ASIAN ART 5.12.2019 Auktionen Herbst 2019 Asian Art Europäisches Kunstgewerbe 13

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ASIAN ART 5.12.2019 Auktionen Herbst 2019 Asian Art Europäisches Kunstgewerbe 13 ASIAN ART 5.12.2019 Auktionen Herbst 2019 Asian Art Europäisches Kunstgewerbe 13. Nov. 2019 Schmuck und Uhren 14. Nov. 2019 Alte Kunst 14. Nov. 2019 Vorbesichtigung: 8. – 11. Nov. 2019 Asiatische Kunst Modern 27. Nov. 2019 Post War 27. Nov. 2019 Contemporary 27. Nov. 2019 SØR Rusche Collection – Part IV 27. Nov. 2019 5. Dez. 2019 Vorbesichtigung: 22. – 25. Nov. 2019 Discoveries 4. Dez. 2019 Vorbesichtigung: 30. Nov. – 2. Dez. 2019 Asiatische Kunst 5. Dez. 2019 Preview Vorbesichtigung: 30. Nov. – 4. Dez. 2019 ONLINE ONLY-Auktionen Vorbesichtigung Herbst 2019 Photography 30. Nov. – 4. Dez. 2019 8. – 21. November 2019 Fine Art 15. – 28. November 2019 Joseph Beuys 22. November – 5. Dezember 2019 Auktionen Frühjahr 2020 Einlieferungen von Sammlungen, Nach- Art & Interior 29.+30. Januar 2020 lässen und Einzel stücken sind bis zwei Vorbesichtigung: 25. – 27. Januar 2020 Monate vor den Auktionen möglich. Europäisches Kunstgewerbe 13. Mai 2020 Unsere Experten informieren Sie gerne Schmuck und Uhren 14. Mai 2020 über die aktuelle Marktsituation und geben Alte Kunst 14. Mai 2020 Ihnen kostenlose Einschätzungen für Ihre Vorbesichtigung: 8. – 11. Mai 2020 Kunstwerke. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf, Ihre E-Mail bzw. Ihre Post. Modern 28. Mai 2020 Post War 28. Mai 2020 Contemporary 28. Mai 2020 Abbildung Titel: Vorbesichtigung: 23. – 26. Mai 2020 No. 2010 IMPORTANT IMPERIAL DISH WITH AN OPERA SCENE FROM THE 亚洲古董珍玩 Discoveries 9. Juni 2020 STORY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS. Vorbesichtigung: 5. – 7. Juni 2020 China. Qing dynasty. 第443屆拍卖会 Kangxi period (1661 – 1722) 年 月 日 Asiatische Kunst 10. Juni 2020 2019 12 5 Vorbesichtigung: 5. – 9. Juni 2020 Abbildung Rückseite: No. 2317 EXQUISITE NETSUKE OF 預展時間 A SNAIL (KATATSUMURI) Japan. Edo period (1603 – 1868). 19th c. 2019年11月30日–12月4日 Tadatoshi (ca. 1770 – 1840). Nagoya Schod. Our Specialists Our Service Sales on Dates Unsere Experten Unser Service the Internet Termine Auktionen im Internet Christoph Bouillon absentee bids Business hours after the sale Registration for live online bidding Sale Preview Katalogredaktion Schriftliche Gebote Geschäftszeiten nach der Auktion Registrierung und Anmeldung für Auktion Vorbesichtigung Tel. +49 (221) 925862-32 Sebastian Himmes Montag bis Freitag 10 bis 17 Uhr das Live Online Bieten [email protected] Tel. +49 (221) 925862-16 Samstag 10 bis 13 Uhr Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2019 30. Nov. – 4. Dez. 2019 [email protected] ab 11.00 Uhr Samstag 10 bis 16 Uhr Natalie Alfers address Sammlung Sonderhoff, Sonntag 11 bis 16 Uhr Tel. +49 (221) 925862-85 telephone bids Adresse Part III 2000 – 2008 Montag 10 bis 18 Uhr [email protected] Telefonische Gebote Van Ham Kunstauktionen China 2009 – 2055 Dienstag 10 bis 18 Uhr Anja Bongartz Hitzelerstraße 2 Buddhistische Kunst 2056 – 2110 Mittwoch 10 bis 18 Uhr Walter Bruno Brix Tel. +49 (221) 925862-17 50968 Köln Südostasien & Indien 2111 – 2154 Tel. +49 (221) 925862-28 [email protected] Tel.: +49 (221) 925862-0 Japan 2155 – 2168 [email protected] Fax: +49 (221) 925862-4 Follow live sale only shipping [email protected] Auktion nur live verfolgen ab 14.00 Uhr Hua Yan Versand Netsuke & Inro 2169 – 2358 Tel. +49 (221) 925862-80 Diana Breit Asiatische Kunst, Part II 2359 – 2584 [email protected] Tel. +49 (221) 925862-57 You will find at the end [email protected] of the catalogue: Olaf Schneemann Am Ende des Kataloges finden Sie: Tel. +49 (221) 925862-85 pick-up Explanations to the catalogue [email protected] Abholung List of Consignors Tobias May Conditions of sale Eva Seidel Tel. +49 (221) 925862-23 Legal notice Beratung Buddhistische Kunst [email protected] Erläuterungen zum Katalog accounting Einliefererverzeichnis Buchhaltung Geschäftsbedingungen Auktionatoren Birgit Uttendörfer Impressum Markus Eisenbeis, öffentl. best. Tel. +49 (221) 925862-58 預展時間: und vereidigter Kunst versteigerer [email protected] 2019年11月30日-12月4日 Reinhard Singer, öffentl. best. 11月30日星期六 10-16時 und vereidigter Kunst versteigerer catalogue order 11月31日星期日 11-16時 Robert van den Valentyn, Katalogbestellungen 12月1日星期一 10-18時 Kunstversteigerer Hannah von Sigriz 12月2日星期二 10-18時 Christoph Bouillon, Tel. +49 (221) 925862-68 12月3日星期三 10-18時 Kunstversteigerer [email protected] 12月4日星期四 10-18時 拍賣流程: 2019年12月5日星期四 拍賣會後營業時間: 上午11時開始 星期一至星期五 10-17時 桑德霍夫私人藏品·三 2000-2008號 星期六 10-13時 中國藝術品 2009-2055號 佛教藝術 2056-2110號 德國科隆 VAN HAM(範∙漢姆) 東南亞藝術 2111-2154號 藝術拍賣公司 日本藝術品 2155-2168號 Hitzeler Str. 2, Cologne, Germany 電話:+49(221)925862-0 下午14時開始 傳真:+49(221)925862-4 日本根附、印籠 2169-2358號 郵箱:[email protected] 圖錄第二部分 2359-2584號 網址 Our Specialists Unsere Experten Asian Art Part I v.r.n.l. Christoph Bouillon Hua Yan Natalie Alfers Walter Bruno Brix Collection Sonderhoff Part III Dr. jur. Roland Sonderhoff was born in Felix Jud & Co. in the Colonnaden as a 1897 in Harburg. From 1916 he studied partner. 1933 she followed Sonderhoff law in Munich and Jena, where he also to Japan, where soon their two children received his doctorate early in 1920. Ursula and Hartwig were born. In Hamburg, he worked briefly in the After the end of the war, most Germans civil service at the court and began in living in Japan were expelled and the the same year with the training at the Sonderhoff family also had to travel Norddeutsche Bank. After three years he to Germany with small luggage. The was appointed authorized officer and collection of artworks remained with led the legal department from 1925 to trusted friends in Japan, who later 1929. When in 1927/28 the takeover of returned them one after the other. Norddeutsche Bank by a larger company Sonderhoff was exonerated and moved with a well-equipped legal department with his family to Hamburg. In 1952 became apparent, Sonderhoff saw for a Sonderhoff returned to Japan with new field of activity in his wide circle of the Japanese visa No. 1 to resume the acquaintances. Among others, he got in operations of the lawyers office. contact with the lawyer Dr. Karl Vogt via Since his arrival in East Asia, Dr. 法學博士羅蘭德∙桑德霍夫1897年於出生 德國客戶在專利和商標法方面的權益。 了東亞藝術品之外,還有來自秘魯的陶 the Hamburg-based representative of the Roland Sonderhoff bought bronzes, Roland Sonderhoff Yokohama Specie Bank Sonoda Saburo. porcelains, scroll paintings, screens and 德國哈爾堡。從1916年起,他在慕尼黑 早在漢堡生活期間,桑德霍夫就認識了圖 器、波斯伊朗地區的藝術品、紅棉造像、 Vogt was looking for a German lawyer other art - he assembled an important 和耶拿學習法律,並在1920年初獲得博 書商人愛爾納∙卡拉赫特女士。她在1923 泰國佛像以及西藏藝術品。可惜迄今為止 for his law office, he had established collection. In the period after 1952 it 士學位。之後他作為公務員在漢堡法院工 年作為股東創建了位於漢堡的Felix Jud & 只找到了這些記錄的第二冊。這裡面貼有 1912 in Japan. As early as 1929, March was supplemented only with a few more 作了一段時間,同年開始在北德意志銀行 Co.書店。1933年她跟隨桑德霍夫去了日 與瓷器底部相同的印有四位數字的標籤。 1st Sonderhoff joined the office in Tokyo pieces in Hong Kong and Tokyo until 接受培訓。三年後,他被任命為授權代理 本,不久在那裡生下了他們的一雙兒女。 他的女兒烏爾蘇拉∙里內爾特(原名桑 as an employee. At the beginning of about 1976. Sonderhoff meticulously 人,並於1925年至1929年擔任法律部門 二次世界大戰結束後,大多數居住在日本 德霍夫)博士根據父親手寫的字條並憑 1932 he became a partner and from documented his purchases in detailed 領導。1927年至1928年當北德意志銀行 的德國人被驅逐,桑德霍夫一家也攜帶少 著自己龐大的專業知識,建立了一份清 now on the office was run as Drs. K. descriptions with date, location and Ursula Lienert, b. Sonderhoff after the 即將被一家更大的企業收購時,他開始在 量行李回到了德國。他們收藏的藝術品留 單,裡面有關於這些藏品的更多信息。 Vogt and R. Sonderhoff. Through his provenance as well as the prices paid. handwritten notes of her father and 朋友範圍內尋求新的事業機會,這期間 在了日本的好朋友處,之後被逐漸全數歸 里內爾特博士層供職於柏林東亞藝術博 studies of Japanese language and writing The documentation shows his broad supplemented by her immense expertise. 他通過日本橫濱正金銀行駐漢堡的代表 還。桑德霍夫攜全家人搬到了漢堡,並在 物館,之後擔任過漢堡藝術和工藝博 Sonderhoff gained a strong interest in interests. In addition to the East Asian Dr. Lienert worked in the Museum of 人園田佐武郎認識了律師卡爾∙沃格特博 那裡完成了第二次國家考試,拿到了漢堡 物館的策展人。這些藏品信息是用打 Asian art and used his travels to acquire works of art he also collected ceramics East Asian Art in Berlin and later as a 士。沃格特博士於1912年在日本成立了 法院授權的律師資格。1952年正值德國 字機寫成的,由桑德霍夫本人或他女 numerous works of art. In China, he from Peru, Persian-Iranian objects, Khmer curator in the Museum of Arts and Crafts 一家律師事務所,正在尋找一位德國律 欲重建被搶奪的資產之際,桑德霍夫持一 兒完成,還配有當時及之後的照片。 visited Beijing, but also the city of Harbin, figures, Buddha from Thailand and works in Hamburg. Added to the objects are, as 師。1929年3月1日桑德霍夫開始在位於 號簽證重返日本,以恢復事務所的運作。 此處的照片顯示的是他們在位於漢堡Als- where Vogt maintained an office to serve of art from Tibet. Unfortunately only the far as available, information sheets typed 東京的這家律師事務所工作,1932年初 自從他最初到東亞後,就開始收藏青銅 terkamp街19號別墅裡的一間有壁爐的房 the patent and trademark interests of second volume of the records has been by the collector or his daughter. Also 就晉升到了合夥人位置,事務所也更名為 器、瓷器、卷軸畫、屏風等藝術品,建 間,1970年至1981年間他們每年都會在 German clients in Mandchukuo. found so far. In this identical stickers with photos from the period and later. 兩人的名字。通過學習日語語言和文字, 立個人收藏。1952年以後直至1976年左 這裡住上至少半年。 Already in his time in Hamburg, printed four-digit numbers are used as The photo above shows the chimney 桑德霍夫對亞洲藝術產生了濃厚興趣,開 右,他又在香港和日本補充了少量藏品。 Sonderhoff had come to know the on the undersides of the porcelain. room of the villa in Hamburg, Alsterkamp 始以旅行之便收集各種藝術品。在中國, 桑德霍夫以學術方式詳細描述了他的藏 bookseller Erna Kracht. In 1923 she had Additional information about the pieces 19, where the family lived from 1970 to 他不僅去過北京,還到了哈爾濱,那裡有 品,並記錄下購買日期、地點、來源與 co-founded the Hamburger Buecherstube could be found in a list written by Dr. 1981 at least six months a year. 事務所一個辦事處,專門在滿洲國維護 支付的價格。這足見他涉獵之廣泛。除 Collection Sonderhoff Part III 2000 2001 LARGE CABINET WITH DOUBLE LARGE CABINET WITH DOUBLE DOORS AND INSIDE DRAWERS. DOORS AND INSIDE DRAWERS. GROßER SCHRANK MIT DOPPELTÜREN GROßER SCHRANK MIT DOPPELTÜREN UND INNENSCHUBLADEN. UND INNENSCHUBLADEN. China. Qing dynasty (1644 - 1911). China. Qing dynasty (1644 - 1911). Hardwood (hongmu) with elegant grain Hardwood (hongmu) with elegant grain polished and lacquered. Inside and other polished and lacquered. Inside and other parts from different wood. Fittings from parts from different wood. Fittings from brass. The cabinet divided inside with brass. The cabinet divided inside with a shelf and a compartment with two a shelf and a compartment with two drawers.
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