Composition, Language and Style, Metre and Prosody
INDEX IIIA COMPOSITION, LANGUAGE AND STYLE, METRE AND PROSODY Accentuation 12 (~E), 57 (M), 71 (XEtµa.p• 38, 97, 169, 198, 256, 268-70, 278f., pouc;), 81 (a'i6E), 145 al. (aor. aico), 243 278, 279, 283, 297-8, 302, 381, ?383, (Ei'.6uta), 384 (q,acri}m), 418 (iiµ11toc;) 45 1 Accusative of relation 80; of fixed point in time 417; double accus. with verbs Cacophonous language 374, 446 of depriving 175; with aµ1tvdro 230, Caesura, shift of scene at bucolic diaere llltO'tpOlltllOµm 16, e~Elµl sim. 159, ~EOl sis 6; proclitic Kai before main cae 273, µdpoµm 4, 1tEtparo 10, 1tpopero sura I 15; versus tetracolos 220 225, tE-1hi1ta 215, 11)\lO'UlOl 410; w. ava Chariot, poetic 1 unusually 44, 0lEK 73, µEta (of place) Chiasmus 10-11, 412 13 Clausula involving monosyllable 115, pa Adverb cohering closely with subst. 62; tronymic 194; spondeia,zontes 133-4, in 'personal' construction with dvm 197-8, 231, 252, 293, 456; end-stopped 103; in -roe; 319; -i}l for ·O'E 255, 373 lines 37, runover in Ap. 20-1, 26-8, Allegorical interpretation of Homeric 28-9, 100-1 text 135-41, 211 Clinical description 297-8, 422f. Alliteration, assonance, rhyme, word Comparative, contrasting 209; 'younger play 1, 46-7, 51f., 71, 124, 192, 260-7, than' effectively = 'the youngest' 275, 279, 346, 410, 414, 418, 467 member 'of' a group 319 Ambiguity 19-20, 33, 95, 96, 107, 135, Compendious expressions 207f. 306, 307, 313, 325, 337, 35o Conditional clauses (cf. s. subjunctive) Anachronisms, certain and probable in 'if,' 'to see if,' 'if in truth' not imply description of Aeetes' palace 215f., ing real doubt about outcome or the 22of., 222-3, 223-7, 225-7, 235, 238, cf.
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