ESPACE, POPULATIONS, SOCIETES, 2004-3 pp. 519-531 Corrado BONIFAZI Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Marija MAMOLO Sociali IRPPS via Nizza, 128 Roma Italie
[email protected] Past and Current Trends of Balkan Migrations INTRODUCTION There is hardly another region of the world aspects of the Balkans [Prévélakis, 1994], where the current situation of migrations is affecting their specific nature also with still considerably influenced by the past his- regard to migration. However, the migration tory as in the Balkans. Migrations have been outlook of the Balkans does not just involve a fundamental element in the history of the these flows, which in some respects tend to Balkans, accompanying its stormy events reflect the movements de l’histoire de [Her√ak and Mesi´c, 1990] and obviously longue durée, but it is rather much more continuing to do so, even at the start of the structured and complex. Focusing for the new millennium. For centuries, invasions, moment on the most recent period, together wars, military defeats and victories have with the forced migrations caused by the been a more or less direct cause of popula- ethnic conflicts in the former Yugoslavia tion movements, in a continuous and still and the ethnic migrations followed by the ongoing transformation of the distribution collapse of the regimes created by “real and the overlapping of religions, languages, socialism”, we find both forms of labour ethnic groups and cultures [Sardon, 2001]. migration and transit migration. Therefore, Since the arrival of the Slav populations in the Balkans are also characterised by many the 7th century, the Ottoman expansion, the of the typical elements of the current forms extension of the Hapsburg domain, the rise of mobility in Eastern and Central Europe and growth of national states, the two World [Okólski, 1998; Bonifazi, 2003].