

WOMEN GIVE ARE AWAROED CAUHAI HANOVER NOSES OUT ATHLETIC EXHIBITION SENIOR HONORS MONDAY 5:00 P. M. Faiowahip Oub The annual athletic exhibition Miss Hulda Ferree and Miss TUESDAY of the women of the college was Jones were chosen by the faculty' 9:45 A. M. Pre»s Club in Chapel INDIANA CENTRAL last week as Valedictorian and given Thursd ly evening, April 15, 3:30 P. M. Y. W. Cabinet before a large and appreciative flaluditorian, respectfully, for the | audience. The following pn gram Senior Class of 1926 which will 4:00 P. M. Y. M. Cabinet HUCKSTERS WOR WICTORY II was presented; graduate this next June. These 4:30 P. M. Y. M. & Y. W.Cabineta 1 Freshmen — Floor work, honors are the highest distinction 7:00 P. M. PhiUI Union DEAN COULTER FIRST HOME MEET OF SEA- that may be attained by any stu ­ Dutch Dance. SOH—63T0 62 2 Irish Jig — Odessa Wniker, dent in the school, and it repre­ WEDNESDAY LEAVES PURDUE Margaret Darragh. sents a noteable achievement in 7KX) P. M. Y. W. C. A. Meeting 3 Peter Pan — Martha Jemi- scholarship. The award of these son, Marjorie McBroom. distinctions is based upon the THURSDAY MeKetid ui HetkeriigtM hr grades made during the Sophomore Recent word has been received 4 G.dly-Wi.g Dance — Sopho ­ 7:00 P. M. Y. M. C A. Meeting here of the resignation of Dean more t.irl-, Junior, and Senior years Miss Haimr, Meihikill hr Ferree has the honor of having 8:00 P. M. Choir Practice Stanley Coulter as dean of men at 5 Prince Charming (solo) - Purdue University. Particularly Visitort Scan HIgk Mary Royce. the highest grades of any Senior. She has an average grade for FRIDAY are Hanoverians interested in this 6 Sleeping Beauty —Joy Butts announcement, because Dean Coul ­ Angela Farrell, Maurine Jac­ three years of 2./22 Miss Jones 6:00 P. M. Phi Gamma Delta Dance was a close second for highest ter is a Hanover graduate, and of the closest meets seen obson one of our alumni who has achiev- (,„ Woods Field for several years, 7 Highland Fling Louisa honors with an average grade of SATURDAY 2 677 lor three years. ed great success and brought hon I Hanover nosed out Indiana Con ­ Plummer. 2:00 P. M. Track Meet With N. A. or and distinction to our college tral College last Saturday by a 8 The Shoemaker — Isabel O. U. at Hanover While a student here he was a 63-62 score. The Hilltoppers regis- Jacks n leader in his class, a splendid schol- tered nine firsts in amassing their 9 Sophomores - Floor Work, ar, and a strong worker for his mtal, but fell short on sreonds. Reap the Flax. PHI MU DANCE school. He was a member of the scoring only three and a tie for 10 Aladdin - Marjorie Mc­ Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Hanover the runnerup position in the high Broom, Martha Jemison. BETA THETA PI is justly proud of the fine record jump. 11 Polish Dance — Lois Mor­ The Pi Mu Spring Term dance, ANNUAL FUNCTION made by Dean Coulter, and we are McKeand and Hetherington, row, Elizabeth Post. was held last Saturday night, deeply interested in his future. both of Hanover, tied for most 12 .Mock Faculty Meeting April 17, in Bela hall. Th»- hal was Dean Coulter has carried out an points, each scoring fifteen. Each Sophomore Girls altraclively decorated. The large intention, announced two years a- man made three firsts, making a 13 Pandora - Margot Lambert- lights in the hall, the windows, At three o'clock Saturday after­ go of resigning from the faculty clean sweep of the events in son, Patitnce , Doris and the orchestra stand were noon, April 17; in Beta Hall ten of Purdue University and will «v- which they were entered. Mitchell, , Angela Farrell, draped with pink and white crepe pledges were initiated into Beta er his connection with the institu ­ of Hanover, who was entered in Juanita Steinmetz, Undine paper in a manner that added to Theta Pi at the annual initiation tion on July 1. Prof. Coulter has six events besides the relay, won LaFolli tte, Louise Leinenwe- the beauty and charm of the services. Those to be initiated at been a member of the faculty two first and three thirds for a ber, Edna Huelson, Evelyn whole affair. Because of the init­ that time were: Ray McCoy of thirty nine years and for the last total of thirteen paints. Davis. iation of the seven pledges on that Lafayette, Indiana; Everett Schni- seven has served as dean of men. Mendenhall was high point man 14 Sailors Hornpipe — Louisa afternoon proceeding the dance, Izius of Indianapolis; Norvin Veal In this post he has com ■ into inti­ for the visit! rs with fourteen as a Plummer. Rachel Randolph. the dance was an initiation dance. of Central City, Kentucky: Char­ mate contact with many of the result of one first and three sec Minerva Donnell. Music was furnished by Jack les N Lagel of Mitchell, Indiana; students and I as been an imTOr- onds. Aborgast was a close second 1.5 Ali Baba Ruth VanVIeet, Stollaid ’s Orchestra of Louisville, John C. Blackburn of Shelbyville, tant factor in the university thru with eleven points- Marj irie Eberhart, Hope Ran­ Kentucky, and it was a brand of Indiana; Paul J. Blackburn of the fine influence he exerted a- In the hundred yard dash, won kin, Ni l:ie Trexler. music that made the dance a real Shelhyville, Indiana: Raymond mong the young men. by Hetherington, Carlock, who 16 ‘A" Squad - Freshmen and success; Alumnae and out-of-town Park of , Indiana: Harold The dean is one of the state s finished second, was disqualified Sophomores guests at the affair were Misses Windmiller of Geneva. Indiana; leading educators and scholars for running out of his lane, as was 17 Old Time Favorites (Yankee Maiy Margaiet Johnson Mildred David B Tallman of Cincinnati, and is widely known throughout also a Ceniralite. This put Ihe Doodle, Polly Wolly Doodle, Humphrey, Gertrude Janiz, Esther Ohio; and Walter Elliot of Cincin ­ the United States. He is author of other visitor. Mendenhall, in sec- Cornin ’ Thru The Rye) — Darr, Hazel Doup, Leona Day, and nati, Ohio. numerous papers and books on lond place and left third vacant as Margaret Darragh, Rachel Mis trank tieher Following the initiation a de ­ scientific subjects, is past presi- i there were but four men entered. Randolph, Minerva Donnell, lightful banquet was given at the dent of the Indiana Academy of In the relay lace. run off after Bessie Cuishaw. Louisa Plum ­ Hillside Hotel in honor of the new Science, and has taken a promin ­ the scoring events of the meet mer, Alice Peterson. initiates. Dr. Ballard of the facul ­ ent part in its activities Dean were concluded. Hanover won 18 Hano'tr Taps — Physical NEW HOME FOR ty was toastmaster at the banquet, Coulter has been deeply interested i with ease. "The Mitchell to Fur- Education Department. uii Those to respon I were the dele- in the conservation of Indiana's nish to Carlock to Hetherington In a program so long and varied THETA KAPPA NU gates from the other f^r Beta natural resources, and this int r- combination worked with speed it is impossible to speak of the in­ chapters in this district: Dr. K. P. est was reflected in his present and precision and “rockeye' dividual numbers and performers. Miller of Franklin, Mr Frank position as chairman of the state brought the bamboo back a good Etch part wns well dune and 4i„ii<. gnniv) Fisher of Nabb, Dr. C. B Gutelius conservation commission. hundred feet ahead of his oppon- showeii that each participant had Dean Coulter has not announc- ent. made faithful preparation. The Nu is to ‘realize her dream of tht u^^i'e'i'^Ra^oLrPark'^nd ed his plans for the future, but Although figures are not avail- earnestness, capability and co-op ­ past few years when Ihe chapter Rm^^Pfaff of tWs^chaoter ^ doubtless he wishes to devote his able for meets prior to 1924, five erative spirit of Hanover students moves into a n. w house next fall. “’** <^hapter. Negotiations have been completed time to research work and writing local track records were broken in was again given fitting express­ an ambition which his arduous this meet. Two "ICY’ men and ion and it was an exhibition of for a lease of the Pender home on .duties as a member of the faculty three Hilltoppers were the perpet­ which any group of college wo ­ the drive to the college campus. The house is located across from II PUA IjFITS ! did not permit him to gratify. A1 rators. McKeand bettered his own men might well be proud. though no longer connected act­ mark for the mile run finishing in Miss Irene Portass who has the Phi Delt and Phi Gam houses, "*■* « ively with Purdue his interest in 4 minutes 53.8 seconds. In the and its arrangement is very suit- been in charge of the women s INITIATES the university will not diminish javelin throw. Mitchell eclipsed workwo.w ino, physical ....education...... for the. able for a fraternity's use The ra- and his counsel doubtless will still his mark of last year, hurling the past two years deserves great ere- Piu growth and progress of Iheta besought. With greater leisure ash 139 ft, 1 inch. Gant bettered Si n^ronly for t^ succ^^^^ Wpa No on the campus has veteran scientist should be able to any previous mark in the shot put exhibiiion, but for her efficient I made the new home a "fce^'y. F*hi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi give attention to those labors of with a distance of 37 feet 6 inches, and loval work throughout. She and ‘h; future sueps of the frat held initiation services for Hope love to which he has looked for- Noble in the high hurdles and has inspired her students and en­ ernity is assured by its achieve ­ Rankin f Brownstown and Doro- ward for years. Retirement thus listed their hearty co-operation, ments in the past two years. and her earnest work for the wo- ______. . - - . ^ ______—...... „ men of the college merits the rec-l the ideal scientist, uninterupted Summary: opiation it has won from loyal The elevator^to^ucc^ is not run-^injh^^^^ hall in honor of the jhe veteran ed 100 yard dash-Hethenngp H; flanoverians. ‘ ning-Take th< stairs! CONTINUKO ON PAOC 4 CONTINUSD ON PAOK 4 I Ten automobiles are stolen daily From Below m Paris, police report. &veral THE TRIANGLE gangs have been captured who Published Weekly by the Press Club made a business of stealing cats, COLLEBE SHOES The Cloudschanging them in their own gar­ of Hanover College age, and selling them. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor4n-Chief John C. Blackburn Miss Anna W. Williams, the U.S. RAHES WHITE HOUSE Copy Editor Ivan Bryngelson ■ Silver Dollar Girl.” died April 18th AS YOU WERE ALWAYS WELCOME Social Editor Betty Kibler at her home in Philadelphia. Miss News Editor William Luther Williams was sixty eight years old at the time of her death,and she AT Athletic Editor Harry G. Rankin had spent a lifetime teaching and Joke Editor George Pheasant Exchange Editor acting as principal of the girls WINTERWOLD BEAUTIFUL SPRIH6 RECKWEAR Paul J. Blackburn school at the House of Refuge. BUSINESS STAFF In 1876 her profile was judged to THE UTEST President Jack Williams Secretary be the most perfect of the time and YOU ARE HOW OOUBLY WELCOME Irma Banta chosen to be reproduced on the sil­ BUHERFLY BOWS BuaiiicM Manager Louis G. Buman Advertising Manager ver dollar of our American money. John B. Scott At the time of the judging she re­ AT THE HEW HAHOKERCHIEFS ARB TIES Distribution Manager George Bishop fused repeatedly to sit for an art­ TO MATCH Faculty Advisor ist, and then only did so with the Prof. A. H. Woodworth understanding that her identity would be concealed She was soon “A Bluer aU Bstter HMsm” discovered, however and her name ■vas revealed. With this came of ­ IRELANDS The Triangle is published every Friday. Subscription price: fers for theatrical engagements, DOUGLAS LocaL By mail, $1.25. •f CtirM which she icfused. She was will ing to work at the House of Ref- uge for sixty dollars a month. RESTAURANT Hanover may he a dead town. LUTHEB BUBBABK but it’s laid out nice! Roland Loche, of football fame, BROP IH AHD SEE US recentL tied the world ’s record Good books are great men at their for the hundred yard dash at a 'best. bank A semi-pubhc masoleum will be erected, and there Burbank will meet at the .Memorial Stadium at Uwerence, Kansas. Loche b at At the time of his death Bur. bank ias77 years old and was recognized as one of the world ’s great- Dellaniarc of Notre Dame by little cst scientists. ^ more than a yard with a time of USE PORCELLA Thus marks the end of the eventful and useful career of Luther 9.6 seconds. He was also a member of tbe record-breaking Nebraska Ti Cleaa the Bath Raoa Fixtiirei anil Preaerva tin ci«vt Burbank, who has passed on to a “hereafter in which he had no faith" an Saaia and has said that he could not "believe in a life after death ■. The sig’ relay team. At the same meet, Charles Hoff nificant characteristics of Mr Burbank ’s life wa'his ambition to better t m J. H. POHLMAN the condition of hi, fellow men. He made mor. than IMW separate of Norway, world ’s pole vault Madison experiments with plants, involving the planting observation noMema I i ^ i H ^is out- tion and propogation or destruction of^ miHion plams Sf d?!! vLt' ' f„?h "^ a X deemed a I fleets MOUNTJOY Dry Cleaner and Presser MABISOH, .hS'.7 w be neglected. An immense amount of criticism was showered uoon Anot.her item of interest to the 20 Yaara ii tha Dry CItaaiig BnlMaa IHBIAHA him because he expressed his ideas when they did not coincide whh world is the rise of a second ’Babe Down on West Street ,T° 0'''ticise a man of Burbank's ability wouldRuih ...... Phis liierson's etsuii s leaireal name is seem to indicate confidence on the par of the critics Though we do|.*^'^

MARKS & BENSON CO. For Spring Suits, Top Coats, and Sport Sweaters College Toggs Our Specialty r™ i In The College World Hanover Noses Ont —STOP AT— s Hertz’s Footwear g Indiana Centrai A professor in the University j fessors. It has been said that these ! Ftr Stylt-Fer QiiHty S of Chieaito/SI ______1has______published.» 4 .nMA 4 .* an arti­ signed statements have cost several ROGERS BBBBBBBaBBBaHBBB cle in the Asiro-Physical Journal instructors their position on the —CONTINUED FNOM /AGE I- which tells of his discovery of a faculty staff of the institution. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB new universe like our own. It has Mendenhall, I. no third. Time-10;3 ... _ . _ . M______- B a bright and dim stars and a nebulae 220 yard dash - Hetherithenngton, H : SttBettLMCbGMNttt Madison’s Modern in a heaven like ours. Observa­ For the first time in twenty Mendenhall, I; Carlock.ck. Time 24 tions were made from the Wilson years, a woman stndent has enroll­ flat. observatory. ed in the civil engineering course 440 yard dash - Hethgrington, H DRUG STORE at the University of Texas. Ahorgast, I McCormick. Time-54:4 \ J. C. HILL’S Half mile run McKeand, H; BflBBBflBflflBBBWnBBBflBBBBBa At Wittenbure ColleRe, Sprimt- Hiatt, I; Johnson,!, Time-2;14.2 One mile run McKeand, H; ■■■aBflBBBflBBBBBflBaaaWBBaaH Far Qraga and Dad’a Taxi tield Ohio, 73 per cent of the stu­ dents attend church reRularly, ac­ CLASSICAL CLUB Cox, I; George, I. Time-4:53.8 j HUNGRY? vtH itu ft i cording to a recent report. 'Two mile run—McKeand, U: Cox,I: Luther, H. Time 11:41 ; Atwi to— MEETS 120 yard high hurdles Noble, I; ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Janet Kioch, a student of But­ Aborgast, 1; Mitchell, H. Time 18.4 ler College. Indianapidis, has won 220 yard low hurdles -Ahorgast, [ MAC’S The Classical Club held its first BBBaBBaBaaBaBBBBBaaBaBB the $1,000 prize given by the I; E Bright, I; Furnish. H. Tii i R. C. WOOLEY ; American Chemical Society for monthly meeting of the Spring BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI her essay on “The Relation of Term, Wednesday, April 7, at the Relay race, won by Hanover I. ; Jewelery&Optician s Chemistry to Health and, Disease______'. "Y" hall. The meeting was inform- Shot put—Gant, H; Mendenhall, B Cdkgi Styta ■ Main St. Madiaan, lad. : College students all over the ally opened by the playing of two I: Mitchell, H. Distance 37 ft. 6 in. Btto & Nilriit* fBHaHBaaiBHBaBBiHBaaaBBBBir United States competed■ in this Italian selections on the grafonola. Javelin throw - MitcheT, H; at contest I The members of the Club read Furnish, H; Spieth, I. Distance- _H______j the thirteenth chapter of I Corin- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 139 ft. 1 inch B HARR’S i thians from the Latin Testament Pole vault—Mendenhall. I: Fur­ : GO TO PARDY’S [ The stadium of Syracuse Uni-1 The reading was followed by re­ nish. H; Witcomb, H.Heighth-10 ft : ||,|k«rry St laAMI Z ^ versity. New York, was modeled peating the Lord’s Prayer in La 3 inches IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbA I THE BEST EATS ■ I after the old Greek coliseum. tin. High jump—White, I; Pence, I; Professor Gold gave a most in­ Whitcomb, H, tied for second. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI teresting talk on “Conditions in Heighth- 5 ft. 3 inches I And Service In a recent debate on the ques-j the Near East". He gave an in­ Broad jump—E, Bright, I; Fur­ ■ THE LOHDE HAIIMARE CO. S B lion. “Resolved: That this house | (eresting account of the events nish, H: Mitchell, H. Distance-19 B deplores the present condition of which lead up to the expulsion of B ft, 3 inches ■ “Tht WtacNuttr Start" S S Down on Mulberry athletics in Eastern Collegesthe Turks from Greece and the S Harvard won by a vote of the, (;reeks from Turkey, and how the ■ Madltaa M. fi : MADISON, INDIANA ■ judges, while Wesleyan, on the King of t.reece lost his throne, REMEMBER THIS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a affirmative, got the larger vote of Special emphasis was placed on When Abraham Lincoln was a the audience the present condition of the youn^ man he ran for the legisla „ _ „ I Turks and Greeks, and the desti- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ture in Illinois and was nadly ■30T2 Wht—frtai Staay . ■ W n L- J tute condition of 100,000 Greek swamned. ■ ■ Muarice G. Red Robinson of refugees Wah.ash College, all western for-. Having received a request for He next entered business, failed, ■ Ptar UtMt lU liri -BE SORE ITS— B ward in basketball, a champion |j[,e renewal of the membership of and spent seventeen years of his ■; pole vaulter. a leader m tennis, in the Society life paying up the debts r.f a wot Sagng ■ and an honor student, wil' ri prc- {.-fiends of Greece, THE SALES STORE B sent Wabash I ol ege and the Mid- pr^jented the proposi- “”l5?:ari"n"ove with a beautiful ■ Ev.m«n M R.R* young women to whom he became ■ tt kt Allita “Wo Sell For Lott" S die West in the National oratorical (|,e members and an unan- ■ contest, to be held at Evanston, imous vote was cast for the Te­ engaged then she died a rn ; Illinois under the auspices ot the | „o^^al „f ||,e membership. This is Later he married a woman who - Modlton lidloni S Northwestern School of Speech.‘p American Col- was a constant burden to him. S. E. HAIGH’S ■ He won the right to this honor at j,ir helping refugees from Entering politics again, he ran HDSK SHOP. S Appleton, Wisconsin last week 1 • for Cengress and was badly de­ Turkey to become settled in IBBBBBaa■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ when he met and defeated the feated. Greece. He then tried to get an appoint­ ^ Cl earn of college orators from aaaaaaBHBBaaBaanHHBBHaBa ” IVV isconsin. Illinois. Missouri, and ment to the United States Land Office but failed. Kansas The subject of his oration B is, “The Eleventh Comm indmenf He became a candidate for the [ Allen A— U S. Senate and was badly de­ PRINTING land it deals practically and force- Dean Coulter Fill FitUtMN Silk CUffn i .fully with the problems of youth feated. today. This will be the fourth time Leaves Purdue In 1856 he became a candidate Hm. i that Wabash will have been rep. for the vice-presidency and was resented at the National Contest 1 again defeated. | ■ $1.69 [ in the past seven years. i CONTINUED FROM PAGE I In 1858 he was defeated by S Douglas. ■ a „ ucator will be succeeded by an- He was shot and killed in 1865. b . ___ , . , other Purdue man. Prof. M. L. And yet heU aa was...P.PT A.VAMERICA'SAME'Dir'A'C ■ F. E. Zepf Co. [ A fund of $100,0ai has been left pjsher of the school of agricul- to the University of t liicago fotj mre, who has occupied several GREA'TEST CITIZEN. DEMOCRAT use in cancer re: earch ipostsonthe faculty during the H j score of years that he has been ’ WYH0F”4"E“ERSraV'"': connccced with the university. todayd'^''tSrd%h\*^sai!irtsgM' ______i a PRINTING Tiiblcsare rtverrerl once a year, ed she was dancing with you. Guaraatted Skst Rtpalriig S at Antioch college, a co-educational' ---- "------Jonesie: She did? institution at Yellow Springs, Ohio. I It is vain to* be always looking Cockeye: Yes, and she woke to COMPANY when students are permitted to tell toward the future and never act. find one of the girls hitting her on 326 Milktrry $L Madiaai [ iheir candid opinions of their pro- jpg toward it—J. F, Boyes the foot with hammer.

MEET DAD COPPLE atthe sameold AT INGLIS place in Madison—Just around the corner DRUG STORE BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

BLACKARD & KNOEBEL The Dry Cleaners LOUIE BUKEN, Hanover Agent
