Beasts in China and the United States

Name: Zhu Zhelin University: Henan Normal University E-mail:[email protected] Phone Number: 13781937729

Beasts in China and the United States


In this paper, some beasts will be introduced both in China and the US, and then compare the differences of these beasts. It includes Qilin and Xiezhi from China,

Centaur and Cyclopes from the US. The shapes and characteristics of these beasts will be described in the following. Because of diverse living environments and evolution processes, beasts are endowed with different images and characteristics. Therefore the beasts from the two countries reveal their culture spirit respectively and have a deep influence on their people. By comparing the prototype of beasts from China and the

United States, we can learn more profound cultural origins which contain different cultural spirits and influence on later generations. What’s more, by analyzing the differences can we find distinct cultural phenomena from characteristics of beasts so that we can promote mutual understanding and communication between China and the US.

Key words: beasts, appearance, characteristic, cultural differences, mutual understanding, China and the United States


In the process of development of human society, people often use animals to express affection. However, beasts are quite different from ordinary animals. There are clear boundaries between them. Generally speaking, beasts are more special, because they are mysterious animals with weird appearance, strong control force and they are offensive. Even more incredible, their self-healing ability is strong. Many


countries have their own beasts. Here, I will compare the beasts between China and the United States by studying the differences of appearance and characteristics of beasts, which reflects the diverse cultures. Due to the different living environment, national consciousness, customs and other aspects of the cultural factors between

China and the US, beasts from the two countries are embodied with different symbolic meanings and specific cultural connotations. Studying this topic may help both sides learn more about each other, understand the cultural differences better and have a positive effect on promoting the relationship between China and the United


It will be interpreted from the following aspects. First is the beasts’ appearance and characteristics in China and the which is revealed from it. Second is those aspects of American beasts and the American culture hidden from the above.

Last, make a comparison with those beasts in order to get a deeper understanding of each other.


Chinese beasts always present auspicious omen. In Chinese myths, Qilin, for example, with ’s head, ’s body, cattle’s tail, horse’s feet and fish scale, is ridden by Chinese god. It also has two big horns. Chinese almost put all the virtues of their favorite animals on Qilin. Dragon means grace, cattle is an essential animal when people have sacrifice ceremonies and it symbolizes the spirit of dedication. The horse is endowed with the meaning of diligence and bravery. Fish signifies good luck, beauty and wealth. Thus Qilin is a kind beast in China. The symbolic meaning of it is


wisdom, peace, good luck and wealth. Furthermore, it can also bring good luck to women who are unable to have a baby. When you are in trouble, Qilin can bless you and bring good luck to you. As one of the most honorable beasts in China, it is benevolent and never hurt good people. It is said that Qilin lives in heaven. When it appears, it is often accompanied by gods. At the early age, it can not fly until it grows up. What’s more, it can change into smaller or bigger whenever it wants. Chinese often use Qilin to dissolve “Shaqi”(which means bad luck)and to exorcise the evil things. Even though Qilin is not so famous as dragon in the US, it is a household name in China, known as a beast to protect good people while punish the bad guys, blessing us with a higher position and lots of money. It brings good luck and happiness to families and helps people to make everything go off without a hitch. It is regarded as the symbol of kindness and good luck. So nowadays people use it to decorate their clothes, houses and different kinds of daily necessities. They hope everything goes well to an advantageous circumstance.

However, in the past, only the government officers can use Qilin for decoration.

They took Qilin to embroider in special uniforms that only those who were “Yipin officer”(the position equals to American secretary of state) can wore them. This signifies Chinese previous hierarchy. All in all, Chinese combine several mascots together to create a new beast which embodies the spirit of tolerance and appreciation.

Qilin can be passed down for thousands of years because it represents Chinese moral codes and reflects profit-orientation. In addition, it reappears the long history of traditional culture.


Xiezhi, whose appearance looks like Qilin, with only one horn on his forehead is known as a justice, because he can distinguish the good from the evil, the right from the wrong. Once Xiezhi finds a corrupt official, it will eat him immediately. So it represents fairness and bravery.

On the contrary, the beasts in the United states are quite different from those in

China. Centaur, a monster with poisonous blood whose upper part of the body is human while the lower part is horse, likes stirring up troubles and looting with greed.

They are the symbol of bad interpersonal relationship and reveal the nervousness and fear of one’s inner world. It is said that they are rough, cruel, violent and unreasonable beasts with bad temper. Generally they are regarded as a representative of the savage that are associated with alcohol abuse, violence and sex. The legend is derived from the first seeing of the cavalry from the steppes of Asia by the residents of Laplths, which is a terrible beginning because the Centaur always tries to kidnap and tempts the women of Laplths. So the Centaur represents wild beast. However , there is a few exceptions such as Chiron. He is very knowledgeable and polite. He is a courageous warrior with moderate temper and good at running and often arms with bows and arrows to gallop in the mountain. At his early age, he learns versatile skills from the sun god Apollo and the moon god Artemis. When he grows up, he is proficient in all kinds of musical instruments and masters all kinds of knowledge such as medicine and astronomy. He is good at bow and sword, especially does well in equestrian, racing and boxing. For a long time he hides in a cave, regarding teaching students skills as his career. Most heroes in Greek myths are his students. Because of this, he is


loved and respected by human and gods. One day, one of his students named Hercules had a fight with Centaur. In the melee, some of them ran into Chiron’s cave.

Unfortunately, Chiron was shot by an arrow with sea snake venom accidentally. No drug can cure him, and he didn’t want to continue enduring the pains any more, he gave up the internal life and finally he died. The god Zeus had mercy on his poor experience so Zeus gave him a position in heaven, which is one of the brilliant sky constellation called Sagittarius.

All in all, Centaur is used to symbolize the image of a man who is trapped by his own lust and the original impulse of animals. What’s more, Centaur’s whole life shows that pain is just a part of human’s life and painful experience can be used to help others. In Greek-Roman myths, the lecherous Centaur shows the part of lawlessness and native of human. That is uncivilized and shows the wild and savage characteristic. On the king’s wedding of Laplths, the Centaur tried to attempt the bride, raped ladies and attacked people with trunks and stones. Last, human defeated the

Centaur, which implies that knowledge and reason can conquer instinct and animal lust.

Cyclopes, a group of giants with one eye in the middle of their foreheads work as servants for god. They live in caves on Cyclopes Island with special skills and excellent technologies.

From the above, we know that Chinese beasts show the pursuit of morality and uphold justice. On behalf of the supremacy of imperial power, they master supernatural or magic skills and represent auspicious omen. What’s more, Chinese


people would like to make beast perfect with all kinds of virtues, which comply with social ethics. However, beasts in the US reveal their love for freedom and heroism.

They show both the good and bad aspects of human nature, even the god in America is not the only man we admire. He also has intolerable defects and isn’t perfect. The beasts in America are mostly evil and they are the embodiment of greed, but finally they are all killed by heroes. As a result, we can conclude that wherever the beasts are, they are all virtual products, but not all the same. Their cultural origins are different, so are the image and symbolism.


Each nation has his own region and culture, with a different nationality folk characteristics. It is because of the cultural differences between China and America that the understanding and appearance of beasts vary a lot. From the different beasts’ appearances, we can find differences in both culture. The characters and manners of beasts in both countries also reveal the different national characters and values.

Through observation and analysis of the beasts, we can understand the cultural background of the two ethnic groups, feel their artistic characteristics, their images and the symbolic meaning hidden in the cultural background.

Thus, what we need to do is to capture specific cultural phenomena from the symbolic meanings of beasts in China and the United States. If we are familiar with the differences between the two cultures, it will be easier to build association and strengthen the friendship between the two countries.



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