
KFKI-1991-34/J, К







Central Raaaarch Institute for Phytic* H-1626 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49, Hungary

HU I88N 0369 6330 CONTENTS

1. Preface Э

2. General reviews 5

3. Discovery, natural occurrence 11

4. Nuclear data 17

5. Preparation, handling, radiation risk 42

6. Physico-chemical properties . 55

7. Astatine compounds and chemical reactions 78

A: Inorganic 78

B: Organic 110

8. Biological effects and applications 133

9. Author index 163 1. PREFACE

The necessity for a more or less complete bibliography on astatine chemistry and on the biological applications of its alpha emitting 211At arose at the Astatine Workshop in Budapest in 1987. Prior to that, apart from numerous review articles and the Astatine volume of the Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, published in 1985, individual collections prepared by researchers on some special topics could be found as sources of the astatine literature. In preparing this work we took advantage of other lists including those of RJ. Grover and G.-J. Meyer kindly offered to us years ago, as well as of the bibliography for 1983-1989 published by K. Rdssler in the special Astatine issue of Radiochimica Acta (1989. 47. 163-168) together with our own earlier collections; in addition we utilized the sources cited in the Astatine volume of the Gmeiin Handbook or" Inorganic Chemistry as well as the data in Chemical Abstracts {CA.), Nuclear Science Abstracts (N.SA.), Comprehensive Dissertation Abstracts, Conference Papers Index. Excerpta Medica and the INIS Atomindex up to July 1991.

As its title shows the bibliography deals mainly with the chemistry and biomedical applications of astatine. In view of the fact that only radioactive of astatine are known and that those of them that are generally used in chemical and biological investigations or in medical studies (209At, 210At. 2,1At) can be obtained solely by nuclear methods, we considered the references on the nuclear properties of these isotopes (Ch. 4) to be of interest for specialists in the fields mentioned above as well.

To facilitate the use of this bibliography we tried to specify the original information to be found in the references relating to Chapters 2-8. Obviously some of the publications cited may be informative in more than one field: we. therefore, indicated this by the chapter numbers given at the end of each reference.

For reports, dissertations, conference papers and articles pubished in not too well known periodicals, often in less commonly used languages, we also attempted to give the source of an English translation or a summary. Unfortunately, not all such items could be found in the reference journals or data banks. On the other hand, some of the references cited in particular articles were not available to us in the original form, this means that some bibliographical data are incomplete. Even so, our view was that something is better than nothing and .-ven limited data might be of help to researchers in locating the original work.These Jeficiences may serve as a reason for continuing and completing the work on system&tization and possibly providing a short evaluation of different publications in this field.

3 In the course of collecting data we asked a number of colleagues to correct and complete our lists of their publications. In this respect we are pleased to express our sincere gratitude to Drs. EH. Appelman. P. Anderson, G.-J. Beyer. WD. Bloomer. G. A. Brinknan. I. Brown. LAI. Cobb. R. Dreyer. P.W. Durbin. JA. Grover, A. Harrison. KM. Lambrecht. Y. Legoux. G.-J. Meyer. Yu.V. Norseyev, F. Rösch. К. Rössler. G. Samson. N. Takahashi. G.WM Visser. M. R. Zalutsky for their help.

We should like to thank Ms Anna Szuja. and the staff of the litory at the Central Research Institute for Physics for the technical assistance in preparing this report.

Budapest. December 1991

Klara Berei and László Vasáros


ANDERS. E. and astatine chemistry. Anm. Rev. Nucl. ScL 1959. 9. 203-220. (Cb. 2)

APPELMAN. E. H. The radiochemistry of astatine. Report NAS-NS 3012 1960. 29 pp. CA. I960. 34. Na 19 191. (Cbs. 2. 5. 6.7/A)

APPELMAN. E. H. Chemical properties of astatine. PhJ). diss* University rf California. Berkeley. CA 1960. Report UCRL-9025 1960. 113 pp. С A. I960. 54, No. 16 998. (Cbs. 2. 5. 6, 7/A)

APPELMAN. E. H. Astatine. in The Encyclopedia of the Chemical Elements, edited by Hampel, С A., pp.33-35. New York: Reinhold, 1968. (Cbs. г. з, 4.6)

APPELMAN. Е. Н. "Astatine." in MTP (Med. Tech. Publ. Co.) Int. Rev. Sei»- Inorg. Chem* Ser. One, edited by Gutmann. V., Vol. 3. pp. 181-198. London: Butterworths, 1972. CA. 1972. 76. No. 120 925. (Cbs. 2. 5.6, 7/AB)

ATEN, A. H. W.V Jr. The chemistry of astatine. Adv. Inorg. Chem. and Radiochem. 1964. 6, 207-223. (Cbs, 2. 5. 7/AB)

BAGNALL, K.W. Astatine, and . in Chemistry of Rare Radioelements -, pp. 97-102. London: Butterworth. 1957. (Cb. 2)

5 BÉREI. К. The radioelement astatine and its prospects in nuclear medicine. (in German) Strahlenschutz-Kerntechnik. Suppl.l. edited by Giebeler, E .W., pp. 25-32. Darmstadt: GIT Verlag. 1988. (Cbs. 2. 7/AB. 8)

BEREI. K.. VÁSÁROS, L. Organic chemistry of astatine. Report KFKI-1981-Ю 1981. 73 pp. 1N1S Atomindcx 1981. 12. Na 609 373. (Chs. 2. 7/B, 8)

BEREI. K.. VÁSÁROS. L. Organic chemistry of astatine. in The Chemistry of Functional Groups. Suppi. D.. edited by Patai. S. and Rappoport. TL. pp. 405-440. New York: Wiley, 1983. (Cbs. 2, 7/B, 8)

BEYER. G.J.. DREYER. R.. HERRMANN. E. Radiochemistry of spallation products. (in German) Kernenergie 1981, 24, 388-393. CA. 1981, 95. No. 226 781. (Cbs. 2. 7/A)

BROWN. I. Astatine: its organonuclear chemistry and biomedical applications. in Adv. 1 nor^. Radiochem.. edited by Emeléus, H. J., Sharpé, A. G., Vol. 31, pp. 43-88. New York: Academic Press, 1987. (Chs. 2, 7/B, 8)

DOWNS, A. J., ADAMS, С J. The chemistry of , , and astatine, in Comprehensive inorganic Chemistry, edited by Bailar, J. C, Emeléus, H. J., Nyholm, R., . Trotman-Dickenson, A. F„ Vol. 2, pp. 1573-1594. Oxford: Pergamon, i973. С. A. 1975, 8.Я. No. 70 903. (Ch$. 2. 6, 7/AB)

DRANOVSKY, A. B. Polonium, actinium, , astatine and francium. (in Russian). in Osnoxy Mettallurgii, edited by Greiver, N. S., Sazhin, N. P., Strigín. I. A., Troickíj, А. В., pp. 169-171. Moscow: Metallurgia, 1968. СЛ. 1970. 72. No. 14 783. (Ch. 2)

DREYER, R., RÖSCH, F., BEYER. G.-J. Astatine. Study of an unstable, (in German) Wiss. Fort sehr. 1982. 32, 251-255. CA. 1982. 97. No. 151 718. (Cbs. 2. 3. 7/A)

6 DUVAL. С Astatine, (in French) CMm. Anal. 1963. 45. 557-559. CA. 1964. 6a No. 4751Г. (Ck 2) EMELÉUS. H. J. Transuranics and other newly discovered elements. Seil Progr. 1950. 38. 609-621. CA. 1951. 45. Na 403Г. (Chs. 2. 3)

GARNER. С S. Astatine. in Radioaamty Applied to Chemistry, edited by Wahl. A. C. Bonner. N. A., pp. 200-204. New York: Wiley. 1951. (Ch. 2) HAISSINSKY. M. The new chemical elements and the Periodica) System. (in French) Bull. Soc. Chim. 1949. 16. 668-678. (Chs. 2,3)

HAISSINSKY. M. Astatine. (in French) Chim. Mitt. 1960. 16. 659-666. (Chs. 2, 3)

HYDE. E. 1С The present status of elements 85 and 87. J. Phys. Chem. 1954. 58. 21-26. (Chi 2, 3)

HYDE. E. K. Astatine and francium. J. Chem. Educ. 1959, 36, 15-21. (Ch. 2) HYDE. E. K., PERLMAN, I.. SEABORG, 0. T. The isotopes of astatine. in The Nuclear Properties of the Heavy Elements, Vol. 2, pp. 1077-1094. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1964. (Ом. 2.4)

KHALK1N, V. A.. HERRMANN, E. Inorganic chemistry of astatine, (in German) Isotopenpraxis 1975, 11, 333-340. СЛ. 1976, 84, No, 9632. <СЪ». 2, 3, 7/A)

7 KHALKIN. V. A.. HERRMANN. E.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. DREYER. I. Present state of astatine chemistry, (in Russian) Report JINR-R-6-W72S 1977. 42 pp. INIS Atomtod« 1978.9. Na 391 025. (Chs. 2. 5. 7/AB)

KHALKIN, V. A.. HERRMANN. E.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. DREYER. I. The present status of astatine chemistry, (in German) Chemiker-Ztg 1977. 101. 470481. CA. 1978. 88. Na 28 663. (du. 2, 5, 7/AB)

KLIVÉNYI. G. Т.. LAKATOS. В. Review on the 85th element: the astatine. (in Hungarian) Magy. Kern. Foly. 1954. 60. 136-141. CA. 1938. 52, Na 699S. (СЬ. 2}

KRAKKAY. T. V. Chemistry and nuclear properties of the missing elements. (in German) Fortschr. Chem. Forsch. 1958. 3, 738-821. СЛ. 1958. 52. No. 9829. (Cb. 2)

KUGLER, K. H., KELLER. C, Editors Astatine. Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, 8th Ed., 289 pp. Berlin: Springer. 1985. (Cb. 2)

KUZIN, V. I. Astatine, (in Russian) Khim. Zhizn. 1974, 6, 24-27. CA. 197S, 83. Nu. 2 052 016. (СЬ. 2)

LAVRUKHINA. А. К., POZDNYAKOV, A. A. in Analytical Chemistry of Technetium, , Astatine and Francium, pp. 227-260. Ann Arbor: Humphrey, 1970. CA. 1971. 75. No. 71 094. also in Russian: pp, 228-259, Moscow: Nauka, 1966. (Cb». 2.7/A)

8 MADDOCK. A. G. Astatine. in A Comprehensive Treatise of Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, edited by Mellor J. M., Vol. 8.. pp. 1064-1079. London: Longmans Green, 1956. also in Russian: Usp. Khim. 1960. 29. 1388-1406.

MEYER. G.-J. On reactivity and selectivity of inorganic forms of radioelement astatine in replacement reactions with aromatic systems. (in German) Ph. D. disz, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH, Jülich (FRG) 1977. Report Jül-1418 1977, 108 pp. CA. 1978. 88. Na 71 113. (Cht. 2. 5. 7/AB)

NEFEDOV. V. D.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. TOROPOVA. M. A.. KHALKIN. V. A. Astatine, (in Russian) Report J1NR-R-2895 1966, 33 pp. С А. 1967. 66. Na 70 899. (Cbs, 2. 5. 7/AB)

NEFEDOV, V. D.. NORSEYEV, Yu. V.. TOROPOVA. M. A.. KHALKIN. V. A. Astatine. (in Russian) Usp. Khim. 1968, 37, 193-215. CA. 1968. 68. Na 100 679. (Cbs. 2. 3. 7/AB)

QIAO, Ming-Lun Astatine and its chemical properties. (in Chinese) Huaxue Tongbao 1965, 48-52. N. & A. 1966, 20. No. 22 985. (Ch. 2)

RÖSSLER, K. Preface of special edition on astatine. Radiochim. Acta 1989, 47, 163-168. (Ch. 2)

RÖSSLER. K. Bibliography of astatine chemistry and biomedical application 1983-1989. Radiochim. Acta 1989, 47, 163-168. (Ch. 2)

9 SAMSON. 6. Astatine, the fifth . (in Dutch) Chem. Weekbl. 1969. 65. 27-31. also in English: Report ANL-TRANS-859 1970. 11 pp. CA. 1970. 72. Na 17 315. (Chs. 2. 7/B)

SAMSON. G. Organic compounds of astatine. Dr. Sei. diss* University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1971. 69 pp. (Chs. 2. 3. 7/B)

SEDUET. J. Astatine (atomic number 85). in Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Pari 1!.. Vol. 6 . edited by Kolthoff, I. M.. Eh/ing. P. J.. Sandell. Б. В.. pp. 487-501. New York: Wiley. 1964. «a». 2.7/A)

SHISTKOVA. N. Astatine-211: examination of its possible uses. Report UJV 7962-0 1987. 17 pp. С А. 1988. 107. No. 143 093. (Chs. 2, 5. 7/B. 8)

VJSSER. G. W. M. Some aspects of the organic, biological and inorganic chemistry of astatine. Ph. D. diss., University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1982. 119 pp. С A. 1984. 100. No. 60 773. (Ом. 2. 7/AB, 8)

WANG. Quanji Astatine and its applications. (in Chinese) Huaxue Tongbao 1987. 5. 27-30. С A. 1988. 107. No. Í22 287.


ALUSON. F. The magneto-optic method of analysis. У. Chem. Educ. 1933. 10. 71-78. (Ck. 3)

ALUSON. F.. BISHOP. E. R.. SOMMER. A. L. Concentration, acids and salts of element 85. J. An Chem. Soc. 1932, 54. 616-620. (On. 3, 7/A)

ALUSON. F.. MURPHY. E. J., BÍSHOP. E R., SOMMER. A. L> Evidence of the detection of element 85 in сенат1 substances. Phys. Rev. 1931, 37, 1178-1180. (Ch. 3)

ANDERSEN. E. B. Methods used for searching element 85. (in German) Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. Math.-fis. Medd. 1938. 16. 22 pp.

2 С A. 1939v 33, No. 474 . (Ch. 3)

APPELMAN. E. H. Astatine. m The Encyclopedia of the Chemical Elements, edited by Hampel. С A., pp. 33-35. New York: Reinhold, 1968. (СЬ*. г, з, 4.6)

ASIMOV. 1. The natural occurrence of short-lived isotopes. J. Chem. Educ. 1953, 30. 616-618. (Ch. 3)

BARTON, G. W., GHIORSO, A., PERLMAN, I. Radioactivity of astatine isotopes, Phys. Rev. 1951, 82, 13-19. (Cte 3.4.3)

BRIAND, J. P., CHEVALLIER, P., TUATI, A. Beta emission of francium-220, (in French) /. Phys. 1971, 32, 101-105. (Ch. 3)

CORSON, D. R., MacKENZIE, K. R. Artificially produced alpha particle emitters. Phys. Rev. 1940, 57, 250.

11 CORSON. D. R.. MacKENZIE. K. R.. SEGRÉ. É Possible production of radioactive isotopes of element 85. Phys. Rev. 1940. 57, 459. (Cbs. 3. 5, 7/A, S)

CORSON. D. R., MACKENZIE, К R.. SEGRÉ. E. Artificially radioactive element 85. Phys. Rev. 1940. 57. 1087. (du. 3.5)

CORSON. D. R.. MacKENZIE. K. R., SEGRÉ. E. Artificially radioactive element 85. Phys. Rev. 1940. 58. 672-678. (Qu. 3. 7/A)

CORSON. D. R.. MacKENZIE. K. R.. SEGRÉ. E Astatine: the element of atomic number 85. Nature 1947. 159. 24. (Cb.3)

CRANE. E. J. Nomenclature, spelling and pronounciation. Chenu Eng. News 1951. 29. 2181-2182. (Cb.3)

DE, Rajcndralal Twin elements in Travancore monazite. Separate, Dacca: Bani Press. 1937, 18 pp. C. A. 1937, 31, No. 61037. (Ch.3)

EMELÉUS. H. J. Transuranics and other newly discovered elements. Sei. Progr. 1950, 38. 609-621. CA. 1951. 45. No. 403Г. (Cht. 2, 3)

ENGLISH, A. C, CRANSHAW, T. E. DEMERS. P., HARVEY. J. A. H1NCKS, E. P., JELLEY. J. V., MAY, A. N. The (4n+l) radioactive series. Phys. Rev. 1947. 72, 253-254. (Cb%. 3,4)

POOTE, P. D. and . Mature 1924, 114, 789. (Cb.3)

FRIEND, J.N. Examination of Dead Sea water for eka-cesium and eka-iodine. Nature 1926, 117,789-790. (Ch.3)

OROVER, J. R. Rapid emanation of astatine and radon. in 155th Nat. Meet. Am. Chem. Soc., San Francisco, CA: 1-5 Apr. 1968. Abstr. 0-170. (Cb.3)

12 GROVER. J. R. LEBOWITZ. E. BAKER. Б. W. Prompt emanation of astatine and radon. Л Inatg. Mud. Chem. 1969. 3!. 3705-3720. (Chs. 3.7/A) HAGEMANN. F.. KATZIN. L. I.. STUDIER. M. H.. OHIORSO. A.. SEABORG. G. T. The (4n+l) radioactive series: the decay products of 233U. Phys. Rev. 1947. 72,252. (Q» 3, 4) HAHN. O. The existence of eka-cesium. (in German) Naturwissenschaften 192b. 14. 158-162. С А. 1926. 20. No. 17554. (Ch. 3) HAJSSINSKY, M. The new chemical elements and the Periodical System. (in French) Bull. Soc. С him. 1949. 16. 668-678. (Chs. 2.3) HAJSSINSKY. M. Astatine, (in French) С him. Min. 1960. 16, 659-666. (Ом. 2. Z) HEVESY.O. On the missing element 87. Det Kgl. Damke Videnskabernes Selskab. Mat.-fis. Medd. 1926,7. 1-11. C. A. 1927. 21. No. 2097. (Ch. 3)

HEVESY. G., HOBBIÉ, R. On the existence of element 85. (in German) Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chemie 1932, 208. 107-112. С. А. 1932, 26. No. 5798. (Ch. 3) HULUBEI H., CAUCHOIS, Y. Emission spectra of radon and its derivatives. Lines attributable to element 85. (in French) Compt. rend. 1939, 209, 39-42. С A, 1939, 33. No. 7I916. (Ch. 3)

13 HULUBEl H. CAUCHOIS. Y. Element 85 among the products of disintegration of radon. (in French) Compt. rend. 1940. 210. 696-697. С А. 1940. 34. No. 7736* (Ch. 3)

HYDE. E. K. The present status of elements 85 and 87. J. Phys. Chem. 1954. 58. 21-26. «3». 2.3)

HYDE. E. K.. GHIORSO. A. The alpha branching of AcK and the presence of astatine in Nature. Phys. Rev. 1953, 90. 267-270.

JONES. W. B. New isomers of astatine-212. Phys. Rev. 1963. 130. 2040-2043.

KARLIK. В.. BERNÉRT. Т. A new natural alpha radiation. (in German) Naturwissenschaften 1943, 31, 298-299. С. А. 1944. 38, No. I97. (Ch. 3)

KARLIK. В., BERNÉRT, T. A dual disintegration in the series. (in German) Naturwissenschaften 1943, 31, 492. С. А. 1944, 38. No. 3544*. (Ch. 3)

KARLIK. В., BERNÉRT. T. An expected beta radiation of RaA and the existence of element 85 in the actinide series. (in German) Naturwissenschaften, 1942, 30, 44. С. А. 1944. 38, No. 41901. (Ch. 3)

KARLIK. В., BERNÉRT, T. The element 85 in the actinium series. (in German) Naturwissenschaften, 1944, 32, 44. С Л. 1946. 40. No. 5189. (Ch. 3)

14 KELLY. E. L.. SEGRE. E. Some excitation functions of . Phys. Rev. 1949. 75. 999-1005. (Chs. 3.4,5)

KHAKIMBAEVA. G. A. Correlation of concepts of the discovery and synthesis of elements (as illustrated by astatine and francium). (in Russian) Deposited Doc., У IN IT! 2664-76 1976. pp. 92-102. С A. 1979. 90. No. 13 162. (Ch. 3)

KIRBY. H. W. History. in Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Astatine, edited by Kugler, H. K.. Keller. C. pp. 1-9. Berlin: Springer, 1985. (Ch. 3)

KIRBY, H. W. Natural occurrence. in Gme'in Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Astatine, edited by Kugler. H. K.. Keller. C. pp. 10-14. Berlin: Springer. 1985. (Ch. 3)

LATIMER, R. M.. GORDON, G. E.. THOMAS, T. D. Alpha particle branching ratios for -deficient astatine isotopes. i.Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 1961, 17, 1-5. (Ch. 3)

LEIGH-SMITH, A., MINDER, W. Experimental evidence of the existence of element 85 in the thorium family. Nature 1942, 150, 767-768.

WRING. F. H.. DRUCE, J. G. F. Eka-cesium and eka-iodine. Chem. News 1925, 131, 305. С A. 1926, 20. No. 8503. (Ch. 3)

MEINKE. W. W., GHIORSO, A., SEABORG, G. T. Three additional collateral chains. Phys. Rc\>. 1949, 75, 314-315. (Chs. 3, 4)

MILLER. J. F.. HAMILTON, J. G., PURNAM, T. M., HAYMOND, H, R., ROSSI, G. B. Acceleration of stripped i2C and ,3C nuclei in the cyclotron. Phys. Rev. 1950, 80, 486. (Chs. 3, 5)

MINDER, W. The beta radiation of RH A and the formation of the element with nuclear charge 85. (in German) Helv. Phys. Acta 1940, 13, 144-152. (Ch. 3)

15 SEGRE. E. The contribution of artificial radioactivity to the completion of the Periodic System. /. Appl. Phys. 1941. 12. 309-310. (Ch. 3)

S1DGWICK. N. V. Element No. 85 (Astatine). in The Chemical Elements and Their Compounds. Vol. II. pp. 1260-1261. Oxford: Clarendon. 1950.

TRIMBLE. R.F. What happened to alabamine, virginium and illinium? Chem. Educ. 1975. 52. 585. (Ch. 3)

TURNER. L. A. Regularities among the heavy nuclei. Phys. Rev. 1940. 58. 181-182. (Chs. 3.4)

YASHITA. S. Identification of new astatine isotopes using the gas-filled magnetic separator, SASSY. Report LBL-15 562 1984. 69 pp. С A. 198S. 101. No. 178 768. (Cb. 3)


ABDUMALIKOV. A. A.. ABDURAZAKOV. A. A., GROMOV. K. Ya.. KARAKHOZDAEV. A.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. TOSHEV, M. Conversion electron spectrum during astatine-209 decay, (in Russian) in Progr. Tezisy Dokl. Soveshch. Yad. Spektrosk. Stukt. At. Yadra. p. 161. Leningrad: Nauka. 1974. С. А. 1975. 82. No. 63 462. (Ch. 4)

ABDUMALIKOV. A. A.. ^BDURAZAKOV. A. A., GROMOV. K. Ya.. KARAKHOZDAEV. A., NORSEYEV. Yu. V., TOSHEV. M. Spectra of conversion electrons during decay of astatine-208 and astatine-209. (in Russian) Nauchn. Tr. Tashk. Cos. Univ. 1974. 459. 8-13. C. A. 1976, 84, Nu. 9762. (Cb. 4)

ADAM. I.. BONCi-OSMOLOVSKAYA. N. A.. VENOS. D.. et al. Angular correlations of gamma rays in the 2,,Rn decay, (in Russian) in 1N1S-SU-166 1989. pp. 127-128. INIS Alomindex 1990. 21, No 042 172. (Ch. 4)

ADAM. I.. KUKLIK, A., SPALEK. A.. VENOS. D.. KUZNETSOVA. M. Ya. Gamma radiation from the 209Bi(iHe,3n-y)209At reaction. Czech. J. Phys. B. 1978. 28, 857-864. C. A. 1978. 89. No. 118 934. (Ch. 4)

ADAM, I., VENOS, D.. KUZNETSOVA, M. Ya., KUKLIK. A.. SPALEK, A. 209 Gamma rays in the 209Bi(3He,3n7) At. (in Russian) in Tezisy Doki. Soveshch. Yad. Spektrosk. Strukt. At. Yadra, p. 118. Leningrad; Nauka. 1978. CA 1979, 91, No. 79 883.

17 AFANASYEV. V. P., BOCHVAROVA. M.. GOLOVKOV. N. А.. GROMOVA. I. I.. IVANOV. V. I.. KUZIN. V. I.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V., CHUMIN. V. G. Alpha decay of radon-211 and radon-212. (in Russian) Report JINR-R-6-4972 1970. 11 pp. N. S. A. 1970. 24. No. 28 773. (Ch. 4)

AFANASYEV. V. P.. VYLOV. Ts.. GASIOR. M.. GOLOVKOV. N. A.. GROMOVA. I. I.. KOLACHKOVSKI. A.. KUZNETSOV. V. V.. KUZNETSOVA. M. Ya.. LIZUREI. G. I. Decay of 2iORn. Excited states of 2,0At. (in Russian) in Report J1NR-D-6-7094 1973. pp. 156-157. IMS Atomindex 1974. 5. No. 138 894. (Ch. 4)

AFANASYEV. V. P.. VYLOV, Ts.. GASIOR. M.. GOLOVKOV. N. A.. GROMOVA. I. 1.. KOLACHKOVSKI. A.. KUZNETSOV. V. V., KUZNETSOVA, M. Ya., LIZUREI, G. I. Radon-210 decay. Excited states of astatine-210. (in Russian) in Tezisy Doki. Sovcshch. Yad. Spektrosk. Tear. Yadra, Vol. 13. pp. 156-7. Dubna: JINR, 1973. С A. 1975, 82. No. 35 706. (Cb. 4)

AFANASYEV, V. P., VYLOV, Ts., GOLOVKOV. N. A.. GROMOVA, 1.1.. KOLACHKOVSKI, A., KUZNETSOVA, M. Ya., NORSEYEV, Yu. V.. FOMINYKH, M. I., FOM1NYKH, V. I.. CHUMIN. V. G. Decay of astatine-209. Excited states of polonium-209.1. Spectra of gamma rays and conversion electrons of astatine-209. (in Russian) /zv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 1973, 37. 25-31. . С. А. 1973, 78, No. 117 876. (Cb. 4)

AFANASYEV, V. P.. VYLOV, Ts., GOLOVKOV. N. A., GROMOVA, 1.1., KOLACHKOVSKI, A., KUZNETSOVA. M. Ya., NORSEYEV, Yu. V. FOMINYKH, M. I., FOMINYKH, V. I., CHUMIN, V. G. Decay of astatine-209. Excited states of polonium-209. II. Spectra of

Tv-coincidences. 20°At -• 209po decay scheme, (in Russian) Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 1973, 37, 32-37. С. А. 1973, 78, No. 117 875. (Cb. 4)

18 AKBAROV. A.. BUDZYNSK1. M.. KOCHETOV, O. I.. et al. Study on toe quantum characteristics of the 2oe> 2,0Po low-excited states, (in Russian) 35. Conf. Nucl. Spectrosc^ Nucl. Struct. Leningrad: 16-18 Apr. 1985. in INIS-SU-326 198S. pp. 140-141. IN1S Atomtod« 1988. 17. No. 057 989. (Ck 4)

AKBAROV. A., GALINSKU. E. M. Study on the properties of low-lying excited states of 209> 211Po and

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DREYER. R-, DREYER. I.. FISCHER. S.. HARTMANN. H.. RÖSCH. F. Synthesis and characterization of cationic astatine compounds with sulphur-containing ligands stable in aqueous solutions. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem, 1985. 96. 333-341. С A. 1986. 103. No. 226 281. (Ch. 7/A)

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DREYER. R.. DREYER. I., KHALKIN. V. A.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V. Synthesis of inorganic astatine compounds and studies of their properties using paper chromatography and electrophoresis, (in German) in Abstr. Symp. on Halogen Chemistry, p. 41. Berlin: 1978. (Cb. 7/A)

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DREYER, R.. DREYER. I.. PFEIFFER, M., RÖSCH. F. Pseudohalogen compounds of astatine: first syntheses and characterizations of astatine rhodanide and astatine cyanide compounds. Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett. 1983, 55, 207-213. С. А. 1983. 98. No. 190 640. (Cb. 7/A) DREYER, R., DREYER, I., RÖSCH, F. Behaviour of astatides in halide solutions. (in German) Z. Chem. 1982. 22, 54-56. CA, 1982. 96, No. 150 056. (Ch. 7/A)

84 DREYER, R, DREYER. I., RÖSCH. F.. BEYER. G.-J. Studies of polyhalide ions of astatine. Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett. 1982. 54. 165-175. С A. 1985. 98. No. 8549. (Ch. 7/A)

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120 NEIRINCKX, R. D, MYBURGH. J. A.. SMIT. J. A. Labelling of lymphocytes with astatine-211 and its application in transplantation. in Proc. Symp. New Develop. Radiopharm. Label. Compounds, Vol. 2.. pp. 171-180. Vienna: IAEA. 1973. С A. 1975. 82. No. 14 941. (Chs. 7/B. 8) NHAN. Dang Due Synthesis of some aromatic compounds of astatine by nucleophilic . substitution and investigation of their physico-chemical properties. (in Russian) Cand. Sei. diss., Moscow State University, Moscow 1984. (Ch. 7/B) NORSEYEV. Yu. V. Investigation of new inorganic and organometallic compounds of astatine. (in Russian) Cand. Sei. diss., Dubna-Leningrad 1965. (Ch. 7/AB) NORSEYEV. Yu. V. Analytical chemistry of organic astatine compounds. (in Russian) in Conf. Anal. Chem. Radioact. Elements, Moscow: 1977. p. 35. INIS-mf- 4047 1977. IN1S Atomindcx 1978. 9. No. 388 489. (Ch. 7/B) NORSEYEV. Yu. V. Properties of the new organic compounds of astatine. (in Russian) Dr. Sei. diss., Leningrad State University, Leningrad 1983. Report JlNR-12-83-387 1983. 32 pp. (Ch. 7/B) NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. KHALKIN. V. A. New inorganic and organometallic forms of astatine. (in Russian) Chem. Zvesti, 1967. 21, 602-610. С A. 1968, 68. No. 8848. (Ch. 7/AB) NORSEYEV, Yu. V.. NEFEDOV, V. D. Extrapolation evaluation of some physico-chemical properties of astatine and its compounds. (in Russian) in Issled. Khim. Tekhnol. Primen. Radioakt. Veshchestv, pp. 3-8, Leningrad 1977. С A. 1981, 94, No. 3539. (Cbs. 6, 7/AB)

121 NORSEYEV, Yu. V.. NHAN. Dang Due. KHALKIN. V. A.. HUAN. N. K.. VASÁROS. L. The preparation of astatine labelled tyrosine using an electrophilic reaction. J. Radioanal NucL Chem., Lett. 1985. 94. 185-190. C. A. 1985. 103. No. 71 644.

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122 PILLÁI, к. м. R.. MCLAUGHLIN, W. H.. LAMBRECHT, R. M., BLOOMER. W. D. Carrier-free astatination of steroid hormones. J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1987, 24, 1117-1122. (Chs. 7/B. 8)

REIMANN, T. On astatination of proteins. (in German) in Seminar der Forschungsgruppe Radiochemie Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden: 26-27 Nov. 1990. pp. 100-102. (Chs. 7/B. 8) RÖSSLER, K. Handling of astatine. in Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Astatine, edited by Kugler, H. K.. Keller, C. pp. 140-156. Berlin: Springer, 1985. IMS Atomindex 1986. 17. No. 031 039. (Ch. 7/AB)

ROSSLER. K. Irradiation and self-irradiation of astatine compounds. in Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Astatine, edited by Kugler, H. K., Keller, С pp. 179-182. Berlin: Springer. 1985. INIS Atomindex 1986. 17. No. 031 101. (Ch. 7/AB)

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SAMSON. G. Organic compounds of astatine. Dr. Sei. diss.. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1971. 69 pp. (Chs. 2. 5. 7/B)

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SHIUE, C.Y., MEYER, G.J.. RUTH, T. J.. WOLF, A. P. Syntheses of astato compounds by melt method. J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1981, 18. 1039-1046. (Ch. 7/B)

SHISTKOVA. N. Astatine-211 - analysis of application possibilities. (in Russian) Report Ujy-7962-B 1987, 17 pp. IMS AtomiiMiex 1988, J 9. No. 031 217. (Chs. 2. 5. 7/B, 8) SZÚCS, Z„ NORSEYEV, Yu. V., CUONG, D. D.. VASÁROS. L. Preparation of the astatoacetic acid and determination of its dissociation constant. in ATOMКI Atmu. Report 1990, pp. 104-105. IMS Alomindex 1991, 22, No. 015 154. (Ch. 7/B)

SZŰCS, Z.. NORSEYEV, Yu. V., CUONG, D. D., VASÁROS, L. Isomers of astatobenzoic acid, (in Russian) Radiokhimya 1991, 33, 64-70. (Ch. 7/B)

124 TAKAHASHI, N.. ISHIKURO. M.. BABA. H. Formation and decomposition of astatine molecules. in Abstr. 1989 Int. Chem. Congr. Pacific Basin Soc., 17-22 Dec 1989. p. 591. Washington DC: Am. Ciem. Soc. 1989. WIS Atomindex, 1991. 22. No. 041 857. (Св. 7/ЛВ)

TAKAHASHI. N.. OTOZAI. К. The mechanism of the reaction of elementary astatine with organic solvents. /. Radioanal. Nucl. Chenx, Lett. 1986. 103. 1-9. С A. 1986. 104. No. 16 778. (Co. 7/B)

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VASÁROS. L., BÉREI, K. Organic astatine compounds. (in Hungarian) Kern. Kozl. 1985. 63, 64-77. С А. 1988, 108, No. 74 403. (Chs. 7/B. 8)

VASÁROS, L„ BEREI, K., NORSEYEV, Yu. V. Some replacement and addition reactions of astatine. Radiochim. Acta 1989, 47, 119-128. (Ch. 7/B)

VASÁROS, L., BEREI. K., NORSEYEV, Yu. V., KHALKIN, V. A. Aromatic compounds of astatine, (in Hungarian) Magy. Kern. Foly. 1974, 80, 487-490. C. A. 1975. 82, No. 42 845. (Ch. 7/B)

125 VÁSÁROS. L.. BÉREI. K... NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. KRALKIN. V. A. Gas Chromatographie behaviour of some aromatic astatine compounds. Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett. 1976. 27. 329-340. C. A. 1977. 86. No. 83 274. (Ch. 7/B)

VASÁROS. L.. GOLOVKOV. N A.. GROMOVA. I. I.. JANICKI. M., NORSEYEV. Yu. V., SANDUKOVSKY. V. G. Some radon and astatine compounds produced in a plasma ion source, (in Russian) Repor- JÍNR-R-6-80-159 1980. 8 pp. (Ch. 7/AB)

VASÁROS. L.. NORSEYEV, Yu. V.. BÉREI, K.. KHALKIN, V. A. Effect of dilution on radiochemical yields of substitution reactions of EC-produced astatine-211 with chlorobenzene. (in Russian) Report JINR-R-6-80-553 1980. 8 pp. 1N1S Atominilcx 1982. 13, No. 656 036. (Ch. 7/B)

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VASÁROS, L.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. FOMINYKH. V. I.. KHALKIN. V. A. Synthesis and identification of astatonitrobenzene isomers, (in Russian) Report J1NR-R-6-81-16 1981, 7 pp. (Ch. 7/B)

VASÁROS. L.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. FOMINYKH, V. 1.. KHALKIN. V. A. Synthesis and identification of astatonitrobenzene isomers, (in Russian) Radiokhimiya 1982, 24. 95-99. Sevier Radiochem. 1982, 24, 84-87. С A. 1982. 97. No. 5877. (Ch. 7/B)

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VASÁROS, L„ NORSEYEV, Yu. V., KHALKIN, V. A. Gas chromatographic determination of physico-chemical properties of aromatic astatine compounds. 2. Heats of vapourization and boiling points, (in Russian) Report JlNR-R-6-80-158 1980, 7 pp. (Ch. 7/B)

126 VÁSÁROS. L.. NORSEYEV, Yu. V.. KHALKIN. V. A. Electrophilic substitution of hydrogen by astatine in benzene and its derivatives, (in Russian) Report JINR-R-12-80-439 1980. 8 pp. ' С Л. 1982, 96. No. 198 792. (Ch. 7/B) VASÁROS. L.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. KHALKIN. V. A. Determination of energy of the carbon-astatine chemical bond. (in Russian) Report JINR-R-12-81-509 1981. 8 pp. INIS Atomindex 1982. 13. Na 686 320. (Ch. 7/B)

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VASÁROS. L.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. MEYER, J.-G., BÉREI. K.. KHALKIN, V. A. Reactivity of nucleogenic astatine-211 towards benzene derivatives. AED-Conf. 77-411-001 1977. pp. 1-15. (Ch. 7/B) VÁSÁROS, L.. NORSEYEV, Yu. V., MEYER. J.-G., BÉREI. K., KHALKIN, V. A. Replacement reactions of EC-produced astatine-211 in benzene and halobenzenes. (in Russian) Report J1NR-12-12189 1979, 18 pp. (Ch. 7/B)

127 VASÁROS. L., NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. MEYER. J.-G.. BÉREI. K.. KHALKIN. V. A. Replacement reactions of EC-produced astatine-211 in benzene and halobenzenes. Radiochinu Acta 1979, 26. 17! -176. (СЬ. 7/B)

VASÁROS. L., NORSEYEV. Yu. V., NHAN. Dang Due. KHALKIN, V. A. Nucleophilic replacement of bromine in bromobenzene by iodine and 'astatine in homogeneous media, (in Russian) Report JINR-R-12-81-99 1981» 7 pp. (Ch. 7/B)

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VASÁROS, L.. NORSEYEV. Yu. V.. NHAN. Dang Due, KHALKIN. V. A. The effect of the nature of leaving halogen on the nucleophilic replacement by astatine in halobenzenes with participation of amines. Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett. 1981, 47, 403-407. CA. I98I. 95. No. 139 884. (Ch. 7/B)

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ZHAO. Yali, WANG. Yizhong, WANG, Zishu, CHENG, Wenyuan. ZHOU, Maolun, XU, Daoquan. ZHANG, Shuyuan Effect of radionuclide astatine-211 on the frequency of silver-stainable nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) of cultured human lympocytes. (in Chinese) Hejishu 1989, 12,440-443. С A. 1990, 112, No. 135 305. (Ch. 8) AUTHOR INDEX

A»ij.C 110. 133 Baker. E. W. 13. 89 Abdumalikov, A. A. 17 Вакксг. С N. M. 54 Abdurazakov, A. A. 17 Baldas.J. 56 Atmuns. P. O. 133 Baldridge. W. J. 20 Adam, I. 17.39 Bambinck. W. 56 Adam*. С J. 6.60.82. 113 Barber. D. E. 134 Addstein. & J. 80. 119. 133. 134. 136. 137. 146. Bark. R. A. 24 148. 149 Barton. G. W. II. 20. 42 ATanasyev. V. P. 18 Вакит. J. K. 134, 150 Agafonov, 1. L. 55 Balcman. W. J. 129. 135. 138. 157 Ahrens. L. W. 55 Balsanov. S. S. 57 Akbarov. A. 19 Baum. J. W. 134 Albrecht. S. 86 Ba/ilcva. O. V. 66 Alexander. J. M. 23.41 Bächmann, К. 56, 79. 110 Allison, F. 11.78 Bcanlcn. J. A. 57 Alpsteo, M. 28 Begem, R. 148 Alvarez, V.L. 141 Begcr. J. 97 Anders. B. 51 Bclinka. B. A. 141 Anders, E. 5 Bcljcnkij. V. M. 20 Andersen. E. B. 11 Bcllcmann. H. 52 Anderson. D. C. 133 Bclyacv. B. N. 20. 43, 57. 79 Andres. R. Y. 134 Bcngtsson, B. 28 Ansari, M. A. 34 Bens««. S. W. 70 Aoyagi. M. 58.64 Bcrci. K. 6. 75. 79, 80. 110. III. 112, 125. 126, Appelman, EH. 5. 11. 19. 42, 55, 56. 78. 110, 127. 128. 135. 156 114 Berg, A. V. 19. 20 Appelqvisl, A. 28 Bvrger, A. 57 Arenas-Peris, U. E. 19 Bergstrom. I. 20. 21. 25, 34 Arnold, J. S. 143 Bernard, S. R. 136 Arvieu. R. 19 Bernért, T. 14 Asimov. I. 11 Bcrlschal. H. H. 57 Asling. С W. 134. 143. 145 Beyer. С J 6, 43. 44. 51. 80. 85. 108. 136. 143 Astner. O. 19, 21 Bhardwaj. M. K. 34 Alashroo, T, 72 Bhattacherrjec, S. K. 36 Alchcr. R. W. 78. 134. 136. 137. 145, 149 Bnulra. M. P. 74. 105 Aten. A. H. W.. Jr. 5. 42, 56, 78, 80, 104, 110, Bigner, D.D. 114, 144 161 124 Bimbót. R. 21. 25, Atkins. H. L. 134 Birkeliind, J. R. 45 Audi. O. 61 Bishop. E. R. 11.78 Axelrod-Hellcr. D 145 Bjornstad, T. 34, 103 Blanpied, O. S. 22 Baba. H. 105. 125 Blasse, C. 79 Babcnkov. M. I. 19 Blattmann, H. 134 Badalov. S. A. 20 Blokbin, M. A. 57 Bagnall. K. W 5 Biomqvist, J. 20. 21. 34 Bai, Xingping 31 Bloomer, W. D. 80, 119, 123, 133. 134. 136. 137. Bajkov. V. I. 56.79 148. 150. 153

163 Bobykin. В. V. 19 Chistyakov, L. V. 29, 46 Bochvarovn (Gesheva). M. 18. 43, 80, 114 Chojnacki. S. 29 Bohigas, O. 19 Christiansen, J. 23 Bohn.H. 22 Christopher. P. M. 59, 81 Bonch-Osmolovskaya, N. A. 17, 38, 39 Chumin. V. G. 18, 25, 37. 38. 39. 40, 53 Bonchev, D. 57 Civitarese, O. 23 Bonnyman, J. 56 Clark. С H. D. 59. 8) Borisova, N. 1. 29.46 Clark. J. L. 23 Borras. С 137. 138 dementi. E. 59 Bouissicres. G. 48. 97, 98 Cobb, L. M. 141, 148 Braithwatte. W. J. 22 Coenen, E. 27 Bratsch. S. G. 57 Cocncn, H. H. 113 Bredow, J. 144 Cole. L. A. 59 Brent. R. L. 137. 138 Corson. O. R. 11. 12. 44. 81. 104. 141 Briand. J. P. II Cottingame. W. B. 22 Brinkman. G. A. 47, 54, 80, 112 Coughlin, D.J. 141 Brill, H.C. 45 Couscmenl. R. 35 Brown, B. A. 36 Cowan. J. 129, 138. 157 Brown. G. 135, 138. 157 Crane. E.J. 12 Brown. I. 6. 112, 113, 116. 117, 119. 120. 138. Cranshaw. Т. Е. 12. 24 139. 140. 141, 149. 150, 151 Crascman, B. 56. 58, 59. 64 Brum. H. 22 СпЛ. Р. D. 23 Brückner. R. 51 Cromer. Don T. 76 Buckingham. F. С 114, 132. 144, 161 Cuong. D. D. 52, 124 Buc/ynski, M. 19, 22 Burke. D.G. 22 Burleson, G. R. 22 Duchnick. W. W. 24 Burnet. F. R. 153 Dairiki. IB. 24 Burr. A. F. 57. 58 Dalion. J. F. 136 Butler. S. A. 141 Daroc/y. E. 26 Byrne. A. D. 76 D'Auria, J. M. 51. 104, 123 Byrne. A. P. 24 Dayliorr. M. O. 69, 95 Dt\ RajemJralal 12. 81 Cachau, R. E. 60 Dctonninck. G. 24 Calapricc, F. P. 29 Dclvcccliio, R. M. 24 Caloun, P. 38, 38 Dcmcrs, P. 12. 24 Campbell. J. L. 58 Dcnefre, K. 27 Carctto, A. A. 23 Dcsclaiix, J. P. 59 Carle. P. 20. 23 Dcslimukh, Prabodh C. 70 Carlson, T. A. 69 Deshniiikh, Pranawa С 70 Carpenter, R. N. 112, 113. 116. 117. 119. 1 Desideri. P. G. 59 139, 140, 141, 149, 150, 151, 152 Diamond, R. M. 31 Сагг, Т. E. F. 141 Dicmcr. E. L. 130, 107. 157, 158 Carroll, J. J. 119 Diltrich, S. 113 Castro, E. A. 60 Do, Hun Phuoc 23, 24 Cauchois, Y. 13. 14 Dobercn*. I. 108, 131, 142, 144. 159 Cavallcro, A. 44, 58, 80, 81, 113 Doberen/. W. 44, 60, 62, 70. 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, Chao, Tao Nhan 76, 101. 102, 107 99. 108, 131, 142, 144. 159, 160 Charvet, A. 23 Domanov, V. P. 45, 86 Chaubey. A. K. 34 Dombsky. M. 51. 104, 123 Chattopadhyay, S. 70 Donnamaria, M. C. 60 Chen, Keliang 31 Doorgeest. T. 42, 56, 79 Chen, Mau Hsiung 58, 59, 64 Dossing, T. 32 Cheng, Wenyuan 158, 161 Downs, A. J. 6, 60, 82, 113 Cherevatyenko, A. P. 155 Dracoiilis, G. D. 24 Cherkesov, A. I. 58 Drake, G. W. 60 Chery, R. 23 Dranovsky, A. B. 6 Chevallier, P. 11 Drcyer, I. 8, 45, 46, 60, 81. 82, 83, 84, 85. 90, Chin. L. M. 148 92, 93, 103, 1J5

164 Dreyer. R. 6. 43. 44. 45. 51. 60. 62. 70. 80. 81. Fomcnkova. Т. Е. 155 82, 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 90. 93. 96. 97, 99, 103. Fominykh. M. 1. 18 106. 108. 117. 118. 131. 132. 142. 143. 144. Fominykh, V. I. 18, 126 159. 160 Foole. P. D. 12 Drowart. J. 60 Fossan. D. B. 36 Druce. J. G. F. 15 Fox. A. G. 62 Duan, Qunxia 48. 118 Fraga. S. 62. 74 Dudley, NE. 141 Franke. W.O. 108, 131. 132. 142. 143. 159. 160 Dudova. I. 43. 80. 95. 105. 106 Freedman, M. S. 72 Duffait. R. 23 Freiesleben. H. 45 Duke. С L. 24 Fremlin, J. H. 129. 157 Dünken. H. 60 Freund, H.-U. 56 Durand. J. F. 6 t Friedman. A. M. 114. 115, 132. 144. 155. 161 Durbin. P. W. 50. 134. 143. 145. 146. 152. 155. Friedman, H. 144. 148 160 Friend. J. N. 12 DuvaltC. 7 Frind, M. 87. 97 Dzhelepov. B. S. 25. 26 Fritzberg, A. G. 108. 131. 133. 158. 159 Funk. E. G. 35 Eberle. S. H. 61, 85, 113 Furman, V. I. 38 Egnell. S. 23 Fürth. J. 160 Eich. G. 35 Eichler. B. 44. 45. 61. 86 üahvlmann. H. 22 Emeléus. H. J. 7. 12. 86 Galinskij. EM. 19 Emsallem, Л. 23 Gansow, О. А. 149 Engtlstad, В L. 113. 143 Gardes. D. 21. 25 Englert. B. G. 61 Garg. M. L. 73 English. A.C. 12.24 Garg. P. K. 114. 144, 145. 161 Epherre, M. 61 Garg, R. R. 73 Ermler. W. C. 72 Garg. U. 36 Erohina. K. I. 38. 39 Garner. С. S. 7 Ewart. G. M. 24 Garrison. W. M. 5«), 87. 145. 146, 152 Garvin, H. L. 25 Fadeyeva, Т. А. 155 Gasior, M. 18 Faeslermann, T. 22, 25 Gcnov, L. 62 Fan, Zhiguo 31 Gerate. W. J. 24 Fant. B. 20.21.41 Gerusimov, Ya. I. 62 Federman. P. 19 Gerlit. Yu. B. 88 Feililzsch. F. 22 Gcr/ha, T. V. 66 Feinendegen, L. E. 154 Gcshcva (Bochvarova), M. 18. 43. 80, 114 Felni. Z. 61 Ghiorso. A. 11, 13. 14. 15. 20. 26. 27. 32. 42 Fellkamp. T. E. W. 110. 133 Gile. J. D. 87. 145. 146 Filatov. E. S. 116 Giorginis. G. 22 Filevith A. 25.41 Giliin. D. 115. 148 Fiogcr. M. 29 ülazov. V. M. 62. 63 Fink. R. W. 34. 56 Glushko. V. P. 63 Finkeinburg. W. 61. 62 Godwin, J. Ti 155 Fischer. D. R. 157 Gokhale, B. G. 63, 70 Fischer, S. 60, 62. 81, 82, 84. 85. 86. 87. 96. 97. Golovkov. N. A. 18. 25, 37. 38. 39, 40, 63, 88, 102, 103, 108, 117, 118. 131. 132, 142, 144, 106. 126 159, 160 Gonusek. M. 40 Fisher. A. G. 138 Goodfriend, P. L. 63, 88 Fisher. D. A. 153 Gopal. V. 63 Fisk. С. 74 Gordon, G. E. 15, 25, 37 Fitch. F.W. 114. 144, 155 Gordy. W. 63 Filz. W. 23 Gorson, R. O. 137, 138 Filzgerald. J. M.. Jr. 59.81 Graber, J. 76 Fleury, A. 25 Grawe, H. 31 Floughe, W. D. 28 Gray, M. A. 145 Folger. H. 22 Greene, S. J. 22

165 Gromov. K. Ya. 17. 39. 40 Hollander. J. M. 28. 33 Gromova. 1.1. 18. 39. 40. 53. 63. 88. 106. 126 Hollstein. U. 42, 56. 79 Graver. J. R. 12. 13. 63. 88. 89. 90. 100. 114 Holtkamp, D. B. 22 Gróz, P. 100 Honig, R. E. 60 Gruzintsev. E. V. 26 Hons, Z. 39 Grünwald, P. 145 Holop.H. 64 Gueth, L. 26 Houghton. A. N. 147 Guetb. S. 26 Huan. N. K. 122. 129 Gueth. Sh. 25 Huan. N. Q. 76 Gno, Junsheng 26 Huang, С. С 115, 148 Gupta. A. 65 Huang, Kch-Ning 58, 64 Gurrat/sch. H. 51 Hubbcll. J. H. 73 Gurvich. L. V. 64 Huber. G. 61 Hubert. F. 25 Haas. H. 31 Huberty. J. P. 113. 143 Hadley. S. W. 108, 131. 145. 158. 159 Hudis. J. 23 Hadstrom, S. 64 Hughes. W. L. 115. 148 Hagberg. E. 26 Hui/cnga, J. R. 34, 45. 51 Hagebne. E. 22 Huluhcy. H. 13. 14 Hagemann, F. 13, 26 Hiinibaeh. W. 62 Hagn. E. 64, 75 Humm. J. L. 148 Hahn, О. 13 Humphreys, J. A. 141 Haissinsky, M. 7, 13 Hung. Tran Kim 87. 90. 103 Hamilton. J. G. 15. 49, 50.87. 143. 145.146. 152, Hunter. R. L. 114. 144 155 Húsain. M. M. 65 Hamilton. Т. С 146 Hussein. Z. 65 Hansen, P. G. 24 Hussein. H. 60. 82, 85, 86, 90, 97. 115 Haratym. Z. 29 Htiysc. M. 27 Hardeman. F. 35 Hyde. E. K. 7, 14, 27. 32. 50. 91 Harmat/. B. 26 Hylaridcs, M. D. 108. 131. 158. 159 Harper, P. V. 114, 144. 155 Harris, C. F. 146. 149 Idén, C. R. 88, 89. 90. 114 Harrison. A. 114, 141. 147 Ingwtrsen, H. 23. 27 Harrison, С L. 144, 145 Isakov. V. |. 20. 27, 38, 39 Hartmann. H. 84, 86 Ishikuro. M. !05, 125 Harvey. J. A. 12. 24 ISOLDE Coll. 34. 103 Haustein, P. E. 23 Israel. H. I. 74 Haymond, H. R. 15.49 I Ik is. M. U. 26 Heidelbach. J.-Ü. 142 Ivanov. R. B. 37. 38 Heimler, D. 59 Ivanov, V. I. 18 Henderson, D. S. 34. 51 Ivanova, L I. 65, 91 Henke, E. I OH. 164) Iwc. B. 159, 160 Henniger, J. 51 Herrlander, С. J. 21 Herrmann, E. b, 7, 8. 45, 46. 80, 90. 92, 115 Jacobi. R. 97 Herrmann, G. 104 Jacobs, W. W. 28 Hevesy. G. 13 Janicki, M. 63. 88, 106, 126 Hill. P. 22 Jardine, L. J. 27, 28, 35 Hillman. M. 52 Jellcy, J. V. 12. 24 Hinck», E. P. 12,24 Jenkins, H. D. B. 65 Hines, J. J. 110, 134 Jciing, N. 143 Hlises, R. 108, 131, 159, 160 Jin, Jiannan 54, 91, 109, 132. 158, 160. 161 Но, С Y. 64 Jin, Shushan 54. 91, 109, 158, 161 Hobbié, R. 13 Jin, Yutai, 48, 117, 118, 150 Hof er. К. G. 147 Johansson, K. A. 28 Hof Г, Р. 22, 34, 103 Johnson. G. L. 45, 65, 91 Hoffmann, P. 56, 64, 110. 114 Jobnslon. M. E. 50. 134, 143, 145, 146, 152. 153 Hosteller, К. J. 26. 36, 52 Jones, W. B. 14. 28 Holden, N. E. 27 Jonson, B. 26, 28

166 Joossoo. О. С. 22. 34. 103 Kozhamkulov. T. A. 27 Jovchev. M. 99 Kozhuharov. С 22 Ko/yr. S. N. 66. 91 Kadmenskii. S. G. 31. 38 Kracikuva. T. L. 29 Kaellbcrg. A. 20. 28 Кгаккау. Т. V. 8 KafTrett. N. 22 Krasnov, K. S. 66. 67. 93, 94 Kaganyuk. D.S. 65, 66. 91 Krause. M. O. 67 Kahn. B. 91 Krauss. M. 74 Kailas. S. 28 Krcstuv. G. A. 67. 68. 94 Kamenska. V. 57 Kreslova. N. V. 68. 94 Kampf. О. 148 Kroó, E. 95 Kang. Meng Hua 107 Krüger. Ch. 87. 102 Kapustinskii. A. 92 Kudo. H. 41 Karachevlsev. G. V. 64 Kugler. E. 34. 103 Karakhozdaev. A. 17 Kuglcr. К. Н. 8 Karlik. B. 14 Kuklik. A 17 Karten. F. H. S. 47 Kunit. A. 160 Karwowskí. H. J. 28. 62 Kurecwk/. W. 22 Kaspersen. F. M. 130. 131. 157. 158 Kurehatov. B. V. 29. 46 Kassis, A. I. 133. 134. 148, 149 Kii/in, V. I. K, 18,93. 116. 120 Katzin. L. 1. 13. 26 Ku/nclsnv. I. V. 29, 30 Keim. R. 92 Ku/nclMiv. V. V. 18. 40. 54 Keller. С 8 Kii/nclsova, M. Ya. 17, 18. 29. 39, 40, 46. 54 Kelly, E. L. 15. 28. 46 Kcmpisty. T. 29 La.l<), M. F. C. 69. 95 Kessler. L. 142 Lakatos. B. 8 Kbakimbacva, G.A. 15 Lamh. F 137 Khalkin. V. A. 7. 8. 9, 25. 26. 40. 43. 44. 46, 50. Lambrcchl, R. M. 32. 47. 49. 50. 80, 95, 100. 119. 53, 54. 57. 60. 70. 76. 79, 80. 82. 83. 84. 87. 123. 136, 137, 149, 150. 151. 153 90. 92. 93. 95, 99, 100. 101. 102. 103. 105, Lapin. V. A. 68. 94 106. 107. 108. 111. 115, 116, 120, 121. 122. Lalimer. R. M. 15, 37 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 155 Latimer. W. M. h9. 95 Kharilonov, Yu. Ya. 66 Lavrukhina. A. K. 8. 47, 95 Kharitonov, Yu. V. 33 La/arcv, V. B. 62 Kbodcev, Yu. S. 64 Lcbcíicv. YII. A. 64 Kiely. F. M. 89, 90 Lebowit/, E. 13. 52. 89. 90 Kienlc, P. 22 Ledermann. J. A. 149 Kim. S. G. 66 Lee. Chung Hi 30 Kioslarova, O. D. 38. 39 Lee, lekhuon 30 Kirby. H. W. 15. 46, 93 Lee. W. H. 69. 95 Kiser. R. W. 66 Lcíort, M. 30. 47, 69, 95 Kiss. I. 111. 135 Lcgoiix. Y. 69, 95. 98 Kitano, M. 29 Leigh. JR. 31 Klapisch, R. 61 Leigh .Smith. A. 15 Klinenberg. J. 115 Leininger, R. F. 45, 6« 91 Klinger, W. 23, 27 Lcpri, L. 59 Klivényi, G. T. 8 Lesser. P. M. S. 36 Knipping, U. 74 Leurs, С J. 47 Knuuttila, O. 21, 34, 41 Lewis, M. B. 30 Kocbefov. O. I. 19, 22 Li, Taihua 117 Kojima. M. 117, 150 Libov. V. S. 72 Kolachkovski, A. 18. 39, 40, 46, 60, 84, 93, 1 14, Lilenleld, H. V. 89, 90, 114 116 Liley, P. E. 64 Komar. A. P. 39 Lin, Zhenghao 48 Kondralyev, V. N. 64 LindMad, Th. 21 Korablev, G. л. 66 Linoner, L. 47, 110, 133 Kormán, A. 29 Lindner, M. 48 Korolev, V. А. 39 Lincberger. W. C. 64 Kozák, R.W. 149 Link, E. 112, 116, 117, 139, 140, 149, 150

167 Lippincott. E R. 69. 95. 150 McLaughlin. W. H. 80. 119. 123. 136, 137, 150. Lipsztein. R. 136 153 LitUcJ. 156 Medvedcv, V. A. 64 Liu. Boli 48. 117. 118. 150 Mehta. D. 73 Liu. Guoxing 31 Menta, P. C. 74. 105 Liu.Hongje 26 Meinhold. С. В. 134 Liu. Li 150 Meinke. W. W. 15.32 Liu. Zhenghao 117.118.150 Mckhedov. V. N. 20. 29. 30. 31. 32. 40. 43. 46. Lizurei. G. 1. 18 48.54 Llabador. Y. 25 Merini. (Merinis). J. 48. 69. 95. 97. 98 Lobanov. Yu. V. 38 Meyer. G.-J. 9. 32.49.98. 99. 118. 119. 123. 124. Lohr. L. L. 72 127. 128. 151, 154 Lomachenkov, 1. A. 38 Mihelicb. J. W. 35 Lomgree. M. 24 Mikhailova. M. A. 37 Longo. D. L. 146 Mikbeyev. N. B. 105 Loonroth. T. 31. 34 Milanov, M. 44. 60. 70. 82, 83. 90. 93. 99. 103. Lopez Buslos, C. 150 106 Loring. F. H. 15 Miles/. S. 99, 100, 151 Lotz. W. 69 Milius, R. A. 80. 119. 136. 137. 150 Lu. С. С. 69 Miller. J. F. 15. 49 Lu. Liyi 117. ISO Minder. W. IS Ludwig. R. 62. 84. 85. 87, 96, 97, 117. 118 Ming. Nam Puk 20. 43 Luo, Cbangrong 150, 161 Mir/adeh. S. 47, 50. 80. 95. 100, 151 Luo. Cheng 48, 117. 118. 150 Misra, S. N. 65 Luo. Yu Ran 70 Misra, U. D. 63, 70 Mitchell. J. B. A. 90. 100 MacFarlane. R. D. 37 Mitchell. J. S. 112. 113. 116. 117, 119. 120. 139, Mackenzie, K. R. 11. 12. 44. 104. 141 140, 141, 149. 150, 151. 152 Madara. J. L. 136 Miyano, K. 41 Maddock, A. G. 9, 97 Mockcn. H. P. 42, 56. 79 Macda, M. 117. ISO Mocrlein. S. M. 113 Mahnke, HE. 31, 57 Momyer, F. F. Jr. 32, 50 Maier. K. 31 Мсюгс, С F. 22 Maison, J. 21, 25 Moore, I. В. 22 Majali. M. A. ISO Morck. Т. 29 Majumdar. K. 70, 97 Mori. Т. 156 Maksimov. A. I. 67. 94 Morozov, V. A. 38. 39 Malik. F. B 69 Morris, С L. 22 Malloy. D. E. 90. 100 Muckerman. J. T. 89 Malylseva, N. S. 20, 29. 30. 31. 43, 48 Mukhcrjee, I. 32 Mandc, C. 70 Mukhcrjee, P. 32 Mang. H.J. 31 Muljgín. S. I. 26 Mangel, P. С 73 Muminov, A. I. 22 Mani. R. S. ISO Murphy, E. J. 11 Manson, S. T. 61 Müller. H. 60 Marinov, A. 99 Miinzel. H. 33 Mark, H. 56. 58. 64 Myburg, J. A. 121, 152, 156 Markhol, M. 97 Marquicr, G. 23 Nagy. ü. Á. 100 Marsh. K. V. 48,97 Nakahara, H. 41 Marlin, M.J. 31,33 Nakai, K. 25 Martinov, A.A. 31 Narasimhan, P. T. 73 Maschuw, R. 27 Narula, A. S. 120, 132 Matsuoka, O. 70 Neergard, K. 32 Matsuyanagi, K. 32 Nefedov, V. D. 9, 50, 71. 93. 100, 101, 102. 116, Maxwell. R. D. 87. 145, 146 120, 121 May, A.N. 12.24 Ncirinckx, R. D. 50, 101. 121, 137, 152, 156 McLaughlin, R. 70 Nelson, G. С 71 Nelz, P. 142

168 NeskakiStA. 36 Pbadnis.S.G. 72 Nestor. С. W. Jr. 69 Piccardi. G. 72 Neumann. H. M. SO. 71. 101 Pickering, D. E. 153 Ncyens, G. 35 Pillái. К. M. R. 123. 153 Német. L. 43.57.79 Pitt. M. L. 29 Nguyen. Tat-To 29 Plalkov. A. I. 57 Nhan. Dang Due 44. 76. 82. 121. 122. 128. 129 Platl. J. R. 72 Nielsen. OB 24 Polelti, S. J. 24. 36 Niselyson. LA. 71. 101 Politzer, P. 73 Niton. O. 41 Poplavskii. I. V. 33 Nitzsche. H. 142 Porter. F. T. 72 Noak, M. 70.99 Potapov, V. K. 64 Nooteboom, G. 79 Powell. II. S. 50. 152 Nordling. С 64 Powell. R. W 64 Norlin. L. О. 20,23 Powers, J. M. 72 Norseyev, Yu. V. 8. 9. 17. 18. 22. 25. 26. 37. 38, Pi>/dnyaki>v. A. A. 8, 95 39. 40, 43. 44. 46. 50, 52, 53. 63. 71. 76, 80, Prewitt. С Т. 73 82,83. 84. 88. 92. 93. 100. 101. 102. 106. 107. Price. R. E. 56 II. 112. 114. 115. 116. 120. 121. 124. 125. Prussin, S. G. 28. 33 126. 127. 128. 129. 151. 155 Puthlliofcr. F. 31 NorthcluTe. L. С 71 Piirnam, Т. М. 15.49 Novgorodov. A. F. 37. 38. 43. S3. 136 Pyykkoc. P. 72 Nőlpp. U. 154 Qaiiii. -S. M. 50. 153 Odrich. H. 43. 51 Qiao, Ming Lun 9 Oganesyan. Yu. Ts. 29, 30 Ofaya, S. 41 Raaphorst. J. G. 79 Okada. S. 70 Rahkoncn, V. 21. 31. 33. 34 O'Kccfe. M. A. 62 Raimundi. D. L. 59 Okolovicb, V. N. 26 Ramlcr. W. J. 34. 51 Oliver, J. H. 67 Rändle, K. 141 Opitz. G. 87. 102 Rao. P. V. 56 Orllcpp, Hü. 40 Rasmusscn, J. (). 34. 35 Osborne. R. N. 48 Ravn. H. L. 34. 43, 51, 103. 136 Otozai, K. 71. 102. 122, 125 Ra/hahhacv, R. 22 Ozhigov, E. P. 71, 103 Reillmc, L. 25 Ozols, R. F. 14b Reimann. T. I OK. 123. 131. 153. 159 Reinhardt. W. P. 59 Paar. V. 33 Reno. J. M. 1.33 Padalia. B. D. 71. 72 RcnsfcU, KG. 20. 21, 23, 25, 34, 41 Padma, R. 70 Richards, К. С 34 Pancholi. S. С 33 Richardson. Т. С. 153 Pane tit. F. A. 103 Riedel. S. M). 84 Parroti, M. W. 50, 134, 143. 146, 152, 153, 155 Rivel. M. F. 21. 25 Parsons, A. R. C. S. 72 Ri/vi. I. A. 34 Pashinkin, A. S. 62 Robinson, ß. L. 34 Pavlotskaya, F. I. 88 Rodin. S. S. 47, 88 Pavlov, V. N. 29 Rogns. R. D. 158 Peker, L. K. 29, 33 Rung, Jun 117. 150 Peng, Xiufeng 54 Rose, M. E. 34 Perdew, J. P. 59 Rosengaanl. U. 20, 23 Perlman, I. 7, 11. 20, 27, 35. 42 Ross, R. B. 72 Perova, Т. C. 72 Rossi, Ci. B. 15, 49 Persigehl, M. 153 Rosso, O. A. 23 Pessa, V. M. 72 Rolhbcrg, R. M. 114, 144 Petrozolin. K. 29 Royle. L. 114, 147 Petukhov, V. K. 19 Rózsival, P. 154 Pfeiffer, G. 134 Rösch, F. 6, 43, 44, 51, 84, 85. 87. 90. 103, 108, Pfeiffer. M 84 136, 160

169 Rősslcr. К. 9. 35. 49. 51. 73. 80. 81.98. 104. 11 Sidgwiclc N. V. 16 119. 123. 151. 153. 154 Siegbahn. K. 64 Rubakov.V. N. 31.48 Sielemann. R. 31 Rubchenya. V. A. 35 Sikora. К. 155 Rudstam. G. 24. 51 Silvester. D. J. 155 Rumler. B. 104 Siroas. A. M. 76 Rusanov, A. Ya. 26 Simonian. S.J. 114. 132. 144. 155. 161 Russell, S. F. 113. 140. 141 Simonorr. G. 30, 47. 69. 95 Ruth. T. J. 23. 51. 104, 123. 124. 137. 146. 1 Sims. H. E. 155 Ryti. A. 35 Singh. N. 73 Singh. P. P. 28 Sadavnikov. N. P. 58 Singh. R. N. 70 Sah, M. 70 Singh. S. 73 Samanta. С 32 Sinke. G. C. 74 Samson. Ü. 10. 52. 124. 154 Sinkule. J. A. 156 Sanriukovsky. V. G. 63. 88. 106. 12b Sinotiwa. E. N. 43. 57. 79. 100. 120 Sastry. K. S. R. 133 Sjorcen. T. P. 35. 36 Saxcna. K. M. S. 62 Siade. S. 144 Savlcvich. Kh. 100. 120 Sliv. L. A. 20. 27 Sazhinski. Ya. 22 Sloih, E. N. 42. 56. 78, 110 Schals. J. J. С 104 Smcdley. II. 155 Schal/. G. 23. 27. 36 Smirenkin. G. N. 26 Scheibe. О. 52 Smil. J. A. 50. 101. 121. 152. 156 Scheinberg. D. А. 147 Smith. E. 115 Schevcnccl. S. G. 35 Smith. V. H.. Jr. 76 Schilling. R. F. 71 S»>ga, F. 28 Schima. F. J. 35 Soky. M h. 146 Schimmel, A. 47 Solovycv. V. Ü. 29. 46 Schmorak, M. R. 35 Si »inner. A. L. II. 78 Schrocdcr. J. 108. 131. 159 Son, Chun K. 61 Schubert, F. E. 89 Song. Xiaoping 73 Schiibigcr. H. 134 Spalck. A. 17 Schultz, F. 52 Spcllmcycr. B. 57 Schumann, D. 99 Spisak. M. J. 24. 36. 73 Scolicd. J. II. 73 Spiisyn. V. I. 74, 105 Scott, K. ü. 145 Srinivasan. A. 133 Seaborg, G. T. 7, 13. 14, 15. 26. 27, 32, 35. 37 Slang. L. G.. Jr. 52 Scdlct, J. 10. 104 Slecd. С. А. 24 Scgrc. E. 12, 15, 16, 28. 44. 45. 46, 65, 91, 104. Slegailov. V. I. 38. 39 141 Slein. L. 105 Seidel. A. ISA Slcinhach. J. 51 Summier, W. 31 Slern. F. 62 Sen, К. D. 73 Stevens, W. J. 74 Sen, P. 32 Stickler. I. D. 26. 36. 52 Sevcrijns, N. 38, 41 Sloelevik, R. 74 Sevier. К. D. 73 Sloner. A. W. 36 Shaffer. R. 154 Storm. E. 74 Shannon, R. D. 73 Stöcklin, G. 50, 51, 73, 98, 99, 104, 113, 118. Shao, Yucshcng 161 119, 123, 151, 153, 154 Shchegolev, V. A. 29, 30 Street. K. Jr. 23 Shelinc. R. K. 73 Strom, E. T. 36, 52 Shellabarger, C. J. 134, 150, 154. 155 Stuart, F. V. 114, 132. 144, 155, 161 Shen. W. 57 Sluchbery, A. E. 24 Shcrr, G. H. 114, 144 Studier. M H. 13, 26, 42, 56. 78, 110 Shihab-Eldin, A. A. 28. 35 Stull, D. R. 74 Shimchak. R. A. 20, 43 Suer. T. H. G. A. 47 Shislkova, N. 10, 52, 124, 156 Sukhov. A. M. 29, 30 Shiue. C.-Y. 124 Sun, Xijun 26 Shmakova, N. L. 155 Sundcll, S. 34, 51, 103

170 Sutyor. J. 112 Vasáros. L. 6. 38. 53.63. 75.76. Swant,J. A. 76 111. 122. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 135. Swift. CD. 56 ISI. 156 Szdccsényi. F. S3 Vaughan. А. Т. М. 129. 135. 138. 156. 157 Sztarkicr. J. 21. 25. 34. 41 Vaynsoo. A. A. 155 Szűcs. Z. 52. S3. 100. 122. 124. 151. 155 Vccnbocr. J. Th. 47. 80 Veigde. W. M j. 76 Tabbcrnor. M. A. 62 Venös. D. 17. 38. 39 Takahashi. N. 71. 102. 105. 122. 125 Vigdor. S. E. 28 Tandon. K. 74. 105 Vind. G. V. 53 Tandon. S, P. 74. 105 Viola. V. E.. Jr. 39. 76 Tang. Zhigang 48. 118 Visser. G. W. M. 10. 107. 129. 130. 131. 157. 158 Tarrago. X. 30. 36. 47. 53. 69. 95 Visscr. J. 47. 54 Taut. St. 87. 101. 102 Voigt. M 134 Thakur. K. P. 65 Vorobyev. A. A. 39 Tbibanlt. С 61 Vos, C. M. 130. 158 Thicbergcr. P. 21 Vosicki. B. 34, 103 Thiessen. H. A. 22 Vyl.iv. Tv 18. 39. 40. 53 Thomas. M. J. 125. 105 Thomas. T. D. 15, 37 Walicr. J. T. 76 Thomas. W. J. 63 Waincr. B. 114. 144, 155 Thorgerson. D. F. 37 Wal.Jmann. T. A. 149 Thorhallsson. J. 74 Walker. J. F. 24 Thramann. W. M.. Jr. ISO Wang. Fu Cliiung 76. 107 Toksoz. O. 138 Wang. J. X. 58 Tornau. W. SI. 73. 104. 123. 154 Wang. J nan 161 Toropova. M. A. 9. SO. 93, 100, 101. 116. 120 Wang. Jun 26 Toshev. M. 17 Wang. Kciai 132. 160 Toshniwal, G. R. 75 Wang. Quanji 10, 107 Touchard. F. 61 Wang Sufniig 31 Traulmann. С 64. 75 Wang. Xi/hong 158. 161 Trautmann. N. 104 Wang, Yi/hong. 161 Trchan. P. N. 73 Wang. Yiin-Yu 40, 43. 54. 57. 79. 108 Trironov, D. N. 16 Wang. Zhisti 158. 161 Trimble. R. F. 16 WarlHirton. E. K. 36 Tschrools. W. R. J. M. 110. 133 Ward. T. E. 51. 104, 123 Tsong, I. S. T. 76 Walts, R. W. E. 158 Tsupko-Silnikov, V. M. 29 Wclicr. M. 85. 86 Tuati. A. 11 Wcinrcich. k. 134 Tucker. Т. С 69 Wcrnli. С 134 tuong. Do Kim 43, S3, 80. 100. 105. 106 Wcsscls. B. W. 158 Tupilsyn, I. I. 75 Wcsicrbcrg. K. 21. 34. 41 Turner, L. A. 16, 37 Wcstgaard. L. 51 Tykodi, R.J. 75 WtMgalc, W. M. 76 While. D. L. 113. 143 Ueda, G. 156 Wikstroni, K. 21, 41 Urcb, D. S. 106. 125 Wilbur. D. S. 108. 131, 145, 158. 159 Usmanov. R. R. 22 Williams, M. H. 143 Wilson. I. H. 76 Vakhtel, V. M. 37, 38, 53 Winficld, J. M. 108, 131 Valii. K. 38 Wing. J. 34, 51 Van Duppen, P. 27 Winslicrg, L. 41 Van Haverbcke, J. 38, 41 Witthuhn, W. 23, 27 Van Walla, E. 38,41 Woir. A. P. 47. 80. 119, 124, 136, 137, 146, 149 Vaaderplassche. D. 38, 41 Wdllnik, H. 61 Vannesle, I. 38, 41 Wood, J. L. 27.41 Varshni, Y. P. 70, 75, 97 Woutm, J. 38,41

171 Wo. Kcjia ISO. 161 Zalutsky. M. R. 80. 114. 120. 132. 134. 136. 137. Wonc W. 114. 132. 144. ISS. 161 144. 145. 155. 161. Wunderlich. G. 87. 108. 131. 132. 142. Zalha. V. 77 160 Zech. E. 64. 75 Zcman. A. 109. 132 Xiao. Lun 48. 118 Zhang. Dayuan 132. 160 Xin. Raping 117. ISO Zhang, Jiazao 161 Xu. Daoquan 54. 91. 109. 158. 161 Zhang. Jiming 48. 118. ISO Xu. Xiaoji 26 Zhang. Mau 158 Zhang. Shuyuan 54. 91. 109. 132. 158. 160. 161. Yanokura,M. 41 Zhang. Yanyan 48. 118 Yaroshcvskii. A. G. 71. 101 Zhang, Yotighe 77 Yashita. S. 16.41 Zhao. Yali 161 Yatsomirskii. К. B. 92 Zhanw. V. V. 62 Yavsh.ls.SG 35 Zhcng. Jiwen 31 Yi. Changbou. 109, 132. 160 Zhcng. N. J. 76 Yokoro. K. 160 Zhitotnirsky. A. N. 77 Yushkcvich. Yu. V. 22. 37 Zhou. Matilun 54. 91. 109. 132. ISO. 158. 160. Yu. Xian 31 161 Zhuikov, B. L. 109 Zacek. V. 22 Zicglcr. J. F. 77 Zacbariascn. W. H 76 Zilitis. V. A. 77 Zailseva. I. A. 66. 91 Zollwcg, R. J. 77

172 The issues of the KFKI preprint/report series are classified as follows:

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KFKI-1991-31/L P Pellionisz et al.: Development of an expert system for acoustic emission testing: "AE DATA EXPERT"

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ff \á:á f" ' Síi'. tót- ilh- ^ U -' Kiadja a Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézet Felelős kiadó: Gadó János Szakmai lektor: Kiss István ü ! ! f4í, Nyelvi lektor: Példányszám: 254 ы ' Készült a PROSPERITÁS Kft. nyomdaüzemében \«\ Budapest, 1992. február hó