


PROPOSAL: The construction of an agricultural storage building


CASE OFFICER: Charlotte Haines

WARD MEMBER(S): Cllr R A S Legg, Cllr M Lawrence


1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE: 1.1 Meadoway Farm agricultural unit consists of 34 hectares of farmland to the south west of the village of Yetminster. The site is on the eastern side of Chetnole Road. On the opposite side of road to the proposed building is a large abbatoir building and associated yard and carpark. Although this is unrelated to the agriculutral holding the subject of the application. The blue line on the submitted l holding plan clearly shows the size of the holding. The red line on the same plan also shows where the proposed agricultural building is to be sited which is currently laid to hardstanding. This part of the field is immediately to the north of the existing farm buildings complex including the poultry building and close to the existing farm entrance. The ground within the field is relatively level and is used for open storage in association with the agricultural use of the site.

2. DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT: 2.2 The applicant proposes to erect a storage building. The building is clearly designed for agricultural purposes with an open front, dark green metal sheeting for the walls and a corrugated cement sheeting for the roof. The proposed building has all of the characteristics of an agricultural building that would accommodate machinery such as tractors and straw. The proposed building would measure approximately 30 metres long and 9 metres wide and would be 5 metres high to the ridge.


Application No. Application Decision Date of decision Description 1/D/09/000423 Retain security gate A 02 June 2009

1/D/12/000192 Proposed hay and PANR 04 May 2012 straw store

1/E/05/001024 Erect portal framed A 11 August 2005 agricultural building for poultry house

WD/D/17/000644 Construction of a clay A 26 May 2017 lined below ground manure storage lagoon, with associated safety fence.

WD/D/17/002384 Construction of a clay DEL lined below ground manure storage lagoon, with associated safety fence (variation of condition 4 of planning permission WD/D/17/000644)


4.1 National Planning Policy Framework As far as this application is concerned the following sections of the NPPF are considered to be relevant:

Part 3: Supporting a prosperous rural economy

Part 7: Requiring Good Design

Para 56 - The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people.

Para 57 - It is important to plan positively for the achievement of high quality and inclusive design for all development, including individual buildings, public and private spaces and wider area development schemes.

Part 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

Decision taking: Para 186 - Local planning authorities should approach decision-taking in a positive way to foster the delivery of sustainable development. The relationship between decision-taking and plan-making should be seamless, translating plans into high quality development on the ground.

Para 187 - Local planning authorities should look for solutions rather than problems, and decision-takers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible. Local planning authorities should work proactively with applicants to secure developments that improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area.

4.2 Adopted West and Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (2015)

As far as this application is concerned the following policies are considered to be relevant.

 INT1- Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development  ENV10 - The landscape and townscape setting  ENV 12 – The design and positioning of buildings  ENV 16 – Amenity  ECON9 – New Agricultural Buildings

5. HUMAN RIGHTS: 5.1 Article 6 - Right to a fair trial. Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life and home. The first protocol of Article 1 Protection of property

This Recommendation is based on adopted Development Plan policies, the application of which does not prejudice the Human Rights of the applicant or any third party.

6. PUBLIC SECTOR EQUALITIES DUTY: 6.1 As set out in the Equalities Act 2010, all public bodies, in discharging their functions must have “due regard” to this duty. There are 3 main aims:- • Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics • Taking steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of other people • Encouraging people with certain protected characteristics to participate in public life or in other activities where participation is disproportionately low.

Whilst there is no absolute requirement to fully remove any disadvantage the Duty is to have “regard to” and remove OR minimise disadvantage and in considering the merits of this planning application the planning authority has taken into consideration the requirements of the PSED.

7. CONSULTATIONS: 7.1 Natural - No comments.

7.2 Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Group Parish Council - Object as proposed building would provide a blank face of the site parallel to the road, unacceptable increase in built landscape in this area, proposed use of building will have potential to increase noise and disturbance and additional farm traffic will pose serious issues. 7.3 DCC Highways - No objection.

7.4 Environmental Health - No comment.

8. REPRESENTATIONS: 8.1 One third party representation has been received from a local resident commenting on the application and raised the following concern:-

 No supporting information provided with application to justify the proposal and the absence of any comprehensive business plan for the farm enterprise.

Comments were also raised in respect of the applications for the slurry lagoon on the farm. However, these are not relevant to the assessment of this application for a new agricultural storage building as each application must be considered seperately on its own merits. . 9. PLANNING ISSUES:

 Principle of development  Impact on Character and Appearance of Surrounding Landscape  Impact on Residential Amenity  Impact on Highway safety


10.1 Principle of development

10.1.1 Adopted Policy ECON9 states that the development of new agricultural buildings will be permitted where the development is necessary to the purposes of agriculture on the unit and there are no existing buildings on the unit. The scale, siting, design and external appearance of the buildings should be designed to minimise adverse impact on the landscape character and residential amenity. It is considered that the proposed agricultural building complies with adopted policy ECON9 for the reasons set out below.

10.1.2 The Meadoway Farm agricultural unit consists of 38.25 hectares of farmland and is a mixed farming business, including arable and grass crops as well as a small poultry enterprise and a beef enterprise. A holding plan was submitted which shows this area of farmland. However, the agent has confirmed in writing that the applicant holds land on grass keep basis and as result the amount of land they farm in total varies on a yearly basis. This is because the applicant rents additional land and currently this totals an area of 33.75 hectares. Consequently, the total amount of land that is farmed in association with this farm business is 72 hectares.

10.1.3 The existing farm buildings complex for the farm is located immediately to the south and the existing poultry building is to the south east. The area of land where the proposed building would be sited is currently used for the open storage of machinery and articulated lorry trailers.

10.1.4 Whilst noted that no justification or business plan has been submitted with the application. The proposed agricultural building is clearly for agricutural storage purposes and would support an existing farm holding. The development of new agricultural buildings is as long as it does not have an adverse impact on the landscape character and residential amenity and this is considered below.

10.2 Impact on Character and Appearance of Surrounding Landscape

10.2.1 The overall scale of the building is considered to be commensurate to the scale of the holding. The proposed agricultural building is sited close to the existing farm complex. It will not been be seen in isolation and given the proposed finishing materials it will appear in context within the rural landscape and existing farm building range.

10.2.2 The parish council have objected to the proposed agricultural building as they consider it would provide a blank face of the site parallel to the road and would represent an unacceptable increase in built landscape in this area. However, there is a high hedge along the western boundary of the farm complex flanking the road. The proposed building would be sited on level ground, approximately 15 metres away from the road and and would have a maximum height of 5 metres. Whilst the proposed building runs parallel to the road, it would not be particularly discernible in views along the road. The main view would be from the entrance and at this point would be viewed against the backdrop of the poultry buildings to the south.

10.2.3 The comments made in respect of the increase in built landscape are noted. However, the proposed building is to be sited on existing hard standing and would be consolidated close to existing built development within the farm holding. The proposal is not considered to be significantly large agricultural building and is commensurate in scale to surrounding development. It is also noted that the abbatoir on the opposite side of the road to the site consists of a large scale agri-industrial building which is highly visible from the road. Having regard to the nature of the proposal and the surrounding area, it is not considered that the proposed building would result in an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the syurrounding area.

10.3 Impact on Residential Amenity

10.3.1 There are no immediate residential neighbours. The nearest dwellings are approximately 150 metres away from the proposed lagoon and in close proximity to the existing farm and adjacent abattoir.

10.3.2 Whilst acknowledged that there may be an increase in farm traffic using entrance from road into site to access the agriculutral building, this would not be significantly over and above that which currently exists within the site and surrounding area. The existing access is already used by agricultural traffic in relation to the existing farm holding and buildings complex. Agricultural traffic is already common along this lane where there are a number of farms in the surrounding area as well as the abattoir opposite. Furthermore, it is noted that the access is not in close proximity to neighbouring properties and as such any increase in farm traffic using this access would not result in significant disturbance to neighbours.

10.4 Impact on Highway Safety

10.4.1 Access will not be affected by this development. The proposal will not diminish access to and around the farm or significantly intensify existing accesses.

10.4.2 It is noted that concerns have been raised by the parish in respect of the increase of agricultural traffic on highway safety. However, the access already exists and therefore, can already be used by vehicles such as tractors as part of agricultural activities taking place on the holding.

10.4.3 The existing access onto the Holding from Chetnole Road would be utilised to serve the proposed agricultural building. The anticipated increase in traffic movements is not considered to be significantly over and above that which currently exists along this stretch of the road where there is an existing abbatoir opposite the side and other farms can be found in the immediate surrounding area.

10.4.4 Furthermore, it is not considered to represent a significant increase traffic movements over and above that which can already be created from the agricultural activities that take place within the holding. Furthermore, the highway authority has no objections. It is therefore considered that the proposal will not compromise road safety.


11.1 The proposed erection of an agricultural building in this countryside location is considered justified in terms of its need to support the continued economic growth and viability of the existing agricultural holding. The proposed building is appropriately sited in relation to the existing structures on the site and is considered to have an acceptable impact on the character of the area and the wider landscape setting. The proposed development would have an acceptable impact on the amenities of neighbouring residents and would also be acceptable having regard to its impact on highway safety and convenience. The proposal is therefore considered to accord with policies INT1, SUS2, ECON9, ENV12 and ENV16 of the and Weymouth Local Plan (2015) and the guidance contained within the NPPF.


Approve subject to the following conditions:-

1. Plans List

2. Time Limit