Antifragility Feb 20
49 formalizable, theoretizable, codifiable, Sovietizable, bureaucratizable, Chapter 7. A Second Lesson in Harvardifiable, provable, etc. Epistemology from Fat Tony: The Soviet- To make things simple, just look at the second type of knowledge as something so stripped of ambiguity that an autistic Harvard Illusion, or How to Out-Argue person (a high functioning autistic person, that is) can easily Socrates understand it. So could a computer. The error of rationalism is, simply, overestimating the role and necessity of the second type, the academic knowledge, in human Birds rarely write more than ornithologists – Piety for the affairs --and degrading the uncodifiable, more complex, intuitive or impious –Fat Tony does not drink milk – Why not Harvardify? experience-based type. It is a severe error because not only a large –Can Socrates out-argue FT ? -- Mystagogue philosophaster share of our knowledge is not explainable, academizable, rationalizable, formalizable, theoretizable, codifiable, Sovietizable, bureaucratizable, Harvardifiable, etc., but, further, that the role such explainable knowledge plays in life is so minor that it is not even I said earlier that, because of complexity, life and the world are funny. not command-and-control style, but that we tended somehow to think so on the occasion, the wrong occasion. Hence, of course, we We are very likely to believe that skills and ideas that we actually fragilize and stifle antifragilities. Let us call it the error of acquired by doing, or that came naturally to us (as we already knew rationalism. I will outline it in this chapter and the next one will by our innate biological instinct) came from books, ideas, and show its application to the history of medicine.
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