
DRAFT SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION Minutes of the ‘Virtual’ Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 13 January 2021 (Meeting Number 5 – 2020-2021 council year)

Present: O Pope (Chairman), M Gallimore, W Henry, J Hume, J Meier and R Owen.

In Attendance: Mrs S Woodford (Parish Clerk) Cllr M Penfold ( Council)

Public Forum

5.1 Apologies for Absence: None

5.2 Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 September 2020

RESOLVED: Proposed Cllr Owen and seconded Cllr Henry and agreed unanimously that the Minutes be signed as a correct record subject to a minor amendment.

5.3 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations None

5.4 Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 September 2020 • Referring to Item 5.10 – roadside hedges in Stockwood Road - Cllr Owen noted the correspondence received from the Dorset Council Highways Department stating that the hedge should be should be at least 450mm back from the edge of the tarmac. Cllr Owen has measured the hedge at the bottom of the Stockwood Road and the 30 mph repeater signs are exactly 450 mm off the road but the hedge is adjacent to the tarmac. Although the hedge has been recently cut, it is not been beaten back far enough to meet these requirements. Members agreed that the Clerk should write to the owner of the field adjacent to the Stockwood Road in the first instance, to check what stewardship agreements he might have in place, which would affect the frequency and manner in which the hedges might be cut. It was noted that this would also apply to the hedge adjacent to the drove leading up to Halt, which is the property of Network Rail, who have already been requested to beat back that hedge.

5.5 Planning: 5.5.1 WD/D/20/002133 (under consideration) Change of use from Public House/Dwelling into Dwelling SHEAF OF ARROWS, ROAD, MELBURY OSMOND

Resolved: Members agreed that they are sad to see the demise of another local pub, but acknowledge that it is inevitable in the current circumstances. It was suggested that the car parks might be used for the erection of a small terrace or cottages, and that a commercial lock-up unit, tea rooms or similar, might enhance the site. It was also suggested that a covenant be put on any residential development to ensure it is occupied by local people.

5.5.2 WD/D/19/001718 (Approved by Dorset Council) Use of building as commercial storage NICKS NEST, BATCOMBE LANE, CHETNOLE

5.5.3 WD/D/20/001802 (Approved by Dorset Council) Erect roof to cover the existing concrete yard to provide welfare for livestock. MANOR FARM, DEEP FORD LANE, CHETNOLE.

5.5.4 WD/D/20/002174 (Approved by Dorset Council) Proposed single storey side extension and associated alterations ROWAN COTTAGE, ROAD, CHETNOLE

5.6 Finances

5.6.1 Accounts for Payment (See Appendix A for details) Payment of £832.66 in total from the PC Current Account and £0 from the Playing Field Fund Account.

Total assets at 11 November 2020: Parish Council £21,478.24 Playing Field Fund £ 2,553.37

RESOLVED: Proposed by Cllr Owen and Seconded by Cllr Gallimore and agreed unanimously to approve the accounts for payment and balances recorded, noting the retrospective approval of the purchase of new pads for the village defibrillator.

5.6.2 Budget and Precept Members were in receipt of a copy of the budget for 2021/2022. Members did not feel it necessary to increase the Precept, which has remained at £10.000 for the last two years. As the Council Tax Base figure for Chetnole has reduced for 21/22, if the Precept remains unchanged at £10,000, divided by the Council Tax Base figure of £185.3, then the equivalent Band D rate for Chetnole and Stockwood would be £53.96 per annum or £1.03 per week.

RESOLVED: Proposed by Cllr Pope and seconded by Cllr Meier and agreed to keep the Precept at £10,000 for 2021/2022.

5.7 Grants and Donations A grant request was received from the Wriggle Valley Magazine. Members were keen to support the Magazine as it is struggling during these challenging times and agreed to give £200 this first year and in future years to give £150 per annum.

RESOLVED: Proposed by Cllr Gallimore and seconded by Cllr Owen and agreed to grant £200 to the Wriggle Valley Magazine to assist with general costs.

5.8 Chairman’s Announcements There were no announcements.

5.9 Reports from Members on other bodies • Police – a report was attached to the agenda and was noted. • Boyles Trust - Cllr Owen had submitted a report on the Boyles Trust which the Chairman read out to the meeting. • STAG- Transport – No meetings have been held, but it was noted that electric car charging points are to be installed in the Old Market and Coldharbour Car Parks in . • FOCH - Cllr Owen noted that the Southern End Partnership, which oversees FOCH, is going ahead, and Cllr Owen will be chairing it. • Flood Warden Report – Several high-water levels were recorded over December and a log was trapped under the bridge at Neals Lane which was removed by the EA. There was a potential discharge of slurry from upstream, but the EA have not pursued it. . Cllr Pope met with a FWAG representative to assess the Wriggle River and its tributaries, hopefully by the end of January she will present a report with a basic plan of measures that can be done to slow the water up. It is also hoped to have a video of the river from its source right through to Yetminster. Grants should be available to assist with any costs. Cllr Owen will keep members posted of further developments.

5.10 Highways Issues • Cllr Pope was in receipt of a letter from Leigh Parish Council who had written to Dorset Council requesting that they include the Leigh/Chetnole road in its gritting programme, which was noted. Cllr Meier has offered to grit the Chetnole end of that route if the council purchase a supply of salt and grit. It was also suggested that the contractor who runs the school bus service is contacted and asked to provided a statement. Cllr Pope offered to contact them.

5.11 Footpaths • Cllr Owen noted that FP N921 – Melbury Bubb Way – is no longer marked by a sign at the gate opposite Heneford. Also FP M221 that crosses behind the houses in Stockwood Road is missing a sign to indicate the gate to pass through at that point. There used to be a hole in the hedge which was frequently used, but that has been blocked up. The Clerk agreed to contact the Village Footpath representative.

5.12 Playing Field. • Still no meetings have been held by the Playing Field Management Team. The Chairman of the Team has recently issued an updated playing field inspection rota and report sheets. Members were concerned by the gaps in the play matting and suggested that a Management Team meeting is convened to look at the options and to obtain some up to date quotes. Cllr Henry suggested the use of astroturf over the present tiles, agreed to look into this option.

• At the November meeting, Cllr Owen brought to the attention of the council the recent consultation on dogs in playing fields and public areas, querying whether the resulting sanctions would apply to Chetnole Playing Field. The Clerk made enquiries and has established the Chetnole field does not meet the criteria for the PSPO, so Chetnole Parish Council may opt out. However, to make sure this is done properly, these minutes will be submitted to the Environmental Team at Dorset Council as evidence of the Council’s wish to opt out.

RESOLVED: It was proposed by Cllr Owen and seconded by Cllr Pope and agreed unanimously to opt out of the Dog related Public Spaces Protection Order as implemented by Dorset Council in 2020, confirming that Chetnole Playing Field does not meet the required criteria.

5.13 Village Defibrillator As discussed under Item 5.6.1, Members had retrospectively approved the purchase of new pads for the village defibrillator situated in the porch of the Village Hall. It was obtained and installed through the kind work of an ex-resident with the help of St Johns Ambulance who actually provided it, and it was paid for by the Chetnole Flower Show Committee. It would seem that once the defibrillator was installed, no person or body within the village took ultimate responsibility for it. Although the members of the Village Hall Committee have kindly continued to test and monitor it since its installation in 2015. After discussion Members agreed it is a vital asset to the Village and it would seem logical that the Parish Council step in to continue to fund the upkeep of the defibrillator and to appoint annually at the Parish Meeting, a volunteer to continue to test and monitor it on a regular basis and to report to the Council if any repairs or replacements are required. Cllr Gallimore offered to take on the responsibility of monitoring and testing defibrillator and this appointment will be confirmed at the Parish Meeting.

RESOLVED: It was proposed by Cllr Pope and seconded by Cllr Henry and agreed unanimously to appoint Cllr Gallimore to monitor the defibrillator. It was also agreed that the Parish Council will adopt the defibrillator and continue to fund its upkeep. It will revue the role of a volunteer to monitor and test the machine at the Annual Parish Meeting each year.

5.15 Matters requiring the attention of the Council The problem of rabbits on the Playing Field was discussed again as it seems the problem is worsening. Some potential solutions were discussed and will be trialled shortly.

5.16 Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 10 March 2021.
