TTHHEE NNOORRTTHH FFOORRKK OOFF BBEENNSS CCRREEEEKK COLDWATER CONSERVATIION PLAN February 2014 PREPARED BY THE SOMERSET CONSERVATIION DIISTRIICT 1 Acknowledgements This plan was funded and developed by a grant awarded to the Somerset Conservation District by the Cold Water Heritage Partnership, which is a multifaceted joint venture between the Pennsylvania State Council of Trout Unlimited, The Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds, The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. Author: Greg Shustrick, Somerset County Watershed Specialist GIS mapping: Amanda Deal Kind regards to the following contributors for their assistance with the plan development: o Mr. Richard Lorson, PFBC SW Region 8 Area Fisheries Manager o Mr. Michael Depew, PFBC Fisheries Biologist o Mr. Scott Alexander, PADEP Biologist o Mr. Len Lichvar, Somerset Conservation District Manager o Mr. Drew Walker, Somerset Conservation District Intern o Ms. Amanda Deal, Environmental Consultant o Ms. Samantha Kutskel, Coldwater Resource Specialist, PATU / CWP o Mr. James Shustrick, Public Volunteer o Mr. Chris Mahla, Public Volunteer o Mr. Travis Rudge, Public Volunteer o Mr. Andy Fresch, Public Volunteer o The Mountain Laurel Chapter of Trout Unlimited o The Greater Johnstown Water Authority o The Bens Creek Canoe Club SOMERSET CONSERVATION DISTRICT, 6024 GLADES PIKE, SOMERSET, PA 15501 , 814.445.4652 X 5
[email protected] *Digital copies of this plan can be downloaded on the District’s website