

t)l- TlfE



FOR THE YEAR 1877-8.



110 \ ·. fOHX R. HCCI!TF:£ .

• nn I nl' nI rTlnlla:lrlrF^ LJLJ/tl(tJHl lllHlllll, trl Itlu[)Il]1lrlllHll\lfr fr \

IL,.!. ,lt )H\ l{. IltlCH'l'E1.. .\txo"-.



lIERI)INAND CHER. ,\ x rr,rs.


JuDcr NEIVE'I-L D. TIBBALS, ,\xto:v.

J,,\MDS L. Bl RK].)Y, NFlw^RK. lHl] ll' \lrEll,A^r[), M1. (;lr-D,\r).

I'lEr. J. S. C/\N'f\fllLl,, l). I)., CrNcr\NA'r'r. RE\.. l.). 1,. Rl,]X]ORl), lt. D., SrN Fn,rt.,..,,, (.r,..

Rril..,\NI)RE\\' \\'ILLSON, Ra\.E\,\...\. ltrr. H. L. C-\NFl I.)l.l), \r)R\\.\r.K.

-JON.\S T. PIlil{CI,), SllARpsvrr.r.r. }'\.

El)1\l\ P. CRltEN, Esr.2., !\rr

Col. (iEOl{Gli 1'. PERKINS, --\rxrrr.

JOY H. I'l.lNI)LE'l O\, Axrox. J.\l{I)S '1 . Tl{( )\V IJRII )GE, Arirror. GrN. r\LVIN C. VORIS, Esq.,.\xRos. OFFICERS Ot, II{E t]OARt]

IION. IOIIN l(. BLI(lH'l lil, .\xtttr. I,RLSll)l:N l-. -giai ts R EV. ANDREN wlmFi, Revur,rr.r.

jr.cREt ARr rl n I r-r, r rlCrdlS${i{CIAL SECRFT \k\ &g''




Hor. -l()lJ\. R. ItL-CI{Tltl.. li. l'. (iRliE\. E.t:.

JOY H. PENDLI.;TON. J. l. 'f R()1\'liRIIX;E.

Rr:v.,,\NDl{E\\' \\'II-LSO}-'. FA CU LTY.

Iiri\'. S. H. M'(OLl,.lrsIF-,R,'COl,l,i1S'l l.l R, D. l).,l )., "j*. ?:1,i" _\tEss t:N ,ltr8N]AL ,\\D MORAt. PHll.r)i()I rr!.

E. FRAUNFEL'I'ER, .\. ]1.,


CH.\RLES M. KNIGII'I', .\. I'}.,

clll,oE l]lt.rRcL pRoftissol{ oF NAt.utaAL scl E\(:D.

t. B. cHOA1'8, ,\. 11.,


(;. H. c. llc(;1{E\\', .\. trL.

Il I 1, 1!N l,ROIr[SS()ll Or llODLl(r- t..\N(]Il,\(iES

ILIZAI'Ealr lit_clr ftt_ pRoIrt.tssL,ri ot. RrIET()t{IC .\NI) t:NGt,tstl T,I t.DIIA fli R f)

',ltndotrctl ly trIrr. t, A Mcssenscr, iD n,enx,ry ol t,.r hnd)an.t, I.lcr. cD*(jr llE\.'i\c.,r s.. .l l.lNNII,l (;ll'l'()l{l). ll.

I'Fi)t.tl\sr)li l\ \r )li \l \1, 'fl'\lll\lF\I

'| t t()R lN



(iTiS'I'.\\iLIS SIGEI,,


\{rs. S. l'. CHOA'I E'

tl(\'\llF\1Ar Ht Ll:\LtlI:R ',1 lilrA\L

ASSISTIN'I 'I'I]ACII I]R S j. .xl.\RY t] -IE\\'E',l l , I S. |,l'/7lL \\. S1.-\l)E. '\. N.




\,!MD. @oRsFi. .1, { (r. iUirv sI it,r),ln, Inez Lyr&, E.

Sl,r(1,, Lizrii t-ftline, A. l':.


l]rird, 1t.r'lx'r'r \\', 1ls, l ,u t.rr, I,\rnk \orrlr, (lhisrcll, ('1rt r Vit totia, 1,,).ylc, I)lt.!t,trr -\r{rrr1ill|,.

\Vhitlrotc. \\'illiarrr 11cnr1,

.ItiN toli ( 1,,\s-q. I!t'rtts, 0ri (lhrrlcs, Joles, \Villianr IIirll, Ii, ll.r, IIeruro,r .\ ltfr(i,

I'lrasant", \\'il li,rrrr llall, li x,t, It . Iiiiilscr, IL,e i,

S1( irrrs, ,\r1huf .\tlflLcft,

soPl{( )\t )l i Ii (il,-\ss. (;ulhri(', -\ngllSlrs, li,'n, Fnnk \\i l,stlr, li,,lrI nn,.\s,rrs, l,ir(htielll, -\,rni,, llrrk. unm Lilirn, \.\u r'), It'Cr-rlle:tlr'. Srrlliv,ttt Il. )liller'. l'],rrrl Iirr.rtrrottrl. li,rnrtl, l,rrth r litlstr, 'lirrrrlills!|). ltriu!. (]li,rt,,rr. 'li,rdlinr(,t1, \'irxtnt lirt(t). \\'hi1lr!,rr, t i(,,rge Thonix'. \\'r'iglrt, ( lrrrles B*ker' Atraon. ,iii Keat. Y,,rrng. I3lrrrrcIc, 1'

Irll l::'HMAli -\,r,rrrl'. |. r:r1,1, \lrrr. a.

Intrr. l'\'rnklirr.

I!rrcklirr. Llg,rr I I irr rrr. r. .t/. l"oltz. Iilrrt. II(t Ii|k. t )rkLr ( rtttt,,tt. .lcwcrr. l-ill;t.. Lrlghcx(1. \lxrl.

Srrrnrrd, \\'illiarr, I Ir Irr.v, Sir.ltr r, lieofsc \\'thittgtort.

Sn)ftrs, Iir,,r,,, I(l! 11i,, 'l'horrr ( 1,s<,,r, Jr,lru allttr'll, \\-lreelrr, l rluk I Iettr.v, \\jik(nl, Ij.tclle l.,,rr.

\\'ilk,rr, I I, 'rrr i,, li,rrr'. \lrrrllrrrtr, llr ir'. Y0rrrrg,.( arrit' All[rt it,


i /,lzcir.!ei CoJiegc.


coljllsE. ITFJJIDDN(]IJ. Alling, Orville C1.rrs, I'L. -,\.mes, Daniel Henrt, PB. AiMimdi. Ameu, EmnroJ l{. Belyc. Ames, Mary, N. Be\Dc. Ashbrook, Ella, t{. Baird, H. lI., Ptc :Ikmt. Bangs, Ella J., PB. Richliekl. Ilangs, Leslie Durcrrron, PB. Ridiiettt.

Ilelford, Dora, PR. L:o.l1lxftll .

Isender, Je,rll!r, N.

BonneL Alrna D., Br:sels. BotzumJ Ci€orge ,\., Itriggs, Jerome .I.,

Briggs, Maitic, L" Bronson, H. M., \, Brown, Luc, Ptt. G''een l\dt,:y. Beckinghanr, Louis Il., LiianrJlle.

Bumett, Rrlph P., E. Ilnrton, ndnrund, l]n.

Crrdrvalladcr, Sallic, N. W sres,lilL-, 0,ttter, Idell:r, N. XlutdJicld. Cart€r, Lulr, N. I[anlliekl.

Chamberlain, (lhrrlcs S., PR. Bay Cir!, lliclL Chapnan, John L., PI{.

ChapDran, NeIIie lt., PR. Chcsnrwl, Elias L., PR. jloh nn.

Christy, Charlcr, 1&i.oute, Pa. A::c):!c! CciJegc.


Corrrerse, Jamcs L., Phin City.

Cook, -srtsie, I. Earlzn, Cook, Sarah, Earlzn. Cook, -\lio:, Eatlen. I)iilc,'\lexarder II.t IR. Tinnasla, P&. Dcor.rn., Enttic' PE. Neu: Way 'Wo,-ren. PB. Itr:rnsr \Yil1ianr R,., P& ThnnRsttan. Ilrvrrt, Arltr, rt N. Svrinsfekl FoLrsc, Edl-in 1'., N. Abon. liro.t, Lida, PB. Abon. Grfke:', Clan', P8- Gauglcr, Henrl PB. ' Gilletl, \\'illirnr \1 PR. Altran, ' Grrhlrmr Cicorge lI., f&. Cuwhoga 1,'al1s, Grc,D, Ezrr L.' ALron. (;rccnr C+ershonr S.' ,17Jon. Crjer, Ci.lton r\.r PR, Ba]/ CiE, Mith. Ihnrilion, Yicior II., E. Edst Iiiberqt. Ihnkel', Jecoh, I'Ir. 1l:ron. ILrDrl, \Y. .q., tft. ,4Lron. IIardL IIarrJ It, li. Ilntt, Orsinc N.' N. Cultdhoga I'h,U.\, IIi{ry', Ellt, Jeftsontillr. Joht}.tor, J. -\., Cxgahol,L ltulls. licllt', nd$rrd S., T. Canthrirlsehoro, Pa. Iiing, \\iillirm ll., n. Ratmnd, Iilinc, C. \1'., Inlnad. Knon'lton, n. J.' N. A(bi/n. Iir'rt, Krte, PR. Lodi. Lrrrv, Jelnic, Willoushby. R.,.;.:e: Ca:a'gr. ,-

Lcc, iar:rc. Levi, Lrpper, John II.,

Limbcrt, ()llic I t., PR. .l Iin. ItlcLrrurah)in, ilinnic, li' Ilirrri/l'. trIcLaugl,lin, lrr Wihon, IIankoll,,llice, N. Ithrtin, ]I:rtiida AuSurtq PB. tllt'a. trfR-,u, ( )lilrr J., 1-*F N. Luun. Irlechum, Sadie, N. trIershon, Lozc:r II., I'Iotz, \f ilii:rrD, PB. Ahrn.

Ncla|:,, Charles, E. Nevillc, Katic, N. Xevil,e, ilaggic, }rildee, incz, I- l'cncc, S. trI., tli. Iirevlillr. I'erfcct, tr{ary Ii., Grctn, Plcasrnts, Charles, I'tttty, h,1. RrLndail, Jc'scpl D., Gtuutt, t\. Ilese, John, l,la, RrnninJ.ier, Chrllt,r lll\\',trd' -l|:nrt. liichards,)n, Il \\r ', Cl,:rcluul. ll,ochc, trlici'ricl J., :,r. ,lt;t,,,n. Scott, Janrcs \Y., ,l Itn, S[iprnan, Carroil L., Pli. SiDnnrN, Julius OYid, N. Skeets, F. Il., PL, Suridr, G. lI., PR. Smith, C. lI., N, :ll:t nt. Smith, llcrtou A., Inry City, )Iidt. Spiccr, lil rett, TR. 4::.-i:., C,.,1rg,


Spicer, King, PR. )lh otL . Stevens, Georgc, I,R. Stilhvell, liettie,

Thomuq, JosepL, Ishpa inq. Thonpson, Srnruel L., Garn. Ticknor, Charles S., Carnea ti|z, nL 'l,vler, Gcorgc, Sptunsbury, Pa. Vaughan, William, Abon. Viall, N:rnnie, E. Al;rcn.

\:icrs, Laur:r Ellen, N. \Vngoncr, Oarrie, PB. Akrm. \fcston, )Ianrie, N. IIiMlcbwll. \l'eston, Maggie trL, N. 'Wilcox, DeWitt, D. \Villcs,.Iames Irrazier,

Wills, B.rt, PR. lVornr:rld,'lYilliam Ellis,n, Aonnea h;tlc, Pa. Wright, Minnic, Abon.


REsu,r:NT ( )r,rDu,r'r'rs, '3 SE:-rotts, -6

u ]- IoRS, -J 6

5()1,II( )\toRus, - 13 FRDsIrrrD--. , - -19 Ac,\DEIllC,\t.S, - ro7 ToTAI,, ' r54 0\rER 0F PpclTATr0NS



9 Int. Philos. Ohernistrl. Geometr)-. .

IO (icman. r\lal. Gconr. Chemistry. Rlleto c. z 4 II I'hysics. lGerman. Cireek. Algebra. - I 3 I Irench and lGeology. (;rcek. Mcchanics. I 3 Logic & I)es.lFtench. J,atin. Htstory. (;com.

9 Pol.liconomy. (ireek and Cal Phvsrr;s- cullls,

ro Phlsics. Gerlran. (lreek. -\igebra. F rrGcrn'tll. Chemistly. Trigonornetrv.(irceli. z

U 2 ,{stronomy, lfrench. EDg. Literaturc i l-atin. 3 Fren.\ & Cir. Rhetor.,. Lrrir. Hi,tor1. F,ngirecring.

I 9 Morai Science (ierman. Grcek. (;cometry.

ro Gernran. Mcchanics. Zoology. rll-atin. rr Astroromy. !'rench. Latin- 'Physiology. :+ 3 I A 2 Frcrlch & Civ..lJoL1ny. ,Eng.Literature Greek. { Engineering. I *.,f i 3 Cir ilizarion. Anal. Chcmis. Surveyirrg. try &Crrek. . l c0IJ{sES OF STUIY.



G/c/,4. Ir'Icnorabilia. Lali n. -Xenophon'sProsc Compositic.rn. Malh e/-Llvy, dtir s --Algebra, Olncy's. Zluila4,. *Ro611 11i.1ott. r?,/a/azi, a \\'eek. Thenes arul-T\t'ice Dtcltnatiols. SECOND TER M. Grrr,4. Oclyssel'. Zalin.-Lit1,,-Homcr's I'rosc Composition. lni /tt: rrtticr.-.\lgebra, Olney's aomplcted. lrirrl. History. TJttnrs attd-Grcck Dthnnotians. TH IRD TER M. Clal.- lhedu ',f Pleto. I'rose Conrfosiriun. Latlt-'s , IIetres, and Prose Corirposirion. ,ll[a t/' tltdtit s. eometrt,. Natu n I St it tu-C z. Thencs attd Dtlonalions.-Physicilogy.

SO PHO \{ o RE CL,\SS.

Gzrrl.-f)emosthenes, Prose Conltosition. La/it/.. J.e's ancl Epistlcs. Md /h oml-}Iot i a. c orDetr)' completed. T/ume s atd Dttltutttthotts.-C SECONO TER M. Gzr*.-Eudpidcs. Ldti tt. -1ac\t1)s' Germania and Agricola. Malfunatits.-l'lane and Spherical l'rigonometr)'. E,tglilt Lixta/urt.- l\i, r o \\(eL. Tiunts and l)eclanaliotts. THIRO TER I\iI. Gzzal.-Sophocles. Lqlin.-Ci, cro tl. Ora torr. l');!;,;:;I ! :i,,1"$lr f ;,f .Fn;h\h literalure. -Trvi, c r rvcel, 7h e mz s and D e c / a nat i o ra^. Etcittt:i L'oiiege.

JUNIO R CI,ASS. FIRST TER M f Gernun.-Grammar, Erercises, Reader, or \ Frenth--Gramnal, E\ercises, Reader. ,I[d/ h? 11 dti. s. Anal]'tical Geometry. 1y.rtulal Sie- .-Chemistry, rvith Laboratory Practice; Geol- cgy' thetus and Oratons. SECO ND TE R I\4. I Germat-()rammar, Exercises, Reader, or \ J;nlth.-()tammar, Exercises, Reader. Rltelorit. Aattural Stience. lllorv-pipc Analysis; X{ineralogy. -Chemistry; \ tVa/hzmtlics.-Differential and Integral Calcultrs, or I Grrzlz.-Aeschylus. Tlonts axd Orations. THIRO TER M I Genu . ()oethe's Prosa, l'rose Composition, or i Fzrzrlr. \ouvelles Genevoises, Prose Conposition, Nal ural St it act. ,llathena/i:s. Nlechanics.-Botany. J Naturol Srintr. Qualitative Chcmical Analysis, or I Gzzr,4.-. 'l lunts and Orahittts. SENIOR CI,,{SS.

Inttlldual f '/ti los oy' h1. Logit . ev



11rilrry. Generd History. I"tlit-CestLr, Grammar, and Prose Compositiol. llIafi utwtis.- \lgebra, Olney's. R/t t td'it. w ice a w eek. T/tt//tts and-T Dca/1rrt(r/io/1s- SECON O TER M, 11rslor1'. History. La/itt. -(iencralCicero, Gramruar, and Prose Composition. 1va//k'rt1ti.s. ilgcbr:r, Olncy's completed. 7'/t r'tttts and /)tr/tr tttdlia ns. THIRO TER M. Na tu ra | .St i ntc. Physiology- Lolit. Oicero,- (itammar, and Prosc Composition. llLtthtrttttur. (;cometr)'. 'I fttttcs ttttd Dtc/unattlon s -


Ah n to /,Sc it t t rt. (irammar,-Chenistry, Lo/in. -\'irg1l, I'rosody, and 1\'Iythology. .].[rt1/n tntlic s.-( ) torr]e lrt completed. 'l'/n t n's a n d D r lo rt t tt/ tb n s. SECON O TERM. ,Nh/t rol Stitnct. Lt\ysrcs. Ialh.-\J irgrl, l'rosody, :l'rd Ancient Oeography. lUld/htn/r/itJ. Pllre and Sl)hcri(ial 1'rii{onometry. .|in.g|lt/t Li/cro/tr,.-'fn ice a rveek.

Th ttttr's dr t J Dttlt r uttio tt s. THIRO TER M. Nal ural Sc iut t r- rztitt -7ttology. rnrii-\iwil t,^".1 Surve'inlp-^ 'tr,'ti)E .Slih I;let'atur..-'l rvice a week. Thenes and Drclatuatians. ,r- a T,c I

Ru'.hici Coiicgt. 17

JUNIOR CI,ASS. . FI RST TER M (;col Nahtral Sdenze.-Cherristry, rvith Laboratory l)rnctii c; ogY. ( Gentii.-Gramntar, Erert:ises, Rcaclcr, or I'rench. lixercises, Rcader. f- Mathotuttics.-Gramnar, Aialytical Geometry. nurus and Oralio/ts.- SECONO TEF M. ,tYutuntl Scitnce.-Che nistry ; Blorv pilrc A nall'sis I ltinelrLlogl ( Grttrrut. (itammar, Exercises, Rcacler, or \ Iirmch --Grammar, Exercises, Readcr. R/'toric. ,l[athertotics, and Integral Ctlt:uhrs Tfunts oad Oralivts.-Differential THIRD TE8IV' ' ,Ntural Stiltct.-Qualitative Oheniical,\n:rlysis; Botirn), Gray's. ( Gtntdrt.-Ooethe's Prosa, Prosc Conrlxrsitiotl, or Nouvelles (ienevcrises, }rose (ionrlrosition- ]' J,rentt. tVathenalics. -r'lcchanics. T/tntes and Oralhns. bENItJR(I-\SS.

Natuttrl,\ticntt. l'hysics, .\tkrnsil's Ganot. ( Gtrnuut. schrller's Jungfrau r'on Orlealrs, I\lse ColIlrosi- | [oll. or \ Frttcl,-\lolterc's J,c l'Iisirntllroi)e, f'rosc (iourpo"ition.'rr I Malht'tt,rl r.-HiA hrr Nlur lrrnir,r. | ,'jt.-Jtvun's, or \ Mat/tnuali s.-D< {r-riL,li\ ( (; eolrl( lrJ. IrtI Irt/ml I'/tilttsa2h1'. Ihenc-r and Onlions. SECOttD TER M. A atuntl & it tttt.-Physics,,\tkillson's GaD()t. (' Gt nnut.-Lessing's Nathan der \\:eisc, I'rose (lomlx)srtlorr, (n' ] -1')"1.r.-Racine's Androuraqrrc, Prose Ciorlrpositton, t-tr' ( Matlntutics. Civil lirgineer.ing. ?olitital Eronoltl. Mdthe rtali. s. A stt olloruY. ?ltencs and Oralitns.- TH IRD TERM' Stiena of Cti'ilizattolt. :i, ,lfaral ,\tientt. Mdtltc, t d.tia t. l'str onomy, ( Gcnnar. (;octhe's- Ilust, Prosc Conlposition, or ), Fnnrh.-Crtl,eillc's Le l'lenteur, Plose L]oD)lx)sitiolr, ol ( Math atis.-Ci"-il Engircering. r,:i iJ, ;,: c i tu i C o,,l c :1. t:.


FIRST TER M, )qilri4r. -(;eneral History, Ialit. Ca:sa, (irarnmar, and prose Cornposition. .lfalhettdits. ,rr, ()[ncr 's. A/1an)/r1.- | tu(-Altrl c a wuLk. Iiss,tl'-i 6p7 l.ital Culve. SECOND TER M, /1u:1pry'. H istory. /.,.r -Cenerll( tt.n.,t. i 1 1s. in r r rrn.ri. jrDd l)ros( CoDrpositjun- ,\,t I t t r.t/ .Vtr tt, €. \.sr\:s. lttsttts (1)td l.ota/-Plt Culhtrt. THIRD TER M, -\atrrtl ,\ri tttt.-ph t sioloel.. /,,ti,,t. I ierc..(n nrmlr.'il.l I'ru.c (i,lll,u.itir,n. -, t.t14, t 11' ttl a \, t:lr),. l,,tso1's dttd l.acal-(JrtJfi Cuhurr,


( FI R ST TER M, G,Lutau.-\',r.trttt):tr. Eri(ri i\(.s. Rt.:,1-1, 61 1 / r,u,/r. -r',r,rnrnr,r-, l.rer, i:, s, RrrrJrr. /,ahn.,\ ltgr), (iratnmar, prosocly, ald ]Iythology. Na/u rol St i, no.-Chcnlstry. ,l [ih rtu |I i.s. iconct\-. Jiss,t-ls tttd ll'tal-( C turc.

SE CO ND TER M. | (', rahr .- {;r.lr.li.r. Lr, r, i,, .. }<,.r,L.r, or I /,ra./,. -l;t': rDtn rr, F,rrr, is.r. Re.rJtr. Iatit,t., \ iryil. Pro.otl1..,rrrrl Ar,, ;,.r,r ( ;(.,,Br,,l,lry. /:'t,h'/t Litrt,rttrt..'lrri,c r rr,rk ( Arotu rttl,\tient. or l -tt,/r/lt zhtItiJ.- | -Chenistrv.ngononlctry. Jissa|-r atd httal Cu/./t|t. THIRD TER IVI. ( Gtnnu.-()octltc's Prosl. prose Conrpositiol, 'r .orrrpu.ition.or 1 ,/-rar,4.-Norrr, ll { ( i-rrtvui{(.r. l,rosr r,ar/ . \ tfg t. /)tt;.t.,lt- /.i|r',t/urr.-'l l i, c r rvet.l ,\-atuntl,\tinat. llotany, Gray,s. ./issa,rs atd llral Cul/toi. r , ..,,!j. .

FIRST TEN M. ( Gotnan.-S<:hiller's -lulqfrau I on Orlclrns, t'rosc Coruprrsi- 1 uon, or I Frttth. Moiere's Lc ]Iisi:urthrofe, l'rosc Conlxrsition. Ilt lt llr h& / /'I ilos ol /t!. \ .Mthtrul ,Sritttct.-Ge ology, or {la.g7.-Jevon's. Etsa,r's and Vocal Culturc. SECOND TER M. ! G,'raot- Lcssing's Nathan rler\\:ieie, I)rose Conrposition, or '( Fn n th, Andtoma,lte, Prose (lornpositi


In cach course, after the year 1878-?9, FRESuI1A\ lL\T ItE rre'ucs rvill sta\(f i lii/sl .zil,//r-(; L() \r ETRY i Sccond l[i:ntt-(]r.futt- r:rnv Tltird ?trtn-Atr:t.rF.\ Correr.nll; and, after the )'car r87g-8o, TRr(r(iNo\{ErRy and SuR\'[y1Nc rvill occul-ry the whole Soluorronp Ya,rr. COLLE|.E DEPATT]!,IENT

REQLTtSI',l'ES r,OR At)MISStON. (;rnclirlatcs lor admi;sioD to the lireshman Class of the Class- it:al (irLrrse, mLrst sustaiD a satisfectory examination in the following stLl(hcs: (;REEK. lflrree books of Xcnophon's ,{nabasis; tirree books of Ho, lllar's Ilirlal: Clreek Grllrrnar and . I,ATIN. 'l hrce brxrks of Cl.xsar's Commentariesl six lrooks of 's .lltreicl: Iile ()r:rtions of Cicero; Latin (iramurar llld I'rosody; Ilrrkncss' Irosc Conrlrosition, Parts I and ll. FilLrilalcnts in J-atin and (lreek rvill be acccpted. ],tA'1'HT]MA1'ICS. r\rithnreticl -\lgel)rr, to l.),luatkrls of the Seconcl I)egrce. -\ftrr the ycar rfj78-9, Olncl's l-rniversity Algclrra to Part I1I, or iln cquivalcnt. rvill bc rcrluiretl. E\(;I,IS}I. ]jrglish (iromt'D:rr: Outlincs of (;cneral Ilistory; Mo(lcrn lnd :\n( ieDt (ieographr. C'rndiclatcs lbr arlntission to the FrcshmaD Class, erc offercd, ls a nlrrtter of ccrnvenicnce t() lhen, x partial eramination one |eirr l)rcrious to l]latri.ulatior. At this eramination tlie candi- (latcs nrrst bc prcparecl in the n'hoLe of the follos'ing sultjccts: )couralrhl: (ieneral Z)rgiM. -( Gremnar; Outlines of Histor1,. Czr,/..-\cltophou s ,\nalnsis, one book; (;rarnmarJ exccpt I)rosocl1. Lali .-('.\)rtr. thlee bookst Ciccro, fir'e Oratious; Gram- lr1r. e\' (l,t l'rosntl). lfot/nttuttitt. i\ithmetic; r\lgebra, Olney's Elementary, or :Ln equivalcnt. .Br.chteJ Coilegc.

In this examination, no conclitions nill be irnposed. but a fail, ure in any study tvill slllject the student to a re-cx:rminatioo in the department to rvhich thc study belougs.

Exarnination on the rcmaining rerluisitions, as prescribed abovc, rvill take placc thc follorving year. .. _If candidates prcfcr, thcy can bc exanrined, as hcrctofore, in all the stLrdies llt oncc. Candidatcs for admission to the l.reshtnan Class of tirc Scicn_ ti6c or Literary Cotuse, will bc exarninecl in the follorving stLrclies: English_Grarnmar; Geography; phr-sical (leograph1.,; .\iithnetic; Rook-Keeping; Algcbra, to euaclratics; Loti,, ir"n,^". Readcr, and half of the first book of Cesar. "rri Candidates for advanccd stan

IIoR (]L.\SSI(] AI, COL] RS I'].

I.'IRS'I'YEAR. Fi/'r/ Timt: l,atir (lrammar and Rcader; Arithrnetic; Iinglish Granrmar; Reacling and Spelling; I{hetorical Exercises' S,totul 'f,'rnt : Latin Gratnmar and Readcr; '\rithmetic ; llnglish Grammar; Reading and Spelling; Rhetorical E\ercrses' Tfird ?'ertt : Latin (;rammar, Cesar I Arithtnetic; Anll)' sis antl Parsing; Cieography; Rhetorical llrcrcises'

SECOND YE-\R. nlst nrn: Latin (]rammar and I'rosc Composition, Cesar; Greek Grcrnmar ald Lessons; General Historl; Rhetor- ical Exerciscs. Setortl Ttna: Latin Crarnmar and Prose Composition, Cicero; Greek Grammar and Lessons; General History; Rhetor ical Exercises. Tltird 1i'rm: Latiu Grammar and Prosc Composition, Cicero; Greek Granmar, Anabasis; Algebra I Rhetorical Exer- ctses, ,IHIRI) YEAR.

.F'irst Ttrnt: l-atin Grarnlnar, 1:irgil Latin Prosody at'td I{ythology; (}reek (}rammar, Anabasis; Algebra; Declamations aLnd ComPosltlons. Sctond Ttrn: Yirgil, Latin Prosody altd -t\ncient Geogra- phy; G'reek Gtalnlnar, 's Iliad, Greek Prosody and My- thology; Algebra ; Declamations and Compositions' Tlinl Term : Vigil, Roman Antiquities; Homer's Iliad, Greek Antiquities; Algebra; Declamations and Compositions' STUI]TES PREPAR/T0RY


r I RS'f YEAI{.

fi-sl Totn: Arithmetic; English (irurmar; l{e:rding and S1'rllirrrl: Ilt, LrI'rati.rrrs arr,l Corrrl,osirions. .Srtord '[)tLtt: ,{rithnetic; Erglish (iranrnar I Rcarling and S1'-llirrg: ltr" Lrrnrriorr. :rrrl t i 'rrr I'osirion.. Tlti't/ Ttrn: .\rithrrctic I Algeltra; .r\nalysis and Parsing; I )eclarnations and Comlxrsitions.

sEcoNI ) Yt)-{ R.

,Ft/!t ?irrt: Book-keeping; r\lgebra: Latin (iramrnar and Rr,r,lrr: Itr, lrrrrrlriorr. :rrr,l ( ulllrrsllons. (irill'tlr1rilr Srttnd T trlt : .\lgellrl : Lltir. rncl R"od". ; ,h"og-' raph) : l)c(lirnrrtions rn(1 Clornl)osihons. 7/tir,l Tbttt: r\lselrrr; Lrtin (lranrnrar, Cesar; Physical (;(ogr.rl,lr] t, ( : I , l: rrr rti,,r. .rrr,l ',rrrl,o.iti,'rrs.

N( ) l{Nl r\ l, (ouR.sE.

Thc stuclies pursued ir thc Norrnal Course, are those pre- scribetl by thc la\rs of tho Stlte, which flrc rc(lrired, or permittcd to l)e tdught in the PLrblio Sr:hools. Strrrlents in tllis I)epartment nlay also ele(rt, each session) rvith college classes, any one study Nhich they are found qualified to pursue. 21 O*cklei Coliege.


NAME AND ORIGIN. This Institution wrs niu'ncd Buchtel Collcge in honor of its founder, Hon. John R. IJuchtcl, \\ho has coDsecrated his life and wcalth to its suplxrrl and rvelfare. l'he corler-stone rvas lrrid July 4th, r87r. The College rvas opened frrr thc recel)tion of studcnts on'fyednesday, September r rth, r872. ],OC.\'LION. Its location is clesiralrle ancl fortr.rnaLe. The city of ]|kron is beautifully situeted in thc midst of hills and valle1,s, having direct conmunication b1'railroad antl tclegrllrh Nith thc principal cities and towns of the state irnd country. It is highly favored lvith :ut agrecable ancl healthful. r:linrate. Its citizens are intelligcDt and cntcrprisiDg, hospitable, and dceply irtcrested in the eciLrcariolll lld moral culture of the young. Thel havc alreadv provecl lry their acdve jnterest aDd generosit' thlt the) \\iLl do their utl))ost to sustriD aDd foster BLr, htvl Collc;r. RUILDIN(} ,\NI ) (;ROU\DS. 'l'he College Building is trvo hundred and forty feet long, fifty four fcct \ride, aDd fivc stories high. Its stlle of architecture combirres thc I)oric, (iothic, cnd \ornan. It is a grand stmcture, of syntDetrical aDd harnlot)ioLrs l)rol)ortions. Its lecture, rcading, and studelrts' roorns, its diDing hall, cabilct, library, and labo- ratory, are light, iiry, aDd aiul)lcr frunished rvith the nodcrn and most inproved (onveDicuccs. The building is rvarnretl l)y steolr, lighted by gas,:rnd supplied with good wdter. 'I'he site of thc Collcge is high, rLffording onc of thc most ex_ tensive and deJightful prospects in Ohio. 'l'he grounds arc sl)ilcious, being orlamentcd rvith walks, trees, and drives. /,,i;:,-,t:;a, i ,., i ,1,'. i-t


It is the pLrrposc of the 'l'rustees alrd friends to ll1ake it il l7i-st'C/ass Cil1z.gz, offering to students of Loth scxes cclual ol4ror- tttrrities for I l/to|"ug/r Nn(L ,7r./-?r/ c(lLlcirtion. They rvel< ornc the fict as auspir:ious, that thc leading trrllegcs in orrr land xre eldeavoring to raisc thc stilndar(l of liberal lclrl ing. It is the ain of llLrt:htcl (iollege to be faithful in this noble rvork of promoting sound scholarship ancl rellned culturc-to be come. in.leed, an Institution of Art and Lcttcrs, \,hcre the hjghcst ttl)e ol urental instru<:tion and mor:rl tlaitring \rill Irc iurplrtcd. l\'ith this purpose in view, the (:urriculLrIrr of stuclies adoptcrl, enll)races:

Ft)-sl: A t:omplete (llossical Course of forrr. yeers, er;rrll t() that of tlle lrcst Institutions in the (:ountrr'.

,Sttond : \ Scientifir: Course of four ) eers. Thir,l: A Literlry Course of tllrcc years. Jiurlh. A Prelrellltory and _\-oullal Cotr|sr. to fit stu(lents fot collcge, and for tea<:hing, aflirr

ut.l;c't'IvE s'tt, I)Ius.

Srudents not desiring to pursLre ln] of thc regular corlrscs s|ecilied, muy sclcct suc} studies as they are deeIllcd rpalilicrl tc; ltursue, lion) those lrcing lrursued lry tlie regular ciasrcs, ancl on leaving collegt vill rer:eile Cerrihcatcs of rank ancl adl,aDceltrent nrade.


By thc lilreral donation of thc lltc General L. V. llicr.r:c, of .,\kron, an(l othcr fiientls of the College) an eleglnt and splcious rooln has been iitte.l ul) ft)r a Lil)rary. It hrs alrcacll, been fur- nished rvith mirny lolumcs of valuablc books. It has spar.c for still more. zt)

I{E.\l )lNC; ROO\1S. 'I'hcrc lrc tlo l{clding l{ooms, ol)c for thc gcntlclrrcn, and tlle othcr l{)r the lirclics, \'eli suppliecl Nid) ne$sl)apcrs and mag azinr:s.

Al)1,'\R-\'f L-'s .\ND (1.\RrN]i',l .

'l'he Oollege o\\'ns a goo(1 I'hilosophicll anrl Chetrir:al '\ppa- riltns, of the latest rrrrl most lllrl)rove(l kind. It has a ] cl)()ritorY' open to stu(leDts. rvcll furnished rvith a!1-rlratus ftrr making chem- icll experinrcnts anrl anallscs. A r'aluabie Cllrittet of ]lincrals is u-lso beirg firrnislted thc Collcge.

N.\'l L;11,\T. ItlS'foRV R(loll. 'lhis is ln ettr:l( li\'e ro(nD Ihc slrer:inlens lre uni(lrlc' and nrrny of thcrn rrre. 'l'hcse rre accLtrltclr llilssilred aD{l tirsts fulll ltranged, crhilriting the rrsefLll entl lreautiful

I30.\R I)l\(; ,\(l(lotl\l( )I).\'l l()Ns. 'fhc Oollege efR-,rds antplc ucl sLtitable corrvclliclllrcs for lroerding one httnclrecl aud llny stu(lctrts- It is clesirctl tltrt stu- dents, as firr rs po;silrle. rooln illld boarcl iu the Lloilege lruilding 'leechers lntl shrdcl)ts sit llt lhc slurc lill)le Spccial carc is exer- 'lheir r:isccl oler the hcelth. hrbits arlcl nlantrcrs of stuclents )righest g<-rorl itid {ron\taDt gror\ th in !irtllc irrld \\'is(lon, erc souglt with earnosi solicitrtdt.


A11 stutlents arc rerluired to tttend lrlorning l)rayer llld read ing of the scripturcs in thc (ihrr1-rel All st|denls .rre rcquired to attend regtllllr'l] sone i)lace ot rcligious rvorship c,rr the Sabl)lth. Stu(lents can sclect their orl11 rlrurch for Sabbath rr'orshrp. 'lhe (iollege is religious. lrltt in no sense J.rrr-lirr' It ains to stirnd firulll on thc l)xsis of sorrntl trrorrlitf altl (ihristian principle' !:.:.,l:,.J t,'r',i11,r :7

I{ECORD OI.' IIERIT' '\ recorcl is kel)t of ea(rh sttldents snndillg in re< itatiou atld (lcl)ortr)rcrrt, lttri of r]l aLscnt:cs lnrl inegularitir.s. ,\tr nrcragc ol car:h term is rrrirtle lrt its tlose, rtllich may be crlmined Ly (xnlllrrittccsJ lrustecs, l)lrents, alld friends of the (ir,llcge.

PERPT]'f Li.\ I, SCHOT,.\RSItIPS I.'OT'\I)I']I) I]Y IN Dt\: J l) t:r\ l,s. 'l'l'clt1' livc sr:holarships of {ir,ooo cach, hilvc lrccl cstlb- lishe

,J-!rrl:. I\tI|l r)...... Sn{)?r\rt1,, ao. IJr-IJ,lrr l)r{l-rf\'...... " (lirutl' I\' tr{ns tr[rIrv (]. Iioosr...... Lebn'tn' o' J'\]rFjs F I)'\\'IDsoN' " "" ' 'Rri1iJil'l' o' B.Trrjy 'l'r() ,{s...... hin, l), .Iorr! I\,xftrf rr.r...... ,....,..... Lu l'i l.lh, hd. Er,r tr{. lir:xxr.;rrr'...... - 1}, t!, .lwl. Svrrrt...... ,1h'on t) .Iorrs K. ' \. Or-rx .....-..Shtctsl',t", t). -c. (-tlrunt' 'folrNll svrrrl . ' " ' ' rt' (l\.\Dr-\ I'rf ,rr r...... I'uittc*tille, r ). Gnonllr: \\'. 51 nDr, ...... hitt*iLl,:' l) llns. (lr,:rrRrrl' W. SrnEL...... ?uinlNil.lt, (J. lIRs. Itr)rsr.:\ IbD(iE...... _ ...... ,tIcQ,nt tlstillL:, r ). IlRrcE IIILT()I " " "" ""Dd4nu' |)' J{}E\ l,o|r)r,:Nlr-\c}i...... -l.f illtrtl,rot, 0. (). Jorrx Flsrr' ...... , . . . . . , . . . . . K.hu , Josr.ipr{ IIII)Y, -\rr...... ftlfuxntillc, o. Iir,:v. ]f. l'. .\Nr) ]IRS. l). li. s^rrr...... 11.,,!r.sir, j 0 *Mns. E. \:. S|lx)]r,\N...... lIatidtr , O, \tRS. llEr-rY llorz\R. . -...... Rri,lli(ll. o. E. F. Lor'r'r):in,\( (...... - ...... ll'*ttil| . t). IL D. L.'r'I)r,:NrJ,t(:}i...... B-eth illt, | ) 'frrorr-rs Krnrrr- ....)Iunrie, Irtd. Mrl. -A.Nr) ltns. Is.\,\c Krr,L\...... )Iill Vil|qe, Pa Y ' fh"." Sriolrrships are apllrol)r'iirted accordil)g to the direc- tion of the donors. Ihey arc intcn(lcd to aid oDly worthy an(l dcserving stu(lents. 2e .,3tchic; Caiic;1;.

I ECl'URES. ll Ft,rtut,ut Clr..s. On Hcelrh ,rrr,l H.rl,ir, of :.trr,l1- ?o StThonort CZrrs: On English and (llassical Litcrature. Ta futitr Class: On Ph1'sical Sr:ie nce. Trt Stuir Chss: On NatLrral ancl Releclccl Religion. Iit -v"ontto/ CLt.r!; : Ot'r Education, lnd Nlcthods of 'l'eaching. -\clditionel Iecturcs are clelir-ered before thc Collctlc srudelts, otr tuf i,. of gcner.]l irrtcrcst. 1,1 1,r:r-on. irrritr,l frorrr ,rl'r','r,1.


'fhe l)egree of llachelor of Arts will be colferrcd on stu- dents haling complctc(l thc Classical (lourse. 'l'he l)cglee of Ilachelor of Science l.ill be conlcrred on thosc hrviD!l completc(l the Scicutilic Ci)ursc. 'lhe I)cgree of Lrureate of J,iterilture I'ill be conferred otr t)rose haviDs conllteted the Litcrary Co rse. El'ery li:rciclor of thrcc years' staudilg in thc (llassicll Course, hlving sustalned a {ood chant{:ter ancl l)eell devoted to intellccrull Iltrsuits. rr1(1 haling paid to the'I'reilsurer fire dollars. shaLl lre entitlccl to the clegrcc of llastcr of r\ltsi oD thc same conrlitions, any llac\elrr of three J-cars' standiDg in thc Sciertilir. Course. -.hell lrc cntitlcrl to the (lcgrec of \Iestcr of Science-

C,\IT\' SOCIE'I\-.

EST,l8LlSt1tD 1872, l)R|sr r)r'r\ r, Nlrrrr ll. l,,tL'r;rrr.:rrr. Vtc t: T'rr.-stDt:r'r'. \[\R\ ,\rn:s. SlrcRD-I..\ R \', J,,:\\'rFt,\. \\:i)()t)tr(rR\-. \[t \ :t Rrrr ,. r,5. 1]R\'AN1' SOCIE'I'\" ESTABUSHi0 r873, I)REsr r)lti\_ r', F. \. C.tn'r'r:n. Vr(ir: Ptrl.iso)r.r\'t, - , , J. .\. C| r.nllr:. Sr:cRLl,\ r{\', 11. l. lVrr.r,sor. NlntIrrusnrr, go. EXPENSES.

-l COl-LF,(;Ft COURSES. r.:li''n..l,r'r ) -tr. '' I;r,ll !-, rr rr, r5 oo rr \{inter ancl S;rring Terms (cach), r 2 50 \0R,\I-A.I, A\I) PRLI"\RA'fOR\' (]OLTRSES. 'l\rition, l,lll l ern, Normal Oourrc, $ r r

Crr ctRs ol trr Assoc At cN, c. .1. t(( )lrI\so\.'. l)Rr(rl )trvl . strs I l,l cI{.\ \l l}l,lltL,\ I\, \-l( r, l'Rl'.rl )r':\ l N'l .\ t{ v B. JIi,\\:lil"f, SECR l,l l ,Ll{\' - '['x t,E'f't t ti'l'I1'Lr,s, t:.ts t-- r r: l.

r. NT1I - Dl'(llll

(rh .'ll:t,11. ,,rl)crlni,,, srrsit' li 'i,t. t'iffc., Jrmes, Sisler'. Coru .\ tt rt I, Srxe, (lh.rrlcs,

Ir,lqt (:itr, Knn. GNrvc., Ul1,r, {irskin, \\rilli:rrrr l)llttirlur', { it.ltt. Ili.ll, }11rs. .

IL,wurd, nlsie. Lr.s shiIo,a., r Itrde, (hra, I'ryor, Emofs'\IL,crt' Rirlgrvr)', Drrrrrra. Iiirlgl'ar, Irla, Snrt l.cr, Lizzit, \:anghn. .\,lolla Yirna, Chuton.

0rl(ler, \erl ic ll,tihcccir, lr r'.

Corr Lllr-s l[:!] . 1 rt.. .rry, r In4. 1t, .\lpine. {;e,'rqe \llr'rt. liiple BLo,,l;' l'i'< kham, Gtorgc Ali orl, Iiobinson, Ncllie tr{rrria, R. S. R rbinson, Ch,rrles Jatucs, Titus, LettjI Ii'Ilofc' Volis, ndwi Irrancis, ,4Lron, El,:|tiLl Coi.,eg, .

;c'7 0 -

-\_{\ia. Dr(ililiE. ,\ DDBDSS. l'rrllington, walt('rcllri;s, r. s. )L:chanic$urg. Ilidr', Jr,, Joseph, r. p. J?.ilrt\,rttitte. Je$cti. llllr-v lirll€, ,jhrnt. Iiell1., Donna l)rrri[dl, 8. s. Cunt,"itloebata, pn. lit,ll,r, \\'rr)lt l,rnsll, B. p. lri(",htd, I'u. Lrns, Ilrrrr ElJa, r. r. Irrtntotph, L l:. I'lea.rrl., (ieorgc Sinvr,r, r. l. J:efuq lrul. Itorvc, Iiirt ie l.'lorcnce, s:rnrp{.I|, 1\'rrl n, Etq ir. Sl'ipn',ln, fn.z l.Irr, (;;,rnt, p4. 'l'inkcr, ,\ll'clJ, Jht rt!.

Ilogrrc, llylon Jr,lrrr, .' r.'s. nr,,t\t,jtrit. riiDu, ll\(r, u. s. t;!*utitr. l l ir n, i l1,,,,, ltr',,,,,rr. l)l":t Libo.!1].

Ilrrrr:tor, Lizzie. 1,. t.. Lt,, t),1. lirlsi('r, .\rthrrr, B. r. (,hfttirc. lii'inst,r,.IrJrrr, LahD. Sl,it)n,,1,,, $'illi:'rr ]hv;,I, .\. ri. ,lt:t,n. slrrlr,, Lizzir Unrline, ,\. r]. Coturl^rN.

H ONO RA R\' Dtr(;R[,I.-,S. 1.,7-J. Iirr. \Yiil,rrd Sli,rrrldin:r, I\\t,\lu, .t''sj. ;':t7 ' Ilr'\'. nverelf llri Rtrnrld, D. r). ,*u Fn:)|i:to, Cut.

tt /-)_ ll,c\'. .Iol'n SteLbir)s Lcc, D. r). (lra1oa, _y. l'. -,' lit'r.. Jolrrr \feslcy llarrrrr, r). i). (tti(1t!lo, t. 'rlnrr. Oallos Snitlr. r. D. .ltt,n. O. . l: Srlpt. S:ur'ufl fiD(lle!, -\. M. ,1t:nn, {). It|v. Johrr (irrcnl$rf,rrl:rnrs, r. r'. ' :1t,,t,,,n,tt;st,k V.,"", "r,, ,U." *-l t21.. i ! .'. n rr Nlln l D t. COLLEG l-r t{\Ll-/lIUntl, *f,zg ,ti

,A.pril r, Wed$esday.

J une 23, bunqiY. MondaY. . June.i4,. June. a5, Tuesday- June z!, l'uesdaY, ro ,r. rr. ,\sspciation, .; 'l Acl lrelore tne J une 25, uesday, 3 t'. v. fess ciation. 'l'uesday, the June 25, . 8 P. N. . Address lefore cieties: -Commencement June 26, Wedneiday, Io A. M. Exercises. the College. June e6, Wednesday, 3 r'. rt. Address before Inr\e 27, Tbursday, Examinatioq of candidates for admissien.


3, Tuesclay. ExaminatioD of candidates for admission' First 'l'eili'commerices !, wedncsday. . '' r?, Tuesday. First Term closeS. .'.. ' vAcA'lroN ,r" r*o -ibr".

Second Terln commences. . Second 'lerm closcs. : VACATTON OF OSIE WEEK.

ednesday. Third T'enn commences. ,