 1981 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Sarah Sarah Ms. Helen Luke Mr. Joseph Mr. Raymond Klein Mr. Jonathan Jonathan Mr. Vincent Doherty SIP 45/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 44/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/IX/2018 46/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 1 5 2 No 45 44 46 No BULAN OKTOBER BULAN

648 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 5 September 2018 MITRA KERJA Lembaga Penyakit Penyakit Lembaga Universitas Tropis, Dr. Airlangga (Prof. Soegeng Soegijanto, Sp.A(K) dr., DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Aceh (RSUD Cut Meutia, (RSUD Cut Aceh RSUD Meuraxa, RS RS Korem Lilawangsa, Utara TU); Sumatera (Medan (Puskesmas Bulan)); Sumatera Padan Selatan (Palembang Mohammad (RSU Dr. Hoesin)); Sulawesi (ManadoUtara (RSUP RD Kandou Dr. Prof. Manado)); Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar Wahidin (RSUD Dr. RSUD Sudirohusodo, Labuang Baji)); Sulawesi (Kendari Tenggara RSU (RSU Bahteramas, Anna, RSU Santa Aliyah, Poasia)); Puskesmas (RSUD Maluku (Ambon RS Al M. Haulussy, Dr. Kalimantan Barat Fatah)); (Universitas (Pontianak Pura)); Tanjung Kalimantan Selatan (Banjarmasin (RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin)); Kalimantan Timur (Balikpapan (Rumah R. Harjanto)) TNI Dr. Sakit LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 2018 Oktober BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kesehatan Kesehatan Masyarakat TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari sejauh mana virus yang disebarkan oleh di wilayah nyamuk membawa dapat tropis dampak demam HIV/ berdarah, AIDS serta penyakit seperti lainnya infeksi dan ZikaChikungunya JUDUL PENELITIAN Research on mosqui - Research to-borne and blood- infectious borne viral diseases in Indonesia NOMOR PASPOR TK3043390 INSTITUSI Kobe University Kobe University School Graduate of Medicine Assistant Technical Technical JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Jepang, 18 Jepang, September 1989 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Shuhei Mr. Ueda SIP 47/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 3 No 47 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 649 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 10/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 Oktober 2018 9B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 MITRA KERJA Pusat Riset Pusat Kolaboratif dan kerjasama LPPM Internasional, Negeri Universitas Dr. (Prof. Gorontalo Puluhulawa, U. Fenty SH, M.Hum) PVMBG (Dr. Devy PVMBG (Dr. Kamil dan Syahbana) Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanan I KESDM (Ir. Geologi Gusti Made Agung Nandaka) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sulawesi Selatan (Kota Sulawesi Sorowako); Makassar, (Kab. Tenggara Sulawesi Bombana) & Gorontalo Utara Gorontalo (Kab. Bone Bolango) dan Kab. DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kab. Bantul, Progo, Kulon Kidul, Kab. Sleman, Kota Kab. Maluku Yogyakarta); Halmahera (Kab. Utara Halmahera Kab. Barat, Halmahera Selatan, Kab. Halmahera Kab. Tengah, Halmahera Kab. Timur, Sula, Kep. Kab. Utara, Pulau Kab. Morotai, Kab. Kota Ternate, Taliabu, Kota Tidore Kepulauan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 2018 Oktober 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 16 2018 Oktober BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Sosial Ekonomi & Pertanian Antropologi Lingkungan Vulkanologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari karakteristik sosial ekonomi budaya, dan kondisi lingkungan hidup di provinsi beberapa Sulawesi di Pulau dan mengevaluasi perubahan karakter sosio-ekonomi budaya dan lingkungan hidup dipengaruhi oleh yang pendatang para memahami aktivitas vulkanik melalui emisi gas dan thermal JUDUL PENELITIAN Socio-Economic Characteristics and Its on Challenging In Problem Poverty Island Sulawesi Gas and Thermal Active Emissions from Volcanoes NOMOR PASPOR TR6918245 13BD06232 INSTITUSI SUJI Promotion SUJI Promotion Ehime Office, University IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) Professor JABATAN Researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Perancis LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Osaka, 11 November 1964 Vanuatu, 25 Vanuatu, 1975 May NAMA NAMA PENELITI Prof. Motoko Motoko Prof. Shimagami Dr. Philipson Philipson Dr. Bani SIP 49/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 48/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 5 4 No 49 48 No

650 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2018 10/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 Oktober 2018 MITRA KERJA FMIPA, Universitas Universitas FMIPA, Nurul Indonesia (Dr. L Winarni) Departemen Biologi Rika IPB (Dr. FMIPA, Raffiudin) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DKI Jakarta (Kodya Jakarta Jawa Utara); Kota Bogor, (Kab. Barat Bogor); DI Yogyakarta (Kota Yogyakarta); Jawa Banyuwangi, (Kab. Timur Bali Situbondo); Kab. Kota Klungkung, (Kab. Balai Taman Denpasar, Balai Nasional Bali Barat, Nasional Baluran) Taman Jambi (Kab. Batanghari, Batanghari, Jambi (Kab. Sarolangun) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 November 2018 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 25 2018 November BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi lingkungan Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami kebutuhan ekologi dan pengelolaan terancam spesies yang punah, serta untuk mengidentifikasi baru untuk habitat spesies reintroduksi mempelajari variasi dalam pengembangan dan kelangsungan hidup koloni T. sebagai Laeviceps fungsi dari penggunaan lahan petak dan daerah alam sekitarnya; memeriksa variasi dalam keanekaragaman di seluruh penyerbuk tipe penggunaan lahan habitat dan gradien alami sekitarnya - JUDUL PENELITIAN Survival Ecology: an ecological urgent study of passerines the cage imperilled by Java across trade bird and Bali, Indonesia Impacts of Land Use Pollinator on Native and SurvivalDiversity Indonesiain Sumatra, NOMOR PASPOR 544400774 C1Y8H12F0 INSTITUSI Manchester Manchester Metropolitan University University of University Göttingen - Master student PhD Re PhD searcher JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Jerman LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Luton, Luton, United Kingdom, 31 Agustus 1988 Kirchheim - bolanden, 25 March 1992 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Thomas Thomas Mr. Squires Ms. Sonja Ms. Schröck SIP 51/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 50/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 7 6 No 51 50 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 651 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 9B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2019 10/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/X/2018, tanggal 10 Oktober 2018 9B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 26 September 2019 MITRA KERJA Jurusan Antropologi, Jurusan Antropologi, Gadjah Universitas Agus Mada (Dr. Pujo Dr. Suwignyo, Semedi Hargo Jurusan Yuwono); Antropologi, Universitas Tony Indonesia (Dr. Rudyansjah) Lembaga Penyakit Penyakit Lembaga – Universitas Tropis Gatot Airlangga (Dr. Sp.PD., dr., Soegiarto, KAI) LBM Eijkman (Ir. I LBM Eijkman (Ir. Made Artika, M.App. Ph.D) Sc, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Gunung Kab. Bantul, Progo, Kulon Kidul, Kab. Sleman, Kota Kab. Timur Yogyakarta); Jawa Kab. Jombang, (Kab. Probolinggo) Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Surabaya dan Malang) Kalsel (Banjarmasin), Kalbar (Singkawang), Bali (Denpasar & Tabanan), Bitung, Sulut (Manado, Sulsel Sangihe), Pulau (Makassar), Jabar (Bandung), Yogyakarta, Jambi, NTB (Sumba), Papua Timika)(Jayapura, LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 24 2018 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 November 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Antropologi Antropologi budaya Biologi Biologi Molekular Biologi Biologi molekular TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN mempelajari pendidikan, nilai, dan keputusan etis sehari-hari di kalangan Muslim intelektual (santri) di tradisional Tengah Jawa menyelidiki menyelidiki molekular epidemiologi virus flu dari infeksi burung di Indonesia memahami munculnya memahami munculnya berbagai virus dan endemik di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN Education Education and Values Muslim Young Among Intellectuals in Java Molecular Epidemiol - Influenza ogy of Avian Infection in Virus Indonesia Study of Epidemic and Study Viruses Emerging in Indonesia Archipelago NOMOR PASPOR MA151866 TZ1033391 C5HTPN6GL INSTITUSI Division of Social Anthropology, of University Cambridge School of Kobe Medicine, University Lembaga Biologi Biologi Lembaga Molekular Eijkman Ph.D Ph.D Student Virologist JABATAN Researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman Jepang Myanmar LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Tübingen, Tübingen, - 17 Novem ber 1989 Nagano, Nagano, 29 Oktober 1943 Myanmar, Myanmar, 10 April 1956 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Sophia Ms. Marie Hornbach - er-Schön - leber Dr. Yoko Yoko Dr. Shimizu Dr. Khin Saw Dr. Myint SIP 54/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 53/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 52/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 9 8 10 No 54 53 52 No

652 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 10B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/X/2017, tanggal 24 Oktober 2018 10B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit. KI/X/2017, tanggal 24 Oktober 2018 9/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 5 September 2018 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kehutanan, Fakultas Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Muhammad Ali Imroni) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Nasional Arkeologi I Made Geria,(Drs. M.Si) LPPM Universitas Universitas LPPM Dr. Riau (Prof. SE. Syahza Almasdi MP); Badan Restorasi Haris Gambut (Dr. Gunawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Jawa Barat (Kab. Garut) (Kab. Barat Jawa Jawa Tengah (Brebes, Tengah Jawa Pemalang, Tegal, Batang, Pekalongan, Semarang, Kendal, Demak), Jambi dan Selatan Sumatra Jakarta, Riau (Kab. Bengkalis, Kab. Kab. Kepulauan Meranti, Siak) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Desember 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 2019 Februari BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Zoologi Arkeologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami implikasi dari konservasi kukang (Nycticebus Jawa javanicus) memahami pola selama periode interaksi zaman Hindu-Budha di sejumlah wilayah Nusantara mempelajari tindakan untuk tepat yang lahan merestorasi dan menyuplai gambut, akademisdata mengenai isu mendesak lahan gambut, restorasi dan menunjukkan perspektif masa depan lahan masyarakat bagi gambut di Indonesia dengan interpersonal dan transdisipliner JUDUL PENELITIAN Understanding The Understanding The ImpactsBehavioural on of Fragmentation Lorises Slow Javan (Nycticebus Javanicus): Building Bridges for Conservation An Archaeology of Archaeology An Interaction: The North The and of Java Coast South of Sumatra During The Hindu-Bud - dhist Period Action Research for the for Action Research Restoration Peatland and Transdiciplinary of the Future for Study Society Peatland NOMOR PASPOR EM649262 TK4162146 12DD44148 INSTITUSI University of University Brookes Oxford École française française École d’Extrême- Orient Research Research Institute for Humanity and Japan Nature, dent Senior Project PhD stu - PhD Research Research JABATAN Researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Belgia Jepang LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Nantes, 19 Nantes, Agustus 1987 Charleroi, 7 Charleroi, Juni 1972 Ibaraki, 9 Juli 1989 - NAMA NAMA PENELITI Ms. Hélène Ms. Birot Ms. Véro Ms. nique Myri - am Yvonne Degroot Mr. Ryosuke Mr. Kajita SIP 57/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 56/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 55/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/X/2018 13 12 11 No 57 56 55 No

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 653 Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi 2018 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA NO. TKPIPA NO. 11B/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ XI/2018, tanggal 23 November 2018 9/TKPIPA/ E5/Dit.KI/ IX/2018, tanggal 5 September 2018 MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI Biologi Puslit Daisi Wowor, (Dr. Hadi Dahrudin, M.Si., Sopian Sauri dan Ujang Nurhaman) LPPM Universitas Universitas LPPM Dr. Riau (Prof. SE. Syahza Almasdi MP); Badan Restorasi Haris Gambut (Dr. Gunawan) DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur Kutai Timur, Kutai (Berau, Kartanegara, Barat, Kutai Sulsel (seluruh Paser), kabupaten), Sulawesi (seluruh Tenggara kabupaten), Sulbar (seluruh kabupaten), Tengah Sulawesi (Banggai, Donggala, Pari Utara, Morowali Mutong, Tojo Sigi, Una-una) Riau Bengkalis (Kab. dan Kepulauan Meranti) Kab. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 November 2018 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Desember 2018 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Biologi Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memperkuat pengetahuan tentang spesies keragaman ikan amphidromous dan krustasea di Indonesia melalui pendekatanpenerapan pluridisciplinary yang melibatkan taksonomi, molekul sistematis yang dan ekologi mempelajari tindakan untuk tepat yang lahan merestorasi dan menyuplai gambut, akademisdata mengenai isu mendesak lahan gambut, restorasi dan menunjukkan perspektif masa depan lahan masyarakat bagi gambut di Indonesia dengan interpersonal dan transdisipliner JUDUL PENELITIAN - Inventory of Amphi Species in dromous Indonesia Action research for the for Action research restoration peatland and transdisciplinary of the future study for societypeatland NOMOR PASPOR TR2271394 12CZ26803 INSTITUSI Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Center for for Center Southeast Asian Kyoto Studies, University Professor JABATAN Researcher WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Jepang LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Paris, 2 Juni Paris, 1972 Kanagawa, Japan, 15 Juli 1964 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Frédéric Frédéric Mr. Olivier Busson Mr. Kei Mr. Mizuno SIP 59/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/XI/2018 58/EXT/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/XI/2018 2 1 No 59 58 No BULAN NOVEMBER BULAN

654 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2018 NO. TKPIPA NO. 12/TKPI - PA-VM/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/ XII/2018, tanggal 17 Desember 2018 MITRA KERJA Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, IPB Khomsan), Ali (Prof. Kehutanan Fakultas Ervizal IPB (Dr. dan A.M. Zuhud) Kesehatan Fakultas Masyarakat, Andalas Universitas Nur Indrawaty (Prof. PhD) MD, Lipoeto, DAERAH PENELITIAN DAERAH Sumatera Barat (Kab. (Kab. Barat Sumatera Pasaman) LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 Januari 2019 BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Kesehatan Kesehatan masyarakat TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan masyarakat Minanggizi dan Mandailing dengan memperkuat dan melakukan diversifikasi pangan lokal,sistem dengan meningkatkan dan nilai kesadaran pangan lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati pertanian JUDUL PENELITIAN Food, Agrobiodiversity Agrobiodiversity Food, Nutri - The and Diet: of tional Ethnobiology MinangThe and Man - Systems dailing Food in West Sumatra NOMOR PASPOR 42265150 INSTITUSI Czech University University Czech Sciences of Life Prague Ph.D Ph.D student JABATAN WARGA WARGA NEGARA Republik Ceko LAHIR TEMPAT TEMPAT TANGGAL TANGGAL Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, 20 Mei 1988 NAMA NAMA PENELITI Mr. Lukas Mr. Pawera SIP 60/EXT2/SIP/FRP/ E5/Dit.KI/XII/2018 1 No 60 No BULAN DESEMBER BULAN

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656 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi